
SINGLE-OUMULTI-OUTPRODUCT MULTI-OUACTIVITY ACTIVITY NAME v3 UUID ACTI6943 zirconium oxide, at pl 66613d76-zirconium oxide production cd442757-21104 34 lead concenmining, zin482ade94-fzinc-lead mine operation 4f95a8e8-31157 34 zinc concenmining, zin482ade94-fzinc-lead mine operation 4f95a8e8-37094 zinc sulphide, ZnS, at 8773c2aa-8zinc sulfide production dd98397a-a7091 zinc oxide, at plant c17e2333- zinc oxide production 625ced3c-c7092 zinc monosulphate, Zn9dc0bf29-3zinc monosulfate production b4f07ab8-c1182 zinc coating, pieces, 281fd6e5- zinc coating, pieces, adjustment per micro-m 2218446a-1181 zinc coating, pieces 63330d21-5zinc coating, pieces b246cc74-e1180 zinc coating, coils eb862612-zinc coating, coils 4683cffb-31997 zeolite, slurry, 50% in 2fbd1f41-5zeolite production, slurry, without water, in 50% solutio4e753243-1996 zeolite, powder, at pla61c666ba-azeolite production, powder 550c5a0e-5

10186 yarn, kenaf, at plant c13fda42-6yarn production, kenaf b6192a82-10182 yarn, jute, at plant 5d8e205a- yarn production, jute 4972efc9-d10176 yarn, cotton, at plant 8bbe2f2a-4yarn production, cotton 43f46b89-b

457 xylene, at plant f9894aa4-axylene production b2e96247-f2525 wooden board manufact024689c5-fwooden board factory construction, organic bonded bo 12dd8c9c-82524 wooden board manufac6699d0ae- wooden board factory construction, cement bonded bo d32b5e52-f2473 109 industrial wood wool 901a3e07- wood wool production bc8129a5-e2522 109 wood wool,wood wool 901a3e07- wood wool production bc8129a5-e2521 wood wool boards, cemc8399160- wood wool boards production, cement bonded bc537dda-41682 wood preservative, orgad5975d4c-1wood preservative production, organic salt, Cr-free f7dfe81e-c1681 wood preservative, inor393f4244-2wood preservative production, inorganic salt, containin588f068c-61680 wood preservative, crea1598434-cwood preservative production, creosote b8f69792-82528 preservative treatment83ce78e1-cwood preservation service, sawnwood, pressure vessel,98196dd2-2527 preservative treatment91b6223f-4wood preservation service, logs, pressure vessel, prese88068351-2487 preservative treatment62ebe40b- wood preservation facility construction b79601ed-6931 198 heat, pelletwood pelletfac82056-2wood pellets, burned in stirling heat and power co-gener72953d43-d6932 198 electricity, wood pelletfac82056-2wood pellets, burned in stirling heat and power co-gener72953d43-d2358 wood pellets, u=10%, 9022ddf8-4wood pellet production 0b053188-2357 wood pellet manufactura9885a11- wood pellet factory production 5314c4c0-d2330 90 electricity wood chips,5ed8b674-3wood chips, burned in cogen ORC 1400kWth, emission co957796a1-c2342 90 heat, at co wood chips,5ed8b674-3wood chips, burned in cogen ORC 1400kWth, emission co957796a1-c2328 88 electricity wood chips,5351226f-bwood chips, burned in cogen ORC 1400kWth, emission cob34248b6-2340 88 heat, at co wood chips,5351226f-bwood chips, burned in cogen ORC 1400kWth, emission cob34248b6-2327 87 electricity wood chips1bebc2dd- wood chips, burned in cogen ORC 1400kWth, allocation42a1568f-d2339 87 heat, at co wood chips1bebc2dd- wood chips, burned in cogen ORC 1400kWth, allocation42a1568f-d2325 85 electricity wood chipsfdad5f0c-9 wood chips, burned in cogen ORC 1400kWth, allocation7184db92-2337 85 heat, at c wood chipsfdad5f0c-9 wood chips, burned in cogen ORC 1400kWth, allocation7184db92-2324 84 electricity wood chips,977c9955-cwood chips, burned in cogen 6400kWth, emission contro2ca15393-2336 84 heat, at co wood chips,977c9955-cwood chips, burned in cogen 6400kWth, emission contro2ca15393-2322 82 electricity wood chips,81327d31-8wood chips, burned in cogen 6400kWth, emission controf1c25204-72334 82 heat, at co wood chips,81327d31-8wood chips, burned in cogen 6400kWth, emission controf1c25204-72344 wood chips, burned inc4018d38- wood chips, burned in cogen 6400kWth, emission contr764b0329-42321 81 electricity wood chips,d8cecb35- wood chips, burned in cogen 6400kWth, allocation heat41bad84f-2333 81 heat, at co wood chips,d8cecb35- wood chips, burned in cogen 6400kWth, allocation heat41bad84f-2319 79 electricity wood chips,bd7cbc7f-awood chips, burned in cogen 6400kWth, allocation ene bb0402b4-92331 79 heat, at co wood chips,bd7cbc7f-awood chips, burned in cogen 6400kWth, allocation ene bb0402b4-92343 wood chips, burned i 8e77998c-8wood chips, burned in cogen 6400kWth f38e54ab-92355 wood chips, softwood,9f0fdde5-1wood chips production, softwood, from industry 737c2683-f2356 wood chips, softwood,8401376e-3wood chips production, softwood, at forest 47ece7b0-e2352 wood chips, hardwood,5aa0aca3-9wood chips production, hardwood, at forest 565ad7dd-82351 wood chips, hardwood,fb392c53-0wood chips production, from industry 833f255f-62467 industrial residue woo3f936796-6wood chips and particles, softwood, 40% water on dry 11f1cedf-a2466 industrial residue wo a16cee47-2wood chips and particles, hardwood, 40% water on dry b727d9a0-32353 wood chips, mixed, fr 6635ff41-5wood chips and particles from industry, 40% water on ef87e313-2354 wood chips, mixed, u=b43c77a3-6wood chips and particles at forest, 120% water on dry a95fb55b-d2520 wood chopping, mobileb0dcf758-0wood chipping, mobile chipper, in forest 2e51cca9-62454 industrial residual woobae68d97-3wood chipping, industrial residual wood, stationary elec26ba5738-1179 wire drawing, steel b2a41dab-awire drawing, steel 06950da5-1178 wire drawing, copper de9b90c1- wire drawing, copper 7259867e-7147 window frame, wood-mcbf1150f-e window frame production, wood-metal, U=1.6 W/m2K 688d2466-7146 window frame, wood, d76b4879-window frame production, wood, U=1.5 W/m2K ad3defd6-a7148 window frame, plastic 6affd1e6-9window frame production, poly vinyl chloride, U=1.6 4b03c005-c7149 window frame, alumin84f56798-8window frame production, aluminium, U=1.6 W/m2K f4613807-42311 wind power plant 800 c9463dee- wind power plant construction, 800kW, moving parts 2a3bd470-02312 wind power plant 800 9b781f31-fwind power plant construction, 800kW, moving parts 2a3bd470-02309 wind power plant 800k55715351-wind power plant construction, 800kW, fixed parts aa9995e5-2310 wind power plant 800k5b201454-wind power plant construction, 800kW, fixed parts aa9995e5-2308 wind power plant 600 d994d398-5wind power plant construction, 600kW, moving parts 99096eec-2307 wind power plant 600k4e8a4c80- wind power plant construction, 600kW, fixed parts f8316880-e2306 wind power plant 30kWaddf5eae-awind power plant construction, 30kW, moving parts fc2347d8-c2305 wind power plant 30kWcc2b5084- wind power plant construction, 30kW, fixed parts e8d78124-32304 wind power plant 2MW,98d97ca9- wind power plant construction, 2MW, offshore, moving a04f4614-a2303 wind power plant 2MW, 5e6b2b22-cwind power plant construction, 2MW, offshore, fixed pa1e6789cc-0

2302 wind power plant 150 52ef840c-cwind power plant construction, 150kW, moving parts b2f3ed8d-b2301 wind power plant 150k4fa425fa-4wind power plant construction, 150kW, fixed parts 38fd1c96-51679 white spirit, at plant 033c1a63-4white spirit production dcae1eeb-8

150 wheat seed IP, at regi 07eea40e- wheat seed production, Swiss integrated production, fo79f99a8e-f151 wheat seed organic, at4889cf59-3wheat seed production, organic, for sowing 1e740fe4-e237 12 wheat grainwheat IP 4bd78576-wheat production, Swiss integrated production, intensi d6ccae73-9240 12 wheat strawwheat IP 4bd78576-wheat production, Swiss integrated production, intensi d6ccae73-9236 11 wheat grainwheat exte3a9c6bf3-8wheat production, Swiss integrated production, extensibdaff754-f239 11 wheat strawwheat exte3a9c6bf3-8wheat production, Swiss integrated production, extensibdaff754-f238 13 wheat grainwheat orgac28c59c0-3wheat production, organic 056b0ad6-241 13 wheat strawwheat orgac28c59c0-3wheat production, organic 056b0ad6-

6958 wheat grains conventid224c570- wheat production 02c2040f-6962 wheat grains conventio25fc07b8-7wheat production 02c2040f-6966 wheat grains conventio15604dd3-cwheat production 02c2040f-6972 wheat grains, at farm 7e83d27a-awheat production 02c2040f-

30 wheat IP, at feed mill f16c6256-8wheat grain, feed production, Swiss integrated product90b45ede-831 wheat organic, at feedbfb25f7c-f wheat grain, feed production, organic 55a5c864-2

1177 welding, gas, steel 2e4d630e- welding, gas, steel 9bef6194-21176 welding, arc, steel 498a058a- welding, arc, steel 0af6c9a9-c1175 welding, arc, alumini 9ed5f3c6-4welding, arc, aluminium fc82d35b-c

10196 weeving, cotton 78da3885-weaving, cotton f806a9e8-10197 weeving, bast fibres fc98f1fd-b weaving, bast fibre b4e2d73b-

5738 water works 8d255bcd- water works construction 6a30e69d-5735 water supply network 1428c9a3-4water supply network construction 328af2f3-65737 water storage 6eae678a- water storage construction 0e7e0446-77237 water, ultrapure, at pl ed07ad71-awater production, ultrapure d5c48a76-02292 water, deionised, at pl3f53dc80-3water production, deionised, from tap water, at user 7c8694dc-82290 water, completely softe27cd007- water production, completely softened, from decarbonis9ea4139c-2291 water, decarbonised, a6abc36ed-cwater production and supply, decarbonised ea2a6e39-02285 wastewater treatment p06acd2a6-1wastewater treatment facility construction, capacity 5Ecf109e5a-d2283 wastewater treatment p341405d5-7wastewater treatment facility construction, capacity 4. fed05338-22286 wastewater treatment p5a35ca06- wastewater treatment facility construction, capacity 1Ed826b68a-92287 wastewater treatment p6cc9e0a7- wastewater treatment facility construction, capacity 1. 1f53b387-92284 wastewater treatment pf9d69184-bwastewater treatment facility construction, capacity 1. c10a9545-21742 waste paper sorting plc2fe0f09-7 waste paper sorting facility construction 6930a2b0-2030 disposal, building, pai 765e6147-9waste paint, collection for hazardous waste incineratio 78571976-2139 lorry 21t, municipal wa014b5578-4waste collection lorry production, 21 metric ton 772be33f-f7115 wafer, fabricated, for i5c97f97a-awafer production, fabricated, for integrated circuit 635cc86e-d1797 wafer factory 48170be5-wafer factory construction a624b0c7-

10899 418 viscose fibrviscose pro4c78c5cd-aviscose production d31243c2-610900 418 sulphuric aviscose pro4c78c5cd-aviscose production d31243c2-610901 418 sodium sulpviscose pro4c78c5cd-aviscose production d31243c2-6

6841 vinyl fluoride, at plant fbcc2dd9-3vinyl fluoride production 3a04b223-1813 vinyl chloride, at plant78a20b03-vinyl chloride production 622f32d3-b1812 vinyl acetate, at plant 8b8bf0b3-0vinyl acetate production 3a932868-

481 vermiculite, at mine cc1eeb27- vermiculite mine operation ad29f3a2-f10881 ventilation system, de11dfab61-1ventilation system production, decentralized, 6 x 120 m82769c61-10885 ventilation system, dedd9d4503-ventilation system production, decentralized, 6 x 120 m707cac92-b10882 ventilation system, de168ee1e3- ventilation system production, decentralized, 6 x 120 3778a88a-a10886 ventilation system, de5a751ea6-7ventilation system production, decentralized, 6 x 120 a778e236-10883 ventilation system, ceb617b34e-ventilation system production, central, 1 x 720 m3/h, s 5b3386d7-b10884 ventilation system, cea308c79f-3ventilation system production, central, 1 x 720 m3/h, 2b1af6d8-f10887 ventilation of dwelling9962945e-6ventilation of dwellings, decentralized, 6 x 120 m3/h, s 7684fbe7-410891 ventilation of dwellin 36f8517c-7ventilation of dwellings, decentralized, 6 x 120 m3/h, s a8d77c9b-10888 ventilation of dwellin 3bb7c477-9ventilation of dwellings, decentralized, 6 x 120 m3/h, d0036f04-110892 ventilation of dwellin 616f1b4d-1ventilation of dwellings, decentralized, 6 x 120 m3/h, 2e2ffe82-e10889 ventilation of dwellingc331d5a6-7ventilation of dwellings, central, 1 x 720 m3/h, steel d bf3f26cd-e10890 ventilation of dwelling9047a349-ventilation of dwellings, central, 1 x 720 m3/h, polyet b3be4076-d10857 ventilation duct, stee c362ecce- ventilation duct production, steel, 100x50 mm 4f55ea44-10858 elbow 90°, steel, 100 2d8dea7d- ventilation duct production, elbow 90°, steel, 100x50 33b51f7c-110859 connection piece, steef2edefc8-a ventilation duct production, connection piece, steel, bee495fb-410869 control and wiring, dec7c528429- ventilation control and wiring production, decentralizedf98f7d31-910870 control and wiring, cenb89f775d- ventilation control and wiring production, central unit 9a7678c0-710879 ventilation componentbf5af3a1-7ventilation components factory construction d9a9dddf-2

6107 vegetable oil esterific f960f237-6vegetable oil esterification facility construction eb57b901-4456 urea, as N, at regiona cb3b00fb- urea production, as N c32a89cf-a

1678 urea formaldehyde resifb104852-furea formaldehyde resin production 9b4b9507-1004 urea formaldehyde foamaa61f363-5urea formaldehyde foam slab production, hard acfe0684-71005 urea formaldehyde foamd3956be5-eurea formaldehyde foam production, in situ foaming 815198d5-

356 urea ammonium nitratefbea7a09-durea ammonium nitrate production 270e3921-6007 uranium, enriched 4.2%25d6b37b-uranium, enriched 4.2%, centrifugal enrichment, for pr f47c638c-35973 uranium, enriched 4.20b99d749-uranium, enriched 4.2% for pressure water reactor, supb323c062-55980 uranium, enriched 4.0%9103b3cb-8uranium, enriched 4.0%, supply mix 7982f69c-95975 uranium, enriched 4.06ab6bcd2-furanium, enriched 4.0% for pressure water reactor, sup515fe520-55979 uranium, enriched 4.0%53b40f63-1uranium, enriched 4.0% for boiling water reactor, supp 26480841-b

5977 uranium, enriched 3.9fe21d4f5-duranium, enriched 3.9%, supply mix 953a2984-95976 uranium, enriched 3.83d72d9ff-3uranium, enriched 3.8%, supply mix f1ff5910-2

11145 uranium, enriched 3.8a9feb8d1- uranium, enriched 3.8%, supply mix f1ff5910-211146 uranium, enriched 3.0%45cf13af-4 uranium, enriched 3.0%, supply mix e296fe97-1

5984 uranium natural, in yeladb17e32- uranium production, in yellowcake 89c1865a-5941 U enriched 4.2%, centrcda822e1-4uranium production, enriched 4.2%, centrifugal enrich eb064f9e-5971 uranium, enriched 4.25d163c1e- uranium production, diffusion, enriched 4.2% 43f317c7-05972 uranium, enriched 4.2058c6e1e-furanium production, diffusion, enriched 4.2% 43f317c7-05967 uranium, enriched 4.0d4398954-uranium production, diffusion, enriched 4.0% 69cbc220-05968 uranium, enriched 4.07b5eb74e-9uranium production, diffusion, enriched 4.0% 69cbc220-05963 uranium, enriched 3.929cb0f37-9uranium production, diffusion, enriched 3.9% b434477e-b5964 uranium, enriched 3.9004dd8d2-uranium production, diffusion, enriched 3.9% b434477e-b5959 uranium, enriched 3.8ed21915d-uranium production, diffusion, enriched 3.8% cc353859-25960 uranium, enriched 3.80599cce3- uranium production, diffusion, enriched 3.8% cc353859-2

11082 uranium, enriched 3.01a18ebdf-0uranium production, diffusion, enriched 3.0% 0ed35c30-411083 uranium, enriched 3.04b006258-uranium production, diffusion, enriched 3.0% 0ed35c30-4

5969 uranium, enriched 4.20976e177-euranium production, centrifuge, enriched 4.2% 5b8b8630-5970 uranium, enriched 4.290629ede- uranium production, centrifuge, enriched 4.2% 5b8b8630-5965 uranium, enriched 4.06bef7b39-1uranium production, centrifuge, enriched 4.0% 6036c3d5-5966 uranium, enriched 4.00209dd52-uranium production, centrifuge, enriched 4.0% 6036c3d5-5961 uranium, enriched 3. 37a6fba9-0uranium production, centrifuge, enriched 3.9% 7454af5c-f5962 uranium, enriched 3.9de54191d-uranium production, centrifuge, enriched 3.9% 7454af5c-f5957 uranium, enriched 3.81b8f5eaf-0uranium production, centrifuge, enriched 3.8% 7dd0d994-5958 uranium, enriched 3.8018f06ed-8uranium production, centrifuge, enriched 3.8% 7dd0d994-

11104 uranium, enriched 3.8a00ffb1a-5uranium production, centrifuge, enriched 3.8% 7dd0d994-11084 uranium, enriched 3. 13d8dbde-uranium production, centrifuge, enriched 3.0% a9925135-11085 uranium, enriched 3.0a1109132-6uranium production, centrifuge, enriched 3.0% a9925135-11105 uranium, enriched 3.0f5225202- uranium production, centrifuge, enriched 3.0% a9925135-

1486 uranium natural, at m609592d5-uranium ore, as U, production mix 10608c46-15989 uranium natural, at u c7e3047f-euranium mine operation, underground d50e21a5-5988 uranium natural, at op7ab7e974- uranium mine operation, open cast 808b0434-5983 uranium mill 1830147e-auranium mill construction 184578cd-5982 uranium natural, in ur 10d41f8e-9uranium hexafluoride production 9d4b0a9e-c

11107 uranium natural, in ur be65dab7- uranium hexafluoride production 9d4b0a9e-c5940 U enriched 4.2%, in fue01050c17- uranium fuel element production, enriched 4.2%, for lig577ebf0f-05942 U enriched 4.0%, in fue7268294d-buranium fuel element production, enriched 4%, for lightcdf4c26d-e5946 U enriched 4.0%, in fueee5a5dd3- uranium fuel element production, enriched 4%, for lightcdf4c26d-e5944 U enriched 3.9%, in fuef0e0b805-5uranium fuel element production, enriched 3.9%, for ligf06d36d6-d5943 U enriched 3.8%, in fue43177126-uranium fuel element production, enriched 3.8%, for lig11dc1669-5945 U enriched 3.8%, in fue557a9ebf-auranium fuel element production, enriched 3.8%, for lig11dc1669-

11080 U enriched 3.8%, in fue2a26b6bb-0uranium fuel element production, enriched 3.8%, for lig11dc1669-11102 U enriched 3.8%, in fue4978bd32-6uranium fuel element production, enriched 3.8%, for lig11dc1669-11081 U enriched 3.0%, in fuecb56b12a-curanium fuel element production, enriched 3.0%, for lig64e47974-2

5956 uranium enrichment di0c1cecbf-8uranium enrichment diffusion facility construction 2d16de5d-5955 uranium enrichment ceac809486- uranium enrichment centrifuge facility construction b92fe182-d

11086 uranium enrichment ce61a3fed5-duranium enrichment centrifuge facility construction b92fe182-d11103 uranium enrichment ce2c9f9c9f-d uranium enrichment centrifuge facility construction b92fe182-d

5978 uranium enriched 3.8%,2952fd3d-0uranium enriched 3.8%, for boiling water reactor, supp fbd2d282-15981 uranium conversion pl7e4ca27c-duranium conversion facility construction ad3fda45-8

11106 uranium conversion pl02ffe541-f uranium conversion facility construction ad3fda45-81003 tube insulation, elasto50272ade-1tube insulation production, elastomere 51babbc5-1002 tube insulation plant 8bd6b724-tube insulation factory construction 05adaa39-

57 triple superphosphate,7989c2d9-4triple superphosphate production 04ac9abe-c455 trimethylamine, at pla4d797996-trimethylamine production 21fcb9c6-2

7236 trimethyl borate, at pl1cabc1fa-2trimethyl borate production 50e2485f-f7235 trifluoromethane, at p6141686b-btrifluoromethane production c7eab87c-6

452 trichloromethane, at p31b7ee68-5trichloromethane production ce9df7a0-6016 trichloroethylene, at pb5226a1f- trichloroethylene production e7aab496-27234 trichloroborane, at pla0f797c01-9trichloroborane production 2ec04fbc-b

129 triazine-compounds, af5181f9c-2 triazine-compound, unspecified, supply mix 6a3ea96e-a128 triazine-compounds, afed42b0b-7triazine-compound production, unspecified 3ac69c96-

2131 disposal, zinc in car s b12f2e37-8treatment of zinc in car shredder residue, municipal incf7fea7ef-62491 residual wood, softwoof2ce94d5-btreatment of wood fuel, softwood, wet, air drying c9dbb012-32489 residual wood, hardwoo66a9950c- treatment of wood fuel, hardwood, wet, air drying 6872a19c-52241 disposal, wood ash mixt40e4ae5b- treatment of wood ash mixture, pure, sanitary landfill 3946901c-2128 disposal, wood ash mix87d4e65b-6treatment of wood ash mixture, pure, municipal inciner22462f6d-f2088 disposal, wood ash mix06cbd665-3treatment of wood ash mixture, pure, landfarming c40657c5-96218 biogas, from whey, dig0ecdf67d-7treatment of whey, anaerobic digestion ddccbfda-c6224 141 ethanol, 95whey, to fe018db449-6treatment of whey by fermentation a2afde2f-56238 141 protein conwhey, to fe018db449-6treatment of whey by fermentation a2afde2f-56239 141 yeast pastewhey, to fe018db449-6treatment of whey by fermentation a2afde2f-51653 discharge, produced w40fa6257-5treatment of water discharge from petroleum/natural g128e3523-01652 discharge, produced w2e3a1d80- treatment of water discharge from petroleum extraction17566b24-02280 treatment, sewage, unp29b34e08-6treatment of wastewater, unpolluted, from residence, c08dc82ab-2281 treatment, sewage, unpe2c49292- treatment of wastewater, unpolluted, capacity 5E9l/yeae237f5a6-b

2274 treatment, sewage, fr d6ae9a81- treatment of wastewater, from residence, capacity 1.1E36fbd1b8-2277 treatment, sewage, toc2ba1f1b-8treatment of wastewater, average, capacity 5E9l/year 07c40bc9-2275 treatment, sewage, to7d757826-treatment of wastewater, average, capacity 4.7E10l/yeea7c0cf1-92278 treatment, sewage, tof7d12d0a-7treatment of wastewater, average, capacity 1E9l/year de4830c8-d2279 treatment, sewage, tob432059d-ftreatment of wastewater, average, capacity 1.6E8l/yea 50f8afeb-22276 treatment, sewage, to73c8e603-dtreatment of wastewater, average, capacity 1.1E10l/ye993c24b0-

10170 treatment, wafer fabri97406152-treatment of wastewater from wafer fabrication, capaci69376af1-2282 treatment, tube collec0a7f26a4-ctreatment of wastewater from tube collector productione9dfcbe1-a

11168 treatment, soft fibreb 00cf2486-etreatment of wastewater from soft fibreboard productiob3a0d978-6876 treatment, PV cell pro af882444-0treatment of wastewater from PV cell production, capac7c111a89-12272 treatment, potato star90b077c4-ctreatment of wastewater from potato starch production,5f9fa620-72271 treatment, plywood pro8b3c4bd9-2treatment of wastewater from plywood production, capadb134920-c2270 treatment, pig iron pr 09f77605-ftreatment of wastewater from pig iron production, capa39770b27-12269 treatment, particle bo 08f94f1e-3treatment of wastewater from particle board production5eed86a7-d2268 treatment, maize starc9425b13a- treatment of wastewater from maize starch production,11b70480-12267 treatment, lorry produ7ca108db- treatment of wastewater from lorry production, capacit3d5158bb-f7107 treatment, liquid cryst6e009b1a-btreatment of wastewater from liquid crystal production,4b523ce0-e

10168 treatment, LCD module 3d27c7b9- treatment of wastewater from liquid crystal display procac3bcac-17104 treatment, LCD backligfa1039f9-0treatment of wastewater from liquid crystal display bacf2edc0d6-f6591 treatment, sewage gras4f38ea65-ctreatment of wastewater from grass refinery, capacity 1c6bb475-42265 treatment, glass produb04e6f18-0treatment of wastewater from glass production, capacit0a4221be-92264 treatment, fibre board2eb08c8c- treatment of wastewater from fibreboard production, cab2a44b29-b2262 treatment, concrete pr2713c045- treatment of wastewater from concrete production, capd8facfd1-22261 treatment, ceramic pro9ec6ec47-3treatment of wastewater from ceramic production, capa1ec0e569-07088 treatment, CRT tube pr4a5ef778- treatment of wastewater from cathode ray tube productca75c436-82260 treatment, black chrom661c43b7- treatment of wastewater from black chrome coating, cafd2de0f6-b6824 treatment, sewage whed32e111a- treatment of wastewater from anaerobic digestion of w7e2b84f5-2253 disposal, waste, silic 5e925f80-0treatment of waste, from silicon wafer production, und 72bd6a29-2212 disposal, waste, Si wafef8215e8-ctreatment of waste, from silicon wafer production, inorga2381524a-72083 disposal, zeolite, 5% wa32cbbbaf- treatment of waste zeolite, inert material landfill d1931aeb-c2242 disposal, wood untreat1b136f41-6treatment of waste wood, untreated, sanitary landfill fe854188-42130 disposal, wood untreat0dc56672- treatment of waste wood, untreated, municipal incinerac71d2cf8-26098 waste wood chips, mix895110e9- treatment of waste wood, post-consumer, sorting and b18471ae-72129 disposal, wood pole, cdc8905c6- treatment of waste wood pole, chrome preserved, munic44fb0c61-a2127 disposal, wire plastic, 77d36830-dtreatment of waste wire plastic, municipal incineration ded4289c-a2126 disposal, vapour barri 4c97cd1e-8treatment of waste vapour barrier, flame-retarded, munid428377e-32124 disposal, textiles, soi 1dcf2405-6treatment of waste textile, soiled, municipal incineratio919992f7-f2120 disposal, PVC sealing 87a9cad4- treatment of waste sealing sheet, polyvinylchloride, munfb9443dd-62109 disposal, PE sealing s 4086ca1c- treatment of waste sealing sheet, polyethylene, municip5b073143-2121 disposal, rubber, unsp9899952a-2treatment of waste rubber, unspecified, municipal incind38b55b4-2049 disposal, building, rei e9f340e9-9treatment of waste reinforcement steel, sorting plant bc8de6e1-f2156 disposal, building, rei f3070501-btreatment of waste reinforcement steel, recycling 1ab8389a-92048 disposal, building, rei 78a5ed23- treatment of waste reinforcement steel, collection for fi47bd892f-2047 disposal, building, rei bab23b3d-btreatment of waste reinforced plasterboard, sorting plad4f9c5c9-c2155 disposal, building, rei b1d1fbb5-2treatment of waste reinforced plasterboard, recycling 463b26c6-2046 disposal, building, rei d22d6f4c-ctreatment of waste reinforced plasterboard, collection fo06140a90-52154 disposal, building, rei 5bd7688a-etreatment of waste reinforced concrete, sorting plant 856ea65b-72153 disposal, building, rei d1b5b388-ftreatment of waste reinforced concrete, recycling 2ade6b20-42045 disposal, building, rei 83fc1090-atreatment of waste reinforced concrete, collection for fib64950a1-5747 refinery gas, burned in13d86e4c-ctreatment of waste refinery gas, burned in flare d8d23da9-2119 disposal, polyvinylfluo6f199789-1treatment of waste polyvinylfluoride, municipal incinera422b1e5a-2236 disposal, polyvinylchlo3df26e3c-9treatment of waste polyvinylchloride, sanitary landfill bd3bd0c9-2118 disposal, polyvinylchlo452e7b36- treatment of waste polyvinylchloride, municipal inciner9114da7d-f2043 disposal, building, pol 14b8ef0b- treatment of waste polyvinylchloride product, collection 00414c23-2235 disposal, polyurethane,edec5a68- treatment of waste polyurethane, sanitary landfill 84899714-32117 disposal, polyurethane75bdc68e- treatment of waste polyurethane, municipal incineratio0d58dac5-2080 disposal, polyurethane,2892399b-atreatment of waste polyurethane, inert material landfill785212ad-2042 disposal, building, pol 2c24a114-etreatment of waste polyurethane seal, sorting plant af2b6fcf-d2041 disposal, building, pol 408cb2e0-0treatment of waste polyurethane seal, collection for fin d9c4ffa0-12040 disposal, building, pol 7deb505f-atreatment of waste polyurethane foam, collection for fina59aa007-c2234 disposal, polystyrene, 922b581a-3treatment of waste polystyrene, sanitary landfill 999b4de9-c2116 disposal, polystyrene, d004d8f4-ftreatment of waste polystyrene, municipal incineration d3b3375a-2039 disposal, building, pol fe4d9db1-8treatment of waste polystyrene isolation, flame-retardantd620d928-2233 disposal, polypropylened766dd6b-treatment of waste polypropylene, sanitary landfill d663bc63-2115 disposal, polypropylenb7fcc69c-btreatment of waste polypropylene, municipal incinerati bde5e98b-c2038 disposal, building, pol f28e2bfb-dtreatment of waste polyethylene/polypropylene product, 1654423e-02232 disposal, polyethylene,073b54a4-2treatment of waste polyethylene, sanitary landfill 49064b88-2114 disposal, polyethylene4e9bb936-dtreatment of waste polyethylene, municipal incineratio efffe421-c2231 disposal, polyethylene a953f689-4treatment of waste polyethylene terephtalate, sanitary lf0036c0c-a2113 disposal, polyethylene9911f597- treatment of waste polyethylene terephtalate, municipa4da77faf-12230 disposal, plastics, mix 6dace9da- treatment of waste plastic, mixture, sanitary landfill 1c7e73fc-22112 disposal, plastics, mix e3e221fb-5treatment of waste plastic, mixture, municipal incinerat7c54050f-62111 disposal, plastic, indu 8e69a2fc-etreatment of waste plastic, industrial electronics, munic9ea6b010-2110 disposal, plastic, con 786f2274-8treatment of waste plastic, consumer electronics, munic4cf65dfd-72037 disposal, building, plase41f150b- treatment of waste plastic plaster, sorting plant 7908c3ff-e

2229 disposal, plastic plaste3e8c183e- treatment of waste plastic plaster, sanitary landfill 12ec4745-2079 disposal, plastic plaste30e35aef-ctreatment of waste plastic plaster, inert material landfil30b1a63f-92036 disposal, building, plaseb66d361- treatment of waste plastic plaster, collection for final d 063e2036-2035 disposal, building, pla c49621b2-5treatment of waste plaster-cardboard sandwich, sorting42222b31-2152 disposal, building, pl 775b8de7-dtreatment of waste plaster-cardboard sandwich, recycl 648a15ae-2034 disposal, building, pla 5fa31169-7treatment of waste plaster-cardboard sandwich, collectiod5c63e04-92225 disposal, packaging cab25a0d50-6treatment of waste paperboard, sanitary landfill 03e0a7c2-02105 disposal, packaging cad57bcf86-etreatment of waste paperboard, municipal incineration cd2ae771-22077 disposal, packaging caec106940-1treatment of waste paperboard, inert material landfill 5a65b04a-1745 waste paper, sorted, f 4e4d357c-atreatment of waste paper, unsorted, sorting fb426326-e1746 waste paper, sorted, f a9640ae4-6treatment of waste paper, unsorted, sorting fb426326-e2227 disposal, paint, 0% watce1f624c-1treatment of waste paint, sanitary landfill 3ed12425-62107 disposal, paint, 0% wat5877792b-treatment of waste paint, municipal incineration 6b205d29-42078 disposal, paint, 0% wate47c291a9-8treatment of waste paint, inert material landfill c300f136-42060 disposal, paint remain33e5ba33- treatment of waste paint, hazardous waste incinerationd36bc29f-f2029 disposal, building, pai f1c01817-1treatment of waste paint on wood, collection for final d 8d6e59a0-2028 disposal, building, pain9c75576c- treatment of waste paint on wall, sorting plant 110d446d-2027 disposal, building, paina94a1215- treatment of waste paint on wall, collection for final dis52b1e752-92026 disposal, building, pai 1b93f2b4-dtreatment of waste paint on metal, sorting plant f1f7d9ed-32025 disposal, building, pai 95135726-btreatment of waste paint on metal, collection for final dfe88e6da-12226 disposal, packaging paf6c386b3-1treatment of waste packaging paper, sanitary landfill 690b54cf-a2106 disposal, packaging pa8a8ec2a0-etreatment of waste packaging paper, municipal incinerac1b74035-02224 disposal, newspaper, 1b9beb4ee-6treatment of waste newspaper, sanitary landfill 74306d8a-2104 disposal, newspaper, 1957f892c-etreatment of waste newspaper, municipal incineration db4eab40-91437 natural gas, sweet, buebb0ba39-1treatment of waste natural gas, sweet, burned in produc6fe71d0a-71438 natural gas, sweet, buac9f097f-6 treatment of waste natural gas, sweet, burned in produccbb29ae8-f1434 natural gas, sour, burndf7ec5f9-2 treatment of waste natural gas, sour, burned in product57776fd6-1435 natural gas, sour, burndc0fc9b8-4treatment of waste natural gas, sour, burned in product4f19d5f9-92024 disposal, building, minaed81815- treatment of waste mineral wool, sorting plant 32973a4d-2150 disposal, building, min70bc607a- treatment of waste mineral wool, recycling 752b0200-2075 disposal, mineral wool,6b1c6272- treatment of waste mineral wool, inert material landfill 339f38cd-d2023 disposal, building, min94abb433- treatment of waste mineral wool, collection for final dis30cdbb7b-2022 disposal, building, min4734874e- treatment of waste mineral plaster, sorting plant 73520761-02021 disposal, building, mine1e6d41d1-3treatment of waste mineral plaster, collection for final 80e5856e-2064 disposal, used minerala406e0f4- treatment of waste mineral oil, hazardous waste incine 2dded216-42219 disposal, gypsum, 19.403a618e8- treatment of waste gypsum, sanitary landfill 1d138bba-c2072 disposal, gypsum, 19.4%8950e7e2- treatment of waste gypsum, inert material landfill a49928c7-d2033 disposal, building, pla cb7d5cff-4 treatment of waste gypsum plasterboard, sorting plant 52710684-e2151 disposal, building, pla 15f5cc82-2treatment of waste gypsum plasterboard, recycling ae797f15-32032 disposal, building, pla b1e2d64e-4treatment of waste gypsum plasterboard, collection for c3b6c8aa-2228 disposal, paper, 11.2% 4046790f-1treatment of waste graphical paper, sanitary landfill 83c972f4-2108 disposal, paper, 11.2%1c89c293-0treatment of waste graphical paper, municipal incineracfb1670b-52099 disposal, glass, 0% watcfe8779f-b treatment of waste glass, municipal incineration f683edf8-82071 disposal, glass, 0% wate2b843f85-4treatment of waste glass, inert material landfill 5dba16f9-92020 disposal, building, gla 11219310-treatment of waste glass sheet, sorting plant 5eb002b1-02019 disposal, building, glas6eab89f4-0treatment of waste glass sheet, collection for final disp 421d8c87-2018 disposal, building, gla 7e123405- treatment of waste glass pane in burnable frame, sorti f68310b2-2017 disposal, building, gla b56a8ec0-etreatment of waste glass pane in burnable frame, collect6a39c745-e

816 glass cullets, sorted, a8bb957b8-treatment of waste glass from unsorted public collectioc2200778-77089 disposal, frit for CRT t da48a8c1- treatment of waste frit from cathode ray tube productionb93b6e0c-2016 disposal, building, fibr1e24ff1f-c treatment of waste fibreboard, collection for final dispo97400f90-e

10763 446 disposal, fafat and oil 0e186236- treatment of waste fat and vegetable oil in agricultura 1c328a84-410764 446 biogas, fro fat and oil 0e186236- treatment of waste fat and vegetable oil in agricultura 1c328a84-4

2098 disposal, expanded pol3aa5aa87-4treatment of waste expanded polystyrene, municipal in17b6b9ab-c2218 disposal, emulsion painf8c4e52a-dtreatment of waste emulsion paint, sanitary landfill 5a770673-32097 disposal, emulsion pai3b4eca30-atreatment of waste emulsion paint, municipal incinerat 85155f44-a2070 disposal, emulsion pain8355d3fa- treatment of waste emulsion paint, inert material landfil1c7f3036-d2058 disposal, emulsion pai7163c750-ftreatment of waste emulsion paint, hazardous waste in86707fc7-2015 disposal, building, emu085f52da-5treatment of waste emulsion paint, collection for final dec251031-2014 disposal, building, emu0b93551a- treatment of waste emulsion paint on wood, collection fo4f7aeb8e-d2013 disposal, building, emue59763e6-7treatment of waste emulsion paint on wall, sorting plan760934e2-02012 disposal, building, emub3ddc05f-2treatment of waste emulsion paint on wall, collection for0bcd517f-32011 disposal, building, elec14329075-treatment of waste electric wiring, collection for final d 3f2d49a3-9

10904 shredding, electrical aaa58eded-btreatment of waste electric and electronic equipment, f0ff60d0-c6552 160 glycerine, fvegetable oi5e70d421- treatment of waste cooking oil, purified, esterification 1c4f45f8-56592 160 vegetable oivegetable oi5e70d421- treatment of waste cooking oil, purified, esterification 1c4f45f8-52149 disposal, building, con91f75335-6treatment of waste concrete, not reinforced, sorting pla6060770d-02148 disposal, building, con1815718f-9treatment of waste concrete, not reinforced, recycling 2a2efb92-2010 disposal, building, con5b379ab7-ftreatment of waste concrete, not reinforced, collection f2f1bb5cd-42069 disposal, concrete, 5% 7599afb2-8treatment of waste concrete, inert material landfill cf36f98a-d2147 disposal, building, conf6d4534c-7treatment of waste concrete gravel, sorting plant 0548c303-82146 disposal, building, conad3f5a4a-f treatment of waste concrete gravel, recycling a061984f-f2009 disposal, building, con2ce37981-4treatment of waste concrete gravel, collection for final a9bab3bb-2145 disposal, building, cem493a7381- treatment of waste cement-fibre slab, recycling 93ce6170-a2094 disposal, cement-fibrea53f9858-1treatment of waste cement-fibre slab, municipal inciner1e7e040f-

2008 disposal, building, cem12942db2-1treatment of waste cement-fibre slab, collection for fina075de363-2164 disposal, cement, hydraf6e5f381-3treatment of waste cement, hydrated, residual material c53cc80f-82144 disposal, building, cem9693eab4- treatment of waste cement in concrete and mortar, sort0529092c-2007 disposal, building, cem6503aeb1- treatment of waste cement in concrete and mortar, colle1b495cfe-92006 disposal, building, bul fa48acef-7 treatment of waste bulk iron, excluding reinforcement, cdf7af8d-96008 disposal, building woo60230912-7treatment of waste building wood, chrome preserved, m99f6f25a-42143 disposal, building, bric4c385c94-8treatment of waste brick, sorting plant 88327e8d-2142 disposal, building, bric2ffa1bf5-2 treatment of waste brick, recycling 5489439f-c2005 disposal, building, bric8c8f2881-ctreatment of waste brick, collection for final disposal d282e969-2217 disposal, bitumen, 1.4%f055b582-atreatment of waste bitumen, sanitary landfill a49ae881-12092 disposal, bitumen sheeacd170c1-ftreatment of waste bitumen sheet, municipal incinerati373a364b-62216 disposal, asphalt, 0.1%99e1743f-btreatment of waste asphalt, sanitary landfill 6a757a10-2215 disposal, aluminium, 0%b391732e-8treatment of waste aluminium, sanitary landfill 6f15115d-a7144 disposal, building, wi 65b97b55-treatment of used window frame, wood-metal, collection 40f3be0e-97143 disposal, building, wi 0115da59-1treatment of used window frame, wood, collection for fie70b490d-17145 disposal, building, winc83880ab-5treatment of used window frame, plastic, collection for f32c9fa81-

10834 disposal, control and w0c25bb89-3treatment of used ventilation control and wiring, decent3fcdac5d-a10835 disposal, control and w9bdddb16-etreatment of used ventilation control and wiring, central060649e6-b

6106 vegetable oil, from was5847bab4- treatment of used vegetable cooking oil, purification 25e49c08-c6594 vegetable oil, from was61180d09-treatment of used vegetable cooking oil, purification 25e49c08-c7139 disposal, building, gla d60b86ee- treatment of used triple glazing, U<0.5W/m2K, collection74cb994b-c6066 disposal, tram 11c15247-etreatment of used tram 9e6418fd-e6088 disposal, regional trai 0b6cb82e- treatment of used train, passenger, regional a0a3f027-f6089 disposal, long-distanced35347a1-5treatment of used train, passenger, long distance 12f1adcb-26087 disposal, ICE b45684b4-treatment of used train, passenger, high-speed cf54e563-97058 toner, colour, used for26a15738-5treatment of used toner module, laser printer, colour, rd9b27662-7057 toner, black, used for 9f6975d0-atreatment of used toner module, laser printer, black/whid8ed769d-4

10827 disposal, silencer, st d09bd0eb-1treatment of used silencer, steel, DN 315, 50 mm b4db78dc-c10828 disposal, silencer, ste cbbae444- treatment of used silencer, steel, DN 125 4858abfb-510833 disposal, sealing tap 74de0e55-0treatment of used sealing tape, aluminium/PE, 50 mm b9da604e-10824 disposal, overflow ele cf025e76-etreatment of used room-connecting overflow element, s76199061-c

1972 disposal, railway tracke18fb2bd-atreatment of used railway track f28eef02-b10934 dismantling, printer, l f9dc0ebd-9treatment of used printer, laser, manual dismantling 89f68fb2-610935 423 Fe fraction mechanical 9812b329-9treatment of used printer, laser, by mechanical treatm 73900e97-b10936 423 Al fraction,mechanical 9812b329-9treatment of used printer, laser, by mechanical treatm 73900e97-b10937 423 Cu fractionmechanical 9812b329-9treatment of used printer, laser, by mechanical treatm 73900e97-b10938 423 dismantlingmechanical 9812b329-9treatment of used printer, laser, by mechanical treatm 73900e97-b10902 Disposal, power adapte13dff47c-6 treatment of used power adapter, for laptop, WEEE collb74b3065-

7056 disposal, mouse deviced7d55883-treatment of used pointing device, optical mouse, with 9e49e893-11768 disposal, electric vehi c1a940e1-ftreatment of used passenger car, electric, 312 kg Li-ion3247cf1c-011779 disposal, passenger car0a86a959-2treatment of used passenger car, electric, 100 kg Li-ion91da0476-11784 disposal, passenger cae9e07727-6treatment of used passenger car, diesel, 550 kg kerb w5c27948d-2

1904 disposal, passenger cab734c615-8treatment of used passenger car, 1240 kg kerb weight 1ca7b35b-210820 disposal, outside air i 8f9d91b2-4treatment of used outside air intake, stainless steel, D 7af09c45-e10944 425 disposal, Npyrometallu7760a588-4treatment of used Ni-metal hydride battery, pyrometallb496039f-e10945 425 Ni-Co-Fe repyrometallu7760a588-4treatment of used Ni-metal hydride battery, pyrometallb496039f-e11353 disposal, scooter f40cf8ed-7 treatment of used motor scooter 7c8fdf36-b

1903 disposal, lorry 40t 2975aa4b- treatment of used lorry, 40 metric ton 07bfd4ff-81902 disposal, lorry 28t 4ad27e4b-etreatment of used lorry, 28 metric ton 65e0b43a-c1901 disposal, lorry 16t 0e42a9be-etreatment of used lorry, 16 metric ton 4d1118b5-51971 disposal, locomotive 6b9aa267- treatment of used locomotive cef2710e-8

10930 422 Fe fraction mechanical19fc8b8e-4treatment of used liquid crystal display, mechanical tr bcf5f93c-010931 422 Al fraction mechanical19fc8b8e-4treatment of used liquid crystal display, mechanical tr bcf5f93c-010932 422 Cu fractionmechanical19fc8b8e-4treatment of used liquid crystal display, mechanical tr bcf5f93c-010933 422 dismantlingmechanical19fc8b8e-4treatment of used liquid crystal display, mechanical tr bcf5f93c-010929 dismantling, LCD screecf4a018c-6treatment of used liquid crystal display, manual dismanc9e42113-10947 426 disposal, Lipyrometallu49fe230b-ftreatment of used Li-ion battery, pyrometallurgical tre 8829b724-310948 426 steel, pyrompyrometallu49fe230b-ftreatment of used Li-ion battery, pyrometallurgical tre 8829b724-310949 426 Co powder, pyrometallu49fe230b-ftreatment of used Li-ion battery, pyrometallurgical tre 8829b724-310950 426 non-Fe-metapyrometallu49fe230b-ftreatment of used Li-ion battery, pyrometallurgical tre 8829b724-310951 426 MnO2 powderpyrometallu49fe230b-ftreatment of used Li-ion battery, pyrometallurgical tre 8829b724-310952 427 disposal, L hydrometalldb8bb37b-treatment of used Li-ion battery, hydrometallurgical tr be60e995-10953 427 Co powder, hydrometalldb8bb37b-treatment of used Li-ion battery, hydrometallurgical tr be60e995-10954 427 Li salt, hydhydrometalldb8bb37b-treatment of used Li-ion battery, hydrometallurgical tr be60e995-10955 427 iron and st hydrometalldb8bb37b-treatment of used Li-ion battery, hydrometallurgical tr be60e995-10956 427 non-Fe-metahydrometalldb8bb37b-treatment of used Li-ion battery, hydrometallurgical tr be60e995-

5744 disposal, van < 3.5t 6746bf40-0treatment of used light commercial vehicle afeb29d8-710911 420 Fe fraction mechanical963e3e86-6treatment of used laptop computer, mechanical treatm099d11e2-d10912 420 Al fraction mechanical963e3e86-6treatment of used laptop computer, mechanical treatm099d11e2-d10913 420 Cu fractionmechanical963e3e86-6treatment of used laptop computer, mechanical treatm099d11e2-d10914 420 dismantlingmechanical963e3e86-6treatment of used laptop computer, mechanical treatm099d11e2-d10910 dismantling, laptop, m00093951-treatment of used laptop computer, manual dismantlin 9d78a238-

7055 disposal, keyboard, s e05de8ed-5treatment of used keyboard, WEEE collection 66076366-10988 430 Fe fraction mechanical bc0dd941- treatment of used IT accessory, mechanical treatment 28ca1f66-f10989 430 Al fraction mechanical bc0dd941- treatment of used IT accessory, mechanical treatment 28ca1f66-f

10990 430 Cu fractionmechanical bc0dd941- treatment of used IT accessory, mechanical treatment 28ca1f66-f10991 430 dismantlingmechanical bc0dd941- treatment of used IT accessory, mechanical treatment 28ca1f66-f10825 disposal, insulation s a46c927f- treatment of used insulation spiral-seam duct, rockwo bf627a31-0

7100 disposal, industrial d b22f732a- treatment of used industrial electronic device, WEEE coccc6e2db-310940 424 Fe fraction mechanical bdfc1288- treatment of used industrial electronic device, mechanifeff7056-c10941 424 Al fraction mechanical bdfc1288- treatment of used industrial electronic device, mechanifeff7056-c10942 424 Cu fractionmechanical bdfc1288- treatment of used industrial electronic device, mechanifeff7056-c10943 424 dismantlingmechanical bdfc1288- treatment of used industrial electronic device, mechanifeff7056-c10939 dismantling, industrial065fe922-ctreatment of used industrial electronic device, manual d83547a9-710976 444 disposal, f treatment f92695d2a-3treatment of used fluorescent lamp 46c4726f-d11118 444 mercury, frtreatment f92695d2a-3treatment of used fluorescent lamp 46c4726f-d11119 444 glass culle treatment f92695d2a-3treatment of used fluorescent lamp 46c4726f-d11120 444 rare-earth treatment f92695d2a-3treatment of used fluorescent lamp 46c4726f-d11121 444 secondary mtreatment f92695d2a-3treatment of used fluorescent lamp 46c4726f-d10826 disposal, flexible duc 16502b87-treatment of used flexible duct, aluminium/PET, DN of 87933128-10822 disposal, exhaust air v9c873644-btreatment of used exhaust air valve, in-wall housing, plf1ca6ae0-510821 disposal, exhaust air 43f3e9a4-0treatment of used exhaust air roof hood, steel, DN 400 6577aec8-11348 disposal, electric scoo923798ce-atreatment of used electric scooter fb3a2567-c11347 disposal, electric bicyc545be9f8- treatment of used electric bicycle 4f67de77-4

7138 disposal, building, gl f7c618fb-c treatment of used double glazing, U<1.1W/m2K, laminated5557635a-97137 disposal, building, gla 12a45755-6treatment of used double glazing, U<1.1W/m2K, collectiofd2bf1ae-47156 disposal, building, dooef22252f-2treatment of used door, outer, wood-glass, collection for4742de31-7155 disposal, building, dooe02e907e-etreatment of used door, outer, wood-aluminium, collectio602fc66e-a7157 disposal, building, doo5638eefb-8treatment of used door, inner, wood, collection for final953da64b-47158 disposal, building, doo7a1e368f-5treatment of used door, inner, glass-wood, collection for27c89726-e

10906 419 Fe fraction mechanical70c1d2dd- treatment of used desktop computer, mechanical trea 8052bdce-210907 419 Al fraction mechanical70c1d2dd- treatment of used desktop computer, mechanical trea 8052bdce-210908 419 Cu fractionmechanical70c1d2dd- treatment of used desktop computer, mechanical trea 8052bdce-210909 419 dismantlingmechanical70c1d2dd- treatment of used desktop computer, mechanical trea 8052bdce-210905 dismantling, desktop c086281e6- treatment of used desktop computer, manual dismantli42f244eb-610925 421 Fe fraction mechanical16b7aa51- treatment of used cathode ray tube display, mechanicaa0fee560-110926 421 Al fraction mechanical16b7aa51- treatment of used cathode ray tube display, mechanicaa0fee560-110927 421 Cu fractionmechanical16b7aa51- treatment of used cathode ray tube display, mechanicaa0fee560-110928 421 dismantlingmechanical16b7aa51- treatment of used cathode ray tube display, mechanicaa0fee560-110924 dismantling, CRT screed3383622-6treatment of used cathode ray tube display, manual di a157d48b-10919 disposal, capacitors, 17799d6a-5treatment of used capacitor, to hazardous waste incine7ef3fdbd-c10918 445 disposal, t treatment, a448a40a- treatment of used cable 99027092-911144 445 copper, sectreatment, a448a40a- treatment of used cable 99027092-9

6065 disposal, bus d6148a03- treatment of used bus f3a30577-c10843 disposal, ventilation 0904296c- treatment of used blower and heat exchange unit, Twl-416421f2-910839 disposal, ventilation 0d44fe3d- treatment of used blower and heat exchange unit, Stor50359771-10842 disposal, ventilation a5ac45ab-9treatment of used blower and heat exchange unit, KW e5021385-e10837 disposal, ventilation 3f6ca659- treatment of used blower and heat exchange unit, KWLd15fb2c3-210840 disposal, ventilation 5c2ec383- treatment of used blower and heat exchange unit, GE 10a98752-510836 disposal, ventilation 15bff6a8-4treatment of used blower and heat exchange unit, dece9a7a52d5-10841 disposal, ventilation 0a772d1a- treatment of used blower and heat exchange unit, cent43dc8f28-f10838 disposal, ventilation 621d974d-treatment of used blower and heat exchange unit, Aven2917a129-11346 disposal, bicycle de108c42- treatment of used bicycle fa7ff8b5-210903 disposal, treatment of 9c4b855e- treatment of used battery, production mix f0ab715a-710831 disposal, air filter, in 4736ac6a-ftreatment of used air filter, in exhaust air valve b95a364f-10829 disposal, air filter, d 6738faf2-atreatment of used air filter, decentralized unit, 250 m3/54e2aa5b-10830 disposal, air filter, d 498432bd-treatment of used air filter, decentralized unit, 180-25 20568384-f10832 disposal, air filter, ce 5eb2e83b- treatment of used air filter, central unit, 600 m3/h ea17f896-d10823 disposal, air distribut d71216a9-4treatment of used air distribution terminal panel, steel e619b18f-11179 disposal, uranium tail f6feb816-3treatment of uranium tailing, non-radioactive emission 6fb72c02-7

2000 esterquat, tallow, at p56c93be1- treatment of tallow to esterquat 6ea852f3-25985 tailings, uranium milli 38f321e8-btreatment of tailing, from uranium milling 450e1f0d-c2211 disposal, sulfidic tailin65740d67-treatment of sulfidic tailing, off-site 71d35be7-d2122 disposal, steel in car 17745d70-treatment of steel in car shredder residue, municipal in94a11028-

11805 disposal, spoil from lig73f2ad6c- treatment of spoil from lignite mining, in surface landfil5aea6483-11807 disposal, spoil from coa8c0622bb- treatment of spoil from hard coal mining, in surface landab78c3c6-

2063 disposal, solvents mix3f0e5c6c-4treatment of spent solvent mixture, hazardous waste in28449bdc-6873 1000 silicon carbtreatment o72ab4715-atreatment of spent sawing slurry from Si-wafer cutting 58cf5f48-86875 1000 triethylene treatment o72ab4715-atreatment of spent sawing slurry from Si-wafer cutting 58cf5f48-8

1000 missing treatment o72ab4715-atreatment of spent sawing slurry from Si-wafer cutting 58cf5f48-82161 disposal, carbon SPL, Afac6d242-dtreatment of spent pot liner from Al electrolysis, carbon a03c8442-52247 disposal, catalyst for d42b4d22-dtreatment of spent oxychlor catalyst for ethylene dichl 4cd889ab-42057 disposal, catalyst for 71d89281-treatment of spent oxychlor catalyst for ethylene dichl fd6f528b-c5995 nuclear spent fuel, in 1e3bcfba-dtreatment of spent nuclear fuel, reprocessing 53f66784-95993 nuclear spent fuel, in 424c0eb0- treatment of spent nuclear fuel, conditioning c8032f49-9

11108 nuclear spent fuel, in 5b6ec305- treatment of spent nuclear fuel, conditioning c8032f49-92162 disposal, catalyst bas 2f41e77a-9treatment of spent Formox catalyst base from formaldeh5a1ca7c5-52093 disposal, cation exchabc7c52c5-9treatment of spent cation exchange resin from potable 275f5bde-02249 disposal, catalytic co 3e4ec20b- treatment of spent catalytic converter NOx reduction, 47c59d8b-2248 disposal, catalytic co ed323e2d- treatment of spent catalytic converter for cars, underg aaa126b2-

2163 disposal, catalyst basea11557d4- treatment of spent catalyst base from ethyleneoxide prod6f336f89-b2055 disposal, antifreezer dc5ddf86-3treatment of spent antifreezer liquid, hazardous waste 89ca8172-d2091 disposal, anion exchan8625d65c- treatment of spent anion exchange resin from potable wea66aa1c-92252 disposal, spent activ cf8f6f2e-8 treatment of spent activated carbon with mercury, und56dd9d68-32209 disposal, sludge, pig i 1a2e3bdc- treatment of sludge, pig iron production, residual materi0cdfc4aa-c2208 disposal, sludge, NaCl 56860a38-9treatment of sludge, NaCl electrolysis, residual material 1f178826-22207 disposal, sludge, NaCl 9891b804-treatment of sludge, NaCl electrolysis Hg, residual mater172fb4c7-2206 disposal, sludge from sacc52df3-6treatment of sludge from steel rolling, residual material 90bb81f7-a2239 disposal, sludge from 21b3b88a-8treatment of sludge from pulp and paper production, san64184329-2251 disposal, sludge from 5d2604bf-0treatment of sludge from FeCl3 production, undergrouna5777d0a-

189 tallow, at plant e2a65f1d-1treatment of slaughterhouse waste, rendering 19471e7e-2205 disposal, slag, unalloy94450b6c- treatment of slag, unalloyed electric arc furnace steel, rf211008e-12081 disposal, slag from MG 5e33fdf6-dtreatment of slag from metallurgical grade silicon producb8770fec-2

10915 429 dismantlingmechanical f34a5ec7-0treatment of shredder fraction from manual dismantlin eb4d9a36-10985 429 Fe fraction mechanical f34a5ec7-0treatment of shredder fraction from manual dismantlin eb4d9a36-10986 429 Al fraction mechanical f34a5ec7-0treatment of shredder fraction from manual dismantlin eb4d9a36-10987 429 Cu fractionmechanical f34a5ec7-0treatment of shredder fraction from manual dismantlin eb4d9a36-

6165 biogas, from sewage s1cc616d8- treatment of sewage sludge by anaerobic digestion 1c6316aa-42240 disposal, tin sheet, 0% 26d4759f-4treatment of scrap tin sheet, sanitary landfill 8872fd9c-e2125 disposal, tin sheet, 0%3e2f5d1d-4treatment of scrap tin sheet, municipal incineration 3d9a7fc8-d2123 disposal, steel, 0% watfde98153-btreatment of scrap steel, municipal incineration 71f7054f-32082 disposal, steel, 0% wate94961c12- treatment of scrap steel, inert material landfill 49ec6a66-37095 431 disposal, t treatment P39368c0c-2treatment of scrap printed wiring boards, shredding an35faec2d-5

10993 431 electronicstreatment P39368c0c-2treatment of scrap printed wiring boards, shredding an35faec2d-510150 lead, secondary, at pl 070cbb78-6treatment of scrap lead acid battery, remelting d12de76e-0

2096 disposal, copper, 0% w04966e0f-7treatment of scrap copper, municipal incineration 45faf652-b2090 disposal, aluminium, 005230aa6- treatment of scrap aluminium, municipal incineration f40939cd-62202 disposal, salt tailings f555885a-3treatment of salt tailing from potash mine, residual mate69b4cc75-5854 disposal, residue from69f3eb84-3treatment of residue from TiO2 production, sulfate procee7489046-5855 disposal, residue from 62ccbd23- treatment of residue from TiO2 production, chloride proc56af3a9a-f

10922 disposal, residues, sh 5303da73-3treatment of residue from shredder fraction from manuade267d33-2201 disposal, residues Na-d6c3bc6e2-ctreatment of residue from Na-dichromate production, res3472f873-7

10982 disposal, residues, m 00772f3c-atreatment of residue from mechanical treatment, liquid 0940ca3a-710983 disposal, residues, mefe567126-3treatment of residue from mechanical treatment, laser p6d189146-10921 disposal, residues, m 9cba412a- treatment of residue from mechanical treatment, lapto cd10fb9d-410992 disposal, residues, med533a82d-8treatment of residue from mechanical treatment, IT acc6ca42d22-10984 disposal, residues, me169ba64b- treatment of residue from mechanical treatment, induste742e6ff-110920 disposal, residues, m d2dd019f- treatment of residue from mechanical treatment, deskt39922d22-e10981 disposal, residues, mef76f7e43-8treatment of residue from mechanical treatment, cathod916eb6d5-a

2238 disposal, residue from 1644a74b- treatment of residue from cooling tower, sanitary landfil06bb2892-2470 industrial residue wooae70162e- treatment of residual softwood, wet, air drying a58ff280-82462 industrial residue woo9f632df1-dtreatment of residual hardwood, wet, air drying 3fc0f3c5-32200 disposal, refractory SPLaa97858f-5treatment of refractory spent pot liner from Al electrolys559b7a4e-2237 disposal, refinery sludfad5739a-atreatment of refinery sludge, sanitary landfill 7b6b1770-22087 disposal, refinery slu af70d7f3-3treatment of refinery sludge, landfarming 204b984b-52061 disposal, refinery slu 0643fa4b-2treatment of refinery sludge, hazardous waste incinerac23b6b89-42199 disposal, redmud from e1193575-6treatment of redmud from bauxite digestion, residual matcc18fdd2-61685 corrugated board base 69d248b5-0treatment of recovered paper to linerboard, testliner 4876472e-1686 corrugated board base ce3cdb2d- treatment of recovered paper to fluting medium, wellen3de1710b-6717 disposal, raw sewage s8d47af34-9treatment of raw sewage sludge, municipal incineratio 953aaafa-f2273 treatment, rainwater m1df6d36a-7treatment of rainwater mineral oil storage, in wastewat81cc7bc2-38142 265 gold, seconprecious me67b1c549-6treatment of precious metal from electronics scrap, in 6aa2efc1-08143 265 palladium, precious me67b1c549-6treatment of precious metal from electronics scrap, in 6aa2efc1-08144 265 silver, sec precious me67b1c549-6treatment of precious metal from electronics scrap, in 6aa2efc1-0

60 poultry manure, dried,2c898d92-5treatment of poultry manure, drying, pelleting 252ddfc4-2198 disposal, pollutants fro822149b4-5treatment of pollutant from rail ballast, residual material7cc2c880-e2197 disposal, non-sulfidic ta5ec6317d-dtreatment of non-sulfidic tailing, off-site c2d47531-2196 disposal, non-sulfidic 49865683-treatment of non-sulfidic overburden, off-site e4286a0a-72210 disposal, nickel smelte58db06e1-ftreatment of nickel smelter slag, residual material landfi0924f67d-d2223 disposal, municipal sol0978c9de-6treatment of municipal solid waste, sanitary landfill 86ac0b55-f2103 78 disposal, mmunicipal sa559da42- treatment of municipal solid waste, incineration 11b11517-62132 78 electricity municipal sa559da42- treatment of municipal solid waste, incineration 11b11517-62133 78 heat from wmunicipal sa559da42- treatment of municipal solid waste, incineration 11b11517-68140 264 copper, secsecondary caeb975e7- treatment of metal part of electronics scrap, in blister-c269a288f-8141 264 precious mesecondary caeb975e7- treatment of metal part of electronics scrap, in blister-c269a288f-8149 264 nickel, sec secondary caeb975e7- treatment of metal part of electronics scrap, in blister-c269a288f-1518 low active radioactive ff3f2081-1 treatment of low level radioactive waste, surface or tre f2deed11-96000 radioactive waste, in 0681aeb8-6treatment of low level radioactive waste, plasma torch 157b5164-5998 radioactive waste, in i 81654b23-5treatment of low level radioactive waste, in interim sto c93e7e3e-d6005 radioactive waste, in f8dc558f4-6treatment of low level radioactive waste for final reposi8d7ecc5b-f

10765 biogas, from slurry, at8cbe3239- treatment of liquid manure in agricultural co-digestion 57f744ed-76167 biogas, from agriculturdd1eb081- treatment of liquid manure by anaerobic digestion de409a2d-6166 biogas, from agriculture6eea4cf-0treatment of liquid manure by anaerobic co-digestion 58fb418d-e

10975 disposal, LCD module, 759dbc20- treatment of liquid crystal display, municipal waste inc 47ae7e51-2074 disposal, limestone res966efda1-4treatment of limestone residue, inert material landfill bb56ebca-b

2222 disposal, lignite ash f dc4c2ada-3treatment of lignite ash, sanitary landfill d0801df7-5786 disposal, lignite ash, bb14c6d5- treatment of lignite ash, opencast refill 3e3c8a72-a5787 disposal, lignite ash, 8a2cf0e0-dtreatment of lignite ash, opencast refill 3e3c8a72-a5788 disposal, lignite ash, 71555e91- treatment of lignite ash, opencast refill 3e3c8a72-a5789 disposal, lignite ash, 23c008fa-f treatment of lignite ash, opencast refill 3e3c8a72-a5790 disposal, lignite ash, bddd405a- treatment of lignite ash, opencast refill 3e3c8a72-a5791 disposal, lignite ash, a3fff713-2 treatment of lignite ash, opencast refill 3e3c8a72-a5792 disposal, lignite ash, 3f7079a4-7treatment of lignite ash, opencast refill 3e3c8a72-a5793 disposal, lignite ash, a0445501-4treatment of lignite ash, opencast refill 3e3c8a72-a5794 disposal, lignite ash, d8bf8f2c-a treatment of lignite ash, opencast refill 3e3c8a72-a5795 disposal, lignite ash, 042d12f8-2treatment of lignite ash, opencast refill 3e3c8a72-a5796 disposal, lignite ash, 6b31c107-ftreatment of lignite ash, opencast refill 3e3c8a72-a5797 disposal, lignite ash, f0dce8dd-4treatment of lignite ash, opencast refill 3e3c8a72-a5798 disposal, lignite ash, 2ff95269-0treatment of lignite ash, opencast refill 3e3c8a72-a2102 disposal, lignite ash f feee4175-1treatment of lignite ash, municipal incineration ed7c153b-f7162 disposal, lead smelter 93ae1b13- treatment of lead smelter slag, residual material landfil40e034b5-f2101 disposal, lead in car 72d3d9f2-0treatment of lead in car shredder residue, municipal in 7a73e6fb-c2221 disposal, inert materia38d20f31- treatment of inert waste, sanitary landfill 91f1a6c0-b2073 disposal, inert waste, e8cd0db9-6treatment of inert waste, inert material landfill 2e0fd86a-76006 radioactive waste, in 0a069c76- treatment of high level radioactive waste for final reposf2ef741e-52266 treatment, heat carrie461fe796-btreatment of heat carrier liquid, 40% C3H8O2, capacity7d823c87-d2250 disposal, hazardous w520fd65a-5treatment of hazardous waste, underground deposit f9c1b9c6-92059 disposal, hazardous w5b5ec4d9- treatment of hazardous waste, hazardous waste incinerfe5a8d5f-f2220 disposal, hard coal ash5d960d27-etreatment of hard coal ash, sanitary landfill 6ce64e23-2171 disposal, hard coal ash6bab396e-1treatment of hard coal ash, residual material landfill b518c3d0-42172 disposal, hard coal ash59e21aa5-dtreatment of hard coal ash, residual material landfill b518c3d0-42173 disposal, hard coal ash3cdbd0bf-2treatment of hard coal ash, residual material landfill b518c3d0-42174 disposal, hard coal ash762c3bc5-ftreatment of hard coal ash, residual material landfill b518c3d0-42175 disposal, hard coal ash9a1003e7- treatment of hard coal ash, residual material landfill b518c3d0-42176 disposal, hard coal ash2f4552df-4treatment of hard coal ash, residual material landfill b518c3d0-42177 disposal, hard coal ash0d9d60df-etreatment of hard coal ash, residual material landfill b518c3d0-42178 disposal, hard coal ash1730cdfd- treatment of hard coal ash, residual material landfill b518c3d0-42179 disposal, hard coal ash3658d64d-0treatment of hard coal ash, residual material landfill b518c3d0-42180 disposal, hard coal ash2c2423ab-5treatment of hard coal ash, residual material landfill b518c3d0-42181 disposal, hard coal ash7adf04b9-etreatment of hard coal ash, residual material landfill b518c3d0-42182 disposal, hard coal ashb2c5ffdd-2 treatment of hard coal ash, residual material landfill b518c3d0-42100 disposal, hard coal as 10c68ba9-etreatment of hard coal ash, municipal incineration 5a34f22c-32170 disposal, H3PO4 purifice6f6d6ef-btreatment of H3PO4 purification residue, residual materia8d6b6594-72169 disposal, green liquor 395886c2-0treatment of green liquor dregs, residual material landfi510b3e05-

10977 428 disposal, t treatment a1f65493-8treatment of glass from used cathode ray tube 5976ec59-010978 428 glass cullettreatment a1f65493-8treatment of glass from used cathode ray tube 5976ec59-010979 428 glass cullettreatment a1f65493-8treatment of glass from used cathode ray tube 5976ec59-010980 428 glass culle treatment a1f65493-8treatment of glass from used cathode ray tube 5976ec59-0

2062 disposal, separator sl 1c4a1605- treatment of fly ash and scrubber sludge, hazardous wafdf091e9-e2168 disposal, filter dust Al 0785126b-treatment of filter dust from Al electrolysis, residual mat9cdab2a5-8138 263 lead, seconsecondary c966a940- treatment of electronics scrap, metals recovery in copp6eda3dc0-8139 263 metal valuesecondary c966a940- treatment of electronics scrap, metals recovery in copp6eda3dc0-2053 disposal, electronics fo6a0a5113-5treatment of electronics scrap from control units dfb2abdb-f2204 disposal, dust, unalloy46027a0e- treatment of dust, unalloyed electric arc furnace steel, r979d49cb-32203 disposal, dust, alloyed66683146-treatment of dust, alloyed electric arc furnace steel, res2301ec97-82167 disposal, dross from Al027d22d3-etreatment of dross from Al electrolysis, residual material6ad11a01-2166 disposal, drilling wast 08c9275d- treatment of drilling waste, residual material landfill 95d436be-92086 disposal, drilling was aa10b1ff-3treatment of drilling waste, landfarming 04b83f93-e6714 disposal, digester slud32026da3- treatment of digester sludge, to municipal incineration d3781b76-46715 178 disposal, didigester sl 6d6337c9-7treatment of digester sludge by municipal incineration,eadc3890-96721 178 electricity, digester sl 6d6337c9-7treatment of digester sludge by municipal incineration,eadc3890-96726 178 heat, digestdigester sl 6d6337c9-7treatment of digester sludge by municipal incineration,eadc3890-96069 disposal, tram track f7ec123b-6treatment of decommissioned tram track aa746854-1905 disposal, road c1ece4b4-ctreatment of decommissioned road c087296e-62076 disposal, natural gas pfc5a73e3-5treatment of decommissioned pipeline, natural gas, inertc8fca327-32054 disposal, facilities, c 52bbe8b0- treatment of decommissioned chemical production facil483ab604-c1883 disposal, airport 375e9ac2- treatment of decommissioned airport infrastructure, c af84f5e1-d2165 disposal, decarbonising4b80f47a-6treatment of decarbonising waste, residual material land2931bcd3-

10152 silver, from lead produ1afffdf2-5 treatment of crust from Parkes process for lead produc c593ee07-c1092 copper, secondary, at 0f1fc8e3-b treatment of copper scrap by electrolytic refining 953cfb10-82095 disposal, copper in ca 80ed453b- treatment of copper in car shredder residue, municipal e46344ff-b5999 radioactive waste, in i a109ea13-ftreatment of conditioned spent nuclear fuel, in interim 16230a2e-2263 treatment, condensate f46241b8-dtreatment of condensate from light oil boiler, capacity 17b63741-9

10994 disposal, coatings in 05c965ff-9 treatment of coating from waste cathode ray tube displb34f951a-c11806 disposal, tailings fro 9d066a70- treatment of coal slurry, impoundment 979046ec-9

5876 coke oven gas, burneda715e611- treatment of coal gas, in power plant e75f4845-47163 cadmium, primary, at be6ae9d5-atreatment of cadmium sludge from zinc electrolysis facb0293-45877 blast furnace gas, bur 0d077367-7treatment of blast furnace gas, in power plant fe925559-f

58 compost, at plant 2ea9273a-0treatment of biowaste, composting cf3fde54-d10761 411 disposal, b biowaste, t33a4f14e-8treatment of biowaste in agricultural co-digestion, wit bbd9b45b-

10762 411 biogas, fro biowaste, t33a4f14e-8treatment of biowaste in agricultural co-digestion, wit bbd9b45b-10772 411 applicationbiowaste, t33a4f14e-8treatment of biowaste in agricultural co-digestion, wit bbd9b45b-

6713 176 disposal, b biowaste, tb5225819-0treatment of biowaste by municipal incineration of biow9ac23aa0-96719 176 electricity, biowaste, tb5225819-0treatment of biowaste by municipal incineration of biow9ac23aa0-96724 176 heat, biowasbiowaste, tb5225819-0treatment of biowaste by municipal incineration of biow9ac23aa0-96712 175 disposal, b biowaste, tfd37947d-0treatment of biowaste by municipal incineration of biowcfc60697-06718 175 electricity, biowaste, tfd37947d-0treatment of biowaste by municipal incineration of biowcfc60697-06723 175 heat, biowabiowaste, tfd37947d-0treatment of biowaste by municipal incineration of biowcfc60697-06164 143 biogas, fro biowaste, t10d16fb1- treatment of biowaste by anaerobic digestion 2704c931-6247 143 disposal, b biowaste, t10d16fb1- treatment of biowaste by anaerobic digestion 2704c931-6248 143 digested mabiowaste, t10d16fb1- treatment of biowaste by anaerobic digestion 2704c931-6176 methane, 96 vol-%, fro398b674c-1treatment of biogas, purification to methane 96 vol-% 483e8289-86927 197 heat, biogabiogas, burc75484b9- treatment of biogas, burned in solid oxide fuel cell, wi b1c25646-e6929 197 electricity biogas, burc75484b9- treatment of biogas, burned in solid oxide fuel cell, wi b1c25646-e6922 195 heat, biogabiogas, burab9bc307-dtreatment of biogas, burned in solid oxide fuel cell 125 a19e8982-d6924 195 electricity biogas, burab9bc307-dtreatment of biogas, burned in solid oxide fuel cell 125 a19e8982-d6917 193 heat, biogabiogas, bur328dbe4a-3treatment of biogas, burned in polymer electrolyte mem3b468a93-c6919 193 electricity, biogas, bur328dbe4a-3treatment of biogas, burned in polymer electrolyte mem3b468a93-c6912 191 heat, biogabiogas, bur9257f104- treatment of biogas, burned in micro gas turbine 100k 8eee1b60-f6914 191 electricity biogas, bur9257f104- treatment of biogas, burned in micro gas turbine 100k 8eee1b60-f

11112 442 heat, at co biogas, agr84851478-treatment of biogas mix from agricultural co-digestion, 42c35ef6-911113 442 electricity, biogas, agr84851478-treatment of biogas mix from agricultural co-digestion, 42c35ef6-911110 441 heat, at co biogas, agr493f64af-9treatment of biogas mix from agricultural co-digestion f3174d52-b11111 441 electricity biogas, agr493f64af-9treatment of biogas mix from agricultural co-digestion f3174d52-b11114 443 heat, at co biogas, agr11342493-1treatment of biogas mix from agricultural co-digestion, 193a35f1-11115 443 electricity, biogas, agr11342493-1treatment of biogas mix from agricultural co-digestion, 193a35f1-

6220 136 heat, at co biogas, burfada40b5- treatment of biogas from biowaste in ignition gas engi b2921def-36222 136 electricity biogas, burfada40b5- treatment of biogas from biowaste in ignition gas engi b2921def-32056 disposal, bilge oil, 9 f6d8d238-etreatment of bilge oil, hazardous waste incineration 09760ddf-f2160 disposal, basic oxygenb82f74c7- treatment of basic oxygen furnace waste, residual materi11c0bcfc-b2159 disposal, average incin977f3147-ctreatment of average incineration residue, residual mater1a14a6c9-1130 38 palladium, platinum g b9fafb9d-btreatment of automobile catalyst 7228ca0d-e1136 38 platinum, splatinum g b9fafb9d-btreatment of automobile catalyst 7228ca0d-e1145 38 rhodium, seplatinum g b9fafb9d-btreatment of automobile catalyst 7228ca0d-e2158 disposal, ash from pape728c8fe0-0treatment of ash from paper production sludge, residual d2a7e5e1-2157 disposal, ash from dein5029f640-dtreatment of ash from deinking sludge, residual material38ecf4e3-f1060 aluminium, secondary, 86aa3f39-6treatment of aluminium scrap, post-consumer, prepared f8ad6d4e-51053 aluminium scrap, old, 90ca1974- treatment of aluminium scrap, post-consumer, by collect4cedcbc7-a1059 aluminium, secondary,6bb70284-treatment of aluminium scrap, new, by melting, alloyin b0a13de8-d2089 disposal, aluminium in23fbff0b-a treatment of aluminium in car shredder residue, munici2384cd1f-c6059 transport, trolleybus abc0b841-7transport, trolleybus fcfada09-96060 transport, tram 82ccf53c-1transport, tram 560409a4-8

188 transport, tractor and t3520f50a-4transport, tractor and trailer, agricultural 58e341b8-6057 transport, regular bus 6237d49b-atransport, regular bus 63d56a13-01662 transport, crude oil pi edf515f2-7transport, pipeline, onshore, petroleum 92b2c346-61448 transport, natural gas,a987df73-etransport, pipeline, onshore, long distance, natural gas f2b7cf02-41449 transport, natural gas,9db43468-1transport, pipeline, onshore, long distance, natural gas f2b7cf02-41661 transport, crude oil pi ed0befdc-9transport, pipeline, offshore, petroleum afe67d9e-c1446 transport, natural gas,91d3d897-dtransport, pipeline, offshore, long distance, natural gas 98d3159f-51447 transport, natural gas,81d02df4- transport, pipeline, offshore, long distance, natural gas 98d3159f-51450 transport, natural gas,e5905227- transport, pipeline, long distance, natural gas e059fa2e-21451 transport, natural gas,d0a509cf-3transport, pipeline, long distance, natural gas e059fa2e-21452 transport, natural gas,2ecee8ed-0transport, pipeline, long distance, natural gas e059fa2e-21453 transport, natural gas,e5bda0d2-2transport, pipeline, long distance, natural gas e059fa2e-2

11350 transport, scooter c704d8ba- transport, passenger, motor scooter 7eec6425-611341 transport, electric scooecfe93f1-7 transport, passenger, electric scooter, label-certified ele9d891183-711340 transport, electric sco 2388bcee- transport, passenger, electric scooter 0627b6de-11339 transport, electric bicya904c792- transport, passenger, electric bicycle, label-certified ele4ff51287-c11338 transport, electric bicyec06cdd5-0transport, passenger, electric bicycle 318d747e-e11342 transport, bicycle 4390cdeb-etransport, passenger, bicycle 15f2ef2d-d

1895 transport, aircraft, pa 65308b3c- transport, passenger, aircraft, production mix 962e93fe-11896 transport, aircraft, p 04f1ffde-f transport, passenger, aircraft, intracontinental d32db83e-51897 transport, aircraft, pa 75541f3c-7transport, passenger, aircraft, intercontinental 77834c00-5

11330 transport, metropolitacff267d5-8 transport, passenger train, urban f42fe85a-16077 transport, regional tra0e8f431c-7transport, passenger train, regional 26e30c0f-4

11304 transport, average tra77c477cb-1transport, passenger train, production mix f197993c-6079 transport, long-distan 40bdafa4-dtransport, passenger train, long-distance ec0e10bc-46081 transport, high speed 6307384e-etransport, passenger train, high-speed 91cc6443-5

11302 transport, high speed 8d5d00b5-4transport, passenger train, high-speed 91cc6443-511303 transport, high speed 166e35a2-btransport, passenger train, high-speed 91cc6443-511305 transport, average tra16a14bef-3transport, passenger train b6f41598-11306 transport, average tra08f27d22-8transport, passenger train b6f41598-11307 transport, average traf9208d28- transport, passenger train b6f41598-11308 transport, average tra9d1617d3-1transport, passenger train b6f41598-11309 transport, average tra48f85f3e-atransport, passenger train b6f41598-

6058 transport, coach 2ad8c3ef-5transport, passenger coach 108ffd65-71945 transport, passenger cf2929247-btransport, passenger car, production mix 953a4e98-e1946 transport, passenger c84fbea3a-ctransport, passenger car, production mix 953a4e98-e7290 transport, passenger c536fe33f-5transport, passenger car, petrol, production mix 2010 acfa75b6-4

10819 transport, passenger c6a26fbba-1transport, passenger car, petrol, production mix 2010 acfa75b6-47289 transport, passenger ca982d0977-transport, passenger car, petrol, production mix d2789849-e

10818 transport, passenger caaff595cc-9 transport, passenger car, petrol, production mix d2789849-e11762 transport, passenger ca3ab0cb92- transport, passenger car, electric, 312 kg Li-ion battery, 499cce5a-11770 transport, passenger cb85974b8-transport, passenger car, electric, 312 kg Li-ion batteryec293717-c11777 transport, passenger ca1db4ae92- transport, passenger car, electric, 100 kg Li-ion battery, 1d1ced1f-511790 transport, passenger ca08e6daf8- transport, passenger car, electric, 100 kg Li-ion battery327942e9-3

7288 transport, passenger c9d056b8e-5transport, passenger car, diesel, production mix 2010 7b19e600-10817 transport, passenger c1139f681-8transport, passenger car, diesel, production mix 2010 7b19e600-

7287 transport, passenger cad0ee4978- transport, passenger car, diesel, production mix 1691572b-10816 transport, passenger ca4adb05ab- transport, passenger car, diesel, production mix 1691572b-11782 transport, passenger cc02f411f-4 transport, passenger car, diesel, 550 kg kerb weight 09cd7a38-

6206 transport, passenger 2e015e18- transport, passenger car, 1240 kg kerb weight, vegetab72e213f7-66590 transport, passenger c8f1e583e-0transport, passenger car, 1240 kg kerb weight, petrol, 72d489e1-e6589 transport, passenger cf804b179-3transport, passenger car, 1240 kg kerb weight, petrol, b95501c8-c6588 transport, passenger cafd1b8f9-6transport, passenger car, 1240 kg kerb weight, petrol, d8ba4bfc-a6675 transport, passenger cb4e38f1c-5transport, passenger car, 1240 kg kerb weight, petrol c09adbc6-b6587 transport, passenger d6c44dfa-etransport, passenger car, 1240 kg kerb weight, petrol dc76204c-06204 transport, passenger c59a4a1dd-atransport, passenger car, 1240 kg kerb weight, natural 4d7ded5a-6118 transport, passenger 8f244a93- transport, passenger car, 1240 kg kerb weight, methaneef28985-16203 transport, passenger e2418a5f-2transport, passenger car, 1240 kg kerb weight, metha 85a1ce7d-46117 transport, passenger c4630cb60- transport, passenger car, 1240 kg kerb weight, ethano b6e27b5a-6586 transport, passenger c1f76fc26-6 transport, passenger car, 1240 kg kerb weight, diesel, ae36cd42-6585 transport, passenger cea792717-9transport, passenger car, 1240 kg kerb weight, diesel, 3cebf36e-36584 transport, passenger cc99309d6-atransport, passenger car, 1240 kg kerb weight, diesel, 30bc0851-81899 transport, helicopter, b19e979f- transport, helicopter, LTO cycle 2c593002-d1898 transport, helicopter 749cf0f9-0 transport, helicopter 47ed3ced-1969 transport, transoceanif28706fb-dtransport, freight, sea, transoceanic tanker 824df1f1-d1968 transport, transoceanicc0cb97d8-8transport, freight, sea, transoceanic ship 52fb52f6-61970 transport, liquefied naa8ad9471-6transport, freight, sea, liquefied natural gas cf6417c0-17302 transport, lorry 7.5-1 36a37aa0- transport, freight, lorry 7.5-16 metric ton, EURO5 d61bf48d-7301 transport, lorry 7.5-1 f95d2e8a-3transport, freight, lorry 7.5-16 metric ton, EURO4 e607a91c-7300 transport, lorry 7.5-1 f83b7518-8transport, freight, lorry 7.5-16 metric ton, EURO3 0a42d846-

10760 transport, lorry 3.5-7 de0a1a08-ftransport, freight, lorry 3.5-7.5 metric ton, EURO5 087f0dc2-310759 transport, lorry 3.5-7 f1330c25-7transport, freight, lorry 3.5-7.5 metric ton, EURO4 a1860a72-410758 transport, lorry 3.5-7 43dee067- transport, freight, lorry 3.5-7.5 metric ton, EURO3 af37ba41-0

1940 transport, lorry 3.5-20213a1f44-6transport, freight, lorry 3.5-20 metric ton, production m47dd9c83-1941 transport, lorry 3.5-1661a3b9cc-4transport, freight, lorry 3.5-16 metric ton, production m401dec4f-a6116 transport, lorry 28t, 491b1250-7transport, freight, lorry 28 metric ton, vegetable oil m 155d4b38-1942 transport, lorry 20-28t7e229b49-btransport, freight, lorry 20-28 metric ton, production mi4721f8e7-77305 transport, lorry 16-32 091f96ff-0 transport, freight, lorry 16-32 metric ton, EURO5 8342e598-7304 transport, lorry 16-32 d082cc77-dtransport, freight, lorry 16-32 metric ton, EURO4 a2d9d83e-7303 transport, lorry 16-32 00754eca- transport, freight, lorry 16-32 metric ton, EURO3 663fadc9-d7308 transport, lorry >32t, 1ac352d6- transport, freight, lorry >32 metric ton, EURO5 ccaa725b-c7307 transport, lorry >32t, c67045d0- transport, freight, lorry >32 metric ton, EURO4 490d7845-7306 transport, lorry >32t, 8157a46a-ctransport, freight, lorry >32 metric ton, EURO3 394f6209-e1944 transport, lorry >28t, 1a0f55c2-etransport, freight, lorry >28 metric ton, production mix3887d6d9-1943 transport, lorry >16t, e3476b38-atransport, freight, lorry >16 metric ton, production mixd65b9c09-91947 transport, van <3.5t c680f1d8-5transport, freight, light commercial vehicle e6c3121c-81948 transport, van <3.5t dca834df- transport, freight, light commercial vehicle e6c3121c-81967 transport, barge tanked547712d-btransport, freight, inland waterways, barge tanker e57585b9-1966 transport, barge bf392caf-c transport, freight, inland waterways, barge 6cb6739b-1892 transport, aircraft, fre 098c834e-atransport, freight, aircraft, production mix 0cbf59a3-c1893 transport, aircraft, fre b0cc0f38-7transport, freight, aircraft, intracontinental 00a49501-1894 transport, aircraft, fre 89afcae2-7transport, freight, aircraft, intercontinental 303c3697-1984 transport, freight, rail 61393586-transport, freight train, electricity 71709d2e-4

11327 transport, freight, rail,acc65f50-dtransport, freight train, diesel, with particle filter 5733cf39-c1983 transport, freight, rail b1c85237- transport, freight train, diesel 83e76e8d-

11073 transport, freight, rail,38ba2c62- transport, freight train, diesel 83e76e8d-11095 transport, coal freight, 99f014cf-a transport, freight train, diesel 83e76e8d-11321 transport, freight, rail 5f0c6c2e-5transport, freight train 3c187aea-11322 transport, freight, rail da5ac589-8transport, freight train 3c187aea-11323 transport, freight, rail 95c348e3- transport, freight train 3c187aea-11324 transport, freight, rail 597c4d7d- transport, freight train 3c187aea-11325 transport, freight, rail a7004245-atransport, freight train 3c187aea-

574 transmission network,0414f8e8-8transmission network construction, long-distance 99b97293-1573 transmission network, 3aa6542b- transmission network construction, electricity, medium97f8010b-0570 transmission network, e9ecc0efa-8transmission network construction, electricity, high vol 0e0d84df-4

7080 transistor, unspecified1fe715eb-5transistor, production mix 56654051-7079 transistor, wired, smal9498cabe- transistor production, wired, small size, through-hole 86aa16c0-7113 transistor, wired, big 2933d304-ftransistor production, wired, big size, through-hole mo cca0e2d9-6

7078 transistor, SMD type, bddcd5f7-dtransistor production, surface-mounted ecc75597-57114 production efforts, tra63ca65b5- transistor production, auxilliaries and energy use dcc6bec9-67072 transformer, low volta1577ba75-4transformer production, low voltage use b1647abd-f7073 transformer, high volt d1fb8cc6-ctransformer production, high voltage use 36d84269-c6067 tram track 566f9f53-etram track construction 5134984b-6062 tram 108f5255-6tram production d38b7ec3-c6084 regional train bac525db-7train production, passenger, regional 678d3463-76085 long-distance train ab4e75c2- train production, passenger, long-distance cf9c7a0e-86083 ICE 2ed4dbff-c train production, passenger, high speed 081de091-

36 tractor, production 9c03bf79-dtractor production, 4-wheel, agricultural 1f9fcd42-221 tower silo, plastic 0f4ced9b-5tower silo production, plastic 2db3a4e5-d

7120 toner, colour, powder, bcd3f39a-7toner production, colour, powder 6384be87-f7119 toner, black, powder, aaad87e5d-atoner production, black, powder 9eeb4727-a7006 toner module, laser jetd104addc- toner module production, laser printer, colour db2ccb0f-67005 toner module, laser jet4de354e5-4toner module production, laser printer, black/white 675846d8-

451 toluene, liquid, at plan51c92eee-ctoluene production, liquid 70190490-1811 toluene diisocyanate, 63676182-5toluene diisocyanate production e2c4f7d7-a7124 titanium zinc plate, wid63fcb68-8titanium zinc plate production, without pre-weathering 11916431-4

