We are in a season of misalignment. The ways of man are failing. Lines of biblical Christianity are being blurred. The Church is strug- gling to keep the charge of what they are called to do—to be the kings and priests that they are called to be. There has been com- prising in the Church and many are going astray. This is a cause for concern. The enemy is working to remove God out of every mountain of influ- ence, and as a result, our inheritance is being stolen. However, God is raising up Zadoks, a devoted priesthood that is committed to purity and prayer. The name “Zadok” means “righ- teous.” Therefore, those with the Zadok anointing are those who will walk in the righteousness of God and uphold His standard of truth and justice in this hour. Those who are passionate for the Lord and have uncompromising faith are not looking to the traditions of man or the world. Rather, they are drawing near to God and walking in the revelation of the Holy Spirit. These are the Zadoks—a prophetic priesthood that will remain faithful to the Lord at all costs. They are stepping up, answering the call, and ministering to the Lord. They are taking the corruption, lies, and deceit to the Courts of Heaven, and becoming the intercessors of today. Zadoks Arise! © 1

Zadoks Arise! - Curt Landry Ministries

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Page 1: Zadoks Arise! - Curt Landry Ministries

We are in a season of misalignment. The ways of man are failing. Lines of biblical Christianity are being blurred. The Church is strug-gling to keep the charge of what they are called to do—to be the kings and priests that they are called to be. There has been com-prising in the Church and many are going astray. This is a cause for concern.

The enemy is working to remove God out of every mountain of influ-ence, and as a result, our inheritance is being stolen.

However, God is raising up Zadoks, a devoted priesthood that is committed to purity and prayer. The name “Zadok” means “righ-teous.” Therefore, those with the Zadok anointing are those who will walk in the righteousness of God and uphold His standard of truth and justice in this hour.

Those who are passionate for the Lord and have uncompromising faith are not looking to the traditions of man or the world. Rather, they are drawing near to God and walking in the revelation of the Holy Spirit.

These are the Zadoks—a prophetic priesthood that will remain faithful to the Lord at all costs.

They are stepping up, answering the call, and ministering to the Lord. They are taking the corruption, lies, and deceit to the Courts of Heaven, and becoming the intercessors of today.

Zadoks Arise!



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Is this You?Are you tired of the traditions of man? Are you longing to have an encounter with the love of the Father that will empower you to answer your call, equipping you to be bold and faithfully serve the Lord?

If your answer is, ‘yes and amen,’ then you are in the right place!

What is the Zadok Anointing?The Zadok priests carry an anointing that is zealous, ministering spiritually as unto the Lord. In ancient Israel, the Zadok priests restored the relationship in the Courts of Heaven, remaining faithful when most of the nation had gone astray. They under-stood that for the people and nation to come back into alignment, they needed to address the issues vertically, with God, rather than horizontally, with the people.

“The chamber which faces north is for the priests who have charge of the altar; these are the sons of Zadok,from the sons of Levi, who come near the Lord to minister to Him.” —Ezekiel 40:46


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Why was there Misalignment in the Nation?The Levitical priests weren’t maintaining proper holiness in their relationship with God, so the Lord appointed the Zadok priests who were passionate and focused on ministering to the Him.

“‘And the Levites who went far from Me, when Israel went astray, who strayed away from Me after their idols, they shall bear their iniq-uity… But the priests, the Levites, the sons of Zadok, who kept charge of My sanctuary when the children of Israel went astray from Me, they shall come near Me to minister to Me; and they shall stand before Me to offer to Me the fat and the blood,’ says the Lord God. ‘They shall enter My sanctuary, and they shall come

near My table to minister to Me, and they shall keep My charge… And they shall teach My people the difference between the holy and the unholy, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean.’” —Ezekiel 40:46

This is the Word of the Lord for us today. God wants those who have a zeal for Him to enter into the Courts, prophesying and interceding in a personal way that aligns with Him.

The Results of MisalignmentDue to the misalignment in the time of King David, the Ark of the Covenant was taken. This wasn’t due to military failure but rather a spiritual misalignment.

In 1 Samuel 4, we read about how the elders took the Ark of the Covenant into battle with them against the Philistines. They were right in that God’s help was necessary, but they were wrong with the way they sought help. Instead of humbly repenting and seeking God, they turned to methods that were not ‘God-approved.’ They used man’s ways and understanding, rather than God’s.

