
.• -RAT Rr!lllltTI Nnna-'1.. -~ J 'L V~ Ia IaRiN 1, a-t>.lll ~ prtPuW fw oroet011tfon nf tba BP\ lfhry Sb• wllll,..... ..

commandNI thla lf\eoe !lj O.p• Ohud The ttff'hthAtf&nlll•e t..fort "POrt.+ at Oaf._.

Poin' ia ~••rial · DO c\~bM ma,m114~• famny h~•ln• takea ~~ A thl'roacb qu~liDt~

wnl 'DO driuM-an"llft8 l\ o the oa.e r!~~!=~~:i3~i~~~~ii~~t---:: Til• w.c.Oo•Y. PNtpUO. ~titoh w:u thli .,... OOi:i~P!iJ~-. unda11rnn• a •hnmaall o•er \aallu. followt : ·0011-aondamAM b' bet OWDR!...MruJNa .a.anY.~i' l (Hll~ date ·OD'i···~i bei~ P'u• repair · -.• · ; , ., ~ II u..~-.. ~) &\ ~~~~~~

Tbe oouter ~"aMalia .i.l belDr ao' N&dJfor DIU' ao..-...... t(n• ~wiiiN'....._.-1~ her aummen wor\1 • "durlq ~) Will ... 1100 : ...

The echMoflr ]tltJlia will be Uie ·~oty ·y ... J aoawer, 1~00 ;• ~ ~'860; foir&fh a to pro.ect1t• the Rank Fiabef'Jtbia 8MI91l be· ful.Unr l')ntoe uad .tbe aez& ~eo~ ua­lonlrin~ to l\leure I> awe fhr oaptaba, u far u •••n wUI.gel ~ rualac ftom .. ·doW.D to It known. ia ~not 'yet appointed • _ P. ~•ery !oorr.,,_... auwer, 'lfr.eotan 'of

Captain Ren"' Dawe will prn'bahiJ lelld' two whether a priM wjaur or JaO'- wUli-' i aptO· wcboonen~-tbeEIIcAa.trw at~d"St RJ"(J11ceJ- malt- ial prise: Competi&cm raaldmr lD Ure aou&bera in2 oar. flee~ thit eeuoa four We blld aneo atatea. 811 ·weU u otbp 'aiataot polotl. bne aa oat Jut ve"r· • equal ohanoe with tboae ne&rtt home, u tbe

Senral ynnnrz m!ln and women Iert by trala f)OAtmark !Jill be •heir autho'J!.'J ·~~ enry oaaa. Saturdu and thie l'll"''•oiag to take ~ by Buus -Each llat of aoawen•mua, .be aooom-tbe Oonteript fot RaJiru: . T pao(ed bJ 11 to p&J for liz IIIOD\bl eabaorfptJOD

• to oue of.. the beat HoK& MA.outQ'a, io Amer· loa. . ...· . By 'Yeiegraph.


11.\t.IP'AX, M\rch 26 -Renry Olarlte. member of the AIMmbtv of Oota,.io. dropped dead •yee· terll•T while atldre11insr the Honte.

The nnnd trook tninmeo'• atrih contiooee. The Mtlay riaioll •R~fori the Britilb Ia Pe­

oanr t. becomincr aerioaa. RaeeiAn troopa are mwi g on the ~ollah

frontier. / • Pretidf'nt Caraot Nn~ a tnfl••sr" of onrdlat wei·

come to Qneeo Victoria while aojoaroini Ia the South of France, .

Muca ~.-Salilbory · r11pliea to Prelid•nt Harmon npreeaioll b~lintftlll!lll that arbitra· tnn llbnnld Ul611 tbR d ID'II:?e which Gred Jlrf. taio lofticteli· on the aited Staree or the Unit.ed StAtfla oo GrNt Brita~n .... ;B'ebria~t'• Sea.

WaU Whitman ia dead. A dynamite es:plolrinn tlccar~ in the houae

of the counsel pra.ttoatioa the aaai"Chiatl a• Paria and teven pereon11 -re badly injured.

fhe Rauiaoa in ~olaod report that German ballona loapeot the Roqian fortreaea a~~d armlea n ear lbl' frontier

The eoodhioo of the Jinaian J ••• il beoom· Iocr worse.

Sis: Obineu came to Canada l-.ecame natnra• lised aod oueed into the United Statea claiming to rui!h tb11re aa IJritisb auhjeol•.

M.tRCB 29.-Severe anew stonntt in Great Britain ; drift five feet.

Darblli"Q eo&) minAI"A Mntinue nn etrike. Two P olish brothei"A are oh"c-ged with

murdf\rin~ an-1 robbinR emigrants from Rnaeia and biding th~>m in the woods ; it ~ estimat-ed there are 40 victims. .

The Ar'lentinP Reptthlio declines the reci ­procity treaty with the U nited StateR.

Belczinm and PortagRI have ratified the BrnRaels Treaty against the African alave trade.

BIRTH At H"ljfn. N S oo the 25th ioet. tbe wire of

Righ t Rev Llewellyn J one• of a aon


At Wionill(llr. on the 14th i~••. hy t~e Rev Joseph Ho~~:R. of St Anrlrewa Chn•o"t . Annie C Ro~rereon second dau~rhter of thl\ 'hte Chulee Dader of St Joha 'e, to J E Steto. K q . of Wio­nfpf'g, Manitoba

At Providence. 11t St Joreoh's Chnroh, h1 the Rn Father Doran. P111rick Ennis, to Mary Mal­lowoey, both of..St J obn'e N F '

DEATHS: Oo Sanday moroinq, A~~e. darlioJl ~hlld of

Brid!le' aod the l11le Tbomaa Bur, aszed 1 Jeara a~~d 5 montbe-&1ton paper1 pka~~ copy. '

Oo Sooday Ia•&, March <n. after a ab.ort tlloan of bnla ·fever. Mary' Ana. yoaojtea' daubkr of Horh and tbela'e S"ab Gordon , ~ 16 yeara aod 7 montbt -&.lUJI paper• pita~~ f»P!I

'lion.-We ••a• half a miiUoo aubeoriben. and to aeouie them we propO.. to alve ia .... warda one ball oar fnoome. Therefo>re, to ... oae half tba total t(I08ipta darlog &DJ weet-u­oeed the cub nlRe of the prl&ea, each ~ will be added pro rata to tbe pri&eL If Ule re Yeree a pro rata diiQO.aot will be made.

n.naENCIS - ···rae WDua' HoK& M.lo.u:tu le well able to carry oat ita promiaee."-Pater­boro'nllb (Caoa~) Tim ea. " A apleodid paper and finaacially etroag."- Haatiagt (Canacla) Star. •· Every priu wiu.aM will te tare to ra cei•e jut wha' he · Ia entitled to.t'-Norwood (Canada) Regieter. Addreat all lettera to­TUI LADIES' HoKe MA.o.u:tHI, Peterboroqb, Caoada M22

Post Office N_otice. ltaiJs for._~ortune Bay.

ON AND AFTER TJ]ESDAY, 6th April DU&, MAILS •Ill tie dea!.tebed

from tbia Ollloe~ e"'J TUJtSDAY mo•~~~hi,,;,.a..· Plaoeotia aacl !Woe Harbor for"&, L'A~Rtet. and theaoe bf ..Ulq Paob' weekly to Bell· oram aod 8& Juquae, calllq a' lDt~.a~Me plaoea. •

Coarlere with maile from Buhor Btatoo a~~d Ganltoi& •lll conoec• with Paote• •• Bt Jaoqa-. maltiog maltlor tripe be&weeo tha& place and Harbor Bretoo, and oallio~r a& iotermedlate Pon O,!Jio.!• (o ~•U•u ud IJOii•e'lbU& ; :- .· ~ --: . r. .0. FKASER. P:AI.'U. G'l' nn11l P·•~t Oftloe &larch 2! 1892 ••• 291li ·


Tbo untferai ~tned beg to inform the kaJe th~~ot h"vi ug ju.,t put np a nlw and imprond M.aobioety for ~be Mal)ufaoture of


LIQUID·FISli GLtm, they aue r~rared to fill ordera for any· tity ,--in ett"b from b to 40 gallons; in oau iron 1 ao~ l oo to. l pint; also, in 1 and 2 os. bott.lee by tbe groee.

We challenge the strenath of thla Article againat all Oompet.Uon.

We are al~to open for Spring ordendor

MUNN'S FISH FERTILIZER. The16 hf>iog only -.a limited auppJy o( thi.. ordens 6111t ~ived 6raL SUed · .. .

Fur fu:-t.her inforwaW?n and prfoea, u well. .u orden for same, aend to tbe 01Boe of

joHN MUNN &·oo .• . B.&uoa Guo•

Manufactured by F. W. GoLDaa, a' the Beach Premleeia. .fiarbor-Gtaot-.• :

f26L( ' , ·;

M,:ASKS, W A.LK Tcaotd and .... -..._._.. Praia ana • ...-.ra-o.I..-

Sirthday OA.BfS and _nn.l"\v

Gam._ Uheea, DomiDoea, Soap, Flylag Sootohman, Halma. 'Bosle Mu, ckO.

. . A~.&~ BRWfLEIS.

. S'orthern.~.

Mai·l :. Servi-Ce. MAILS will be deapat.ohed Ctom -thla 01Boe

• ,overland f'or all pl~beh~een &. 3t. John's and Wertern Oove,-White Bay. on

TUESDAY. SrO, 11th and Slat March, atb and 2~tb Ap~. ~

. Oloeing at 8 o'olook, aharp, on morning of :Jeapatch. . · 17 Oorreapondeooe no6 poeted at that

bou.r will t'f>maio in o1Boe nntil Mail a tor~ . night later.

