Page 1: 人教修订版 高中一年级 ( 下 ) Unit 19 强调句型 强调句结构形式: it is / was … that… Jim broke the window yesterday. It was Jim that broke the window yesterday

人教修订版高中一年级 ( 下 )

Unit 19

Page 2: 人教修订版 高中一年级 ( 下 ) Unit 19 强调句型 强调句结构形式: it is / was … that… Jim broke the window yesterday. It was Jim that broke the window yesterday


Page 3: 人教修订版 高中一年级 ( 下 ) Unit 19 强调句型 强调句结构形式: it is / was … that… Jim broke the window yesterday. It was Jim that broke the window yesterday

强调句结构形式: it is / was … that…

Jim broke the window yesterday.

It was Jim that broke the window yesterday.

It was the window that Jim broke yesterday.

It was yesterday that Jim broke the window.Jim keeps a dog.

He told me the news at the gate.

Page 4: 人教修订版 高中一年级 ( 下 ) Unit 19 强调句型 强调句结构形式: it is / was … that… Jim broke the window yesterday. It was Jim that broke the window yesterday

当强调人的时候, that可以改为 who 或whom.

It is you that should help me.

You should help me.

It is me who/ whom/ that you should help.

强调句的标志是:当把强调结构 it is / was … that…去掉,句子仍然成立。

Page 5: 人教修订版 高中一年级 ( 下 ) Unit 19 强调句型 强调句结构形式: it is / was … that… Jim broke the window yesterday. It was Jim that broke the window yesterday

注意:1、当句子中有 not … until结构时,应把 not until放在一起:He didn't go to bed until midnight.

It was not until midnight that he went to bed.

I didn't recognize him until he took off his sunglasses.

I didn't realized that Saddarm had been seized until yesterday.

Page 6: 人教修订版 高中一年级 ( 下 ) Unit 19 强调句型 强调句结构形式: it is / was … that… Jim broke the window yesterday. It was Jim that broke the window yesterday

2、强调句的一般疑问句结构:He died during Iraqi war.

It was he that died during Iraqi war.

Was it he that died in Iraqi war?

Jim keeps a dog.

He told me the news at the gate.

Page 7: 人教修订版 高中一年级 ( 下 ) Unit 19 强调句型 强调句结构形式: it is / was … that… Jim broke the window yesterday. It was Jim that broke the window yesterday

3、强调句的特殊疑问句结构:He died during Iraqi war.

Was it he that died in Iraqi war?

Who was it that died in Iraqi war?

Jim keeps a dog.

He told me the news at the gate.

Page 8: 人教修订版 高中一年级 ( 下 ) Unit 19 强调句型 强调句结构形式: it is / was … that… Jim broke the window yesterday. It was Jim that broke the window yesterday

Unit 19 Unit 19 Modern Modern AgricultureAgriculture

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Look at the pictures, then compare traditional & modern farming, focusing on the advantage & disadvantage of modern farming.

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Old way Modern way A farmer can only keep a few chickens.

A factory can keep thou-sands of chickens.

It cost only a little money.It cost a lot to start a factory.

don’t have many problems if ill, many die or are killed

The eggs and meat are tasty.

They don’t taste so delicious.

The chickens are free. not free, can sit in small cages

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Natural Fertilizer Chemical Fertilizer It is free or cost very

little. It is easy to be put into the fields.

It usually has a bad smell. It takes little place to

store.It is difficult to carry and move.

It is expensive to buy.

It needs lots of work to be made.

It usually has no smell.

It needs a lot of place to store.

It is easy to transport.

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Using Animals Using Machines

cheap to own and to keep expensive to buy and to use

They result in pollution.They can be used in dif-ferent places

They don’t need rest too often.

They can be food when they are old.

They do not pollute the air. They can only be used on

flat and dry land.They need rest now and then.

They can be sold to steel factories when broken.

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Natural Climate Controlled Climate

in bad weather, crops lost climate controlled, less damageThe landscape loses its natural beauty.

Only arable land can grow crops.

Greenhouses can be built almost everywhere.

The landscape is more beautiful.

If there is a power failure, you may lose crops.

