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1 Blue print 02 17 March – 2011 63

2 March – 2006 03 18 June – 2011 67

3 June – 2006 07 19 October – 2011 71

4 October – 2006 11 20 March – 2012 75

5 March – 2007 15 21 June – 2012 79

6 June – 2007 19 22 October – 2012 83

7 October – 2007 23 23 March – 2013 87

8 March – 2008 27 24 June – 2013 91

9 June – 2008 31 25 October – 2013 95

10 October – 2008 35 26 March – 2014 99

11 March – 2009 39 27 June – 2014 103

12 June – 2009 43 28 October – 2014 107

13 October – 2009 47 29 March – 2015 111

14 March – 2010 51 30 June – 2015 115

15 June – 2010 55 31 October – 2015 119

16 October – 2010 59 32 Answers for 1 mark questions 123

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Chemistry/Blue print 2 Arul Institute

PVM : 22642647 TBM : 22395248






(1 mark)



(3 marks)



(5 marks)



(10 marks)



1. Atomic Structure – II 2 1 1 0 10

2. Periodic Classification – II 1 1 0 1(5) 09

3. p – Block Elements 1 2 0 1(5) 12

4. d – Block Elements 2 2 1 1(5)* 18

5. f – Block Elements 2 0 1 0 07

6. Coordination Compounds 1 0 1 1(5) 11

7. Nuclear Chemistry 1 1 0 1(5) 09

8. Solid State – II 1 1 0 1(5) 09

9. Thermodynamics – II 2 1 1 0 10

10. Chemical Equilibrium – II 2 1 1 0 10

11. Chemical Kinetics – II 1 2 1 0 12

12. Surface Chemistry 3 1 0 1(5) 11

13. Electrochemistry – I 1 1 0 1(5) ; 1(5)* 14

14. Electrochemistry – II 0 0 1 1(5) 10

15. Isomerism in Organic Chemistry 0 1 0 1(5) 08

16. Hydroxy Derivatives 1 2 0 1(5)* 12

17. Ethers 2 0 1 0 07

18. Carbonyl Compounds 1 1 1 1(5)* 14

19. Carboxylic Acids 1 1 1 1(5) 14

20. Organic Nitrogen Compounds 3 1 0 1(5) 11

21. Biomolecules 2 0 0 1(5) 07

22. Chemistry in Action 0 1 1 0 08

No. of Problems 4 3 2 1*(either or) 10 (43)

No. of Theory Questions 26 18 10 6 60 (190)

Total No. of Questions 30 21 12 7 70 (233)

No. of Questions to be Answered 30 15 7 4 56 (150)

Estimated Time 30 min. 45 min. 45 min. 60 min. 180 min.

*Compulsory Question

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Chemistry/March/2006 3 Arul Institute

MARCH 2006 22642647 / 22395248


Time Allowed : 3 Hours CHEMISTRY Maximum marks : 150

PART – I 30 x 1 = 30

Note : Answer all the questions.

Choose and write the correct answer.

1. The transition element with the lowest atomic number is

(a) scandium (b) titanium (c) zinc (d) lanthanum

2. The elements in which extra electron enter (n-2)f orbital are

(a) s–block elements (b) p–block elements (c) d–block elements (d) f–block elements

3. The isotope used as a power source in long mission space probes is

(a) U–235 (b) Pu–235 (c) Pu–238 (d) U–238

4. The type of isomerism found in the complexes [Pt(NH3)4] [CuCl4] and [Cu(NH3)4] [PtCl4] is

(a) ionization isomerism (b) co-ordination isomerism

(c) linkage isomerism (d) ligand isomerism

5. After 24 hours 0.125 g of the initial quantity of 1 g of a radioactive isotope is left out. The half-life period is

(a) 24 hours (b) 12 hours (c) 8 hours (d) 16 hours

6. For a reaction Ea = 0 and k = 4.2 x 105 sec-1 at 300 K, the value of k at 310 K will be

(a) 4.2 x 105 sec-1 (b) 8.4 x 105 sec-1 (c) 8.4 x 10-5 sec-1 (d) 4.2 x 10-5 sec-1

7. The iron catalyst used in the Haber’s process is poisoned by

(a) Pt (b) H2 (c) H2S (d) As2O3

8. Curd is a colloidal solution of

(a) liquid in liquid (b) liquid in solid (c) solid in liquid (d) solid in solid

9. An emulsion is a colloidal solution of

(a) two solids (b) two gases (c) two liquids (d) solid and liquid

10. When one coulomb of electricity is passed through an electrolytic solution, the mass deposited on the

electrode is equal to

(a) equivalent weight (b) molecular weight

(c) electrochemical equivalent (d) one gram

11. The isomerism exhibited by nitroethane and ethyl nitrite is

(a) position (b) chain (c) functional (d) tautomerism

12. Which of the following nitro-compounds behave as an acid in the presence of strong alkali?

(a) Primary (b) Secondary (c) Tertiary (d) both (a) and (b)

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Chemistry/March/2006 4 Arul Institute

13. Conversion of benzene diazonium chloride to chlorobenzene is called _________ reaction.

(a) Sandmeyer (b) Stephen’s (c) Gomberg-Bachmann (d) Schotten-Baumann

14. Proteins are

(a) polypeptides (b) polyacids (c) polyphenols (d) polyesters

15. Mixture of equal molecules of D(+) glucose and D(–) fructose is called as

(a) Fruit sugar (b) Invert sugar (c) Cane sugar (d) Non–sugar

16. Dual character of an electron was explained by

(a) Bohr (b) Heinsenberg (c) de-Broglie (d) Pauli

17. The momentum of a particle which has de Broglie wavelength of 1 A° ( h = 6.626 x 10-34 kg m2 s-1 )

(a) 6.6 x 10–23 kgms-1 (b) 6.6 x 10–24 kg ms-1 (c) 6.6.x 10–34 kg ms-1 (d) 6.6 x 1034 kg ms-1

18. The order of ionization energy is

(a) s<p<d<f (b) s>p>d>f (c) s>d>p>f (d) s<d<p<f

19. The general electronic configuration of carbon family is

(a) ns2 np2 (b) ns2 np3 (c) ns2 np1 (d) ns2 np4

20. Which of the following compounds will not give positive Chromyl Chloride test?

(a) CuCl2 (b) C6H5Cl (c) ZnCl2 (d) HgCl2

21. In a simple cubic cell, each point on a corner is shared by

(a) one unit cell (b) two unit cells (c) eight unit cells (d) four unit cells

22. The change of entropy for the process H2O(liquid) → H2O(vapour) involving ΔHvap = 40850 Jmol–1 at 373 K is

(a) 120 J mol–1K–1 (b) 9.1 x 10–3 J mol–1K–1 (c) 109.52 J mol–1K–1 (d) 9.1 x 10–4 J mol–1K–1

23. Which of the following does not result in an increase in the entropy?

(a) Rusting of iron (b) Crystallisation of sucrose from solution

(c) Vaporisation of camphor (d) Conversion of ice to water.

24. For the homogeneous gas reaction at 600 K 4NH3(g) + 5O2(g) 4NO(g) + 6H2O(g), the Kc has the unit

(a) mol dm–3 (b) (mol dm–3) –1 (c) (mol dm–3)10 (d) (mol dm–3)9

25. 2H2O(g) + 2Cl2(g) 4HCl(g) + O2(g), the value of Kp and Kc are related as

(a) Kp = Kc (b) Kp > Kc (c) Kp < Kc (d) Kp = Kc = 0

26. Oxidation of glycerol with bismuth nitrate gives

(a) meso-oxalic acid (b) glyceric acid (c) tartronic acid (d) both (b) and (c)

27. According to Lewis concept of acids and bases, ethers are

(a) neutral (b) acidic (c) basic (d) amphoteric

28. The compound mixed with ethanol to serve as substitute for petrol is

(a) methoxy methane (b) ethoxy ethane (c) methanol (d) ethanal

29. Aldol is

(a) 2-hydroxy butanol (b) 3-hydroxy butanol (c) 3-hydroxy butanal (d) 2-hydroxy butanal.


22 Fe/OH X. The X is


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Chemistry/March/2006 5 Arul Institute

PART – II 15 x 3 = 45

Note : Answer any fifteen questions

Answer each question in one or two sentences.

31. State Heinsenberg’s Uncertainty principle.

32. Why is electron affinity of fluorine less than that of chlorine?

33. What are cyclic silicates? Give an example.

34. H3PO4 is triprotic. Prove.

35. Explain why Mn2+ is more stable than Mn3+.

36. A substance is found to have a magnetic moment of 3.9 BM. How many unpaired electron does it contain?

37. Explain the principle behind the ‘Hydrogen bomb’.

38. What are superconductors? Give any one of its applications.

39. What is entropy? What is its unit?

40. The equilibrium constant Kc for A(g) B(g) is 2.5 x 10–2. The rate constant of the forward reaction is

0.05 sec–1. Calculate the rate constant of the reverse reaction.

41. Give any three examples of opposing reactions.

42. The half-life period of a first order reaction is 20 minutes. Calculate the rate constant.

43. What is electrophoresis?

44. State Faraday’s first and second laws of electrolysis.

45. Mesotartaric acid is an optically inactive compound with asymmetric carbon atoms. Justify your answer.

46. How can the consumption of alcohol by a person could be detected?

47. How will you convert phenol to phenolphthalein?

48. Give the IUPAC names for the following:

(i) Crotonaldehyde (ii) Methyl n-propyl ketone (iii) Phenyl acetaldehyde

49. What is trans-esterification?

50. How will you convert acetamide to methyl amine? Give equation.

51. How is Dacron prepared? Give any one of its uses.

PART – III 7 x 5 = 35

Note : Answer any seven questions choosing at least two questions from each section.


52. Explain the formation of oxygen molecule by molecular orbital theory.

53. How is zinc extracted from its chief ore?

54. Compare the points of similarities and differences between lanthanides and actinides (any five points).

55. Explain the postulates of Werner’s theory.


56. Write the various statements of second law of thermodynamics.

57. Derive the relation Kp = Kc (RT)Δng for a general chemical equilibrium reaction.

58. State the characteristics of order of a reaction.

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Chemistry/March/2006 6 Arul Institute

59. Calculate the e.m.f. of the cell having the cell reaction 2Ag+ + Zn 2Ag + Zn2+ E°cell = 1.56 at 25°C when

the concentration of Zn2+ = 0.1 M and that of Ag+ = 10 M in the solution.


60. How do ethers react with HI? Give the significance of the reaction.

61. Explain the mechanism of Cannizzaro reaction.

62. How is lactic acid manufactured in large scale? How can it be converted into cyclic diester?

63. Explain briefly the characteristic of rocket propellants.

PART – IV 4 x 10 = 40

Note : Question No. 70 is compulsory and answer any three from the remaining questions

64. (a) Explain Pauling’s method to determine ionic radii.

(b) How is fluorine isolated from their fluorides by Dennis method?

65. (a) Mention the type of hybridization, magnetic property and geometry of the following complexes using

VB theory. (i) [FeF6]4– (ii) [Fe(CN)6]


(b) How are radioactive isotopes useful in medicine?

66. (a) Explain Schottky and Frenkel defects.

(b) Write briefly about the adsorption theory of catalysis.

67. (a) Explain Ostwald’s dilution law.

(b) Write the IUPAC convention of representation of a cell.

68. (a) Distinguish enantiomers from diastereomers. Give an example each.

(b) Give the mechanism of esterification.

69. (a) Distinguish between primary, secondary and tertiary amines.

(b) Discuss the structure of fructose in detail.

70. (a) An organic compound (A) of molecular formula C7H6O is not reduced by Fehling’s solution but will

undergo Cannizzaro reaction. Compound (A) reacts with Aniline to give compound (B). Compound (A)

also reacts with Cl2 in the presence of catalyst to give compound (C). Identify (A), (B) and (C). Explain the


(b) An element (A) belongs to group number 11 and period number 4. (A) is a reddish-brown metal. (A)

reacts with HCl in the presence of air and gives compound (B). (A) also reacts with conc. HNO3 to give

compound (C) with the liberation of NO2. Identify (A), (B) and (C). Explain the reactions.


(c) An organic compound (A) of molecular formula C3H8O gives turbidity within 5–10 min on reaction with

anhydrous ZnCl2/HCl. Compound (A) on treatment with sodium hypochlorite gives a carbonyl compound

(B) which on further chlorination gives compound (C) of molecular formula C3H3OCl3. Identify (A), (B) and

(C). Explain the reactions.

(d) What is the pH of a solution containing 0.5 M propionic acid and 0.5 M sodium propionate? The Ka of

propionic acid is 1.34 x 10–5 M.

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Chemistry/June/2006 7 Arul Institute

JUNE 2006 22642647 / 22395248


Time Allowed : 3 Hours CHEMISTRY Maximum marks : 150

PART – I 30 x 1 = 30

Note : Answer all the questions.

Choose and write the correct answer.

1. Ethylene diamine forms glycol with

(a) nitrous acid (b) Na2CO3 solution (c) NaHCO3 solution (d) Baeyer’s reagent

2. When ethers are exposed to air for a long time, they form

(a) peroxides (b) halides (c) oxides (d) superoxides

3. The isomerism exhibited by 1-propanol and methoxy ethane is

(a) chain (b) position (c) functional (d) metamerism

4. The compound that does not answer iodoform test is

(a) acetophenone (b) isopropyl alcohol (c) 2-pentanol (d) benzophenone

5. The compound found as stony deposits in kidneys is

(a) potassium oxalate (b) oxalic acid (c) potassium succinate (d) calcium oxalate

6. Semiconductors which exhibit conductivity due to the flow of excess negatively charged electrons are called

(a) superconductors (b) n-type semiconductors (c) p-type semiconductors (d) insulators

7. The amount of heat exchanged with the surrounding at constant temperature and pressure is called

(a) ΔE (b) ΔH (c) ΔS (d) ΔG

8. If ΔG for a reaction is negative, the change is

(a) spontaneous (b) non-spontaneous (c) reversible (d) none of these

9. For a homogeneous gaseous reaction at 600 K, 4NH3(g) + 5O2(g) 4NO(g) + 6H2O(g), the Kc has the unit

(a) (mol dm–3) –1 (b) mol dm–3 (c) (mol dm–3)4 (d) (mol dm–3) –2

10. If the equilibrium constant for the formation of a product is 25, the equilibrium constant for the decomposition

of the same product is

(a) 25 (b) 1/25 (c) 5 (d) 625

11. de Broglie equation is

(a) = mv/h (b) = hmv (c) = hv/m (d) = h/mv

12. The bond order of nitrogen molecule is

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

13. Effective nuclear charge Z* can be calculated using the formula

(a) Z* = Z – S (b) Z* = Z + S (c) Z* = S – Z (d) Z = Z* – S

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Chemistry/June/2006 8 Arul Institute

*14. The metalloid among the following is [not in the syllabus]

(a) Pb (b) P (c) Ge (d) Sn

15. The chemical composition of slag formed during the smelting process in the extraction of copper is

(a) Cu2O + FeS (b) FeSiO3 (c) CuFeS2 (d) Cu2S + FeO

16. Organic compound that does not undergo diazotisation is

(a) m- toluidine (b) aniline (c) p-aminophenol (d) benzylamine

17. The intermediate formed on electrolytic reduction of nitrobenzene in conc.H2SO4 is

(a) C6H5NH–NHC6H5 (b) C6H5–NHOH (c) C6H5–N=N–C6H5 (d) all of these

18. The compound that does not show tautomerism is

(a) nitrobenzene (b) nitromethane (c) nitroethane (d) 2-nitropropane

19. The reducing sugar is

(a) sucrose (b) cellulose (c) starch (d) glucose

20. The amino acid without chiral carbon is

(a) Glycine (b) Alanine (c) Proline (d) Tyrosine

21. The half-life period of a first order reaction is 10 minutes. The rate constant is

(a) 6.93 x 102 min–1 (b) 0.693 x 10–2 min-1 (c) 6.932 x 10–2 min–1 (d) 69.3 x 10–1 min–1

22. Tyndall’s effect is not observed in

(a) emulsions (b) colloidal solutions (c) true solutions (d) none of these

23. Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide is retarded in the presence of

(a) alcohol (b) glycerine (c) MnO2 (d) Mo

24. An example of gel is

(a) paint (b) pumice-stone (c) milk (d) curd

25. The indicator suitable for the titration of oxalic acid against NaOH is

(a) Methyl orange (b) KMnO4 (c) Phenolphthalein (d) Litmus

26. The transition element showing maximum oxidation state is

(a) Sc (b) Ti (c) Os (d) Zn

27. Elements that form oxocations are

(a) lanthanides (b) actinides (c) noble gases (d) base metals

28. The radioactive lanthanide is

(a) terbium (b) lutetium (c) promethium (d) gadolinium

29. An example of ambidentate ligand is

(a) Cl– (b) NO2– (c) H2O (d) NH3

30. Which one of the following particles is used to bombard 13Al27 to give 15P30 and a neutron?

(a) -particle (b) -particle (c) Neutron (d) Proton

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Chemistry/June/2006 9 Arul Institute

PART – II 15 x 3 = 45

Note : Answer any fifteen questions

Answer each question in one or two sentences.

31. Distinguish between a particle and a wave.

32. Why is the first ionization energy of Beryllium greater than that of Lithium?

33. Prove that phosphorous acid is a powerful reducing agent.

34. What is Plumbo solvency?

35. Why do transition elements form complexes?

36. Give any two evidences for the oxidizing nature of potassium dichromate.

37. What is the Q value of a nuclear reaction?

38. What are superconductors?

39. What is Gibb’s free energy?

40. In the equilibrium H2 + I2 2HI, the number of moles of H2, I2 and HI are 1, 2, 3 moles respectively. Total

pressure of the reaction mixture is 60 atm. Calculate the partial pressures of H2 and HI in the mixture.

41. The initial rate of a first order reaction is 5.2 x 10–6 mol lit-1 s-1 at 298 K, when the initial concentration of the

reactant is 2.6 x 10–3 mol lit-1. Calculate the first order rate constant of the reaction at the same temperature.

42. Write a note on consecutive reactions.

43. What are emulsions?

44. State Kohlrausch’s law.

45. Differentiate diastereomer and enantiomer.

46. Why is glycol more viscous than ethanol?

47. How is phenolphthalein prepared?

48. How does formaldehyde react with ammonia?

49. What is meant by esterification reaction? Write the equation.

50. An organic compound (A) having molecular formula C2H7N is treated with nitrous acid to give (B) of

molecular formula C2H6O which answers iodoform test. Identify (A) and (B) and explain the reactions.

51. Write a brief note on Buna-S.

PART – III 7 x 5 = 35

Note : Answer any seven questions choosing at least two questions from each section.


52. Explain the formation of oxygen molecule using molecular orbital theory.

53. Explain the extraction of silver from its chief ore (Argentite).

54. Discuss the consequences of lanthanide contraction.

55. Using VB theory explain why [Ni(CN)4]2– is diamagnetic whereas [Ni(NH3)4]

2+ is paramagnetic.


56. Write the various statements of second law of thermodynamics.

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Chemistry/June/2006 10 Arul Institute

57. Apply Le Chatelier principle to Haber’s process of manufacture of ammonia.

58. Explain the experimental determination of rate constant for the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide in

aqueous solutions.

59. Calculate the e.m.f of zinc-silver cell at 25°C when [Zn2+] = 0.10 M & [Ag+] = 10 M. ( Eocell at 25°C = 1.56 V ).


60. Discuss the isomerism in ethers.

61. Write the mechanism of crossed aldol condensation of acetone.

62. Account for reducing property of formic acid.

63. Explain briefly on Rocket Propellants.

PART – IV 4 x 10 = 40

Note : Question No. 70 is compulsory and answer any three from the remaining questions

64. (a) Explain the various factors that affect electron affinity.

(b) How are noble gases isolated from air?

65. (a) Give the postulates of Werner’s theory of coordination compounds.

(b) Write a note on radio carbon dating.

66. (a) Explain Braggs spectrometer method.

(b) Write any three methods for the preparation of colloids by dispersion methods.

67. (a) Explain Ostwald’s theory of indicators.

(b) Derive Nernst equation.

68. (a) Discuss the optical isomerism in tartaric acid.

(b) How can salicylic acid be converted to (i) Aspirin (ii) 2,4,6–tribromophenol (iii) Methyl salicylate?

69. (a) Distinguish between primary, secondary and tertiary amines.

(b) Prove the structure of glucose.

70. (a) An organic compound (A) C2H6O liberates hydrogen on treatment with metallic sodium. (A) on mild

oxidation gives (B) C2H4O which answers iodoform test. (B) when treated with conc. H2SO4 undergoes

polymerization to give (C), a cyclic compound. Identify (A), (B) and (C) and explain the reactions.

(b) Silver reacts with dil.HNO3 to give compound (A) which on heating at 723 K gives (B). (B) on further

heating gives (C). Further, compound (A) reacts with KBr and gives (D) which is highly useful in

photography. Identify (A), (B), (C) and (D) and write the reactions.


(c) An organic compound (A) of molecular formula C2H6O on treatment with PCl5 gives compound (B).

Compound (B) reacts with KCN to give a compound (C) of molecular formula C3H5N which undergoes

acid hydrolysis to give compound (D) which on treatment with sodalime gives a hydrocarbon. Identify

(A), (B), (C) and (D) and explain the reactions.

(d) Find the pH of a buffer solution containing 0.20 mole per litre sodium acetate and 0.15 mole per litre

acetic acid. Ka for acetic acid is 1.8 x 10-5 M.

Arul I



Chemistry/October/2006 11 Arul Institute

OCTOBER 2006 22642647 / 22395248


Time Allowed : 3 Hours CHEMISTRY Maximum marks : 150

PART – I 30 x 1 = 30

Note : Answer all the questions.

Choose and write the correct answer.

1. The metal used in galvanizing iron sheets is

(a) chromium (b) zinc (c) copper (d) silver

2. Among the lanthanide elements, with the increase in atomic number the tendency to act as a reducing agent

(a) increases (b) decreases (c) no change (d) none of these

3. The long mission space probes use …………as a power source.

(a) Pu (b) U (c) Th (d) Pm

4. Which of the following is a cationic complex?

(a) K4[Fe(CN)6] (b) [Cu(NH3)4]Cl2 (c) K3[Cr(C2O4)3] (d) K3[Fe(CN)6]

5. Colloidal medicines are more effective because

(a) they are clean (b) they are easy to prepare

(c) the germs move towards them (d) they are easily assimilated and adsorbed

6. Loss of β-particle is equivalent to

(a) increase of 1 proton (b) decrease of 1 neutron (c) loss of proton (d) both (a) and (b)

7. The first order rate constant of a reaction is 0.0693 min–1. The time required for 50٪ completion of a reaction is

(a) 10 min (b) 1 min (c) 100 min (d) 50 min

8. In case of physical adsorption, there is desorption when

(a) temperature increases (b) temperature decreases (c) pressure increases (d) concentration increases

9. Smoke is a colloidal solution of

(a) gas in solid (b) solid in gas (c) gas in liquid (d) liquid in gas

10. When sodium acetate is added to a solution of acetic acid, the degree of ionization of acetic acid

(a) increases (b) decreases (c) does not change (d) becomes unity

11. The nitro group can be reduced to primary amino group by

(a) Sn / conc.HCl (b) Zn dust (c) Zn / NH4Cl (d) Zn/ NaOH

12. The organic compound that undergoes carbylamine reaction is

(a) (C2H5)2NH (b) C2H5NH2 (c) (C2H5)3N (d) (C2H5)4N+I-

13. The nitrogen compound used in preparation of sulpha drugs is

(a) methylamine (b) nitromethane (c) aminobenzene (d) nitrobenzene

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Chemistry/October/2006 12 Arul Institute

*14. Nucleic acid is made up of [out of the syllabus]

(a) an organic base (b) a sugar unit (c) phosphoric acid (d) all of these

15. Ultimate product of hydrolysis of protein is

(a) aniline (b) aliphatic acid (c) amino acid (d) aromatic acid

16. The circumference of circular orbit of an electron is an integral multiple of its

(a) frequency (b) momentum (c) mass (d) wavelength

17. The nature of hybridization in IF7 molecule is

(a) sp3d2 (b) sp3d4 (c) sp3d3 (d) sp2d4

18. On moving down a group, the radius of an ion

(a) decreases (b) increases

(c) first increases and then decreases (d) remains a constant

19. The toxic element of boron family is

(a) Boron (b) Indium (c) Thallium (d) Gallium

20. The general outer electronic configuration of d block elements is

(a) (n–1) d1–10 (b) (n–1) d1–10 ns1–2 (c) (n–1) d10 ns1–2 (d) (n–1) d5 ns1

21. The crystal structure of CsCl is

(a) simple cube (b) face-centred cube (c) body-centred cube (d) edge-centred cube

22. Change in Gibbs free energy is given by

(a) ΔG = ΔH + TΔS (b) ΔG = ΔH – TΔS (c) ΔG = ΔH. TΔS (d) none of these

23. For the reaction 2Cl(g)→ Cl2(g), the signs of ΔH and ΔS are respectively

(a) +, – (b) +, + (c) –, – (d) –, +

24. If the equilibrium constant of the reaction 2A B is K1 and that of B 2A is K2, then

(a) K1 = 2K2 (b) K1 = 1/K2 (c) K1 = (K2)2 (d) K2 = (1/K1)


25. When Δng in a homogeneous gaseous equilibrium is positive, then

(a) Kp = Kc (b) Kp < Kc (c) Kp > Kc (d) Kp = Kc/2

26. The characteristic odour of lower phenols is

(a) carbolic acid (b) fruity (c) oil of bitter almonds (d) rotten fish

27. Oxygen atom of ethers is

(a) very active (b) inert (c) oxidizing (d) replaceable

28. Diethyl ether behaves as a

(a) Lewis acid (b) Lewis base (c) neutral compound (d) Bronsted acid

29. The formation of cyanohydrin with a ketone is an example of

(a) electrophilic substitution (b) nucleophilic addition

(c) nucleophilic substitution (d) electrophilic addition

30. The isomerism exhibited by CH3CH2COOH and CH3COOCH3 is

(a) metamerism (b) functional isomerism (c) chain isomerism (d) position isomerism

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Chemistry/October/2006 13 Arul Institute

PART – II 15 x 3 = 45

Note : Answer any fifteen questions

Answer each question in one or two sentences.

31. What are the conditions for effective hydrogen bonding?

32. Explain why the first ionization energy of Be is greater than that of B.

33. Write a note on Plumbo solvency.

34. Illustrate the dehydrating property of phosphorous pentoxide (P2O5) with two examples.

35. Why do d-block elements have variable oxidation states?

36. How is chrome plating done?

37. Give any three differences between chemical reactions and nuclear reactions.

38. What is a vitreous state?

39. What type of liquids or substances deviate from Trouton’s rule?

40. Write the equilibrium constants Kc for the following reactions:

(i) H2O2(g) H2O(g) + ½O2(g) (ii) CO(g) + H2O(g) CO2(g) + H2(g)

41. Show that for a first order reaction time required for 99% completion is twice the time required for 90%

completion of the reaction.

42. What are consecutive reactions? Give an example.

43. Write a note on auto-catalyst.

44. What is meant by common-ion effect?

45. Mesotartaric acid is optically inactive. Justify.

46. Give a brief account on coupling reaction of phenol with benzene diazonium chloride.

47. Give any three uses of benzyl alcohol.

48. How is urotropine prepared? Mention its use.

49. Write a note on HVZ reaction.

50. What is Gabriel phthalimide synthesis?

51. Write a brief note on ‘Antiseptic’.

PART – III 7 x 5 = 35

Note : Answer any seven questions choosing at least two questions from each section.


52. Derive de-Broglie equation.

53. How is gold extracted from its ore?

54. Describe the extraction of lanthanides from monazite sand.

55. For the complex K4[Fe(CN)6] mention

(a) IUPAC name (b) Central metal ion (c) Geometry of the complex (d) Ligand (e) Co-ordination number


56. State the various statements of second law of thermodynamics.

57. Discuss the characteristics of first order reaction.

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Chemistry/October/2006 14 Arul Institute

58. The dissociation equilibrium constant of HI is 2.06 x 10–2 at 458 K. At equilibrium the concentrations of HI

and I2 are 0.36 M and 0.15 M respectively. What is the equilibrium concentration of H2 at 458 K?

59. Derive Nernst equation.


60. Distinguish between anisole and diethyl ether.

61. Explain the mechanism of aldol condensation of acetaldehyde.

62. How is benzoic acid obtained from (a) Ethyl benzene (b) Phenyl cyanide (c) Carbon dioxide?

63. Write a note on anaesthetics.

PART – IV 4 x 10 = 40

Note : Question No. 70 is compulsory and answer any three from the remaining questions

64. (a) Explain the various factors that influence electron affinity.

(b) Describe in detail how noble gases are isolated from air by Ramsay-Rayleigh’s method.

65. (a) Apply VB theory to find out the geometry of [Ni(NH3)4]2+ and calculate its magnetic moment.

(b) Write about radio carbon dating.

66. (a) Explain Bragg’s spectrometer method.

(b) Write any two chemical methods for the preparation of colloids.

67. (a) Derive Henderson equation.

(b) Establish a relationship between free energy and e.m.f.

68. (a) Distinguish racemic form from Meso form with suitable example.

(b) Discuss the isomerism exhibited by carboxylic acid.

69. (a) How are the following conversions carried out? (i) Nitrobenzene to phenyl hydroxylamine

(ii) Aniline to phenyl isocyanide (iii) Benzene diazonium chloride to biphenyl

(b) What is peptide bond? Illustrate the formation of a peptide bond in glycyl alanine. Draw the structures of

glucose and fructose.

70. (a) An organic compound (A) C7H6O reduces Tollen’s reagent. On treating with an alkali, compound (A)

forms (B) and (C). (B) on treating with sodalime forms benzene and (C) C7H8O is an antiseptic. Identify

compounds (A), (B) and (C). Explain the reactions

(b) The sulphide ore of an element of group 12 when roasted gave compound (A) which on reduction with

carbon gave the element (B). The carbonate (C) of this element is used for skin diseases. Identify

(A), (B) and (C) and write the required reactions.


(c) An organic compound (A) C6H6O gives violet colouration with neutral FeCl3. Compound (A) on treatment

with metallic Na gives compound (B). Compound (B) on treatment with CO2 at 400 K under pressure

gives (C). This product on acidification gives compound (D) C7H6O3, which is used in medicine. Identify

(A), (B), (C) and (D) and explain the reactions.

(d) Find the pH of a buffer solution containing 0.2 mole/litre of CH3COONa and 0.15 mole/litre of CH3COOH.

Ka for acetic acid is 1.8 x 10-5 M.

Arul I



Chemistry/March/2007 15 Arul Institute

MARCH 2007 22642647 / 22395248


Time Allowed : 3 Hours CHEMISTRY Maximum marks : 150

PART – I 30 x 1 = 30

Note : Answer all the questions.

Choose and write the correct answer.

1. Aniline differs from ethylamine in its reaction with

(a) CH3I (b) HNO2 (c) CH3COCl (d) CHCl3 & Caustic KOH

2. The compound most reactive towards electrophilic nitration is

(a) methyl benzene (b) benzene (c) benzoic acid (d) nitrobenzene

3. Nitro-acinitro tautomerism is exhibited by

(a) nitromethane (b) nitrobenzene (c) chloropicrin (d) o-toluidine

4. The reducing sugar among the following is

(a) sucrose (b) cellulose (c) glucose (d) starch

5. Which is not true of amino acid?

(a) It forms Zwitter ion (b) Has isoelectric point (c) Dual behaviour (d) Insoluble in NaOH soln.

6. The compound that reacts the fastest with Lucas reagent is

(a) 1-butanol (b) 2-butanol (c) 1-propanol (d) 2-methyl-2-propanol

7. According to Lewis concept of acids and bases, ethers are

(a) acidic (b) basic (c) neutral (d) amphoteric

8. Zeisel’s method of detection and estimation of alkoxy group in alkaloids involves the reaction of ether with

(a) HI (b) Cl2 (c) PCl5 (d) AlCl3

9. Schiff’s reagent gives pink colour with

(a) acetone (b) acetaldehyde (c) ethanol (d) ether

10. The acid that cannot be prepared from Grignard reagent is

(a) formic acid (b) acetic acid (c) propionic acid (d) benzoic acid

11. 50% of a first order reaction is completed in 20 minutes. The time required for 75% completion is

(a) 60 minutes (b) 10 minutes (c) 40 minutes (d) 80 minutes

12. Colloids are purified by

(a) precipitation (b) coagulation (c) dialysis (d) filtration

13. In case of physical adsorption, there is desorption when

(a) temperature decreases (b) temperature increases (c) pressure increases (d) concentration increases

14. Fog is a colloidal solution of

(a) liquid in gas (b) gas in liquid (c) gas in solid (d) solid in gas

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Chemistry/March/2007 16 Arul Institute

15. The indicator used in the titration of ammonium hydroxide with hydrochloric acid is

(a) KMnO4 (b) methyl orange (c) phenolphthalein (d) litmus

16. An ion leaves its regular site & occupies a position in the space between the lattice sites. This defect is

called as

(a) Schottky defect (b) Frenkel defect (c) impurity defect (d) vacancy defect

17. When a liquid boils, there is

(a) an increase in entropy (b) a decrease in entropy

(c) an increase in heat of vapourisation (d) an increase in free energy

18. The amount of heat exchanged with the surroundings at constant pressure is called

(a) E (b) H (c) S (d) G

19. In the reversible reaction 2HI H2 + I2, Kp is

(a) greater that Kc (b) less than Kc (c) equal to Kc (d) zero

20. Radioactivity is due to

(a) stable electronic configuration (b) stable nucleus

(c) unstable nucleus (d) unstable electronic configuration

21. Which of the following gaseous equilibria is favoured by increase in temperature?

(a) N2O4 2NO2 ; H = +59 kJ mol–1 (b) N2 + 3H2 2NH3 ; H = –22 kcal mol–1

(c) 2SO2 + O2 2SO3 ; H = –47 kcal mol–1 (d) Both (b) and (c)

22. Bordeaux mixture contains

(a) AgNO3 + HNO3 (b) ZnSO4 + H2SO4 (c) CuSO4 + Ca(OH)2 (d) KMnO4 + HCl

23. The compound used in gas lamp material is

(a) MnO2 (b) CeO2 (c) N2O5 (d) Fe2O3

24. The radioactive lanthanide is

(a) gadolinium (b) lutetium (c) promethium (d) cerium

25. An example of a chelating ligand is

(a) chloro (b) bromo (c) en (d) NO2–

26. Which of the following particles having same kinetic energy, would have the maximum de Broglie


(a) Proton (b) Neutron (c) -particle (d) -particle

27. Intermolecular hydrogen bonding is present in

(a) HF (b) H2O (c) ethanol (d) all of these

28. The scale which is based on an empirical relation between the energy of a bond and the electronegativities

of bonded atoms is that of

(a) Pauling (b) Mulliken (c) Sanderson (d) Alfred Rochow

29. An element is burnt in limited supply of air to give an oxide A which on treatment with water gives an acid B.

Acid B on heating gives acid C which gives yellow precipitate with silver nitrate solution. Oxide A is

(a) P2O3 (b) SO2 (c) CO2 (d) NO2

30. The ion with maximum number of unpaired electrons is

(a) Mg2+ (b) Ti3+ (c) V3+ (d) Fe2+

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Chemistry/March/2007 17 Arul Institute

PART – II 15 x 3 = 45

Note : Answer any fifteen questions

Answer each question in one or two sentences.

