Page 1: INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI Penelitian/Informasi... · INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG ; . Jalan Tamansari No. 64, Bandung 401 16 Telp. +6222 2501759,2500939


Jalan Tamansari No 64 Bandung 401 16 Telp +6222 25017592500939 Fax +6222 2504010 e-mail Ippmlppmitbacid


11 Juni 2013 Nomor 2139IlB0412LU2013

Perihal Undangan Seminar Grant Ceremony amp Seminar on Research Findings Assisted by Theuro Asahi Glass Foundation 2013

Kepada Yth Para Dekan FakultasSekolah Institut Teknologi Bandung JInGanesha 10 Bandung

Bersama ini dengan hormat kami sampaikan bahwa dalam rangka peurolaksanaan proses monitoring dan evaluasi kegiatan penelitian The Asahi Glass Foundation bekerjasama dengan LPPM ITB akan menyelenggarakan Grant C~remony amp Seminar on Research Findings Assisted by The Asahi Glass Foundation 2013 yang akan diselenggarakan pada

Hari tanggal Jumat 28 Juni 2013 Waktu 0800 - Selesai Tempat Ruang Auditorium Campus Centre Timur ITB

Jl Ganesha No 10 Bandung

Dalam acara tersebut para peneliti akan mempreseurontasikan hasil penelitiannya yang telah didanai oleh The Asahi Glass Foundation pada periode 2012-2013

Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut di atas kami mohon kesediaan Bapaklbu untuk mensosialisasikan kegiatan tersebut di lingkunganBapaklbu

Pendaftaran tidak dipungut biaya serta terbuka untuk umum terutama mahasiswa tugas akhir dan rnahasiswa pascasarjana Untuk informasi dan pendaftaran dapat menghubungi

LPPM ITB Suheni PH (suhenilppmitbacid0811222 4177) atau Dian Sumardiana (ianlppmitbacid085220389715)

Demikian kami sampaikan Atas perhatian dan kerjasama yang diberikan kami sampaikan terima

kasih -7 ~tl~( ~


Prof Dr Wawan Gunawan A Kadir MS ~bagai laporan)

~ rskreta is bf PM Bidang Penelitian

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Grant Ceremony amp Seminar on Research Findings Assisted by

The Asahi Glass Foundation 2013 28 Juni 2013 Institut Teknologi Bandung

R Auditorium Campus Center Timur ITB Jalan Ganesa 10 Bandung INDONESIA

gt 0800 - 0830 REGISTRATION

- - ~


bull Opening Speech by Rector of Institut Teknologi Bandung

(Prof Akhmafoka PhD)

bull Speech by Senior Executive Director The Asahi Glass Foundation (Mr 5hunichi 5amejima)0830 -0915

bull Signing of MoU between ITB and The Asahi Glass Foundation

bull Certification Grant Awards 2013 (16 researchers) by The Asahi Glass Foundation


0915 - 0945

0945 -1000 COFFEE BREAK

Control Systems On Automatic Whell Chair Using Rigid and Adaptive Control

by Augie Widyotriatmo PhD (FTI)

DeSign And Development Of Vibration-Material GMR Based- Sensor ProfDrlng Mitra Djamal (FMIPA)

1000 -1015

1015 -1030

Geochemical and Water Quality Modelling in Management of Acid Mine Drainage by ProfDrlr Rudy Sayoga Gautama Benggolo (fITM)

GLUT- expression levels in mouse brain nicotine dependence by Dr Anggraini Barlian MSc (SITH)

1030 - 1045

1045 -1100

Study of Pore Rocks Shape Using Fourier Descriptor Analysis by Dr Fourier Dzar Eljabbar latief (FMIPA)1100 -1115

Safety Analysis of Direct Recycling of Nuclear 1115 -1130 Spent Fuel in LWR by Drs Abdul Waris MEngPhD( FMIPA)

d __o n ~ -


Vector Quantization of Stars and Galaxy for Dark Matter Mapping Applications by Prof Drs Andriyan Bayu 1315 -1330 Suksmono MTPhD(STEI)

Characterization of Green Buillding - Tread open office room acoustics concept In connection with the Speech 1330 -1345 Privacy by Drlr R Sugeng Joko Sarwono MT ( FTI)

Isolation and characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana genes to produce bacterium resistant plants by Fenny Martha Dwivany SSiMSiPh( SITH)

Designing Method of Application of ISA-95 in the Design of Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES)

1345 -1400

by Dr Rajesri STMT (FTI)1400 -1415

In vitro study of production and histochemical localization of essential oils produced in root plantlet of java vetiver 1415 -1430 (Vetiveria zizanioides) by Dr Iriawati MSc(SITH)

Stem cell transplantation into pancreas of diabetes rats by Drrernat Marselina Irasonia Tan MS (51TH)1430 - 1445

Interannual variation of Ocean Heat Content and Sea Surface Height of outer Indonesian water related to global ocean warming by Ivonne Milichristi Radjawane MSiPhD (FITS)