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Listen to the tape and summarize the general meaning of each part of the text

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Para.1------traditional agriculture and arable in China

one-family business

7 % of the land

didn't change very much

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Para.2------better methods and techniques to

produce more foodchemical fertilization


two or more crops are planted

import of technology and machines

international exchange of delegations

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Not only is food production important but also taking care of the environment.

Para.3------agriculture and environment

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Para . 4 、 5 、 6------ ways of solving

the biggest problem:


GM technology to make plants grow bigger and better and can grow in poor soil

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Questions:1.How much does arable land take up in China?(1)Only 7

percent.2.How many ways are mentioned to make the land produce more? What are they?(2)Four. Fertilization; irrigation; two or more crops are planted each year where possible; more advanced technical information.

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4.What does new techniques mean?(3)Those that are used to increase agricultural production without harming the environment.

3.When did scientists start to develop new techniques? (3)From the early 1990s.

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5.How many unusual ways are mentioned to deal with the shortage of arable land? (4.5.6)Two. Grow vegetables in greenhouses; GM.6. What’s the biggest problem to Chinese farmers?(4)

The shortage of arable land.7. What does GM

mean? (5)“G” stands for “genetically”; “M” stands for “modified”

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1 、 In China only seven percent of the land is used for farming. This is _______. A 、 because farmers don’t need more land to produce food for the whole population B 、 because China needs more & more land to build cities C 、 because there are not enough farmers to work on the land D 、 because the other land can’t be used for agriculture

Choose the best answers

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2 、 Fertilization is a technique that is used to ______. A 、 make poor soil better B 、 make wet land drier C 、 make dry land wetter D 、 grow vegetables with their roots in water instead of earth

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3 、 Modern agriculture means finding ways to _____. A 、 increase irritation & stop using fertilizers B 、 stop irritation & using fertilizers C 、 increase production & be friendly to the environment D 、 produce the same amount while taking better care of nature

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4 、 In the sentence “ … they are protected from the wind, rain & insects”, “they” means _______. A 、 greenhouses B 、 roots C 、 vegetables D 、 tomatoes

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5 、 In GM “M” stands for “modified”, which means “changed”. What changes is _____________. A 、 the way in which poor soil is made better B 、 the way in which Chinese farmers work on their land C 、 the way in which crops develop from seed D 、 the way in which farmers take care of the environment

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Summarize :Modern agriculture has developed

through three periods

traditional agriculturemodern agriculturehi-tech agriculture

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Period 1 using techniques to make land produce more,but harmful to the environment.

period 2 using new techniques to increase agricultural production without harming the environment.

Period3 using green houses and technique GM,can grow in poor soil and create plants more and better.

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Although China is a very ____ country with _____ farm land, to ____ as _____ ____ of the land as _______, two or more _______ are planted every year, _______ ________. In this way, time is ______ and farmers are allowed to grow an extra crop in each season. To _____ the problem of the ________ of ______ land, many vegetable are ____ grown in gardens ____ in _________, where the _________ is controlled with computers and vegetables are ________ from the outside. Some plants are developed by using ____. Thanks to it, they can grow bigger and healthier without _______ from disease in poorer land.

biglittle make much use

possible cropswhere possible


shortage arablenot

but greenhouses temperature



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Most farms were one-family business 独户单干Farmers in China have long used techniques such as fertilization and irrigation to make their land produce more.Have long used = have used … for a long timeTechnique must be gained by practice.

The police used various techniques to get their prisoners to co-operate.

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Over time, many farming techniques have been modernized:…over time: 随着时间的推移Over time, he has corrected many bad habits.modern----modernize----modernizationGlobal----globalize----globalizationurban----urbanize----urbanization

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To make as much use of the land as possible, two or more crops are planted each year where possible.make use of 的意思为利用, make full/ good use ofWhere possible 是 where it is possible的缩写形式,类似的缩写形式还有: when possible; if possible; when necessary; unless necessary 等 .Put the posters where possible.Go and ask her for help if possible.I will not go to his office unless necessary.