31. Why is He2 not formed?

32. Compare the ionization energy of nitrogen with that of oxygen.

33. Prove that P2O5 is a powerful dehydrating agent.

34. Why is HF not stored in silica or glass bottles? Write the equation.

35. Write the action of aquaregia on gold.

36. The transition elements show variable oxidation states. Give reason.

37. The atomic masses of Li, He and proton are 7.01823 amu, 4.00387 amu & 1.00715 amu respectively.

Calculate the energy evolved in the reaction, 3Li7 + 1H1 2 2He4 + energy [ 1 amu = 931 MeV ]

38. Determine the number of CsCl units per unit cell. CsCl has BCC arrangement.

39. Give the Kelvin-Planck statement of second law of thermodynamics.

40. State Le-chatelier’s principle.

41. Write the Arrhenius equation and explain the terms.

42. What are parallel reactions? Give an example.

43. Why is a colloidal system of gas in gas does not exist?

44. The mass of the substance deposited by the passage of 10 A of current for 2 hours 40 minutes and

50 seconds is 9.65 g. Calculate the electrochemical equivalent.

45. Distinguish between racemic and meso forms.

46. Phenol is insoluble in NaHCO3 solution but acetic acid is soluble. Give reason.

47. What happens when glycerol reacts with KHSO4?

48. How is acetophenone prepared by Friedal-Crafts method?

49. Mention the uses of oxalic acid.

50. What is Gabriel’s Phthalimide synthesis?

51. What are chromophores? Give two examples.

PART – III 7 x 5 = 35

Note : Answer any seven questions choosing at least two questions from each section.


52. Discuss Davisson and Germer’s experiment.

53. Explain how potassium dichromate is extracted from chromite ore.

54. Bring out the consequences of lanthanide contraction.

55. For the complex K4[Fe(CN)6], mention

(a) Name (b) Central metal ion (c) Ligand (d) Co-ordination number (e) Geometry


56. Write the characteristics of free energy G.

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Chemistry/March/2007 18 Arul Institute

57. Derive the expressions for Kc and Kp for the decomposition of PCl5.

58. Explain the experimental determination of rate constant of acid hydrolysis of methyl acetate.

59. The e.m.f. of the half cell Cu2+(aq)/Cu(s) containing 0.01 M Cu2+ solution is + 0.301 V. Calculate the

standard emf of the half cell.


60. How does diethyl ether react with the following reagents? (a) O2 / long contact (b) dilute H2SO4 (c) PCl5

61. Discuss the mechanism of aldol condensation.

62. Distinguish between formic acid and acetic acid.

63. Write briefly on Buna rubbers.

PART – IV 4 x 10 = 40

Note : Question No. 70 is compulsory and answer any three from the remaining questions

64. (a) Explain the various factors that affect electron affinity.

(b) Mention the uses of silicones.

65. (a) [Ni(CN)4]2– is diamagnetic whereas [Ni(NH3)4]

2+ is paramagnetic. Explain.

(b) Explain the principle underlying the function of hydrogen bomb.

66. (a) Explain the nature of glass.

(b) Write briefly on intermediate compound formation theory of catalysis with an example.

67. (a) Explain Ostwald’s dilution law.

(b) Write notes on IUPAC convention of representation of a cell.

68. (a) Describe the conformations of cyclohexanol. Comment on their stability.

(b) What happens when lactic acid is

(i) treated with dilute H2SO4 (ii) heated in the presence of conc. H2SO4 (iii) oxidised with acidified KMnO4?

69. (a) Write a note on the reduction of nitrobenzene under different conditions.

(b) How is the structure of fructose determined?

70. (a) An organic compound (A) of molecular formula C3H6O on reduction with LiAlH4 gives (B). Compound (B)

gives blue colour in Victor Meyer’s test and also forms a chloride (C) with SOCl2. The chloride on

treatment with alcoholic KOH gives (D). Identify (A), (B), (C) and (D). Explain the reactions.

(b) An element (A) occupies group number 11 and period number 4. This metal is extracted from its mixed

sulphide ore (B). (A) reacts with dil.H2SO4 in presence of air and forms (C) which is colourless. With

water (C) gives a blue compound (D). Identify (A), (B), (C) and (D). Explain the reactions.


(c) An organic compound (A) C6H6O gives maximum of two isomers (B) and (C) when an alkaline solution of

(A) is refluxed with chloroform at 333 K. (B) on oxidation gives an acid (D). The acid (D) is also obtained

by treating sodium salt of (A) with CO2 under pressure. Identify (A), (B), (C) & (D). Explain the reactions.

(d) Calculate the pH of the buffer solution containing 0.04 M NH4Cl and 0.02 M NH4OH. For NH4OH Kb is

1.8 x 10–5 M

Arul I



Chemistry/June/2007 19 Arul Institute

JUNE 2007 22642647 / 22395248


Time Allowed : 3 Hours CHEMISTRY Maximum marks : 150

PART – I 30 x 1 = 30

Note : Answer all the questions.

Choose and write the correct answer.

1. Nitromethane on condensation with acetaldehyde gives

(a) 1-nitropropane (b) 1-nitro-2-propanol (c) 2-nitro-1-propanol (d) 3-nitropropanol

2. The basic character of amines is due to the

(a) tetrahedral structure (b) presence of nitrogen atom

(c) electronegativity of nitrogen (d) presence of lone pair of electrons

3. Which of the following compounds has the smell of bitter almonds?

(a) Aniline (b) Nitromethane (c) Nitrobenzene (d) Benzene sulphonic acid

4. Sucrose contains glucose and fructose linked by

(a) C1-C1 carbon (b) C1-C2 carbon (c) C1-C4 carbon (d) C1-C6 carbon

5. The building blocks of proteins are

(a) α-hydroxy acid (b) α-amino acid (c) β-hydroxy acid (d) β-amino acid

6. The compound which reacts fastest with Lucas reagent is

(a) butan-1-ol (b) butan-2-ol (c) 2-methyl-1-propanol (d) 2-methyl-2-propanol

7. According to Lewis concept of acids and bases, ethers are

(a) acidic (b) basic (c) neutral (d) amphoteric

8. The ethers used in perfumery are

(a) diethyl ether (b) dimethyl ether (c) methyl phenyl ether (d) diphenyl ether

9. Tertiary butyl alcohol can be prepared by treating methyl magnesium iodide with

(a) formaldehyde (b) acetaldehyde (c) acetone (d) carbon-di-oxide

10. The strongest acid among the following is

(a) ClCH2COOH (b) Cl3CCOOH (c) CH3COOH (d) Cl2CHCOOH

11. Hydrolysis of an ester by dilute HCl is an example of _________ reaction.

(a) zero order (b) first order (c) pseudo-first order (d) second order

12. Colloidal medicines are more effective because

(a) they are clean (b) they are easy to prepare

(c) the germs move towards them (d) they are easily assimilated and absorbed

13. Which type of colloid is a sol?

(a) Solid in liquid (b) Liquid in solid (c) Solid in solid (d) Gas in solid

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Chemistry/June/2007 20 Arul Institute

14. The platinum catalyst used in the oxidation of SO2 by contact process is poisoned by

(a) AS2O3 (b) V2O5 (c) Fe2O3 (d) CuCl2

15. If 0.2 ampere can deposit 0.1978g of copper in 50 minutes, how much of copper will be deposited by

600 coulombs?

(a) 19.78g (b) 1.978g (c) 0.1978g (d) 197.8g

16. In a simple cubic cell, each point in a corner is shared by

(a) one unit cell (b) two unit cells (c) four unit cells (d) eight unit cells

17. When a liquid boils, there is

(a) an increase in entropy (b) a decrease in entropy

(c) an increase in free energy (d) an increase in heat of vapourisation

18. The entropy change involved in the process of H2O(s)→H2O(l) at 0°C and 1 atm pressure involving

ΔHfusion=6008 Jmol–1 is

(a) 22.007 J mol–1 K–1 (b) 22.007 J mol K–1 (c) 220.07 J mol–1 K–1 (d) 2.2007 J mol K–1

19*. In an endothermic equilibrium reaction, if K1 and K2 are the equilibrium constants at T1 and T2 temperatures

respectively and if T2 is greater than T1 then [ not in the syllabus ]

(a) K1 < K2 (b) K1 > K2 (c) K1 = K2 (d) none of these

20. The maximum yield of ammonia by Haber’s process is

(a) 78% (b) 97% (c) 37% (d) 89%

21. K2Cr2O7 reacts with KI and dilute sulphuric acid and liberates

(a) O2 (b) I2 (c) H2 (d) SO2

22. The oxide used in gas lamp materials is

(a) MnO2 (b) N2O5 (c) CeO2 (d) Fe2O3

23. Radioactive element of lanthanide is

(a) Cerium (b) Promethium (c) Gadolinium (d) Lutetium

24. In [Fe(CN)6]4 – the central metal ion is

(a) Fe (b) Fe2+ (c) Fe3+ (d) CN–

25. When 7N15 is bombarded with a proton it gives 6C

12 and

(a) α-particle (b) β-particle (c) neutron (d) proton

26. The hybridization involved in XeF6 is

(a) sp3d3 (b) sp3d2 (c) sp3d (d) sp3

27. Intramolecular hydrogen bonding is present in

(a) m-nitrophenol (b) o-nitrophenol (c) p-nitrophenol (d) none of these

28. When XA>>XB, A–B bond is

(a) polar covalent (b) non-polar covalent (c) ionic (d) metallic

29. Which of the following does not belong to group 14?

(a) C (b) Si (c) Ga (d) Pb

30. The transition element with the lowest atomic number is

(a) Zn (b) Sc (c) Ti (d) La

Arul I



Chemistry/June/2007 21 Arul Institute

PART – II 15 x 3 = 45

Note : Answer any fifteen questions

Answer each question in one or two sentences.

31. What is bond order?

32. If the d(C–Cl) is 1.76 Ao and r(Cl) is 0.99 Ao, find the radius of carbon atom.

33. Explain plumbo solvency.

34. Illustrate the oxidizing power of fluorine.

35. Why do d-block elements have variable oxidation state?

36. Explain electrolytic refining of copper.

37. Calculate the disintegration constant if half-life period is 100 seconds.

38. What is meant by superconducting transition temperature?

39. State Clausius statement of second law of thermodynamics.

40. What happens when Δng = 0, Δng = negative, Δng = positive in a gaseous reaction?

41. Define order of a reaction.

42. What are opposing reactions? Give an example.

43. What is catalytic poison? Give an example.

44. Define common ion effect.

45. Label the following as E, Z isomers:





46. How will you convert C2H5OH to C2H5OC2H5?

47. Explain Dow’s process.

48. What is formalin? Write its use.

49. Give the source and trivial name of (a) HCOOH (b) C3H7COOH (c) C11H23COOH.

50. Explain diazotization with a suitable example.

51. What are anaesthetics? Give one example.

PART – III 7 x 5 = 35

Note : Answer any seven questions choosing at least two questions from each section.


52. Derive de Broglie equation.

53. Explain the extraction of gold from its ore.

54. How are lanthanides extracted from monazite sand?

55. Explain co-ordination and ionization isomerism with suitable examples.


56. Mention the characteristics of free energy.

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Chemistry/June/2007 22 Arul Institute

57. Derive the relation between Kp and Kc.

58. State the differences between simple and complex reactions.

59. Calculate the emf of zinc-silver cell at 25°C when [Zn2+] = 0.10 M and [Ag+] = 10 M. (Eocell at 25°C = 1.56 V).


60. Give any three methods of preparing diethyl ether.

61. Explain the mechanism of aldol condensation of acetaldehyde.

62. How are the following conversions carried out?

(a) Lactic acid to lactide (b) Succinic acid to succinimide (c) Salicylic acid to aspirin

63. Explain the characteristics of rocket propellants briefly.

PART – IV 4 x 10 = 40

Note : Question No. 70 is compulsory and answer any three from the remaining questions

64. (a) Explain the various factors that affect electron affinity.

(b) Illustrate (i) tribasic nature of orthophosphoric acid (ii) reducing property of phosphorous acid.

65. (a) State the postulates of Werner’s theory.

(b) Explain the nuclear reactions that take place in sun.

66. (a) Write the properties of ionic crystals.

(b) Explain the chemical methods of preparing colloids.

67. (a) Derive Henderson equation.

(b) Describe Daniel cell.

68. (a) Explain internal and external compensation with suitable examples.

(b) Give the mechanism involved in the esterification of carboxylic acid with alcohol.

69. (a) How are the following conversions carried out? (i) nitromethane to methyl amine

(ii) methyl amine to methyl isocyanide (iii) benzene diazonium chloride to biphenyl

(b) Outline the classification of carbohydrates giving an example for each.

70. (a) An organic compound (A) C3H8O answers Lucas test within 5–10 minutes and on oxidation forms (B)

C3H6O. This on further oxidation forms (C) C2H4O2, which gives effervescence with Na2CO3. (B) also

undergoes iodoform reaction. Identify (A), (B) and (C). Explain the conversion of (A) to (B) and (C).

(b) An element (A) belonging to group 6 and period 4 is silvery white in colour. Red hot (A) decomposes

steam liberating hydrogen and forming (B). (A) also reacts with conc. sulphuric acid forming (C) with

evolution of SO2. Identify (A), (B) and (C). Explain the two reactions.


(c) An organic compound (A) C7H6O forms a bisulphite. (A) when treated with alcoholic KCN forms (B)

C14H12O2 and A on refluxing with sodium acetate and acetic anhydride forms an acid (C) C9H8O2. Identify

(A), (B) and (C). Explain the conversion of (A) to (B) and (C).

(d) Equivalent conductivity of acetic acid at infinite dilution is 390.7 mho cm2 gm equiv–1 and for 0.1 M acetic

acid the equivalent conductance is 5.2 mho cm2 gm equiv–1. Calculate degree of dissociation and

hydrogen ion [H+] concentration.

Arul I



Chemistry/October/2007 23 Arul Institute

OCTOBER 2007 22642647 / 22395248


Time Allowed : 3 Hours CHEMISTRY Maximum marks : 150

PART – I 30 x 1 = 30

Note : Answer all the questions.

Choose and write the correct answer.

1. CCl3NO2 is used as

(a) soil sterilizing agent (b) organic synthesis (c) good solvent (d) antioxidant

2. The organic compound that undergoes carbylamine reaction is

(a) (C2H5)2NH (b) C2H5NH2 (c) (C2H5)3N (d) (C2H5)4N+I–

3. The reaction between benzene diazonium chloride and benzene in the presence of NaOH is

(a) Perkin’s reaction (b) Gattermann reaction

(c) Sandmeyer reaction (d) Gomberg–Bachmann reaction

4. Glucose forms _________ with acetic anhydride and sodium acetate.

(a) di-acetate (b) tetra-acetate (c) penta-acetate (d) hexa-acetate

*5. The precipitation of protein is called [ not in the syllabus ]

(a) peptisation (b) denaturation (c) renaturation (d) none of these

6. A compound that reacts fastest with Lucas reagent is

(a) butan-1-ol (b) butan-2-ol (c) 2-methyl propan-1-ol (d) 2-methyl propan-2-ol

7. According to Lewis concept of acids and bases, ethers are

(a) neutral (b) acidic (c) basic (d) amphoteric

8. Which among the following is an unsymmetrical ether?

(a) C6H5-O-C6H5 (b) C2H5-O-C2H5 (c) CH3-O-CH3 (d) C6H5-O-CH3

9. Schiff’s reagent gives pink colour with

(a) acetone (b) acetaldehyde (c) ethyl alcohol (d) methyl acetate

10. Which order of arrangement is correct in terms of the strength of the acid?



11. The sum of the powers of the concentration terms that occur in the rate equation is called

(a) molecularity (b) order (c) rate (d) rate constant

12. The phenomenon of Tyndall’s effect is not observed in

(a) emulsion (b) colloidal solution (c) true solution (d) none of these

13. Coconut charcoal has a great capacity of the __________ of gases.

(a) adsorption (b) absorption (c) desorption (d) all of these

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Chemistry/October/2007 24 Arul Institute

14. Emulsifying agent is used for _________ of an emulsion.

(a) precipitation (b) coagulation (c) stabilization (d) none of these

15. When one coulomb of electricity is passed through an electrolyte solution the mass deposited on the

electrode is equal to

(a) equivalent weight (b) molecular weight

(c) one gram (d) electrochemical equivalent

16. The total number of atoms per unit cell in bcc is

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

17. If ΔG for a reaction is negative, the change is

(a) spontaneous (b) non-spontaneous (c) reversible (d) irreversible

18. For the reaction 2Cl(g)→ Cl2(g), the signs of ΔH and ΔS respectively are

(a) +, – (b) +, + (c) –, – (d) –, +

19. In a reaction, 2O3 3O2, the value of Kc is

(a) [O3]3 / [O2]

2 (b) [O2]2 / [O3]

3 (c) [O2]3 / [O3]

2 (d) [O3] / [O2]

20. In the synthesis of NH3 between N2 and H2 reaction the unit of Kp is

(a) lit2 mol–2 (b) atm–2 (c) lit atm–1 (d) atm–1

21. The colour of Purple of cassius is

(a) purple (b) blue (c) bluish green (d) apple green

22. __________ form oxocations.

(a) Lanthanides (b) Actinides (c) Noble gases (d) Alkali metals

23. Alloys of lanthanides are called

(a) Misch metals (b) Metalloids (c) Plate metals (d) Actinides

24. In [FeII(CN)6]4 –- the central metal ion is

(a) Fe (b) Fe2+ (c) Fe3+ (d) CN–

25. Which one of the following particles is used to bombard 13Al27 to give 15P30 and a neutron?

(a) α-particle (b) deuteron (c) proton (d) neutron

26. Dual character of an electron was explained by

(a) Bohr (b) Heinsenberg (c) de Broglie (d) Pauli

27. Energy levels of molecular orbitals have been determined experimentally by

(a) spectroscopic studies (b) x-ray diffraction (c) crystallographic studies (d) none of these

28. When XA>>XB, A–B bond is

(a) polar covalent (b) non-polar covalent (c) ionic (d) metallic

29. The noble gases are unreactive because they

(a) have same number of electrons (b) have an atomicity of one

(c) are gases with low density (d) have stable electronic configuration

30. Ferrochrome is an alloy of

(a) Cr, C, Fe, Ni (b) Cr, Co, Ni, C (c) Fe, Cr (d) Cr, Ni, Fe

Arul I



Chemistry/October/2007 25 Arul Institute

PART – II 15 x 3 = 45

Note : Answer any fifteen questions

Answer each question in one or two sentences.

31. State Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle.

32. Calculate the effective nuclear charge experienced by the 4s electron in potassium atom ( s = 16.8 ).

33. Write about the Holme’s signal.

34. Write the uses of Helium.

35. Why do transition elements form complexes?

36. What is spitting of silver and how is it prevented?

37. In the following radioactive decay, 92X232→ 89Y

220 how many and -particles are ejected?

38. What is vitreous state?

39. What is entropy change of an engine that operates at 100°C when 453.6 Kcal of heat is supplied to it?

40. Define reaction quotient.

41. What are simple and complex reactions?

42. Define Activation energy.

43. What is tanning?

44. What is common ion effect? Give an example.

45. What are the conditions for a compound to be optically active?

46. Write the dye test for phenol.

47. How is allyl alcohol prepared from glycerol?

48. What is Rosemund’s reduction? What is the purpose of adding BaSO4 in it?

49. Formic acid reduces Tollen’s reagent but acetic acid does not. Give reasons.

50. What is Gabriel phthalimide synthesis?

51. In what way are antacids important?

PART – III 7 x 5 = 35

Note : Answer any seven questions choosing at least two questions from each section.


52. Explain the formation of O2 molecule by molecular orbital theory.

53. Explain the extraction of silver from its chief ore.

54. What is lanthanide contraction? Discuss its causes and any two consequences.

55. For the complexes K4[Fe(CN)6], [Cu(NH3)4]SO4 mention

(a) IUPAC name (b) Central metal ion (c) Ligand (d) Co-ordination number


56. Explain the characteristics of free energy (G).

57. Apply Le Chatelier’s principle to contact process of manufacture of SO3.

58. Explain the experimental determination of rate constant for decomposition of H2O2 in aqueous solution.

Arul I



Chemistry/October/2007 26 Arul Institute

59. Determine the standard emf of the cell and standard free energy change of the cell reaction.

Zn, Zn2+ || Ni2+, Ni. The standard reduction potentials (Eo) of Zn2+, Zn and Ni2+, Ni half-cells are – 0.76V

and – 0.25V respectively.


60. Discuss the isomerism exhibited by ethers.

61. Give the mechanism for Claisen or Claisen-Schmidt reaction.

62. How is oxalic acid manufactured from sodium formate?

63. Write a brief note on rocket propellants.

PART – IV 4 x 10 = 40

Note : Question No. 70 is compulsory and answer any three from the remaining questions

64. (a) How do electronegativity values help to find out the nature of bonding between atoms?

(b) Discuss the structure of interhalogen compounds of AX and AX5 type.

65. (a) Give the postulates of Werner’s theory.

(b) Write a note on radiocarbon dating.

66. (a) Explain Bragg’s spectrometer method.

(b) What is electro-osmosis? Explain.

67. (a) Explain Quinonoid theory of indicators.

(b) Derive the relation between e.m.f and free energy.

68. (a) Write a short account on cis-trans isomerism.

(b) Write the mechanism of bromination of salicylic acid.

69. (a) Distinguish between primary, secondary and tertiary amines.

(b) How is structure of fructose determined?

70. (a) An organic compound (A) of molecular formula C6H6O gives violet colour with neutral FeCl3. (A) gives

maximum of two isomers (B) and (C) when an alkaline solution of (A) is refluxed with CCl4. (A) also

reacts with C6H5N2Cl to give the compound (D) which is a red-orange dye. Identify (A), (B), (C) and (D).

Explain with suitable chemical reactions.

(b) An element (A) belonging to Group No.11 and period No.4 is extracted from the pyrite ore. (A) reacts with

oxygen at two different temperatures forming compounds (B) and (C). (A) also reacts with conc.HNO3 to

give (D) with the evolution of NO2. Identify (A), (B), (C) and (D). Explain the reactions.


(c) An aromatic aldehyde (A) of molecular formula C7H6O which has the smell of bitter almonds on treatment

with (CH3CO)2O and CH3COONa to give compound (B) which is an aromatic unsaturated acid. (A) also

reacts with (A) in the presence of alcoholic KCN to give dimer (C). Identify (A), (B) and (C). Explain the


(d) Calculate the pH of a buffer solution, containing 0.2 mole per litre CH3COONa and 0.15 mole per litre

CH3COOH. Ka for acetic acid is 1.8 x 10–5 M.

Arul I



Chemistry/March/2008 27 Arul Institute

MARCH 2008 22642647 / 22395248


Time Allowed : 3 Hours CHEMISTRY Maximum marks : 150

PART – I 30 x 1 = 30

Note : Answer all the questions.

Choose and write the correct answer.

1. A compound that undergoes bromination easily is

(a) benzoic acid (b) benzene (c) phenol (d) toluene

2. Ether is formed when alkyl halide is treated with sodium alkoxide. The method is known as

(a) Hoffmann’s reaction (b) Williamson’s synthesis (c) Wurtz reaction (d) Kolbe’s reaction

3. When ether is exposed to air for some time, an explosive substance produced is

(a) peroxide (b) TNT (c) superoxide (d) gun cotton

4. Hydrogenation of benzoyl chloride in the presence of Pd and BaSO4 gives

(a) phenol (b) benzoic acid (c) benzyl alcohol (d) benzaldehyde

5. Concentrated solution of sodium acetate on electrolysis gives

(a) ethane (b) propane (c) methane (d) butane

6. An example for metal deficiency defect is

(a) NaCl (b) AgCl (c) FeS (d) CsCl

7. If ΔG for a reaction is negative, the change is

(a) spontaneous (b) non-spontaneous (c) reversible (d) equilibrium

8. Entropy (S) and the entropy change (ΔS) of a process

(a) are path functions (b) are state functions (c) are constants (d) have no values

9. Which one of the following has negative value for Δng?

(a) H2(g) + I2(g) ↔ 2HI(g) (b) PCl5(g) ↔ PCl3(g) + Cl2(g)

(c) 3H2(g) + N2(g) ↔ 2NH3(g) (d) 2H2O(g) + 2Cl2(g) ↔ 4HCl(g) + O2(g)

10. State of a chemical equilibrium is

(a) dynamic (b) stationary (c) both (a) & (b) (d) none of these

11. Hybridization in SF6 molecule is

(a) sp3 (b) sp3d2 (c) sp3d (d) sp3d3

12. In a molecule eight electrons are present in bonding molecular orbital and four electrons are present in

anti-bonding molecular orbital. Its bond order is

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 2.5 (d) 2

13. The metal having maximum electron affinity is

(a) sodium (b) calcium (c) gold (d) silver

Arul I



Chemistry/March/2008 28 Arul Institute

14. Which of the following has the property of etching on glass?

(a) HI (b) HF (c) HBr (d) HCl

15. Paramagnetism is the property of

(a) paired electrons (b) completely filled electronic sub-shells

(c) unpaired electrons (d) completely vacant electronic sub-shells

16. The –NO2 group in nitro-alkane is converted into –NH2 group by the reagent

(a) Zn/NH4Cl (b) Zn dust (c) Sn/HCl (d) Zn/NaOH

17. The organic compound that undergoes carbylamine test is

(a) (C2H5)2NH (b) C2H5NH2 (c) (C2H5)3N (d) (C2H5)4N+I–

18. Use of chloropicrin is as

(a) Explosive (b) Dye (c) Anaesthetic (d) Sterilizing agent

19. The amino acid without chiral carbon is

(a) Glycine (b) Alanine (c) Proline (d) Tyrosine

20. Sorbitol and Mannitol are

(a) isomers (b) polymers (c) epimers (d) dimers

21. Half-life period of a first order reaction is 20 minutes. The time taken for the completion of 99.9% of the

reaction is

(a) 20 minutes (b) 2000 minutes (c) 250 seconds (d) 200 minutes

22. The tyndall effect is associated with colloidal particle due to

(a) scattering of light (b) presence of charge (c) diffusion of light (d) reflection of light

23. Colloids are purified by

(a) precipitation (b) coagulation (c) dialysis (d) filtration

24. Which one of the following factors is false regarding catalyst?

(a) Small quantity is enough (b) Initiate the reaction

(c) Specific in its action (d) Remains unchanged in mass & chemical composition

25. When pH of a solution is 2, the hydrogen ion concentration in moles litre–1 will be

(a) 1 x 10–12 (b) 1 x 10–4 (c) 1 x 10–7 (d) 1 x 10–2

26. Silver obtained from silver coin is purified by fusion with

(a) AgNO3 (b) HNO3 (c) H2SO4 (d) Borax

27. Alloys of lanthanides are called as

(a) plate metals (b) actinides (c) misch-metals (d) metalloids

28. The common oxidation state of actinide is

(a) +2 (b) +3 (c) +4 (d) +6

29. [FeF6]4– is paramagnetic because

(a) F–- is a weaker ligand (b) F–- is a stronger ligand

(c) F–- is a chelating ligand (d) F–- is a flexidentate ligand

30. In nuclear reaction …………. is/are balanced on both sides.

(a) mass (b) number of atoms

(c) mass number (d) atomic number and mass number

Arul I



Chemistry/March/2008 29 Arul Institute

PART – II 15 x 3 = 45

Note : Answer any fifteen questions

Answer each question in one or two sentences.

31. State Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.

32. Define electron affinity.

33. How is potash alum prepared?

34. Draw the electronic structure of H3PO3.

35. Write a note on chrome plating.

36. What is the action of heat on copper sulphate crystals? Write the equation.

37. Calculate the number of and particles emitted when 90Th232 nucleus is converted into 82Pb208.

38. Write a note on molecular crystals.

39. Calculate the molar heat of vaporization of the ideal liquid CCl4 (Boiling point of CCl4 is 76.7°C and

ΔS = 87.864 J mol–-1 K–-1 )

40. What is the relationship between formation equilibrium constant and dissociation constant? Give one


41. What is pseudo-first order reaction? Give an example.

42. Write a note on ‘activation energy’.

43. What is heterogeneous catalysis? Give an example.

44. What is common ion effect? Give one example.

45. What is racemic mixture? Give an example.

46. Alcohols cannot be used as a solvent for Grignard reagents. Why?

47. How is ethylene Glycol converted into dioxan?

48. What is urotropine? Give its use.

49. What is the reaction of lactic acid with dil.H2SO4?

50. When benzamide is treated with bromine and alkali gives compound (A). Also when benzamide is reduced

by LiAlH4, compound (B) is formed. Find (A) and (B). Write the equations.

51. Why are iodoform and phenolic solutions called antiseptic?

PART – III 7 x 5 = 35

Note : Answer any seven questions choosing at least two questions from each section.


52. Give any five postulates of molecular orbital theory.

53. How is gold extracted?

54. Discuss the position of lanthanides in the periodic table.

55. How is chlorophyll important in environmental chemistry? Mention its function.


56. State the various statements of second law of thermodynamics.

57. Apply Le Chatelier’s principle for the formation of NH3 by Haber’s process.

58. Write notes on (i) consecutive reactions (ii) parallel reactions and (iii) opposing reactions.

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Chemistry/March/2008 30 Arul Institute

59. Determine the standard emf of the cell and standard free energy change of the cell reaction

Zn Zn2+ || Ni2+ Ni. The standard reduction potentials of Zn2+, Zn and Ni2+, Ni half-cells are – 0.76 V

and – 0.25 V respectively.


60. Give any three methods of preparation of ethers.

61. Write the differences between acetaldehyde and acetone.

62. Give the mechanism involved in the esterification of a carboxylic acid with alcohol.

63. How are Buna-S and Nylon-66 prepared?

PART – IV 4 x 10 = 40

Note : Question No. 70 is compulsory and answer any three from the remaining questions

64. (a) Explain the Pauling scale for the determination of electronegativity. Write its disadvantage.

(b) How does Fluorine differ from other halogens?

65. (a) Explain the co-ordination isomerism and ionization isomerism with example.

(b) Explain Radio carbon dating.

66. (a) Explain Bragg’s spectrometer method.

(b) How are colloids prepared by using (i) mechanical dispersion method (ii) electro dispersion method?

67. (a) Derive Henderson equation.

(b) How is e.m.f. of a half-cell determined?

68. (a) Distinguish between enantiomers and diastereomers.

(b) How are the following conversions takes place? (i) Salicylic acid Methyl salicylate

(ii) Lactic acid Pyruvic acid (iii) Methyl cyanide Acetamide.

69. (a) How are (i) phenol (ii) chlorobenzene and (iii) biphenyl prepared by using benzene diazonium chloride?

(b) Outline the classification of carbohydrates giving example for each.

70. (a) Compound (A) with molecular formula C3H6 is obtained from petroleum. When (A) is treated with chlorine

at 773 K compound (B) of molecular formula C3H5Cl is obtained. When (B) is treated with Na2CO3

solution at 773K/12 atm it gives the compound (C) with molecular formula C3H6O, (C) on treatment with

HOCl followed by hydrolysis with NaOH gives (D) having molecular formula C3H8O3. Find (A), (B), (C)

and (D). Explain the reaction.

(b) The metal (B) is extracted from the ore (A). On treatment with dil. nitric acid metal (B) gives a compound

(C), which is also known as Lunar Caustics. The compound (C) on treatment with KI gives a yellow

precipitate (D). Find (A), (B), (C) and (D). Explain the reactions of the formation of (C) and (D).


(c) Compound (A) with molecular formula C7H6O reduces Tollen’s reagent and also gives cannizzaro

reaction. (A) on oxidation gives compound (B) with molecular formula C7H6O2. Calcium salt of (B) on dry

distillation gives the compound (C) C13H10O. Find (A), (B) and (C). Explain the reaction.

(d) An electric current is passed through three cells in series containing respectively the solutions of copper

sulphate, silver nitrate and potassium iodide. What weights of silver and iodine will be liberated while

1.25 gm of copper is being deposited?

Arul I



Chemistry/June/2008 31 Arul Institute

JUNE 2008 22642647 / 22395248


Time Allowed : 3 Hours CHEMISTRY Maximum marks : 150

PART – I 30 x 1 = 30

Note : Answer all the questions.

Choose and write the correct answer.

1. The reaction of ethylene glycol with PI3 gives

(a) ICH2CH2I (b) CH2=CH2 (c) CH2=CHI (d) ICH=CHI

2. The number of ether isomers possible for C4H10O is

(a) 7 (b) 5 (c) 4 (d) 3

3. Oxygen atom of ether is

(a) more reactive (b) replaceable (c) oxidizing (d) comparatively inert

4. The compound that does not reduce Fehling solution is

(a) formaldehyde (b) acetaldehyde (c) benzaldehyde (d) propionaldehyde

5. Ethylene dicyanide on hydrolysis gives

(a) oxalic acid (b) succinic acid (c) adipic acid (d) propionic acid

6. In Bragg’s equation ‘n’ represents

(a) number of moles (b) Avogadro number (c) quantum number (d) order of reflection

7. Change in Gibbs free energy is given by

(a) ΔG = ΔH + TΔS (b) ΔG = ΔH – TΔS (c) ΔG = ΔH x TΔS (d) ΔG = TΔS – ΔH

8. H2O(l) H2O(g). In this process the entropy,

(a) remains constant (b) decreases (c) increases (d) becomes zero

9. State of chemical equilibrium is

(a) dynamic (b) stationary (c) none of these (d) both (a) and (b)

10. H2(g) + I2(g) 2HI(g). The equilibrium constant Kc for this reaction is 16. Kp value is

(a) 1/16 (b) 4 (c) 64 (d) 16

11. En = –2n

6.313, En = – 34.84, ‘n’ value is

(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 1

12. Water exists in liquid state. This is due to

(a) high boiling point (b) low boiling point (c) freezing point is zero (d) hydrogen bond

13. Effective nuclear charge is given by the equation

(a) Z* = Z – S (b) Z* = Z + S (c) Z* = S – Z (d) Z = Z*– S

14. The compound used to arrest the bleeding is

(a) K2SO4 (b) Potash alum (c) Al2(SO4)3 (d) KI

Arul I



Chemistry/June/2008 32 Arul Institute

15. The number of unpaired electrons in Ti3+ is 1. Its magnetic moment in BM is

(a) 1.414 (b) 2 (c) 1.732 (d) 3

16. C6H5NH2 K273/HCl/NaNO2 X. X is

(a) C6H5Cl (b) C6H5NHOH (c) C6H5N2Cl (d) C6H5OH

17. Oil of mirbane is

(a) nitrobenzene (b) benzaldehyde (c) methyl salicylate (d) aspirin

18. Primary amine acts as

(a) electrophile (b) Lewis acid (c) free radical (d) Lewis base

19. Ultimate product of hydrolysis of proteins is

(a) aniline (b) aliphatic acid (c) amino acid (d) aromatic acid

20. Inversion of sucrose refers to

(a) oxidation of sucrose (b) reduction of sucrose

(c) sucrose to glucose and fructose (d) polymerization of sucrose

21. In a first order reaction the concentration of the reactant is increased by 2 times. The rate of the reaction is

increased by

(a) 2 times (b) 4 times (c) 10 times (d) 6 times

22. Colloidal medicines are more effective because

(a) they are clean (b) they are easy to prepare

(c) they are easily assimilated and adsorbed (d) the germs moves towards them

23. Which one is correct factor that explains the increase of rate of reaction by a catalyst?

(a) Shape selectivity (b) Particle size

(c) Increase of free energy (d) Lowering of activation energy

24. The function of FeCl3 in the conversion of Fe(OH)3 precipitate into a colloid is

(a) peptizing agent (b) emulsifying agent (c) reducing agent (d) precipitating agent

25. Equivalent conductance of acetic acid at 25°C is 80 ohm–1 cm2 (gram equivalent)–1 and at infinite dilution is

400 ohm–1 cm2 (gram equivalent)–1. The degree of dissociation is

(a) 1 (b) 0.2 (c) 0.1 (d) 0.3

26. Which of the following is wrong statement regarding K2Cr2O7?

(a) Oxidising agent (b) Used in tanning industry

(c) Soluble in water (d) Reduces ferric sulphate to ferrous sulphate

27. The common oxidation state of lanthanides is

(a) +2 (b) +1 (c) +3 (d) +4

28. Alloys of lanthanides are called as

(a) misch metals (b) metalloids (c) plate metals (d) actinides

29. The co-ordination number of Cr(III) in [Cr(H2O)4Cl2]Cl.2H2O is

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 2

30. The reaction 5B8 4Be8 takes place due to

(a) -decay (b) -decay (c) electron capture (d) positron decay

Arul I



Chemistry/June/2008 33 Arul Institute

PART – II 15 x 3 = 45

Note : Answer any fifteen questions

Answer each question in one or two sentences.

