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WWW.OLAVENTURA.COM | (805) 642-7966 | 3175 TELEGRAPH ROAD, VENTURA, CA 93003

Pre-Kindergarten - Eighth Grade

Mrs. Karen Fussell, Principal

3169 Telegraph Road

School Office: (805) 642-7198

Currently participating in

Distance Learning via Zoom

Rev. Leon Hutton

Rev. Joseph Choi

Dn. Don Huntley

Dn. Dan Bojorquez

Dn. Mike Burns

Dn. Raul Gonzalez

Dn. Phil Joerger

Dn. Ed Mills

Dn. Charles Wessler

The Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Responsorial Psalm

R. I will praise your name for ever, my king and my God.

I will extol you, O my God and King,

and I will bless your name forever and ever.

Every day will I bless you,

and I will praise your name forever and ever.

R. I will praise your name for ever, my king and my God.

The LORD is gracious and merciful,

slow to anger and of great kindness.

The LORD is good to all

and compassionate toward all his works.

R. I will praise your name for ever, my king and my God.

Let all your works give you thanks, O LORD,

and let your faithful ones bless you.

Let them discourse of the glory of your kingdom

and speak of your might.

R. I will praise your name for ever, my king and my God.

The LORD is faithful in all his words

and holy in all his works.

The LORD lifts up all who are falling

and raises up all who are bowed down.

R. I will praise your name for ever, my king and my God.

Second Reading

Brothers and sisters:

You are not in the flesh; on the contrary,

you are in the spirit,

if only the Spirit of God dwells in you.

Whoever does not have the Spirit of

Christ does not belong to him.

If the Spirit of the one who raised Jesus

from the dead dwells in you,

the one who raised Christ from the dead

will give life to your mortal bodies also,

through his Spirit that dwells in you.

Consequently, brothers and sisters,

we are not debtors to the flesh,

to live according to the flesh.

For if you live according to the flesh, you

will die, but if by the Spirit you put to

death the deeds of the body,

you will live.

The Word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God.

Romans 8:9, 11-13


At that time Jesus exclaimed:

“I give praise to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth,

for although you have hidden these things

from the wise and the learned

you have revealed them to little ones.

Yes, Father, such has been your gracious will.

All things have been handed over to me by my Father.

No one knows the Son except the Father,

and no one knows the Father except the Son

and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal him.”

“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened,

and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,

for I am meek and humble of heart;

and you will find rest for yourselves.

For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.”

The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Matthew 11:25-30

First Reading

Thus says the LORD:

Rejoice heartily, O daughter Zion,

shout for joy, O daughter Jerusalem!

See, your king shall come to you;

a just savior is he, meek, and riding

on an ass, on a colt, the foal of an ass.

He shall banish the chariot from

Ephraim, and the horse from

Jerusalem; the warrior’s bow shall be

banished, and he shall proclaim

peace to the nations.

His dominion shall be from sea to

sea, and from the River to the ends of

the earth.

The Word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God.

Zechariah 9:9-10

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Glory to God in the highest,

and on earth peace to people of good will.

We praise you,

we bless you,

we adore you,

we glorify you,

we give you thanks for your great glory,

Lord God, heavenly King,

O God, almighty Father.

Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son,

Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father,

you take away the sins of the world,

have mercy on us;

you take away the sins of the world,

receive our prayer;

you are seated at the right hand of the Fa-


have mercy on us.

For you alone are the Holy One,

you alone are the Lord,

you alone are the Most High,

Jesus Christ,

with the Holy Spirit,


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I am encouraged by the statement, “We

don’t know what we don’t know.” It

seems obvious to me that we are

always learning and experiencing new

things in life. This demands humility in

light of the wondrous diversity and

complexity that we experience. As a

student and teacher of history, I have

always asked myself and my students

to review events within its time and

place. Contextualization of history

requires critical reflection and analysis

of all factors and their meaning.

Perspectives, motivations, and

expectations of human actions must

lead to dialogue. In the end, with the

best understanding of complex issues,

we can then agree to agree or agree to

disagree. Through all of this, we need to

be heard and understood.

We can see this happening in our

present situation as passions and

emotions run counter to civil dialogue

and “thoughtful listening”. Nothing

good happens when people panic.

