Page 1: ُلَّوَأْلٱ ُلْصَفْلٱ on aspects of the sciences of the Glorious Qur’n that All h , by revealing the Qur' n to His final Prophet Mu ammad , chose us as the ones

لأولٱ ٱلفصل

لمجيدٱلقرآن ٱمقدمة إلى


Introduction To The Glorious Qur’n

This chapter is an introduction to the Glorious Qur’n, its

recitation and some of its virtues. Introduction

Verily, the Glorious Qur'n is one of the greatest gifts of Allah

to this ummah (the followers of Prophet Muammad ) .

Allh states in srah al-ashr, v 21:

[If We had revealed this Qur'n upon a mountain, you would have

seen it tremble and crumble to pieces out of fear of Allh.]

We learn from this verse that even the mountain would not have been able to carry the divine revelation. This is the

greatness of the Glorious Qur'n, and we should be honoured


Page 2: ُلَّوَأْلٱ ُلْصَفْلٱ on aspects of the sciences of the Glorious Qur’n that All h , by revealing the Qur' n to His final Prophet Mu ammad , chose us as the ones

Discourses on aspects of the sciences of the Glorious Qur’n

that Allh , by revealing the Qur'n to His final Prophet

Muammad , chose us as the ones to carry this unique and

great trust.

Hazrath Anas (may Allh be pleased with him) narrates:

The messenger of Allh (peace and blessings of Allh be upon him)

said: “Verily, for Allh there are two types of people from mankind.”

He narrates: “It was said: Who are they, Oh messenger of Allh? He

replied: The people of the Qur'n are the people of Allah, and they are

special to Him."1

Hazrath `Uthmn (may Allh be pleased with him) narrates: “The

messenger of Allh peace and blessings of Allh be upon him) said:

The best of you is he who learns the Qur’n and teaches it.”2

1 This adth is narrated in Musnad al-Imm Amad, volume 3, page 581.

2 a al-Bukhr, volume 10, page 91


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Discourses on aspects of the sciences of the Glorious Qur’n

We might find ourselves asking the question: What is the

Glorious Qur’n?

The Glorious Qur’n is the miraculous kalm (speech) of Allh

that was revealed to the seal of all prophets and

messengers, Prophet Muammad , in the most perfect and

most eloquent Arabic, through the angel of revelation Jibrl

, that has been transmitted to us in succession, whose recitation is a form of worship, which is compiled between

two parts of the musaf (copy of the Qur’n), which begins

with Sah al-Ftia, and ends with Sah al-Ns.1

There is not a single book in this world like the Glorious

Qur'n. The Qur'n is complete, meaning that it has explained

to us all the laws of Allh, and it has not left out a single

ruling. It is a gift from Allh , which has not been sent for a

specific time or place, but which can be used in any time or place.

The manner of the recitation of the Qur'n

We must realise and know that the Glorious Qur'n has to be

recited in a specific way, it cannot be recited in the same

manner as other books. That is why Allh has said in srah al-

1 Al-Mos`ah al-Qur’nyah al-Muyassarah, page 983


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Discourses on aspects of the sciences of the Glorious Qur’n

Muzzammil, v 4: [And recite the Qur'n in measured, rhythmic


The word used in this verse is tartl, but what is tartl and how

is the Qur'n recited with it? The word tartl has been

mentioned in the above verse, and also in srah al-Furqn,

v32, when Allh says: [And We have arranged it in proper order.]

In srah al-Muzzammil, the verse came down referring to the

sequence of alh al-Layl, the prayer performed between Fajar

and `Esh; and in al-Furqn, the verse came down as a reply to

the disbelievers when they enquired the reason for the Qur'n

being revealed at different stages.

Al-Imm al-Rghib says in his book:

: The harmony of something and its classification in proper


And : The sending of the word from the mouth with ease and

in proper order."1

We are also commanded to recite the Qur'n in a melodious

way. It is narrated in a al-Bukhri that the Prophet said:

"Beautify your voices with the Qur'n."1

1 Mufradt F Gharb al-Qur'n, Al-Rghib al-Afahn


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Discourses on aspects of the sciences of the Glorious Qur’n

Qatdah narrates: “Anas was asked: “How was the recitation

of the Prophet ? “ He replied: “It was lengthened.” Then he recited

Bismillhir Ramnir Ram, lengthening Bismillh, lengthening

Al-Ramn, and lengthening Al-Ram.”2

Some issues pertaining to the recitation and memorisation of

the Qur’n

1- The recitation of the Qur’n is one of the best ways for one

to get closer to Allh . Ab Sa`d Al-Khadr reports that

the Prophet Muammad said: “Allh, The Most High says:

Whoever is kept busy by the Qur’n and My rememberance, I give

him better than what I give those who ask. And the favour of the

speech of Allh over the rest of speech is like the favour of Allh over

His creation.”3

2- Al-Imm Al-Nawaw says that forgetting the Qur’n is one

of the major sins, according to the adth of the Prophet :

“The sins of my followers were shown to me. I did not see a sin

greater than a chapter or verse of the Qur’n that a man has been

1 Fat al-Br, explanation of a al-Bukhr, volume 2 and Al-Minhj,

explanation of a Muslim, volume 3

2 a al-Bukhr, Book on the virtues of the Qur’n

3 Jmi` al-Tirmih


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Discourses on aspects of the sciences of the Glorious Qur’n

given, and then he forgot it.”1

3- To recite the Qur’n in a state of cleanliness (ahah) is

obligatory. To recite the Qur’n in a state of ablution (wu) is

preferable, because reciting the Qur’n is the best form of

remembering Allh.

