Page 1: THE KENTUC K · crtjS Hr'cts, a general ajjorment of Groccys Cutle-iv-, lion mungry, Q eens and DclfW'nc, Window Glass, Station-aiy-,

fcHoiiB. XLIII.. '"" THE VOL.H.J


LEXINGTON : Printed by JOHN BRADFORD at his Office in Main Street, when Subscriptions, Advertijements, &c. for this paper, are thankfully

received, and Printing in its different branches done with Care and Expedition. ,

W7 Hcreas I have some time,y this fpnng advertised acertain covering horse in mypotfefllon, described as the

ARABIANGRAY,of high blood &c. &c. Andwhereas he has not been honor-ed with one mare, I herebynotify that I will give the onehalf of the sour dollars heruo- -sore claimed by me per fealbn,for each mare of good family,

may apply between this&nd the expiration of the fealbn,In order to establish the repu-

tation of the horse.John Crinenden.

June 8, 1789. t.44-- f

ROBERT PARKER,Has n7 arrivedfrom Philadelphia, and

h s ow opened forsale at hit Jlore in.Lfc s.tot, at the corner of main andcrtjS Hr'cts, a general ajjorment of

Groccys Cutle-iv- ,

lion mungry, Q eens andDclfW'nc, Window Glass, Station-aiy- ,

Mehune, a good ci,ihi day clock,&c. fyL. which he is dee mined to sellon the rao ft moderate terms, for cash,

count y made linen, corn, fugai, fait,&c.

is 0 P E N I N G,

In the Store lately occupied by or,

Jc' ii Duncan, and oppoli e Mr.YoanR s Tat e n,

A ' tree and geneial affor'ment ofR Y Goods and Grocei ics, w h jch'J J mil dc dilpofed ot on icafon- -

ablc 'e nis for Cash or Gin sang ofa good 0,1'a'ltv.

Wli LI AM MORTON & Co.Lex ngton June 1, 1789- -

T n HE LETA Tr? act of rich land, about (itfi rri'e from T exine'on. on tbc lest

of the 'rft Icadine ro John'on's Mill,.op'hp of Flh Horn deck, in awell fen'c' reThbnurhood ; for termsand f nrl er particulars dircft o' applyto "r ripnrv AlJcrfon, at Mr. R.Chinee noi' f exington, or'o the prin-

ter I don", the land.N f. Teracc of tin-- above to be

cei'f" h pont'aft, forwhich pavmonty. ,11 1, -- ' n f,ar(j dollars : enquirePS ihri r. 45 .

T'V awjv from the fublrribcr 1iR "vi 111 Woodforrl county, ane'S'O v -- n named BILI Y. nboi t '8TCT r'L i vello"' complexion rMkIiPS , i, e P.'t soot, rfret 8 fc''cshi?h. upll P'0"or toned, cry arft'l,fenfib'c a"'1 "rnna'in? hts a fmnlllump on 1 is ff mirb abort tl e lcnfa corrrnon r rr hall, had on when beT'cnt i"'av, a hb c cna'fe do b coatbound vith ve'lnv , Ica'hcr bipprbpc,snd lock with h'm a Countn e

mixed clo b con', al'o a 1 f e pun, beunderPan U (till n, manrniiig and theWhlpfaw veiy veil, fipporcd to bejone to the Irdnns; Is the abo eNeg-- n i nkenonthts fic'eof thcO-ln- o

ri er I w,ll eive five pounds, andis on M cor' er side, from ite Indnn,fio or 1 o sillons of whifkev, and ja'l rcafonabie charges, is livered toCol. Patterson. in I.ex'nptor or trr '

t e f'ibicriber on Cane run, about 8

m tes from Lexington.42 44 Robert Sanders.

JUST OPENED,By WILSON and PARKER,At their new Jlore in Lexington, nearly

oppofm the new court house, a generalaffortment of


Among wliich are the following, viz :

SUPERFINE affortcd.broadcloths.