Boob; Parcels ofNewap&pf'raovel' 'oonoee :Jr any o~er beav1 ~ail matter will Dot be forwarded. · • . . . 1. 0.· FRA.,~'P.H.G. GaD! Peat 0~ - . · .·

·. 9tb .ran.~ 1892,

~~~~~ 11 .. 1~ IOIIBrit_IIIIJQJD UMI'tiB At Heart'• Cooteo' of d ipbtberla. oo the 18th,

HaMr\, ajl8d 9 yean: on th• 2Srd, Emlfy, apd 7yeus aod ca the lil5th. WliJlaui George, 6 yean-oblldreo of Geot1e ~od Butaoaa dell

A' Amboy. New Jereey on the 4th Ina\, Alary relict of the late Jamea Gould of Carbouear, a nad•e of Kildare, Ireland, in tb. i 2ad year of her aa~ 8be leavee tbree childrto to mourn the loea of ·a food de•oted mother -R 1 P

RE~ov !!f_NOTJC~~ GEiErEiiio£cO'ftAfioNS A. ~. L~~~'• ·. ita.rbie.~~an4<rQ~

~· Boxbory. !bee, Wllliaaa tfaabea, a oatln of Co Wmord, Ireland, and formerly a realdeo' of s. John'a, aaea 67 y... . ~

A.L Pro'f'ldaoce, Rbocle lal&od lla.pi&ai;-John, eldiet IOD of the late Wllllam aad Elisabeth Power, epd 21 yean.;. he leaf'M a faaaU7 aad brotlter &o mou~.o Ulelr 1011~ • ·

Oo Peb 25&h. at ~&ow J:Dalaod alter a abort IU...._ ... Rn J~b Uitiiet W 811a)aa MiD..., .... '11 ,.... ·Tbe cfllllaed'\epee& = ,_. ofiQalallterial We la Netrfoaad~

Surgeon DentJst. -·GraDt~ · =~ ·· · ~ .

Jsas Temoved to "Gordoa Lodge!' w ateJ;' s~~tJ Eastr-opposite Otis­tom House.

Ontcz HOUBS-from 10 to Lp.m. a~d from 2 to 5 p m. · I

Office and Residenee " GORDON LODGE." ·

' I

.Syrull of Figs, Atwood's Bitters, · . Mother Seigel's Syrup, . Oaatoria.

;Brooke's Monkey -Brand Soap, -Gillett's Lye . Esty's Cod Liver on 'Cream,

Buc~gham's· Whiske-r Dye, . · . · , Rubifoam and Zonweiss-for the Teeth.

W. ll. TS:OIIPSON & Co.

Tbousands - of - -oyspepties ia,ve- --·

~e!t. -- . I

When every other Food has been rejected it can be · retained by the .weakest stomach.

Easily uigested, . Stimulates and Strengthens

0DKI04.L 'L.utoBA~Y, D~RoUIIll Oor.uo•,

tlalltu, N.B., JUly Sln, 1891,

WNDL·SUITED • Witbin lbe lu~ Ce,r month• I have par•

o~romiaonoualy, at Rn.&IL GaooEBY SToaa in &hi. oity, JM&;Okagea of .



· Satt.taotlon Jd. a G<Ji J'lt CJUranteed Shop Dext door to Stn\ble'a ~WU"e z.­

tabllahmint WA..TET S~EET.- .HARBOR GRACE.

Stewart~ iunn · & Co~,.' :-. . ~ ...

Shipping and CommfBBfon -~ta, ' A




f:ONSUMPTIOfj which can ue cured hy a timP:ly I~sort t o this Rtnnd­nrcl preparat io n, ns htl c; been proved by the hundreds of tes timonials recC'ivc d by t~ 1e prop.vietors . lt is ncknowl­eclg-ccl by many promine nt physicians to lw the most rcJialJle preparati1JII e \'CI' in­•roclucculor the re lief nnd P ill'( • of all Lnw" compla ints

0 . ' un J is offb·~~ to ~1e puulie, sa uC'lio ncd by t he Px peric nce o t o \' c r fotty years . \Vhe n resorted to in scn~on iL sc i-1o m fhils to effect a speedy lllre in the most se\'e re l·ases of Coug hs, llronehitis, l Jmnp, \Vhooping Coug h, I nfl::2nzc(, A . thma, C olds, 6~·e 'rhroat, Pains o 1· S()rc­nc:>. s in the Chest nnd Side, Cvcr· Complaint, Bleed ing nt the Lungs, &0. \Vistnr's .Galsam does not dry up a Congh, and leave the cause behind, as is the cnsc wit} most pr·cparntior <. :J, . ., 1t loosens nnd cloanscs tho lungs, and allays initntioil, thus remqviug the cau&e of the complaint.

l'ltEPJ.llED DT 8ETR W, l'OWLE & SOli81 Boston, JC.r.u.,

dDd aold bv DruatuaD<lO..toru• net•llv


Assuri;ce c~~pa,ny . Olf LONDON -

-- I -ESTABLISHED. A.D., 1812

--• Kolnr£Y',•M..U 7 1899. · on. Coto~ 8101n'AIW-(C011t;.llftl)-Eml­

•nlloa wu Ia put &be oatocme of-tlial- natl• •pirU wblob e:tltted at tbe PrMilD' time all onr 1he the world, ht ~" tbe oatoome or tbe polio)' nf the late {}t,wenuoo'i. Oar youu toto Jl'er"

• 'lOt ~lff'NDt f01'1D tfjnee of ofber ~011Dtrfel : /bey dielre t&' (lo to the RP"' ~ool where tbe~uld leuo what tb•y could nol learo anywhere eJ... n "U on!_y ~y COillfDir ia ia cootlot wjth people of dltrereot oationaliflet ""cJ nf diKreot mod .. of li"rin~r aad ' tboa11bt tha• our people would aet oat of that ral ia wblcb they bact "been too Joo,r. He would like to see a o.naos ~f tbe people wbo~roe< thiacoon· try aluee the pNMO.- Go .raiDeat came po'wer, aad be YentoreC! to · bd wbatenr inoreue tlie Qt~oeral 0.111111 1-nald ebow -oqltf he owio~r · to tbe f~ot that tbe railway policy of the or~Pnt Atfmioi11tratJon htu'l led · tbe yonn~r mea to bt'lie-re that the rJ~Oetll of tbll colony a•t' ~oinll to ho du11lOpt'&; and tbif)tbe GoYf'rom•nt propo11od utendincr the railw11v 10 &!I to renoh tho'e ri'Ponrca. It waa " fact th't h11il bet~n 1 rlmitted o•,+ and oyer aQain hy polillciene"of all 'harfea of nnioloo, that It w~e impo.,ible b ltrPo the peoole in tbill colony ap loojl ... th~>y tlerl'orl on the 6_JbioR indnetry 11lon11 an.-f that eo lon.r u they rlf'pllnil on lb,..,e indoatriPa 110 lon~r .,onlrl tho~e porioda of dl!ore,&ion ~i•e in which the Gonrnment woald h.IIYe to come to the 1111-Pi•tllnce nf the peonle. which mMnt' demor:\liz. etirm No. tbe uil1f&)' hail nnt bf!,n a cnu". hnt 110 f1tr it had been a ~rreat hll'uiocr. •nd H the hnn. ~eotlemen ~old cnmm11ntl anffilli!'n l force to •top that rail•ay. the result woalrl thl\t he could ant rf'mair in the cnnotry twenty. fonr hool'll. for be wonld be hootl'tl out of it h the Jl('ople who b .. "' aeen the ad•"ntag('a whioh "C· croe from it. Pf'Ople ar11 Awake torln to thf' 1\0Pition .ef 11T11ir11, and thtykaow perfectly well th11t if railway w"fk i• not continned t~ey mu11t '"•ve the country. Wh•t bne tbey~rot. ~o k"e!l tht'm herA ~'XCI'pt tbA flaheriee which nre Oil ·

Rlllple tnd fiuotoetinll? \\'b•n it wn n I!'" "'bat dirl they aet oat of it? Tbe prnce~ds C'lf ''"' ~o'"Vf! wPro oaoallyt~toppeit to r 11v oln t!ehle Only 11 few daye a~ro he b•d received a com. ruaoiceUon from a m11gietrate in an oatllnrt atatinsr that a nomber of reoplfl of tbat plaot. ha•l Jut year h11neeted the bt'llt flehery for thirry ve11rs : yet. he arlded. thllt tht>ee Yt'ry aame flab. €'rmeo were daily in bja office 11eeki11Q' a dole, to itPt'p 110111 and body to~etber. They had been etri!'red of all they had enned oo th" L"hr~­rl nr down to the nry Jut fartbinrt He (IJnc C .S) inat11nced this 'how 10bat a fallaov it wee w•• for our pPorle to deo~>nd apoo the fi&htry Tbou~rh he difiered wid.ely from the bon. member, Mr· Greene, yet · it wu nlPeeio.r to mHt him in debate for be •u alway• th11 ventll'man. flhhoo~b the opponent Hie bon. 11ni ll'llroed friend bad commented 11t npon the olau~~e

1 · QO$ exPidiiat for-.lllaa to ~lld ap.laere aoct tdyooa£a.what '• dellrecl. U be pGJtnJed \be UhDtanilltq 1roold dedn from tbe ratlllaa· &lo• of,llll& ooinoaiOD bfl oburntlou would •follb&l- be a..becl Dp &o Caaada ud tbe 0ftlted S atM, atrd be"Mid . t,o Ule detrfCDeoC.. of tboae wbo •ere prom.ote tb11 IDCOIII ~ "tonHO\Ioo. ·rur. were miD lo tble

OOUD!'Jr. •bo ftH prept~Nci &o ..-JIIo1 their o•u"~d , .. ~~1'• aod &be ool.oa,·e ioter ... a, 'or plrty _,urpoee~1 ba& be .Jru. 'OO' diepoMd at Uli• tlme·~ adYooat ... &lla merita.-of that oon­•ea~fon, ba' to fet Ia, lfe hf''abeyauee o.otll the tlay of ;riodleat.ln~r itc ,J.cfom bad arriwect W}len i\1 fate wu deofded. be ""ala be prepar­ed t" thn~ tbe oou11t"1 wba' U !ltd eltber won oi Joe& 1\e ·boo member (:Mr ' Greene) hd lllated Jhat, c.~. bad interfered to preven\ tbe ratl~oalfan of tbd oonveotloo. bf'Olaote we · had u ·forcfd tbe- Blit Aot 11ploat h•r The bon m•mber fe miltakeu in thd ' or If be be not, tb~ta the !Jon Charles Tarper etlltf'd Ia a tpteoh. t.J.!_Iivered In Toronto oo the, 16&h Dt>Cem. her, thet:l"e oon•entioa wu uo~ obilrno•ed oo •he ~rro,ynd &bat w11 bad •x laded Canadian fl~berU•t'D O'lder tbe o,it Aot fr partloloatin~r in the bsit fleherv Tbe uco1e11 IllY n by him for the nnwuraatable interf .. rence of •natfa in thi!l oolo.,v·e e11ncero,. "ere flr&t. that ' .th01 Mn· ~~~n•ion rlilferentieateiJ in fnor of the United St&tt>a 11nd eplret Cenadi•o nrodoota' S econd­ly hfeaoew he uye i~ was diecoY~rert that this colonr · wae arraol"ina for tbe eooceuion of oriyilt'llff to fnrf!i.rn flehermen c'lntrary to th,. 1'r.-nty.4>f 1818 ' Thirdly, that • by thla o:>o . • ention ·"' 14!rioua blow Willi thre<~'teo d to the flthin'l and eo111merolal iat~>rt'llfl f Briti~b Nnrtb America' TherofOl'e. if tho H Cho.rlo! Tnppek It pew what"' he wu talltin~t " t tbe bon m•atf)er Mr Grteoe moat be mi~tn k n in hil! ohunation"'-.._ What Ia the t rnth ? I ie that we had -!IOOlled8il in the neQotlati0!\11 or tratle conYeolinn where Canatfa h11d onr nod egaio f11iled We. fllacct~eried in Dl'llOtiatiog a conven­t •on which Sir John Thompeon prooouooer:l at T.nu11nbarll to be tho but fi~biag ·arranll'OmPnt ner ent~~red into with tbe United Stlltl'l The

