ZEBRAS By: MC. Family: Equidae (horse) Genus: Equus Species: Equus quagga (Plains zebra), Equus zebra (Mountain zebra), Equus grevyi (Grevy's zebra)

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Page 3: ZEBRAS By: MC.  Family: Equidae (horse)  Genus: Equus  Species: Equus quagga (Plains zebra), Equus zebra (Mountain zebra), Equus grevyi (Grevy's zebra)


Zebras are heavy bodied animals that are impeccably designed for speed with their lengthy and slender legs and slender hooves helping them to reach speeds of 40kph when running. In the same way as horses, they only have a single toe on each foot which they walk on the tip of and is protected by their tough hooves. Their black and white stripes are exclusive to each individual and help them to identify each other when in the herd. Zebras have long necks and heads that mean they can easily reach the grass on the ground and a mane that extends from their forehead and along their back to the tail. The pattern of the stripes vary between the three species.

Page 4: ZEBRAS By: MC.  Family: Equidae (horse)  Genus: Equus  Species: Equus quagga (Plains zebra), Equus zebra (Mountain zebra), Equus grevyi (Grevy's zebra)



A Zebra’s habitat can include open plains, semi-desert, open woodlands and even mountainous regions. Zebras are found in the more arid portions of eastern and southern Africa.

Zebra’s eat fruits and grasses. It lives in dry desert areas, and they mostly walk around, eat, and sleep.

Zebras role in the community is to provide food(prey) and keep the producers under control.

It is in competition for resources with other grazers as well as cattle and livestock. Due to overgrazing and competition for water, the zebra has a low survival rate.

A zebra usually has a mutual symbiotic relationship. The oxpecker (a kind of bird) lands on the necks and backs of zebras and cleans them of ticks and other parasites. The birds get an easy meal and the zebras get a wanted cleaning. Both sides profit from the affiliation.

Page 5: ZEBRAS By: MC.  Family: Equidae (horse)  Genus: Equus  Species: Equus quagga (Plains zebra), Equus zebra (Mountain zebra), Equus grevyi (Grevy's zebra)


THREATS Mating Season: Year

round and based on species.

Gestation: 12-13 months.

Litter size: 1 foal. Zebra foals are born

with brown and white stripes as opposed to black and white stripes. Mares commonly keep all other zebras away for 2-3 days until her foal identifies her by sight, voice and smell.

Habitat loss due to ranching and farming

Zebras are hunted for their skins

Young Grevy zebras may be threatened by climate change (droughts)