Fearnought, velverets, & corduroys.Jean1;, sustains, and black fatmct.Camlets and moreens.Shallons aflbrtcd.Durants, calimancoes, & apron check.Chinrzes and calicoes afloneJ.Irilli linens afforted.Plain lawn and lawn handkerchiefs--.

Mulin. Si'k handkerchiers alForted.

Cotton, linen, and check do.White edging, and biack lace.Mode and perfi-ins- .

Conon, thread, and (ilk hoes.Ribbands aflbrtcd. Sewing silk.Flannel and sieve lurks.Silk waistcoat patterns.Bed ticking and garicsStraining and cirfingle web aflbrtcd,Men's and Women s fhocs.Button"; affortcd.Shoe and knee buckles.Thimbles and knitting needles.Fine and coarse combs alToited.Tab'e and tea spoons.

Table knives and foiks. ,Pen, butcher, and cutteau knives,Drawing kn.vcs, and soot adzes.Crofoit, tenon, sash, &coinpafs favvs.

ad on and curry combs.Mens and women's stirrup irons.Sc ew augers nd gimblcis.Get man fleel, Chisels and plane bits.Wheel I'ons and file afloi ted.Sc (To's and lliecrs afforted.H and IH. hinges.Chest, cupboa-d- , and table hinges.D awer and desk mountirjg.Catpente scompffLs & woodfaews.Knob and thumb Uti be.Candlesticks and ftotk lo.k.Curb and fnaflle brid c bits.Staples and plates.3d. 4.J 6 1. 8d. iod. and sod. nails.Flooring brads & faddlar stacks affordHcadffall buckles and ews harps.Awl blades and llioc makers tacks.Waiters affone'.Black ball, scythes ficklcs, and hoesGun locks and Aims.Brass butts, (laics, and fpcflacles.Chest and cupboard locksTiymg pans.Cotton, ool, and tow cards.Cups and faucets affortcd.Smp and fiiallow plates.Te.i and sugar pots.C eim jugs and pepper castors.Q iar fiid pint mugs.Silt, bowls and coffee pots.P, at. cis and tuinb'crs.P m'ners and wine glades.P' pi looking glaffcs.C 'see, loaf and brown sugar.A'i, a les ai d raisins.Hyion and Bohca teas.Coperas, brimltone, alluin, ginger,

peper, alfpice, nutmegs and muftaid.luJigo, madder and logwood.Spirits and wine.P wder, lead, and (hot.Calli'c soap.

Writing paper and wafers.Teltamcnts and Wait's Hymns.Spelling books and primer;, fr. ?

ALL persons Indebted to theby book accounts, arc

requcfled to settle their refpcctivcba.(lances with Mr. Innis Bient, who isauthonfed to transact my bufincts, inmy absence.

THOMAS YOUNG.Lexington, May i5, 1789. 39 '

JUST ARRIVED,Aid now opened for sale, by

TAKFN ff. rW fvUrrirerCwrv a

P E T E R J A N U A R Y 6? S O N, aflll, ftV Z' kAt their new (lore, near hivd soot wlrte. v't'n a wh:te Vft

riearv opposite the old Court house, riuni ,,!i thigh a little aho Irs knee iA large and general ajfortment of Jptrnifti to e,. John Guv.

Woodford, May 11,1789. 43 45M E R C H A N D I Z E

Particularly adapted totheseafon:Together with a cvmpleat ejfoi tment of TAKT.N up y the fubfenber, m

I Woodfird county, at the fo'ks ofM E D I C I N E, Elk Horn, a while horfj, fen high,

branded on the near I H trots JWhichth'i as usual, are determined tonaturals, has the tole evil, and u ury

sell on reasonable tenns.old. Appraifedto . 2.


