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Translation:To make an untried man your friend is ruin sure;For friendship formed unbroken must endure.

Explanation:As those who are of a friendly nature will not forsake (a friend) after once loving (him), there is no evil so great as contracting a friendship without due inquiry.



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Translation:Alliance with the man you have not proved and proved again,In length of days will give you mortal pain.

Explanation:The friendship contracted by him who has not made repeated inquiry will in the end grieve (him) to death.



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Translation:Temper, descent, defects, associations freeFrom blame: know these, then let the man be friend to thee.

Explanation:Make friendship (with one) after ascertaining (his) character, birth, defects and the whole of one's relations.



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Translation:Who, born of noble race, from guilt would shrink with shame,Pay any price so you as friend that man may claim.

Explanation:The friendship of one who belongs to a (good) family and is afraid of (being charged with) guilt, is worth even purchasing.



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Translation:Make them your chosen friend whose words repentance move,With power prescription's path to show, while evil they reprove.

Explanation:You should examine and secure the friendship of those who can speak so as to make you weep over a crime (before its commission) or rebuke you severely (after you have done it) and are able to teach you (the ways of) the world.



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Translation:Ruin itself one blessing lends:'Tis staff that measures out one's friends.

Explanation:Even in ruin there is some good; (for) it is a rod by which one may measure fully (the affection of one's) relations.



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Translation:'Tis gain to any man, the sages say,Friendship of fools to put away.

Explanation:It is indead a gain for one to renounce the friendship of fools.



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Translation:Think not the thoughts that dwarf the soul; nor takeFor friends the men who friends in time of grief forsake.

Explanation:Do not think of things that discourage your mind, nor contract friendship with those who would forsake you in adversity.



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Translation:Of friends deserting us on ruin's brink,'Tis torture e'en in life's last hour to think.

Explanation:The very thought of the friendship of those who have deserted one at the approach of adversity will burn one's mind at the time of death.



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Translation:Cling to the friendship of the spotless one's; whate'er you pay.Renounce alliance with the men of evil way.

Explanation:Continue to enjoy the friendship of the pure; (but) renounce even with a gift, the friendship of those who do not agree (with the world).

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Translation:'Tis energy gives men o'er that they own a true control;They nothing own who own not energy of soul.

Explanation:Energy makes out the man of property; as for those who are destitute of it, do they (really) possess what they possess ?



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Translation:The wealth of mind man owns a real worth imparts,Material wealth man owns endures not, utterly departs.

Explanation:The possession of (energy of) mind is true property; the possession of wealth passes away and abides not.



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Translation:'Lost is our wealth,' they utter not this cry distressed,The men of firm concentred energy of soul possessed.

Explanation:They who are possessed of enduring energy will not trouble themselves, saying, "we have lost our property".



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Translation:The man of energy of soul inflexible,Good fortune seeks him out and comes a friend to dwell.

Explanation:Wealth will find its own way to the man of unfailing energy.



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Translation:With rising flood the rising lotus flower its stem unwinds;The dignity of men is measured by their minds.

Explanation:The stalks of water-flowers are proportionate to the depth of water; so is men's greatness proportionate to their minds.



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Translation:Whate'er you ponder, let your aim be loftly still,Fate cannot hinder always, thwart you as it will.

Explanation:In all that a king thinks of, let him think of his greatness; and if it should be thrust from him (by fate), it will have the nature of not being thrust from him.



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Translation:The men of lofty mind quail not in ruin's fateful hour,The elephant retains his dignity mind arrows' deadly shower.

Explanation:The strong minded will not faint, even when all is lost; the elephant stands firm, even when wounded by a shower of arrows.



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Translation:The soulless man can never gainTh' ennobling sense of power with men.

Explanation:Those who have no (greatness of) mind, will not acquire the joy of saying in the world, "we have excercised liaberality".



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Translation:Huge bulk of elephant with pointed tusk all armed,When tiger threatens shrinks away alarmed!.

Explanation:Although the elephant has a large body, and a sharp tusk, yet it fears the attack of the tiger.



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Translation:Firmness of soul in man is real excellance;Others are trees, their human form a mere pretence.

Explanation:Energy is mental wealth; those men who are destitute of it are only trees in the form of men.