Page 1: DAILYREPUBLICAN.WILMINGTON.DELAWARETHURSDAY.FEBRUARY23 ...Daloy.oiiTuesday. for 958 333alleged to bo due for wages Mr. Knotts presented a claim of |78.2



For Woman’s Eye | »THE DAILY REPUBLICAN. BUSINESS DIRECTORY.Rev. Charles & Iterray.

Services will be held In Andrew's Episcopal Church, Eighth and Shipley streets, on Friday evening at 8.30 o'clock, to commemorate the service of Rev.

Charlea K. Murray, who acted as pastor of

the ohurch for some twenty years. Bishop Coleman will preaoh the memorial sermon and will pay a deserved tribute to the faithfulness aud efficiency of the devoted

pastor who has gone from his works on earth to an eternal reward among the

saintiin heaven.

The Tables Were Turned.John T. Kelley, administrator of U. L.

Mlobenor, brought Bit ; against J. (’. Kno'ts, of Montchanln, before Squire Daloy.oiiTuesday. for 958 alleged to bo due for wages Mr. Knotts presented a claim of |78.2<‘ for expenses, connerted with the illucssnnd funeral of Michener. and the referees, F. A. McCloskey, W. VT. Tux- luiry aud \V. P. Bra'ton awarded Mr. Kuotts (53.39. This indicates that Kelley instead of ovor-rcachiug Kuotts reacheu himself.

Award for Funeral Expc James T. Chandler brought suit Again*!.

Ella Pour, for burying her husband, Joel W. Poor, before Magistrate Wednesday, when the referees, Win. M. Pyle, Chav'es Fehrtmbach aud Win, '1'.

rardoil him (UH).

Scott’g Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil with Hypophos- phites is pure and palatable.

For years it has been used for coughs and colds, for con­sumption, for those whose

blood is thin or colorless, whose systems are emaciated

or run down.

For children it means health and strength, stronger hones and teeth, and food

for the growing mind.

Baby gains in weight and

thrives when Scott’s Emul­sion is added to its milk.



The Famous NoveltntJSufFerliiff From Inflammation of the Lanir.

New York, Feb. 28.-Rndj*rd Kipling, the noted novelist, is seriously ill in this city at the Hotel Grenoble. He is suf­fering from inflsmmstion of the lung. His doctors, however, hope thst with his strong constitution he will be able to pull through sll right.

Mr. Kipling e three weeks ago fr accompanied by his wife and three chil­dren. Ho had he contemplated a visit to Rruttleboro, ,Vt. ,Duriug the last few

Wall Papers if 4wr.. .... Fourth atrrWilmington, !>«| KsMinatss given with pit.. urv. Dehnurvia phoun 081. Forbes A Co.


and nerve remedy. The effect was magical, for in less than ten days I was sitting tip. and in about a month could be dressod and walk around my room, something I had not done for over six months. I con­tinued taking the medicine and to-day 1

as well and as strong as any woman in the United States, llad it not been for Dr. Greene’s Nervurn blood and nerve remedy I should not be here to write this testimonial of my wonderful cure, and only say that the discoverers of this great medicine have my heartfelt gratitude for

There is no need nor excuse for women to be weak, nervous, tired and discour­aged, with shattered and unstrung nerves, female troubles and an

I asked of tbs <1 questioned

But tha faffing The secret I would have heard.

ig shadows, y green bird, ** bore awayThe Republican Printing

and Publishing CoA' '

present week­end debility which weigh upon her

spirits, drag upon her life, her energies, her happiness, and render her unfit for the duties of wife, mother and homemaker. She ean be perfectly and completely cured If she will use Dr. Greene’s Nervura blood

nerve remedy, the best strengthener and invigorator, the greatest upbuilder of health that the world has ever known.

Dr. Greene's Nervura Is the sure restorer of health and strength to women. Under the use of this w derful remedy the dull eyes grow brilliant, the pale, sallow, or dark complexion clears, the cheeks be­come rosy with health, while the languid step is again light and elas­tic, the nerves strong and steady, the muscles vigorous, energy and ^ enjoyment return,and perfect health and happiness take the place of weakness and despair.

Everybody should take a spring ■ medicine and Dr. Greene’s Nervura blood and nerve remedy is the best I spring medicine to take. J

Mrs. Louise J. Sargent,Wilming-^l

ton, Mass., says:

“ About five years ago I began to ^

have spells of sleeplessness and also 'sO during the day was tuken with faint-ing 6pells. My nerves seemed to ___be shattered and I would lie awake all night. I was reduced to a mere skeleton, and at last was obliged to take to rry bed. After I had been in bed for about foul' weeks and given up all hopes of ever being able to get up again, my doctor told the family that he had done everything in his power, that he qould not do any more, and that it was a question of a short time. I was so feeble that I had to be fed like a baby, and looked forward to the time when my suffering would be over. I began taking Dr. Greene’s Nervura blood

Bartram MorrowHouse

9Riper, paper bapstationery;10 East Keveath str«

A10 King » Hpeoialrai

Toen l turned to my forest cabin In a dove of the Kaaterskill,

And at dead of night when the Are was low The whisper

to New York about. England. Ho w;in


tittered at the Post Office at Wilmington

Del..Now I know there will haunt

That word of the ancient longue Whosu golden r eining, half divined,

Was lost when the world was young.

I knoThrough the wide gro

Though 1 come in ignoranoc To the place of the grassy mound.