We can see this type of misalignment today.

This is why the Lord is rising up a Zadok priesthood, to discern the difference between holy and unholy, to live a life that is distinct, illuminating God’s glory, holiness, and righteousness.

This anointing is being released during the Zadoks Arising Gathering!


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Who is Releasing the Zadok Anointing?Gilad Rosinger is a believing Israeli who operates in the prophetic gift and carriesthe Zadok anointing. He and Rabbi Curt Landry met during The Return event in Washington D.C. nine months ago. They realized the Lord had laid a similar word on each of their hearts—that He was raising up a remnant out of the remnant.

There was a pattern that the Lord revealed to both to Gilad and to Rabbi Curt:The Lord is anointing those who are loyal to Him and are uncompromising—thosewho will stand on the values of the Bible.

Those who are ready to…

• Have an encounter with the Father• Be empowered to answer their call• Receive the anointing to walk with authority, confidence, and boldness

…will receive the Zadok anointing.

Who isGilad Rosinger?Gilad Rosinger is the CEO and founder of Radiant Group, Radiant Israel Ministries…


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“Gilad and Rabbi Curt have come together during the past nine months, praying for Israel as they went through the hardship of COVID. Then came the Gaza War. They continued to pray together.

Gilad brings a unique view to this event, as he was in the Promised Land—living, ministering, and raising his family—through the recent season of lockdowns due to COVID, the Gaza conflict—Operation Guardian of the Walls, and the current shifting taking place in Israel’s governmental leadership.

You can learn more about Gilad Rosinger and his ministry at…

• https://www.radiantisrael.com/• https://www.facebook.com/radiantisrael• https://www.instagram.com/radiantisrael/• https://twitter.com/RadiantIsrael• https://www.youtube.com/c/RadiantIsraelMinistries

There is nothing more powerful in this world than the love of Yeshua. Understanding this, Gilad attributes all of his success to seeking first the Kingdom of Heaven. Gilad is a voice of one calling out in the wilderness: “Prepare the way for Adonai and make His pathway straight.” Gilad wishes to guide a generation that lives with a form of godliness but denies its power into true repentance because holi-ness and separation unto God equal true power to save others. All this for the distinct purpose to shine a radiant light into this dark world to glorify the Mighty Name of Adonai.


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The Zadok Priesthood is a Prophetic Priesthood

“After this I will return and will rebuild the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down; I will rebuild its ruins, and I will set it up; so that the rest of mankind may seek the Lord, even all the Gentiles who are called by My name, says the Lord who does all these things.”—Acts 15:16-17

The Lord is using the Zadok priesthood to “rebuild the tabernacle of David” in this hour. The Zadok-type prophets will operate in the 7 roles of a New Testament prophet.

What are the 7 Roles of a New Testament Prophet?

1. Confirm the Vision

“But Peter explained it to them in order from the beginning, saying: ‘I was in the city of Joppa praying; and in a trance I saw a vision, an object descend-ing like a great sheet, let down from heaven by four corners; and it came to me. When I observed it intently and considered, I saw four-footed animals of the earth, wild beasts, creeping things, and birds of the air. And I heard a voice saying to me, “Rise, Peter; kill and eat.”’”—Acts 11:4-7

Peter’s vision was part of the birth of the modern-day Church. To understand this vision, we must understand who Peter was. He was a Jewish Believer and prophet in the New Testament. He lived a kosher lifestyle. In the vision, he saw a giant tallit, or prayer shawl, come down from the sky full of unclean animals.

For Peter’s entire life, he had been told not to touch or eat any of these unclean ani-mals. But the Spirit of the Lord told him, “No, kill and eat.” This was the birth of the One New Man, the modern-day Church, when Jew and Gentile would come together in unity (see Ephesians 2). This was a confirmation of the vision.

Immediately following this vision, Peter speaks the Gospel to Gentiles from Caesarea. The vision confirmed what the Spirit said, “Then the Spirit told me to go with them, doubting nothing…” (Acts 11:12). The vision confirmed Peter’s call.


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2. Correct the Vision

“And a vision appeared to Paul in the night. A man of Macedonia stood and pleaded with him, saying, ‘Come over to Macedonia and help us.’ Now after he had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go to Macedonia, con-cluding that the Lord had called us to preach the gospel to them.”—Acts 16:9-1

Paul, a New Testament prophet, did not plan to go to Macedonia. From earlier in the chapter, we read that he was “forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the word in Asia” (Acts 16:6). Verse 7 tells us that he went to Mysia, and tried to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit stopped them.