31. What is the significance of negative electronic energy?

32. The ionization energy of boron is less than beryllium. Why?

33. How is phosphoric acid prepared in the laboratory?

34. Give three uses of neon.

35. Why do d-block elements form complexes?

36. What is the reaction of CuSO4 with KCN?

37. Half life period of 79Au198 nucleus is 150 days. Calculate its average life.

38. Write a note on Frenkel defect.

39. ΔH and ΔS values of a reaction at 300K are –10 kcal mole–1 and 20 cal. deg–1 mole–1 respectively. Calculate

ΔG value.

40. What is reaction quotient? How is it related to equilibrium constant?

41. Derive an equation for the half-life period of a first-order reaction.

42. Define order of a reaction.

43. What are promoters? Give an example.

44. Define equivalent conductance. Give the equation for it.

45. What are optical isomers? Give example.

46. Write a note on Kolbe’s reaction.

47. How is glycerol synthesized from propylene?

48. Write two tests to identify aldehydes.

49. How is methyl salicylate prepared?

50. C6H5CH2NH2 2HNO A ]O[ B HCl&Hg/Zn C . Identify A, B and C.

51. What are anaesthetics? Give one example.

PART – III 7 x 5 = 35

Note : Answer any seven questions choosing at least two questions from each section.


52. Explain the formation of N2 molecule by using molecular orbital theory.

53. How is silver extracted from its ore?

54. Compare the properties of lanthanides and actinides.

55. [Ni(CN)4]2– is diamagnetic whereas [Ni(NH3)4]

2+ is paramagnetic. Explain.


56. What are the characteristics of entropy?

57. Apply the Le Chatelier’s principle for the formation of SO3 by contact process.

58. Explain various types of complex reactions and give one example for each.

Arul I



Chemistry/June/2008 34 Arul Institute

59. Calculate the emf of the zinc-silver cell at 25°C. When [Zn2+] = 0.10 M and [Ag+] = 10 M, cell reaction is

2Ag+ + Zn 2Ag + Zn2+ ; E°cell at 25°C is 1.56 V.


60. Give any two methods of preparation of anisole and explain the reaction of HI with anisole.

61. Explain the mechanism of Cannizzaro reaction.

62. What happens when (i) oxalic acid is reacted with NH3 (ii) benzoic acid is treated with PCl5?

63. Write a note on rocket propellants.

PART – IV 4 x 10 = 40

Note : Question No. 70 is compulsory and answer any three from the remaining questions

64. (a) Explain any three factors which affect the ionization energy.

(b) How is lead extracted from its ore?

65. (a) Explain the Werner’s theory of co-ordination compounds.

(b) Explain nuclear fission reaction with an example.

66. (a) What are superconductors? Write their uses.

(b) What is electro-osmosis? Explain the experiment.

67. (a) Explain quinonoid theory of indicators.

(b) Derive the Nernst Equation.

68. (a) Explain the optical activity of tartaric acid.

(b) How do you distinguish formic acid from acetic acid?

69. (a) How does nitrous acid react with primary, secondary and tertiary amines?

(b) Outline the classification of carbohydrates giving examples for each.

70. (a) Compound (A) of molecular formula C7H8 is treated with chlorine and then with NaOH to get compound

(B) of molecular formula C7H8O. (B) on oxidation by acidified K2Cr2O7 gives compound (C) of molecular

formula C7H6O. Compound (C) on treatment with 50% caustic soda gives the compound (B) and also (D).

Find (A), (B), (C) and (D). Explain the reactions.

(b) A bluish white metal (A) present in 4th period and 12th group on heating in air gives a white cloud (B).

Metal (A) on treatment with conc.H2SO4 gives the compound (C) and SO2 gas. Find (A), (B) and (C).

Explain the reactions.


(c) Compound (A) having the molecular formula C2H4O reduces Tollen’s reagent. (A) on treatment with HCN

followed by hydrolysis gives the compound (B) with molecular formula C3H6O3. Compound (B) on

oxidation by Fenton’s reagent gives the compound (C) with the molecular formula C3H4O3. Find (A), (B)

and (C). Explain the reactions.

(d) The equivalent conductance of HCl, CH3COONa and NaCl at infinite dilution are 426.16, 91.0 and 126.45

ohm–1 cm2 (gram equivalent)–1 respectively. Calculate the equivalent conductance of acetic acid.

Arul I



Chemistry/October/2008 35 Arul Institute

OCTOBER 2008 22642647 / 22395248


Time Allowed : 3 Hours CHEMISTRY Maximum marks : 150

PART – I 30 x 1 = 30

Note : Answer all the questions.

Choose and write the correct answer.

1. The number of secondary alcoholic group in glycerol is

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 0

2. When ethyl iodide is treated with dry silver oxide, it forms

(a) ethyl alcohol (b) diethyl ether (c) silver ethoxide (d) ethyl methyl ether

3. Propanone is usually characterized by

(a) Fehling’s solution (b) iodoform test (c) Schiff’s test (d) Tollen’s reagent

4. The compound used in the preparation of triphenyl methane dye is

(a) methanol (b) phenyl methanal (c) phenyl methanol (d) ethanal

5. The acid that cannot be prepared by Grignard reagent is

(a) acetic acid (b) benzoic acid (c) formic acid (d) butyric acid

6. An example of metal deficiency defect is

(a) NaCl (b) AgCl (c) CsCl (d) FeS

7. If ΔG for a reaction is negative, the change is

(a) spontaneous (b) non-spontaneous (c) reversible (d) irreversible

8. The entropy change for the process, water(liq) to water(vap) involving ΔH(vap)= 40850 Jmol–1 at 373K is

(a) 22.007 J mol–1K–1 (b) 7.807 J mol–1K–1 (c) 109.52 J mol–1K–1 (d) 0.2287 JK–1

9. In the reversible reaction 2HI H2 + I2, Kp is

(a) greater than Kc (b) less than Kc (c) equal to Kc (d) zero

10. The optimum range of temperature used in contact process for the manufacture of SO3 is

(a) 400°C to 450°C (b) 1800°C to 2700°C (c) 500°C to 550°C (d) 350°C to 450°C

11. Dual character of an electron was explained by

(a) Bohr (b) Heinsenberg (c) de Broglie (d) Pauli

12. Inter molecular hydrogen bonding is present in

(a) o-nitrophenol (b) salicylic acid (c) hydrogen fluoride (d) o-hydroxy benzaldehyde

13. Which among the following has higher electron affinity value?

(a) Fluorine (b) Chlorine (c) Bromine (d) Iodine

14. The compound used in smoke screen is

(a) PCl3 (b) PCl5 (c) PH3 (d) H3PO3

Arul I



Chemistry/October/2008 36 Arul Institute

15. The catalyst used in the manufacture of polythene is

(a) V2O5 (b) Fe (c) Mo (d) TiCl4

16. Primary amine acts as

(a) Electrophile (b) Lewis base (c) Lewis acid (d) Free radical

17. C6H5NH2 C0/HCl/NaNoo

2 X. Identify X.

(a) C6H5Cl (b) C6H5NHOH (c) C6H5N2Cl (d) C6H5OH

18. Which of the following will not undergo Hofmann’s bromamide reaction?

(a) Ethanamide (b) Propanamide (c) Methanamide (d) Phenyl Methanamide

19. Glucose is not oxidized to gluconic acid by

(a) Br2/H2O (b) Fehling’s solution (c) Tollen’s reagent (d) Conc.HNO3

20. The optically inactive amino acid is

(a) glycine (b) alanine (c) proline (d) phenyl alanine

21. Decomposition of nitrogen pentoxide in CCl4 is an example for

(a) second order reaction (b) third order reaction (c) zero order reaction (d) first order reaction

22. Fog is the colloidal solution of

(a) gas in solid (b) liquid in gas (c) gas in solid (d) solid in gas

23. An example of lyophilic colloid is

(a) sulphur in water (b) phosphorus in water (c) starch (d) all of these

24. Colloids are purified by

(a) precipitation (b) coagulation (c) dialysis (d) filtration

25. When 10-6 mole of a monobasic strong acid is dissolved in one litre of solvent, the pH of the solution is

(a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 4 (d) less than 6

26. The correct electronic configuration of chromium is

(a) [Ar] 3d6 4s0 (b) [Ar] 3d5 4s1 (c) [Ar] 3d4 4s2 (d) [Ar] 3d3 4s2 4p1

27. The maximum oxidation state exhibited by lanthanides is

(a) + 3 (b) + 4 (c) +6 (d) +7

28. ThO2 is used in

(a) toys (b) tracer bullets (c) gas lamp materials (d) dyeing cotton

29. An example of bidendate chelating ligand is

(a) NO2– (b) NO3

– (c) en (d) SO42–

30. Half-life period of a radioactive element is 1500 years. The value of disintegration constant in terms of

seconds is

(a) 0.1465 x 10–10 sec–1 (b) 0.2465 x 10–10 sec–1 (c) 0.1465 x 10–8 sec–1 (d) 0.3465 x 10–10 sec–1

PART – II 15 x 3 = 45

Note : Answer any fifteen questions

Answer each question in one or two sentences

31. Why is He2 not formed?

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Chemistry/October/2008 37 Arul Institute

32. Mention the disadvantage of Pauling’s and Mullikan’s electronegativity scale.

33. What are interhalogen compounds? Give the preparation of any one.

34. Give the electronic structure of (i) H3PO3 and (ii) PCl5.

35. What is the action of zinc on hot NaOH solution?

36. What is spitting of silver? How can it be prevented?

37. The decay constant for 6C14 is 2.31 x 10–4 year–1. Calculate the half-life period.

38. What are superconductors?

39. Give entropy statement of second law of thermodynamics. Mention the unit of entropy also.

40. For the reaction A + B 3C at 25°C, a 3 litre volume reaction vessel contains 1, 2 and 4 moles of A, B and

C respectively at equilibrium. Calculate the equilibrium constant Kc of the reaction at 25°C.

41. What is activation energy?

42. What are complex reactions? Give one example.

43. What is electrodialysis? CH3 Br H3C Br

44. State Kohlrausch’s law. C C

45. Identify Cis-trans isomer from the following: C C

H3C Br Br CH3

46. Give a chemical test to distinguish between ethanol and methanol.

47. Write the conversion of ethylene glycol to 1,4-dioxan.

48. Explain haloform reaction with an example.

49. Account the reducing nature of formic acid with suitable illustration.

50. Explain Gabriel phthalimide synthesis.

51. Give the preparation of Buna-N rubber.

PART – III 7 x 5 = 35

Note : Answer any seven questions choosing at least two questions from each section.


52. Explain the formation of N2 molecule by using molecular orbital theory.

53. Explain aluminothermic process involved in the extraction of chromium.

54. Mention the oxidation state and any three uses of lanthanides.

55. Explain co-ordination and ionization isomerism with suitable examples.


56. Write any five characteristics of entropy?

57. Derive the relation Kp = Kc(RT)Δng for a general chemical equilibrium.

58. State the characteristics of order of a reaction.

59. Calculate the e.m.f of the zinc-silver cell at 25°C. When [Zn2+] = 0.10 M and [Ag+] = 10 M, cell reaction is

2Ag+ + Zn 2Ag + Zn2+ ; E° cell at 25°C is 1.56 V.

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Chemistry/October/2008 38 Arul Institute


60. Write any five differences between anisole and diethyl ether.

61. Explain the mechanism of aldol condensation in acetone.

62. Bring about the following conversions:

(i) Salicylic acid to Aspirin (ii) Lactic acid to Lactide (iii) Benzoic acid to Benzyl alcohol.

63. What are chromophores and auxochromes? Give two examples for each.

PART – IV 4 x 10 = 40

Note : Question No. 70 is compulsory and answer any three from the remaining questions

64. (a) Explain how electronegativity values help to find out the % of ionic character in polar covalent bond.

(b) Explain the following: (i) dehydrating property of P2O5 (ii) oxidising power of fluorine.

65. (a) Explain the following terms: (i) Neutral Ligands (ii) Chelates (iii) Co-ordination sphere.

(b) Mention the use of radioisotopes in the field of

(i) Study of hydrolysis of ester (ii) mechanism of photosynthesis in plants.

66. (a) Explain Schottky and Frenkel defects in crystals.

(b) Explain intermediate compound theory of catalysis.

67. (a) Derive Ostwald’s dilution law.

(b) Derive Nernst equation of reversible cell.

68. (a) Describe optical isomerism of tartaric acid.

(b) Give the mechanism involved in bromination of salicylic acid.

69. (a) Explain the following reactions in aniline:

(i) Coupling reaction (ii) Schotten-Baumann reaction (iii) Carbylamine reaction

(b) How is the structure of fructose determined?

70. (a) An organic compound (A) C7H8O liberates hydrogen with metal sodium. (A) on treatment with acidic

potassium dichromate gives (B) C7H6O. Compound (B) when treated with conc.N2H4 and NaOH/KOH

gives (C). (B) with acetic anhydride in the presence of sodium acetate gives (D) of molecular formula

C9H8O2. Identify (A), (B), (C) and (D). Explain the reactions involved.

(b) An element belonging to Group 12 and Period 4 is bluish white in colour. (A) reacts with hot conc.H2SO4

forming (B) with liberation of SO2. (A) also reacts with dil.HNO3 forming (C) with liberation of N2O. Identify

(A), (B) and (C). Explain the reactions involved.


(c) An organic compound (A) C2H4O reduces Tollen’s reagent. (A) reacts with HCN and followed by

hydrolysis in acid medium gives (B) C3H6O3 which is optically active. Compound (B) on reaction with

Fenton’s reagent forms (C) C3H4O3. This answers iodoform reaction. Identify (A), (B) and (C). Explain the

reactions involved.

(d) Find the pH of a buffer solution containing 0.20 mole per litre of CH3COONa and 0.15 mole per litre of

CH3COOH. Ka for acetic acid is 1.8 x 10–5.

Arul I



Chemistry/March/2009 39 Arul Institute

MARCH 2009 22642647 / 22395248


Time Allowed : 3 Hours CHEMISTRY Maximum marks : 150

PART – I 30 x 1 = 30

Note : Answer all the questions.

Choose and write the correct answer.

1. When an aqueous solution of benzene diazonium chloride is boiled, the product formed is

(a) benzyl alcohol (b) benzene + N2 (c) phenol (d) phenyl hydroxylamine

2. Oxidation of aniline with acidified K2Cr2O7 gives

(a) p–benzoquinone (b) benzoic acid (c) benzaldehyde (d) benzyl alcohol

3. Which among the following is a tertiary amine?

(a) (CH3)3 –C–NH2 (b) CH3 –CH–NH–CH3 (c) (CH3)2 –N–C2H5 (d) CH3 –CH2–C(CH3)–C2H5


4. The reducing sugar among the following is

(a) sucrose (b) cellulose (c) glucose (d) starch

5. The amino acid without chiral carbon is

(a) Alanine (b) Glycine (c) Proline (d) Thyrosine

6. The active component of dynamite is

(a) kieselghur (b) nitroglycerine (c) nitrobenzene (d) trinitrotoluene

7. Anisole on bromination yields

(a) m–bromoanisole (b) o–bromoanisole (c) o– & p–bromoanisole (d) benzoic acid

8. Diethyl ether can be decomposed with

(a) HI (b) KMnO4 (c) NaOH (d) H2O

9. The compound that does not undergo Cannizzaro reaction is

(a) formaldehyde (b) benzaldehyde (c) acetaldehyde (d) trimethyl acetaldehyde

10. Which one of the following is least acidic?

(a) C2H5OH (b) CH3COOH (c) C6H5OH (d) ClCH2COOH

11. The excess energy which a molecule possesses to become active is known as

(a) kinetic energy (b) potential energy (c) activation energy (d) threshold energy

12. In the reaction between oxalic acid and potassium permanganate, in the presence of dil.H2SO4, ________

acts as an autocatalyst.

(a) K2SO4 (b) MnSO4 (c) MnO2 (d) Mn2O3

13. In the case of physical adsorption, there is desorption when

(a) temperature increases (b) temperature decreases (c) pressure increases (d) concentration increases

14. The blue colour of the sky is due to

(a) Tyndall effect (b) Brownian movement (c) electrophoresis (d) electro–osmosis

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Chemistry/March/2009 40 Arul Institute

15. Faraday’s laws of electrolysis are related to

(a) atomic number of the cation (b) atomic number of the anion

(c) equivalent weight of the electrolyte (d) speed of the cation

16. The number of close neighbours in a body centred cubic lattice of identical sphere is

(a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 12 (d) 8

17. All the naturally occurring processes proceed spontaneously in a direction, which leads to

(a) decrease of entropy (b) increase in enthalpy

(c) increase in free energy (d) decrease of free energy

18. The percentage efficiency of a heat engine that operates between 127°C and 27°C is

(a) 20% (b) 50% (c) 100% (d) 25%

19. For the homogeneous gas reaction at 600 K, 4NH3(g) + 5O2(g) 4NO(g) + 6H2O(g) the equilibrium

constant Kc has the unit

(a) (mol dm–3)–1 (b) mol dm–3 (c) (mol dm–3)10 (d) (mol dm–3)–9

20. If the equilibrium constant of the reaction 2A B is K1 and the equilibrium constant of the reaction

B 2A is K2, then

(a) K1 = 2K

1(b) K1 = 2K2 (c) K1 =


1(d) K2 = (K1)


21. Which of the following ions will give colourless aqueous solution?

(a) Ni2+ (b) Cu+ (c) Cu2+ (d) Fe2+

22. Maximum oxidation state exhibited by lanthanides is

(a) +1 (b) +2 (c) +3 (d) +4

23. Which of the following is a radioactive lanthanide?

(a) Pu (b) Ac (c) Th (d) Pr

24. Which one of the following is a cationic complex?

(a) K4[Fe(CN)6] (b) [Cu(NH3)4]Cl2 (c) K3[Cr(C2O4)3] (d) K3[Fe(CN)6]

25. Which one of the following particles is used to bombard 13Al27 to give 15P30 and a neutron?

(a) α–particle (b) Proton (c) Neutron (d) Deuteron

26. The intramolecular hydrogen bonding is present in

(a) o–nitrophenol (b) m–nitrophenol (c) p–nitrophenol (d) p–aminophenol

27. The hybridization in SO42– ion is

(a) sp3 (b) sp3d2 (c) sp3d (d) sp3d3

28. The electron affinity of an atom is

(a) directly proportional to its size (b) inversely proportional to its size

(c) independent of its size (d) none of these

29. An element which was burnt in limited supply of air to give oxide A, which on treatment with water gives an

acid B. Acid B on heating gives acid C which gives yellow precipitate with AgNO3 solution. Compound A is

(a) SO2 (b) NO2 (c) P2O3 (d) SO3

30. A metal which precipitates gold from its aurocyanide complex is

(a) Cr (b) Ag (c) Pt (d) Zn

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Chemistry/March/2009 41 Arul Institute

PART – II 15 x 3 = 45

Note : Answer any fifteen questions

Answer each question in one or two sentences.

31. Define hybridisation.

32. Ionisation energy of Neon is greater than that of Fluorine. Give reason.

33. Prove that P2O5 is a powerful dehydrating agent.

34. What is inert pair effect?

35. Why do d–block elements exhibit variable oxidation states?

36. Explain chromyl chloride test with equation.

37. How many and particles will be emitted by an element 84A218 in changing to a stable isotope of 82B


38. Sketch the following lattices: (a) Simple cubic (b) Face centred cubic (c) Body centred cubic

39. Calculate the entropy change involved in the conversion of 1 mole of ice at 0°C and 1 atm to liquid at 0°C

and 1 atm. The enthalpy of fusion per mole of ice is 6008 J mol–1.

40. Dissociation of PCl5 decreases in the presence of increase in Cl2. Why?

41. Define order of a reaction.

42. Write the Arrhenius equation and explain the terms.

43. What is peptisation? Give an example.

44. State Ostwald’s dilution law.

45. Give the conditions required for a compound to exhibit optical isomerism.

46. How is Terylene prepared from glycol?

47. How is phenol identified?

48. How is acetophenone prepared by Friedel–Crafts reaction?

49. Mention the uses of oxalic acid.

50. An aromatic primary amine A with molecular formula C6H7N undergoes diazotisation to give B. B when

treated with hypophosphorous acid gives C. Identify A, B and C.

51. How is nylon–66 prepared? Give its use.

PART – III 7 x 5 = 35

Note : Answer any seven questions choosing at least two questions from each section.


52. The uncertainity in the position of a moving bullet of mass 10 g is 10–5 m. Calculate the uncertainty in its


53. How is Cr2O3 reduced to chromium by aluminothermic process?

54. Bring out the consequences of lanthanide contraction.

55. In what way does [FeF6]4– differ from [Fe(CN)6]

4– ?


56. What are the characteristics of entropy?

57. Apply Le Chatelier’s principle for the manufacture of SO3 by contact process and find the conditions for

getting maximum yield of SO3.

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Chemistry/March/2009 42 Arul Institute

58. Compound A reacts by first order kinetics. At 25°C, the rate constant of the reaction is 0.45 sec–1. What is

the half–life period of A at 25°C? What is the time required to have 12.5% unreacted A for first order


59. Derive Nernst equation.


60. Give any two methods of preparation of anisole.

61. Explain ‘Popott’s rule’ with an example.

62. Explain the mechanism of Kolbe’s reaction.

63. Explain briefly on the characteristics of rocket propellants.

PART – IV 4 x 10 = 40

Note : Question No. 70 is compulsory and answer any three from the remaining questions

64. (a) Explain the various factors that affect electron affinity.

(b) Write any five points about the anomalous nature of fluorine.

65. (a) What are the postulates of valence bond theory?

(b) Distinguish chemical reactions from nuclear reactions.

66. (a) Explain Schottky defect and Frenkel defect.

(b) Write briefly the ‘adsorption theory of catalysis’.

67. (a) Explain quinonoid theory of indicators.

(b) Write notes on IUPAC conventions of representation of a cell.

68. (a) Write in detail about optical isomerism in tartaric acid.

(b) How are the following conversions carried out?

(i) Salicylic acid aspirin (ii) Methyl acetate ethyl acetate (iii) Lactic acid pyruvic acid

69. (a) Explain Gabriel’s pthalimide synthesis and mustard oil reaction.

(b) Elucidate the structure of glucose.

70. (a) Two isomers (A) and (B) have the same molecular formula C4H10O. (A) when heated with copper at 573K

gives an alkene (C) of molecular formula C4H8. (B) on heating with copper at 573 K gives (D) of molecular

formula C4H8O which does not reduce Tollen’s reagent but answers iodoform test. Identify (A), (B), (C)

and (D) and explain the reactions.

(b) Silver reacts with dil.HNO3 to give compound (A), which on heating at 723 K gives compound (B). (B) on

heating gives compound (C). Compound (A) reacts with KBr and gives (D) which is highly useful in

photography. Identify (A), (B), (C) and (D). Explain the reactions.


(c) An aromatic compound (A) with molecular formula C7H6O has the smell of bitter almonds. (A) reacts with

Cl2 in the absence of catalyst to give (B) and in the presence of catalyst compound (A) reacts with

chlorine to give (C). Identify (A),(B) and (C). Explain the reactions.

(d) 0.1978 g of copper is deposited by a current of 0.2 ampere in 50 minutes. What is the electrochemical

equivalent of copper?

Arul I



Chemistry/June/2009 43 Arul Institute

JUNE 2009 22642647 / 22395248


Time Allowed : 3 Hours CHEMISTRY Maximum marks : 150

PART – I 30 x 1 = 30

Note : Answer all the questions.

Choose and write the correct answer.

1. Compound which undergoes iodoform test is

(a) 1-pentanol (b) 2-pentanone (c) 3-pentanone (d) pentanal

2. The preparation of diethyl ether by Williamson’s synthesis is a/an

(a) nucleophilic addition reaction (b) electrophilic addition reaction

(c) electrophilic substitution reaction (d) nucleophilic substitution reaction

3. In the formation of oxonium salt when ethereal oxygen reacts with strong mineral acid is called

(a) electronation (b) protonation (c) deprotonation (d) dehydration

4. Which of the following compounds is oxidised to give ethyl methyl ketone?

(a) 2-propanol (b) 2-pentanone (c) 1-butanol (d) 2-butanol

5. Ethylene dicyanide on hydrolysis using acid gives

(a) oxalic acid (b) succinic acid (c) adipic acid (d) propionic acid

6. The size of the anion in Frenkel defect crystal is

(a) larger than the cation (b) smaller than the cation

(c) equal in size with the cation (d) both are larger in size

7. When a liquid boils, there is

(a) an increase in entropy (b) a decrease in entropy

(c) an increase in heat of vapourisation (d) an increase in free energy

8. Change in Gibb’s free energy is given by

(a) ΔG = ΔH + T ΔS (b) ΔG = ΔH – T ΔS (c) ΔG = ΔH x T ΔS (d) ΔG = ΔH / T ΔS

9. In the reversible reaction 2HI(g) H2(g) + I2(g) Kp is

(a) greater than Kc (b) lesser than Kc (c) equal to Kc (d) 0

10. In the Haber’s process the yield of ammonia is greater

(a) at high pressure (b) at low pressure (c) at high temperature (d) in absence of catalyst

11. Dual character of an electron was explained by

(a) Bohr (b) Heinsenberg (c) De broglie (d) Pauli

12. Number of spherical nodes in 2s orbital is

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

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Chemistry/June/2009 44 Arul Institute

13. On moving down the group, the radius of an ion

(a) decreases (b) increases (c) no change (d) none of these

14. Which of the following shows negative oxidation state only?

(a) Br (b) F (c) Cl (d) I

15. The outer electronic configuration of chromium is

(a) 3d6 4s0 (b) 3d5 4s1 (c) 3d4 4s2 (d) 3d3 4s2 4p1

16. In nitroalkanes –NO2 group is converted to –NH2 group by the reaction with

(a) Sn/HCl (b) Zn dust (c) Zn/NH4Cl (d) Zn/NaOH

17. The tertiary nitro compound is

(a) 2-nitropropane (b) 1-nitropropane

(c) 1-nitro-2,2-dimethyl propane (d) 2-nitro-2-methyl propane

18. The intermediate formed in the nitration of benzene is

(a) arenium ion (b) carbanion (c) oxonium ion (d) nitrite ion

19. Inversion of sucrose refers to

(a) oxidation of sucrose (b) reduction of sucrose

(c) hydrolysis of sucrose to glucose and fructose (d) polymerisation of sucrose

20. A dipeptide does not have

(a) two peptide units (b) portions of two amino acids

(c) an amido group (d) salt like structure

21. The sum of the powers of the concentration terms that occur in the rate equation is called

(a) molecularity (b) order (c) rate (d) rate constant

22. The phenomenon of Tyndall effect is not observed in

(a) emulsion (b) colloidal solution (c) true solution (d) suspension

23. Catalyst used in Deacon’s method of manufacture of chlorine is

(a) NO (b) CuCl2 (c) Fe2O3 (d) Ni

24. Argyrol is

(a) colloidal silver (b) colloidal antimony (c) colloidal gold (d) milk of magnesia

25. When sodium acetate is added to acetic acid, the degree of ionisation of acetic acid

(a) decreases (b) does not change (c) increases (d) becomes zero

26. The reagent which is added first in the separation of silver from silver coin is

(a) con. H2SO4 (b) con. HCl (c) con. HNO3 (d) aqua regia

27. __________ forms oxocations.

(a) Lanthanides (b) Actinides (c) Noble gases (d) Alkali metals

28. __________ is the oxidation state of Uranium in UF6.

(a) + 6 (b) + 4 (c) + 3 (d) 0

29. The coordination number of Nickel in the complex ion [NiCl4]2– is

(a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 6

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Chemistry/June/2009 45 Arul Institute

30. Loss of a β-particle is equivalent to

(a) increase of one proton only (b) decrease of one neutron only

(c) both (a) and (b) (d) increase of one neutron only

PART – II 15 x 3 = 45

Note : Answer any fifteen questions

Answer each question in one or two sentences.

31. What is the significance of negative electronic energy?

32. Why is electron affinity of fluorine less than that of chlorine?

33. Write a note on plumbo solvency.

34. What happens when phosphorus acid is heated?

35. Why do transition elements forms complexes?

36. Why are Zn2+ salts colourless while Ni2+ salts are coloured?

37. The half-life period of a radioactive element is 100 seconds. Calculate the disintegration constant.

38. What are superconductors?

39. State Trouton’s rule.

40. Dissociation equilibrium constant of HI is 2.06 x 10–2 at 458oC. At equilibrium, concentrations of HI and I2 are

0.36M and 0.15M respectively. What is the equilibrium concentration of H2 at 458oC.

41. Give three examples of opposing reactions.

42. Define pseudo-first order reactions.

43. What is Brownian movement? Give reason.

44. Define electrochemical equivalent. What is its unit?

45. Write briefly on ‘racemic mixture’ with an example.

46. How is phenolphthalein prepared?

47. How will you convert 2-methyl-2-propanol into 2-methyl propene?

48. How is urotropine prepared? Mention its important use.

49. Write two tests to identify carboxylic acid.

50. What is diazotisation? Give an example.

51. What are chromophores? Give two examples.

PART – III 7 x 5 = 35

Note : Answer any seven questions choosing at least two questions from each section.


52. Explain the formation of N2 molecule by using molecular orbital theory.

53. How is zinc extracted from its chief ore?

54. Mention the uses of lanthanides.

55. In the coordination complex [Co(NH3)6]Cl3, mention the following: (a) IUPAC name of the complex (b) Ligand

(c) Central metal ion (d) Co-ordination number (e) Nature of the complex.

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Chemistry/June/2009 46 Arul Institute


56. Describe the characteristics of free energy G.

57. Discuss the effect of temperature & pressure on the following equilibrium: N2O4(g) 2NO2(g) ΔH = + 59 kJ/mole

58. Derive an equation for the rate constant of a first order reaction.

59. Write an account on cell terminology.


60. Distinguish between aromatic ethers and aliphatic ethers.

61. Explain the reaction mechanism of Cannizzaro reaction.

62. What happens when lactic acid is (i) treated with dilute H2SO4 (ii) treated with PCl5 (iii) oxidised with acidified


63. Give the characteristics of a dye.

PART – IV 4 x 10 = 40

Note : Question No. 70 is compulsory and answer any three from the remaining questions

64. (a) How do electronegativity values help to find out the nature of bonding between atoms?

(b) Describe in detail how noble gases are isolated by Dewar’s process.

65. (a) Explain co-ordination and ionisation isomerism with suitable examples.

(b) List the medicinal uses of radioactive isotopes.

66. (a) Explain Bragg’s spectrometer method in crystal study.

(b) Give any 5 main differences between physical adsorption and chemical adsorption.

67. (a) Write the postulates of Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociation.

(b) Write a brief account on the relation between EMF and free energy.

68. (a) Discuss cis-trans isomerism with suitable example.

(b) Account for the reducing nature of formic acid.

69. (a) Distinguish between primary, secondary and tertiary amines.

(b) Elucidate the structure of fructose.

70. (a) An organic compound (A) C3H8O answers Lucas Test within 5–10 min and on oxidation forms (B) C3H6O.

(B) on further oxidation forms (C) C2H4O2 which gives effervescence with NaHCO3. (B) also undergoes

iodoform reaction. Identify A, B and C. Explain the reactions involved.

(b) Compound (A) is sulphate compound of group 11 element. This compound is also called as Blue Vitriol.

The compound undergoes decomposition at various temperatures.

A C100o B C230o

C C720o D. Identify A, B, C, D and explain the reactions.


(c) An organic compound (A) of molecular formula C2H6O liberates hydrogen with metallic sodium.

Compound (A) on heating with excess of conc.H2SO4 at 440K gives an alkene (B). Compound (B) when

oxidised by Baeyer’s reagent gives compound (C). Identify A, B, C and explain the reactions.

(d) Calculate the pH of 0.1 M CH3COOH solution. Dissociation constant of acetic acid is 1.8 x 10–5 M.

Arul I



Chemistry/October/2009 47 Arul Institute

OCTOBER 2009 22642647 / 22395248


Time Allowed : 3 Hours CHEMISTRY Maximum marks : 150

PART – I 30 x 1 = 30

Note : Answer all the questions.

Choose and write the correct answer.

1. When phenol is distilled with zinc dust, it gives

(a) benzaldehyde (b) benzoic acid (c) toluene (d) benzene

2. Which one of the following ethers is used in perfumery?

(a) Dimethyl ether (b) Diethyl ether (c) Ethyl methyl ether (d) Methyl phenyl ether

3. When ethyl iodide is treated with dry silver oxide it forms

(a) ethyl alcohol (b) diethyl ether (c) silver methoxide (d) ethyl methyl ether

4. Schiff’s reagent gives pink colour with

(a) acetone (b) acetaldehyde (c) ethanol (d) ether

5. The acid that cannot be prepared by Grignard reagent is

(a) acetic acid (b) butyric acid (c) formic acid (d) benzoic acid

6. The total number of atoms per unit cell in bcc is

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

7. Which of the following processes is always non-feasible?

(a) ΔH > 0, ΔS > 0 (b) ΔH < 0, ΔS > 0 (c) ΔH > 0, ΔS < 0 (d) ΔH < 0, ΔS < 0

8. The net work obtained from a system is given by

(a) W + PΔV (b) W – PΔV (c) – W + PΔV (d) – W – PΔV

9. In the equilibrium N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g), the maximum yield of ammonia will be obtained with the process


(a) low pressure and high temperature (b) low pressure and low temperature

(c) high temperature and high pressure (d) high pressure and low temperature

10. The rate constant of the forward & reverse reactions are 8 x 10–5 & 2 x 10–4 respectively. The value of K c is

(a) 0.04 (b) 0.02 (c) 0.2 (d) 0.4

11. de Broglie equation is

(a) = h

mv(b) = hmv (c) =


hv(d) =



12. The hybridisation in CO32– ion is

(a) sp2 (b) sp3 (c) sp (d) sp3d

13. Among the following, which has higher electron affinity value?

(a) Flourine (b) Chlorine (c) Bromine (d) Iodine

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Chemistry/October/2009 48 Arul Institute

14. An element which belongs to Group 14 is soft in nature, does not react with pure water, but dissolves in

water containing dissolved air. Then the element is

(a) C (b) Ge (c) Pb (d) Ti

15. The correct outer electronic configuration of copper atom is

(a) 3d10 4s2 (b) 3d10 4s1 (c) 3d9 4s2 (d) 3d5 4s2

16. Which one of the following will not undergo diazotisation?

(a) m-toluidine (b) Aniline (c) p-aminophenol (d) Benzylamine

17. Which one of the following compounds has the smell of bitter almonds?

(a) Aniline (b) Nitromethane (c) Nitrobenzene (d) Benzene sulphonic acid

18. The basic strength of amine is in the order of

(a) NH3 > CH3NH2 > (CH3)2NH (b) (CH3)2NH > CH3NH2 > NH3

(c) CH3NH2 > (CH3)2NH2 > NH3 (d) NH3 > (CH3)2NH > CH3NH2

19. A dipeptide does not have

(a) two peptide units (b) portions of two amino acids

(c) an amido group (d) salt like structure

20. The important constituent of cell wall is

(a) lipid (b) cellulose (c) protein (d) vitamin

21. Reactions in which the reacting molecules react in more than one way yielding different set of products are


(a) consecutive reactions (b) parallel reactions (c) opposing reactions (d) chain reactions

22. Colloids are purified by

(a) precipitation (b) coagulation (c) dialysis (d) filtration

23. Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide is retarded in the presence of

(a) alcohol (b) glycerine (c) manganese dioxide (d) molybdenum

24. The emulsifying agent used in O / W emulsion is

(a) long chain alcohol (b) lamp black (c) protein (d) glycerol

25. When sodium acetate is added to acetic acid, the degree of ionization of acetic acid

(a) increases (b) decreases (c) does not change (d) becomes zero

26. The substance used in making ruby red glass and high-class pottery is

(a) colloidal silver (b) purple of Cassius (c) ruby silver (d) ruby copper

27. Alloys of lanthanides are called

(a) metalloids (b) plate metals (c) actinides (d) mish metals

28. According to Fajan’s rule decrease in size of Ln3+ ion in Ln(OH)3

(a) increases the covalent character (b) decreases the covalent character

(c) increases the basic character (d) increases the ionic character

29. The geometry of [Ni(CN)4]2– is

(a) tetrahedral (b) square planar (c) triangular (d) octahedral

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Chemistry/October/2009 49 Arul Institute

30. The most penetrating radiations are

(a) rays (b) rays (c) rays (d)all are equally penetrating

PART – II 15 x 3 = 45

Note : Answer any fifteen questions

Answer each question in one or two sentences

31. State Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle.

32. Why is ionization energy of fluorine greater than that of oxygen?

33. H3PO3 is diprotic. Why?

34. What is Holme’s signal?

35. Why are transition metal ions coloured?

36. What happens when KI solution is added to an aqueous solution of copper sulphate?

37. Calculate the Q value of the following nuclear reaction : 13Al27 + 2He4 14Si30 + 1H1 + Q

The exact mass of 13Al27 = 26.9815 amu, 14Si30 = 29.9738 amu, 2He4 = 4.0026 amu and 1H1 = 1.0078 amu.

