
,; ~·-- 9

Linco~n County Democrats 6 p.m. at

~. ~* ~<::'~All American Festival LnonQs Club PUJppe~ Show to benefit

Humane Socie~y 2 - 4 pm ai Ruidoso Middle School Cafe Carruzo

"~ "' Casino Night An'idll1iJMe Show & Sale Ruidoso Civic Events Center 8-1 i pm Civic Center

Mescallero recen ves (fb dlau.: at ilollrn all g Ira rrn t

The Mescalero Apache Indian has been awardPd an educational b'Tant in the amount of$104,089.

Senator Jeff Bingaman announc­ed Friday that Mescalero's educa­tional program was one of two awarded grants from the US. Dt>­partment of Education

The Barwood I'uhlic Lihntry 1n Taos will use a $31,62:3 grant to se:;tablish a litt~racy program.

Bingman is a member of tht• Senate education sucommitlt't~ and is one of two U.S. Senators s1:rving on the National Education Goals I'am:l.

Volleyball tean1 opens season Friday

The Ruidoso High School vol-t eyball team opens its season Fn­day, August 27, at tht~ l)pnver City Tournament in Denver C1ty. TPxas.

The A and B teams V.'lil travPito Denver City for the two-day t•wnt

CuHch Jody Blanton and hPr team have been hard at work prP­paring for this competitive m1:Pl

Coulflt lhlo \Ll!Se 'viillll cllose ttlhl fis a1fterRlloon

The Lmcoln County Courthouo;(' will closP at l p.m. today !'!'burs­day I and remain closrd thP n•st of thP day in honor of Donn Dos1·' who diPd Sunday

Uosr' wH~ !wad di~patch1·r for thP Lmcoln County SherifT'o; Dt·· partmPnt m Carrizozo.

S,·rvlcrs for Dosp' wlil bt· ;,t 2 p.m today at the Capitan ChuHh of Christ.

1Lodlgetrs ftax \board ll:o lhl ea Ir Ireq Ill! cesll: s


liowered Elt;ctric utility customers can ex­

pect rates to decrease next year, ac­cording to a news release provided by Texas-New MPxico PowPr Com­pany

( :ustomers of Texa:-;-N ew Mex1co i'owt·r Company will pay lt:!-is fur elt·L·tnuty rwxt yPar, Pver~ if tlw New Mexico Powt:r Utility Commis­!-iJon approve:-; a proposed increase in base rates, say utility officials.

The company filPd its request to 1ncn;ase Lase rates by ~.H7 percpnt on August 23.

The proposal would mcrease the company's hase rate revenuPs by approxirnalldy $1.95 million. Tlw company's last base ratP incrPHst· was 111 1 ~H2.

llowevl'r, an ovPrall ratP dPt'rt•ast• of $fi.ll million IS ex­pected beeausP the company has modifird its purchased poWI'r ar­rangemPnts which will result in a n·cbction in the cost of purchnsed power.

Because this is such a large part of tfw cost of' electric SPfYJCe, a typi­cal customer's bill will go down by approximately :3 pt>rcent, says TNP l>ivrsion Manager C.N. Bundick of tht:'s SilvPr C1ty office.

Thr two primary components of a cu::;tomer's bill are base rates and purchased powPr expensP, hr said.

"Our rates in New Mexico havl' hrstorically been competitive, and we'rp pleased that our proposed pl:ln will makP tht•m pven mon• so," Bundick s<tid.

'\Vp'n• PSIH'C'Jally happy to bt• dc1r1g this without any redcrction il' tlw servlCl' WE' providt• to Cti,.;\urnprs ·

TNP filPd for thr ch:urgP 1n rat!'~ lwcause of rncrea: ·s in operatmg costs that occrrrrt•<l in the 11 year~ sJnCE' thf' la~t ralf· cast> 'il1d to m-

Ruidoso Lodgers Tax Adv1s"ry Board will haw a special meet1ng at 10 a.m. Friday, Aug-u~t 27, in council chamh~>rs of Hu1doso VJ!\agP Hall

1 cludt· thP cost of constructmg CPrtam transmis-:ion frlcilrt!rs in rts

Board nwmlwrs '>'.nll c-uns1dt·r a request for funds from L1nculr: ' Co,Jnty HPg10nal Task Foro• and requests for payment from Hu1 do;;o Fnends of Music and for a 'Pop.~ Concert.

Meetlllgs are open to tlw public

r-r· L__._ - -

ha~~ rates. Th, company !ilmg also allows

tho· comm1ssron to reviPw tht· •JVt•r

<dl Ll~!'" ,,f tlw company to t•n.~un· that thPy arP f;ur to all classes of cu~tonwrs

Hearings !Jpfon· tht· commJSSJOn arr expectPd to hPgin in Srptrmlirr The proposed rntes arP rxprcted to go into effect in 1994.