. f'11 n'\ Govprnment oppo1ed it be""o~o it nolo den lh f'ir tboonod Non Scotia fi~hermen from •h" lJniterf St_atee' merht•, 1111 declared by the lion Cbarl"ll Tapper Jo previous nt'Q"otiatiaoll C•n~na ha~ derived benetlte of \'t'reatio~ con ­ce•arnu from ua oofairly In 1871 Ceoada m•de •rn.ncrenu1ate uodor which tbe \Vubiogtoa l'rPaty wae concluded, wltboul Ne•fouodlann heic~r in apy way oon&nlted H•d tbi111 colony the. po•er ol nhir.~ that treatr at that time. eiHI would, c:lo_lbtlu•. have done ao Tot11lly .,..., ll$rdlt>tt O!J•r w~bu, that treaty wu concluded

MISS NOBODlOf . tfOWHERE~ ' . -:- ~

noox n - A De11ver Belle

CHAPTER XV.-(Cbntin~d) Bu~ the str uggle a~es her, and from

the nse of' the curtain on the third act to Tsolde's -tfying song seems a l1,1strum in her life

And onthis ~>pectacle the ladies and -ge.ntl~t!Jen of t ho parterre bo~eS' ft&Ze, crtticunng he:- •11 iltflns and noting how she bears her humiliation. Some with !ittle .giggles--;these llre mostly~nnthink­mg guls ; oLbers with smiles-they are women whose hellrts bave been destroyed in social Hfe; and some-thank heaven I -with jnst rage and indignation.

'MisR.D_enver's co;onet is g~o~ng pale,' says Alice Budd, ytth a mahctous smile.

'By deorge, he's just been in the boxes on ea~h side of ~er'~· After greeting the LRortsons, he IS 10 the Rolingatone:t. The general ie shaking his hand off. Two unmarried daughter11. vou know . Isn't Gu"ssie putting the Foliis on a so­cial gridirfln ? ' replies Mr. Grayson.

1 J f he wishes to break . his engage­

ment he might have done it afterward decently,' remarks Mrs . Willis. '

'How bravely she suffers, . whispers Bessie to Grousemoor, and teArs come in'to the girl's eyes, for an awful vision comes to her of her betrothed placing public scorn upon her.

• Tho cruel little snob I ' mutters the true nobleman. with a smothered curse for which hie .fiancee gives him an aston~ ished but grateful look. Tf you'll excuse

Phil has soddenly mattered : By heavens. it is he l' and has has~ily 'en from his chair. .

'~othin·g I' he repHPs, seating tms~1f aga1o. . 'Nothing? tW'by, your eyes are blaz­tn'.' •

Are they? Wa~ner•s music must h~ve got into them, ·' says Phil, laughing sltghtl¥ and forcing calmness ~hou~h the sight of a gentleman in even: IDg dress has made him see again the ielegra~h Qffice at Lordeburgh, with Ar­thur \Y1llooghby whispering in his ear the lym~ message that made him take R. gentle English Indy to her death just up th~ valley of the Gila. Then h6 goes on qUit~ surldenly : 'Yon know so many people m New Yotk, Mrs. Willis, can you tell. me the name of that ~entleman who bas replaced Orousemoor m Mtss Follis's box-the one who is just taking her opera-glass?' 1

· Certainly I' replies the ·matron. • That is Lord Avonmere!

'Ah I' He rises from his sent and re­marks:' Here's Grouse-moor back and the curtuins coming down. You'll excuse m~, ~ hope-; from your supper party, Mrs. Wtlhs, ns I have some business that is imperative.' . ·

. in Hia ExO<'IIIeooy'e Soeech which /"ferred to the French Short~ Qtlf'ltin~. and to tbe rtport of tbote wboaD thie · Roose had delegatoi last ee•eioo to '"' their views upon this tmhj~ct hfo. ioro the Rritiab Pailiemeu' aad people. He thouabt hr be&rd tbe bon m11mber rl'mulr

It •u qoite I roe that it wu pro•ided that Ne_w. fnnndlari.d c11nld meke the eame arnnQPment witb.Jbe UDited Statu, if ebe ohooae; but tb~ point wbiob be wiebed to imprHt upon the co!Jl­mittee WMiba~ by tba,t treaty ODe colony. C~uad11 aliended tbe fieherfu on ber oout, which ao oordin~r to the theory 1be now propouoda, be­longed equally to all other Brftlah ooloniu. and therefore, to Newfoolidleod, wl~hoat cooeoltiog her Re believed that Newfoundland wonld bGYI .. toed tbet trf'aly, bad it not been tbat under it Caoedi•a 6eberroeo would erill hue b'd the rlllbt to come on our cnut aod ta~e oar fteb, and brio~ H to the United States, free, while tbe fiah caur.!bt by oar fi&hermeo io tbe ume wat('r8 would have b11rl to pay daly Tbe bou · ~ember. Mr. Grt>eoe had a.~lt•d ,hatja- goiog to be the reauh if Cao. 11da taltu farther eotion a~rainat ue 'i He ( C S ) •oald aelr 1what bu Ca~eda ever done (or fbe hentftt of7 thil colony?" Had CIIDIIOa not rlnnP her utmott to i&.jlrie thie.bolony for yene poat? In the yPar 1885 C11nada tbreateoed to impo•e daly oo Newfoondleod, 6eb ot,crin.l! Dominion por•s. 10-;»-to prott>ot Canndiio'"'tieheri .. l! as aQaiolt Newfoaodtaod aud WR& only l)reven•ed frow carryio~ the threat ioto execution o.t tbat time by th~ oolor•y eu&ctlo.r the a ·lditeoul duty ol1u1e io 'be Revenue Aotwhich the eab&eq uent fulfillment oflbat tr""' Y. of 1885 wu called into foroo Again. in 1886. when iu i•e wiariom •hie Houee dt otded I bat tbe • B ·it Aot "18 ncc~uery for tbe ptt.•ern•lon of lte bait tiahorv:-caoari .. crotu•ed lll"in11t it at tbe Colonel Office. thou11h the .10& wae all,.Red to be ebRC'IIutely oecteaary for the preaenatioo of belt fiebu. Uy rpeoiBI metca~rea 'and relolutions of tbi• A once t-be onn. firtoltion or'tbat ao&, .. pured,: waa urged o r " '•e roiu· '~"~ ioevi•ablf', ~et , the Cauadiau Go.-eromeiSC did her o!iooet to prcvl'ot tb11 Im . perial l ! fiCIDt befog obt1loed thereto. end it woe not ·until a prnmtae •a~o extracted from S ir ltobfrt Tborbuni; the tl,po Premlea,~"tllat tbe •ot. abouiCt not be...-ppllect to \be Caoadlaoe, tbat the pr\>tth wu whbdraeo.

me for a few minutes, I'll leRve vou to Phil's care and s tep over to Miss Follis!s box,' be adds, 1 I know her well enough to take the liberty.'

' Certainly I ' says BessiP.. ' ' Bnt what do you mean .to do?'

. r me&n to uphold that insulted girl in the only way I can-by my presence at her side, ' ha answers shortly. • I waut Miss Follis to kflow that every

J)Oblemnn is not what Hnssington is- a cadi ' and r:e departs on his errand, per­sued by a pleased glance from his sweet-

With this he leaves tbe lady who thinks him rather an abrupt sort ~f per­sonage, and passes into the foyer · but but !lfter pacin~ the corridor towards the F~lhs box,· Plnl ap~arently changes his mmd and goes hastily .down the stairs, and throuR;h . the maio entrance into the street. Rie .first impulse had been to accost Avonmere and demand the particu· Iars of Flossie Willoughby's death. for he believes this English lord bas mtirder .. ed the cbild wno stood betweeu him and wealth and titl 11 .

That · would ha'\'1'1 been tb~ny Pete. the cowboy, would have attached the matter: but Phillip E verett, the Boston business man wants · to he s nre of his fac •s before he muves, nod within an hour a long telegraphic message is spet ding over the wires, addret:seci io Breckinridge Garvey, Sheriff of Grant County, Silver City, New Mexico.

a hoot pometbioll tbat oeenrre~ laet year when the Hoo11e reotdt'd from a p!>eititJn it h11d prt'­vioo!ty t11lreo up on tb11t qaeetioo. What woe tbaf po8itioo which the honorabl.- crentlem11o re fprred to? Jt wu the po11ition f'f men 11ctnated alone by boneet. .P-triotic moth•ea. No man con lit b.a.e uprened hiouelf moro.11tronQiy than he (C S.) had done in reference to the Frencll Shore qntetinn and the ection of the deleglltn, ror the deltg&tu bad hi'I'D •ent 11c:ron . not to condon~ ne~toti•tioofll with the Gn•t~rnmeD~ bot to appeal to the Par lieu ent of England. A nnanimon8 vote. or all be bat noanimon11-for lh l're wllll bot one diueotieot-pueed the Rona~', oondemoincr, in no nameuwrerl terms, thfl aotioo of the delt>Qetee in epproachin.t tbe Imtwiol (1nvernmt'ot a'ld propoaing Ol'rteioe terme which Hu•y h~d oe•er rt'rened to thie Le~til'l•turo which had N!nt tht'm. Rot thPy had eotpd in tbe dark The delesratee were a tbooe11od mllee '""· end in their oommaoioatlona wer" not 110 fl.:iplloit •• they eboold hne been 11t ftret. Bot tweot,. fear bo&re after the paulu~r of tbe protut re · ferred to. tel~grame were ·teoei•ed her• ehowln~r tl•at the IJouee wu miatalten lo whd they eop. poteil bed been done. The delevatee ,altf, fo Fffec:t. tbat the Leplatore bed not be11n illuorad, .. hut that. with tbe permlulou or thll ~Qis.

u •