38. How are glasses formed?

39. What is the entropy change of an engine that operates at 100°C when 453.6 kcal of heat is supplied to it?

40. What is equilibrium constant?

41. What is pseudo-first order reaction? Give an example.

42. Write a brief note on consecutive reactions.

43. Give any three differences between physical adsorption and chemical adsorption.

44. State Kohlrausch’s law.

45. What is racemic mixture? Explain with suitable example.

46. What happens when ethylene reacts with cold dilute alkaline KMnO4?

47. Write a note on coupling reaction.

48. How is urotropine prepared? Give its use.

49. Formic acid reduces Tollen’s reagent but acetic acid does not. Give reason.

50. An aromatic simplest nitro compound A on reduction using Sn and HCl gives B. B undergoes carbylamine

reaction. Identify A and B. Give any one use of compound A.

51. What are artificial sweetening agents? Give two examples.

PART – III 7 x 5 = 35

Note : Answer any seven questions choosing at least two questions from each section.


52. The wavelength of a moving body of mass 0.1 mg is 3.31 x 10–29 m. Calculate its kinetic energy.

53. How is gold extracted from its chief ore?

54. Write any three uses of lanthanides and actinides.

55. For the complex [Cu(NH3)4]SO4 mention

(a) IUPAC name (b) Central metal ion (c) Ligand (d) Co-ordination number (e) Charge on the complex ion

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Chemistry/October/2009 50 Arul Institute


56. State the various statements of second law of thermodynamics.

57. Derive the expression for Kc and Kp for the formation of HI.

58. A first order reaction is 75% complete in 100 minutes. What are the rate constant & half-life period of the


59. How is a Standard Hydrogen Electrode (SHE) constructed? Explain its function.


60. Distinguish between anisole and diethyl ether.

61. Write notes on (i) Stephen’s reaction (ii) Perkin’s reaction.

62. Explain the mechanism of esterification involving carboxylic acid and alcohol.

63. Explain briefly on colour and structure of dyes.

PART – IV 4 x 10 = 40

Note : Question No. 70 is compulsory and answer any three from the remaining questions

64. (a) Explain Pauling method to determine ionic radii.

(b) How is fluorine isolated from fluorides?

65. (a) Write the postulates of Werner’s theory of co-ordination compounds.

(b) Distinguish between Nuclear fusion and fission reactions.

66. (a) Explain Bragg’s spectrometer method for crystal study.

(b) Write notes on (i) Auto catalyst (ii) Promoters.

67. (a) Explain the buffer action of acidic buffer with an example.

(b) Describe Daniel cell.

68. (a) Write notes on Cis-Trans isomerism.

(b) How is Benzoic acid obtained from (i) ethyl benzene (ii) phenyl cyanide (iii) carbon-di-oxide?

69. (a) Distinguish between primary, secondary and tertiary amines.

(b) Discuss the structure of fructose.

70. (a) Compound (A) of molecular formula C3H8O liberates hydrogen with sodium metal. (A) with P/I2 gives (B).

Compound (B) on treatment with silver nitrite gives (C) which gives blue colour with nitrous acid. Identify

(A), (B), (C) and explain the reactions.

(b) A bluish white metal when treated with dilute nitric acid gives (A) along with zinc nitrate and water. With

very dilute nitric acid it gives (B) along with zinc nitrate and water. The metal when heated with air gives

(C). What are (A), (B) and (C)? Explain the reactions. (OR)

(c) An organic compound (A) C2H3OCl on treatment with Pd and BaSO4 gives (B) C2H4O which answers

iodoform test. (B) when treated with conc.H2SO4 undergoes polymerization to give (C) a cyclic

compound. Identify (A), (B), (C) and explain the reactions.

(d) 0.04 N solution of a weak acid has a specific conductance of 4x10-4 mho cm-1. The degree of dissociation

of the acid at this dilution is 0.05. Calculate the equivalent conductance of the weak acid at infinite


Arul I



Chemistry/March/2010 51 Arul Institute

MARCH 2010 22642647 / 22395248


Time Allowed : 3 Hours CHEMISTRY Maximum marks : 150

PART – I 30 x 1 = 30

Note : Answer all the questions.

Choose and write the correct answer.

1. Spitting of silver can be prevented by covering the molten metal with a thin layer of

(a) borax (b) charcoal (c) sand (d) silver bromide

2. Lanthanide contraction is due to

(a) perfect shielding of 3d electron (b) imperfect shielding of 3d electron

(c) perfect shielding of 4f electron (d) imperfect shielding of 4f electron

3. Which is used as a power source in long mission space probes?

(a) Uranium–235 (b) Uranium–238 (c) Plutonium–238 (d) Mish metal

4. [FeF6]4– is paramagnetic because __________ ligand.

(a) F– is a weaker (b) F– is a stronger (c) F– is a flexidentate (d) F– is a chelating

5. Half–life period of a radioactive element is 100 seconds. Its average life period is

(a) 100 seconds (b) 50 seconds (c) 200 seconds (d) 144 seconds

6. Hydrolysis of an ester by dilute HCl is an example for _________ reaction.

(a) zero order (b) first order (c) second order (d) pseudo first order

7. The Tyndall effect associated with colloidal particle is due to

(a) presence of charge (b) scattering of light (c) absorption of light (d) reflection of light

8. Colloids are purified by

(a) precipitation (b) coagulation (c) dialysis (d) filtration

9. The colloid used for stomach disorder is

(a) colloidal silver (b) colloidal antimony (c) colloidal gold (d) milk of magnesia

10. Ostwald’s dilution law is applicable in the case of

(a) CH3COOH (b) NaCl (c) NaOH (d) H2SO4

11. C6H5N2Cl HCl/ClCu 22 X ; the compound X is

(a) C6H5NH2 (b) C6H5NHNH2 (c) C6H5 –C6H5 (d) C6H5Cl

12. The basic character of amines is due to

(a) tetrahedral structure (b) presence of nitrogen atom

(c) lone pair of electrons on nitrogen atom (d) high electronegativity of nitrogen

13. Aniline reacts with benzoyl chloride in the presence of sodium hydroxide and gives benzanilide. This reaction

is known as _________ reaction.

(a) Gattermann (b) Sandmeyer (c) Schotten–Baumann (d) Gomberg–Bachmann

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Chemistry/March/2010 52 Arul Institute

14. The amino acid without chiral carbon is

(a) glycine (b) alanine (c) proline (d) tyrosine

15. When starch is heated to 200˚C – 250˚C, the product is

(a) dextrin (b) caramel (c) barley sugar (d) cellulose

16. The hybridization in SF6 molecule is

(a) sp3 (b) sp3d (c) sp3d2 (d) sp3d3

17. Which one of the following experiments confirmed the wave nature of electron?

(a) G.P.Thomson’s gold foil experiment (b) Black body radiation

(c) Photoelectric effect (d) Millikan’s oil drop experiment

18. When XA >> XB, A – B bond is

(a) polar covalent (b) non–polar covalent (c) ionic (d) metallic

19. Among the halogen acids, the weakest acid is

(a) HI (b) HBr (c) HCl (d) HF

20. Which transition element shows the highest oxidation state?

(a) Os (b) Ti (c) Sc (d) Zn

21. The co–ordination number of ZnS is

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8

22. Which of the following does not result in an increase in entropy?

(a) Rusting of iron (b) Conversion of ice to water

(c) Crystallization of sucrose from solution (d) Vaporization of camphor

23. Thermodynamic condition for irreversible spontaneous process at constant T and P is

(a) ΔG < 0 (b) ΔS < 0 (c) ΔG > 0 (d) ΔH > 0

24. In the equilibrium N2 + 3H2 2NH3, the maximum yield of ammonia will be obtained with the process having

(a) low pressure and high temperature (b) low pressure and low temperature

(c) high temperature and high pressure (d) high pressure and low temperature

25. The equilibrium constant for the reaction 2A B is 25 mol–1 dm3 at 900 K. What is the equilibrium constant

for the reaction B 2A in dm–3 mol at the same temperature?

(a) 25 (b) 625 (c) 0.04 (d) 0.4

26. The compound that reacts fastest with Lucas reagent is

(a) butan-1-ol (b) butan-2-ol (c) 2-methyl propan-1-ol (d) 2-methyl propan-2-ol

27. Which one of the following is a simple ether?

(a) CH3 -O-C2H5 (b) C6H5 -O-CH3 (c) C2H5 -O-C2H5 (d) C3H7 -O-C2H5

28. The IUPAC name of phenetole is

(a) ethyl phenyl ether (b) methyl phenyl ether (c) methoxy benzene (d) ethoxy benzene

29. The compound used in the preparation of the tranquilizer sulphonal is

(a) acetone (b) acetophenone (c) isopropyl alcohol (d) glycol

30. The isomerism exhibited by CH3CH2COOH and CH3COOCH3 is

(a) metamerism (b) position (c) chain (d) functional

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Chemistry/March/2010 53 Arul Institute

PART – II 15 x 3 = 45

Note : Answer any fifteen questions

Answer each question in one or two sentences.

31. Explain bond order.

32. The electron affinities of beryllium and nitrogen are almost zero. Why?

33. Write a note on plumbosolvency.

34. H3PO3 is diprotic. Why?

35. Why do transition elements form complexes?

36. How is chrome plating done?

37. Explain the principle behind the hydrogen bomb.

38. What are superconductors?

39. Calculate the change in entropy for the process, water (liquid) to water (vapour, 373 K) involving

ΔHvap = 40850 J.mol–1 at 373 K.

40. State Le Chatelier’s principle.

41. What is activation energy?

42. What are parallel reactions? Give one example.

43. What are promoters? Give one example.

44. What is common ion effect? Give an example.

45. Mesotartaric acid is an optically inactive compound with chiral carbon atom. Justify.

46. How is phenol prepared by Dow’s process?

47. How does glycerol react with KHSO4?

48. What is urotropine? Give its use.

49. Give tests for salicylic acid.

50. Compound (A) is yellow coloured liquid and it is called oil of mirbane. (A) on reduction with tin and HCl

gives (B). (B) answers carbylamine test. Identify A and B.

51. What are chromophores? Give two examples.

PART – III 7 x 5 = 35

Note : Answer any seven questions choosing at least two questions from each section.


52. Explain the formation of oxygen molecule by molecular orbital theory.

53. How is potassium dichromate prepared from chrome iron ore?

54. How are lanthanides extracted from monazite sand?

55. Mention the function of haemoglobin in natural process.


56. State the various statements of second law of thermodynamics.

57. Derive the relation Kp = Kc (RT)Δng for a general chemical equilibrium reaction.

58. State the characteristics of order of a reaction.

59. Calculate the emf of the Zn–Ag cell at 25˚C when [Zn2+] = 0.10 M & [Ag+] = 10 M. E˚cell at 25˚C = 1.56V.

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Chemistry/March/2010 54 Arul Institute


60. Give any three methods of preparing diethyl ether.

61. Explain the mechanism of Cannizaro reaction.

62. Account for the reducing nature of formic acid.

63. Write notes on anaesthetics.

PART – IV 4 x 10 = 40

Note : Question No. 70 is compulsory and answer any three from the remaining questions

64. (a) How is ionic radius determined by Pauling’s method?

(b) How are noble gases isolated from air by Ramsay–Rayleigh’s method?

65. (a) Explain hydrate and linkage isomerisms with suitable examples.

(b) Write briefly about radio carbon dating.

66. (a) Explain Bragg’s spectrometer method in the study of crystals.

(b) How are colloids prepared by chemical methods?

67. (a) What are the evidences in favour of Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociation?

(b) Write the IUPAC conventions for writing cell diagram with examples.

68. (a) Describe the confirmations of cyclohexanol and comment on their stability.

(b) Explain (i) Kolbe’s electrolytic reaction and (ii) trans–esterification reaction.

69. (a) Distinguish between primary, secondary and tertiary amines.

(b) Outline the classification of carbohydrates giving example for each.

70. (a) Compound (A) with molecular formula C6H6O gives violet colour with neutral FeCl3, reacts with

CHCl3 and NaOH and gives two isomers (B) and (C) with molecular formula C7H6O2.Compound (A)

reacts with ammonia at 473 K in the presence of ZnCl2 and gives compound (D) with molecular

formula C6H7N. Compound (D) undergoes carbylamine test. Identify (A), (B), (C) and (D) and

explain the reactions.

(b) (A) is a reddish brown metal. It belongs to group 11 and period 4 of the periodic table. When heated

below 1370 K, (A) gives a black compound (B). When heated above 1370 K, (A) gives a red

compound (C). With concentrated nitric acid, (A) liberates NO2 gas and gives compound (D).

Identify (A), (B), (C) and (D). Explain the reactions.


(c) Compound (A) with molecular formula C2H4O reduces Tollen’s reagent. (A) on treatment with HCN

gives compound (B). Compound (B) on hydrolysis with an acid gives compound (C) with molecular

formula C3H6O3. Compound (C) is optically active. Compound (C) on treatment with Fenton’s

reagent gives compound (D) with molecular formula C3H4O3. Compounds (C) and (D) give

effervescence with NaHCO3 solution. Identify the compounds (A), (B), (C) and (D) and explain the


(d) Ionic conductances at infinite dilution of Al3+ & SO42– are 189 ohm–1 cm2 gm equiv–1 & 160 ohm–1

cm2 gm equiv–1. Calculate equivalent and molar conductance of the electrolyte at infinite dilution.

Arul I



Chemistry/June/2010 55 Arul Institute

JUNE 2010 22642647 / 22395248


Time Allowed : 3 Hours CHEMISTRY Maximum marks : 150

PART – I 30 x 1 = 30

Note : Answer all the questions.

Choose and write the correct answer.

1. Ether is formed when alkyl halide is treated with sodium alkoxide. This method is known as

(a) Hoffmann reaction (b) Kolbe’s reaction (c) Wurtz reaction (d) Williamson’s synthesis

2. Ethers should never be evaporated to dryness because

(a) they form explosive peroxide (b) they are insoluble in water

(c) they are inert (d) they are lighter than water

3. Schiff’s reagent gives pink colour with

(a) acetone (b) acetaldehyde (c) ethyl alcohol (d) methyl acetate

4. The acid which reduces Tollen’s reagent is

(a) acetic acid (b) benzoic acid (c) formic acid (d) oxalic acid

5. Chloropicrin is used as

(a) explosive (b) dye (c) anaesthetic (d) soil sterilizing agent

6. Total number of atoms per unit cell in bcc is

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

7. Standard free energies of formation of elements are taken as

(a) positive (b) negative (c) zero (d) all of these

8. State of chemical equilibrium is

(a) dynamic (b) stationary (c) none of these (d) both (a) and (b)

9. In an equilibrium reaction, if n(g) is positive then

(a) Kc = Kp (b) Kc < Kp (c) Kc > Kp (d) Kc = 0

10. The excess energy which a molecule must possess to become active is known as

(a) kinetic energy (b) threshold energy (c) potential energy (d) activation energy

11. Dual character of an electron was explained by

(a) Bohr (b) Heisenberg (c) de Broglie (d) Pauli

12. The intramolecular hydrogen bonding is present in

(a) o-nitrophenol (b) m-nitrophenol (c) p-nitrophenol (d) p-hydroxybenzaldehyde

13. The electron affinity of an atom is

(a) directly proportional to its size (b) inversely proportional to its size

(c) independent of its size (d) none of these

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Chemistry/June/2010 56 Arul Institute

14. The compound with garlic odour is

(a) P2O3 (b) P2O5 (c) H3PO3 (d) H3PO4

15. The outermost electronic configuration of chromium is

(a) 3d6 4s0 (b) 3d5 4s1 (c) 3d4 4s2 (d) 3d3 4s2 4p1

16. Electrophile used in the nitration of benzene is

(a) hydronium ion (b) sulphonic acid (c) nitronium ion (d) bromide ion

17. Primary amine acts as

(a) electrophile (b) Lewis base (c) Lewis acid (d) free radical

18. The amino acid without chiral carbon is

(a) Glycine (b) Alanine (c) Proline (d) Tyrosine

19. Important constituent of cell wall is

(a) lipid (b) cellulose (c) proteins (d) vitamins

20. Which of the following is a state function?

(a) q (b) q (c) w (d) S

21. An emulsion is a colloidal solution of

(a) two solids (b) two liquids (c) two gases (d) one solid & one liquid

22. The autocatalyst in the oxidation of oxalic acid by acidified KMnO4 is

(a) K2SO4 (b) MnSO4 (c) KMnO4 (d) CO2

23. The sky looks blue due to

(a) adsorption (b) dispersion (c) reflection (d) scattering of light

24. The pH of a solution containing 0.1 N NaOH solution is

(a) 1 (b) 10–1 (c) 13 (d) 10–13

25. The number of secondary alcoholic group(s) in glycerol is

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 0 (d) 3

26. Which of the following has the maximum number of unpaired electrons?

(a) Mn2+ (b) Ti3+ (c) V3+ (d) Fe2+

27. Alloys of lanthanides are called

(a) Mish metal (b) Metalloids (c) Plate metals (d) Actinides

28. The isotope of which element is used in nuclear fission reaction?

(a) Barium (b) Lead (c) Uranium (d) Caesium

29. An example of a bidentate ligand is

(a) Cl– (b) en (c) NO2– (d) I–

30. Radioactivity is due to

(a) stable electronic configuration (b) stable nucleus

(c) unstable nucleus (d) unstable electronic configuration

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Chemistry/June/2010 57 Arul Institute

PART – II 15 x 3 = 45

Note : Answer any fifteen questions

Answer each question in one or two sentences.

31. What is the significance of negative electronic energy?

32. Neon has more ionisation energy than fluorine. Why?

33. P2O5 is a dehydrating agent. Why?

34. Give any two uses of neon.

35. d–block elements form complex compounds. Why?

36. What is spitting of silver?

37. The half-life period of U238 is 140 days. Calculate the average lifetime.

38. Write any two uses of superconductors.

39. For a chemical reaction the values of H and S at 300 K are –10 kcal mol–1 and 20 cal deg–1 mol–1

respectively. What is the value of G of the reaction? Predict the nature of the reaction.

40. What is reaction quotient?

41. What is pseudo first order reaction? Give example.

42. What are promoters? Give an example.

43. What is electrophoresis?

44. What do you understand by buffer solution?

45. Distinguish between racemic and meso forms.

46. Phenols are soluble in alcohols. Why?

47. How is Terylene prepared from ethylene glycol?

48. Write briefly on Clemmenson’s reduction.

49. Mention the uses of Benzoic acid.

50. What is Gabriel’s pthalimide synthesis?

51. Give a note on antibiotics.

PART – III 7 x 5 = 35

Note : Answer any seven questions choosing at least two questions from each section.


52. Explain the formation of N2 molecule by molecular orbital theory.

53. How is gold extracted from its ore?

54. List the similarities and differences between Lanthanides and Actinides (any five).

55. Give the postulates of Werner’s theory.


56. State the various statements of second law of thermodynamics.

57. Apply Le Chatelier’s principle for the manufacture of ammonia by Haber’s process.

58. Give the characteristics of order of a reaction.

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Chemistry/June/2010 58 Arul Institute

59. The emf of the half cell Cu2+(aq) | Cu(s) containing 0.01 M Cu2+ solution is + 0.301 V. Calculate the standard

emf of the half cell.


60. Differentiate anisole from diethyl ether.

61. Explain the mechanism of crossed aldol condensation.

62. What happens when lactic acid is (i) treated with dilute H2SO4 (ii) oxidised with Fenton’s reagent (iii) added

to PCl5?

63. Write a note on rocket propellants.

PART – IV 4 x 10 = 40

Note : Question No. 70 is compulsory and answer any three from the remaining questions

64. (a) Explain Pauling method to determine ionic radii.

(b) How does fluorine differ from other halogens?

65. (a) [Ni(CN)4]2– is diamagnetic whereas [Ni(NH3)4]

2+ is paramagnetic. Explain.

(b) Discuss Radiocarbon dating.

66. (a) Explain Schottky and Frenkel defects.

(b) Write briefly about the preparation of colloids by chemical methods.

67. (a) Explain the postulates of Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociation.

(b) Derive Nernst equation.

68. (a) Discuss the optical activity in tartaric acid.

(b) How are the following conversions carried out?

(i) Salicylic acid Aspirin (ii) Salicylic acid Methyl salicylate (iii) Lactic acid Lactide

69. (a) Explain the reduction of nitrobenzene (i) in alkaline medium (ii) by catalytic reduction.

(b) Discuss the structure of Glucose.

70. (a) An organic compound C2H6O (A) reacts with Al2O3 at 620 K and gives (B) of molecular formula C2H4. (B)

reacts with cold alkaline KMnO4 (Baeyer’s reagent) to give (C) of molecular formula C2H6O2. Identify (A),

(B) and (C) and explain the reactions.

(b) An element (A) occupying group number 11 and belonging to 4th period, is reddish brown in colour. (A) is

extracted from its mixed sulphide ore (B). (A) reacts with dilute H2SO4 in the presence of air to form (C).

On treatment with conc. nitric acid (A) gives compound (D). Identify (A), (B), (C) and (D). Give the

reactions also. (OR)

(c) Compound (A) of molecular formula C7H8 when treated with air in presence of V2O5 at 773 K gives a

compound (B) of molecular formula C7H6O, which has the smell of bitter almonds. Alkaline KMnO4

oxidises compound (B) to (C) of molecular formula C7H6O2. Compound (B) on treatment with N2H4 and

KOH gives back compound (A). Identify (A), (B) and (C) and explain the reactions.

(d) What is the pH of a solution containing 0.5 M propionic acid and 0.5 M sodium propionate? The Ka of

propionic acid is 1.34 x 10–5 M.

Arul I



Chemistry/October/2010 59 Arul Institute

OCTOBER 2010 22642647 / 22395248


Time Allowed : 3 Hours CHEMISTRY Maximum marks : 150

PART – I 30 x 1 = 30

Note : Answer all the questions.

Choose and write the correct answer.

1. Order of reactivity of alcohol towards sodium metal is

(a) primary < secondary > tertiary (b) primary > secondary > tertiary

(c) primary < secondary < tertiary (d) primary > secondary < tertiary

2. According to Lewis concept of acids and bases, ethers are

(a) neutral (b) acidic (c) basic (d) amphoteric

3. Higher ethers can be prepared from lower members by the action of

(a) conc. H2SO4 (b) AgOH (c) sodium alkoxide (d) Grignard reagent

4. Calcium acetate + Calcium benzoate ondistillati ?

(a) Benzophenone (b) Benzaldehyde (c) Acetophenone (d) Phenyl benzoate

5. The acid that cannot be prepared by Grignard reagent is

(a) acetic acid (b) formic acid (c) butyric acid (d) benzoic acid

6. In a simple cubic cell, each point on a corner is shared by

(a) 1 unit cell (b) 2 unit cells (c) 8 unit cells (d) 4 unit cells

7. All the naturally occurring process proceed spontaneously in a direction which leads to

(a) decrease of entropy (b) increase of enthalpy (c) increase in free energy (d) decrease of free energy

8. The entropy change involved in the process water (liquid) to water (vapour, 373 K) involving ∆Hvap = 40850

J mol-1 at 373 K is

(a) 10.952 J mol-1 K-1 (b) 109.52 J mol-1 K-1 (c) 100.952 J mol-1 K-1 (d) 1095.2 J mol-1 K-1

9. If the equilibrium constants of the following reactions 2A B is K1 and B 2A is K2, then

(a) K1 = 2 K2 (b) K1 = 1/ K2 (c) K1 = (K2)2 (d) K1 = 1/ K2


10. When ∆ng in a homogeneous gaseous equilibrium is positive, then

(a) Kp = Kc (b) Kp < Kc (c) Kp > Kc (d) Kp = Kc / 2

11. The bond order of oxygen molecule is

(a) 2.5 (b) 1 (c) 3 (d) 2

12. The hybridization in IF7 molecule is

(a) sp3d (b) sp3d2 (c) sp3 (d) sp3d3

13. The bond length of Cl2 molecule is

(a) 0.74 Ao (b) 1.44 Ao (c) 1.98 Ao (d) 2.28 Ao

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Chemistry/October/2010 60 Arul Institute

14. The compound used as smoke screen is

(a) PCl3 (b) PCl5 (c) PH3 (d) H3PO3

15. Formation of coloured ions is possible when compounds contain

(a) paired electrons (b) unpaired electrons (c) lone pair of electrons (d) none of these


16. The isomerism exhibited by CH3 – N = O and CH2 – N = OH is

(a) position (b) chain (c) functional (d) tautomerism

17. The product obtained when nitrobenzene is treated with Zn/NaOH is

(a) aniline (b) azoxybenzene (c) azobenzene (d) hydrazobenzene

18. Which of the following will not undergo diazotisation?

(a) m-toluidine (b) aniline (c) p-aminophenol (d) benzyl amine

19. A dipeptide does not have

(a) two peptide units (b) an amido group (c) salt like structure (d) portion of 2 amino acids

20. Glucose reacts with acetic anhydride in the presence of pyridine to give

(a) monoacetate (b) diacetate (c) penta acetate (d) no reaction

21. For a reaction aA bB, the rate of reaction is doubled when concentration of A is increased by four times.

The rate of reaction is equal to

(a) K [A]a (b) K [A]1/2 (c) K [A]1/a (d) K [A]

22. The migration of colloidal particles under the influence of an electric field is known as

(a) electro-osmosis (b) hot dialysis (c) electro-dialysis (d) electrophoresis

23. Which type of colloid is a sol?

(a) Solid in liquid (b) Liquid in solid (c) Solid in solid (d) Gas in solid

24. In case of a physical adsorption, there is desorption when

(a) temperature increases (b) temperature decreases (c) pressure increases (d) concentration increases

25. When pH of a solution is 2, the hydrogen ion concentration in moles/litre is

(a) 1 x 10-12 (b) 1 x 10-2 (c) 1 x 10-7 (d) 1 x 10-4

26. If the magnetic moment value is 5.92 BM, the number of unpaired electrons is

(a) 5 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 6

27. __________ is used in gas lamp material.

(a) MnO2 (b) CeO2 (c) N2O5 (d) Fe2O3

28. __________ form oxocations.

(a) Lanthanides (b) Actinides (c) Noble gases (d) Alkali metals

29. The geometry of complex ion [Fe(CN)6]4- is

(a) tetrahedral (b) square planar (c) octahedral (d) triangular

30. Which one of the following particles is used to bombard 13Al27 to give 15P30 and a neutron?

(a) -particle (b) deuteron (c) proton (d) neutron

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Chemistry/October/2010 61 Arul Institute

PART – II 15 x 3 = 45

Note : Answer any fifteen questions

Answer each question in one or two sentences

31. Why is He2 not formed?

32. Why is electron affinity of fluorine is less than that of chlorine?

33. Write a note on plumbo solvency.

34. Write any three uses of neon.

35. Why do transition elements form complexes?

36. What is the action of heat on copper sulphate crystals?

37. Calculate the decay constant for Ag108 if its half-life is 2.31 minutes.

38. Write the application of superconductors.

39. How is ∆G related to ∆H and ∆S? What is the meaning of ∆G = 0?

40. Why is equilibrium reaction referred to as dynamic equilibrium?

41. Define order of reaction.

42. The rate constant for a first order reaction is 1.54 x 10-3 sec-1. Calculate its half-life period.

43. What is Tyndall effect?

44. What is Buffer solution? Give an example.

45. Distinguish racemic form from mesoform.

46. How does glycerol react with KHSO4?

47. Starting from phenol how would you obtain picric acid?

48. What is Urotropine? How is it prepared? Give its use.

49. Formic acid reduces Tollen’s reagent, but acetic acid does not. Give reasons.

50. An organic compound (A) with molecular formula C6H7N gives (B) with HNO2/HCl at 273 K. The aqueous

solution of (B) on heating gives (C) which gives violet colour with neutral FeCl3. Identify A, B and C.

51. What are anaesthetics? Give example.

PART – III 7 x 5 = 35

Note : Answer any seven questions choosing at least two questions from each section.


52. Explain the formation of N2 molecule by molecular orbital theory.

53. Briefly explain the extraction of zinc from zinc blende.

54. Describe the extraction of lanthanides from monozite sand.

55. Write the postulates of Werner’s theory on co-ordination compounds.


56. State the various statements of second law of thermodynamics.

57. Derive the relation between equilibrium constants Kp and Kc.

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Chemistry/October/2010 62 Arul Institute

58. State the differences between simple and complex reactions.

59. Calculate the emf of the Zn-Ag cell at 25oC when [Zn2+] = 0.10 M & [Ag+] = 10 M. ( Eocell at 25oC = 1.56 V )


60. How does diethyl ether react with PCl5, One equivalent of HI and excess of HI?

61. Write the mechanism of Claisen-Schmidt reaction.

62. Explain the reactions of CH3CONH2 with (i) P2O5 (ii) Br2/NaOH and (iii) hydrolysis by an acid.

63. Explain briefly on colour and structure of dyes.

PART – IV 4 x 10 = 40

Note : Question No. 70 is compulsory and answer any three from the remaining questions

64. (a) Explain Pauling method to determine ionic radii.

(b) Write the anomalous nature of fluorine.

65. (a) Explain coordination and ionisation isomerism with suitable examples.

(b) Explain briefly about radiocarbon dating.

66. (a) Explain Schottky and Frenkal defects.

(b) Write briefly about the preparation of colloids by chemical methods.

67. (a) Write notes on Quinonoid theory of indicators.

(b) Derive Nernst equation.

68. (a) Describe the conformations of cyclohexanol.

(b) How is oxalic acid manufactured from sodium formate?

69. (a) Distinguish between primary, secondary and tertiary amines.

(b) How is the structure of fructose derived?

70. (a) An organic compound (A) C6H6O gives maximum of two isomers (B) and (C) when an alkaline solution of

(A) is refluxed with chloroform. (B) on oxidation gives acid (D). The acid (D) is also obtained by treating

sodium salt of (A) with CO2 under pressure followed by hydrolysis. Identify the compounds (A), (B), (C)

and (D) and explain with proper chemical reactions.

(b) An element (A) belongs to group number 11 and period number 5 and is a lustrous white metal. (A)

reacts with dil.HNO3 to give (B), (B) with KI gives (C) which is bright yellow coloured precipitate. Identify

(A), (B) and (C). Explain the reactions. (OR)

(c) An organic compound (A) with molecular formula C3H6O undergoes iodoform reaction. Two molecules of

compound (A) react with dry HCl to give compound (B) C6H10O. Compound (B) reacts with one more

molecule of compound (A) to give compound (C) C9H14O. Identify (A), (B) and (C). Explain the reactions.

(d) The equivalent conductances at infinite dilution of HCl, CH3COONa and NaCl are 426.16, 91.0 and

126.45 ohm–1 cm2 (gm equivalent)–1 respectively. Calculate of acetic acid.

Arul I



Chemistry/March/2011 63 Arul Institute

MARCH 2011 22642647 / 22395248


Time Allowed : 3 Hours CHEMISTRY Maximum marks : 150

PART – I 30 x 1 = 30

Note : Answer all the questions.

Choose and write the correct answer.

1. Compound which is used as medicine for Asthma and Whooping cough is

(a) Benzyl acetate (b) Ethyl acetate (c) Benzyl benzoate (d) Benzyl formate

2. Number of ether isomers possible for the molecular formula C4H10O is

(a) one (b) two (c) three (d) four

3. When ether is exposed to air for some time, an explosive substance produced is

(a) Peroxide (b) Oxide (c) TNT (d) Superoxide

4. A Cyanohydrin of a compound X on hydrolysis gives lactic acid. X is

(a) HCHO (b) CH3CHO (c) (CH3)2CO (d) C6H5CH2CHO

5. The compound found in some stony deposit in kidneys is

(a) potassium oxalate (b) oxalic acid (c) potassium succinate (d) calcium oxalate

6. The Bragg’s equation is

(a) = 2d sin (b) nd = 2 sin (c) 2 = nd sin (d) n = 2d sin

7. According to Trouton’s rule, the value of change in entropy of vaporisation is

(a) 21 cal. deg–1 mole–1 (b) 12 cal. deg–1 mol–1 (c) 21 kcal. deg. mole–1 (d) 12 kcal. deg. mol–1

8. In which of the following processes, the process is always non-feasible?

(a) ∆H > 0, ∆S > 0 (b) ∆H < 0, ∆S > 0 (c) ∆H > 0, ∆S < 0 (d) ∆H < 0, ∆S < 0

9. In the manufacture of ammonia by Haber’s process, the maximum yield of ammonia will be obtained with the

process having

(a) low pressure and high temperature (b) low pressure and low temperature

(c) high pressure and high temperature (d) high pressure and low temperature

10. The relationship between Kp and Kc for the equilibrium 2 H2O(g) + 2 Cl2(g) 4 HCl(g) + O2(g) is

(a) KP = KC (b) KP = KC (RT)2 (c) KP = KC (RT)1 (d) KP = KC (RT) –2

11. The intramolecular hydrogen bonding is present in

(a) o-nitrophenol (b) m-nitrophenol (c) p-nitrophenol (d) none of these

12. The momentum of a particle which has de-Broglie wavelength of 1 Ao (h = 6.626 x 10-34 kgm2 s–1) is

(a) 6.63 x 10–23 kg ms–1 (b) 6.63 x 10–24 kg ms–1 (c) 6.63 x 10–34 kg ms–1 (d) 6.63 x 1034 kg ms–1

13. Effective nuclear charge can be calculated using the formula

(a) Z* = Z – S (b) Z* = Z + S (c) Z* = S – Z (d) Z = Z* – S

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Chemistry/March/2011 64 Arul Institute

14. Inert gas used in beacon lights for safety of air navigation is

(a) Helium (b) Argon (c) Neon (d) Xenon

15. Which one of the following will have maximum magnetic moment?

(a) 3d2 (b) 3d6 (c) 3d7 (d) 3d9

16. Nitromethane condenses with acetaldehyde to give

(a) nitropropane (b) 1-nitro-2-propanol (c) 2-nitro-1-propanol (d) 3-nitropropanol

17. Which one of the following is a secondary amine?

(a) Aniline (b) Diphenyl amine (c) Tertiary butyl amine (d) Secondary butyl amine

18. When aqueous solution of benzene diazonium chloride is boiled, the product formed is

(a) Benzyl alcohol (b) Benzene + N2 (c) Phenol (d) Phenyl hydroxyl amine

19. The amino acid without chiral carbon is

(a) Glycine (b) Alanine (c) Proline (d) Tyrosine

20. Invert sugar is a mixture of equal amount of

(a) D(+) glucose and sucrose (b) D(–) fructose and sucrose

(c) D(+) glucose and D(–) fructose (d) sucrose and maltose

21. The t1/2 of a first order reaction is 100 minutes. The rate constant of the reaction is

(a) 6.93 x 103 min–1 (b) 0.693 x 10-3 min–1 (c) 6.93 x 10–3 min–1 (d) 69.3 x 10–2 min–1

22. Colloidal medicines are more effective because

(a) they are clean (b) they are easy to prepare

(c) the germs move towards them (d) they are easily assimilated and adsorbed

23. The decomposition of hydrogen peroxide in the presence of colloidal platinum is a / an

(a) positive catalysis (b) negative catalysis (c) auto-catalysis (d) induced catalysis

24. For chemisorption which is wrong?

(a) It is irreversible (b) It requires activation energy

(c) It forms multilayers on adsorbate (d) Surface compounds are formed

25. For the titration between oxalic acid and sodium hydroxide, the indicator used is

(a) potassium permanganate (b) phenolphthalein

(c) litmus (d) methyl orange

26. Which compound is formed when excess of KCN is added to an aqueous solution of copper sulphate?

(a) Cu(CN)2 (b) K2[Cu(CN)6] (c) K[Cu(CN)2] (d) Cu2(CN)2 + (CN)2

27. Alloys of Lanthanides are called as

(a) mish metals (b) metalloids (c) plate metal (d) actinides

28. Lanthanide contraction is due to

(a) perfect shielding of 4f electrons (b) imperfect shielding of 4f electrons

(c) perfect shielding of 3d electrons (d) imperfect shielding of 3d electrons

29. An example of a chelating ligand is

(a) nitro (b) chloro (c) bromo (d) en

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Chemistry/March/2011 65 Arul Institute

30. 92U235 nucleus absorbs a neutron and disintegrates into 54Xe139, 38Sr94 and X. What is X?