?V OTCEtsheieby given, teallthofe June6, iti. 43 45I ' persons holding lots in the Town ofLexington, who have sailed to comply

wth the Trufiee's resolves, refpeQing TA,KFf Up lhn & hJc?btrt ?,""improvements required to be made on the l Lexington, lafl March, a yellow

Jame;-ol- jo the non payment of the for.'?"1 ""' IiR' otn out yar old, Ml,f'its that already havebeen imposed; -- JkorhmdS"ltt0Lthat th,v attend hoard of TrufieesXoi the firjl Saturday in Augufl. in thW Ma? l z 'afternoon, at Mr. Higbee's tavern inLexington, to give their reasons, is any

." , TAKEN up by the fubfenber, atheynve, why fatd lots may not be old jblack mare, wtth a Jlar in her

agreeable to the said relolves. ',sorehead, about fourteen hands and mBy order of the board, J, ;

fl6c""r fl" oid' a'a,fROBERT PARKER, Clk. hf !"fy C9- - Also a yecr old

TnnPin 1780 v tfbay horse coU witha blaze inhiifacttappraijed to 4 13-- 4

Jttjl opened, and far sale by Henrv Faf-'ers- .

BENJAMIN BEALL & Co. Woodford, May 18, i7?9- - 16 444- -

At their Ston, in Danville, a large andgeneral ajfirtnent of rp A KN up fry fubferiber, iiv

DRY goods, hard warcand groce-- - .m lHtle IVlhnan, atm ,jlree

with a quantity of nailsof fn,. frm aj0,r.l!o, .,different fizei, alio lampblack and ;flrlrfj w; , h IKfl fwf ,fillr oil, which they arc determined M a .nli a and fniPt ear ; d Ato sell on as terms as pos .

( vV a fmU bmki Ml. tta(ibie, for cash ginfang, final settlement the'and 0, e Jaddle spot on near Jidecert.ncatesFurrs v,z. Fox, Racon l 1QOtter and Mink ffc.ns. 42 tf. J


TO RE vSOT F) TAKEN vplytbefubfir-berlM-

CEveral Very valuable tracts Mare, thirteen Lands and a half high, -of land On the wa- - a small fiar in her sorehead,

..0 le hi d .

r s y. p.. ...1.: - -- fj lters or uiear vreeK, in tneCiunty of Fayette, about ten ortwelve miles from ' L xmgton,which are patented in the


name ot William Stewart. AI- -

so to be let for a term ofjears, two valuable tracts ofland, one on Glen's creek, andthe other on the trough spnng:Together With several othertracts in me ainerent countiesin this diftricL The termsmay be xwiwn by aplying toHarry Innes, Esquire, in Dan-

ville, or to the fubferiber abo-i- t

six miles from Dinville. in Lin-

coln entity.b39-tf- . THOMAS TODD.

TAken up by the fubfenber,"-- "' "- - '"-"- " -t

Davy's fork of Elk-Ho- rn creek,si hrindled fle. with a whimface and some white underme ueny, oeiwcen uuee anasour years old, marked with aswallow fork in each andslit under the right; also adark brindled fleer betweenfourandfive years old, a whrelist on his back and whiteunder his belly, marked witha crop and slit in eicli ear ,appraike to three pounds each.

43. Wi Cm.h.

thr livWoodford hnrfe






J001 w""c, ?'" " ",a"u av--

JJ7 6JJ 8

Arnbiofc Christy44


AKI N upby thefubjcriler, limS1 near Cave s mill Fayette Coiuty,SAY MARE with a blaze in herface,ind in hernear eye, anb broke the

the off abouton hip,tiirtJgn jjds and ha,lllgl I


fourteen years old, no brand perceivable,trots natuiai; approved to 13,

44. Jameb White

TiKiiiN up by tne jutjerti-- r incounty, a sorrel mai c colt--

two years old this spring, with a blazeJace neither dock d nor branded ; toft- -

ed and appraijed to three pounds fifteenJbillings. JOHN DUPUY.Mar. is, 1789. 1


'TAKEN up by the fubferiber, livingLexington, adnkba mare ,

about 13 hands a d a half has amaU fta,, trcu, branded J tie near

jboulicr IZ Appraifedto 7.44 JAMES MOOREyette Cowiy, May iz, 1789- -l;.$. A large company wd meet at T

$ the Crab Orchard the cthf'Ju!y- - m ord" early rSff $n!xt mo t1 h tht Ir

. tr,iefs, X$J&v$$$$l$$ $