{,e& there be no dpubt about tbia, lha t tire .. MJrtle ~a.-,.'' tobeoco le m'11oufac:tured from the • erJ Boeet Vlrpinla led No blgber qoality or lt&f.o.o be purobaud for • auy tobaoco made rt ill lllt'Oied " irh t~• v· rv ~·l'at!'Jit o'~e. 11nrt treate4 with tht mo•t aprr.,ve1 prooat!l fur p ee· MrtJog '}te 8avor of the tobacco --~- A. PLBA.BING SBNS&.

re. they ahonld ao farther to effect tbe objf'at tbej all bad io common, After reoai•ln~r tbl• faller ioformatioo. 111d no\ b~ina wllli:JR' to al­low ita repr.Hntati,ee to ret\ nader O.oaare, tbe Jiogee retoioded Ita former act. 11 thla ba" nol been doue, ao lojaatloe would hna beeu aftliot., ed ou our -'eleptee ; they woultl bne btoeo dla. honored in the eyM of tbe world .. and the dlcr " nlty aod weiJJbt whlob aboatd attach to all enob official qpreHntati•ee from tbl• colon• ID fnture' woold be lowered au~ mlolml1ad. The Boa•' lfid Doteaora8oe UJ ptl11olple ; lt did Dftt lower eoy right: lt did... Dot lower it• diQolly. I& no­did "What ••• dooe uocler ao errooeone lmpret• tioo. aod Ia tha• did wh.. wu hoaorablo aod rfahL · ThJa wu what the hoD. fllltlemn had called • ealloR' oro•.' 'l"bey were u ladepeodaot to-day •• wbeu tll• deleptee recalud the in· 11truotloue of. tbe Hooee. Hit ExoeUeacy aaya ~ha& 1he repon.ohhe deleQatee wlll be lahhpon tbe of tbf Bo,oie, aad be tmltl blat oar dellberatloDe thereoa mar ueutuate Ia the fl· tabl11bmeoa ol -tlae . po.hlo'D whlob eteme1o bit Oov•t eo janlud · NMOD~ble. Wlleu the Roo• appolated de..,.._ t6 deal wltb &bll quedlob ot the Treaty &boN. Ia ramo"" tu_...,., fr.lm the h•llda


of the Gciftr81DeD.. lt ft DO. DO .. a qoNtloa for tJae Gonn~a t• brfDI forward 'l'beJaH • frM to lOt • ... OppoiltloG, "'

.Of bealtb-:aDd atrenjr1h tf!l(ftf8 f ~n·) of ea,:e aod oootfor~ folio•• tJ•e ""'" or ~J' uu or f i.ll'l!, ult aote J" be1'1DQGy wltb nature to.~ ( freo · u~lt)' olee1111 •he IJit•m •teb GOII' IYe or t>i i()UI .o::. For ~J&Ie to 7b bcKtla_ br··~ leadiua tlt or gla ....

"haft DO IIMW .,.. ....... 1& II .a ... -*' ... WWa ....

.. NOitftcl

.-.;toBT~HT TO r...;;:;,;M;. K1111 66 Co~~y ltoad. B•l&to». Loatlr,o: • II ~"urt fu 11 ptntiOtl laB, of a naw ohea~ flo J lnfi: lble r~tUts• l.r fpr ell obltraodotJf aniS lrtet~al · ~life,, 011 rtoelpt of a, eddrtell\l eDY-.1->pe I hit le •he910tcl' snufoo -Noy ~8lf.l 1i" ·- " · ~- ,. . -Baurn-1'oua o,. TU.: \~Of1Lo.-£A.Ah,or .Pao~l.f' o.,_u1. ~' #ti'Ul)-'• C.U.btated O•ptol AIWI Nooe. \\-&•l.te.,uo. lie• .Jeqt-y, h111 r.,. tined bOD'e Jroro u ••·tt~~ct..i tCJllr ol cbe •ur lc.l I.Md 1111. M9trt'-~eLl 1.- tbla I,.IJer "Dd 141Liif ••....aca• . ·. --

heart. · · . While this has been going on, Phil, m a retired nook of Ml'l3. Winis's box has been looking the man be ha~ come to see, in vain.

Matilda Follis this night watches the fa\li)lg curtain ofthe Opera House. Her ruiud is too dazed to be able to analyze her emotions d nring this performance t hat has aeemed to her like a Chines~ play w bich lasts for years. '!:be one pre­dominating idea in her mind is-" It is over ~~ 've Rtayed to the end I Thank H eaven ) None have seen me flinch upon the social racx !'

Taking pity on hislonliness. his host­ess from t ime to time • bas leaned back and chatted with him on the past glories of opertl in New York, tolling him of tbe days when the Academy resounded with the plaudits of· united Italy. in its upper Jtallery, when Gers ter and P11.tti and Campunini nnd Ravel li sang.

' Oh you need not look at me as if I were old I ' she interjects, with a laugh. :It WAS only eight years ago, and I had

JUSt come out aud was in love with music ftalian music, and thought CaLOpanini the most enchanting of tenors. That house wns prettier than this. Here we women in our evening toilets· -are like flowers in separate · fh>wer-pots in this wall of boxes. There in the ooen gallery lagea we were all combined ·'in one big glorious bouquet each nigh~ .But what"e the matter? '

Thie last in rather a ~tartled tone,

" P.:r• Blood, P•rftct H .. lth."

· ·sa.lf Rheum.

-Mrt PARNELL's i':STAT£.-Jobn Puoell, bro. ther ul t b t! lritll .Qnarles Sttlwau P 11roell, who has betln viattiOiif lr11laru.l io oonnectiuo witb bia,broth'lr'e p,r,ooal af£aira. will ebortly return fo tbu Ouit ed !::ita tlla. It baa IJcuw atraDied that Mr 'l?•ttol'll ·a booae and eat.ato a.t. Avon­dale ebmll ~e aold at auotiou.

AliLLIO~s tN CBANC&n\·-Lt•t• of tbo..s wlio have lolt mucu•y io CLaucer_y. free for Sd.. Send aorl 1ee H t he re · r. II I,IJ' money for yun.-Addreu Cb11n~ry Claim A~,.no1. 69, Neeman 6U.e~, London W.

Howe c.!u 11P. FOR D &.HN&SS-.A book by a ootei Aura l I;UI II{I: .,! I), rleJJ.:r•hlug a •yetem or ourioa Veafoeu au•• ~hiaea In the Head, bf wbi<'h a aelf·our. ie elf1o1et6{1 at howe. Tl·e Ret_D. W. R Harloolt. of t6e Partooasre Mil too n'fl••· Wrob • wood. writea-" T ry tbe ey•tem b7 all tnMUe it I• fin~ rare. ll!ld bu IJ4:o~> of tbe vhriOit lt1'l1ice to me." Pon free 4d -De Vere & Co., Pob. Hebert, ll~ Warwlok Lane, London, E.0.-91• ~-A JI.ATlUR Ltf'& Sua11t-Tbe et'e:am· trawl., CtyiOA-ru oa th'e brealere a& Whherot.. Her orelf •ere ened oy tbe amateur rooke' blfcader wbd' performed r.helr eelf-lmpoMd dutfee wiUl tbt cooloeae of profentooale .

B.. Fellow., H D . lllll N JJ .... ,. &bat &be b .. made u .. of \VJSY.AR'I I:JALSUf or WILD Oa&aaT for eevent ye,n:aod IJ..bu proved ~ be "'1 reliable aod ed!oaoiooeiD &be treatmeDt of ... ,.ere ud loDC·•t&Ddtpr bOaab•. lie ~· &hat it eued &be life of a' laaet oat of lUI padetatl.

"'·---Symjrtoma.- Rllurh patcllee or aida oa ""7 p;Ut1 or the body, ea~.u,. tbe aec:k, ahollldera, rore-., back or hllacb, and between the an,... :.

. The appel\rance of this dis­ease shows ao unhealthy state of the 'blood, which must be cleansed thoroughly before a permanent cure can be ef·

. '•or~JMw• oblf tboee Eaaaa&looe wbtob are llleQ.tUIO&llf preoered oaa expect to aaOQMd. tlWCUAt iJ OXfUENJZIJ:O Js:MULSlOS of PO&Iil COO LIV&a OlL. oom~aaded .W ..,. IDuafeo. Jto,, lo:T'oropto, Oit.~ fM .. tbe ~tart. •oo • . pilOt:= aoqldMtt.•lalola ·~ .. ,

fectecl. A powerful del .. ter-ative will be in

..... bJ • lib·~- .. .. bdcll~ .., all ~ 10••'! . per ..... .



THE - UNION - SEWING - MACfiiNE It Lealb them all It. ia the Lightest Running I t mah e the Leut. N oi.M

lt ia the Moet Durable 1t ia Warranted for IS years Bee the Union before b uying


f.l:1 .,.,.


~ .!l I-I ~ 1! III ,D. •

0 t-4

~ 0 '"d (.') ~~ <U cfl o <l1 ~o .. ~ ::s ~ ...... ~ ~ C)

~ lf8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0~ t-1 ~ aS t=1

0~ 0

~ ~ J%1 (/.I

0 ...... ~

NEW DISCOVERY ., ACCIDENT In eompoan<llna " 1101ut1on a part w~ aceJdeuUy IJ)IIIed on tb~ hand Anti on wMblng Afl.('rwa n l It waa <ll5eover~ tbat Ute balr wu com pl~h·ly ro•ro .. ,·ed. We At onei' put tbla woade rful prepar&Uon. on Ute mArk et ana IOgTe4t bM been t be demand tbatwe are now lntrqlaeJac It throughout Ute world u nder lllo DIUJUI of Queeo•a AoU·B-.lrlDe IT IS PERFECTLY H ARMLESS AN D '

SO S I M P LE ANY CHILD CAN USE IT. the over and apply lho mlxtnrt~Jor a f~w mlaatn. IUid Ute

D.S If by m~tclo " 'ltl.Jouttbo allgbtHt pain ortnJary wbell AlterWai'CL lL laanllko a.nyotber pr~Lion ever UMCt

Tbou .. nd.a of LADJF.S • •b o ba"l!o been annoyed -..:.'!.:::~:.:·;:.::.~..::--:- · -:._CE. NECK llnd AB1U8 aunt Itt menta.

d o not appreelatea bur<l or halt' on their Dtck, n In Qnt~en•,. Anll-lralrlne wbleb Cloes away wlt.b re.ncl~r1nR" II a fumro ~wtb an Dlll'r tmpoellblllty.

Prlcc of <loec!n'B AnU-lialr!ne fl . pu boule, to Mfetr mnllln~ box I"'. PoottiiiJ!:o pold !;r.,. (wcorely Be.'\l;j<' from o~rvaUon ). Scn<1 mon~>T or ~Lampe by lttt"r w ith full •ttll'lffftlwr1tl~n r,lalnly, OOrn!ft. pon enee AU"lcUy con ntlenllt>l. Thl, ttdv<'rll~"ml'nl .., bonN\ an<l atmlc bt forw11rd n every 'II'Ord It

.~ntJ.!oo~. \Vo In v ile yon II> c!l>l\l with U' "''" you will nnd \'\ ' N YIIolllfC "" rep l'f'IC'nlf-<1 . Cot tbl• o.ot.aDCI l . n<l ~:.-dl\y, Ad•lreso~ Q UEEN C'i~MIOAL C O., 174 Race Street, CINCINNATI 0 . Yoo can r~t ~"'"r your teu .. r at a ay p...,, om a. ~ twmro lla are Cltll••rY. \ Ve wUI parenoo lor anr caae

~o .athuo or lliiChlfta L Jnjur7 to an,- pnrc:ha•tlr. l'.YtlrJ" bottle cuarautced• ~ IP£CJIL-'l'o la4Jee who"JauocS~ and eell-1rlo!Pac their Mdda 10 ~-oeQ-'a uU-]JalriAa,