353 titanium dioxide at plac18cbc88- titanium dioxide production, sulfate process 447594c9-354 titanium dioxide, chlor90fd7a49-8titanium dioxide production, chloride process 736908e2-6

1714 paper, recycling, with 8a0b6a1b- tissue paper production d6144325-1155 tin, at regional storag 676290c6-etin production dad082dc-07127 tin plating, pieces ba0a9da4-3tin plating, pieces 58477f4b-67125 tin plated chromium st2de857a8-2tin plated chromium steel sheet production, 2 mm 84e27e49-d

187 tillage, rotary cultivatoa666b71b-4tillage, rotary cultivator 0b0caf44-186 tillage, rolling c8908ca5-dtillage, rolling 09cea89c-2185 tillage, ploughing d29f3bfe-0tillage, ploughing 3bb0c4d3-184 tillage, hoeing and ea 0aabcd34-1tillage, hoeing and earthing-up, potatoes 9f288f40-2183 tillage, harrowing, by 2522ebbc- tillage, harrowing, by spring tine harrow 8e8accee-a182 tillage, harrowing, by 96d75bf7-9tillage, harrowing, by rotary harrow 207b5c3c-181 tillage, currying, by w 53186ddc-5tillage, currying, by weeder b2fe41d6-0180 tillage, cultivating, chie8478e58- tillage, cultivating, chiselling 591e11eb-

2455 108 industrial three layer829cc4a2- three layered laminated board production 9b082734-02519 108 three layerthree layer829cc4a2- three layered laminated board production 9b082734-01741 thermo-mechanical pulbfedd478- thermo-mechanical pulp production 8b7d37bc-1856 thermoforming, with cb9ae9f1f-9thermoforming production, with calendering 1555aa54-

545 thermal plaster, at pla720cf375-0thermal plaster production, outdoor 3357c4b8-c10177 textile, woven cotton, 7bd316cd- textile production, woven cotton adfdb8c3-d10187 textile, kenaf, at plantfa271f0a-2textile production, kenaf d3d04793-f10183 textile, jute, at plant 38b3c349-5textile production, jute a4fa64e2-010198 textile refinement, cotec4fd000-btextile bleaching, dyeing and finishing production, cott 6ee0276a-1

6657 tetrahydrofuran, at pl 8971b044-ftetrahydrofuran production d2573b2a-3352 tetrafluoroethylene, atee21c8a3-6tetrafluoroethylene production 1a00210a-351 tetrafluoroethylene fil 49c8ed15-3tetrafluoroethylene film production, on glass 53c5d77c-6449 tetrachloroethylene, aed54d242- tetrachloroethylene production 59f67217-d813 tempering, flat glass d027f340-3tempering, flat glass 8716963c-4

6903 tellurium, semiconduct7a219857-etellurium production, semiconductor-grade d9b14c97-12518 technical wood drying,cb87db45- technical wood drying facility construction 2fbeb24f-f2288 tap water, at user bfb7cbe1-btap water production and supply a6c4a7be-5739 tap water, at user 3a700e71- tap water production and supply a6c4a7be-8054 tantalum, powder, capa23315330-4tantalum production, powder, capacitor-grade bec6a5b0-51965 transoceanic tanker 897eb5a0- tanker production, transoceanic aca01449-91847 synthetic rubber, at pl7cbb9096-7synthetic rubber production 8702b5e4-a6102 synthetic gas, producta53cd574- synthetic gas, production mix f6104871-6101 synthetic gas, from woo6c635232-esynthetic gas production, from wood, at fluidized bed ga540b4911-6100 synthetic gas, from woffef76ed-8 synthetic gas production, from wood, at fixed bed gasif134ff07f-96103 synthetic gas plant 309b5bd0-synthetic gas factory construction 7196f95c-97074 switch, toggle type, at51596635-switch production, toggle type 52047f9b-11445 sweetening, natural g b42a2525-sweetening, natural gas 8c95642c-26582 174 sweet sorgsweet sor 56aa1832-esweet sorghum production 4bbe454f-6711 174 sweet sorghsweet sor 56aa1832-esweet sorghum production 4bbe454f-1409 sweet gas, burned in g46b1251c-bsweet gas, burned in gas turbine [m3] ddb0a5ba-1410 sweet gas, burned in g9e2ff76e-2sweet gas, burned in gas turbine 85d93521-

179 swath, by rotary wind 8b611dc1- swath, by rotary windrower 911db675-10849 supply air inlet, steel/ 76195db8-supply air inlet production, steel/SS, DN 75 26144b98-

235 sunflower IP, at farm f3bc9304-bsunflower production, Swiss integrated production, inte6508b6b1-6961 sunflower conventional42c115ab-3sunflower production 6495886d-c

350 sulphuric acid, liquid, a3e35a3b-7sulfuric acid production d9349bff-b349 sulphur trioxide, at pl 74be734d-sulfur trioxide production 39a42877-348 sulphur hexafluoride, l90e7dd56-sulfur hexafluoride production, liquid 155646bf-1347 sulphur dioxide, liquid,ff5d8f8e-3 sulfur dioxide production, liquid 3f687c37-9

1740 sulphite pulp, bleachedc4d86f9c-2sulfite pulp production, bleached 558de224-346 sulphite, at plant 0088641f- sulfite production 7f72ec94-d

1735 sulphate pulp, averaged8ce444c-bsulfate pulp, production mix 23534ea7-1736 sulphate pulp, averagee5ff75a0-asulfate pulp, production mix 23534ea7-

1739 sulphate pulp, unbleacbb0ed85b-sulfate pulp production, unbleached 8bc3ea6a-1738 sulphate pulp, TCF blede972f32-9sulfate pulp production, totally chlorine free bleached 8f2f512e-e

10214 sulphate pulp, from eu5bb810ac-1sulfate pulp production, from eucalyptus ssp. from su 2e536fe9-c1737 sulphate pulp, ECF bleb3f5880c-7sulfate pulp production, elementary chlorine free blea 610c3518-6258 sugarcane, at farm 90dfe277-1sugarcane production 6e3307ed-6579 sugar refinery 13d7413e-sugar refinery construction 78f2a391-

234 sugar beets IP, at far 96760a85-sugar beet production ffd2d364-11846 styrene-acrylonitrile 769dd87f-0styrene-acrylonitrile copolymer production 2256c9b7-41810 styrene, at plant e526d31c- styrene production 03163f5c-c

493 stucco, at plant 0983c928- stucco production a0ce3a7b-1855 stretch blow moulding0118c738-7stretch blow moulding production 111ff4ec-5

232 straw IP, at farm 543cce5f-cstraw, production mix 573cfa10-233 straw organic, at farm62214ec2-5straw, organic, including rye straw, production mix a86628f0-e

6216 straw, from straw areasf766e974-9straw production, stand-alone production 84f7659e-31317 storage 650 l Mini CHPe44dcdca-2storage production, 650 l mini CHP plant a247db2b-61316 storage 10'000 l d531967f-dstorage production, 10'000 l 63212cdb-f

345 storage building, chemic010df16-7storage building construction, chemicals, solid f5adee5d-55 stone meal, at regionadeab5b4e-dstone meal production 43cf3cf1-1

1734 stone groundwood pulpba8918e6-9stone groundwood pulp production 8fd4cd80-f6930 stirling cogen unit 3k 3bf0010f-cstirling heat and power co-generation unit construction,be1ed2ef-e

11164 stibnite ore, 70% stibn1e401888-cstibnite mine operation, 70% stibnite d50630aa-8231 turning, steel, convente4d6575c- steel turning, primarily roughing, conventional a6ef050a-c8234 turning, steel, CNC, p 8751f2fe-esteel turning, primarily roughing, computer numerical c36747bf4-8232 turning, steel, convent60ef5114- steel turning, primarily dressing, conventional 7a9378d0-b8235 turning, steel, CNC, pr9750df8b-fsteel turning, primarily dressing, computer numerical cd579012c-8230 turning, steel, conven d9c0bbb6- steel turning, average, conventional db7bcf0c-78233 turning, steel, CNC, a d09cc4b8-2steel turning, average, computer numerical controlled 4c54f67c-a1154 steel, low-alloyed, at pb4744f44-bsteel production, low-alloyed, hot rolled fa644f9d-21153 steel, electric, un- and67314b8f-1steel production, electric, low-alloyed 916090d4-1152 steel, electric, chromi 2d5f314d- steel production, electric, chromium steel 18/8 3886ea01-01151 steel, converter, unall cff00130-2 steel production, converter, unalloyed e8b31175-1150 steel, converter, low-a1de9b8e0- steel production, converter, low-alloyed 0e8859d1-1149 steel, converter, chro 71dd162a-steel production, converter, chromium steel 18/8 7bbfb131-31072 chromium steel 18/8, a21ff727b-esteel production, chromium steel 18/8, hot rolled 5d624182-8262 milling, steel, small paa824e339-5steel milling, small parts 05e53c7c-a8261 milling, steel, large pa8a35282a-3steel milling, large parts dadaf3ab-28263 milling, steel, dressingf7c47f0b-5steel milling, dressing 5f86f3bf-58260 milling, steel, average9e455ee4- steel milling, average afffb29c-d8313 drilling, conventional, 2b22ae98-dsteel drilling, conventional 542516d1-8318 drilling, CNC, steel 199a7879-steel drilling, computer numerical controlled 7efcd7c4-91988 steam, for chemical pr858008a9-csteam production, in chemical industry 6608bd1e-1312 operation start, coge a0777e28-3start-up, heat and power co-generation unit, 160kW elece1488a96-3

10962 sputtering, ITO, for LC16fc04a9-4sputtering, indium tin oxide, for liquid crystal display 9a5afc00-010146 ITO, sintered target, abf8d4b22-asputtering target production, sintered, indium tin oxided766c55d-f

344 spodumene, at plant 38d2c4c9- spodumene production 58852a05-510854 spiral-seam duct, steel48631772-spiral-seam duct production, steel, DN 400 441976a5-510856 spiral-seam duct, steel685c5bfa- spiral-seam duct production, steel, DN 125 d68f7db9-e10195 yarn production, cotto48231c99- spinning, cotton fibre 328cc600-10194 yarn production, bast c0a63e84-9spinning, bast fibre 39266dc5-

230 soy beans IP, at farm 6ed2b1d2-3soybean production, Swiss integrated production, inten671515fc-231 soy beans organic, at 117cbfc5-0soybean production, organic fd13fd48-c

6658 soybeans, at farm bb59b275-soybean production 750d23da-b6659 soybeans, at farm b0d4a104-7soybean production 750d23da-b

444 25 soya oil, atsoya oil, p 0b364159-soybean meal and crude oil production 0043d228-f445 25 soya scrap,soya oil, p 0b364159-soybean meal and crude oil production 0043d228-f

6660 170 soybean oil,soybeans, in3b0e1b4c-5soybean meal and crude oil production 0043d228-f6661 170 soybean measoybeans, in3b0e1b4c-5soybean meal and crude oil production 0043d228-f6665 172 soybean oil,soybeans, inde011cfb-6soybean meal and crude oil production 0043d228-f6666 172 soybean measoybeans, inde011cfb-6soybean meal and crude oil production 0043d228-f

178 sowing baa1d5a9-4sowing e60d2367-41407 sour gas, burned in ga1c84c37c-7sour gas, burned in gas turbine [m3] ce1351e8-71408 sour gas, burned in ga009bcb57- sour gas, burned in gas turbine 875c582e-1315 sound insulation coge 9af42679-4sound insulation construction, heat and power co-generaea310f9-2140 sorting plant for cons 1f313721-7sorting facility construction, for construction waste 078cd3af-31101 iron scrap, at plant cbea9b59-5sorting and pressing of iron scrap 6277db3a-2

443 solvents, organic, unspfb928634-3solvent production, organic cf6e67bf-71704 solid unbleached board8bc7d0c2- solid unbleached board production 913795d0-

177 solid manure loading 758df0c7-csolid manure loading and spreading, by hydraulic load e495f90b-41703 solid bleached board, 80727de1-solid bleached board production a3b72207-2

10785 solder, paste, Sn95.5Agad5e51e4- solder production, paste, Sn95.5Ag3.9Cu0.6, for electrof9097a3c-610783 solder, paste, Sn63Pb3790711e3c- solder production, paste, Sn63Pb37, for electronics ind d3992052-10784 solder, bar, Sn95.5Ag3.d3932bc5- solder production, bar, Sn95.5Ag3.9Cu0.6, for electroni9c9e097b-10782 solder, bar, Sn63Pb37, 07618e41-4solder production, bar, Sn63Pb37, for electronics indus 78eef139-3

1195 solder production plan30e7a241-5solder factory construction 9439c2d0-d812 solar glass, low-iron, 05e362b7-4solar glass production, low-iron 7ceb82b0-

1877 solar system with eva aff10feb-a solar collector system installation, evacuated tube col 43d50efc-51880 solar system, flat plat 6fa36a7a-fsolar collector system installation, Cu flat plate collect 289d0169-1879 solar system, flat pla a835ee75- solar collector system installation, Cu flat plate colle 0dafc9c2-91878 solar system, flat plat 102dfd9a-1solar collector system installation, Cu flat plate collect c9650e66-3

811 solar collector glass tu6fc9e1bd-esolar collector glass tube production, with silver mirror 6894c94f-61866 solar collector factory ee69269e- solar collector factory construction 27535a28-6613 169 acetonitrileSohio proc 527b55a0-Sohio process bddb4dff-96614 169 acrylonitri Sohio proc 527b55a0-Sohio process bddb4dff-96640 169 hydrogen cySohio proc 527b55a0-Sohio process bddb4dff-92515 softwood, asoftwood, ac7a881f4-6softwood, allocation correction,3 de206b27-22514 softwood, asoftwood, ad658b7e8-softwood, allocation correction,2 f423f512-42513 softwood, asoftwood, a88fe1cd5-0softwood, allocation correction,1 18c7dd23-d

10208 roundwood, paraná pin600c0ae1-esoftwood forestry, paraná pine, sustainable forest ma ae3baaa6-2516 softwood, stand establ452c3d42- softwood forestry, operation, except harvesting d945260b-2494 round wood, Scandinava142eaf7-5softwood forestry, for sawlog and veneer log, Nordic co99a4f269-2476 industrial wood, Scan e6a92854- softwood forestry, for pulp 8d2f5c7d-f2517 softwood, standing, un241eb951-softwood forestry, CO2-removal and land use 188c3f53-85746 softwood, Scandinavian84bda7ca-bsoftwood forestry, CO2-removal and land use 188c3f53-82477 107 industrial softwood, ta7dff1b6-3softwood forestry 80845e2b-62492 107 residual wosoftwood, ta7dff1b6-3softwood forestry 80845e2b-62496 107 round wood,softwood, ta7dff1b6-3softwood forestry 80845e2b-61148 soft solder, Sn97Cu3, 7817b5f0-6soft solder production, Sn97Cu3 b33e7ef2-41995 sodium tripolyphosphatd0f8ec8d- sodium tripolyphosphate production b074a6e8-95885 sodium sulphate, from c7d0aa71-fsodium sulfate production, from natural sources 7a8ca6a6-9

342 sodium silicate, spray 110e89ad- sodium silicate production, spray powder, 80% c7944f11-c341 sodium silicate, hydro86448579-sodium silicate production, hydrothermal liquor, producb99cb95b-340 sodium silicate, furnac90c3177e-dsodium silicate production, furnace process, solid prod a3455812-0339 sodium silicate, furnac2fd605f1-4sodium silicate production, furnace liquor, product in 3 0860405f-338 sodium phosphate, at bffafe98-c sodium phosphate production bd210563-5

7232 sodium persulfate, at 251f78ae-dsodium persulfate production 4b2cb9a9-d7242 sodium perchlorate, at3f128d1f-csodium perchlorate production a55596f5-e1991 sodium percarbonate, cf7c3ec6-f sodium percarbonate production, powder f7366e24-01990 sodium perborate, tetr0e8446c7- sodium perborate production, tetrahydrate, powder 6e82c3f2-71989 sodium perborate, mon177aff6d-3sodium perborate production, monohydrate, powder adbe3898-f1994 sodium metasilicate p50e895e6-6sodium metasilicate pentahydrate production, 58% act07f6cf93-8

337 sodium hypochlorite, 63a8b15c- sodium hypochlorite production, product in 15% solutio8b6e352e-336 sodium hydroxide, 50%933f7e7e-esodium hydroxide, without water, in 50% solution stateae93d6b0-8332 sodium dithionite, anh5f63c399-6sodium dithionite production, anhydrous 8b573557-331 sodium dichromate, at7c1e32f4-5sodium dichromate production 8f2f6cf7-2330 sodium cyanide, at pla7fd905f2-f sodium cyanide production d76b8cde-4329 sodium chloride, powde8f57c8fb-4sodium chloride production, powder 791a347c-f328 sodium chloride, brine cd189c3a-7sodium chloride production, brine solution 9da7104c-8327 sodium chlorate, powdeeecc528c-4sodium chlorate production, powder 47bf3b90-d326 sodium borates, at pla578f9a46- sodium borates production 05d23daf-7

7231 sodium arsenide, at pla53025a3-esodium arsenide production from Imperial smelting fur 6a0f141a-2259 121 calcium chlsoda producd3e9e53c-2soda production, solvay process c7a57630-c325 121 soda, powdesoda producd3e9e53c-2soda production, solvay process c7a57630-c

2003 soap, at plant 53a7df30- soap production d191def9-32137 slag compartment c78d69f1-6slag landfill construction 2e7e554f-f1147 sinter, iron, at plant fb904335-bsinter production, iron 0bfc11bd-c6825 single-Si wafer, photov277bf5bd-1single-Si wafer production, photovoltaic 638789c6-6829 single-Si wafer, electro2d68c5de-dsingle-Si wafer production, for electronics 89fbbb3a-7

54 single superphosphate78997537-8single superphosphate production e07de157-110109 416 gold, from mining and 1160ad0e- silver-gold mine operation with refinery f5167097-10117 416 silver, fro mining and 1160ad0e- silver-gold mine operation with refinery f5167097-10122 silver, from combined ge62dae92-fsilver-gold mine operation with refinery f5167097-

324 silicone product, at pl ead99160- silicone product production ecc4e754-f323 silicone plant 8e085835-silicone factory construction 966a577a-

1194 silicon, solar grade, 025a593a-fsilicon production, solar grade, modified Siemens proce03824b56-1773 CZ single crystalline siaf699ebd-csilicon production, single crystal, Czochralski process, ca804301-1772 CZ single crystalline sieef23226-9silicon production, single crystal, Czochralski process, e20a88280-6874 silicon, production mixc3f31c69-dsilicon production, photovoltaics, production mix b9137567-f1192 silicon, multi-Si, caste dae28a36-asilicon production, multi-Si, casted ae7dec90-1112 MG-silicon, at plant 53ee1a0b- silicon production, metallurgical grade f96d325e-e

322 39 silicon tetr MG-silicon, 59d76a08-bSilicon production, electronics grade bb1ed63d-1190 39 silicon, ele MG-silicon, 59d76a08-bSilicon production, electronics grade bb1ed63d-1191 39 silicon, ele MG-silicon, 59d76a08-bSilicon production, electronics grade bb1ed63d-7210 330 silicon tetr silicon hyd 3116eaa0-6silicon hydrochloration 06160b78-0

10072 330 tetrachlorossilicon hyd 3116eaa0-6silicon hydrochloration 06160b78-0321 silicon carbide, at plan2304c090-asilicon carbide production 32ccb911-2479 silica sand, at plant 61ae27d5- silica sand production fc28c87c-7

10862 silencer, steel, DN 31 7450106b-8silencer production, steel, DN 315, 50 mm dc30c7f9-810863 silencer, steel, DN 125441295bf-9silencer production, steel, DN 125 338b35dc-c

1174 sheet rolling, steel 89406ec6- sheet rolling, steel 52d00816-e1173 sheet rolling, copper f6efd5d3-bsheet rolling, copper 1a784429-c

1172 sheet rolling, chromiu 588d2784-sheet rolling, chromium steel 7f5b74b3-a1171 sheet rolling, alumini 039a92be-esheet rolling, aluminium c21f1bca-86973 202 wool, sheepsheep husb558345a6-sheep production bff9e26a-06976 202 sheep for ssheep husb558345a6-sheep production bff9e26a-0

16 shed 05eae283- shed construction 4ae0df4f-a2257 sewer grid, class 3 1d9b6c56- sewer grid construction, 5E9l/year, 110 km 3a0f80d8-82255 sewer grid, class 1 83e75bb4-asewer grid construction, 4.7E10l/year, 583 km c3bbd336-b2258 sewer grid, class 4 daa30576-6sewer grid construction, 1E9l/year, 30 km ae422a3a-2259 sewer grid, class 5 57c78f9d-f sewer grid construction, 1.6E8l/year, 6 km 8eb92ddd-2256 sewer grid, class 2 84d44b0f-7sewer grid construction, 1.1E10l/year, 242 km c21329fc-7

320 selenium, at plant a64b28b4-eselenium production 68cb85d7-41189 selective coating, stai 9f6773a1- selective coating, stainless steel sheet, black chrome 6e9ca412-d1188 selective coating, cop 5e71ea48-7selective coating, copper sheet, sputtering 5de1a7a7-61187 selective coating, cop f6f34161-6selective coating, copper sheet, physical vapour deposi55e3fa6d-1186 selective coating, cop 3f9fd897-eselective coating, copper sheet, black majic df107a22-31185 selective coating, cop e19c03e5-2selective coating, copper sheet, black chrome e5be88c4-11184 selective coating, al f3cae4b9-4selective coating, aluminium sheet, nickel pigmented c6aa47f7-1

882 NOx retained, in SCR 5cccf9de-cselective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides 6b0f106c-b1170 section bar rolling, ste29a60fb4-csection bar rolling, steel 8bca2dbe-f1169 section bar extrusion, e56dddf9-6section bar extrusion, aluminium 6cd13e97-

10868 sealing tape, aluminu bcb09d7e-esealing tape production, aluminium/PE, 50 mm wide bb24da93-7122 natural rubber based s8700bdeb-seal production, natural rubber based d48760b6-31146 scrap preparation planbda9a07d- scrap preparation facility construction 9c6fba82-f2511 sawn timber, softwood,cb4ca00f-6sawnwood production, softwood, raw, kiln dried, 20% we961001c-2510 sawn timber, softwood,b4168f2f-4sawnwood production, softwood, raw, kiln dried, 10% wadce7b26-82508 sawn timber, softwood,3a84d5b0-fsawnwood production, softwood, raw, air dried d35d2ee3-f2503 sawn timber, hardwood,484ea8d6- sawnwood production, hardwood, raw, kiln dried d7b62c78-2502 sawn timber, hardwood,1583f3df-5sawnwood production, hardwood, raw, air dried fbbb7f8c-82501 sawn timber, hardwood,97fe26e8-2sawnwood production, hardwood, raw, air / kiln dried e530ac76-2498 sawmill 63aba0f5-2sawmill construction b4673998-32471 106 industrial sawing, sofafdc46b0-4sawing, softwood, forest-debarked 0350fe1d-c2509 106 sawn timbersawing, sofafdc46b0-4sawing, softwood, forest-debarked 0350fe1d-c

10209 356 sawn timbersawing and dda82113-sawing and planing, paraná pine, kiln dried d39b2b36-c10210 356 industrial sawing and dda82113-sawing and planing, paraná pine, kiln dried d39b2b36-c10202 355 sawn timbersawing and f30b8b3d-asawing and planing, azobe, air dried 78b9cf2e-b10203 355 industrial sawing and f30b8b3d-asawing and planing, azobe, air dried 78b9cf2e-b

2440 105 bark chips,sawing / deb4e9308b-bsawing / debarking, softwood 6cbb9618-22472 105 industrial sawing / deb4e9308b-bsawing / debarking, softwood 6cbb9618-22512 105 sawn timbersawing / deb4e9308b-bsawing / debarking, softwood 6cbb9618-22441 104 chips, Scansawing / de456b0e0e-fsawing / debarking, Scandinavian softwood 66118c54-a2497 104 sawdust, Scsawing / de456b0e0e-fsawing / debarking, Scandinavian softwood 66118c54-a2505 104 sawn timbersawing / de456b0e0e-fsawing / debarking, Scandinavian softwood 66118c54-a2463 103 industrial sawing / d c73aa81c-csawing / debarking, hardwood dcfcb1b3-12504 103 sawn timbersawing / d c73aa81c-csawing / debarking, hardwood dcfcb1b3-12246 sanitary landfill facilit adb504ea- sanitary landfill facility construction 7fdb9f08-1

534 sanitary ceramics, at 22fbb969-8sanitary ceramics production 03db9e00-500 sand-lime brick, at plaadbb4ff9-0sand-lime brick production d3cb9cd6-5147 rye seed IP, at region bbe95f9d-4rye seed production, Swiss integrated production, for s 663bfca5-2148 rye seed organic, at r f795c99b- rye seed production, organic, for sowing 417c80d3-9223 9 rye grains Irye IP 972800ac- rye production, Swiss integrated production, intensive 83b2e617-f226 9 rye straw I rye IP 972800ac- rye production, Swiss integrated production, intensive 83b2e617-f222 8 rye grains rye extensiaf4a8d00-crye production, Swiss integrated production, extensive 5139b053-225 8 rye straw erye extensiaf4a8d00-crye production, Swiss integrated production, extensive 5139b053-224 10 rye grains rye organic434a982b- rye production, organic 650ed06b-f227 10 rye straw orye organic434a982b- rye production, organic 650ed06b-f

6577 154 rye grains rye conventc399c77a- rye production 473ffcdc-c6578 154 rye straw crye conventc399c77a- rye production 473ffcdc-c

28 rye IP, at feed mill bc4cc797- rye grain, feed production, Swiss integrated production7d3db974-529 rye organic, at feed mi34e23666- rye grain, feed production, organic edebe19b-

11764 router, IP network, at 53d194d6-1router, internet 6a7ccc4c-441 rosin size, in paper pr ba57bf56-9rosin size production, for paper production 9d0bde85-

10852 overflow element, stee213e304a-broom-connecting overflow element production, steel, a 94fbaf66-b518 roof tile, at plant 53b12519-roof tile production 8ed10b19-6

1168 rolling mill e030e56a-frolling mill production 220a08fb-91001 rock wool, packed, at e85ebed6-9rock wool production, packed 5a14db3f-e1000 rock wool, at plant bbd22617-rock wool production 760e60db-b

999 rock wool plant 1bdd7bf5-8rock wool factory construction d8da9c84-c558 crushing, rock 8c50764e-crock crushing 9522d3e2-

1938 road vehicle plant 1b073f85-9road vehicle factory construction ece686c6-21932 operation, maintenanc8d5e17ee-eroad maintenance and land use e475cfd0-1939 roads, company, inter3b6ac476- road construction, company, internal 40c9d1cd-1937 road 49d9f63c-3road construction 48042265-6971 rice seed, at regional 3ef9edac-4rice seed production, for sowing 09021b42-06970 rice, at farm 6a5858d2- rice production d39552be-8

440 retention aids, in paped711cf0c-9retention aid production, for paper production 5414df77-a

10969 resource correction, Pb7451bc4b- resource correction, PbZn, zinc, positive 39f1469a-a10970 resource correction, P 9a5c190c-eresource correction, PbZn, zinc, negative 83303eff-110965 resource correction, Pb6d86c2a4- resource correction, PbZn, silver, positive 03df4362-010966 resource correction, Pb39d94b05-2resource correction, PbZn, silver, negative 177d3d48-710967 resource correction, Pb7b7ccbc7-2resource correction, PbZn, lead, positive cb72458f-110968 resource correction, P cefb0fb4-4 resource correction, PbZn, lead, negative bcb0c7b4-10973 resource correction, P 6d14eee3-1resource correction, PbZn, indium, positive ac771cc1-10974 resource correction, P a165f400-7resource correction, PbZn, indium, negative fd43ae11-110971 resource correction, P 99b22462-resource correction, PbZn, cadmium, positive 2ef2c35c-210972 resource correction, da12ee21-dresource correction, PbZn, cadmium, negative c9c67d45-d10963 resource correction, Ce31b4c67-eresource correction, CuMo, copper, positive 0beb0acd-10964 resource correction, C8f940e81-4resource correction, CuMo, copper, negative f44f1b9d-c

7070 resistor, unspecified, ad0f4c1c4-2resistor, production mix 048cb9f4-c7109 resistor, wirewound, t ba134644- resistor production, wirewound, through-hole mounting22ca3482-7068 resistor, SMD type, su f858ad09-cresistor production, surface-mounted e32c59aa-57069 resistor, metal film ty 7df66af6-0resistor production, metal film type, through-hole moun81e670f8-7110 production efforts, res4d954757-resistor production, auxilliaries and energy use 725069ba-01677 resin size, at plant 9900c130-4resin size production, (double for rosin size) 351606de-42214 residual material landfil86601320-residual material landfill construction 446fc2cc-22254 residential sewer grid 5c660f06-6residential sewer grid construction, 0.087 km b5ebdd8f-e1141 reinforcing steel, at pl64af243b-dreinforcing steel production 4b1a1c71-6017 refrigerant R134a, at aceb57fa-drefrigerant R134a production f71dadab-

499 refractory, high alumi ede5f1a5- refractory production, high aluminium oxide, packed d11cf9a0-2498 refractory, fireclay, p 4b27a170- refractory production, fireclay, packed 84c6a287-e497 refractory, basic, pack56e8b973- refractory production, basic, packed 0a3fbe2c-d

1605 refinery gas, burned i 3fa52eaf-c refinery gas, burned in furnace [kg] 9d19b8dc-71606 refinery gas, burned i 95229f4b-crefinery gas, burned in furnace [kg] 9d19b8dc-71607 refinery gas, burned i 3d957dee- refinery gas, burned in furnace 580fb2df-61608 refinery gas, burned i 336db068-refinery gas, burned in furnace 580fb2df-6

477 recultivation, limesto 3b3ba589-frecultivation, limestone mine fd8b8e03-81138 recultivation, iron min7e419fda- recultivation, iron mine cfc107f2-f5733 recultivation, bentoni a4154b55- recultivation, bentonite mine 521b2109-11137 recultivation, bauxite d3b9b2c6- recultivation, bauxite mine fe122068-66944 200 lanthanum orare earth 45736f82-2rare earth oxides production from bastnäsite concentr7214aec7-26949 200 cerium concrare earth 45736f82-2rare earth oxides production from bastnäsite concentr7214aec7-26950 200 neodymium rare earth 45736f82-2rare earth oxides production from bastnäsite concentr7214aec7-26951 200 praseodymirare earth 45736f82-2rare earth oxides production from bastnäsite concentr7214aec7-26952 200 samarium eurare earth 45736f82-2rare earth oxides production from bastnäsite concentr7214aec7-26954 rare earth concentrate59779f68-frare earth concentrate production, 70% REO, from bastd82145f4-7

221 rape seed IP, at farm ff9d9b64-arape seed production, Swiss integrated production, int ef58be39-220 rape seed extensive, a4211f4a3-5rape seed production, Swiss integrated production, ext 9252de89-

6243 rape seed organic, at a8f3cba9-crape seed production, organic, for sowing cc3eecd2-a6215 rape seed, organic, at d8485c40- rape seed production, organic 5a735c39-

146 rape seed IP, at regio 0331899b-crape seed production, for sowing e72a47b0-d6576 rape seed conventionala1b2a4d9- rape seed production (obsolete) 243741a6-a6957 rape seed conventiona11c342f8-crape seed production bf145dde-96965 rape seed conventionale7ee1edd-1rape seed production bf145dde-96969 rape seed, at farm 92de96dd- rape seed production bf145dde-96108 124 rape meal, arape seeds, e9e1a201-erape oil mill operation 389b4fe0-6109 124 rape oil, at rape seeds, e9e1a201-erape oil mill operation 389b4fe0-6572 153 rape meal, arape seeds, c8af5eae-brape oil mill operation 389b4fe0-6575 153 rape oil, at rape seeds, c8af5eae-brape oil mill operation 389b4fe0-6095 operation, maintenance800a4ab5-frailway track maintenance and land use, for high-speedbef4a5ab-61981 operation, maintenance63fe6330- railway track maintenance and land use 1a8ef268-b6094 railway track, ICE 6a563ea1-arailway track construction, for high-speed train 2ab68c82-61982 railway track f8bfb41e-2railway track construction 378525e3-3

476 quicklime, milled, packcd3d7e2e-aquicklime production, milled, packed 1c933d82-7475 quicklime, milled, loosdc066cb5-dquicklime production, milled, loose bb55f4d0-6474 quicklime, in pieces, l 6e1d7983-quicklime production, in pieces, loose d4b92f6b-3

11187 pyridine-compounds, a0ecc1e6a-bpyridine-compound production 627a4c93-127 pyridazine-compounds,681a0fa8-6pyridazine-compound, supply mix 53990b74-b126 pyridazine-compounds,15e3cc6b-7pyridazine-compound production 819f2f80-a125 pyretroid-compounds, d7af17b8-8pyrethroid-compound, supply mix 8b101b9a-124 pyretroid-compounds, 35b78c7d-fpyrethroid-compound production b853a9ad-5

1845 purified terephthalic ac0ce9e35- purified terephthalic acid production a27ce699-4311 phosphoric acid, indus64c3da0f-dpurification of wet-process phosphoric acid to industria 5757fe41-8

5736 pump station f0fada8c-0 pump station construction 5c724f9c-d1865 pump 40W, at plant e966c85d-cpump production, 40W a18e23da-

473 pumice, at mine a92c1576- pumice quarry operation d04be104-51007 pulverised lignite, at p357960e5-pulverised lignite production 6c878e04-1729 pulp plant 9c8610db-bpulp factory construction 30049301-

27 protein peas IP, at feee02a478c- protein pea, feed production, Swiss integrated producti080b4248-218 protein peas, IP, at fa 7a62b453-protein pea production, Swiss integrated production, in7246e919-219 protein peas, organic, 26a1b1db-eprotein pea production, organic 731b7c9a-3

6955 protein peas conventiof9a9f866-f protein pea production 4a5d927b-

6959 protein peas conventiof1e0ce9a-2protein pea production 4a5d927b-6963 protein peas conventio0f4e2995-0protein pea production 4a5d927b-

11209 prosulfocarb, at regio fb88fcdb-2prosulfocarb production 0d609ec9-d11122 propylene, pipeline syb8f23a4c-4propylene production, pipeline system 8179d9ad-

1809 propylene, at plant 1d3f0ac2-epropylene production e5f0ed42-2439 propylene oxide, liquid481fa39a-4propylene oxide production, liquid 2c150301-438 propylene glycol, liquiaa3a3f4a-6propylene glycol production, liquid a546c337-

6655 propanal, at plant ae6b7bf4-2propanal production 0621fb8d-4123 propachlor, at regionae5e966ea- propachlor, supply mix 3a61c8a2-5122 propachlor, at regiona3c4646eb-dpropachlor production 59998030-8

2136 process-specific burd 8122bfc4-fprocess-specific burdens, slag landfill ceca26e7-42213 process-specific burden1a90b1f7-eprocess-specific burdens, residual material landfill 869305f6-a2135 process-specific burdef239cfaf-d process-specific burdens, municipal waste incineration beb3e9ce-22068 process-specific burdea1465c52-cprocess-specific burdens, hazardous waste incineratione5d3314f-2085 process-specific burden9fbcabe9-3process-specific burdens production, inert material landfe416e98b-e2245 process-specific burdenf7e8ba50- process-specific burden, sanitary landfill 10a5b7f8-1

10149 347 copper tell processing bdd6e6be-cprocessing of anode slime, primary copper production d361c39f-f10151 347 silver, fro processing bdd6e6be-cprocessing of anode slime, primary copper production d361c39f-f

1676 printing colour, rotog 937ebb01-aprinting ink production, rotogravure, product in 55% to d0b16241-e1675 printing colour, offset 9b93cc24-2printing ink production, offset, product in 47.5% solutio70798f56-b6996 printer, laser jet, colou4fa30864-bprinter production, laser, colour b710ecca-76995 printer, laser jet, b/w, 9d612489-dprinter production, laser, black/white e7945b7c-

10793 printed wiring board, 7441ce5f-eprinted wiring board, through-hole mounted, productio b9d83ebf-10790 printed wiring board, 0786f5f8-0printed wiring board, surface mounted, production mix ef89d6a4-9

7101 printed wiring board, 138246ed-printed wiring board, production mix fa2f9ef8-57103 printed wiring board, 7a31a9ed-6printed wiring board, mounted mainboard, laptop compa077f5ab-e7102 printed wiring board, d993d47e-eprinted wiring board, mounted mainboard, desktop com0e9dfe09-b7007 printed wiring board, tb544e112-fprinted wiring board, for through-hole mounting, produ91943b5d-7008 printed wiring board, 71647384-printed wiring board, for surface mounting, production 8bc77f4b-d

10804 printed wiring board, 6049212f-5printed wiring board, for power supply unit, desktop c 30658586-10792 printed wiring board, ceeb58b2-6printed wiring board production, through-hole mounted,8b7a6d15-a10781 printed wiring board, 031c689d-9printed wiring board production, through-hole mounted,9da2d041-10791 printed wiring board, f46824fb-bprinted wiring board production, surface mounted, unspdfb20a74-10780 printed wiring board, 187886f3-6printed wiring board production, surface mounted, unspe2db6531-10797 printed wiring board, c9b90b3d- printed wiring board production, mounted mainboard, ld0feeea6-10795 printed wiring board, 4ad8e0fd-5printed wiring board production, mounted mainboard, lbb915d6c-310796 printed wiring board, df41e5e6-0printed wiring board production, mounted mainboard, c7d3d342-d10794 printed wiring board, 43412d81-4printed wiring board production, mounted mainboard, 9539a6f8-f10997 printed wiring board, tb3cba894-5printed wiring board production, for through-hole mountf4cb07a3-c10998 printed wiring board, 26b34a05-7printed wiring board production, for through-hole mound2294e57-b10995 printed wiring board, bdc7d572-aprinted wiring board production, for surface mounting, 2fa0bfa2-910996 printed wiring board, a107e209- printed wiring board production, for surface mounting, 53ed4706-10803 printed wiring board, ac7706a7- printed wiring board production, for power supply unit, 4d5adf59-b10802 printed wiring board, 1d96d1b7-printed wiring board production, for power supply unit 710cce47-f10801 printed wiring board md69beace-5printed wiring board mounting facility construction, th ccdd3f37-b10799 printed wiring board m50926fe4-4printed wiring board mounting facility construction, su a9d52197-510798 printed wiring board 2ce524fe-7printed wiring board mounting facility construction 2e607d2d-

1156 344 zinc, primasmelting, p8366f1ba-aprimary zinc production from concentrate 0a2dd8b8-10144 344 leaching ressmelting, p8366f1ba-aprimary zinc production from concentrate 0a2dd8b8-10145 344 cadmium slusmelting, p8366f1ba-aprimary zinc production from concentrate 0a2dd8b8-10143 345 parkes procsmelting, p0e783fcf-a primary lead production from concentrate 050b3eda-10777 345 lead, primasmelting, p0e783fcf-a primary lead production from concentrate 050b3eda-

9272 facilities precious met1739644f-4precious metal refinery construction 5ec3f0ee-810805 power supply unit, at 2055808d-power supply unit production, for desktop computer 9fe90bd6-

564 power sawing, without d5f89803-fpower sawing, without catalytic converter 05892ff2-8563 power sawing, with cat1eee80f5-8power sawing, with catalytic converter afdc2691-562 power saw, without cat002f9105-fpower saw production, without catalytic converter 1a8a5535-561 power saw, with cataly5519e9fb- power saw production, with catalytic converter ea28c284-0

7117 power adapter, for lapt0e2fb0ca-epower adapter production, for laptop 98a8371d-1167 powder coating, steel f6592d93-cpowder coating, steel 0a30fb14-61166 powder coating, alumi91c0257c- powder coating, aluminium sheet 5bfc7e69-e7071 potentiometer, unspecif88b6925-fpotentiometer production, unspecified 1405b80d-4

215 potato starch, at plant64296ea7-5potato starch production a3680e9a-e143 potato seed IP, at reg 8305f9ad-7potato seed production, Swiss integrated production, foc6447ad7-142 potato seed IP, at far d2cf622b-2potato seed production, Swiss integrated production, a 270a2f31-6145 potato seed organic, a1bf23fb0-7potato seed production, organic, for setting b9f3ae87-144 potato seed organic, a6d2b3681-6potato seed production, organic, at farm 9618eff3-d216 potatoes IP, at farm dd0f0932-apotato production, Swiss integrated production, intensic885a122-9217 potatoes organic, at f 99c3c520- potato production, organic c165d215-5

6968 potatoes, at farm 839d274c-4potato production 0cf44080-c175 potato planting 504c0f81-7potato planting 228baeda-174 potato haulm cutting 7f285527-5potato haulm cutting 6bbcb1f7-8173 potato grading c4250850-9potato grading b152f84e-3

53 potassium sulphate, as4df51975-cpotassium sulfate production 8e10495a-a7230 potassium perchlorate,3a60e267- potassium perchlorate production a10b452f-3

51 4 potassium npotassium n37af0bb5-fpotassium nitrate production 9dfd314e-852 4 potassium npotassium n37af0bb5-fpotassium nitrate production 9dfd314e-8

6122 potassium hydroxide, a43d4b423-5potassium hydroxide production a087a7d7-e50 potassium chloride, as50fd56db-4potassium chloride production c455d2ec-d

7229 potassium carbonate, b3315c22-3potassium carbonate production, from potassium hydro189dad5d-e317 portafer, at plant eaba48e0-9portafer production 551abb9b-316 portachrom, at plant f3a831ae- portachrom production e381c55b-

1960 operation, maintenancd87eb071-port maintenance and land use dc05747b-a1963 port facilities 2cc54c0c-bport facilities construction 164994a8-

511 poor concrete, at plan88196798-2poor concrete production 734b5dc6-1844 polyvinylidenchloride, 34aab4c8-9polyvinylidenchloride production, granulate 3e9b6a4e-6844 polyvinylfluoride film, 6ca12337- polyvinylfluoride, film production 496f083f-96842 polyvinylfluoride, disp6df9a16f-6polyvinylfluoride production, dispersion c2998282-6840 polyvinylfluoride, at pl40394a36-6polyvinylfluoride production 1717f111-81840 polyvinylchloride, at r dd23edd6-fpolyvinylchloride, production mix bf78d9f1-71843 polyvinylchloride, sus 85540bb8-polyvinylchloride production, suspension polymerisatio1f11535e-81842 polyvinylchloride, emu56b9229e-3polyvinylchloride production, emulsion polymerisation 5c14f5d0-81841 polyvinylchloride, bulk0d433ba9-bpolyvinylchloride production, bulk polymerisation b3225141-1839 polyurethane, rigid fo 001a7c31-apolyurethane production, rigid foam ea9120f7-f1838 polyurethane, flexible f54afad4-4polyurethane production, flexible foam 63d333b3-7134 polysulphide, sealing ec32862d-fpolysulfide production, sealing compound 9173bfd2-f1837 polystyrene, high impa7629e95a- polystyrene production, high impact 182cb614-1836 polystyrene, general p4806c334- polystyrene production, general purpose 67f19063-f7126 polystyrene, extruded 951d5595-8polystyrene production, extruded, production mix 43281bfe-e

11159 polystyrene, extruded 145baaad-5polystyrene production, extruded, HFC-152a blown 8e0b4fac-b11158 polystyrene, extruded 91232b58-polystyrene production, extruded, HFC-134a blown cfa4dbfd-711160 polystyrene, extruded 8725b597-4polystyrene production, extruded, CO2 blown fcaea704-7

1835 polystyrene, expandabl35bcee4c-cpolystyrene production, expandable 413d0dc3-11792 polystyrene foam slab,c5298bfe-epolystyrene foam slab production, 45% recycled ac5b5623-11791 polystyrene foam slab,ebb45558-9polystyrene foam slab production, 100% recycled 2bfd282f-3

998 polystyrene foam slab,92e55d5f-4polystyrene foam slab production 226b7bd4-21834 polypropylene, granula3b33875d-7polypropylene production, granulate 0fd6113a-2

11123 polyphenylene sulfide,b9ed0d61-polyphenylene sulfide production 6a96b557-61808 polyols, at plant 80d5c197-fpolyol production 9cf6f8c1-f1833 polymethyl methacrylatf4eb8bf3-0polymethyl methacrylate production, sheet 76d71595-1832 polymethyl methacrylat1aeac19a-3polymethyl methacrylate production, beads bcab0e50-91852 foaming, expanding 7642eda8-8polymer foaming 56a248d6-9

10456 polylactide, granulate,5f99cab8-9polylactide production, granulate 73e0fadd-b1828 polyethylene terephthabae75c6a-dpolyethylene terephthalate production, granulate, bott d88e0009-1827 polyethylene terephtha1fd7de1f-f polyethylene terephthalate production, granulate, amo3b9b9679-c1830 polyethylene, LDPE, gr9e090620-polyethylene production, low density, granulate bb816189-b1831 polyethylene, LLDPE, g43c2ced1-9polyethylene production, linear low density, granulate ce769fe6-41829 polyethylene, HDPE, grf7fb6118-f polyethylene production, high density, granulate 64adc6b6-

10853 ground heat exchangerf71d9da8- polyethylene pipe production, DN 200, SDR 41 8512b211-010860 ventilation duct, PE c d153c706- polyethylene pipe production, corrugated, DN 75 0ab13d02-10457 modified starch, at pla07bfcbc7-dpolyester-complexed starch biopolymer production 8d06fa15-7

1674 polyester resin, unsatu98be9320-7polyester resin production, unsaturated 7da6735d-1993 polycarboxylates, 40% d154a831-0polycarboxylates production, 40% active substance 26cc0fcf-51826 polycarbonate, at plan5b488163-dpolycarbonate production 76195aa5-1825 polybutadiene, at pland65dd527-polybutadiene production d6f5c483-b7106 panel components, at 28a38695-polarizer, liquid crystals and colour filters production, fob7dd2ed4-c

10845 fleece production, pol 80a72aa0-apolar fleece production, energy use only 0792cf50-b6998 mouse device, optical, da4d9b68-pointing device production, optical mouse, with cable 11b9361b-2469 102 industrial plywood, ou7d04d5dd-plywood production, for outdoor use ba997170-2486 102 plywood, ouplywood, ou7d04d5dd-plywood production, for outdoor use ba997170-2468 101 industrial plywood, in0b4938a8-plywood production, for indoor use f257bd2f-a2485 101 plywood, inplywood, in0b4938a8-plywood production, for indoor use f257bd2f-a7060 plugs, inlet and outlet,7023b271-plug production, inlet and outlet, for printer cable 0415ebf7-67020 plugs, inlet and outlet 1d941818-plug production, inlet and outlet, for network cable da1dd7f0-87018 plugs, inlet and outlet 218d5e37-plug production, inlet and outlet, for computer cable 314cc68a-21090 36 copper, pri platinum gr2e5ef946-aplatinum group metal mine operation, ore with high rh c8c8db63-01124 36 nickel, pri platinum gr2e5ef946-aplatinum group metal mine operation, ore with high rh c8c8db63-01128 36 palladium, platinum gr2e5ef946-aplatinum group metal mine operation, ore with high rh c8c8db63-01134 36 platinum, pplatinum gr2e5ef946-aplatinum group metal mine operation, ore with high rh c8c8db63-01143 36 rhodium, prplatinum gr2e5ef946-aplatinum group metal mine operation, ore with high rh c8c8db63-01091 37 copper, pri platinum gr8412d315-platinum group metal mine operation, ore with high pa cdbdf6c9-01125 37 nickel, pri platinum gr8412d315-platinum group metal mine operation, ore with high pa cdbdf6c9-01129 37 palladium, platinum gr8412d315-platinum group metal mine operation, ore with high pa cdbdf6c9-01135 37 platinum, pplatinum gr8412d315-platinum group metal mine operation, ore with high pa cdbdf6c9-01144 37 rhodium, prplatinum gr8412d315-platinum group metal mine operation, ore with high pa cdbdf6c9-0

10880 plastics processing fac7ef89de9- plastic processing factory construction 606fde6f-d544 plaster mixing a8d7d449-2plaster mixing 104de935-172 planting 5697c375-3planting 17876537-

11191 growth regluators, at e71decc5-5plant growth regulator, production mix 73d7b037-d1313 planning, cogen unit 5d2398ce- planning, heat and power co-generation unit, 160kW ele9631a529-

1314 planning, cogen unit M40d51281-planning, cogen unit mini CHP plant 3a225dd7-2459 100 industrial planing, sof2be51cb-7planing, softwood, kiln dried 8c8aa385-b2507 100 sawn timberplaning, sof2be51cb-7planing, softwood, kiln dried 8c8aa385-b2458 99 industrial planing, so5e426e00- planing, softwood, air dried e53bad47-2506 99 sawn timberplaning, so5e426e00- planing, softwood, air dried e53bad47-2457 98 industrial planing, ha206cb0e6- planing, hardwood, kiln dried 4d1de8cc-b2500 98 sawn timberplaning, ha206cb0e6- planing, hardwood, kiln dried 4d1de8cc-b2456 97 industrial planing, ha9364a9a5-6planing, hardwood, air / kiln dried 6b49dd76-2499 97 sawn timberplaning, ha9364a9a5-6planing, hardwood, air / kiln dried 6b49dd76-2484 planing mill 19da0d56-planing mill production 079d8232-

315 pitch despergents, in aca67583-6pitch despergents production, in paper production 98052188-1656 pipeline, crude oil, off d073c531-7pipeline construction, petroleum, offshore 107a7b08-1657 pipeline, crude oil, on 47d6ba0b-pipeline construction, petroleum d0c85069-a1340 pipeline, natural gas, 38f86e52- pipeline construction, natural gas, low pressure distrib 6afcca48-11441 pipeline, natural gas, 0441b135-dpipeline construction, natural gas, long distance, low c ef549227-d1440 pipeline, natural gas, 6e1ef45b-cpipeline construction, natural gas, long distance, high 0bd88e16-1439 pipeline, natural gas, cdb560f1-6pipeline construction, natural gas, long distance, high c1b22e545-31338 pipeline, natural gas, 87d28c50- pipeline construction, natural gas, high pressure distri a82d142e-11339 pipeline, natural gas, 69675bb0-pipeline construction, natural gas, high pressure distri a82d142e-1

314 pigments, paper producc8df8b4d-0pigment, for paper production, production mix 7039ee9a-61132 pig iron, at plant 6bdf2306-3pig iron production 1a57d832-

121 phtalamide-compounds,9a44c00d-7phthalimide-compound, supply mix 3e7d38d2-f120 phtalamide-compounds,09979963-phthalimide-compound production 5206d6fa-4437 phthalic anhydride, at5d6dc93b-8phthalic anhydride production 72b08b20-

1774 electric installation, p a9fb302c-9photovoltaics, electric installation for 3kWp module, at d6ccc8bf-01768 3kWp slanted-roof insta342c8c4e- photovoltaic slanted-roof installation, 3kWp, single-Si, db2a9ff1-b1767 3kWp slanted-roof instaaeae0943- photovoltaic slanted-roof installation, 3kWp, single-Si, 9e8c2dc8-f6856 3kWp slanted-roof inst91c880bc-6photovoltaic slanted-roof installation, 3kWp, ribbon-Si, 80a2fea4-36855 3kWp slanted-roof instae355b2cb-5photovoltaic slanted-roof installation, 3kWp, ribbon-Si, 9c295e34-1771 3kWp slanted-roof inst1116357a-photovoltaic slanted-roof installation, 3kWp, multi-Si, a99a9987-1770 3kWp slanted-roof insta16392b38-dphotovoltaic slanted-roof installation, 3kWp, multi-Si, l 78951187-6854 3kWp slanted-roof inst5a1af3f0-bphotovoltaic slanted-roof installation, 3kWp, CIS, panel 68cc6c16-96853 3kWp slanted-roof inst6c7eb46b- photovoltaic slanted-roof installation, 3kWp, CdTe, lami9c4b3873-06848 3kWp slanted-roof inst17cbf2d5-8photovoltaic slanted-roof installation, 3kWp, a-Si, pane 938134ec-56847 3kWp slanted-roof instad9212436-photovoltaic slanted-roof installation, 3kWp, a-Si, lamin398afb42-66836 photovoltaic panel, sine03ebe0c-ephotovoltaic panel production, single-Si wafer 00431801-6871 photovoltaic panel, rib393f4dd3-7photovoltaic panel production, ribbon-Si e39e768b-6837 photovoltaic panel, mul43a3f1ca-ephotovoltaic panel production, multi-Si wafer 536da2a5-6870 photovoltaic panel, CIS78ea797d-3photovoltaic panel production, CIS f0a0b597-56845 photovoltaic panel, a-Se2d86617-photovoltaic panel production, a-Si 04b7f4ce-31792 photovoltaic panel fac6d18f9d3-ephotovoltaic panel factory construction f4c9d142-76835 slanted-roof constructaa0789ee-ephotovoltaic mounting system production, for slanted-ro3ad492d4-a6833 flat roof construction, e39d79bc-4photovoltaic mounting system production, for flat-roof i4c316706-6832 facade construction, m556750e0-photovoltaic mounting system production, for facade insab92a898-d6834 slanted-roof constructid2205cad- photovoltaic module production, building-integrated, for1804cbb0-e6831 facade construction, ined399326-photovoltaic module production, building-integrated, for4a19e5d9-6838 photovoltaic laminate, 8f80b681- photovoltaic laminate production, single-Si wafer 763615fa-6868 photovoltaic laminate, e64b4a09-aphotovoltaic laminate production, ribbon-Si 0d3b301d-26839 photovoltaic laminate, 9381cf9a-4photovoltaic laminate production, multi-Si wafer 64a97bb8-d6866 photovoltaic laminate, 9dbf64e2-dphotovoltaic laminate production, CIS a0affe98-16864 photovoltaic laminate,1bfd2466-7photovoltaic laminate production, CdTe 8bef4d01-6865 photovoltaic laminate,6bebd441-photovoltaic laminate production, CdTe 8bef4d01-6846 photovoltaic laminate, fd31244b- photovoltaic laminate production, a-Si e1605f45-91764 3kWp flat roof installat5576ad6f-7photovoltaic flat-roof installation, 3kWp, single-Si, on rob210863a-91765 3kWp flat roof installatfb14742f-0photovoltaic flat-roof installation, 3kWp, multi-Si, on ro 1d30b4ac-1761 3kWp facade installati5eabfbe1-cphotovoltaic facade installation, 3kWp, single-Si, panel 8332396e-e1760 3kWp facade installatio99182c4c- photovoltaic facade installation, 3kWp, single-Si, lamina6ed53b06-81763 3kWp facade installati16e35069-photovoltaic facade installation, 3kWp, multi-Si, panel, 53cf5f4f-a1762 3kWp facade installatio54dc070c-ephotovoltaic facade installation, 3kWp, multi-Si, laminatd68156fd-06827 photovoltaic cell, singlc0785e31- photovoltaic cell production, single-Si wafer 28b4cb39-46867 photovoltaic cell, ribbo84fd721c-bphotovoltaic cell production, ribbon-Si 8c4f65aa-a6828 photovoltaic cell, multia008c7ab-bphotovoltaic cell production, multi-Si wafer da55315d-1783 photovoltaic cell facto39c4aa59-fphotovoltaic cell factory construction 894bd054-7212 phosphoryl chloride, a65d36f83- phosphoryl chloride production 897f58a3-9

313 phosphorus, white, liqu62d99252-phosphorus production, white, liquid 2997fa64-911374 phosphorous pentachloa38b1133-9phosphorus pentachloride production 3882f7e9-d

312 phosphorous chloride, fc658959-cphosphorous chloride production cab62385-c279 18 fluosilicic phosphoric 0bfc2edb-9phosphoric acid production, dihydrate process 5504a2fc-d310 18 phosphoric phosphoric 0bfc2edb-9phosphoric acid production, dihydrate process 5504a2fc-d280 19 fluosilicic phosphoric 5842445b-phosphoric acid production, dihydrate process 5504a2fc-d309 19 phosphoric phosphoric 5842445b-phosphoric acid production, dihydrate process 5504a2fc-d307 phosphoric acid plant, e13841b0-phosphoric acid factory construction, fertiliser grade dc25d6ae-d306 phosphate rock, as P2O800d318e-phosphate rock beneficiation, wet 85463927-0305 phosphate rock, as P2O5f46cb20-1phosphate rock beneficiation, dry b70abbd1-

7228 phosphane, at plant 5501ba6a- phosphane production 687c7b57-

436 phosgene, liquid, at pl493d8d68-4phosgene production, liquid 6a0b9e73-119 phenoxy-compounds, abe4c5f7a-cphenoxy-compound, supply mix 264d5bdf-5118 phenoxy-compounds, a97151c89-5phenoxy-compound production df44c601-8

1673 phenolic resin, at plan9c313b73-9phenolic resin production 7feac7e5-b435 phenol, at plant 1330eb07-phenol production be077d67-

1649 crude oil, production R21bebb15-3petroleum, long distance transport from RU, productio 58d13809-1648 crude oil, production 4fc331e8-9petroleum, long distance transport from RME, producti d87b737d-15741 crude oil, production 35b636e1-petroleum, long distance transport from RME, producti d87b737d-11647 crude oil, production Rc354ab88-8petroleum, long distance transport from RLA, producti bcfcc5f6-61646 crude oil, production Red87eb2b- petroleum, long distance transport from RAF, producti 74cfa432-65742 crude oil, production R41a8cc1e-4petroleum, long distance transport from RAF, producti 74cfa432-61645 crude oil, production 53b945d3-petroleum, long distance transport from NO, productio 3519b0e1-1644 crude oil, production N06fa30e2-1petroleum, long distance transport from NL, production5e2c15b0-1643 crude oil, production ca8fe075-2petroleum, long distance transport from NG, productio b47b5180-5740 crude oil, production 5a4f957e-1petroleum, long distance transport from NG, productio b47b5180-1641 crude oil, production Gb10f5302- petroleum, long distance transport from GB, productio 0e6c644b-0

319 74 secondary scrude oil, i b78905d2-petroleum refinery operation 22d5d865-b1538 74 bitumen, atcrude oil, i b78905d2-petroleum refinery operation 22d5d865-b1540 74 diesel, at r crude oil, i b78905d2-petroleum refinery operation 22d5d865-b1549 74 heavy fuel ocrude oil, i b78905d2-petroleum refinery operation 22d5d865-b1553 74 kerosene, acrude oil, i b78905d2-petroleum refinery operation 22d5d865-b1558 74 light fuel oicrude oil, i b78905d2-petroleum refinery operation 22d5d865-b1563 74 naphtha, atcrude oil, i b78905d2-petroleum refinery operation 22d5d865-b1570 74 petrol, unl crude oil, i b78905d2-petroleum refinery operation 22d5d865-b1575 74 propane/ bucrude oil, i b78905d2-petroleum refinery operation 22d5d865-b1579 74 refinery gascrude oil, i b78905d2-petroleum refinery operation 22d5d865-b1609 74 electricity, crude oil, i b78905d2-petroleum refinery operation 22d5d865-b

318 75 secondary scrude oil, i fedcd8dd-4petroleum refinery operation 22d5d865-b1539 75 bitumen, atcrude oil, i fedcd8dd-4petroleum refinery operation 22d5d865-b1541 75 diesel, at r crude oil, i fedcd8dd-4petroleum refinery operation 22d5d865-b1550 75 heavy fuel ocrude oil, i fedcd8dd-4petroleum refinery operation 22d5d865-b1554 75 kerosene, acrude oil, i fedcd8dd-4petroleum refinery operation 22d5d865-b1557 75 light fuel oicrude oil, i fedcd8dd-4petroleum refinery operation 22d5d865-b1562 75 naphtha, atcrude oil, i fedcd8dd-4petroleum refinery operation 22d5d865-b1571 75 petrol, unl crude oil, i fedcd8dd-4petroleum refinery operation 22d5d865-b1574 75 petroleum ccrude oil, i fedcd8dd-4petroleum refinery operation 22d5d865-b1576 75 propane/ bucrude oil, i fedcd8dd-4petroleum refinery operation 22d5d865-b1578 75 refinery gascrude oil, i fedcd8dd-4petroleum refinery operation 22d5d865-b1610 75 electricity, crude oil, i fedcd8dd-4petroleum refinery operation 22d5d865-b1577 refinery 6f729fdf-3 petroleum refinery construction b9ed4d87-11637 crude oil, at producti 248ffe8f-8fpetroleum production, onshore a4f84459-1639 crude oil, at producti d4a74eec-epetroleum production, onshore a4f84459-1640 crude oil, at producti edad7556- petroleum production, onshore a4f84459-1650 crude oil, used in drill 6e881d50-3petroleum combustion, in drilling tests 2db7507e-1422 70 natural gascombined ofd82b09f-1petroleum and gas production, on-shore 9c81535e-1638 70 crude oil, combined ofd82b09f-1petroleum and gas production, on-shore 9c81535e-1414 76 natural gascombined gaa6bbe7bb- petroleum and gas production, on-shore 9c81535e-1633 76 crude oil, combined gaa6bbe7bb- petroleum and gas production, on-shore 9c81535e-1416 68 natural gascombined of7469dab5-apetroleum and gas production, off-shore 68d151d5-1634 68 crude oil, combined of7469dab5-apetroleum and gas production, off-shore 68d151d5-1417 69 natural gascombined ofcc4db370-7petroleum and gas production, off-shore 68d151d5-1635 69 crude oil, combined ofcc4db370-7petroleum and gas production, off-shore 68d151d5-1418 77 natural gascombined of9cd44598-cpetroleum and gas production, off-shore 68d151d5-1636 77 crude oil, combined of9cd44598-cpetroleum and gas production, off-shore 68d151d5-1564 petrol, low-sulphur, ata563e9aa- petrol production, low-sulfur 09fdc68a-61565 petrol, low-sulphur, at5589b9a4-7petrol production, low-sulfur 09fdc68a-6

11797 petrol, 85% vol. ethancb2f5188-3petrol production, 85% ethanol by volume from Swedi 03fd421d-26569 petrol, 85% vol. ethano9e69729e- petrol production, 85% ethanol by volume from biomasfcce3a18-76568 petrol, 5% vol. ethanol600066f0-3petrol production, 5% ethanol by volume from biomass4ea71899-c6674 petrol, 4% vol. ETBE a8f37123c-7petrol production, 4% ETBE additive by volume, with e 0df2b110-f6567 petrol, 15% vol. ETBE 7b511303-dpetrol production, 15% ETBE additive by volume, with 387d35a1-21568 petrol, two-stroke blene6150baa- petrol blending for two-stroke engines 42079ba4-1569 petrol, two-stroke blenea52b28b- petrol blending for two-stroke engines 42079ba4-

117 pesticide unspecified, 276872b3-pesticide, unspecified, supply mix 22a02e67-2116 pesticide unspecified, 81a14218-9pesticide production, unspecified 4a2c86f2-1472 perlite, at mine 854e64b3-9perlite quarry operation a6398af8-0434 pentane, at plant 0f51749f-5pentane production ce1bd58d-433 117 penta-erythrreaction of 28acb55a-cpentaerythritol production in sodium hydroxide solutio 87d0da4d-

5883 117 sodium formreaction of 28acb55a-cpentaerythritol production in sodium hydroxide solutio 87d0da4d-11208 pendimethalin, at regic6e887b2- pendimethalin production ebb629db-6

1039 peat, burned in power a8edd8be-5peat, burned in power plant b5de4d34-5895 peat, at mine 36d64dd1-peat production 7432892c-8

141 pea seed organic, at r f757dd8a-7pea seed production, organic, for sowing 7c71ba15-e140 pea seed IP, at region bb01a485-pea seed production, for sowing 47a0f5fb-5

11774 passenger car, electri 25ce71d9- passenger car production, electric, 312 kg Li-ion batter0dfc0878-

11775 passenger car, electricc8de285d-epassenger car production, electric, 100 kg Li-ion batterec5401ff-a11780 passenger car, diesel, 9f8a1a33-8passenger car production, diesel, EURO5, 550 kg kerb 3404f98e-8

1936 passenger car ca78a161- passenger car production, 1240 kg kerb weight 289c16e9-2483 particle board, outdoor0e828c21-1particle board production, for outdoor use 16dc4bdc-c2482 particle board, indoor f4daa42b-bparticle board production, for indoor use 8156e3e2-2481 particle board, cement155845e0-particle board production, cement bonded 4077d4c8-

115 parathion, at regional bebcecee-aparathion, supply mix 6997d43b-114 parathion, at regional 3da7d7b6-dparathion production 5a71f2f2-7

10207 paraná pine, standing, 4531791e-paraná pine production, CO2-removal and land use b6217868-10219 paraná pine, allocation11a3b7bf-3paraná pine production, allocation correction 2 54ab3767-910218 paraná pine, allocation401e9115-paraná pine production, allocation correction 1 8572d6b5-

432 paraffin, at plant 6ce51657-0paraffin production fe5d85a4-1726 paper, woodfree, uncoa130a73e6- paper production, woodfree, uncoated, at non-integrate3a73887f-e1725 paper, woodfree, uncoa4e6ac41e-4paper production, woodfree, uncoated, at integrated mi20bb2ba1-e1722 paper, woodfree, coated615c139- paper production, woodfree, coated, at non-integrated 7e989d26-21721 paper, woodfree, coated7a142fe-3paper production, woodfree, coated, at integrated mill 89ffa213-81718 paper, woodcontaining,34c76f1c-6paper production, woodcontaining, supercalendred 39ebb8f0-71715 paper, woodcontaining2623cbdc-cpaper production, woodcontaining, lightweight coated 02ea9c36-b1708 paper, newsprint, 0% D3619623e-paper production, newsprint, virgin 95ab6343-1709 paper, newsprint, at pd585d220-2paper production, newsprint, recycled 82ada6a2-e1712 paper, newsprint, DIP c1ab2ea5- paper production, newsprint, recycled 82ada6a2-e1707 paper mill, non-integr e980d835-epaper mill construction, non-integrated 5195580c-1706 paper mill, integrated 37bce958- paper mill construction, integrated 90a2f8d3-45835 paper machine, at papef59c5c3a-2paper machine production d82fb1d6-7084 panel glass, CRT scree7bb56544-apanel glass production, for cathode ray tube display be57ee42-b

387 150 palm kernel palm fruit ba6c3b929-1palm oil mill operation 2eaced40-5388 150 palm oil, at palm fruit ba6c3b929-1palm oil mill operation 2eaced40-5

6563 150 palm kernel palm fruit ba6c3b929-1palm oil mill operation 2eaced40-5199 palm fruit bunches, at05ec8422-7palm fruit bunch production 51080eec-533 packing, lime products6007780b-bpacking, lime product 604af3bb-f532 packing, fibre cement 04c55c2d-1packing, fibre cement product 5bf2bfa9-5531 packing, clay productsfb7b9d8f-bpacking, clay product c12ed351-e530 packing, cement f08c14bd-3packing, cement 6531cb1e-f815 glass sorting site f209a46c-9packaging glass sorting facility construction 0462ee24-826 packaging gb81d21e9-bb81d21e9-bpackaging glass production, white 0215c5eb-827 packaging gfcadaf9a-1 fcadaf9a-1 packaging glass production, white 0215c5eb-828 packaging g4ca2f025-14ca2f025-1packaging glass production, white 0215c5eb-822 packaging ga154e3f8-ca154e3f8-cpackaging glass production, green 31718797-823 packaging gfc2ef72a-3 fc2ef72a-3 packaging glass production, green 31718797-824 packaging glass, greene069e051- packaging glass production, green 31718797-818 packaging glass, browncb2ad60e-dpackaging glass production, brown 9d6bb9f4-819 packaging glass, brown18aa49ef-5packaging glass production, brown 9d6bb9f4-820 packaging glass, brown96b99193-packaging glass production, brown 9d6bb9f4-814 glass produ18aa49ef-5dc145462- packaging glass factory construction 6155423f-1

1854 packaging f96b99193-b68f1a07-3packaging film production, low density polyethylene bc2572b0-1697 packaging b6f492c36-b1b4cafd7-4packaging box factory construction dbf445c4-a

302 ozone, liquid, at plant 5f48bc7a-aozone production, liquid d9dd728b-b410 116 formaldehydoxidation ocdc17c7f-4oxidation of methanol f9511c6c-8

5799 116 steam fromoxidation ocdc17c7f-4oxidation of methanol f9511c6c-811210 449 potassium Manganese d1b4bbe4-oxidation of manganese dioxide 7e32a361-e11211 449 potassium cManganese d1b4bbe4-oxidation of manganese dioxide 7e32a361-e

6607 167 acetic acid formic acid902b3bdb-oxidation of butane f186a16b-86612 167 acetone froformic acid902b3bdb-oxidation of butane f186a16b-86628 167 ethyl acetaformic acid902b3bdb-oxidation of butane f186a16b-86636 167 formic acidformic acid902b3bdb-oxidation of butane f186a16b-86646 167 methyl acetformic acid902b3bdb-oxidation of butane f186a16b-86647 167 methyl ethyformic acid902b3bdb-oxidation of butane f186a16b-8

10846 outside air intake, sta 6eb47fbf-f outside air intake production, stainless steel, DN 370 949d196a-c2480 oriented strand board,88475a1c- oriented strand board production 56093d77-

113 organophosphorus-com4f3f6dcf-4 organophosphorus-compound, unspecified, supply mix 67e3cb12-6112 organophosphorus-com60016c91- organophosphorus-compound production, unspecified af08a23b-0

11207 orbencarb, at regionaleb4f395b-dorbencarb production 09bcdf3d-431 optical brighteners, inddccb7bb-1optical brighteners production, for paper production be0e931a-

1876 heat, at tube collecto 0a7bd016-operation, solar collector system, evacuated tube coll 6a9f5e03-31869 heat, at flat plate col 05171446-0operation, solar collector system, Cu flat plate collecto 353022ef-b1868 heat, at flat plate co 77a2282b-operation, solar collector system, Cu flat plate collect 6d6ab56c-91867 heat, at flat plate coll fa63db8a- operation, solar collector system, Cu flat plate collectorb136b4b6-7034 use, printer, laser jet, 132563ec-aoperation, printer, laser, colour, printing per hour 21e21f4f-a7048 use, printer, laser jet, 0db20d95-operation, printer, laser, colour, printing per hour 21e21f4f-a6984 use, printer, laser jet 41f2be37-foperation, printer, laser, colour, per kg printed paper 5c9b2371-06990 use, printer, laser jet 2282755c- operation, printer, laser, colour, per kg printed paper 5c9b2371-07033 use, printer, laser jet, d836cdfc-coperation, printer, laser, black/white, printing per hour 44d5f547-07047 use, printer, laser jet, 07a91c7a- operation, printer, laser, black/white, printing per hour 44d5f547-06983 use, printer, laser jet dbbe1f0b-doperation, printer, laser, black/white, per kg printed pa 2956d27a-6989 use, printer, laser jet dd7cd03e- operation, printer, laser, black/white, per kg printed pa 2956d27a-

11789 operation, passenger ca95393a62-5operation, passenger car, electric, 100 kg Li-ion battery77964999-18 slurry store and procee13d1da3-9operation, liquid manure storage and processing facilit 91d4d1ef-7

11772 use, network access devbf3cb172- operation, internet access equipment, label-certified ele6ad7e099-611771 use, network access d9406fd1a-6operation, internet access equipment 567572bc-

12 label housing system, 32b5d9e9-coperation, housing system, pig, label-certified 451ab554-d10 housing system with fulb4cd42a3-boperation, housing system, pig, fully-slatted floor ea48224a-b20 tied housing system, c1c6e0e3e-6operation, housing system, cattle, tied 7259a144-14 loose housing system, 29ebfdf6-boperation, housing system, cattle, loose 561b2b88-c

7 dried roughage store, d2ff88dd-doperation, dried roughage store, non ventilated 3ee8b2ce-95 dried roughage store, 813a4ae5-1operation, dried roughage store, cold-air dried, convent5b1fb1ac-d3 dried roughage store, a1f02cb0c-8operation, dried roughage store, air dried, solar 25e2ff3b-2

11767 videoconference, laptop5f63e934-aoperation, computer, laptop, videoconference, label-certi2d5eb64b-811765 videoconference, laptod8de0042-7operation, computer, laptop, videoconference 287c551b-11758 use, computer, laptop, 207f914e-9operation, computer, laptop, video mode, label-certified e014e38b-711757 use, computer, laptop96f4e539-aoperation, computer, laptop, video mode 2f07d049-4

7031 use, computer, laptop5b3200f4-doperation, computer, laptop, standby/sleep mode b5b2de7a-d7045 use, computer, laptop4b18552c-2operation, computer, laptop, standby/sleep mode b5b2de7a-d7032 use, computer, laptop16b4bbc1-aoperation, computer, laptop, off mode 9ad07710-7046 use, computer, laptop734098aa- operation, computer, laptop, off mode 9ad07710-7030 use, computer, laptop0b2bb0ae- operation, computer, laptop, active mode fb04aaf4-f7044 use, computer, laptoped2b82fd-0operation, computer, laptop, active mode fb04aaf4-f

11756 use, computer, laptop, 3b54a639-coperation, computer, laptop, 68% active work, label-certi04420a5c-311760 work at home, corporatef5abfd52-c operation, computer, laptop, 68% active work with interne7f46a639-11759 work at home, corpora3765e7d7-operation, computer, laptop, 68% active work with interd9c67598-111755 use, computer, laptop7052845f- operation, computer, laptop, 68% active work cbf9af47-1

6982 use, computer, laptop,b158f94b-9operation, computer, laptop, 23% active work eea6baff-c6988 use, computer, laptop,50f7a8ca-2operation, computer, laptop, 23% active work eea6baff-c7027 use, computer, deskto2855cefe-eoperation, computer, desktop, with liquid crystal displ 16f95d03-e7041 use, computer, desktob3772c84-3operation, computer, desktop, with liquid crystal displ 16f95d03-e6981 use, computer, desktop6fa63e06- operation, computer, desktop, with liquid crystal display474af249-6987 use, computer, desktopfd7d7ae6-0operation, computer, desktop, with liquid crystal display474af249-7028 use, computer, deskto686856f1- operation, computer, desktop, with liquid crystal displa2f715ca5-f7042 use, computer, deskto0ba68e96- operation, computer, desktop, with liquid crystal displa2f715ca5-f7029 use, computer, deskto1e893460-operation, computer, desktop, with liquid crystal displ 19dcfa0b-37043 use, computer, deskto80e1397e-3operation, computer, desktop, with liquid crystal displ 19dcfa0b-37026 use, computer, deskto025d921d-0operation, computer, desktop, with liquid crystal displ a78b80a1-17040 use, computer, deskto7f1cff58-8 operation, computer, desktop, with liquid crystal displ a78b80a1-17023 use, computer, deskto4a52b072-9operation, computer, desktop, with cathode ray tube d c2fb6567-17037 use, computer, desktod160e326-4operation, computer, desktop, with cathode ray tube d c2fb6567-16980 use, computer, desktop6d890ff4-2operation, computer, desktop, with cathode ray tube dis7dde2f49-86986 use, computer, desktopa5175e29-4operation, computer, desktop, with cathode ray tube dis7dde2f49-87024 use, computer, desktof47e9824-1operation, computer, desktop, with cathode ray tube dibe5afb96-b7038 use, computer, deskto5f57e393-coperation, computer, desktop, with cathode ray tube dibe5afb96-b7025 use, computer, deskto2ba407bf-1operation, computer, desktop, with cathode ray tube d 1226a99b-7039 use, computer, deskto82c96dd5- operation, computer, desktop, with cathode ray tube d 1226a99b-7022 use, computer, desktob781eef5-aoperation, computer, desktop, with cathode ray tube di93f28a11-a7036 use, computer, desktoabeb64b0- operation, computer, desktop, with cathode ray tube di93f28a11-a1664 well for exploration a f57602ed-1onshore well production, oil/gas 3418df74-1659 production plant crudea3c7a74f-7onshore petroleum field infrastructure construction bd6d5191-1443 plant onshore, natural738e2f7b-aonshore natural gas field infrastructure production 89e3fad9-e1604 oil storage 3000l eb641ab9-2oil storage production, 3000l a9e3a3af-e1632 oil power plant 500M 4b763f33-6oil power plant construction, 500MW 29550b5c-c6105 oil mill 006b5463-boil mill construction 0a3e0de2-1603 oil boiler 10kW 73529acf-9oil boiler production, 10kW 1ac30ff0-31602 oil boiler 100kW af66631a-7oil boiler production, 100kW 4e838b32-1663 well for exploration a 89e26930-offshore well production, oil/gas b201a1f5-71658 platform, crude oil, of 68182bce-3offshore platform production, petroleum cd9ee805-71442 plant offshore, naturala8b4ba4f- offshore platform production, natural gas 65fae1f3-f1824 nylon 66, glass-filled, 3a258968-nylon 6-6 production, glass-filled ec221475-1823 nylon 66, at plant 03c0810f-1nylon 6-6 production 44f63b4e-61822 nylon 6, glass-filled, a e1be57c7-fnylon 6 production, glass-filled 39192cd3-91821 nylon 6, at plant 50e7fdaf-f nylon 6 production d1e4a30b-5996 interim storage, nucle57c27838- nuclear waste storage construction, interim, for low lev822ac06f-75997 interim storage, nucle248e1023-2nuclear waste storage construction, interim, for high le b8014f0c-6003 final repository for n 9b4b56b4-nuclear waste storage construction, final repository for e7e7bd99-a6004 final repository for n d7188725-1nuclear waste storage construction, final repository for ac9f4487-c5994 nuclear spent fuel repd0499101-nuclear spent fuel reprocessing facility construction 066b0893-e5992 nuclear spent fuel conb929de0a-bnuclear spent fuel conditioning facility construction 548d678a-2

11109 nuclear spent fuel con8c58a882- nuclear spent fuel conditioning facility construction 548d678a-25925 nuclear power plant, 69199670-6nuclear power plant construction, pressure water rea 611bd31f-95926 nuclear power plant, 3527cf57-2nuclear power plant construction, pressure water rea 611bd31f-95927 nuclear power plant, ba38e7d9- nuclear power plant construction, pressure water rea 611bd31f-95928 nuclear power plant, 8f6f094c-f nuclear power plant construction, pressure water rea 611bd31f-9

11077 nuclear power plant, 4ca2c86f-cnuclear power plant construction, pressure water rea 611bd31f-911100 nuclear power plant, 15190dc3-7nuclear power plant construction, pressure water rea 611bd31f-9

5929 nuclear power plant, e7d862ad-enuclear power plant construction, boiling water react a0031a60-5930 nuclear power plant, 6b9bb518-nuclear power plant construction, boiling water react a0031a60-5931 nuclear power plant, db523e1f-9nuclear power plant construction, boiling water react a0031a60-

11078 nuclear power plant, d6c8d117-2nuclear power plant construction, boiling water react a0031a60-5939 nuclear fuel fabricatio aabdb403-0nuclear fuel factory construction 4fb37344-f

11079 nuclear fuel fabricatio cfd0c9f2-e nuclear fuel factory construction 4fb37344-f11101 nuclear fuel fabricatio b7113ef4-cnuclear fuel factory construction 4fb37344-f

5949 fuel elements PWR, UO25fb20495- nuclear fuel element production, for pressure water r 60fdbbf0-35948 fuel elements PWR, UO2cb9fbde1-5nuclear fuel element production, for pressure water r 28a2d363-25950 fuel elements PWR, UO23c2ca1f4-0nuclear fuel element production, for pressure water r 5a09faea-5952 fuel elements PWR, UO2012a0a2c-6nuclear fuel element production, for pressure water r 3f29ac7f-25951 fuel elements PWR, UO23c2b958f- nuclear fuel element production, for pressure water r abd8e8f1-65953 fuel elements BWR, UO0cf71d01-anuclear fuel element production, for boiling water rea fd71e82d-5954 fuel elements BWR, UO64e59620-nuclear fuel element production, for boiling water rea fd71e82d-1119 non-ferrous metal smeaa20b09b-anon-ferrous metal smelter production 5df3ea38-7

430 n-olefins, at plant a18c8325- n-olefins production e6fe4a91-86652 N-methyl-2-pyrrolidonec61102fa-7N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone production 56c91ddd-

111 nitro-compounds, at r 481679a7-nitro-compound, supply mix dac36f20-8110 nitro-compounds, at r 273cba81-fnitro-compound production b992ba9d-429 nitrobenzene, at plantce414557-fnitrobenzene production 9aa8c628-a109 nitrile-compounds, at cfd776a7-anitrile-compound, supply mix 6a137d9e-108 nitrile-compounds, at 6c50b26b-9nitrile-compound production a4f232b0-3299 nitric acid, 50% in H2O02726734-anitric acid production, product in 50% solution state b48ec413-e

1089 35 copper, pri nickel prodb546e3ee-dnickel mine operation, sulfidic ore ba76b418-1121 35 nickel, 99. nickel prodb546e3ee-dnickel mine operation, sulfidic ore ba76b418-9240 natural stone plate, pofc4abd7e-9natural stone plate production, polished 31ea931f-b9239 natural stone plate, g 76eade49- natural stone plate production, grounded 5d4b147c-e9238 natural stone plate, cub6d0510c-fnatural stone plate production, cut d5c920bc-1432 natural gas, productio214f5295-8natural gas, RU, supply mix d7354612-1431 natural gas, productioc8913dc2-5natural gas, NO, supply mix a111c24b-b1430 natural gas, productio563498ed-natural gas, NL, supply mix d4e4be3c-f1412 natural gas, at long-die979c9bc-fnatural gas, high pressure, supply mix 4297521c-e1413 natural gas, at long-di5cd92e28-bnatural gas, high pressure, supply mix 4297521c-e1429 natural gas, productio7ae2268d- natural gas, GB, supply mix 798f1402-a6155 natural gas, from medi8510cb19-cnatural gas, from medium pressure network (0.1-1 bar), f4046f58-76156 natural gas, from low 04dd335b-7natural gas, from low pressure network (<0.1 bar), at s861fbc0f-a6154 natural gas, from highb9d1cb03- natural gas, from high pressure network (1-5 bar), at sea2afdeeb-51427 natural gas, productioa03e790f-dnatural gas, DZ, supply mix c33d0f84-71425 natural gas, productioeaccfeb5-3natural gas, DE, supply mix 031fdfe9-26926 196 heat, naturnatural gas9909fa42- natural gas, burned in solid oxide fuel cell, with micro bc75ef08-c6928 196 electricity natural gas9909fa42- natural gas, burned in solid oxide fuel cell, with micro bc75ef08-c6921 194 heat, naturnatural gas36574835-fnatural gas, burned in solid oxide fuel cell 125kWe, fut d0dd5d84-c6923 194 electricity natural gas36574835-fnatural gas, burned in solid oxide fuel cell 125kWe, fut d0dd5d84-c5870 natural gas, burned in73201ad9-9natural gas, burned in power plant f6c2dd1e-b5872 natural gas, burned in80630578-natural gas, burned in power plant f6c2dd1e-b5873 natural gas, burned in60fa224a-1natural gas, burned in power plant f6c2dd1e-b

11040 natural gas, burned inaf0dadcb- natural gas, burned in power plant f6c2dd1e-b6916 192 heat, naturnatural gas34ee65de- natural gas, burned in polymer electrolyte membrane fua4a9538f-16918 192 electricity, natural gas34ee65de- natural gas, burned in polymer electrolyte membrane fua4a9538f-11247 67 electricity, natural gasfdaec868-6natural gas, burned in mini CHP plant, allocation heat afefb682-a1286 67 heat, at Mi natural gasfdaec868-6natural gas, burned in mini CHP plant, allocation heat afefb682-a1245 65 electricity, natural gasb05db62a-natural gas, burned in mini CHP plant, allocation energ 2752e279-41284 65 heat, at Mi natural gasb05db62a-natural gas, burned in mini CHP plant, allocation energ 2752e279-41311 natural gas, burned ina83c731e-cnatural gas, burned in mini CHP plant 70cadde7-b6911 190 heat, naturnatural gasc0e6005e-cnatural gas, burned in micro gas turbine, 100kWe bfad8062-46913 190 electricity natural gasc0e6005e-cnatural gas, burned in micro gas turbine, 100kWe bfad8062-41401 natural gas, burned in20616222-natural gas, burned in gas turbine, for compressor stat d6e2ebdd-f1402 natural gas, burned in9582a21e- natural gas, burned in gas turbine, for compressor stat d6e2ebdd-f1403 natural gas, burned ind85686c2- natural gas, burned in gas turbine, for compressor stat d6e2ebdd-f1404 natural gas, burned inbccf3d56-5natural gas, burned in gas turbine, for compressor stat d6e2ebdd-f1405 natural gas, burned inf1200d0a-bnatural gas, burned in gas turbine, for compressor stat d6e2ebdd-f1406 natural gas, burned in63f8533f-5natural gas, burned in gas turbine, for compressor stat d6e2ebdd-f1391 natural gas, burned in6d70c7c3- natural gas, burned in gas motor, for storage 0055a295-1392 natural gas, burned incfde95a8-8natural gas, burned in gas motor, for storage 0055a295-1393 natural gas, burned in0688b56f- natural gas, burned in gas motor, for storage 0055a295-1394 natural gas, burned in9a0faf3e-enatural gas, burned in gas motor, for storage 0055a295-1395 natural gas, burned in85391d22-6natural gas, burned in gas motor, for storage 0055a295-1396 natural gas, burned in55dd0501-5natural gas, burned in gas motor, for storage 0055a295-1244 64 electricity natural gasfbd9f078-fcnatural gas, burned in cogen 50kWe lean burn, allocati 27399b87-c1278 64 heat, at co natural gasfbd9f078-fcnatural gas, burned in cogen 50kWe lean burn, allocati 27399b87-c1242 62 electricity natural gas17fbb025-0natural gas, burned in cogen 50kWe lean burn, allocati 136e6c74-1276 62 heat, at co natural gas17fbb025-0natural gas, burned in cogen 50kWe lean burn, allocati 136e6c74-1310 natural gas, burned i 52d33354-natural gas, burned in cogen 50kWe lean burn b73ac360-b1241 61 electricity natural gasdcc12732- natural gas, burned in cogen 500kWe lean burn, allocatd0fe5015-11275 61 heat, at co natural gasdcc12732- natural gas, burned in cogen 500kWe lean burn, allocatd0fe5015-1

1239 59 electricity natural gasd313fc91-1natural gas, burned in cogen 500kWe lean burn, alloca ce95178a-d1273 59 heat, at co natural gasd313fc91-1natural gas, burned in cogen 500kWe lean burn, alloca ce95178a-d1309 natural gas, burned i add9e274-fnatural gas, burned in cogen 500kWe lean burn e30d2b98-1238 58 electricity natural gasbf085d23-0natural gas, burned in cogen 200kWe lean burn, allocat504a5740-1272 58 heat, at co natural gasbf085d23-0natural gas, burned in cogen 200kWe lean burn, allocat504a5740-1236 56 electricity natural gasd668e767-natural gas, burned in cogen 200kWe lean burn, alloca 3320ffeb-31270 56 heat, at co natural gasd668e767-natural gas, burned in cogen 200kWe lean burn, alloca 3320ffeb-31308 natural gas, burned i 66ef3064-1natural gas, burned in cogen 200kWe lean burn 1a4de70f-1234 54 electricity natural gasff8efe74-d natural gas, burned in cogen 1MWe lean burn, allocatio51f0c7a7-e1268 54 heat, at co natural gasff8efe74-d natural gas, burned in cogen 1MWe lean burn, allocatio51f0c7a7-e1235 55 electricity natural gasef575b9e-1natural gas, burned in cogen 1MWe lean burn, allocatio51f0c7a7-e1269 55 heat, at co natural gasef575b9e-1natural gas, burned in cogen 1MWe lean burn, allocatio51f0c7a7-e1230 50 electricity natural gas022676af-8natural gas, burned in cogen 1MWe lean burn, allocati f45206ea-21264 50 heat, at co natural gas022676af-8natural gas, burned in cogen 1MWe lean burn, allocati f45206ea-21231 51 electricity natural gasfbbac05b-f natural gas, burned in cogen 1MWe lean burn, allocati f45206ea-21265 51 heat, at co natural gasfbbac05b-f natural gas, burned in cogen 1MWe lean burn, allocati f45206ea-21306 natural gas, burned i d043fa38- natural gas, burned in cogen 1MWe lean burn cddcec61-f1307 natural gas, burned i 8827ec10-7natural gas, burned in cogen 1MWe lean burn cddcec61-f1229 49 electricity natural gasffdbbff3-1 natural gas, burned in cogen 160kWe lambda=1, allocat0bcff1d1-a1263 49 heat, at co natural gasffdbbff3-1 natural gas, burned in cogen 160kWe lambda=1, allocat0bcff1d1-a1228 48 electricity natural ga f3328ac7-0natural gas, burned in cogen 160kWe lambda=1, alloca75d099b7-e1262 48 heat, at c natural ga f3328ac7-0natural gas, burned in cogen 160kWe lambda=1, alloca75d099b7-e1226 46 electricity natural ga e3c09dbe- natural gas, burned in cogen 160kWe lambda=1, alloca1d1eb34f-61260 46 heat, at c natural ga e3c09dbe- natural gas, burned in cogen 160kWe lambda=1, alloca1d1eb34f-61225 45 electricity natural gas85bb9225-natural gas, burned in cogen 160kWe lambda=1, allocati16c97100-1259 45 heat, at co natural gas85bb9225-natural gas, burned in cogen 160kWe lambda=1, allocati16c97100-1305 natural gas, burned ec8064df-anatural gas, burned in cogen 160kWe lambda=1 2f8ed562-f1224 44 electricity natural gasb2ab173c-bnatural gas, burned in cogen 160kWe Jakobsberg, alloca57bfe631-1258 44 heat, at co natural gasb2ab173c-bnatural gas, burned in cogen 160kWe Jakobsberg, alloca57bfe631-1223 43 electricity natural gas0d546ad6-natural gas, burned in cogen 160kWe Jakobsberg, alloc081be94f-f1257 43 heat, at co natural gas0d546ad6-natural gas, burned in cogen 160kWe Jakobsberg, alloc081be94f-f1221 41 electricity natural gasfaecc4fd-c natural gas, burned in cogen 160kWe Jakobsberg, alloc491aaa50-51255 41 heat, at co natural gasfaecc4fd-c natural gas, burned in cogen 160kWe Jakobsberg, alloc491aaa50-51220 40 electricity natural gasad9f9b06-0natural gas, burned in cogen 160kWe Jakobsberg, allocat19c5b1fb-21254 40 heat, at co natural gasad9f9b06-0natural gas, burned in cogen 160kWe Jakobsberg, allocat19c5b1fb-21304 natural gas, burned i 025d8411-8natural gas, burned in cogen 160kWe Jakobsberg e0b5a562-1655 natural gas, vented 9861b790-natural gas venting from petroleum/natural gas produce23be725-6157 natural gas service stad116a20b-cnatural gas service station construction 1600182c-a