4- To recite the Qur’n in a clean place is sunnah, the best place

being the mosque.

5- It is preferable for the one reading the Qur’n to sit facing

the qiblah, in humility, because he is sitting in front of Allh .

It is sunnah for the reader to use the miswk (toothbrush) before


6- It is sunnah for the one reading to seek refuge in Allh

from shayn (the devil). Allh says in the Qur’n: [And when

you recite the Qur’n, then seek refuge in Allh from shayn, the

rejected one.], ch 16, v 98. 7- The reader should begin with the basmalah, because most

`ulam are of the opinion that it is a verse from the Qur’n. It is

also preferable to begin with the basmalah if starting from the

middle of the sah.

1 Ab Dwd and others narrate it


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Discourses on aspects of the sciences of the Glorious Qur’n

Some virtues of the Glorious Qur’n

The Glorious Qur’n was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad

in seven different dialects- Hazrath `Umar Ibn al-Khab

narrates: “I heard Hishm Ibn akm Ibn izm reciting srah al-

Furqn differently to the way I read it, and Raslullh used to

recite it to me. I nearly hastened over Hishm, but I left him until he

was leaving, and then took hold of him by his clothes. I went with

him to Raslullh and I said: Oh messenger of Allh, indeed, I

heard him reciting srah al-Furqn differently to the way you recited

it to me. Raslullh said: Send him, recite. So he recited the way I

heard him recite. Raslullh said: Like this it was revealed, then he

said to me: Recite. So I recited and he said: Like this it was revealed.

Verily, this Qur’n was revealed in seven dialects so recite from it

what is easy for you.”1

When the Glorious Qur’n is recited al-Saknah (Tranquility)

and the angels descend.2 Jealousy is not allowed except over two types of people-

`Abdullh Ibn `Umar narrates: “I heard the messenger of Allh

saying: There is no jealousy except over two: A man whom Allh

1 a al-Bukhr, volume 5, page 356 & a Muslim, volume 6, page 82

2 a al-Bukhr, Book on the virtues of the Qur’n, chapter 15


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Discourses on aspects of the sciences of the Glorious Qur’n

has granted the Book, and he recites it the whole night, and a man

whom Allh has granted abundant wealth, and he gives it as charity

the whole day and whole night.”1

The Glorious Qur’n will intercede for its companions on the

day of Qiymah.2

The virtues of Srah al-Ftia- Ab Sa`d Ibn al-Mu`all

narrates: “I was performing alh, and the Prophet called me, I

did not answer him. After completing I said: Oh messenger of Allh,

verily, I was performing alh. He replied: Did Allh not say:

Answer to Allh and the messenger when he calls you...” Then he

said: Should I not teach you the greatest chapter in the Qur’n before

you leave the mosque? Then he took me by my hand. Thus, when we

were about to leave, I said: Oh messenger of Allh, verily, you said: I

will indeed teach you the greatest chapter of the Qur’n. He replied:

Alamdulillhi Rabbil `lamn, it is al-Saba` al-Mathn, and the

Great Qur’n that I have been given.”3

The meaning of “the Great Qur’n” is the great reward that a

person receives by reciting it even though other chapters of the

Qur’n are longer than it.

1 a al-Bukhr, Book on the virtues of the Qur’n, chapter 20

2 a Muslim

3 a al-Bukhr, Book on the virtues of the Qur’n, adth 5006


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Discourses on aspects of the sciences of the Glorious Qur’n

The virtues of Srah al-Baqarah- Ab Hurayrah narrates:

“The Prophet entrusted me with safeguarding the zakh of

aman. Thus, a man approached me, and started eating from the

food. I took hold of him and said: I will indeed take you to the

messenger of Allh . He replied: I am in dire need and poverty is

upon me.”