People drown when they panic. Fights

break out when reason is replaced by

insults and personal attacks. Good

people can lose sight of what is more

valuable and sustainable. It is not easy

for diverse groups of people to live in

harmony and good will, but it is

possible to seek the common good.

The recent events in our city and

country reveal the reality of this

tension. We are in a period of a public

health crisis. We need greater

compassion and understanding. We

need people to express care for

themselves and others by observing

simple rules and practices. “There is no

greater love than to lay down one’s life

for one’s friends,” says Jesus. I am sure

we would do this even if it means

wearing a mask or practicing social

distancing. The controversy

surrounding the Serra statue in from of

city hall is another example of this

dangerous polemic. For now, I am

thankful that a meaningful path is

being discussed as to the fate of this

historic and iconic image for our city

whose responsibility it is to oversee and

for those who are concerned about its

future. Isn’t this the least we can do out

of love and care for all our brothers and

sister in Christ?

If we are to weather these days, we

must name our suffering. We are

grieving as individuals, as Americans,

and as a world. This grief has exposed

our fragility. As Christians, we must

respond with Christian love and

courage. We must pray that the Spirit

comes to us with the gifts that only the

Spirit can offer. (1 Cor. 12) We know

these gifts are necessary for a

community to survive and thrive. We

know that when sin abounds, grace

abounds all the more. So choose Grace!

Choose to pray for the Gifts of the Spirit

that build up the Body of Christ. It is for

the Church that these gifts are given:

wisdom, understanding, counsel,

fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of

the Lord. These gifts are called forth

from those who receive the Sacrament

of Confirmation. Evidence of these gifts

help us temper our fears so that we can

address social unrest, violence, and

racial tensions and so bring about

reconciliation and unity among

Americans and Catholic Christians.

Lord, help us know what we don’t

know and do what we must do!

Fr. Leon


Thank you for your understanding as we move towards cost effective distribution methods. You

can retrieve your OLA 2019 Contribution Statements/E-Statement by logging into the My Own

Church module. Those who have provided email addresses for our database have received

directions on how to download E-statements. Those who do not have a current email on file with

OLA may go to our website for directions. E-Statements offer significant benefits to you including

providing greater security and privacy, as well as immediate availability.

If you make Called to Renew donations directly to the LA Archdiocese, your donations will not be reflected on your OLA Church

statement; the LA Archdiocese will send you a separate statement. For any questions about your statement, please contact

Elizabeth: (805) 642-7966, ext. 115 or [email protected].


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Reservations for

Saturday 5:15 PM Vigil Mass

and Sunday 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM,

and 11:00 AM Masses

may be made

Wednesday, 12:00 PM through

Saturday, 2:00 PM

��Please arrive 15 minutes early to allow time for seating.

Those who are not checked-in 5 minutes prior to Mass may not have guaranteed seating.

��Per CDC guidelines, we are allowed 100 people in the church.

��Wear a mask at all times while in church.

��If you wish to receive a Gluten-free host, please notify a hospitality minister as you are

standing in line upon entering the church.

��Following the suggestion of the LA Archdiocese, we have moved distribution of

communion to take place at the end of Mass.

We ask that you please exit the church immediately after communion to allow time to

sanitize the church in preparation for the next Mass.

��Following CDC and LA Archdiocese guidelines, gatherings immediately outside of the

church after Mass are not permitted.

Please contact the Parish Information Center

should you require assistance with reservations.

Thursday, 7/9/2020

(San Juan Diego Parish Hall)

500 N Juanita Avenue OXNARD 93030.

For appt. pls. call (805) 483-0987

Saturday, 7/11/2020


For appt. pls. call (805) 642-7966

For additional information:


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Especially during this time of

global health concern, please

continue to support our parish

by making your financial

offerings online through

WeShare. You can call (800) 950-

9952 (select option 1) or visit:

Thank you for your continuing support

of Our Lady of the Assumption Parish.

For the month of June 2020 our parish

budget calls for $22,129.00 to be

donated weekly at the Sunday

collection. The collection for Sunday,

June 21, 2020 was $19,338.68. This

collection is not only used for operating

expenses each week, but also for any

ongoing repair work, upgrades, etc. to

our parish facility. There are many ways

to contribute; credit card and automatic

debit are available.