11051 natural gas, unprocess583c54bb-8natural gas production, unprocessed, at extraction a9cb5d05-e1424 natural gas, liquefied, c215556b-cnatural gas production, liquefied 1a421def-d1419 natural gas, at produceef88e1e-3natural gas production b10e6660-a1420 natural gas, at produc1ad472ee- natural gas production b10e6660-a1421 natural gas, at produc75574df5-enatural gas production b10e6660-a

11052 natural gas, at produc1b16cf33-9natural gas production b10e6660-a1444 production plant, natu56d9a774-natural gas processing plant production edef398f-8

11206 napropamide, at regio20216b3c- napropamide production e4aecdeb-c1561 naphtha, APME mix, atae5eb1e1- naphtha production, APME mix 6fe91962-26651 N,N-dimethylformamidee2553b49-N,N-dimethylformamide production 5e6bf872-2134 municipal waste incineb9e0137e- municipal waste incineration facility construction 40830027-2141 transport, municipal wa0d05811f-5municipal waste collection service by 21 metric ton lorr88226947-6830 multi-Si wafer, ribbon,63aba4bb- multi-Si wafer production, ribbon 217dc18d-66826 multi-Si wafer, at plan3075992e-7multi-Si wafer production 5d2694e6-6

171 mulching 1a132b3e-fmulching 715a1a3f-b5947 MOX fuel element for Lf6e1bc05-1MOX fuel element production, for light water reactor 9b39b1ae-6

170 mowing, by rotary mo6fd85dcd-6mowing, by rotary mower cf3091ef-2169 mowing, by motor mo70443668-mowing, by motor mower e95b84a6-

10789 mounting, through-holeeef825a1-amounting, through-hole technology, Pb-free solder 0d5dfdff-710787 mounting, through-holac8d84ed- mounting, through-hole technology, Pb-containing solde4ea2ff0-d10788 mounting, surface mou5ae02061- mounting, surface mount technology, Pb-free solder dbfefb04-610786 mounting, surface mou42573570-emounting, surface mount technology, Pb-containing solac2ddca0-11349 scooter, ICE, at region287ec5e7- motor scooter production 4db912ef-6

48 3 monoammonimonoammoni07b9530d-1monoammonium phosphate production f5a50f6a-349 3 monoammonimonoammoni07b9530d-1monoammonium phosphate production f5a50f6a-3

1116 molybdenum, at regiona7da2413- molybdenum production 6add90f4-f1082 33 copper concmining mol34c437fa-f molybdenite mine operation 616c785c-1118 33 Molybdenummining mol34c437fa-f molybdenite mine operation 616c785c-6120 140 hexane, at naphtha, to5e3ac209- molecular sieve separation of naphtha af1e43bf-66229 140 heptane, atnaphtha, to5e3ac209- molecular sieve separation of naphtha af1e43bf-66230 140 2,3-dimethynaphtha, to5e3ac209- molecular sieve separation of naphtha af1e43bf-66231 140 2-methylpennaphtha, to5e3ac209- molecular sieve separation of naphtha af1e43bf-66232 140 methylcyclonaphtha, to5e3ac209- molecular sieve separation of naphtha af1e43bf-66233 140 1,1-dimethynaphtha, to5e3ac209- molecular sieve separation of naphtha af1e43bf-66234 140 methylcyclonaphtha, to5e3ac209- molecular sieve separation of naphtha af1e43bf-66235 140 fraction 1, naphtha, to5e3ac209- molecular sieve separation of naphtha af1e43bf-66236 140 fraction 7, naphtha, to5e3ac209- molecular sieve separation of naphtha af1e43bf-6

6237 140 fraction 8, naphtha, to5e3ac209- molecular sieve separation of naphtha af1e43bf-67238 206 ammonium cmodified Sof96c8090-1modified Solvay process, Hou's process 0d715959-77246 206 sodium carmodified Sof96c8090-1modified Solvay process, Hou's process 0d715959-77121 mischmetal, primary, a1465e600-mischmetal production, primary 59d4e667-1303 Mini CHP plant, compo3c96883a- mini CHP plant production, components for heat only 118c9e4f-a1302 Mini CHP plant, compon7330fddd-dmini CHP plant production, components for electricity ofa238748-81301 Mini CHP plant, commo04aba77e-5mini CHP plant construction, common components for h2861445e-5987 uranium underground341037ae-bmine infrastructure construction, underground, uraniu acbf19bc-b5986 uranium open pit minef1d2a4c1-dmine infrastructure construction, open cast, uranium 3bd80c07-5894 open cast mine, peat 133658de-cmine infrastructure construction, open cast, peat 4f941ad2-16045 mine, vermiculite 3af274c2- mine construction, vermiculite 4190d145-1123 non-ferrous metal min598c252c- mine construction, underground, non-ferrous metal feb7e36e-2

917 underground mine, har8e003b56-mine construction, underground, hard coal 2f536646-d11093 underground mine, harb8128cca-7mine construction, underground, hard coal 2f536646-d

303 phosphate rock mine 05ace7d1-4mine construction, phosphate rock 1f0ccfad-c304 phosphate rock mine f36cdc33-8mine construction, phosphate rock 1f0ccfad-c

1122 non-ferrous metal min7a14aafd-bmine construction, open cast, non-ferrous metal cda7e1cc-e1043 open cast mine, lignit 07c3d24a- mine construction, open cast, lignite 17cf6210-4

916 open cast mine, hard 11e3d633-mine construction, open cast, hard coal 0d363533-b1114 mine, iron 42021abf- mine construction, iron 6b531fcc-3

10079 mine, gold-silver-zinc abfad287- mine construction, gold-silver-zinc-lead-copper c1a3a619-410085 mine, gold and silver 154e864f-bmine construction, gold and silver 36c37281-b10086 mine, gold and silver de36865e-7mine construction, gold and silver 36c37281-b10087 mine, gold and silver fee33aab-bmine construction, gold and silver 36c37281-b10080 mine, gold 20c7b0a1-bmine construction, gold 80b77bab-510081 mine, gold 24323b9c-1mine construction, gold 80b77bab-510082 mine, gold 00e3290f- mine construction, gold 80b77bab-510083 mine, gold 7c0e731e-9mine construction, gold 80b77bab-510084 mine, gold dc2993f0-cmine construction, gold 80b77bab-5

1113 mine, bauxite d2c8e9d0- mine construction, bauxite c2c6d5b2-15 milking parlour 486fc6fd-6milking parlour construction 6249d887-2

168 milking 3dcb54f2-9milking b0b374cc-36910 micro gas turbine 10 49c574a6-5micro gas turbine production, 100kW electrical 29dd1e5e-e

107 metolachlor, at region3914a26a-3metolachlor, supply mix 9f84d4c1-f106 metolachlor, at regionf84028e2-3metolachlor production ae739958-c

1807 methylene diphenyl diicbd29cc1-2methylene diphenyl diisocyanate production d1c195bb-6649 methylcyclohexane, at887a3804-methylcyclohexane production 796110af-8

426 methylchloride, at pla 7850159f-3methylchloride production 4d77c39d-11250 methylamine, at planta63e1547-7methylamine production 49b590e1-7

7226 methyl-3-methoxypropi9001ea60- methyl-3-methoxypropionate production a5d1303f-2425 methyl tert-butyl etheraf95758a-4methyl tert-butyl ether production 7dd7b5b4-

11808 methyl methacrylate, ad3c90c7e- methyl methacrylate production 87c8c223-e6648 methyl formate, at pla835e6ef3-1methyl formate production d5e19855-

424 methyl ethyl ketone, aa7900d98-methyl ethyl ketone production 64c02d69-b7225 methyl acrylate, at pla67e171b3-methyl acrylate production f71ec416-c6244 methanol, from synthet91679f19-fmethanol production, from synthetic gas afa1ac60-7

422 methanol, at plant 3214881f-amethanol production 85639bce-f421 methanol plant 08e0e23f-4methanol factory construction 5767971d-3

6553 methane, 96 vol.-%, fr183ba308-6methane production, 96% by volume, from synthetic g 65862099-26159 methane, 96 vol-%, fr 5143e051-methane production, 96% by volume, from biogas, low pb6cb8612-26158 methane, 96 vol-%, fr c46dca2e- methane production, 96% by volume, from biogas, high 08d5ee04-6161 methane, 96 vol-%, fr aec98e61- methane production, 96% by volume, from biogas, froma259bddc-6162 methane, 96 vol-%, frob0642ed5-1methane production, 96% by volume, from biogas, from ed2a78d1-6160 methane, 96 vol-%, fro767853ba-methane production, 96% by volume, from biogas, from 7136bb2b-86163 methane, 96 vol-%, fro048bb9bd-7methane production, 96% by volume, from biogas, at se9ea986e1-d

11205 metamitron, at regionadec20df1-emetamitron production 05c3341f-66863 metallization paste, fr eab71325- metallization paste production, front side 8e80cc21-a6861 metallization paste, b c7524bab-6metallization paste production, back side, aluminium 6125f40f-e6862 metallization paste, badf1a8b3e-6metallization paste production, back side 6be64f1f-c

11204 metaldehyde, at regio3072d7b9-metaldehyde production 3e616533-8310 steel product manufac769cb482-ametal working, average for steel product manufacturin 434496c9-8215 metal product manufac3bef0f04-emetal working, average for metal product manufacturi 9341e0c3-8339 copper product manufaaf4b84a0-cmetal working, average for copper product manufacturc2288536-8311 chromium steel producdf1c385a-dmetal working, average for chromium steel product maf814ebff-88312 aluminium product manea95f0aa-9metal working, average for aluminium product manufacc3c964b1-b

10138 metal working machine,0c64240e-7metal working machine production, unspecified 25241459-10140 metal working factory 68013a02-2metal working factory construction a7813f67-

1183 metal coating plant 44d906ac-7metal coating facility construction e7755a68-1111 mercury, liquid, at plad67e1b63-2mercury production a50d6b26-a

10204 meranti, standing, undd5cdf68f-a meranti production, CO2-removal and land use b5230f87-8420 melamine, at plant 066948ab-5melamine production 39a2b2da-

1672 melamine formaldehyde71a0647f-bmelamine formaldehyde resin production 1938de98-12479 medium density fibrebo7d5e7f14-fmedium density fibreboard production a0175488-3

11203 mecoprop, at regionalf55aac0d-2mecoprop production fb1ae4b9-10917 mechanical treatment f14d0ecc-2mechanical treatment facility construction, waste electd1dcf523-9

105 MCPA, at regional sto bc6b29df-fMCPA, supply mix 948857bf-104 MCPA, at regional sto dac8ff61-5 MCPA production a80b436e-3

9245 mastic asphalt, at planfe46d885-8mastic asphalt production 5348fc84-358 xenon, gaseous, at reg9efbdfa4-amarket for xenon, gaseous 885c8397-

2052 disposal, building, wase9f4c203-9market for waste wood, untreated c2c95d15-2050 disposal, building, vap4098953b-market for waste vapour barrier, flame-retarded 2d569fa4-2044 disposal, building, PVC27e0da40- market for waste sealing sheet, polyvinylchloride 65fe76f6-f2031 disposal, building, PE f7ee5a7f-c market for waste sealing sheet, polyethylene b7ba081e-d2051 disposal, building, wa ce0bd38f-6market for waste building wood, chrome preserved 5366f929-b2004 disposal, building, bit 3b3afb5d-7market for waste bitumen sheet 19e07fa3-d6111 rape methyl ester, at 28cd694d- market for vegetable oil methyl ester, production CH, at85abead7-c6593 vegetable oil methyl es43733696-market for vegetable oil methyl ester, FR, at service sta02770b7d-7053 disposal, printer, lase f85a9a50- market for used printer, laser, WEEE collection 74077870-7054 disposal, printer, lase 207bdf0f-1market for used printer, laser, colour, WEEE collection 35173aca-7051 disposal, LCD flat scr 81f6d63a-3market for used liquid crystal display, WEEE collection 22fb67f3-6

10946 disposal, Li-ions batt 89f3a4fd-dmarket for used Li-ion battery 0b4dd832-f7052 disposal, laptop comp 7c3f5085-5market for used laptop computer, WEEE collection 754e0008-7049 disposal, desktop come0db5f85-2market for used desktop computer, WEEE collection 543c694d-b7050 disposal, CRT screen, 8b86f971-bmarket for used cathode ray tube display, WEEE collect04fb7303-

355 titanium dioxide, prod32deeb9c-5market for titanium dioxide 3340514e-d450 tetrachloroethylene, a9f09009d- market for tetrachloroethylene 53ced369-3

6664 soybean methyl ester, 6a858703-market for soybean methyl ester, US, at service station8ca79028-6669 soybean methyl ester, 298b96d1-market for soybean methyl ester, BR, at service station079c255d-3

343 sodium sulphate, powde76631ce9-2market for sodium sulfate, anhydrite d7235e3c-710153 silver, at regional sto 72485780-7market for silver 1944b547-

1142 rhodium, at regional s1812861f-3market for rhodium aac9cd34-76110 rape oil, at regional s 04e4f24a-2market for rape oil, crude 56ac3ce2-6574 rape methyl ester, pro7c5c90fb-0market for rape methyl ester, production RER, at servicf1582797-81133 platinum, at regional a1cf9e56-0market for platinum fad664a4-86869 photovoltaic laminate,ae2a1406- market for photovoltaic laminate, CdTe db978a5c-

308 phosphoric acid, fertil cbb31ff3-9 market for phosphoric acid, fertiliser grade, without waa80f6671-c1572 petrol, unleaded, at r e2e595f6-6market for petrol, unleaded 3da0295f-01573 petrol, unleaded, at r e808066c-5market for petrol, unleaded 3da0295f-01566 petrol, low-sulphur, atb12dd3a5-emarket for petrol, low-sulfur b6b62dc0-01567 petrol, low-sulphur, at5c3632e9-cmarket for petrol, low-sulfur b6b62dc0-06673 petrol, 4% vol. ETBE adc0c4d023-4market for petrol, 4% ETBE additive by volume, with e c3d5a6f5-06566 petrol, 15% vol. ETBE 4e81380e- market for petrol, 15% ETBE additive by volume, with df112e7a-a1727 paper, woodfree, uncoadd412b8d-market for paper, woodfree, uncoated 9327ce2c-21728 paper, woodfree, uncoa4be6ea31- market for paper, woodfree, uncoated 9327ce2c-21723 paper, woodfree, coatedf222644-cmarket for paper, woodfree, coated 99e7432b-61724 paper, woodfree, coate230926a8-market for paper, woodfree, coated 99e7432b-61719 paper, wood-containing691246d3-3market for paper, wood-containing, supercalendred 10a4dc31-1720 paper, wood-containing5ab0e6df- market for paper, wood-containing, supercalendred 10a4dc31-1716 paper, wood-containingabcc9d18-7market for paper, woodcontaining, lightweight coated 36c8b7af-11717 paper, wood-containinge0c196e0-4market for paper, woodcontaining, lightweight coated 36c8b7af-11710 paper, newsprint, at r 0eb75d41-9market for paper, newsprint 31b10520-1711 paper, newsprint, at r cfc956ca-8market for paper, newsprint 31b10520-6565 palm methyl ester, proc4ed3083-amarket for palm methyl ester, at service station 25575c45-1127 palladium, at regional 2d651d3c- market for palladium e2ecd730-2

829 packaging glass, white25ff339a-f market for packaging glass, white f90c3448-6825 packaging glass, green74e29ccf-6market for packaging glass, green e1ea7239-821 packaging glass, brownb9ed8a33- market for packaging glass, brown 08b30dbe-

6979 use, computer, desktop4b025368-3market for operation, computer, desktop, office use dfd7fdb8-f6985 use, computer, desktop4b025368-3market for operation, computer, desktop, office use dfd7fdb8-f7021 use, computer, desktobf8c035b-8market for operation, computer, desktop, home use 677db11c-d7035 use, computer, desktobf8c035b-8market for operation, computer, desktop, home use 677db11c-d1337 natural gas, low press572bf959-6market for natural gas, low pressure 38ee1956-1319 natural gas, high pres 9d50797b-market for natural gas, high pressure 5a82e7e6-1320 natural gas, high pres c3437d10-emarket for natural gas, high pressure 5a82e7e6-1321 natural gas, high pres af38f2be-6market for natural gas, high pressure 5a82e7e6-1322 natural gas, high pres a5e66924-1market for natural gas, high pressure 5a82e7e6-1323 natural gas, high pres 85d62ea7- market for natural gas, high pressure 5a82e7e6-1324 natural gas, high pres 765c599e-5market for natural gas, high pressure 5a82e7e6-1325 natural gas, high pres 252eddf8-fmarket for natural gas, high pressure 5a82e7e6-1326 natural gas, high pres e7b39c3d-9market for natural gas, high pressure 5a82e7e6-1327 natural gas, high pres fcc54927-cmarket for natural gas, high pressure 5a82e7e6-1328 natural gas, high pres a96f4f01-dmarket for natural gas, high pressure 5a82e7e6-1329 natural gas, high pres fe7d48f4-emarket for natural gas, high pressure 5a82e7e6-1330 natural gas, high pres 68ec0932- market for natural gas, high pressure 5a82e7e6-1331 natural gas, high pres d841b8a0-market for natural gas, high pressure 5a82e7e6-1332 natural gas, high pres 6fc0ad34-amarket for natural gas, high pressure 5a82e7e6-1333 natural gas, high pres 55fdcc0d- market for natural gas, high pressure 5a82e7e6-1334 natural gas, high pres b25748ef-emarket for natural gas, high pressure 5a82e7e6-1335 natural gas, high pres 3b250699-market for natural gas, high pressure 5a82e7e6-1336 natural gas, high pres c3ba1fb0- market for natural gas, high pressure 5a82e7e6-

10771 natural gas, high pres 5523498f-emarket for natural gas, high pressure 5a82e7e6-11053 natural gas, at consu cbcbe577- market for natural gas, high pressure 5a82e7e6-

6153 natural gas, productionb2aec82a-bmarket for natural gas, at service station 80c442b4-65719 naphtha, at regional s4a6c2172-8market for naphtha 4cbdf150-55720 naphtha, at regional s8b0eba43-cmarket for naphtha 4cbdf150-51115 molybdenite, at plant bb82c5cc-2market for molybdenite 37ca39b5-7

427 methylchloride, at reg11722250-4market for methylchloride e8aadacd-6099 methanol, from biomasa31e05c4-7market for methanol, from biomass 7a90e349-8

423 methanol, at regional f0be2689- market for methanol 8207d772-419 maleic anhydride, at p3be35340-market for maleic anhydride 4cb41064-8

11798 liquefied petroleum gasb17f1249-cmarket for liquefied petroleum gas 51b9f8a9-f1559 light fuel oil, at regio c8ab46b8-amarket for light fuel oil 2dc24aa6-51560 light fuel oil, at regio 6be2fe27-dmarket for light fuel oil 2dc24aa6-51103 lead, at regional stora8b9acf31- market for lead 90b39e89-8

295 krypton, gaseous, at r d26857bc- market for krypton, gaseous f4887bb6-51555 kerosene, at regional ecb5f676-cmarket for kerosene fe07fcda-c1556 kerosene, at regional 7d05d438-bmarket for kerosene fe07fcda-c

282 hydrochloric acid, 30%f8d4bf9a-emarket for hydrochloric acid, without water, in 30% solu4541ecb8-1551 heavy fuel oil, at regi 621c2acd- market for heavy fuel oil b05da3b8-51552 heavy fuel oil, at regi 80e95348-market for heavy fuel oil b05da3b8-5

411 heat, unspecific, in ch 829dd40b-1market for heat, in chemical industry 94d33f7d-21283 heat, at local distrib 6910bc72-fmarket for heat, at local distribution cogen 160kWe Jakf6b21358-61282 heat, at local distrib c9a9e4bc-5market for heat, at local distribution cogen 160kWe Jak057e1cd0-d1281 heat, at local distrib 1ad34886-market for heat, at local distribution cogen 160kWe Jakf4c3360a-11280 heat, at local distrib 2508eb04-8market for heat, at local distribution cogen 160kWe Jak84dc9491-01279 heat, at local distribu cff1f219-7 market for heat, at local distribution cogen 160kWe Jako73bc0309-

835 hard coal, at regional acf9b3b9-amarket for hard coal 20c29b4b-909 hard coal, at regional 5294bd63-market for hard coal 20c29b4b-910 hard coal, at regional 30b2b51e-market for hard coal 20c29b4b-911 hard coal, at regional c1eca059-3market for hard coal 20c29b4b-912 hard coal, at regional 318c9879-4market for hard coal 20c29b4b-913 hard coal, at regional 8e64a789-1market for hard coal 20c29b4b-914 hard coal, at regional 3bce1f35-cmarket for hard coal 20c29b4b-915 hard coal, at regional 78608784-market for hard coal 20c29b4b-

11072 hard coal supply mix, d9671d25-market for hard coal 20c29b4b-11094 hard coal supply mix ef19ef14-9market for hard coal 20c29b4b-10121 gold, at regional storaa025358d-7market for gold 212bc7d3-3

6909 gallium, semiconductorb792031b-market for gallium, semiconductor-grade 63f64378-6638 formic acid, at plant 22cc16d8- market for formic acid a008c1cb-9

994 foam glass, at regiona0dc0c3b3-fmarket for foam glass 311fa51d-27159 foam glass, at regionac369c4e6- market for foam glass 311fa51d-21096 ferrochromium, high-ca6d86159-cmarket for ferrochromium, high-carbon, 68% Cr e75ea204-c5899 fatty alcohol sulfate, m64946f9d-7market for fatty alcohol sulfate 302e335b-6671 ethanol, 99.7% in H2O,8540d578-8market for ethanol, without water, in 99.7% solution sta5d34028e-

11366 electricity, medium voltaa9957dd-4market for electricity, medium voltage, label-certified ef05f3bf-111362 electricity, medium vofee1d285-9market for electricity, medium voltage, average mix withd90d531f-e

776 electricity, medium voad63d46f-dmarket for electricity, medium voltage, aluminium inducaa39bde-b777 electricity, medium volcd088cba-dmarket for electricity, medium voltage 202fa2d7-8778 electricity, medium vole2ad7bf0- market for electricity, medium voltage 202fa2d7-8779 electricity, medium vole61be30b-dmarket for electricity, medium voltage 202fa2d7-8780 electricity, medium vol2114a2ca-3market for electricity, medium voltage 202fa2d7-8781 electricity, medium volac1241e1- market for electricity, medium voltage 202fa2d7-8782 electricity, medium vol5165aa3e-8market for electricity, medium voltage 202fa2d7-8783 electricity, medium vol56243e2d-market for electricity, medium voltage 202fa2d7-8784 electricity, medium volcd915e3c-0market for electricity, medium voltage 202fa2d7-8785 electricity, medium vol4069e75b-market for electricity, medium voltage 202fa2d7-8786 electricity, medium vol67b5a14c-2market for electricity, medium voltage 202fa2d7-8787 electricity, medium vol9eaa34dd- market for electricity, medium voltage 202fa2d7-8788 electricity, medium vola2b5b5e3-6market for electricity, medium voltage 202fa2d7-8789 electricity, medium vol82084ddf-4market for electricity, medium voltage 202fa2d7-8790 electricity, medium vol117af1c9-1market for electricity, medium voltage 202fa2d7-8791 electricity, medium vol66befb98-4market for electricity, medium voltage 202fa2d7-8792 electricity, medium vol719f5d26-2market for electricity, medium voltage 202fa2d7-8793 electricity, medium vol1b11b2db-market for electricity, medium voltage 202fa2d7-8794 electricity, medium vola5e7d401-6market for electricity, medium voltage 202fa2d7-8795 electricity, medium vol384269ca-emarket for electricity, medium voltage 202fa2d7-8796 electricity, medium voldc636368- market for electricity, medium voltage 202fa2d7-8797 electricity, medium vol154ef7fe-9market for electricity, medium voltage 202fa2d7-8798 electricity, medium vol4d35c612- market for electricity, medium voltage 202fa2d7-8799 electricity, medium vol604304c5-fmarket for electricity, medium voltage 202fa2d7-8800 electricity, medium volffe40ac4-d market for electricity, medium voltage 202fa2d7-8801 electricity, medium vol8ad9e622- market for electricity, medium voltage 202fa2d7-8802 electricity, medium vol28c1c36c-2market for electricity, medium voltage 202fa2d7-8

6678 electricity, medium vol0f76fdee-amarket for electricity, medium voltage 202fa2d7-86681 electricity, medium vole05ca8a0- market for electricity, medium voltage 202fa2d7-8

6684 electricity, medium vol3e4f5869-1market for electricity, medium voltage 202fa2d7-86687 electricity, medium volb746fbbc-8market for electricity, medium voltage 202fa2d7-87194 electricity, medium vol001e6af7-dmarket for electricity, medium voltage 202fa2d7-87202 electricity, medium vol7435098a-5market for electricity, medium voltage 202fa2d7-8

11367 electricity, low voltage,0377b920-market for electricity, low voltage, label-certified df0a92ed-711363 electricity, low voltag 9e99ba62- market for electricity, low voltage, average mix with avec4ddf204-2

750 electricity, low voltage74cddf19-7market for electricity, low voltage eec82e50-751 electricity, low voltageb04516aa-fmarket for electricity, low voltage eec82e50-752 electricity, low voltage3ce78543-amarket for electricity, low voltage eec82e50-753 electricity, low voltage3b039891-market for electricity, low voltage eec82e50-754 electricity, low voltage7b7c04a0- market for electricity, low voltage eec82e50-755 electricity, low voltagec2845e55-4market for electricity, low voltage eec82e50-756 electricity, low voltagea47542e0- market for electricity, low voltage eec82e50-757 electricity, low voltage504101af-fmarket for electricity, low voltage eec82e50-758 electricity, low voltagef904a425-fmarket for electricity, low voltage eec82e50-759 electricity, low voltage961f7637-9market for electricity, low voltage eec82e50-760 electricity, low voltagef11e5fbb-1market for electricity, low voltage eec82e50-761 electricity, low voltage7048308d-market for electricity, low voltage eec82e50-762 electricity, low voltage6dc96873- market for electricity, low voltage eec82e50-763 electricity, low voltage895cc453-1market for electricity, low voltage eec82e50-764 electricity, low voltagef03615f0-emarket for electricity, low voltage eec82e50-765 electricity, low voltage101ce97a-4market for electricity, low voltage eec82e50-766 electricity, low voltagee7ccdadf-4market for electricity, low voltage eec82e50-767 electricity, low voltage43541db7-market for electricity, low voltage eec82e50-768 electricity, low voltageed8ac532-dmarket for electricity, low voltage eec82e50-769 electricity, low voltage173a887b-market for electricity, low voltage eec82e50-770 electricity, low voltage2291fd6b-7market for electricity, low voltage eec82e50-771 electricity, low voltage8bb47997-market for electricity, low voltage eec82e50-772 electricity, low voltaged61a4358-market for electricity, low voltage eec82e50-773 electricity, low voltage64e9d74b-market for electricity, low voltage eec82e50-774 electricity, low voltagef151369c-bmarket for electricity, low voltage eec82e50-775 electricity, low voltage65bfa30c- market for electricity, low voltage eec82e50-

6677 electricity, low voltage558a5efa- market for electricity, low voltage eec82e50-6680 electricity, low voltage1ad5ac0c-emarket for electricity, low voltage eec82e50-6683 electricity, low voltage723509b5-9market for electricity, low voltage eec82e50-6686 electricity, low voltage1e1ce6e5-4market for electricity, low voltage eec82e50-7196 electricity, low voltage4ea7bbf7-5market for electricity, low voltage eec82e50-7204 electricity, low voltage3132c15f-1market for electricity, low voltage eec82e50-

11365 electricity, high voltage7576af09- market for electricity, high voltage, label-certified 993116bd-749 electricity, high voltag22d41cf4-cmarket for electricity, high voltage, for Swiss Federal R a581d68a-

11361 electricity, high volta 241e5233-fmarket for electricity, high voltage, average mix with av3dbd025a-95861 electricity, high volta 71264fa8-2market for electricity, high voltage, aluminium industry433445fb-9

723 electricity, high voltag4ca0195f-6market for electricity, high voltage ba55ed9d-5724 electricity, high voltagc4c0bfbb-dmarket for electricity, high voltage ba55ed9d-5725 electricity, high voltag2e0b0171-market for electricity, high voltage ba55ed9d-5726 electricity, high voltagae72f72c-amarket for electricity, high voltage ba55ed9d-5727 electricity, high voltaga1cbb1bc-6market for electricity, high voltage ba55ed9d-5728 electricity, high voltag8b6b3f01-dmarket for electricity, high voltage ba55ed9d-5729 electricity, high voltag06b4b826-1market for electricity, high voltage ba55ed9d-5730 electricity, high voltagef287276-6market for electricity, high voltage ba55ed9d-5731 electricity, high voltag1c486129-7market for electricity, high voltage ba55ed9d-5732 electricity, high voltag45c93e7c-emarket for electricity, high voltage ba55ed9d-5733 electricity, high voltagea8af710-dmarket for electricity, high voltage ba55ed9d-5734 electricity, high voltag4b256606-market for electricity, high voltage ba55ed9d-5735 electricity, high voltagd589968b-market for electricity, high voltage ba55ed9d-5736 electricity, high voltag18a3b6e3- market for electricity, high voltage ba55ed9d-5737 electricity, high voltag214aa8fd-1market for electricity, high voltage ba55ed9d-5738 electricity, high voltag5314992c-9market for electricity, high voltage ba55ed9d-5739 electricity, high voltagbc8de77b-5market for electricity, high voltage ba55ed9d-5740 electricity, high voltag60ac5d51-fmarket for electricity, high voltage ba55ed9d-5741 electricity, high voltag5be6a5f6-7market for electricity, high voltage ba55ed9d-5742 electricity, high voltagc54fb24e-f market for electricity, high voltage ba55ed9d-5743 electricity, high voltag85ce655a-5market for electricity, high voltage ba55ed9d-5744 electricity, high voltagf8d4ee13-1market for electricity, high voltage ba55ed9d-5745 electricity, high voltag7460c944- market for electricity, high voltage ba55ed9d-5746 electricity, high voltag1bd2a102-market for electricity, high voltage ba55ed9d-5747 electricity, high voltage4fec9b9-amarket for electricity, high voltage ba55ed9d-5748 electricity, high voltagad62d966-2market for electricity, high voltage ba55ed9d-5

6676 electricity, high voltagec3e82a5-cmarket for electricity, high voltage ba55ed9d-56679 electricity, high voltag369b2f52-bmarket for electricity, high voltage ba55ed9d-56682 electricity, high voltag42c43532- market for electricity, high voltage ba55ed9d-56685 electricity, high voltag66ddfe1f-f market for electricity, high voltage ba55ed9d-57192 electricity, high voltagfdb22f7f-4 market for electricity, high voltage ba55ed9d-57200 electricity, high voltagc35dc7f5-4market for electricity, high voltage ba55ed9d-51547 diesel, low-sulphur, at1141926b-market for diesel, low-sulfur 2967b99f-5

1548 diesel, low-sulphur, atb7aeadfd-amarket for diesel, low-sulfur 2967b99f-51542 diesel, at regional sto 7c018979-8market for diesel 0823ff3e-91543 diesel, at regional sto f10bed43-5market for diesel 0823ff3e-98197 compressed air, optimi314e752f-fmarket for compressed air, 800 kPa gauge, >30kW, optf94bc74d-a8193 compressed air, best i17ddf241-2market for compressed air, 800 kPa gauge, >30kW, bescc2b91e7-c8196 compressed air, averag22a20c72- market for compressed air, 800 kPa gauge, >30kW, av 14b9d354-98191 compressed air, optimi104859f9-0market for compressed air, 800 kPa gauge, <30kW, optc348c39d-88190 compressed air, averag29e0934c-dmarket for compressed air, 800 kPa gauge, <30kW, av 518e0195-8224 compressed air, optimie1b7a16e-7market for compressed air, 700 kPa gauge, >30kW, opt03ccc455-c8228 compressed air, best ia360bbbd-6market for compressed air, 700 kPa gauge, >30kW, bes3894b4fa-78225 compressed air, averag5956141a-bmarket for compressed air, 700 kPa gauge, >30kW, av 16817b18-58203 compressed air, optimiebe5c879-9market for compressed air, 600 kPa gauge, >30kW, opt6909d328-8199 compressed air, best if0cacba0-6market for compressed air, 600 kPa gauge, >30kW, besb47a51cc-8202 compressed air, averagd287c65a-dmarket for compressed air, 600 kPa gauge, >30kW, av b60590ac-8187 compressed air, optimib1f2ea84-5market for compressed air, 1200 kPa gauge, <30kW, op15e897bd-a8186 compressed air, avera07d84bf8- market for compressed air, 1200 kPa gauge, <30kW, a a6aff71a-38220 compressed air, optimi4b68122f-5market for compressed air, 1000 kPa gauge, <30kW, opf50d4088-28221 compressed air, avera3bc06d62-emarket for compressed air, 1000 kPa gauge, <30kW, a 77236cd1-

260 calcium chloride, CaCl4e0d7eb3- market for calcium chloride dd767afc-a6173 biowaste, at collectionc3f3b463-cmarket for biowaste dceed096-

246 ammonia, liquid, at reffc15277-c market for ammonia, liquid 42a08013-247 ammonia, liquid, at re93b1cd7f-7market for ammonia, liquid 42a08013-

1052 aluminium scrap, new, bfc61512-bmarket for aluminium scrap, new 9db02082-8361 acetic anhydride, at plc2bf2bc7-cmarket for acetic anhydride efaee0af-9

10916 manual treatment pla e1148b3c- manual treatment facility construction, waste electric 3724aae0-25886 118 sodium sulpsodium sulpdf84335e- Mannheim process 0b817585-45887 118 hydrochlorisodium sulpdf84335e- Mannheim process 0b817585-4

11370 manganese oxide (Mn2a768a561-dmanganese(III) oxide production 3416dfa3-91109 manganese, at regiona80c59f49-0manganese production 04701b42-1110 manganese concentrateb45a511f-0manganese concentrate production 27ab32d7-

103 maneb, at regional st 1b55d0dc- maneb, supply mix 39665f15-102 maneb, at regional st c798e5f8-9maneb production 7605bb9f-8

11202 mancozeb, at regionalfc7be8ab-2mancozeb production c26aaa6f-3298 malusil, at plant 2337a8fa-cmalusil production 8543f19a-a418 22 maleic anhydirect oxid 98b8229b-maleic anhydride production by direct oxidation of n-b 6dbed587-a447 22 steam from direct oxid 98b8229b-maleic anhydride production by direct oxidation of n-b 6dbed587-a417 21 maleic anhycatalytic o 1b2ebaf2-fmaleic anhydride production by catalytic oxidation of 1f17045b-b446 21 steam from catalytic o 1b2ebaf2-fmaleic anhydride production by catalytic oxidation of 1f17045b-b214 maize starch, at plant a8b04e6a-amaize starch production b76ac1c6-228 silage maize IP, at far cafb274c-9maize silage production, Swiss integrated production, i 77159473-229 silage maize organic, f094852d-amaize silage production, organic 2361b886-5137 maize seed IP, at regi b5e198ed-1maize seed production, Swiss integrated production, fo873bfc45-6136 maize seed IP, at farme073f37c-cmaize seed production, Swiss integrated production, atfd916a30-0139 maize seed organic, ata4a6788b- maize seed production, organic, for sowing 376d5ae9-4138 maize seed organic, a62db6a1b-maize seed production, organic, at farm 1c85c3e7-f

25 grain maize IP, at feed607241c0-cmaize grain, feed production, Swiss integrated product d7f77733-26 grain maize organic, ata184d43c-emaize grain, feed production, organic 7d8ee79b-

200 grain maize IP, at far 41420b37-5maize grain production, Swiss integrated production 5fa23640-f201 grain maize organic, a8d61032a-0maize grain production, organic 62852bb0-

6528 corn, at farm b46299d6-maize grain production 52bd6981-6064 maintenance, tram aafdf6e4-f maintenance, tram 60a6278e-6092 maintenance, regional 7b63f908-emaintenance, train, passenger, regional 0ce5ed43-d6093 maintenance, long-distcbba3081- maintenance, train, passenger, long distance eecc323c-16091 maintenance, ICE 7125f06c-dmaintenance, train, passenger, high-speed 94802710-86942 maintenance stirling cff1847ad-c maintenance, stirling heat and power co-generation unit1b26696f-6941 maintenance SOFC-GT fa120eadb- maintenance, solid oxide fuel cell, with micro gas turbi b6df9109-86940 maintenance SOFC fueld93606c8-dmaintenance, solid oxide fuel cell 125kW electrical, fut 3610841a-6939 maintenance PEM fuel 5f4f5650-1maintenance, polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell 25df158c1-d

11763 maintenance, electric cb04f06a-cmaintenance, passenger car, electric, 312 kg Li-ion bat06831523-11778 maintenance, passenger9efd83d6- maintenance, passenger car, electric, 100 kg Li-ion batc65b5744-011783 maintenance, passengera9f0aa90-cmaintenance, passenger car, diesel, 550 kg kerb weigh01464d65-

1913 maintenance, passeng713b7c73-dmaintenance, passenger car, 1240 kg kerb weight fecca7eb-411752 maintenance, scooter e2d24e99-5maintenance, motor scooter 7ccc2e8f-4

1300 maintenance, Mini CHP3833dee4- maintenance, mini CHP plant 69626d5e-6938 maintenance micro ga2ed00ac3- maintenance, micro gas turbine, 100kW electrical 27e4b23b-1912 maintenance, lorry 408452fb51- maintenance, lorry 40 metric ton 9cf6b1a3-71911 maintenance, lorry 28a3def5a8-3maintenance, lorry 28 metric ton 87bcc1a9-71909 maintenance, lorry 163a119c9b-cmaintenance, lorry 16 metric ton 56d999cc-11976 maintenance, locomotc1fe096f-f maintenance, locomotive 77875539-1914 maintenance, van < 3.aa2e71d1-1maintenance, light commercial vehicle 3ee37fca-d1299 maintenance, cogen u8027ad26-maintenance, heat and power co-generation unit, 160kW118171c3-1975 maintenance, goods 8761cc4e-7maintenance, goods wagon 1de35df1-71957 maintenance, transocea5d86c3b9- maintenance, freight ship, transoceanic f265d510-4

11345 maintenance, electric 019bd6e5-maintenance, electric scooter 40793640-e11344 maintenance, electric c28bf1c5-f maintenance, electric bicycle e1882ceb-4

6063 maintenance, bus f34d3b09- maintenance, bus 09e3b062-11343 maintenance, bicycle 825c18ee- maintenance, bicycle a072b8b7-

1955 maintenance, barge fc068bb8-dmaintenance, barge e95d6cc3-7118 magnetite, at plant 494dbb7e-bmagnetite production 9397058d-11108 magnesium-alloy, AZ91,4a08d4b6-7magnesium-alloy production, AZ91, diecasting bcf38a6c-71107 magnesium-alloy, AZ91ccc4c340-5magnesium-alloy production, AZ91 5e257ea4-a

297 magnesium sulphate, adaf758be-amagnesium sulfate production 2bb12dcc-71106 magnesium, at plant 12f1da77-0magnesium production 66134b23-

296 magnesium oxide, at pdd22ff60-6magnesium oxide production 57727c01-1105 magnesium plant 6962cca7-0magnesium factory construction 88e55eb1-2

10923 facilities for mechani f45753da-fmachine construction, for treatment of waste electric 1fda532f-b416 lubricating oil, at plant61bbfc67- lubricating oil production b4c726dc-

1908 lorry 40t 76037b79- lorry production, 40 metric ton e4dadd75-1907 lorry 28t 03cb9083-alorry production, 28 metric ton 7534563b-a1906 lorry 16t 1777327e-clorry production, 16 metric ton 78e1d240-2349 logs, mixed, at forest db6a901c- log, at forest, production mix 2ff8ef0c-f2348 logs, hardwood, at for 8e145d1d- log production, hardwood, at forest 453126b7-f2350 logs, softwood, at fore5005322d- log production, energy wood, split, at forest 6bea7e3c-1974 locomotive bb18754e- locomotive production 51f56984-d7223 lithium manganese oxie4110fb1-9lithium manganese oxide production e2bed211-7222 209 lithium hydlithium car d0a20ab4-dlithium hydroxide production ef58d764-b

10073 209 lime from l lithium car d0a20ab4-dlithium hydroxide production ef58d764-b11373 lithium hexafluorophosc7161fc2-dlithium hexafluorophosphate production 968f9224-011372 lithium fluoride, at pla354232bd-9lithium fluoride production c276f23c-9

7221 lithium chloride, at pla15e35c74-3lithium chloride production d327a19e-7241 lithium carbonate, at pe2df3d46-dlithium carbonate production, from concentrated brine e2e8411e-

11787 concentrated lithium br882b1726- lithium brine inspissation 6d8c6b03-415 liquid storage tank, c 7c041614- liquid storage tank production, chemicals, organics be4daab0-

1696 liquid packaging boardbe2d0d8e-cliquid packaging board production 68b43570-f1702 production of liquid p cd0dbdca- liquid packaging board container production 38719b9b-9

35 slurry tanker, product 138ae945-fliquid manure tank trailer production aa33511b-17 slurry store and proce460c8f9c-f liquid manure storage and processing facility construct4f92d6e8-5

176 slurry spreading, by aa486886-6liquid manure spreading, by vacuum tanker 259bccb7-7000 LCD module, at plant 437ecbe0-2liquid crystal display production, unmounted f4703dd0-17105 assembly, LCD modul 81671813- liquid crystal display production, minor components, auxb5492ef8-8

101 linuron, at regional s 484c0350- linuron, supply mix 1de986c2-100 linuron, at regional s 179367d3- linuron production b43b229b-

1683 corrugated board base 35408e4e- linerboard production, kraftliner 0e8f58fe-7466 limestone, at mine df442065- limestone quarry operation c63dccab-d471 mine, limestone 629ffcf6-9 limestone quarry construction f7234c33-f467 limestone, crushed, w54d80f16- limestone production, crushed, washed 124f1dee-a528 limestone, crushed, for5f7fe0cc-b limestone production, crushed, for mill 0c895346-529 limestone, milled, pacbc7e70bf-0lime production, milled, packed 3f7af46a-9468 limestone, milled, loos30891055-elime production, milled, loose 93c111b6-9488 lime, hydraulic, at pla b0f3731f-blime production, hydraulic 620e0bc3-487 lime, hydrated, packede3e0ea96- lime production, hydrated, packed e93c4636-b486 lime, hydrated, loose, 58ec9b64- lime production, hydrated, loose weight 19e2a5bd-

47 lime, from carbonationf8665778-4lime production, from sugar beet carbonation 61c879e1-846 lime, algae, at region 1ea34f58-7lime production, algae ec5fa307-4

543 lime mortar, at plant ee72a37f-clime mortar production 7bb36884-1025 lignite power plant 4d685bbf-elignite power plant construction 051bb81a-81044 lignite, at mine 9411ea99-5lignite mine operation 294f180a-d1042 lignite dust productionf91153fc-0 lignite dust factory construction 42b0365d-11006 lignite briquettes, at pdf605f65-c lignite briquettes production 79e74050-1041 lignite briquettes prod9a6b7785-blignite briquettes factory construction dafb5b9c-2

509 lightweight concrete bc5890abc- lightweight concrete block production, pumice 7e6b387a-508 lightweight concrete bl525e3b0a- lightweight concrete block production, polystyrene cd982c96-5

6044 lightweight concrete b76eb9e5a-0lightweight concrete block production, expanded vermicbbb7a971-507 lightweight concrete b2246d50c- lightweight concrete block production, expanded perlit 5f9faa23-3510 lightweight concrete b529dc2b1- lightweight concrete block production, expanded clay b032f04b-f542 light mortar, at plant 93647c3c-3light mortar production 84998ae7-6

7077 light emitting diode, Ldd470a20-1light emitting diode production dbd94b66-f1949 van <3.5t 3ce96249- light commercial vehicle production 77ea4fb9-

496 light clay brick, at pla ef52ea4a-blight clay brick production 281c370e-f10074 331 sodium sulpsulphuric ab92f18a7- leaching of spodumene with sulfuric acid 9fedad32-d

331 (missing) sulphuric ab92f18a7- leaching of spodumene with sulfuric acid 9fedad32-d1992 layered sodium silicat 892a55be- layered sodium silicate production, SKS-6, powder 3acee32c-2

414 latex, at plant af97d376-clatex production 70fcebe1-10133 laser machining, meta9da061fa-blaser machining, metal, with YAG-laser, 60W power 8d1a7837-810132 laser machining, metaa84cf4d5-9laser machining, metal, with YAG-laser, 50W power bc9da266-10137 laser machining, metabe9e4cd2-alaser machining, metal, with YAG-laser, 500W power d92e653b-10131 laser machining, metad4367748-claser machining, metal, with YAG-laser, 40W power 1871c84a-310136 laser machining, metaca218bdc- laser machining, metal, with YAG-laser, 330W power 91a0f398-b10130 laser machining, meta7c359561- laser machining, metal, with YAG-laser, 30W power 48c91555-10135 laser machining, metad00dc88d- laser machining, metal, with YAG-laser, 200W power d236b517-8

10134 laser machining, meta526a6a5b- laser machining, metal, with YAG-laser, 120W power d2fd6119-510129 laser machining, meta745bd668-4laser machining, metal, with CO2-laser, 6000W power 8047f40c-d10128 laser machining, metad481ef49-0laser machining, metal, with CO2-laser, 5000W power a20261f1-f10127 laser machining, meta2d3d7975-blaser machining, metal, with CO2-laser, 4000W power 216b4414-10126 laser machining, meta35f9db93- laser machining, metal, with CO2-laser, 3200W power 539ef29a-b10125 laser machining, metab7e9e8d1- laser machining, metal, with CO2-laser, 2700W power 889df825-f10124 laser machining, meta04da5cbd-6laser machining, metal, with CO2-laser, 2000W power d7e672a3-710844 laminating, foil, with a1c9e6d4c- laminating service, foil, with acrylic binder 71af6e44-1

2464 96 industrial laminated t99ad4290-elaminated timber element production, for outdoor use 10790918-22465 96 industrial laminated t99ad4290-elaminated timber element production, for outdoor use 10790918-22478 96 laminated tlaminated t99ad4290-elaminated timber element production, for outdoor use 10790918-21732 kraft paper, unbleacheef967eec-akraft paper production, unbleached 9de70996-f1731 kraft paper, bleached, cc201f02-9kraft paper production, bleached a17e5a50-16997 keyboard, standard ver8339502a-keyboard production 6edc5e2f-c

10184 352 kenaf fibre kenaf produb22fa638-7kenaf production 43d7fa31-a10185 352 kenaf stalkkenaf produb22fa638-7kenaf production 43d7fa31-a

293 kaolin, at plant 7a8679ac- kaolin production 9e72c14b-10179 351 jute fibres jute produca9c83b5d-ejute production, rainfed ec534547-810181 351 jute stalks jute produca9c83b5d-ejute production, rainfed ec534547-810178 350 jute fibres, jute produc475b0d0a-djute production, irrigated a2ba060a-10180 350 jute stalks jute produc475b0d0a-djute production, irrigated a2ba060a-11201 isoproturon, at region 746bb147- isoproturon production ad7bec2b-

6644 isopropyl acetate, at p14e9b1f3-bisopropyl acetate production 60ed5e8f-e413 isopropanol, at plant 32327dcc-cisopropanol production 8df51d1b-f

6643 isohexane, at plant 8e443394-6isohexane production 2cf0836c-f6642 isobutyl acetate, at pl 90b4e9ba-5isobutyl acetate production 8cb36785-6978 irrigating d7f33ebd-eirrigation, at 0.12 cubic metre per square metre 2da747cb-96967 irrigating 59484663-4irrigation 3da318ac-0

165 irrigating 564d73fe- irrigating 3e687b4d-76946 iron-nickel-chromium af26b762a-diron-nickel-chromium alloy production a9c05979-1102 iron sulphate, at plantab2e2cab-ciron sulfate production 779d8295-c1131 pellets, iron, at plant 63262e53-diron pellet production d013d47c-31100 iron ore, 65% Fe, at be2b7101e8- iron ore beneficiation to 65% Fe 4b02b6ad-01099 iron ore, 46% Fe, at m6299482f-7iron mine operation, crude ore, 46% Fe c0ac59cf-8

292 iron (III) chloride, 40%be0b5924- iron (III) chloride production, product in 40% solution stb1b6140e-62289 water treatment plant,5b01c13e- ion-exchanger production for water treatment c6173df4-46852 inverter, 500kW, at pl 6db36eb4- inverter production, 500kW f5b21287-c1778 inverter, 2500W, at pl 572e5405-2inverter production, 2.5kW 90f5970d-e6851 inverter, 500W, at pla 5ccf4520-9inverter production, 0.5kW be8b6139-b

291 intral, at plant bff90037-1intral production 3e069156-11754 use, IP network, work db37a02a- internet access, work, 0.2 Mbit/s 60137df6-a11753 use, IP network, vide 3736ad51- internet access, videoconference, 0.7 Mbit/s 8fcd77f8-911766 network access devicesff41ce5b-4 internet access equipment production fa3d0e6f-c

7015 integrated circuit, IC, 6c7358e1- integrated circuit production, memory type 443fe95f-f7016 integrated circuit, IC, f405cf66-6 integrated circuit production, logic type c22ddb74-

10855 insulation spiral-seamb93034c0-0insulation spiral-seam duct production, rockwool, DN 1365b873-711193 insecticides, at region b66588a2- insecticide, production mix 43cd8fca-5

1853 injection moulding 46670f16-8injection moulding be8916c3-1660 regional distribution, cdfe4cfc-8 infrastructure construction, for regional distribution of f9b0852d-c2084 inert material landfill f4f18c57e-9inert material landfill construction 0a77327b-7

560 industrial machine, heb28480e4- industrial machine production, heavy, unspecified 1491ff6b-41353 industrial furnace, natfb0bc50d-3industrial furnace production, natural gas 33c82d79-a

853 industrial furnace, co 3d6d4f51-4industrial furnace production, coal, 1-10MW bfe12808-1595 industrial furnace 1MW67de4be2- industrial furnace production, 1MW, oil fb860900-

10154 inductor, unspecified, 45b7c46f-5inductor, production mix f8d98ff8-17067 inductor, ring core cho12ca1bae- inductor production, ring core choke type 82a25026-

10155 inductor, miniature RF c55c5e3b-finductor production, miniature radio frequency chip 2d61d8e3-10156 inductor, low value mul7a5de784-einductor production, low value multilayer chip 6f7ed9b3-10157 production efforts, indaee00362- inductor production, auxilliaries and energy use fd6fd857-610142 ITO powder, for target4cb8057d-cindium tin oxide powder production, nanoscale, for sputeee0c09a-7

7164 indium, at regional st 6b86c6fa-aindium production 39e69449-10215 sulphate pulp, from eu7db365e2- import of sulfate pulp, unbleached, from eucalyptus s ad373ad3-10211 sawn timber, paraná p5405f44c-1import of sawnwood, paraná pine from sustainable fore0d202308-610206 roundwood, meranti (S75fd91fb-6import of roundwood, meranti from sustainable fores 70bb63bb-410201 roundwood, azobe (SFb1f0fe99-6import of roundwood, azobe from sustainable forest 1ec3f69f-6

1423 natural gas, liquefied, 55dcf5ab-aimport of natural gas, liquefied, DZ 711cb826-6698 natural gas, liquefied, 612974bb- import of natural gas, liquefied 643cec91-98208 warming, warm impact a1db0fe5-6impact extrusion of steel, warm, initial warming 2f74ee7d-88297 deformation stroke, waad3dab97- impact extrusion of steel, warm, deformation stroke c02a121c-98296 warm impact extrusion,d22a3a40-eimpact extrusion of steel, warm, 5 strokes fbd31f8c-88295 warm impact extrusion,025c4fb8-9impact extrusion of steel, warm, 4 strokes 5606c251-58294 warm impact extrusion,397b1f7d-9impact extrusion of steel, warm, 3 strokes b9474869-18293 warm impact extrusion,7c55a3f5-aimpact extrusion of steel, warm, 2 strokes de0aa781-8292 warm impact extrusion,1c16c8fc-7impact extrusion of steel, warm, 1 strokes 52a36fe4-c8204 heat treatment, hot im184e7490- impact extrusion of steel, hot, tempering 4e598aeb-a

8207 warming, hot impact ex16f5a475-9impact extrusion of steel, hot, initial warming 480f6b49-b8303 deformation stroke, ho0d82c33a-1impact extrusion of steel, hot, deformation stroke 2a1e7a1a-8302 hot impact extrusion, s8633174a-bimpact extrusion of steel, hot, 5 strokes b7fbcc44-38301 hot impact extrusion, s87422869- impact extrusion of steel, hot, 4 strokes f96faeb4-f8300 hot impact extrusion, s9784905e-5impact extrusion of steel, hot, 3 strokes 08151a6a-8299 hot impact extrusion, sd8fd71e5-5impact extrusion of steel, hot, 2 strokes 1441c43a-88298 hot impact extrusion, sffcf4ceb-5 impact extrusion of steel, hot, 1 strokes 3af2d4b0-38206 heat treatment, cold i f515526b-0impact extrusion of steel, cold, tempering 156516f9-8210 surface treatment, cola8514b3f- impact extrusion of steel, cold, initial surface treatmentecb17e4f-48291 deformation stroke, cocee4945f-9impact extrusion of steel, cold, deformation stroke 73c9c9c0-b8290 cold impact extrusion, 52763314-bimpact extrusion of steel, cold, 5 strokes a4c748c3-8289 cold impact extrusion, 6921b4f9-1impact extrusion of steel, cold, 4 strokes 6cad9797-8288 cold impact extrusion, a9d15cc2- impact extrusion of steel, cold, 3 strokes f9e88260-38287 cold impact extrusion, 442fa2ca-1impact extrusion of steel, cold, 2 strokes 1ddebf4b-48286 cold impact extrusion, c934695c-bimpact extrusion of steel, cold, 1 strokes 592b4fef-88309 deformation stroke, co51d9c622- impact extrusion of aluminium, deformation stroke 25fac81c-48205 heat treatment, cold d8fc4282-4impact extrusion of aluminium, cold, tempering cda71c8e-8209 surface treatment, col8d662533-8impact extrusion of aluminium, cold, initial surface tre 2b40e14f-68308 cold impact extrusion,9dd06e7b-fimpact extrusion of aluminium, 5 strokes 7570253a-8307 cold impact extrusion,710aa60b-5impact extrusion of aluminium, 4 strokes c87c9d38-48306 cold impact extrusion,849c8ea5-2impact extrusion of aluminium, 3 strokes 3dda8922-88305 cold impact extrusion,1e187606- impact extrusion of aluminium, 2 strokes 46587b5d-8304 cold impact extrusion,79f77887- impact extrusion of aluminium, 1 stroke 8d995634-

989 run-of-river hydropowe829c5b44-6hydropower plant construction, run-of-river a6916239-990 run-of-river hydropowedbd03302-5hydropower plant construction, run-of-river a6916239-988 reservoir hydropower pa94693e5-7hydropower plant construction, reservoir, non-alpine ree1b30652-987 reservoir hydropower pec5e157c- hydropower plant construction, reservoir, alpine regionf037a1d4-986 reservoir hydropower 68495f05-7hydropower plant construction, reservoir 021c5d97-288 hydrogen, liquid, from 56959207-fhydrogen, liquid, from chlorine electrolysis, production e486e66c-7

7093 hydrogen sulphide, H2S825bbaeb- hydrogen sulfide production c1f89a6a-a284 hydrogen peroxide, 50b309a0fe-ehydrogen peroxide production, product in 50% solution284bbe4d-c286 hydrogen, liquid, at pl42fd962c-bhydrogen liquid, production mix 424f88d4-0283 hydrogen fluoride, at e553e173- hydrogen fluoride production 3a0ff01b-9412 hydrogen cyanide, at bf21f346-8hydrogen cyanide production 5e2a0307-285 hydrogen, cracking, APbc2b4da8-chydrogen cracking, APME 0f8caea1-b

6598 168 1-butanol, propylene a322d126-hydroformylation of propylene e2ce1028-76641 168 isobutanol,propylene a322d126-hydroformylation of propylene e2ce1028-76599 164 1-pentanol,amyl alcohoc92353cc-8hydroformylation of butene 4c5cb24b-96601 164 2-methyl-1-amyl alcohoc92353cc-8hydroformylation of butene 4c5cb24b-96603 164 3-methyl-1-amyl alcohoc92353cc-8hydroformylation of butene 4c5cb24b-95907 hydrochloric acid, from6b9bd411-hydrochloric acid production, from the reaction of hydr 1131d942-e

555 hydraulic digger d46bba16-4hydraulic digger production 72068211-11 label housing system, 421f0a50-0housing system construction, pig, label-certified 552412a4-a

9 housing system with fulf11c377c-3housing system construction, pig, fully-slatted floor 66aa77df-19 tied housing system, cc6f6bc30-chousing system construction, cattle, tied fca1b206-d13 loose housing system, bfdec41e-5housing system construction, cattle, loose a084d51c-

1863 hot water tank 600l, at98a09ef4-1hot water tank production, 600l 12d515df-51864 hot water tank factoryda55e1ad- hot water tank factory construction 88c9b45f-c1165 hot rolling, steel 8df2a6e7-ehot rolling, steel 105c846f-3

59 horn meal, at regional03d2ad04-horn meal production 234146a1-164 hoeing e731275f-9hoeing c6821e7e-7

11192 herbicides, at regiona 199dbb7f-7herbicide, production mix 1b61f210-27218 333 helium, at natural gas1d32551a-chelium extraction 1321f3a9-f

10077 333 sales gas, natural gas1d32551a-chelium extraction 1321f3a9-f10078 333 natural gasnatural gas1d32551a-chelium extraction 1321f3a9-f

1884 helicopter 0b1e3c53-fhelicopter production 664563ef-06947 199 ilmenite, 5 zircon prode7cb06b0- heavy mineral sand quarry operation 0448ccbb-c6948 199 rutile, 95%zircon prode7cb06b0- heavy mineral sand quarry operation 0448ccbb-c6953 199 zircon, 50%zircon prode7cb06b0- heavy mineral sand quarry operation 0448ccbb-c1591 heavy fuel oil, burned 51f7ee4d-bheavy fuel oil, burned in refinery furnace [kg] 8962782e-1592 heavy fuel oil, burned 20ee02fa-8heavy fuel oil, burned in refinery furnace [kg] 8962782e-1593 heavy fuel oil, burned ead42f7b- heavy fuel oil, burned in refinery furnace d5baad05-81594 heavy fuel oil, burned 5c7b3cc1- heavy fuel oil, burned in refinery furnace d5baad05-81631 heavy fuel oil, burned 392c05d4-8heavy fuel oil, burned in power plant, production mix 19d8b25d-1298 heating, sanitary equ 2e229544-0heating and sanitary equipment production, mini CHP pddaf782d-91297 heating, sanitary equ dd243039-3heating and sanitary equipment production, heat and p7e1c07b4-f1291 heat, at module cogenac14abb4-cheat, non-market, at cogen 160kWe Jakobsberg, allocat7c349814-c1290 heat, at module cogenb26a86c5-aheat, non-market, at cogen 160kWe Jakobsberg, allocatccacc2b1-01289 heat, at module cogen0f465995-0heat, non-market, at cogen 160kWe Jakobsberg, allocat65745e85-d1288 heat, at module cogen8133475f-aheat, non-market, at cogen 160kWe Jakobsberg, alloca 8ca4d0dc-f1287 heat, at module cogen 3c3312d2- heat, non-market, at cogen 160kWe Jakobsberg, allocatic9d886da-61296 heat, at system cogenbf8d789b- heat, at cogen, with supporting oil furnace 60%, 160kWc78e81f6-1295 heat, at system cogena615ab2c-6heat, at cogen, with supporting oil furnace 60%, 160kW781206e8-e1294 heat, at system cogenc417702f-7heat, at cogen, with supporting oil furnace 60%, 160kW69fa5bab-1293 heat, at system cogen4fbda9de-bheat, at cogen, with supporting oil furnace 60%, 160kWfb4f9c00-4

1292 heat, at system cogen cd942d17- heat, at cogen, with supporting oil furnace 60%, 160kWe62ea2475-11116 heat, at cogen, biogas bb7944ab-heat, at cogen, biogas agricultural mix, allocation exer 4906ac5f-b

1862 heat storage 2000l, at8e7164b8-heat storage production, 2000l 1abf6456-81253 heat exchanger of Mind0174f25- heat pump production, for mini CHP plant 12f1ebff-11252 heat exchanger of co d45c362d- heat pump production, for heat and power co-generation32dd400d-6933 diffusion absorption 96da6790-heat pump production, diffusion absorption, 4kW, futurd4590e61-

926 heat pump, brine-wat 204bd297-heat pump production, brine-water, 10kW a1367b96-927 heat pump 30kW 39327e3f-aheat pump production, 30kW 0fbb2ce7-0

2409 heat, wood pellets, at 9b18ceaf-cheat production, wood pellet, at furnace 50kW 0437785a-2420 pellets, mixed, burne 9b18ceaf-cheat production, wood pellet, at furnace 50kW 0437785a-2408 heat, wood pellets, at 43860a17-heat production, wood pellet, at furnace 15kW 9a8bd332-32419 pellets, mixed, burne 43860a17-heat production, wood pellet, at furnace 15kW 9a8bd332-32407 heat, softwood logs, a80592a3- heat production, softwood logs, at wood heater 6kW 38e6fe81-02418 logs, softwood, burne a80592a3- heat production, softwood logs, at wood heater 6kW 38e6fe81-02406 heat, softwood logs, 1e364bbc- heat production, softwood logs, at furnace 30kW 7be24a88-2417 logs, softwood, burne 1e364bbc- heat production, softwood logs, at furnace 30kW 7be24a88-2405 heat, softwood logs, 6897cb89-6heat production, softwood logs, at furnace 100kW 8ce876db-2416 logs, softwood, burne 6897cb89-6heat production, softwood logs, at furnace 100kW 8ce876db-2404 heat, softwood chips f79c8d9fa-0heat production, softwood chips from industry, at furn a96ed3ec-12438 wood chips, from indu79c8d9fa-0heat production, softwood chips from industry, at furn a96ed3ec-12403 heat, softwood chips 12036295-heat production, softwood chips from industry, at fur 80f01e6d-c2437 wood chips, from indu12036295-heat production, softwood chips from industry, at fur 80f01e6d-c2402 heat, softwood chips 5552c590- heat production, softwood chips from industry, at fur 4d32343a-2436 wood chips, from indu5552c590- heat production, softwood chips from industry, at fur 4d32343a-2401 heat, softwood chips f449ef811-fheat production, softwood chips from forest, at furnac 896afdf5-22429 wood chips, from fore 449ef811-fheat production, softwood chips from forest, at furnac 896afdf5-22400 heat, softwood chips f f7d08f57-2heat production, softwood chips from forest, at furnac 247d8269-d2428 wood chips, from fore f7d08f57-2heat production, softwood chips from forest, at furnac 247d8269-d2399 heat, softwood chips fcf5d8dcd-4heat production, softwood chips from forest, at furna b504294b-2427 wood chips, from fore cf5d8dcd-4heat production, softwood chips from forest, at furna b504294b-1352 heat, natural gas, at 406eb856-eheat production, natural gas, at industrial furnace lo 2876e705-a1364 natural gas, burned i 406eb856-eheat production, natural gas, at industrial furnace lo 2876e705-a1351 heat, natural gas, at 2f3fe3c6-7 heat production, natural gas, at industrial furnace >1 1c983abc-1363 natural gas, burned in2f3fe3c6-7 heat production, natural gas, at industrial furnace >1 1c983abc-6934 heat, natural gas, at 968a4fb0-eheat production, natural gas, at diffusion absorption h c6998ff8-41350 heat, natural gas, at 0af842b2-1heat production, natural gas, at boiler modulating >1 95ded38c-61362 natural gas, burned i 0af842b2-1heat production, natural gas, at boiler modulating >1 95ded38c-61349 heat, natural gas, at 0f6255a2-cheat production, natural gas, at boiler modulating <1 e8d2fa9d-e1361 natural gas, burned i 0f6255a2-cheat production, natural gas, at boiler modulating <1 e8d2fa9d-e1348 heat, natural gas, at ede904c0- heat production, natural gas, at boiler fan burner no 7d3743f7-1360 natural gas, burned i ede904c0- heat production, natural gas, at boiler fan burner no 7d3743f7-1347 heat, natural gas, at e506bf35-9heat production, natural gas, at boiler fan burner lo 161f3e9e-d1359 natural gas, burned i e506bf35-9heat production, natural gas, at boiler fan burner lo 161f3e9e-d1346 heat, natural gas, at 30b4fb62-eheat production, natural gas, at boiler condensing mo 67be614b-e1358 natural gas, burned i 30b4fb62-eheat production, natural gas, at boiler condensing mo 67be614b-e1345 heat, natural gas, at 4e21cc0d-3heat production, natural gas, at boiler condensing mo 0d2fce1f-91357 natural gas, burned i 4e21cc0d-3heat production, natural gas, at boiler condensing mo 0d2fce1f-91344 heat, natural gas, at 7555efdc-6heat production, natural gas, at boiler atmospheric n b7dc517f-b1355 natural gas, burned i 7555efdc-6heat production, natural gas, at boiler atmospheric n b7dc517f-b1343 heat, natural gas, at 116808de-heat production, natural gas, at boiler atmospheric 9ca261df-c1356 natural gas, burned i 116808de-heat production, natural gas, at boiler atmospheric 9ca261df-c1342 heat, natural gas, at cfb21e35-1heat production, natural gas, at boiler atm. low-NOx 9649ed7c-1354 natural gas, burned i cfb21e35-1heat production, natural gas, at boiler atm. low-NOx 9649ed7c-2398 heat, mixed logs, at 4a3a297f-4heat production, mixed logs, at wood heater 6kW fb865da9-32415 logs, mixed, burned i 4a3a297f-4heat production, mixed logs, at wood heater 6kW fb865da9-32397 heat, mixed logs, at 52f73c8a-aheat production, mixed logs, at furnace 30kW e515d1ee-72414 logs, mixed, burned i 52f73c8a-aheat production, mixed logs, at furnace 30kW e515d1ee-72396 heat, mixed logs, at 6535b701-heat production, mixed logs, at furnace 100kW 6a651b5d-82413 logs, mixed, burned i 6535b701-heat production, mixed logs, at furnace 100kW 6a651b5d-82395 heat, mixed chips fro 6cb457c2-eheat production, mixed chips from industry, at furnac 4c628599-f2435 wood chips, from indu6cb457c2-eheat production, mixed chips from industry, at furnac 4c628599-f2394 heat, mixed chips fro 14ea3b40-1heat production, mixed chips from industry, at furnac 27fac317-62434 wood chips, from indu14ea3b40-1heat production, mixed chips from industry, at furnac 27fac317-62393 heat, mixed chips fro 5fa77c52-cheat production, mixed chips from industry, at furnac aae0a48f-d2433 wood chips, from indu5fa77c52-cheat production, mixed chips from industry, at furnac aae0a48f-d2392 heat, mixed chips fromf2079a03-dheat production, mixed chips from forest, at furnace 5 7665610b-72426 wood chips, from fore f2079a03-dheat production, mixed chips from forest, at furnace 5 7665610b-72391 heat, mixed chips from547aecc1-7heat production, mixed chips from forest, at furnace 710f2cb3-82425 wood chips, from fore 547aecc1-7heat production, mixed chips from forest, at furnace 710f2cb3-82390 heat, mixed chips fro b069b49e-heat production, mixed chips from forest, at furnace 3f164103-72424 wood chips, from fore b069b49e-heat production, mixed chips from forest, at furnace 3f164103-71008 heat, lignite briquette ea04a956- heat production, lignite briquette, at stove 5-15kW daf812f4-b1009 lignite briquette, bur ea04a956- heat production, lignite briquette, at stove 5-15kW daf812f4-b1587 heat, light fuel oil, a 4319330e-heat production, light fuel oil, at industrial furnace 1M 90cbfbe7-11588 heat, light fuel oil, a e196c13e- heat production, light fuel oil, at industrial furnace 1M 90cbfbe7-1

1600 light fuel oil, burned 4319330e-heat production, light fuel oil, at industrial furnace 1M 90cbfbe7-11601 light fuel oil, burned 89ec84ae- heat production, light fuel oil, at industrial furnace 1M 90cbfbe7-11586 heat, light fuel oil, a 65a5357e- heat production, light fuel oil, at boiler 10kW, non-mod 2120ac84-71599 light fuel oil, burned 65a5357e- heat production, light fuel oil, at boiler 10kW, non-mod 2120ac84-71585 heat, light fuel oil, e1c2e103- heat production, light fuel oil, at boiler 10kW condens e71d29e0-1598 light fuel oil, burned e1c2e103- heat production, light fuel oil, at boiler 10kW condens e71d29e0-1584 heat, light fuel oil, a bf72a31c- heat production, light fuel oil, at boiler 100kW, non-mo 052e9982-1597 light fuel oil, burned bf72a31c- heat production, light fuel oil, at boiler 100kW, non-mo 052e9982-1583 heat, light fuel oil, 7411c104- heat production, light fuel oil, at boiler 100kW conden 7ecf1a80-21596 light fuel oil, burned 7411c104- heat production, light fuel oil, at boiler 100kW conden 7ecf1a80-21581 heat, heavy fuel oil, a 6d5be297-fheat production, heavy fuel oil, at industrial furnace 1 49877c5c-1582 heat, heavy fuel oil, a c499b5a3- heat production, heavy fuel oil, at industrial furnace 1 49877c5c-1589 heavy fuel oil, burned 37776846-4heat production, heavy fuel oil, at industrial furnace 1 49877c5c-1590 heavy fuel oil, burned 6d5be297-fheat production, heavy fuel oil, at industrial furnace 1 49877c5c-2389 heat, hardwood logs, 97269cc7- heat production, hardwood logs, at wood heater 6kW 4e382b12-f2412 logs, hardwood, burne97269cc7- heat production, hardwood logs, at wood heater 6kW 4e382b12-f2388 heat, hardwood logs, 4ac3e1ed-7heat production, hardwood logs, at furnace 30kW 14fd5c4a-c2411 logs, hardwood, burne4ac3e1ed-7heat production, hardwood logs, at furnace 30kW 14fd5c4a-c2387 heat, hardwood logs, 4c6e1f4b-6heat production, hardwood logs, at furnace 100kW 418cd08b-2410 logs, hardwood, burne4c6e1f4b-6heat production, hardwood logs, at furnace 100kW 418cd08b-2386 heat, hardwood chips 4729ee23- heat production, hardwood chips from industry, at fur 516cdc23-82432 wood chips, from indu4729ee23- heat production, hardwood chips from industry, at fur 516cdc23-82385 heat, hardwood chips 44d14e31-eheat production, hardwood chips from industry, at fur 32752680-2431 wood chips, from indu44d14e31-eheat production, hardwood chips from industry, at fur 32752680-2384 heat, hardwood chips 69eeaecb-9heat production, hardwood chips from industry, at fur fc37fbd3-d2430 wood chips, from indu69eeaecb-9heat production, hardwood chips from industry, at fur fc37fbd3-d2383 heat, hardwood chips 41341e15-eheat production, hardwood chips from forest, at furna d8c311ca-02423 wood chips, from fore 41341e15-eheat production, hardwood chips from forest, at furna d8c311ca-02382 heat, hardwood chips fb44c735-aheat production, hardwood chips from forest, at furna f32083c5-d2422 wood chips, from fore fb44c735-aheat production, hardwood chips from forest, at furna f32083c5-d2381 heat, hardwood chips eac367aa-4heat production, hardwood chips from forest, at furna 9fb95c8b-2421 wood chips, from fore eac367aa-4heat production, hardwood chips from forest, at furna 9fb95c8b-

847 hard coal coke, burne ecd8f07c-6heat production, hard coal coke, stove 5-15kW a9c277d4-852 heat, hard coal coke, ecd8f07c-6heat production, hard coal coke, stove 5-15kW a9c277d4-846 hard coal briquette, b f1a637d9-fheat production, hard coal briquette, stove 5-15kW 5f86ad1e-c851 heat, hard coal briquef1a637d9-fheat production, hard coal briquette, stove 5-15kW 5f86ad1e-c918 heat, borehole heat e 0053d93b-heat production, borehole heat exchanger, brine-wate 63086c19-8

6012 heat, borehole heat e 2aa32296-cheat production, borehole heat exchanger, brine-wate 63086c19-86935 heat, biogas, at diffu 1ffbbd44-0heat production, biogas, at diffusion absorption heat aa313634-1875 heat, at solar+wood head88bbb9-heat production, at solar+wood heating, flat plate, on e4ac3cca-91874 heat, at solar+gas heaaa6b73de- heat production, at solar+gas heating, tube collector, 62455d9e-1873 heat, at solar+gas hea336f76a2-bheat production, at solar+gas heating, flat plate, one 0f885397-61872 heat, at hot water tankaaa95245- heat production, at hot water tank, solar+gas, flat plat f5de9ac8-a1871 heat, at hot water tankb22ea57f-eheat production, at hot water tank, solar+gas, flat plate0c21e153-1870 heat, at hot water tank1f4cae5b-7heat production, at hot water tank, solar+electric, flat 8c33f5b2-e

923 heat, at heat pump 30k4d3e7124-heat production, at heat pump 30kW, allocation price b079464d-922 heat, at heat pump 30dcb2e81c-cheat production, at heat pump 30kW, allocation heat eefb43ed-9921 heat, at heat pump 3043c761fc-eheat production, at heat pump 30kW, allocation exergyd2c76796-920 heat, at heat pump 30e0a84c87- heat production, at heat pump 30kW, allocation energy9a9879a8-f919 heat, at heat pump 30k45856cbf-5heat production, at heat pump 30kW, allocation electric86d9065c-5848 hard coal, burned in i 410e6487-5heat production, at hard coal industrial furnace 1-10M 7b25b28c-b850 heat, at hard coal ind 410e6487-5heat production, at hard coal industrial furnace 1-10M 7b25b28c-b844 anthracite, burned in fbd15179-0heat production, anthracite, at stove 5-15kW 5dcff697-3849 heat, anthracite, at s fbd15179-0heat production, anthracite, at stove 5-15kW 5dcff697-3

6009 heat, at air-water he 112411b7-0heat production, air-water heat pump 10kW da94d60f-06013 heat, at air-water he 59f74e17- heat production, air-water heat pump 10kW da94d60f-0

925 heat distribution, hyd 2e88a04a- heat distribution equipment production, hydronic radia 49eba175-2329 89 electricity wood chips,e5e961fb-eheat and power co-generation, wood chips, organic Ran3a0c861c-b2341 89 heat, at co wood chips,e5e961fb-eheat and power co-generation, wood chips, organic Ran3a0c861c-b2346 wood chips, burned ine5e961fb-eheat and power co-generation, wood chips, organic Ran3a0c861c-b2326 86 electricity wood chips10e87d7f- heat and power co-generation, wood chips, organic Ra b5a5ecba-2338 86 heat, at c wood chips10e87d7f- heat and power co-generation, wood chips, organic Ra b5a5ecba-2345 wood chips, burned i 10e87d7f- heat and power co-generation, wood chips, organic Ra b5a5ecba-2320 80 electricity wood chips,58f636a7-fheat and power co-generation, wood chips, 6400kW ther003682ba-f2332 80 heat, at co wood chips,58f636a7-fheat and power co-generation, wood chips, 6400kW ther003682ba-f2323 83 electricity wood chips,eb766451-4heat and power co-generation, wood chips, 6400kW ther6df0d8cb-d2335 83 heat, at co wood chips,eb766451-4heat and power co-generation, wood chips, 6400kW ther6df0d8cb-d1246 66 electricity, natural gasded7a476- heat and power co-generation, natural gas, mini-plant 4243a851-b1285 66 heat, at Mi natural gasded7a476- heat and power co-generation, natural gas, mini-plant 4243a851-b1243 63 electricity natural gas892e0482-dheat and power co-generation, natural gas, 50kW electrd885852f-11277 63 heat, at co natural gas892e0482-dheat and power co-generation, natural gas, 50kW electrd885852f-11240 60 electricity natural gase708bbd8-heat and power co-generation, natural gas, 500kW elect8d8034fd-41274 60 heat, at co natural gase708bbd8-heat and power co-generation, natural gas, 500kW elect8d8034fd-41237 57 electricity natural gasad746dd2-3heat and power co-generation, natural gas, 200kW elect891930e6-f1271 57 heat, at co natural gasad746dd2-3heat and power co-generation, natural gas, 200kW elect891930e6-f

1232 52 electricity natural gasb56a2f2d-eheat and power co-generation, natural gas, 1MW electrib0648256-1266 52 heat, at co natural gasb56a2f2d-eheat and power co-generation, natural gas, 1MW electrib0648256-1233 53 electricity natural gas09b1049b-heat and power co-generation, natural gas, 1MW electrib0648256-1267 53 heat, at co natural gas09b1049b-heat and power co-generation, natural gas, 1MW electrib0648256-1227 47 electricity natural ga 37f3b7ac-aheat and power co-generation, natural gas, 160kW elec65690310-71261 47 heat, at c natural ga 37f3b7ac-aheat and power co-generation, natural gas, 160kW elec65690310-71222 42 electricity natural gasdaacb260-aheat and power co-generation, natural gas, 160kW elect7f581a85-1256 42 heat, at co natural gasdaacb260-aheat and power co-generation, natural gas, 160kW elect7f581a85-1533 72 electricity diesel, bur 9d53136d-heat and power co-generation, diesel, 200kW electrica 1e26dc9c-01536 72 heat, at co diesel, bur 9d53136d-heat and power co-generation, diesel, 200kW electrica 1e26dc9c-06219 135 heat, at co biogas, bur750fe122-cheat and power co-generation, biogas, gas engine 17bb92f6-6221 135 electricity biogas, bur750fe122-cheat and power co-generation, biogas, gas engine 17bb92f6-2318 cogen unit ORC 1400kW8c40045b- heat and power co-generation unit construction, organi77403a35-f2317 cogen unit ORC 1400k6511c74e-bheat and power co-generation unit construction, orga ab6e32d5-a2316 cogen unit ORC 1400kWba74f62a-3heat and power co-generation unit construction, organi030641e2-2315 cogen unit 6400kWth, a0aaad95-eheat and power co-generation unit construction, 6400kW980add18-e2314 cogen unit 6400kWth,38ffc90a-0 heat and power co-generation unit construction, 6400 bf3f5ddc-e2313 cogen unit 6400kWth, eb110404-heat and power co-generation unit construction, 6400k8458838e-1215 cogen unit 50kWe, coma8039485-5heat and power co-generation unit construction, 50kW eb982da06-21214 cogen unit 50kWe, comp1d0cb6e8- heat and power co-generation unit construction, 50kW elcd6a4ccc-f1213 cogen unit 50kWe, co 6e2e0466- heat and power co-generation unit construction, 50kW 3952dc6a-31212 cogen unit 500kWe, co5d1a1ce7-1heat and power co-generation unit construction, 500kW 8ee09b1f-51211 cogen unit 500kWe, come6269809-heat and power co-generation unit construction, 500kW ed1d5b9ee-1210 cogen unit 500kWe, c c91dc88d-cheat and power co-generation unit construction, 500kW56e59c89-1530 cogen unit 200kWe die063e1c1d-eheat and power co-generation unit construction, 200kW 1d0ed038-1529 cogen unit 200kWe diese2a77c23- heat and power co-generation unit construction, 200kW e14e2c18b-1528 cogen unit 200kWe diec457517e-4heat and power co-generation unit construction, 200kW3c9fb503-51209 cogen unit 200kWe, co03d3d039-fheat and power co-generation unit construction, 200kW 4b9de967-1208 cogen unit 200kWe, comdedcf79d-eheat and power co-generation unit construction, 200kW e8e616d3c-1207 cogen unit 200kWe, c c0515c1f-6heat and power co-generation unit construction, 200kW35a99098-e1206 cogen unit 1MWe, compcc370ac7-dheat and power co-generation unit construction, 1MW el6ba449b2-1205 cogen unit 1MWe, compdba21d9f-6heat and power co-generation unit construction, 1MW ele85eaea38-1204 cogen unit 1MWe, com122ea791- heat and power co-generation unit construction, 1MW e9bfd6e6a-f1203 cogen unit 160kWe, co9596f917-1heat and power co-generation unit construction, 160kW 0a380aed-1202 cogen unit 160kWe, comea342790- heat and power co-generation unit construction, 160kW e73f5ed82-e1201 cogen unit 160kWe, c f55f72ab-f heat and power co-generation unit construction, 160kWc55dc081-2066 hazardous waste incinebbb85b3f-2hazardous waste incineration facility construction c981b80d-

163 haying, by rotary tedd1d6e6484-haying, by rotary tedder ba27ad5f-f211 hay intensive IP, at fa 11afb803-8hay production, Swiss integrated production, intensive cd496c32-210 hay extensive, at farmb1d9120b-0hay production, Swiss integrated production, extensive38174398-b212 hay intensive organic,1c3d8495-chay production, organic, intensive d724ac15-162 harvesting, by complet5b94312d-harvesting, by complete harvester, potatoes 9d35245b-1161 harvesting, by completdce659f0-6harvesting, by complete harvester, beets ff7a962e-b

34 harvester, production cadb3bd2-4harvester production f49b981f-12451 hardwood, ahardwood, a3fa8e02c-ahardwood, allocation correction,3 905078fe-c2450 hardwood, ahardwood, a03ed1e3b- hardwood, allocation correction,2 08a33fd3-f2449 hardwood, ahardwood, a7f94a2d5-5hardwood, allocation correction,1 6e79fcb3-a2452 hardwood, stand estab1812bdbd-7hardwood forestry, operation, except harvesting 083f68ed-a

10205 roundwood, meranti (Sf69a2851-3hardwood forestry, meranti, sustainable forest manag 07bea6c0-22475 industrial wood, Scan 74d2a142-3hardwood forestry, for pulp 2a3d0c49-9

10212 eucalyptus ssp., standbd9df948-chardwood forestry, eucalyptus, CO2-removal and land d14f5647-110213 roundwood, eucalyptusf92ccd18-5hardwood forestry, eucalyptus ssp., sustainable fores 33ed4138-

2453 hardwood, standing, un399ff9fc-e hardwood forestry, CO2-removal and land use 1ce9d326-d5745 hardwood, Scandinaviane04f646a-9hardwood forestry, CO2-removal and land use 1ce9d326-d

10199 azobe (SFM), standing,d43dec3d- hardwood forestry, azobe, sustainable forestry manag 5b3b8287-10200 roundwood, azobe (SFM494742d4-hardwood forestry, azobe, sustainable forest managemb3c4b3bb-c

2474 95 industrial hardwood, te16ec88b- hardwood forestry 818d06b8-2490 95 residual wohardwood, te16ec88b- hardwood forestry 818d06b8-2493 95 round woodhardwood, te16ec88b- hardwood forestry 818d06b8-

10159 HDD, laptop computer,b572fc9a-9hard disk drive production, for laptop computer 9bc593da-410158 HDD, desktop computerbe4124c9-dhard disk drive production, for desktop computer 62d2c477-c

834 hard coal mix, at regi 3bab4c18-dhard coal, supply mix b622786c-a886 hard coal supply mix e965aa4c- hard coal, supply mix b622786c-a887 hard coal supply mix 88a2c7d1-9hard coal, supply mix b622786c-a889 hard coal supply mix d2a53938-0hard coal, supply mix b622786c-a890 hard coal supply mix f430a62f-7hard coal, supply mix b622786c-a891 hard coal supply mix d13825ae- hard coal, supply mix b622786c-a892 hard coal supply mix 644ca7f1-8hard coal, supply mix b622786c-a893 hard coal supply mix c5e26ed2-chard coal, supply mix b622786c-a894 hard coal supply mix 5eabe7fc-3hard coal, supply mix b622786c-a895 hard coal supply mix a87673bc-fhard coal, supply mix b622786c-a896 hard coal supply mix 1f9789cd-ehard coal, supply mix b622786c-a897 hard coal supply mix fa6b977a-bhard coal, supply mix b622786c-a898 hard coal supply mix 65648da9-hard coal, supply mix b622786c-a881 hard coal, burned in peb4419f8-bhard coal, burned in power plant 4439dd43-

868 hard coal power plant cf69c355-1hard coal power plant, production mix f53548a7-b11091 hard coal power plant 1f85ffa4-4 hard coal power plant, production mix f53548a7-b11071 hard coal power plan 0da3a5f7-fhard coal power plant construction, 500MW 3c704c8c-411070 hard coal power plan d929beb6-hard coal power plant construction, 100MW 5064915d-f

901 hard coal, at mine c99b7d5b- hard coal mine operation 37a56a98-0902 hard coal, at mine 90b1e018-hard coal mine operation 37a56a98-0903 hard coal, at mine 3b668b7b-9hard coal mine operation 37a56a98-0904 hard coal, at mine 8445e26c- hard coal mine operation 37a56a98-0905 hard coal, at mine 1e93df81- hard coal mine operation 37a56a98-0906 hard coal, at mine 2459b4dc-dhard coal mine operation 37a56a98-0907 hard coal, at mine df0908b1-7hard coal mine operation 37a56a98-0908 hard coal, at mine b054beb4-hard coal mine operation 37a56a98-0

11092 hard coal, at mine 2c4eab82-2hard coal mine operation 37a56a98-0885 hard coal coke productecc05efc-ehard coal coke factory construction f8a33be9-831 hard coal briquettes, a12cc143d- hard coal briquettes production 47e88087-884 hard coal briquettes p6971ac47- hard coal briquettes factory construction 094b8741-9526 111 gypsum, mimining, gy 513d9b02-gypsum quarry operation 36886322-f

5722 111 anhydrite rmining, gy 513d9b02-gypsum quarry operation 36886322-f517 gypsum plaster board, 52becdc3- gypsum plasterboard production 78f0de8d-3516 gypsum fibre board, atc4d6ebc5-agypsum fibreboard production fd7a9fec-f205 green manure IP, unti fface438-7 green manure growing, Swiss integrated production, un71f2367b-204 green manure IP, until45b9e514-green manure growing, Swiss integrated production, untd0b84b47-203 green manure IP, untilc1ad6e48-8green manure growing, Swiss integrated production, un7642df0c-5202 green manure IP, until ccf116e3-5green manure growing, Swiss integrated production, untbd0cadca-209 green manure organic,1bd176ba-0green manure growing, organic, until March ff4bb7ec-8208 green manure organic, 2c14332f-4green manure growing, organic, until January a5c5b5c8-207 green manure organic,c7b2e24b-bgreen manure growing, organic, until February 7b4f2f72-9206 green manure organic, 0ae75c00-dgreen manure growing, organic, until April 439cb4ee-8470 mine, gravel/sand 2b1bad92-8gravel/sand quarry construction a3fd337a-9465 gravel, unspecified, a 4d7f31f0-0gravel, production mix f51e5278-d463 gravel, crushed, at mi 2d0a8305-gravel production, crushed d785cf26-f464 26 gravel, roumining, gra195d77b4-gravel and sand quarry operation 2a796737-b478 26 sand, at mimining, gra195d77b4-gravel and sand quarry operation 2a796737-b

6214 grass silage IP, at far da3e5699-1grass silage production, Swiss integrated production, i 5b08b532-6213 grass silage organic, a1f0adea0-agrass silage production, organic 57e0ec3d-

135 grass seed IP, at regi 4d7cd5bc-2grass seed production, Swiss integrated production, fo cf703cfd-3134 grass seed IP, at farm 41fd2269-egrass seed production, Swiss integrated production, at fb850e37-

6242 grass seed organic, at74581828-grass seed production, organic, for sowing 3ddee1eb-06208 grass from meadow intef66107ef-7grass production, Swiss integrated production, intensiv6c9d4260-f6212 grass from natural mea9b492d60-grass production, permanent grassland, Swiss integratef87e0ac8-86210 grass from natural meaa306c826- grass production, permanent grassland, Swiss integrat 44485789-6211 grass from natural mea5710f608-egrass production, permanent grassland, organic, intensb60edb3a-6209 grass from natural meabfe08d1c- grass production, permanent grassland, organic, exten0f0c6737-66207 grass from meadow inte7f20cf06-bgrass production, organic, intensive 19f693c2-e