Ab Hurayrah narrates: “So I left him. The next morning when I

woke up the Prophet said to me: Oh Ab Hurayrah, what did your

captive do yesterday? I said: Oh messenger of Allh, he complained

of dire need and poverty, so I took pity upon him and left him. He replied: Indeed, he has lied to you, and he will return.” Thus, I knew

he would return because of the Prophet saying that. So I waited for him, until he came and started eating from the food. I took hold of

him and said: I will indeed take you to the Prophet . He replied: Leave me, for indeed I am in dire need and poverty is upon me, I will

not return.” Ab Hurayrah narrates: “I took pity upon him and left


The next morning when I woke up the messenger of Allh said to

me: Oh Ab Hurayrah what did your captive do? I replied: Oh

messenger of Allh, he complained of dire need and poverty, so I took

pity upon him and left him. He replied: Verily, he has lied to you and he will return. So I waited for him, and he came and started eating from the food. I took hold of him and said: I will indeed take you to

the Prophet , and this is the last of three times. You claim that you


Page 10: ُلَّوَأْلٱ ُلْصَفْلٱ on aspects of the sciences of the Glorious Qur’n that All h , by revealing the Qur' n to His final Prophet Mu ammad , chose us as the ones

Discourses on aspects of the sciences of the Glorious Qur’n

will not return, then you return. He replied: Let me teach you words

that through it, Allh will benefit you. I replied: What are they? He

replied: When you go to bed, read yah al-Kurs: Allhu L Ilha Ill

Huwal ayyul Qayym, until you complete the verse. For indeed,

protection from Allh will not cease over you, and no devil will come

near you until you wake up. So I left him.

The next morning when I woke up the Prophet said to me: What did your captive do yesterday? I replied: He claimed that he will

teach me words that Allh will benefit me through, so I left him. The

messenger of Allh said: What are they? I replied: he said to me:

When you go to bed, read yah al-Kurs from its beginning until

you complete it. Protection from Allh will never cease upon you,

and no devil will approach you until you wake up. Thus, the Prophet

said: Verily, he has been truthful with you, while he is a liar. Do

you know who you were speaking to for three nights, Oh Ab

Hurayrah? I replied: No. The Prophet replied: He is a devil.”1

The virtue of Srah al-Ikhl- Ab Sa`d al-Khadr narrates:

“A man heard another man reciting: Qul Huwallhu Aad. He was

repeating it. The next morning when he woke up he came to the

Prophet and mentioned that to him. So the messenger of Allh replied: By Him in whose hand my soul is, verily, it is equal to one-

1 a al-Bukhr, Book on entrustment, adth 2311


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Discourses on aspects of the sciences of the Glorious Qur’n

third of the Qur’n.”1

We should realise that the Glorious Qur’n has not been given

to us for mere recitation. We have to ponder over its verses

and meanings, and apply it in our daily lives. Allh has

stated in the Qur’n: [This is a Book which we have sent down to

you, full of blessings so that they may ponder over its verses and so that those of understanding may take heed.], ch 38, v 29.

Some benefits of `Ulm Al-Qur’n

1- It assists in the studying and the understanding of the

Glorious Qur’n. It also assists in the derivation of laws and

rulings. Tafsr (explanation and interpretation) and other major

sciences of the Qur’n cannot be studied without

`ulm al-Qur’n. Indeed, this science is a key for anyone who

specialises or wants to specialise in tafsr.

2- The one who studies this science is well-equipped with a

strong, unique weapon against the enemies of Islm.

3- The one who studies this science has knowledge about the

Glorious Qur’n.

1 a al-Bukhr, Book on the virtues of the Qur’n, adth 4893


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Discourses on aspects of the sciences of the Glorious Qur’n

How the Glorious Qur’n is protected

Verily, Allh guaranteed that He Himself will protect His

Book, and He did not leave it to other than Himself. He prepared various forces to protect the Divine revelation. From these forces are:

1- Allh assured His messenger that, indeed, this Book

will be protected, and nothing of it will be lost. Allh says:

[“Do not move your tongue hastefully oncerning the Qur’n. It is for

Us to compile it and make you recite it. But when We make its recital, follow its recital. Then, more than that, it is for Us to explain

it and make it clear.”]. Holy Qur’n, ch 75, v 16-19.

2- Verily, the Noble Prophet Muammad appointed scribes

to write down the Divine revelation each time, immediately after it came down.

3- The Prophet used to recite the Qur’n during the prayers.

Due to this, everyone who listened to him used to memorise the portion recited.

4- He (the Noble Prophet ) used to carefully study the

Qur’n each year with Jibrl . He also studied it twice

during his last year before he passed away.


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Discourses on aspects of the sciences of the Glorious Qur’n

5- The Prophet used to encourage his companions to such an extent, that they used to love to recite and memorise the Divine revelation. He used to clarify to them the great reward

in the recitation and memorisation of the Qur’n.

6- Indeed, Allh revealed the Qur’n upon an unlettered

community, whose minds were pure. It was known that this community could memorise poems and narrations by just

listening to it once. Thus, when the Qur’n came down they

took hold of the opportunity to memorise it.

7- The Qur’n came down over a period of 23 years, narrating

the happenings of the past, present and future. This also had an effect in its protection.

8- The laws and judgements of the Qur’n were applied in the

reality of life, for, indeed, its laws made up the main law for every problem and event. 9- The Muslim community itself took responsibility for its compilation in one book, when it was compiled during the

times of Hazrath Ab Bakr and Hazrath `Uthmn .

10- The Qur’anic sciences, like Tafsr (commentary and

explanation) and the different recitations, grew around the Divine revelation.

11- Indeed, Allh made its memorisation easy for the hearts

and its recitation easy for the tongue.