iiiitriiiiiiiiii 9!!~ ~~With a 81Llt DBJJ85, UIJu:cb belllllk. :.XU. Lane •tU.u4~ --to HI-*~-Mill wiUa ~. QOOd liAIU7 01' Ooe•1" 10R fO ~ Home !Wference.~:-The Lvuu ~~~~ & u>ek l.t>,. 146 llUd 1,7 w.ter Bt; Edwin Alden & Co., 248 Race S Lreet, Cincinnati, Ubio. MUS2i•Jl

84 OODlmerolal S~t, BOBTOl!, . _.. MANUFAOTOB.ERS OJh


: I'IJDAT, Marob "' uo .. opeaecl•• 1'-o'ol~ p\ ...

• 4 QADIIIO'Parl D)r

. Boo~ Mr. BAUII beft4td' l~to IDOft ... , eaooed rMdia'ir of &be na.ob .•

Boa. Mr. Mono• ..... to ~~ 16 'ftff n· aw~ Ia 'rela&loD lo tU wtten •ac*H QD Ia Hie "Etat~DC,'e ..... Won t'• Adclre~~ ol 1'baoka pallid th~aap rlja ~ltd hadlaa. It iraa OQilOIIW'J• to mde ~ OOIDIDID' oo' &be opeolq apeeob, aod lte ( Mr . • ~) lboaabt. if \he oo1&om ,.. departed frOm, Ia llae pnaeot. ln­ttaooe, • aod booo'-ble • membe~ falltd to ~tlYe expreuloo to Lbtlr Yien oo tbt. lmportut dooa­meo&, it mlabt be ooDOlodtd .U• tbe7 were be­coming crrer oredalo~ aod. IDOlioed to accept u Rotpel every 1t.atement'111at Ria .Jb:oeUeooy'a apeecb contained. He (•tr. &~:) .did oo'- bo .. ~ ner, believe ih Ita aa.temeott.-. 'fbe7 were moat aoreliable, aod weffl mtrelyftxed ap b7 Bla Ex- . celleoc1'• adyiaen io order to preaeat fair a ahow •• poe~lblo &o tbe ooailtry witbo reeort­lo~ to opeo1alaebood at. tbe opeoiog of &ion. Oo the day the HonJe wu' opoaed (M.r. M ) · happened to ron ljlaioat a renre t~entleman, who rt>matked to him. that. • judg; log from t he GoYeruor'• tpeoob we appeared &o he litiog in a • land flowlolf wltb milk aDd honey.' 11od tbal if the Goweraor bad oot de­ecribed each a 6oarL!biog alate of he would no~ haYe imal!ined tbal we were the mla.t of ao mach proapeaity.• · De (Me:. woald not aay U.1e ,peecb wu an\rntbfal, tba\ it wu mialeadiog Ia ao uo aaual and that tbp general etate of the at .all warront iuob ao . e~travapo' of Ue proaperity. He fel t ea•e tbl' when !Cxoellency wu reading &he apeedb wbicb been put iD&o bla bands by hit achiaera. be have bad aome of the moa\ baD.Iillating ideaa of tbe ' irony of fate' wbeo giYiog a tteraoce to atatemeota which, to hit own knowledge, were entirely •i•hout foandatioa. h wu a piece of tbe aroate1t folly to mock tbe bopee aDd wiabae of the people by deaorlbiog a ata11 of proaperty which unfortunately did DOt axle' at the pre•eat time. Ue (~lr M ) qould oo' tee wb"t oLj~ot tbe Hoveromen\ bad io view lo puUiDa forward eucb orrooeon1 atatemeota at a lime wbeo they were eaUrel1 nDwarraated by tbe general coodi· tion of tbe trade of tbe oolon1: and when they equid not bear the IIRbt of tra•b and iaveetisca· lion. It wu Yery well known tcY nerybody ac . qaAinte.:l whb oar lleoeral boe;oen thac tbe iadi­catioDI of proarerity- &o whlcb' reference waa made in the apeeob werr wboll1 oorellablo and mieleadiog. aDd that the · Gov&nlmeat could claim no warren' or j •tst iftoatioo for aoob ao at­tempt to deoel•e the pablio by .mluepreeeotatloo of the real faol.l in relation 1.0 the ooodhina of oar nrioo• aourcea of lodatt.ty ID tbia colony. The Brat part of tbe apeecu apoke of abouiJdiog proeperity aod graoct proapec-.r for the fat are; and oo one weald tak~ morf'pleuare in eoter­taiolog each glowios d~cr!{>t.loaa d proa~rit1' aod •uch hopeful and roaeate vie•• u rejtl&rde the future,· than he (Mr. M ,) pr~tidtd they were baeed on anylhiag like eolid iroaod, bu' there could be no good whatever result to the country from any complimeae&ry obaerntlona that we o:•y make on a condition of proeperity which bt.11 no exieteoco in fact Tbere were large import• in tbe }tar 1891. aod a lar~e over· turn of J.!OOda. bo~ a'"'Yiar eo fraitl~o real profile •••• tolldoa been uperieoced, aiM the etatemoota. therefore, Ia tbe op_ilaioll apeeob, re· Jatiog to tbia particular matter: while having the eemblance of troth, are oo~ re,Uable and not borne out. by the praolical and enbetanlial ooo­oluaioo cf the year'• geoeral buai'!eea operations Al 1be eud of the year 189 l the o••lony was a·ot io a very muob better condition, ootwitbst.&nd. iu~e all this bouted proaperily, &ban it was "' the end of the year 1890 He (Mr M ) did nt•l refer to lar~-te bualoelli utabliabmeota or to nuy p:articular acotlon of bueioue. but to bueioet>11 all uound, and be felt aaaared that &be force and tro~ll of bi11 rewarlta woald be upecially appre­ciat~d and j natifitd by any who bad_uperitooo Ia the emalter buelntea operatiooa of 1891. Tbere ..,ore •eve1al UIIIIODI which, In their combined operation, teoded to curtail tbe proftt.e of la!lt' year's trade, 1'be price of fttb •tarted at a very bi~;h 6~are; and fell oonalderably duriog the ll'UOD. Thia, of eooree. ooalc1 hue oo other elfeo& than to reduce the proQII of oar at.aple commodity ta a ""7 low Oaare, Indeed; a a d tbe tlfec~ of tbla deoleneioo lo ptlce and rednctiot! of proftte wu ren mo're (>r I••• bf and throogbou' tile whole buaio.., oomaoooit)'. Talk aboul utraordloary proaperily ; It wae nolbiolf more than a 0.1DCku1 aud . a delation Ooe revoD wby tbe gfDertl t rade of 1891• WU DOC more proape• out waa t~1M tbe oo~otry wu oraebed to tbe l11t ext remity 67 toormoae. las H Sloce tb' preeeat Go•erDmeo• came loto power, the7 bad DO' ceued to' aqmao• the taua, orlppllog oar yarfoua iadoahlee and b.'q!perll: j tbo .reoaral trade of the ooQotry. . Tli17 told the people 'befe re their eleolloo &bat tbe7 woald dear .... the tasea-lhrbtao the poor maD'I borden aod make fa poulbTe for tbe people of Newfoaodlaod to (he fD their DltiYot oouotJJ. Ia. oomfort and lodepeodeaoe, aud 'bey have . ctooe jlllt _ the oppoelte-tbey ban laoreued the tuM aotil they bave btoomt an lotole,.ble bordeo OD ni!ry bo•~ lnatilatioo Ia t be ooloDr • . He (Mr. M) would Dot aay aoytblotr aplott _lat,e tuM If they were expeoded· iaa a!ordiq tooooracemeo&. to tbe :laboorlo; oiU181.· U U.e hl~b tue• wrana from 'be~paople by the Goftfllmeot1 baa ktD taroed to tome pabllo ~fUI"tt, lo wb~b the people tbeiDJIIYII ooald ~otpate, &ll11a tht.l'fl woald bt tome f01 ~be ooDducn pf ~be Qoyenmeaa, Jae M.) woald oo• btl nlollaad 1to o•er ote of Bol llltJ b•Cl DP. to 1!1.pclie4 of 1'bl N• ••o~te bs4 ao\.bMct att4 l• , of tbe )fboal1ot ._' bad beta doot el!b a·ritff to aacl. •• tla•r .,.,.. HIM~ •mlJe.i

dlreotlfi.soaette 1o thM bow aoGfcJ be ~., ..eo~.. Hr At;, W41 ot opJeioo &bat dae ,.,.table prodaota of U.. oolop7, ,.,, Jt.r, were t~ryJDaob belo• tbe ue~e Whb Ute exoep· tlon of baJ, "~ bQe4tecl q aoaat _,. bJ tb1 "" .....oa, &lie ban_., 1~ JtP, .,.. a oo•panUY~fallaN Po...- ....-= .;., email aiiHl tk 7feld ff&l b9ablp1_ Uio ~ • .,~ ODe l'be 7ita.l of 'aualpe • .• qahe a tanare Nat a foartb pan of dle qoait&i&J reali&ed lft piioeclloa "ara w.aa re~ped IMI ,...., • .d.r aa • · OODII· q .. oot'. tber were vert IOUOI·io .._ .. ,t.~ aod eold ~! a ' verJ bigb ~ oe llere, . .,aiu, the e&attmeole wbiah bad bNil p11' In~ Hla Ex· O.lleooy'amoa tb. wool~ oo•beir tbeiJab& ot troth aod lnealixalloo He (Mr • At) could nO\ eo.

' dorttt &be remarke of Hie !l;xcelleooylo relatioo ~ lu,_year'a Oabei'J', whiob the Speech por&ny. ao hrUHaoUy h wae trae we bad an .-baoodao~ Labrador fhbery ~Dd' t~e 1"-Dre llabery, In tbe Dor,bern bal•· wu rather &bo•e &be atente. but tbe flebefJ oa the aoathweet par' of Use iilaad .,., bot good, aod-the Hank fhbery wu a faUore T oe lobater Oabery ~10, iD" which 10 macb capital bad been lnaeted doriDg receo~ yeare. and which waa hoped woald be " valuable auxiliar7 ,o our otber fiebiog operations, during the P••' year. •aa nott.iog better :.t(ao .a etcriglooe fail ore. · Havior( re~tard to lbue facts. ne, Mr M, waa at a lou t.o couodve bo• bouorable gentlemen, profe"i~g to be 11oquaioted wi~b the resulte of lu' year 1 fishing operationa, coulCi commH ~hem-