11377 graphite, battery gradeb7c4af8f-a graphite production, battery grade f25cc2ac-b281 graphite, at plant 9bdaf434-6graphite production 1b2f3d94-

1713 paper, recycling, no de46b9773f-6graphic paper production, 100% recycled 576fe4aa-51973 goods wagon 1b0105dc-agoods wagon production a97bf682-

10098 414 zinc, from refining, co5c8e02de-1gold-silver-zinc-lead-copper mine operation and refinin e8aef935-b10100 414 copper, frorefining, co5c8e02de-1gold-silver-zinc-lead-copper mine operation and refinin e8aef935-b10102 414 lead, from refining, co5c8e02de-1gold-silver-zinc-lead-copper mine operation and refinin e8aef935-b10107 414 gold, from refining, co5c8e02de-1gold-silver-zinc-lead-copper mine operation and refinin e8aef935-b10768 414 silver, fro refining, co5c8e02de-1gold-silver-zinc-lead-copper mine operation and refinin e8aef935-b10088 335 gold, from mining, golcfc8e98c-0gold-silver-zinc-lead-copper mine operation d01fe08b-c10097 335 silver, fro mining, golcfc8e98c-0gold-silver-zinc-lead-copper mine operation d01fe08b-c10099 335 zinc, from mining, golcfc8e98c-0gold-silver-zinc-lead-copper mine operation d01fe08b-c10101 335 copper, fromining, golcfc8e98c-0gold-silver-zinc-lead-copper mine operation d01fe08b-c10103 335 lead, from mining, golcfc8e98c-0gold-silver-zinc-lead-copper mine operation d01fe08b-c10108 415 gold, from mining and bcda9706- gold-silver mine operation with refinery e28122ba-010118 415 silver, fro mining and bcda9706- gold-silver mine operation with refinery e28122ba-010115 417 gold, from mining and 9e634234-9gold-silver mine operation with refinery e28122ba-010116 417 silver, fro mining and 9e634234-9gold-silver mine operation with refinery e28122ba-010120 gold, primary, at refin 426895f4-egold, production mix d9af37cf-e10110 gold, at refinery e66220e5-3gold production f6be6455-10111 gold, at refinery f2e21db4-0gold production f6be6455-10112 gold, at refinery 0c32fce8-1gold production f6be6455-10113 gold, at refinery a944ba70- gold production f6be6455-10114 gold, at refinery 4f7a296a-7gold production f6be6455-

99 glyphosate, at regionad0ab76d9-glyphosate, supply mix dc2945f2-798 glyphosate, at regionaa8ad2eab-1glyphosate production 6cfb196a-

6119 glycerine, from epichlodcac9735-aglycerine production, from epichlorohydrin 9fbb6963-52448 94 glued laminglued lamin5c6cfec9-8glued laminated timber production, for outdoor use f2e45228-62461 94 industrial glued lamin5c6cfec9-8glued laminated timber production, for outdoor use f2e45228-62447 93 glued laminglued lamin9f79c79f-3glued laminated timber production, for indoor use bbb4e44f-92460 93 industrial glued lamin9f79c79f-3glued laminated timber production, for indoor use bbb4e44f-9

7142 glazing, triple (3-IV), dd499129-glazing production, triple, U<0.5 W/m2K 7b3e4766-7141 glazing, double (2-IV) 65eee484-eglazing production, double, U<1.1 W/m2K, laminated sa2eea8b9f-97140 glazing, double (2-IV) e57b7e08- glazing production, double, U<1.1 W/m2K a82cd47f-b

995 glass wool mat, at pla 8b5fc8c5-bglass wool mat production c45490d5-810 glass tube, borosilicatec5bbb0ad- glass tube production, borosilicate 02ef5076-0809 glass tube plant cc8848e9- glass tube factory construction 7f760ba1-9

10167 LCD glass, at plant 91d9a2df-dglass production, for liquid crystal display 8cd590f3-1816 glass fibre reinforced 354c6d02-fglass fibre reinforced plastic production, polyester resi 8ebf7352-91815 glass fibre reinforced efdcef71-a glass fibre reinforced plastic production, polyamide, in 56735950-1

808 glass fibre, at plant cfef9568-b glass fibre production 312155f1-c807 glass etching plant 197708a6-glass etching factory construction 6755b7b5-a

1251 generator Mini CHP pl 37fcaf79-4 generator production, mini CHP plant 96800428-1250 generator 200kWe 494e18a8-fgenerator production, 200kW electrical 0225b91a-01197 assembly, generator a846139cf-fassembly of generator and motor, auxilliaries and energdf34bfe7-41196 assembly, generator 82edf21b-fassembly of generator and motor, auxilliaries and ener40865446-1390 gas turbine, 10MWe, aaa85602d- gas turbine construction, 10MW electrical 745c5c10-55874 gas combined cycle p 7cb77050- gas power plant construction, combined cycle, 400MW eb64e91ab-

11050 gas power plant, 300 9cd57379- gas power plant construction, 300MW electrical 588b629d-1389 gas power plant, 100 a524cf73-agas power plant construction, 100MW electrical b47c973a-d1249 gas motor Mini CHP pl43410cf4-fgas motor production, mini CHP plant d20f4f4a-51248 gas motor 206kW 6ac024bf-f gas motor production, 206kW 8cde758d-1341 gas boiler 88bdb8f4-2gas boiler production 1969c472-6907 gallium, in Bayer liqu e71ac918-2gallium, in Bayer liquor from aluminium production 819a170d-46908 gallium, semiconductordbc31837-dgallium production, semiconductor-grade 28fd5759-f2378 furnace, wood chips, 6a1419f2-2furnace production, wood chips, softwood storage area836223d6-2377 furnace, wood chips, 3cfa426f-9 furnace production, wood chips, softwood storage are e76bef49-f2376 furnace, wood chips, 2511957f-ffurnace production, wood chips, softwood storage are 2e08c800-32372 furnace, wood chips, afc56c6b-afurnace production, wood chips, hardwood storage are 8b55e5a4-52371 furnace, wood chips, 218292d0-3furnace production, wood chips, hardwood storage are 153312ee-02370 furnace, wood chips, 444f1a72-0furnace production, wood chips, hardwood storage are 6230721e-b2375 furnace, wood chips, 5acc88cb- furnace production, wood chips, average storage area e3dd1cef-d2374 furnace, wood chips, 72534816-furnace production, wood chips, average storage area 9dec8e54-42373 furnace, wood chips, e654c81e- furnace production, wood chips, average storage area 96f5b580-2369 furnace, pellets, 50kW83c68c2d- furnace production, pellet, 50kW 976df824-c2368 furnace, pellets, 15kW0d3be121-cfurnace production, pellet, 15kW 3294f6b0-b2367 furnace, logs, softwoo478fab85-7furnace production, logs, softwood storage area, 6kW 6b62c733-c2366 furnace, logs, softwo 89705dd1-afurnace production, logs, softwood storage area, 30kW d6de6faa-32365 furnace, logs, softwo 1ef61f13-f furnace production, logs, softwood storage area, 100k 2e21f80c-e2361 furnace, logs, hardwo 61ceb502-1furnace production, logs, hardwood storage area, 6kW e574f0e4-22360 furnace, logs, hardwo 355d1c45-efurnace production, logs, hardwood storage area, 30kW20ccf8da-02359 furnace, logs, hardwo 6d37519e- furnace production, logs, hardwood storage area, 100 47d5a1e5-2364 furnace, logs, mixed, 1dc19aef-6furnace production, logs, average storage area, 6kW 7f8e4f1e-c2363 furnace, logs, mixed, d8b1004b-afurnace production, logs, average storage area, 30kW 7d10c4e4-2362 furnace, logs, mixed, b265f90a-afurnace production, logs, average storage area, 100kW2cead582-7085 funnel glass, CRT scre10bfa63a-efunnel glass production, for cathode ray tube display ce30ec85-

11190 fungicides, at regiona 680629f4- fungicide, production mix 70048c42-6937 stack SOFC fuel cell 1 c3338f80-4fuel cell production, stack solid oxide, 125kW electrical,8992c4ae-26936 stack PEM fuel cell 2k 66db7355-fuel cell production, stack polymer electrolyte membran661a8374-6925 SOFC-GT fuel cell 180 413e432d- fuel cell production, solid oxide, with micro gas turbine 2411f62b-6920 SOFC fuel cell 125kWe,dbcd9b39- fuel cell production, solid oxide, 125kW electrical, futur2fd94c75-b6915 PEM fuel cell 2kWe, fu48988074-fuel cell production, polymer electrolyte membrane, 2kWd97bfccf-87086 frit, for CRT tube prod c4c90f5f-b frit production, for cathode ray tube display 554deed7-1964 transoceanic freight s 69f2f95f-1 freight ship production, transoceanic b577b1ae-7

11200 fosetyl-Al, at regional 33fff048-c fosetyl-Al production 9ebadcff-26637 formic acid from methydca19657- formic acid production, methyl formate route 8b542688-

11199 folpet, at regional sto 36419735-folpet production 287cb3d9-f1695 folding boxboard, FBB,c0cdffea-e folding boxboard production 64174e0c-3

157 fodder loading, by self829b4791-7fodder loading, by self-loading trailer ee9893da-9198 fodder beets IP, at far ff4e58d3-0fodder beet production, Swiss integrated production, in2913590c-e

7160 foam glass, at plant ef84e1c1-7foam glass production, electricity, label-certified 20e6a480-7161 foam glass plant 76558425-efoam glass factory construction 2a9a930b-

10800 flux, wave soldering, aa4e2480b-5flux production, for wave soldering 707467f5-e1684 corrugated board base afd0a34a-cfluting medium production, semichemical c58963b3-a

278 fluosilicic acid, 22% i 6d041544-fluosilicic acid, without water, in 22% solution state, s 693e9b55-2277 fluorspar, 97%, at plan4e6f18ec-6fluorspar production, 97% purity 2692217a-c276 fluorine, liquid, at plan01939a93-fluorine production, liquid 50451e47-e

7215 208 diborane, asodium tetr09888cbc-8fluorination of sodium tetrahydridoborate 8fac9bb1-57245 208 sodium tetrsodium tetr09888cbc-8fluorination of sodium tetrahydridoborate 8fac9bb1-51987 fluorescent whitening 317c3fbc-8fluorescent whitening agent production, distyrylbipheny5cfb49b4-11986 DAS-1, fluorescent whi6e8f4ed2-0fluorescent whitening agent production, DAS1, triaziny f76a1b86-06010 heat, borehole heat e 18da87f5- floor heating from borehole heat pump 36f47c68-6014 heat, borehole heat e fe6539d6-ffloor heating from borehole heat pump 36f47c68-6011 heat, air-water heat p 20eeb79e- floor heating from air-water heat pump b0f932d7-6015 heat, air-water heat p 2bd7d15a-ffloor heating from air-water heat pump b0f932d7-

10861 flexible duct, aluminu 092a6050-flexible duct production, aluminium/PET, DN of 125 9550ff74-1

1820 fleece, polyethylene, a15bb0d31-fleece production, polyethylene 950ff282-21861 flat plate collector, at e473ab32- flat plate solar collector production, Cu absorber 26fef699-8

806 flat glass, uncoated, ad31ea50c-4flat glass production, uncoated 7f29ed6f-e805 flat glass, coated, at pbcfc9e91-6flat glass production, coated aef86ab3-a804 flat glass plant 30d0fb0d-fflat glass factory construction e718f4c7-d

11167 fibreboard soft, witho 8bdcd80a- fibreboard production, soft, without adhesives 4fb21673-f11166 fibreboard soft, latex 3300653e-fibreboard production, soft, latex bonded ecfe3235-3

2446 fibreboard soft, at pl 53ecc831-9fibreboard production, soft 17a03838-2445 fibreboard hard, at pla3a84a84f-efibreboard production, hard a34eebe0-

515 fibre cement roof slate2f936ef4-9fibre cement roof slate production 263f1475-311181 fibre cement facing til c17bae85- fibre cement facing tile production, small format 1e001693-11180 fibre cement facing til6f88d769-6fibre cement facing tile production, large format 36e028d6-

514 fibre cement facing til75101d38-efibre cement facing tile production dcc338d2-a513 fibre cement corrugate3b21cbb1-3fibre cement corrugated slab production 9374dd77-156 fertilising, by broadca 7c75b030-ffertilising, by broadcaster 24c209fa-4

1098 ferronickel, 25% Ni, at8cdf0d43-3ferronickel production, 25% Ni 48a5ccdf-61097 ferromanganese, high-97851b7a-5ferromanganese production, high-coal, 74.5% Mn 51258eed-e1095 ferrochromium, high-cd3f2c73d-9ferrochromium production, high-carbon, 68% Cr dd71fef8-f7090 ferrite, at plant 8d38f5f8-5ferrite production a5e06d55-5

525 feldspar, at plant 8e6259f9-0feldspar production 504879f8-724 fava beans IP, at feed 1f0262e9-9fava bean, feed production, Swiss integrated productio ff7f2df7-3

196 fava beans IP, at farm05a482ae- fava bean production, Swiss integrated production, at 7a379284-197 fava beans organic, at81efbefc-3 fava bean production, organic 4dc1768a-8

5896 fatty alcohol sulfate, 27bb2ffb-6fatty alcohol sulfate production, petrochemical fd8752a6-5898 fatty alcohol sulfate, p0ea496e5-6fatty alcohol sulfate production, palm oil 6c5f65f6-c2002 fatty alcohol sulfate, p54d3d471-fatty alcohol sulfate production, from palm kernel oil 12a5e641-5897 fatty alcohol sulfate, cd7f0c51d- fatty alcohol sulfate production, coconut oil eafcfdab-a

409 fatty alcohol, petroche45df1575-cfatty alcohol production, petrochemical 9a34e601-408 fatty alcohol, from palm0120711e-dfatty alcohol production, from palm oil 4e477359-407 fatty alcohol, from pale16c667d-0fatty alcohol production, from palm kernel oil 39187823-406 fatty alcohol, from coc7c60fd0f-2 fatty alcohol production, from coconut oil e7f0b14e-d405 fatty acids, from veget9da06868- fatty acid production, from vegetable oil 456a7202-

10806 fan, at plant 5476101e-ffan production, for power supply unit, desktop computebb724665-1851 extrusion, plastic pipe05e2025e-fextrusion production, plastic pipes 7d730907-f1850 extrusion, plastic film 4e623070-aextrusion production, plastic film f6495c6c-7

524 explosive production p3f5781ff-5 explosives factory construction 59a22f1f-a275 explosives, tovex, at p9b4c5f5a-3explosive production, tovex 297d7a13-

1860 expansion vessel 80l, a76a7eae- expansion vessel production, 80l f99586c4-1859 expansion vessel 25l, 01e68447-7expansion vessel production, 25l d1c958a6-

462 expanded vermiculite, 346c68fd-0expanded vermiculite production ecd9de41-993 expanded perlite, at p60167135-aexpanded perlite production 8955d261-5480 expanded clay, at plan5235e90a- expanded clay production 68966875-d

10850 exhaust air valve, in-wf54b4912-bexhaust air valve production, in-wall housing, plastic/s 85d92f83-a10847 exhaust air roof hood, 73e83d7c-7exhaust air roof hood production, steel, DN 400 d7f5d913-510848 exhaust air outlet, st b15f8666-3exhaust air outlet production, steel/aluminium, 85x36 3ca0dc32-8

554 excavation, skid-steerafb26b8a- excavation, skid-steer loader 81e78d3d-2553 excavation, hydraulic 5d31d0c7-eexcavation, hydraulic digger 27224004-

1426 natural gas, productio22b73de1-9evaporation of natural gas 8bd582f4-f6697 natural gas, at evapor240ea573- evaporation of natural gas 8bd582f4-f1858 evacuated tube collectd1b142fc-7evacuated tube collector production 0d4c3d8b-2526 EUR-flat pallet 10c7c99e-dEUR-flat pallet production be76cc99-1819 ethylvinylacetate, foil,2f2bea5c-7ethylvinylacetate production, foil 7c4e27c4-

404 ethylenediamine, at pl19d0cb5a- ethylenediamine production 2f5115c2-91818 ethylene vinyl acetate0c86636d-7ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer production cb9f06ed-11805 ethylene, pipeline sys 929243ef-4ethylene production, pipeline system 9abac2e3-1804 ethylene, average, at 71e553fa- ethylene production, average 361deef9-7

403 ethylene oxide, at pla 8ec2ebe1-fethylene oxide production b6062fda-86623 183 diethyl etheethylene hy5f157600-bethylene hydration 6d94be34-a6627 183 ethanol froethylene hy5f157600-bethylene hydration 6d94be34-a

393 110 diethylene gethylene oxb7764f3f-f ethylene glycol production 99a3cc61-9402 110 ethylene glethylene oxb7764f3f-f ethylene glycol production 99a3cc61-9454 110 triethylene ethylene oxb7764f3f-f ethylene glycol production 99a3cc61-9

6632 ethylene glycol monoet7d46fefa-f ethylene glycol monoethyl ether production feb6796d-46631 ethylene glycol dimethy55a9e6bd-4ethylene glycol dimethyl ether production d58140a5-86630 ethylene glycol diethyl833a5cf3-6ethylene glycol diethyl ether production c3f9bbf8-7

401 ethylene dichloride, at43d014eb-2ethylene dichloride production d3aff185-711371 ethylene carbonate, atf308d285-fethylene carbonate production 78ab4ab7-

6549 ethyl tert-butyl ether, f67039f7-8ethyl tert-butyl ether production, from bioethanol 082d8588-400 ethyl benzene, at plan7a8f745c-aethyl benzene production 50bafac7-

6629 ethyl acetate, at plante932c19e- ethyl acetate production 27ff9bd0-05906 ethoxylated alcohols, u32608510-ethoxylated alcohol, production mix 4f7a5b87-25902 ethoxylated alcohols (a372a1df-aethoxylated alcohol (AE7) production, petrochemical d6f08daa-15903 ethoxylated alcohols (Abd52f55c-4ethoxylated alcohol (AE7) production, palm kernel oil 827c66cc-65904 ethoxylated alcohols (A33774c11-fethoxylated alcohol (AE7) production, coconut oil cd3d8ea4-2001 ethoxylated alcohols (2080c7e2-6ethoxylated alcohol (AE3) production, petrochemical a14ef616-b

5900 ethoxylated alcohols (A49f3d32a-fethoxylated alcohol (AE3) production, palm kernel oil 360df0ca-c5901 ethoxylated alcohols (Acf09cfa8-1 ethoxylated alcohol (AE3) production, coconut oil 61eb8770-5905 ethoxylated alcohols (A0e386282-ethoxylated alcohol (AE11) production, palm oil 94ac5ecc-7

392 23 diethanolamethanolamid1bf332a- ethanolamine production ba49c211-428 23 monoethanoethanolamid1bf332a- ethanolamine production ba49c211-453 23 triethanolaethanolamid1bf332a- ethanolamine production ba49c211-

11796 ethanol, 99.7% in H2O,6cc0f0c4-1ethanol, 99.7% in H2O, from wood, SE, at service stati f2cfe832-b6548 ethanol, 99.7% in H2O,f4f21e94-1ethanol, 99.7% in H2O, from biomass, US, at service st bd647b9c-86547 ethanol, 99.7% in H2O,180940b0-ethanol, 99.7% in H2O, from biomass, RER, at service sb3af121b-e6546 ethanol, 99.7% in H2O,fd252786- ethanol, 99.7% in H2O, from biomass, CN, at service st d193460b-16225 ethanol, 99.7% in H2O,61963801-ethanol, 99.7% in H2O, from biomass, BR, at service st 362adffb-e6535 161 electricity, wood, in dis2f7eaad6-8ethanol production from wood 8a0c1f4a-76542 161 ethanol, 95wood, in dis2f7eaad6-8ethanol production from wood 8a0c1f4a-7

11799 456 ethanol, 95wood, in disa9092920-ethanol production from wood 8a0c1f4a-711800 456 electricity, wood, in disa9092920-ethanol production from wood 8a0c1f4a-7

6527 159 bagasse, frsweet sorgh4aed7dff-7ethanol production from sweet sorghum 63b32d33-6534 159 electricity sweet sorgh4aed7dff-7ethanol production from sweet sorghum 63b32d33-6541 159 ethanol, 95sweet sorgh4aed7dff-7ethanol production from sweet sorghum 63b32d33-6597 159 vinasse, fr sweet sorgh4aed7dff-7ethanol production from sweet sorghum 63b32d33-6259 157 ethanol, 95sugarcane, a9244f7a-8ethanol production from sugar cane 76953e20-6525 157 ash, bagasssugarcane, a9244f7a-8ethanol production from sugar cane 76953e20-6532 157 electricity sugarcane, a9244f7a-8ethanol production from sugar cane 76953e20-6596 157 vinasse, fr sugarcane, a9244f7a-8ethanol production from sugar cane 76953e20-6539 148 ethanol, 95molasses, f2464cefd-7ethanol production from sugar beet molasses a1a92b1c-c6583 148 syrup, frommolasses, f2464cefd-7ethanol production from sugar beet molasses a1a92b1c-c6226 137 ethanol, 95sugar beets28d7d0bb-ethanol production from sugar beet ef2e6e42-36228 137 beet chips,sugar beets28d7d0bb-ethanol production from sugar beet ef2e6e42-36262 137 vinasse, at sugar beets28d7d0bb-ethanol production from sugar beet ef2e6e42-36531 155 DDGS, from rye, in disti8695c2b0- ethanol production from rye 65edced7-56538 155 ethanol, 95rye, in disti8695c2b0- ethanol production from rye 65edced7-56530 151 DDGS, from potatoes, in85d8ad47-ethanol production from potatoes 3fc30cb3-b6537 151 ethanol, 95potatoes, in85d8ad47-ethanol production from potatoes 3fc30cb3-b6529 147 DDGS, from corn, in distcc01cc72-6ethanol production from maize 850c1dc9-66536 147 ethanol, 95corn, in distcc01cc72-6ethanol production from maize 850c1dc9-66223 142 ethanol, 95grass, to f 3a454fc5-dethanol production from grass 92604e9b-d6240 142 grass fibre grass, to f 3a454fc5-dethanol production from grass 92604e9b-d6241 142 proteins, f grass, to f 3a454fc5-dethanol production from grass 92604e9b-d6227 ethanol fermentation p4e5045cc-4ethanol fermentation plant construction 479d8e25-

399 esters of versatic acid,a9400b7b-esters of versatic acid production 6a5580b1-a1999 esterquat, coconut oil 82ef46c8-1esterquat production, from coconut oil and palm kernel 0a2202df-6662 171 soybean metsoybean oil,7f1f78c0-c esterification of soybean oil b12dafda-f6663 171 glycerine, fsoybean oil,7f1f78c0-c esterification of soybean oil b12dafda-f6667 173 soybean metsoybean oil,74fb9ebb-4esterification of soybean oil b12dafda-f6668 173 glycerine, fsoybean oil,74fb9ebb-4esterification of soybean oil b12dafda-f6104 125 glycerine, frape oil, in 1b04d48c- esterification of rape oil 50926fbb-56112 125 rape methyl rape oil, in 1b04d48c- esterification of rape oil 50926fbb-56551 152 glycerine, frape oil, in db0f37f6-0esterification of rape oil 50926fbb-56570 152 potassium srape oil, in db0f37f6-0esterification of rape oil 50926fbb-56573 152 rape methyl rape oil, in db0f37f6-0esterification of rape oil 50926fbb-56550 149 glycerine, fpalm oil, ine2a01f79-aesterification of palm oil 8e067de9-e6564 149 palm methylpalm oil, ine2a01f79-aesterification of palm oil 8e067de9-e1803 epoxy resin, liquid, di 849e02bc-fepoxy resin production, liquid, disaggregated data b20f9aed-f1802 epoxy resin, liquid, at 1ed8d687-epoxy resin production, liquid acd11c3b-1801 epoxy resin insulator (2ef1f93c-a epoxy resin insulator, SiO2 production b74d4f7a-81800 epoxy resin insulator (c53d44a7-eepoxy resin insulator, Al2O3 production 82cb6b49-

398 145 epichlorohyhypochlorinabe51622d-epichlorohydrin production from allyl chloride 5f5dce51-6255 145 calcium chlohypochlorinabe51622d-epichlorohydrin production from allyl chloride 5f5dce51-6257 145 trichloropr hypochlorinabe51622d-epichlorohydrin production from allyl chloride 5f5dce51-

11310 operation, average tra2fdff41b-8 energy use and operation emissions, passenger train, b5a8f552-511311 operation, average trabb4bfd11- energy use and operation emissions, passenger train bd504de9-11312 operation, average trabe8e2ffd-7energy use and operation emissions, passenger train bd504de9-11313 operation, average tra0fb99a5b-denergy use and operation emissions, passenger train bd504de9-11314 operation, average trad32c730b- energy use and operation emissions, passenger train bd504de9-11315 operation, average tra9b52e34e-eenergy use and operation emissions, passenger train bd504de9-11761 operation, passenger cae8e43894- energy use and operation emissions, passenger car, electrafe2df27-911769 operation, passenger cd11535da-energy use and operation emissions, passenger car, elecf0c26fb6-211776 operation, passenger ca089ee44e-8energy use and operation emissions, passenger car, electrb53d5000-f11781 operation, passenger cadb1a20c- energy use and operation emissions, passenger car, di 1d79459b-11351 operation, scooter 6499a784-0energy use and operation emissions, motor scooter fc19eca9-611328 operation, metropolita40eea10d-3energy use and operation emissions, metropolitan train6da8f25b-6

6076 operation, high speed 0e7dc55c- energy use and operation emissions, high-speed train 66167d3b-11300 operation, high speed 2d2a1cc3-7energy use and operation emissions, high-speed train 66167d3b-11301 operation, high speed ec30fa01-cenergy use and operation emissions, high-speed train 66167d3b-11098 operation, coal freight5350f848-6energy use and operation emissions, freight train, ste dfe87ef0-3

1977 operation, freight trai d38ff784-c energy use and operation emissions, freight train, prod6e0e9058-

1978 operation, freight trai 9d670411-energy use and operation emissions, freight train, electrdc0ed817-c1980 operation, freight trainbf3a968c-1energy use and operation emissions, freight train, electrdc0ed817-c

11096 operation, coal freight 9b2c2945- energy use and operation emissions, freight train, electrdc0ed817-c11326 operation, freight train,cf8a8ec8-2energy use and operation emissions, freight train, diesel,11d5af9c-e

1979 operation, freight trainc506c328- energy use and operation emissions, freight train, diese11f3817d-e11097 operation, coal freight 7c4c16f2-6energy use and operation emissions, freight train, diese11f3817d-e11316 operation, freight trai cea0b85a- energy use and operation emissions, freight train 6a033630-c11317 operation, freight trai c23b66c8-benergy use and operation emissions, freight train 6a033630-c11318 operation, freight trai 3cd46107-7energy use and operation emissions, freight train 6a033630-c11319 operation, freight trai 3e33d84f-2energy use and operation emissions, freight train 6a033630-c11320 operation, freight trai f788f6a0-2energy use and operation emissions, freight train 6a033630-c11337 operation, electric scooaa347579-0energy use and operation emissions, electric scooter, lab334ed0b8-a11336 operation, electric sco695b1ee1-benergy use and operation emissions, electric scooter 5ef87f74-211335 operation, electric bicy1d2e1554-energy use and operation emissions, electric bicycle, lab1402cbee-11334 operation, electric bic 5062b055-6energy use and operation emissions, electric bicycle aa876c58-

6074 operation, long-distanac1eb95e-fenergy use and emissions, long-distance train 0ebab043-6055 operation, trolleybus 2f0c6e73-eenergy use and combustion emissions, trolleybus 971a9956-6068 operation, tram track 2d02f12f-1energy use and combustion emissions, tram track b883851c-36056 operation, tram b8abfd2b- energy use and combustion emissions, tram a725885d-1962 operation, transoceani06bcfe3f-1 energy use and combustion emissions, tanker, transoc 8757bb4a-6053 operation, regular bus9f586bcc-5energy use and combustion emissions, regular bus fe5a9067-16072 operation, regional tr 8380a035-0energy use and combustion emissions, regional train 4a230eef-36054 operation, coach 2dcf4aad-1energy use and combustion emissions, passenger coac948e4a37-1933 operation, passenger 5ca71098- energy use and combustion emissions, passenger car, aebbe74c-1934 operation, passenger ada02f5b-1energy use and combustion emissions, passenger car, aebbe74c-7285 operation, passenger c2c54c84e-4energy use and combustion emissions, passenger car, p9a291380-

10814 operation, passenger c0b4e9a40- energy use and combustion emissions, passenger car, p9a291380-7286 operation, passenger c05f14fab-eenergy use and combustion emissions, passenger car, ped9e9fe6-6

10815 operation, passenger c3c6a9744- energy use and combustion emissions, passenger car, ped9e9fe6-610813 operation, passenger c2913d7b4-energy use and combustion emissions, passenger car, ddf399ecf-b

7283 operation, passenger c26abf077-1energy use and combustion emissions, passenger car, d55ae0aa7-c10812 operation, passenger cca4aa3a5- energy use and combustion emissions, passenger car, d55ae0aa7-c

7284 operation, passenger c08d8af70-0energy use and combustion emissions, passenger car, d6909a243-86561 operation, passenger d6d022fc- energy use and combustion emissions, passenger car, acb1478c-6560 operation, passenger ee179045-cenergy use and combustion emissions, passenger car, 2aff9e23-36559 operation, passenger a3ee0fd5-2energy use and combustion emissions, passenger car, cef4f87b-06672 operation, passenger 045db6e6-fenergy use and combustion emissions, passenger car, e64ad0d1-46558 operation, passenger 065cde4f-cenergy use and combustion emissions, passenger car, 42300013-d6202 operation, passenger c72e0fc42-denergy use and combustion emissions, passenger car, 1b8e83d4a-26115 operation, passenger 280f6d7b-denergy use and combustion emissions, passenger car, d5b3bca6-56201 operation, passenger 2f98b570-2energy use and combustion emissions, passenger car, 770cc469-6557 operation, passenger 4c673590-benergy use and combustion emissions, passenger car, c67f15ed-76556 operation, passenger 0930ea3b- energy use and combustion emissions, passenger car, f85a9d62-c6555 operation, passenger a293b6ec-2energy use and combustion emissions, passenger car, c8240428-f6205 operation, passenger 80567be7-4energy use and combustion emissions, passenger car, 1ec4d8f39-56114 operation, passenger 76e59023-8energy use and combustion emissions, passenger car, b98dbb4e-7293 operation, lorry 7.5-1 db853a81-energy use and combustion emissions, lorry 7.5-16 metf8495de0-27292 operation, lorry 7.5-1 672c5b9c- energy use and combustion emissions, lorry 7.5-16 met2d68ec89-f7291 operation, lorry 7.5-1 a851e725-fenergy use and combustion emissions, lorry 7.5-16 metc86aa80d-f

10757 operation, lorry 3.5-7 9a435255-8energy use and combustion emissions, lorry 3.5-7.5 mece916f18-510756 operation, lorry 3.5-7 5ec83005-9energy use and combustion emissions, lorry 3.5-7.5 med92fa265-010755 operation, lorry 3.5-7 f2026a27-8energy use and combustion emissions, lorry 3.5-7.5 me04ee9207-3

1916 operation, lorry 3.5-20da1cd036-5energy use and combustion emissions, lorry 3.5-20 met3cbb98fb-d1920 operation, lorry 3.5-20t9518b2f2- energy use and combustion emissions, lorry 3.5-20 metri88afc749-81918 operation, lorry 3.5-209bfd70b5-2energy use and combustion emissions, lorry 3.5-20 metr35bd83d1-1915 operation, lorry 3.5-16b458d094-energy use and combustion emissions, lorry 3.5-16 met716ba2f7-6113 operation, lorry 28t, 32762400-denergy use and combustion emissions, lorry 28 metric 017f800d-f1921 operation, lorry 20-28tff9b2799-c energy use and combustion emissions, lorry 20-28 metr3258ca47-b1925 operation, lorry 20-28t,8fa5ec80-9energy use and combustion emissions, lorry 20-28 metric5d047f1e-21923 operation, lorry 20-28 14de751a-8energy use and combustion emissions, lorry 20-28 metr333608bb-47296 operation, lorry 16-32 0593ef83-8energy use and combustion emissions, lorry 16-32 metf3a10ef1-17295 operation, lorry 16-32 93cf54ee-aenergy use and combustion emissions, lorry 16-32 met3d183896-7294 operation, lorry 16-32 35e43b82-4energy use and combustion emissions, lorry 16-32 met59956faa-e7299 operation, lorry >32t f054238c-cenergy use and combustion emissions, lorry >32 metri caef18b6-27298 operation, lorry >32t fd07f929-eenergy use and combustion emissions, lorry >32 metri 17c61d3b-7297 operation, lorry >32t 2e516532-fenergy use and combustion emissions, lorry >32 metri ca7fc775-21927 operation, lorry >28t, def5407c-cenergy use and combustion emissions, lorry >28 metric011601b9-71931 operation, lorry >28t, 1b19c9a0-fenergy use and combustion emissions, lorry >28 metric t9c8a00a7-c1929 operation, lorry >28t, 5997a340-7energy use and combustion emissions, lorry >28 metricc840fddb-71926 operation, lorry >16t, d5fca165- energy use and combustion emissions, lorry >16 metric5d5e8a5b-1935 operation, van < 3,5t 25450d1b-energy use and combustion emissions, light commercial56df1b8f-25743 operation, van < 3,5t 095f5680-8energy use and combustion emissions, light commercial56df1b8f-21961 operation, transoceani1578b20a-4energy use and combustion emissions, freight ship, tra816323b8-1959 operation, barge tanke9dd4b55f- energy use and combustion emissions, barge tanker 68e66122-1958 operation, barge 5ec70a08-8energy use and combustion emissions, barge 03694d6d-

1888 operation, aircraft, p caf4bbd0-7energy use and combustion emissions, aircraft, passen19714b28-71889 operation, aircraft, p 2680d393-8energy use and combustion emissions, aircraft, passengc6da3441-31890 operation, aircraft, pa 39926e0b-denergy use and combustion emissions, aircraft, passeng215e029b-1885 operation, aircraft, fre4a82a5dc-eenergy use and combustion emissions, aircraft, freight 33ce10f5-a1886 operation, aircraft, fr 537f139b-8energy use and combustion emissions, aircraft, freight,dcc42933-d1887 operation, aircraft, fre7fc86f01-5energy use and combustion emissions, aircraft, freight,1963dcbf-f

10893 energy reduction, ventfd497cae-6energy saving, from ventilation system, 6 x 120 m3/h, a0de6f3e-610897 energy reduction, ventf9f6d400-4energy saving, from ventilation system, 6 x 120 m3/h, s2876a913-10894 energy reduction, venta641cd7f-0energy saving, from ventilation system, 6 x 120 m3/h, 3586d6ef-f10898 energy reduction, ventbda58113-6energy saving, from ventilation system, 6 x 120 m3/h, 552d099e-10895 energy reduction, vent3470d3a7-eenergy saving, from ventilation system, 1 x 720 m3/h, 134ca7e1-b10896 energy reduction, ventd1a9776f-2energy saving, from ventilation system, 1 x 720 m3/h, 70c905cd-f

1198 assembly, module cog14ed556d-1energy requirement for assembly of heat and power co-4c291243-8334 metal working machine847966e9-3energy and auxilliary inputs, metal working machine, w6a65d1ef-c8332 metal working machine d4117bbe-1energy and auxilliary inputs, metal working machine, witf280666e-08333 metal working machine a4df1dde-1energy and auxilliary inputs, metal working machine, wic15afacc-68331 metal working machine55378e47-energy and auxilliary inputs, metal working machine, w80b620e2-

10139 metal working machinefa62a3cd-8energy and auxilliary inputs, metal working machine, p23de09f3-98338 metal working factory 04dca6de-cenergy and auxilliary inputs, metal working factory, wi c87dcf3d-8336 metal working factory o16333c72-6energy and auxilliary inputs, metal working factory, withdc3f4a8e-58337 metal working factory c84552e4-8energy and auxilliary inputs, metal working factory, wit183673a4-8335 metal working factory 010e123c-3energy and auxilliary inputs, metal working factory, wi 8950891d-5

10141 metal working factory 6810ed5e-aenergy and auxilliary inputs, metal working factory, pr ee630e52-1164 enamelling df334acf-1 enamelling 3d0a9b3f-f

550 electronics for control b0c20b6f-felectronics production, for control units 485f5524-e7065 electronic component, 3b3e27c5- electronic component, production mix 731d3658-6

10163 electronic component, 81041cd9-1electronic component production, passive, unspecified 63d429c7-e10164 electronic component, a44321c9-9electronic component production, active, unspecified af86e69f-f

7097 electronic component b7bf35c9- electronic component machinery production, unspecifi d745471d-57083 electronic component 4013d7dd-electronic component factory construction 5e5d1321-7087 electron gun, for CRT cc27ecd0-7electron gun production, for cathode ray tube display c00aa092-

10147 346 cathode, coanode slimee84ebc43-felectrolytic refining of primary copper f5430fb6-a10148 346 anode slimeanode slimee84ebc43-felectrolytic refining of primary copper f5430fb6-a

7061 electrolyte, KOH, LiOH 83b11b25-electrolyte production, KOH, LiOH additive 77852719-7224 210 lithium, at lithium chlofe24a06a-felectrolysis of lithium chloride 3cfed227-67249 210 chlorine, galithium chlofe24a06a-felectrolysis of lithium chloride 3cfed227-67062 electrode, positive, Lae4c60dd7- electrode production, positive, LaNi5 87d1e716-7066 electrode, negative, Nic049f472-eelectrode production, negative, Ni ac60a38b-47063 electrode, negative, Li8ae75ee2-4electrode production, negative, LiC6 493fa7ee-02293 electricity, at wind po 92129798-electricity, wind, production mix 6d1f073d-22294 electricity, at wind po 4def4d33-6electricity, wind, production mix 6d1f073d-21759 electricity, production 3ddba78e-0electricity, photovoltaic, production mix 4c11b439-66047 electricity, oil, at pow f3068762-6electricity, oil, production mix 4085d9e9-1454 electricity, nuclear, a b448123a-felectricity, nuclear, production mix c1029b05-91455 electricity, nuclear, a 227e627b-electricity, nuclear, production mix c1029b05-91456 electricity, nuclear, a 31cfdea7-eelectricity, nuclear, production mix c1029b05-97311 electricity, nuclear, a 13568163-electricity, nuclear, production mix c1029b05-95935 electricity, nuclear, a e5171d82-celectricity, nuclear, pressure water reactor, production 129eae18-05938 electricity, nuclear, a 3387fc05-0electricity, nuclear, boiling water reactor, production m3da55dfc-c1376 electricity, natural ga 2dbb00b3-electricity, natural gas, production mix 6f248ade-77310 electricity, natural ga 7a8db7d0-felectricity, natural gas, production mix 6f248ade-7

637 electricity, medium vo60cc7b57-9electricity, medium voltage, production mix 5c4f6812-4638 electricity, medium vo7eedc0d5-8electricity, medium voltage, production mix 5c4f6812-4639 electricity, medium vo294e7960-electricity, medium voltage, production mix 5c4f6812-4640 electricity, medium vo19fb794d- electricity, medium voltage, production mix 5c4f6812-4641 electricity, medium vod1d3a61d-9electricity, medium voltage, production mix 5c4f6812-4642 electricity, medium voa9f3944b- electricity, medium voltage, production mix 5c4f6812-4643 electricity, medium voe2d5b9bb-electricity, medium voltage, production mix 5c4f6812-4644 electricity, medium vo89155299-celectricity, medium voltage, production mix 5c4f6812-4645 electricity, medium vol5194feee- electricity, medium voltage, production mix 5c4f6812-4646 electricity, medium vol87499f94- electricity, medium voltage, production mix 5c4f6812-4647 electricity, medium volb955e1d8-electricity, medium voltage, production mix 5c4f6812-4648 electricity, medium vo13d93a89-electricity, medium voltage, production mix 5c4f6812-4649 electricity, medium vo5908dbbf-3electricity, medium voltage, production mix 5c4f6812-4650 electricity, medium vo8ec39bda-3electricity, medium voltage, production mix 5c4f6812-4651 electricity, medium vo465bef3b-delectricity, medium voltage, production mix 5c4f6812-4652 electricity, medium vol743433b9-9electricity, medium voltage, production mix 5c4f6812-4653 electricity, medium vole6dac730-0electricity, medium voltage, production mix 5c4f6812-4654 electricity, medium vo1dbd17bf-felectricity, medium voltage, production mix 5c4f6812-4655 electricity, medium vob06e22c3- electricity, medium voltage, production mix 5c4f6812-4656 electricity, medium vo660e8768-electricity, medium voltage, production mix 5c4f6812-4657 electricity, medium vo38160db7-electricity, medium voltage, production mix 5c4f6812-4658 electricity, medium vo88b2e9c1-0electricity, medium voltage, production mix 5c4f6812-4659 electricity, medium vol905b1e1d-electricity, medium voltage, production mix 5c4f6812-4660 electricity, medium volae854a49-7electricity, medium voltage, production mix 5c4f6812-4

661 electricity, medium vol29137e2b-electricity, medium voltage, production mix 5c4f6812-4662 electricity, medium vol98ce490c-felectricity, medium voltage, production mix 5c4f6812-4663 electricity, medium vol62e8e177- electricity, medium voltage, production mix 5c4f6812-4664 electricity, medium vo5c37273d-9electricity, medium voltage, production mix 5c4f6812-4665 electricity, medium voe495927d-1electricity, medium voltage, production mix 5c4f6812-4

7195 electricity, medium voc8845312-belectricity, medium voltage, production mix 5c4f6812-47203 electricity, medium voef30441d-8electricity, medium voltage, production mix 5c4f6812-47208 electricity, medium voc2080e7f- electricity, medium voltage, production mix 5c4f6812-47253 electricity, medium voa7ba0978-eelectricity, medium voltage, production mix 5c4f6812-4

608 electricity, low voltag 259d216e-electricity, low voltage, production mix 98de7523-609 electricity, low voltag 80b716ab-7electricity, low voltage, production mix 98de7523-610 electricity, low voltag 823460d1-electricity, low voltage, production mix 98de7523-611 electricity, low voltag 865cba7c-celectricity, low voltage, production mix 98de7523-612 electricity, low voltag e8a96438- electricity, low voltage, production mix 98de7523-613 electricity, low voltag faa413f5-3electricity, low voltage, production mix 98de7523-614 electricity, low voltag f8c9fba5-e electricity, low voltage, production mix 98de7523-615 electricity, low voltag 6356181a-electricity, low voltage, production mix 98de7523-616 electricity, low voltag 56a74a56- electricity, low voltage, production mix 98de7523-617 electricity, low voltage6fe39f7e-2electricity, low voltage, production mix 98de7523-618 electricity, low voltag f490bd4b-8electricity, low voltage, production mix 98de7523-619 electricity, low voltag 876053a9-electricity, low voltage, production mix 98de7523-620 electricity, low voltag db3b5120-electricity, low voltage, production mix 98de7523-621 electricity, low voltag f3397c32-8electricity, low voltage, production mix 98de7523-622 electricity, low voltag f407cb05-belectricity, low voltage, production mix 98de7523-623 electricity, low voltage832b9e6c- electricity, low voltage, production mix 98de7523-624 electricity, low voltagebbc88575-belectricity, low voltage, production mix 98de7523-625 electricity, low voltag b5edde80- electricity, low voltage, production mix 98de7523-626 electricity, low voltag 3bd7462c-aelectricity, low voltage, production mix 98de7523-627 electricity, low voltag a409c69a- electricity, low voltage, production mix 98de7523-628 electricity, low voltag e6c84ac0- electricity, low voltage, production mix 98de7523-629 electricity, low volta d1b796b0-0electricity, low voltage, production mix 98de7523-630 electricity, low voltage79408022-electricity, low voltage, production mix 98de7523-631 electricity, low voltag e28bb3a7-8electricity, low voltage, production mix 98de7523-632 electricity, low voltag 7e6465cc- electricity, low voltage, production mix 98de7523-633 electricity, low voltagebda6334b-5electricity, low voltage, production mix 98de7523-634 electricity, low voltag a6f3617c-9electricity, low voltage, production mix 98de7523-635 electricity, low voltag 86a82bb7-electricity, low voltage, production mix 98de7523-636 electricity, low voltag 8f54f8de-4electricity, low voltage, production mix 98de7523-

7197 electricity, low voltag f6ab5e6f-1electricity, low voltage, production mix 98de7523-7205 electricity, low voltag 50d8ef2a-5electricity, low voltage, production mix 98de7523-7207 electricity, low voltag ce29eb15-0electricity, low voltage, production mix 98de7523-7254 electricity, low voltag cdceefdc-eelectricity, low voltage, production mix 98de7523-1015 electricity, lignite, at ca50a40b-celectricity, lignite, production mix 9840b561-e6071 electricity, lignite, at ecf6a8e7-3electricity, lignite, production mix 9840b561-e1365 electricity, industrial 75cdc73b-3electricity, industrial gas, production mix 9f831bf2-01366 electricity, industrial 1d9cd2f6-9electricity, industrial gas, production mix 9f831bf2-01367 electricity, industrial 72b50a18-celectricity, industrial gas, production mix 9f831bf2-01368 electricity, industrial 2edc71ed-2electricity, industrial gas, production mix 9f831bf2-01369 electricity, industrial f2fcccc2-f electricity, industrial gas, production mix 9f831bf2-01370 electricity, industrial 8503eff5-aelectricity, industrial gas, production mix 9f831bf2-01371 electricity, industrial b52b99df-8electricity, industrial gas, production mix 9f831bf2-01372 electricity, industrial 0b2ec91e-aelectricity, industrial gas, production mix 9f831bf2-01373 electricity, industrial 1cfca924- electricity, industrial gas, production mix 9f831bf2-01374 electricity, industrial 5df8e678-aelectricity, industrial gas, production mix 9f831bf2-0

695 electricity mix d28126ca-2electricity, high voltage, supply mix a9a87b67-696 electricity mix c3b8f118-felectricity, high voltage, supply mix a9a87b67-697 electricity mix 386546a7-electricity, high voltage, supply mix a9a87b67-698 electricity mix ebd717d7-electricity, high voltage, supply mix a9a87b67-699 electricity mix 0b477f61-4electricity, high voltage, supply mix a9a87b67-700 electricity mix af3d94ae-7electricity, high voltage, supply mix a9a87b67-701 electricity mix 34879700-belectricity, high voltage, supply mix a9a87b67-702 electricity mix fde8a0cc-2electricity, high voltage, supply mix a9a87b67-703 electricity mix a2d60675-electricity, high voltage, supply mix a9a87b67-704 electricity mix f5fcb72d-5electricity, high voltage, supply mix a9a87b67-705 electricity mix ab464e1a-5electricity, high voltage, supply mix a9a87b67-706 electricity mix 6e827b45-felectricity, high voltage, supply mix a9a87b67-707 electricity mix 7018c7b3- electricity, high voltage, supply mix a9a87b67-708 electricity mix 56872e23-2electricity, high voltage, supply mix a9a87b67-709 electricity mix 1ae5ddf8-4electricity, high voltage, supply mix a9a87b67-710 electricity mix eae26ca0-celectricity, high voltage, supply mix a9a87b67-711 electricity mix b3fb41af-7electricity, high voltage, supply mix a9a87b67-712 electricity mix 11c796c5- electricity, high voltage, supply mix a9a87b67-713 electricity mix 6f9c72a4-f electricity, high voltage, supply mix a9a87b67-714 electricity mix 567c1ac6-0electricity, high voltage, supply mix a9a87b67-715 electricity mix 9d3a2af5-celectricity, high voltage, supply mix a9a87b67-

716 electricity mix 8a89c5a5-eelectricity, high voltage, supply mix a9a87b67-717 electricity mix 42c94114- electricity, high voltage, supply mix a9a87b67-718 electricity mix cd3abfeb- electricity, high voltage, supply mix a9a87b67-719 electricity mix 26fdb668-belectricity, high voltage, supply mix a9a87b67-720 electricity mix b8f741b3-belectricity, high voltage, supply mix a9a87b67-

6692 electricity mix 7fed4d2e-7electricity, high voltage, supply mix a9a87b67-6693 electricity mix 336e977e- electricity, high voltage, supply mix a9a87b67-6694 electricity mix fe59f419-5electricity, high voltage, supply mix a9a87b67-6695 electricity mix ca43ecc3-8electricity, high voltage, supply mix a9a87b67-7190 electricity mix e934cd59- electricity, high voltage, supply mix a9a87b67-7198 electricity mix 91e78ca5-felectricity, high voltage, supply mix a9a87b67-

666 electricity, production c3d3ffc7-b electricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-667 electricity, production a50711dd-electricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-668 electricity, production 51fa5ad1-eelectricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-669 electricity, productio 9699ff12-1electricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-670 electricity, productio c0bb5914- electricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-671 electricity, production 23bca96d- electricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-672 electricity, production 8402f75c-1electricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-673 electricity, production dabfa2fd-f electricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-674 electricity, production cab586b7- electricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-675 electricity, production 7ec0e9b0-celectricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-676 electricity, production 3315c87d- electricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-677 electricity, productio 83e65ea4-2electricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-678 electricity, productio 9703c863-felectricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-679 electricity, productio 9b606e30-electricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-680 electricity, productio 37d81ac1- electricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-681 electricity, production 9a38aaf1-celectricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-682 electricity, production 332c797b-eelectricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-683 electricity, production 24abdfb7-3electricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-684 electricity, productio 61ae7882-celectricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-685 electricity, production caa08695- electricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-686 electricity, productio 547db5dc- electricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-687 electricity, producti 8d710a93-1electricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-688 electricity, production 45dac7a0- electricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-689 electricity, production 6fbb282d-felectricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-690 electricity, production c092697f- electricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-691 electricity, production 3c6eb702- electricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-692 electricity, production f80c376c-4electricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-693 electricity, productio 37417266-belectricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-694 electricity, production 79dadb68-electricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-

6688 electricity, production 8c3862b5-9electricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-6689 electricity, productio 51874451-felectricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-6690 electricity, production 8eff94db-f electricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-6691 electricity, production 3a71927f- electricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-7191 electricity, productio abb8839d-electricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-7199 electricity, productio b433cc6c-eelectricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-7209 electricity, productio e1e0086f-eelectricity, high voltage, production mix a644b2bd-

11364 electricity, certified ele7629ad0e- electricity, high voltage, label-certified, production mix 9d5eb777-e11360 electricity, consumer 940784e3-electricity, high voltage, average mix with average share 656e258b-3

579 electricity, high volta c5806c82-aelectricity, high voltage, at market, production mix 3417cb66-580 electricity, high volta 7f39a6fe-f electricity, high voltage, at market, production mix 3417cb66-581 electricity, high volta b162535f-7electricity, high voltage, at market, production mix 3417cb66-582 electricity, high volta 1351f6f2-6electricity, high voltage, at market, production mix 3417cb66-583 electricity, high volta 83ea291b-aelectricity, high voltage, at market, production mix 3417cb66-584 electricity, high volta bf9eb396-celectricity, high voltage, at market, production mix 3417cb66-585 electricity, high volta d0e3095f- electricity, high voltage, at market, production mix 3417cb66-586 electricity, high volta 30e518f9-8electricity, high voltage, at market, production mix 3417cb66-587 electricity, high volta 0441ba6d-celectricity, high voltage, at market, production mix 3417cb66-588 electricity, high voltag64639f62-8electricity, high voltage, at market, production mix 3417cb66-589 electricity, high volta 50e760fb- electricity, high voltage, at market, production mix 3417cb66-590 electricity, high volta 5c4bc516-delectricity, high voltage, at market, production mix 3417cb66-591 electricity, high volta d6c8eb1c-8electricity, high voltage, at market, production mix 3417cb66-592 electricity, high volta 6595f177-felectricity, high voltage, at market, production mix 3417cb66-593 electricity, high volta bd572cac-3electricity, high voltage, at market, production mix 3417cb66-594 electricity, high voltag96e0dd24-electricity, high voltage, at market, production mix 3417cb66-595 electricity, high voltag5bf9166b-6electricity, high voltage, at market, production mix 3417cb66-596 electricity, high volta e26a1d31-celectricity, high voltage, at market, production mix 3417cb66-597 electricity, high volta ce484d51- electricity, high voltage, at market, production mix 3417cb66-598 electricity, high volta fc4abf40-d electricity, high voltage, at market, production mix 3417cb66-599 electricity, high volta c457a15c-delectricity, high voltage, at market, production mix 3417cb66-600 electricity, high volt d9a9ec6c-2electricity, high voltage, at market, production mix 3417cb66-601 electricity, high voltag2f39a453-aelectricity, high voltage, at market, production mix 3417cb66-602 electricity, high volta c193d349- electricity, high voltage, at market, production mix 3417cb66-603 electricity, high volta f8d07a67-9electricity, high voltage, at market, production mix 3417cb66-604 electricity, high voltag87456623-3electricity, high voltage, at market, production mix 3417cb66-

605 electricity, high volta 622a2e77- electricity, high voltage, at market, production mix 3417cb66-606 electricity, high volta 573e9fcb-belectricity, high voltage, at market, production mix 3417cb66-607 electricity, high volta 038923f0-9electricity, high voltage, at market, production mix 3417cb66-

7193 electricity, high volta 5192faaa-4electricity, high voltage, at market, production mix 3417cb66-7201 electricity, high volta ed90fd4f-c electricity, high voltage, at market, production mix 3417cb66-7206 electricity, high volta cd1d2761-9electricity, high voltage, at market, production mix 3417cb66-7252 electricity, high volta 54f93997-4electricity, high voltage, at market, production mix 3417cb66-

861 electricity, hard coal, 55018220-electricity, hard coal, production mix 7b6c39db-6070 electricity, hard coal, 281479bf- electricity, hard coal, production mix 7b6c39db-7309 electricity, hard coal, 60e313ae-8electricity, hard coal, production mix 7b6c39db-

11117 electricity, at cogen, d1e5d443-5electricity, at cogen, biogas agricultural mix, allocatio 9c28b88d-d721 electricity mix, alumi 916a570f-9electricity, aluminium industry, supply mix ed8b9d4a-

2295 electricity, at wind p f03e0e3b-1electricity production, wind, 1-3MW turbine, offshore 00916aea-31755 electricity, PV, at 3kW b2a042d3-electricity production, photovoltaic, 3kWp slanted-roof ieef6e174-a1754 electricity, PV, at 3kW decd825c-9electricity production, photovoltaic, 3kWp slanted-roof i8cb55826-6859 electricity, PV, at 3kW e5f6aeaf-1 electricity production, photovoltaic, 3kWp slanted-roof 47d63d0a-6860 electricity, PV, at 3kW 6b9ee9f9- electricity production, photovoltaic, 3kWp slanted-roof i69789514-1758 electricity, PV, at 3kW 48dbd101-electricity production, photovoltaic, 3kWp slanted-roof f6e4ec24-41757 electricity, PV, at 3kW 5d439c2d-belectricity production, photovoltaic, 3kWp slanted-roof i6ddf5188-46858 electricity, PV, at 3k ed184a75-celectricity production, photovoltaic, 3kWp slanted-roof 2e955910-6857 electricity, PV, at 3kW 15d002c3-1electricity production, photovoltaic, 3kWp slanted-roof 96f9b312-96849 electricity, PV, at 3kW 92deff49-eelectricity production, photovoltaic, 3kWp slanted-roof 847e2e36-f6850 electricity, PV, at 3kW d580cdcd-celectricity production, photovoltaic, 3kWp slanted-roof i563355ae-1751 electricity, PV, at 3kWp370d5590-electricity production, photovoltaic, 3kWp flat-roof instal72a7fafe-41752 electricity, PV, at 3kWp26ba5752-2electricity production, photovoltaic, 3kWp flat-roof instac0f1384e-31749 electricity, PV, at 3kW 7c980792- electricity production, photovoltaic, 3kWp facade instal95228932-1747 electricity, PV, at 3kW 36265412-electricity production, photovoltaic, 3kWp facade installdcc8d394-1750 electricity, PV, at 3kW 29b1d824-electricity production, photovoltaic, 3kWp facade instalc129be8a-1748 electricity, PV, at 3kW 9c73446a- electricity production, photovoltaic, 3kWp facade install6f298111-6877 electricity, production f4a1b039-2electricity production, photovoltaic bc0f71a2-a6878 electricity, production f9902f37-5electricity production, photovoltaic bc0f71a2-a6879 electricity, production c0fcb96c-aelectricity production, photovoltaic bc0f71a2-a6880 electricity, production 859e53ef-4electricity production, photovoltaic bc0f71a2-a6881 electricity, production ff24af19-e electricity production, photovoltaic bc0f71a2-a6882 electricity, production d513edf3- electricity production, photovoltaic bc0f71a2-a6883 electricity, production 60d32294-electricity production, photovoltaic bc0f71a2-a6884 electricity, production 601a988b-9electricity production, photovoltaic bc0f71a2-a6885 electricity, production e979b190-electricity production, photovoltaic bc0f71a2-a6886 electricity, production c98048a5- electricity production, photovoltaic bc0f71a2-a6887 electricity, production 1a93e597- electricity production, photovoltaic bc0f71a2-a6888 electricity, production d8c94b73- electricity production, photovoltaic bc0f71a2-a6889 electricity, production df6621a6- electricity production, photovoltaic bc0f71a2-a6890 electricity, production 9bd0dba2-electricity production, photovoltaic bc0f71a2-a6891 electricity, production 14a79a64- electricity production, photovoltaic bc0f71a2-a6892 electricity, production 50cb79b6-0electricity production, photovoltaic bc0f71a2-a6893 electricity, production 55e0c206-2electricity production, photovoltaic bc0f71a2-a6894 electricity, production 8e518452-electricity production, photovoltaic bc0f71a2-a6895 electricity, production 1cecbc30-2electricity production, photovoltaic bc0f71a2-a6896 electricity, production dae5c963-celectricity production, photovoltaic bc0f71a2-a6897 electricity, production cc7ef794-4electricity production, photovoltaic bc0f71a2-a6898 electricity, production 4898bac3-8electricity production, photovoltaic bc0f71a2-a6899 electricity, production be8e1022- electricity production, photovoltaic bc0f71a2-a6900 electricity, production 98c73798- electricity production, photovoltaic bc0f71a2-a6901 electricity, production 18b70bd4-electricity production, photovoltaic bc0f71a2-a1024 electricity, peat, at p 42863155-electricity production, peat 11d40f88-a1611 electricity, oil, at pow 00679080-electricity production, oil bef47fe4-21612 electricity, oil, at pow 0207cb76- electricity production, oil bef47fe4-21613 electricity, oil, at pow 19ad61cf-eelectricity production, oil bef47fe4-21614 electricity, oil, at pow 04c4c295-6electricity production, oil bef47fe4-21615 electricity, oil, at pow 2413639d-eelectricity production, oil bef47fe4-21616 electricity, oil, at pow 38b31171-electricity production, oil bef47fe4-21617 electricity, oil, at pow ecc14664-7electricity production, oil bef47fe4-21618 electricity, oil, at pow 437de3f4-0electricity production, oil bef47fe4-21619 electricity, oil, at pow 10630ec7-8electricity production, oil bef47fe4-21620 electricity, oil, at pow 27eecbac- electricity production, oil bef47fe4-21621 electricity, oil, at pow db46b779-6electricity production, oil bef47fe4-21622 electricity, oil, at pow ae9844c6-celectricity production, oil bef47fe4-21623 electricity, oil, at pow 56b66d40-eelectricity production, oil bef47fe4-21624 electricity, oil, at pow 8216485f-5electricity production, oil bef47fe4-21625 electricity, oil, at pow ba77c259- electricity production, oil bef47fe4-21626 electricity, oil, at pow 501c588e-delectricity production, oil bef47fe4-21627 electricity, oil, at pow 61cfb5a0-3electricity production, oil bef47fe4-21628 electricity, oil, at pow 7c01f171-celectricity production, oil bef47fe4-21629 electricity, oil, at pow 326992e0-6electricity production, oil bef47fe4-21630 electricity, oil, at pow 8b16149c- electricity production, oil bef47fe4-2

5686 heavy fuel oil, burned 00679080-electricity production, oil bef47fe4-25687 heavy fuel oil, burned 0207cb76- electricity production, oil bef47fe4-25688 heavy fuel oil, burned 19ad61cf-eelectricity production, oil bef47fe4-25689 heavy fuel oil, burned 04c4c295-6electricity production, oil bef47fe4-25690 heavy fuel oil, burned 2413639d-eelectricity production, oil bef47fe4-25691 heavy fuel oil, burned 38b31171-electricity production, oil bef47fe4-25692 heavy fuel oil, burned ecc14664-7electricity production, oil bef47fe4-25693 heavy fuel oil, burned 437de3f4-0electricity production, oil bef47fe4-25694 heavy fuel oil, burned 10630ec7-8electricity production, oil bef47fe4-25695 heavy fuel oil, burned 27eecbac- electricity production, oil bef47fe4-25696 heavy fuel oil, burned db46b779-6electricity production, oil bef47fe4-25697 heavy fuel oil, burned ae9844c6-celectricity production, oil bef47fe4-25698 heavy fuel oil, burned 56b66d40-eelectricity production, oil bef47fe4-25699 heavy fuel oil, burned 8216485f-5electricity production, oil bef47fe4-25700 heavy fuel oil, burned ba77c259- electricity production, oil bef47fe4-25701 heavy fuel oil, burned 501c588e-delectricity production, oil bef47fe4-25702 heavy fuel oil, burned 61cfb5a0-3electricity production, oil bef47fe4-25703 heavy fuel oil, burned 7c01f171-celectricity production, oil bef47fe4-25704 heavy fuel oil, burned 326992e0-6electricity production, oil bef47fe4-25705 heavy fuel oil, burned 8b16149c- electricity production, oil bef47fe4-25933 electricity, nuclear, a 53b4ef4f-8electricity production, nuclear, pressure water reactor, 0543f7db-71465 electricity, nuclear, a 48666506-9electricity production, nuclear, pressure water reactor 702d805d-5932 electricity, nuclear, a bff1d823-3electricity production, nuclear, pressure water reactor 702d805d-5934 electricity, nuclear, a 49be1466-electricity production, nuclear, pressure water reactor 702d805d-

11075 electricity, nuclear, a f0390e2a-1electricity production, nuclear, pressure water reactor 702d805d-11099 electricity, nuclear, a abf0170a- electricity production, nuclear, pressure water reactor 702d805d-

5936 electricity, nuclear, a ab1a2f67- electricity production, nuclear, boiling water reactor 898ae627-5937 electricity, nuclear, a a8f89f65-c electricity production, nuclear, boiling water reactor 898ae627-

11076 electricity, nuclear, a 8bf511b3-7electricity production, nuclear, boiling water reactor 898ae627-1377 electricity, natural ga b0ef9d72-delectricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-61378 electricity, natural ga 44fe1142-0electricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-61379 electricity, natural ga 8e5dfefa-c electricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-61380 electricity, natural ga 8687785a-electricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-61381 electricity, natural ga 8c3fba3b-delectricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-61382 electricity, natural ga 51e03a16-delectricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-61383 electricity, natural ga 5e765df5-9electricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-61384 electricity, natural ga 1ea6ac72-5electricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-61387 electricity, natural ga ba0ec3c1-aelectricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-65862 natural gas, burned inb0ef9d72-delectricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-65863 natural gas, burned in44fe1142-0electricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-65864 natural gas, burned in1ea6ac72-5electricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-65865 natural gas, burned in8e5dfefa-c electricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-65866 natural gas, burned in8687785a-electricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-65867 natural gas, burned in8c3fba3b-delectricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-65868 natural gas, burned in51e03a16-delectricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-65869 natural gas, burned in5e765df5-9electricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-65871 natural gas, burned inba0ec3c1-aelectricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-66696 electricity, natural ga eebc549f-6electricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-67186 natural gas, burned ineebc549f-6electricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-6

11031 natural gas, burned inff5f34c0-f electricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-611032 natural gas, burned in62643056-electricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-611033 natural gas, burned inb6e65c29-1electricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-611034 natural gas, burned ina21318a9- electricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-611035 natural gas, burned inf2332ad4-felectricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-611036 natural gas, burned infbceec67-5electricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-611037 natural gas, burned in429a6609-electricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-611038 natural gas, burned ina5f9d52c-delectricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-611039 natural gas, burned ina9ca922f-3electricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-611041 electricity, natural ga ff5f34c0-f electricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-611043 electricity, natural ga b6e65c29-1electricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-611044 electricity, natural ga a21318a9- electricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-611045 electricity, natural ga f2332ad4-felectricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-611046 electricity, natural ga fbceec67-5electricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-611047 electricity, natural ga 429a6609-electricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-611048 electricity, natural ga a5f9d52c-delectricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-611049 electricity, natural ga a9ca922f-3electricity production, natural gas, at conventional powf8c9c6e3-6

1375 electricity, natural ga 329a2d91-celectricity production, natural gas, at combined cycle p0a06a026-5875 natural gas, burned in329a2d91-celectricity production, natural gas, at combined cycle p0a06a026-1388 electricity, natural ga 9d2c4bb7-felectricity production, natural gas, 10MW d31b8304-1397 natural gas, burned in9d2c4bb7-felectricity production, natural gas, 10MW d31b8304-1398 natural gas, burned infd2b6dd9-1electricity production, natural gas, 10MW d31b8304-1399 natural gas, burned in6bbed2a2- electricity production, natural gas, 10MW d31b8304-1400 natural gas, burned in1698ce5a-eelectricity production, natural gas, 10MW d31b8304-1385 electricity, natural ga 0bf70401-belectricity production, natural gas f8c9c6e3-61386 electricity, natural ga 716aceb1- electricity production, natural gas f8c9c6e3-6

11042 electricity, natural ga 31cda692-7electricity production, natural gas f8c9c6e3-61010 electricity, lignite, at 2d7147b6-celectricity production, lignite d1ca8079-91011 electricity, lignite, at 15f5f0ab-f electricity production, lignite d1ca8079-91012 electricity, lignite, at a21cda45-aelectricity production, lignite d1ca8079-91013 electricity, lignite, at 89eb9166-electricity production, lignite d1ca8079-91014 electricity, lignite, at 769be2b2-3electricity production, lignite d1ca8079-91016 electricity, lignite, at bcbdbb37-6electricity production, lignite d1ca8079-91017 electricity, lignite, at 1e36b7a0-1electricity production, lignite d1ca8079-91018 electricity, lignite, at 49bea678- electricity production, lignite d1ca8079-91019 electricity, lignite, at 8d3ea54a-5electricity production, lignite d1ca8079-91020 electricity, lignite, at 0b71b302-electricity production, lignite d1ca8079-91021 electricity, lignite, at abe1c40d- electricity production, lignite d1ca8079-91022 electricity, lignite, at d1732a57-8electricity production, lignite d1ca8079-91023 electricity, lignite, at 6588dfd1- electricity production, lignite d1ca8079-91026 lignite, burned in powe2d7147b6-celectricity production, lignite d1ca8079-91027 lignite, burned in powebcbdbb37-6electricity production, lignite d1ca8079-91028 lignite, burned in powe15f5f0ab-f electricity production, lignite d1ca8079-91029 lignite, burned in powea21cda45-aelectricity production, lignite d1ca8079-91030 lignite, burned in powe89eb9166-electricity production, lignite d1ca8079-91031 lignite, burned in powe769be2b2-3electricity production, lignite d1ca8079-91032 lignite, burned in powe1e36b7a0-1electricity production, lignite d1ca8079-91033 lignite, burned in powe49bea678- electricity production, lignite d1ca8079-91034 lignite, burned in powe8d3ea54a-5electricity production, lignite d1ca8079-91035 lignite, burned in powe0b71b302-electricity production, lignite d1ca8079-91036 lignite, burned in poweabe1c40d- electricity production, lignite d1ca8079-91037 lignite, burned in powed1732a57-8electricity production, lignite d1ca8079-91038 lignite, burned in powe6588dfd1- electricity production, lignite d1ca8079-9

984 electricity, hydropower484572b3-electricity production, hydro, run-of-river c47aeb72-985 electricity, hydropower086b1b7f-celectricity production, hydro, run-of-river c47aeb72-983 electricity, hydropowerb5e623a1-6electricity production, hydro, reservoir, non-alpine regi 5a8dc63c-5982 electricity, hydropower51cb47db-celectricity production, hydro, reservoir, alpine region 996cae5d-0980 electricity, hydropower1d9ffd2a-delectricity production, hydro, reservoir c8f990ef-b981 electricity, hydropowerdde287da-eelectricity production, hydro, reservoir c8f990ef-b

7189 electricity, hydropower4b8044f5-celectricity production, hydro, reservoir c8f990ef-b954 electricity, hydropowedbb3f167- electricity production, hydro, pumped storage 3683a85e-955 electricity, hydropowe1758ced9-9electricity production, hydro, pumped storage 3683a85e-956 electricity, hydropowe1ca283a9- electricity production, hydro, pumped storage 3683a85e-957 electricity, hydropowe10d9c439- electricity production, hydro, pumped storage 3683a85e-958 electricity, hydropowe8380b831-4electricity production, hydro, pumped storage 3683a85e-959 electricity, hydropowe3a61f714-belectricity production, hydro, pumped storage 3683a85e-960 electricity, hydropoweb3723976-electricity production, hydro, pumped storage 3683a85e-961 electricity, hydropoweadf5ba75-8electricity production, hydro, pumped storage 3683a85e-962 electricity, hydropowe2ed05a10- electricity production, hydro, pumped storage 3683a85e-963 electricity, hydropowe10698690-2electricity production, hydro, pumped storage 3683a85e-964 electricity, hydropowe4d33ea99-3electricity production, hydro, pumped storage 3683a85e-965 electricity, hydropowef628e2d6-1electricity production, hydro, pumped storage 3683a85e-966 electricity, hydropowe92dd4828-electricity production, hydro, pumped storage 3683a85e-967 electricity, hydropowead221328-electricity production, hydro, pumped storage 3683a85e-968 electricity, hydropowe2283cddc- electricity production, hydro, pumped storage 3683a85e-969 electricity, hydropowed8398713-electricity production, hydro, pumped storage 3683a85e-970 electricity, hydropoweba5b1afc-6electricity production, hydro, pumped storage 3683a85e-971 electricity, hydropowe4795d08a-electricity production, hydro, pumped storage 3683a85e-972 electricity, hydropowe766cfbd7-5electricity production, hydro, pumped storage 3683a85e-973 electricity, hydropowe9f16ed97-8electricity production, hydro, pumped storage 3683a85e-974 electricity, hydropowe3ed80d63-electricity production, hydro, pumped storage 3683a85e-975 electricity, hydropowe30b2837b-electricity production, hydro, pumped storage 3683a85e-976 electricity, hydropowe50fa4ecc-celectricity production, hydro, pumped storage 3683a85e-977 electricity, hydropowe08d39b8f-felectricity production, hydro, pumped storage 3683a85e-978 electricity, hydropowee209c3ab-2electricity production, hydro, pumped storage 3683a85e-979 electricity, hydropowe750529a0-electricity production, hydro, pumped storage 3683a85e-

6700 electricity, hydropowe8a3ff946-4electricity production, hydro, pumped storage 3683a85e-11074 electricity, hydropowe42ad6548-electricity production, hydro, pumped storage 3683a85e-

928 electricity, hydropowed28a9877-7electricity production, hydro, average without pumped 5d894ef3-f929 electricity, hydropoweadbc7ee0-0electricity production, hydro, average without pumped 5d894ef3-f930 electricity, hydropowe2b6894fd-eelectricity production, hydro, average without pumped 5d894ef3-f931 electricity, hydropowec000edfc-f electricity production, hydro, average without pumped 5d894ef3-f932 electricity, hydropowe35bc9bf5-eelectricity production, hydro, average without pumped 5d894ef3-f933 electricity, hydropowe1310fac4-aelectricity production, hydro, average without pumped 5d894ef3-f934 electricity, hydropowe125500e4-5electricity production, hydro, average without pumped 5d894ef3-f935 electricity, hydropowe7bf28ed1-eelectricity production, hydro, average without pumped 5d894ef3-f936 electricity, hydropowe57e27ff8-6electricity production, hydro, average without pumped 5d894ef3-f937 electricity, hydropowe6bb61d86-electricity production, hydro, average without pumped 5d894ef3-f938 electricity, hydropowead5eb6fc-aelectricity production, hydro, average without pumped 5d894ef3-f939 electricity, hydropowedbb1d058-5electricity production, hydro, average without pumped 5d894ef3-f940 electricity, hydropowecb9616dc- electricity production, hydro, average without pumped 5d894ef3-f

941 electricity, hydropowe0179de09-0electricity production, hydro, average without pumped 5d894ef3-f942 electricity, hydropowe440bb0e4-electricity production, hydro, average without pumped 5d894ef3-f943 electricity, hydropowe43e75c8f-3electricity production, hydro, average without pumped 5d894ef3-f944 electricity, hydropowe2c13066d- electricity production, hydro, average without pumped 5d894ef3-f945 electricity, hydropowe5852a990-2electricity production, hydro, average without pumped 5d894ef3-f946 electricity, hydropowe73fb267e-0electricity production, hydro, average without pumped 5d894ef3-f947 electricity, hydropowe9f50fb42-7electricity production, hydro, average without pumped 5d894ef3-f948 electricity, hydropowe1bc2ac8a-celectricity production, hydro, average without pumped 5d894ef3-f949 electricity, hydropoweec66f071-5electricity production, hydro, average without pumped 5d894ef3-f950 electricity, hydropowed4f7c012-2electricity production, hydro, average without pumped 5d894ef3-f951 electricity, hydropowef83c4b90- electricity production, hydro, average without pumped 5d894ef3-f952 electricity, hydropowe3f6c3a00-2electricity production, hydro, average without pumped 5d894ef3-f953 electricity, hydropoweccf303ab-delectricity production, hydro, average without pumped 5d894ef3-f

7187 electricity, hydropowe9c37c275-eelectricity production, hydro, average without pumped 5d894ef3-f722 electricity mix, SBB e1005f75-4electricity production, high voltage, for Swiss Federal R92863575-c

11088 electricity, hard coal, 2cb7bbb2-0electricity production, hard coal, at coal mine power pl 9b6ff2fc-b11090 hard coal, burned in c 2cb7bbb2-0electricity production, hard coal, at coal mine power pl 9b6ff2fc-b

854 electricity, hard coal, bba6c417- electricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-5855 electricity, hard coal, 0cc65f61-2electricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-5856 electricity, hard coal, 15e3c5bb-felectricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-5857 electricity, hard coal, 311997d2-1electricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-5858 electricity, hard coal, 0c033efb-belectricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-5859 electricity, hard coal, d5916561-electricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-5860 electricity, hard coal, e00f6f2a-aelectricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-5862 electricity, hard coal, ca939120-1electricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-5863 electricity, hard coal, 880400ac- electricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-5864 electricity, hard coal, fa9e8d14-eelectricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-5865 electricity, hard coal, 94327c58- electricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-5866 electricity, hard coal, 65d3be3f-eelectricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-5867 electricity, hard coal, 1f3f66f9-0 electricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-5869 hard coal, burned in pbba6c417- electricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-5870 hard coal, burned in p0cc65f61-2electricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-5871 hard coal, burned in p15e3c5bb-felectricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-5872 hard coal, burned in p311997d2-1electricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-5873 hard coal, burned in p0c033efb-belectricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-5874 hard coal, burned in pd5916561-electricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-5875 hard coal, burned in pe00f6f2a-aelectricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-5876 hard coal, burned in pca939120-1electricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-5877 hard coal, burned in pfa9e8d14-eelectricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-5878 hard coal, burned in p94327c58- electricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-5879 hard coal, burned in p65d3be3f-eelectricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-5880 hard coal, burned in p1f3f66f9-0 electricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-5

11054 electricity, hard coal, 6a54fcc3-delectricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-511055 electricity, hard coal, 6b156cb8-eelectricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-511056 electricity, hard coal, c510bc2f-9electricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-511057 electricity, hard coal, 1b26316e-delectricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-511058 electricity, hard coal, ef515339- electricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-511059 electricity, hard coal, 5b043ed0-eelectricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-511060 electricity, hard coal, 3b119358-electricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-511061 electricity, hard coal, 86dc7e80- electricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-511062 hard coal, burned in p7d900f12-celectricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-511063 hard coal, burned in p6b156cb8-eelectricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-511064 hard coal, burned in pc510bc2f-9electricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-511065 hard coal, burned in p1b26316e-delectricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-511066 hard coal, burned in pef515339- electricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-511067 hard coal, burned in p5b043ed0-eelectricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-511068 hard coal, burned in p3b119358-electricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-511069 hard coal, burned in p86dc7e80- electricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-511087 electricity, hard coal, 00bdb24b-eelectricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-511089 hard coal, burned in p00bdb24b-eelectricity production, hard coal 6606e5fe-5

2300 electricity, at wind p f41516ff-2 electricity production, at wind power plant Simplon 30 5efdffd0-42299 electricity, at wind 2ce0d9d6- electricity production, at wind power plant Grenchenb e4680cc1-2297 electricity, at wind p ab910ebe- electricity production, at wind power plant 800kW, label56756da9-b2298 electricity, at wind p c246d8fc-5electricity production, at wind power plant 800kW 9ce3f224-e2296 electricity, at wind p ca609f44-6electricity production, at wind power plant 600kW a6f80af9-9

11333 electric scooter, at re daf713be-3electric scooter production 831b4c24-1219 electric parts of Mini fd8983bb-6electric parts production, mini CHP plant 2980b105-e1218 electric parts of coge e3b8cefa-aelectric parts production, heat and power co-generation4630accc-4

11788 electric motor, electriceb622e18- electric motor production, vehicle 2374444c-7082 connector, clamp conne92fd56c9-felectric connector production, wire clamp e86ec4e0-67081 connector, PCI bus, at 3034ef62- electric connector production, peripheral component in00f04c87-7

10162 connector, computer, pa1b8bdb6-electric conncetor production, peripheral type buss 7ebb34c4-b11332 electric bicycle, at re 5cc4df8e-belectric bicycle production a9dc6ca8-7

1094 electric arc furnace cofa9d9228-9electric arc furnace converter construction 1d6185ba-397 EDTA, ethylenediaminet408a2c14-3EDTA production 7b223111-

8 dung slab e74c6ff7-c dung slab construction e7f6a9bc-3396 DTPA, diethylenetriamie53e0dba- DTPA production ce060837-6

1411 drying, natural gas 8c8b2170-cdrying, natural gas 3de3d5a5-3167 maize drying c61a44a8-fdrying of maize straw and whole-plant 13f3f676-1160 grass drying 668f9918-7drying of grass 70e27c79-b158 grain drying, high temaa1372bd- drying of feed grain 5ea44d8c-159 grain drying, low tempe728f454-1drying of bread grain, seed and legumes aca80b1f-1

6 dried roughage store, 0d18ea54-8dried roughage store construction, non ventilated 071d1f18-64 dried roughage store, a7a41cc7- dried roughage store construction, cold-air dried, conve0e38ec89-82 dried roughage store, a65df11da-cdried roughage store construction, air dried, solar 4abde36f-f

1163 drawing of pipes, steelc32c0a1f-4drawing of pipe, steel 404bb463-7152 door, outer, wood-glass244447c7-edoor production, outer, wood-glass ff98d350-17151 door, outer, wood-alume6c6aca4-ddoor production, outer, wood-aluminium 93014228-87153 door, inner, wood, at p2890322e-door production, inner, wood e2c43d09-87154 door, inner, glass-wood6c3e9e36-5door production, inner, glass-wood f0472029-e

523 dolomite, at plant 65997b4c- dolomite production 5fae7b6c-597 diuron, at regional st c8ad138a- diuron, supply mix aa408ad7-096 diuron, at regional st 08c897ea- diuron production 17a53a53-95 dithiocarbamate-compoa63d10ce- dithiocarbamate-compound, supply mix f016253a-394 dithiocarbamate-compob7269a12-8dithiocarbamate-compound production 5f89835e-

568 distribution network, ec3576c46-bdistribution network construction, electricity, low volta 64217cb3-66993 LCD flat screen, 17 inc5af4b209- display production, liquid crystal, 17 inches 35f87768-6992 CRT screen, 17 inches,6079373d-display production, cathode ray tube, 17 inches 8fb30f11-b

10161 CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive793a7dc0-fdisk drive production, CD/DVD, ROM, for laptop comput08927286-510160 CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive72bd8842-disk drive production, CD/DVD, ROM, for desktop compe9cb6c4a-5

7211 dipropylene glycol mon45be77d7-dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether production 669cd5b7-93 diphenylether-compounb1c941e1- diphenylether-compound, supply mix f570bdaf-b92 diphenylether-compound05c440b-bdiphenylether-compound production 0b1d4fcb-e

6626 dioxane, at plant 013b2042-dioxane production a99b42d5-27111 diode, unspecified, at 19ce317f-5diode, production mix 59ffe15b-47076 diode, glass-, through 08529214-6diode production, glass-, for through-hole mounting ad9cf764-57075 diode, glass-, SMD typ949a179d-6diode production, glass-, for surface-mounting 3c7c233c-67112 production efforts, di dc46a3fc-3diode production, auxilliaries and energy use 83e5d951-5

91 dinitroaniline-compoun59799acf-f dinitroaniline-compound, supply mix 569bffbe-790 dinitroaniline-compoun400f2a51-ddinitroaniline-compound production c43408b8-

6625 dimethylamine, at pla 56a0b09f-0dimethylamine production 760cb8c6-17217 dimethylamine borane,eb64eb34-9dimethylamine borane production 71de2e78-7216 dimethylacetamide, at68747f05- dimethylacetamide production d71d566b-36624 dimethyl sulfoxide, at 4a3fc664-4dimethyl sulfoxide production b1d0990e-

395 dimethyl sulphate, at 6ac7da11-adimethyl sulfate production 9b03e62e-394 dimethyl ether, at plan5000ff37-ddimethyl ether production 81364b39-

11198 dimethenamide, at regc5e74baf-4dimethenamide production fa2bad7a-1651 diesel-electric genera 3c03eca2- diesel-electric generating set production 10MW productd63bc7ad-1544 diesel, burned in diese2250ffe2-8diesel, burned in diesel-electric generating set 0686b477-1534 73 electricity diesel, bur 5c494199-cdiesel, burned in cogen 200kWe diesel SCR, allocation 8e0676e4-01537 73 heat, at co diesel, bur 5c494199-cdiesel, burned in cogen 200kWe diesel SCR, allocation 8e0676e4-01532 71 electricity diesel, bur 9f72839c-9diesel, burned in cogen 200kWe diesel SCR, allocation b8cf3de6-51535 71 heat, at co diesel, bur 9f72839c-9diesel, burned in cogen 200kWe diesel SCR, allocation b8cf3de6-51531 diesel, burned in cog 4d2ba5ec-6diesel, burned in cogen 200kWe diesel SCR 9b303b39-2444 diesel, burned in chopae026be4- diesel, burned in chopper dad08880-a

559 diesel, burned in buil b043fa17-7diesel, burned in building machine 2c2a91b8-a1545 diesel, low-sulphur, at618d2c0f-7diesel production, low-sulfur baa3a36a-1546 diesel, low-sulphur, atb6614d1e-diesel production, low-sulfur baa3a36a-

391 dichloromethane, at pe575b6bf- dichloromethane production 4833ecef-289 dicamba, at regional 60ec6570- dicamba, supply mix 8ba6c579-88 dicamba, at regional 51253f0a-bdicamba production 33073d41-

11189 diazole-compounds, at2c6f9128-3diazole-compound production e8e18a24-911188 diazine-compounds, at5bd17ed6-7diazine-compound production b2b151b5-9

44 2 diammoniumdiammonium0f8a6e28-ediammonium phosphate production cae615f1-145 2 diammoniumdiammonium0f8a6e28-ediammonium phosphate production cae615f1-1

6256 ethanol, 99.7% in H2O,1ea21dd7- dewatering of ethanol from biomass, from 95% to 99.7%1142096b-6543 ethanol, 99.7% in H2O,e5b21fc4-f dewatering of ethanol from biomass, from 95% to 99.7%1142096b-6544 ethanol, 99.7% in H2O,7c700f53-ddewatering of ethanol from biomass, from 95% to 99.7%1142096b-6545 ethanol, 99.7% in H2O,b9ecc8cf-1dewatering of ethanol from biomass, from 95% to 99.7%1142096b-6670 ethanol, 99.7% in H2O,6a14764a-6dewatering of ethanol from biomass, from 95% to 99.7%1142096b-

11795 ethanol, 99.7% in H2O,364ca46a-cdewatering of ethanol from biomass, from 95% to 99.7%1142096b-1040 SOx retained, in lignit bf969e3f-2desulfurisation of lignite flue gas 32a63073-

883 SOx retained, in hard 07cb35da- desulfurisation of hard coal flue gas 1659da6e-274 deinking emulsion, in f9e92fd4-2deinking emulsion production, in paper production eb98eaa5-3

10075 332 butyrolact butanediol a4cd71e8- dehydrogenation of butan-1,4-diol fb99e6e9-010076 332 hydrogen, butanediol a4cd71e8- dehydrogenation of butan-1,4-diol fb99e6e9-010123 degreasing, metal part1b342370-3degreasing, metal part in alkaline bath 8c969fa1-

8326 deep drawing, steel, 62d81ce18- deep drawing, steel, 650 kN press, single stroke bed3544a-8330 deep drawing, steel, fc5603ae-4deep drawing, steel, 650 kN press, automode 3015a067-a8323 deep drawing, steel, 33e506754-ddeep drawing, steel, 38000 kN press, single stroke cc2fd27c-9

8327 deep drawing, steel, 36b96d9d-deep drawing, steel, 38000 kN press, automode fb10238d-a8325 deep drawing, steel, 357536aef-2deep drawing, steel, 3500 kN press, single stroke 2bd2d2f2-f8329 deep drawing, steel, c7580b5f-3deep drawing, steel, 3500 kN press, automode cdd42bde-68324 deep drawing, steel, 19c2b2647-0deep drawing, steel, 10000 kN press, single stroke 36eadda7-68328 deep drawing, steel, 6d93c483-5deep drawing, steel, 10000 kN press, automode ab4d6347-22439 92 bark chips,debarking, 787a44d1-9debarking, softwood, in forest 92e4fb1d-22495 92 round wooddebarking, 787a44d1-9debarking, softwood, in forest 92e4fb1d-26622 cyclohexanone, at pla60ae2722- cyclohexanone production 74267a7f-

390 cyclohexanol, at plant24fdb2fa-ecyclohexanol production 13aabcd2-26621 cyclohexane, at plant 87770df3- cyclohexane production a5b62bbd-

87 cyclic N-compounds, a07efadf6-ecyclic N-compound, supply mix 13766209-86 cyclic N-compounds, aa7478c14-8cyclic N-compound production b1b331ad-85 cyanazine, at regional9a32c830-3cyanazine, supply mix 60268984-84 cyanazine, at regional9125b629-cyanazine production 67852ec5-7

389 cumene, at plant ad0ecbcf-6cumene production f6e240d2-e273 cryolite, at plant f5793299-dcryolite production cf621d7f-a541 cover coat, organic, atfed409e3-ccover plaster production, organic 00c8d229-8540 cover coat, mineral, at860ed445-fcover plaster production, mineral 6fbf0158-0

6975 cotton seed, at region9a269899-5cotton seed production, for sowing 04ef3fb8-c6974 201 cotton seedcotton 21c640e9-9cotton production 810138ca-6977 201 cotton fibrecotton 21c640e9-9cotton production 810138ca-

10174 349 cotton fibr cotton prodade45388-8cotton production 810138ca-10175 349 cotton seedcotton prodade45388-8cotton production 810138ca-

1693 corrugated board, recycae581a01- corrugated board production, recycled fibre, single wall442524df-a1694 corrugated board, recycb8c7fdb7-ccorrugated board production, recycled fibre, single wall442524df-a1691 corrugated board, recyc7b25797a-corrugated board production, recycled fibre, double wal5badeaa0-1692 corrugated board, recyce4b02707-corrugated board production, recycled fibre, double wal5badeaa0-1689 corrugated board, mixed7b9890ce- corrugated board production, mixed fibre, single wall ed9cb0ac-71690 corrugated board, mixed98b6072d-bcorrugated board production, mixed fibre, single wall ed9cb0ac-71687 corrugated board, fresha7a3d877- corrugated board production, fresh fibre, single wall bf8eeca9-1688 corrugated board, freshcbbf32ff-e corrugated board production, fresh fibre, single wall bf8eeca9-1698 packaging, corrugated d5f9ab27-8corrugated board box production d8fbd861-01699 packaging, corrugated 37ecf01f-a corrugated board box production d8fbd861-0

992 cork slab, at plant 2e8efeb7-acork slab production 361a2be9-f2488 91 raw cork, acork, harves778e009a- cork forestry b4e7dcb5-2523 91 wood, cork cork, harves778e009a- cork forestry b4e7dcb5-1730 core board, at plant 6bd1acd6-6core board production ee08f681-11074 copper, at regional st e7939bdb-3copper, supply mix bf8da81f-f1093 copper, SX-EW, at refi6697a60c-fcopper production, solvent-extraction electro-winning f4282989-21084 copper, primary, at ref7b546d7a-copper production, primary 88d6c0aa-01085 copper, primary, at refa6179282-copper production, primary 88d6c0aa-01086 copper, primary, at refff2b8e6a-4copper production, primary 88d6c0aa-01087 copper, primary, at refdd13726c- copper production, primary 88d6c0aa-01088 copper, primary, at ref7128f1de-9copper production, primary 88d6c0aa-01139 copper, primary, at refbfcb61d9-ecopper production, primary 88d6c0aa-01083 copper, from imported 37179122-ccopper production, from imported concentrates 67a4be67-91075 copper, blister-copper5830c4dd- copper production, blister-copper 0b2a31b1-

