
Gold Coast Libraries Facebook Page Audit

Pictures used:- Have too much writing- Aren’t eye-catching or ‘easily likeable’- Captions don’t engage the viewer and are often too long or wordy- Some posts are not made at peak times

Example of a post for a Sunday: (Schedule for 6-8am)

Who is also enjoying their favourite book on this beautiful Sunday morning? Comment your favourite book names.Pic @asreadbyginger

Other Notes:

Videos should be integrated into posts and the platform used, making them easy to watch

Need to get better videos and photos of events

Change cover photo to a cool cover video of someone flicking the pages of a book.

In summary, many of Gold Coast Libraries posts appeal to niche target markets and aren’t based on trending topics or on subjects that would be widely supported. Their phrasing isn’t engaging, it needs to be shortened and links provided to more information once the viewer has been hooked by the short, eye-catching and easily readable caption. In addition, the photos that they post simply are not nice enough, and are full of text (refer to screenshot below).

A screenshot of GC Libraries last 16 photos. As you can see, none of the photos are very enticing. Vibrant colours need to be used in the pho-tos, and engaging call-to-actions need to accompany them to create effective marketing tools.