Yet it may be I shall And it,If I keep the patience mild,

The flexible faith, the open heart,And the calm of a little child.


1fixed i luns, although amimail matter.•rcond-ci

•oka he li; FirHooker Pro,THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23. >899 ..odatton*. Florouw

All products in acasou served.must seek and seek Itearth and round,

lustIf the Municipal Court has had

a legal existence since the creationof the new Constitution why..............there any need for a bill to have been introduced at this session of the Legislature to legalize the same?

The upper court passed upon the legality ot the Municipal Court be­fore this bill had been introduced

and now word has come from Dover that the Municipal Court has been legalized by an act of the Legisla­ture. It is strange how the law is interpreted by the lawyers and by the Court. The Municipal Court affair is like Shakespeare's “Much

Ado About Nothing. ”

i li M .....Cure lathe beat. Try Prescriptions carefully cu pouudnd by a graduate. K Cuilim*, IWlf East Fourth stre .333

Ice und Coal Co. Office .' King street Delinarvia phone 8 Yard Lombard street. wharf. L murvia ph


Ice■—Bliss Carman&


Und* t Ak<C. B. Dougherty, All druggist*.

1JOWN K, Chemists, New Wk.The Lost of the Judicial Proieea-

tlom and ICsrcntlou.aud andei

i balmr No. :

W. nth street Residence 288 King etrr< Phones I) A A and Delinarvia M>. Res. phoi . «.

Sir Matthew Hale, it is true, had hanged two poor women at Cambridge In 1604, but a few years later Lord Chief Justice Holt set himself strongly against suoh charges and in every ease trisd before hjm directed the jury to bring in a verdict of acquittal. In a celebrated trial at Guild ford, in 1701, not only was the supposed witch found not gidlty, but her false ac­cuser. one John Hathaway, was con­demned to a year's Imprisonment and to stand in the pillory throe times. Yet, b rible to relate, a woman named Hicks and her daughter, a child of *9, together at Huntingdon on July 28, 1716, for raising a storm of wind in league with the devil.

The last judicial sentence for witchcraft in 1786, one Jane Wenham

li*G Del. 288.POLITICAL Imported si Doineatio wii

J liquors, oign aud tobacc Quinlne vjh

E. Fi Connell'in if;Infanta c Teething

Durrtiuea GOSSIP. buy our specialty. Beers, ales and Shuffle boards. 802 £ Fourth. Ladloe' pi. ■

RUDY AUD KI FLING.Too late to cure a cold after consump­

tion Jhas fastened lis deadly grip lungs. Tako Dr. Wood's Norway Pina Syrup while yet there is ti

There need be no hurry to elect the successor of Councilman (-corjje O’Neill, who represented the First Ward. The City Council does not have much important business per­

taining to the city t<» transact, as all of the most important branches of the city government are in the hands of Commissions. In fact the city would not suffer if there was no City Council and the city 's inter­

est managed by a co four members. It is possible that the next City Council will contain a

Republican majority.

Mr. E. T. Warner writes a com­munication to President C. II. Sal­mons of the Senate, relating to the

bill which has been sent down to Dover, reducing the water rents of this city, lie says the bill is loose­ly and thoughtlessly dratted. The second section absolutely repeals the act establishing the Water Com­mission in toto. as that whole act is inconsistent with bill No. 42. now before your honorable body, w hich

does not eve ment to the original act. No sane business man would think of reduc­ing the revenue in the Water De­partment and put it on by the city

tax collectors.


r.vsay invitations in thisboon accepting city, and ho attended n dinner party

iirht. On Monday morning he •ican publishers, Double-


SlTvdfc.P,taking ine from death’s door and giving

back health and strength, when my physician and friends -thought I about to die.”

As an additional guarantee of the bene­ficial effects of Dr. Greene’s Nervura blood and nerve remedy, you have the privilege of consulting Dr. Greene, 55 West 14th St., New York City, the most successful physician in curing diseases, fru of ckargt, personally or by letter.

Liked i everybody

perfect in 1 work. Ro big and he;

guaranteed. Delmari phone 418. J. C. Johnson Sb Son, 225 Market!

Othello RaneeTwo Members of the Board of Trustees to Be

Appointed, etc.

jMondayeczjina of scalp—'vonScald is

.ethnos, Ini' it Ointment, quick ami permanent in its result At

it ere0 hangedvisited his \he cured. Do was& day A Met’lure, and

*d extremely well and in splendid siHiitN. The same night ho exhibited signs of fever, and Tuesday night his

to the conclusion that

cension work. Hat! afactionr>u cents.

List of Sail 81fl King stw* sells groom*

_ wholesale and r I tall, cheap l 7 cash. Butte

eggs, fruits and vegetables a spseigifty.

W. A. Mil HiC.F. Welchin England

beiug actually found guilty, according to the indictment, of “conversing familiarly with the devil in the form of a cat. ” The judge, however, procured a reprieve for poor old Jane, and she was ultimately re­leased, to end her days in peace..