(a) 3 neutrons (b) 2 neutrons (c) -particle (d) -particle

PART – II 15 x 3 = 45

Note : Answer any fifteen questions

Answer each question in one or two sentences.

31. State Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.

32. Calculate the electronegativity value of fluorine on Mullikan’s scale from the following data :

Ionisation potential of F = 17.4 eV/atom, Electron affinity of F = 3.62 eV/atom.

33. Why HF cannot be stored in glass bottles?

34. What is the action of heat on orthophosphoric acid?

35. Why do d-block elements exhibit variable oxidation states?

36. Write the reaction of gold with aqua regia.

37. Write the uses of Radio carbon dating.

38. What is molecular crystal? Give an example.

39. Calculate the maximum % efficiency possible from a thermal engine operating between 110oC and 25oC.

40. Define reaction quotient.

41. What is pseudo first order reaction? Give example.

42. Write the Arrhenius equation and explain the terms.

43. Write any three general characteristics of catalytic reaction.

44. What is common ion effect? Give example.

45. Distinguish racemic mixture from mesoform.

46. How can Terylene be prepared?

47. How is tertiary butyl alcohol converted to isobutylene?

48. How can acetophenone be prepared by Friedel-Crafts reaction?

49. What is aspirin? How is it prepared?

50. An organic compound A of molecular formula C2H5ON treated with bromine and KOH gives B of molecular

formula CH5N. Identify A and B. Write the equation involved.

51. Write any three characteristics of dyes.

PART – III 7 x 5 = 35

Note : Answer any seven questions choosing at least two questions from each section.


52. Derive de-Broglie’s equation.

53. Explain the extraction of zinc from its ore.

54. Write any five differences between lanthanides and actinides.

55. For the complex K4[Fe(CN)6] mention the following:

(a) IUPAC name (b) Central metal ion (c) Ligand (d) Co-ordination number (e) Charge on the complex ion.

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Chemistry/March/2011 66 Arul Institute


56. Write the characteristics of free energy G.

57. Derive the expressions for Kc and Kp for decomposition of PCl5.

58. Write the characteristics of order of reaction.

59. Calculate the emf of the cell : Zn | Zn2+ (0.001 M) || Ag+ (0.1 M) | Ag

EoAg | Ag+ = + 0.80 V, Eo

Zn | Zn2+ = – 0.76 V.


60. Distinguish aliphatic and aromatic ethers.

61. How is acetone converted to (i) mesityl oxide (ii) mesitylene?

62. Write the mechanism of esterification reaction.

63. Explain briefly on characteristics of rocket propellants.

PART – IV 4 x 10 = 40

Note : Question No. 70 is compulsory and answer any three from the remaining questions

64. (a) How do electronegativity values help to find out the nature of bonding between atoms?

(b) How are noble gases separated by Dewar’s method?

65. (a) Write the application of VB theory on the following complexes: (i) [FeII(F)6]4 – (ii) [FeII(CN)6]

4 –

(b) Differentiate between chemical reaction and nuclear reaction.

66. (a) Write the properties of ionic crystals.

(b)How can colloidal solutions be purified by dialysis?

67. (a) Derive Henderson equation.

(b) Write IUPAC representation of a cell.

68. (a) Explain geometrical isomerism with example.

(b) How to do the following conversions? (i) Lactic acid to lactide (ii) salicylic acid to methyl salicylate.

69. (a) Write the following reactions: (i) Carbylamine reaction (ii) Gabriel’s phthalimide synthesis.

(b) How are carbohydrates classified? Give example for each.

70. (a) An organic compound (A) C2H6O liberates hydrogen with sodium metal. (A) when heated with alumina at

620 K gives an alkene (B) which when passed through Bayer’s reagent gives (C) C2H6O2. (C) reacts with

PI3 and gives back (B). Identify (A), (B) and (C). Write the reactions.

(b) The chief ore of chromium (A) on roasting with molten sodium carbonate gives compound (B).

Compound (B) on acidification with conc.H2SO4 gives compound (C). Compound (C) on treatment with

KCl gives compound (D). Identify (A), (B), (C) and (D). Explain the reactions.


(c) An organic compound (A) C7H8 on oxidation by air in the presence of V2O5 at 773 K gives (B) C7H6O,

which reduces Tollen’s reagent. (B) when heated with acetic anhydride and sodium acetate gives (C)

C9H8O2. Identify (A), (B) and (C). Write the reactions.

(d) Calculate the pH of 0.1 M acetic acid solution. Dissociation constant of acetic acid is 1.8 x 10–5 M.

Arul I



Chemistry/June/2011 67 Arul Institute

JUNE 2011 22642647 / 22395248


Time Allowed : 3 Hours CHEMISTRY Maximum marks : 150

PART – I 30 x 1 = 30

Note : Answer all the questions.

Choose and write the correct answer.

1. For a reaction Ea = 0 and k = 4.2 x 105 sec–1 at 300 K, the value of k at 310 K will be

(a) 4.2 x 105 sec–1 (b) 8.4 x 105 sec–1 (c) 8.4 x 105 sec (d) unpredictable

2. An emulsion is a colloidal solution of

(a) two solids (b) two liquids (c) two gases (d) one solid and one liquid

3. In case of physical adsorption, there is desorption when

(a) temperature increases (b) temperature decreases (c) pressure increases (d) concentration increases

4. The oxidation of sodium sulphite by air is retarded by

(a) MnO2 (b) H2S (c) Alcohol (d) As2O3

5. The pH of a solution containing 0.1 N NaOH solution is

(a) 1 (b) 10–1 (c) 13 (d) 10–13

6. If the energy of an electron in the second Bohr orbit of H-atom is – E, what is the energy of the electron in the

Bohr’s first orbit?

(a) 2E (b) – 4E (c) – 2E (d) 4E

7. The hybridisation involved in XeF6 is

(a) sp3d3 (b) sp3d2 (c) sp3d (d) sp3

8. Among the following which has the maximum ionisation energy?

(a) alkali metals (b) alkaline earth metals (c) halogens (d) noble gases

9. The lightest gas which is non-inflammable is

(a) He (b) H2 (c) N2 (d) Ar

10. Silver salt used in photography is

(a) AgCl (b) AgNO3 (c) AgF (d) AgBr

11. When phenol is distilled with zinc dust, it gives

(a) benzaldehyde (b) benzoic acid (c) toluene (d) benzene

12. Williamson’s synthesis is an example of

(a) nucleophilic addition (b) electrophilic addition (c) electrophilic substitution (d) nucleophilic substitution

13. Diethyl ether behaves as a

(a) Lewis acid (b) Lewis base (c) Neutral compound (d) Bronsted acid

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Chemistry/June/2011 68 Arul Institute

14. Aldol is

(a) 2-hydroxy butanol (b) 3-hydroxy butanol (c) 3-hydroxy butanal (d) 2-hydroxy butanal

15. The isomerism exhibited by CH3CH2COOH and CH3COOCH3 is

(a) metamerism (b) position (c) chain (d) functional

16. Bordeaux mixture contains

(a) AgNO3 + HNO3 (b) ZnSO4 + H2SO4 (c) CuSO4 + Ca(OH)2 (d) KMnO4 + HCl

17. The isotope used as a power source in long mission space probes is

(a) U–235 (b) Pu–235 (c) Pu–238 (d) U–238

18. Ceria is used in

(a) toys (b) tracer bullets (c) gas lamp material (d) none of these

19. The co-ordination number of Ni(II) in [Ni(CN)4]2– is

(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6

20. Find out the missing : In a reaction 5B8 4Be8 + ?

(a) –particle (b) –particle (c) electron capture (d) positron

21. Which of the following compounds has the smell of bitter almonds?

(a) Aniline (b) Nitromethane (c) Nitrobenzene (d) Benzene sulphonic acid

22. Nitro-acinitro tautomerism is exhibited by

(a) nitromethane (b) nitrobenzene (c) chloropicrin (d) o-toluidine

23. Use of chloropicrin CCl3NO2 is as

(a) explosive (b) dye (c) anaesthetic (d) sterilizing agent

24. __________ is involved in the process of blood coagulation.

(a) Fats and oils (b) Cephalin (c) Glycolipids (d) Lecithins

25. Mixture of equal molecules of D(+) glucose and D(–) fructose is called as

(a) Fruit sugar (b) Invert sugar (c) Cane sugar (d) Non-sugar

26. Rutile is

(a) TiO2 (b) Cu2O (c) MoS2 (d) Ru

27. Free energy (G) and the free energy change (G) correspond to the

(a) system only (b) surrounding only (c) system & surrounding (d) none of these

28. The entropy change S(fusion) involved in the process of H2O(s) H2O(l) at 0oC and 1 atm pressure involving

H(fusion) = 6008 Jmol–1 is

(a) 22.007 J mol–1 K–1 (b) 22.007 J mol K–1 (c) 220.07 J mol–1 K–1 (d) 2.2007 J mol–1 K–1

29. When n(g) in a homogeneous gaseous equilibrium is positive, then

(a) KP = KC (b) KP < KC (c) KP > KC (d) KP = KC / 2

30. Forward reaction takes place, when

(a) Q < KC (b) Q > KC (c) Q = KC (d) KC = 1/Q

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Chemistry/June/2011 69 Arul Institute

PART – II 15 x 3 = 45

Note : Answer any fifteen questions

Answer each question in one or two sentences.

31. What are the conditions for effective hydrogen bonding?

32. Why is the first ionisation energy of Beryllium greater than that of Lithium?

33. Give the electronic structure of following: (a) PCl5 (b) H3PO3.

34. Write about plumbo solvency.

35. Write the action of aquaregia on gold.

36. What is spitting of silver? How is it prevented?

37. Determine the average life of U238 having t1/2 = 140 days.

38. State Bragg’s law.

39. What are the substances that deviate from Trouton’s rule?

40. Dissociation of PCl5 decreases in presence of increase in Cl2. Why?

41. Write Arrhenius equation and explain the terms.

42. What are parallel reactions? Give an example.

43. What is meant by Tyndall effect?

44. What is meant by Buffer solution? Mention its types.

45. Trans-isomer is more stable than cis-isomer. Why?

46. How phenol is identified by dye test? Give equation.

47. How is acrolein formed?

48. How is urotropine prepared? Mention its use.

49. Mention the uses of oxalic acid.

50. Write Gabriel phthalimide synthesis.

51. How is Buna-S rubber prepared? Give its use.

PART – III 7 x 5 = 35

Note : Answer any seven questions choosing atleast two questions from each section.


52. Explain the formation of nitrogen molecule by molecular orbital theory.

53. Explain the extraction of zinc from its chief ore.

54. Describe the extraction of lanthanides from monazite sand?

55. State the postulates the Werner’s theory on co-ordination compound.


56. Write the various statements of second law of thermodynamics.

57. Apply Le Chatelier’s principle to Haber’s process for the manufacture of ammonia.

58. Derive rate constant equation for first order reactions.

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Chemistry/June/2011 70 Arul Institute

59. Calculate the standard emf and standard free energy change of the following cell: Zn Zn2+ || Cu2+ Cu.


Zn/2ZnE = – 0.762 V and o

Cu/2CuE = + 0.337 V.


60. How does diethyl ether react with the following reagents? (a) O2 / long contact (b) dilute H2SO4 (c) PCl5

61. Explain the mechanism of Cannizaro reaction.

62. How is lactic acid synthesised from acetylene? How can it be converted into cyclic diester?

63. What are chromophores and auxochromes? Give two examples for each.

PART – IV 4 x 10 = 40

Note : Question No. 70 is compulsory and answer any three from the remaining questions

64. (a) Explain the various factors that affect electron affinity.

(b) How is fluorine isolated from their fluorides by Dennis method?

65. (a) Mention the type of hybridisation, magnetic property and geometry of the following complexes using

VB theory: (i) [FeF6]4 – and (ii) [Fe(CN)6]

4 –

(b) How are radioactive isotopes useful in medicine?

66. (a) What are superconductors? Write about their uses.

(b) Explain the intermediate compound formation theory of catalysis.

67. (a) Differentiate between electronic conduction and electrolytic conduction.

(b) Derive Nernst equation.

68. (a) Discuss the optical isomerism in tartaric acid.

(b) What happens when benzoic acid reacts with (i) conc.HNO3 / conc.H2SO4 (ii) Cl2 / FeCl3 (iii) PCl5 ?

69. (a) Distinguish between primary, secondary and tertiary amines.

(b) Derive the structure of glucose in detail.

70. (a) An organic compound (A) C6H6O gives violet colour with neutral FeCl3. (A) gives two isomers (B)

and (C), when an alkaline solution of (A) is refluxed with CCl4. (A) also reacts with formaldehyde

and sodium hydroxide to give compound (D). Identify (A), (B), (C) and (D). Explain with suitable

chemical reactions.

(b) An element (A) belongs to group number 11 and period number 4. (A) is a reddish brown metal.

(A) reacts with HCl in the presence of air and gives compound (B). (A) also reacts with conc. HNO3

to give compound (C) with the liberation of NO2. Identify (A), (B) and (C). Explain the reactions.


(c) Compound (A) C2H4O reduces Tollen’s reagent. (A) on treatment with zinc amalgam and conc. HCl

gives compound (B). In presence of conc. H2SO4 (A) forms a cyclic structure (C) which is used as a

hypnotic. Identify (A), (B) and (C). Explain the reactions.

(d) Find the pH of a buffer solution containing 0.20 mole per litre sodium acetate and 0.15 mole per litre

acetic acid. Ka for acetic acid is 1.8 x 10-5 M.

Arul I



Chemistry/October/2011 71 Arul Institute

OCTOBER 2011 22642647 / 22395248


Time Allowed : 3 Hours CHEMISTRY Maximum marks : 150

PART – I 30 x 1 = 30

Note : Answer all the questions.

Choose and write the correct answer.

1. Order of reactivity of alcohol towards sodium metal is

(a) primary < secondary > tertiary (b) primary > secondary > tertiary

(c) primary < secondary < tertiary (d) primary > secondary < tertiary

2. Diethyl ether can be decomposed with

(a) HI (b) KMnO4 (c) NaOH (d) H2O

3. Which of the following produces ether, when heated with conc. H2SO4 at 413 K?

(a) Organic acid (b) Aldehyde (c) Alcohol (d) Ketone

4. Methyl ketones are characterized by

(a) Fehling’s solution (b) Iodoform test (c) Schiff’s test (d) Tollen’s reagent

5. The acid with reduces Tollen’s reagent is

(a) acetic acid (b) benzoic acid (c) formic acid (d) oxalic acid

6. The total number of atoms per unit cell in BCC is

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

7. The net work obtained from a system is given by

(a) w – P∆V (b) w + P∆V (c) – w + P∆V (d) – w – P∆V

8. Entropy is a

(a) state function (b) path function (c) exact function (d) inexact function

9. The fraction of total moles of reactant dissociated is called

(a) dissociation equilibrium(b) degree of association (c) degree of dissociation (d) dissociation constant

10. Two moles of ammonia gas are introduced into a previously evacuated 1.0 dm3 vessel in which it is partially

dissociates at high temperature. At equilibrium 1.0 mole of ammonia remains. The equilibrium constant Kc for

the dissociation is

(a) 27/16 (mole dm-3)2 (b) 27/8 (mole dm-3)2 (c) 27/4 (mole dm-3)2 (d) none of these

11. The bond order of oxygen molecule is

(a) 2.5 (b) 1 (c) 3 (d) 2

12. Molecular orbital with the least energy is

(a) σ1s (b) σ*1s (c) 2py (d) *2py

13. Among the following which has the maximum ionisation energy?

(a) Alkali metals (b) Alkaline earth metals (c) Halogens (d) Noble gases

Arul I



14. The shape of PCl5 is

(a) pyramidal (b) trigonal bipyramidal (c) linear (d) tetrahedral

15. The general outer electronic configuration of d-block elements is

(a) (n–1)d1–10 ns0–2 (b) (n–1)d1–5

ns2 (c) (n–1)d0 ns1 (d) (n–1)d1–10

ns1– 2

16. The isomerism exhibited by CH3–CH2–NO2 and CH3–CH2–O–N=O is

(a) position (b) chain (c) functional (d) tautomerism

17. When nitromethane is reduced with Zn dust + NH4Cl we get

(a) CH3NH2 (b) C2H5NH2 (c) CH3NHOH (d) C2H5COOH

18. Electrophile used in the nitration of benzene is

(a) hydronium ion (b) sulphonic acid (c) nitronium ion (d) bromide ion

19. The reducing sugar of the following is

(a) sucrose (b) Cellulose (c) starch (d) glucose

20. The amino acid without chiral carbon is

(a) Glycine (b) Alanine (c) Proline (d) Tyrosine

21. If the activation energy is high, then the rate of the reaction is

(a) high (b) moderate (c) low (d) cannot be predicted

22. The migration of colloidal particles under the influence of an electric field is known as

(a) electro osmosis (b) electrolysis (c) electro dialysis (d) electrophoresis

23. For chemisorption, which is wrong?

(a) It is irreversible (b) It requires activation energy

(c) It forms multimolecular layers on absorbate (d) Surface compounds are formed

24. The catalyst used for the decomposition of KClO3 is

(a) MnO2 (b) Cl2 (c) V2O5 (d) Pt

25. When one coulomb of electricity is passed through an electrolytic solution the mass deposited on the

electrolyte is equal to

(a) equivalent weight (b) molecular weight

(c) electrochemical equivalent (d) one gram

26. Which of the following pairs have almost equal radii?

(a) Mo, W (b) Y, La (c) Zr, Hf (d) Nb, Ta

27. The most common oxidation state of lanthanide is

(a) +2 (b) +1 (c) +3 (d) +4

28. The fuel used in nuclear power plant is

(a) Copper (b) Lead (c) Uranium (d) Radium

29. The co-ordination number of Ni2+ in [Ni(Cl)4]2– is

(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6

30. Loss of a β-particle is equivalent to

(a) increase of one proton only (b) decrease of one neutron only

(c) both (a) & (b) (d) none of these

Chemistry/October/2011 72 Arul Institute

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Chemistry/October/2011 73 Arul Institute

PART – II 15 x 3 = 45

Note : Answer any fifteen questions

Answer each question in one or two sentences.

31. State Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

32. Larger the size of atom, lesser is the ionization energy. Explain.

33. How are Xenon fluorides prepared?

34. Discuss the oxidizing power of fluorine.

35. Why are transition metal ions coloured?

36. How is purple of Cassius prepared?

37. In the conversion of 92U238 82Pb206, calculate the number of alpha and beta particles emitted.

38. Write a note on the assignment of atoms per unit cell in fcc.

39. What is the nature of the reaction when (i) ∆G > 0 (ii) ∆G < 0 (iii) ∆G = 0?

40. State Le chatelier’s principle.

41. Define order of a reaction.

42. What is parallel reaction? Give one example.

43. What are lyophilic sols? Give example.

44. Why does the metallic conduction decrease with increase in temperature?

45. Give the structure of cis-trans isomers of 2-pentene.

46. How is benzyl alcohol prepared by Grignard’s synthesis?

47. How is nitroglycerine prepared from glycerol?

48. How is urotropine prepared? Give its use.

49. Write three uses of oxalic acid.

50. An organic compound A of molecular formula C2H5NO on treatment with Na/C2H5OH gives B (C2H7N) and

with Br2/KOH gives C (CH5N). Identify A, B and C.

51. What are antacids? Give an example.

PART – III 7 x 5 = 35

Note : Answer any seven questions choosing at least two questions from each section.


52. Apply molecular orbital theory to oxygen molecule.

53. How is potassium dichromate prepared from its chromite ore?

54. What are the consequences of lanthanide contraction?

55. Apply VB theory for [Ni(CN)4]2– and [FeF6]

4– and explain the shape and magnetic properties.


56. Give the various statements of second law of thermodynamics.

57. Derive the expression for Kc and Kp for the decomposition of PCl5.

58. Explain the experimental determination of rate constant of acid hydrolysis of methyl acetate.

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Chemistry/October/2011 74 Arul Institute

59. Calculate the equilibrium constant for the following cell reaction: 2Ag+ + Zn Zn2+ + 2Ag

EoAg+ | Ag = + 0.80 V, Eo

Zn2+ | Zn = – 0.76 V.


60. Give the differences between anisole and diethyl ether.

61. Discuss the mechanism involved in aldol condensation of acetaldehyde.

62. Give the equation for the action of heat on (a) Oxalic acid (b) Succinic acid (c) Formic acid.

63. What are rocket propellants? Explain the working of a propellant.

PART – IV 4 x 10 = 40

Note : Question No. 70 is compulsory and answer any three from the remaining questions

64. (a) Explain the Pauling’s method to calculate the ionic radii

(b) Explain the extraction of lead from its ore.

65. (a) Write the postulates of Werner’s theory

(b) Explain the principle in the function of hydrogen bomb.

66. (a) Write the properties of ionic crystals.

(b) Write the general characteristics of catalytic reactions

67. (a) Derive an expression for Oswald’s dilution law.

(b) Write notes on IUPAC convention of representation of a cell.

68. (a) Write a note on the conformations of cyclohexanol.

(b) Explain the reactions of formation of aspirin, methyl salicylate & 2,4,6-tribromo phenol from salicylic acid.

69. (a) Write notes on the following: (i) Mustard oil reaction (ii) Diazotisation reaction (iii) Gomberg reaction.

(b) What is peptide bond? Explain the formation of dipeptide bond in glycylalanine.

70. (a) Compound (A) C6H6O gives violet colouration with neutral FeCl3 and with CO2 at 400K / 4 to 7 atm

followed by acidification with HCl gives (B) C7H6O3. (B) also gives violet colouration with neutral FeCl3

and gives effervescence with NaHCO3 solution. Compound (A) reacts with NH3 at 473 K in the presence

of anhydrous ZnCl2 to give compound (C) C6H7N which undergoes carbylamine test. Identify (A), (B), (C)

and explain the reactions.

(b) An element (A) in group number 12, period number 4 is extracted from its sulphide ore. (A) reacts with O2

present in the air at 773 K to give compound (B) which is called Philosopher’s wool. (A) reacts with hot

NaOH to give compound (C). (A) also reacts with dilute nitric acid and forms compound (D) with liberation

of N2O. Find out (A), (B), (C) and (D). Explain the reactions


(c) An organic compound (A) C2H4O with HCN gives (B) C3H5ON. (B) on hydrolysis gives (C) C3H6O3 which

is an optically active compound. (C) also undergoes iodoform test. What are (A), (B) and (C)? Explain the


(d) Find the pH of a buffer containing 0.20 mole per llitre CH3COONa and 0.15 mole per litre CH3COOH,

Ka for acetic acid is 1.8 x 10–5.

Arul I



MARCH 2012 22642647 / 22395248


Time Allowed : 3 Hours CHEMISTRY Maximum marks : 150

PART – I 30 x 1 = 30

Note : Answer all the questions.Choose and write the correct answer.

1. Which of the following ions will give colourless aqueous solution?

(a) Ni2+ (b) Fe2+ (c) Cu2+ (d) Cu+

2. ____________ form oxocations.

(a) Lanthanides (b) Actinides (c) Noble gases (d) Alkali metals

3. Fuel used in nuclear power plants is

(a) U 235 (b) Pu 235 (c) Pu 238 (d) U 238

4. The geometry of [Ni(CN)4]2– is

(a) Tetrahedral (b) Square planar (c) Triangular (d) Octahedral

5. Half-life period of 79Au198 nucleus is 150 days. The average life is

(a) 216 days (b) 21.6 days (c) 261 days (d) 26.1 days

6. The term A in Arrhenius equation is called as

(a) probability factor (b) activation energy (c) collision factor (d) frequency factor

7. The Tyndall’s effect associated with colloidal particles is due to

(a) presence of charge (b) scattering of light (c) absorption of light (d) reflection of light

8. Colloids are purified by

(a) precipitation (b) coagulation (c) dialysis (d) filtration

9. Medicine used as an eye lotion is

(a) silver sol (b) colloidal gold (c) colloidal antimony (d) milk of magnesia

10. Ostwald’s dilution law is applicable in the case of the solution of

(a) CH3COOH (b) NaCl (c) NaOH (d) H2SO4

11. C6H5N2Cl Cu/POH 23 X + N2 + HCl. The compound X is

(a) C6H5Cl (b) C6H5NHNH2 (c) C6H6 (d) C6H5NO2

12. Which of the following will not undergo diazotisation?

(a) m-toluidine (b) aniline (c) p-aminophenol (d) benzyl amine

14. The reducing sugar among the following is

(a) sucrose (b) cellulose (c) starch (d) glucose

Chemistry/March/2012 75 Arul Institute

13. Which of the following compounds is called oil of mirbane?

(a) Aniline (b) Nitromethane (c) C6H5N2Cl (d) Nitrobenzene

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15. The amino acid without chiral carbon is

(a) glycine (b) alanine (c) proline (d) tyrosine

16. de Broglie equation is


mv (b) hmv (c)

mhv (d)


17. The hybridization in NH4+ ion is

(a) sp (b) sp2 (c) sp3 (d) sp3d

18. Among the following, which has higher electron affinity value?

(a) Fluorine (b) Chlorine (c) Bromine (d) Iodine

19. The compound with garlic odour is

(a) P2O3 (b) P2O5 (c) H3PO3 (d) H3PO4

20. Paramagnetism is the property of

(a) paired electrons (b) completely filled electronic subshells

(c) unpaired electrons (d) completely vacant electronic subshells

21. The number of close neighbours in a body centred cubic lattice of identical spheres is

(a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 12 (d) 8

22. Which of the following processes is always non-feasible?

(a) ∆H > 0, ∆S > 0 (b) ∆H < 0, ∆S > 0 (c) ∆H > 0, ∆S < 0 (d) ∆H < 0, ∆S < 0

23. In SI unit 1 eu is

(a) 41.84 EU (b) 4.184 EU (c) 418.4 EU (d) 4184 EU

24. If the equilibrium constants of the reactions 2A B and B 2A are K1 and K2 respectively, then

(a) K1 = 2K2 (b) K1 = 1/K2 (c) K2 = (K1)2 (d) K1 = 1/K22

25. The equilibrium constant Kc for A(g) B(g) is 2.5 x 10–2. The rate constant of forward reaction is 0.05 sec–1.

Therefore, the rate constant of the reverse reaction is

(a) 2 second–1 (b) 0.2 second–1 (c) 2 minute–1 (d) 0.2 minute–1

26. The compound that undergoes bromination easily is

(a) benzoic acid (b) benzene (c) phenol (d) toluene

27. Diethyl ether can be decomposed with

(a) HI (b) KMnO4 (c) NaOH (d) H2O

28. How many alcohol isomers are possible for the formula C4H10O?

(a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 7

29. Schiff’s reagent gives pink colour with

(a) acetone (b) acetaldehyde (c) ethyl alcohol (d) methyl acetate

30. Which of the following compounds is optically active?


Chemistry/March/2012 76 Arul Institute

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PART – II 15 x 3 = 45

Note : Answer any fifteen questionsEach answer should be in one or two sentences.

31. What is the significance of negative electronic energy?

32. Compare the first ionization energy of Aluminium (Z=13) with that of Magnesium (Z=12). Justify your


33. Prove that P2O5 is a powerful dehydrating agent.

34. Write any three uses of Neon.

35. Why do transition elements form complexes?

36. Explain chromyl chloride test with equation.

37. Neutron bombardment fragmentation of U235 occurs according to the equation :

92U235 + 0n1 42Mo98 + 54Xe136 + x –1e0 + y 0n1. Calculate the values of x and y.

38. What is a vitreous state?

39. The normal boiling point of CHCl3 is 61.5oC. Calculate the molar heat of vaporization of CHCl3 assuming

ideal behaviours.

40. State Le Chatelier’s principle.

41. Show that the half-life period of a first order reaction is independent of the initial concentration of the


42. Write notes on consecutive reactions with an example.

43. Write notes on Brownian movement.

44. What is buffer solution? Give an example.

45. Distinguish enantiomers from diastereomers.

46. Write an equation for coupling reaction.

47. How will you convert glycerol to acrolein?

48. Give two tests for aldehydes.

49. What happens when lactic acid is treated with PCl5? Write the equation.

50. CH3NO2 HCl/Sn A KOHalcoholic/CHCl3 B Pt/H2 C. Identify A, B and C

51. What are antioxidants? Give two examples.

PART – III 7 x 5 = 35

Note : Answer any seven questions choosing at least two questions from each section.


52. A moving electron has 4.55 x 10–25 joules of kinetic energy. Calculate its wavelength.

[ mass = 9.1 x 10–31 kg and h = 6.626 x 10–34 kg m2 s–1 ]

53. How is silver extracted from argentite?

54. Discuss the consequences of lanthanide contraction.

55. Explain co-ordination and ionization isomerisms with a suitable example for each.

Chemistry/March/2012 77 Arul Institute

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56. What are the characteristics of entropy(s)?

57. Derive the relation KP = KC (RT)∆ng for a general chemical equilibrium equilibrium reaction.

58. Show that for a first order reaction, the time required for 99.9% completion of the reaction is 10 times that

required for 50% completion.

59. Derive the Nernst equation.


60. Give any three methods of preparation of diethyl ether.

61. Discuss the mechanism of aldol condensation.

62. Write short notes on the following:

(i) HVZ-reaction (ii) Trans-esterification (iii) Kolbe’s electrolytic reaction.

63. How will you prepare the following polymers? Mention one use for each.

(i) Buna-S rubber (ii) Nylon-66

PART – IV 4 x 10 = 40

Note : Question No. 70 is compulsory and answer any three from the remaining questions

64. (a) Explain the pauling’s method to determine the ionic radii.

(b) Mention the uses of silicones.

65. (a) What are the postulates of valence bond theory?

(b) Differentiate chemical reactions from nuclear reactions.

66. (a) Explain Schottky and Frenkel defects

(b) Write briefly about the preparation of colloids by chemical methods.

67. (a) Write any five postulates of Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociation.

(b) Explain any five terms used in cell terminology.

68. (a) Discuss the optical isomerism in Tartaric acid.

(b) Write the preparation of salicylic acid with mechanism.

69. (a) Write notes on the following: (i) Mustard oil reaction (ii) Formation of Schiff’s base.

(b) How is the structure of fructose determined?

70. (a) An organic compound (A) of molecular formula C7H8 reacts with Cl2 and NaOH to give an aromatic

alcohol (B) of molecular formula C7H8O which liberates H2 with metallic sodium. Compound (B) on

reaction with CH3COOH in the presence of conc.H2SO4 forms compound (C) of molecular formula

C9H10O2 which has the fragrance of jasmine. Identify (A), (B) and (C). Explain the reactions.

(b) Element (A) which belongs to group 12 and period 4 is a bluish white metal. (A) reacts with conc.H2SO4

and gives (B) with the liberation of SO2. With NaOH (A) gives compound (C). Identify (A), (B) and (C).

Explain the reactions. [OR]

(c) Compound (A) of molecular formula C3H6O does not reduce Tollen’s reagent and Fehling’s solution.

Compound (A) undergoes Clemmensen reduction to give compound (B) of molecular formula C3H8.

Compound (A) in the presence of conc. H2SO4 condenses to give an aromatic compound (C) of

molecular formula C9H12. Identify (A), (B) and (C). Explain the reactions.

(d) What current strength in amperes will be required to liberate 10 gm of iodine from potassium iodide

solution in one hour? (Equivalent mass of Iodine is 127)

Chemistry/March/2012 78 Arul Institute

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JUNE 2012 22642647 / 22395248


Time Allowed : 3 Hours CHEMISTRY Maximum marks : 150

PART – I 30 x 1 = 30

Note : Answer all the questions.Choose and write the correct answer.

1. Decomposition of nitrogen pentoxide in CCl4 is a

(a) zero order reaction (b) first order reaction

(c) pseudo first order reaction (d) fractional order reaction

2. For chemisorption which of the following is wrong?

(a) Irreversible (b) It requires activation energy

(c) It forms multimolecular layers on adsorbate (d) Surface compounds are formed

3. The phenomenon of Tyndall’s effect is not observed in

(a) emulsion (b) colloidal solution (c) true solution (d) none of these

4. The rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide decreases in presence of

(a) platinum (b) iron (c) MnO2 (d) glycerine

5. The pH of 0.1 N NaOH solution is

(a) 1 (b) 10–1 (c) 13 (d) 10–13

6. The bond order of nitrogen molecule is

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 2.5 (d) 3

7. The type of hybridisation in PCl5 molecule is

(a) sp3d2 (b) sp3d (c) sp3 (d) sp2

8. Among the following, which has the maximum ionisation energy?

(a) Alkali metals (b) Noble gases (c) Alkaline earth metals (d) Halogens

9. The shape of XeF4 is

(a) tetrahedral (b) octahedral (c) square planar (d) pyramidal

10. Which transition element shows the highest oxidation state?

(a) Sc (b) Ti (c) Os (d) Zn

11. Glycerol is used

(a) as a sweetening agent (b) in the manufacture of good quality soap

(c) in the manufacture of nitroglycerine (d) all of these

12. Diethyl ether can be decomposed with

(a) HI (b) KMnO4 (c) NaOH (d) H2O

Chemistry/June/2012 79 Arul Institute

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13. The solvent used for the Grignard reagent is

(a) ethyl alcohol (b) diethyl ether (c) acetone (d) benzene

14. The compound which does not reduce Fehling’s solution is

(a) formaldehyde (b) acetaldehyde (c) benzaldehyde (d) propionaldehyde

15. Among the following the strongest acid is

(a) ClCH2COOH (b) Cl3C–COOH (c) CH3COOH (d) Cl2CH–COOH

16. Which of the following compounds is not coloured?

(a) Na2CuCl4 (b) Na2CdI4 (c) K4[Fe(CN)6] (d) K3[Fe(CN)6]

17. __________ form oxocations.