272 copper oxide, at planta876d4fa- copper oxide production f32c2cb0-81076 27 copper concmining cop191e4c03-0copper mine operation 0283abb0-f1117 27 molybdenummining cop191e4c03-0copper mine operation 0283abb0-f1077 28 copper concmining cop6bd6fc53-8copper mine operation 0283abb0-f5856 28 molybdenummining cop6bd6fc53-8copper mine operation 0283abb0-f1078 29 copper concmining copa40a0633- copper mine operation 0283abb0-f5857 29 molybdenummining copa40a0633- copper mine operation 0283abb0-f1079 30 copper concmining cop6618383b-7copper mine operation 0283abb0-f5858 30 molybdenummining cop6618383b-7copper mine operation 0283abb0-f1080 31 copper concmining copb10406e3-copper mine operation 0283abb0-f5859 31 molybdenummining copb10406e3-copper mine operation 0283abb0-f1081 32 copper concmining cop875cc761- copper mine operation 0283abb0-f5860 32 molybdenummining cop875cc761- copper mine operation 0283abb0-f

271 copper carbonate, at p4963b301-0copper carbonate production 16fb09f1-d7407 cooling energy, natura62fa4bc3- cooling energy, from natural gas, at cogen unit with ab2e508fd9-6

557 conveyor belt, at planta06769ef- conveyor belt production d439ccf8-71217 control cabinet cogen a2aa82ed-acontrol cabinet production, heat and power co-generatib3467f97-11162 contour, bronze 0195a171-contouring, bronze 605d0af0-31161 contour, brass 0cb460a3-3contouring, brass b183b547-1216 construction work, co 2cb61d1e-7construction work, heat and power co-generation unit, f9444df7-d9244 concrete roof tile, at pf54d35ce-9concrete roof tile production 9e284faf-2

505 concrete, sole plate a 1d468ae2- concrete production, sole plate and foundation 8c9495e5-504 concrete, normal, at p7e684ceb-dconcrete production, normal 3a852ad8-9502 concrete, exacting, at da04693f-3concrete production, high exacting requirements bd0ce09f-5503 concrete, exacting, wit4b147221-9concrete production, for de-icing salt contact df975457-f522 concrete mixing plant d3155ce6-bconcrete mixing factory construction 617d93c2-506 concrete block, at plan0fcbe58d-6concrete block production 06ffc039-f

6994 laptop computer, at plb525f1a4-5computer production, laptop 1a8bda5d-8

6991 desktop computer, with07a54fda-bcomputer production, desktop, without screen 961894af-b8195 compressed air, optim346968d7-3compressed air production, 800 kPa gauge, >30kW, ope9a0473d-08192 compressed air, best 8dcdf6aa-1compressed air production, 800 kPa gauge, >30kW, bes95de2d1e-68194 compressed air, averabc8f9c92-ecompressed air production, 800 kPa gauge, >30kW, avd812fe6f-78189 compressed air, optima1c2a58f-9compressed air production, 800 kPa gauge, <30kW, op84c16758-8188 compressed air, avera3758b737-1compressed air production, 800 kPa gauge, <30kW, av4a9f4a61-a8226 compressed air, optima0df599e-5compressed air production, 700 kPa gauge, >30kW, opa6e571bd-68229 compressed air, best c406bb36-8compressed air production, 700 kPa gauge, >30kW, bes10cc9d29-b8227 compressed air, averab861055d-compressed air production, 700 kPa gauge, >30kW, avec60e62e-78201 compressed air, optimc7f06edc-7compressed air production, 600 kPa gauge, >30kW, op3f0dff8d-d8198 compressed air, best f2e0812d-0compressed air production, 600 kPa gauge, >30kW, bes09ca04bc-48200 compressed air, avera8c8c63e8- compressed air production, 600 kPa gauge, >30kW, av871bc86a-8185 compressed air, optimf6199473- compressed air production, 1200 kPa gauge, <30kW, o1184a32a-8184 compressed air, avera16e6c89a-dcompressed air production, 1200 kPa gauge, <30kW, a47c9787f-8222 compressed air, optim54587368-compressed air production, 1000 kPa gauge, <30kW, oe88ed999-98223 compressed air, avera13197a43-0compressed air production, 1000 kPa gauge, <30kW, a35b96acc-c

1 compost plant, open 20735e1a-5composting facility construction, open a52b1b91-155 combine harvesting 57f6bfec-7 combine harvesting f0ec56f8-7

1743 waste paper, mixed, fra3e42a4f-5collection of waste paper, unsorted d78d7cd7-1744 waste paper, mixed, frd71d249d-collection of waste paper, unsorted d78d7cd7-

817 glass, from public coll 8754f2f6-6collection of waste packaging glass, unsorted 43b09d97-11793 polystyrene scrap, old,e7d231bf-ecollection of polystyrene scrap, post-consumer de5dce34-d

832 119 hard coal chard coal, ad25bc39- coking b04261d4-5888 119 coke oven ghard coal, ad25bc39- coking b04261d4-5890 119 tar, at cokehard coal, ad25bc39- coking b04261d4-5892 119 benzene, athard coal, ad25bc39- coking b04261d4-

833 120 hard coal chard coal, d2f46d76-7coking b04261d4-5889 120 coke oven ghard coal, d2f46d76-7coking b04261d4-5891 120 tar, at cokehard coal, d2f46d76-7coking b04261d4-5893 120 benzene, athard coal, d2f46d76-7coking b04261d4-

213 husked nuts harvestingac80c6de-4coconut production, husked fcde6e89-a386 crude coconut oil, at p964ce914-ccoconut oil production, crude 4674acc0-539 cobwork, at plant 71bcc2a8-3cobwork production 9137f5da-e

5836 cobalt, at plant 08704165-1cobalt production cc00fe97-36046 coating powder, at pla6633ba20-8coating powder production 86931db5-f

845 coal stove, 5-15 kW 6c9df623-4coal stove production, 5-15kW 0469e8d7-e133 clover seed IP, at reg 27da017c- clover seed production, Swiss integrated production, fo8a4a51e4-c132 clover seed IP, at farmdaf40e70-aclover seed production, Swiss integrated production, atc0411f20-d485 clinker, at plant 677c5206-0clinker production 919cdfc8-d

6729 181 round wood,clear-cutti 14dd6427-clear-cutting, primary forest d785c9b2-56731 181 provision, clear-cutti 14dd6427-clear-cutting, primary forest d785c9b2-56730 182 round wood,clear-cutti 6d9e79cb-1clear-cutting, primary forest d785c9b2-56732 182 provision, clear-cutti 6d9e79cb-1clear-cutting, primary forest d785c9b2-5

538 clay plaster, at plant 4e2440e7-6clay plaster production 3e4e0f49-b469 mine, clay 1104b2bb-clay pit construction a4409a6c-9461 clay, at mine 3626a9fe-aclay pit operation 198e91fd-b

7150 cladding, crossbar-pol23668de5-cladding production, crossbar-pole, aluminium 97e4a55c-8237 turning, chromium steebf2b7b27-achromium steel turning, primarily roughing, convention5b7def6f-18240 turning, chromium stee903352d3-9chromium steel turning, primarily roughing, computer n8e1488ec-78238 turning, chromium stee7e941ff8-echromium steel turning, primarily dressing, convention909add49-68241 turning, chromium steeeb54a3db- chromium steel turning, primarily dressing, computer na3b279cc-f8236 turning, chromium stee417c0ace-2chromium steel turning, average, conventional 18240ab8-28239 turning, chromium ste4779bdf9-cchromium steel turning, average, computer numerical c617b06c9-18212 milling, chromium stee2ac9f6bd-7chromium steel milling, small parts 3585a72a-8213 milling, chromium stee11508c6b-9chromium steel milling, large parts 9778aebd-b8211 milling, chromium stee36cc94d0-cchromium steel milling, dressing 97d25a75-8214 milling, chromium steead7f9e26-6chromium steel milling, average 940e9fc8-8314 drilling, conventional 14d2a4ac-achromium steel drilling, conventional 0c26c75a-e8319 drilling, CNC, chromiu 662d3c79- chromium steel drilling, computer numerical controlled13e4d552-91073 chromium, at regional442f584c-f chromium production 2fa6e976-f

270 chromium oxide, flakes984ebf6c-2chromium oxide production, flakes 4f9cef3a-01071 chromite, ore concentr0cd34cf3-dchromite ore concentrate production f9d3b1d5-

154 chopping, maize 2566e3d2-chopping, maize c359c51f-d11197 chlorotoluron, at regioeb4b14fe-cchlorotoluron production d07dc5de-11196 chlorothalonil, at regi 05669798-fchlorothalonil production 376b862d-f

385 chloromethyl methyl etcff77c48-b chloromethyl methyl ether production 84771a64-b7219 203 hexafluoretethylene ch1aee3df3-3chlorofluorination of ethylene 70cbbdbc-7227 203 monochloroethylene ch1aee3df3-3chlorofluorination of ethylene 70cbbdbc-

384 chlorodifluoromethane,dd74c184- chlorodifluoromethane production f92f3da8-b383 chloroacetic acid, at pf2ad5b8c-f chloroacetic acid production b930a9e5-269 chlorine, liquid, produ ce72bf78-f chlorine production, liquid, production mix ee7fb472-265 chlorine dioxide, at pl dc7a6d3d- chlorine dioxide production 8a4da58b-268 17 chlorine, g chlor-alkaliba06b934-chlor-alkali electrolysis, mercury cell b2b4c04d-2290 17 hydrogen, lchlor-alkaliba06b934-chlor-alkali electrolysis, mercury cell b2b4c04d-2335 17 sodium hydrchlor-alkaliba06b934-chlor-alkali electrolysis, mercury cell b2b4c04d-2

267 16 chlorine, g chlor-alkal 1a2b2b9a- chlor-alkali electrolysis, membrane cell 0cd58ad5-8289 16 hydrogen, lchlor-alkal 1a2b2b9a- chlor-alkali electrolysis, membrane cell 0cd58ad5-8334 16 sodium hydrchlor-alkal 1a2b2b9a- chlor-alkali electrolysis, membrane cell 0cd58ad5-8266 15 chlorine, g chlor-alkalida1f5520-1chlor-alkali electrolysis, diaphragm cell 07aa1d0a-b287 15 hydrogen, lchlor-alkalida1f5520-1chlor-alkali electrolysis, diaphragm cell 07aa1d0a-b333 15 sodium hydrchlor-alkalida1f5520-1chlor-alkali electrolysis, diaphragm cell 07aa1d0a-b

2443 chopper, stationary, el7e132e1a- chipper production, stationary, electric fb764204-e2442 chopper, mobile, diese825e21e8- chipper production, mobile, diesel 10337e06-1705 whitelined chipboard, 9ee42e7f- chipboard production, white lined 5bed2a5c-b1580 chimney f531312e-5chimney production 9ef8db00-b1733 chemi-thermomechanica45aa23d2- chemi-thermomechanical pulp production c8017038-

382 chemicals organic, at d7d632c5-fchemical production, organic 2f2a88ff-99264 chemicals inorganic, ad38f7451-achemical production, inorganic f105c167-b381 chemical plant, organi0c843036-3chemical factory construction, organics 095393a1-551 facilities, chemical pr be795bf9-9chemical factory construction a748f4a7-5

6177 whey, at dairy ceef5e3b-acheese production 8b50d277-11773 chassis, network main9c39800f-0chassis production, internet access equipment 4b2fc0da-a

2347 charcoal, at plant 2a4b62cd- charcoal production 779027fe-3512 ceramic tiles, at regio a5d27c95-0ceramic tile production d11b0f09-e521 ceramic plant 23c6e553-cceramic factory construction 1ce7a3c4-1484 cement, unspecified, a57e584f7-8cement, production mix 35d675d0-b

9243 quarry tile, at plant 8e7fa1bf-c cement tile production 92be7a5e-491 portland cement, stren7eab8fe0-ccement production, Portland strength class Z 52.5 bb31d08e-b490 portland cement, stren5024a0b6-cement production, Portland strength class Z 42.5 55a65bb7-1492 portland slag sand cem410d1f55-4cement production, Portland slag sand e87b956b-f489 portland calcareous ce6cf1c397-6cement production, Portland composite, 21-35% blast f042bfc24-5483 blast furnace slag cem4133afa0-ccement production, blast furnace slag 36-65%, non-US 3726d300-b537 cement mortar, at pla 51946429-cement mortar production ed4db4cb-520 cement plant 41f9a6df-f cement factory construction 7ed991cc-501 cement cast plaster floba3977a4-dcement cast plaster floor production 9cec170e-a991 cellulose fibre, inclusi 4ab9848c-4cellulose fibre production, inclusive blowing in b1446ea9-380 cationic resin, at plant4c6c9a68-ecationic resin production 95461946-

6999 cathode-ray tube, CRT a861532e-ecathode-ray tube production, cathode ray tube display 9a499304-7064 electrode, positive, Li 8506b08b-cathode production, LiMn2O4, for lithium-ion battery de778a4a-

11803 Cathode, lithium-ion b45d21e78-cathode production, LiMn2O4, for lithium-ion battery de778a4a-1070 cathode, aluminium ele149363c0-9cathode production, for aluminium electrolysis 0545a552-1200 catalytic converter, t 591f5df3-1catalytic converter production, three-way, mini CHP pla520d0768-1199 catalytic converter, th2a105a11- catalytic converter production, three-way, 19.1l e97307c3-c1527 catalytic converter, SCd03c3e28-bcatalytic converter production, selective catalytic reduct837f1fb0-c1526 catalytic converter, oxie12fb220-1catalytic converter production, oxidation, 20 litre 69dd2031-1160 casting, bronze eac414c1-5casting, bronze 34fa75d1-71159 casting, brass 4f2eaa1b- casting, brass 924cb112-8243 turning, cast iron, con2d12fdd4-7cast iron turning, primarily roughing, conventional ed92e043-08246 turning, cast iron, CNC9f5fa957-acast iron turning, primarily roughing, computer numeric7da9f832-78244 turning, cast iron, con070448da-cast iron turning, primarily dressing, conventional 544c4380-8247 turning, cast iron, CNCa5bc7588-acast iron turning, primarily dressing, computer numeric2652c8e7-98242 turning, cast iron, co 037cd764-3cast iron turning, average, conventional 73d37419-78245 turning, cast iron, CN 811903fe- cast iron turning, average, computer numerical control c27d5856-1069 cast iron, at plant 2075f958-1cast iron production 3f09699b-78266 milling, cast iron, smalc426377a- cast iron milling, small parts d793d8cd-28265 milling, cast iron, larg da0c729e-4cast iron milling, large parts 4689f0fb-98267 milling, cast iron, dres1159a515-1cast iron milling, dressing cd9a3f78-b8264 milling, cast iron, ave c822ff69-b cast iron milling, average e2e94275-f8316 drilling, conventional, 4f80d011-0cast iron drilling, conventional 559d447f-08321 drilling, CNC, cast ironb671c19b- cast iron drilling, computer numerical controlled 3e4e9715-1701 production of carton bofd68f5df-7 carton board box production service, with offset printin985e9869-b1700 production of carton badf5b51e- carton board box production service, with gravure print7b45a918-1985 carboxymethyl cellulos6e53bc0e-5carboxymethyl cellulose production, powder 40524afd-c

379 carbon tetrachloride, a9577f6bb-4carbon tetrachloride production 0834b675-6263 carbon monoxide, CO, 62a6c46f-9carbon monoxide production 290aca84-

7247 carbon disulfide, at pl f7afc665-d carbon disulfide production 9455da76-f262 carbon dioxide liquid, c94d90a5-2carbon dioxide production, liquid baf2fca2-b261 carbon black, at plant 17672caf-0carbon black production c26a2cfb-3

83 carbofuran, at regiona420aa1e8- carbofuran, supply mix 733b24fc-282 carbofuran, at regiona127812c9-ecarbofuran production 9ef783a0-8

11195 captan, at regional st 14755d57-captan production afedfbd8-77014 capacitor, unspecified,4e6584db-capacitor, production mix 97610dea-47013 capacitor, Tantalum-, 6df84777-ecapacitor production, tantalum-, for through-hole mounff3dea6f-77010 capacitor, SMD type, s58b293c6-2capacitor production, for surface-mounting 1812f24a-07009 capacitor, film, throu f9d01641-ecapacitor production, film type, for through-hole mount253382b7-7012 capacitor, electrolyte 9d0fe9fa-2capacitor production, electrolyte type, > 2cm height 4fdbc7d4-7011 capacitor, electrolyte 5584938a-4capacitor production, electrolyte type, < 2cm height 8cf4714a-37108 production efforts, capf87f48b0-acapacitor production, auxilliaries and energy use eac87f1d-c6526 158 bagasse, frsugarcane, 4a91ab17- cane sugar production with ethanol by-product 5100ffd0-f6533 158 electricity sugarcane, 4a91ab17- cane sugar production with ethanol by-product 5100ffd0-f

6540 158 ethanol, 95sugarcane, 4a91ab17- cane sugar production with ethanol by-product 5100ffd0-f6581 158 sugar, fromsugarcane, 4a91ab17- cane sugar production with ethanol by-product 5100ffd0-f6595 158 vinasse, fr sugarcane, 4a91ab17- cane sugar production with ethanol by-product 5100ffd0-f1956 maintenance, operatio6adef29e-fcanal maintenance and land use 04c98155-a1952 canal bc367d54-bcanal construction 0f1630bb-61849 calendering, rigid she a06cd636-5calendering production, rigid sheets 3d991115-

43 calcium nitrate, as N, 51e99b80-calcium nitrate production 7acd735d-258 calcium carbide, techn84f23318-ecalcium carbide production, technical grade d85018aa-257 calcium borates, at pl a2da0661- calcium borates production 4f024388-2

42 calcium ammonium nitr0b2c098e-2calcium ammonium nitrate production 7c53a1ac-1460 calcareous marl, at pl 96a36e9d-2calcareous marl production 7b5c2d63-f

6906 cadmium telluride, se 67f8d06f-dcadmium telluride production, semiconductor-grade 7b05373c-6904 cadmium sulphide, sembaae3e3d-0cadmium sulfide production, semiconductor-grade 7ffef6b2-f6902 cadmium, semiconducto4fa5fa15-9cadmium production, semiconductor-grade 8e96561d-a6905 cadmium chloride, sem3ed61538-4cadmium chloride production, semiconductor-grade bf0eaab2-87098 cable, three-conductor0c417d35-1cable production, three-conductor cable 54adfd21-57116 cable, ribbon cable, 20c9abcaf9- cable production, ribbon cable, 20-pin, with plugs d8bcc416-b7059 cable, printer cable, wcf9dd073-2cable production, printer cable, without plugs b8b96e3e-7019 cable, network cable, e8d5fc56-8cable production, network cable, category 5, without p 507a46fa-7099 cable, data cable in in5f8fa9a3-f cable production, data cable in infrastructure acfd3a66-37017 cable, connector for c 993637f0-1cable production, connector for computer, without plugb147bc4b-3

378 butyl acrylate, at plan6f71362a-5butyl acrylate production 40af6c90-f6620 butyl acetate, at plantbb572ed3-butyl acetate production 90a136d8-1799 butene, mixed, at plan94f90c26-4butene production, mixed e8632865-66619 butane-1,4-diol, at plaf2b63313-8butane-1,4-diol production 02cd2341-01798 butadiene, at plant 822edfc7-6butadiene production 50848fcd-b6061 bus 6739b6f1-1bus production 60464e66-

556 building machine c29fc613-f building machine production a590031e-a549 building, multi-storey f0a8d2f7-6building construction, multi-storey b2f7da56-7548 building, hall, wood co250f7515- building construction, hall, wood construction b036c032-547 building, hall, steel co 7399eddb-ebuilding construction, hall, steel construction 4de03a9b-546 building, hall f9bf81ab-8building construction, hall 9ed2bdde-0

7233 207 sodium tetrBrown-Schl41cba0e9-6Brown-Schlesinger process a56cf0fc-f7244 207 sodium methBrown-Schl41cba0e9-6Brown-Schlesinger process a56cf0fc-f1068 bronze, at plant ff434c3d-1 bronze production 6ad16b7c-

495 brick, at plant 5c47b538-cbrick production 5785a248-01067 brazing solder, cadmiu70b53781-brazing solder production, cadmium free 3f808498-c8255 turning, brass, conven03b7cf70-6brass turning, primarily roughing, conventional c860751c-8258 turning, brass, CNC, p3d8c12c3-9brass turning, primarily roughing, computer numerical 7849ee3c-a8256 turning, brass, convent606c603f-abrass turning, primarily dressing, conventional 9c535ee3-8259 turning, brass, CNC, p7454c16d- brass turning, primarily dressing, computer numerical c1cc8e07f-d8254 turning, brass, conven78fafa33-abrass turning, average, conventional 30e67b4b-8257 turning, brass, CNC, a 2e179c8e- brass turning, average, computer numerical controlled 242d88cf-a1066 brass, at plant 1718635b-brass production da81cac9-18317 drilling, conventional, 354d2530-3brass drilling, conventional 2d2e0688-18322 drilling, CNC, brass b50ada6e- brass drilling, computer numerical controlled a93da773-7214 boron trifluoride, at pl 5738df08-fboron trifluoride production 29060c31-7213 boron carbide, at plan0b3c14b2- boron carbide production 592c537d-7240 boric oxide, at plant 42b7c2eb-4boric oxide production 655adaad-a

256 boric acid, anhydrous,53db0f4e-3boric acid production, anhydrous, powder 252d25f3-924 borehole heat exchan e63e2176- borehole heat exchanger production, 150m 7f8d81c1-5255 Borax, anhydrous, powcb8c4956- borax production, anhydrous, powder 98c5bc58-3

10878 ventilation equipment,dab7a87a- blower and heat exchange unit production, Twl-700 2e427990-010874 ventilation equipment, 1b8ef19f-0blower and heat exchange unit production, Storkair G e7369f76-f10877 ventilation equipmentc5b976ad- blower and heat exchange unit production, KWLC 12001f4e2f02-f10872 ventilation equipment,e7c1ba3a-7blower and heat exchange unit production, KWL 250 478d954f-310875 ventilation equipment,83c8ce8c-cblower and heat exchange unit production, GE 250 RH 3afc3e40-010871 ventilation equipment,b937476c- blower and heat exchange unit production, decentrali 87f634f7-e10876 ventilation equipment,904f5bd6- blower and heat exchange unit production, central, 60 ba2ccb99-210873 ventilation equipment,eb58c605- blower and heat exchange unit production, Avent E 97 60015b28-e

1848 blow moulding 2b77ec01- blow moulding production b9b7283c-c8145 facilities blister-cop 67a45d91-ablister-copper conversion facility construction 11dd5c3c-2

552 blasting bb2247d2-blasting 0f482e37-d1065 blast oxygen furnace 53b06084-blast oxygen furnace converter production a7ecc44b-1064 blast furnace f7078ecd-eblast furnace production 804d658f-a7130 bitumen sealing VA4, afd8e02c1-bbitumen seal production, VA4 63e16ad7-7128 bitumen sealing V60, ac169dc55-5bitumen seal production, V60 eb2f7b37-97131 bitumen sealing, polym7c247769-9bitumen seal production, polymer EP4 flame retardant 4c606016-87129 bitumen sealing Alu80,afd68422-3bitumen seal production, Alu80 aa68c259-c1814 bitumen sealing, at pl 247ec070- bitumen seal production 0f8af5b5-27133 bitumen adhesive comp262702f4- bitumen adhesive compound production, hot f7d72e50-7132 bitumen adhesive compade81c9c-3bitumen adhesive compound production, cold 981038ab-

376 bisphenol A, powder, aecdc627e-ebisphenol A production, powder cb6406bc-81 bipyridylium-compoundd34c42cf-ebipyridylium-compound, supply mix 06782ec5-80 bipyridylium-compound70803c25-cbipyridylium-compound production 6757ce65-

6169 biogas, production mix7b833bbc-9biogas, production mix ce02043f-f10766 biogas, mix, at agricu ca278029-bbiogas, agricultural co-digestion, with methane recoveredd7cdc6-3

6217 146 biogas, fro grass, to d 1a1f3c26-8biogas production from grass 1db5a5c7-6263 146 proteins, f grass, to d 1a1f3c26-8biogas production from grass 1db5a5c7-6264 146 grass fibresgrass, to d 1a1f3c26-8biogas production from grass 1db5a5c7-

254 biocides, for paper proff88bffc-4 biocide, for paper production, production mix a051c7e7-11331 bicycle, at regional st b1ceba16-cbicycle production ec916fb2-d

6618 benzyl chloride, at plad0b5af61-fbenzyl chloride production 7c198791-e6617 benzyl alcohol, at plan27551f3c-7benzyl alcohol production 807e0913-

79 benzoic-compounds, at53aad2c7-2benzoic-compound, supply mix 8dd72612-78 benzoic-compounds, at5f5fed87-5benzoic-compound production db93cff1-877 benzo[thia]diazole-co e2d7ddd1-6benzo[thia]diazole-compound, supply mix 42a7c0b3-76 benzo[thia]diazole-co 95ba5787-8benzo[thia]diazole-compound production 2d7645b6-75 benzimidazole-compoun3df0b0b5-cbenzimidazole-compound, supply mix 3a54370b-74 benzimidazole-compoun82b13b8e-fbenzimidazole-compound production f63d7050-

375 benzene, at plant 56505dcc-7benzene production 58f3f35c-e6639 165 hydrochloribenzene chlec93bb18- benzene chlorination 9ee9818c-56650 165 monochlorobenzene chlec93bb18- benzene chlorination 9ee9818c-56653 165 o-dichlorobbenzene chlec93bb18- benzene chlorination 9ee9818c-56654 165 p-dichlorobbenzene chlec93bb18- benzene chlorination 9ee9818c-56616 benzaldehyde, at plan412d2c0b- benzaldehyde production d3d1b16c-d6615 benzal chloride, at pla96091677-6benzal chloride production fff34601-b5723 bentonite, at mine c0036dd9-dbentonite quarry operation 4f467c8f-65724 mine, bentonite f4daeb2e- bentonite quarry construction 700bc7c8-c6554 156 molasses, fsugar beet,19a6cf49-7beet sugar production a049209a-6571 156 pulps, fromsugar beet,19a6cf49-7beet sugar production a049209a-6580 156 sugar, fromsugar beet,19a6cf49-7beet sugar production a049209a-

149 sugar beet seed IP, at 64d4ecd3- beet seed production, Swiss integrated production, for 28a39929-1063 bauxite, at mine 60cf86b0-4bauxite mine operation 5527d541-a

11785 separator, lithium-ion da3f6833-abattery separator production 57d16d68-67001 battery, NiMH, recharg86f8a811-cbattery production, NiMH, rechargeable, prismatic 37cee7ae-77003 battery, LiIo, rechargef15bb8c8-5battery production, Li-ion, rechargeable, prismatic 484cb2e0-

11786 single cell, lithium-io d5bf4a81-7battery cell production, Li-ion 651c4777-d56 thomas meal, as P2O5,d8a0816e-dbasic slag fertiliser production 0f629d28-3

536 base plaster, at plant b011b8c2- base plaster production f98b62ba-8458 basalt, at mine f336a45c-f basalt quarry operation 382e1368-4130 barley seed IP, at reg 2212b8af-0barley seed production, Swiss integrated production, fod4c57c95-131 barley seed organic, a066533c7- barley seed production, organic, for sowing 1091297c-191 6 barley grainbarley IP e94366ef-cbarley production, Swiss integrated production, intensi 698d743b-194 6 barley stra barley IP e94366ef-cbarley production, Swiss integrated production, intensi 698d743b-190 5 barley grai barley exte6d4e9b82-2barley production, Swiss integrated production, extensice21e796-a193 5 barley stra barley exte6d4e9b82-2barley production, Swiss integrated production, extensice21e796-a192 7 barley grai barley orga0b639971-3barley production, organic f1c36545-195 7 barley stra barley orga0b639971-3barley production, organic f1c36545-

6956 barley grains conventia193bbd2-barley production aaef8a55-6960 barley grains conventioc3faa5cc-7barley production aaef8a55-6964 barley grains conventiof6a1f38a-8barley production aaef8a55-

22 barley IP, at feed mill c82e9bcf-cbarley grain, feed production, Swiss integrated product938a1c4e-423 barley organic, at feed62d372fa- barley grain, feed production, organic 6a49a0c6-

253 barite, at plant 70db14fe- barite production c9e08eba-61951 barge tanker 457f82ee- barge tanker production a40d0931-1950 barge a293a933- barge production 6e57828a-4

153 baling 9230798a-baling 50200d83-166 loading bales af73019e-ebale loading d752c77f-d

7096 backlight, LCD screen,a69852ff-abacklight production, for liquid crystal display a7f3b426-f10217 azobe, allocation corred332e781-0azobe production, allocation correction 2 88de0ee3-810216 azobe, allocation corre6906f411-5azobe production, allocation correction 1 5e445728-

1857 auxiliary heating, eleced50aabb- auxiliary heating unit production, electric, 5kW 09d16e09-c494 autoclaved aerated con1da7c9e9- autoclaved aerated concrete block production 36cdf17f-b

73 atrazine, at regional 0d66ad26-catrazine, supply mix ea3f72f8-372 atrazine, at regional 05cc5104- atrazine production d1a938c2-a

10169 assembly, LCD screen8102ea42-4assembly of liquid crystal display, auxilliaries and ener 01deb3d4-3519 asbestos, crysotile typ03f99655-3asbestos production, crysotile type a57f5427-6

7239 arsine, at plant 6a04da00- arsine production 087dc7c4-d252 argon, liquid, at plant 98382744-argon production, liquid 9b1736f2-f152 application of plant pr386b4f37-aapplication of plant protection product, by field sprayerd843f359-b803 anti-reflex-coating, et 2f3a0340-5anti-reflex-coating, etching, solar glass 141b4f31-0

11162 antimony, at refinery 15f6c904-5antimony production 99336311-374 anthraquinone, at plan6cea3fbf-d anthraquinone production 645d81d2-

1158 anodising, aluminium 0d8f3b46-canodising, aluminium sheet 1618dbfe-98146 facilities anode refin 5b97c020-7anode refinery construction 82e1cfd2-4

11804 Anode, lithium-ion batt6230f40f-f anode production, graphite, for lithium-ion battery 64b39d6f-61061 anode, aluminium elect1d5caf38-aanode production, for aluminium electrolysis 3ae13784-51062 anode plant 54e1e173- anode factory construction 1747e913-

373 anionic resin, at plant 6c0deb7c- anionic resin production 2c2c2d54-

372 aniline, at plant 932aaa1b-eaniline production 3aeafed4-e5721 anhydrite, burned, at 16fa193d- anhydrite production, burned 22f7ad9a-3

482 anhydrite, at plant b2d08b27-eanhydrite production 33603222-e9241 anhydrite floor, at pla 6c281c43- anhydrite floor production ef0ad638-86172 anaerobic digestion p 1bda0cf7-3anaerobic digestion plant construction, for sewage slu 117bc7f8-d6170 anaerobic digestion pld51dad48-canaerobic digestion plant construction, for biowaste 39e0fc4b-

10767 anaerobic digestion pla2df5b4e-canaerobic digestion plant construction, agriculture, wi 8ef83dfe-96171 anaerobic digestion plebe7c982- anaerobic digestion plant construction, agricultural c34396a4-7248 ammonium thiocyanate7d27bee5-3ammonium thiocyanate production 8993171a-e

41 ammonium sulphate, as34658976-bammonium sulfate production 760fd28f-740 ammonium nitrate, as ee5067db-1ammonium nitrate production a124fb4e-a38 1 ammonium niammonium n6a5386fd- ammonium nitrate phosphate production 3549207e-39 1 ammonium nammonium n6a5386fd- ammonium nitrate phosphate production 3549207e-

371 ammonium carbonate, a0ac5606-fammonium carbonate production 430b4c8a-3250 ammonium bicarbonate313db477-6ammonium bicarbonate production 1aa923d9-249 ammonia, steam reformi2f91eba1-fammonia production, steam reforming, liquid 3659c4dd-248 ammonia, partial oxidat9c998b53- ammonia production, partial oxidation, liquid 06712f60-5

7220 205 hexamethyldchlorosilan297c7d26-camination of chlorosilane b15e7d38-47243 205 ammonium chchlorosilan297c7d26-camination of chlorosilane b15e7d38-41058 aluminium, production ca317d0e-9aluminium, wrought alloy, production mix fab1c69d-a1056 aluminium, production b1c08083-4aluminium, production mix d913a6a3-91057 aluminium, production 2b25c9d8-faluminium, cast alloy, production mix c5c052c3-88249 turning, aluminium, co115bc7ae- aluminium turning, primarily roughing, conventional dfac476a-98252 turning, aluminium, CN3de70c98-7aluminium turning, primarily roughing, computer numer34080ef2-8250 turning, aluminium, co9ae20624-2aluminium turning, primarily dressing, conventional 459b9c05-8253 turning, aluminium, CNdfec7e63-aaluminium turning, primarily dressing, computer numeri7ee87473-88248 turning, aluminium, c cae0e9bc-7aluminium turning, average, conventional 8289803c-e8251 turning, aluminium, C ef286930-faluminium turning, average, computer numerical contro212b8242-f

245 aluminium sulphate, p231d5468-8aluminium sulfate production, powder 054aa573-1055 aluminium, primary, liq639e98db-aluminium production, primary, liquid 75e3a393-1054 aluminium, primary, at464376f2-1aluminium production, primary d650909c-f

244 aluminium oxide, at pleb35753e-faluminium oxide production a2dfaf7c-a1051 aluminium oxide, plan3e8f6cdf-3 aluminium oxide factory construction 47f40bbb-8270 milling, aluminium, smfada33b4-1aluminium milling, small parts 00d38054-d8269 milling, aluminium, la 079ca844- aluminium milling, large parts ee3888f0-8271 milling, aluminium, dr 4eb1de04- aluminium milling, dressing 8f1df13f-e8268 milling, aluminium, av92477c37-ealuminium milling, average ccf6ec18-a1050 aluminium melting furf5e1bc32-7aluminium melting furnace production 9fe6f9f3-3

243 aluminium hydroxide, 1cd7406e- aluminium hydroxide production c0401da9-1049 aluminium hydroxide, b79c8b3e- aluminium hydroxide factory construction 5af6cc95-91048 aluminium fluoride, atd9a7c483- aluminium fluoride production 0f0070fd-f1047 aluminium electrolysis3ad35541-aluminium electrolysis facility construction c8f9c45b-8315 drilling, conventional 2490115f- aluminium drilling, conventional 72762a5c-48320 drilling, CNC, alumini 4e1f7822-daluminium drilling, computer numerical controlled 6c4e62ae-b1046 aluminium casting, pla868d09fa- aluminium casting facility construction a97b7e58-f1045 aluminium alloy, AlMg3b2a311bb-aluminium alloy production, AlMg3 2f6523b5-0

370 144 allyl chlor reaction of d4ceeefc-callyl chloride production, reaction of propylene and chl a273f3e7-6249 144 hydrochlorireaction of d4ceeefc-callyl chloride production, reaction of propylene and chl a273f3e7-6250 144 dichloroproreaction of d4ceeefc-callyl chloride production, reaction of propylene and chl a273f3e7-

368 AKD sizer, in paper pro5c3d3f39-6alkylketene dimer sizing agent production, for paper p 7cf217fc-31998 alkylbenzene sulfonate9d9b6e5e- alkylbenzene sulfonate production, linear, petrochemic921ca580-

369 alkylbenzene, linear, a0a5afac1-7alkylbenzene production, linear 274ae018-1671 alkyd resin, long oil, 7132829f4-2alkyd resin production, long oil, product in 70% white sp022c8e09-41669 alkyd paint, white, 60 299ce176-9alkyd paint production, white, water-based, product in 23fa2cc5-21670 alkyd paint, white, 60%e9880d6b-alkyd paint production, white, solvent-based, product i 929220f3-e

71 alachlor, at regional d63dd5aa-falachlor, supply mix 6aa017a9-f70 alachlor, at regional b6782ccd-8alachlor production ae3ba116-d

1891 operation, maintenanced8c0e0cc-9airport maintenance and land use 8e729d7f-01882 airport 4cfba841- airport construction 50182922-5881 aircraft, passenger c8bc6004-5aircraft, passenger (obsolete) 31db8aaf-d5880 aircraft, freight 85a9985e-1aircraft, freight (obsolete) 3401ad70-75878 aircraft, medium haul 7483010a-aircraft production, medium haul 95714887-5879 aircraft, long haul 35bd90a7-6aircraft production, long haul b4032961-0

294 20 krypton, gaxenon krypte19604ee- air separation, xenon krypton purification 429d59de-357 20 xenon, gasexenon krypte19604ee- air separation, xenon krypton purification 429d59de-251 14 argon, crudeair separat9fdc3efe-3 air separation, cryogenic 019dfe9c-0300 14 nitrogen, li air separat9fdc3efe-3 air separation, cryogenic 019dfe9c-0301 14 oxygen, liquair separat9fdc3efe-3 air separation, cryogenic 019dfe9c-0242 air separation plant 084537d0-7air separation facility construction 4169237a-5

1318 supply air input/spent 87487da7-0air input/output unit production, heat and power co-gen6ee0dd71-10866 air filter, in exhaust ai e4c3deb7-aair filter production, in exhaust air valve b68f8e35-d10864 air filter, decentralize 49216026-fair filter production, decentralized unit, 250 m3/h 2358dbf3-910865 air filter, decentraliz 9ea4f2c7-3air filter production, decentralized unit, 180-250 m3/h 27b2d24d-10867 air filter, central unit c05ed8f4-9air filter production, central unit, 600 m3/h e9d96e11-210851 air distribution housin a4dab3c4-4air distribution terminal panel production, steel, 120 m 382953b4-

9619 air compressor, screw-ee8b1ea4- air compressor production, screw-type compressor, 4k a81e0418-99620 air compressor, screwe9443d71-air compressor production, screw-type compressor, 3 7044ec17-7

37 trailer, production effa6253-5agricultural trailer production e506a071-932 agricultural machinery906da5c3-6agricultural machinery production, unspecified 680d7835-33 agricultural machinery,92df6263-5agricultural machinery production, tillage a6ade300-1

367 adipic acid, at plant 1b208124-cadipic acid production 6df6d92b-07123 adhesive for metals, afa591f26-0adhesive production, for metal 9b252522-9242 adhesive mortar, at pl38129f2c-2adhesive mortar production cf5c5519-a

459 bentonite, at processi 2da7a2e0- activated bentonite production 23d850c5-71817 acrylonitrile-butadien f6e059a0-5acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymer production 33f3564a-a1668 acrylic varnish, 87.5% 5a4129c9- acrylic varnish production, product in 87.5% solution st7b6c8d79-

535 acrylic filler, at plant 33710c41-dacrylic filler production fa58cd0c-f1667 acrylic dispersion, 65%6f8cb286- acrylic dispersion production, product in 65% solution s01c3280f-b1666 acrylic binder, 34% in 08a1c995-6acrylic binder production, product in 34% solution stateffc05716-a

365 acrylic acid, at plant d565d359-acrylic acid production a30bf2d1-11194 aclonifen, at regional 8bd47624-6aclonifen production 46b19722-c

364 acetylene, at regional 8e39e6f9-4acetylene production 3aa5508f-d363 acetone, liquid, at pla bfa0909a-3acetone production, liquid d86ced60-3362 acetone cyanohydrin, a56e1f254-cacetone cyanohydrin production a63e321c-c

6609 acetic anhydride from 5c8ccb40-bacetic anhydride production, ketene route 537af87b-a360 acetic acid, 98% in H2e8c8800f- acetic acid production, product in 98% solution state 67734d6d-

69 acetamide-anillide-co e60cb3a8-2acetamide-anillide-compound, unspecified, supply mix b5ef552e-168 acetamide-anillide-co 49b93047-acetamide-anillide-compound production, unspecified f990c094-

359 acetaldehyde, at plant61b9d695-acetaldehyde production af4d7894-a6606 163 acetic acid acetaldehyd7156adef-aacetaldehyde oxidation e40735fd-6608 163 acetic anhyacetaldehyd7156adef-aacetaldehyde oxidation e40735fd-7368 absorption chiller 10 a5fc25a1-2absorption chiller production, 100kW b2309bd2-6605 4-methyl-2-pentanone,f82b7549-44-methyl-2-pentanone production 186449a8-b6604 3-methyl-1-butyl aceta257f3491-33-methyl-1-butyl acetate production 4bc9ad24-96602 2-methyl-2-butanol, atf381cc52-42-methyl-2-butanol production 9aa82336-6600 162 2-butanol, butene hydbd6cb90b-82-butanol production by hydration of butene c2d58788-

11000 162 butanes frobutene hydbd6cb90b-82-butanol production by hydration of butene c2d58788-67 2,4-D, at regional sto a1cb09c4-e2,4-D, supply mix d754cf37-666 2,4-D, at regional sto 5f601c15-52,4-D production de29421e-

6656 1-propanol, at plant 0051bea7-f1-propanol production ce082c88-c6843 1,1-difluoroethane, HF20d1d25b-71,1-difluoroethane production, HFC-152a 64200967-2

65 [thio]carbamate-compo6d905015-[thio]carbamate-compound, supply mix 5401b710-64 [thio]carbamate-compo3ba5c1ef-d[thio]carbamate-compound production 286b6f0c-163 [sulfonyl]urea-compou1ab1841e- [sulfonyl]urea-compound, supply mix 024cc4f1-a62 [sulfonyl]urea-compou6e91178f-f[sulfonyl]urea-compound production d530966e-

PRODUCT NAME v3 UUID PROREFERENCUnit Location ClassificatClassifica Geographizirconium oxide 7f3ef328-9x kg AU 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalslead concentrate d5f3fdb3-44b1-4f40- kg GLO 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oreszinc concentrate b7e3b1ef-0x kg GLO 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oreszinc sulfide af8e83db-0x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalszinc oxide 77ad34b3-7x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalszinc monosulfate 9a7b015b-x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalszinc coat, pieces, adjustment per micr a6295e41- x m2 RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningzinc coat, pieces 2b12ef70-6x m2 RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningzinc coat, coils ec750cf4-ax m2 RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningzeolite, slurry, without water, in 50% so136177d7-x kg RER 2023 Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationszeolite, powder dc3a55d3-cx kg RER 2023 Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsyarn, kenaf 6f179f71-3x kg IN 1311 Preparation and spinning of textile fibresyarn, jute 10f4accf-5 x kg IN 1311 Preparation and spinning of textile fibresyarn, cotton a0f113b3-0x kg GLO 1311 Preparation and spinning of textile fibresxylene 43c61790- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalswooden board factory, organic bonded 2e415766-x unit RER 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectswooden board factory, cement bonded 40f4e275- x unit RER 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsresidual wood, dry 019600be-f3ce-4399- m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodwood wool 6e4f1a58-cx kg RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodwood wool boards, cement bonded 7416da9e-ax m3 RER 1621 Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelswood preservative, organic salt, Cr-free9913e340-cx kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productswood preservative, inorganic salt, conta992bde24-x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productswood preservative, creosote 9b6cfa2f-7 x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productswood preservation service, sawnwood, p419f16ee-ax m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodwood preservation service, logs, pressufae22762-2x m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodwood preservation facility b50e53cd- x unit RER 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsheat, future 6e7624f7-2x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-8d64-4915-kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplywood pellet, measured as dry mass 249c83b0-fx m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodwood pellet factory 8c7badd9-bx unit RER 2822 Manufacture of metal-forming machinery and machine toolselectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplywood chips, burned in cogen 6400kWth,fb25d7de-4x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplywood chips, burned in cogen 6400kWthe7f10457-bx MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplywood chips, dry, measured as dry massd47a4435-x m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodwood chips, wet, measured as dry mas 7fe99768-dx m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodwood chips, wet, measured as dry mas 7fe99768-dx m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodwood chips, dry, measured as dry massd47a4435-x m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodwood chips and particles, softwood, 40 17bb66e8-5x m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodwood chips and particles, hardwood, 400e89dedb-0x m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodwood chips and particles from industry 49f5f7f8-c x m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodwood chips and particles at forest, 12 9195ec38- x m3 RER 220 Loggingwood chipping, mobile chipper, in forescf22a5ae-3x kg RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodwood chipping, industrial residual wood,86cf2137-cx kg RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodwire drawing, steel 444d81a0-x kg RER 2410 Manufacture of basic iron and steelwire drawing, copper cdb7b939-fx kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalswindow frame, wood-metal, U=1.6 W/ 05170dff-9x m2 RER 2511 Manufacture of structural metal productswindow frame, wood, U=1.5 W/m2K 96601c52-3x m2 RER 1622 Manufacture of builders' carpentry and joinerywindow frame, poly vinyl chloride, U= 883d5a49-8x m2 RER 2220 Manufacture of plastics productswindow frame, aluminium, U=1.6 W/m 1b7f1f4d-3x m2 RER 2511 Manufacture of structural metal productswind power plant, 800kW, moving parts70491f84-cx unit CH 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricitywind power plant, 800kW, moving parts70491f84-cx unit RER 4220a ConstructionEurope without Switzerlandwind power plant, 800kW, fixed parts a7992562-x unit CH 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricitywind power plant, 800kW, fixed parts a7992562-x unit RER 4220a ConstructionEurope without Switzerlandwind power plant, 600kW, moving partsc42eedd7-4x unit CH 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricitywind power plant, 600kW, fixed parts 249dd948-x unit CH 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricitywind power plant, 30kW, moving parts 59a253c5- x unit CH 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricitywind power plant, 30kW, fixed parts 1515535f-7x unit CH 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricitywind power plant, 2MW, offshore, movinc6284fb0-4x unit OCE 4220a ConstructionGLOwind power plant, 2MW, offshore, fixed abc562d5-8x unit OCE 4220a ConstructionGLO

wind power plant, 150kW, moving partsc3e48dcb- x unit CH 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricitywind power plant, 150kW, fixed parts a5e8ab7b-0x unit CH 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricitywhite spirit 5f855941-7x kg RER 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productswheat seed, Swiss integrated productiod0694438-x kg CH 164 Seed processing for propagationwheat seed, organic, for sowing 1cfa7874-cx kg CH 164 Seed processing for propagationwheat grain, Swiss integrated producti 599b9f57-ax kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsstraw d7f544d6-c372-4fc3-8kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedswheat grain, Swiss integrated producti 599b9f57-ax kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsstraw d7f544d6-c372-4fc3-8kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedswheat grain, organic f459d1d1- x kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsstraw, organic 692b4f7e-9e79-4f69-bkg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedswheat grain 0201ee86-fx kg DE 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedswheat grain 0201ee86-fx kg ES 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedswheat grain 0201ee86-fx kg FR 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedswheat grain 0201ee86-fx kg US 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedswheat grain, feed, Swiss integrated prodbd67036-5x kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedswheat grain, feed, organic 52168d4e-8x kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedswelding, gas, steel ee8d31fc-f x m RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningwelding, arc, steel 06194d2b-x m RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningwelding, arc, aluminium 9087eb5f-4x m RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningweaving, cotton bb049d6e-ex kg GLO 1312 Weaving of textilesweaving, bast fibre ae89ea9e-4x kg IN 1312 Weaving of textileswater works 18eadf40- x unit CH 4220 Construction of utility projectswater supply network e90873b8-x km CH 4220 Construction of utility projectswater storage 29df5117- x unit CH 4220 Construction of utility projectswater, ultrapure 2f7ff1bc-5 x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalswater, deionised, from tap water, at use360e2eb0-fx kg CH 3600 Water collection, treatment and supplywater, completely softened, from decarcfc90fee-2 x kg RER 3600 Water collection, treatment and supplywater, decarbonised, at user 6ab2abde-8x kg RER 3600 Water collection, treatment and supplywastewater treatment facility, capacity 0d978369-cx unit CH 4220 Construction of utility projectswastewater treatment facility, capacity 9054b190-x unit CH 4220 Construction of utility projectswastewater treatment facility, capacity a08f56a6-8x unit CH 4220 Construction of utility projectswastewater treatment facility, capacity 0ec7f55d-8x unit CH 4220 Construction of utility projectswastewater treatment facility, capacity e75d41fd-5x unit CH 4220 Construction of utility projectswaste paper sorting facility 1cf35746-9x unit RER 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectswaste paint, collection for hazardous wa42bcf0c7-7x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste collection lorry, 21 metric ton c5becf71-f x unit CH 2910 Manufacture of motor vehicleswafer, fabricated, for integrated circuit 0d0598f0-fx m2 GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardswafer factory 2e1d1b7d-ex unit DE 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsviscose fibre 88527ef9-0x kg GLO 2030 Manufacture of man-made fibressulfuric acid 9d63da75-8289-4b96-kg GLO 2030 Manufacture of man-made fibressodium sulfate, anhydrite 2cfef82e-cb0d-4864-8kg GLO 2030 Manufacture of man-made fibresvinyl fluoride 9298c81d-9x kg US 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsvinyl chloride e12623c0- x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsvinyl acetate dd65feb0-3x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsvermiculite 4aa9233e-4x kg ZA 810 Quarrying of stone, sand and clayventilation system, decentralized, 6 x b05f505a-6x unit CH 4322 Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationventilation system, decentralized, 6 x 10bcd7c30-cx unit CH 4322 Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationventilation system, decentralized, 6 x 701f1faa-4x unit CH 4322 Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationventilation system, decentralized, 6 x 2b1da5c4- x unit CH 4322 Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationventilation system, central, 1 x 720 m30f2ea065-fx unit CH 4322 Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationventilation system, central, 1 x 720 m37afb71aa-1x unit CH 4322 Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationventilation of dwellings, decentralized, 60c21de1-ax m2a CH 4322 Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationventilation of dwellings, decentralized, 60c21de1-ax m2a CH 4322 Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationventilation of dwellings, decentralized, 60c21de1-ax m2a CH 4322 Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationventilation of dwellings, decentralized, 60c21de1-ax m2a CH 4322 Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationventilation of dwellings, central, 1 x 7 10789d56-x m2a CH 4322 Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationventilation of dwellings, central, 1 x 7 10789d56-x m2a CH 4322 Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationventilation duct, steel, 100x50 mm ccee034c-8x m RER 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machineryventilation duct, elbow 90°, steel, 10 0d9ee50e- x unit RER 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machineryventilation duct, connection piece, ste b8f3120f-0x unit RER 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machineryventilation control and wiring, decentralf869849f-8x unit RER 2651 Manufacture of measuring, testing, navigating and control equipmentventilation control and wiring, central u615086cf-7x unit RER 2651 Manufacture of measuring, testing, navigating and control equipmentventilation components factory c3691e51-9x unit RER 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsvegetable oil esterification facility 30061140-x unit CH 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsurea, as N 9e0c9c28-7x kg RER 2012 Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsurea formaldehyde resin 064de167-x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsurea formaldehyde foam slab, hard b47dd9da-x kg CH 2220 Manufacture of plastics productsurea formaldehyde foam, in situ foamin41428893-x kg CH 2220 Manufacture of plastics productsnitrogen fertiliser, as N f5707bdf-f x kg RER 2012 Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsuranium, enriched 4.2%, centrifugal enr1f38f26d-3x unit CH 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsuranium, enriched 4.2% for pressure wat3426c786-6x unit CH 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsuranium, enriched 4.0%, per separativeafc4515a-8x unit UCTE 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsuranium, enriched 4.0% for pressure wat9fdc3a0f-9 x unit DE 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsuranium, enriched 4.0% for boiling wate7c14d652- x unit DE 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuels

uranium, enriched 3.9%, per separative722dcf8f-6x unit UCTE 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsuranium, enriched 3.8%, per separativedce49835- x unit FR 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsuranium, enriched 3.8%, per separativedce49835- x unit US 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsuranium, enriched 3.0%, per separatived2fc8235- x unit US 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsuranium, in yellowcake 27d3a80f-6x kg RNA 721 Mining of uranium and thorium oresenriched uranium, 4.2% 7508d508-x kg CH 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsuranium, enriched 4.2%, per separative417c60d9- x unit FR 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsuranium, enriched 4.2%, per separative417c60d9- x unit US 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsuranium, enriched 4.0%, per separative5cb475d3-4x unit FR 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsuranium, enriched 4.0%, per separative5cb475d3-4x unit US 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsuranium, enriched 3.9%, per separative9e2fbebe-7x unit FR 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsuranium, enriched 3.9%, per separative9e2fbebe-7x unit US 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsuranium, enriched 3.8%, per separatived0123246-cx unit FR 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsuranium, enriched 3.8%, per separatived0123246-cx unit US 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsuranium, enriched 3.0%, per separative85370dde-0x unit US 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsuranium, enriched 3.0%, per separative85370dde-0x unit FR 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsuranium, enriched 4.2%, per separative417c60d9- x unit RER 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsuranium, enriched 4.2%, per separative417c60d9- x unit RU 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsuranium, enriched 4.0%, per separative5cb475d3-4x unit RER 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsuranium, enriched 4.0%, per separative5cb475d3-4x unit RU 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsuranium, enriched 3.9%, per separative9e2fbebe-7x unit RER 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsuranium, enriched 3.9%, per separative9e2fbebe-7x unit RU 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsuranium, enriched 3.8%, per separatived0123246-cx unit RER 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsuranium, enriched 3.8%, per separatived0123246-cx unit RU 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsuranium, enriched 3.8%, per separatived0123246-cx unit CN 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsuranium, enriched 3.0%, per separative85370dde-0x unit RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsuranium, enriched 3.0%, per separative85370dde-0x unit RU 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsuranium, enriched 3.0%, per separative85370dde-0x unit CN 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsuranium ore, as U, production mix 5231462b-x kg GLO 721 Mining of uranium and thorium oresuranium ore, as U 5664f63a-1x kg RNA 721 Mining of uranium and thorium oresuranium ore, as U 5664f63a-1x kg RNA 721 Mining of uranium and thorium oresuranium mill 60e49368-x unit US 4100 Construction of buildingsuranium hexafluoride dd0af955-5x kg US 2420a Smelting and refining of uraniumuranium hexafluoride dd0af955-5x kg CN 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsuranium, enriched 4.2%, in fuel element 2ca99875-6x kg CH 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsuranium, enriched 4%, in fuel element fo83fb3a46-3x kg DE 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsuranium, enriched 4%, in fuel element fo83fb3a46-3x kg UCTE 2011a ManufactureUCTE without Germanyuranium, enriched 3.9%, in fuel element e4b9a2a1- x kg UCTE 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsuranium, enriched 3.8%, in fuel element 6b5638d8-0x kg FR 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsuranium, enriched 3.8%, in fuel element 6b5638d8-0x kg CH 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsuranium, enriched 3.8%, in fuel element 6b5638d8-0x kg US 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsuranium, enriched 3.8%, in fuel element 6b5638d8-0x kg CN 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsuranium, enriched 3.0%, in fuel element 3a941c40-9x kg US 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsuranium enrichment diffusion facility 75137e7d-x unit US 4100 Construction of buildingsuranium enrichment centrifuge facility b3d234e1-6x unit GLO 4100 Construction of buildingsuranium enrichment centrifuge facility b3d234e1-6x unit RU 4100 Construction of buildingsuranium enrichment centrifuge facility b3d234e1-6x unit CN 4100 Construction of buildingsuranium enriched 3.8%, for boiling wate6764b2a3-cx unit CH 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsuranium conversion facility d8afdb35- x unit US 4100 Construction of buildingsuranium conversion facility d8afdb35- x unit CN 4100 Construction of buildingstube insulation, elastomere a90c974c- x kg DE 2219 Manufacture of other rubber productstube insulation factory e71e7473- x unit DE 4100 Construction of buildingsphosphate fertiliser, as P2O5 5321a299-0x kg RER 2012 Manufacture of chemical and nitrogen compoundstrimethylamine abb7adc8-cx kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalstrimethyl borate 73ba2ae4-7x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalstrifluoromethane 28b3e3f2-6x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalstrichloromethane 30766ef3-4x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalstrichloroethylene e75cdc86-dx kg WEU 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalstrichloroborane 2ed5aaa9- x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalstriazine-compound, unspecified, supplye174f02d-9x kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochtriazine-compound, unspecified bab7524a-4x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productszinc in car shredder residue 6b1b5ebf- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposalog, softwood, piled in forest, air-drie c0eb02e1-8b44-4ca0-m3 RER 220 Logginglog, hardwood, piled in forest, air-drie 002f659f-d00a-4fac- m3 RER 220 Loggingwood ash mixture, pure a7abd72a-4x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawood ash mixture, pure a7abd72a-4x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawood ash mixture, pure a7abd72a-4x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposabiowaste 50306184-2a7e-4825-Nm3 CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteethanol, without water, in 95% solutionffcb8cbb-77ab-4f87-8 kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteprotein feed, 100% crude 8b2dfb58-660d-44eb- kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wastefodder yeast d52c8167-e8d4-4b0b-kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wastewater discharge from petroleum/naturalb1f372d7-8x kg GLO 610 Extraction of crude pewater discharge from petroleum extractf07c38c6- x kg OCE 610 Extraction GLOwastewater, unpolluted, from residenceafcdd74e-dx m3 CH 3700 Seweragewastewater, unpolluted 3055997a-x m3 CH 3700 Sewerage

wastewater, from residence f33b4dc5-fx m3 CH 3700 Seweragewastewater, average e8a51ec1- x m3 CH 3700 Seweragewastewater, average e8a51ec1- x m3 CH 3700 Seweragewastewater, average e8a51ec1- x m3 CH 3700 Seweragewastewater, average e8a51ec1- x m3 CH 3700 Seweragewastewater, average e8a51ec1- x m3 CH 3700 Seweragewastewater from wafer fabrication ac6c5f1d-3x m3 CH 3700 Seweragewastewater from tube collector productcfd1f29d-c x m3 CH 3700 Seweragewastewater from soft fibreboard producbc15cbd3- x m3 CH 3821 Treatment and disposawastewater from PV cell production 42d2fd94-fx m3 CH 3700 Seweragewastewater from potato starch product8213d67a-x m3 CH 3700 Seweragewastewater from plywood production 9af84fa2-7x m3 CH 3700 Seweragewastewater from pig iron production 64d5b86f-0x m3 CH 3700 Seweragewastewater from particle board product9eb473b9-x m3 CH 3700 Seweragewastewater from maize starch producti7a83a93a- x m3 CH 3700 Seweragewastewater from lorry production b213e655-x m3 CH 3700 Seweragewastewater from liquid crystal producti 4a11812d-x m3 CH 3700 Seweragewastewater from liquid crystal display 79f07b64-fx m3 CH 3700 Seweragewastewater from liquid crystal display 90d1a4f9- x m3 CH 3700 Seweragewastewater from grass refinery 780b9e94-x m3 CH 3700 Seweragewastewater from glass production 5f76b417- x m3 CH 3700 Seweragewastewater from fibreboard production7649c2b9-4x m3 CH 3700 Seweragewastewater from concrete production 0d4745c0-dx m3 CH 3700 Seweragewastewater from ceramic production 6d66b2a0-dx m3 CH 3700 Seweragewastewater from cathode ray tube prod55cab744- x m3 CH 3700 Seweragewastewater from black chrome coating 81ee824a-ax m3 CH 3700 Seweragewastewater from anaerobic digestion o 8af5fb8b-2x m3 CH 3700 Seweragewaste, from silicon wafer production 01246895-ex kg DE 3821 Treatment and disposawaste, from silicon wafer production, in3f524de5-fx kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposawaste zeolite 651604df-8x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste wood, untreated 6f2eb438- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste wood, untreated 6f2eb438- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawood chips, from post-consumer wood,bbae1509- - m3 CH 3830 Materials recoverywaste wood pole, chrome preserved 7ef961a9-bx kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste wire plastic 5fb6a985-fx kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste vapour barrier, flame-retarded 9ccedb7d-2x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste textile, soiled 11b71553-x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste sealing sheet, polyvinylchloride aa78f007-2x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste sealing sheet, polyethylene 171e53d3-3x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste rubber, unspecified 7513d2f5- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste reinforcement steel 9a8c2994-7x kg CH 3830 Materials recoverywaste reinforcement steel 9a8c2994-7x kg CH 3830 Materials recoverywaste reinforcement steel 9a8c2994-7x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste reinforced plasterboard f3b9ab33-9x kg CH 3830 Materials recoverywaste reinforced plasterboard f3b9ab33-9x kg CH 3830 Materials recoverywaste reinforced plasterboard f3b9ab33-9x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste reinforced concrete 5357a067-fx kg CH 3830 Materials recoverywaste reinforced concrete 5357a067-fx kg CH 3830 Materials recoverywaste reinforced concrete 5357a067-fx kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste refinery gas ab022c6c-cx MJ GLO 1920 Manufacture of refinewaste polyvinylfluoride b6abeedb-cx kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste polyvinylchloride 9219c94a-7x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste polyvinylchloride 9219c94a-7x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste polyvinylchloride product 76c62dcf-bx kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste polyurethane 9cdb112b- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste polyurethane 9cdb112b- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste polyurethane 9cdb112b- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste polyurethane seal 19c15d45- x kg CH 3830 Materials recoverywaste polyurethane seal 19c15d45- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste polyurethane foam 2821801e-8x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste polystyrene b0176c67-5x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste polystyrene b0176c67-5x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste polystyrene isolation, flame-reta 5c4faf46-9 x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste polypropylene 00478901-7x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste polypropylene 00478901-7x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste polyethylene/polypropylene prod5bf224ae-3x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste polyethylene 7ee0ddc3-9x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste polyethylene 7ee0ddc3-9x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste polyethylene terephtalate dcb70fd5-ex kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste polyethylene terephtalate dcb70fd5-ex kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste plastic, mixture 88afd721-0x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste plastic, mixture 88afd721-0x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste plastic, industrial electronics db3559ad-x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste plastic, consumer electronics 80761dd3-0x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste plastic plaster 10d4f2e3- x kg CH 3830 Materials recovery

waste plastic plaster, final disposal f51a90ff-5 x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste plastic plaster, for final disposal f51a90ff-5 x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste plastic plaster 10d4f2e3- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste plaster-cardboard sandwich 818559f3- x kg CH 3830 Materials recoverywaste plaster-cardboard sandwich 818559f3- x kg CH 3830 Materials recoverywaste plaster-cardboard sandwich 818559f3- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste paperboard 42baed81- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste paperboard 42baed81- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste paperboard 42baed81- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste paper, sorted 0baac448-3- kg RER 3811 Collection Europe without Switzerlandwaste paper, sorted 0baac448-3- kg CH 3811 Collection of non-hazardous wastewaste paint cee6769c- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste paint cee6769c- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste paint cee6769c- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste paint cee6769c- x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposawaste paint on wood 1e522fe7-bx kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste paint on wall 2a1db579-x kg CH 3830 Materials recoverywaste paint on wall 2a1db579-x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste paint on metal 4e758deb- x kg CH 3830 Materials recoverywaste paint on metal 4e758deb- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste packaging paper 8d7c013a-5x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste packaging paper 8d7c013a-5x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste newspaper d31cf222-dx kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste newspaper d31cf222-dx kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste natural gas, sweet [m3] d69f10f0-dx Nm3 GLO 620 Extraction of natural gwaste natural gas, sweet 10da3c92-bx MJ GLO 620 Extraction of natural gwaste natural gas, sour [m3] 86d02bc2-fx Nm3 GLO 620 Extraction of natural gwaste natural gas, sour 10b1be35-x MJ GLO 620 Extraction of natural gwaste mineral wool bfd577e2-8x kg CH 3830 Materials recoverywaste mineral wool bfd577e2-8x kg CH 3830 Materials recoverywaste mineral wool, for final disposal 817fa2e4-cx kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste mineral wool bfd577e2-8x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste mineral plaster e88c3a19- x kg CH 3830 Materials recoverywaste mineral plaster e88c3a19- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste mineral oil 1b30b018-ax kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposawaste gypsum 27a9b2b8-3x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste gypsum 27a9b2b8-3x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste gypsum plasterboard 4058ca6d- x kg CH 3830 Materials recoverywaste gypsum plasterboard 4058ca6d- x kg CH 3830 Materials recoverywaste gypsum plasterboard 4058ca6d- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste graphical paper d51e5a32- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste graphical paper d51e5a32- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste glass dae141a8- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste glass dae141a8- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste glass sheet 42b1c202-8x kg CH 3830 Materials recoverywaste glass sheet 42b1c202-8x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste glass pane in burnable frame 93bd3d97-0x kg CH 3830 Materials recoverywaste glass pane in burnable frame 93bd3d97-0x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposaglass cullet, sorted 0a6c7524- - kg RER 3830 Materials recoverywaste frit from cathode ray tube produc88dc8f7d-5x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposawaste fibreboard 73059859-5x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposaused vegetable cooking oil 0b404a7a- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposabiogas, agricultural co-digestion, with 6991ccf1-aa75-4a1d- Nm3 CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wwaste expanded polystyrene 9090888c- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste emulsion paint 777bc26c- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste emulsion paint 777bc26c- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste emulsion paint 777bc26c- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste emulsion paint 777bc26c- x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposawaste emulsion paint, separated 3a2fff2b-b x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste emulsion paint, on wood 5aeab8af-ax kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste emulsion paint, on wall bc7c3720- x kg CH 3830 Materials recoverywaste emulsion paint, on wall bc7c3720- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste electric wiring 6aefd086-1x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste electric and electronic equipmen344760e2-x kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryglycerine 3d3268fa-3- kg FR 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassvegetable oil methyl ester 4bc66efe-f - kg FR 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomasswaste concrete, not reinforced 48f6b7c9-0x kg CH 3830 Materials recoverywaste concrete, not reinforced 48f6b7c9-0x kg CH 3830 Materials recoverywaste concrete, not reinforced 48f6b7c9-0x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste concrete e9f6d312- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste concrete gravel b2011f87-ex kg CH 3830 Materials recoverywaste concrete gravel b2011f87-ex kg CH 3830 Materials recoverywaste concrete gravel b2011f87-ex kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste cement-fibre slab eb211196-8x kg CH 3830 Materials recoverywaste cement-fibre slab, dismantled c2e3161e-4x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposa

waste cement-fibre slab eb211196-8x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste cement, hydrated 7f6bb533-2x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposawaste cement in concrete and mortar 3728ce01-0x kg CH 3830 Materials recoverywaste cement in concrete and mortar 3728ce01-0x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste bulk iron, excluding reinforcemen1c17413f-8x kg CH 3830 Materials recoverywaste building wood, chrome preserve 580b6c42- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste brick bd4b5819-0x kg CH 3830 Materials recoverywaste brick bd4b5819-0x kg CH 3830 Materials recoverywaste brick bd4b5819-0x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste bitumen d3fe6705-5x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste bitumen sheet b28cfd95-4x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste asphalt 22e27360-x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposawaste aluminium 7df87cd6-2x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposaused window frame, wood-metal 80bd675f-3x m2 CH 3821 Treatment and disposaused window frame, wood eb72aeaa-9x m2 CH 3821 Treatment and disposaused window frame, plastic c61879f5-4x m2 CH 3821 Treatment and disposaused ventilation control and wiring dece5df09014-2x unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused ventilation control and wiring cented56de35- x unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused vegetable cooking oil, purified e303fb73-b- kg CH 3830 Materials recoveryused vegetable cooking oil, purified e303fb73-b- kg FR 3830 Materials recoveryused triple glazing, U<0.5W/m2K e02fb49b-8x m2 CH 3821 Treatment and disposaused tram 9558d1e1-x unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused train, passenger, regional b5a47257-x unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused train, passenger, long-distance 6fc899be- x unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused train, passenger, high-speed e07140de-cx unit DE 3830 Materials recoverytoner module, laser printer, colour 161c0aa4-08cb-4ecd- kg RER 2817 Manufacture of office machinery and equipment (except computertoner module, laser printer, black/whitefb26ec2f-f56b-4ded-b kg RER 2817 Manufacture of office machinery and equipment (except computerused silencer steel, DN 315 1b4847ed-ex unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused silencer steel, DN 125 79dca4b9- x unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused sealing tape aluminium/PE, 50 m a000dc8b- x m CH 3830 Materials recoveryused room-connecting overflow element5c77149d- x unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused railway track 50674001-1x ma CH 3830 Materials recoveryused printer, laser b20fc078-ax kg CH 3830 Materials recoveryiron scrap, sorted, pressed 4f312355-ac65-4635- kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryaluminium scrap, post-consumer, prepa858164b0-44f1-4118-kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryelectronics scrap 13534fe4-363f-4306- kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryused printer, laser b20fc078-ax kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryused power adapter, for laptop 682b76db-x unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused pointing device, optical mouse, wi83f2a32d-8x unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused passenger car, electric, 312 kg Li-b653f20a- x unit RER 3830 Materials recoveryused passenger car, electric, 100 kg Li-84c64bc9-3x unit RER 3830 Materials recoveryused passenger car, diesel, 550 kg ker c1e8d865-6x unit RER 3830 Materials recoveryused passenger car, 1240 kg kerb weig5b868bec-3x unit RER 3830 Materials recoveryused outside air intake stainless steel, 81723154-2x unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused Ni-metal hydride battery 247cc2f8-2x kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryiron scrap, sorted, pressed 4f312355-ac65-4635- kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryused motor scooter 4d2d75d8-6x unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused lorry, 40 metric ton 8fd643ec- x unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused lorry, 28 metric ton b4d7c89a-0x unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused lorry, 16 metric ton ca8ec222-fx unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused locomotive 7f56554d-ex unit RER 3830 Materials recoveryiron scrap, sorted, pressed 4f312355-ac65-4635- kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryaluminium scrap, post-consumer, prepa858164b0-44f1-4118-kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryelectronics scrap 13534fe4-363f-4306- kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryused liquid crystal display 2d378afc-0x kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryused liquid crystal display 2d378afc-0x kg CH 3830 Materials recoveryused Li-ion battery e3c4c750- x kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryiron scrap, unsorted d7432632-40dc-4af8- kg GLO 3830 Materials recoverycobalt 50c430bb-e392-4242-kg GLO 3830 Materials recoverynon-Fe-Co-metals, from used Li-ion batta0502158-185f-4988- kg GLO 3830 Materials recoverymanganese dioxide d446ae6b-d959-46d3-kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryused Li-ion battery e3c4c750- x kg GLO 3830 Materials recoverycobalt 50c430bb-e392-4242-kg GLO 3830 Materials recoverylithium carbonate 2ffc27c3-c08c-4d6e-a kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryiron scrap, unsorted d7432632-40dc-4af8- kg GLO 3830 Materials recoverynon-Fe-Co-metals, from Li-ion battery, 0904a741-a570-4438-kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryused light commercial vehicle 2876729c- x unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryiron scrap, sorted, pressed 4f312355-ac65-4635- kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryaluminium scrap, post-consumer, prepa858164b0-44f1-4118-kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryelectronics scrap 13534fe4-363f-4306- kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryused laptop computer b335722e-fx kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryused laptop computer b335722e-fx kg CH 3830 Materials recoveryused keyboard cadfc5a5-6x unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryiron scrap, sorted, pressed 4f312355-ac65-4635- kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryaluminium scrap, post-consumer, prepa858164b0-44f1-4118-kg GLO 3830 Materials recovery

electronics scrap 13534fe4-363f-4306- kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryused IT accessory dcefdf84-3 x kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryused insulation spiral-seam duct rockw dc51ae97-7x m CH 3830 Materials recoveryused industrial electronic device 25c16b07-fx kg CH 3830 Materials recoveryiron scrap, sorted, pressed 4f312355-ac65-4635- kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryaluminium scrap, post-consumer, prepa858164b0-44f1-4118-kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryelectronics scrap 13534fe4-363f-4306- kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryused industrial electronic device 25c16b07-fx kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryused industrial electronic device 25c16b07-fx kg CH 3830 Materials recoveryused fluorescent lamp 8812c7e1- x kg GLO 3830 Materials recoverymercury ae88c1ea-eafe-4a5c- kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryglass cullet, from fluorescent lamps tr e6431065-23aa-4e14-kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryhazardous waste, for underground depo6047c525-49b7-4a7d-kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryaluminium scrap, post-consumer cc755744-10f3-4cf9-8kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryused flexible duct aluminium/PET, DN o51ad82f7-3x m CH 3830 Materials recoveryused exhaust air valve in-wall housing, pb1fe9782- x unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused exhaust air roof hood steel, DN 4 fb8ade8c-ex unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused electric scooter 3e2ec7e4-ex unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused electric bicycle 421b0261-ax unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused double glazing, U<1.1W/m2K, lami6935bec1-cx m2 CH 3821 Treatment and disposaused double glazing, U<1.1W/m2K db14b1bf-6x m2 CH 3821 Treatment and disposaused door, outer, wood-glass 9cb78560-1x m2 CH 3821 Treatment and disposaused door, outer, wood-aluminium ec2e27a8- x m2 CH 3821 Treatment and disposaused door, inner, wood 4e201acc- x m2 CH 3821 Treatment and disposaused door, inner, glass-wood 714c2889-2x m2 CH 3821 Treatment and disposairon scrap, sorted, pressed 4f312355-ac65-4635- kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryaluminium scrap, post-consumer, prepa858164b0-44f1-4118-kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryelectronics scrap 13534fe4-363f-4306- kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryused desktop computer 92dcaaae- x kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryused desktop computer 92dcaaae- x kg CH 3830 Materials recoveryiron scrap, sorted, pressed 4f312355-ac65-4635- kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryaluminium scrap, post-consumer, prepa858164b0-44f1-4118-kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryelectronics scrap 13534fe4-363f-4306- kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryused cathode ray tube display 6538944f-fx kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryused cathode ray tube display 6538944f-fx kg CH 3830 Materials recoveryused capacitor b4fe7649-7x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposaused cable 57e5d14a- x kg GLO 3830 Materials recoverycopper fbb039f7-f9cc-46d2- kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryused bus 4e2328af-3x unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused blower and heat exchange unit Twc51edef5-6x unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused blower and heat exchange unit Stofb08b2ca-ex unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused blower and heat exchange unit K 15df8126-cx unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused blower and heat exchange unit K 0988a106-x unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused blower and heat exchange unit G 6c08772a- x unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused blower and heat exchange unit dea938bae6-5x unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused blower and heat exchange unit cee6c090d7-8x unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused blower and heat exchange unit Av610244be-x unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused bicycle eb27606d-x unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused battery, production mix 79fdd0cf-ex kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryused air filter in exhaust air valve 3a90b63b-x unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused air filter decentralized unit, 250 m3ba35713-x unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused air filter decentralized unit, 180- 5de4cdcc-dx unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused air filter central unit, 600 m3/h b4cbdbae- x unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused air distribution terminal panel ste c08ad952- x unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryuranium tailing, non-radioactive emissi fe37685d-cx m3 GLO 3821 Treatment and disposaesterquat b078cbaa-e- kg RER 2023 Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, pertailing, from uranium milling e5effafc-c x m3 GLO 3822 Treatment and disposasulfidic tailing, off-site 602c59cd- x kg GLO 3822 Treatment and disposasteel in car shredder residue 9faff831-1 x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposaspoil from lignite mining 39966542-x kg GLO 3822 Treatment and disposaspoil from hard coal mining 5c772de8- x kg GLO 3822 Treatment and disposaspent solvent mixture cfa1d213-ex kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposasilicon carbide 626d96ee-f1a6-444d- kg RER 3830 Materials recoverytriethylene glycol e53a275d-a2c3-40d4-kg RER 3830 Materials recoveryspent sawing slurry from Si-wafer cutti 4750d280-0x l RER 3830 Materials recoveryspent pot liner from Al electrolysis, car 870f3e2b-fx kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposaspent oxychlor catalyst for ethylene dic0e2b3538-x kg DE 3821 Treatment and disposaspent oxychlor catalyst for ethylene dic0e2b3538-x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposaspent nuclear fuel 73d2fe81-bx kg RER 3822 Treatment and disposaspent nuclear fuel 73d2fe81-bx kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposaspent nuclear fuel 73d2fe81-bx kg CN 3822 Treatment and disposaspent Formox catalyst base from formafebb64a0-4x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposaspent cation exchange resin from potabef1d6c96- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposaspent catalytic converter NOx reduction0faf8556-3x kg DE 3821 Treatment and disposaspent catalytic converter for cars ea5d4b58- x kg DE 3821 Treatment and disposa

spent catalyst base from ethyleneoxide69b2236c- x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposaspent antifreezer liquid 4eac6589-3x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposaspent anion exchange resin from potable0fa57e8-cx kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposaspent activated carbon with mercury e33624fc- x kg DE 3821 Treatment and disposasludge, pig iron production 0451c9ba-5x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposasludge, NaCl electrolysis 1f82a4fc-f x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposasludge, NaCl electrolysis Hg 1cd7fa5a- x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposasludge from steel rolling d1c0d5f5-bx kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposasludge from pulp and paper production e72f7aa8-2x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposasludge from FeCl3 production d098a1f3-2x kg DE 3821 Treatment and disposatallow, unrefined 8f5d2384-9122-448e- kg CH 1010 Processing and preserving of meatslag, unalloyed electric arc furnace stee6e74937e- x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposaslag from metallurgical grade silicon pr 62dae9d2-0x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposashredder fraction after manual dismantl45dad1b6-x kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryiron scrap, sorted, pressed 4f312355-ac65-4635- kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryaluminium scrap, post-consumer, prepa858164b0-44f1-4118-kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryelectronics scrap 13534fe4-363f-4306- kg GLO 3830 Materials recoverybiogas 18e1cfa1-4- Nm3 CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wastescrap tin sheet b7667b06-cx kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposascrap tin sheet b7667b06-cx kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposascrap steel d1a4a803-cx kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposascrap steel d1a4a803-cx kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposaused printed wiring boards 382471d0-ax kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryelectronics scrap 13534fe4-363f-4306- kg GLO 3830 Materials recoverylead 237b35c6- - kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsscrap copper adb8247d-x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposascrap aluminium 618bf4eb-bx kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposasalt tailing from potash mine c754d63e-5x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposaresidue from TiO2 production, sulfate p9f90e015-9x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposaresidue from TiO2 production, chloride cdbd9da0- x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposaresidue from shredder fraction from ma6095f789-4x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposaresidue from Na-dichromate production99277a16-x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposaresidue from mechanical treatment, liqud9e5c20c- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposaresidue from mechanical treatment, lasefa5ae82b-ex kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposaresidue from mechanical treatment, la 936ac696- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposaresidue from mechanical treatment, IT c6a438b2-2x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposaresidue from mechanical treatment, indu76690609-x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposaresidue from mechanical treatment, deac3ce6da-8x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposaresidue from mechanical treatment, cat5c3a4e48- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposaresidue from cooling tower cbe9c9dc-9x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposaresidual wood, dry 019600be-fx m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodresidual wood, dry 019600be-f3ce-4399- m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodrefractory spent pot liner from Al electr cca439a0-2x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposarefinery sludge 6de9a46d- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposarefinery sludge 6de9a46d- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposarefinery sludge 6de9a46d- x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposaredmud from bauxite digestion a1e2dbab- x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposalinerboard 399489c2-9x kg RER 1702 Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard and of containers of paper and paperboardfluting medium 128696a8-x kg RER 1702 Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard and of containers of paper and paperboardraw sewage sludge eec52dcb-5x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposarainwater mineral oil storage d50f0afb-0x m3 CH 3700 Seweragegold e09971fb-f- kg SE 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalspalladium 1d6a1b9e- - kg SE 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalssilver 9a7e6cdc-7- kg SE 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalspoultry manure, dried e0d21df5-c- kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wastepollutant from rail ballast 440165a6-x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposanon-sulfidic tailing, off-site 298f3d35-7x kg GLO 3822 Treatment and disposanon-sulfidic overburden, off-site b12fd7ee- x kg GLO 3822 Treatment and disposanickel smelter slag adde3ac1- x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposamunicipal solid waste 27da8130-x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposamunicipal solid waste 27da8130-x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposaelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-a2c5-44d0-8MJ CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wastecopper fbb039f7-f - kg SE 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsprecious metal from electronics scrap, 7101abbb-e- kg SE 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsnickel, 99.5% 23fccced-e- kg SE 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalslow level radioactive waste 0e4b14c0- x m3 CH 3822 Treatment and disposalow level radioactive waste 0e4b14c0- x m3 CH 3822 Treatment and disposalow level radioactive waste 0e4b14c0- x m3 CH 3822 Treatment and disposalow level radioactive waste for final repda0a552f- x m3 CH 3822 Treatment and disposabiogas, agricultural co-digestion, with 6991ccf1-a- Nm3 CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wbiogas, from liquid manure 1eca0602- - Nm3 CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wbiogas, from liquid manure 1eca0602- - Nm3 CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wliquid crystal display a99b6ce9- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposalimestone residue 7349f706-8x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposa

lignite ash d0ecfe06-9x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposalignite ash d0ecfe06-9x kg AT 3822 Treatment and disposalignite ash d0ecfe06-9x kg BA 3822 Treatment and disposalignite ash d0ecfe06-9x kg CZ 3822 Treatment and disposalignite ash d0ecfe06-9x kg DE 3822 Treatment and disposalignite ash d0ecfe06-9x kg ES 3822 Treatment and disposalignite ash d0ecfe06-9x kg FR 3822 Treatment and disposalignite ash d0ecfe06-9x kg GR 3822 Treatment and disposalignite ash d0ecfe06-9x kg HU 3822 Treatment and disposalignite ash d0ecfe06-9x kg MK 3822 Treatment and disposalignite ash d0ecfe06-9x kg PL 3822 Treatment and disposalignite ash d0ecfe06-9x kg SI 3822 Treatment and disposalignite ash d0ecfe06-9x kg SK 3822 Treatment and disposalignite ash d0ecfe06-9x kg CS 3822 Treatment RSlignite ash d0ecfe06-9x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposalead smelter slag 621aa59e-4x kg GLO 3822 Treatment and disposalead in car shredder residue 4353d08b-x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposainert waste 3a91cb7d- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposainert waste, for final disposal 240c1a3c-1x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposahigh level radioactive waste for final re 6296905b-1x m3 CH 3822 Treatment and disposaheat carrier liquid, 40% C3H8O2 ebf87849-9x m3 CH 3700 Seweragehazardous waste, for underground depo6047c525- x kg DE 3822 Treatment and disposahazardous waste, for incineration e5208079-1x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposahard coal ash 76ab0018-ex kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposahard coal ash 76ab0018-ex kg ES 3822 Treatment and disposahard coal ash 76ab0018-ex kg PL 3822 Treatment and disposahard coal ash 76ab0018-ex kg CZ 3822 Treatment and disposahard coal ash 76ab0018-ex kg HR 3822 Treatment and disposahard coal ash 76ab0018-ex kg SK 3822 Treatment and disposahard coal ash 76ab0018-ex kg AT 3822 Treatment and disposahard coal ash 76ab0018-ex kg BE 3822 Treatment and disposahard coal ash 76ab0018-ex kg DE 3822 Treatment and disposahard coal ash 76ab0018-ex kg FR 3822 Treatment and disposahard coal ash 76ab0018-ex kg IT 3822 Treatment and disposahard coal ash 76ab0018-ex kg NL 3822 Treatment and disposahard coal ash 76ab0018-ex kg PT 3822 Treatment and disposahard coal ash 76ab0018-ex kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposaH3PO4 purification residue 20fe03e6-8x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposagreen liquor dregs 661b630a-cx kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposaglass from used cathode ray tube b6403446-x kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryglass cullet, from used cathode ray tub fc718327-e016-430f- kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryglass cullet, lead containing, from use 1bd547be-e9b8-43e4-kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryglass cullet, mixed glass from used cat 1aa2980f-e55f-43bc- kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryfly ash and scrubber sludge 6666335b-x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposafilter dust from Al electrolysis 82fc8ffd-e x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposalead 237b35c6- - kg SE 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsmetal part of electronics scrap, in blist df9c0823-3- kg SE 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalselectronics scrap from control units 15442876-ax kg RER 3830 Materials recoverydust, unalloyed electric arc furnace stee3b1d249a-cx kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposadust, alloyed electric arc furnace steel af00b3db- x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposadross from Al electrolysis 81efea43-cx kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposadrilling waste be6ef9ec-dx kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposadrilling waste be6ef9ec-dx kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposadigester sludge caf4f3f7-4 x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposadigester sludge caf4f3f7-4 x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposaelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteheat, future 6e7624f7-2c91-48f7-aMJ CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wastedecommissioned tram track eee3d813- x ma CH 3830 Materials recoverydecommissioned road 581b14fc-1x ma RER 3830 Materials recoverydecommissioned pipeline, natural gas 588a2007-x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposadecommissioned chemical production fac45d2cf8c-ax kg RER 3830 Materials recoverydecommissioned airport infrastructure, 3e813911-dx unit RER 3830 Materials recoverydecarbonising waste cddade55-1x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposasilver 9a7e6cdc-7- kg GLO 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalscopper fbb039f7-f - kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalscopper in car shredder residue b9579255-4x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposaconditioned spent nuclear fuel 56a78fcb-1x m3 CH 3822 Treatment and disposacondensate from light oil boiler eedc0baf-8x m3 CH 3700 Seweragecoating from waste cathode ray tube di7221a468-0x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposacoal slurry f5b7aa45-bx kg GLO 3822 Treatment and disposacoal gas d3d23054-ax MJ RER 3510 Electric po AT, BG, BR, CZ, FI, GB, GLO, HU, cadmium, for stockpiling 8b106b36-7a3f-464d- kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsblast furnace gas b254bbdf-f- MJ RER 3510 Electric po BG, BR, CZ, FI, GB, GLO, HU, NL, compost f43c95e7-4- kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wastebiowaste 50306184-x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposa

biogas, agricultural co-digestion, with 6991ccf1-aa75-4a1d- Nm3 CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wfertiliser value of sludge from anaerobi b148e247-fa5c-4260- kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wbiowaste 50306184-x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposaelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-a2c5-44d0-8MJ CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wbiowaste 50306184-x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposaelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-a2c5-44d0-8MJ CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wbiogas from biowaste 89d42ccf-21a5-4aea- Nm3 CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wbiowaste 50306184-x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposafertiliser value of sludge from anaerobi b148e247-fa5c-4260- kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wmethane, 96% by volume 3f14ad74-3- Nm3 CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteheat, future 6e7624f7-2- MJ CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-- kWh CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteheat, future 6e7624f7-2- MJ CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-- kWh CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteheat, future 6e7624f7-2- MJ CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-- kWh CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f - MJ CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-- kWh CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f - MJ CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous welectricity, low voltage d69294d7-- kWh CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f - MJ CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous welectricity, low voltage d69294d7-- kWh CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f - MJ CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous welectricity, low voltage d69294d7-- kWh CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f4d5-40f0-9 MJ CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous welectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wbilge oil f3f85233-f x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposabasic oxygen furnace waste eb6005d7-bx kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposaaverage incineration residue 673ad57e-ax kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposapalladium 1d6a1b9e-c272-48f9- kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsplatinum f81a0beb-c567-4e68- kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsrhodium 4cfe813a-b653-4fce-bkg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsash from paper production sludge 69167890-cx kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposaash from deinking sludge 549ed137-x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposaaluminium, cast alloy a430f433-c- kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other nonaluminium scrap, post-consumer, prepa858164b0-44f1-4118-kg RER 3830 Materials recoveryaluminium, cast alloy a430f433-c- kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other nonaluminium in car shredder residue d5aaf8f4-2x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposatransport, trolleybus 3a5e59f1-5x pkm CH 4921 Urban and suburban passenger land transporttransport, tram 45b74fc8-bx pkm CH 4921 Urban and suburban passenger land transporttransport, tractor and trailer, agricultur ba4b7781-3x tkm CH 161 Support activities for crop productiontransport, regular bus 1363cd8b- x pkm CH 4921 Urban and suburban passenger land transporttransport, pipeline, onshore, petroleum659981bd-1x tkm RER 4930 Transport via pipelinetransport, pipeline, onshore, long dista 1f6c6d72-bx tkm NO 4930 Transport via pipelinetransport, pipeline, onshore, long dista 1f6c6d72-bx tkm DZ 4930 Transport via pipelinetransport, pipeline, offshore, petroleum7e94d78f-7x tkm OCE 4930 Transport vGLOtransport, pipeline, offshore, long dista 36dc50ef-0x tkm DZ 4930 Transport via pipelinetransport, pipeline, offshore, long dista 36dc50ef-0x tkm NO 4930 Transport via pipelinetransport, pipeline, long distance, natur6e57739e- x tkm RER 4930 Transport vRER w/o DE+NL+NOtransport, pipeline, long distance, natur6e57739e- x tkm DE 4930 Transport via pipelinetransport, pipeline, long distance, natur6e57739e- x tkm RU 4930 Transport via pipelinetransport, pipeline, long distance, natur6e57739e- x tkm NL 4930 Transport via pipelinetransport, passenger, motor scooter c7bd9b85- x pkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transporttransport, passenger, electric scooter, la94e305ab-9x pkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transporttransport, passenger, electric scooter c32e8200- x pkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transporttransport, passenger, electric bicycle, la63c4c66f-3x pkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transporttransport, passenger, electric bicycle e4072947-ax pkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transporttransport, passenger, bicycle 0cb846bf-bx pkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transporttransport, passenger, aircraft, producti bb429b65-x pkm RER 5110 Passenger air transporttransport, passenger, aircraft 9e63b5ec- x pkm RER 5110 Passenger air transporttransport, passenger, aircraft 9e63b5ec- x pkm RER 5110 Passenger air transporttransport, passenger train 5d4272ad-9x pkm CH 4921 Urban and suburban passenger land transporttransport, passenger train 5d4272ad-9x pkm CH 4912 Freight rail transporttransport, passenger train, production 221d7fb7- x pkm CH 4911 Passenger rail transport, interurbantransport, passenger train 5d4272ad-9x pkm CH 4912 Freight rail transporttransport, passenger train 5d4272ad-9x pkm DE 4911 Passenger rail transport, interurbantransport, passenger train 5d4272ad-9x pkm FR 4911 Passenger rail transport, interurbantransport, passenger train 5d4272ad-9x pkm IT 4911 Passenger rail transport, interurbantransport, passenger train 5d4272ad-9x pkm AT 4911 Passenger rail transport, interurbantransport, passenger train 5d4272ad-9x pkm IT 4911 Passenger rail transport, interurbantransport, passenger train 5d4272ad-9x pkm FR 4911 Passenger rail transport, interurbantransport, passenger train 5d4272ad-9x pkm DE 4911 Passenger rail transport, interurbantransport, passenger train 5d4272ad-9x pkm BE 4911 Passenger rail transport, interurban