Then Paul had the vision mentioned in verses 9 and 10 that corrected his vision. We can imagine that Paul may have been confused about why he was forbidden to go to Mysia and Bithynia, as he desired to preach the Word.

But Paul did not allow the confusion to hinder him. He responded to the Spirit’s cor-rection of the vision, laying down his will, going in the direction that the Holy Spirit led him.

He could not have done that had he not allowed a correction of vision to occur. Sometimes the Spirit uses words of correction from a prophet to close doors so that we will follow Him.


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3. Revive the Vision

“So they rose early in the morning and went out into the Wilderness of Tekoa; and as they went out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, ‘Hear me, O Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem: Believe in the Lord your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper.’”—2 Chronicles 20:20

To be established means to be put in a position of authority. This is done when you believe in the Lord. The next step is to believe the prophetic word. It is then that you will prosper in the position.

Stepping back and starting to become critical and judgmental with an evil intent kills the prophetic word.

The revived vision takes place when the prophetic word is believed. When you believe, there is an anointing of establishment and prosperity.

4. Protect the Vision

“Saying, ‘Do not touch My anointed ones, and do My prophets no harm.’” — 1 Chronicles 16:22

When God wants to protect the vision He says, “Listen, I’ve given the prophets special and unique gifts.” You have to understand that there is warfare going on when the Lord releases a prophetic word.

The enemy wants to steal it. Using wisdom in warfare means that we cannot come against the words of the prophet. We want to be established in the vision, not an enemy of the vision.


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5. Expand the Vision

“If a trumpet is blown in a city, will not the people be afraid? If there is calamity in a city, will not the Lord have done it? Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. A lionhas roared! Who will not fear? The Lord God has spoken! Who can butprophesy?” —Amos 3:6-8

The Lord is expanding the vision in the Body of Christ, raising up a Zadok priesthood across the world. He is expanding the purpose of the sheep nations.

We are called to be a light on the hill, unwavering and uncompromising, walking in the prophetic revelation of the Holy Spirit. This is the vision the Lord is expanding for us today.

The Lord is expanding the Body of Christ for His Kingdom purposes. To be a part ofthis vision, you must align yourself with and fully surrender to the Lord.

6. Bring a Warning to the People

“But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any personfrom among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will requireat the watchman’s hand.” —Ezekiel 33:6

The fact is, as Believers, we must take the whole Word. We cannot take only the love and mercy part and leave the justice part. Justice is His judgment for the unrighteous and the righteous. When we take His Word and are on the right side of God, we yieldto the Spirit and are bold. In Christ, you have nothing to fear.

“For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”—2 Corinthians 5:21

As a prophet, you may give a word of warning that some will receive, and sadly others will not. But it is our responsibility as kings and priests, to be bold in the position as a watchman. We must be the trumpet that sounds the alarm.


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7. Judge the Word of the Prophet

“Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others judge. But if anything is revealed to another who sits by, let the first keep silent. For you can all prophesy one by one, that all may learn and all may be encouraged. And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets. For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints.” —1 Corinthians 14:29-33

If you want to protect your future, you must surround yourself with people who can judge the spirit of the prophetic word given, in the Spirit and not in the flesh.

First Corinthians 14:29-33 is clear on how to do that. We must interact with the pro-phetic word instead of being critical of it. The timing of the word and the spirit of the word of the instruction is important.

As a person who has the Zadok anointing, stay focused and on fire for the Lord!


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Now What?The Bible says that in the end times, many hearts will grow cold. The heart is where your faith lives. It is impos-sible to please God without it, and He wants your faith to be on fire, boldly declaring His glory.

As one who has the Zadok anointing, waiting for its release, you understand the significance of entering into the Courts of Heaven, just as the Zadok’s of old entered into the Lord’s sanctuary.

We want you to know that you are part of the remnant out of the remnant, chosen by God to carry the passion of a Zadok.

If there is a desire to be bold, and you have an unwav-ering faith, you must know that the Lord is stirring up this anointing from within you. The Holy Spirit often reveals things through subtle hints, and when you receive the anointing, things that may have once seemed blurry will start to become clear.