

香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Hong Kong

ICAO Recommended Security Control Guideli

nes for Screening Liquids, Gels & Aerosols (LAGs)


10 July 2007


香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Hong Kong

ICAO issued a State Letter on 1 Dec 2006 recommending security control guidelines for screening LAGs : -

“100ml / 1 litre rule”

States may consider exemptions for LAG purchased at airport duty free shop, or on board aircraft, on condition that the LAG purchases are packed in sealed tamper-evident bags

ICAO State Letter of 1 Dec 2006


香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Hong Kong

Further to the State Letter on 1 Dec 2006, ICAO issued another State Letter on 30 Mar 2007 providing : -

Clarification for the “100ml / 1 litre rule”

Exemptions for LAGs purchased at airport shops or on board aircraft carried by transfer passengers

Technical specifications for Security Tamper-Evident Bag (STEB)

Principles for supply chain security of LAGs and STEBs

ICAO State Letter of 30 March 2007


香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Hong Kong

ICAO State Letter of 30 March 2007

Clarification for the “100ml / 1 litre rule”

Apply to airport staff entering security restricted area, but tools of trade are exempted

Exemption for flight crew in uniform and on duty the day(s) of the journey

Exemption for law enforcement officers and emergency personnel responding to a crisis


香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Hong Kong

ICAO State Letter of 30 March 2007

Clarification for the “100ml / 1 litre rule” Exemption for medications and special dietary requirements,

including baby foods Provide proof of authenticity for exempted liquids for medical

or special and dietary needs Over-counter medicines e.g. nose sprays, contact lens

solution should be more restrictive as these are not life-or-death medications

Quantity should be sufficient for duration of journey Match name on prescription label with boarding pass Provide guidelines on verifying the proof of authenticity


香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Hong Kong

ICAO State Letter of 30 March 2007

Exemptions for LAGs purchased at airport shops or on board aircraft carried by transfer passengers

Carried in Security Tamper Evident Bag (STEB), and

Protected from unlawful interference by a process of supply chain security


香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Hong Kong

ICAO State Letter of 30 March 2007Security Tamper Evident Bag

Provides technical specifications for STEB


香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Hong Kong

ICAO State Letter of 30 March 2007Security Tamper Evident Bag

Operational considerations for the use of STEB: - Only LAGs purchased at airport shops / potentially

subjected to security screening at later stage of journey should be placed in STEB

Receipts should be securely placed inside the STEB and face visible from outside

STEBs should be distributed to authentic parties only


香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Hong Kong

ICAO Latest Proposed Guidelines for LAGs

Subsequent to the State Letter of 30 March 2007, ICA

O was developing guidelines for harmonised

procedures for validation of compliance with LAGs

carried by transfer passengers.

The proposed guidelines were discussed and agreed b

y ICAO Council at its meeting on 18 June 2007

The summary of decisions for this meeting was distribu

ted to states on 29 June 2007


香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Hong Kong

ICAO Latest Proposed Guidelines for LAGs

Summary of ICAO Latest Proposed

Guidelines for LAGs


香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Hong Kong

ICAO Latest Proposed Guidelines for LAGs

Appropriate authorities for AVSEC or airport ope

rators/intermediary agencies over which the app

ropriate authorities has such regulatory control s

hould exercise oversight over the LAGs/STEBs



香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Hong Kong

ICAO Latest Proposed Guidelines for LAGs

Security principles for STEBs

STEBs to be manufactured in accordance with the technical specifications set out in ICAO State Letter of 30 March 2007.

Airport shops / airlines should obtain assurance from STEB manufacturers on quality of STEBs, and implementation of reasonable security measures.


香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Hong Kong

ICAO Latest Proposed Guidelines for LAGs

Security principles for LAGs sold by airport shops and airlines

Apply to LAGs from first point of entry on airport airside until delivery to passengers.

Security measures on premises (airside shops and aircraft), personnel, security checks, business partner (LAGs suppliers), and information (confidentiality and integrity of data used in the supply chain).


香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Hong Kong

ICAO Latest Proposed Guidelines for LAGs

Known supplier of LAGs and STEBs Known Supplier of LAGs and/or Known Supplier of

STEBs, pursuant to which airport retailers and airlines, as entities known to the airport operators and/or appropriate aviation security authorities

Supply chain security of supplies of LAGs and STEBs from their first point of entry on airside until their delivery to passengers

Declaration on implementation and quality control of LAGs and STEBs within supply chain on airside


香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Hong Kong

ICAO Latest Proposed Guidelines for LAGs

Known supplier of LAGs and STEBs Supplies of LAGs – apply to sales at airport shops o

r on board aircraft, excluding food and beverage for consumption in airport premises and not intended for carriage into aircraft

Supplies of STEBs – to be used only for sale of LAGs by airport shops or on board aircraft


香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Hong Kong

ICAO Latest Proposed Guidelines for LAGs

Validation process Responsibility of state to determine or recognise co

mpliance with the LAGs/STEBs security measures within the state


香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Hong Kong

ICAO Latest Proposed Guidelines for LAGs

Validation process States may validate other state’s security measures on LAG

s/STEBs carried by transfer passengers by : -

- entering into bilateral arrangement with the state in which the transfer passenger started his journey; and/or

- becoming a party to multilateral arrangement; and/or

- recognising after verification that states have complied with ICAO’s recommendations; and/or

- recognising such assurances given by states that they have declared compliance with ICAO’s recommendations.


香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Hong Kong

ICAO Latest Proposed Guidelines for LAGs

Validation process States may require additional measures for LAGs c

arried by transfer passengers through its airports depending on, for example, the State’s threat and risk assessment.

In seeking necessary assurances that appropriate security measures are being implemented, a state may share with the requesting state / regional / international body the results of its assessment.


香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Hong Kong

ICAO Latest Proposed Guidelines for LAGs

Validation process States may seek confirmation from the states wher

e the passengers purchased the LAGs and states through which the passengers have transited or transferred that they have applied equally robust controls to their LAGs and STEBs.

States may seek agreement of another state to undertake on-site validation of the effectiveness of security measures being applied by the other state.


香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Hong Kong

ICAO Latest Proposed Guidelines for LAGs

Validation process It is ICAO’s intention to establish and maintain a se

cure website for states to place up-to-date information on their respective national supply chain security arrangements for LAGs and STEBs.


香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Hong Kong


ICAO Latest Proposed Guidelines for LAGs Adoption of STEBs meeting ICAO specifications by


Supply chain security on LAGs to be sold at airside of economies’ airports?

Adoption of harmonised procedures for validation of compliance with guidelines for LAGs and STEBs by economies?


香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Hong Kong

Thank you