transport, passenger coach 36a8a484- x pkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transporttransport, passenger car, production mic08b7bf2-2x pkm RER 4922 Other passeEurope without Switzerlandtransport, passenger car, production mic08b7bf2-2x pkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transporttransport, passenger car, petrol, produ b6d24f01-4x pkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transporttransport, passenger car, petrol, produ b6d24f01-4x pkm RER 4922 Other passeEurope without Switzerlandtransport, passenger car, petrol, produ 7c03b41b-ex pkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transporttransport, passenger car, petrol, produ 7c03b41b-ex pkm RER 4922 Other passeEurope without Switzerlandtransport, passenger car, electric, 312 kgb3cde294- x pkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transporttransport, passenger car, electric, 312 k16e91922-x pkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transporttransport, passenger car, electric, 100 kg1b5d880e-1x pkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transporttransport, passenger car, electric, 100 kc11bbe6f-3x pkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transporttransport, passenger car, diesel, produ 868d2f14-4x pkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transporttransport, passenger car, diesel, produ 868d2f14-4x pkm RER 4922 Other passeEurope without Switzerlandtransport, passenger car, diesel, produ 7c16d1bb- x pkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transporttransport, passenger car, diesel, produ 7c16d1bb- x pkm RER 4922 Other passeEurope without Switzerlandtransport, passenger car, diesel, 550 k c9a7ed03-dx pkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transporttransport, passenger car, 1240 kg kerb 8c1e4e43-cx pkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transporttransport, passenger car, 1240 kg kerb 200d40a2-4x pkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transporttransport, passenger car, 1240 kg kerb ab2ac545-2x pkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transporttransport, passenger car, 1240 kg kerb d07c68c0-fx pkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transporttransport, passenger car, 1240 kg kerb f0158339-2x pkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transporttransport, passenger car, 1240 kg kerb c21dbd1c- x pkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transporttransport, passenger car, 1240 kg kerb 01158395-5x pkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transporttransport, passenger car, 1240 kg kerb f146e583-1x pkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transporttransport, passenger car, 1240 kg ker 480ebb60-1x pkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transporttransport, passenger car, 1240 kg kerb a4804f06- x pkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transporttransport, passenger car, 1240 kg kerb c264a0a0- x pkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transporttransport, passenger car, 1240 kg kerb f1444e66-8x pkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transporttransport, passenger car, 1240 kg kerb 383dea60-4x pkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transporttransport, helicopter, LTO cycle cc7e810b-7x unit GLO 5110 Passenger air transporttransport, helicopter c784e421-2x h GLO 5110 Passenger air transporttransport, freight, sea, transoceanic ta 124772cf-ex tkm OCE 5012 Sea and coaGLOtransport, freight, sea, transoceanic shi91667712-x tkm OCE 5012 Sea and coaGLOtransport, freight, sea, liquefied naturalf9f6da0b-f x tkm OCE 5012 Sea and coaGLOtransport, freight, lorry 7.5-16 metric 24f5a760-8x tkm RER 4923 Freight transport by roadtransport, freight, lorry 7.5-16 metric 639dba7b-x tkm RER 4923 Freight transport by roadtransport, freight, lorry 7.5-16 metric ae39ee61-dx tkm RER 4923 Freight transport by roadtransport, freight, lorry 3.5-7.5 metric 99598921-dx tkm RER 4923 Freight transport by roadtransport, freight, lorry 3.5-7.5 metric 03bf1369-1x tkm RER 4923 Freight transport by roadtransport, freight, lorry 3.5-7.5 metric c0a7ba59-fx tkm RER 4923 Freight transport by roadtransport, freight, lorry 3.5-20 metric t b0689fb7-ex tkm CH 4923 Freight transport by roadtransport, freight, lorry 3.5-16 metric t 3ed27c44-fx tkm RER 4923 Freight transport by roadtransport, freight, lorry 28 metric ton, 2341598f-1x tkm CH 4923 Freight transport by roadtransport, freight, lorry 20-28 metric t d6126b3a-cx tkm CH 4923 Freight transport by roadtransport, freight, lorry 16-32 metric t f4e8b38b-dx tkm RER 4923 Freight transport by roadtransport, freight, lorry 16-32 metric t fb655769-1x tkm RER 4923 Freight transport by roadtransport, freight, lorry 16-32 metric t f9895e44-5x tkm RER 4923 Freight transport by roadtransport, freight, lorry >32 metric to 93afc03f-5 x tkm RER 4923 Freight transport by roadtransport, freight, lorry >32 metric to fea783cd-1x tkm RER 4923 Freight transport by roadtransport, freight, lorry >32 metric to b909dee2-7x tkm RER 4923 Freight transport by roadtransport, freight, lorry >28 metric ton 03f35d89-5x tkm CH 4923 Freight transport by roadtransport, freight, lorry >16 metric ton ceceb41b-ex tkm RER 4923 Freight transport by roadtransport, freight, light commercial vehi090f56b8- x tkm RER 4923 Freight tra Europe without Switzerlandtransport, freight, light commercial vehi090f56b8- x tkm CH 4923 Freight transport by roadtransport, freight, inland waterways, b 57143a43-2x tkm RER 5022 Inland freight water transporttransport, freight, inland waterways, ba068bf76a-bx tkm RER 5022 Inland freight water transporttransport, freight, aircraft, production 41474eca-fx tkm RER 5120 Freight air transporttransport, freight, aircraft 8795dc98- x tkm RER 5120 Freight air transporttransport, freight, aircraft 8795dc98- x tkm RER 5120 Freight air transporttransport, freight train 0ace02fa-ex tkm CH 4912 Freight rail transporttransport, freight train 0ace02fa-ex tkm CH 4912 Freight rail transporttransport, freight train 0ace02fa-ex tkm RER 4912 Freight rail Europe without Switzerlandtransport, freight train 0ace02fa-ex tkm US 4912 Freight rail transporttransport, freight train 0ace02fa-ex tkm CN 4912 Freight rail transporttransport, freight train 0ace02fa-ex tkm AT 4912 Freight rail transporttransport, freight train 0ace02fa-ex tkm IT 4912 Freight rail transporttransport, freight train 0ace02fa-ex tkm FR 4912 Freight rail transporttransport, freight train 0ace02fa-ex tkm DE 4912 Freight rail transporttransport, freight train 0ace02fa-ex tkm BE 4912 Freight rail transporttransmission network, long-distance c975834b-7x km UCTE 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelstransmission network, electricity, medi 46712f19-9x km CH 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelstransmission network, electricity, high 1e62439e- x km CH 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelstransistor, production mix 95c7ddd8- x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and transistor, wired, small size, through-h 233843d2-7x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardstransistor, wired, big size, through-hol b88d0305-x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boards

transistor, surface-mounted 3422a31d-cx kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardstransistor, auxilliaries and energy use 6facf9d3-0 x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardstransformer, low voltage use 0c7faf73-f x kg GLO 2710 Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatustransformer, high voltage use 9e2c266f-dx kg GLO 2710 Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatustram track b0ef6814-0x ma CH 4210 Construction of roads and railwaystram 16107ec9-1x unit RER 3020 Manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stocktrain, passenger, regional b18e8b58-x unit CH 3020 Manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stocktrain, passenger, long-distance 8494fe8c-f x unit CH 3020 Manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stocktrain, passenger, high speed 9ffca1fd-6 x unit DE 3020 Manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stocktractor, 4-wheel, agricultural 6272e937-9x kg CH 2821 Manufacture of agricultural and forestry machinerytower silo, plastic 2581d7f7-5x m3 CH 4100 Construction of buildingstoner, colour, powder 779bed36-7x kg GLO 2022 Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and masticstoner, black, powder 58b17444-9x kg GLO 2022 Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and masticstoner module, laser printer, colour 161c0aa4-0x unit GLO 2817 Manufacture of office machinery and equipment (except computers and peripheral equipmenttoner module, laser printer, black/whitefb26ec2f-f x unit GLO 2817 Manufacture of office machinery and equipment (except computers and peripheral equipmenttoluene, liquid 7856dace-7x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalstoluene diisocyanate 76a3d3ad-fx kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formstitanium zinc plate, without pre-weathec003d45b-7x kg DE 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalstitanium dioxide b419e26a-2x kg RER 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal orestitanium dioxide b419e26a-2x kg RER 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal orestissue paper e04720d0-1- kg RER 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardtin ad5a20dd-4x kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalstin plating, pieces 1337f417-2x m2 RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningtin plated chromium steel sheet, 2 mm cb4737ad- x m2 RER 2410 Manufacture of basic iron and steeltillage, rotary cultivator 8cf5de7a-4x ha CH 161 Support activities for crop productiontillage, rolling 51d3e5e1-ex ha CH 161 Support activities for crop productiontillage, ploughing 318df8f5-f x ha CH 161 Support activities for crop productiontillage, hoeing and earthing-up, potatoe77282160-x ha CH 161 Support activities for crop productiontillage, harrowing, by spring tine harro 1a444fb4-fx ha CH 161 Support activities for crop productiontillage, harrowing, by rotary harrow 406c9ce9-fx ha CH 161 Support activities for crop productiontillage, currying, by weeder 1b4271d3-3x ha CH 161 Support activities for crop productiontillage, cultivating, chiselling 60cfe502-8x ha CH 161 Support activities for crop productionresidual wood, dry 019600be-f3ce-4399- m3 RER 1621 Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsthree layered laminated board 0382e7c1-7x m3 RER 1621 Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsthermo-mechanical pulp 7ec7cfb0-f x kg RER 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardthermoforming, with calendering 239ebf12- x kg RER 2220 Manufacture of plastics productsthermal plaster, outdoor f8088723-1x kg CH 2394 Manufacture of cement, lime and plastertextile, woven cotton f435211e-3x kg GLO 1312 Weaving of textilestextile, kenaf a4c116d8- x kg IN 1312 Weaving of textilestextile, jute 009fee5f-7x kg IN 1312 Weaving of textilestextile bleaching, dyeing and finishing, 57f2abb1-cx kg GLO 1313 Finishing of textilestetrahydrofuran f75d6f52-dx kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalstetrafluoroethylene 874ae709-1x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formstetrafluoroethylene film, on glass 1acfcf43-2 x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formstetrachloroethylene abd02c30- x kg WEU 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalstempering, flat glass e805d959-x kg RER 2310 Manufacture of glass and glass productstellurium, semiconductor-grade 985d3352-x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalstechnical wood drying facility d7c09d5a-0x unit RER 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectstap water, at user 8608e08a- x kg RER 3600 Water colleEurope without Switzerlandtap water, at user 8608e08a- x kg CH 3600 Water collection, treatment and supplytantalum, powder, capacitor-grade 9795973a-x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalstanker, transoceanic 220e80ca- x unit OCE 3011 Building of GLOsynthetic rubber 0da5307e-dx kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formssynthetic gas, production mix 923171be-9x Nm3 CH 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous synthetic gas 795369c8-0x Nm3 CH 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mainssynthetic gas 795369c8-0x Nm3 CH 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mainssynthetic gas factory 6bdc51d3-dx unit CH 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsswitch, toggle type eb736a32- x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardssweetening, natural gas 52858e96-fx Nm3 DE 620 Extraction of natural gassweet sorghum stem 2b042e37-x kg CN 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedssweet sorghum grain 693d6795-b325-4ac0-kg CN 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedssweet gas, burned in gas turbine [m3] 2c97d86d-1x Nm3 NO 3510 Electric power generation, transmsweet gas, burned in gas turbine 7f8a51d3- x MJ NO 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionswath, by rotary windrower ba4b94f3-7x ha CH 161 Support activities for crop productionsupply air inlet, steel/SS, DN 75 b05be3af- x unit RER 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machinerysunflower seed, Swiss integrated produ5a2e2911-cx kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedssunflower seed 20d649c2- x kg ES 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedssulfuric acid 9d63da75-x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssulfur trioxide 610c39dc-6x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssulfur hexafluoride, liquid ab5dcfa8-ex kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssulfur dioxide, liquid 8234f6bf-7x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssulfite pulp, bleached 23ff52d3-0x kg RER 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardsulfite d489bb71-x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssulfate pulp, production mix aef89319- x kg RER 1701 ManufacturEurope without Switzerlandsulfate pulp, production mix aef89319- x kg CH 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboard

sulfate pulp 7ad96c59-8x kg RER 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardsulfate pulp 7ad96c59-8x kg RER 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardsulfate pulp 7ad96c59-8x kg TH 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardsulfate pulp 7ad96c59-8x kg RER 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardsugarcane e31efe33-ex kg BR 114 Growing of sugar canesugar refinery 93ee89ba-fx unit GLO 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectssugar beet 560e69eb- x kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsstyrene-acrylonitrile copolymer 7338d72b-x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsstyrene 0df0db82-8x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsstucco a437eaa8- x kg CH 2395 Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterstretch blow moulding 1e16715e- x kg RER 2220 Manufacture of plastics productsstraw, production mix 90f76066-ax kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminousstraw, organic, production mix d8fc48e3-9x kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminousstraw, stand-alone production b5af62bc-ex kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsstorage, 650 l mini CHP plant ed94e344-3x unit CH 2512 Manufacture of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metalstorage, 10'000 l 61ba3c6c-4x unit RER 2512 Manufacture of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metalstorage building, chemicals, solid d5d26aca- x unit CH 4100 Construction of buildingsstone meal 1c2b2eb7-cx kg CH 891 Mining of chemicals and fertilizer chemicalsstone groundwood pulp 42b4f874- x kg RER 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardstirling heat and power co-generation un56179069-ax unit CH 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsstibnite ore, 70% stibnite 8cb6c7f7-cx kg CN 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oressteel removed by turning, primarily roudc4f7e30-5x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningsteel removed by turning, primarily ro 60accf98-9x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningsteel removed by turning, primarily dre847fc02f-9x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningsteel removed by turning, primarily dreb4d3bf0b-4x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningsteel removed by turning, average, con2b59fad8-8x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningsteel removed by turning, average, com9a63d81f-ex kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningsteel, low-alloyed, hot rolled 8cb650d5- x kg RER 2410 Manufacture of basic iron and steelsteel, low-alloyed 817c3650-4x kg RER 2410 Manufacture of basic iron and steelsteel, chromium steel 18/8 c33b5236-0x kg RER 2410 Manufacture of basic iron and steelsteel, unalloyed a2fd8c95-f x kg RER 2410 Manufacture of basic iron and steelsteel, low-alloyed 817c3650-4x kg RER 2410 Manufacture of basic iron and steelsteel, chromium steel 18/8 c33b5236-0x kg RER 2410 Manufacture of basic iron and steelsteel, chromium steel 18/8, hot rolled c5246dbb- x kg RER 2410 Manufacture of basic iron and steelsteel removed by milling, small parts a1de1103- x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningsteel removed by milling, large parts 925337ba-fx kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningsteel removed by milling, dressing 2c05646d- x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningsteel removed by milling, average d8649ed8-x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningsteel removed by drilling, conventional 20ad63da-2x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningsteel removed by drilling, computer num220a83de-4x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningsteam, in chemical industry bd20be8e-9x kg RER 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplystart-up, heat and power co-generation c4f7fc5e-1 x unit RER 4922 Other passenger land transportsputtering, indium tin oxide, for liquid cc59a5976- x m3 RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningsputtering target, sintered, indium tin 6300d56d-9x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningspodumene dde6fe33- x kg RER 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresspiral-seam duct, steel, DN 400 7d7595a5-x m RER 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machineryspiral-seam duct, steel, DN 125 f18ec5cb-7x m RER 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machineryspinning, cotton fibre f1700c2b-dx kg GLO 1311 Preparation and spinning of textile fibresspinning, bast fibre a510daae-1x kg IN 1311 Preparation and spinning of textile fibressoybean, Swiss integrated production f9d0ebe8-3x kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedssoybean, organic addf8f7a-3x kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedssoybean deb4f70c-bx kg BR 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedssoybean deb4f70c-bx kg US 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedssoybean oil, crude a139bc38-bdfb-471d- kg RER 1040 Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fatssoybean meal 22cdac63-4x kg RER 1040 Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fatssoybean oil, crude a139bc38-bdfb-471d- kg US 1040 Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fatssoybean meal 22cdac63-4x kg US 1040 Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fatssoybean oil, crude a139bc38-bdfb-471d- kg BR 1040 Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fatssoybean meal 22cdac63-4x kg BR 1040 Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fatssowing 6c365ae3-fx ha CH 161 Support activities for crop productionsour gas, burned in gas turbine [m3] b03ae2c7-5x Nm3 NO 3510 Electric power generation, transmsour gas, burned in gas turbine f9a99959-0x MJ NO 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionsound insulation, heat and power co-genb4100a1f-4x unit RER 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelssorting facility, for construction waste 0c40ca99-6x unit CH 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsiron scrap, sorted, pressed 4f312355-ax kg RER 3830 Materials recoverysolvent, organic c6c77fb4-9x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssolid unbleached board 002940e3-fx kg RER 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardsolid manure loading and spreading, byaeb1ebef-7x kg CH 161 Support activities for crop productionsolid bleached board a32d125e- x kg RER 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardsolder, paste, Sn95.5Ag3.9Cu0.6, for el 6501d9f8-ax kg GLO 2029 Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.solder, paste, Sn63Pb37, for electronicsa10f5557-ex kg GLO 2029 Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.solder, bar, Sn95.5Ag3.9Cu0.6, for electd40545d1-5x kg GLO 2029 Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.solder, bar, Sn63Pb37, for electronics i 6f255afe-7x kg GLO 2029 Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.solder factory 3797bd74-x unit RER 4100a construction of factory buildings for the metal industrysolar glass, low-iron f8f07d35-1x kg RER 2310 Manufacture of glass and glass products

solar collector system, with evacuated 775234b1-x unit CH 4322a Installation of solar collector systemssolar collector system, Cu flat plate col 7384da24-x unit CH 4322a Installation of solar collector systemssolar collector system, Cu flat plate c 328b464a-x unit CH 4322a Installation of solar collector systemssolar collector system, Cu flat plate col 06d66cdc-9x unit CH 4322a Installation of solar collector systemssolar collector glass tube, with silver mi961c7ee8-8x kg DE 2310 Manufacture of glass and glass productssolar collector factory f045b62a-2x unit RER 4100 Construction of buildingsacetonitrile f28138f3-8c6c-4c3f-8 kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsacrylonitrile fa57e518-cx kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalshydrogen cyanide 090bf091-edba-4f7e- kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssoftwood, allocation correction,3 686715b1-x m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodsoftwood, allocation correction,2 cf4d0002-7x m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodsoftwood, allocation correction,1 f94c3cde-6x m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodroundwood, paraná pine from sustainab175c29e0-0x m3 BR 220 Loggingsoftwood forestry operation, except har1520f886-1x m3 RER 210 Silviculture and other forestry activitiessawlog and veneer log, softwood, meas42a1bdfc-8x m3 NORDEL 220 Loggingpulpwood, softwood, measured as solid6eb408db-x m3 NORDEL 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodsoftwood, CO2-removal and land use 9d7ec3f8- x m3 RER 210 SilvicultureEurope without NORDEL (NCPA)softwood, CO2-removal and land use 9d7ec3f8- x m3 NORDEL 210 Silviculture and other forestry activitiespulpwood, softwood, measured as solid6eb408db-980a-4b9e-m3 RER 220 Loggingwood fuel, softwood, wet, measured as 3c9089f4-dc5c-458a-am3 RER 220 Loggingsawlog and veneer log, softwood, meas42a1bdfc-8x m3 RER 220 Loggingsoft solder, Sn97Cu3 1678381e-9x kg RER 2029 Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.sodium tripolyphosphate 14ae7ab5-cx kg RER 2023 Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationssodium sulfate, anhydrite 2cfef82e-c x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssodium silicate, spray powder, 80% fb79e3cf-4 x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssodium silicate, without water, in 48% se6f2d687-ex kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssodium silicate, solid 77e110eb-cx kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssodium silicate, without water, in 37% s38d493e9-6x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssodium phosphate 2fc288b5-3x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssodium persulfate dd0a1308-x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssodium perchlorate f5e266fc-4 x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssodium percarbonate, powder 8e265e9a- x kg RER 2023 Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationssodium perborate, tetrahydrate, powdecee58461- x kg RER 2023 Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationssodium perborate, monohydrate, powdede97cdc6-2x kg RER 2023 Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationssodium metasilicate pentahydrate, 58%e202b6e0-ex kg RER 2023 Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationssodium hypochlorite, without water, in 96501bb6-ax kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssodium hydroxide, without water, in 50%076c436c-8x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssodium dithionite, anhydrous 4cea5cea- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssodium dichromate 606ce42e-0x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssodium cyanide 8b87cd0e-bx kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssodium chloride, powder edcfa83a-3x kg RER 893 Extraction of saltsodium chloride, brine solution dae62135- x kg RER 893 Extraction of saltsodium chlorate, powder 6c9cf309-1x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssodium borates 1fdf8b27-dx kg US 891 Mining of chemical and fertilizer mineralssodium arsenide 41603a25-6x kg GLO 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalscalcium chloride a4a72d78-6642-4e02-kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssoda ash, light, crystalline, heptahydra 9e6f12d8-bx kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssoap 3372cdea- x kg RER 2023 Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsslag landfill 1d32d9ef-8x unit CH 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectssinter, iron d4591183-ax kg GLO 2410 Manufacture of basic iron and steelsingle-Si wafer, photovoltaic 94ab86ed-ax m2 RER 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardssingle-Si wafer, for electronics 60e87177-x m2 RER 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsphosphate fertiliser, as P2O5 5321a299-0x kg RER 2012 Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsgold e09971fb-f77e-48a3- kg CL 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oressilver 9a7e6cdc-7x kg CL 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oressilver 9a7e6cdc-7x kg GLO 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oressilicone product a8f9b840-0x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formssilicone factory 13e34793-cx unit RER 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectssilicon, solar grade 80eda5b6- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssilicon, single crystal, Czochralski proc 27ceda8d-fx kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssilicon, single crystal, Czochralski procefb553b5b-bx kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssilicon production, photovoltaics, produd9206347-5x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssilicon, multi-Si, casted 1f61a047-2x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssilicon, metallurgical grade da4a421e-2x kg NO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssilicon tetrachloride c5dc418f-3f77-43e6- kg DE 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssilicon, electronics grade 9026eea7- x kg DE 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssilicon, solar grade 80eda5b6-76c9-41f1- kg DE 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssilicon tetrahydride 5ab6bfdc- x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssilicon tetrachloride c5dc418f-3f77-43e6- kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssilicon carbide 626d96ee-fx kg RER 2391 Manufacture of refractory productssilica sand c4842286-2x kg DE 810 Quarrying of stone, sand and claysilencer, steel, DN 315, 50 mm 3df267a6- x unit CH 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machinerysilencer, steel, DN 125 cf9b55af-2 x unit CH 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machinerysheet rolling, steel e2f62697-5x kg RER 2410 Manufacture of basic iron and steelsheet rolling, copper dfbdd39b-2x kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals

sheet rolling, chromium steel 68b4fdd4- x kg RER 2410 Manufacture of basic iron and steelsheet rolling, aluminium a5309c08- x kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalssheep fleece in the grease 11362314-x (variable)kg US 144 Raising of sheep and goatssheep for slaughtering, live weight 2a80aed2- x (variable)kg US 144 Raising of sheep and goatsshed 24eb302a- x m2 CH 4100 Construction of buildingssewer grid, 5E9l/year, 110 km 4b7caf07-3x km CH 4220 Construction of utility projectssewer grid, 4.7E10l/year, 583 km 35aaa820-fx km CH 4220 Construction of utility projectssewer grid, 1E9l/year, 30 km 9d23fe2a-bx km CH 4220 Construction of utility projectssewer grid, 1.6E8l/year, 6 km a6088246-x km CH 4220 Construction of utility projectssewer grid, 1.1E10l/year, 242 km 69ca254b-ax km CH 4220 Construction of utility projectsselenium f773f952-ex kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsselective coat, stainless steel sheet, b a8589610-5x m2 CH 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningselective coat, copper sheet, sputter de935053ea-5x m2 DE 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningselective coat, copper sheet, physical 6a593531-x m2 DE 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningselective coat, copper sheet, black maji6eea8d09- x m2 US 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningselective coat, copper sheet, black chr 9485f4e8-bx m2 RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningselective coat, aluminium sheet, nicke 76a51aff-bx m2 SK 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningNOx retained, by selective catalytic redc9641dad- x kg GLO 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionsection bar rolling, steel 8aa5cd19-cx kg RER 2410 Manufacture of basic iron and steelsection bar extrusion, aluminium b397787f-cx kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalssealing tape, aluminium/PE, 50 mm wid888e7520-5x m RER 2220 Manufacture of plastics productsseal, natural rubber based 136f89b3-ax kg DE 2029 Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.scrap preparation facility 309513c0-4x unit RER 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectssawnwood, softwood, raw, kiln dried, 2 b5a81719-x m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodsawnwood, softwood, raw, kiln dried, 1 0bc9d498-7x m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodsawnwood, softwood, raw, air dried 4a7cb413-ax m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodsawnwood, hardwood, raw, kiln dried 85baf90a-6x m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodsawnwood, hardwood, raw, air dried 0ff2e270-7x m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodsawnwood, hardwood, raw, air / kiln dri a8721c59- x m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodsawmill ec8fb345-3x unit RER 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsresidual softwood, wet 6205fbc0-d3ad-46e2- m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodsawnwood, softwood, raw, debarked 78304c60-5x m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodsawnwood, paraná pine from sustainabl239eca69-2x m3 BR 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodresidual wood, dry 019600be-f3ce-4399- m3 BR 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodsawnwood, azobe from sustainable fore148b552a-cx m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodresidual wood, dry 019600be-f3ce-4399- m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodbark chips, wet, measured as dry mass 6d2c81d0-5546-4bc3-m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodresidual softwood, wet 6205fbc0-d3ad-46e2- m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodsawnwood, softwood, raw, debarked 78304c60-5x m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodresidual softwood, wet 6205fbc0-d3ad-46e2- m3 NORDEL 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodresidual softwood, wet 6205fbc0-d3ad-46e2- m3 NORDEL 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodsawnwood, softwood, raw, debarked 78304c60-5x m3 NORDEL 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodresidual hardwood, wet bded6c5a-4dca-497e-m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodsawnwood, hardwood, raw, debarked 0982b66c- x m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodsanitary landfill facility b3b9ef80-ex unit CH 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectssanitary ceramics 1d53b5b2-x kg CH 2392 Manufacture of clay building materialssand-lime brick 5d08c003-7x kg DE 2395 Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterrye seed, Swiss integrated production, 895fcf82-5x kg CH 164 Seed processing for propagationrye seed, organic, for sowing 2b17042b-6x kg CH 164 Seed processing for propagationrye grain, Swiss integrated production 51d1c30d-6x kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsstraw d7f544d6-c372-4fc3-8kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsrye grain, Swiss integrated production 51d1c30d-6x kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsstraw d7f544d6-c372-4fc3-8kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsrye grain, organic ea995b09- x kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsstraw, organic 692b4f7e-9e79-4f69-bkg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsrye grain edb81938-8x kg RER 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsstraw d7f544d6-c372-4fc3-8kg RER 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsrye grain, feed, Swiss integrated produc31ada85a-0x kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsrye grain, feed, organic 4276548b-x kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsrouter, internet bfe6c58b-7x unit CH 2630 Manufacture of communication equipmentrosin size, for paper production 0793f6d6-8x kg RER 2029 Manufacture of other chemical products overflow element, steef3c51e03- x unit RER 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machineryroof tile 2742d7a4-x kg RER 2392 Manufacture of clay building materialsrolling mill 2044879b-x unit RER 2823 Manufacture of machinery for metallurgyrock wool, packed 751b5ee2-ax kg CH 2399 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.rock wool 9e0e1511- x kg CH 2399 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.rock wool factory e6db6324-x unit CH 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsrock crushing ecaff1a6-6 x kg RER 2824 Manufacture of machinery for mining, quarrying and constructionroad vehicle factory a57d2939-x unit RER 4100 Construction of buildingsroad maintenance and land use 00f52250-1x ma CH 5221 Service activities incidental to land transporroad, company, internal 5911b1c9- x m2a CH 4210 Construction of roads and railwaysroad 350765c0- x ma CH 4210 Construction of roads and railwaysrice seed, for sowing c1b67381-0x kg US 164 Seed processing for propagationrice e50fbfef-6 x kg US 112 Growing of riceretention aid, for paper production ac21a604-4x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicals

resource correction, PbZn, zinc, positiv ca6590e0-bx kg GLO 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other nonresource correction, PbZn, zinc, negati 3f27fe6d-6x kg GLO 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other nonresource correction, PbZn, silver, positi abc38780- x kg GLO 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other nonresource correction, PbZn, silver, negatc11d22b2-5x kg GLO 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other nonresource correction, PbZn, lead, positiv 78529832-0x kg GLO 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other nonresource correction, PbZn, lead, negati 48c69b8c- x kg GLO 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other nonresource correction, PbZn, indium, posi9ae44dd2-4x kg GLO 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other nonresource correction, PbZn, indium, negabe584970-8x kg GLO 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other nonresource correction, PbZn, cadmium, po929598f9-9x kg GLO 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other nonresource correction, PbZn, cadmium, n 67f77627-bx kg GLO 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other nonresource correction, CuMo, copper, posideb6ca0d-0x kg GLO 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other nonresource correction, CuMo, copper, negd637f729-bx kg GLO 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other nonresistor, production mix 89b00c72-5x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and resistor, wirewound, through-hole moundb1c2047- x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsresistor, surface-mounted b826a1ab-8x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsresistor, metal film type, through-hole 92d9032c- x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsresistor, auxilliaries and energy use baa9ecd3-1x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsresin size, (double for rosin size) 09364020-x kg RER 2029 Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.residual material landfill 3cc30fa4-8x unit CH 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsresidential sewer grid, 0.087 km aead8a1b- x km CH 4220 Construction of utility projectsreinforcing steel 9ba48284-0x kg RER 2410 Manufacture of basic iron and steelrefrigerant R134a 8a309022-8x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsrefractory, high aluminium oxide, pack b230aa6e-cx kg DE 2391 Manufacture of refractory productsrefractory, fireclay, packed d3e019ee- x kg DE 2391 Manufacture of refractory productsrefractory, basic, packed 17c72eaf- x kg DE 2391 Manufacture of refractory productsrefinery gas, burned in furnace [kg] 6ebe2aa0-2x kg CH 3530a Steam and air conditioning supplyrefinery gas, burned in furnace [kg] 6ebe2aa0-2x kg RER 3530a Steam and aEurope without Switzerefinery gas 6d423844-x MJ CH 3530a Steam and air conditioning supply based on liquid fuels refinery gas 6d423844-x MJ RER 3530a Steam and aEurope without Switzerlandrecultivation, limestone mine 64258a0a- x m2 CH 3900 Remediation activities and other waste management servicesrecultivation, iron mine eb134880-3x m2 GLO 3900 Remediation activities and other waste management servicesrecultivation, bentonite mine a07b5d4c- x m2 DE 3900 Remediation activities and other waste management servicesrecultivation, bauxite mine 44ea8a61-ex m2 GLO 3900 Remediation activities and other waste management serviceslanthanum oxide cfbc8873-4x (joint prokg CN 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscerium concentrate, 60% cerium oxide df12f8f5-a x (joint prokg CN 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsneodymium oxide 361e78e0- x (joint prokg CN 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalspraseodymium oxide e1126956-dx (joint prokg CN 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssamarium europium gadolinium concentr3a9b33f8-dx (joint prokg CN 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsrare earth concentrate, 70% REO, from d85221ba-1x kg CN 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresrape seed, Swiss integrated production 44519c79-bx kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsrape seed, Swiss integrated production 44519c79-bx kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsrape seed, organic, for sowing bf56bcc1-ax kg CH 164 Seed processing for propagationrape seed, organic 80df7587-0x kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsrape seed, for sowing 7f28aedf-8x kg CH 164 Seed processing for propagationrape seed cb09bcae-bx kg DE 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminousrape seed cb09bcae-bx kg DE 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsrape seed cb09bcae-bx kg FR 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsrape seed cb09bcae-bx kg US 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsrape meal 3719fbf0-0ae5-4e1d-9kg CH 1040 Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fatsrape oil, crude 1ef8a081-fx kg CH 1040 Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fatsrape meal 3719fbf0-0ae5-4e1d-9kg RER 1040 ManufactureEurope without Switzerlandrape oil, crude 1ef8a081-fx kg RER 1040 ManufactureEurope without Switzerlandrailway track maintenance and land use,bbbfbf6b-9x ma DE 5221 Service activities incidental to land transporrailway track maintenance and land us 0a2a327e- x ma CH 5221 Service activities incidental to land transportrailway track, for high-speed train e793625e-3x ma DE 4210 Construction of roads and railwaysrailway track cb388ab7-cx ma CH 4210 Construction of roads and railwaysquicklime, milled, packed 2a478bad-9x kg CH 2394 Manufacture of cement, lime and plasterquicklime, milled, loose d76a43a4- x kg CH 2394 Manufacture of cement, lime and plasterquicklime, in pieces, loose e79575a7- x kg CH 2394 Manufacture of cement, lime and plasterpyridine-compound f4141823-5x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productspyridazine-compound, supply mix 329b4ff6-3x kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochpyridazine-compound fd71fda7-6x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productspyrethroid-compound, supply mix 7e479f05-2x kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochpyrethroid-compound 2552d148-5x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productspurified terephthalic acid d479404a-x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsphosphoric acid, industrial grade, withof4feb7e2-1x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalspump station c76478d2-3x unit CH 4220 Construction of utility projectspump, 40W c5a44929- x unit CH 2812 Manufacture of fluid power equipmentpumice c20abae4- x kg DE 810 Quarrying of stone, sand and claypulverised lignite 206eb3c4- x MJ DE 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productspulp factory aef9a6fa-5x unit RER 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsprotein pea, feed, Swiss integrated pro 06affe58-ex kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsprotein pea, Swiss integrated productio510a8fef-7x kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsprotein pea, organic fa8fdaec-6 x kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsprotein pea 0dab73c6- x kg DE 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seeds

protein pea 0dab73c6- x kg ES 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsprotein pea 0dab73c6- x kg FR 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsprosulfocarb 72d94cff-dx kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productspropylene, pipeline system 359d6943-x kg RER 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productspropylene b658a402-7x kg RER 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productspropylene oxide, liquid fc5128d5-4x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalspropylene glycol, liquid dc1ed0ff-f x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalspropanal ffcacf17-6 x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalspropachlor, supply mix 9bf34af9-9x kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochpropachlor 01b7131e-bx kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochprocess-specific burdens, slag landfill 092689fc-3x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteprocess-specific burdens, residual materi0efdaa40-1x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposal of hazardous wasteprocess-specific burdens, municipal wasc6dd4cd2-cx kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteprocess-specific burdens, hazardous was1d2e10bf-8x kg CH 3822 Treatment and disposal of hazardous wasteprocess-specific burdens, inert material 34e08b94-x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteprocess-specific burden, sanitary landfil4a2aeb6d- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wastecopper telluride cement 9aef0ec3-6x kg GLO 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalssilver 9a7e6cdc-79c0-4872- kg GLO 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsprinting ink, rotogravure, without solve 3368a0a2-0x kg RER 2022 Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and masticsprinting ink, offset, without solvent, in 13f4bda2-1x kg RER 2022 Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and masticsprinter, laser, colour 3cadb0c2-4x unit GLO 2620 Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipmentprinter, laser, black/white ec993957-9x unit GLO 2620 Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipmentprinted wiring board, through-hole mou2597788b-x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and printed wiring board, surface mounted,7450b40a-ax kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and printed wiring board, production mix d51c300b- x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and printed wiring board, mounted mainboafc520186-cx kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and printed wiring board, mounted mainboaf6b2cdd4- x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and printed wiring board, for through-hole d1746de7-x m2 GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and printed wiring board, for surface mounte9a08611-bx m2 GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and printed wiring board, for power supply dca654ff-4 x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and printed wiring board, through-hole moun2b8a9ea3-5x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsprinted wiring board, through-hole moun40521328-bx kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsprinted wiring board, surface mounted, 8598208b-x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsprinted wiring board, surface mounted, b2fa2d26-3x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsprinted wiring board, mounted mainboar0bd87d38-x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsprinted wiring board, mounted mainboar01754257-x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsprinted wiring board, mounted mainboa15c3e723-ax kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsprinted wiring board, mounted mainboa4550dc89- x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsprinted wiring board, for through-hole cf11031f-4x m2 GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsprinted wiring board, for through-hole 5ad2c6c9-1x m2 GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsprinted wiring board, for surface mounti65cf8186-2x m2 GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsprinted wiring board, for surface mount283b675b-2x m2 GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsprinted wiring board, for power supply c8e0343b- x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsprinted wiring board, for power supply 1753f592-1x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsprinted wiring board mounting facility, 1420606e-x unit GLO 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsprinted wiring board mounting facility, 61627325-4x unit GLO 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsprinted wiring board mounting facility 4fe1df48-3x unit GLO 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectszinc dae5718b-cx kg GLO 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsindium rich leaching residues, from zin 78acb00f-79bf-486e- kg GLO 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalscadmium sludge from zinc electrolysis 27299f2c-5571-422a- kg GLO 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalscrust from Parkes process for lead prodb1489e93-5758-49fb- kg GLO 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalslead for stockpiling 237b35c6-69e1-49c4-kg GLO 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsprecious metal refinery a56c49fd-0x unit SE 4100a construction of factory buildings for the metal industrypower supply unit, for desktop compute1f2c710e-6x unit CN 2710 Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatuspower sawing, without catalytic convert8578a99c-ex h RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodpower sawing, with catalytic converter 472aa122-5x h RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodpower saw, without catalytic converter 99e47244-x unit RER 2818 Manufacture of power-driven hand toolspower saw, with catalytic converter 3018d5b5-x unit RER 2818 Manufacture of power-driven hand toolspower adapter, for laptop fc5ea80c-8x unit GLO 2710 Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatuspowder coat, steel d187adaf-ax m2 RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningpowder coat, aluminium sheet 95dec2c2- x m2 RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningpotentiometer, unspecified dc1f2d8a-5x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardspotato starch 463fad24- x kg DE 1062 Manufacture of starches and starch productspotato seed, Swiss integrated production5368a408-6x kg CH 164 Seed processing for propagationpotato seed, Swiss integrated productio4ca0a33b-7x kg CH 113 Growing of vegetables and melons, roots and tuberspotato seed, organic, for setting 994082a3-1x kg CH 164 Seed processing for propagationpotato seed, organic, at farm dc36f6d4- x kg CH 113 Growing of vegetables and melons, roots and tuberspotato, Swiss integrated production 308b5159-x kg CH 113 Growing of vegetables and melons, roots and tuberspotato, organic 77e10ba2-dx kg CH 113 Growing of vegetables and melons, roots and tuberspotato 155158d0-dx kg US 113 Growing of vegetables and melons, roots and tuberspotato planting 1933bbc7-2x ha CH 161 Support activities for crop productionpotato haulm cutting c17bc9a6-7x ha CH 161 Support activities for crop productionpotato grading cfc197ab-2x kg CH 163 Post-harvest crop activitiespotassium sulfate, as K2O db8488c0-ax kg RER 2012 Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundspotassium perchlorate 0c16d27e- x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicals

potassium nitrate 2f6880f1-dx kg RER 2012 Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsnitrogen fertiliser, as N f5707bdf-f7e2-479b- kg RER 2012 Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundspotassium hydroxide 56190f78-7x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalspotassium chloride, as K2O f9c6e4e7-ex kg RER 2012 Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundspotassium carbonate b1508998-ax kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsportafer ebac5860-dx kg RER 710 Mining of iron oresportachrom b01d21a0-x kg RER 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresport maintenance and land use 3d2533c0-9x unit RER 5222 Service activities incidental to water transpoport facilities e9e0a5ae- x unit RER 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectspoor concrete 3c729202-2x m3 CH 2395 Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterpolyvinylidenchloride, granulate f891d553-fx kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formspolyvinylfluoride, film 6534b875-x kg US 2220 Manufacture of plastics productspolyvinylfluoride, dispersion 09e83e96- x kg US 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formspolyvinylfluoride 3b2a8b24-0x kg US 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formspolyvinylchloride, production mix 2f7d0dce-4x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubberpolyvinylchloride, suspension polymeri e69cca3a-6x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formspolyvinylchloride, emulsion polymerise fd45a910- x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formspolyvinylchloride, bulk polymerised 1768722c-0x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formspolyurethane, rigid foam 47e8f15f-6x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formspolyurethane, flexible foam ff002d3b-bx kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formspolysulfide, sealing compound 3d0a8c4e-ax kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formspolystyrene, high impact 14a9fc00-5x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formspolystyrene, general purpose a71a3671- x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formspolystyrene, extruded, production mix 7f654d7d- x kg RER 2219 Manufacture of other rubber productspolystyrene, extruded 0930efae-dx kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formspolystyrene, extruded 0930efae-dx kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formspolystyrene, extruded 0930efae-dx kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formspolystyrene, expandable 5c21b18e- x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formspolystyrene foam slab 5806d08f- x kg CH 2220 Manufacture of plastics productspolystyrene foam slab 5806d08f- x kg CH 2220 Manufacture of plastics productspolystyrene foam slab 5806d08f- x kg RER 2220 Manufacture of plastics productspolypropylene, granulate 66ca2f38-5x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formspolyphenylene sulfide c3416676- x kg GLO 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formspolyol 9be88de4- x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formspolymethyl methacrylate, sheet f8257971-fx kg RER 2220 Manufacture of plastics productspolymethyl methacrylate, beads 2c48066b-6x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formspolymer foaming e6c4c508-fx kg RER 2220 Manufacture of plastics productspolylactide, granulate 34a3b6f1-6x kg GLO 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formspolyethylene terephthalate, granulate, 19bacec1-ax kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formspolyethylene terephthalate, granulate d585421f-ax kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formspolyethylene, low density, granulate 947a85fa-1x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formspolyethylene, linear low density, granulff4734a5-ax kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formspolyethylene, high density, granulate b685192a-x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formspolyethylene pipe, DN 200, SDR 41 692bfb68- x m RER 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machinerypolyethylene pipe, corrugated, DN 75 84c43f30-3x m RER 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machinerypolyester-complexed starch biopolymerff36e6af-a x kg RER 1062 Manufacture of starches and starch productspolyester resin, unsaturated 4bf60736-bx kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formspolycarboxylates, 40% active substanc 3e859b49-2x kg RER 2023 Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationspolycarbonate e0d6f217- x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formspolybutadiene d6ec2fa7-9x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formspolarizer, liquid crystals and colour filteea568ca7-8x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardspolar fleece production, energy use onl1f54e81e- x kg RER 1399 Manufacture of other textiles n.e.c.pointing device, optical mouse, with ca c19cb6b8-dx unit GLO 2620 Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipmentresidual wood, dry 019600be-f3ce-4399- m3 RER 1621 Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsplywood, for outdoor use 4cfc5345- x m3 RER 1621 Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsresidual wood, dry 019600be-f3ce-4399- m3 RER 1621 Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsplywood, for indoor use 5f0a7d15-4x m3 RER 1621 Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsplug, inlet and outlet, for printer cable d52287cc-5x unit GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsplug, inlet and outlet, for network cable7bb73649-4x unit GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsplug, inlet and outlet, for computer cabb15da1e4- x unit GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardscopper fbb039f7-f9cc-46d2- kg ZA 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresnickel, 99.5% 23fccced-e1e5-421d- kg ZA 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal orespalladium 1d6a1b9e-c272-48f9- kg ZA 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresplatinum f81a0beb-c567-4e68- kg ZA 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresrhodium 4cfe813a-bx kg ZA 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal orescopper fbb039f7-f9cc-46d2- kg RU 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresnickel, 99.5% 23fccced-e1e5-421d- kg RU 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal orespalladium 1d6a1b9e- x kg RU 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresplatinum f81a0beb-c567-4e68- kg RU 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresrhodium 4cfe813a-b653-4fce-bkg RU 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresplastic processing factory 6a73e410-bx unit RER 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsplaster mixing 872b2b1c- x kg CH 2394 Manufacture of cement, lime and plasterplanting 56945618-x ha CH 161 Support activities for crop productionplant growth regulator, production mix 940ff8fe-f x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochplanning, heat and power co-generatione9390e9e-2x unit RER 7110 Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy

planning, cogen unit mini CHP plant 0d92ed61-8x unit CH 7110 Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancyresidual wood, dry 019600be-f3ce-4399- m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodsawnwood, softwood, kiln dried, planed9d7bbcc8-6x m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodresidual wood, dry 019600be-f3ce-4399- m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodsawnwood, softwood, air dried, planed 2669baa0-cx m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodresidual wood, dry 019600be-f3ce-4399- m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodsawnwood, hardwood, kiln dried, plane 96ca17ef-cx m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodresidual wood, dry 019600be-f3ce-4399- m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodsawnwood, hardwood, air / kiln dried, p4f37e12c-0x m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodplaning mill 0bf862ad-3x unit RER 2822 Manufacture of metal-forming machinery and machine toolspitch despergents, in paper production f932591b- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalspipeline, petroleum, offshore 7eb2252c-3x km OCE 4220 ConstructionGLOpipeline, petroleum e45a29f8-3x km RER 4220 Construction of utility projectspipeline, natural gas, low pressure dist 5f5a720f-dx km CH 4220 Construction of utility projectspipeline, natural gas, long distance, lo 24e0c6bd-fx km GLO 4220 Construction of utility projectspipeline, natural gas, long distance, hi a38bc59d-7x km GLO 4220 Construction of utility projectspipeline, natural gas, long distance, hig307d6449-x km GLO 4220 Construction of utility projectspipeline, natural gas, high pressure dis e35c5939- x km CH 4220 Construction of utility projectspipeline, natural gas, high pressure dis e35c5939- x km RER 4220 ConstructionEurope without Switzerlandpigment, for paper production, product 99e297f5-0x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalspig iron a636ed9e-fx kg GLO 2410 Manufacture of basic iron and steelphthalimide-compound, supply mix fe08226c-bx kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochphthalimide-compound 4529a299-0x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsphthalic anhydride aa3de575- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsphotovoltaic plant, electric installatio ca439928-3x unit CH 4321 Electrical installationphotovoltaic slanted-roof installation, 845b9f66-4x unit CH 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsphotovoltaic slanted-roof installation, 3 0d4b2b9d-x unit CH 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsphotovoltaic slanted-roof installation, 404ec799- x unit CH 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsphotovoltaic slanted-roof installation, d262464c- x unit CH 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsphotovoltaic slanted-roof installation, df39a019-cx unit CH 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsphotovoltaic slanted-roof installation, 3 1f071fe9-5x unit CH 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsphotovoltaic slanted-roof installation, 39a36901-8x unit CH 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsphotovoltaic slanted-roof installation, 0b25c2b3-9x unit CH 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsphotovoltaic slanted-roof installation, 837d51ac- x unit CH 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsphotovoltaic slanted-roof installation, 63e906ac- x unit CH 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsphotovoltaic panel, single-Si wafer 98556c18- x m2 RER 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsphotovoltaic panel, ribbon-Si 59086abb-x m2 RER 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsphotovoltaic panel, multi-Si wafer 09df7ca2-dx m2 RER 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsphotovoltaic panel, CIS f31d1245-8x m2 DE 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsphotovoltaic panel, a-Si 475bbaab- x m2 US 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsphotovoltaic panel factory 70dc5ba7-2x unit GLO 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsphotovoltaic mounting system, for slantea873567a- x m2 RER 4390 Other specialized construction activitiesphotovoltaic mounting system, for flat-r86e5e95e-fx m2 RER 4390 Other specialized construction activitiesphotovoltaic mounting system, for facadf1ee225e-ax m2 RER 4390 Other specialized construction activitiesphotovoltaic module, building-integrated66f18588-4x m2 RER 4390 Other specialized construction activitiesphotovoltaic module, building-integrated3cebe0c0-fx m2 RER 4390 Other specialized construction activitiesphotovoltaic laminate, single-Si wafer 3b6460f4-6x m2 RER 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsphotovoltaic laminate, ribbon-Si 2ea2d6fc-4x m2 RER 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsphotovoltaic laminate, multi-Si wafer 855dbb71-x m2 RER 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsphotovoltaic laminate, CIS 97ee3bfa-7x m2 DE 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsphotovoltaic laminate, CdTe 40789064-ax m2 US 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsphotovoltaic laminate, CdTe 40789064-ax m2 DE 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsphotovoltaic laminate, a-Si 8eef05bd-9x m2 US 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsphotovoltaic flat-roof installation, 3kWp,94e76ec7-dx unit CH 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsphotovoltaic flat-roof installation, 3kWp,81bc88fb-1x unit CH 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsphotovoltaic facade installation, 3kWp, 5a8da568-6x unit CH 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsphotovoltaic facade installation, 3kWp, 09c949e6- x unit CH 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsphotovoltaic facade installation, 3kWp, 8f4ffa67-3 x unit CH 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsphotovoltaic facade installation, 3kWp, 7848da46-x unit CH 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsphotovoltaic cell, single-Si wafer 93880249-x m2 RER 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsphotovoltaic cell, ribbon-Si 1c4115fb- x m2 RER 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsphotovoltaic cell, multi-Si wafer e856bce7-2x m2 RER 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsphotovoltaic cell factory 33c391ff-0x unit DE 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsphosphoryl chloride ad8702ec-cx kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsphosphorus, white, liquid 228ed64c-ex kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsphosphorus pentachloride b2a4e23e-4x kg CN 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsphosphorous chloride 1b0de015-x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsfluosilicic acid, without water, in 22% s ce902a7a-1156-48eb-kg MA 2012 Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsphosphoric acid, fertiliser grade, withou319ab25e-8x kg MA 2012 Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsfluosilicic acid, without water, in 22% s ce902a7a-1156-48eb-kg US 2012 Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsphosphoric acid, fertiliser grade, withou319ab25e-8x kg US 2012 Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsphosphoric acid factory, fertiliser grade6abd94ee- x unit US 4100 Construction of buildingsphosphate rock, as P2O5, beneficiated,5af6e77b- x kg US 891 Mining of chemical and fertilizer mineralsphosphate rock, as P2O5, beneficiated,6dc5955e-ex kg MA 891 Mining of chemical and fertilizer mineralsphosphane 55c9955a- x kg GLO 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products

phosgene, liquid a130dd45-x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsphenoxy-compound, supply mix ed9d7977-bx kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochphenoxy-compound 9f2fdfd0-e x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsphenolic resin 0d84cdfe-bx kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsphenol 55b66789-x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalspetroleum, long distance transport fro 229848b6-x kg RER 610 Extraction of crude petroleumpetroleum, long distance transport fro 4f44491e- x kg RER 610 Extraction Europe without Switzerlandpetroleum, long distance transport fro 4f44491e- x kg CH 610 Extraction of crude petroleumpetroleum, long distance transport fro 1cec2134-1x kg RER 610 Extraction of crude petroleumpetroleum, long distance transport fro 01ec10d4-9x kg RER 610 Extraction Europe without Switzerlandpetroleum, long distance transport fro 01ec10d4-9x kg CH 610 Extraction of crude petroleumpetroleum, long distance transport fro 4589e0a2-0x kg RER 610 Extraction of crude petroleumpetroleum, long distance transport fro 53e59059-x kg RER 610 Extraction of crude petroleumpetroleum, long distance transport fro 44fdc834-9x kg RER 610 Extraction Europe without Switzerlandpetroleum, long distance transport fro 44fdc834-9x kg CH 610 Extraction of crude petroleumpetroleum, long distance transport fro a886c878-9x kg RER 610 Extraction of crude petroleumrefinery sulfur 008d4c00-6bc7-4e8e-kg CH 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productspitch e7a17355- x (variable)kg CH 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productsdiesel 291fc06d- x (variable)kg CH 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productsheavy fuel oil 2966d161-x (variable)kg CH 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productskerosene 3990b197-x (variable)kg CH 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productslight fuel oil b89dadb0-7x (variable)kg CH 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productsnaphtha 27a3ac7b-ex (variable)kg CH 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productspetrol, unleaded e180c07f-f x (variable)kg CH 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productsliquefied petroleum gas 9d447e1a-ax (variable)kg CH 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productsrefinery gas 6d423844-bec8-46c9-kg CH 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productselectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh CH 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productsrefinery sulfur 008d4c00-6bc7-4e8e-kg RER 1920 ManufactureEurope without Switzerlandpitch e7a17355- x (variable)kg RER 1920 ManufactureEurope without Switzerlanddiesel 291fc06d- x (variable)kg RER 1920 ManufactureEurope without Switzerlandheavy fuel oil 2966d161-x (variable)kg RER 1920 ManufactureEurope without Switzerlandkerosene 3990b197-x (variable)kg RER 1920 ManufactureEurope without Switzerlandlight fuel oil b89dadb0-7x (variable)kg RER 1920 ManufactureEurope without Switzerlandnaphtha 27a3ac7b-ex (variable)kg RER 1920 ManufactureEurope without Switzerlandpetrol, unleaded e180c07f-f x (variable)kg RER 1920 ManufactureEurope without Switzerlandpetroleum coke eb6b5a9a-c482-4c75-kg RER 1920 ManufactureEurope without Switzerlandliquefied petroleum gas 9d447e1a-ax (variable)kg RER 1920 ManufactureEurope without Switzerlandrefinery gas 6d423844-bec8-46c9-kg RER 1920 ManufactureEurope without Switzerlandelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh RER 1920 ManufactureEurope without Switzerlandpetroleum refinery 16c82be7-ax unit RER 4290a Construction of infrastructure for petroleum refining and distributionpetroleum e6aad2de- x kg RME 610 Extraction of crude petroleumpetroleum e6aad2de- x kg RU 610 Extraction of crude petroleumpetroleum e6aad2de- x kg RAF 610 Extraction of crude petroleumpetroleum combustion, in drilling tests 7c65ea22- x kg GLO 610 Extraction of crude petroleumnatural gas, high pressure a9007f10-7x Nm3 NL 610 Extraction of crude petroleumpetroleum e6aad2de-0b1b-49c3-kg NL 610 Extraction of crude petroleumnatural gas, high pressure a9007f10-7e39-4d50- Nm3 NG 610 Extraction of crude petroleumpetroleum e6aad2de- x kg NG 610 Extraction of crude petroleumnatural gas, high pressure a9007f10-7e39-4d50- Nm3 NO 610 Extraction of crude petroleumpetroleum e6aad2de- x kg NO 610 Extraction of crude petroleumnatural gas, high pressure a9007f10-7x Nm3 NL 610 Extraction of crude petroleumpetroleum e6aad2de-0b1b-49c3-kg NL 610 Extraction of crude petroleumnatural gas, high pressure a9007f10-7x Nm3 GB 610 Extraction of crude petroleumpetroleum e6aad2de-0b1b-49c3-kg GB 610 Extraction of crude petroleumpetrol, low-sulfur 894c4486-ex kg CH 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productspetrol, low-sulfur 894c4486-ex kg RER 1920 ManufactureEurope without Switzerlandpetrol, 85% ethanol by volume from bi 2a49f01f-1x kg CH 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productspetrol, 85% ethanol by volume from bi 2a49f01f-1x kg CH 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productspetrol, 5% ethanol by volume from bio 7805ee60- x kg CH 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productspetrol, 4% ETBE additive by volume, wi55e9ffc8-2 x kg RER 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productspetrol, 15% ETBE additive by volume, w7b0f3487-1x kg RER 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productspetrol, two-stroke blend b6f623c7- x kg CH 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productspetrol, two-stroke blend b6f623c7- x kg RER 1920 ManufactureEurope without Switzerlandpesticide, unspecified, supply mix ada0921a-fx kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochpesticide, unspecified fb76d2b4-1x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsperlite 1f1eca90-dx kg DE 810 Quarrying of stone, sand and claypentane a300dfb2-4x kg RER 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productspentaerythritol 3226b077-x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssodium formate c38bc109-9347-463e-kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalspendimethalin fbf87b1b-6x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productspeat, burned in power plant 8bc587a8- x MJ NORDEL 3510 Electric power generatpeat ecec59b7-3x kg NORDEL 892 Extraction of peatpea seed, organic, for sowing f0347014- x kg CH 164 Seed processing for propagationpea seed, for sowing fbf29074-bx kg CH 164 Seed processing for propagationpassenger car, electric, 312 kg Li-ion b 57b87ee1-ax unit RER 2910 Manufacture of motor vehicles

passenger car, electric, 100 kg Li-ion b 9b6b375d-x unit RER 2910 Manufacture of motor vehiclespassenger car, diesel, EURO5, 550 kg k3f60971b-9x unit RER 2910 Manufacture of motor vehiclespassenger car, 1240 kg kerb weight 26ecaf3d-4x unit RER 2910 Manufacture of motor vehiclesparticle board, for outdoor use d03b650a-x m3 RER 1621 Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsparticle board, for indoor use 8a963b7c- x m3 RER 1621 Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsparticle board, cement bonded f0994392-5x m3 RER 1621 Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsparathion, supply mix e6e3e617- x kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochparathion ae8441d3-9x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochparaná pine, CO2-removal and land usee9d749b8-9x m3 BR 210 Silviculture and other forestry activitiesparaná pine, allocation correction 2 b25e61e0-cx m3 GLO 210 Silviculture and other forestry activitiesparaná pine, allocation correction 1 63a09566-x m3 GLO 210 Silviculture and other forestry activitiesparaffin cf82552d-9x kg RER 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productspaper, woodfree, uncoated 198f9bb6-4x kg RER 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardpaper, woodfree, uncoated 198f9bb6-4x kg RER 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardpaper, woodfree, coated 931288b5-8x kg RER 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardpaper, woodfree, coated 931288b5-8x kg RER 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardpaper, woodcontaining, supercalendredd67dd10d-x kg RER 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardpaper, woodcontaining, lightweight coaaf9fc27e-0 x kg RER 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardpaper, newsprint 4495d57c- x kg RER 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardpaper, newsprint 4495d57c-84f9-48e3- kg CH 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardpaper, newsprint 4495d57c-84f9-48e3- kg RER 1701 ManufacturEurope without Switzerlandpaper mill, non-integrated 0d3c67a6- x unit RER 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectspaper mill, integrated 76730140-x unit RER 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectspaper machine 9c67682b-fx unit RER 2829 Manufacture of other special-purpose machinerypanel glass, for cathode ray tube displa0ca3ff6f-4 x kg GLO 2310 Manufacture of glass and glass productspalm kernel oil, crude adad6cb6-eef9-4869- kg MY 1040 Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fatspalm oil, crude 17e163ef-4x kg MY 1040 Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fatspalm kernel meal 6e4b5116-b180-45f9- kg MY 1040 Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fatspalm fruit bunch 6dc2a920- x kg MY 126 Growing of oleaginous fruitspacking, lime product 7c2f8db1-1x kg CH 8292 Packaging activitiespacking, fibre cement product 8691615f-9x kg CH 8292 Packaging activitiespacking, clay product 1576e293-x kg CH 8292 Packaging activitiespacking, cement 620a1f8e-8x kg CH 8292 Packaging activitiespackaging glass sorting facility b9dfeb7a-9x unit RER 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectspackaging glass, white c3fd9530- x kg CH 2310 Manufacture of glass and glass productspackaging glass, white c3fd9530- x kg DE 2310 Manufacture of glass and glass productspackaging glass, white c3fd9530- x kg RER 2310 ManufactureRER w/o CH+DEpackaging glass, green 44ab3c7a- x kg CH 2310 Manufacture of glass and glass productspackaging glass, green 44ab3c7a- x kg DE 2310 Manufacture of glass and glass productspackaging glass, green 44ab3c7a- x kg RER 2310 ManufactureRER w/o CH+DEpackaging glass, brown af6ea19f-bx kg CH 2310 Manufacture of glass and glass productspackaging glass, brown af6ea19f-bx kg DE 2310 Manufacture of glass and glass productspackaging glass, brown af6ea19f-bx kg RER 2310 ManufactureRER w/o CH+DEpackaging glass factory 278fc668-2x unit RER 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectspackaging film, low density polyethylen3ce1a817-4x kg RER 2220 Manufacture of plastics productspackaging box factory cc6a23f6-7x unit RER 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsozone, liquid c6152f98- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsformaldehyde ab2d6d49-x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssteam, in chemical industry bd20be8e-9b7a-4391-kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalspotassium permanganate 004f81b0- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalspotassium carbonate b1508998-ac7e-4921-kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsacetic acid, without water, in 98% solute36aa595-9x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsacetone, liquid 15e08bcb-75e0-4f45- kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsethyl acetate 1a71f77c-edaa-4365- kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsformic acid 118a9202-6b68-44aa-kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsmethyl acetate bd9f3f8b-c561-4604- kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsmethyl ethyl ketone 86e1bf02-e86a-479b- kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsoutside air intake, stainless steel, DN 3 ac4287ce-8x unit RER 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machineryoriented strand board 888353c6- x m3 RER 1621 Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsorganophosphorus-compound, unspecifibc880e82-bx kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochorganophosphorus-compound, unspecif0711bf2e-ax kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsorbencarb 9888cbd6- x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsoptical brighteners, for paper productio62d5ea7c- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530b Solar collectors operationheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530b Solar collectors operationheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530b Solar collectors operationheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530b Solar collectors operationoperation, printer, laser, colour, printin f6723994-fx h CH 8219 Photocopying, document preparation and otheroperation, printer, laser, colour, printin f6723994-fx h RER 8219 Photocopying, document preparation and otherprinted paper d86d6656-x kg CH 8219 Photocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activitiesprinted paper d86d6656-x kg RER 8219 PhotocopyinEurope without Switzerlandoperation, printer, laser, black/white, p 5d45fc40-3x h CH 8219 Photocopying, document preparation and otheroperation, printer, laser, black/white, p 5d45fc40-3x h RER 8219 Photocopying, document preparation and otherprinted paper d86d6656-x kg CH 8219 Photocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activitiesprinted paper d86d6656-x kg RER 8219 PhotocopyinEurope without Switzerland

operation, passenger car, electric, 100 4bf552aa-0x km CH 4922 Other passenger land transportoperation, liquid manure storage and prfcc7bd41-5x m3 CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteoperation, internet access equipment, labdffd820b-dx h CH 6110 Wired telecommunications activitiesoperation, internet access equipment f7115764-8x h CH 6110 Wired telecommunications activitiesoperation, housing system, pig, label-cer433dda9a-3x pig place CH 145 Raising of swine/pigsoperation, housing system, pig, fully-slae5edf2bc-ax pig place CH 145 Raising of swine/pigsoperation, housing system, cattle, tied, 729005c5-8x LU CH 141 Raising of cattle and buffaloesoperation, housing system, cattle, looseab75f8c2-4x LU CH 141 Raising of cattle and buffaloesoperation, dried roughage store, non ve2741f2b1-9x kg CH 163 Post-harvest crop activitiesoperation, dried roughage store, cold-ai2a88d06a- x kg CH 163 Post-harvest crop activitiesoperation, dried roughage store, air drie43edbd86-dx kg CH 163 Post-harvest crop activitiesoperation, computer, laptop, videoconfer8b4c7efb-ax h CH 6110 Wired telecommunications activitiesoperation, computer, laptop, videoconf ff7958eb-3x h CH 6110 Wired telecommunications activitiesoperation, computer, laptop, video mode,b3267d1c- x h CH 8219 Photocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activitiesoperation, computer, laptop, video mod1df9e7e1-ax h CH 8219 Photocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activitiesoperation, computer, laptop, standby/ c5e93711-0x h CH 8219 Photocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activitiesoperation, computer, laptop, standby/ c5e93711-0x h RER 8219 PhotocopyinEurope without Switzerlandoperation, computer, laptop, off mode 159ebab4-dx h CH 8219 Photocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activitiesoperation, computer, laptop, off mode 159ebab4-dx h RER 8219 PhotocopyinEurope without Switzerlandoperation, computer, laptop, active mo c2019cb4-7x h CH 8219 Photocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activitiesoperation, computer, laptop, active mo c2019cb4-7x h RER 8219 PhotocopyinEurope without Switzerlandoperation, computer, laptop, 68% active 65b4ca5d- x h CH 8219 Photocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activitiesoperation, computer, laptop, 68% active 5c2ac275- x h CH 8219 Photocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activitiesoperation, computer, laptop, 68% active2d180269-4x h CH 8219 Photocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activitiesoperation, computer, laptop, 68% activ 91ca277e-bx h CH 8219 Photocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activitiesoperation, computer, laptop, 23% activ 7d38f12e-ex h CH 8219 Photocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activitiesoperation, computer, laptop, 23% activ 7d38f12e-ex h RER 8219 PhotocopyinEurope without Switzerlandoperation, computer, desktop, with liqufbce5f8a-d x h CH 8219 Photocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activitiesoperation, computer, desktop, with liqufbce5f8a-d x h RER 8219 PhotocopyinEurope without Switzerlandoperation, computer, desktop, office us08b50381-cx h CH 8219 Photocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activitiesoperation, computer, desktop, office us08b50381-cx h RER 8219 PhotocopyinEurope without Switzerlandoperation, computer, desktop, with liquicf237b63-4x h CH 8219 Photocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activitiesoperation, computer, desktop, with liquicf237b63-4x h RER 8219 PhotocopyinEurope without Switzerlandoperation, computer, desktop, home us46f4775b-0x h CH 8219 Photocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activitiesoperation, computer, desktop, home us46f4775b-0x h RER 8219 PhotocopyinEurope without Switzerlandoperation, computer, desktop, with liqui89e97ec2-ex h CH 8219 Photocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activitiesoperation, computer, desktop, with liqui89e97ec2-ex h RER 8219 PhotocopyinEurope without Switzerlandoperation, computer, desktop, with cat fe6ef4d7-6x h CH 8219 Photocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activitiesoperation, computer, desktop, with cat fe6ef4d7-6x h RER 8219 PhotocopyinEurope without Switzerlandoperation, computer, desktop, office us08b50381-cx h CH 8219 Photocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activitiesoperation, computer, desktop, office us08b50381-cx h RER 8219 PhotocopyinEurope without Switzerlandoperation, computer, desktop, with cath479205fc-ex h CH 8219 Photocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activitiesoperation, computer, desktop, with cath479205fc-ex h RER 8219 PhotocopyinEurope without Switzerlandoperation, computer, desktop, home us46f4775b-0x h CH 8219 Photocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activitiesoperation, computer, desktop, home us46f4775b-0x h RER 8219 PhotocopyinEurope without Switzerlandoperation, computer, desktop, with cat 1b269b5c-9x h CH 8219 Photocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activitiesoperation, computer, desktop, with cat 1b269b5c-9x h RER 8219 PhotocopyinEurope without Switzerlandonshore well, oil/gas 02dfba07-7x m GLO 910 Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extractiononshore petroleum field infrastructure 9af7da3d- x unit GLO 910 Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extractiononshore natural gas field infrastructure50eda3e7- x unit GLO 620 Extraction of natural gasoil storage, 3000l 9eb12779-x unit CH 2512 Manufacture of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metaloil power plant, 500MW 9aecb33f-2x unit RER 4220b Construction of utility projects for electricity production, for liquid fuelsoil mill 3f7cf9ef-4 x unit CH 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsoil boiler, 10kW 5e60f8eb-ax unit CH 2815a Manufacture of furnaces and boilers for liquid fuelsoil boiler, 100kW 81080eb5-x unit CH 2815a Manufacture of furnaces and boilers for liquid fuelsoffshore well, oil/gas 3bce6a00-0x m OCE 910 Support actGLOoffshore platform, petroleum 3fed725e- x unit OCE 3011a ConstructioGLOoffshore platform, natural gas 10a3a0b8- x unit OCE 3011a ConstructioGLOnylon 6-6, glass-filled 6826a703-2x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsnylon 6-6 b167bcef-7x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsnylon 6, glass-filled 6af79823-cx kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsnylon 6 d16b5d3f- x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsnuclear waste storage, interim, for low 1e58575c- x unit CH 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsnuclear waste storage, interim, for high2e807730-x unit CH 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsnuclear waste storage, final repository 662f0acf-0 x unit CH 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsnuclear waste storage, final repository b953d2a9-x unit CH 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsnuclear spent fuel reprocessing facility f40a9f3c-c x unit RER 4100 Construction of buildingsnuclear spent fuel conditioning facility 6e18e1d7-3x unit CH 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsnuclear spent fuel conditioning facility 6e18e1d7-3x unit CN 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsnuclear power plant, pressure water r 14bf310d- x unit CH 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsnuclear power plant, pressure water r 14bf310d- x unit DE 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsnuclear power plant, pressure water r 14bf310d- x unit FR 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsnuclear power plant, pressure water r 14bf310d- x unit UCTE 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricitynuclear power plant, pressure water r 14bf310d- x unit US 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsnuclear power plant, pressure water r 14bf310d- x unit CN 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuels

nuclear power plant, boiling water rea ae530eaa- x unit CH 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsnuclear power plant, boiling water rea ae530eaa- x unit DE 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsnuclear power plant, boiling water rea ae530eaa- x unit UCTE 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricitynuclear power plant, boiling water rea ae530eaa- x unit US 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsnuclear fuel factory 318fcdc0-6x unit GLO 4100 Construction of buildingsnuclear fuel factory 318fcdc0-6x unit US 4100 Construction of buildingsnuclear fuel factory 318fcdc0-6x unit CN 4100 Construction of buildingsnuclear fuel element, for pressure wat c44ed73c-3x kg CH 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsnuclear fuel element, for pressure wat 2a03306d-x kg CH 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsnuclear fuel element, for pressure wat eb9320da-bx kg DE 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsnuclear fuel element, for pressure wat 90157bc6-ex kg UCTE 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsnuclear fuel element, for pressure wat f6ba241a-2x kg FR 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsnuclear fuel element, for boiling wate a2883a53- x kg DE 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsnuclear fuel element, for boiling wate a2883a53- x kg UCTE 2011a ManufactureUCTE without Germanynon-ferrous metal smelter 22349afc-bx unit GLO 2823 Manufacture of machinery for metallurgyn-olefins 0e99b6e3- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsN-methyl-2-pyrrolidone 5625ac3e- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsnitro-compound, supply mix 976f6410-bx kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochnitro-compound d442b624-x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsnitrobenzene 8c7dd9ee-4x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsnitrile-compound, supply mix 29c7027d-dx kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochnitrile-compound 3ab1ad80- x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsnitric acid, without water, in 50% soluti 68db7412-x kg RER 2012 manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundscopper fbb039f7-f9cc-46d2- kg GLO 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsnickel, 99.5% 23fccced-ex kg GLO 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsnatural stone plate, polished fa18a7ed-8x kg CH 2396 Cutting, shaping and finishing of stonenatural stone plate, grounded 2a609c28- x kg CH 2396 Cutting, shaping and finishing of stonenatural stone plate, cut 830c9ca4-7x kg CH 2396 Cutting, shaping and finishing of stonenatural gas, RU, supply mix d1ea22f6-bx Nm3 RER 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous natural gas, NO, supply mix 28fcb5b4-ex Nm3 RER 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous natural gas, NL, supply mix d658e6db-2x Nm3 RER 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous natural gas, high pressure, supply mix 18e098f3-1x Nm3 CH 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous natural gas, high pressure, supply mix 18e098f3-1x Nm3 RER 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous natural gas, GB, supply mix a402a50b- x Nm3 RER 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous natural gas, from medium pressure netwo485b4fc4-9x kg CH 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mainsnatural gas, from low pressure network (11ff8303-7x kg CH 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mainsnatural gas, from high pressure network f56d1311-8x kg CH 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mainsnatural gas, DZ, supply mix b10c3bb3-0x Nm3 RER 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous natural gas, DE, supply mix 8a28a665- x Nm3 RER 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous heat, future 6e7624f7-2x MJ CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-8d64-4915-kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionheat, future 6e7624f7-2x MJ CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-8d64-4915-kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionnatural gas, burned in power plant bdc60363-bx MJ UCTE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and natural gas, burned in power plant bdc60363-bx MJ CENTREL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and natural gas, burned in power plant bdc60363-bx MJ NORDEL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and natural gas, burned in power plant bdc60363-bx MJ US 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and heat, future 6e7624f7-2x MJ CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-8d64-4915-kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-8d64-4915-kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, natural gasb3c58f5d-5x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-8d64-4915-kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, natural gasb3c58f5d-5x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplynatural gas, burned in mini CHP plant 3c4e62d2-5x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, natural gasb3c58f5d-5x MJ CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-8d64-4915-kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x MJ DZ 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x MJ DE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x MJ RU 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x MJ NO 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x MJ NL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x MJ UCTE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and natural gas, burned in gas motor, for s f641be92-9x MJ GLO 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionnatural gas, burned in gas motor, for s f641be92-9x MJ DZ 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionnatural gas, burned in gas motor, for s f641be92-9x MJ DE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionnatural gas, burned in gas motor, for s f641be92-9x MJ RU 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionnatural gas, burned in gas motor, for s f641be92-9x MJ NO 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionnatural gas, burned in gas motor, for s f641be92-9x MJ NL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-8d64-4915-kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, natural gasb3c58f5d-5x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-8d64-4915-kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, natural gas 1125e767-x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplynatural gas, burned in cogen 50kWe le 402b5180-5x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, natural gas 1125e767-x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supply

electricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, natural gas 1125e767-x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplynatural gas, burned in cogen 500kWe l bbf9337f-1x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, natural gas 1125e767-x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, natural gas 1125e767-x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplynatural gas, burned in cogen 200kWe l d75dadba-2x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, natural gas 1125e767-x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh RER 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, natural gas 1125e767-x MJ RER 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, natural gas 1125e767-x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh RER 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, natural gas 1125e767-x MJ RER 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplynatural gas, burned in cogen 1MWe lea71571459-4x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplynatural gas, burned in cogen 1MWe lea71571459-4x MJ RER 3530 Steam and aEurope without Switzerlandelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-8d64-4915-kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, natural gasb3c58f5d-5x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-8d64-4915-kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, natural gasb3c58f5d-5x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-8d64-4915-kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, natural ga 7370867d-x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-8d64-4915-kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, natural ga 7370867d-x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplynatural gas, burned in cogen 160kWe 5f0bf240-4x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-8d64-4915-kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, natural ga 7370867d-x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-8d64-4915-kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, natural ga 7370867d-x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-8d64-4915-kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, natural ga 7370867d-x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-8d64-4915-kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, natural ga 7370867d-x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplynatural gas, burned in cogen 160kWe J c9a2dbe1-7x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplynatural gas, vented 24915790-x Nm3 GLO 610 Extraction of crude petroleumnatural gas service station 777f2fb7-3x unit CH 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsnatural gas, unprocessed, at extraction1138be18-2x m3 RNA 620 Extraction of natural gasnatural gas, liquefied 1570a766-fx Nm3 DZ 620 Extraction of natural gasnatural gas, high pressure a9007f10-7x Nm3 DZ 620 Extraction of natural gasnatural gas, high pressure a9007f10-7x Nm3 DE 620 Extraction of natural gasnatural gas, high pressure a9007f10-7x Nm3 RU 620 Extraction of natural gasnatural gas, high pressure a9007f10-7x Nm3 RNA 620 Extraction of natural gasnatural gas processing plant 4da7438b-1x unit GLO 620 Extraction of natural gasnapropamide 7184e4fa-4x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsnaphtha, APME mix 7d3f8b2f-ax kg RER 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productsN,N-dimethylformamide 16303e09-0x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsmunicipal waste incineration facility a0e53510-bx unit CH 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsmunicipal waste collection service by 2153705574-x tkm CH 3811 Collection of non-hazardous wastemulti-Si wafer, ribbon 055fef90-c x m2 RER 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsmulti-Si wafer 29ceec7a-ex m2 RER 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsmulching acbdd8f0-1x ha CH 161 Support activities for crop productionMOX fuel element, for light water react b1efaf6a-5x kg UCTE 2011a Manufacture of nuclear fuelsmowing, by rotary mower 479ce50b- x ha CH 161 Support activities for crop productionmowing, by motor mower 0157f851-9x ha CH 161 Support activities for crop productionmounting, through-hole technology, Pb-66084f92- x m2 GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsmounting, through-hole technology, Pb-aca66a0c- x m2 GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsmounting, surface mount technology, Pbca2b5076-fx m2 GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsmounting, surface mount technology, Pb7faf9733-7x m2 GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsmotor scooter, 50 cubic cm engine 93a276cb-cx unit RER 3091 Manufacture of motorcyclesnitrogen fertiliser, as N f5707bdf-f7e2-479b- kg RER 2012 Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsphosphate fertiliser, as P2O5 5321a299-0x kg RER 2012 Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsmolybdenum a9933f96-ax kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalscopper concentrate 0b4d69f9-6b39-4232-kg GLO 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresmolybdenite 759783e0-x kg GLO 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oreshexane 039d3944-x kg RER 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productsheptane 7933f397-3db0-4aa1- kg RER 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum products2,3-dimethylbutan a191a2a0-c238-407b-kg RER 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum products2-methylpentane 11290f67-05de-4e87- kg RER 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productsmethylcyclopentane 3acc9da7-359e-47d1-kg RER 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum products1,1-dimethylcyclopentane 41bae23f-237d-4ba6- kg RER 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productsmethylcyclohexane 6fca1ede-045a-4395- kg RER 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productsfraction 1 from naphtha separation 200b1a32-6da4-4afc- kg RER 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productsfraction 7 from naphtha separation 4cf8fef9-7874-49bc- kg RER 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum products

fraction 8 from naphtha separation 727655b9-e3e3-4420-kg RER 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productsammonium chloride e03dc076-23ea-4705-kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssoda ash, dense 278cf104-dx kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsmischmetal 474e7001-ax kg GLO 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsmini CHP plant, components for heat onbcdd52c5-3x unit CH 2811 Manufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle enginesmini CHP plant, components for electricf4ece674- x unit CH 2710 Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatusmini CHP plant, common components for5a9a709b- x unit CH 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsmine infrastructure, underground, uranb1434945-2x unit RNA 721 Mining of uranium and thorium oresmine infrastructure, open cast, uranium398a7f10-7x unit RNA 721 Mining of uranium and thorium oresmine infrastructure, open cast, peat 2950d93a-x unit NORDEL 892 Extraction of peatmine infrastructure, vermiculite 86d59436-x unit ZA 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsmine infrastructure, underground, non-7473b8ec-7x unit GLO 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsmine infrastructure, underground, hardcbb2faab-dx unit GLO 510 Mining of hard coalmine infrastructure, underground, hardcbb2faab-dx unit CN 510 Mining of hard coalmine infrastructure, phosphate rock ea514586- x unit US 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsmine infrastructure, phosphate rock ea514586- x unit MA 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsmine infrastructure, open cast, non-fer e39a7b45- x unit GLO 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsmine infrastructure, open cast, lignite 5b24ec04-1x unit RER 520 Mining of lignitemine infrastructure, open cast, hard coa6895b410-8x unit GLO 510 Mining of hard coalmine infrastructure, iron f7f51963-f x unit GLO 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsmine infrastructure, gold-silver-zinc-le 8fe754b3-4x unit SE 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsmine infrastructure, gold and silver 450d9dd6-x unit PG 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsmine infrastructure, gold and silver 450d9dd6-x unit PE 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsmine infrastructure, gold and silver 450d9dd6-x unit CL 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsmine infrastructure, gold 515dd20c-cx unit CA 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsmine infrastructure, gold 515dd20c-cx unit US 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsmine infrastructure, gold 515dd20c-cx unit ZA 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsmine infrastructure, gold 515dd20c-cx unit TZ 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsmine infrastructure, gold 515dd20c-cx unit AU 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsmine infrastructure, bauxite 78b09546-7x unit GLO 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsmilking parlour e0224dd5-ax unit CH 4100 Construction of buildingsmilking 83b9ad6d-x kg CH 162 Support activities for animal productionmicro gas turbine, 100kW electrical 93694de8-5x unit CH 2811 Manufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle enginesmetolachlor, supply mix f5295e62- x kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochmetolachlor 6fd2896a-5x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsmethylene diphenyl diisocyanate 2ad4ce24- x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsmethylcyclohexane 6fca1ede-0x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsmethylchloride 07a9af51- x kg WEU 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsmethylamine d5b53970-1x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsmethyl-3-methoxypropionate 6a26760c- x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsmethyl tert-butyl ether e5ea965e- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsmethyl methacrylate 20683f58-5x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsmethyl formate 4c02e7e3-bx kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsmethyl ethyl ketone 86e1bf02- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsmethyl acrylate 815e3069-x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsmethanol, from biomass cd76f468-9x kg CH 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassmethanol 4a0b47d3-x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsmethanol factory e72d8476-3x unit GLO 4100 Construction of buildingsmethane, 96% by volume 3f14ad74-3x Nm3 CH 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mainsmethane, 96% by volume, from biogas, df713085-ex MJ CH 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mainsmethane, 96% by volume, from biogas, h62dbf772-8x MJ CH 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mainsmethane, 96% by volume, from biogas, a0ba6a2c-1x kg CH 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mainsmethane, 96% by volume, from biogas, f72798b31-ex kg CH 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mainsmethane, 96% by volume, from biogas, f3a35ef2d-9x kg CH 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mainsmethane, 96% by volume, from biogas, a85f478f6-1x kg CH 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous metamitron b47b9c9a-6x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsmetallization paste, front side 5deae761-bx kg RER 2029 Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.metallization paste, back side, alumini 23a54f87-5x kg RER 2029 Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.metallization paste, back side cbe1833b- x kg RER 2029 Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.metaldehyde 634aa463-5x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsmetal working, average for steel produ 79632c4b-fx kg RER 2590 Manufacture of other fabricated metal products; metalworking service activitiesmetal working, average for metal prod a95983e3-7x kg RER 2590 Manufacture of other fabricated metal products; metalworking service activitiesmetal working, average for copper pro ec161f58-ax kg RER 2590 Manufacture of other fabricated metal products; metalworking service activitiesmetal working, average for chromium sa5fc651b-3x kg RER 2590 Manufacture of other fabricated metal products; metalworking service activitiesmetal working, average for aluminium 8c3b8032-bx kg RER 2590 Manufacture of other fabricated metal products; metalworking service activitiesmetal working machine, unspecified 254f15c9-2x kg RER 2822 Manufacture of metal-forming machinery and machine toolsmetal working factory f5bfce90-c x unit RER 4100a construction of factory buildings for the metal industrymetal coating facility 88d505a1-x unit RER 4100a construction of factory buildings for the metal industrymercury ae88c1ea-ex kg GLO 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresmeranti, CO2-removal and land use 571ec59b-fx m3 MY 210 Silviculture and other forestry activitiesmelamine 29f1bd80-fx kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsmelamine formaldehyde resin 10d65b66-1x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsmedium density fibreboard 84ba8ece-cx m3 RER 1621 Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsmecoprop 1725bc7a-ax kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsmechanical treatment facility, waste el 5b8f9aa6-dx unit GLO 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projects

