  • :lre territor\ Louisiana: it extended fronr the Alleghenies,' the Rockies. anci {rorn tire source of the Mississippi, its lrrout[r.

    \c,u. L-r.alr:e anti Firrgland u,ere r:rorl ciing each r.rther.:r this continent. The Frerrch a,rcl Incliarr' \\,,ar brokcrt. arrd historr tells us that the Flencl-r aud Inctians rr_ere

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    the English. ancl rhar rhe [,ngiish uere,lrrl irr their.col,,nies in Anrer.ica. .{t the close,i{ the.'.r-Flance had.lost (lanarla. anrJ that i,ur.t,,f Louisiaua--.t of the lVississipiri. The b