. aal.vea to. auab errootoua atatemeota It was tbooghl at one time -no~ long ago-that tbe Bank fithery waa going to t.e tbe great bonaou for thu people, tbe eafoty-valve again•' poterly 11od want of employmen~ iD tbis colony, aod yet, iA a very ehor& ti~, it baa taroed oat to b~ a f11ilure What waa tb~uee of thia? lo bia (Mr. M'e) opinion. h wu not tbat there wee a lailoro or fhb on t~e baoltiog grooade, bo~ that there wu a taUpre of diapoaition, on the part of 1be people. to pro~ecate-tbat 6ebery u earo-eatly aod as fahbfolly u tbej bad done at ita inception Aod tlte people were not very much to blame. for the Goveruruent alone wo~a rOtpoa . aible for the feel iu" engoudorl'd amor•get them advenoe to tbia ioqu11tu The cr.r of the GoYern · men' bat! been that lh" .Hank fiahurmea were barlly uaod b! the merobant4- that they wore sent out to fiCa in 'fiott. tiog coffioe ;' ~hat their live• were placed io jeopardy; that their interests trtre Ignored ; that ~ey were defrlludc:d of tiU1it barJ uraiuga and treated aa elnea, with tbe Olteosible object of creating ·• spirit of diatru~t aud boelility between t.he,o and their euppl iera, and the reealt, to -day ie only too avpareut. The ~peoioaa aophia&ry of tbu GoternUtout bad worked wont.le•ful ruulte agaion tbe people tbemaelvea, until now they were foand ab •n . doaioJC the 8aok 6ebery altogether, or only pro­eecutiog h with ha!f boartedoea aud indifference A. a matter of fact, the foelio lf engendered amoog" tbe fiabiog olaeeei agaioat tbe B~ok fi1bery. bu grown ell etroog, that i' i1 now at­moat lmpoa.lble io get men to eogage I~ that ia­daatry. Ae far 111 be, Mr. M knew, Baokfiaher­mea bad ·bet'n well - cared for-they bad been lllpplied witb a .superior qullt1 of food, and tho e:r.trr.n(lr.u~ remsrlu .,bien had b~oo 110 fro · qu~tly made as to u:e "floating ooffi111" in which they were eont to 1ea, were entirely with · out jaatificataon, aa be, Mr M. belined •ould be ahowo wbeu the report of Lloyda' Surveyor wu laiJ o u the t3blo of rhi• H 1use Hardly llOJ QUoD Will COUlt.O~·I with t ho OCOilp>tt ion

lo .. l.iol) be wn oog<~ged Uur ruler• knew ~bia: Utey koew i' wu a very "'"IIY tb io l to malte p'eople dia~nten tc:ll witb thdr o" lltul(. and , with OOt rtlgtlrd £nr OoMeqttCU081, tb"y usad lbi:t It now

ledge to th11ir o"' u auivautage and to further 1beir owo priute eode, autl to-day we b!ld the reanlt in a prolttable fhbery compara­t ivl'ly aogleoto!.l At regards Jut year's telllfish· t'rv . It • •us v~ry good iodaed; bot be ( .\lr M) would ask where , w9uld we have lH·oa , u regards tblt fishery, bat for the a: ll• rn'lra? l o bit opinion, it wu q ueatiooable ,.h.,;IJer or not 1,000 I& lie vould have be eo brought In lul year i[ etoamera bad not been engaged in thia iodaatry Some people enter­tained the opinion tba~ we abould hue larjler and n1ore pro6tule ~aulla frc..m tbia fitbery If only aaHioi veaat~la were e•uplole;t the roro lle (i\h M) ~~~not io accord witb this opiDion .1.t !JII .,!II riflht to ~:l~e proper cmooaraceweot to native built Ycasols, bu• btl did not thin It ateam "ooald be dilpeaaed with To legill"e again&& the employment of Iteam in tbe proaeoalloo of the aealfi•hery laeturt of beloi for the adYtD· tage of tbe ooloa11 u eome people werc fooliah eoOUI(h to bellan. · would he a.rafoat Ita bea• lntereeta U uelunara were prevented from ull­ioll to tbe ua16ebery ftow thle country. 'bey would tall rrom other oouotrlea aod eilber bam­per ua Ia ourylolf oo t oe induerry or take it oo~ of. o~r banda ahogt>ther Tbe GoternLilent, in thte Speech. oomplimeoted tbemMI.,.a on the 1000111 of the ftaberlea · darina the paet year ; for what rellfoo. or with whu abo.w of oooaleteocy be (Mr M) could Dol 184' No& oae mao DOD• .oeoted whb tbe Gonromao,, ao far u be knew, bad aoy oepltal eorth tpllkloa of lov11ted U, the ftebery and tbey bad GO\ giten aoy ooati· dtra,loo- whatever to .o:ird ita eoooaraaimeot

(To be oou.tlnued.) . r-

- \VORD8 IN TB£ .ENOL18fl LANqlJAO£­Sbakeapeare, wbo bad the1riqbeet t'ooabularr u~ by any Engltabtuan, e~plo7ed ontr-16,-000 words. MiltOn ®uld plok ou' from 8,. QOO, bat the uenae maq, &.graduate froar ooe of the great univerahlee, ratel7 baa a Yooabulary of m~ thaD 8,000 or , .000 worda •. Tbe or.ilnatJ •per'IIOI;l •n ,., aiObl .,., oomfort.ab whb 500 word.. aud iD 'be n11t cliltrlata • bowledP. of 100 warda Ia •litlcleD• to oarr1 a thaft '~roqb hi. llfe. Tbla of. oonne reCent .., '&be ~leech of ooo;..,.t doD • • If • ·IDID wua'-~ rt.4 ae.,...pen &llcl well·..tMa booD, be ... . Uoff ........ ,,000 Or-. . . • _.




.OMS B NJ0:2'8 · -Both the method and resultB when Sro1pof~ is ta}ten; it is plaaaan~ and iefreshmg to the taste; and acta gently~ ~romptlyon theXidneys, Liver and lJowels, cleanses the gys-

·tem effectually, dispels colds, he&d· aches and fevers and oures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figi is the only remedy of its kind ever _pro­duced, pl~ng to the taSte and ac­ceptable to the etomach, prompt in its action and trllly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreen.blc substnnces, its manre.Xccllentqunlitiescommendit to all and have it the most popular rcmcrly k no\m .

Ryrup of Figa b for sn.lo in 75a bottles by all lcadin~ dru ggista. Any rcliable d1i.1g"~st who may not have it on bnu.u: will procure it promptly for any ()06 WflO wishes to tl'y it.. MantlfuCtlircd only by tha

. CAUFOHNIA HG SYRUP C[, BAll Fn.A"t!O:aoo, cuu..

LD17DVII:LE, x::-:. . ;~~.r ':i"OBB;, 1'1. ~

-en ~~.ills CD .9 ~ g Cl) §

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00 -1-

Fire Assurance ;Compa~y LONDON. . . .. ·


ESTABLISHED IN 178~ . ·-T808TE!l8 & Dlll!lOTOBS

Jo"ph Wm. Bueodale, .Eaq. .Uriatow Bo'rill, &aq, ·rue HoD. Jamea .B[q. ..lobo Olultoa, Eaq. Octniua &. 'Oo~pe, &a~, M.P • Ueorge Ar~u hiler .. R:tq • Oharlea E. Goodhart, Etq. · M. ahode Ha•kioa Etq. SlrJohn r.ubbook; &n., M.P., F,t\ Uharlea ThOIDII Luoea. .!eq, Oharlee MMD&J, &tq. rbe B ot:i. Eawio 8 . Dudlef Roben.SIDltb, .t.q Wm. Jamtl Tb.ofDpeoo Ell\· , __

1£011. DIBW'!Oll . Jon. J. H~MPDr.p; Jl!elt . · Wu.t.JA.II o. ~GDOULO,l

R. HACDOJJALD, r .fohtt 8emot .....


. ~ , CONCBP'lflON til' ADPBM'lBBR.

- ~ ;: .,Umnir;;~&·~ .• en.: · .... "' •• ---- ... ~ · i ~~ ~~·~ ~ • ..,, ~ ~lf0-fonu4..., ~-- 0 .. -.-~ ~-~--.~··:••

Oua oom~~poodent 41 a: • b,r lad mail daDe, A DeW" Par~Wa~a• "' .Wia .BajiiUad !unaielted l\1-. fM4en. of ~ St-4\jouo; Willa uui1Pruoe tlae cloOI w a.-. pCJ!II" yet aDO!Jaer Of h~ iDtereatii'R. ~ ot'portaK bilitiel }at ~. It'... .....W

... ·~........,.. ._

... :..1061J8-Til& i-toia"9J tbe .fiahlry up·to

Sac.urda~ laiJ bt.d ~.miUiau 8ab ••• ... f/07 066 • .- . ... 8f3,1U

leftera:..Lbfi \ime f'rqm Tar.aff:l'ibM • free to take ad~ abliem _Willa ~lm Aa 'tiilt be ' obee"ed· tbe ma\&ft the medial. • .,......... r~~- t 'he dOQJ' t.empl~tod· fl8riDAJ'Iellt•lePldio~ •hich wfll•bHJOieCJ uacl ~bJe.JOObd,,. aDd {tmay

Tbe a~· ' S&G«*IIao\ 88' onl1 repre­eeo.t tbe.cit'ioluby &be ~MamtfleeL

(about. G80~0()() .. .... 96 millio11 aboat (410,000 quior.all) for &De oorreapoad· ina, period ian ,,ar,

-Tat•mBl,_TR~-~fttF U, Don­a.M. &..tary iutd Tree flf til• Tfi,.fty Bay Bellerl'oad. haa hu: hUHiilid u. for pqltlloaUoa, • ooiDpt.le lilt& Qf •a~,. .... rllOli•lld ap to ~te.. 'l'laree ahoa,tand ftn ••~ aDd e1abty­lfz !toll ... ltawe heea 11ft ,_ aahiorfbtd ..... n u

.. - .. .. expected ourLegitlatnre will .,._ 4bia' tab muiy )'tAl!' 10 ~ l~ .,.tn I Le~ ~ia aaain eopael. laia aUen\ion. A• tbe fact nof be~ " .

'3 •••• !t- Na•JnUJTav.----::t' 11 no' ofLen (u a

lattt papeneqaarke) )h.& WC? bear of new in­du~triee beifiC etarled io IrelandJn tbeee daya, bot. ra~tory wblob ~~ppeeon &o have a ·r.~mia· tngiuture bef~·it·haija.& beell ~tabliabeci in ·rrat-e'e,oon'nty K,erry. It ia a~rt.ed for dev~op· ;mebt of &be boeii.J'liodaeLry, and will~ fully. fi~d ..... :•i'li the )a.teat . aod mon improved ma!l~ihry,·and will. be capable of turniug ou~ all ciN188 ur gqoda, from ~sfioeat silica tc> tb.etrQ..n~~ wonted,horbeepu . ~oeti · anced w.o k rra have been ebg•ged, an large number• oftb~ 'people in the n&igbborhoo~ will. reoeive e~loyment. Balbriggan Jlas es t&bliahe.ti-a 4to0d name in t.hia line, and it. is hoped,Ttale,c~ ·wilt follow aqjt A. fe\V tbriv iqg conoeuw like 'bis in the iwpoveriabecl "611~ would du more for the people tban half a doz~n ;home rnle billa. ·

----Boo. Pi. Moaroe;• ~aoldoa aobo~n•r 8. ·it Probehf• ..,.tlaat tLI• a~Jtnant wftl .be Ja,..11 ln-

DUD's Yifwe in thie- important nogud are, ~ Oo • ilae \i&h of lbrob' four buodred we &ak.e it, already anflicieocty well known ~ tboqand iifeo emploJed in the ooal trade ·in the public, it is not tbere.t'o~ neoei•ny &o in Eqland wUl Nile' wor or two or foqr

Lab. Cap&aln Boland, will lea .. bere (bil enn­ing fnr Pl1oeotia, where •be wiU take fa a aopply df b&it before prooeediotr to eo~ Ia tbe ftab· ,.ry. Tbe .Captain'' tfetel'mloed 'to bti nne of lbt 6,.• on the ctrnond ·aod •e wleb blm bumper lripa-Herald of Saturday; -.

oreaeed Wore tilt liaffolfONI. '" . -- . -ACOtDUT o• BouD TBK u Ada A Rr'~R."