One of the costs to be 111cludPd in the proposed base ratt's 1s for a pro­ject that makes the much lower purchased power cost possible. The company invested in a transmission facility in eastern NPw Mrx1co that allows the of power from more cost-competitive suppliers.

The actual dollar impact of thE> proposed changes on a customer's bill would depend on the amount of electricity used each month.

Customers using 1,000 kilowatt hours each month would see their bills go down by about $34.80 per year based on the company's filing if the full increase in base rates is granted.

R ui do so residential customers now pay .0863 per kilowatt hour, and the new rate will be .0835 per kilowatt hour.

Bassett explruned that kilowatt hour stands for the use of 1,000 watts in one hour. For instance, a typical frost-free refrigerator uses 190 kilowatt hours (kwh) a month. Under the old rate, that amounted to $16.40, and under the new rate it will cost about $ ... 5.87.

Nob Hill teacher Margaret Hernandez puts students through some physical education drills during the first week of classes in Ru1doso. Superintendent Mike Gladden said he won't know for sure until after Labor Day, but it looks like the school dis-


trict will hit the proJected 5.5 percent in­crease in enrollment to 2,240 students. "We alrea9y have a huge sixth grade with 197 students and a second grade with more than 200 children, including special education participants."

JDcevnll n§ 1m ll ca1 mm ce ail

A domestic violence incident shortly after nudnight WednesdBy ended in gunshots, but no injuriE>s at a residence near the Ruidoso Po­!Jcr Station.

Joseph Montano, 31, was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, three counts; and negligent use of a deadly weapon, two counts.

Police officers reported that as they left the station to res pond to gun shots, a resident rushed to them and pointed to the direction of t' ~ gun fire.

Reports rPad that the unemploy­ed Montano and his girlfriend, Jill Moeller, thrn came outside of a house whPre police htdd Montano at gunpoint until the pistol Montano was allegrdly firing could be lo­cated.

After tht• gun was located, Montano was placed under arrest and booked into the Ru1doso jail.

'] don't know what happened.

PIP.ase see Devil, page SA

CECDllllgr~§§man Skeen says he want§ amHC])lcher term representing district by CHARLES STALLINGS Ruidoso News Staff Wrtter

US. RepresPntative .Joe Skeen r H-NMl said he plans to SPPk re t•lf·C!JIH1 and he also preached tough ti nws ahPad for small busmesses With thP Clmton adm1mstratwn tax plan.

SkPPll, speaking brfore thP Hu1doso Hotary Club at the Bull Rm~. warnrd mPmbers that the na­tron'o; small businesses, being lot~drd v:ith mandates, W1ll pay hea\'lly for an admtn1strat1un m­rxperienced m thP operations of small husinPsst>s

Tax reform

Skeen satd the middle income tax bracket, as always, w1ll hear most of the hurd1'n

·You can confiscate all the wealth of all the peOIJle who make uvPr $200,000 per year and it would not operate the fedeml government for one year," he said.

Skeen snid the new budget suf­fers from over-regulation and over­taxation that would not impact the nation positively for the next four to five years.

"There's not going to be any debt rf'duction," Skeen predicted. He said 70 percent of the budget is mandated with entitlement pro­grams such as social security, Medicare, service of veterans bene­fits and service on the National debt.

Skeen said the remaining 30 percent discretionary budget, which includes defense, has been depleted to the maximum.

Skeen singled out Medicare as an item that is increasing in cost 25 percent yearly.


He said healthcare reform on the federal level is an unknown be­cause the appointed health reform task force has not released any in­formation other than that small

Congressman Joe Skeen was in his home dis1rict this week and spoke Tuesday to the Ruidoso Rotary Club.

busmesses wrll b" mandated to apply the program

"There won't he, in my estima­tion, a bill introduced on health care refonn this yefll'," Skeen said. "And then it will he the most hotly debated issue that wr will have to deal with."

On spec1fic changPs m healthcare, SkPcn said a key to the success of any healthcare program must come with cost containment and the reintroduction and impact of private sector development in governmental healthcare programs.

"You cannot operate, feasibly, a healthcare program unless it in­volves private insurers, private health care providers, physicians and private healthcare facilities on some type of cost containmf'nt agreement. To provide the kind of seTVIce they propose to do, cannot been done out of the federal coffers. unless you rruse the taxes and the burden of small businesses," Skeen said.

He also agreed that something has to be done about tort reform.

