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وزارة التربية

التوجيه الفني العام للغة اإلنجليزية

Ministry of Education

ELT General Supervision

Standards & Competences

ELT General Supervision

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ELT General Supervision

Quality students as a result of quality learning are not possible without a High Quality Curriculum. It is well known that current day Quality Curricula in the world are competence-based , aiming at attaining highly ranked student achievement standards. That’s why dealing with “ Competencies and Standards” became a must and need to be discussed because the new trend in Curriculum Design worldwide is “Competence-and Standard-based Curriculum” and not Content-and Knowledge-based”. We are after “to know how , why , when than simply”


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“Standards describe the goals of schooling, the destinations at which students should arrive at the end of the unit or term. For example, most standards expect students graduating from high school to be able to write for different audiences in different formats -- things such as reports, instructions, literary criticism, and persuasive and reflective essays -- and to demonstrate a command of standard written English.

ELT General Supervision

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ELT General Supervision

Note that the standard doesn't prescribe how to get the students to this destination -- that is determined by the curriculum. Standards do not prescribe any particular curriculum: National standards don't mean that local ability to choose teaching materials and methods are compromised. Standards indicate what students should know and should be able to do at grade 5, grade 9, grade 12. The teacher can choose whatever curriculum he or she finds appropriate to help the students meet the standards.Standards are the WHAT of education while curriculum and instruction are the HOW.”

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Kinds of Standards

ELT General Supervision

1-Content standards

Content standards indicate what students should know and should be able to do in a particular content or subject area. The expectations articulated in the content standard outline the knowledge, skills, and abilities for all students in the subject area. For example, students should be able to write and speak for a variety of purposes and for diverse audiences, using conventional grammar, usage, sentence structure, punctuation, and spelling.

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ELT General Supervision

General Competences/strands

Specific Competences/Sub-strands

Examples of Learning activities Curriculum standards

1 2 3 4

II. Listening to simple language forms in a variety of contexts

1. A range of language realities


Can react appropriately to a spoken massage





1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Standards Table

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ELT General Supervision

General Competences / strands

Specific Competences/Sub-strands

Examples of Learning activities

Curriculum standards

1 2 3 4

Listening to simple language forms in a variety of contexts

2. A range of operations 2.1. Using what is already known to understand a text.3. A range of personal


3.1 Listening respectfully to other speakers…………

4. A range of connections -Math : -Music :

-Science : -Social studies :

Religion :

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ELT General Supervision

2- Performance Standards

A performance standard measures how well a student's work meets the content standard. A performance standard has levels (4, 3, 2, and 1; or advanced, proficient, novice, and basic) and frequently examples of student work are provided for each level. Performance standards can be either explicit ,elaborate descriptions or limited to a label which describes the performance level in general terms. A cut-off* point must be established to be able to discriminate between those that have attained the performance standards and those who have not.

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ELT General Supervision



Achievement standards by the end of grade 5

Levels of achievement1 2 3 4 5




S1.3.1 read information texts (e.g.observation reports explanation, instructions, and process narrative) (a) about 7 lines (b) about a certain topic from the text book (c) using reading strategies learned in grades 1-5 ( d) in not more than 3 minutes

D1 The student reads with great difficulty a simple text ; about a)about 7 lines b) about certain topic from the text book c)not using any reading stretgies learned in previous grades , with no concentration d)in more than 6


D2 The student reads with difficulty an information text(e.g.simple text (a) about 7 lines (b) about a certain topic from the text book (c) unable to use reading strategies learned from grades 1-5 ( d) in more than 5 minutes

D3 The student reads with some difficulty an information text(e.g.explanation, instructions, ) (a)about 7 lines (b) about a certain topic from the text book (c) using some of the reading strategies learned from grades 1-5 ( d) in about 5 minutes

D4 The student reads accurately to some extent an information text(e.g.explanation, instructions, and process narrative) (a)about 7 lines (b) about a certain topic from the text book (c) using reading strategies learned from grades 1-5 ( d) in not more than 4 minutes

D5: The student fluently and accurately reads an information text(e.g.explanation, insitructions, and process ,narrative) (a)about 7 lines (b) about a certain topic from the text book and other texts (c) using reading strategies learned from grades 1-5 ( d) in less than 3 minutes

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ELT General Supervision

The need for standards. Why?• Clarifying expectations for the expected results and

performance.• They help educators plan and carry out instruction and

assessment• Provide a clear focus• Being a tool for accountability and quality assurance. • Promoting equity :every student can achieve high results• Ensure quality instruction through professional

development• Provide guidance for teachers• Provide common criteria to assess learning and

professional performance.• Standards are useful to establish a criteria for selection, for

certification and for recognition of high levels of performance

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Sample Standards:

Listening StandardGrade 2

Can identify different sound patterns such as those represented by the following ” diagraphs” :th , ch , sh “ correctly.