Last, the witchcraft act was repealed for the United Kin was quite time, for only nine years earlier, In 17l7, a woman was brought before

ptaln David Rosa, deputy sheriff of therland, charged with “causing her

daughter to be shod by the devil, ’’ and so malrtng her lame both in hands and feet. The fact giving been proved to the oap tan’s satisfaction, the old woman was put into a tar barrel and bunted at Dornooh. The weather being cold at the tlino, we are told that she “sat composedly warming horsolf by the fire prepared to consume her while the other instruments of death were getting ready. ’'

The last attempt tp execute a witch in England ended disastrously for the per petrators. In 1761, at Trlng, two old peo­ple named Osborne, suspected of witchcraft, were seized by n crowd, strlppod, cross bound and thrown into

pliysiciFsbruaH. It. Kelley. Mill Creek Hd. -Win. H. Klui

short time of G. M. D. Halt a id

Tha Levy Court will in

elect '.bu C. H. Saint were elected to the Senate at the last eleo-

Mr. Kipling was suffering fr million of the right lung.

At 10.30 o'clock thte morning Mr. Kip- said to he unchang-

It was Hud said that the oldest


Mill1 Arthur M.1 -•la>KM1 «> k Hd. , Trustees of the Poor, v 0Burris, lied Lion, DelEd war ling's conditio

March cl.Ac.. Westi’Leach, Wouildate, Mill

Hon. Both of thosd gentlemen bad been the Board of Trustees

of the Poor and as it appears ro have 1 j a stopping atone for other political posi­

tions there will he no trouble to get othors

• hotel.du tighter vas ill at the s* SHERIFF’S SALE.—BT VIRTUE OF A directed,

bile sale at the t street between

Tenth and Eleventh streets in the city of Wilmington, New Castle county and State of Delaware,

for several ye; fCoroner's Jury Exonerates l(nn»er.Stroudsburg, Pa., Feb. 2d.—The cor-

•i**h jury yesterday held

i'rii-k H«

writ of Levari Facias, to dvlll be exposed to p Court House on Mark

and would 101I seoouil hand goods for cosh- Offlce Be d building, resuleuoe, 847 Tatnall street.

David H., Roofer, blste, J1 plastic, slag, etc. Dealw 1 ■

»all kin ill of rooflug materia!D A A , 714. Del. 014. 4. East Fourth street.

14y G. 1. Speer. Slate, dll' and plaetfc slate. Dealt in all kinds rooflug m:.

fterials. 4th and Pine|t-> Wilmington, Del. Dc

./port, Del. White l lay

J. in the same year. ItANOTHER BIG COMBINE.inquestk Hd.

cwUrMIv Hd Creek Hd.

er the remains of the dead burglarIS Slack, Jr.. X Stool Sheet Mt ml'HCturers to Unite1

Wellsli—M Vli t Water Gap by Tost- ster Milliard Hauser, while attempt­

ing to rob the postoflice at that place. rl’ho dead tnun w Newburgh, N Y. jury is that Hauser is entirely e at.-d froing tin* property of the United Stutos

Ca•as shutFor Mutual Protection Pittsburg, Fell. 23. — Kepres

mifacturers from all tin try met here to eon- on to organize the’trade compami outside of the as-

hoto take their place.',.I). **>, M-. l>« ::jamin viilc. Del.

7--Mi Her A Oloiul. Btandvwinc Hd. Reese. Pei;

8Uothers liuvo been elected to ON SATURDAY.

THE 11th DAY OF MAhC'II, 1899,

at 2 o’clock p. m.,

Ni cronsthis Board as elltho Logisiaturo fn

the best paying county offices have been

their reward f

7—W lei John Gleason,h Kell B i •diet of tinThe

Roofing• Hd.!>: I ro pos'dBrathoi Mr. C il-party., M y to include they l inti

,) : the following described real estate, vis:All those two certain farms or tracts of laud the east side of Heil Clay creek, in Christiana

Hundred, New Castle county and Stale of Delaware, bounded aud described as follows, to wit :

No. 1—Beginning at. a marked poDlar tree, r of laud of the heirs of Hainuel Wood­

ward, deceased, and Miller Speak by said Speakmau’s luud south 24!* degrees wed about U perches to tho middle of said creek: thence up the middle of said creek, tho several courses thereof about 80 perches and 5-lUtothe old lino, aud u course of Patrick Dougherty’s land; thence by the >6<VL degrees east 15 5-10 arid north 80 tie

Register of the Wills, and

Foaid, Clerk of the Peace, both luembors of the Board of

lie was protect-11II blame.10- I. Hull. Mill Creek Hd

John M. Kli-n st 1 Mr. J0IT0113—M876.•nmenl, as his oath requires. ThereHimdnd. If the co lid gov*

die Hd.13— K g, Xi iV lie other robbers, who cs-illthaMr. Foard waTrutleos at the st itii and Heaters. Tin, und slag rooflug. 11 of repairing done promo ly and reasonably. 0b murvia phone 778. Wm. 1-

Wllliama, 105 West lOtli street

rtr1.1 Hd.'ll .s. . Hail,rs of I he Ai i'inpiate et caped. miJi ! N1* !i? Clerk of tho Peace

r WatscIn 194 ills suci acting

,vill expire r will bo elected by

nil the office placed on ralaiy

claim to be an amett*l- e Hd; - .1 E.1 IHis t-eGuv* Orlenns Medals Seized In l’nrls.HdI ; VS 1 h. It ru ml.v