"I know many attorneys will scream their heads off at tort

reform, but even they would agret• things have gottt>n out of hand as far as liabilrty awards are con­cerned, ht· said.· It':-; not LePn ITll'll·

boned so far 1n th1s admmistra­tion. ·


On another subject, tlw T\orth America f<'ree Trade AgTPPment (NAFTA), SkPen said hP was for thP ag-reemPnt

He said the .\1PxJcw PLIJ!Jumy has va;;t\v 1mprovrrl. c-it:ng HO m11· lion p,~ople w1th bu:r1ng p11WI'r HP sard lf l'nited Statrs lags 1!1 JUl!llng tllP world v.'idP rompetit 1 nn. rt w:!l haq· concPdt>L.I to Eur(Jpt·;ll~

market.s ~hiit ill'f> c;1urt111~ :'>1PXllu

and Central AmPnC:1 AmPncans L·annot t>vrn n·ach

equality 1n lt•chnnlogJcal develop­ment in the world. if we don't get the full opportunity to executt! and operate our ahilitit>s in thr world market." Skren said.

']t's time we got back m\o the competition, and into the race (Wlth NAF1'Al."

Grazing iees

On mcreasmg grazmg fees. Skeen said opponents successfully fought against the proposal for six years in Congress because there is nothing similar between pennittees on public land that they graze upon, and permittees that graze on private lands on a contractual basis.

He said there is no market for those permits. He srud the federal government had to come up with some kind of program to allow an overseer to take care of their land, so they initiated the grazing act.

Skeen outlined the effort needed in overseeing the lands.

"You have to own property, drill wells, fence and other improve­ments before you can ever get a permit," he said. "It's renewed every 10 years, almost without any

question at all, and many of the fulks han• been using thPse lands fur four to five generatiuns "

Skeen said if grazers had run un~ound operations. they wouldn't haVP la.sted that many gerH•rations.

What we have to do i:-; to keep thosP folks in the mflrketing busi­nes,;, bt>rausP if you double their rates, tho~<' who graze on puhlic lands v.-1\l bt• out off usiness. and l dun 't want to see it ha ppt->n hrrr .· rw said.

S~een ,;a1d thP :l.U'HJ grav·rs rn ttlt:i st··'P makP It ii VHY rrnprlrlar:: Pcunom1c issue to :\t-w ~1ex1co. as well as LJ othPr Wt'S't·r:l statrs


On the proposal fr1r a Monitored RPtne,•able StoragP • MRS! facility located somewhen' un Mescalero Apache property, Shl'n said he has nnt received as much rwgativr n•sponse to thP farihty by nPlghhor­ing communities.

He said hr was not for further funwng without accountability for the money spent to date.

Skeen said languHge was being added to the energy bill that would restrain the federal nuclear negoti­Ator from handing out $2.8 million awards unless a bona fide agree­ment had been reached with entities surrounding the site and a response was issued from the preliminary studies already paid for by the government.

State RPpresentative John Un­derwood (D-Ruidoso) practiced good natured polibcal one liners with Skeen to the delight of the crowd. Underwood asked Skeen if he in­tended to seek re-election.

After some brief, deliberate dou­ble talk, Skeen broke out in a smile

and said, "You better believe I'm going to run again."

The Rotarians applauded with approval.

Local politicians have speculated that Underwood will make a ru.n for that seat.

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2A!Tha Ruidoso News/Thursday, August 26, 1993

Coun1ty road manager 1t2lkes· his plans 1to area residents

To rip or not to rip · Sun Valley Hoad, that il:i.

l{t~sidentl:i of the Alto subdivi­swns uf Sun Vallt•y, La Junta and L1ttle Creek voiced tht~ir fel'lings a!wul whut they wanted to drive ovt·r this winter at a public meeting w1th county roud superintendent Bdl Cupit Tuesday evening in Ani;! uS.

And overwhelmingly they voted tu lt>t Sun Valley Road, the chuck-

. hult·d surfaced main artery through tht•Jr three subdlvisions, be torn up, n•-aligned and replaced with base courst~ and culverts.

If weather, utility companies and tlw State Transportation High· way Hoard cooperate, residents will be rewarded with a new substantial chip und seal road in May or June of 19!:14.

"That's a prom1se," said Lincoln County Commissioner Bill ~chwettman who attended th~ meeting.

The chip and seal resurfacing should have been in place by now, but bureaucratic holdups and rainy weather stymied Cupit's efforU;.

He said he turned in the pro­ject's p"aperwork into ~anta Fe's Transportation Highway Board in February on schedule, but could not start work until it was signed by the Highway Commission.

Unfortunately for the 100-plus residents who dodge Sun Valley Road's chuckholes, no signatures appeared in time for work to beg:in this summer.

"Now, even if I could, I wouldn't start now because there's too much moisture and the utilities are not

"Base course alone for one month took 35 percent of my ent1re budget," explains Bill Cupit. He also gave an expla­nation of the "chip and seal" process_

in. The weather's not letting them work," said Cupit.