1445 - 1500

1500 -1515

Parallelized Pollards RHO Acceleration for identification CLASS WEAK elliptic curve by Dr Muchtadi Intan Detiena M5i(FMIPA)

1515 - 1530

Studies on the degradation of color mechanism of photocatalytic processing textile WWTP effluent using Ti02 nanofiber composite catalysts terimmobilisasi by Drlng Marisa Handajani 5TMT (FTSL)

1530 -1545 The Effect of Microgravity on Tomato (Lycopersicum esculantum) cv Arthaloka Fl and Green Pea (Vigna radiata)

Structure Physiology and Molecular Study by Dr Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti (51TH)


Page 2: INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI Penelitian/Informasi... · INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG ; . Jalan Tamansari No. 64, Bandung 401 16 Telp. +6222 2501759,2500939

Grant Ceremony amp Seminar on Research Findings Assisted by

The Asahi Glass Foundation 2013 28 Juni 2013 Institut Teknologi Bandung

R Auditorium Campus Center Timur ITB Jalan Ganesa 10 Bandung INDONESIA

gt 0800 - 0830 REGISTRATION

- - ~


bull Opening Speech by Rector of Institut Teknologi Bandung

(Prof Akhmafoka PhD)

bull Speech by Senior Executive Director The Asahi Glass Foundation (Mr 5hunichi 5amejima)0830 -0915

bull Signing of MoU between ITB and The Asahi Glass Foundation

bull Certification Grant Awards 2013 (16 researchers) by The Asahi Glass Foundation


0915 - 0945

0945 -1000 COFFEE BREAK

Control Systems On Automatic Whell Chair Using Rigid and Adaptive Control

by Augie Widyotriatmo PhD (FTI)

DeSign And Development Of Vibration-Material GMR Based- Sensor ProfDrlng Mitra Djamal (FMIPA)

1000 -1015

1015 -1030

Geochemical and Water Quality Modelling in Management of Acid Mine Drainage by ProfDrlr Rudy Sayoga Gautama Benggolo (fITM)

GLUT- expression levels in mouse brain nicotine dependence by Dr Anggraini Barlian MSc (SITH)

1030 - 1045

1045 -1100

Study of Pore Rocks Shape Using Fourier Descriptor Analysis by Dr Fourier Dzar Eljabbar latief (FMIPA)1100 -1115

Safety Analysis of Direct Recycling of Nuclear 1115 -1130 Spent Fuel in LWR by Drs Abdul Waris MEngPhD( FMIPA)

d __o n ~ -


Vector Quantization of Stars and Galaxy for Dark Matter Mapping Applications by Prof Drs Andriyan Bayu 1315 -1330 Suksmono MTPhD(STEI)

Characterization of Green Buillding - Tread open office room acoustics concept In connection with the Speech 1330 -1345 Privacy by Drlr R Sugeng Joko Sarwono MT ( FTI)

Isolation and characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana genes to produce bacterium resistant plants by Fenny Martha Dwivany SSiMSiPh( SITH)

Designing Method of Application of ISA-95 in the Design of Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES)

1345 -1400

by Dr Rajesri STMT (FTI)1400 -1415

In vitro study of production and histochemical localization of essential oils produced in root plantlet of java vetiver 1415 -1430 (Vetiveria zizanioides) by Dr Iriawati MSc(SITH)

Stem cell transplantation into pancreas of diabetes rats by Drrernat Marselina Irasonia Tan MS (51TH)1430 - 1445

Interannual variation of Ocean Heat Content and Sea Surface Height of outer Indonesian water related to global ocean warming by Ivonne Milichristi Radjawane MSiPhD (FITS)

1445 - 1500

1500 -1515

Parallelized Pollards RHO Acceleration for identification CLASS WEAK elliptic curve by Dr Muchtadi Intan Detiena M5i(FMIPA)

1515 - 1530

Studies on the degradation of color mechanism of photocatalytic processing textile WWTP effluent using Ti02 nanofiber composite catalysts terimmobilisasi by Drlng Marisa Handajani 5TMT (FTSL)

1530 -1545 The Effect of Microgravity on Tomato (Lycopersicum esculantum) cv Arthaloka Fl and Green Pea (Vigna radiata)

Structure Physiology and Molecular Study by Dr Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti (51TH)


Page 3: INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI Penelitian/Informasi... · INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG ; . Jalan Tamansari No. 64, Bandung 401 16 Telp. +6222 2501759,2500939

1500 -1515

Parallelized Pollards RHO Acceleration for identification CLASS WEAK elliptic curve by Dr Muchtadi Intan Detiena M5i(FMIPA)

1515 - 1530

Studies on the degradation of color mechanism of photocatalytic processing textile WWTP effluent using Ti02 nanofiber composite catalysts terimmobilisasi by Drlng Marisa Handajani 5TMT (FTSL)

1530 -1545 The Effect of Microgravity on Tomato (Lycopersicum esculantum) cv Arthaloka Fl and Green Pea (Vigna radiata)

Structure Physiology and Molecular Study by Dr Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti (51TH)