-Tbe Amerfo.a IICIIaoot~eP Aila 8 & b1?11 Cap' reitenate ~bem now, furtherLban· to uy ~at weeks fD onler 1o a'iGia a uction of WA£811

we are yet of tile firllll belW tbat nothing ·fe f:Pd to redAoe. dte · • · atook of l'eodlet4)n; nft her w11 from Gloa~t.r to Ice­land, ballbn' ft•blo.~r pat.. In here yeaterday nen Ia cr. aft,.r .d c1aJ- oal th l11nd aud pot in botp,ft Olle _of ber crew .. IJarid Waleh, trhn bait "Oeftoed fnf~l'1 bv" ataok•of ODe of tbe gaf.,-1,ltqrtfm

to be' p~ed bj buLy legiala~ion:.o fllr u eoel in ~e. mar)tel How t will .&'eot the - an Imperial Ooercion Act Hke. the vrcaent m"o.ufao~uJiilg iodutaiee oC•be oounLJY c:e...

one, is conoemf'd, That, furthermore, t.hei-e tQaiba to be 5eeD, but there·ia almoa~ a panic are many weighty re&IIOna wby i\ would be> ia aome tn4,;a over the queeLipn. How it well to poatpone the conaideration of tbe Bill affeota the 1 on ia inat.mtly aflen a a l'f\tail for at least anot.b"r seuion. prioea ri ~en enormously in a few days.

-----DnOWNI~joabna Umbera. a JD&D abont 8(.

Writing. from Tabor, Bobe111ia. nuder uate but - if oal'l'il')l' int.o effeo~. it will aeriouslv March 6, our correspondent aya :- cripple every manu£aoton- ,,f whatever kind

As I predicted jn my last lo~ter the French in the -entire Kingdom nn 1 o~use millions of Ministry have been be&~n in the Challtoor by workmen &o be temporot i lv discharged and a fuaiqn of their opponent& ancl bave tendered at neoal tlie women IUld tbe obilJren suffer. their l"t'WWigoation to ~resident Ottmot.. It ia The voln.ntary ceaation of alwoet hal£ ~ ex!JeOt.ed Lbat a temporary reconstruction of miUion of wor~en from thftir labour in tbe Cllbinot "il take !'lACe, but it ia inf'vit· order to keep qp ~be price of their special ablo tbat an early diuolulion will occur and commodity in union witb ~heir employers, i­an 'apreal to the people be made. Sur;ely it a oftw (eatnre in EnKlish iod'a,trial life. . would be the height of folly f.,r NAwfound. Tbe terrible calamity of the Trinity HHiera land t.o tie her han<k by pm-tna'"'llllegillation, bee oalled fonb a mee"&ge of condolence a~ IL oriaia like Ure. pr~rl-with a diasolu. from · Her Majeety &be Qneeo, poeaibly the tion pending in F~l&nd and Fra~co., in both firat •ime the llanlebiP" of Newfoun.dlaod countries a dyillg"?arliamenL. whiob in both fishermen l'nd their families have attrACt.eJ inat~~nces baa outlived ite uaefulnf'sa,- is it not R~yal notice. Let ua hope Imperial ,aym­reuooable suppose that, with a new set of men will not be wanting on lea aad .and cnu,ing to fron~ aaw circumstances may solemn oooaaione I · G. A. arlee which mi~ht ..fa.,Yorable to the colony (To be nontinued.) for n"goliation 1 hOJ?O tbe ~gfo~i&l wiadom

8 .. a.r. .,'PBW'MtsW,

aasembled at t. Jolin's wtll not fall into 11111a .ua.a.a .. the trap,bnt, I) _poefponement of the passage of the perm~nent Act, await tbe eour•e of Number of Se.ill Aml~ Taken fo: events, which may mean eo muob t.o the • . T~ l'ut.

As·'fT Ssot)Lti Ba._:_That ·~be fisheries of Newfouodlllnd are" a veritable mine of wealth to. her, ill rigli~lr.dneloped, .cannot be qu~­Liooed..for-one mo~ent. In order to tl:at~low­eYer, proper lawa and regul"tiona are indeed a sine qua non-aome,hiug which canuot poe­sibly be dis1>enaed with. It i" beyond doubt refreshing to observe that ootllidera­people, too, wbo, onltke outa, ~&re not depen de~t on one indut~try alone for a. means of amb­sistence-acu~ly realize this, and do not heei'-te t.o put 'flf operation neceasary machinery Lbat will lead to tbe att.ainment. of 'he deeirecl object with the leaat pouible delay.

We obaerve by papers to han a by last mail tb'* (1) t~ faotc>ry~ownera at Eastport and Quebec are aigoing an &l(l"eement to keep t.hf'ir f11otorjee oloaed until June llS. That (2) 2500 ebo~ Jo.bec:era shipped· from Maio~ tu New York we"'• a abort time ago, seiz9d in Boston. a"d added &o the pnpnl•t.ion of Boat.ou

I That (3) the 'Dominion G~vern­ment hal -iaauecl a proolama\ion malt:ibg h .aet or maokerel n.ota in tbe water bol-.,..llioa in the morning anJ five in tht afternoon rrom tbe.firtt of June io the '&rat of September.· Tbe ~n•lty ia contitcat ion an<f a fi~ · l)i'~t (4) t~e,...k~l of a new aohoone~·for the tiiberiea paotecLioo. service hu bee~.laid at Sbelbourne, N. 8., and that a fast ateehteamer ia heiog constructed •L Owen Soond for th~ Paanmaqnoddy fishery diatri.:t. .T4elt (:0)-. ! few days ago a depat.a­tion from Keaexj!D.nnty, Ontario, waited on the Dumioion Govemme.nt, desiring a change in tile resulations· of American 6sberaien,· who, by .tog larger nete tban those used by C•nadian" are able to secure tl:e largeet por­tion of 6ab bted and protflote<rv the c ... na­dilln Go11orn'ment.

yeAra of Alte, son of Mr Anlirew Umbe~f Jbia to•o. ••• drowned from a St. Jobn'a Ye~J&l •bile on her way to Briztl a abort time~o. Be lived bera notil laat~e"r,•hen he, remnved to 8&. John's. He leavea a wire and flye cbildten.

-'£he smart coA&ting-sohooner, Pdmbina: owned by Mr. John Spence, left bor~ this lUOrniog at 8 o'clock for 8~ J ohn's. Thia is her first olearaoce thi ..... aoa. Hu lira~ ·freight hither will likely be !'Pring ~s whtob ate expectod to a:rive at St. John's in ~be S. S. l.7ltmda during \he wf!flk.

-OFF o~ TU& SECOu D TntP.- The S. S. Ice-. lantf. Cnpt Wioaor. ulled beoce on Salt:trdlly at -l p m. ~ b'er· aeoood trip to the Seal l<'leb­c ~y l:lar ae~la .wore all landed tbe previous DJ~M extra lime being worked. Her catch •ae 25 l tt7, •hioh weil!hed 477-tona 18·cwt S·qre ! ;lb groas. Tbe yooo~r •eale au raged 42i I be. 1 be orew aband nbout t70 per man.

-G. A. Ratobio~t~~, E' q ~ •as lately tbe re­cioPQ' Of tile followin~o!loe•tae from tbe Olptalo of thilcliooqor wliicb • arriud at Cbaooal on 'aturday :

JoB Bncs & 0 .: Saw two 11teamora Dirl not •peak to them.

Sa• !A:d!J Hill, bu' no£ Yigiliar,t JOHN ~fLLR.Ul

-STILL TnP.T Go-The S S Lo.dy Glooer. Oao} n••kioll, left here yesterday morolo~r at 6.30, for St John'• Sbe conveyed some "a or tw~tln puaetur,n from 'bis Qlaoe. and called in a' Car­boi ear whore abe took on board fort, two more -all yooorc mea. en TOIItl to Boetoo aod otber oarta of tbu Great Reoublio Tbe Lady G/om­retarned . to. day at 11 ; abe .left St J uho•a at three o'oltick tbia moroiujl'. aod touched in at. Ll)we~ Jalaud Covo aod Weatero Bay wbore ebe landed paueagera . •


Mara. 28. ' .. . . ·-Brh A B Morin;.NaA. for Boaaviata ar ...

rivtd by 8 8 . Ctmtc•ipt ye,.terday Htwin' cc- J CDI"IY· hfr ae11t fo the A.,embly o.ut week Tbe o\j .. ot of Mr. Morioe'e virit to Bafifax. daring the pn1t two yeare,baa beeo aUioed aotf be a DOW a Baohelor' of Lawa." for Dalboaefe Uol\lenitr, buiug so~fOUy na•eed the ftw .. ezamlnatio~ a fe~ ""h ago.-Htraf4 of Satwrday.

-';I'be S. S. Curlno: Captain Ta,lor. atriYed fr~m tbJt weahrard th~t -m·oroiO« at 1 o'clock. Ftebery proapect'l Ia th11t section of tlte country are Tery ~ood, there beiog floe •f(na of fish abC!~' ~ban pel aad .RD.e Rtaccbe, and plenty herrtofl 10 Fortune Ray. There ·are not maoy ecboooen aboat &bat locality at prnent thoo~h and not mach eale for catcb. The weather dar: io~r tbe. roo ad trip ""II very fioe. and the abip made a good trip. She brought only aboahipbty barrela of berri"g ae freiJbt, aad tbe followfo~r P~eoge~ :-lbs. · Penney,· Me•n, JeaDt .aad Wbtte; am ill etaera~re.-Jbid. -

-StuHro Nons .:::th; eteamer Daana lauded 28.247 .•e•l•. the weicth\-of which waa 628 tone 2 qra. and 8 I be. He~ crew •iJJ abare 888 00. P!r m1a. Tbe average •eif{ht of ber Mal• fa 4. i lbt. Sb~ tart oo, bar aeoond &rip at 9 SO am oa Saturday '

'!be ateamer Rant/" lauded 28,488 yonD~ harpa, The weight of her trip wu ·H6J OIWI U,, q~ .. aod 11 lbe. Her men will make 1¥6 Sbe aatled oo ber aeaond trip on Saturday eveniolf.

The ateamer· Wo(l I&Dded 27 •25 barp eeale. the nerage weljtM of •hlch wae .St lb., each. Tbea,g~ wt~h~·wu 681 tons; 2 c•t. !fho 'feqel · eat led 011 ber recood trip on · S,tarday olgbt. • Her crew •ill malt~ at:oot i76 00

Tbo aleuner ~q~imac landed 17.400 yoo"~ ~1111 ond 600 old. fbe neu weiKM of her rat 111 857 ton11 : tho &vtraRe •eicrht of lier 1eala 44~ lbs. lfer men m'~e $41 971 She leh o~ bcr ~Pcfoud trin on S&tnrday neuio~r.

.- fhe S S !AbrQt(or '*iled oo her ~cm11d trip eyeoiop-. Iter I)Arcto of 11eal1 DOI4bered