Please visit

Thank you to all those who have

already contributed to this year’s

campaign. If you have not had the

opportunity, please pick up a pledge

card from the vestibule today and

help us reach our parish goal. Many

of the generous contributions from

OLA are being processed now.

Parish Goal: $120,076.00

Amount Pledged: $83,269.00

(as of 06/16/2020)

Amount Paid: $69,331.00

Difference Over/(Under)

Goal vs. Paid: ($50,745.00)

"Not as man sees does God see, because man sees the

appearance but the LORD looks into the heart." Let your spouse

see into your heart by working through a Worldwide Marriage

Encounter weekend. July 24


- 26


in San Fernando. Early

registration is highly recommended. For more information

contact Ed and Jo Lara at (818) 848-6729 or online at

We help make good marriages better.


This year I give thanks and praise to the Lord for all

the blessings I have received as a priest. Forty years

ago, on June 21


, Cardinal Timothy Manning ordained

16 of us from St. John’s Seminary. Who would have

thought that I would be pastor of this wonderful

community of God’s People at Our Lady of the

Assumption. In commemoration of my anniversary, I

am establishing an education fund in memory of my

beloved parents, Robert and Rosalie Hutton, who

believed in the benefit of a Catholic education. The

Hutton Family Catholic Education Fund is to support those who seek to further their

growth in our Catholic Faith. I am asking for your support to help others in our

parish. In keeping with the number of years I have been a priest, I would like to ask

for a donation of $40, $400, or $4; however, any amount is greatly appreciated.

Please go to our website at and click on the link to make a

donation online or a send a check payable to Our Lady of the Assumption Church

and note in the memo: Hutton Family Catholic Education Fund. Thank you for your

blessings and prayerful support.

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Leon

This is a resource for parishes put out by the Augustine

Institute for evangelization of parishes. Everyone in our

parish is able to sign on to Formed and utilize its content.

Our teachers and catechists along with anyone working in

the field of evangelization can connect and use its resources.

So sign in, check it out, and see how it might be used in your ministry, your

presentations, and your many zoom experiences. Best of all it is in English and

Spanish and is available to everyone with a computer or tablet.

As we work to re-open the church and seek to respond to the many hearts the

Holy Spirit touched during this time of Pandemic and Social Disturbance, it is time

to be there for all who seek Christ.

Saint Bonaventure High School is accepting applications for incoming



graders and transfer students for the 2020-2021 school year.

Prospective families are able to take a virtual tour of the campus by

visiting the school website at For more

information regarding the SBHS admissions process, contact David

Palomares at [email protected] or (805) 648-6836, ext. 124.

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Today we are reminded that our time here on earth is temporary. We have been

made for heaven and Jesus reminds us that when we become weary of the world to,

“Come to me, all who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” The

challenging times in our lives come when we experience the sorrows of our human

nature such as fear, pain, separation, and death. We cry out to God because this is the

only world that we have experienced thus far, and we often forget amidst the

challenges of day to day living, that we are pilgrims on a journey who have been given

glimpses of the world to come. Paul reminds us in today’s letter to the Romans, “[We]

are not in the flesh; on the contrary, [we] are in the spirit, if only the Spirit of God

dwells in [us].” This is our focus: to ensure that the Spirit of God dwells within us and

that we do not become “debtors to the flesh.” This is why we remain faithful and

return to the Lord’s Table each Sunday to be nourished. As we pray today’s

Communion Antiphon, “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed the man who

seeks refuge in him,” we are assured that the Holy Spirit is within us. This confidence or “holy joy” inspires us to seek

God’s grace as we live each day with our eyes on the heavenly prize.


Eternal rest grant unto them,

O Lord, and let perpetual light

shine upon them.

May the souls of all the faithful


through the mercy of God,

rest in peace.