ELT General Supervision

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Speaking StandardGrade 2:

Can memories short rhymes and simple songs easily after listening to the interlocutor

ELT General Supervision

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Reading StandardGrade 2

Can blend consonants and vowels to be able to decode CVC words

ELT General Supervision

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Writing Standard

Grade 2:

Can write all the letters of the alphabet and two digit numbers ( 20-50 )

ELT General Supervision

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What are competencies? “ a state of being adequately or sufficiently qualified to perform a task that is reasonably well defined”. The International Board of Standards for Training , Performance and Instruction (ibstpi) defines a competency as “an integrated set of skills , knowledge , and attitudes that enables one effectively perform the activities of a given occupation, “ in our case TEACHING”, or function to the standard expected”. It is defined as “ A measurable pattern of knowledge , skills , abilities , behaviours ,values and other characteristics that individual needs to perform successfully”.  

ELT General Supervision

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They refer to skills or knowledge that lead to superior performance. These are formed through an individual / institutions knowledge , skills and abilities and provide a framework for distinguishing between poor performances through to exceptional performance.Competencies specify the “HOW” of performing job tasks , or what the person needs to do the job successfully. Competencies represent a whole-person approach to assessing learners

ELT General Supervision

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ELT General Supervision

The key competences represent a transferable, multifunctional package (system) of knowledge, skills, and values, attitudes, beliefs, and personal attributes that all individuals need to acquire for their personal fulfilment and development, inclusion and employment. The key competencies are supposed to be achieved by the end of Compulsory or Secondary Education.

The key competences

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ELT General Supervision

The main idea of competency-based curriculum illustrates: 1. Instead of objectives, think “competencies”;2. Instead of content, think outcomes;3. Learner activities will be based on performance of learner and accomplishment of criteria;4. Teaching activities are learner centered;5. Formative evaluation is necessary.

Competency based curriculum

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ELT General Supervision

Disciplined-Based Competency-BasedContent Outcomes

Objectives Competencies

Norm referenced grade Criterion referenced grade

Subjective assessment Objective assessment

Teacher centered Learner centered

Passive Learning Integrated learning

Pedagogy Androgogy

Summative evaluation Formative formulation

Instructional delivery Learner performance

Knowledge/theory focus Skills/performance focus

Structural /process focus Outcomes focus

Assessed by counting Assessed by performanceExposed to specific content for pre-

assigned timeTime and sequence derived by


Discipline based and Competency-based curriculum design

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ELT General Supervision


Skills knowledge attitudes

They enable Students to effectively perform activities to the standard expected

They provide a framework for distinguishing between poor performances and exceptional performance

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Learning objectives describe what the learner should be able to achieve at the end of a learning period. Learning objectives should be specific, measurable statements and written in behavioral terms. In short, objectives say what we want the learners to know and competencies say how we can be certain they know it.

Competencies versus Learning Objectives

Competencies are identified behaviours, knowledge, skills, and abilities that directly and positively impact the success of " employees and organizations" . Competencies can be objectively measured, enhanced, and improved through coaching and learning opportunities.

ELT General Supervision

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They are used by an organization to evaluate its success or the success of a particular activity in which it is engaged.

3.Performance Indicators

Example of Performance Indicators:

Increase in rate of learners' success not less than 75% in the three stages of education.50% reduction in number of repeatersParticipation of 90% of gifted and talented learners in the approved annual competitions

ELT General Supervision

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An outcome is a desired state of well-being - a set of conditions, experiences or behaviours – that is the goal for change or improvement. They are anticipated or achieved results of programmes or the accomplishment of institutional objectives, as demonstrated by a wide range of indicators (such as student knowledge, cognitive skills, and attitudes)


ELT General Supervision

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ELT General Supervision

Students will comprehend and communicate orally, using English vocabulary for personal, social, and academic purposes.

Students will acquire English vocabulary and apply knowledge of correct syntax to comprehend written text.

Students will write in English for a variety of purposes with clear focus, coherent organization, and sufficient detail.