968, weh?hed 347 tone 4.() cwt 18 lbe. "nd will ng her men about 11ixty· dollars eaob. Her

l'O harpe aura~cd 45 lb!.

future ot tbe Colony. To pau tbe permanent Act juat now- is to enable Lord Salisbury to proceed to arbitration upon tbe one ques. tion of \.helobater fiahery-a qu.-t.ion wbicb, Newfo.tndland baa always contended, cannot of itaelf come up for settlement ..-lone, hut ia only a p&rt of the whole q11eation of French claims to tbe coast, in the shape in which they have hitherto administered thci: pro­tenaiooa. ( ao1 writing in ignbrance of tbe terms \l( lhe propoaed legiala~ion ; but u the vwdus tliveJuli bas been legafised until cloee of '!893, OOtb partiOII are-covered by its vroviaions and t~erefore cltb sutler no hllrm by the postf>Onement of furthet· legislation until tbe nex~ se&~~ion ot tho Assemblj. · I earnest­ly hopo such a course will cmnmend itself to the judgment ot tbe Newfoundl.10d Legfs· latore and peovlo. With the defeat of the present Frflnch Miniatry, there is a po~ibility of a party coming into power more friendlv to England and more amenable to reMon i~ all matteta of dispute between ~ho two coun­tries ; and poatponeruent d()('a not ne~harily mean abandonml"nt, if no ..better terms can be gained. The clllim is made that the present Imperial Government does not repre­sent the viewd of lhe largt~ mRjority of the Engliab !>f!Ople;:,.-\either upon domestic or foreign a(fo~.ira, and both putie!l must soon join i&ue at t.he polls. Ia it just to N ew­foundlanq to paas permanent legisl.&tion at

-·-. tl:.e dicL&tion of a Colon~ I Minia\er (Lord Knutaford) and • Foreign ~retary, (Lord S.liabua:y), whoae term of office is banging ju the balance and woo may ce~ to have ·any· power 'in the course of a few months t Newfoundl&nd ucriffoe. nothing by poetpooe-

TN lut iaoe tbe remark was made lbat Lbe Ne•foaodland ~ Fishery bad not beeu proaeoated for much more than ninety years. I~ ia eomewhat aignifioaot tbattbeoatob during nearly alltbPSeeeuone bad not varitMI very ma terially as will be eTiden~ from the MahjQ.ined table. For more than aixty yeotra (to apin qo.ote from that exoellont work-Harv11y'11 HIStory or Newfoootllaod) "the SMI.- frequent tbeae coatta atood an . annual draft of from· a quarter to half a Jriillion wit.bout ,.bowing any sensible diminution of nombera or symptoms of exhaustr~m." Nor,'aomewlfat strange to AAY . bu the draft been much if any greatnr since the introduction ofateam. Tbe ~t.reat da~ger to the indU.IItry lies in the prao. t.toe, which unfOFtudately baa greatly increu· ed 11ince sl.eRmer.t have bet~& emplo1ed, of making two trips to tb9 ice-fields, in puraaft of the old hreeding ... ta; these wete o!ttimee slaughteteci in large numb11rs, after .tbe heav.1 drafc on the young. It i1 pleaain~r to kaow that efforta were not bng since made and are, we underaL&nd, yet to be made, by oar Le~ia• lature, to minimile u much aa poaeibleta dauger to ~ apprehended from cieatrvo­tion ot old teale i and, ln order to that, to prohibit the ateament from eoteriotr apoo· the seoond trip after a cert•in lp8('16ed date-•ia, tbe 20th April. Of more anon.

The following ie tbe table, referred &o above It ia intereating an~ i91truotive :

All tbia will aarely •uflioe to show the in­L81'81Jt that la being taken in, and tbe elJ'ort.a that '\~e ~~ made to protect !nd conserve, ~by legul~tive enaoLment ard other-wise, &sberiee-by people, too, who, tmlike ounr, are not depend,.nt for eubei11t.ftnoe upon one aingle in~IH,ry. Wbalt a Ieason ia not all tbia ~elf tit.~ &o ~b us I

-Oorr= A vary worthy citiz.,n paaaed &•ay thia morninrc-naroely, Mr Jamal CaiJaneo lie wna an Iriabman-a natiYe of Oarrick-oo­Suir, Ireland He came to this country about 60 veara •reo wiLh hia f•ther and wet tied"' Bsy Hoberta .For yeora he, ,aonce...eafolly prosecuted the--ftab~rll\8' of tbe country. but for the put fifteen \'tara or 110 h'ld retired from activo work For the pub tbr-uo yura he hAS been a member of tbe Harbor GriCe! Road Hoard He """' nry muob· r~aptoted . aud AI waye bllr& &he ropotatioo ~f a model oitizen He wu 72 yeBra old, and •u.. remarkably acth•e Cor " ruao r.C his •ll~ Hia relatlvee aud frieode hne our det'p sympathy

--- ... -Tu& 11ULP F ISORR\' -k H\rbor Graoi&o. l'e·

eil!eo' at Cb11on ~l, •ritos oa, uoder dale Muob 2 (1l. aa followe. Htt IAYI: • We bad oue to-day from tbe lce.....,Cap~. Collier, witb a load of wbitfcnau tnkeo last week. He reporbJ (oar other ~eraetl with 1000 ~eale each_.ll beloo~iog bef~.~ A foor eteamere j 008 of tbern, ram glnd say, ia tbe ~ood old •ebjp M06tijf. Cap~ lie or Cortls. As eeala are plentiful tbere oaa­oo' be i ery muob lloub& \bu abe •IIi get a fall

-KILLED AT LoNO HARBOR - By corre8pou­d,~ce .from Lonll Harbor. Pleoeotia Bay. we ( Colona.•t) learn '0>! a a'ld ncoiden& tbero by •biob " .. oll -koowo ood birchly rupected Tzaidvnt of that pisco lo11t hie life Tbe viotla: wa. Mr Tho~• .Wbiffio. and the P,&rticalara tboae : H~ woJ cotn10~ out of the woode wJtb a load on bia Cllrl wbeo !be fl~ree took· frfght fD some way and:r•o 'a•ay. · Tbe ruaa bold oo to tbe load for eome time. bot was oll.imately tbrowo lite wheele puaiall oYer bia body, He '"' liHe'd up by toe peo)lle •no puaed by aborily arterwarda au :l htoa}hl to bir home, wbere be died In a fe• boo,.. )Tbe addeat part of tbe ... fralr waa . b'- wta'away from home oo a rieit to .10me r~!ende, aboat t"elYe mUea dfliauhl- tbe time. .t 00 ecoldeot occurea on Wedoead.ty the 15th Jolt. Thro deoeaeo~ wu ool.r flrty· a1i yean old aod .wu in prime hul&h Jfbea tbe accident 00· cured. He lenea a wtre, four brotbeN (bol no colldron) and a farge aoiDbet of of friaad1 to

.• ment, u the modtU tnNndi which abe legal. ' • iaed lut ee.ion, and the preeent proposed

permaoent Act,are aim ply crammed 'down her throa&,in ord81' not &o erubarrau the European diplomaUo policy of t.he preeeot government. The Colony, u your oorreapondent bu re• marked ~before,'"11a:Dotbing to loee by pOat­ponemw an.d it may gain much. Jt will be aid &.bat Lbft Imperial Parliament did n<K ez. erc\M tbe,power it poue•ei to givetht Orown the ])Owe~ aooght Cor, ·upon the unde~tand­ing UW the CoJonial LagialatO:,re 1fOuld pus the n-.ry l~tion. Toe•n, by ill Foreign .MiniaLel) ooooladed An illflPl arrangement with France, Yt~hoat ~naulting \be Oolooy. ~ The . OOIODJ ou .. oUoyaJt.y to ·the M:o~er Coabtry · lega}Wecl what wat ~ ...... ~n illepllf'OC*lare. llil under no obUption &o pue aa ~itiu ~. u ~ DOW hlpiiiecl fllodw ~ ... ta oatil ~ eH.d !893. Jf &be hrli&meDt f... 11DOD iJD ....... &e Jet ,, &111:8 • i'-11 of


Table 1'Mtciltg lM NtUftber of &all , 141-tn in tM • · Y tGTI UJIMd. ' Yu. NooPS~ l 806 ... ••• IU OijS 1810 ... ...ll8,080 1816 ... ...128 816 1817 ••• ... 49 048 1818 .. ... ..141072 1819 .. .!80'"817 1820 ••• 118 679 Jgjt ... ..:ttm9S· l8~ ..... 806,081 1821 ... ...J80.111» 1~ ... »>J 091 l826 • • .. 296.86ll lSia ., ... • •. J9ll 007 1829 ... ...867~628 -1880 ; .. MSHi 1831 .,. ... .,.886 886 1882 ... 608.407 1888 :.. ... • .. I!Gg 15$ • 1886 1886 ••• ' " ::su a2'i·

... 1837 ~... ...8&f 6JO .1888 .:. ... • • .;JI7.6.S0l 1889 ••• ... ..M7 601

-~~ ......... 831886 184l '" " .... 11116 lS.I . .. '" ... 8..,688 1848 ~ ... 861870 l~H_f ... 610

1 ·~ -

. '1. •

lo•d. aad econ be in-:- · • We have bad iery bud ""tber bert of Ia~.

Fi1h Ia in abaodaooe whea boat~ nan aet oat. •A •m•ll acbaooer, btloagiJIJC·to An1da Merlfo,

formerly of tble towa,waalon lo Saturday'• pie, tbo ore., ~rely eeoaped ,.hh &belr U•ee. . &be waa oomlog from. tba fllhu1 aDd rao uhol'l Ia a ,o.," atorm.'

We &ball be alwl)l pleaeed to liear from our ocrielpo:~daot. -: •

DOK TBB WDT.ur 8110lUI _ , Obr COI'l'ttpoadu• •• Harbor Brftoo wrf~ aa

•• folio•• by lut aaall : Oar lobetn mta ~ be«lnDiq Uleu ~­

tfon• to ""' war oa tbe oraaholaa. the pre1aua appe 'r•ooe of lblaR• lhere will be ,u ID"OJ robittt•Ol'lDhll'l u"tbef.~are )oiJ.ten, &ad lbe owaert o( !ao&<~rlel wlll be odUiaa ooe uaotbel''• lhtOatl &o aecare bar~ aad mea &e ftib them. -

tler!f"« are ~''let ~ be •ttn-; ••'1 pler:tir~llo R·~·tltt N or1t, ..aG~t theiJSOktN .,. bcl•1•• YNf· oua p•tt• of • be 8 11 1 ,J&&or &be ~a a..,, · Ro• tar the .,haeeo~td aM ooarormiGIIO abe "• qulefiUI·•~a flf-lheflatrl o.toao• tell, ·b••l bayt bl1 dollb•a . .u ~ wu~btr tbtJ obaer" &be hktt fo IIJ aboQ' tbe tpltl' of la.


b~a deafh. • ·