Please join us for the

Celebration of the Mass

online at

Monday, July 6

6:30 AM † Rosalie Hutton

8:00 AM Joe Louvar

Tuesday, July 7

6:30 AM Ed Magdaleno

8:00 AM † Jerry Anderson

Wednesday, July 8

6:30 AM Joyce Cantrell

8:00 AM Dan Lyon

Thursday, July 9

6:30 AM Fran Dudley

8:00 AM † Erika Gonzalez &

† Alfredo Gonzalez

Friday, July 10

6:30 AM † Bernice Trujillo

8:00 AM † Amanda Dalo &

† Zach Urchison-Davis

Saturday, July 11

8:00 AM † Julie Perry

5:15 PM † Audrey Fromknecht

Sunday, July 12

8:00 AM † Frances Yoong

9:30 AM Mass for the People

11:00 AM Anita & Dick Edmands &

† Benigno Macaraeg

12:30 PM Misa para la Gente

5:15 PM OLA Confirmandi

��Deryl and Margaret Franzel

49 Years on June 26


��Clella and Henry VandeBurgt

68 Years on July 5


Bible study every

Wednesday: 7:30 PM,

alternating between

virtual and outdoor in

person (maintaining

social distancing).

Contact [email protected].

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During this Covid-19 period being a cancer survivor or caregiver comes

with much added stress. Please join us to share with others from our

Parish what it is like to be on a stay-at-home order with a compromised

immune system. We meet the 2


and 4


Wednesdays of each month.

Please click the link below to join others who understand.

Please join the Cancer Support Group Meeting from your computer, tablet

or smartphone., Access Code: 254-370-541

For further information, please contact Rochida McClure at

ext. 143.

We are still meeting via videoconferencing! If you are divorced

or separated, this period of time we are with Covid-19 may be adding to your

stress. Please join us on the 1


and 3


Wednesdays of each month and share

with others what working from home, home-schooling, and joint custody is like

during this time. Clicking the link below to find a community.

Please join the Separated/Divorced Group Meeting on your computer, tablet or

smartphone:, Access Code: 857

-219-725. For further information, please contact Rochida McClure at ext. 124.

Effective March 16


, Conference Members at SVdP have

temporarily suspended normal services and office hours.

This decision was made after prayerful consideration of

Public Health advisories and is in line with Gov. Newsome’s

request that all persons age 65 and over self- quarantine.

While we are all quarantined, we will be working from

home via telephone, internet and snail mail.

SVdP remains committed to working with all people in our community on

our normal schedule as soon as it is deemed safe to do so. Any donations

to SVdP during this time will be most welcome, and can be mailed to SVdP

c/o OLA 3175 Telegraph Road, Ventura CA, 93003. These monies will be

used to provide assistance to persons affected by this epidemic.

We can be contacted via phone at (805) 642-4104 or email at SVDP@ola-

SVDP is a 501(c)(3) non-profit agency.

Message from Ken Lynch:

The Grief Support group is open to any

adult who has lost a loved one through

death, whether your loss is recent or

many years old. We invite you to join

us to find support and help in working

through the grief process and

transforming your pain into healing

and joy. We generally meet on the 1


and 3


Tuesdays of the Month and

due to Covid-19 we are having Zoom

Meetings so you can attend in the

comfort of your home! The group is

led by Chaplain Ken Lynch. If you have

any questions, please email Ken at

[email protected] or leave a

voicemail at (805) 642-7966, Extension

150." If you want to start receiving

emails for this group, please email Ken

at [email protected].

We are living in unprecedented times, and many parents are

stretched to capacity. The added stress of pandemic living can make

it hard to parent calmly and effectively when children are acting out,

but it’s important to remember that children are also going through

a huge period of change right now. Instead of reacting in anger, try

these ideas to keep your cool. Talk to a friend – many people are

suffering from a lack of physical community, so reach out by phone

or text. Pray together as a family, asking for patience, cheerfulness, and

whatever other virtues you need to get you through the day. Set an example of

forgiveness with your children - ask for it when you need it and grant it when

they do. For more tips, get a copy of the VIRTUS® article, “Say it on repeat: I am

going to keep my calm!” at

We’re here

for you!

OLA has food

baskets available

for those in need

in our parish community. Please contact

our Parish Information Center at (805) 642

-7966 for further details. Baskets will be

delivered in Ventura on prearranged dates

and times only.

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Salmo Responsorial

R. Acuérdate, Señor, de tu misericordia.

Dios y rey mío, yo te alabaré,

bendeciré tu nombre siempre y para


Un día tras otro bendeciré tu nombre

y no cesará mi boca de alabarte.

R. Acuérdate, Señor, de tu misericordia.

El Señor es compasivo y misericordioso,

lento para enojarse y generoso para


Bueno es el Señor para con todos

y su amor se extiende a todas sus creaturas.

