

Zoology Vocabulary

Zoology Study of Animals

Entomology Study of insects

Herpetology A branch of zoology

dealing with reptiles and amphibians

Zoology Vocabulary

Ichthyology Study of fishes

Ornithology Study of birds

Taxonomy Naming and classifying


Zoology Vocabulary

Species Group of organisms that

can breed…produce offspring that are fertile Are mules considered a


Kingdom BIGGEST group in taxonomy

Phylum 1 step below (more specific)

kingdom in taxonomy

Zoology Vocabulary

Structure (body structure) Parts of the body

Trait A distinguishing quality An inherited characteristic

Heredity Passing of traits from parents to


Evolution A change over time; a process by

which modern organisms have descended from ancient organisms.

Zoology Vocabulary

Natural selection Process by which individuals that are better

suited to their environment survive and reproduce most successfully.

Adaptation Inherited characteristic (or trait) that

increases an organism’s chance of survival.

Harriet was long reputed to have been one of three tortoises taken from the Galapagos Islands by Charles Darwin on his historic 1835 voyage aboard the HMS Beagle. She was 175 years old (Died 2006)

Zoology Vocabulary

Prokaryote Single celled organism

lacking a true nucleus Eukaryotic

A cell that has membranous organelles and a nucleus

Organic compound Carbon based compounds

which are the basis of life (cells). EX: Carbohydrates, Proteins,

Lipids, DNA

Zoology Vocabulary

Photosynthesis Process plants use to make

energy from sunlight. Autotroph

An organism that can make its own food; a producer.

Ex: Plant Heterotroph

An organism that cannot make its own food; a consumer.

Zoology Vocabulary

Cellular respiration How cells make energy

from food Metabolism

All the chemical processes in an organism release energy

Nutrient Furnishing nourishment

Zoology Vocabulary Carbohydrates

Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen; energy source

EX: sugars (glucose) Proteins

Nitrogen-containing organic compounds composed of amino acids

EX: Hair Enzyme

A protein needed to speed up/start chemical reactions.

EX: Lactase

Zoology Vocabulary

Hormone A protein that controls

reactions made in one part of the body but used in another part of the body.

EX: Insulin Homeostasis

An organisms ability to maintain stability during on environmental change.

EX: Hot and cold climate conditions

Zoology Vocabulary

Plankton Organisms that drift; they

don’t swim strong! Two types:

1. Phytoplankton Plant plankton; forms the

base of aquatic food chains. EX: Diatoms

2. Zooplankton Animal plankton EX: krill and larval forms of


Zoology Vocabulary

Population A group of similar

organisms in a given area.

Community All the populations in

an area. Ecosystem

All the communities and their environment in an area.
