ZERO PALU STARTS WITH ME. Ministère de la Santé et de l’Action Sociale PNLP The Zero Malaria Starts with Me campaign is a naonwide cizen movement for the eliminaon of malaria in Senegal. It is part of an inclusive advocacy strategy aimed at increasing awareness in the populaon and making malaria eliminaon a priority at the highest levels of the government. Achievements Mobilize the private sector. Build awareness and inform community through Zero Malaria community champions. Build polical commitment at the highest levels of the Senegalese government. 37 pledges signed by naonal and internaonal opinion leaders. 53 pledges signed by local elected representaves in all 53 communes. 50 pledges signed by the members of the 12th Parliament 14 companies have formed a private sector coalion for the eliminaon of malaria in Senegal. 2 roundtables with private sector companies commied to supporng the Naonal Malaria Control Program (NMCP). 1800 LLINs distributed to communies. A travelling photo exhibit shown in 20 sites in Senegal. 32 clean-up and sanitaon organized by Zero Malaria community champions in the Pikine Health District. 27 awareness events. 16 072 people reached by Zero Malaria community champions in the Pikine Health District through 3125 home visits and 82 sensizaon sessions. 88 pledges signed by the members of the High Council of Local Government Authories Malaria eliminaon requires a universal commitment. In order to keep communies aware and commied, a program using community volunteers was launched. In support of the acvies implemented by health districts and their partners, the program aims to provide coaching and capacity building for people who seek to contribute or are already contribung to improving the health and living condions of their communies and help to eliminite malaria in Senegal. The role of the community champions Educate and inform communies. Contribute to vector control. Ensure coordinaon and alignment with the health pyramid. BEHAVIOR CHANGE COMMUNICATION AND CAPACITY BUILDING. Create a network of change agents. Objectives ZERO MALARIA STARTS WITH ME. Background.

ZERO MALARIA STARTS WITH ME. - Speak Up Africa€¦ · The Zero Malaria Starts with Me campaign is a nationwide citizen movement for the elimination of malaria in Senegal. It is part

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Page 1: ZERO MALARIA STARTS WITH ME. - Speak Up Africa€¦ · The Zero Malaria Starts with Me campaign is a nationwide citizen movement for the elimination of malaria in Senegal. It is part

ZERO PALU STARTS WITH ME. Ministère de la Santéet de l’Action Sociale


The Zero Malaria Starts with Me campaign is a nationwide citizen movement for the elimination of malaria in Senegal. It is part of an inclusive advocacy strategy aimed at increasing awareness in the population and making malaria elimination a priority at the highest levels of the government.




Mobilize the private sector.Build awareness and inform community through Zero Malaria community champions.

Build political commitment at the highest levels of the Senegalese government.

37 pledges signed by national and international opinion leaders.

53 pledges signed by local elected representatives in all 53 communes.

50 pledges signed by the members of the 12th Parliament

14 companieshave formed a private sector coalition for the elimination of malaria in Senegal.

2 roundtableswith private sector companies committed to supporting the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP).

1800 LLINs distributed to communities.

A travelling photo exhibit shown in 20 sites in Senegal.

32 clean-up and sanitationorganized by Zero Malaria community champions in the Pikine Health District.

27 awareness events.

16 072 people reached by Zero Malaria community champions in the Pikine Health District through 3125 home visits and 82 sensitization sessions.

88 pledges signed by the members of the High Council of Local Government Authorities

Malaria elimination requires a universal commitment. In order to keep communities aware and committed, a program using community volunteers was launched. In support of the activities implemented by health districts and their partners, the program aims to provide coaching and capacity building for people who seek to contribute or are already contributing to improving the health and living conditions of their communities and help to eliminite malaria in Senegal.



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Educate and inform communities.

Contribute to vector control.

Ensure coordination and alignmentwith the health pyramid.


Create a network of change agents.