(a) Lanthanides (b) Actinides (c) Noble gases (d) Alkali metals

18. The radioactive lanthanides is

(a) Lanthanum (b) Promethium (c) Gadolinium (d) Terbium

19. The unit of paramagnetic moment is

(a) debye (b) k joules (c) BM (d) ergs

20. After 24 hrs only 0.125 g out of the initial quantity of 1 g of a radioisotope remains. Then its half -life period is

(a) 3 hours (b) 6 hours (c) 8 hours (d) 12 hours

21. When nitromethane is reduced with zinc dust + NH4Cl, it forms

(a) CH3NH2 (b) C2H5NH2 (c) CH3NHOH (d) C2H5COOH

22. When aqueous solution of benzene diazonium chloride is boiled, the product formed is

(a) benzyl alcohol (b) phenol (c) benzene + N2 (d) phenyl hydroxyl amine

23. The organic compound that undergoes carbylamine reaction is

(a) (C2H5)2NH (b) C2H5NH2 (c) (C2H5)3N (d) (C2H5)4N+I–

24. Glucose + acetic anhydride pyridine ?

(a) di acetate (b) tetra acetate (c) penta acetate (d) hexa acetate

25. Which of the following is not true for amino acid?

(a) Amino acid forms zwitter ion (b) Amino acid has isoelectric point

(c) Amino acid has dual behaviour (d) Amino acid is insoluble in NaOH solution

26. An example for Frenkel defect is

(a) NaCl (b) AgBr (c) CsCl (d) FeS

27. In which of the following process is always non-feasible?

(a) ∆H > 0, ∆S > 0 (b) ∆H < 0, ∆S < 0 (c) ∆H > 0, ∆S < 0 (d) ∆H < 0, ∆S > 0

28. A process accompanied by increase in free energy tends to be

(a) reversible process (b) irreversible process

(c) non-spontaneous process (d) spontaneous process

29. If the equilibrium constants of the reactions 2HI H2 + I2 and H2 + I2 2HI are K1 and K2 respectively, then

(a) K1 = 2K2 (b) K1 = 1/K2 (c) K2 = (K1)2 (d) K1 = 1/(K2)2

Chemistry/June/2012 80 Arul Institute

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30. Two moles of ammonia gas are introduced into a previously evacuated 1 dm3 vessel in which it partially

dissociates at high temperature. At equilibrium 1 mole of ammonia remains. The equilibrium constant Kc for

this dissociation is

(a) 27/16 (mole dm–3)2 (b) 27/8 (mole dm–3)2 (c) 27/4 (mole dm–3)2 (d) none of these

PART – II 15 x 3 = 45

Note : Answer any fifteen questionsEach answer should be in one or two sentences.

31. State Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.

32. Compare the ionization energies of Carbon and Boron.

33. Mention the uses of potash alum.

34. Write the preparation of ClF, ClF3 and IF7.

35. Explain why Mn2+ is more stable than Mn3+.

36. What is the action of heat on copper sulphate crystals?

37. Neutron bombardment fragmentation of U235 occurs according to the equation:

92U235 + 0n1 42Mo95 + 57 La139 + x –1e0 + y 0n1. Calculate the values of x and y.

38. Sketch the (a) sc (b) fcc (c) bcc lattices.

39. Calculate the entropy change of an engine that operates at 100oC when 453.6 of heat is supplied to it.

40. Explain the effect of temperature on the following equilibrium by using Le Chatelier's principle.

N2O4(g) 2NO2(g) H = +59.0 kJ/mole

41. Write notes on parallel reactions.

42. Derive the relationship between first order rate constant and half-life period.

43. What are active centres?

44. What are buffer solutions? How are they classified?

45. Distinguish enantiomers from diastereomers.

46. How are 1-propanol and 2-propanol distinguished by oxidation method?

47. Write the conversion reaction of ethylene glycol to 1,4-dioxan.

48. How do you prepare urotropine? Mention its use.

49. Formic acid reduces Tollen's reagent while acetic acid does not. Why?

50. An aromatic hydrocarbon A on nitration gives B which is known as oil of mirbane. B on warming with conc.

H2SO4 gives compound C. Identify A, B and C.

51. Write a short note on antacids.

PART – III 7 x 5 = 35

Note : Answer any seven questions choosing at least two questions from each section.


52. Mention any five postulates of molecular orbital theory.

53. How is pure zinc extracted from its ore?

54. What are the consequences of lanthanide contraction?

55. [Ni(CN)4]2– is diamagnetic whereas [NiCl4]2– is paramagnetic. Explain.

Chemistry/June/2012 81 Arul Institute

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56. Define Trouton's rule. What are the substances that deviate from this rule?

57. Derive the expressions for Kc and Kp for the decomposition of PCl5.

58. Explain the experimental determination of rate constant for decomposition of H2O2 in aqueous solution.

59. Calculate the potential of a half-cell consisting of Zn electrode in 0.01M ZnSO4 solution at 25oC. (Eo = +0.763V)


60. Give three methods of preparing anisole from phenol.

61. Explain the mechanism of crossed aldol condensation.

62. Explain the following reactions: (i) Friedal-Craft's acetylation (ii) Trans-esterification reaction.

63. Explain the Otto-witt's theory about dyes with a suitable example.

PART – IV 4 x 10 = 40

Note : Question No. 70 is compulsory and answer any three from the remaining questions64. (a) Explain the various factors that affect electron affinity.

(b) Explain the Dewar’s method of separating the noble gases from its mixture.

65. (a) Explain co-ordination and ionisation isomerism with suitable examples.

(b) Differentiate chemical reactions from nuclear reactions.

66. (a) What are superconductors? Mention their uses.

(b) Explain the intermediate compound formation theory of catalysis with an example.

67. (a) Write notes on Ostwald’s theory of indicators.

(b) With the help of electrochemical series, how will you predict whether a metal will displace another metal

from its salt solution or not? Give examples.

68. (a) Explain the optical isomerism in tartaric acid.

(b) How will you prepare the following from salicylic acid? (i) Aspirin (ii) Methyl Salicylate

69. (a) How do primary, secondary and tertiary amines react with nitrous acid? Give the reactions.

(b) Derive the structure of glucose.

70. (a) An aromatic hydrocarbon (A) reacts with propene in the presence of anhydrous AlCl3 to give a compound

(B) with a molecular formula C9H12. Further compound (B) undergoes oxidation in the presence of air to

give hydroperoxide (C). Compound (C) decomposes in HCl acid solution to give compound (D) and

acetone. Identify (A), (B), (C) and (D). Explain the reactions.

(b) A compound of chromium in which chromium exists in +6 oxidation state. Its chief ore (A) on roasting

with molten alkali gives compound (B). This compound (B) on acidification gives compound (C).

Compound (C) on treatment with KCl gives compound (D). Identify compounds (A), (B), (C) and (D).

Explain the proper chemical reactions.

(c) Compound (A) C3H6O does not reduce Tollen’s reagent but undergoes haloform reaction. Compound

(A) undergoes dehydration reaction in the presence of dry HCl to give compound (B) C6H10O. Three

molecules of compound (A) undergoes condensation reaction in the presence of conc.H2SO4 to give a

cyclic hydrocarbon (C). Identify (A), (B) and (C). Give the reactions.

(d) Calculate the pH of 0.1 M CH3COOH solution. Dissociation constant of acetic acid Ka = 1.8 x 10–5 M.

Chemistry/June/2012 82 Arul Institute

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OCTOBER 2012 22642647 / 22395248


Time Allowed : 3 Hours CHEMISTRY Maximum marks : 150

PART – I 30 x 1 = 30

N.B. : (i) Answer all questions.(ii) Choose and write the correct answer.

1. The crystal lattice with coordination number four is

(a) CsCl (b) ZnO (c) BN (d) NaCl

2. All the naturally occurring processes proceed spontaneously in a direction, which leads to

(a) decrease in entropy (b) increase in enthalpy (c) increase in free energy (d) decrease in free energy

3. The entropy change for the following process possessing ∆H(transition) = 2090 J mol–1

1 mole Sn (, 13oC) 1 mole Sn (, 13oC)

(a) 22.007 J mol–1 K–1 (b) 7.307 J mol–1 K–1 (c) 0.314 J mol–1 K–1 (d) 109.52 J mol–1 K–1

4. In an equilibrium reaction, when Q < Kc then

(a) forward reaction is favoured (b) reverse reaction is favoured

(c) both forward & reverse reactions are favoured (d) none of these

5. In which of the following gaseous reactions Kp = Kc?

(a) PCl5(g) PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) (b) H2(g) + I2(g) 2HI(g)

(c) N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g) (d) CO(g) + H2O(g) CO2(g) + H2(g)

6. Nitrobenzene on electrolytic reduction in con. sulphuric acid, the intermediate formed is

(a) C6H5–NH–NH–C6H5 (b) C6H5–NHOH (c) C6H5–N=N–C6H5 (d) C6H5–HSO4

7. Which one of the following is the most basic?

(a) Ammonia (b) Methylamine (c) Dimethylamine (d) Aniline

8. The compound which does not undergo diazotisation reaction is

(a) m-toluidine (b) benzylamine (c) aniline (d) p-aminophenol

9. The building block of proteins are

(a) –hydroxy acids (b) –amino acids (c) –hydroxy acids (d) –amino acids

10. An example for reducing disaccharide is

(a) Glucose (b) Fructose (c) Sucrose (d) Lactose

11. The most malleable and ductile of all metals is

(a) silver (b) gold (c) copper (d) zinc

12. The maximum oxidation state exhibited by Lanthanide is

(a) +1 (b) +3 (c) +2 (d) +4

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13. Which is used in Gas lamp materials?

(a) Ceria (b) Thoria (c) Misch metal (d) Both (a) and (b)

14. The type of isomerism found in the complexes [Co(NO2)(NH3)5]SO4 and [Co(SO4)(NH3)5]NO2 is

(a) Hydrate isomerism (b) Coordination isomerism

(c) Linkage isomerism (d) Ionisation isomerism

15. After 24 hours only 0.125 g out of the initial quantity 1 g of a radioisotope remains behind. Then its half -life

period is

(a) 0.8 hour (b) 8 hours (c) 100 hours (d) 80 hours

16. Order of reactivity of Alcohol towards sodium metal is

(a) primary < secondary > tertiary (b) primary > secondary < tertiary

(c) primary > secondary > tertiary (d) primary < secondary < tertiary

17. When diethyl ether reacts with chlorine in presence of sunlight it gives

(a) –chlorodiethyl ether (b) ,’–dichlorodiethyl ether

(c) perchlorodiethyl ether (d) both (a) and (b)

18. Intermolecular hydrogen bonds are not present in

(a) CH3COOH (b) C2H5–O–C2H5 (c) CH3CH2OH (d) C2H5NH2

19. 3 CH3COCH3 42SOH.conc the product is

(a) Mesitylene (b) Mesityl oxide (c) Phorone (d) Paraldehyde

20. The acid that cannot be prepared by Grignard reagent is

(a) Acetic acid (b) Formic acid (c) Butyric acid (d) Benzoic acid

21. de Broglie equation is


mv (b) hmv (c)

mhv (d)


22. The hybridization in ICl4– ion is

(a) sp3 (b) sp3d (c) sp3d2 (d) sp3d3

23. Noble gases have ___________ electron affinity.

(a) high (b) low (c) zero (d) very low

24. Which of the following is the second most abundant element in earth curst?

(a) Carbon (b) Silicon (c) Germanium (d) Tin

25. When excess of KCN is added to an aqueous solution of copper sulphate it gives

(a) Cu(CN)2 (b) K2[Cu(CN)6] (c) K[Cu(CN)2] (d) Cu2(CN)2 + (CN)2

26. Arrhenius equation is

(a) RT1e.AK (b) aERTe.AK (c) RTEae.AK (d) RTEae.AK

27. Fog is a colloidal solution of

(a) gas in liquid (b) liquid in gas (c) gas in solid (d) solid in gas

28. The iron catalyst used in the synthesis of ammonia in Haber’s process is poisoned by

(a) As2O3 (b) V2O5 (c) H2S (d) Glycerine

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29. The migration of colloidal particles under the influence of an electric field is known as

(a) Electro-osmosis (b) Brownian movement (c) Electro-dialysis (d) Cataphoresis

30. When pH of a solution is 2, the hydrogen ion concentration in moles lit–1 is

(a) 1 x 10–12 (b) 1 x 10–2 (c) 1 x 10–7 (d) 1 x 10–4

PART – II 15 x 3 = 45

Note : Answer any fifteen questionsEach answer should be in one or two sentences.

31. What is the significance of negative electronic energy?

32. Calculate the effective nuclear charge experienced by the 4s electron in potassium atom.

33. Prove that P2O5 is a dehydrating agent.

34. Write three uses of fluorine.

35. Why are Zn2+ salts white, while Ni2+ salts are coloured?

36. How is lunar caustic prepared?

37. What is binding energy of nucleus?

38. How are glasses formed?

39. Write Kelvin statement of second law of thermodynamics.

40. Degree of dissociation of PCl5 at 1 atm and 25oC is 0.2. Calculate the Kp value for equilibrium

PCl5 PCl3 + Cl2 at 25oC.

41. What is meant by consecutive reaction? Give an example.

42. Give three examples for first order reaction.

43. Define colloidal solution.

44. State Kohlrausch’s law.

45. Distinguish racemic form from meso form.

46. Give a brief account of coupling reaction.

47. How is formic acid obtained from glycerol?

48. What happens when benzaldehyde is heated with concentrated NaOH?

49. Write two tests of carboxylic acid.

50. An organic compound ‘A’ C7H7NO when treated with Br2/alkali gives ‘B’ C6H7N. 'B' undergoes

diazotisation reaction. Identify ‘A’ and 'B’.

51. What are anesthetics? Give an example.

PART – III 7 x 5 = 35

Note : Answer any seven questions choosing at least two questions from each section.


52. Briefly explain molecular orbital theory.

53. Explain how is gold extracted from its ore.

54. Write the consequences of lanthanide contraction.

55. In what way [FeF6]4– differs from [Fe(CN)6]4–? Explain.

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56. Write the characteristics of Entropy.

57. Explain the effect of temperature and pressure on the following equilibrium.

N2O4(g) 2NO2(g) ; H = +59.0 KJ/mole.

58. Explain the experimental determination of rate constant of acid hydrolysis of methyl acetate.

59. Calculate the potential of a half-cell consisting of Zn electrode in 0.01M ZnSO4 solution at 25oC (Eo= 0.763V)


60. Mention three methods of preparing anisole.

61. Illustrate the reducing property of acetaldehyde with examples.

62. Explain the mechanism of esterification.

63. Explain chromophore and auxochrome theory about dyes.

PART – IV 4 x 10 = 40

Note : Question No. 70 is compulsory and answer any three from the remaining questions

64. (a) Explain Pauling’s scale to calculate electronegativity.

(b) Write the uses of silicones.

65. (a) Write the postulates of Werner’s theory of coordination compounds.

(b) Explain nuclear reactions taking place in sun.

66. (a) Explain Schottky and Frenkel defects.

(b) Discuss the factors affecting adsorption.

67. (a) Explain the buffer action of a basic buffer with an example.

(b) Derive Nernst equation.

68. (a) Explain cis-trans isomerism with an example.

(b) Explain the following: (i) Hell-Volhard-Zelinsky reaction (HVZ) (ii) Claisen ester condensation.

69. (a) Write any three methods of preparing Benzyl amine.

(b) Explain the functions of lipids in Biosystems.

70. (a) An organic compound A (C2H6O2) liberates hydrogen with metallic sodium. Compound A when heated

with anhydrous zinc chloride ultimately gives B (C2H4O) whereas when heated with conc. phosphoric

acid gives C (C4H10O3). A on oxidation with acidified K2Cr2O7 gives compound D (CH2O2). Identify A, B,

C and D. Explain the reactions involved.

(b) An element A present in Period no. 4 and Group no. 12 on treatment with dil.HNO3 forms B with the

liberation of N2O. A when heated with air at 773 K gives C which is known as philosopher’s wool. Identify

A, B and C. Explain the reactions involved. (OR)

(c) An organic compound A (C2H3N) on reduction with SnCl2/HCl gives B (C2H4O) which reduces Tollen’s

reagent. Compound B on reduction with N2H4 / C2H5ONa gives C (C2H6). Identify the compounds A, B

and C. Explain the reactions involved.

(d) An electric current is passed through three cells in series containing solutions of CuSO4, AgNO3 and KI

respectively. What weights of silver and iodine will be liberated while 1.25g of copper is being deposited?

(Atomic weight of Ag = 108, Cu = 63.4, I = 127)

Chemistry/October/2012 86 Arul Institute

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MARCH 2013 22642647 / 22395248


Time Allowed : 3 Hours CHEMISTRY Maximum marks : 150

PART – I 30 x 1 = 30

Note : Answer all the questions.Choose and write the correct answer.

1. Thermodynamic condition for irreversible spontaneous process at constant ‘T’ and ‘P’ is

(a) ΔG < 0 (b) ΔG = 0 (c) ΔG > 0 (d) both (b) and (c)

2. The total number of atoms per unit cell in fcc is

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

3. Dual character of an electron was explained by

(a) Bohr (b) Heisenberg (c) De Broglie (d) Pauli

4. Which one of the following is a simple ether?

(a) CH3–O–C2H5 (b) C6H5–O–CH3 (c) C2H5–O–C2H5 (d) C3H7–O–C2H5

5. [FeF6]4– is paramagnetic because

(a) F– is a weaker ligand (b) F– is a stronger ligand

(c) F– is a flexidinate ligand (d) F– is a chelating ligand

6. In the manufacture of Ammonia by Haber’s process, the maximum yield of ammonia will be obtained with

the process having

(a) low pressure and high temperature (b) low pressure and low temperature

(c) high pressure and high temperature (d) high pressure and low temperature

7. The phenomenon of Tyndall’s effect is not observed in

(a) emulsion (b) colloidal solution (c) true solution (d) gel

8. The aminoacid without Chiral carbon is

(a) Glycine (b) Alanine (c) Proline (d) Tyrosine

9. In nitroalkanes – NO2 group is converted to – NH2 group by using the reagent

(a) Sn/HCl (b) Zn dust (c) Zn/NH4Cl (d) Zn/NaOH

10. The metals present in Nichrome alloy

(a) Cr, Ni, Fe (b) Cr, Co, Ni (c) Cr, Fe (d) Cr, Fe, Cu

11. Which of the following does not result in an increase in entropy?

(a) Rusting of iron (b) Conversion of ice to water

(c) Crystallisation of sucrose from solution (d) Sublimation of camphor

12. The compound that does not undergo Cannizaro reaction is

(a) formaldehyde (b) benzaldehyde (c) acetaldehyde (d) trimethyl acetaldehyde

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13. 2H2O(g) + 2Cl2(g) 4HCl(g) + O2(g) . The relationship between Kp and Kc for the equilibrium is

(a) Kp = Kc (b) Kp = Kc (RT)2 (c) Kp = Kc (RT)1 (d) Kp = Kc (RT)–2

14. Strong mineral acids __________ the ethereal oxygen forming oxonium salts.

(a) electronate (b) protonate (c) deprotonate (d) dehydrate

15. Emulsifying agent is used for ___________ of an emulsion.

(a) precipitation (b) denaturation (c) stabilization (d) oxidation

16. The reducing sugar is

(a) Sucrose (b) Cellulose (c) Starch (d) Glucose

17. __________ form oxocations.

(a) Lanthanides (b) Actinides (c) Noble gases (d) Alkali metals

18. The hybridization in PCl5 molecule is

(a) sp3 (b) sp3d2 (c) sp3d (d) sp2

19. Maximum oxidation state exhibited by lanthanides is

(a) +1 (b) +2 (c) +3 (d) +4

20. The noble gases are unreactive because they

(a) have same number of electrons (b) have an atomicity of one

(c) are gases with low density (d) have stable electronic configuration

21. When pH of a solution is 2, the hydrogen ion concentration in moles litre–1 will be

(a) 1 x 10–12 (b) 1 x 10–4 (c) 1 x 10–7 (d) 1 x 10-2

22. Ethylene diamine is converted to ethylene glycol using

(a) Na2CO3 solution (b) Nitrous acid (c) NaHCO3 solution (d) Baeyer’s reagent

23. Paramagnetism is the property of

(a) paired electrons (b) completely filled electronic sub-shells

(c) unpaired electrons (d) completely vacant electronic sub-shells

24. Among the following the strongest acid is


25. Silica gel is utilized for the __________ of the number of gases.

(a) adsorption (b) absorption (c) desorption (d) all of these

26. Conversion of benzene diazonium chloride to chlorobenzene is

(a) Sandmeyer’s reaction (b) Stephen’s reaction

(c) Gomberg reaction (d) Schotten – Baumann reaction

27. The organic compound that undergoes carbylamine reaction is

(a) (C2H5)2NH (b) C2H5NH2 (c) (C2H5)3N (d) (C2H5)4N+I–

28. On moving down a group, the radius of an ion

(a) decreases (b) increases (c) varies randomly (d) remains constant

29. 92U235 nucleus absorbs a neutron and disintegrates into 54Xe139, 38Sr94 and X. What is X?

(a) 3 neutrons (b) 2 neutrons (c) –particle (d) β–particle

30. For a reaction Ea = 0 and K = 4.2 x 105 sec–1 at 300K, the value of K at 310K will be:

(a) 4.2 x 105 sec–1 (b) 8.4 x 105 sec–1 (c) 8.4 x 10–5 sec–1 (d) 4.2 x 10–5 sec–1

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PART – II 15 x 3 = 45

Note : Answer any fifteen questionsEach answer should be in one or two sentences.

31. State Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.

32. Why electron affinity of fluorine is less than that of chlorine?

33. Write a note on Plumbosolvency.

34. H3PO4 is triprotic. Prove.

35. Why do d-block elements exhibit variable oxidation states?

36. What is “spitting of silver”? How is it prevented?

37. Determine the average life of U238 having t1/2 = 140 days.

38. What are super conductors?

39. Calculate the entropy change for the following process possessing ΔH(Transition) = 2090 J mol–1.

1 mole Sn (, 13ºC) 1 mole Sn (β, 13ºC)

40. State Le–Chatelier’s principle.

41. Give three examples for opposing reactions.

42. Write Arrhenius equation and explain the terms.

43. What is electrophoresis?

44. State Faraday’s second law of electrolysis.

45. Mesotartaric acid is an optically inactive compound with asymmetric carbon atoms. Justify your answer.

46. What is ‘Glycerose’? How is it prepared from glycerol?

47. How will you convert phenol to phenolphthalein?

48. Give the IUPAC names of the following: (a) Crotonaldehyde (b) Methyl n-propyl ketone (c) Benzaldehyde

49. Give any two tests to identify carboxylic acids.

50. An organic compound (A) of molecular formula C2H5NO reacts with Br2/NaOH to give compound (B) of

molecular formula CH5N. (A) is reduced by LiAlH4 to give compound (C) of formula C2H7N. Identify (A), (B)

and (C).

51. What are antipyretics? Give an example.

PART – III 7 x 5 = 35

Note : Answer any seven questions choosing at least two questions from each section.


52. Explain the formation of O2 molecule using molecular orbital theory.

53. Explain how silver is extracted from its chief ore.

54. Discuss the consequences of Lanthanide contraction.

55. Explain the type of hybridisation, magnetic property & geometry for [Ni(CN)4]2– & [Ni(NH3)4]2+ using VB theory.


56. State the various statements of second law of thermodynamics.

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57. Derive the expressions for Kc and Kp for the decomposition of PCl5.

58. Discuss the characteristics of a order of reaction.

59. Determine the standard emf of the cell and standard free energy change of the cell reaction.

Zn / Zn2+ Ni2+ / Ni ; EoZn

2+/ Zn = – 0.76 V ; Eo


/ Ni = – 0.25 V.


60. Give any three methods of preparation of diethyl ether.

61. Write the differences between acetaldehyde and benzaldehyde.

62. Give the mechanism involved in the esterification of a carboxylic acid with alcohol.

63. How are Buna–S and nylon–66 prepared? Give their uses.

PART – IV 4 x 10 = 40

Note : Question No. 70 is compulsory and answer any three from the remaining questions

64. (a) Explain the Pauling scale for the determination of electronegativity. Give its disadvantages.

(b) How does Fluorine differ from other halogens?

65. (a) Explain the co-ordination isomerism and ionization isomerism with example.

(b) Explain Radio-Carbon dating.

66. (a) Explain Schottky defect and Frenkel defect.

(b) Write briefly the adsorption theory of catalysis.

67. (a) Explain Quinonoid theory of indicators.

(b) Write notes on IUPAC conventions of representation of a cell.

68. (a) Discuss cis-trans isomerism with a suitable example. (Organic compounds)

(b) Account for the reducing nature of formic acid.

69. (a) Distinguish between primary, secondary and tertiary amines.

(b) Explain the structure of fructose.

70. (a) Compound (A) with molecular formula C6H6O gives violet colour with neutral FeCl3. (A) reacts with

CHCl3 and NaOH gives two isomers (B) and (C) with molecular formula C7H6O2. Compound (A) reacts

with ammonia at 473 K in the presence of ZnCl2 gives compound (D) with molecular formula C6H7N.

Compound (D) undergoes carbylamine test. Identify (A), (B), (C) and (D) and explain the reactions.

(b) (A) is a reddish brown metal. It belongs to group 11 and period 4 of the periodic table. When heated

below 1370 K, (A) gives a black compound (B). When heated above 1370 K (A) gives a red compound

(C). With concentrated nitric acid, (A) liberates NO2 gas and gives compound (D). Identify (A), (B), (C)

and (D). Explain the reactions. (OR)

(c) Compound (A) C2H4O reduces Tollen’s reagent. (A) on treatment with HCN gives compound (B).

Compound (B) on hydrolysis with an acid gives compound (C) C3H6O3 which is an optically active

compound. Compound (A) on reduction with N2H4 / C2H5ONa gives a hydrocarbon (D) C2H6. Identify (A),

(B), (C) and (D). Explain the reactions involved.

(d) Ionic conductances at infinite dilution of Al3+ and SO42– are 189 ohm–1 cm2 (gm equiv)–1 and 160 ohm–1

cm2 (gm equiv)–1. Calculate equivalent and molar conductance of the electrolyte at infinite dilution.

Chemistry/March/2013 90 Arul Institute

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JUNE 2013 22642647 / 22395248


Time Allowed : 3 Hours CHEMISTRY Maximum marks : 150

PART – I 30 x 1 = 30

Note : Answer all the questions.Choose and write the correct answer.

1. Chloropicrin is

(a) CCl3CHO (b) CCl3NO2 (c) CHCl3 (d) CH3NO2

2. The rate constant for a first order reaction is 1.54 x 10–3 sec–1. Its half life period is

(a) 540 seconds (b) 450 seconds (c) 45 seconds (d) 54 seconds

3. __________ is used in gas lamp material.

(a) MnO2 (b) CeO2 (c) N2O5 (d) Fe2O3

4. For an isothermal process, the entropy change of the universe during a reversible process

(a) Zero (b) More (c) Less (d) None of the above

5. C6H5NH2 K278K273atHCl/NaNO2 X. Identify X.

(a) C6H5Cl (b) C6H5NHOH (c) C6H5N2Cl (d) C6H5OH

6. Ruby glass is a colloidal solution of

(a) solid–sol (b) gel (c) emulsion (d) sol

7. Paramagnetic moment is expressed in

(a) Debye unit (b) Kilojoules (c) BM (d) ergs

8. β – particle is represented as

(a) +1e0 (b) –1e0 (c) 1H1 (d) 2He4

9. The compound used in the preparation of the tranquilizer, sulphonal is

(a) acetone (b) acetophenone (c) Isopropyl alcohol (d) glycol

10. The unit of electron affinity is

(a) MeV (b) JK–1 (c) eV (d) KJ mol–1

11. The equivalent conductivity of CH3COOH at 25oC is 80 ohm–1 cm2 eq–1 and at infinite dilution 400 ohm–1 cm2

eq–1. The degree of dissociation of CH3COOH is

(a) 1 (b) 0.2 (c) 0.1 (d) 0.3

12. The number of secondary alcoholic group in glycerol is

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 0

13. IUPAC name of this compound CH3–O–CH–CH3 is

CH 3

(a) 1 – methoxy propane (b) methyl isopropyl ether (c) isopropyl methyl ether (d) 2 – methoxy propane

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14. State of chemical equilibrium is

(a) dynamic (b) stationary (c) none (d) both (a) and (b)

15. The phenomenon of Tyndall’s effect is not observed in

(a) emulsion (b) colloidal solution (c) true solution (d) gel

16. Glucose is not oxidized to gluconic acid by

(a) Br2 / H2O (b) Fehling’s solution (c) Tollen’s Reagent (d) Conc. HNO3

17. Which of the following compounds will not give positive chromyl chloride test?

(a) CuCl2 (b) HgCl2 (c) ZnCl2 (d) C6H5Cl

18. For the reaction 2Cl(g) Cl2(g) the signs of H and S respectively are

(a) +, – (b) +, + (c) –, – (d) –, +

19. Aspirin is

(a) salicylic acid (b) acetyl salicylic acid (c) salicylaldehyde (d) methyl salicylate

20. For chemisorption, which is wrong?

(a) Irreversible (b) It requires activation energy

(c) It forms multimolecular layers on adsorbate (d) Surface compounds are formed

21. In the formation of HI from H2 and I2 , KP = Kc because

(a) ng = 2 (b) ng = 1 (c) ng = 0 (d) ng = – 1

22. Paramagnetism is the property of

(a) paired electrons (b) completely filled electronic subshells

(c) unpaired electrons (d) completely vacant electronic subshells

23. The bond order of nitrogen molecule is

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

24. Radioactive element of lanthanide is

(a) thorium (b) lanthanum (c) uranium (d) promethium

25. Semiconductors which exhibit conductivity due to the flow of excess negative electrons are called

(a) Super conductors (b) n–type semiconductors

(c) p–type semiconductors (d) Insulators

26. ___________ occur in the white matter of the brain and of all nervous tissue.

(a) Lecithin (b) Cephalin (c) Galactolipids (d) Amino acid

27. The organic compound that undergoes carbylamine reaction is

(a) (C2H5)2NH (b) C2H5NH2 (c) (C2H5)3N (d) (C2H5)4N+I–

28. The intramolecular hydrogen bonding is present in

(a) o–nitrophenol (b) m–nitrophenol (c) p–nitrophenol (d) none of the above

29. Intermolecular hydrogen bonds are not present in

(a) CH3COOH (b) C2H5OC2H5 (c) CH3CH2OH (d) C2H5NH2

30. The compound with garlic taste is

(a) H3PO4 (b) H3PO3 (c) P2O3 (d) P2O5

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PART – II 15 x 3 = 45

Note : Answer any fifteen questionsEach answer should be in one or two sentences.

31. Define Hybridisation.

32. The electron affinities of Beryllium (Z = 4), Magnesium (Z = 12) & Calcium (Z = 20) are almost zero. Why?

33. H3PO3 is diprotic. Prove.

34. Discuss the oxidising power of fluorine.

35. Why Zn2+ salts are white while Ni2+salts are coloured?

36. What is the action of heat on silver nitrate?

37. Calculate the Q value of the following nuclear reaction: 13Al27 + 2He4 14Si30 + 1H1 + Q

Given: 13Al27 = 26.9815 amu ; 14Si30 = 29.9738 amu ; 2He4 = 4.0026 amu and 1H1 = 1.0078 amu

38. How are glasses formed?

39. Give Kelvin statement of second law of thermodynamics.

40. For the equilibrium 2NOCl(g) 2NO(g) + Cl2(g) the value of the equilibrium constant Kc is 3.75 x 10–6 mol dm–3

at 790oC. Calculate Kp for this equilibrium at the same temperature ( R = 0.0821 dm3 atm K–1mol–1 )

41. Define half-life period.

42. Write any two characteristics of first order reaction.

43. What are emulsions? Give two examples.

44. What is ionic product of water?

45. Distinguish racemic mixture from mesoform.

46. How is terylene prepared from glycol?

47. Explain Dow’s process.

48. How does acetone reacts with chloroform in the presence of KOH?

49. Write any three uses of lactic acid.

50. Identify A, B and C.

C6H5–CH2–NH2 2HNO A ; C6H5–CH2–NH2 COClCH3 B ; C6H5–CH2–NH2 4KMnO C

51. What are antibiotics? Give one example.

PART – III 7 x 5 = 35

Note : Answer any seven questions choosing at least two questions from each section.


52. Calculate the uncertainty in the position of an electron if the uncertainty in its velocity is 5.7 x 105 m/s

(h = 6.626 x 10–34 kg m2 s–1, mass of an electron = 9.1 x 10–31 kg)

53. How is gold extracted?

54. Discuss the consequences of lanthanide contraction.

55. Mention the type of hybridization & magnetic property of the following complexes using VB theory.

(a) [FeF6]4– (b) [Fe(CN)6]4–


56. Give the characteristics of entropy (S).

57. Derive the expressions for Kc and Kp for the dissociation of PCl5.

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58. Explain the experimental determination of rate constant of acid hydrolysis of methyl acetate.

59. The standard electrode potentials of the half cells Ag+ / Ag and Fe3+/ Fe2+, (Pt) are 0.7991 V and 0.771 V

respectively. Calculate the equilibrium constant of the reaction: Ag(s) + Fe3+(aq) Ag+

(aq) + Fe2+(aq)


60. Mention the methods of preparation of anisole.

61. Write a note on (i) Clemmenson reduction and (ii) Knoevenagal reaction.

62. Write the mechanism of bromination of salicylic acid.

63. What are anaesthetics? Explain.

PART – IV 4 x 10 = 40

Note : Question No. 70 is compulsory and answer any three from the remaining questions64. (a) Describe the factors influencing the ionisation energy.

(b) How fluorine is isolated from their fluorides?

65. (a) For the complex K3[Cr(C2O4)3].3H2O, Mention (i) Name (ii) Central metal ion (iii) ligand (iv) Co-ordination

number (v) Geometry.

(b) Give the uses of radioactive isotopes in medicine.

66. (a) Explain the nature of glass.

(b) Distinguish between physical adsorption and chemical adsorption.

67. (a) Explain Oswald’s theory of indicators.

(b) Describe the construction and function of SHE (Standard Hydrogen Electrode).

68. (a) Explain the following isomerism with examples: (i) cis-trans isomerism in organic compounds (ii) Optical

isomerism in organic compounds.

(b) How are the following conversions carried out: (i) lactic acid to pyruvic acid (ii) oxalic acid to oxamide

(iii) methyl acetate to ethyl acetate.

69. (a) Write a note on: (i) Carbylamine reaction (ii) Mustard oil reaction (iii) Sand Meyer reaction

(b) How is the structure of fructose determined?

70. (a) An organic compound (A) C6H6 is an aromatic hydrocarbon. Compound (A) reacts with propylene in he

presence of anhydrous AlCl3 to give compound (B). (B) on oxidation gives compound (C). (C) reacts with

HCl to give compound (D) and acetone. Identify (A), (B), (C) and (D). Explain the reactions.

(b) The chief ore of zinc, on roasting gives a compound (A) which on reduction by carbon gives (B). (B)

reacts with concentrated sulphuric acid to compound (C) and SO2 gas. Identify (A), (B) and (C). Explain

the reactions. (OR)

(c) An organic compound (A) C7H8, on oxidation at 773 K in the presence of V2O5 gives compound (B) of

molecular formula C7H6O. (B) reduces Tollen’s reagent. (B) on heating with sodium acetate in the

presence of acetic anhydride gives compound (C) of molecular formula C9H8O2. Identify (A), (B) and (C).

Explain the reactions.