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More advanced technical information was brought in from abroad in the 1980s.bring in 意为引进;赚In order to improve the living condition, many young people bring in some new methods and techniques.The couple brought in1 million dollars last year.bring up 养育大 ; bring down 击落,使下来 ; bring about 引起,造成In the 1980s 或 in the 1980’s 意为在 20世纪 80 年代In one’s 40s(40’s) 在某人 40 几岁的时候。

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Import of technology and machines, and the international exchange of delegations have helped Chinese farmers improve their production.

technology: 科技知识 science and technology technique: 技能;具体技术 improve :改善;提高Has he improve his health?How do you improve your study habit? improvement :改进(名词)I haven’t seen any improvement in your writing.

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It was from the early 1990s that scientists started to develop new techniques to increase agricultural production without harming the environment.

produce: 生产( v );农产品product: 工业制成品production: 产量

harm: (1) 作名词,指伤害,常用 do … harm to (2) 作动词,伤害 I don’t mean to harm you.

harm 的形容词有 harmful ; harmlessbe harmful to = be bad for

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Future agriculture should depend on high technology as well as traditional methods.依靠: His family depend on him.依情况而定: whether the sports meeting will be put off depends on the well as :还;和…一样Jim, as well as his brother, is my classmate.Hiking is good exercise as well as fun.注意:as well as 是小尾巴,谓语动词必须与其前面的主语保持一致。

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Not only is food production important but also taking care of the environmentnot only… but also…(1) 谓语动词采取就近一致原则。Not only he but also I am invited.(2)not only 如果放在句首,连接除主语以外的成分时,其后的主谓需要倒装;而 but also 后的主谓不能倒装。Not only did he teach at school, but also he wrote novels.

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The biggest problem of Chinese farmers is the shortage of arable land.shortage of : “缺乏;不足”,是名词性短语,常充当主语和宾语The shortage of fuel is the problem.There is a shortage of grain because of poor short of: 缺乏;达不到We are short of hands.They were short of money.

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Using the latest technologies, Chinese scientists grow vegetables in greenhouse.latest: 最新的;最近的This is the latest news.late: 迟的;晚点的I am sorry, I’m late.later: “ 后来;以后”,单独用或与时间段连用At first things went on well, but later we ran into trouble.lately: 近来We’ve been doing gardening lately.

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The roots of these vegetables are not planted in earth but hang in water that contains all the nutrients they need to grow.Not … but… 不是…而是…He is not English, but American.What we really need is not money but knowledge.not … but… 后面的谓语采用就近原则Not the teacher but the students are hoping to go there. hang: hung / hung 做悬挂,悬浮时,无被动语态 Two pictures hang on the wall. hanged / hanged 绞死 He was hanged for murder.

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Today, many vegetables are not grown in gardens but in greenhouses where they are protected from the wind, rain and insects. Protect … from/ against 保护…使不受伤害You’d better wear a pair of sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun.protectionSuch a thin coat give little protection against the cold.

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The temperature is controlled with computers, no matter how the weather is outside.No matter 常与 when, where, how, who, what, which 等疑问词连用,引导让步状语从句。You can’t go no matter who you are.No matter where you may go, I will find you.No matter how you get there, please be there in time.

Whoever, whatever 和 whichever 还可以引导名词性从句,此时不能用 no matter… 的结构来代替。Whoever leaves last must lock the door.You may choose whichever you like.

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In other words, the way tomatoes grow from a natural seed is other words: 换句话说Your performance in the exam didn't reach the requirement, in other words, you failed. in a (one) word: 总之 in words 用语言,用文字 in word 表面上,

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A variety of GM watermelons will be seedless and there …

a variety of = varieties of = many kinds of 后接可数名词A variety of toys are displayed in the shop.There were a variety of lights on the Spring Festival Eve.

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Useful Expressions:• 独户单干• 随着时间的推移• 利用• 引进• 国际交流• 对…友善• 依靠• 保护…免受…• 与…不同• 被称为…• 换句话说• 代表• 做…研究• 种种的,多种的

• one-family business• over time• make use of• bring in• international exchange• be friendly to• depend on• protect … from• be different from• be known as• in other words• stand for• do research • a variety of /varieties of