,lr . \V! 1D d ; thO-m.ld :%a *rdayThe police yin theV, k Hd this city KMMiO 1 of the I hike of Orleans

edals 1the. people Isisi that 1 he Nuti* mldid Wm. Davidson is

tr iarid wife, br ingtiiinsto.l of an ish sheet bursI company fit it odds for sinking them. The pre­live,us appointed Rog-Calvlii \V. Crossu sheet mill?' trie e north,police has ordered tin • offeet or nil sedi

iaplate *•■r of Wills nrcims 10 14 8-10 pore I of land late of Johu Bn

is. the at of their •et gath-

ybody raising r the president, or other slate of-

mid First els etory worl

eiiciosnci. inouiunonts, headstones; bs workmanship; saliHfiicl.ion gUMrsutsed ;

low prices.

pond. Both died of this brutal treatment. But tho vyltchoraft act liad been repealed, and a verdict of wilful


m The is 1o em­

it tid Keti-

of fi ve years.3d, 18!>5 for tori work in marble sad gruultc lots

The Boston Advert:-u’ as matters now stand, there mav he six vacant seats in the United States Senate after March4th

trail turn; •s cant. 4U

ills th PelIglloll

•fThe office pay a by fees. Mr. Crossun thence tlie south 57^4 deer a corner of laDili West V d of the

irs of the said Woodward aforesaid; thence

the jilace of beginning, containing 13 acres.

Beginning at corner stone of land of ^iitrick Dougherty and fkary

public road . nil

II expire January 1st, 19bl.Mr. U. H. Sal

v )d two terms in the Board of tho ring

•and tin.

dor beep rgtitfned against Colley, tfc$ ohief instigator of the assault,

ip due oourse tried and hauKCd.— Cornhlll MAtfnaine.

twhich haveu II, Speaker of tho H**n- by the same south J4''4 degrees e(K) 000 Delaw

Marble Mid Ite Works. Estat of 'J’hos. DsviayO"

and King ftt Headquarters for all kinds of Momimenta and building work, eto. Puone2il.

Grip Cure

Davidson’s tjteai*rai

P« lice hente.that bodv be called toocther h lli/.ed at itbr anvCITY OF CHESTER.


Trustees of the Foot-and 000. All tinDelaware No.

Oose.t, elect a Senato;

13th of March, the day »>f adjourn

ment. Everything \ now, although it may be one \vh

name has been

i1 INiIm.t Killed Her. John Brannon, 1

along other land of the said Patrick Do uglier elms to a trio

g und a call witsid ai. 3 V •liliug officer for thbefore the 8th•thweatorlvNew York. l*Vb. 23.-(’nth Tny- Pollce Sglvi la Ruaain.guiats In Russia evory step

maa or child In the coun- 1 wishes to visit his sister

or brother in the nqxt town, he must ask permission of a policeman, and this ousts time as well as money. At every railway station the polioeman is the most conspicu­ous object, on £ke platform, even though it be but an lnslgnlfloont village. A 1 iceman not merely patrols the streets of the townB and the highways of the coun­try, but enters without other authority than his uniform Into the house of any one, and there examines the private affairs of whomsoever he chooses to suspect.

If the policeman discovers a letter with any expressions that oan possibly be twist­ed into disloyalty or it he find# a booh for- ..bidden by the censor or sees on the walls a picture of, say, George Washington or Kosclus/.ko or any one else suggestive of liberty, he may denounce the peop house as guilty of treason and bni before a Hccret tribunal, where lu paid to forms of law and whero sentence Is swiftly passed, generally In tho shape of transportation to Siberia.—Poultney Bige­low in Youth's Companion.

uule for oe 1o arrange details for

thewhen he ,’as el jetod St vhnso husband.1 .iiitl he had given her paris

lor. ntehim The police of every iqan, wo try. If

L wharf drily (Su.rtay* |)l age of along

he lowthe public road; thence southwe

go of the public road from stone t mg tho cournea of the road fro

edge of the

4(1sixth election disti'ct, comprlslngr Fonca- dor and St. Georges hundreds, altogether the ofllco of Trustoo of tho

lias been a stepping btono to bettor

paying posi lions.Another reform should be tho rope.' of

the law creating Judge Bai"s stone pile billat|Now Castla This is an oxfc

.1 one that has lost the tax payers of this county thousands upon thousands of dollars since ifcliaa been in

nU that wav fe.1 Leu p >repos,.,1 cot ’ White Ful,paking itL. •I' leluhla fra it 13.15 a. 11 lttJelphia !i

l all daMrrlHil

Pier 8. V jrfch hb day. Her husband hr thdied J uasianXfirst

il to tho Her.old atone 125 feet 2inches; thence to next stone 55 feet 7 Inches; thence to next atone43 feet 11 inches; thenceaouch of southwest in line with

the edge or bank to middle of Red (Jay creek 105 feet to Jonathan Mason's land; thence forming a corner by lands of said .1 than Mason, Patrick Dougherty and Mary Halting; thence down the middle of said creek

r of land of suid Jonath Mason and Mary Keating's land 286 feet and fl Inches; thence from the middle of the crock winterly along said Mary Keating's land 2X8 feet and 3 Inches to a corner; thence northeasterly along said Keating's land 280 feet 10 iuchcH to th place of beginning, containing within these bounds lj-i acrea of land, bo the more or less.

Seized and taken In executl ty of Mary Williams and tmbroso F.

•tgagore and t. t’s and to be add by JOHN E. TAYLOIt, Sh

foilmentioned before. ls«. had akf poison, rilling tlie mat-

1 xThe Cliuiiipio*York,

Alpiu. of the (’

Shot1 ttxebut thenPooFr-u/hbut who never received

at any one time for the office. Strange things often happen in poli­tics, especially in Delaware.