(d) An electric current is passed through three cells in series containing respectively solutions of copper

sulphate, silver nitrate and potassium iodide. What weights of silver and iodine will be liberated while

1.25 g of copper is being deposited. (Given: Equivalent weight of copper = 31.7 ; Equivalent weight of

silver = 108 ; Equivalent weight of iodine = 127)

Chemistry/June/2013 94 Arul Institute

Arul I



OCTOBER 2013 22642647 / 22395248


Time Allowed : 3 Hours CHEMISTRY Maximum marks : 150

PART – I 30 x 1 = 30

N.B. : (i) Answer all questions.(ii) Choose and write the correct answer.

1. __________ form oxocations.

(a) Lanthanides (b) Actinides (c) Noble gases (d) Alkali metals

2. Electrophile used in the nitration of benzene is

(a) Hydronium ion (b) Sulphonic ion (c) Nitronium ion (d) Bromide ion

3. An example for ambidentate Ligand is

(a) NH3 (b) H2O (c) NO2– (d) I–

4. Which of the following compound doesn’t show tautomerism?

(a) Nitrobenzene (b) Nitromethane (c) Nitroethane (d) 2-nitropropane

5. An emulsion is a colloidal solution of

(a) two solids (b) two liquids (c) two gases (d) one solid and one liquid

6. Which element in Lanthanide is radioactive?

(a) Cerium (b) Promethium (c) Holmium (d) Lutetium

7. When phenol is distilled with Zn dust it gives

(a) benzaldehyde (b) benzoic acid (c) toluene (d) benzene

8. Electrophoresis is a __________ property of a colloid.

(a) optical (b) kinetic (c) electrical (d) magnetic

9. Cephalins have been implicated in the process of

(a) metabolism (b) organisation of the body

(c) blood purification (d) blood coagulation

10. Among the Halogen acids, the weakest acid is

(a) HF (b) HCl (c) HBr (d) HI

11. C6H5NH2 K278K273atHCl/NaNO2 X. Identify X.

(a) C6H5Cl (b) C6H5NHOH (c) C6H5N2Cl (d) C6H5OH

12. In the oxidation of SO2 in contact process the catalytic poison is

(a) As2O3 (b) V2O5 (c) Fe2O3 (d) CuCl2

13. The compound that does not undergo Cannizaro reaction is

(a) formaldehyde (b) acetaldehyde (c) benzaldehyde (d) trimethyl acetaldehyde

Chemistry/October/2013 95 Arul Institute

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14. The SI unit of entropy is

(a) Cal K–1 mol–1 (b) erg K–1 mol–1 (c) J deg–1 mol–2 (d) J K–1 mol–1

15. Which one of the following crystal has 8 : 8 structure?

(a) MgF2 (b) CsCl (c) KCl (d) NaCl

16. The molecular orbitals are filled according to

(a) Pauli’s exclusion principle (b) Hund’s rule

(c) Aufbau principle (d) All the above

17. IUPAC name of phenetole is

(a) phenoxy benzene (b) ethoxy benzene (c) methoxy benzene (d) propoxy benzene

18. The hybridization in SF6 molecule is

(a) sp3 (b) sp3d2 (c) sp3d (d) sp3d3

19. The rate constant of the forward and reverse reactions are 8 x 10–5 and 2 x 10–4 respectively, Kc is ________

(a) 0.004 (b) 0.02 (c) 0.2 (d) 0.4

20. A ‘d’ block metal ion has a magnetic moment of 1.732 BM. The number of unpaired electrons are

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

21. When one coulomb of electricity is passed through an electrolytic solution, the mass deposited on the

electrode is equal to

(a) equivalent weight (b) molecular weight

(c) electrochemical equivalent (d) one gram

22. For a reaction Ea = 0 and K = 4.2 x 105 sec–1 at 300 K, the value of K at 310 K will be

(a) 4.2 x 105 sec–1 (b) 8.4 x 105 sec–1 (c) 7.4 x 105 sec–1 (d) 4.2 x 10–5 sec–1

23. The acid that cannot be prepared by Grignard reagent is

(a) acetic acid (b) formic acid (c) butyric acid (d) benzoic acid

24. Change in Gibb’s free energy is given by

(a) ΔG = ΔH + TΔS (b) ΔG = ΔH – TΔS (c) ΔG = ΔH x TΔS (d) ΔG = ΔH / TΔS

25. Among the following, which has higher electronegativity value?

(a) Fluorine (b) Chlorine (c) Bromine (d) Iodine

26. When ether is exposed to air for sometime an explosive substance produced is

(a) Peroxide (b) Oxide (c) TNT (d) Superoxide

27. Proteins are

(a) polypeptides (b) polyacids (c) polyphenols (d) polyester

28. In a reversible reaction 2HI H2 + I2, Kp is

(a) greater than Kc (b) less than Kc (c) equal to Kc (d) zero

29. Silver salt used in photography is

(a) AgCl (b) AgNO3 (c) AgF (d) AgBr

30. In the following radioactive decay 92X232 89Y220 how many and -particles are ejected?

(a) 3, 3 (b) 5, 3 (c) 3, 5 (d) 5, 5

Chemistry/October/2013 96 Arul Institute

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PART – II 15 x 3 = 45

Note : Answer any fifteen questionsEach answer should be in one or two sentences.

31. Why He2 is not formed?

32. The value of Cl–Cl bond distance is 1.98Å. What is the atomic radius of chlorine?

33. Give the uses of neon.

34. Why is HF not stored in glass bottles?

35. Why do transition elements form alloys?

36. What is “philosopher’s wool? How is it formed?

37. Mention any three differences between chemical and nuclear reactions.

38. Write Bragg’s equation and explain the terms.

39. Calculate the change of entropy for the process water liquid (373 K) water vapour (373 K) involving

ΔH(vap) = 40850 J mol–1 at 373 K.

40. Give one gaseous equilibrium reaction as an example for the following: (i) Δng = 0 (ii) Δng = +ve

41. Define order of a reaction.

42. What is a parallel reaction? Give an example.

43. How is Delta formed?

44. What is an ionic product of water? Give its value.

45. Distinguish enantiometer and diasterometer. (Any three)

46. Write the conversion of ethylene glycol to 1,4 – dioxan.

47. Write the coupling reaction.

48. Give two tests for aldehydes.

49. Compare the strength of mono, di, trichloro acetic acid.

50. Identify A, B and C: CH4 C400/HNO o3 A HCl/Sn B 22 HgCl/CS C

51. How is Buna-N rubber prepared? Give its one use.

PART – III 7 x 5 = 35

Note : Answer any seven questions choosing at least two questions from each section.


52. Derive de-Broglie equation.

53. How is gold extracted from its ore?

54. Discuss the position of Lanthanides in the periodic table.

55. For the complex K4[Fe(CN)6],mention the following: (a) IUPAC name (b) Central metal ion (c) Ligand

(d) Coordination number (e) Shape.


56. State the various statements of second law of Thermodynamics.

57. Apply Le-Chatelier principle in contact process and write the conditions to obtain maximum yield of SO3.

58. Give the differences between simple and complex reactions.

Chemistry/October/2013 97 Arul Institute

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59. Determine the standard emf of the cell and standard free energy change of the cell reaction.

Zn / Zn2+ Ni2+ / Ni ; EoZn

2+/ Zn = – 0.76 V ; Eo


/ Ni = – 0.25 V.


60. Give the differences between aromatic ether and aliphatic ether.

61. Explain the mechanism of Cannizzaro reaction.

62. Give the reactions of lactic acid with the following:

(a) Fenton’s reagent (b) dilute acidified KMnO4 (c) dilute H2SO4

63. Write Otto witt ‘chromophore and auxochrome’ theory on dyes.

PART – IV 4 x 10 = 40

Note : Question No. 70 is compulsory and answer any three from the remaining questions

64. (a) Explain the various factors that affect the electron affinity.

(b) How will you isolate noble gases from air by Ramsay – Rayleigh’s method.

65. (a) Write the postulates of Werner’s coordination theory.

(b) What is the reason for the release of high energy from Sun? Write various reactions taking place in the


66. (a) Explain Schottky and Frenkel defects.

(b) How are colloids prepared by mechanical dispersion and electrical dispersion methods?

67. (a) Write the postulates of Arrhenius theory of electrolytic conductance.

(b) Derive Nernst equation.

68. (a) Explain the optical activity phenomenon in tartaric acid.

(b) How are the following conversions carried out? (i) Salicylic acid Aspirin

(ii) Salicylic acid Methyl salicylate (iii) Acetamide Methyl amine

69. (a) How do primary, secondary and tertiary amines react with nitrous acid?

(b) Outline the classification of carbohydrates giving examples for each.

70. (a) An organic compound (A) C3H8O with Lucas reagent gives turbidity after 5 – 10 minutes. (A) with P/I2

gives (B). Compound (B) on treatment with silver nitrite gives (C) which gives blue colour with nitrous

acid. Identify (A), (B), (C) and explain the reactions.

(c) An aromatic hydrocarbon (A) C7H8 undergoes oxidation in the presence of V2O5 at 773 K and gives (B)

C7H6O, which has a smell of bitter almonds. Compound (B) reacts with acetic anhydride and sodium

acetate to give (C) C9H8O2 which is an unsaturated acid. Identify (A), (B) and (C). Explain the reactions.

(d) The equivalent conductances at infinite dilution of HCl, CH3COONa and NaCl are 426.16, 91.0 and

126.45 ohm–1 cm2 gm.equivalent–1 respectively. Calculate the of acetic acid.

(b) Compound (A) is the chief ore of chromium in which chromium exist in +3 oxidation state. (A) on roasting

with molten sodium carbonate gives yellow coloured compound (B). When (B) reacts with conc. sulphuric

acid gives compound (C). (C) on treatment with KCl gives compound (D). Identify compounds (A), (B),

(C) and (D). Explain the reactions. (OR)

Chemistry/October/2013 98 Arul Institute

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Chemistry/March/2014 99 Arul Institute

MARCH 2014 22642647 / 22395248


Duration : 3 Hours CHEMISTRY Maximum : 150 Marks

PART – I 30 x 1 = 30

N.B. : (i) Answer all the questions.(ii) Choose and write the correct answer.

1. De-Broglie equation is

(a) = mv / h (b) = hmv (c) = hv / m (d) = h / mv

2. The hybridisation in IF7 molecule is

(a) sp3 (b) sp3d2 (c) sp3d (d) sp3d3

3. Effective nuclear charge (Z*) can be calculated by using the formula

(a) Z* = Z – S (b) Z* = Z + S (c) Z* = S – Z (d) Z = Z* – S

4. The compound used as smoke screen

(a) PCl3 (b) PCl5 (c) PH3 (d) H3PO3

5. Which of the ions will give colourless aqueous solution?

(a) Ni2+ (b) Fe2+ (c) Cu2+ (d) Cu+

6. The electronic configuration of chromium is

(a) 3d6 4s0 (b) 3d5 4s1 (c) 3d4 4s2 (d) 3d3 4s2 4p1

7. The most common oxidation state of actinides is

(a) +2 (b) +1 (c) +3 (d) +4

8. Which of the following lanthanides have no partly filled 4f subshell but have electrons in 5d subshell?

(a) Ce (b) Lu (c) Pm (d) Nd

9. Chlorophyll is a _____________ complex.

(a) magnesium-porphyrin (b) iron-porphyrin (c) copper-porphyrin (d) nickel-porphyrin

10. In the nuclear reaction 90Th232 82Pb208 the number of and particles emitted are

(a) 1, 4 (b) 2, 2 (c) 6, 4 (d) 8, 4

11. The smallest repeating unit in space lattice which when repeated over and again results in the crystal of the

given substance is called

(a) Space lattice (b) Crystal lattice (c) Unit cell (d) Isomorphism

12. In an adiabatic process which of the following is true?

(a) q = w (b) q = 0 (c) E = q (d) PV = 0

13. Entropy (S) and the change in entropy of the process (S)

(a) are path functions (b) are state functions (c) are constants (d) have no values

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Chemistry/March/2014 100 Arul Institute

14. If the equilibrium constants of the following reactions are 2A B is K1 and B 2A is K2, then

(a) K1 = 2K2 (b) K1 = 1 / K2 (c) K2 = (K1)2 (d) K1 = 1 / K22

15. Presence of moisture in contact process

(a) activates the catalyst (b) deactivates the catalyst

(c) increases the product (d) makes the catalyst porous

16. The unit of zero order rate constant is

(a) litre mol–1 sec–1 (b) mol litre–1 sec–1 (c) sec–1 (d) litre2 sec–1

17. The emulsifying agent used in O/W emulsion is

(a) protein (b) long chain alcohol

(c) lampblack (d) heavy metal salts of fatty acids

18. Decomposition of Hydrogen peroxide is retarded in the presence of

(a) alcohol (b) glycerine (c) manganese dioxide (d) molybdebum

19. Colloids are purified by

(a) precipitation (b) coagulation (c) dialysis (d) filtration

20. The pH of a solution containing 0.1 N NaOH solution is

(a) 1 (b) 10–1 (c) 13 (d) 10–13

21. Ethyl alcohol cannot be used as a solvent for CH3MgI because

(a) CH3MgI reacts with alcohol giving methane (b) the reaction between them is explosive in nature

(c) CH3MgI is converted to C2H5MgI (d) Alcohol is immiscible with CH3MgI

22. Oxygen atom of ether is

(a) very active (b) replaceable (c) oxidising (d) comparatively inert

23. Ether is formed when alkylhalide is treated with sodium alkoxide. This method is known as

(a) Hoffmann reaction (b) Williamson's synthesis (c) Wurtz synthesis (d) Kolbe's reaction

24. Tollen’s reagent is

(a) ammoniacal cuprous chloride (b) ammoniacal cuprous oxide

(c) ammoniacal silver nitrate (d) ammoniacal silver chloride

25. The order of reactivity of carboxylic acid derivatives is

(a) acid chloride > ester > amide > acid anhydride (b) acid chloride > acid anhydride > ester > amide

(c) acid chloride > amide > acid anhydride > ester (d) acid anhydride > ester > amide > acid chloride

26. The isomerism exhibited by nitroethane (CH3–CH2–NO2) and ethyl nitrite (CH3–CH2–O–N=O) is

(a) position (b) chain (c) functional (d) tautomerism

27. Methyl isocyanide on reduction using LiAlH4 gives

(a) methyl amine (b) ethyl amine (c) dimethyl amine (d) trimethyl amine

28. Which of the following is a secondary amine?

(a) aniline (b) diphenyl amine (c) sec. butyl amine (d) tert. butyl amine

Arul I



Chemistry/March/2014 101 Arul Institute

29. ______________ act as protective agent on the surface of animals and plants.

(a) Carbohydrates (b) Vitamins (c) Nucleic acids (d) Waxes

30. Important constituent of cell wall is

(a) lipid (b) cellulose (c) protein (d) vitamin

PART – II 15 x 3 = 45

N.B. Answer any fifteen questions.31. What is the significance of negative electronic energy?

32. Explain why the ionisation energy of Boron is less than that of Beryllium.

33. Prove that P2O5 is a powerful dehydrating agent.

34. Write any three uses of Helium.

35. Why do transition elements form complexes?

36. How does gold react with aquaregia?

37. Calculate the decay constant for Ag108 if its half-life is 2.31 minutes.

38. What is vitreous state?

39. Calculate the entropy increase in the evaporation of 1 mole of a liquid when it boils at 100oC having heat of

vaporisation at 100oC as 540 cal/gm.

40. Define Reaction Quotient (Q).

41. What are consecutive reactions? Give an example.

42. What is activation energy?

43. What is Tyndall effect?

44. What is common ion effect? Give an example.

45. Define 'Racemisation'.

46. Give the Victor Meyer's test for tertiary alcohol.

47. What is picric acid? How is it prepared from phenol?

48. What is urotropine? Give its use.

49. Write trans-esterification reaction.

50. An aromatic primary amine (A) with molecular formula C6H7N undergoes diazotisation to give (B). When the

aqueous solution of (B) is boiled it gives (C). Identify (A), (B) and (C).

51. In what way antacids are important? Give an example.

PART – III 7 x 5 = 35

N.B. Answer any seven questions choosing at least two questions from each section.


52. Explain the formation of nitrogen molecule by molecular orbital theory.

53. Explain the extraction of zinc from its important ore.

54. How are lanthanides extracted from monazite sand?

55. For the complex [Cr(en)3]Cl3, mention (a) IUPAC name (b) Central metal ion (c) Co-ordination number

(d) Ligand (e) Geometry of the complex.

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Chemistry/March/2014 102 Arul Institute


56. What are the characteristics of Gibb’s free energy?

57. Derive the relation Kp = Kc (RT)ng for a general chemical equilibrium reaction.

58. Derive an expression for the rate constant for a first order reaction.

59. What is the potential of a half-cell consisting of zinc electrode in 0.01 M ZnSO4 solution of 25oC? (Eo = 0.763 V)


60. Discuss the isomerism in ethers with one example for each.

61. Explain the mechanism of aldol condensation.

62. How is oxalic acid manufactured from sodium formate?

63. Explain the characteristics of rocket propellants.

PART – IV 4 x 10 = 40

N.B. Answer question number 70 and any three from the remaining questions

64. (a) Explain Pauling method to determine ionic radii.

(b) Give the uses of silicones.

65. (a) Give the postulates of valence bond theory of coordination compounds.

(b) Differentiate chemical reactions from nuclear reactions.

66. (a) Explain Bragg's spectrometer method.

(b) Write about the preparation of colloids by chemical methods.

67. (a) Write the evidences of Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociation.

(b) Explain any five terms in cell terminology

68. (a) Write the differences between enantiomers and diasteromers.

(b) How is benzoic acid prepared from (i) toluene (ii) phenyl cyanide (iii) carbon dioxide?

69. (a) Explain the reduction of nitrobenzene in alkaline medium.

(b) Explain the structure of glucose.

70. (a) An organic compound (A) of molecular formula C2H6O liberates hydrogen with metallic sodium.

Compound (A) on heating with excess of conc.H2SO4 at 440K gives an alkene (B). Compound (B) when

oxidised by Baeyer’s reagent gives compound (C). Identify A, B, C and explain the reactions.

(b) The metal (A) is extracted from its sulphide ore. On treatment with dilute HNO3 metal (A) gives a

compound (B), which is also known as Lunar caustics. (B) on heating at 723 K gives (C) and O2. Identify

(A), (B) and (C) and explain the reactions. (OR)

(c) An organic compound (A) of molecular formula C7H6O is not reduced by Fehling’s solution but will

undergo Cannizzaro reaction. Compound (A) reacts with aniline to give compound (B). Compound (A)

also reacts with Cl2 in the presence of catalyst to give compound (C). Identify (A), (B), (C) and explain.

(d) The Ka of propanoic acid is 1.34 x 10–5. What is the pH of a solution containing 0.5 M propanoic acid and

0.5 M sodium propanoate?

Arul I



Chemistry/June/2014 103 Arul Institute

JUNE 2014 22642647 / 22395248


Duration : 3 Hours CHEMISTRY Maximum : 150 Marks

PART – I 30 x 1 = 30

N.B. : (i) Answer all the questions.(ii) Choose and write the correct answer.

1. De-Broglie equation is

(a) = mv / h (b) = hmv (c) = hv / m (d) = h / mv

2. In a molecule when Nb = 8 and Na = 2, then the bond order is

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 2.5 (d) 2

3. Effective nuclear charge (Z*) can be calculated by using the formula

(a) Z* = Z – S (b) Z* = Z + S (c) Z* = S – Z (d) Z = Z* – S

4. The shape of PCl5 is

(a) pyramidal (b) trigonal bipyramidal (c) linear (d) tetrahedral

5. Which transition element show highest oxidation state?

(a) Sc (b) Ti (c) Os (d) Zn

6. Bordeaux mixture is

(a) CuSO4 + Ca(OH)2 (b) CuSO4 + KOH (c) CuSO4 + H2SO4 (d) CuSO4 + NaOH

7. Ceria is used in

(a) toys (b) tracer bullets (c) gas lamp materials (d) space probe

8. The oxidation state of uranium in UO2Cl2 is

(a) +2 (b) +4 (c) +5 (d) +6

9. The type of isomerism found in the complexes [Co(NO2)(NH3)5]SO4 and [Co(SO4)(NH3)5]NO2 is

(a) Hydrate isomerism (b) Ionisation isomerism (c) Linkage isomerism (d) Coordination isomerism

10. In the nuclear reaction 92U238 82Pb206 the number of and particles emitted are

(a) 7, 5 (b) 6, 4 (c) 4, 3 (d) 8, 6

11. The Bragg’s equation is

(a) = 2d sin (b) nd = 2 sin (c) 2 = nd sin (d) n = 2d sin

12. Which is the correct statement of second law of thermodynamics?

(a) A process accompanied by decrease in entropy tends to be spontaneous

(b) Efficiency of a machine can be cent percent

(c) It is impossible to transfer heat from a cold body to hot body by a machine without doing any work

(d) It is possible to convert the input energy completely to work by a machine

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Chemistry/June/2014 104 Arul Institute

13. When a liquid boils, there is

(a) an increase in entropy (b) decrease in entropy

(c) an increase in heat of vapourisation (d) an increase in free energy

14. For the homogeneous gas reaction at 600 K, 4NH3(g) + 5O2(g) 4NO(g) + 6H2O(g) the equilibrium constant

KC has the unit

(a) (mol dm–3)–1 (b) mol dm–3 (c) (mol dm–3)10 (d) (mol dm–3)–9

15. The maximum yield of SO3 in contact process is

(a) 97% (b) 37% (c) 50% (d) 47%

16. Arrhenius equation is

(a) k = A RT1


(b) k = A aERT


(c) k = A RTEa


(d) k = A RTEa


17. The phenomenon of Tyndall’s effect is not observed in

(a) emulsion (b) colloidal solution (c) true solution (d) solid foam

18. When an oil soluble dye is mixed with emulsion and emulsion remains colourless then, the emulsion is

(a) O/W (b) W/O (c) O/O (d) W/W

19. The catalyst used for the decomposition of KClO3 is

(a) MnO2 (b) Cl2 (c) V2O5 (d) Pt

20. The value of enthalpy of neutralisation of strong acid by strong base is

(a) – 87.32 kJ equiv–1 (b) – 57.32 kJ equiv–1 (c) – 72.57 kJ equiv–1 (d) – 72.23 kJ equiv–1

21. A compound that gives a positive iodoform test is

(a) 1-pentanol (b) 2-pentanone (c) 3-pentanone (d) pentanal

22. Oxygen atom of ether is

(a) very active (b) replaceable (c) oxidising (d) comparatively inert

23. Bromination of anisole gives

(a) o-bromo anisole (b) m-bromo anisole (c) p-bromo anisole (d) both (a) and (c)

24. Formaldehyde polymerises to give

(a) paraldehyde (b) paraformaldehyde (c) formalin (d) formic acid

25. The compound found in some stony deposit in kidney is

(a) potassium oxalate (b) oxalic acid (c) potassium succinate (d) calcium oxalate

26. Nitromethane condenses with acetaldehyde to give

(a) nitro propane (b) 1-nitro-2-propanol (c) 2-nitro-1-propanol (d) 3-nitro propanol

27. Primary amine acts as

(a) Electrophile (b) Lewis base (c) Lewis acid (d) Free radical

28. The reagent that cannot be used for the conversion of C6H5NO2 C6H5NH2

(a) Sn/HCl (b) LiAlH4 (c) H2/Ni (d) Zn/NaOH

29. The amino acid without chiral carbon is

(a) Glycine (b) Alanine (c) Proline (d) Thyrosine

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Chemistry/June/2014 105 Arul Institute

30. A mixture of D(+) glucose and D(–) fructose is known as

(a) cane sugar (b) sweetless sugar (c) invert sugar (d) starch sugar

PART – II 15 x 3 = 45

N.B. Answer any fifteen questions.31. Distinguish between a particle and a wave.

32. Mention the disadvantages of Pauling and Mulliken's scale.

33. How will you prove H3PO3 is a dibasic acid?

34. What is burnt alum?

35. Explain why d–block elements exhibit variable oxidation states.

36. Write a note about chromyl chloride test.

37. The half-life of Th233 is 1.4 x 1010 years. Calculate its disintegration constant.

38. Give the three uses of super conductors.

39. Calculate the maximum efficiency % possible from a thermal engine operating between 110oC and 25oC.

40. Write the equilibrium constant (Kc) for the following:

(a) H2O2(g) H2O(g) + ½O2(g) (b) CO(g)+ H2O(g) CO2(g)+ H2(g) (c) N2O4(g) 2NO2(g)

41. Define activation energy.

42. What is an opposing reaction? Give an example.

43. What is meant by autocatalyst? Give an example.

44. What is common ion effect? Give an example.

45. Distinguish meso form from racemic form.

46. What happens when ethylene reacts with alkaline KMnO4 solution?

47. Write Dow's process.

48. What is formalin? Give its use.

49. Give the IUPAC name of the following. (a) COOH (b) CH3COOH (c) COOH



50. CH5N (A) KOH.alc/CHCl3 (B) Pt/H2 (C). Identify (A), (B) and (C).

51. What are chromophores? Give an example.

PART – III 7 x 5 = 35

N.B. Answer any seven questions choosing at least two questions from each section.


52. Explain the formation of oxygen molecule by molecular orbital theory.

53. Explain the extraction of gold from its ore.

54. How are lanthanides extracted from monazite sand?

55. For the complex [Co(NH3)3(NO2)3], mention (a) IUPAC name (b) Central metal ion (c) Co-ordination number

(d) Ligand (e) Geometry of the complex.

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Chemistry/June/2014 106 Arul Institute


56. Discuss the characteristics of entropy.

57. Derive the relationship between Kp and Kc.

58. Show that for a first order reaction, the time required for 99.9% completion of the reaction is 10 times that

required for 50% completion.

59. Write an account on cell terminology.


60. Write all possible isomers with the molecular formula C4H10O and name them.

61. Explain the mechanism of aldol condensation of acetaldehyde.

62. How is lactic acid manufactured?

63. Write a short note on anaesthetics.

PART – IV 4 x 10 = 40

N.B. Answer question number 70 and any three from the remaining questions

64. (a) Explain Pauling method to determine ionic radii.

(b) How is fluorine isolated from their fluorides?

65. (a) Write the postulates of valence bond theory of coordination compounds.

(b) Write the medicinal uses of radioactive isotopes (any five).

66. (a) Give the properties of ionic crystals.

(b) How are colloids prepared by chemical methods?

67. (a) Derive the Henderson equation.

(b) Write notes on IUPAC convention of representation of a cell.

68. (a) Discuss the optical isomerism exhibited by tartaric acid.

(b) Write a note on (i) HVZ reaction (ii) Decarboxylation (iii) Kolbe's electrolytic reaction.

69. (a) Starting from benzene diazonium chloride how will you obtain the following.

(i) phenol (ii) anisole (iii) p-hydroxy azobenzene.

(b) How is the structure of glucose determined?

70. (a) Compound (A) with molecular formula C6H6O gives violet colour with neutral FeCl3. (A) reacting with CCl4

and NaOH gives two isomers (B) and (C). (A) on oxidation with CrO2Cl2 gives (D) of molecular formula

C6H4O2. Identify (A), (B), (C) and (D). Explain the reactions.

(b) Sulphate compound (A) of group 11 element is also called as Blue Vitriol. The compound undergoes

decomposition at various temperatures. A C100o B C230o

C C720o D. Identify (A), (B),

(C), (D) and write the equations. (OR)

(c) An organic compound (A) of molecular formula C7H6O is called as oil of bitter almonds. (A) on oxidation

gives (B) of molecular formula C7H6O2 which gives brisk effervescence with NaHCO3 solution. When (A)

is refluxed with aqueous alcoholic KCN, compound (C) is formed. Identify (A), (B), (C) and write the


(d) Calculate the pH of 0.1 M CH3COOH solution. Dissociation constant of acetic acid is 1.8 x 10–5 M.

Arul I



Chemistry/October/2014 107 Arul Institute

OCTOBER 2014 22642647 / 22395248


Duration : 3 Hours CHEMISTRY Maximum : 150 Marks

PART – I 30 x 1 = 30

N.B. : (i) Answer all the questions.(ii) Choose and write the correct answer.

1. Purity of blister copper is

(a) 100 % (b) 98% (c) 90% (d) 12%

2. When ether is exposed to air for sometime an explosive substance produced is

(a) peroxide (b) oxide (c) TNT (d) superoxide

3. Shape of p-orbital is

(a) spherical (b) clover leaf (c) dumb-bell (d) doughnut

4. Which one of the following is simple ether?

(a) CH3–O–C2H5 (b) C2H5–O–CH3 (c) C2H5–O–C2H5 (d) C3H7–O–C2H5

5. If ng is positive

(a) Kp = Kc (b) Kc < Kp (c) Kc > Kp (d) Kc = 0

6. In the radioactive decay 92X232 89Y220, the number of and particles emitted are

(a) 3, 3 (b) 5, 3 (c) 3, 5 (d) 5, 5

7. The percentage efficiency of a heat engine working between the temperature T1 K and T2 K (T1 > T2) is




TT x 100% (b)



TT x 100% (c)2

1TT x 100% (d)


2TT x 100%

8. Aldol is

(a) 2-hydroxy butanol (b) 3-hydroxy butanol (c) 3-hydroxy butanal (d) 2-hydroxy butanal

9. Nitromethane condenses with acetaldehyde to give

(a) nitro propane (b) 1-nitro-2-propanol (c) 2-nitro-1-propanol (d) 3-nitro propanol

10. An intermediate compound formed when nitrobenzene is electrolysed with conc.H2SO4

(a) C6H5NH–NHC6H5 (b) C6H5NHOH (c) C6H5N=NC6H5 (d) C6H5HSO4

11. Colloidal medicines are more effective because

(a) they are clean (b) they are easy to prepare

(c) the germs are more towards them (d) they are easily assimilated and adsorbed

12. Which of the following particle having same kinetic energy, would have the maximum de-Broglie wavelength?

(a) -particle (b) proton (c) -particle (d) neutron

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Chemistry/October/2014 108 Arul Institute

13. Glucose forms___________ with acetic anhydride and sodium acetate.

(a) di acetate (b) tetra acetate (c) penta acetate (d) hexa acetate

14. Standard free energies of formation of elements are taken as

(a) positive (b) negative (c) zero (d) infinite value

15. State of chemical equilibrium is:

(a) dynamic (b) stationary (c) none (d) both

16. Which of the following compound is optically active?


17. A substance which increases the activity of a catalyst

(a) positive catalyst (b) negative catalyst (c) promotor (d) catalytic poison

18. One can draw the map of building on a glass plate by

(a) HI (b) HF (c) HBr (d) HCl

19. Noble gases have _____electron affinity.

(a) high (b) low (c) zero (d) very low

20. Important ore of lanthanides is

(a) pitch blende (b) monozite (c) gypsum (d) chromite

21. Excess of sodium hydroxide reacts with zinc to form

(a) Zn & H2 (b) Na2ZnO2 (c) ZnO (d) Zn(OH)2

22. The reaction between a primary amine, chloroform and alcoholic KOH is known as

(a) Gabriel reaction (b) Mustard oil reaction (c) Carbylamine reaction (d) Hoffmann reaction

23. Arrhenius equation is

(a) k = A RT1


(b) k = A aERT


(c) k = A RTEa


(d) k = A RTEa


24. Rutile is

(a) TiO2 (b) Cu2O (c) MoS2 (d) Ru

25. For the titration between HCl and sodium carbonate, the indicator used is

(a) KMnO4 (b) phenolphthalein (c) litmus (d) methyl orange

26. Lanthanides contraction is due to

(a) perfect shielding of 4f electrons (b) imperfect shielding of 4f electrons

(c) perfect shielding of 3d electrons (d) imperfect shielding of 3d electrons

27. A metal ion from the first transition series forms an octahedral complex with magnetic moment of 4.9 BM and

another octahedral complex, which is diamagnetic. The metal ion is

(a) Fe2+ (b) Co2+ (c) Mn2+ (d) Ni2+

28. Ethylene glycol forms terylene with

(a) adipic acid (b) phthalic anhydride (c) terephthalic acid (d) oxalic acid

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Chemistry/October/2014 109 Arul Institute

29. Which is not true of amino acids?

(a) amino acid forms zwitter ion (b) has isoelectric point

(c) dual character (d) amino acid is insoluble in NaOH solution

30. Colloidal milk of magnesia is used

(a) as germ killer (b) as fertilizer (c) for stomach disorders (d) as tonic

PART – II 15 x 3 = 45

N.B. Answer any fifteen questions.31. Differentiate between particle and wave.

32. Define electron affinity.

33. H3PO3 is diprotic. Why?

34. Write a note on plumbo solvency.

35. Why most of the transition metals and their compounds are used as catalyst?

36. What happens when copper sulphate crystals are heated?

37. What is spallation reaction? Give an example.

38. Define superconducting transition temperature.

39. Give Clausius statement of second law of thermodynamics.

40. Calculate ng for the following reactions.

(a) N2(g)+ 3H2(g) 2NH3(g) (b) N2O4(g) 2NO2(g) (c) PCl5(g) PCl3(g) + Cl2(g)

41. Define order of a reaction.

42. Define half life period.

43. Define electrophoresis.

44. Define electrochemical equivalent.

45. Mesotartaric acid is an optically inactive compound with chiral carbon atoms. Justify.

46. Give two tests to identify phenol.

47. What happens when the vapour of tertiary butyl alcohol is passed over heated Cu at 573 K?

48. Write the formula of hexamethylene tetraamine and draw its structure.

49. Write HVZ reaction.

50. How is chloropicrin prepared? What is its use?

51. Define chemotherapy.

PART – III 7 x 5 = 35

N.B. Answer any seven questions choosing at least two questions from each section.


52. Explain molecular orbital theory.

53. How is silver extracted from its chief ore?

54. Write the differences between lanthanides and actinides.

55. Explain the functions of haemoglobin in natural process.

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Chemistry/October/2014 110 Arul Institute

SECTION – B56. Write the characteristics of entropy.

57. Write the conditions to obtain maximum yield for the formation of SO3 by contact process, applying Le

Chatlier principle.

58. Explain the different types of complex reactions with suitable example.

59. A zinc rod is placed in 0.095 M ZnCl2 solution at 25oC emf of Zn2+/Zn half cell is – 0.79 V. Calculate EoZn/Zn2+.


60. Write any three methods of preparation of diethyl ether.

61. Write the mechanism of crossed aldol condensation.

62. How does salicylic acid react with the following? (a) CH3OH (b) (CH3CO)2O (c) Br2/H2O.

63. Write briefly on buna rubbers.

PART – IV 4 x 10 = 40

N.B. Answer question number 70 and any three from the remaining questions64. (a) Explain the various factors affecting electron affinity.

(b) How noble gases are separated by Dewar's method?

65. (a) What are the postulates of Werner's theory of co-ordination compounds?

(b) Give the applications of radioisotopes in medicine.

66. (a) Explain Schottky and Frenkel defects.

(b) Explain mechanical dispersion and Bredig's Arc method of preparing colloids.

67. (a) Write the difference between electronic conduction and electrolytic conduction.

(b) How is emf of a half cell determined?

68. (a) Describe the conformation of cyclohexanol and comment on their stability.

(b) How is lactic acid manufactured?

69. (a) Distinguish between primary, secondary and tertiary amines.

(b) Explain the structure of fructose.

70. (a) An organic compound (A) of molecular formula C3H8O3 is obtained as by-product in the manufacture of

soap. Compound (A) on heating with P2O5 gives an unsaturated compound (B) of molecular formula

C3H4O. Compound (A) with well cooled mixture of conc.H2SO4 and fuming HNO3 form compound (C)

which is an explosive. Identify (A), (B) and (C). Explain the reactions.