R. Acuérdate, Señor, de tu misericordia.

El Señor es siempre fiel a sus palabras,

y lleno de bondad en sus acciones.

Da su apoyo el Señor al que tropieza

y al agobiado alivia.

R. Acuérdate, Señor, de tu misericordia.

Que te alaben, Señor, todas tus obras,

y que todos tus fieles te bendigan.

Que proclamen la gloria de tu reino

y den a conocer tus maravillas.

R. Acuérdate, Señor, de tu misericordia.


En aquel tiempo, Jesús exclamó: “¡Te doy gracias, Padre,

Señor del cielo y de la tierra, porque has escondido estas

cosas a los sabios y entendidos, y las has revelado a la

gente sencilla! Gracias, Padre, porque así te ha parecido


El Padre ha puesto todas las cosas en mis manos. Nadie

conoce al Hijo sino el Padre; nadie conoce al Padre sino el

Hijo y aquel a quien el Hijo se lo quiera revelar.

Vengan a mí, todos los que están fatigados y agobiados

por la carga y yo les daré alivio. Tomen mi yugo sobre

ustedes y aprendan de mí, que soy manso y humilde de

corazón, y encontrarán descanso, porque mi yugo es

suave y mi carga, ligera’’.

Palabra del Señor: Gloria a ti, Señor Jesús.

Mateo 11, 25-30

Primera lectura

Esto dice el Señor:

“Alégrate sobremanera, hija de Sión;

da gritos de júbilo, hija de Jerusalén;

mira a tu rey que viene a ti,

justo y victorioso,

humilde y montado en un burrito.

Él hará desaparecer de la tierra de Efraín

los carros de guerra,

y de Jerusalén, los caballos de combate.

Romperá el arco del guerrero

y anunciará la paz a las naciones.

Su poder se extenderá de mar a mar

y desde el gran río hasta los últimos

rincones de la tierra’’.

Palabra de Dios: Te alabamos Señor.

Zacarías 9, 9-10

Segunda lectura

Hermanos: Ustedes no viven conforme al

desorden egoísta del hombre, sino

conforme al Espíritu, puesto que el Espíritu

de Dios habita verdaderamente en ustedes.

Quien no tiene el Espíritu de Cristo, no es de

Cristo. Si el Espíritu del Padre, que resucitó a

Jesús de entre los muertos habita en

ustedes, entonces el Padre, que resucitó a

Jesús de entre los muertos, también les dará

vida a sus cuerpos mortales, por obra de su

Espíritu, que habita en ustedes.

Por lo tanto, hermanos, no estamos sujetos

al desorden egoísta del hombre, para hacer

de ese desorden nuestra regla de conducta.

Pues si ustedes viven de ese modo,

ciertamente serán destruidos. Por el

contrario, si con la ayuda del Espíritu

destruyen sus malas acciones, entonces


Palabra de Dios: Te alabamos Señor.

Romanos 8, 9. 11-13

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Me motiva la

declaración, “No sabemos lo que no

sabemos.” Me parece obvio que

siempre estamos aprendiendo y

experimentando nuevas cosas en la

vida. Esto exige humildad a la luz de la

maravillosa diversidad y complejidad

que experimentamos. Como alumno y

maestro de historia, siempre pido, a mí

mismo y a mis alumnos, que revisemos

los eventos dentro de su tiempo y lugar.

La contextualización de la historia

requiere una reflexión crítica y un

análisis de todos los factores y su

significado. Perspectivas, motivaciones,

y expectativas de las acciones humanas

deben llevarnos al dialogo. Al final, con

un mejor entendimiento de los temas

complejos, podemos aceptar estar de

acuerdo o no. En todo esto, debemos

ser escuchados y entendidos.

Podemos observar que esto está

sucediendo en la situación actual donde

las pasiones y las emociones

contradicen a un dialogo civil y una

“escucha atenta.” Nada bueno resulta

cuando las personas entran en pánico.

Las personas se ahogan cuando están

en pánico. Hay enfrentamientos cuando

la razón es remplazada con insultos y

ataques personales. Las personas

buenas pueden perder de vista lo que

es más valioso y sostenible. No es fácil

que las personas de grupos diversos

vivan en harmonía y buena voluntad,

pero si es posible buscar el bien común.