PhiU'HpUi* an l >rge S. Me-votes Ne FebOur liver pll

a composition. Powders a great Klug atreot.

*.""d >kt' 1 \X'%ith him. At provedterclub, tv theTelephoi'H No that lie liml burned his wife's tongue with a red hot poker. Ife will he ar-

iug championship • grounds yes

of Ifit kills out of a •e the ehumpionship

1805 none

fthe h

KENNARD & CO- charge of nigned 01 rder. J. F. Cooper as• 81 oat Sevan th

HA ■ ■ Smith Plfoo

. C» Morgan


p ssible ItIt is an old and true saying' that

“you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him this old saying- does not always hold good in politics. Men, weather, change and when least ex­pected. some for one cause and some tor another. Hut, when a man gets

beyond his depth, he does not kin v which way to turn. This is o .0 of

the reasons why so much turning- has been indulged in by the mem­bers for the past seven we do Senator is vet in sl^ht.

x, luxury Tlie Weather.iho District of Columbia. ouBtern


dc byof til** fS« •s lias equaled thatdrink." Hut IV Delaware,>r. Imuis T. Dureys 1,yeslefilay ;hlaryland and A ginia:Bomcwhut colder; fresh north to west wiu Is.Kennard orally fair;existence. of the f.'i •lub, r•ot

like the 'buries Pu.uter. ofith !».. bills, a 1; 11l’ittsbui took third bum ith ‘JJOLD POINT COMFORT, R1CHHOND AND

WASHING TON,kills to hi credit. QLORIvTUS NEWS. . am1 W. J!ourfl) street Both p

AM I Signs of every desert*,DucliBri“i“UtJ?-the(•proper-


eriff.Sheriff’* Offlce, Wilmington, Del«' are^

Feb. 18, 1W.H. f20

V Comes from Dr. D. B. Garglle. of Wash­ita, 1. T. He writes: "Four bottles of Electrio Bitters has c ’.recl Mrs. Brower of

ofula, which hail caused her great fferlng for years Terrible sores would

her head and face, and the best doctors could give no help; but her oute is complete and her health Is excel­lent..’' Tills shows what thousands Imvo

ived, tint Electric Hi .ora Is the boat •oil purilior km

& Co No M Her 1. Fel

man Cavnlry.a23.- The budget e

jocted the gov- army bill, for

he cav-

iniit-Next .Six-Day Tour Via Pennsylvanit Rail­

road.the reichstn^ hastee

•> le of theug them


f proposal,break.rf ten squadrons iThe 6ecoti(l of tho present series ol per-

Old Point |% • 1 Whlturaft * Ott^y,Painters,and 62J-G23 Marks! S!r33h ducted toursuond. aud Washington via

ylyania ltallroad will h. ve New "Mladulphia

ions byulry, despite s ? represicb ernl v (

th Pu ) irk a

lithly eu airy fort iss the frontier, ally for p'Tsuiug lea:

is (o tho •s itua- n' tho S. H. STAATS!Saturday, Fob-Few fire departments in the coun­

try respond more promptly t<* the alarms than the Wilmington Volun­teer Fire Department, ity of our fi rente

of a paid department.

on more than one occasion. ;

ia could hurl a uv of (

it’s the sutirotno ’dt'or, salt vhr

io.*!'TloLcts, including transportation.

1 route In both directions, transfers of modti-

fort, Hiohnioud luge ido about


Closing Sale leers, boils and ning sores. It stirnin the last 9% M II 1* the time It will t»k

24 HoursSold by H. f • Watson

'et and Johu M. Harvay, 40.

bites liver, kid HI* Blunder,ys and bowels, expel Is pn'sontt, helps digestion builds up the strength. Only 6°cents* Sold by N. Ji. Dauforth, Druggist-, Guarnntrrd,

The major- p.i bongers and baggage, hotel ace tious at Old Point C’01 and Washington, and c«i lllchuioiut—in fact every

auenoci of Bixd

“Have you ever stopped to think," he began and then hesitated.

'•Well,” she urged, "go on. What were you going to Bay?’’

“I beg your pardon,” lie replied. ‘‘I wos about to ask you whether you hud

stopped to think about something, but I might have known that you never did.”

“And you 'mean to Insinuate that I never think!" she demanded.



Lie! lilted.Lit nteuant

it Hi:en Ai , Ala.. F"b•essary expe

1—will be tndd at rate New York, Brooklyn, t

Trenton; 431.00 fr•uteri from

fiOS Market «t Di-lawam Aveith Large IP,tiers,

f requires lhijO b •»•<»«.j.owor to run the nington (31 v Electric Light plant be­

sides nearly luO hoise-power ndrililoual which is furnished by water-p Fifth street p ant has a U'H'iurht boilcH of *ho fcMowlng enpadty. riub. 4(H) anil 3‘it) horsepower. Wbon the e. mpany be -ins to furnish tho power to

ngton (’ily ltnilway C puny, It will ... eessltato the putting in of another new 30) horso-power boiler.

1... $34 fiii, p'.'ii(I department has Iwhoagitated

cnoug-!! alone, costs the oil v <

1, both of acquitted


lit to Plumbing and ga» fitting, fttaum aud

water keatiuf refriger­

ating machines a specialty, 7lf> Shipley St. Dvlmurvia plume <81.

| | Old RollableMoueyLL I Offlce, room 3, 8, 4, 5. up-

Htuira, 7th and Market Ste , Exchange Building All uiirodeLiiiod pi 'dge:

lb. Jewelry. &<•. Del.