(b) Compound (A) is a powerful oxidising agent and also it is a red orange crystal, which melts at 396oC. (A)

reacts with chloride salt and con.H2SO4 to give (B) which is reddish brown in colour. (A) also reacts with

KOH to give (C) which is yellow in colour. Find out (A), (B) and (C). Explain the reactions. (OR)

(c) An aromatic compound (A) with molecular formula C7H6O has the smell of bitter almonds. (A) reacts with

Cl2 in the absence of catalyst to give (B) and in the presence of catalyst compound (A) reacts with

chlorine to give (C). Identify (A), (B) and (C). Explain the reactions.

(d) Equivalent conductivity of acetic acid at infinite dilution is 390.7 mho cm2 (gm equiv)–1 and for 0.1 M

acetic acid the equivalent conductance is 5.2 mho cm2 (gm equiv)–1. Calculate degree of dissociation and

H+ ion concentration.

Arul I



Chemistry/March/2015 111 Arul Institute

MARCH 2015 22642647 / 22395248


Duration : 3 Hours CHEMISTRY Maximum : 150 Marks

PART – I 30 x 1 = 30

N.B. : (i) Answer all the questions.(ii) Choose and write the correct answer.

1. Glucose is not oxidised to gluconic acid by

(a) Br2/H2O (b) Fehling's solution (c) Tollen’s reagent (d) Conc. HNO3

2. In the nuclear reaction, 92U238 82Pb206, the number of and particles emitted are

(a) 7, 5 (b) 6, 4 (c) 4, 3 (d) 8, 6

3. The alloy used in the manufacture of resistance wires is

(a) Ferro-chrome (b) Bronze (c) Nichrome (d) Stellite

4. Oxidation of aniline with acidified potassium dichromate gives

(a) p-benzoquinone (b) benzoic acid (c) benzaldehyde (d) benzyl alcohol

5. The excess energy which a molecule must possess to become active is known as

(a) kinetic energy (b) threshold energy (c) potential energy (d) activation energy

6. The value of Bohr radius for hydrogen atom is

(a) 0.529 x 10–8 cm (b) 0.529 x 10–10 cm (c) 0.529 x 10–6 cm (d) 0.529 x 10–12 cm

7. An emulsion is a colloidal solution of

(a) two solids (b) two liquids (c) two gases (d) one solid & one liquid

8. When phenol is distilled with Zn dust, it gives

(a) benzaldehyde (b) benzoic acid (c) toluene (d) benzene

9. The principal emulsifying agent for W/O emulsion is

(a) proteins (b) gum (c) lamp black (d) synthetic soaps

10. Noble gases have _________ electron affinity.

(a) High (b) Low (c) Zero (d) Very low

11. The function of ferridoxin is

(a) photosynthesis (b) storage and transport of oxygen

(c) electron transfer (d) sensitiser

12. Which one of the following does not form peroxide easily?

(a) Diethyl ether (b) Ethyl methyl ether (c) Dimethyl ether (d) Anisole

13. Which molecule is relatively more stable?

(a) O2 (b) H2 (c) Li2 (d) N2

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Chemistry/March/2015 112 Arul Institute

14. In case of physical adsorption, there is desorption when

(a) temperature increases (b) temperature decreases

(c) pressure increases (d) concentration increases

15. For an equilibrium reaction, ng value is positive, which of the following is correct?

(a) Kp = Kc (b) Kp > Kc (c) Kp < Kc (d) Kp = Kc = 0

16. The shape of XeF4 is

(a) tetrahedral (b) octahedral (c) square planar (d) pyramidal

17. The acid that cannot be prepared by Grignard reagent is

(a) acetic acid (b) formic acid (c) butyric acid (d) benzoic acid

18. Which one of the following is a polysaccharide?

(a) Sucrose (b) Cellulose (c) Maltose (d) Raffinose

19. The change in entropy for a system and surrounding are –0.2287 JK–1 and +0.260 JK–1 respectively. Then

the entropy change of the universe is

(a) –0.0313 JK–1 (b) +0.0313 JK–1 (c) +0.877 JK–1 (d) –0.877 JK–1

20. Oxygen atom of ether is

(a) very reactive (b) replaceable (c) oxidising (d) comparatively inert

21. The total number of atoms per unit cell of bcc is

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

22. CH3-CONH2 + 4[H] ethanol/Na X. The compound X is

(a) methyl amine (b) ethylamine (c) dimethyl amine (d) nitromethane

23. The number of moles of electrons required to discharge one mole of Al3+ is

(a) 3 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 4

24. In which of the following processes, the process is always non-feasible?

(a) H > 0, S > 0 (b) H < 0, S > 0 (c) H > 0, S < 0 (d) H < 0, S < 0

25. Which of the following compounds will not give positive chromyl chloride test?

(a) CuCl2 (b) HgCl2 (c) ZnCl2 (d) C6H5Cl

26. The actinide contraction is due to

(a) perfect shielding of 5f electron (b) imperfect shielding of 4f electron

(c) imperfect shielding of 5f electron (d) perfect shielding of 4f electron

27. ___________ is used in gas lamp material.

(a) MnO2 (b) CeO2 (c) N2O5 (d) Fe2O3

28. Methyl Ketones are usually characterised by

(a) the Fehling's solution (b) the iodoform test (c) the Schiff's test (d) the Tollen's reagent

29. Which compound is used as soil sterilising agent?

(a) Nitrobenzene (b) Nitroethane (c) Aniline (d) Chloropicrin

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Chemistry/March/2015 113 Arul Institute

30. For the homogeneous gas reaction at 600 K, 4NH3(g) + 5O2(g) 4NO(g) + 6H2O(g), the equilibrium constant Kc

has the unit

(a) (mol dm–3)–1 (b) (mol dm–3) (c) (mol dm–3)10 (d) (mol dm–3)–9

PART – II 15 x 3 = 45

N.B. Answer any fifteen questions.31. Define hybridisation.

32. The experimental value of d(Si–C) is 1.93A o. If the radius of carbon is 0.77A o, calculate the radius of silicon.

33. What are interhalogen compounds? Give one preparation.

34. H3PO4 is triprotic. Justify with equations.

35. Why do d-block elements form complexes?

36. What is spitting of silver? How can it be prevented?

37. Write the principle behind the hydrogen bomb.

38. How are glasses formed?

39. What is entropy? Write its units.

40. State Le-chatlier's principle.

41. What are simple and complex reactions?

42. The rate constant of a first order reaction is 1.54 x 10–3 sec–1. Calculate its half life period.

43. What is catalysis? Give an example.

44. State Ostwald's dilution law.

45. Give the structures of Z and E forms of cinnamic acid.

46. Give two chemical tests to distinguish propan-2-ol and 2-methylpropan-2-ol.

47. How is benzyl alcohol obtained from phenyl magnesium bromide?

48. Write Perkin's reaction.

49. Give the structures of lactyl chloride and lactide.

50. C6H5CONH2 KOH/Br2 X HCl/HNO2 Y Cu/NaNO2 Z. Identify X, Y and Z.

51. What are food preservatives? Give an example.

PART – III 7 x 5 = 35

N.B. Answer any seven questions choosing at least two questions from each section.


52. Explain the postulates of molecular orbital theory.

53. How is gold extracted from its ore.

54. Write the uses of Lanthanides.

55. Explain coordination and ionisation isomerism with examples.


56. Give the characteristics of free energy.

57. Derive the expressions Kc and Kp for decomposition of PCl5.

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Chemistry/March/2015 114 Arul Institute

58. Write the characteristics of first order reaction.

59. Calculate the emf of the Zn–Ag cell at 25oC when [Zn2+] = 0.001 M and [Ag+] = 0.1 M (Eocell at 25oC = 1.56 V)


60. How does diethyl ether react with the following reagents? (a) O2/long contact (b) HI in excess (c) PCl5

61. Explain the mechanism of acetaldehyde involved crossed aldol condensation.

62. How are the following compounds obtained from benzoic acid?

(a) ethyl benzoate (b) benzyl alcohol (c) benzene

63. Write briefly on antibiotics. In what way antispasmodics are helpful?

PART – IV 4 x 10 = 40

N.B. Answer question number 70 and any three from the remaining questions64. (a) Explain Pauling's scale of electronegativity.

(b) How is fluorine isolated from fluorides?

65. (a) For the complex [Co(NH3)4Cl2]NO2, mention (a) IUPAC name (b) Central metal ion (c) Co-ordination

number (d) Ligand (e) Charge on the Co-ordination sphere.

(b) Explain about radio carbon dating.

66. (a) Write the characteristics of ionic crystals

(b) How can you determine the charge of the sol particles?

67. (a) Explain Ostwald's dilution law.

(b) Discuss the relation between free energy and EMF.

68. (a) Differentiate between enantiomer and diastereomer.

(b) Explain the following reactions: (i) HVZ reaction (ii) trans esterification (iii) methyl salicylate formation

69. (a) Distinguish between primary, secondary and tertiary amines.

(b) Elucidate the structure of fructose.

70. (a) An organic compound (A) of molecular formula C2H4 reacts with alkaline potassium permanganate and

gives compound (B) of molecular formula C2H6O2. Compound (B) when heated with anhydrous zinc

chloride forms (C) of molecular formula C2H4O. Identify A, B, C and explain the reactions.

(b) An element (A) belongs to group no.12 & period no. 4, bluish white in colour reacts with conc. H2SO4 to

give its salt (B) with the liberation of SO2 gas. Compound (B) reacts with sodium bicarbonate to give (C)

which is used as ointment for curing skin diseases. Identify A, B and C and explain the reactions. (OR)

(c) An organic compound (A) of molecular formula C7H8 on oxidation with air and in presence of V2O5 to form

(B) of molecular formula C7H6O. (B) on reduction with lithium aluminium hydride to form (C) of molecular

formula C7H8O. Identify (A), (B), (C) and explain the reactions.

(d) Equivalent conductivity of acetic acid at infinite dilution is 390.7 mho cm2 (gm equiv)–1 and for 0.1 M

acetic acid the equivalent conductance is 5.2 mho cm2 (gm equiv)–1. Calculate degree of dissociation, H+

ion concentration and dissociation constant of the acid.

Arul I



Chemistry/June/2015 115 Arul Institute

JUNE 2015 22642647 / 22395248


Duration : 3 Hours CHEMISTRY Maximum : 150 Marks

PART – I 30 x 1 = 30

N.B. : (i) Answer all the questions.(ii) Choose and write the correct answer.

1. When ether is exposed to air for some time an explosive substance produced is

(a) peroxide (b) oxide (c) TNT (d) super oxide

2. The compound that reacts fastest with Lucas reagent is

(a) butan-1-ol (b) butan-2-ol (c) 2-methyl propan-1-ol (d) 2-methyl propan-2-ol

3. The electronic configuration of Actinides is

(a) [Rn] 5f0–14 6d0 7s0 (b) [Rn] 5f0–14 6d0–2 7s0 (c) [Rn] 5f0–14 6d0–2 7s1 (d) [Rn] 5f0–14 6d0–2 7s2

4. State of chemical equilibrium is

(a) dynamic (b) stationary (c) unstable (d) both (a) and (b)

5. An example of chelating ligand is

(a) NO2– (b) chloro (c) bromo (d) en

6. The bond order of hydrogen molecule is

(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 3 (d) 2

7. Which of the following compounds is oxidised to give ethyl methyl ketone?

(a) 2-propanol (b) 2-pentanone (c) 1-butanol (d) 2-butanol

8. Which of the following is used for stomach disorders?

(a) Argyrol (b) Colllidal antimony (c) Milk of magnesia (d) Colloidal gold

9. Among the following which has the maximum ionisation energy?

(a) alkali elements (b) alkaline earth elements (c) Halogens (d) Noble gases

10. The oxidation of sodium sulphite by air is retarded by

(a) alcohol (b) V2O5 (c) Pt (d) MnSO4

11. Excess of sodium hydroxide reacts with Zinc to form

(a) ZnH2 (b) Na2ZnO2 (c) ZnO (d) Zn(OH)2

12. H2(g) + I2(g) 2HI(g), Kc = 16, therefore Kp =

(a) 1/16 (b) 4 (c) 64 (d) 16

13. The term 'A' in Arrhenius equation is called as

(a) probability factor (b) activation energy (c) collision factor (d) frequency factor

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Chemistry/June/2015 116 Arul Institute

14. The elements in which the extra electrons enter (n-2)f orbitals are called

(a) s-block elements (b) p-block elements (c) d-block elements (d) f-block elements

15. The most penetrating radiations are

(a) -rays (b) -rays

(c) -rays (d) all are equally penetrating

16. The compound that acts as a solvent for Grignard reagent is

(a) ethyl alcohol (b) diethyl ether (c) acetone (d) benzene

17. The maximum percentage of efficiency of a heat engine that operates between 127oC and 27oC is

(a) 20% (b) 50% (c) 100% (d) 25%

18. The lightest gas which is non-inflammable is

(a) He (b) H2 (c) N2 (d) Ar

19. For the reaction 2Cl(g) Cl2(g), the signs of H and S respectively are

(a) + , – (b) + , + (c) – , – (d) – , +

20. HCOOH C160o ? The product is

(a) CO + H2O (b) HCOOH (c) H2 + CO2 (d) HCHO + O2

21. When cellulose is boiled with dilute H2SO4 it gives

(a) D-glucose (b) D-fructose (c) Dextrine (d) Starch

22. The number of chloride ions that surround the central Na+ ion in NaCl crystal is

(a) 12 (b) 8 (c) 6 (d) 4

23. Which of the following does not react with benzene diazonium chloride?

(a) Phenol (b) Benzene (c) Aniline (d) Benzaldehyde

24. The intra-molecular hydrogen bonding is present in

(a) o-nitrophenol (b) m-nitrophenol (c) p-nitrophenol (d) HF

25. Which of the following compounds has the smell of bitter almonds?

(a) Aniline (b) Nitromethane (c) Nitrobenzene (d) benzene sulphonic acid

26. Sucrose is not

(a) a disaccharide (b) a non-reducing sugar

(c) hydrolysed to only glucose (d) hydrolysed to glucose and fructose

27. The organic compound that undergoes carbylamine reaction is

(a) (C2H5)2NH (b) C2H5NH2 (c) (C2H5)3N (d) (C2H5)4N+I–

28. When sodium acetate is added to acetic acid, the degree of ionisation of acetic acid

(a) increases (b) decreases (c) does not change (d) becomes zero

29. In metal carbonyls the oxidation state of the metal is

(a) 0 (b) +2 (c) +4 (d) +6

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Chemistry/June/2015 117 Arul Institute

30. In case of physical adsorption, there is desorption when

(a) temperature increases (b) temperature decreases

(c) pressure increases (d) concentration increases

PART – II 15 x 3 = 45

N.B. Answer any fifteen questions.31. State Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.

32. Mention the disadvantages of Pauling's and Mullikan's scale.

33. Write a note on plumbosolvency.

34. Give the electron dot formula of H3PO3.

35. Why do d-block elements have variable oxidation state?

36. What is the action of heat on copper sulphate crystal?

37. Calculate the decay constant for Ag108, if its half-life period is 2.31 minutes.

38. What are super conductors?

39. Calculate the change of entropy for the process, water (liquid) to water (vapour) involving Hvap = 40850

Jmol–1 at 373 K.

40. Define reaction quotient.

41. Write the Arrhenius equation and explain the terms.

42. Define order.

43. What are promoters? Give an example.

44. State Faraday's first law of electrolysis.

45. Distinguish racemic form and meso form.

46. How is nitroglycerine prepared from glycerol?

47. Write the dye test for phenol.

48. What is Rosenmund's reduction?

49. Write two tests to identify carboxylic acids.

50. C6H5NH2 K273/HCl&HNO2 (A) 22 )CN(Cu&KCN (B) OH3 (C). Identify (A), (B) and (C).

51. How is Nylon-66 prepared? Give one use.

PART – III 7 x 5 = 35

N.B. Answer any seven questions choosing at least two questions from each section.


52. Derive de Broglie's equation.

53. How is silver extracted from its ore?

54. What are the consequences of lanthanide contraction?

55. Write the postulates of valence bond theory on coordination compounds.

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Chemistry/June/2015 118 Arul Institute


56. State the various statements of second law of thermodynamics.

57. Apply Le-chatlier's principle for the manufacture of SO3 by contact process.

58. Show that for a first order reaction, the time required for 99.9% completion of the reaction is about 10 times

its half-life period.

59. Explain any five terms in cell terminology.


60. Give any three methods of preparing diethyl ether.

61. Explain the mechanism of simple aldol reaction.

62. How is lactic acid synthesised from acetylene? Explain the reaction of lactic acid with con.H2SO4.

63. Write notes on anaesthetics.

PART – IV 4 x 10 = 40

N.B. Answer question number 70 and any three from the remaining questions64. (a) Explain the various factors that affect electron affinity.

(b) Describe in detail how noble gases are isolated from air.

65. (a) Ni(CN)4]2– is diamagnetic, whereas [Ni(NH3)4]2+ is paramagnetic. Explain.

(b) Mention the use of radioisotopes in the following mechanisms:

(i) study of hydrolysis of ester (ii) photosynthesis in plants.

66. (a) Explain (i) Schottky defect (ii) Frenkel defect.

(b) Explain the theory of homogeneous catalysis.

67. (a) Derive the Henderson equation.

(b) Write the IUPAC convention for writing cell diagram.

68. (a) Describe the conformations of cyclohexanol and comment on their stability.

(b) Distinguish between formic acid and acetic acid.

69. (a) Write notes on the following: (i) Carbylamine reaction (ii) Formation of benzanilide.

(b) Elucidate the structure of glucose.

70. (a) An organic compound (A) C6H6O gives violet colour with neutral FeCl3 solution. With NH3 in the presence

of anhydrous ZnCl2, (A) gives (B) C6H7N. (A) with dimethyl sulphate gives (C) C7H8O. What are (A), (B)

and (C). Explain the reactions.

(b) (A) occupies group number 11 and period number 4. This metal is extracted from its mixed sulphide

ore (B). (A) reacts with con.H2SO4 to form (C). Identify (A), (B) and (C). Explain the reactions. (OR)

(c) An organic compound (A) C7H6O reduces Tollen's reagent. Compound (A) reacts with acetic anhydride in

the presence of anhydrous sodium acetate and gives an unsaturated acid (B). Compound (A) reacts with

acetone in the presence of alkali and gives (C). What are (A), (B) and (C)? Explain the equations.

(d) 0.1978 g of copper is deposited when a current of 0.2 ampere is passed for 50 minutes. Calculate the

electrochemical equivalent of copper.

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Chemistry/October/2015 119 Arul Institute

OCTOBER 2015 22642647 / 22395248


Duration : 3 Hours CHEMISTRY Maximum : 150 Marks

PART – I 30 x 1 = 30

N.B. : (i) Answer all the questions.(ii) Choose and write the correct answer.

1. Diethyl ether can be decomposed with

(a) HI (b) KMnO4 (c) NaOH (d) H2O

2. Isomerism exhibited by ethylene glycol is

(a) position isomerism (b) chain isomerism (c) functional isomerism (d) both (a) and (c)

3. The major constituents of mish metals are

(a) Ce, Nd, Th (b) Th, Ac, Ce (c) Ce, La, Nd (d) Ce, Lr, U

4. State of chemical equilibrium is

(a) dynamic (b) stationary (c) none (d) both

5. Valence bond theory does not explain the property of complex compound

(a) geometry (b) magnetic (c) nature of ligand (d) colour

6. Dual character of an electron was explained by

(a) Bohr (b) Heisenberg (c) de-Broglie (d) Pauli

7. Methyl ketones are usually characterised by

(a) the Fehling's solution (b) the iodoform test (c) the Schiff's test (d) the Tollen's reagent

8. The phenomenon of Tyndall's effect is not observed in

(a) emulsion (b) colloidal solution (c) true solution (d) none

9. On moving down the group, the radius of an ion

(a) decreases (b) increases (c) no change (d) none of these

10. An emulsion is a colloidal solution of

(a) two solids (b) two liquids (c) two gases (d) one solid & one liquid

11. Paramagnetism is the property of

(a) paired electrons (b) completely filled electronic subshells

(c) unpaired electrons (d) completely vacant electronic subshells

12. In the reversible reaction 2HI H2 + I2, Kp is

(a) greater than Kc (b) less than Kc (c) equal to Kc (d) zero

13. The excess energy which a molecule must possess to become active is known as

(a) kinetic energy (b) threshold energy (c) potential energy (d) activation energy

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Chemistry/October/2015 120 Arul Institute

14. ___________ form oxo cations.

(a) Lanthanides (b) Actinides (c) Noble gases (d) Alkali metals

15. In the nuclear reaction, 92U238 82Pb206 the number of and particles emitted are

(a) 7, 5 (b) 6, 4 (c) 4, 3 (d) 8, 6

16. Anisole is used in

(a) refrigerant (b) anesthetic (c) perfumery (d) substitute for petrol

17. The expression G = H – TS is valid for

(a) constant pressure processes (b) constant temperature and pressure processes

(c) constant temperature process (d) constant volume processes

18. The compound with garlic taste is

(a) H3PO3 (b) H3PO4 (c) PH3 (d) P2O5

19. When a liquid boils, there is

(a) a increase in entropy (b) a decrease in entropy

(c) an increase in heat of vapourisation (d) an increase in free energy

20. The compound found in some stony deposit in kidney is

(a) potassium oxalate (b) oxalic acid (c) potassium succinate (d) calcium oxalate

21. Glucose form __________ with acetic anhydride and sodium acetate.

(a) di acetate (b) tetra acetae (c) penta acetate (d) hexa acetate

22. The coordination number of BN is

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8

23. Carbylamine reaction is characterised by

(a) tertiary amine (b) primary amine (c) secondary amine (d) all the above

24. The bond order of Lithium molecule is

(a) 2 (b) 1 (c) 0 (d) 3

25. Primary amine acts as

(a) electrophile (b) Lewis base (c) Lewis acid (d) free radical

26. The number of secondary alcohol present in fructose is

(a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 0 (d) 3

27. Haze is a colloidal solution of

(a) gas in liquid (b) liquid in gas (c) gas in solid (d) solid in gas

28. When 10–6 mole of a mono basic strong acid is dissolved in one litre of solvent the pH of the solution is

(a) 6 (b) 7 (c) less than 6 (d) more than 7

29. Which transition element show highest oxidation state?

(a) Scandium (b) Titanium (c) Osmium (d) Zinc

30. Nitration of nitrobenzene at 373 K results in

(a) o-dinitrobenzene (b) 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene (c) p-dinitrobenzene (d) m-dinitrobenzene

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Chemistry/October/2015 121 Arul Institute

PART – II 15 x 3 = 45

N.B. Answer any fifteen questions.31. Define orbital.

32. Why electron affinity of fluorine is less than that of chlorine?

33. Give the uses of neon.

34. Draw the electron dot formula of PCl5.

35. Most of the transition metals and their compounds have catalytic activity. Why?

36. Write two alloys of copper and their uses.

37. Determine the average life of U238 having t½ = 140 days.

38. Write about metal excess defect.

39. Calculate the standard entropy of formation Sof of CO2(g). Given the standard entropies of CO2(g), C(s), O2(g)

as 213.6, 5.740 and 205.0 JK–1 respectively.

40. What happens when n(g) = –ve, n(g) = +ve in a gaseous reaction?

41. Define activation energy.

42. What is Arrhenius equation and explain the terms.

43. What are active centres?

44. What are indicators? Give an example.

45. Mesotartartic acid is an optically inactive compound with chiral carbon atoms. Justify.

46. Explain Schotten – Baumann reaction.

47. Give short notes on Reimer – Tiemann reaction.

48. Give the IUPAC names of

(i) CH3 CH C CH O CH2 CH3 (ii) CH3 CO CH CH2 CH2 Cl


49. Account for reducing nature of formic acid.

50. An organic compound (A) with molecular formula C6H7N gives (B) with HNO2/HCl at 273 K. The aqueous

solution of (B) on heating gives (C) which gives violet colour with neutral FeCl3. Identify (A), (B) and (C) and

write the equations.

51. What are artificial sweetening agents? Give two examples.

PART – III 7 x 5 = 35

N.B. Answer any seven questions choosing at least two questions from each section.


52. Explain Davisson and Germer experiments.

53. How is zinc extracted from its chief ore?

54. What is Lanthanide contraction? Discuss its causes and consequences.

55. Mention the function of haemoglobin in natural process.

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Chemistry/October/2015 122 Arul Institute


56. State Trouton's rule. What are the substances that deviate from this rule?

57. Derive the expression for Kc and Kp for the formation of HI.

58. Derive an equation for the rate constant of a first order reaction.

59. Calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction between silver nitrate and metallic zinc.

2Ag+ + Zn Zn2+ + 2Ag Eocell = 1.56 V.


60. Give any three methods of preparing anisole.

61. How will you distinguish between acetaldehyde and acetone?

62. Give the mechanism involved in esterification reaction.

63. How will you prepare 'Buna-N' and 'Nylon-66'? Mention their uses.

PART – IV 4 x 10 = 40

N.B. Answer question number 70 and any three from the remaining questions64. (a) How do electronegativity values help to identify the nature of the bond?

(b) How are noble gases separated individually by Dewar's method?

65. (a) Give the postulates of Werner's theory of co-ordination compounds.

(b) Explain the various nuclear reactions taking place in the sun.

66. (a) Explain Schottky and Frenkel defects.

(b) Distinguish between chemical adsorption and physical adsorption.

67. (a) Write the difference between electronic conduction and electrolytic conduction.

(b) Describe the construction and function of standard hydrogen electrode.

68. (a) Write a note on the different types of hydrogen in cyclohexane.

(b) How is oxalic acid manufactured from sodium formate?

69. (a) Explain the reduction of nitrobenzene in (i) acid medium (ii) neutral medium (iii) electrolytic reduction.

(b) Explain the functions of lipids in biosystems.

70. (a) An organic compound of molecular formula C6H5ONa is heated with CO2 at 400K gives compound (A) of

molecular formula C7H5O3Na. Compound (A) on treating with HCl gives (B). (B) on further reaction with

NaOH/CaO gives compound (C) of molecular formula C6H6O which on treatment with nitrous acid at

200 K gives compound (D). Identify (A), (B), (C) and (D). Explain the reactions.

(b) An element 'A' belongs to group number 11 and period number 5 and is a lustrous white metal. 'A' reacts

with dil.HNO3 to give 'B'. 'B' is called as Lunar caustic. 'B' reacts with KI gives 'C' which is bright yellow

coloured precipitate. Identify (A), (B) and (C). Explain the reactions. (OR)

(c) An organic compound (A) C2H4O reduces Tollen’s reagent. (A) reacts with HCN followed by hydrolysis in

acid medium gives (B) C3H6O3 which is optically active. Compound (B) on oxidation by Fenton’s reagent

forms (C) C3H4O3. This answers iodoform reaction. Identify (A), (B) and (C). Explain the reactions.

. (d) Ionic conductances at infinite dilution of Al3+ and SO42– are 189 ohm–1 cm2 (gm equiv)–1 and 160 ohm–1

cm2 (gm equiv)–1. Calculate equivalent & molar conductance of the electrolyte at infinite dilution.

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Chemistry/1mark/answers 123 Arul Institute


MARCH – 2006

1 a 2 d 3 c 4 b 5 c 6 a 7 c 8 b 9 c 10 c

11 c 12 d 13 a 14 a 15 b 16 c 17 b 18 b 19 a 20 b

21 c 22 c 23 b 24 a 25 b 26 a 27 c 28 b 29 c 30 a

JUNE – 2006

1 a 2 a 3 c 4 d 5 d 6 b 7 b 8 a 9 b 10 b

11 d 12 c 13 a 14 c 15 b 16 d 17 b 18 a 19 d 20 a

21 c 22 c 23 b 24 d 25 c 26 c 27 b 28 c 29 b 30 a

OCTOBER – 2006

1 b 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 d 6 d 7 a 8 a 9 b 10 b

11 a 12 b 13 c 14 d 15 c 16 d 17 c 18 b 19 c 20 b

21 c 22 b 23 c 24 b 25 c 26 a 27 b 28 b 29 b 30 b

MARCH – 2007

1 b 2 a 3 a 4 c 5 d 6 d 7 b 8 a 9 b 10 a

11 c 12 c 13 b 14 a 15 b 16 b 17 a 18 b 19 c 20 c

21 a 22 c 23 b 24 c 25 c 26 d 27 d 28 a 29 a 30 d

JUNE – 2007

1 b 2 d 3 c 4 b 5 b 6 d 7 b 8 c 9 c 10 b

11 c 12 d 13 a 14 a 15 c 16 d 17 a 18 a 19 a 20 c

21 b 22 c 23 b 24 b 25 a 26 a 27 b 28 c 29 c 30 b

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MARCH – 2008

1 c 2 b 3 a 4 d 5 a 6 c 7 a 8 b 9 c 10 a

11 b 12 d 13 c 14 b 15 c 16 c 17 b 18 d 19 a 20 c

21 d 22 a 23 c 24 b 25 d 26 d 27 c 28 c 29 a 30 d

JUNE – 2008

1 b 2 d 3 d 4 c 5 b 6 d 7 b 8 c 9 a 10 d

11 b 12 d 13 a 14 b 15 c 16 c 17 a 18 d 19 c 20 c

21 a 22 c 23 d 24 a 25 b 26 d 27 c 28 a 29 c 30 d

OCTOBER – 2008

1 a 2 b 3 b 4 b 5 c 6 d 7 a 8 c 9 c 10 a

11 c 12 c 13 b 14 c 15 d 16 b 17 c 18 c 19 d 20 a

21 d 22 b 23 c 24 c 25 a 26 b 27 b 28 c 29 c 30 a

MARCH – 2009

1 c 2 a 3 c 4 c 5 b 6 b 7 c 8 a 9 c 10 a

11 c 12 b 13 a 14 a 15 c 16 d 17 d 18 d 19 b 20 a

21 b 22 d 23 d 24 b 25 a 26 a 27 a 28 b 29 c 30 d

JUNE – 2009

1 b 2 d 3 b 4 d 5 b 6 a 7 a 8 b 9 c 10 a

11 c 12 a 13 b 14 b 15 b 16 a 17 d 18 a 19 c 20 a

21 b 22 c 23 b 24 a 25 a 26 c 27 b 28 a 29 b 30 c

OCTOBER – 2009

1 d 2 d 3 b 4 b 5 c 6 b 7 c 8 b 9 d 10 d

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21 b 22 c 23 b 24 c 25 b 26 b 27 d 28 a 29 b 30 c

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MARCH – 2010

1 b 2 d 3 c 4 a 5 d 6 d 7 b 8 c 9 d 10 a

11 d 12 c 13 c 14 a 15 a 16 c 17 a 18 c 19 d 20 a

21 b 22 c 23 a 24 d 25 c 26 d 27 c 28 d 29 a 30 d

JUNE – 2010

1 d 2 a 3 b 4 c 5 d 6 b 7 c 8 a 9 b 10 d

11 c 12 a 13 b 14 a 15 b 16 c 17 b 18 a 19 b 20 d

21 b 22 b 23 d 24 c 25 a 26 a 27 a 28 c 29 b 30 c

OCTOBER – 2010

1 b 2 c 3 d 4 c 5 b 6 c 7 d 8 b 9 b 10 c

11 d 12 d 13 c 14 c 15 b 16 d 17 d 18 d 19 a 20 c

21 b 22 d 23 a 24 a 25 b 26 a 27 b 28 b 29 c 30 a

MARCH – 2011

1 c 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 d 6 d 7 a 8 c 9 d 10 c

11 a 12 b 13 a 14 c 15 b 16 b 17 b 18 c 19 a 20 c

21 c 22 d 23 a 24 c 25 b 26 d 27 a 28 b 29 d 30 a

JUNE – 2011

1 a 2 b 3 a 4 c 5 c 6 b 7 a 8 d 9 a 10 d

11 d 12 d 13 b 14 c 15 d 16 c 17 c 18 c 19 b 20 d

21 c 22 a 23 d 24 b 25 b 26 a 27 a 28 a 29 c 30 a

OCTOBER – 2011

1 b 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 c 6 b 7 a 8 a 9 c 10 a

11 d 12 a 13 d 14 b 15 d 16 c 17 c 18 c 19 d 20 a

21 c 22 d 23 c 24 a 25 c 26 c 27 c 28 c 29 b 30 c

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MARCH – 2012

1 d 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 a 6 d 7 b 8 c 9 a 10 a

11 c 12 d 13 d 14 d 15 a 16 d 17 c 18 b 19 a 20 c

21 d 22 c 23 b 24 b 25 a 26 c 27 a 28 a 29 b 30 c

JUNE – 2012

1 b 2 c 3 c 4 d 5 c 6 d 7 b 8 b 9 c 10 c

11 d 12 a 13 b 14 c 15 b 16 b 17 b 18 b 19 c 20 c

21 c 22 b 23 b 24 c 25 d 26 b 27 c 28 c 29 b 30 a

OCTOBER – 2012

1 b 2 d 3 b 4 a 5 b 6 b 7 c 8 b 9 b 10 d

11 b 12 d 13 d 14 d 15 b 16 c 17 c 18 b 19 a 20 b

21 d 22 c 23 c 24 b 25 d 26 c 27 b 28 c 29 d 30 b

MARCH – 2013

1 a 2 d 3 c 4 c 5 a 6 d 7 c 8 a 9 a 10 a

11 c 12 c 13 c 14 b 15 c 16 d 17 b 18 c 19 d 20 d

21 d 22 b 23 c 24 c 25 a 26 a 27 b 28 b 29 a 30 a

JUNE – 2013

1 b 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 c 6 a 7 c 8 b 9 a 10 d

11 b 12 a 13 d 14 a 15 c 16 d 17 d 18 c 19 b 20 c

21 c 22 c 23 c 24 d 25 b 26 c 27 b 28 a 29 b 30 b

OCTOBER – 2013

1 b 2 c 3 c 4 a 5 b 6 b 7 d 8 c 9 d 10 a

11 c 12 a 13 b 14 d 15 b 16 d 17 b 18 b 19 d 20 a

21 c 22 a 23 b 24 b 25 a 26 a 27 a 28 c 29 d 30 a

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Chemistry/1mark/answers 127 Arul Institute


MARCH – 2014

1 d 2 d 3 a 4 c 5 d 6 b 7 d 8 b 9 a 10 c

11 c 12 b 13 b 14 b 15 b 16 b 17 a 18 b 19 c 20 c

21 a 22 d 23 b 24 c 25 b 26 c 27 c 28 b 29 d 30 b

JUNE – 2014

1 d 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 c 6 a 7 c 8 d 9 b 10 d

11 d 12 c 13 a 14 b 15 a 16 c 17 c 18 a 19 a 20 b

21 b 22 d 23 d 24 b 25 d 26 b 27 b 28 d 29 a 30 c

OCTOBER – 2014

1 b 2 a 3 c 4 c 5 b 6 a 7 b 8 c 9 b 10 b

11 d 12 c 13 c 14 c 15 a 16 c 17 c 18 b 19 c 20 b

21 b 22 c 23 c 24 a 25 d 26 b 27 a 28 c 29 d 30 c

MARCH – 2015

1 d 2 d 3 c 4 a 5 d 6 a 7 b 8 d 9 c 10 c

11 c 12 d 13 d 14 a 15 b 16 c 17 b 18 b 19 b 20 d

21 b 22 b 23 a 24 c 25 d 26 c 27 b 28 b 29 d 30 b

JUNE – 2015

1 a 2 d 3 d 4 a 5 d 6 b 7 d 8 c 9 d 10 a

11 b 12 d 13 d 14 d 15 c 16 b 17 d 18 a 19 c 20 c

21 a 22 c 23 d 24 a 25 c 26 c 27 b 28 b 29 a 30 a

OCTOBER – 2015

1 a 2 c 3 c 4 a 5 b 6 c 7 b 8 c 9 b 10 b

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21 c 22 a 23 b 24 b 25 b 26 d 27 d 28 a 29 c 30 d

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