Los eventos recientes en nuestra ciudad

y país revelan la realidad de esta

tensión. Estamos en un periodo de una

crisis de salud pública. Necesitamos

más compasión y entendimiento.

Necesitamos personas que expresen

cuidado por sí mismas y por otros al

obedecer reglas y practicas simples. “No

hay amor más grande que dar la vida

por los amigos,” dice Jesús. Estoy

seguro que haríamos esto aún si esto

significa usar una máscara o practicar el

distanciamiento social. La controversia

alrededor de la estatua de Serra en

frente de la municipalidad es otro

ejemplo de esta polémica peligrosa. Por

ahora, estoy agradecido de que se esté

discutiendo un camino significativo en

cuanto al destino de esta imagen

historia e icónica para nuestra ciudad

cuya responsabilidad es supervisar y

para aquellos que están preocupados

por su futuro. ¿No es esto lo menos que

podemos hacer por amor y cuidado de

nuestros hermanos y hermanas en


Si hemos de sobrellevar estos días,

debemos nombrar nuestro sufrimiento.

Somos personas en duelo, como

estadounidenses, y como un mundo.

Este duelo ha expuesto nuestra

fragilidad. Como cristianos, debemos

responder con amor y valor Cristiano.

Debemos pedirle al Espíritu que nos de

los dones que solamente el Espíritu

puede ofrecer (1 Cor 12). Sabemos que

estos dones son necesarios para que

una comunidad sobreviva y prospere.

Sabemos que cuando el pecado

abundó, sobreabundó la gracia.

¡Elijamos la gracia! Elijamos orar por

los Dones del Espíritu que unifican el

Cuerpo de Cristo. Es para la Iglesia que

recibimos estos dones: sabiduría,

entendimiento, consejo, fortaleza,

ciencia, piedad, y temor de Dios. Estos

son los dones que se convocan de los

que han recibido el Sacramento de

Confirmación. La evidencia de estos

dones nos ayuda a templar nuestros

miedos para poder abordar el conflicto

social, la violencia, y las tensiones

raciales y así lograr la reconciliación y la

unidad entre los estadounidenses y

Católicos Cristianos. ¡Señor, ayúdanos a

saber lo que no sabemos y hacer lo

que debemos hacer!





El padre León

El Instituto Nacional del Abuso de Alcohol y Alcoholismo reporta que casi 5 mil niños menores de 21 años de

edad mueren de incidentes relacionados con el alcohol al año. Estudios demuestran que los niños de hasta

12 años de edad pueden estar expuestos al alcohol y las drogas, y casi el 75 por ciento de los estudiantes de

último año de la preparatoria o secundaria han probado bebidas alcohólicas al menos una vez. Platique con sus hijos

e hijas sobre las bebidas alcohólicas y los riesgos del consumo de alcohol de los menores de edad. Asociése con otros

padres de familia que tienen contacto regular con sus hijos para asegurar que todos estén de acuerdo que deben

evitar que sus hijos consuman bebidas alcohólicas. Los padres de familia deben también servir como modelos de

comportamientos positivo ante el consumo de alcohol. Para obtener más información, visite https://


Page 12: | (805) 642 7966 | 3175 TELEGRAPH ROAD, VENTURA, CA 93003

Gracias a los que ya han

contribuido a la campaña

de este año. Si aun no ha

tenido la oportunidad, por

favor tome una tarjeta de

compromiso del vestíbulo y ayúdenos a

lograr la meta de nuestra parroquia.

Meta Parroquial: $120,076.00

Cantidad Prometida: $83,269.00 (as of 6/16/20)

Cantidad Pagada: $69,331.00

Diferencia Sobre/(Debajo)

de la Meta vs. Pagado: $50,745.00

Hoy se nos recuerda que nuestro tiempo aquí en la tierra es temporal. Hemos

sido creados para el cielo y Jesús nos recuerda: “Vengan a mí, todos los que están

fatigados y agobiados por la carga y yo les daré alivio”. Los retos en nuestras

vidas llegan cuando experimentamos las penas de nuestra naturaleza humana; el

miedo, el dolor, la separación y la muerte.

Clamamos a Dios porque este es el único mundo que hemos experimentado

hasta ahora y a menudo olvidamos, en medio de los desafíos de la vida cotidiana,

que somos peregrinos en un lugar donde se nos ha dado vistazos del mundo por venir.