W. H. Heine: SI',:? :,0 frothe paper- Le1 I lie late Fourth Kei W,I'hil h •id prop. hobrial1 pro IThe presen andOt IIIIn Mackey d or. ThoFORT ONLY.OMi POINT 1 I'helps, of the F. ith Wist •st oi .h largo WHITE GOODS.

Have just opened anotlier new sliipmcnt of


Including choice and entirely new patterns in EDGINGS with IN­SERTIONS TO MATCH.

a paid depart..!-.,. id Point Comfort only, !n-'. ncar- Tu lvots tieluilliiM 1 choothrre-fouriliB day*’ board

• 1 iiO ret.within six days, wiff bo sold i.i co

at rate of $15 Oi) from New V rk; $13. V) from Trenton; $12 50 from Pliii.idclplna, and pr.>portiouato rates from o'her points.

For Pin. rariea and full information ap­ply to 'J cket A*renta; T« ,rlst Agent, llfiti

Now York; 789 Broad st root., Boyd. Assist-

g trip. Ier $4«MKm g<

t, Levy'stimd to his room by hithat place,. not at all," he made

haste to assure bar. “I only mean that women don’t have to atop talking to think, for sometimes."

he \\Murdered W id Self.\Yi. Wo have lol’t about “'-Vhm- I throe dozen ^Winter I'lli'ir j Garments, compris­

ing' Black and Oolor- ' j ed Jackets, a few

each,Plush Cloth .and Fur Gapes, all at prices exceptionally low, TVe quote a few

i of the best values.Two each 40 and

42 inch Black Ohe- l viol Jackets at $.! from $0.

One 38, two 40, ono 44 handsome Black Satin lined Cheviot and Clay Di­agonal Jackets, suit­able lor eldeGy hi- 11 dies $0 from $15.

Balance ot all other Jackets in both blackand colors, fill sizes !

, 11 •

m the assortment -all at mie pr'co $G from $18 and 2Ck

Balance ol Plusli and Fur Capet at correspondingly 10 w prices.

f’a Feb. 23. -J uhi Rnth- vho lived

m. till­ing- to Wilnvu- foigaber, a all know that they do thinkit Now York ;imi ,;ike • In

ear this eily, sho and killed his vife ON EVERY BOTTLEHold fast It. your

Ti n e Practical Pluinbet.J, Discos «s!aud then • And yet ho wonders why she halos him. —Cleveland Loader.

( a ball through his owdiamonds it v< Of HhiloVsO nipt io (,’!ife had tiled bill for di-

" All we usk of v o-tliirds or theof Ibis bottle faithfully, then iffemalesaaniatnta ind c •Ity.vl W d

nrk, . J.;ral Agent, Broad Street Station,

•untc ts 48. Jobbing pi*Heller st']•emg the cleph nl. dispute rest, led to the tragedy.

\er their large Oar Weighty Furefatkcri.1 bcneiiLcd iHt^i tii.•(iso. W.No :«iy youptly atteuedtie loyo Druggist

paid. Price 21 ■ Sale by N. R Duuforth, Jocund

lie may refund Anut ti. Phllrtdolphla.

document dated Westtake a io- v Ith vu, toi-impen pi Point, Aug. 19, 1783, gl some of tho offioors In the Revolutionary

follows:General Washington, 209 pounds. Gen

eml Lincoln, 824 pounds, General Knox, 280 pounds; Colonel Henry Jackson, 288 pounds; Lleutfnant Colonel Huntliinton, 282 pounds; Lieutenant Colonel Hum­phreys, 221 pounds: Lieutenant Colonal Creation, lflfi pounds; Colonel Swift, 219 pounds; Colonel Michael Jackson, 262 pounds; Lieutenant Colonel Cobb, 189 pounds. Avorage weight, 222 pounds.

the weight of AAA tv ill buy a Sewing Maobine, made IP "III midguaratiteed by tlie Household

#11 BewlugMauhlneCo , [tin* heat made] VI.U needl. I. Site per doz. L M Mockfel

lor dt Co., 1U0 W. Seventh at root. He-

keep the kitties fr.>m experience

id Murliurgo of Corrupting' OfHoerH•hi cl eral «>f .>1 il flUJ. Ludwig Ji- Co.,

j!.> Sli I ploy street. Itcd Men's Hall.I*: 01 *60 Berlin, Feb. I’ll. Ilerr Vc Kehaellt- To Aluch Snow for 1m

S. R. Pusey nf Loudon Grov,» who has made regular trfiis to the \\rilmington Market twice a week for a number of years, missed last weok for the first time. This was something new for .Stephen, as lie has come to till city ami eerved his customers lu all kiiids of weathor. His wagons are known to every body along tho route from the Grove to this city and all know the rr.ids were impassable as he fulled to make vhu trip.

ale i'iti/. i: - have 1 1,

’An elegant Assortment of

Soft Finish Cambric and Nainsook For Children's Wear.

a ■•<■. lr.-it ult.'«, lisi . b.nicyto lately. pairing a simcialty.Important Discussion.of ti e ti

tho pniyer meeting i iau Church lust met

Lie charge hat. being a di tor ofhe Club Dcr Hit! mliscn. be inveigledwore dismissed at

ral '’reshyter- d as wise and

Flour aud nioulmeal, et sunflower

gxrAee Hood a apcutalty. H14 Klug Street.