MCPA, supply mix 8ce3728b-7x kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochMCPA e17815da-5x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochmastic asphalt f2c644de-0x kg CH 2399 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.xenon, gaseous 74b0096e-x kg CH 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalswaste wood, untreated 6f2eb438- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wwaste vapour barrier, flame-retarded 9ccedb7d-2x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wastewaste sealing sheet, polyvinylchloride aa78f007-2x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wastewaste sealing sheet, polyethylene 171e53d3-3x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wwaste building wood, chrome preserve 580b6c42- x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wastewaste bitumen sheet b28cfd95-4x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasterape oil methyl ester (obsolete) 4bc66efe-f x kg CH 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassvegetable oil methyl ester, FR, at servicbbdbac29-1x kg CH 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassused printer, laser b20fc078-ax unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused printer, laser, colour 831eaaac- x unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused liquid crystal display 2d378afc-0x unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused Li-ion battery e3c4c750- x kg GLO 3830 Materials recoveryused laptop computer b335722e-fx unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused desktop computer 92dcaaae- x unit CH 3830 Materials recoveryused cathode ray tube display 6538944f-fx unit CH 3830 Materials recoverytitanium dioxide b419e26a-2x kg RER 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal orestetrachloroethylene abd02c30- x kg CH 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssoybean methyl ester, US, at service st 978dfad0-9x kg CH 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomasssoybean methyl ester, BR, at service st eded0dc1- x kg CH 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomasssodium sulfate, anhydrite 2cfef82e-c x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssilver 9a7e6cdc-7x kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other nonrhodium 4cfe813a-bx kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other nonrape oil, crude 1ef8a081-fx kg CH 1040 Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fatsrape methyl ester, production RER, at s504009b9-ax kg CH 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassplatinum f81a0beb-cx kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other nonphotovoltaic laminate, CdTe 40789064-ax m2 RER 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and phosphoric acid, fertiliser grade, withou319ab25e-8x kg GLO 2012 Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundspetrol, unleaded e180c07f-f x kg CH 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productspetrol, unleaded e180c07f-f x kg RER 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productspetrol, low-sulfur 894c4486-ex kg CH 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productspetrol, low-sulfur 894c4486-ex kg RER 1920 ManufactureEurope without Switzerlandpetrol, 4% ETBE additive by volume, wi55e9ffc8-2 x kg CH 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productspetrol, 15% ETBE additive by volume, w7b0f3487-1x kg CH 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productspaper, woodfree, uncoated 198f9bb6-4x kg RER 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardpaper, woodfree, uncoated 198f9bb6-4x kg CH 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardpaper, woodfree, coated 931288b5-8x kg RER 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardpaper, woodfree, coated 931288b5-8x kg CH 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardpaper, wood-containing, supercalendre f92ea3e4-cx kg RER 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardpaper, wood-containing, supercalendre f92ea3e4-cx kg CH 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardpaper, woodcontaining, lightweight coaaf9fc27e-0 x kg RER 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardpaper, woodcontaining, lightweight coaaf9fc27e-0 x kg CH 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardpaper, newsprint 4495d57c- x kg CH 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardpaper, newsprint 4495d57c- x kg RER 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardvegetable oil methyl ester 4bc66efe-f x kg CH 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomasspalladium 1d6a1b9e- x kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other nonpackaging glass, white c3fd9530- x kg CH 2310 Manufacture of glass and glass productspackaging glass, green 44ab3c7a- x kg CH 2310 Manufacture of glass and glass productspackaging glass, brown af6ea19f-bx kg CH 2310 Manufacture of glass and glass productsoperation, computer, desktop, office us08b50381-cx h CH 8219 Photocopying, document preparation and otheroperation, computer, desktop, office us08b50381-cx h RER 8219 Photocopying, document preparation and otheroperation, computer, desktop, home us46f4775b-0x h CH 8219 Photocopying, document preparation and otheroperation, computer, desktop, home us46f4775b-0x h RER 8219 Photocopying, document preparation and othernatural gas, low pressure 609fae33-2x MJ CH 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution natural gas, high pressure a9007f10-7x MJ CH 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution natural gas, high pressure a9007f10-7x MJ RER 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution natural gas, high pressure a9007f10-7x MJ BE 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution natural gas, high pressure a9007f10-7x MJ DE 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution natural gas, high pressure a9007f10-7x MJ FR 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution natural gas, high pressure a9007f10-7x MJ IT 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution natural gas, high pressure a9007f10-7x MJ NL 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution natural gas, high pressure a9007f10-7x MJ AT 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution natural gas, high pressure a9007f10-7x MJ ES 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution natural gas, high pressure a9007f10-7x MJ CZ 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution natural gas, high pressure a9007f10-7x MJ DK 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution natural gas, high pressure a9007f10-7x MJ FI 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution natural gas, high pressure a9007f10-7x MJ GR 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution natural gas, high pressure a9007f10-7x MJ HU 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution natural gas, high pressure a9007f10-7x MJ IE 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution natural gas, high pressure a9007f10-7x MJ SE 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution natural gas, high pressure a9007f10-7x MJ SK 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution natural gas, high pressure a9007f10-7x MJ GB 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution

natural gas, high pressure a9007f10-7x MJ JP 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution natural gas, high pressure a9007f10-7x MJ RNA 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution natural gas, at service station ccd73546-ex kg CH 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous naphtha 27a3ac7b-ex kg CH 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productsnaphtha 27a3ac7b-ex kg RER 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productsmolybdenite 759783e0-x kg GLO 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsmethylchloride 07a9af51- x kg CH 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsmethanol, from biomass cd76f468-9x kg CH 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassmethanol 4a0b47d3-x kg CH 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsmaleic anhydride 4c2b6470-7x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsliquefied petroleum gas 9d447e1a-ax kg CH 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productslight fuel oil b89dadb0-7x kg CH 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productslight fuel oil b89dadb0-7x kg RER 1920 ManufactureEurope without Switzerlandlead 237b35c6- x kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other nonkrypton, gaseous 4ec33358- x kg CH 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalskerosene 3990b197-x kg CH 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productskerosene 3990b197-x kg RER 1920 ManufactureEurope without Switzerlandhydrochloric acid, without water, in 30%3ab60559-x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsheavy fuel oil 2966d161-x kg CH 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productsheavy fuel oil 2966d161-x kg RER 1920 ManufactureEurope without Switzerlandheat, in chemical industry 63ead738- x MJ RER 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, at local distribution cogen 160kWec0f18094- x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, at local distribution cogen 160kW26694be7-fx MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, Jakobsbergf1349f22-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, at local distribution cogen 160kW4d58b319-x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, at local distribution cogen 160kWe3fad9dba-3x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyhard coal 0d3eda5a- x kg WEU 510 Mining of hard coalhard coal 0d3eda5a- x kg AU 510 Mining of hard coalhard coal 0d3eda5a- x kg EEU 510 Mining of hPLhard coal 0d3eda5a- x kg RLA 510 Mining of hard coalhard coal 0d3eda5a- x kg RNA 510 Mining of hard coalhard coal 0d3eda5a- x kg ZA 510 Mining of hard coalhard coal 0d3eda5a- x kg RU 510 Mining of hard coalhard coal 0d3eda5a- x kg CPA 510 Mining of hIDhard coal 0d3eda5a- x kg US 510 Mining of hard coalhard coal 0d3eda5a- x kg CN 510 Mining of hard coalgold e09971fb-fx kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other nongallium, semiconductor-grade 0e2551ac- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsformic acid 118a9202-6x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsfoam glass e0b59b4c- x kg CH 2399 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral prfoam glass e0b59b4c- x kg AT 2399 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral prferrochromium, high-carbon, 68% Cr 6e316c64- x kg RER 2410 Manufacture of basic iron and steelfatty alcohol sulfate b12f4334-cx kg RER 2023 Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsethanol, without water, in 99.7% solutio49a76d5c- x kg CH 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomasselectricity, medium voltage, label-certif fef08457-4x kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage, average mix5e1dcb76-fx kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage, aluminium 4fcfb407-7x kWh GLO 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x kWh AT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x kWh BE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x kWh ES 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x kWh CS 3510 Electric po RSelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x kWh FR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x kWh GR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x kWh IT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x kWh LU 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x kWh NL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x kWh PT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x kWh DE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x kWh DK 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x kWh FI 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x kWh GB 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x kWh IE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x kWh SE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x kWh NO 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x kWh CZ 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x kWh HU 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x kWh PL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x kWh SK 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x kWh SI 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x kWh HR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x kWh BA 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x kWh MK 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x kWh BR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x kWh CN 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distribution

electricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x kWh US 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x kWh JP 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x kWh BG 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, medium voltage 759b89bd-x kWh RO 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage, label-certified ae13f419-fx kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh AT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh BE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh ES 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh CS 3510 Electric po RSelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh FR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh GR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh IT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh LU 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh NL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh PT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh DE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh DK 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh FI 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh GB 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh IE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh SE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh NO 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh CZ 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh HU 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh PL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh SK 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh SI 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh HR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh BA 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh MK 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh BR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh CN 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh US 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh JP 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh BG 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh RO 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage, label-certified 5f9b49ad-6x kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage, for Swiss Fede 6d153080-x kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage, average mix wi95b754f0-0x kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, aluminium ind 5d954e5c-1x kWh GLO 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh CS 3510 Electric po RSelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh DE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh AT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh BE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh ES 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh FR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh GR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh IT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh LU 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh NL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh PT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh DK 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh FI 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh GB 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh IE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh SE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh NO 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh CZ 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh HU 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh PL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh SK 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh SI 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh HR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh BA 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh MK 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh BR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh CN 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh US 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh JP 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh BG 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh RO 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributiondiesel, low-sulfur b80eb2d5-x kg CH 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum products

diesel, low-sulfur b80eb2d5-x kg RER 1920 ManufactureEurope without Switzerlanddiesel 291fc06d- x kg CH 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productsdiesel 291fc06d- x kg RER 1920 ManufactureEurope without Switzerlandcompressed air, 800 kPa gauge 67d88d5e-x m3 RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscompressed air, 800 kPa gauge 67d88d5e-x m3 RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscompressed air, 800 kPa gauge 67d88d5e-x m3 RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscompressed air, 800 kPa gauge 67d88d5e-x m3 RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscompressed air, 800 kPa gauge 67d88d5e-x m3 RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscompressed air, 700 kPa gauge ed3b2533-x m3 RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscompressed air, 700 kPa gauge ed3b2533-x m3 RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscompressed air, 700 kPa gauge, >30kW777c3cd3-6x m3 RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscompressed air, 600 kPa gauge 58c5a1af-2x m3 RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscompressed air, 600 kPa gauge 58c5a1af-2x m3 RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscompressed air, 600 kPa gauge 58c5a1af-2x m3 RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscompressed air, 1200 kPa gauge 00f0de48-4x m3 RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscompressed air, 1200 kPa gauge 00f0de48-4x m3 RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscompressed air, 1000 kPa gauge e7a3abb3- x m3 RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscompressed air, 1000 kPa gauge e7a3abb3- x m3 RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscalcium chloride a4a72d78-6x kg CH 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsbiowaste 50306184-x kg CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteammonia, liquid 06b8d05b-x kg RER 2012 manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsammonia, liquid 06b8d05b-x kg CH 2012 manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen comaluminium scrap, new fec8576b-6x kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsacetic anhydride 50a418df-9x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsmanual treatment facility, waste electr 02d701b2-5x unit GLO 4100 Construction of buildingssodium sulfate, anhydrite 2cfef82e-cb0d-4864-8kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalshydrochloric acid, without water, in 30%3ab60559-x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsmanganese(III) oxide 9acb5363-cx kg CN 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsmanganese f42f6024-ax kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsmanganese concentrate 03de3d31-x kg GLO 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresmaneb, supply mix 5bacec28-3x kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochmaneb c72a95e5-9x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochmancozeb 0589d085-x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsmalusil 6091f125-6x kg RER 810 Quarrying of stone, sand and claymaleic anhydride 4c2b6470-7x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssteam, in chemical industry bd20be8e-9b7a-4391-kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsmaleic anhydride 4c2b6470-7x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssteam, in chemical industry bd20be8e-9b7a-4391-kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsmaize starch c4ed73ce- x kg DE 1062 Manufacture of starches and starch productsmaize silage, Swiss integrated producti f68e14fa-dx kg CH 119 Growing of other non-perennial cropsmaize silage, organic 4a99e09a- x kg CH 119 Growing of other non-perennial cropsmaize seed, Swiss integrated production148605cd-fx kg CH 164 Seed processing for propagationmaize seed, Swiss integrated production92230601-ex kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsmaize seed, organic, for sowing ae2656f5- x kg CH 164 Seed processing for propagationmaize seed, organic, at farm c538baa8-1x kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsmaize grain, feed, Swiss integrated pro 4d5f8ab4-0x kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsmaize grain, feed, organic b33c0cdb-4x kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsmaize grain, Swiss integrated productiobf1e3419-4x kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsmaize grain, organic cdccd54d-1x kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsmaize grain dadc7057-9x kg US 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsmaintenance, tram f62f9230-9x unit CH 3315 Repair of transport equipment, except motor vehiclesmaintenance, train, passenger, regiona77ad4afc-8x unit CH 3315 Repair of transport equipment, except motor vehiclesmaintenance, train, passenger, long di 2433f36d-fx unit CH 3315 Repair of transport equipment, except motor vehiclesmaintenance, train, passenger, high-sp3c7c79f6-f x unit DE 3315 Repair of transport equipment, except motor vehiclesmaintenance, stirling heat and power coc2c0d6bb-ex unit CH 3314 Repair of electrical equipmentmaintenance, solid oxide fuel cell, with f789bd15- x unit CH 3314 Repair of electrical equipmentmaintenance, solid oxide fuel cell, 125ka09f846f-9x unit CH 3314 Repair of electrical equipmentmaintenance, polymer electrolyte membr4eba3611-bx unit CH 3314 Repair of electrical equipmentmaintenance, passenger car, electric, 39a63b334-x unit RER 4520 Maintenance and repair of motor vehiclesmaintenance, passenger car, electric, 14837ab41-4x unit RER 4520 Maintenance and repair of motor vehiclesmaintenance, passenger car, diesel, 55ebf40a55-7x unit RER 4520 Maintenance and repair of motor vehiclesmaintenance, passenger car, 1240 kg kf81665fb-8x unit RER 4520 Maintenance and repair of motor vehiclesmaintenance, motor scooter 47db64ec-cx unit CH 4540 Sale, maintenance and repair of motorcycles and related parts and accessoriesmaintenance, mini CHP plant 8c6447d2-fx unit CH 3314 Repair of electrical equipmentmaintenance, micro gas turbine, 100kW ab174bb8-x unit CH 3314 Repair of electrical equipmentmaintenance, lorry 40 metric ton cfbe1a0b-5x unit CH 4520 Maintenance and repair of motor vehiclesmaintenance, lorry 28 metric ton 66cb9d31-9x unit CH 4520 Maintenance and repair of motor vehiclesmaintenance, lorry 16 metric ton ee9dfb6d-fx unit CH 4520 Maintenance and repair of motor vehiclesmaintenance, locomotive 936fda7f-9x unit RER 3315 Repair of transport equipment, except motor vehiclesmaintenance, light commercial vehicle eea4367a-9x unit RER 4520 Maintenance and repair of motor vehiclesmaintenance, heat and power co-generat975eca2c-0x unit RER 3314 Repair of electrical equipmentmaintenance, goods wagon 60868859-3x unit RER 3315 Repair of transport equipment, except motor vehiclesmaintenance, freight ship, transoceanic5515c299- x unit RER 3315 Repair of transport equipment, except motor vehiclesmaintenance, electric scooter 196503f3-dx unit CH 4540 Sale, maintenance and repair of motorcyclesmaintenance, electric bicycle 9040b422-x unit CH 4540 Sale, maintenance and repair of motorcycles and related parts and accessories

maintenance, bus 8aaef912-6x unit CH 4520 Maintenance and repair of motor vehiclesmaintenance, bicycle 4550c693-3x unit CH 9529 Repair of other personal and household goodsmaintenance, barge 8fda3621-ax unit RER 3315 Repair of transport equipment, except motor vehiclesmagnetite bb73c354-cx kg GLO 2022 Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and masticsmagnesium-alloy, AZ91, diecast b77c44e6-9x kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsmagnesium-alloy, AZ91 0df59074- x kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsmagnesium sulfate 0b9fafd6-2x kg RER 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresmagnesium 1d344632-3x kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsmagnesium oxide dd70763b-fx kg RER 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresmagnesium factory 531504af-2x unit RER 4100a construction of factory buildings for the metal industrymachine, for treatment of waste electri e979b45b-6x unit GLO 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectslubricating oil ea75b944- x kg RER 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productslorry, 40 metric ton 3db648b2-x unit RER 2910 Manufacture of motor vehicleslorry, 28 metric ton 703d4093-5x unit RER 2910 Manufacture of motor vehicleslorry, 16 metric ton 1603f6f1-7x unit RER 2910 Manufacture of motor vehicleslog, at forest, production mix c1811e6c-7x m3 RER 220 Logginglog, energy wood, split, measured as s 65c419fd-dx m3 RER 220 Logginglog, energy wood, split, measured as s 65c419fd-d6c4-4a61- m3 RER 220 Logginglocomotive 8fd36c21-4x unit RER 3020 Manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stocklithium manganese oxide 18a6365f- x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalslithium hydroxide a7660432-3x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalslime a00b7e35-1bc7-4b73-9kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalslithium hexafluorophosphate 3410b185-4x kg CN 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalslithium fluoride 9d95f182- x kg CN 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalslithium chloride 075b8c5b- x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalslithium carbonate 2ffc27c3-c x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalslithium brine, 6.7 % Li 33a2a10c-dx kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsliquid storage tank, chemicals, organicsd70a78f3-5x unit CH 2512 Manufacture of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metalliquid packaging board da32bb23-x kg RER 1702 ManufacturGLO (updated DS)liquid packaging board container 5048f36a-9x kg RER 1702 Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard and of containers of paper and paperboardliquid manure tank trailer 6523c63f-4x kg CH 2821 Manufacture of agricultural and forestry machineryliquid manure storage and processing fab4f996b6-ex m3 CH 4100 Construction of buildingsliquid manure spreading, by vacuum taa2193d6a- x m3 CH 161 Support activities for crop productionliquid crystal display, unmounted ecbc2b9a-4x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsliquid crystal display, minor componentsde1a4768-fx kg GLO 2620 Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipmentlinuron, supply mix 9f9f093d-9x kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochlinuron 91dddb32-x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochlinerboard 399489c2-9x kg RER 1702 Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard and of containers of paper and paperboardlimestone, unprocessed cf8c95e1- x kg CH 810 Quarrying of stone, sand and claylimestone quarry infrastructure 1e278342-x unit CH 4100 Construction of buildingslimestone, crushed, washed 64cea105-fx kg CH 810 Quarrying of stone, sand and claylimestone, crushed, for mill 6dff6412-4x kg CH 810 Quarrying of stone, sand and claylime, packed 9394b900-x kg CH 810 Quarrying of stone, sand and claylime a00b7e35-1x kg CH 810 Quarrying of stone, sand and claylime, hydraulic 7b8b6416-6x kg CH 2394 Manufacture of cement, lime and plasterlime, hydrated, packed b055cb73- x kg CH 2394 Manufacture of cement, lime and plasterlime, hydrated, loose weight e40cb987-8x kg CH 2394 Manufacture of cement, lime and plasterlime a00b7e35-1x kg CH 2012 Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen comlime a00b7e35-1x kg CH 891 Mining of cFRlime mortar 54c5d36f- x kg CH 2394 Manufacture of cement, lime and plasterlignite power plant 91fa7330-6x unit RER 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelslignite 1456f165-5x kg RER 520 Mining of lignitelignite dust factory 3a587723-2x unit RER 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectslignite briquettes ae1d776c-5x MJ DE 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productslignite briquettes factory 71d505f8-8x unit RER 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectslightweight concrete block, pumice 906b050f-6x kg DE 2399 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.lightweight concrete block, polystyrene27064b22-x kg CH 2399 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.lightweight concrete block, expanded vb7e6ae77-cx kg CH 2399 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.lightweight concrete block, expanded pe59775542-5x kg CH 2399 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.lightweight concrete block, expanded cd3ed2316-x kg CH 2399 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.light mortar 6e316745-x kg CH 2394 Manufacture of cement, lime and plasterlight emitting diode 084469ca- x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardslight commercial vehicle 6ee08e0a- x unit RER 2910 Manufacture of motor vehicleslight clay brick a8532e01-fx kg DE 2392 Manufacture of clay building materialssodium sulfate, anhydrite 2cfef82e-cb0d-4864-8kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalslithium carbonate 2ffc27c3-c x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalslayered sodium silicate, SKS-6, powder d51e2ebb- x kg RER 2023 Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationslatex b0cd6c3d-dx kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formslaser machining, metal, with YAG-laser def118a0-4x h RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machininglaser machining, metal, with YAG-laser 325592d0-x h RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machininglaser machining, metal, with YAG-laser f6503135-8x h RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machininglaser machining, metal, with YAG-laser 58ccc768-1x h RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machininglaser machining, metal, with YAG-laser 442ac1c0-0x h RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machininglaser machining, metal, with YAG-laser 1db6c3dc-ax h RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machininglaser machining, metal, with YAG-laser 693fe460-8x h RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machining

laser machining, metal, with YAG-laser d0d14ac8-6x h RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machininglaser machining, metal, with CO2-lase bdfd256b- x h RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machininglaser machining, metal, with CO2-lase 978cf29a-1x h RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machininglaser machining, metal, with CO2-lase 7f8897c9-3x h RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machininglaser machining, metal, with CO2-lase 8f7f787b-1x h RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machininglaser machining, metal, with CO2-lase 8dbc8c43- x h RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machininglaser machining, metal, with CO2-lase 404074c5-9x h RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machininglaminating service, foil, with acrylic bin 45d92845-x m2 RER 1812 Service activities related to printingresidual wood, dry 019600be-f3ce-4399- m3 RER 1621 Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsresidual wood, dry 019600be-f3ce-4399- m3 RER 1621 Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelslaminated timber element, transversally8c9502ff-e x m3 RER 1621 Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelskraft paper, unbleached c4f00122-ex kg RER 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardkraft paper, bleached 71833dc2-6x kg RER 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardkeyboard 258f8045-3x unit GLO 2620 Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipmentkenaf fibre 5b3e03a6-ex kg IN 116 Growing of fibre cropsstalk 6f13ac10-76f1-42c1- kg IN 116 Growing of fibre cropskaolin 593c0a1c- x kg RER 810 Quarrying of stone, sand and clayjute fibre aabed306- x kg IN 116 Growing of fibre cropsstalk 6f13ac10-76f1-42c1- kg IN 116 Growing of fibre cropsjute fibre aabed306- x kg IN 116 Growing of fibre cropsstalk 6f13ac10-76f1-42c1- kg IN 116 Growing of fibre cropsisoproturon 3d455af5- x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsisopropyl acetate 0639ab9a- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsisopropanol a755ae96-2x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsisohexane 2a1573b0-x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsisobutyl acetate b90e6a07- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsirrigation, at 0.12 cubic metre per squ b788cfc6-5x m3 CH 161 Support activities for crop productionirrigation 3f5f5aef-3 x m3 US 161 Support activities for crop productionirrigating 308b214c- x ha CH 161 Support activities for crop productioniron-nickel-chromium alloy 55cd1ee7- x kg RER 2410 Manufacture of basic iron and steeliron sulfate c614ee4a-ex kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsiron pellet 3da25df2-4x kg GLO 2410 Manufacture of basic iron and steeliron ore, beneficiated, 65% Fe cb262c3c- x kg GLO 710 Mining of iron oresiron ore, crude ore, 46% Fe 686827fc-1x kg GLO 710 Mining of iron oresiron (III) chloride, without water, in 40%51202bed-5x kg CH 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsion-exchanger for water treatment 0a3a87a4- x unit CH 4220 Construction of utility projectsinverter, 500kW 00ee5180- x unit RER 2790 Manufacture of other electrical equipmentinverter, 2.5kW 9c2e054a- x unit RER 2790 Manufacture of other electrical equipmentinverter, 0.5kW 19447cec-2x unit RER 2790 Manufacture of other electrical equipmentintral fe971074-1x kg RER 891 Mining of chemical and fertilizer mineralsinternet access, work, 0.2 Mbit/s 0c661ff9-4x h CH 6110 Wired telecommunications activitiesinternet access, videoconference, 0.7 Mb940f2cb-0x h CH 6110 Wired telecommunications activitiesinternet access equipment b245e321-0x unit CH 2630 Manufacture of communication equipmentintegrated circuit, memory type 64aceba0- x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsintegrated circuit, logic type ad2a5d44- x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsinsulation spiral-seam duct, rockwool, d98efea6-bx m RER 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machineryinsecticide, production mix f6e02cce-f x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochinjection moulding 68d6dfcf-2x kg RER 2220 Manufacture of plastics productsinfrastructure, for regional distribution 54d3412f-bx unit RER 4290a Construction of infrastructure for petroleum refining and distributioninert material landfill 89ba6228-3x unit CH 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsindustrial machine, heavy, unspecified 4cc87eb6- x kg RER 2824 Manufacture of machinery for mining, quarrying and constructionindustrial furnace, natural gas a6561030-4x unit RER 2815 Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersindustrial furnace, coal, 1-10MW 528b3e64-x unit RER 2815 Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersindustrial furnace, 1MW, oil 971337d4-7x unit CH 2815a Manufacture of furnaces and boilers for liquid fuelsinductor, production mix 2ce27bff-7 x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and inductor, ring core choke type 3c3632b8- x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsinductor, miniature radio frequency chi 8774b1a7-9x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsinductor, low value multilayer chip 736906f7-1x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsinductor, auxilliaries and energy use 34406503-x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsindium tin oxide powder, nanoscale, fore27cd3c5-3x kg RER 2029 Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.indium 5f56b73e- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssulfate pulp, unbleached, from eucalyp 31030cb1- x kg RER 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardsawnwood, paraná pine from sustainabl239eca69-2x m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodroundwood, meranti from sustainable f245d8fa-8x m3 RER 220 Loggingroundwood, azobe from sustainable fo 9fc5b274-0x m3 RER 220 Loggingnatural gas, liquefied, import from DZ 73cc79ee- x Nm3 DZ 620 Extraction RERnatural gas, liquefied 1570a766-fx Nm3 JP 620 Extraction of natural gasimpact extrusion of steel, warm, initial e5fb2187- x kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyimpact extrusion of steel, warm, deform360ead90- x kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyimpact extrusion of steel, warm, 5 stro cffec88a-5 x kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyimpact extrusion of steel, warm, 4 stro 7a2ec781-6x kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyimpact extrusion of steel, warm, 3 stro d77dfa1e-1x kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyimpact extrusion of steel, warm, 2 stro 01211f39-fx kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyimpact extrusion of steel, warm, 1 stro 54db2e3a-fx kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyimpact extrusion of steel, hot, temperi 4d61cb2c-dx kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgy

impact extrusion of steel, hot, initial w 7d332b90-x kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyimpact extrusion of steel, hot, deformat267c6637-2x kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyimpact extrusion of steel, hot, 5 strokes2f99f6c8-a x kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyimpact extrusion of steel, hot, 4 strokes7f3ad9ce-3x kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyimpact extrusion of steel, hot, 3 strokesc4e3dad7-ax kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyimpact extrusion of steel, hot, 2 strokesb39668da-x kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyimpact extrusion of steel, hot, 1 strokes50e6bd6e-1x kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyimpact extrusion of steel, cold, temperi71b70f19-fx kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyimpact extrusion of steel, cold, initial ae87300c-3x kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyimpact extrusion of steel, cold, deforma03d39191-fx kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyimpact extrusion of steel, cold, 5 stroke50c8cc23-dx kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyimpact extrusion of steel, cold, 4 strokece368a31-ex kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyimpact extrusion of steel, cold, 3 stroke58b4780f-3x kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyimpact extrusion of steel, cold, 2 stroke397aa683- x kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyimpact extrusion of steel, cold, 1 stroke9088e87e-fx kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyimpact extrusion of aluminium, deforma8ee557e6-9x kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyimpact extrusion of aluminium, cold, t 61a79dec- x kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyimpact extrusion of aluminium, cold, inifc877de2- x kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyimpact extrusion of aluminium, 5 strok 35c582e4- x kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyimpact extrusion of aluminium, 4 strok aa0d7c65-0x kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyimpact extrusion of aluminium, 3 strok b10ae87f-0x kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyimpact extrusion of aluminium, 2 strok 01d68191-x kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyimpact extrusion of aluminium, 1 strok 19e2686b-x kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyhydropower plant, run-of-river 2d180733-ax unit CH 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelshydropower plant, run-of-river 2d180733-ax unit RER 4220a ConstructionEurope without Switzerlandhydropower plant, reservoir, non-alpine53d60981-x unit RER 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelshydropower plant, reservoir, alpine reg 0a67114d-fx unit RER 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelshydropower plant, reservoir bb6df298-3x unit CH 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelshydrogen, liquid, from chlorine electrol 11b9e90b-x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalshydrogen sulfide b8ffb776-cx kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalshydrogen peroxide, without water, in 5026c92545-7x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalshydrogen liquid, production mix 3366311c- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalshydrogen fluoride 39f50029-2x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalshydrogen cyanide 090bf091-ex kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalshydrogen, liquid 8d78a0dc-1x kg RER 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum products1-butanol 5543d899-1x (variable)kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsisobutanol 938af061-8x (variable)kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicals1-pentanol d3a29af5-3x (variable)kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicals2-methyl-1-butanol ba5a6af1-0x (variable)kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicals3-methyl-1-butanol 5b8d6214-x (variable)kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalshydrochloric acid, without water, in 30%3ab60559-x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalshydraulic digger 1ad0b61c-fx unit RER 2824 Manufacture of machinery for mining, quarrying and constructionhousing system, pig, label-certified, perb3a9401c-1x pig place CH 4100 Construction of buildingshousing system, pig, fully-slatted floor, 623807b1-0x pig place CH 4100 Construction of buildingshousing system, cattle, tied, per animalc6486335- x LU CH 4100 Construction of buildingshousing system, cattle, loose, per animaebe77e58- x LU CH 4100 Construction of buildingshot water tank, 600l f273f526-f x unit CH 2512 Manufacture of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metalhot water tank factory 2eedb087-bx unit CH 4100 Construction of buildingshot rolling, steel b1e480cc-6x kg RER 2410 Manufacture of basic iron and steelhorn meal 08c64e0a-dx kg CH 1010 Processing and preserving of meathoeing 4cc48a86-dx ha CH 161 Support activities for crop productionherbicide, production mix a82ca8b1-cx kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochhelium afa2d64e-2x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsnatural gas, high pressure a9007f10-7e39-4d50- kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsnatural gas liquids 895b9704-1eef-4395- kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalshelicopter fdc5597b-6x unit GLO 3030 Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machineryilmenite, 54% titanium dioxide eff0389a-97da-4ce4- kg AU 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresrutile, 95% titanium dioxide cad59ac2-7c38-4f39- kg AU 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oreszircon, 50% zirconium 99847cdd-fx kg AU 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresheavy fuel oil, burned in refinery furnacad715328-x kg CH 3530a Steam and air conditioning supplyheavy fuel oil, burned in refinery furnacad715328-x kg RER 3530a Steam and aEurope without Switzeheavy fuel oil, burned in refinery furnacb8e7c209-3x MJ CH 3530a Steam and air conditioning supply based on liquid fuels heavy fuel oil, burned in refinery furnacb8e7c209-3x MJ RER 3530a Steam and aEurope without Switzerlandheavy fuel oil, burned in power plant, 574ce835- x MJ RER 3510a Electric power generation based on liquid fueheating and sanitary equipment, mini Ca03718f4- x unit CH 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsheating and sanitary equipment, heat ae603b934-6x unit RER 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsheat, central or small-scale, natural g e4d1bc0f-2x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, natural g e4d1bc0f-2x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, natural g e4d1bc0f-2x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, natural g e4d1bc0f-2x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, natural g e4d1bc0f-2x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, Jakobsbergf1349f22-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, Jakobsbergf1349f22-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, Jakobsbergf1349f22-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, Jakobsbergf1349f22-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supply

heat, central or small-scale, Jakobsbergf1349f22-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, biogas, agricultural, production mbab2e2f2- x MJ CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wheat storage, 2000l c9f27fe6-0 x unit CH 2512 Manufacture of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metalheat pump, for mini CHP plant 78ecf402-ex unit CH 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machineryheat pump, for heat and power co-gener013d2a59-5x unit RER 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machineryheat pump, diffusion absorption, 4kW, fd67fb6d4-5x unit CH 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machineryheat pump, brine-water, 10kW 30f4a0f3-c x unit CH 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machineryheat pump, 30kW 3c1d6702-1x unit RER 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machineryheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditiheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditiheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditiheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditiheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditiheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditiheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditiheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditiheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditiheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditiheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditiheat, district or industrial, natural gas 1125e767-x MJ RER 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, natural gas 1125e767-x MJ RER 3530 Steam and aEurope withheat, district or industrial, natural gas 1125e767-x MJ RER 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, natural gas 1125e767-x MJ RER 3530 Steam and aEurope withheat, future 6e7624f7-2x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, natural gas 1125e767-x MJ RER 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, natural gas 1125e767-x MJ RER 3530 Steam and aEurope withheat, central or small-scale, natural gasb3c58f5d-5x MJ RER 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, natural gasb3c58f5d-5x MJ RER 3530 Steam and aEurope withheat, central or small-scale, natural gasb3c58f5d-5x MJ RER 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, natural gasb3c58f5d-5x MJ RER 3530 Steam and aEurope withheat, central or small-scale, natural gasb3c58f5d-5x MJ RER 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, natural gasb3c58f5d-5x MJ RER 3530 Steam and aEurope withheat, district or industrial, natural gas 1125e767-x MJ RER 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, natural gas 1125e767-x MJ RER 3530 Steam and aEurope withheat, central or small-scale, natural gasb3c58f5d-5x MJ RER 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, natural gasb3c58f5d-5x MJ RER 3530 Steam and aEurope withheat, central or small-scale, natural gasb3c58f5d-5x MJ RER 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, natural gasb3c58f5d-5x MJ RER 3530 Steam and aEurope withheat, central or small-scale, natural gasb3c58f5d-5x MJ RER 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, natural gasb3c58f5d-5x MJ RER 3530 Steam and aEurope withheat, central or small-scale, natural gasb3c58f5d-5x MJ RER 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, natural gasb3c58f5d-5x MJ RER 3530 Steam and aEurope withheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f4d5-40f0-9 MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f4d5-40f0-9 MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f4d5-40f0-9 MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditiheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditiheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditiheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditiheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditiheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditiheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ RER 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ RER 3530 Steam and aEurope withheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530a Steam and air conditioning supply based on lheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ RER 3530a Steam and aEurope without Switzerland

heat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530a Steam and air conditioheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ RER 3530a Steam and aEurope withheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530a Steam and air conditioning supply based on lheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530a Steam and air conditioheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530a Steam and air conditioning supply based on lheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530a Steam and air conditioheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530a Steam and air conditioning supply based on lheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530a Steam and air conditioheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530a Steam and air conditioning supply based on lheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530a Steam and air conditioheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530a Steam and air conditioning supply based on lheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ RER 3530a Steam and aEurope without Switzerlandheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ RER 3530a Steam and aEurope withheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530a Steam and air conditioheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditiheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditiheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditiheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditiheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditiheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditiheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditiheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditiheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditiheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ RER 3530 Steam and aEurope withheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ RER 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ RER 3530 Steam and aEurope withheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ RER 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, borehole heat pump 32e60fbc-4x MJ RER 3530 Steam and aEurope without Switzerlandheat, borehole heat pump 32e60fbc-4x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, diffusion absorption heat pump 107d063e-9x MJ CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteheat, solar+wood, one-family house, f 0f04817c-8x MJ CH 3530b Solar collectors operationheat, solar+gas, one-family house, for c8fb0714-fx MJ CH 3530b Solar collectors operationheat, solar+gas, one-family house, for c8fb0714-fx MJ CH 3530b Solar collectors operationheat, solar+gas, one-family house, for 4392b2a9-x MJ CH 3530b Solar collectors operationheat, solar+gas, multiple-dwelling, for 386915d8-x MJ CH 3530b Solar collectors operationheat, solar+electric, multiple-dwelling, 6b5fb027-5x MJ CH 3530b Solar collectors operationheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ RER 3530 Steam and aEurope withheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ RER 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ RER 3530 Steam and aEurope withheat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f x MJ RER 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, air-water heat pump 10kW 983b90f3-5x MJ RER 3530 Steam and aEurope without Switzerlandheat, air-water heat pump 10kW 983b90f3-5x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat distribution equipment, hydronic r3ecd769f-dx unit CH 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machineryelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-8d64-4915-kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, natural gasb3c58f5d-5x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-8d64-4915-kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, natural gasb3c58f5d-5x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, natural gas 1125e767-x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, natural gasb3c58f5d-5x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supply

electricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, district or industrial, natural gas 1125e767-x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh RER 3530 Steam and aEurope without Switzerlandheat, district or industrial, natural gas 1125e767-x MJ RER 3530 Steam and aEurope without Switzerlandelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-8d64-4915-kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, natural gasb3c58f5d-5x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-8d64-4915-kWh CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, central or small-scale, natural ga 7370867d-x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh CH 3530a Steam and air conditioning supply based on liquid fuels heat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530a Steam and air conditioning supply based on liquid fuels heat, central or small-scale, other than dd80f0f2-f4d5-40f0-9 MJ CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteheat and power co-generation unit, orga55c9d7d-0x unit CH 2710 Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatusheat and power co-generation unit, or 9a3915d9-x unit CH 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsheat and power co-generation unit, orgbdf5e532-dx unit CH 4100 Construction of buildingsheat and power co-generation unit, 640b963f477-4x unit CH 2710 Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatusheat and power co-generation unit, 64 80c1687a- x unit CH 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsheat and power co-generation unit, 6409eaf7702-8x unit CH 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsheat and power co-generation unit, 50k664d801c- x unit RER 2811 Manufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle enginesheat and power co-generation unit, 50kW69946df8-bx unit RER 2710 Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatusheat and power co-generation unit, 50k5819c006- x unit RER 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsheat and power co-generation unit, 50073b696b4-bx unit RER 2811 Manufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle enginesheat and power co-generation unit, 500kb02f8b6e-7x unit RER 2710 Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatusheat and power co-generation unit, 5004368f712-ax unit RER 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsheat and power co-generation unit, 20087967b5e-x unit RER 2811a Manufacture of engines and turbines for liquid fuels, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle enginesheat and power co-generation unit, 200k1f5ef0f3-2 x unit RER 2710 Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatusheat and power co-generation unit, 200b51b1bd2-fx unit RER 4220b Construction of utility projects for electricity production, for liquid fuelsheat and power co-generation unit, 200e12a8b57-7x unit RER 2811 Manufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle enginesheat and power co-generation unit, 200kc0d1f278-cx unit RER 2710 Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatusheat and power co-generation unit, 200cbf6147e-dx unit RER 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsheat and power co-generation unit, 1MW16896db0-0x unit RER 2811 Manufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle enginesheat and power co-generation unit, 1MW bc835410-fx unit RER 2710 Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatusheat and power co-generation unit, 1MW35d71a36-x unit RER 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsheat and power co-generation unit, 1606b10e00e- x unit RER 2811 Manufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle enginesheat and power co-generation unit, 160kc5d96d5d- x unit RER 2710 Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatusheat and power co-generation unit, 1604d5465b8-x unit RER 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelshazardous waste incineration facility babbfb13-ax unit CH 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectshaying, by rotary tedder 68850e7f-0x ha CH 161 Support activities for crop productionhay, Swiss integrated production, inten63bcaff0-9 x kg CH 119 Growing of other non-perennial cropshay, Swiss integrated production, extene3a6edfe-9x kg CH 119 Growing of other non-perennial cropshay, organic, intensive c3925989- x kg CH 119 Growing of other non-perennial cropsharvesting, by complete harvester, pot 962ca2fc-7x ha CH 161 Support activities for crop productionharvesting, by complete harvester, bee3fdcbdaa-ex ha CH 161 Support activities for crop productionharvester 89c7b45d- x kg CH 2821 Manufacture of agricultural and forestry machineryhardwood, allocation correction,3 81c13eef-1x m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodhardwood, allocation correction,2 3ad4b13e- x m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodhardwood, allocation correction,1 f17883da-5x m3 RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodhardwood forestry operation, except haee43c215-3x m3 RER 210 Silviculture and other forestry activitiesroundwood, meranti from sustainable f 044c33a8- x m3 MY 220 Loggingpulpwood, hardwood, measured as soli aed42e37-6x m3 NORDEL 1610 Sawmilling and planing of woodeucalyptus ssp., CO2-removal and lande558d0f7-ax m3 TH 210 Silviculture and other forestry activitiesroundwood, eucalyptus ssp. from susta3473bca6- x m3 TH 220 Logginghardwood, CO2-removal and land use 669701c5- x m3 RER 210 SilvicultureEurope without NORDEL (NCPA)hardwood, CO2-removal and land use 669701c5- x m3 NORDEL 210 Silviculture and other forestry activitiesazobe from sustainable forestry mana 085a42c7-0x m3 CM 210 Silviculture and other forestry activitiesroundwood, azobe from sustainable fo 4cd00539-dx m3 CM 220 Loggingpulpwood, hardwood, measured as soli aed42e37-62bc-4f3f- m3 RER 220 Loggingwood fuel, hardwood, wet, measured ase09cfa95-fc90-4b39-bm3 RER 220 Loggingsawlog and veneer log, hardwood, measc00cac00-ax m3 RER 220 Logginghard disk drive, for laptop computer 1a428ad6-fx unit GLO 2620 Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipmenthard disk drive, for desktop computer 1ef81230-4x unit GLO 2620 Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipmenthard coal, supply mix 0564ab10-x kg UCTE 510 Mining of hard coalhard coal, supply mix 0564ab10-x kg AT 510 Mining of hard coalhard coal, supply mix 0564ab10-x kg BE 510 Mining of hard coalhard coal, supply mix 0564ab10-x kg DE 510 Mining of hard coalhard coal, supply mix 0564ab10-x kg ES 510 Mining of hard coalhard coal, supply mix 0564ab10-x kg FR 510 Mining of hard coalhard coal, supply mix 0564ab10-x kg IT 510 Mining of hard coalhard coal, supply mix 0564ab10-x kg NL 510 Mining of hard coalhard coal, supply mix 0564ab10-x kg PT 510 Mining of hard coalhard coal, supply mix 0564ab10-x kg CZ 510 Mining of hard coalhard coal, supply mix 0564ab10-x kg HR 510 Mining of hard coalhard coal, supply mix 0564ab10-x kg PL 510 Mining of hard coalhard coal, supply mix 0564ab10-x kg SK 510 Mining of hard coalhard coal, burned in power plant ab516d69-9x MJ NORDEL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and

hard coal power plant, production mix 9dffc8ba-b x unit RER 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricityhard coal power plant, production mix 9dffc8ba-b x unit CN 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricityhard coal power plant 59bd8156-cx unit GLO 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelshard coal power plant 59bd8156-cx unit GLO 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelshard coal 0d3eda5a- x kg AU 510 Mining of hard coalhard coal 0d3eda5a- x kg RNA 510 Mining of hard coalhard coal 0d3eda5a- x kg EEU 510 Mining of hPLhard coal 0d3eda5a- x kg ZA 510 Mining of hard coalhard coal 0d3eda5a- x kg RLA 510 Mining of hard coalhard coal 0d3eda5a- x kg WEU 510 Mining of hard coalhard coal 0d3eda5a- x kg RU 510 Mining of hard coalhard coal 0d3eda5a- x kg CPA 510 Mining of hIDhard coal 0d3eda5a- x kg CN 510 Mining of hard coalhard coal coke factory 841043ee-7x unit RER 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectshard coal briquettes e1b213d0-x MJ RER 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productshard coal briquettes factory 6f7f29f3-5 x unit RER 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsgypsum, mineral dd0cbafd- x (variable)kg CH 810 Quarrying of stone, sand and clayanhydrite rock a7da3e3d- x (variable)kg CH 810 Quarrying of stone, sand and claygypsum plasterboard 38dfe915-5x kg CH 2395 Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plastergypsum fibreboard c19931b7-1x kg CH 2395 Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plastergreen manure, Swiss integrated product616a71f5-ax ha CH 161 Support activities for crop productiongreen manure, Swiss integrated producti86247d21-fx ha CH 161 Support activities for crop productiongreen manure, Swiss integrated product8d53f85d-4x ha CH 161 Support activities for crop productiongreen manure, Swiss integrated productib2775498-x ha CH 161 Support activities for crop productiongreen manure, organic, until March 55b748b9-8x ha CH 161 Support activities for crop productiongreen manure, organic, until January 8d1d8ac4-6x ha CH 161 Support activities for crop productiongreen manure, organic, until February 4bd0ac5a-1x ha CH 161 Support activities for crop productiongreen manure, organic, until April 66850689-bx ha CH 161 Support activities for crop productiongravel/sand quarry infrastructure a7dee235- x unit CH 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsgravel, production mix 2db61271-x kg CH 810 Quarrying of stone, sand and claygravel, crushed 37eceabd-bx kg CH 810 Quarrying of stone, sand and claygravel, round fd3ee522-1x (variable)kg CH 810 Quarrying of stone, sand and claysand f51d7ccf-0 x (variable)kg CH 810 Quarrying of stone, sand and claygrass silage, Swiss integrated producti 7aea487a- x kg CH 119 Growing of other non-perennial cropsgrass silage, organic e1012215-cx kg CH 119 Growing of other non-perennial cropsgrass seed, Swiss integrated production995688a0-x kg CH 164 Seed processing for propagationgrass seed, Swiss integrated productione97b71f8- x kg CH 119 Growing of other non-perennial cropsgrass seed, organic, for sowing 50d03570-x kg CH 164 Seed processing for propagationgrass, Swiss integrated production 9841f758-6x kg CH 119 Growing of other non-perennial cropsgrass, Swiss integrated production 9841f758-6x kg CH 119 Growing of other non-perennial cropsgrass, Swiss integrated production 9841f758-6x kg CH 119 Growing of other non-perennial cropsgrass, organic d61f00fa-8x kg CH 119 Growing of other non-perennial cropsgrass, organic d61f00fa-8x kg CH 119 Growing of other non-perennial cropsgrass, organic d61f00fa-8x kg CH 119 Growing of other non-perennial cropsgraphite, battery grade 6d225696-x kg CN 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsgraphite 6326adcd-0x kg RER 899 Other mining and quarrying n.e.c.graphic paper, 100% recycled e4478b33-8x kg RER 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardgoods wagon aaa12bd8- x unit RER 3020 Manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stockzinc dae5718b-c433-4bd9-kg SE 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal orescopper fbb039f7-f x kg SE 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oreslead 237b35c6-69e1-49c4-kg SE 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresgold e09971fb-f77e-48a3- kg SE 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oressilver 9a7e6cdc-79c0-4872- kg SE 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresgold, primary, in unrefined state d655597d-x kg SE 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oressilver, primary, in unrefined state 4656689d-x kg SE 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oreszinc, primary, in unrefined state dedff117-7x kg SE 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal orescopper, primary, in unrefined state ae473ac6- x kg SE 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oreslead, primary, in unrefined state 995653d7-8x kg SE 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresgold e09971fb-fx kg PG 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oressilver 9a7e6cdc-79c0-4872- kg PG 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresgold e09971fb-fx kg PE 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oressilver 9a7e6cdc-79c0-4872- kg PE 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresgold, production mix 6133b893-dx kg GLO 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other nongold e09971fb-fx kg CA 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresgold e09971fb-fx kg US 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresgold e09971fb-fx kg ZA 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresgold e09971fb-fx kg TZ 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresgold e09971fb-fx kg AU 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresglyphosate, supply mix 1a0339e3- x kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochglyphosate b3b67831-8x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsglycerine 3d3268fa-3x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsglued laminated timber, for outdoor us 58e92928-0x m3 RER 1621 Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsresidual wood, dry 019600be-f3ce-4399- m3 RER 1621 Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsglued laminated timber, for indoor use ad13bd43-x m3 RER 1621 Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsresidual wood, dry 019600be-f3ce-4399- m3 RER 1621 Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panels

glazing, triple, U<0.5 W/m2K 8b54f6c4- x m2 RER 2310 Manufacture of glass and glass productsglazing, double, U<1.1 W/m2K, laminate923b53aa- x m2 RER 2310 Manufacture of glass and glass productsglazing, double, U<1.1 W/m2K a4f0ee0e- x m2 RER 2310 Manufacture of glass and glass productsglass wool mat a6ec2991-f0f9-42fe- kg CH 2399 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products tube, borosilicate de2715c2-3x kg DE 2310 Manufacture of glass and glass productsglass tube factory ada9b1d0- x unit DE 4100 Construction of buildingsglass, for liquid crystal display 3080a9dc-6x kg GLO 2310 Manufacture of glass and glass productsglass fibre reinforced plastic, polyester fa6f1b55-8x kg RER 1312 Weaving of textilesglass fibre reinforced plastic, polyamid 0798a5d1-x kg RER 1312 Weaving of textilesglass fibre 102d2161-x kg RER 2310 Manufacture of glass and glass productsglass etching factory b35296a0-5x unit DK 4100 Construction of buildingsgenerator, mini CHP plant ee8b9319-fx unit CH 2710 Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatusgenerator, 200kW electrical 93489043-5x unit RER 2710 Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatusassembly of generator and motor, auxillc3e8f65b-cx unit CH 2811 Manufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle enginesassembly of generator and motor, auxill886d7d3f- x unit RER 2811 Manufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle enginesgas turbine, 10MW electrical 6c241831- x unit RER 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsgas power plant, combined cycle, 400MW0d2bd2c3-ex unit RER 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsgas power plant, 300MW electrical f456aceb-2x unit GLO 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsgas power plant, 100MW electrical f89244f2-cx unit RER 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsgas motor, mini CHP plant 014b2a3a- x unit CH 2710 Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatusgas motor, 206kW f31b56c1- x unit RER 2710 Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatusgas boiler 452bed59-x unit RER 2815 Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersgallium, in Bayer liquor from aluminiumb14d767b-x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsgallium, semiconductor-grade 0e2551ac- x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsfurnace, wood chips, softwood storage a738eaef-ax unit CH 2815 Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersfurnace, wood chips, softwood storage c0f029c8-f x unit CH 2815 Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersfurnace, wood chips, softwood storage d22ed976-x unit CH 2815 Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersfurnace, wood chips, hardwood storage9079d3b0-bx unit CH 2815 Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersfurnace, wood chips, hardwood storageb153d366-x unit CH 2815 Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersfurnace, wood chips, hardwood storage805d6951-x unit CH 2815 Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersfurnace, wood chips, average storage 879bc816-ex unit CH 2815 Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersfurnace, wood chips, average storage 2eadbf57-ex unit CH 2815 Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersfurnace, wood chips, average storage 842e3faf-8x unit CH 2815 Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersfurnace, pellet, 50kW e0e21fc2- x unit CH 2815 Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersfurnace, pellet, 15kW f93666bf-7x unit CH 2815 Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersfurnace, logs, softwood storage area, 0b0128c1-4x unit CH 2815 Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersfurnace, logs, softwood storage area, 28b6be29-x unit CH 2815 Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersfurnace, logs, softwood storage area, 1e27a902-2x unit CH 2815 Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersfurnace, logs, hardwood storage area, 55dbb48f-1x unit CH 2815 Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersfurnace, logs, hardwood storage area, af9351f4-3x unit CH 2815 Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersfurnace, logs, hardwood storage area, 7f902692- x unit CH 2815 Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersfurnace, logs, average storage area, 6 8cfe7d7c-f x unit CH 2815 Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersfurnace, logs, average storage area, 3 6a94ce53- x unit CH 2815 Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersfurnace, logs, average storage area, 1 5216b96b-cx unit CH 2815 Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersfunnel glass, for cathode ray tube displ 4ec72d7d- x kg GLO 2310 Manufacture of glass and glass productsfungicide, production mix 929d5a31-ax kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochfuel cell, stack solid oxide, 125kW electrc1124b0d-3x unit CH 2790 Manufacture of other electrical equipmentfuel cell, stack polymer electrolyte mem60de37c6-1x unit CH 2790 Manufacture of other electrical equipmentfuel cell, solid oxide, with micro gas tu 77ab9d43-1x unit CH 2790 Manufacture of other electrical equipmentfuel cell, solid oxide, 125kW electrical, e38adb33-ex unit CH 2790 Manufacture of other electrical equipmentfuel cell, polymer electrolyte membrane,45b3791f-0x unit CH 2790 Manufacture of other electrical equipmentfrit, for cathode ray tube display b0e729a7- x kg GLO 2310 Manufacture of glass and glass productsfreight ship, transoceanic be10191e- x unit OCE 3011 Building of GLOfosetyl-Al 44278391-1x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsformic acid 118a9202-6x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsfolpet 5a13a9b6-fx kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsfolding boxboard/chipboard 913cd7e2-cx kg RER 1702 Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard and of containers of paper and paperboardfodder loading, by self-loading trailer 92b3c2d6- x m3 CH 161 Support activities for crop productionfodder beet, Swiss integrated productio15bffc4c-1 x kg CH 119 Growing of other non-perennial cropsfoam glass e0b59b4c- x kg RER 2399 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.foam glass factory 647b5113-x unit BE 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsflux, for wave soldering f1ba9c28-bx kg GLO 2029 Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.fluting medium 128696a8-x kg RER 1702 Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard and of containers of paper and paperboardfluosilicic acid, without water, in 22% s 6125f5b4- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsfluorspar, 97% purity 135a0add-cx kg GLO 891 Mining of chemical and fertilizer mineralsfluorine, liquid 70caf413-9x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsdiborane 953a2c5b- x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssodium tetrafluoroborate a8033ccc-615f-4e9a-bkg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsfluorescent whitening agent, distyrylbi 031dd5ec-bx kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsfluorescent whitening agent, DAS1, tria21604598-1x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsheat, borehole heat pump 32e60fbc-4x MJ RER 3530 Steam and aEurope without Switzerlandheat, borehole heat pump 32e60fbc-4x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyheat, air-water heat pump 10kW 983b90f3-5x MJ RER 3530 Steam and aEurope without Switzerlandheat, air-water heat pump 10kW 983b90f3-5x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyflexible duct, aluminium/PET, DN of 125fbe07a5f-bx m RER 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machinery

fleece, polyethylene 51ee8234-6x kg RER 1399 Manufacture of other textiles n.e.c.flat plate solar collector, Cu absorber cca72f1b-0x m2 CH 2815b Manufacture of permanent mount non-electric household heating equipmentflat glass, uncoated e9661fc2-f x kg RER 2310 Manufacture of glass and glass productsflat glass, coated a9e29d5c-cx kg RER 2310 Manufacture of glass and glass productsflat glass factory 2c8cec2b-9x unit RER 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsfibreboard, soft, without adhesives a61ed368- x m3 CH 1621 Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsfibreboard, soft, latex bonded d76e4ec3- x m3 CH 1621 Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsfibreboard, soft 113b50d5-dx m3 CH 1621 Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsfibreboard, hard eba9ae95-dx m3 RER 1621 Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsfibre cement roof slate 903f9c06- x kg CH 2395 Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterfibre cement facing tile, small format 2a49d197-x kg CH 2395 Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterfibre cement facing tile, large format f593c5c2-0x kg CH 2395 Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterfibre cement facing tile 453a0f08-dx kg CH 2395 Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterfibre cement corrugated slab 6d7a9035-x kg CH 2395 Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterfertilising, by broadcaster 75168394-x ha CH 161 Support activities for crop productionferronickel, 25% Ni 71d0cff1-7x kg GLO 2410 Manufacture of basic iron and steelferromanganese, high-coal, 74.5% Mn 71f57ac0-cx kg RER 2410 Manufacture of basic iron and steelferrochromium, high-carbon, 68% Cr 6e316c64- x kg GLO 2410 Manufacture of basic iron and steelferrite fa6aa6bf-0x kg GLO 2410 Manufacture of basic iron and steelfeldspar 5a58a8d4-cx kg RER 810 Quarrying of stone, sand and clayfava bean, feed, Swiss integrated produ7d2df8fd-ex kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsfava bean, Swiss integrated production 6eacd019-dx kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsfava bean, organic 77a99b6a- x kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsfatty alcohol sulfate b12f4334-cx kg RER 2023 Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsfatty alcohol sulfate b12f4334-cx kg RER 2023 Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsfatty alcohol sulfate b12f4334-cx kg RER 2023 Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsfatty alcohol sulfate b12f4334-cx kg RER 2023 Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsfatty alcohol a4440cda-bx kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsfatty alcohol a4440cda-bx kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsfatty alcohol a4440cda-bx kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsfatty alcohol a4440cda-bx kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsfatty acid 4aeb3a6c-8x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsfan, for power supply unit, desktop co ba74648d-ax kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsextrusion, plastic pipes 406ae9de- x kg RER 2220 Manufacture of plastics productsextrusion, plastic film 579049d0-x kg RER 2220 Manufacture of plastics productsexplosives factory 35acd9b5- x unit CH 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsexplosive, tovex b14de8f8-4x kg CH 2029 Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.expansion vessel, 80l dbb769a5-cx unit CH 2512 Manufacture of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metalexpansion vessel, 25l ce62eef5-8x unit CH 2512 Manufacture of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metalexpanded vermiculite 3f667976-bx kg CH 2399 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.expanded perlite cd27db73- x kg CH 2399 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.expanded clay 6968a565-8x kg DE 2399 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.exhaust air valve, in-wall housing, plasta828014d-x unit CH 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machineryexhaust air roof hood, steel, DN 400 07b011dc-4x unit CH 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machineryexhaust air outlet, steel/aluminium, 8 c277a8c6-ex unit CH 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machineryexcavation, skid-steer loader d67e647c-1x m3 RER 4312 Site preparationexcavation, hydraulic digger 0c826417-ex m3 RER 4312 Site preparationnatural gas, high pressure a9007f10-7x Nm3 RER 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mainsnatural gas, high pressure a9007f10-7x Nm3 JP 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mainsevacuated tube collector e17273df-bx m2 GB 2815b Manufacture of permanent mount non-electric household heating equipmentEUR-flat pallet 9e68d1ff-3x unit RER 1623 Manufacture of wooden containersethylvinylacetate, foil 4e735e76- x kg RER 2220 Manufacture of plastics productsethylenediamine 18bebcb5-5x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsethylene vinyl acetate copolymer e6406c60-bx kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsethylene, pipeline system c7c790e7- x kg RER 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productsethylene, average 44e8a892- x kg RER 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productsethylene oxide 48396be2-x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsdiethyl ether, without water, in 99.95% 86f356ee-4bfa-43cf-a kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsethanol, without water, in 99.7% soluti 3a0d77a5- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsdiethylene glycol afd7c901-cx (variable)kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsethylene glycol 4052f31f-cx (variable)kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalstriethylene glycol e53a275d-ax (variable)kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsethylene glycol monoethyl ether d9da5528-0x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsethylene glycol dimethyl ether 85db2f1d-0x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsethylene glycol diethyl ether ff1053a2-bx kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsethylene dichloride 26dda6c0- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsethylene carbonate 2974c2fd- x kg CN 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsethyl tert-butyl ether a4121974-3x kg RER 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassethyl benzene c17913f3-7x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsethyl acetate 1a71f77c-ex kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsethoxylated alcohol, production mix 07a10f7b-9x kg RER 2023 Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaninethoxylated alcohol (AE7) ee02b2e7-9x kg RER 2023 Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsethoxylated alcohol (AE7) ee02b2e7-9x kg RER 2023 Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsethoxylated alcohol (AE7) ee02b2e7-9x kg RER 2023 Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsethoxylated alcohol (AE3) 1ff7f238-0 x kg RER 2023 Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparations

ethoxylated alcohol (AE3) 1ff7f238-0 x kg RER 2023 Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsethoxylated alcohol (AE3) 1ff7f238-0 x kg RER 2023 Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsethoxylated alcohol (AE11) f8546b9e-dx kg RER 2023 Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsdiethanolamine 12b2f717-ax (variable)kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsmonoethanolamine ee245ab5-9x (variable)kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalstriethanolamine b12e1f12-ax (variable)kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsethanol, 99.7% in H2O, from wood, SE, aec0dc1b0-1x kg CH 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassethanol, 99.7% in H2O, from biomass, USee52eb73-cx kg CH 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassethanol, 99.7% in H2O, from biomass, RE585937be-cx kg CH 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassethanol, 99.7% in H2O, from biomass, CN29e72227-x kg CH 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassethanol, 99.7% in H2O, from biomass, BRf0355563- x kg CH 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomasselectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh CH 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassethanol, without water, in 95% solutionffcb8cbb-7 x kg CH 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassethanol, without water, in 95% solutionffcb8cbb-7 x kg SE 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomasselectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh SE 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassbagasse, from sweet sorghum 2cd6e74e-c64c-4ed4- kg CN 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomasselectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh CN 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassethanol, without water, in 95% solutionffcb8cbb-7 x kg CN 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassvinasse, from fermentation of sweet s 443828cb-ec4e-4e12-kg CN 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassethanol, without water, in 95% solutionffcb8cbb-7 x kg BR 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassash, from combustion of bagasse from ea80ca5e-c983-4155-kg BR 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomasselectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh BR 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassvinasse, from fermentation of sugarcand86eb16e-0ecd-4234-kg BR 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassethanol, without water, in 95% solutionffcb8cbb-7 x kg CH 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassvinasse, from fermentation of sugar be 7a7db01b-126b-42fa- kg CH 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassethanol, without water, in 95% solutionffcb8cbb-7 x kg CH 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomasssugar beet pulp e98c4987-0c27-4ad8-kg CH 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassvinasse, from fermentation of sugar be 16f96475-57f7-4c90-bkg CH 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassDistiller's Dried Grains with Solubles 784742e8-9297-43ce-kg RER 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassethanol, without water, in 95% solutionffcb8cbb-7 x kg RER 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassDistiller's Dried Grains with Solubles 784742e8-9297-43ce-kg CH 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassethanol, without water, in 95% solutionffcb8cbb-7 x kg CH 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassDistiller's Dried Grains with Solubles 784742e8-9297-43ce-kg US 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassethanol, without water, in 95% solutionffcb8cbb-7 x kg US 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassethanol, without water, in 95% solutionffcb8cbb-7 x kg CH 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassgrass fibre 69b7861d-cda8-4fbc- kg CH 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassprotein feed, 100% crude 8b2dfb58-660d-44eb- kg CH 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassethanol fermentation plant 725cbdbd-cx unit CH 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsesters of versatic acid ece340ed-ex kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsesterquat b078cbaa-ex kg RER 2023 Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsvegetable oil methyl ester 4bc66efe-f x kg US 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassglycerine 3d3268fa-3c9e-43e0- kg US 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassvegetable oil methyl ester 4bc66efe-f x kg BR 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassglycerine 3d3268fa-3c9e-43e0- kg BR 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassglycerine 3d3268fa-3c9e-43e0- kg CH 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassvegetable oil methyl ester 4bc66efe-f x kg CH 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassglycerine 3d3268fa-3c9e-43e0- kg RER 19a Liquid and Europe without Switzerlandpotassium sulfate, as K2O db8488c0-a49f-4550- kg RER 19a Liquid and Europe without Switzerlandvegetable oil methyl ester 4bc66efe-f x kg RER 19a Liquid and Europe without Switzerlandglycerine 3d3268fa-3c9e-43e0- kg MY 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassvegetable oil methyl ester 4bc66efe-f x kg MY 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassepoxy resin, liquid, disaggregated data bbd1ce01-7x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubberepoxy resin, liquid 51c7e57a- x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsepoxy resin insulator, SiO2 28a57559-bx kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsepoxy resin insulator, Al2O3 d3392d17-x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsepichlorohydrin 55918c79- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscalcium chloride a4a72d78-6642-4e02-kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalstrichloropropane 202081d5-a1a6-48a7-kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsenergy use and operation emissions, pad5cc813f-8x pkm CH 4911 Passenger rail transport, interurbanenergy use and operation emissions, pa5ef2a5d3-9x pkm AT 4911 Passenger rail transport, interurbanenergy use and operation emissions, pa5ef2a5d3-9x pkm IT 4911 Passenger rail transport, interurbanenergy use and operation emissions, pa5ef2a5d3-9x pkm FR 4911 Passenger rail transport, interurbanenergy use and operation emissions, pa5ef2a5d3-9x pkm DE 4911 Passenger rail transport, interurbanenergy use and operation emissions, pa5ef2a5d3-9x pkm BE 4911 Passenger rail transport, interurbanenergy use and operation emissions, passe9c2acb1f-1x km CH 4922 Other passenger land transportenergy use and operation emissions, pas3387ab13-dx km CH 4922 Other passenger land transportenergy use and operation emissions, passea844115e-fx km CH 4922 Other passenger land transportenergy use and operation emissions, pa4b7d8b3a-2x km CH 4922 Other passenger land transportenergy use and operation emissions, mo124b855f- x km CH 4922 Other passenger land transportenergy use and operation emissions, me687f2cf9-7x pkm CH 4921 Urban and suburban passenger land transpoenergy use and operation emissions, hid8cec7e5-9x pkm DE 4911 Passenger rail transport, interurbanenergy use and operation emissions, hid8cec7e5-9x pkm FR 4911 Passenger rail transport, interurbanenergy use and operation emissions, hid8cec7e5-9x pkm IT 4911 Passenger rail transport, interurbanenergy use and operation emissions, fre95016c12-ex tkm CN 4912 Freight rail transportenergy use and operation emissions, fre7239c8b4-2x tkm RER 4912 Freight rail transport

energy use and operation emissions, fre95016c12-ex tkm CH 4912 Freight rail transportenergy use and operation emissions, fre95016c12-ex tkm RER 4912 Freight rail transportenergy use and operation emissions, fre95016c12-ex tkm CN 4912 Freight rail transportenergy use and operation emissions, fre95016c12-ex tkm CH 4912 Freight rail transportenergy use and operation emissions, fre95016c12-ex tkm RER 4912 Freight rail transportenergy use and operation emissions, fre95016c12-ex tkm CN 4912 Freight rail transportenergy use and operation emissions, fre95016c12-ex tkm AT 4912 Freight rail transportenergy use and operation emissions, fre95016c12-ex tkm IT 4912 Freight rail transportenergy use and operation emissions, fre95016c12-ex tkm FR 4912 Freight rail transportenergy use and operation emissions, fre95016c12-ex tkm DE 4912 Freight rail transportenergy use and operation emissions, fre95016c12-ex tkm BE 4912 Freight rail transportenergy use and operation emissions, electb318c304-0x km CH 4922 Other passenger land transportenergy use and operation emissions, ele56cc8915-cx km CH 4922 Other passenger land transportenergy use and operation emissions, elect1873d261-bx km CH 4922 Other passenger land transportenergy use and operation emissions, eled9931b4a-3x km CH 4922 Other passenger land transportenergy use and emissions, long-distancedbd58135-3x pkm CH 4911 Passenger rail transport, interurbanenergy use and combustion emissions, 0492be81-dx vkm CH 4921 Urban and suburban passenger land transpoenergy use and combustion emissions, 19db724b-x ma CH 5221 Service activities incidental to land transporenergy use and combustion emissions, 0a8371ec- x vkm CH 4921 Urban and suburban passenger land transpoenergy use and combustion emissions, 7ac2375a- x tkm OCE 5012 Sea and coastal freight water transportenergy use and combustion emissions, e58408aa- x vkm CH 4921 Urban and suburban passenger land transpoenergy use and combustion emissions, rff3d0f35-2 x pkm CH 4911 Passenger rail transport, interurbanenergy use and combustion emissions, 110fec98-5x vkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transportenergy use and combustion emissions, 235a1508-1x km CH 4922 Other passenger land transportenergy use and combustion emissions, 235a1508-1x km RER 4922 Other passenger land transportenergy use and combustion emissions, p2f77a502-5x vkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transportenergy use and combustion emissions, p2f77a502-5x vkm RER 4922 Other passenger land transportenergy use and combustion emissions, p383a0fcd-f x vkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transportenergy use and combustion emissions, p383a0fcd-f x vkm RER 4922 Other passenger land transportenergy use and combustion emissions, pa40437b8-x vkm RER 4922 Other passenger land transportenergy use and combustion emissions, p77af5b92-5x vkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transportenergy use and combustion emissions, p77af5b92-5x vkm RER 4922 Other passenger land transportenergy use and combustion emissions, p0e07c21c-0x vkm CH 4922 Other passenger land transportenergy use and combustion emissions, 1bdfbf5f-a x km CH 4922 Other passenger land transportenergy use and combustion emissions, ad572e0e- x km CH 4922 Other passenger land transportenergy use and combustion emissions, 00db3d76-0x km CH 4922 Other passenger land transportenergy use and combustion emissions, 420e2e59- x km CH 4922 Other passenger land transportenergy use and combustion emissions, a3b3840e-1x km CH 4922 Other passenger land transportenergy use and combustion emissions, p5c76a38c-fx km CH 4922 Other passenger land transportenergy use and combustion emissions, 1320a0c8- x km CH 4922 Other passenger land transportenergy use and combustion emissions, 29fcc190-f x km CH 4922 Other passenger land transportenergy use and combustion emissions, 433e2e80- x km CH 4922 Other passenger land transportenergy use and combustion emissions, 595d9922-1x km CH 4922 Other passenger land transportenergy use and combustion emissions, e895f62a-7x km CH 4922 Other passenger land transportenergy use and combustion emissions, pf6be4308- x km CH 4922 Other passenger land transportenergy use and combustion emissions, f2282092-bx km CH 4922 Other passenger land transportenergy use and combustion emissions, lc44e3962-ex vkm RER 4923 Freight transport by roadenergy use and combustion emissions, lb76799f3- x vkm RER 4923 Freight transport by roadenergy use and combustion emissions, l863a67b1-dx vkm RER 4923 Freight transport by roadenergy use and combustion emissions, l74245178-x vkm RER 4923 Freight transport by roadenergy use and combustion emissions, la9c09575- x vkm RER 4923 Freight transport by roadenergy use and combustion emissions, l3d22bd8a-x vkm RER 4923 Freight transport by roadenergy use and combustion emissions, l5eed469f-9x vkm CH 4923 Freight transport by roadenergy use and combustion emissions, lodf4bbeda-fx vkm CH 4923 Freight transport by roadenergy use and combustion emissions, l7925228a-4x vkm CH 4923 Freight transport by roadenergy use and combustion emissions, lbe958a3d-fx vkm RER 4923 Freight transport by roadenergy use and combustion emissions, l78e0fcc0- x km CH 4923 Freight transport by roadenergy use and combustion emissions, l8dcbf169-5x vkm CH 4923 Freight transport by roadenergy use and combustion emissions, lo113f2508- x vkm CH 4923 Freight transport by roadenergy use and combustion emissions, l087db00f- x vkm CH 4923 Freight transport by roadenergy use and combustion emissions, d91129af-cx vkm RER 4923 Freight transport by roadenergy use and combustion emissions, 319b8ad3-0x vkm RER 4923 Freight transport by roadenergy use and combustion emissions, 89133467-3x vkm RER 4923 Freight transport by roadenergy use and combustion emissions, b11aa29e-ax vkm RER 4923 Freight transport by roadenergy use and combustion emissions, c4b08581- x vkm RER 4923 Freight transport by roadenergy use and combustion emissions, 1c4ebd09-cx vkm RER 4923 Freight transport by roadenergy use and combustion emissions, lb6d6a285-x vkm CH 4923 Freight transport by roadenergy use and combustion emissions, lo1ab51aa3- x vkm CH 4923 Freight transport by roadenergy use and combustion emissions, l0c031d58-1x vkm CH 4923 Freight transport by roadenergy use and combustion emissions, le9c41d5a- x vkm RER 4923 Freight transport by roadenergy use and combustion emissions, l4bc3bba6-4x km CH 4923 Freight transport by roadenergy use and combustion emissions, l4bc3bba6-4x vkm RER 4923 Freight tra Europe without Switzerlandenergy use and combustion emissions, f1fa42715-9x tkm OCE 5012 Sea and coastal freight water transportenergy use and combustion emissions, 534cb994- x tkm RER 5022 Inland freight water transportenergy use and combustion emissions, 822db9f5-cx tkm RER 5022 Inland freight water transport

energy use and combustion emissions, a7a532e71- x pkm RER 5110 Passenger air transportenergy use and combustion emissions, ai7d24ddab-3x pkm RER 5110 Passenger air transportenergy use and combustion emissions, ai1b96a85b-dx pkm RER 5110 Passenger air transportenergy use and combustion emissions, ai7ddcbdb7- x tkm RER 5120 Freight air transportenergy use and combustion emissions, airf6e8e31d-4x tkm RER 5120 Freight air transportenergy use and combustion emissions, aird9bf79bf-2x tkm RER 5120 Freight air transportenergy saving c1d6d100-ex MJ CH 4322 Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationenergy saving c1d6d100-ex MJ CH 4322 Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationenergy saving c1d6d100-ex MJ CH 4322 Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationenergy saving c1d6d100-ex MJ CH 4322 Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationenergy saving c1d6d100-ex MJ CH 4322 Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationenergy saving c1d6d100-ex MJ CH 4322 Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationenergy requirement for assembly of hea640f24e5-1x unit RER 2811 Manufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle enginesenergy and auxilliary inputs, metal wo 7c0ab4ca- x kg RER 2500 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipmentenergy and auxilliary inputs, metal wo 7c0ab4ca- x kg RER 2500 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipmentenergy and auxilliary inputs, metal wo 7c0ab4ca- x kg RER 2500 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipmentenergy and auxilliary inputs, metal wo 7c0ab4ca- x kg RER 2500 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipmentenergy and auxilliary inputs, metal wo c8a47854- x kg RER 2500 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, energy and auxilliary inputs, metal wor 6eb8dc11- x kg RER 2500 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipmentenergy and auxilliary inputs, metal wor 6eb8dc11- x kg RER 2500 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipmentenergy and auxilliary inputs, metal wor 6eb8dc11- x kg RER 2500 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipmentenergy and auxilliary inputs, metal wor 6eb8dc11- x kg RER 2500 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipmentenergy and auxilliary inputs, metal wor 2bdb9c94- x kg RER 2500 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, enamelling eb885ff3-7x m2 RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningelectronics, for control units 245732f4-ax kg RER 2651 Manufacture of measuring, testing, navigating and control equipmentelectronic component, production mix 7a18c0ec-1x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and electronic component, passive, unspeci4e252b55-x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardselectronic component, active, unspecifid1e72526-5x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardselectronic component machinery, unspee60fe70b-2x unit GLO 2829 Manufacture of other special-purpose machineryelectronic component factory fea38609-ax unit GLO 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectselectron gun, for cathode ray tube disp badf9215-5x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardscopper, cathode bbf93909-0x kg GLO 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsanode slime, silver and tellurium conta ae5a36f4-d83e-4b8c- kg GLO 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalselectrolyte, KOH, LiOH additive 0cfee66a-2x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalslithium 787e03e9-2x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalschlorine, gaseous 0992e479-07eb-4837-kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalselectrode, positive, LaNi5 288bd056-x kg GLO 2720 Manufacture of batteries and accumulatorselectrode, negative, Ni ec211391- x kg GLO 2720 Manufacture of batteries and accumulatorselectrode, negative, LiC6 d18d34ef-1x kg GLO 2720 Manufacture of batteries and accumulatorselectricity, wind, production mix 062cbdb9- x kWh RER 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, wind, production mix 062cbdb9- x kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, photovoltaic, production mix3884aac9- x kWh CH 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, oil, production mix 59305641-8x kWh UCTE 3510a Electric power generation based on liquid fueelectricity, nuclear, production mix 2c53a205-cx kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, nuclear, production mix 2c53a205-cx kWh DE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, nuclear, production mix 2c53a205-cx kWh UCTE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, nuclear, production mix 2c53a205-cx kWh US 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, nuclear, pressure water rea 66b3d359-8x kWh UCTE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, nuclear, boiling water react c20525fd-5x kWh UCTE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, natural gas, production mix b9409feb-9x kWh UCTE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, natural gas, production mix b9409feb-9x kWh US 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage, production836e7e77- x kWh AT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage, production836e7e77- x kWh BA 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage, production836e7e77- x kWh BE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage, production836e7e77- x kWh CENTREL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage, production836e7e77- x kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage, production836e7e77- x kWh CZ 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage, production836e7e77- x kWh DE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage, production836e7e77- x kWh DK 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage, production836e7e77- x kWh ES 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage, production836e7e77- x kWh FI 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage, production836e7e77- x kWh FR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage, production836e7e77- x kWh GB 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage, production836e7e77- x kWh GR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage, production836e7e77- x kWh HR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage, production836e7e77- x kWh HU 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage, production836e7e77- x kWh IE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage, production836e7e77- x kWh IT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage, production836e7e77- x kWh LU 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage, production836e7e77- x kWh MK 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage, production836e7e77- x kWh NL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage, production836e7e77- x kWh NO 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage, production836e7e77- x kWh NORDEL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage, production836e7e77- x kWh PL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage, production836e7e77- x kWh PT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and

electricity, medium voltage, production836e7e77- x kWh SE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage, production836e7e77- x kWh SI 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage, production836e7e77- x kWh SK 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage, production836e7e77- x kWh UCTE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage, production836e7e77- x kWh CS 3510 Electric po RSelectricity, medium voltage, production836e7e77- x kWh BG 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage, production836e7e77- x kWh RO 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage, production836e7e77- x kWh RER 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage, production836e7e77- x kWh BR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage, production mix 1ecc4fe2-cx kWh AT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage, production mix 1ecc4fe2-cx kWh BA 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage, production mix 1ecc4fe2-cx kWh BE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage, production mix 1ecc4fe2-cx kWh CENTREL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage, production mix 1ecc4fe2-cx kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage, production mix 1ecc4fe2-cx kWh CZ 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage, production mix 1ecc4fe2-cx kWh DE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage, production mix 1ecc4fe2-cx kWh DK 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage, production mix 1ecc4fe2-cx kWh ES 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage, production mix 1ecc4fe2-cx kWh FI 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage, production mix 1ecc4fe2-cx kWh FR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage, production mix 1ecc4fe2-cx kWh GB 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage, production mix 1ecc4fe2-cx kWh GR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage, production mix 1ecc4fe2-cx kWh HR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage, production mix 1ecc4fe2-cx kWh HU 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage, production mix 1ecc4fe2-cx kWh IE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage, production mix 1ecc4fe2-cx kWh IT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage, production mix 1ecc4fe2-cx kWh LU 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage, production mix 1ecc4fe2-cx kWh MK 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage, production mix 1ecc4fe2-cx kWh NL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage, production mix 1ecc4fe2-cx kWh NO 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage, production mix 1ecc4fe2-cx kWh NORDEL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage, production mix 1ecc4fe2-cx kWh PL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage, production mix 1ecc4fe2-cx kWh PT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage, production mix 1ecc4fe2-cx kWh SE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage, production mix 1ecc4fe2-cx kWh SI 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage, production mix 1ecc4fe2-cx kWh SK 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage, production mix 1ecc4fe2-cx kWh UCTE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage, production mix 1ecc4fe2-cx kWh CS 3510 Electric po RSelectricity, low voltage, production mix 1ecc4fe2-cx kWh BG 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage, production mix 1ecc4fe2-cx kWh RO 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage, production mix 1ecc4fe2-cx kWh RER 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage, production mix 1ecc4fe2-cx kWh BR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, lignite, production mix ba958491-9x kWh UCTE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, lignite, production mix ba958491-9x kWh CENTREL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, industrial gas, production m 50408158-2x kWh AT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, industrial gas, production m 50408158-2x kWh BE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, industrial gas, production m 50408158-2x kWh CENTREL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, industrial gas, production m 50408158-2x kWh DE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, industrial gas, production m 50408158-2x kWh ES 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, industrial gas, production m 50408158-2x kWh FR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, industrial gas, production m 50408158-2x kWh IT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, industrial gas, production m 50408158-2x kWh NL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, industrial gas, production m 50408158-2x kWh NORDEL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, industrial gas, production m 50408158-2x kWh UCTE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, supply mix 36763c3a- x kWh AT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, supply mix 36763c3a- x kWh BE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, supply mix 36763c3a- x kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, supply mix 36763c3a- x kWh ES 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, supply mix 36763c3a- x kWh CS 3510 Electric po CSelectricity, high voltage, supply mix 36763c3a- x kWh FR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, supply mix 36763c3a- x kWh GR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, supply mix 36763c3a- x kWh IT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, supply mix 36763c3a- x kWh LU 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, supply mix 36763c3a- x kWh NL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, supply mix 36763c3a- x kWh PT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, supply mix 36763c3a- x kWh DE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, supply mix 36763c3a- x kWh DK 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, supply mix 36763c3a- x kWh FI 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, supply mix 36763c3a- x kWh GB 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, supply mix 36763c3a- x kWh IE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, supply mix 36763c3a- x kWh SE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, supply mix 36763c3a- x kWh NO 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, supply mix 36763c3a- x kWh CZ 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, supply mix 36763c3a- x kWh HU 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, supply mix 36763c3a- x kWh PL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and

electricity, high voltage, supply mix 36763c3a- x kWh SK 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, supply mix 36763c3a- x kWh SI 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, supply mix 36763c3a- x kWh HR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, supply mix 36763c3a- x kWh BA 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, supply mix 36763c3a- x kWh MK 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, supply mix 36763c3a- x kWh BR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, supply mix 36763c3a- x kWh CN 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, supply mix 36763c3a- x kWh US 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, supply mix 36763c3a- x kWh JP 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, supply mix 36763c3a- x kWh BG 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, supply mix 36763c3a- x kWh RO 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh AT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh BA 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh BE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh CENTREL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh CZ 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh DE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh DK 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh ES 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh FI 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh FR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh GB 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh GR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh HR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh HU 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh IE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh IT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh LU 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh MK 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh NL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh NO 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh NORDEL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh PL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh PT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh SE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh SI 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh SK 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh UCTE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh CS 3510 Electric po RSelectricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh BR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh CN 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh US 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh JP 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh BG 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh RO 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, production mix33eda744-9x kWh RER 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, label-certified b1ac7093-7x kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, average mix wi95b754f0-0x kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, at market, pr 2501a617-x kWh AT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, at market, pr 2501a617-x kWh BA 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, at market, pr 2501a617-x kWh BE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, at market, pr 2501a617-x kWh CENTREL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, at market, pr 2501a617-x kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, at market, pr 2501a617-x kWh CZ 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, at market, pr 2501a617-x kWh DE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, at market, pr 2501a617-x kWh DK 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, at market, pr 2501a617-x kWh ES 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, at market, pr 2501a617-x kWh FI 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, at market, pr 2501a617-x kWh FR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, at market, pr 2501a617-x kWh GB 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, at market, pr 2501a617-x kWh GR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, at market, pr 2501a617-x kWh HR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, at market, pr 2501a617-x kWh HU 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, at market, pr 2501a617-x kWh IE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, at market, pr 2501a617-x kWh IT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, at market, pr 2501a617-x kWh LU 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, at market, pr 2501a617-x kWh MK 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, at market, pr 2501a617-x kWh NL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, at market, pr 2501a617-x kWh NO 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, at market, pr 2501a617-x kWh NORDEL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, at market, pr 2501a617-x kWh PL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, at market, pr 2501a617-x kWh PT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, at market, pr 2501a617-x kWh SE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, at market, pr 2501a617-x kWh SI 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and

electricity, high voltage, at market, pr 2501a617-x kWh SK 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, at market, pr 2501a617-x kWh UCTE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, at market, pr 2501a617-x kWh CS 3510 Electric po RSelectricity, high voltage, at market, pr 2501a617-x kWh BG 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, at market, pr 2501a617-x kWh RO 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, at market, pr 2501a617-x kWh RER 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, at market, pr 2501a617-x kWh BR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, hard coal, production mix b7ab6e6d-9x kWh UCTE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, hard coal, production mix b7ab6e6d-9x kWh CENTREL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, hard coal, production mix b7ab6e6d-9x kWh US 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, at cogen, biogas agricultura f6b66a40-6x kWh CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous welectricity, aluminium industry, supply c429edf4-f x kWh GLO 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh OCE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh CH 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh CH 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh CH 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh CH 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh CH 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh CH 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh CH 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh CH 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh CH 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh CH 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh CH 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh CH 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh CH 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh CH 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh CH 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh CH 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh AT 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh AU 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh BE 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh CA 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh CZ 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh DE 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh DK 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh ES 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh FI 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh FR 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh GB 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh GR 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh HU 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh IE 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh IT 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh JP 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh KR 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh LU 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh NL 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh NO 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh NZ 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh PT 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh SE 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh TR 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, low voltage d69294d7-x kWh US 3510b Electric power generation, photovoltaicelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh NORDEL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh AT 3510a Electric power generation based on liquid fueelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh BE 3510a Electric power generation based on liquid fueelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh ES 3510a Electric power generation based on liquid fueelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh CS 3510a Electric po RSelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh FR 3510a Electric power generation based on liquid fueelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh GR 3510a Electric power generation based on liquid fueelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh IT 3510a Electric power generation based on liquid fueelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh NL 3510a Electric power generation based on liquid fueelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh PT 3510a Electric power generation based on liquid fueelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh DE 3510a Electric power generation based on liquid fueelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh DK 3510a Electric power generation based on liquid fueelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh FI 3510a Electric power generation based on liquid fueelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh GB 3510a Electric power generation based on liquid fueelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh IE 3510a Electric power generation based on liquid fueelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh SE 3510a Electric power generation based on liquid fueelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh CZ 3510a Electric power generation based on liquid fueelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh HU 3510a Electric power generation based on liquid fueelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh SK 3510a Electric power generation based on liquid fueelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh HR 3510a Electric power generation based on liquid fueelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh SI 3510a Electric power generation based on liquid fue

electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ AT 3510a Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ BE 3510a Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ ES 3510a Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ CS 3510a Electric po RSelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ FR 3510a Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ GR 3510a Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ IT 3510a Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ NL 3510a Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ PT 3510a Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ DE 3510a Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ DK 3510a Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ FI 3510a Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ GB 3510a Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ IE 3510a Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ SE 3510a Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ CZ 3510a Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ HU 3510a Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ SK 3510a Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ HR 3510a Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ SI 3510a Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh FR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh DE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh US 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh CN 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh DE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh US 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh AT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh BE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh ES 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh FR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh IT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh LU 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh NL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh DE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh GB 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ AT 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ BE 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ DE 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ ES 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ FR 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ IT 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ LU 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ NL 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ GB 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh JP 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ JP 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ ASCC 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ ERCOT 3510 Electric po TREelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ FRCC 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ MRO 3510 Electric po MRO, US onelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ NPCC 3510 Electric po NPCC, US oelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ RFC 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ SERC 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ SPP 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ WECC 3510 Electric po WECC, US oelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh ASCC 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh FRCC 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh MRO 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh NPCC 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh RFC 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh SERC 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh SPP 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh WECC 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh RER 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ RER 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh GLO 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ GLO 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ DE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ NL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh CENTREL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh NORDEL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and

electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh ERCOT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh AT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh ES 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh CS 3510 Electric po RSelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh FR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh GR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh DE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh BA 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh CZ 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh HU 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh MK 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh PL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh SI 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh SK 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ AT 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ DE 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ ES 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ CS 3510 Electric po RSelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ FR 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ GR 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ BA 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ CZ 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ HU 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ MK 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ PL 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ SI 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ SK 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh RER 3510 Electric po Europe without Switzerlandelectricity, high voltage, hydro, reservo81ca7da1- x kWh RER 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, hydro, reservoib2aa5f21-2x kWh RER 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, hydro, reservoi4c2b5e6f-9x kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, hydro, reservoi4c2b5e6f-9x kWh FI 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, hydro, reservoi4c2b5e6f-9x kWh BR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh AT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh BE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh ES 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh CS 3510 Electric po RSelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh FR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh GR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh IT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh LU 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh PT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh DE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh BA 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh HR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh MK 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh SI 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh CZ 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh HU 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh PL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh SK 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh DK 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh FI 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh NO 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh SE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh GB 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh IE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh NL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh JP 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh US 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh AT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh BE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh ES 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh CS 3510 Electric po RSelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh FR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh GR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh IT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh LU 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh NL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh PT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh DE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh BA 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and

electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh HR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh MK 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh SI 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh CZ 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh HU 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh PL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh SK 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh DK 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh FI 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh NO 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh SE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh GB 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh IE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh JP 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, for Swiss Fede 6d153080-x kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh CN 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, for internal us b7a0c0bc-fx MJ CN 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh AT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh BE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh ES 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh FR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh IT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh NL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh PT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh DE 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh NORDEL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh CZ 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh HR 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh PL 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh SK 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ AT 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ BE 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ ES 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ FR 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ IT 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ NL 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ PT 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ DE 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ CZ 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ HR 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ PL 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ SK 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh ERCOT 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh FRCC 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh MRO 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh NPCC 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh RFC 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh SERC 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh SPP 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh WECC 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ ERCOT 3510 Electric po TREelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ FRCC 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ MRO 3510 Electric po MRO, US onelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ NPCC 3510 Electric po NPCC, US oelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ RFC 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ SERC 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ SPP 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ WECC 3510 Electric po WECC, US oelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh CN 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x MJ CN 3510 Electric power generatelectricity, medium voltage, label-certif fef08457-4x kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, medium voltage, label-certif fef08457-4x kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, label-certified 5f9b49ad-6x kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage 66c93e71- x kWh RER 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electricity, high voltage, label-certified 5f9b49ad-6x kWh CH 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and electric scooter 3468dc1e- x unit RER 3091 Manufacture of motorcycleselectric parts, mini CHP plant f575d599-cx unit CH 2710 Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatuselectric parts, heat and power co-gener4e8874e8-0x unit RER 2710 Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatuselectric motor, vehicle faac50ba-dx kg RER 2710 Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatuselectric connector, wire clamp 6716b460-7x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardselectric connector, peripheral compone97abb774-9x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardselectric conncetor, peripheral type buss9cc41404-5x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardselectric bicycle 945799a7-x unit RER 3091 Manufacture of motorcycleselectric arc furnace converter c2c93af2-4x unit RER 4100a construction of factory buildings for the metal industryEDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid a5d022c6- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicals

dung slab cacf7090-ax m2 CH 4100 Construction of buildingsDTPA, diethylenetriaminepentaacetic ac315d1b7c- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsdrying, natural gas 4e947250-x Nm3 NO 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mainsdrying of maize straw and whole-plant c6efcb32-7x kg CH 163 Post-harvest crop activitiesdrying of grass 65e0420e- x kg CH 163 Post-harvest crop activitiesdrying of feed grain 05885833-x kg CH 163 Post-harvest crop activitiesdrying of bread grain, seed and legumec0d30387- x kg CH 163 Post-harvest crop activitiesdried roughage store, non ventilated 17f63373-8x m3 CH 4100 Construction of buildingsdried roughage store, cold-air dried, co 79b9ceea-fx m3 CH 4100 Construction of buildingsdried roughage store, air dried, solar 7f4e26b4-bx m3 CH 4100 Construction of buildingsdrawing of pipe, steel 68e64673-7x kg RER 2410 Manufacture of basic iron and steeldoor, outer, wood-glass eefdc5da-5x m2 RER 1622 Manufacture of builders' carpentry and joinerydoor, outer, wood-aluminium 998b299a-x m2 RER 2511 Manufacture of structural metal productsdoor, inner, wood f7a0f8d7-7x m2 RER 1622 Manufacture of builders' carpentry and joinerydoor, inner, glass-wood b5811f69-1x m2 RER 1622 Manufacture of builders' carpentry and joinerydolomite 8e2a9448- x kg RER 810 Quarrying of stone, sand and claydiuron, supply mix fe47f304-4x kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochdiuron 200087fa-fx kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochdithiocarbamate-compound, supply mix4aac68dd-fx kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochdithiocarbamate-compound 135a953b-2x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsdistribution network, electricity, low vo 448b6d35-x km CH 4220a Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsdisplay, liquid crystal, 17 inches 37a90a87-6x unit GLO 2620 Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipmentdisplay, cathode ray tube, 17 inches 17ddf1bd-cx unit GLO 2620 Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipmentdisk drive, CD/DVD, ROM, for laptop co d495abc3-3x unit GLO 2620 Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipmentdisk drive, CD/DVD, ROM, for desktop 99df330b-2x unit GLO 2620 Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipmentdipropylene glycol monomethyl ether a01151e0- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsdiphenylether-compound, supply mix 9cf3bbf1-bx kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochdiphenylether-compound 4855fa83-8x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsdioxane bb14c937- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsdiode, production mix c3d2ecce-cx kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and diode, glass-, for through-hole mountin 0fd2627f-cx kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsdiode, glass-, for surface-mounting 38dddb73-x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsdiode, auxilliaries and energy use 893fa727-fx kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsdinitroaniline-compound, supply mix ff7f0db7-4 x kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochdinitroaniline-compound 788fbac7-8x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsdimethylamine 409fed7c- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsdimethylamine borane f5adb8c0-0x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsdimethylacetamide 14fc5cbb-5x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsdimethyl sulfoxide 82f905b2-fx kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsdimethyl sulfate 5b808359-x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsdimethyl ether eeaf1bf6-bx kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsdimethenamide 635a8fd4-8x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsdiesel-electric generating set product 5c251ed1-1x unit RER 2710a Manufacture of electric motors, generators, for liquid fuelsdiesel, burned in diesel-electric generat1151abf1-5x MJ GLO 3510a Electric power generation based on liquid fuelselectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh CH 3530a Steam and air conditioning supply based on lheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530a Steam and air conditioning supply based on lelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh CH 3530a Steam and air conditioning supply based on lheat, district or industrial, other than n 71e2f1db-ax MJ CH 3530a Steam and air conditioning supply based on ldiesel, burned in cogen 200kWe diesel 208896ec-3x MJ CH 3530a Steam and air conditioning supply based on ldiesel, burned in chopper 54117c45-1x MJ RER 1610 Sawmilling and planing of wooddiesel, burned in building machine b0f4c2fb-5x MJ GLO 4312 Site preparationdiesel, low-sulfur b80eb2d5-x kg CH 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productsdiesel, low-sulfur b80eb2d5-x kg RER 1920 ManufactureEurope without Switzerlanddichloromethane c1fd4059-cx kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsdicamba, supply mix 75663771-x kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochdicamba b0ca2406- x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochdiazole-compound a3c5df1d-2x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsdiazine-compound 99a11618-3x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsnitrogen fertiliser, as N f5707bdf-f7e2-479b- kg RER 2012 Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsphosphate fertiliser, as P2O5 5321a299-0x kg RER 2012 Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsethanol, without water, in 99.7% soluti 508155f4-0x kg BR 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassethanol, without water, in 99.7% soluti 508155f4-0x kg US 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassethanol, without water, in 99.7% soluti 508155f4-0x kg RER 19a Liquid and Europe without Switzerlandethanol, without water, in 99.7% soluti 508155f4-0x kg CN 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassethanol, without water, in 99.7% soluti 508155f4-0x kg CH 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassethanol, without water, in 99.7% soluti 508155f4-0x kg SE 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassSOx retained, in lignite flue gas desulfu87511127-x kg GLO 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributionSOx retained, in hard coal flue gas desu6ada853f-7x kg RER 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distributiondeinking emulsion, in paper production 8d125c13-3x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsbutyrolactone 7a660d2e- x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalshydrogen, liquid 8d78a0dc-1489-48c1-kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsdegreasing, metal part in alkaline bath 7e1e83e1-4x m2 RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningdeep drawing, steel, 650 kN press, singaafac89e-9x kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgydeep drawing, steel, 650 kN press, au 906a817d-5x kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgydeep drawing, steel, 38000 kN press, si79268913-1x kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgy

deep drawing, steel, 38000 kN press, cb752f65-3x kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgydeep drawing, steel, 3500 kN press, sinfc9591fa-9 x kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgydeep drawing, steel, 3500 kN press, a 1bed7aa6-9x kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgydeep drawing, steel, 10000 kN press, si210dcb33-fx kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgydeep drawing, steel, 10000 kN press, f10b8722- x kg RER 2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgybark chips, wet, measured as dry mass 6d2c81d0-5546-4bc3-m3 RER 220 Loggingsawlog and veneer log, softwood, deba e76d8fdf-f x m3 RER 220 Loggingcyclohexanone 51f81140-9x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscyclohexanol 7fbaae23-bx kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscyclohexane faff01b2-d x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscyclic N-compound, supply mix d49ea0ff-4x kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochcyclic N-compound d006454e-1x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productscyanazine, supply mix 0722dd88-x kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochcyanazine b60357fc-2x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochcumene 2fec913d- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscryolite f011e841-dx kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscover plaster, organic 1bec933d-cx kg CH 2394 Manufacture of cement, lime and plastercover plaster, mineral 883e77e1- x kg CH 2394 Manufacture of cement, lime and plastercotton seed, for sowing ab68c6e3- x kg US 164 Seed processing for propagationcotton seed 9b8b880d-a6f6-45e1- kg US 116 Growing of fibre cropscotton fibre 0818abb1-x kg US 116 Growing of fibre cropscotton fibre 0818abb1-x kg CN 116 Growing of fibre cropscotton seed 9b8b880d-a6f6-45e1- kg CN 116 Growing of fibre cropscorrugated board, recycled fibre, single33aa2293- x kg RER 1702 ManufacturEurope without Switzerlandcorrugated board, recycled fibre, single33aa2293- x kg CH 1702 Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperbcorrugated board 732c8dad- x kg RER 1702 ManufacturEurope without Switzerlandcorrugated board 732c8dad- x kg CH 1702 Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperbcorrugated board 732c8dad- x kg RER 1702 ManufacturEurope without Switzerlandcorrugated board 732c8dad- x kg CH 1702 Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperbcorrugated board, fresh fibre, single wald361e68b-cx kg RER 1702 ManufacturEurope without Switzerlandcorrugated board, fresh fibre, single wald361e68b-cx kg CH 1702 Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperbcorrugated board box ca213807-7x kg RER 1702 Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard and of containers of paper and paperboardcorrugated board box ca213807-7x kg CH 1702 Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperbcork slab 344057fa-ex kg RER 230 Gathering of non-wood forest productscork, raw 065d2e72-x kg RER 230 Gathering of non-wood forest productswood fuel, hardwood, wet, measured ase09cfa95-fc90-4b39-bm3 RER 230 Gathering of non-wood forest productscore board 46b5cbca- x kg RER 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardcopper, supply mix 4ac6ff52-6 x kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other noncopper, from solvent-extraction electro 318cf976-bx kg GLO 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalscopper fbb039f7-f x kg GLO 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalscopper fbb039f7-f x kg RNA 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalscopper fbb039f7-f x kg RLA 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalscopper fbb039f7-f x kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalscopper fbb039f7-f x kg RAS 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalscopper fbb039f7-f x kg ID 2420 ManufactureAUcopper fbb039f7-f x kg DE 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalscopper, blister-copper a987cf2b-6x kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalscopper oxide f1e0a8f1-ax kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscopper concentrate 0b4d69f9- x kg GLO 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresmolybdenite 759783e0-89c4-486e-kg GLO 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal orescopper concentrate 0b4d69f9- x kg RNA 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresmolybdenite 759783e0-89c4-486e-kg RNA 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal orescopper concentrate 0b4d69f9- x kg RLA 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresmolybdenite 759783e0-89c4-486e-kg RLA 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal orescopper concentrate 0b4d69f9- x kg RER 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresmolybdenite 759783e0-89c4-486e-kg RER 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal orescopper concentrate 0b4d69f9- x kg RAS 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresmolybdenite 759783e0-89c4-486e-kg RAS 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal orescopper concentrate 0b4d69f9- x kg ID 729 Mining of oAUmolybdenite 759783e0-89c4-486e-kg ID 729 Mining of oAUcopper carbonate 01bf4427- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscooling energy 9c5b9099-1x MJ CH 3530 Steam and air conditioning supplyconveyor belt 26f457d5-9x m RER 2816 Manufacture of lifting and handling equipmentcontrol cabinet, heat and power co-genef300bf9e-c x unit RER 2811 Manufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle enginescontouring, bronze 6ad2240e-fx kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningcontouring, brass ef7d455e-ax kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningconstruction work, heat and power co-ge0c513ba9- x unit RER 2811 Manufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle enginesconcrete roof tile 37346571-x kg CH 2395 Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterconcrete, sole plate and foundation 7f4879a4-7x m3 CH 2395 Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterconcrete, normal eee95138- x m3 CH 2395 Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterconcrete, high exacting requirements 8b7d9b96-x m3 CH 2395 Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterconcrete, for de-icing salt contact f7a8981c-ex m3 CH 2395 Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterconcrete mixing factory 2e8c9c97-bx unit CH 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsconcrete block d4ee8f39- x kg DE 2395 Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plastercomputer, laptop 6a5c8503- x unit GLO 2620 Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment

computer, desktop, without screen e92a03ce-ax unit GLO 2620 Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipmentcompressed air, 800 kPa gauge 67d88d5e-x m3 RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscompressed air, 800 kPa gauge 67d88d5e-x m3 RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscompressed air, 800 kPa gauge 67d88d5e-x m3 RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscompressed air, 800 kPa gauge 67d88d5e-x m3 RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscompressed air, 800 kPa gauge 67d88d5e-x m3 RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscompressed air, 700 kPa gauge ed3b2533-x m3 RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscompressed air, 700 kPa gauge ed3b2533-x m3 RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscompressed air, 700 kPa gauge ed3b2533-x m3 RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscompressed air, 600 kPa gauge 58c5a1af-2x m3 RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscompressed air, 600 kPa gauge 58c5a1af-2x m3 RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscompressed air, 600 kPa gauge 58c5a1af-2x m3 RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscompressed air, 1200 kPa gauge 00f0de48-4x m3 RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscompressed air, 1200 kPa gauge 00f0de48-4x m3 RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscompressed air, 1000 kPa gauge e7a3abb3- x m3 RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscompressed air, 1000 kPa gauge e7a3abb3- x m3 RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscomposting facility, open bfdc2268-bx unit CH 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectscombine harvesting cf52c0fe-7 x ha CH 161 Support activities for crop productionwaste paper, unsorted f70c1877-6x kg RER 3811 Collection Europe without Switzerlandwaste paper, unsorted f70c1877-6x kg CH 3811 Collection of non-hazardous wastewaste packaging glass, unsorted 2d68cff7-c x kg RER 3811 Collection of non-hazardous wastepolystyrene scrap, post-consumer 7b9793d7-x kg CH 2220 Manufacture of plastics productscoke 1fa64d0c-ax MJ DE 1910 Manufacture of coke oven productscoal gas d3d23054-a030-4284-MJ DE 1910 Manufacture of coke oven productscoal tar d70d5efd-b120-4c9d- kg DE 1910 Manufacture of coke oven productsbenzene f598c5db-f614-47c6- kg DE 1910 Manufacture of coke oven productscoke 1fa64d0c-ax MJ GLO 1910 Manufacture of coke oven productscoal gas d3d23054-a030-4284-MJ GLO 1910 Manufacture of coke oven productscoal tar d70d5efd-b120-4c9d- kg GLO 1910 Manufacture of coke oven productsbenzene f598c5db-f614-47c6- kg GLO 1910 Manufacture of coke oven productscoconut, husked 8166cab3-1x kg PH 126 Growing of oleaginous fruitscoconut oil, crude 57a41587-dx kg PH 1040 Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fatscobwork ca4d9ee8-ax kg CH 2392 Manufacture of clay building materialscobalt 50c430bb- x kg GLO 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal orescoating powder 0f90ad25-dx kg RER 2022 Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and masticscoal stove, 5-15kW 609c7578-4x unit RER 2815 Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersclover seed, Swiss integrated productiocd360246-4x kg CH 164 Seed processing for propagationclover seed, Swiss integrated productio53ec78cd- x kg CH 119 Growing of other non-perennial cropsclinker 1f41586d- x kg CH 2394 Manufacture of cement, lime and plasterroundwood, primary forest d1c072bf-3346-40f2-bm3 BR 220 Loggingland, recently transformed from forest, 4a1990cf-f x m2 BR 220 Loggingroundwood, primary forest d1c072bf-3346-40f2-bm3 MY 220 Loggingland, recently transformed from forest, 4a1990cf-f x m2 MY 220 Loggingclay plaster 7e2e1fc2-2x kg CH 2392 Manufacture of clay building materialsclay pit infrastructure 6fe4040b- x unit CH 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsclay e89b4064-ax kg CH 810 Quarrying of stone, sand and claycladding, crossbar-pole, aluminium 76c2aa75-4x m2 RER 2511 Manufacture of structural metal productschromium steel removed by turning, prib761ec9b- x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningchromium steel removed by turning, pri0986e781-fx kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningchromium steel removed by turning, pri075c20bd- x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningchromium steel removed by turning, pri5f166bcc-cx kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningchromium steel removed by turning, av3e7f7623-6x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningchromium steel removed by turning, avd1505014-x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningchromium steel removed by milling, sma4763bc2c-ex kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningchromium steel removed by milling, lar7dd1dea7-8x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningchromium steel removed by milling, drea34f9438-6x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningchromium steel removed by milling, av 1e379992-x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningchromium steel removed by drilling, co 02a08ad3-ax kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningchromium steel removed by drilling, co 96c12a4d-4x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningchromium e416df9c-6x kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalschromium oxide, flakes 45fdcba1- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalschromite ore concentrate 680ea06e- x kg GLO 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oreschopping, maize b3280788-x ha CH 161 Support activities for crop productionchlorotoluron 7149c17c- x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productschlorothalonil ec7efa0f-9 x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productschloromethyl methyl ether 1682a2f6-7x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalshexafluoroethane 6c8aaf28-0fe9-432b-bkg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsmonochloropentafluoroethane 0b33b0ad-x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalschlorodifluoromethane 952f836a-cx kg NL 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalschloroacetic acid 52ac5131-1x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalschlorine, liquid, production mix c350df6e-ax kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalschlorine dioxide 29fbcb1d-7x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalschlorine, gaseous 0992e479-x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalshydrogen, liquid 8d78a0dc-1489-48c1-kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssodium hydroxide, without water, in 50%61396bcb-bf35-411a- kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicals

chlorine, gaseous 0992e479-x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalshydrogen, liquid 8d78a0dc-1489-48c1-kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssodium hydroxide, without water, in 50%61396bcb-bf35-411a- kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalschlorine, gaseous 0992e479-x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalshydrogen, liquid 8d78a0dc-1489-48c1-kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssodium hydroxide, without water, in 50%61396bcb-bf35-411a- kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalschipper, stationary, electric 450202ff-bx unit RER 2822 Manufacture of metal-forming machinery and machine toolschipper, mobile, diesel 46485e9c-5x unit RER 2822 Manufacture of metal-forming machinery and machine toolsfolding boxboard/chipboard 913cd7e2-ca11-4117-kg RER 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardchimney 21663725-fx m CH 4390 Other specialized construction activitieschemi-thermomechanical pulp 726ac38f-0x kg RER 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardchemical, organic 2be73167-5x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalschemical, inorganic 73b452c8- x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalschemical factory, organics 3d0fe4e0-ex unit RER 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectschemical factory 8cfc44b6-6x kg RER 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectswhey 714ddb02-2- kg CH 1050 Manufacture of dairy productschassis, internet access equipment 0e35a77b- x kg RER 2910 Manufacture of motor vehiclescharcoal 8397cd58- x kg GLO 220 Loggingceramic tile 33187006-cx kg CH 2392 Manufacture of clay building materialsceramic factory f131b9cf-1x unit CH 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectscement, production mix a49b9bec- x kg CH 2394 Manufacture of cement, lime and plastercement tile 12099fef-9x kg CH 2395 Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plastercement, Portland strength class Z 52.5 fed83e29-3x kg CH 2394 Manufacture of cement, lime and plastercement, Portland strength class Z 42.5 9d7a5510-4x kg CH 2394 Manufacture of cement, lime and plastercement, Portland slag sand 8f79a4b6-3x kg CH 2394 Manufacture of cement, lime and plastercement, Portland composite, 21-35% bla206721d2-bx kg CH 2394 Manufacture of cement, lime and plastercement, blast furnace slag 36-65%, no e29ca530- x kg CH 2394 Manufacture of cement, lime and plastercement mortar d454e221-x kg CH 2394 Manufacture of cement, lime and plastercement factory c08228bd- x unit CH 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectscement cast plaster floor ba849663-ax kg CH 2395 Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plastercellulose fibre, inclusive blowing in b97d1806-x kg CH 1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardcationic resin 1fe6463a-0x kg CH 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formscathode-ray tube, cathode ray tube dis b2a2a2ad-4x kg GLO 2620 Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipmentcathode, LiMn2O4, for lithium-ion battedc43fac4-6x kg GLO 2720 Manufacture of batteries and accumulatorscathode, LiMn2O4, for lithium-ion battedc43fac4-6x kg CN 2720 Manufacture of batteries and accumulatorscathode, for aluminium electrolysis 4d2b658e-x kg RER 2790 Manufacture of other electrical equipmentcatalytic converter, three-way, mini CH 0a6ef59e-fx unit CH 2930 Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehiclescatalytic converter, three-way, 19.1l 70b31156-ax unit RER 2930 Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehiclescatalytic converter, selective catalytic r6854fd9d-bx unit RER 2930 Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehiclescatalytic converter, oxidation, 20 litre 8d0233ab-4x unit RER 2930 Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehiclescasting, bronze bf1643c7-ex kg CH 2432 Casting of non-ferrous metalscasting, brass 77146dac- x kg CH 2432 Casting of non-ferrous metalscast iron removed by turning, primarily6d874a27-x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningcast iron removed by turning, primarily7b946cc6-6x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningcast iron removed by turning, primarily3c7be4a7-2x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningcast iron removed by turning, primarilyde99a473-8x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningcast iron removed by turning, average, c4d2d64d-ex kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningcast iron removed by turning, average, 5024de82-cx kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningcast iron 4447af36-0x kg RER 2410 Manufacture of basic iron and steelcast iron removed by milling, small partcad5dc4a-9x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningcast iron removed by milling, large part50c41012- x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningcast iron removed by milling, dressing 19c17659-9x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningcast iron removed by milling, average bb318197-cx kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningcast iron removed by drilling, conventioabe39906- x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningcast iron removed by drilling, computer31dfa958-0x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningcarton board box production, with offset40462fcf-0x kg CH 1702 Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard and of containers of paper and paperboardcarton board box production, with gravu9b1c31ff-2x kg CH 1702 Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard and of containers of paper and paperboardcarboxymethyl cellulose, powder 0ffa7cec-4 x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscarbon tetrachloride a18bcfed-bx kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscarbon monoxide d349d8a1-7x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscarbon disulfide 817dbd86-fx kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscarbon dioxide, liquid ef644ee9-9x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscarbon black 081e318e-bx kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscarbofuran, supply mix 3681d848-2x kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochcarbofuran f7a73623-ex kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochcaptan 20fb957d-ex kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productscapacitor, production mix f9f64525-6x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and capacitor, tantalum-, for through-hole 7657e25c- x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardscapacitor, for surface-mounting c924ae77- x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardscapacitor, film type, for through-hole 1edf4d42-6x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardscapacitor, electrolyte type, > 2cm heig 5f06394c-4x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardscapacitor, electrolyte type, < 2cm heig 5036886d-x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardscapacitor, auxilliaries and energy use 6207ccc7- x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsbagasse, from sugarcane 22df1429-91c9-4d1e- kg BR 1072 Manufacture of sugarelectricity, high voltage 66c93e71-f32b-4591- kWh BR 1072 Manufacture of sugar

ethanol, without water, in 95% solutionffcb8cbb-77ab-4f87-8 kg BR 1072 Manufacture of sugarsugar, from sugarcane 601aa448- x kg BR 1072 Manufacture of sugarvinasse, from fermentation of sugarca a4e51554-e4b6-43a2-kg BR 1072 Manufacture of sugarcanal maintenance and land use b7471820-5x ma RER 5222 Service activities incidental to water transpocanal 9f999529-6x ma RER 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectscalendering, rigid sheets 7539e2dc-9x kg RER 2220 Manufacture of plastics productscalcium nitrate 94ef9b64-bx kg RER 2012 Manufacture of fertilcalcium carbide, technical grade b2c3da99-4x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscalcium borates 71051431-fx kg TR 891 Mining of chemical and fertilizer mineralsnitrogen fertiliser, as N f5707bdf-f x kg RER 2012 Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundscalcareous marl 0ae050ad-9x kg CH 810 Quarrying of stone, sand and claycadmium telluride, semiconductor-grad7efe609d- x kg US 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscadmium sulfide, semiconductor-grade de8ac708- x kg US 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscadmium, semiconductor-grade e60b02d3-x kg US 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscadmium chloride, semiconductor-grad52c5e025- x kg US 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalscable, three-conductor cable 58b3db4e-x m GLO 2732 Manufacture of other electronic and electric wires and cablescable, ribbon cable, 20-pin, with plugs e5eaf82c-7x kg GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardscable, printer cable, without plugs ab44e7a7-fx m GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardscable, network cable, category 5, witho103bb584-x m GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardscable, data cable in infrastructure c72cce08-dx m GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardscable, connector for computer, without 6ea1f939-cx m GLO 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boardsbutyl acrylate 118544e5-7x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsbutyl acetate 6b9d5139-x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsbutene, mixed 8c1de2fe-bx kg RER 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productsbutane-1,4-diol dbc24013-2x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsbutadiene 788a9b6e- x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsbus d59e8c63- x unit RER 2910 Manufacture of motor vehiclesbuilding machine cc89e7ae-ex unit RER 2824 Manufacture of machinery for mining, quarrying and constructionbuilding, multi-storey 006863b7-x m3 RER 4100 Construction of buildingsbuilding, hall, wood construction 266ce7ab-5x m2 CH 4100 Construction of buildingsbuilding, hall, steel construction 7aaf6060-fx m2 CH 4100 Construction of buildingsbuilding, hall d72638dc-7x m2 CH 4100 Construction of buildingssodium tetrahydridoborate 8fba72dd- x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalssodium methoxide 0d1d6886-5798-4fc9- kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsbronze 2fe4096e-1x kg CH 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsbrick e9066206-x kg RER 2392 Manufacture of clay building materialsbrazing solder, cadmium free f3ed9c05-f x kg RER 2029 Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.brass removed by turning, primarily ro 7d33e24d-x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningbrass removed by turning, primarily ro a4c330dd-6x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningbrass removed by turning, primarily drec40263a4- x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningbrass removed by turning, primarily dr 34410c01-8x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningbrass removed by turning, average, conf94ab6e8-7x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningbrass removed by turning, average, com34118ede- x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningbrass 57771ae0-5x kg CH 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsbrass removed by drilling, conventional36c05836- x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningbrass removed by drilling, computer nuf5e6f99a-f x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningboron trifluoride 592e0ff6-ax kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsboron carbide c3d1b7fa-3x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsboric oxide eedb5f6e- x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsboric acid, anhydrous, powder 49b0e8ea-9x kg RER 891 Mining of chemical and fertilizer mineralsborehole heat exchanger, 150m bbc6e4a8-cx unit CH 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machineryborax, anhydrous, powder 6a0bd6ed- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsblower and heat exchange unit, Twl-70 33e3392c- x unit RER 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machineryblower and heat exchange unit, Storkaif058600f-ex unit RER 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machineryblower and heat exchange unit, KWLC 8911bd8c-ax unit RER 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machineryblower and heat exchange unit, KWL 2 273a97e6- x unit RER 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machineryblower and heat exchange unit, GE 25087062d01-ax unit CH 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machineryblower and heat exchange unit, decentbfbd2433- x unit RER 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machineryblower and heat exchange unit, centra f0e76468-1x unit RER 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machineryblower and heat exchange unit, Avent cfd69796- x unit RER 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machineryblow moulding cfe51aa8-5x kg RER 2220 Manufacture of plastics productsblister-copper conversion facility eb002431-x unit SE 4100a construction of factory buildings for the metal industryblasting 46f66854-dx kg RER 2029 Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.blast oxygen furnace converter 7bd34016-x unit RER 2815 Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersblast furnace 28f2da0b-7x unit RER 2815 Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersbitumen seal, VA4 0d89c476-6x kg RER 2399 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.bitumen seal, V60 2e0e7474- x kg RER 2399 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.bitumen seal, polymer EP4 flame retard1ea49dcc- x kg RER 2399 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.bitumen seal, Alu80 838aab4c- x kg RER 2399 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.bitumen seal f4439eab-2x kg RER 2399 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.bitumen adhesive compound, hot a90f106b-8x kg RER 2399 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.bitumen adhesive compound, cold 7e034d72-dx kg RER 2399 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.bisphenol A, powder d0cf73b3-5x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsbipyridylium-compound, supply mix 2f065d58-ex kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochbipyridylium-compound 449726a6-8x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products

biogas, production mix 37cd48a1-bx Nm3 CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wbiogas, agricultural co-digestion, with a718e8a2-fx Nm3 CH 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wbiogas, from grass 564149aa- x Nm3 CH 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassprotein feed, 100% crude 8b2dfb58-660d-44eb- kg CH 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassgrass fibre 69b7861d-cda8-4fbc- kg CH 19a Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassbiocide, for paper production, producti 65543040-x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochbicycle dfaf81e4-7x unit RER 3092 Manufacture of bicycles and invalid carriagebenzyl chloride a5bf7510-8x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsbenzyl alcohol f2f7fe05-9 x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsbenzoic-compound, supply mix 4fad4ccb-bx kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochbenzoic-compound f143fd40-3x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsbenzo[thia]diazole-compound, supply m305b67f7-8x kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochbenzo[thia]diazole-compound 6f07e082-bx kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsbenzimidazole-compound, supply mix c63c439f-cx kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochbenzimidazole-compound f4470cb4-fx kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsbenzene f598c5db-fx kg RER 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum productshydrochloric acid, without water, in 30%3ab60559-40d3-42e4-kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsmonochlorobenzene 0f04185b-5x (variable)kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalso-dichlorobenzene c4ea317c-5x (variable)kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsp-dichlorobenzene b2651a4d-x (variable)kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsbenzaldehyde b2fc2305-cx kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsbenzal chloride 6b344179-x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsbentonite 4cdd8521-4x kg DE 810 Quarrying of stone, sand and claybentonite quarry infrastructure 915500af-3x unit DE 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsmolasses, from sugar beet 26448127-c1ac-4f48- kg CH 1072 Manufacture of sugarsugar beet pulp e98c4987-0c27-4ad8-kg CH 1072 Manufacture of sugarsugar, from sugar beet 8e583c86- x kg CH 1072 Manufacture of sugarbeet seed, Swiss integrated production,0b7e9242-1x kg CH 164 Seed processing for propagationbauxite, without water 6e6b1247-4x kg GLO 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresbattery separator 3de8d0de- x kg CN 2720 Manufacture of batteries and accumulatorsbattery, NiMH, rechargeable, prismatic 85f25c36-ex kg GLO 2720 Manufacture of batteries and accumulatorsbattery, Li-ion, rechargeable, prismatic 18c7d197- x kg GLO 2720 Manufacture of batteries and accumulatorsbattery cell, Li-ion 3103a12f- x kg CN 2720 Manufacture of batteries and accumulatorsphosphate fertiliser, as P2O5 5321a299-0x kg RER 891 Mining of chemicals and fertilizer chemicalsbase plaster 2d03bb2c- x kg CH 2394 Manufacture of cement, lime and plasterbasalt 2bd67269-x kg RER 810 Quarrying of stone, sand and claybarley seed, Swiss integrated productio4dfe45d5-cx kg CH 164 Seed processing for propagationbarley seed, organic, for sowing 7b810d03-x kg CH 164 Seed processing for propagationbarley grain, Swiss integrated producti a235b2ff-3x kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsstraw d7f544d6-c372-4fc3-8kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsbarley grain, Swiss integrated producti a235b2ff-3x kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsstraw d7f544d6-c372-4fc3-8kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsbarley grain, organic f467c4d0-ex kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsstraw, organic 692b4f7e-9e79-4f69-bkg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsbarley grain 3f6dada9-2x kg DE 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsbarley grain 3f6dada9-2x kg ES 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsbarley grain 3f6dada9-2x kg FR 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsbarley grain, feed, Swiss integrated pro281fc4f0-c x kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsbarley grain, feed, organic 0d860eb4-x kg CH 111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsbarite 142f9def-f x kg RER 729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresbarge tanker 041a813e-dx unit RER 3011 Building of ships and floating structuresbarge 86663fb7-dx unit RER 3011 Building of ships and floating structuresbaling bb425565-x unit CH 163 Post-harvest crop activitiesbale loading bab2d2e5-ex unit CH 163 Post-harvest crop activitiesbacklight, for liquid crystal display ec62f8d8-f x kg GLO 2620 Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipmentazobe, allocation correction 2 8aa789bd- x m3 GLO 210 Silviculture and other forestry activitiesazobe, allocation correction 1 8d1fc5e6-ax m3 GLO 210 Silviculture and other forestry activitiesauxiliary heating unit, electric, 5kW aa02923c-7x unit CH 2815 Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersautoclaved aerated concrete block dccd37a7-bx kg CH 2395 Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasteratrazine, supply mix edb041bf- x kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochatrazine bc06c7e3- x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsassembly of liquid crystal display, auxil 4f6092a7- x kg GLO 2620 Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipmentasbestos, crysotile type 18dc1317-8x kg GLO 899 Other mining and quarrying n.e.c.arsine 52c95e30- x kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsargon, liquid a94ce0ad-4x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsapplication of plant protection product, 7225e2a6-7x ha CH 161 Support activities for crop productionanti-reflex-coating, etching, solar glass 53d88c6c-ex m2 DK 2310 Manufacture of glass and glass productsantimony 6a38ebd7- x kg CN 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsanthraquinone 93ba9b84-x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsanodising, aluminium sheet a399e4d1- x m2 RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machininganode refinery fc610554- x unit SE 4100a construction of factory buildings for the metal industryanode, graphite, for lithium-ion battery 7cc63761-cx kg CN 2790 Manufacture of other electrical equipmentanode, for aluminium electrolysis 4e584f6f-2x kg RER 2790 Manufacture of other electrical equipmentanode factory 3736d0b4-9x unit RER 4100a construction of factory buildings for the metal industryanionic resin 6372f235-5x kg CH 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary forms

aniline 9aa43f13-dx kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsanhydrite, burned f77615e2-3x kg CH 2394 Manufacture of cement, lime and plasteranhydrite f8c713b1-bx kg CH 2394 Manufacture of cement, lime and plasteranhydrite floor 4ec94c17- x kg CH 2395 Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasteranaerobic digestion plant, for sewage sf308d640-dx unit CH 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsanaerobic digestion plant, for biowaste 3f521fb7-dx unit CH 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsanaerobic digestion plant, agriculture, 33afc5c1-ex unit CH 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsanaerobic digestion plant, agricultural 812fbc21-cx unit CH 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsammonium thiocyanate 4d8591e3-cx kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsammonium sulfate, as N 6f4bede8-fx kg RER 2012 Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsammonium nitrate, as N a498d9fb-9x kg RER 2012 Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsnitrogen fertiliser, as N f5707bdf-f7e2-479b- kg RER 2012 Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsphosphate fertiliser, as P2O5 5321a299-0x kg RER 2012 Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsammonium carbonate 71aeb89d-1x kg RER 2012 Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsammonium bicarbonate a7f92ffa-a x kg RER 2012 manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsammonia, liquid 06b8d05b-x kg RER 2012 manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsammonia, liquid 06b8d05b-x kg RER 2012 manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundshexamethyldisilazane 1a7d7241-bx kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsammonium chloride e03dc076-23ea-4705-kg GLO 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsaluminium, wrought alloy, production m8417868e-x kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other nonaluminium, production mix 7837e6ce-2x kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other nonaluminium, cast alloy, production mix e63e6ff4-ex kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other nonaluminium removed by turning, primaril4a9432d1-x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningaluminium removed by turning, primaril8ed69bc7-0x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningaluminium removed by turning, primarilb508d780-x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningaluminium removed by turning, primarilc2efe7de-5x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningaluminium removed by turning, average63b19600-x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningaluminium removed by turning, average89b05b75-x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningaluminium sulfate, powder 761145b7-x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsaluminium, primary, liquid 3ede4edc-bx kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other nonaluminium, wrought alloy fef44ccb-9 x kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsaluminium oxide 96f36f31-8x kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other nonaluminium oxide factory 7abb1e42-7x unit RER 4100a construction of factory buildings for the metal industryaluminium removed by milling, small pa9ceb8f63-dx kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningaluminium removed by milling, large pa195293db-x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningaluminium removed by milling, dressin e8ce7dac-bx kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningaluminium removed by milling, average76736f35-6x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningaluminium melting furnace e19538bd-x unit RER 2815 Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersaluminium hydroxide 1fc89761-9x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsaluminium hydroxide factory 0e3da9a5-fx unit RER 4100a construction of factory buildings for the metal industryaluminium fluoride 61f268c8-dx kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsaluminium electrolysis facility 2b5712fb-1x unit RER 4100a construction of factory buildings for the metal industryaluminium removed by drilling, conventb5f43a8d-4x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningaluminium removed by drilling, compute9f43b50a-3x kg RER 2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machiningaluminium casting facility 3ce2f7c0-3x unit RER 4100a construction of factory buildings for the metal industryaluminium alloy, AlMg3 e77d9460-x kg RER 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsallyl chloride 59984322-x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalshydrochloric acid, without water, in 30%3ab60559-40d3-42e4-kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsdichloropropene 51d011ea-b1ac-42a4-kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsalkylketene dimer sizing agent, for pap 846f817b-6x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsalkylbenzene sulfonate, linear, petroch 29026153-x kg RER 2023 Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsalkylbenzene, linear eae90647- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsalkyd resin, long oil, without solvent, in 53c35893- x kg RER 2022 Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and masticsalkyd paint, white, without water, in 60 d2aea801- x kg RER 2022 Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and masticsalkyd paint, white, without solvent, in fb4bb128-0x kg RER 2022 Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and masticsalachlor, supply mix 19f1bce9-ax kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochalachlor bf26bade- x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochairport maintenance and land use d71bb01d-x unit RER 5223 Service activities incidental to air transportaairport d8f9c37f-dx unit RER 4210 Construction of roads and railwaysaircraft, passenger (obsolete) 41d32811-x unit RER 3030 Manufacture of air and spacecraft and relataircraft, freight (obsolete) 02d6f771-6x unit RER 3030 Manufacture of air and spacecraft and relataircraft, medium haul eeac05d7-ax unit RER 3030 Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machineryaircraft, long haul 1196b57b-x unit RER 3030 Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinerykrypton, gaseous 4ec33358-7145-4997-kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsxenon, gaseous 74b0096e-x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsargon, crude, liquid 0e2dea51-7ebb-4cf8- kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsnitrogen, liquid 159edf36-233e-4e2c- kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsoxygen, liquid 28c2473e- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsair separation facility 4dd034b4-ex unit RER 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projectsair input/output unit, heat and power c 847db7e2-bx unit RER 2813 Manufacture of other pumps, compressors, taps and valvesair filter, in exhaust air valve 2bdd98d4-0x unit RER 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machineryair filter, decentralized unit, 250 m3/h 1d8da2ef-0x unit RER 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machineryair filter, decentralized unit, 180-250 md0e5f559-5x unit RER 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machineryair filter, central unit, 600 m3/h 9aa99528-fx unit RER 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machineryair distribution terminal panel, steel, 1 7207cd29-8x unit CH 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machinery

air compressor, screw-type compressor57a23d61-x unit RER 2813 Manufacture of other pumps, compressors, taps and valvesair compressor, screw-type compresso 6874a6ba- x unit RER 2813 Manufacture of other pumps, compressors, taps and valvesagricultural trailer 32af2447- x kg CH 2821 Manufacture of agricultural and forestry machineryagricultural machinery, unspecified 663a4580-x kg CH 2821 Manufacture of agricultural and forestry machineryagricultural machinery, tillage 84aefb4d-6x kg CH 2821 Manufacture of agricultural and forestry machineryadipic acid a4206b90-x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsadhesive, for metal fa11f755-bx kg DE 2029 Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.adhesive mortar b8adef94- x kg CH 2395 Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasteractivated bentonite db314df7-ax kg DE 810 Quarrying of stone, sand and clayacrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copoly 71e296f1-2x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsacrylic varnish, without water, in 87.5%4f41bd8f-2x kg RER 2022 Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and masticsacrylic filler aad176cd- x kg RER 2022 Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and masticsacrylic dispersion, without water, in 65 dce67266- x kg RER 2022 Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and masticsacrylic binder, without water, in 34% so79bd7e18-8x kg RER 2022 Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and masticsacrylic acid b9d163af-2x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsaclonifen 906ace6c- x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsacetylene ac271101- x kg CH 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsacetone, liquid 15e08bcb-7x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsacetone cyanohydrin 3b363d31-8x kg RER 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsacetic anhydride 50a418df-9x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsacetic acid, without water, in 98% solute36aa595-9x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsacetamide-anillide-compound, unspecifi7a32c319-fx kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochacetamide-anillide-compound, unspecif2487d46f-cx kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsacetaldehyde 86e7640d-9x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsacetic acid, without water, in 98% solute36aa595-9fc6-4eff-8 kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsacetic anhydride 50a418df-9x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsabsorption chiller, 100kW 85c1094f-fx unit CH 2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machinery4-methyl-2-pentanone d1a3ebf3- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicals3-methyl-1-butyl acetate ef84c866- x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicals2-methyl-2-butanol 11bd64cc-4x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicals2-butanol dab51c45-3x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicalsbutane aaa1fb85-4e0e-426e- kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicals2,4-D, supply mix ae995c1a-1x kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agroch2,4-D af1ff09e-a x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agroch1-propanol b7b72951-x kg RER 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicals1,1-difluoroethane, HFC-152a 807906d0-fx kg US 2011 Manufacture of basic chemicals[thio]carbamate-compound, supply mix11cad5cf- x kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agroch[thio]carbamate-compound 1be4f7e4-5x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products[sulfonyl]urea-compound, supply mix 5035476b-x kg CH 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agroch[sulfonyl]urea-compound 4c2b1cc3- x kg RER 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products

ReferenceUnit changDataset deProduct noNew referInput turned into reference productManufacture of basic chemicalsMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningManufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsManufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsPreparation and spinning of textile fibresPreparation and spinning of textile fibresPreparation and spinning of textile fibres xManufacture of basic chemicalsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsSawmilling and planing of woodSawmilling and planing of woodManufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsSawmilling and planing of woodSawmilling and planing of woodConstruction of other civil engineering projectsSteam and air conditioning supplySteam and air conditioning supplySawmilling and planing of wood kgManufacture of metal-forming machinery and machine toolsSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSawmilling and planing of wood kg -2351Sawmilling and planing of wood kgSawmilling and planing of wood kgSawmilling and planing of wood kgSawmilling and planing of wood x xSawmilling and planing of wood x xSawmilling and planing of wood x x

x xSawmilling and planing of woodSawmilling and planing of woodManufacture of basic iron and steelManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsManufacture of structural metal productsManufacture of builders' carpentry and joineryManufacture of plastics productsManufacture of structural metal productsConstruction of utility projects for electricity x

Europe without Switzerland xConstruction of utility projects for electricity x

Europe without Switzerland xConstruction of utility projects for electricity x xConstruction of utility projects for electricity x xConstruction of utility projects for electricity xConstruction of utility projects for electricity x

Construction of utility projects for electricity xConstruction of utility projects for electricity xManufacture of refined petroleum productsSeed processing for propagationSeed processing for propagationGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machining


Construction of utility projectsConstruction of utility projectsConstruction of utility projectsManufacture of basic chemicalsWater collection, treatment and supplyWater collection, treatment and supplyWater collection, treatment and supplyConstruction of utility projectsConstruction of utility projectsConstruction of utility projectsConstruction of utility projectsConstruction of utility projectsConstruction of other civil engineering projects

(sign change)Manufacture of motor vehiclesManufacture of electronic components and boardsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsManufacture of man-made fibresManufacture of man-made fibresManufacture of man-made fibresManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsQuarrying of stone, sand and clayPlumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationPlumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationPlumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationPlumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationPlumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationPlumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationPlumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationPlumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationPlumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationPlumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationPlumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationPlumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationManufacture of other general-purpose machineryManufacture of other general-purpose machineryManufacture of other general-purpose machineryManufacture of measuring, testing, navigating and control equipmentManufacture of measuring, testing, navigating and control equipmentConstruction of other civil engineering projectsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsManufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of plastics productsManufacture of plastics productsManufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsManufacture of nuclear fuels x x xManufacture of nuclear fuels x x xManufacture of nuclear fuels x x xManufacture of nuclear fuels x x xManufacture of nuclear fuels x x x

Manufacture of nuclear fuels x x xManufacture of nuclear fuels x x xManufacture of basic chemicals x x xManufacture of basic chemicals x x xMining of uranium and thorium oresManufacture of nuclear fuelsManufacture of nuclear fuels xManufacture of nuclear fuels xManufacture of nuclear fuels xManufacture of nuclear fuels xManufacture of nuclear fuels xManufacture of nuclear fuels xManufacture of nuclear fuels xManufacture of nuclear fuels xManufacture of basic chemicals xManufacture of basic chemicals xManufacture of nuclear fuels x xManufacture of nuclear fuels xManufacture of nuclear fuels x xManufacture of nuclear fuels xManufacture of nuclear fuels x xManufacture of nuclear fuels xManufacture of nuclear fuels x xManufacture of nuclear fuels xManufacture of basic chemicals xManufacture of basic chemicals x xManufacture of basic chemicals xManufacture of basic chemicals xMining of uranium and thorium ores x xMining of uranium and thorium oresMining of uranium and thorium oresConstruction of buildingsSmelting and refining of uraniumManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of nuclear fuelsManufacture of nuclear fuels

UCTE without GermanyManufacture of nuclear fuelsManufacture of nuclear fuelsManufacture of nuclear fuelsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsConstruction of buildingsConstruction of buildingsConstruction of buildingsConstruction of buildingsManufacture of nuclear fuels x x xConstruction of buildingsConstruction of buildingsManufacture of other rubber productsConstruction of buildingsManufacture of chemical and nitrogen compoundsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products

(sign change)xx

(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)

Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste x

(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)

(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)

kg x(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)

(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)

Europe without Switzerland xCollection of non-hazardous waste x

(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change) -2225(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign changMJ -1438(sign change)(sign changMJ -1435(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)

x(sign change)(sign change)(sign change) x x

Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous w x x(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)

Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomass xLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomass x

(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)

(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)


(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)

Manufacture of office machinery and equipment (except computerxManufacture of office machinery and equipment (except computerx

(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)

(sign change)(sign change) x x(sign change) x(sign change) x x(sign change) x x(sign change) x(sign change) x(sign change)(sign change)

(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)

(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)

(sign change)

(sign change)

(sign change)(sign change)(sign change) x

(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)

(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)

(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change) x(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)

(sign change)(sign change)

(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)

(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change) x x(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)

Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perx(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)


(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)

(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)

Processing and preserving of meat x(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)

Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste x(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)

Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals x(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)

Sawmilling and planing of woodSawmilling and planing of wood x

(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)

Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard and of containers of paper and paperboardManufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard and of containers of paper and paperboard

(sign change)(sign change)

Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals xManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals xManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste x

(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)

Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals xManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals xManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals x

(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)

Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous w x x xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous w x xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous w x x

(sign change)(sign change)

(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change) x(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)

(sign change)(sign change)

Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals xManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals x

(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)

Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste

(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)

Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals xManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals x

(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)

AT, BG, BR, CZ, FI, GB, GLO, HU, x (new datasets for specific countxManufacture of basic chemicals x

BG, BR, CZ, FI, GB, GLO, HU, NL, x (new datasets for spexTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste x

(sign change) x

Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous w x xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous w x

(sign change) xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous w xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous w x

(sign change) xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous w xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous w xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous w x

(sign change) xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous w xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous w x xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous w x xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous w x xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous w x xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous w x xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous w x xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous w x xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous w x x

(sign change)(sign change)(sign change)

Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals xManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals xManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals x

(sign change)(sign change)

Manufacture of basic precious and other nonx xx

Manufacture of basic precious and other nonx x(sign change)

Urban and suburban passenger land transportUrban and suburban passenger land transportSupport activities for crop productionUrban and suburban passenger land transportTransport via pipelineTransport via pipelineTransport via pipeline

Transport via pipelineTransport via pipeline

RER w/o DE+NL+NOTransport via pipelineTransport via pipelineTransport via pipelineOther passenger land transportOther passenger land transport xOther passenger land transport xOther passenger land transportOther passenger land transportOther passenger land transportPassenger air transport xPassenger air transportPassenger air transportUrban and suburban passenger land transport

Passenger rail transport, interurban x x

Passenger rail transport, interurbanPassenger rail transport, interurbanPassenger rail transport, interurbanPassenger rail transport, interurbanPassenger rail transport, interurbanPassenger rail transport, interurbanPassenger rail transport, interurbanPassenger rail transport, interurban

Other passenger land transportEurope without Switzerland x

Other passenger land transport xOther passenger land transport x x

Europe without Switzerland x xOther passenger land transport x x

Europe without Switzerland x xOther passenger land transport x xOther passenger land transport x xOther passenger land transport x xOther passenger land transport x xOther passenger land transport x x

Europe without Switzerland x xOther passenger land transport x x

Europe without Switzerland x xOther passenger land transport xOther passenger land transport xOther passenger land transport x xOther passenger land transport x xOther passenger land transport x xOther passenger land transport xOther passenger land transport xOther passenger land transport xOther passenger land transport xOther passenger land transport xOther passenger land transport xOther passenger land transport x xOther passenger land transport x xOther passenger land transport x xPassenger air transportPassenger air transport

Freight transport by roadFreight transport by roadFreight transport by roadFreight transport by roadFreight transport by roadFreight transport by roadFreight transport by road xFreight transport by road xFreight transport by road xFreight transport by road xFreight transport by roadFreight transport by roadFreight transport by roadFreight transport by roadFreight transport by roadFreight transport by roadFreight transport by road xFreight transport by road x

Europe without SwitzerlandFreight transport by roadInland freight water transportInland freight water transport


Europe without Switzerland

Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsManufacture of electronic components and x xManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boards

Manufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatusManufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatusConstruction of roads and railwaysManufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stockManufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stockManufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stockManufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stockManufacture of agricultural and forestry machineryConstruction of buildingsManufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and masticsManufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and masticsManufacture of office machinery and equipment (except computers and peripheral equipmentManufacture of office machinery and equipment (except computers and peripheral equipmentManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsTreatment and coating of metals; machiningManufacture of basic iron and steelSupport activities for crop productionSupport activities for crop productionSupport activities for crop productionSupport activities for crop productionSupport activities for crop productionSupport activities for crop productionSupport activities for crop productionSupport activities for crop productionManufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsManufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardManufacture of plastics productsManufacture of cement, lime and plaster

xManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of glass and glass productsManufacture of basic chemicalsConstruction of other civil engineering projects

Europe without SwitzerlandWater collection, treatment and supplyManufacture of basic chemicals

Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous x xManufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mainsManufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mainsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsManufacture of electronic components and boardsExtraction of natural gasGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsElectric power generation, transmMJ -1410Electric power generation, transmission and distributionSupport activities for crop productionManufacture of other general-purpose machineryGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardManufacture of basic chemicals

Europe without Switzerland xManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboard x

Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardGrowing of sugar caneConstruction of other civil engineering projectsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterManufacture of plastics productsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminousxGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminousxGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsManufacture of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metalManufacture of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metalConstruction of buildingsMining of chemicals and fertilizer chemicalsManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsMining of other non-ferrous metal oresTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningManufacture of basic iron and steelManufacture of basic iron and steelManufacture of basic iron and steelManufacture of basic iron and steelManufacture of basic iron and steelManufacture of basic iron and steelManufacture of basic iron and steelTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningSteam and air conditioning supplyOther passenger land transportTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningMining of other non-ferrous metal oresManufacture of other general-purpose machineryManufacture of other general-purpose machineryPreparation and spinning of textile fibres xPreparation and spinning of textile fibresGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsManufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fatsManufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fatsManufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fatsManufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fatsManufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fatsManufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fatsSupport activities for crop productionElectric power generation, transmMJ -1408Electric power generation, transmission and distributionConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsConstruction of other civil engineering projects

Manufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardSupport activities for crop productionManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardManufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.Manufacture of other chemical products of factory buildings for the metal industryManufacture of glass and glass products

Installation of solar collector systemsInstallation of solar collector systemsInstallation of solar collector systemsInstallation of solar collector systemsManufacture of glass and glass productsConstruction of buildingsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsSawmilling and planing of wood xSawmilling and planing of wood xSawmilling and planing of wood x

Silviculture and other forestry activities

Sawmilling and planing of woodEurope without NORDEL (NCPA)

Silviculture and other forestry activities

Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsManufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsManufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsManufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicals x xManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicals

Manufacture of basic chemicalsMining of chemical and fertilizer mineralsManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsManufacture of basic iron and steelManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicals xManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of refractory productsQuarrying of stone, sand and clayManufacture of other general-purpose machineryManufacture of other general-purpose machineryManufacture of basic iron and steelManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals

Manufacture of basic iron and steelManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsRaising of sheep and goats xRaising of sheep and goats xConstruction of buildingsConstruction of utility projectsConstruction of utility projectsConstruction of utility projectsConstruction of utility projectsConstruction of utility projectsManufacture of basic chemicalsTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningElectric power generation, transmission and distributionManufacture of basic iron and steelManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsManufacture of plastics productsManufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.Construction of other civil engineering projectsSawmilling and planing of woodSawmilling and planing of woodSawmilling and planing of woodSawmilling and planing of woodSawmilling and planing of woodSawmilling and planing of woodConstruction of other civil engineering projectsSawmilling and planing of woodSawmilling and planing of woodSawmilling and planing of woodSawmilling and planing of woodSawmilling and planing of woodSawmilling and planing of woodSawmilling and planing of wood kgSawmilling and planing of woodSawmilling and planing of woodSawmilling and planing of woodSawmilling and planing of woodSawmilling and planing of woodSawmilling and planing of woodSawmilling and planing of woodConstruction of other civil engineering projectsManufacture of clay building materialsManufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterSeed processing for propagationSeed processing for propagationGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsManufacture of communication equipmentManufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.Manufacture of other general-purpose machineryManufacture of clay building materialsManufacture of machinery for metallurgyManufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.Construction of other civil engineering projectsManufacture of machinery for mining, quarrying and constructionConstruction of buildingsService activities incidental to land transpor (merged) xConstruction of roads and railwaysConstruction of roads and railwaysSeed processing for propagation

Manufacture of basic chemicals

Manufacture of basic precious and other nonxManufacture of basic precious and other nonxManufacture of basic precious and other nonxManufacture of basic precious and other nonxManufacture of basic precious and other nonxManufacture of basic precious and other nonxManufacture of basic precious and other nonxManufacture of basic precious and other nonxManufacture of basic precious and other nonxManufacture of basic precious and other nonxManufacture of basic precious and other nonxManufacture of basic precious and other nonxManufacture of electronic components and x xManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of other chemical products n.e. -441Construction of other civil engineering projectsConstruction of utility projectsManufacture of basic iron and steelManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of refractory productsManufacture of refractory productsManufacture of refractory productsSteam and air conditioning supplyMJ -1607

Europe without SwitzeMJ -1608Steam and air conditioning supply based on liquid fuels x

Europe without Switzerland xRemediation activities and other waste management servicesRemediation activities and other waste management servicesRemediation activities and other waste management servicesRemediation activities and other waste management servicesManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsMining of other non-ferrous metal oresGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsSeed processing for propagationGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsSeed processing for propagationGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous -6957Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsManufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fatsManufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats

Europe without SwitzerlandEurope without Switzerland

Service activities incidental to land transpor (merged) xService activities incidental to land transport(merged) xConstruction of roads and railwaysConstruction of roads and railwaysManufacture of cement, lime and plasterManufacture of cement, lime and plasterManufacture of cement, lime and plasterManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of basic chemicalsConstruction of utility projectsManufacture of fluid power equipmentQuarrying of stone, sand and clayManufacture of refined petroleum productsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seeds

Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteTreatment and disposal of hazardous wasteTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteTreatment and disposal of hazardous wasteTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsManufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and masticsManufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and masticsManufacture of computers and peripheral equipmentManufacture of computers and peripheral equipmentManufacture of electronic components and x xManufacture of electronic components and x xManufacture of electronic components and x xManufacture of electronic components and x xManufacture of electronic components and x xManufacture of electronic components and xManufacture of electronic components and xManufacture of electronic components and x xManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals xconstruction of factory buildings for the metal industryManufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatusSawmilling and planing of woodSawmilling and planing of woodManufacture of power-driven hand toolsManufacture of power-driven hand toolsManufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatusTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of starches and starch productsSeed processing for propagationGrowing of vegetables and melons, roots and tubersSeed processing for propagationGrowing of vegetables and melons, roots and tubersGrowing of vegetables and melons, roots and tubersGrowing of vegetables and melons, roots and tubersGrowing of vegetables and melons, roots and tubersSupport activities for crop productionSupport activities for crop productionPost-harvest crop activitiesManufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsManufacture of basic chemicals

Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsManufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsManufacture of basic chemicals

Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresService activities incidental to water transpo(merged) xConstruction of other civil engineering projectsManufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of plastics productsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubberx xManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of other rubber products x xManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of plastics productsManufacture of plastics productsManufacture of plastics productsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of plastics productsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of plastics productsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of other general-purpose machineryManufacture of other general-purpose machineryManufacture of starches and starch productsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of other textiles n.e.c.Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipmentManufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsManufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsManufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsManufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresConstruction of other civil engineering projectsManufacture of cement, lime and plasterSupport activities for crop productionManufacture of pesticides and other agroch x xArchitectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy

Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancySawmilling and planing of woodSawmilling and planing of woodSawmilling and planing of woodSawmilling and planing of woodSawmilling and planing of woodSawmilling and planing of woodSawmilling and planing of woodSawmilling and planing of woodManufacture of metal-forming machinery and machine toolsManufacture of basic chemicals

Construction of utility projectsConstruction of utility projectsConstruction of utility projectsConstruction of utility projectsConstruction of utility projectsConstruction of utility projects

Europe without SwitzerlandManufacture of basic chemicals x xManufacture of basic iron and steelManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of basic chemicals

Manufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsOther specialized construction activitiesOther specialized construction activitiesOther specialized construction activitiesOther specialized construction activitiesOther specialized construction activitiesManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsManufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsManufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsManufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsConstruction of buildingsMining of chemical and fertilizer mineralsMining of chemical and fertilizer mineralsManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products

Manufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of basic chemicalsExtraction of crude petroleum x x

Europe without Switzerland x xExtraction of crude petroleum x xExtraction of crude petroleum x x

Europe without Switzerland x xExtraction of crude petroleum x xExtraction of crude petroleum x xExtraction of crude petroleum x x

Europe without Switzerland x xExtraction of crude petroleum x xExtraction of crude petroleum x xManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of refined petroleum products

Europe without SwitzerlandEurope without SwitzerlandEurope without SwitzerlandEurope without SwitzerlandEurope without SwitzerlandEurope without SwitzerlandEurope without SwitzerlandEurope without SwitzerlandEurope without SwitzerlandEurope without SwitzerlandEurope without SwitzerlandEurope without Switzerland

Construction of infrastructure for petroleum refining and distributionExtraction of crude petroleumExtraction of crude petroleumExtraction of crude petroleumExtraction of crude petroleumExtraction of crude petroleumExtraction of crude petroleumExtraction of crude petroleumExtraction of crude petroleumExtraction of crude petroleumExtraction of crude petroleumExtraction of crude petroleumExtraction of crude petroleumExtraction of crude petroleumExtraction of crude petroleumManufacture of refined petroleum products

Europe without SwitzerlandManufacture of refined petroleum products xManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of refined petroleum products

Europe without SwitzerlandManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsQuarrying of stone, sand and clayManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products

x x

Seed processing for propagationSeed processing for propagationManufacture of motor vehicles x x

Manufacture of motor vehicles x xManufacture of motor vehicles xManufacture of motor vehicles xManufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsManufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsManufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xSilviculture and other forestry activitiesSilviculture and other forestry activities xSilviculture and other forestry activities xManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboard x

Europe without Switzerland xConstruction of other civil engineering projectsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsManufacture of other special-purpose machineryManufacture of glass and glass productsManufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fatsManufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fatsManufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fatsGrowing of oleaginous fruits

Construction of other civil engineering projectsManufacture of glass and glass productsManufacture of glass and glass products

RER w/o CH+DEManufacture of glass and glass productsManufacture of glass and glass products

RER w/o CH+DEManufacture of glass and glass productsManufacture of glass and glass products

RER w/o CH+DEConstruction of other civil engineering projectsManufacture of plastics productsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of other general-purpose machineryManufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of basic chemicalsSolar collectors operationSolar collectors operationSolar collectors operationSolar collectors operationPhotocopying, document preparation and otherxPhotocopying, document preparation and otherxPhotocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activities

Europe without SwitzerlandPhotocopying, document preparation and otherxPhotocopying, document preparation and otherxPhotocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activities

Europe without Switzerland

Other passenger land transport x xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteWired telecommunications activitiesWired telecommunications activities

Raising of cattle and buffaloesRaising of cattle and buffaloesPost-harvest crop activitiesPost-harvest crop activitiesPost-harvest crop activitiesWired telecommunications activitiesWired telecommunications activitiesPhotocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activitiesPhotocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activitiesPhotocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activities

Europe without SwitzerlandPhotocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activities

Europe without SwitzerlandPhotocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activities

Europe without SwitzerlandPhotocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activitiesPhotocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activitiesPhotocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activitiesPhotocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activitiesPhotocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activities

Europe without SwitzerlandPhotocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activities

Europe without SwitzerlandPhotocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activities

Europe without SwitzerlandPhotocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activities

Europe without SwitzerlandPhotocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activities

Europe without SwitzerlandPhotocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activities

Europe without SwitzerlandPhotocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activities

Europe without SwitzerlandPhotocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activities

Europe without SwitzerlandPhotocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activities

Europe without SwitzerlandPhotocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activities

Europe without SwitzerlandPhotocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activities

Europe without SwitzerlandSupport activities for petroleum and natural gas extractionSupport activities for petroleum and natural gas extractionExtraction of natural gasManufacture of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metalConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, for liquid fuelsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsManufacture of furnaces and boilers for liquid fuelsManufacture of furnaces and boilers for liquid fuels

Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsConstruction of buildingsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsConstruction of utility projects for electricity xConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuels

Construction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsConstruction of utility projects for electricity xConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsConstruction of buildingsConstruction of buildingsConstruction of buildingsManufacture of nuclear fuelsManufacture of nuclear fuelsManufacture of nuclear fuelsManufacture of nuclear fuelsManufacture of nuclear fuelsManufacture of nuclear fuels

UCTE without GermanyManufacture of machinery for metallurgyManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsmanufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsCutting, shaping and finishing of stoneCutting, shaping and finishing of stoneCutting, shaping and finishing of stoneManufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous xManufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous xManufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous xManufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous xManufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous xManufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous xManufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mainsManufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mainsManufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mainsManufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous xManufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous xElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply x

Steam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply x

Europe without Switzerland xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xExtraction of crude petroleumConstruction of other civil engineering projectsExtraction of natural gasExtraction of natural gasExtraction of natural gasExtraction of natural gasExtraction of natural gasExtraction of natural gasExtraction of natural gasManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of refined petroleum products x xManufacture of basic chemicalsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsCollection of non-hazardous wasteManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsSupport activities for crop productionManufacture of nuclear fuelsSupport activities for crop productionSupport activities for crop productionManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of motorcyclesManufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsManufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of refined petroleum products

Manufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsManufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle enginesManufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatusConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsMining of uranium and thorium oresMining of uranium and thorium ores

Construction of other civil engineering projectsConstruction of other civil engineering projects

Construction of other civil engineering projectsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsConstruction of other civil engineering projects

Construction of other civil engineering projectsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsConstruction of buildingsSupport activities for animal productionManufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle enginesManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassManufacture of basic chemicalsConstruction of buildingsManufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mainsManufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mainsManufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mainsManufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mainsManufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mainsManufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mainsManufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous x xManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of other fabricated metal products; metalworking service activitiesManufacture of other fabricated metal products; metalworking service activitiesManufacture of other fabricated metal products; metalworking service activitiesManufacture of other fabricated metal products; metalworking service activitiesManufacture of other fabricated metal products; metalworking service activitiesManufacture of metal-forming machinery and machine toolsconstruction of factory buildings for the metal industryconstruction of factory buildings for the metal industryMining of other non-ferrous metal oresSilviculture and other forestry activitiesManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsConstruction of other civil engineering projects

Manufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.Manufacture of basic chemicals xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous w xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous w xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomass x xLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomass x

kg xx

kg x

kg xkg xkg x

Mining of other non-ferrous metal oresManufacture of basic chemicals xLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomass xLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomass xManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic precious and other nonx xManufacture of basic precious and other nonxManufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fatsLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomass xManufacture of basic precious and other nonxManufacture of electronic components and xManufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsManufacture of refined petroleum products xManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of refined petroleum products

Europe without SwitzerlandManufacture of refined petroleum products xManufacture of refined petroleum products xManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboard xManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboard xManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboard xManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboard xManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboard xManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboard xManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomass xManufacture of basic precious and other nonxManufacture of glass and glass products xManufacture of glass and glass products xManufacture of glass and glass products xPhotocopying, document preparation and otherxPhotocopying, document preparation and otherxPhotocopying, document preparation and otherxPhotocopying, document preparation and otherxManufacture of gas; distribution m3Manufacture of gas; distribution m3Manufacture of gas; distribution m3 xManufacture of gas; distribution m3Manufacture of gas; distribution m3Manufacture of gas; distribution m3Manufacture of gas; distribution m3Manufacture of gas; distribution m3Manufacture of gas; distribution m3Manufacture of gas; distribution m3Manufacture of gas; distribution m3Manufacture of gas; distribution m3Manufacture of gas; distribution m3Manufacture of gas; distribution m3Manufacture of gas; distribution m3Manufacture of gas; distribution m3Manufacture of gas; distribution m3Manufacture of gas; distribution m3Manufacture of gas; distribution m3

Manufacture of gas; distribution m3Manufacture of gas; distribution m3Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous x xManufacture of refined petroleum products xManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsManufacture of basic chemicals xLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassManufacture of basic chemicals xManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of refined petroleum products

Europe without SwitzerlandManufacture of basic precious and other nonxManufacture of basic chemicals xManufacture of refined petroleum products

Europe without SwitzerlandManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of refined petroleum products

Europe without SwitzerlandSteam and air conditioning supplySteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply x

x x

Manufacture of basic precious and other nonx xManufacture of basic chemicals xManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of other non-metallic mineral prxManufacture of other non-metallic mineral prxManufacture of basic iron and steel xManufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distribution

xElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distribution

Electric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distribution

xElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distribution

xElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionManufacture of refined petroleum products

Europe without SwitzerlandManufacture of refined petroleum products

Europe without SwitzerlandManufacture of basic chemicals x xManufacture of basic chemicals x xManufacture of basic chemicals x xManufacture of basic chemicals x xManufacture of basic chemicals x xManufacture of basic chemicals x xManufacture of basic chemicals x xManufacture of basic chemicals x xManufacture of basic chemicals x xManufacture of basic chemicals x xManufacture of basic chemicals x xManufacture of basic chemicals x xManufacture of basic chemicals x xManufacture of basic chemicals x xManufacture of basic chemicals x xManufacture of basic chemicals xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous wastemanufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsmanufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen com xManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsManufacture of basic chemicalsConstruction of buildingsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsMining of other non-ferrous metal oresManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsQuarrying of stone, sand and clayManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of starches and starch productsGrowing of other non-perennial cropsGrowing of other non-perennial cropsSeed processing for propagationGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsSeed processing for propagationGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsRepair of transport equipment, except motor vehiclesRepair of transport equipment, except motor vehiclesRepair of transport equipment, except motor vehiclesRepair of transport equipment, except motor vehiclesRepair of electrical equipmentRepair of electrical equipmentRepair of electrical equipmentRepair of electrical equipmentMaintenance and repair of motor vehicles x xMaintenance and repair of motor vehicles x xMaintenance and repair of motor vehicles xMaintenance and repair of motor vehicles xSale, maintenance and repair of motorcycles and related parts and accessoriesRepair of electrical equipmentRepair of electrical equipmentMaintenance and repair of motor vehiclesMaintenance and repair of motor vehiclesMaintenance and repair of motor vehiclesRepair of transport equipment, except motor vehiclesMaintenance and repair of motor vehiclesRepair of electrical equipmentRepair of transport equipment, except motor vehiclesRepair of transport equipment, except motor vehiclesSale, maintenance and repair of motorcyclesxSale, maintenance and repair of motorcycles and related parts and accessories

Maintenance and repair of motor vehiclesRepair of other personal and household goodsRepair of transport equipment, except motor vehiclesManufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and masticsManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsMining of other non-ferrous metal oresManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsMining of other non-ferrous metal oresconstruction of factory buildings for the metal industryConstruction of other civil engineering projectsManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of motor vehiclesManufacture of motor vehiclesManufacture of motor vehicles

-2350 x-2350

x (combined production; log, energy wood, spx xManufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stockManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metal

GLO (updated DS) xManufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard and of containers of paper and paperboardManufacture of agricultural and forestry machineryConstruction of buildingsSupport activities for crop productionManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of computers and peripheral equipmentManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard and of containers of paper and paperboardQuarrying of stone, sand and clayConstruction of buildingsQuarrying of stone, sand and clayQuarrying of stone, sand and clayQuarrying of stone, sand and clayQuarrying of stone, sand and clayManufacture of cement, lime and plasterManufacture of cement, lime and plasterManufacture of cement, lime and plasterManufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen com x

Manufacture of cement, lime and plasterConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuels

Construction of other civil engineering projectsManufacture of refined petroleum productsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsManufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.Manufacture of cement, lime and plasterManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of motor vehiclesManufacture of clay building materialsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machining

Treatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningService activities related to printingManufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsManufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsManufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardManufacture of computers and peripheral equipmentGrowing of fibre cropsGrowing of fibre cropsQuarrying of stone, sand and clayGrowing of fibre cropsGrowing of fibre cropsGrowing of fibre cropsGrowing of fibre cropsManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsSupport activities for crop production -6967Support activities for crop productionSupport activities for crop production -6967Manufacture of basic iron and steelManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic iron and steel

Manufacture of basic chemicalsConstruction of utility projectsManufacture of other electrical equipmentManufacture of other electrical equipmentManufacture of other electrical equipmentMining of chemical and fertilizer mineralsWired telecommunications activitiesWired telecommunications activitiesManufacture of communication equipmentManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of other general-purpose machineryManufacture of pesticides and other agroch x xManufacture of plastics productsConstruction of infrastructure for petroleum refining and distributionConstruction of other civil engineering projectsManufacture of machinery for mining, quarrying and constructionManufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersManufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersManufacture of furnaces and boilers for liquid fuelsManufacture of electronic components and x xManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.Manufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardSawmilling and planing of wood

xExtraction of natural gas xForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgy

Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuels

Europe without SwitzerlandConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsManufacture of basic chemicals xManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicals x xManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of machinery for mining, quarrying and constructionConstruction of buildingsConstruction of buildingsConstruction of buildingsConstruction of buildingsManufacture of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metalConstruction of buildingsManufacture of basic iron and steelProcessing and preserving of meatSupport activities for crop productionManufacture of pesticides and other agroch x xManufacture of basic chemicals x helium production have been completelly re-modelledManufacture of basic chemicals x helium production have been completelly re-modelledManufacture of basic chemicals x helium production have been completelly re-modelledManufacture of air and spacecraft and related machineryMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresSteam and air conditioning supplyMJ -1593

Europe without SwitzeMJ -1594Steam and air conditioning supply based on liquid fuels

Europe without SwitzerlandElectric power generation based on liquid fuex xConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supplySteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supplySteam and air conditioning supply x

Steam and air conditioning supply xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous w x xManufacture of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metalManufacture of other general-purpose machineryManufacture of other general-purpose machineryManufacture of other general-purpose machineryManufacture of other general-purpose machineryManufacture of other general-purpose machinerySteam and air conditioning supply -2420

xSteam and air conditioning supply -2419

xSteam and air conditioning supply -2418

x -2415Steam and air conditioning supply -2417

x -2414Steam and air conditioning supply -2416

x -2413Steam and air conditioning supply -2438

xSteam and air conditioning supply -2437

xSteam and air conditioning supply -2436

xSteam and air conditioning supply -2429

xSteam and air conditioning supply -2428

xSteam and air conditioning supply -2427

xSteam and air conditioning supply -1364

xSteam and air conditioning supply -1363

xSteam and air conditioning supplySteam and air conditioning supply -1362

xSteam and air conditioning supply -1361

xSteam and air conditioning supply -1360

xSteam and air conditioning supply -1359

xSteam and air conditioning supply -1358

xSteam and air conditioning supply -1357

xSteam and air conditioning supply -1355

xSteam and air conditioning supply -1356

xSteam and air conditioning supply -1354

xSteam and air conditioning supply -2415Steam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply -2414Steam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply -2413Steam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply -2435

xSteam and air conditioning supply -2434

xSteam and air conditioning supply -2433

xSteam and air conditioning supply -2426

xSteam and air conditioning supply -2425

xSteam and air conditioning supply -2424

xSteam and air conditioning supply -1009

xSteam and air conditioning supply based on l -1600

Europe without Switzerland -1601


Steam and air conditioning supply based on l -1599x

Steam and air conditioning supply based on l -1598x

Steam and air conditioning supply based on l -1597x

Steam and air conditioning supply based on l -1596x

Steam and air conditioning supply based on l -1590Europe without Switzerland -1589


Steam and air conditioning supply -2412x -2415

Steam and air conditioning supply -2411x -2414

Steam and air conditioning supply -2410x -2413

Steam and air conditioning supply -2432x

Steam and air conditioning supply -2431x

Steam and air conditioning supply -2430x

Steam and air conditioning supply -2423x

Steam and air conditioning supply -2422x

Steam and air conditioning supply -2421xx

Steam and air conditioning supply -847x

Steam and air conditioning supply -846Europe without Switzerland

Steam and air conditioning supplyTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous wasteSolar collectors operationSolar collectors operationSolar collectors operationSolar collectors operationSolar collectors operationSolar collectors operationSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supplySteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply x

xSteam and air conditioning supply -848

xSteam and air conditioning supply -844

Europe without SwitzerlandSteam and air conditioning supplyManufacture of other general-purpose machinerySteam and air conditioning supplySteam and air conditioning supplySteam and air conditioning supply -2338Steam and air conditioning supplySteam and air conditioning supplySteam and air conditioning supply -2335Steam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supply xSteam and air conditioning supplySteam and air conditioning supplySteam and air conditioning supplySteam and air conditioning supplySteam and air conditioning supplySteam and air conditioning supplySteam and air conditioning supplySteam and air conditioning supplySteam and air conditioning supplySteam and air conditioning supply

Steam and air conditioning supplySteam and air conditioning supply

Europe without SwitzerlandEurope without Switzerland

Steam and air conditioning supplySteam and air conditioning supplySteam and air conditioning supplySteam and air conditioning supplySteam and air conditioning supply based on liquid fuels Steam and air conditioning supply based on liquid fuels Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste xManufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatusConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsConstruction of buildingsManufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatusConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsManufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle enginesManufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatusConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsManufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle enginesManufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatusConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsManufacture of engines and turbines for liquid fuels, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle enginesManufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatusConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, for liquid fuelsManufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle enginesManufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatusConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsManufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle enginesManufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatusConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsManufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle enginesManufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatusConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsSupport activities for crop productionGrowing of other non-perennial cropsGrowing of other non-perennial cropsGrowing of other non-perennial cropsSupport activities for crop productionSupport activities for crop productionManufacture of agricultural and forestry machinerySawmilling and planing of wood xSawmilling and planing of wood xSawmilling and planing of wood xSilviculture and other forestry activities

Sawmilling and planing of woodSilviculture and other forestry activities

Europe without NORDEL (NCPA)Silviculture and other forestry activitiesSilviculture and other forestry activities

Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipmentManufacture of computers and peripheral equipment

x xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx x

Electric power generation, transmission and x

Construction of utility projects for electricity xConstruction of utility projects for electricity x xConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuels

Construction of other civil engineering projectsManufacture of refined petroleum productsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsQuarrying of stone, sand and clayQuarrying of stone, sand and clayManufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterManufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterSupport activities for crop productionSupport activities for crop productionSupport activities for crop productionSupport activities for crop productionSupport activities for crop productionSupport activities for crop productionSupport activities for crop productionSupport activities for crop productionConstruction of other civil engineering projectsQuarrying of stone, sand and clay x xQuarrying of stone, sand and clayQuarrying of stone, sand and clayQuarrying of stone, sand and clayGrowing of other non-perennial cropsGrowing of other non-perennial cropsSeed processing for propagationGrowing of other non-perennial cropsSeed processing for propagationGrowing of other non-perennial cropsGrowing of other non-perennial cropsGrowing of other non-perennial cropsGrowing of other non-perennial cropsGrowing of other non-perennial cropsGrowing of other non-perennial cropsManufacture of basic chemicalsOther mining and quarrying n.e.c.Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardManufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stockMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal ores xMining of other non-ferrous metal ores xMining of other non-ferrous metal ores xMining of other non-ferrous metal ores xMining of other non-ferrous metal ores xMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresManufacture of basic precious and other nonx xMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsManufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsManufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsManufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panels

Manufacture of glass and glass productsManufacture of glass and glass productsManufacture of glass and glass productsManufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.Manufacture of glass and glass productsConstruction of buildingsManufacture of glass and glass products

Manufacture of glass and glass productsConstruction of buildingsManufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatusManufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatusManufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle enginesManufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle enginesConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsManufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatusManufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatusManufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersManufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersManufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersManufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersManufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersManufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersManufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersManufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersManufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersManufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersManufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersManufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersManufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersManufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersManufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersManufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersManufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersManufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersManufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersManufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersManufacture of glass and glass productsManufacture of pesticides and other agroch x xManufacture of other electrical equipmentManufacture of other electrical equipmentManufacture of other electrical equipmentManufacture of other electrical equipmentManufacture of other electrical equipmentManufacture of glass and glass products

Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard and of containers of paper and paperboardSupport activities for crop productionGrowing of other non-perennial cropsManufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.Construction of other civil engineering projectsManufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard and of containers of paper and paperboardManufacture of basic chemicals xMining of chemical and fertilizer mineralsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicals

Europe without SwitzerlandSteam and air conditioning supply

Europe without SwitzerlandSteam and air conditioning supplyManufacture of other general-purpose machinery

Manufacture of other textiles n.e.c.Manufacture of permanent mount non-electric household heating equipmentManufacture of glass and glass productsManufacture of glass and glass productsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsManufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsManufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsManufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsManufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panelsManufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterManufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterManufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterManufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterManufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterSupport activities for crop productionManufacture of basic iron and steelManufacture of basic iron and steelManufacture of basic iron and steelManufacture of basic iron and steelQuarrying of stone, sand and clayGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsManufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsManufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsManufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsManufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of plastics productsManufacture of plastics productsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsManufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.Manufacture of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metalManufacture of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metalManufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.Manufacture of other general-purpose machineryManufacture of other general-purpose machineryManufacture of other general-purpose machinery

Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mainsManufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mainsManufacture of permanent mount non-electric household heating equipmentManufacture of wooden containersManufacture of plastics productsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of soap and detergents, cleaninxManufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsManufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsManufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsManufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparations

Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsManufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsManufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomass x xLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomass xLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomass xLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomass xLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomass xLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassConstruction of other civil engineering projectsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomass

Europe without SwitzerlandEurope without SwitzerlandEurope without Switzerland

Liquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubberxManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsPassenger rail transport, interurban x xPassenger rail transport, interurban (merged) xPassenger rail transport, interurban (merged) xPassenger rail transport, interurban (merged) xPassenger rail transport, interurban (merged) xPassenger rail transport, interurban (merged) xOther passenger land transport xOther passenger land transport xOther passenger land transport xOther passenger land transport xOther passenger land transport (merged) xUrban and suburban passenger land transpo(merged) xPassenger rail transport, interurban (merged) xPassenger rail transport, interurban (merged) xPassenger rail transport, interurban (merged) x

(merged) xx

(merged) x(merged to x(merged) x(merged) x(merged) x(merged) x(merged) x(merged) x(merged) x(merged) x(merged) x

Other passenger land transport xOther passenger land transport xOther passenger land transportOther passenger land transportPassenger rail transport, interurban (merged) xUrban and suburban passenger land transpo(merged) xService activities incidental to land transpor (merged) xUrban and suburban passenger land transpo(merged) xSea and coastal freight water transport (merged) xUrban and suburban passenger land transpo(merged) xPassenger rail transport, interurban (merged) xOther passenger land transport (merged) xOther passenger land transport xOther passenger land transport xOther passenger land transport x xOther passenger land transport x xOther passenger land transport x xOther passenger land transport x xOther passenger land transport x xOther passenger land transport x xOther passenger land transport x xOther passenger land transport x xOther passenger land transport xOther passenger land transport xOther passenger land transport xOther passenger land transport xOther passenger land transport xOther passenger land transport xOther passenger land transport xOther passenger land transport xOther passenger land transport xOther passenger land transport xOther passenger land transport xOther passenger land transport xOther passenger land transport x xFreight transport by road (merged) xFreight transport by road (merged) xFreight transport by road (merged) xFreight transport by road (merged) xFreight transport by road (merged) xFreight transport by road (merged) xFreight transport by road xFreight transport by road xFreight transport by road xFreight transport by road xFreight transport by road (merged) xFreight transport by road xFreight transport by road xFreight transport by road xFreight transport by road (merged) xFreight transport by road (merged) xFreight transport by road (merged) xFreight transport by road (merged) xFreight transport by road (merged) xFreight transport by road (merged) xFreight transport by road xFreight transport by road xFreight transport by road xFreight transport by road xFreight transport by road (merged) x

Europe without Switzerland (merged) xSea and coastal freight water transport (merged) xInland freight water transport (merged) xInland freight water transport (merged) x

Passenger air transport xPassenger air transport (merged) xPassenger air transport (merged) x

x(merged) x(merged) x

Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationPlumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationPlumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationPlumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationPlumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationPlumbing, heat and air-conditioning installationManufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle enginesManufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipmentManufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipmentManufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipmentManufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipmentManufacture of fabricated metal products, x xManufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipmentManufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipmentManufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipmentManufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipmentManufacture of fabricated metal products, x xTreatment and coating of metals; machiningManufacture of measuring, testing, navigating and control equipmentManufacture of electronic components and x xManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of other special-purpose machineryConstruction of other civil engineering projectsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of batteries and accumulatorsManufacture of batteries and accumulatorsManufacture of batteries and accumulatorsElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, photovoltaic xElectric power generation based on liquid fuexElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x x

Electric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x x

x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x x

x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x x

x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x x

Electric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and x

xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and x

Electric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and x

xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and x xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous w x xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, photovoltaicElectric power generation, photovoltaicElectric power generation, photovoltaicElectric power generation, photovoltaicElectric power generation, photovoltaicElectric power generation, photovoltaicElectric power generation, photovoltaicElectric power generation, photovoltaicElectric power generation, photovoltaicElectric power generation, photovoltaicElectric power generation, photovoltaicElectric power generation, photovoltaicElectric power generation, photovoltaicElectric power generation, photovoltaicElectric power generation, photovoltaicElectric power generation, photovoltaicElectric power generation, photovoltaic xElectric power generation, photovoltaic xElectric power generation, photovoltaic xElectric power generation, photovoltaic xElectric power generation, photovoltaic xElectric power generation, photovoltaic xElectric power generation, photovoltaic xElectric power generation, photovoltaic xElectric power generation, photovoltaic xElectric power generation, photovoltaic xElectric power generation, photovoltaic xElectric power generation, photovoltaic xElectric power generation, photovoltaic xElectric power generation, photovoltaic xElectric power generation, photovoltaic xElectric power generation, photovoltaic xElectric power generation, photovoltaic xElectric power generation, photovoltaic xElectric power generation, photovoltaic xElectric power generation, photovoltaic xElectric power generation, photovoltaic xElectric power generation, photovoltaic xElectric power generation, photovoltaic xElectric power generation, photovoltaic xElectric power generation, photovoltaic xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation based on liquid fue -5686Electric power generation based on liquid fue -5687Electric power generation based on liquid fue -5688

xElectric power generation based on liquid fue -5690Electric power generation based on liquid fue -5691Electric power generation based on liquid fue -5692Electric power generation based on liquid fue -5693Electric power generation based on liquid fue -5694Electric power generation based on liquid fue -5695Electric power generation based on liquid fue -5696Electric power generation based on liquid fue -5697Electric power generation based on liquid fue -5698Electric power generation based on liquid fue -5699Electric power generation based on liquid fue -5700Electric power generation based on liquid fue -5701Electric power generation based on liquid fue -5702Electric power generation based on liquid fue -5703Electric power generation based on liquid fue -5704Electric power generation based on liquid fue -5705

xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Electric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and -5862Electric power generation, transmission and -5863Electric power generation, transmission and -5865Electric power generation, transmission and -5866Electric power generation, transmission and -5867Electric power generation, transmission and -5868Electric power generation, transmission and -5869Electric power generation, transmission and -5864Electric power generation, transmission and -5871

x xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx

Electric power generation, transmission and -7186xxxxxxxxxx

Electric power generation, transmission and -11031 xElectric power generation, transmission and -11033 xElectric power generation, transmission and -11034 xElectric power generation, transmission and -11035 xElectric power generation, transmission and -11036 xElectric power generation, transmission and -11037 xElectric power generation, transmission and -11038 xElectric power generation, transmission and -11039 xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and -1397

xElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and x

Electric power generation, transmission and -11032 xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and x

xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and -1031Electric power generation, transmission and -1027Electric power generation, transmission and -1032Electric power generation, transmission and -1033Electric power generation, transmission and -1034Electric power generation, transmission and -1035Electric power generation, transmission and -1036Electric power generation, transmission and -1037Electric power generation, transmission and -1038

x xxx xx xx xxxxxxxxx

Electric power generation, transmission and distributionEurope without Switzerland x

Electric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distribution

xElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and x xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and x

xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and x

Electric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and -11090 x

xElectric power generation, transmission and -869Electric power generation, transmission and -870Electric power generation, transmission and -871Electric power generation, transmission and -872Electric power generation, transmission and -873Electric power generation, transmission and -874Electric power generation, transmission and -875Electric power generation, transmission and -876Electric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and -877Electric power generation, transmission and -878Electric power generation, transmission and -879Electric power generation, transmission and -880


Electric power generation, transmission and -11062 xElectric power generation, transmission and -11063 xElectric power generation, transmission and -11064 xElectric power generation, transmission and -11065 xElectric power generation, transmission and -11066 xElectric power generation, transmission and -11067 xElectric power generation, transmission and -11068 xElectric power generation, transmission and -11069 x


Electric power generation, transmission and -11089 xx

Electric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xElectric power generation, transmission and xManufacture of motorcycles xManufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatusManufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatusManufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatusManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of motorcyclesconstruction of factory buildings for the metal industryManufacture of basic chemicals

Construction of buildingsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mainsPost-harvest crop activities l (litre)Post-harvest crop activities l (litre)Post-harvest crop activities l (litre)Post-harvest crop activities l (litre)Construction of buildingsConstruction of buildingsConstruction of buildingsManufacture of basic iron and steelManufacture of builders' carpentry and joineryManufacture of structural metal productsManufacture of builders' carpentry and joineryManufacture of builders' carpentry and joineryQuarrying of stone, sand and clayManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsConstruction of utility projects for electricity production, except for liquid fuelsManufacture of computers and peripheral equipmentManufacture of computers and peripheral equipmentManufacture of computers and peripheral equipmentManufacture of computers and peripheral equipmentManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of electronic components and x xManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of electric motors, generators, for liquid fuelsElectric power generation based on liquid fuelsSteam and air conditioning supply based on lxSteam and air conditioning supply based on lxSteam and air conditioning supply based on lxSteam and air conditioning supply based on lxSteam and air conditioning supply based on lxSawmilling and planing of wood x

Manufacture of refined petroleum productsEurope without Switzerland

Manufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsManufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomass

Europe without SwitzerlandLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomass -6544 xElectric power generation, transmission and distributionElectric power generation, transmission and distributionManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsTreatment and coating of metals; machiningForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgy

Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgyForging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgy


Manufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of cement, lime and plasterManufacture of cement, lime and plasterSeed processing for propagationGrowing of fibre cropsGrowing of fibre cropsGrowing of fibre cropsGrowing of fibre crops

Europe without Switzerland xManufacture of corrugated paper and paperbx

Europe without Switzerland xManufacture of corrugated paper and paperbx

Europe without Switzerland xManufacture of corrugated paper and paperbx

Europe without Switzerland xManufacture of corrugated paper and paperbxManufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard and of containers of paper and paperboardManufacture of corrugated paper and paperbxGathering of non-wood forest productsGathering of non-wood forest productsGathering of non-wood forest productsManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardManufacture of basic precious and other nonx xManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals

Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsManufacture of basic chemicalsMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal oresMining of other non-ferrous metal ores

Manufacture of basic chemicalsSteam and air conditioning supplyManufacture of lifting and handling equipmentManufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle enginesTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningManufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle enginesManufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterManufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterManufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterManufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterManufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterConstruction of other civil engineering projectsManufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterManufacture of computers and peripheral equipment

Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipmentManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicals x xManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsSupport activities for crop production

Europe without Switzerland xCollection of non-hazardous waste xCollection of non-hazardous waste xManufacture of plastics productsManufacture of coke oven productsManufacture of coke oven productsManufacture of coke oven productsManufacture of coke oven productsManufacture of coke oven productsManufacture of coke oven productsManufacture of coke oven productsManufacture of coke oven productsGrowing of oleaginous fruitsManufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fatsManufacture of clay building materialsMining of other non-ferrous metal oresManufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and masticsManufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersSeed processing for propagationGrowing of other non-perennial cropsManufacture of cement, lime and plaster


Manufacture of clay building materialsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsQuarrying of stone, sand and clayManufacture of structural metal productsTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsManufacture of basic chemicalsMining of other non-ferrous metal oresSupport activities for crop productionManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicals x xManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicals

Manufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of metal-forming machinery and machine toolsManufacture of metal-forming machinery and machine toolsManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboard xOther specialized construction activitiesManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsManufacture of dairy products x xManufacture of motor vehicles

Manufacture of clay building materialsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsManufacture of cement, lime and plaster xManufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterManufacture of cement, lime and plaster x (because newer DS)Manufacture of cement, lime and plaster x (because newer DS)Manufacture of cement, lime and plaster xManufacture of cement, lime and plaster x (because newer DS)Manufacture of cement, lime and plasterManufacture of cement, lime and plasterConstruction of other civil engineering projectsManufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterManufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of computers and peripheral equipmentManufacture of batteries and accumulatorsManufacture of batteries and accumulatorsManufacture of other electrical equipmentManufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehiclesManufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehiclesManufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehiclesManufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehiclesCasting of non-ferrous metalsCasting of non-ferrous metalsTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningManufacture of basic iron and steelTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningManufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard and of containers of paper and paperboardManufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard and of containers of paper and paperboardManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of electronic components and xManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boards

Service activities incidental to water transpo(merged) xConstruction of other civil engineering projectsManufacture of plastics products

x (new amount calculated from N content)Manufacture of basic chemicalsMining of chemical and fertilizer mineralsManufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsQuarrying of stone, sand and clayManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of other electronic and electric wires and cablesManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of motor vehiclesManufacture of machinery for mining, quarrying and constructionConstruction of buildingsConstruction of buildingsConstruction of buildingsConstruction of buildingsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsManufacture of clay building materialsManufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.Treatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsMining of chemical and fertilizer mineralsManufacture of other general-purpose machineryManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of other general-purpose machineryManufacture of other general-purpose machineryManufacture of other general-purpose machineryManufacture of other general-purpose machineryManufacture of other general-purpose machineryManufacture of other general-purpose machineryManufacture of other general-purpose machineryManufacture of other general-purpose machineryManufacture of plastics productsconstruction of factory buildings for the metal industryManufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersManufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersManufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.Manufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products

Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous w x xTreatment and disposal of non-hazardous w x xLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassLiquid and gaseous fuels from biomassManufacture of pesticides and other agroch x xManufacture of bicycles and invalid carriageManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of refined petroleum productsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsQuarrying of stone, sand and clayConstruction of other civil engineering projects

Seed processing for propagationMining of other non-ferrous metal oresManufacture of batteries and accumulatorsManufacture of batteries and accumulatorsManufacture of batteries and accumulatorsManufacture of batteries and accumulatorsMining of chemicals and fertilizer chemicalsManufacture of cement, lime and plasterQuarrying of stone, sand and claySeed processing for propagationSeed processing for propagationGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsGrowing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seedsMining of other non-ferrous metal oresBuilding of ships and floating structuresBuilding of ships and floating structuresPost-harvest crop activitiesPost-harvest crop activitiesManufacture of computers and peripheral equipmentSilviculture and other forestry activities xSilviculture and other forestry activities xManufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersManufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of computers and peripheral equipmentOther mining and quarrying n.e.c.Manufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsSupport activities for crop productionManufacture of glass and glass productsManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsManufacture of basic chemicalsTreatment and coating of metals; machiningconstruction of factory buildings for the metal industryManufacture of other electrical equipmentManufacture of other electrical equipmentconstruction of factory buildings for the metal industryManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary forms

Manufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of cement, lime and plasterManufacture of cement, lime and plasterManufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterConstruction of other civil engineering projectsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsManufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsManufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsManufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsManufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsmanufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsmanufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsmanufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic precious and other nonx xManufacture of basic precious and other nonxManufacture of basic precious and other nonx xTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic precious and other nonxManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsManufacture of basic precious and other nonxconstruction of factory buildings for the metal industryTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningManufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersManufacture of basic chemicals xconstruction of factory buildings for the metal industryManufacture of basic chemicalsconstruction of factory buildings for the metal industryTreatment and coating of metals; machiningTreatment and coating of metals; machiningconstruction of factory buildings for the metal industryManufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and masticsManufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and masticsManufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and masticsManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xService activities incidental to air transporta (merged) xConstruction of roads and railwaysManufacture of air and spacecraft and relat x xManufacture of air and spacecraft and relat x xManufacture of air and spacecraft and related machineryManufacture of air and spacecraft and related machineryManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsConstruction of other civil engineering projectsManufacture of other pumps, compressors, taps and valvesManufacture of other general-purpose machineryManufacture of other general-purpose machineryManufacture of other general-purpose machineryManufacture of other general-purpose machineryManufacture of other general-purpose machinery

Manufacture of other pumps, compressors, taps and valvesManufacture of other pumps, compressors, taps and valvesManufacture of agricultural and forestry machineryManufacture of agricultural and forestry machineryManufacture of agricultural and forestry machineryManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasterQuarrying of stone, sand and clayManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and masticsManufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and masticsManufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and masticsManufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and masticsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of other general-purpose machineryManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of basic chemicalsManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical productsManufacture of pesticides and other agroch xManufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products