Pablo nos recuerda hoy en la Carta a los Romanos: “Ustedes no viven conforme al desorden egoísta del hombre, sino

conforme al Espíritu, puesto que el Espíritu de Dios habita verdaderamente en ustedes”. Este es nuestro enfoque:

asegurarnos de que el Espíritu de Dios mora dentro de nosotros y que “no estamos sujetos al desorden egoísta del

hombre”. Es por eso que permanecemos fieles y regresamos a la mesa del Señor cada domingo para alimentarnos.

Mientras decimos la Antífona de la Comunión de hoy, “Prueben y vean que el Señor es bueno; dichosos los que en él

se refugian”, estamos seguros de que el Espíritu Santo está dentro de nosotros. Esta confianza o “gozo santo” nos

inspira para buscar la gracia de Dios mientras vivimos cada día con nuestros ojos puestos en el premio celestial.

Gracias por su continuo apoyo a la

Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la

Asunción. Para el mes de junio de 2020,

nuestro presupuesto parroquial exige

$22,129.00 para ser

donados semanalmente

en la colecta del domingo.

La colección del domingo

21 de junio de 2020 fue de

$19,338.68. Esta colección no solo se usa

para gastos operativos cada semana, sino

también para cualquier trabajo de

reparación en curso, mejoras, etc. a nuestra

instalación parroquial. Hay varias maneras

de contribuir; tarjeta de crédito y débito

automático están disponibles.

Por favor visite


Este es un recurso para las parroquias puestos por

el Instituto Agustín para la evangelización de las

parroquias. Todos en nuestra parroquia podran

iniciar sesión en Formed y utilizar su contenido.

Nuestros profesores y catequistas, junto con

cualquier persona que trabaje en el campo de la evangelización, pueden conectar y

utilizar sus recursos.

Iniciar la sesión, compruébalo y vea cómo podría usarse en su ministerio, sus

presentaciones y sus experiencias de zoom. Lo mejor de todo esta inglés y español

y está disponible para todo el mundo con una computadora o tableta.

Mientras trabajamos para volver abrir la iglesia y tratar de responder a los muchos

corazones que el Espíritu Santo tocó durante este tiempo de la Pandemia y

Disturbios Sociales, es hora de estar allí para todos los que buscan a Cristo.


Este año doy gracias y alabanza al Señor por todas las

bendiciones que he recibido como sacerdote. Hace

cuarenta años, el 21 de junio, el cardenal Timothy

Manning ordenó a 16 de nosotros del Seminario de San

Juan. Quién habría pensado que yo sería pastor de esta

maravillosa comunidad del Pueblo de Dios en Nuestra Señora de la Asunción. En

conmemoración de mi aniversario, estoy estableciendo un fondo de educación en

memoria de mis queridos padres, Robert y Rosalie Hutton, que creían en el

beneficio de una educación católica. El Fondo de Educación Católica de la Familia

Hutton es para apoyar a aquellos que buscan promover su crecimiento en nuestra

Fe Católica. Pido su apoyo para ayudar a los demás en nuestra parroquia.

De acuerdo con el número de años que he sido sacerdote, me gustaría pedir una

donación de $40, $400 o $4; sin embargo, cualquier cantidad es agradecido. Por

favor, vaya a nuestro sitio web en y haga clic en el enlace para

hacer una donación en línea o un enviar un cheque pagadero a la Iglesia nuestra

Senora de la Asuncion y ponga en cuenta en el memorándum: Hutton Family

Catholic Education Fund. Gracias por sus bendiciones y

apoyo orante.

El padre León

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For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church, Ventura, CA C 4C 05-1013

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For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church, Ventura, CA B 4C 05-1013

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For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church, Ventura, CA A 4C 05-1013

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Here’s the best investment you can make this summer.

All it costs is one hour of your time, once a week.

Tuesday Zoom sessions from 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM.

View each episode, reflect, and deepen your faith.

��July 7th: Episode 3 - Why God?

��July 14th: Episode 4 - What’s Our Story?

��July 21st: Episode 5 - Who Is Jesus?

��July 28th: Episode 6 - Why a Church?

��August 4th: Episode 7 - What Do You Seek?

Join anytime online at

After joining, you will be emailed the previous week’s episode.