FeedJ. W. YarnallA mi.1. lias In..,:C u number nf It by young ottlci


ambling. \ u s theator Kftcham. 3i;lu»io:is,itis supp. n second direr uf (be .-tub pi ed ider

bat tho world will eonti il what is

olvoba will be Wo c

only judge of Ibe future by tha pest, if tlie coming goueratl than the past o

men $<> and sing for the time tin \

*4 a monthie it" itl in si'undal.its axis Besides a full line of COTTON TRIMMINGS, WOVEN TOR­CHONS and VALENCIENNES LACES.

he Shite'I

M.W. Burleigh1 ml ary ('oiiiiiiIsmIo i‘H ( to lu* be tor•h. 23. A dispatch fro RioEven this small 0*10 sli, uld bo upit to

says thu wspaper there publishes

Amu pa

Ja.iei I Halil•le;.'i'i.

ami doing «ho ‘'riigjptchms, the people are bound to l.ooomo stir a ad bitter.

of Hie(!(»().* !|HI. 1111 nut on. to roast; buy for your homo a

l tidwig Flano. Nujhlug batter. Store 616 Shipley street.

I)olight this i Tlie Difference. v la1 (1, fresh hams, milder baefthe Del aw; rting thifro To Illustrate the differonoo lietween fighting u duel and shooting at a target the Now York Post recalls the story of the swaggerer who said to the man whom he was threatening to call out, "I stem of a wlno glass at 15 paces.”

"Very well," was the undaunted reply, had a pistol

001 King stror Slat, violet. m regarding affray hua S. H. STAATSA ‘let able M‘*r VI he ho Penny Phus.

'.2d Market sttheM< f. i'irge tiieiendorfer iufor s that he

etity years engugail lu solving effy. and in all that time ho

fored such a terrible st euu mi Monday week. Ho servo his customer.* him-

d , so. Wa

HOW IS YOUR WIFE?: Ml our 1 in' French and ; has be rf | papersi

bin not us that ox par was not able »i>if orl" 8«l

•0 if he follows th y years to como lie will not export-

1 verity. Our etity years and

day that would

makii’o- |, 1,sol vies, a i;jl i 11 boumlury eiminii • hit the

405 Market Street.Has slio lost her beau ty T If idigesMou, Sick Headache

, Conatipation. the principal

lias cured Price 2oc and fido

-isfactory by N. B. Danlorth, Second ami Mar

Ji I Iff Wholesale and retail

. H. KaneFinest Rye Wiiisiues . Seventh street. LA. 3

"hueity lb «r Thu cording to a dis-

liileting yesterday to

1 citizen tried k, offering 11

•ages, i refused to be

1^' t"entfH'un hoot 'l'A, "but suppose tlio winegl

andSuit l.akc thesH ill-t for lialf a ccutui

•efuudod if resultono ol o MFitpatch fr, firing at youV"City. I 1 th. Tii. ,*businjt for 200 w Let ?t" ;!VO sold lu tlie fi fate. 108 W

A. Phono 445, old41.*nt vat1, In Das Wetter Dr. Meinhardun relates that during a “glazed frost" in eastern and central Germnny a blade of grass at Potsdam own

receive uthev did not get .u oi New thin' h rm of equalo hir* e to do hotu.i Lecture On Japun.

Itukuro Makaseko will give an illustra­ted loeture on "Jupane e Info and Cuo- totns.” at Friends Hchool , Fourth und

streets, tomorrow at 1.30 4. in. All who wish to understand what ;is going iniliatp i t of the hear him.

lends harktill’

Da l*f| 512 Tatnall street,

.Sustlllosl^engels be*ir

tor, bottled. Mkt per do/- 11 per oaaasho


s found to carry 800 times its right of Ice.

e he H,Mend ay Fehn 18. •lues, ltq ordlaln. n m

Tin: M.chired.

political ^<m1s .it, juM .is In nil s ag.*.*; of Nasal Catliuosi. All exp

Halm is a c 111 dor of tho diKoasod

• irritating, and 1 test it ft

trial sl/'j's timileri for lu eorits or tho large s by Ely Brothers oti Wan*

Now York. Druggist keep St. Upon placotl inf1' tho uoitrils it sproade ho uiMinbrane und relief i» inline*

agreeable cure.

11 ili.:ro WPhone ir1K"<i - Driver y Sunoiring.

ah. Gn.. Fell. 2d. Robert A.The mayor of IiCndon gets a salary of

950.000 a year and occupies the official residence rent free. The entertainments ho furnishes absorb most of his salary.

280,noid t,, id should go idHu Beak second officer of the sloa ■ • | KeMtaursnt. 100 IA Fourth

lAfltAf'A Street. Mealvstall liourijesier sRooms.

mm A 1 Fnrninof sll sI/rb and

For Sa pI HI VillUl 802 King street, city.

m it W J.Lh 11 li J- Son


It t drying. which the South•celledany other time felling. To atI ho best, tho finest looking and the

most durable Plano made is the Ludwig 1 iano. Store 610 Shipley Btreot.

American Laundry. 818 West Fit

Carolina "oiori during the blizzard „f Inalintense sufferings in an open boat dur­ing the storm.

Who i'.iu tlv News l.for 6 n ills 843,Oplui

deadly 1is considered three times ai

alcohol.> 11,4 Mr.


theAJdicks? ii • streetit Ordar your loose liny fro

Front and Orange ulrools.White Bros.


RepublicanOi nee.

Will SustainedKegbtc

' 1 undMr. J. K Han: Crus Wed 1

RESUMPTION•slay mi- •'■o will a10 of the lull'd,.

Waller O. lloll We,l K.iiglu

legatee Klwa-d T -!()■

in whichthe r.term*. Call,-norinado tin) principal

•'1,•olid ami ether rela* ■ii;vith Hi tin Millet READ MONDAY’S DEPUBLICAN.

Deiiuarvla phone J‘J7 liu*

tdriresaSUi Clayton street.11strated ngnins. tho jirobao' of

. duo ion u-eil, nod that Mi. Holt

■ l >f sound di-.puHlng min i ut the time of

“Heart sc.ill mi th! lie Mud thathe Opera II" ! " last t




B'fir-1 lias,.excellent ina

.iking it.anil ^tiiurii At ti e boaring Lewis (' Vadegrift •prosen .vl tho wii

l Peter I1.1 W. F.

Cooper, Jr,, tho oli- ny p '«*,ibl>

§ a £icr. fr’nulloy DK. SIMMS’

Vegeiilile Livar Pillsjeer or s '0 !' appeal to tho Super!

The For Talmage’s sermon. It can be had only in the REPUBLICAN, as it has

the exclusive right Wilmington to publish his

sermons. It is worth read­ing,and every Presbyteri­an especially, should pro­cure a copy of Holiday's issue.

’ The

measu: the pit Institutioi

Cm rt. Philadelphia & Wilmington Propeller Line

fl4-‘4nxc and should be j*.Lcrt utr LincolnS.U l> Tho Daily BepoWicao tp

read by more people than any

other paper in Delaware or

ceptiug no '.e.

Colo.iol Henry Watte K ir couted. No taste in nwailow- nd not Hiokemng.

of Louiaville, n trky, will deliver hlafatnou locLttu tlie "Life, Career and Duutli of Abra­

ham Lincoln,'' at tho Kirs# Cbrmtlan Church H„r»-8 and Morvlnostreets, Hhila- dcriph'.u, this evening. 1’he Colonel, al­though it dy, d iu th wmri Domc.trut, is 11 great admirer of Abrahatr Nin< oln. detornltiud to do h'n

and patriotic

D. Mutual Loan Association.Incorporated 1867.

This association hae U011 to active ernl roa ceHBful operation slnoa its organization, jiaviftj inaturod fonrtsan series. N^W itoek Is now

ti issued and payments of 11.00 1 er share maybe made at any time, fly » reoelu chnnaa of the by-laws shares will Le issued .onthlr ■0 that any one may b«oom* a member at arf t.n,a c,tbout outlay for back payiuuntu. Shar*

l.olnj w <71m, Aand Class B fiaoh share lu Olae* A eutltlea the mcnffi .r to borrr.y^ LiOt).Olost B entitles the way to aceur* , bmt'i Approv ■auu'ltT .nij be n< uooept*'L The m meat is oomooeed of careful, oonoers Ai experiencedoualao‘;s men^ffamuel F. w President; Dr. James M. Winner, YlOfP dent; Directors, W. Bradway. Wllliaa Foulk. F H. Hoffeoker, • , anole M^Jonea, 1 ert Kirkwood, William 0 tfnrrip, WllUom Fodden, John I MoOrwiken, '’harleo B. »«

Ueorge a Mu-In. Becrelorv 3 1 - ,

in Operate. you hardly know you *ak« finest Liver, Kidnoy and 8toin-

Will auroly -:ure Liver and Mtoinach trou-

Cares tired fooling, dizziness, giddy-head, <feo

•t as a real Liver medicin,)

IvoL'a-l!etally. The people dem; for that

ware and N-have resunieil their tripx between

foridlin'. IhoOil-Oil. iney discA PHILADELPHIAl;mcahuii

Ni• ictiou against diseases. a

J is cV'M. 1. riN. |ii(»!(U-nt ui 10 impre' s hiH the memory of

ir him of word

P‘ AND41. Bold by druggists in citie» 1 >epot 60U King street.Board ol Trat

hV- Those who he; a sped

that a traveling stockade \. add hey'J WILMiNQTON.Kennard

& Co.

• luctivc* of far better result1- it utilizing' prison labor.

iiose a on Boob share

$400. No betteled vti Mtota

L The. manofftt

5\ , ug ti.At it rarely surpassed.CHAS. E.DUBELL,

HATTER,No. 1 East Third Street,

YOUNG .MOTHERS. Pier 9 South Wharves, Phila., Pa. Market Street Wharf, Wll., Del.

Die McYey Cast.The .vl uVey case will come before the

oeoate Committee tomorrow afternoon, whoa Mr. Ford will furnish the Witnesses wlu>, ho claims will lie his (marges. .Saturday afternoon side! of the ct committee.

•er of liiousanris of .M.uug

d freqn*ut'y fatal. Phlloh' and Lou »gle in

,n to fall.

•P »tbr,

MB OfVS liliu 4 Of

Timv*hI immediately . Prlue 86o, Mv, $1

Mold by N !?. Danforth, Beoond and Idarket

It 1

Ghas. Warner Go.,bothwill be beard .by the WILMINGTON. DIED.