Assured that signatures would be forthcoming and that the eon­tract bid of $45,979 would still be valid, Cupit scheduled the resurfac­ing for May of '94.

But what to do between now and next May.

"I wanted to rip up the road now but I wanted public input first. So I

asked for this meeting and judging by the turnout, you people have something to say," he said to the crowd that filled the conference room at the Bonita Park District Center.

Cupit favors replacing the pres-

ent chuck-holed surface with base course now because he could re­align and re-grade problem areas, install culverts, give the water, nat­ural gas and cable television entities time to complete their work, plus let traffic help compact the sub-grade before placing the final surface.

He assured residents that they would not be left with a muddy road.

"We'll rip the existing surface, mulch it and mix it with base course." Weather permitting, the job should take two weeks, he estimates.

Residents peppered Cupit and Schwettman with alternatives, such as leaving the road in its pres­ent state for winter or ripping only portions of it, but in the end, agreed with Cupit that ripping the entire road this fall would be the best choice.

Residlmt!::i also voiced concern that only 1.25 miles of the main road was considered and that seVt'rnl intersections lacked yield signs, street signs and other traffic control signs.

County road superintendent Bill Cup1t ad­dresses a capac1ty crowd 1n the confer-

ence room at the Bonita Park District Cen­ter 1 n Angus.

Kids at play School is In, and the first graders at Nob playground equipment during physical ad-Hill Elementary are making the most of the ucatlon classes. · .

Practice makes perfect Volunteers with the Bonito Volunteer Fire recent renovating of lake parking areas. Department recently conducted a training Firefighters eliminated the slash while test­session on brush fires near Bonito Lake on lng equipment and techniques. All that was property owned by the City of Alamogordo. missing were marshmallows and wieners. Piles of brush and slash resulted from Photo by Yvonne Lanelli.

Citibank brings lawsuit against oilman-rancher R.O. Anderson

Robert 0. Anderson, a well­'mown New Mexico oilman and rancher, has been sued by Citibank for more than $6.3-million.

The suit, filed earlier this month, calls for foreclosure of a mortgage on Anderson's Lincoln Councy ranch in Picacho to cover part of the debt from loans the firm contends are in default.

Also named as defendants are Barbara Phelps Anderson, wife of the oilman, Security Pacific Nation­at Bank, Bru1k of America, Bank of America N.T.S.A., Bank.America Corporation and The Hondo Corn· pany, a New Mexico corporation.

According to information con­tained in the, Anderson ex­ecuted note11 for $5,749,000 and $1,251,000 on Aprilll, 1989.

A year later on May 9, 1990, he borrowed $1,150,00 and entered

into an $850,000 tax note. As collateral, he pledged 282,270

shares of common stock of New Mexico Financial Corporation with a par or issuance value of $5 each.

Citibank also was to receive all payments on the $7,069,000 owed by Tho Hondo Company to Ander­son, doing business as The Spring Valley Company; a11 money due to Anderson from Atlantic Richfield Company and money from certain other accounts.

The suit states that Anderson also assigned a Jife insurance policy with a face va1ue of $2,876,000 to Citibank as collateral.

"The principal and outstanding interest is lohg past' overd.ue,""•the Citibank attorney wrote in the suit.

In an accounting dated July 22, the financial firm listed principal

due as $4,757,620 on the first note issued in 1989 and $1,000 loft on the larger of tho two notes in 1990.

Interest accumulated and de­fault penalties listed were $1,342,374 on the first 1989 note and $108,791 on tho second, $94,215 on the first 1990 note and $63,077 on the tax note.

Hutch Cavin, counsel for Ander­son and the Hondo Oil and Gas Company in Roswell, did not respond to a request for comment by The Ruidoso News.

Anderson is responsible for creating Sld Apache, formerly Sierr'a Blanca Ski. Resort, before it was ![~Old to the Mescalero Apache.

He- also ,was instrumental. in cuating a series of horse tfailS · oii Bureau of Land Management prop­erty.

Slow economy has the benefit of low unemployment figures

by DIANNE STALLINGS Ruidoso News S1aff Writer

Lincoln County can't boast of large corporations employing hundreds of people.

But neither does it run the risk of seeing hundreds thrown out of work in the wake of economic crisis.

Jeanne Montes said the county's unemployment rate traditionally rides lower than the state as a whole. An erriployment interviewer with the Alamogordo service center of the unemployment and insur­ance bureau of the State Depart­ment of Labor, Montes said that Lincoln's major employer is govern· ment in ita school districts, municipal, county, state and feder­al offices.

A multitude of small, indepen­dently owned businesses, a strong agriculturaJ community and sea­sonal jobs at Ruidoso Downs round oui the employment picture.

"It stays pretty constant," she

said of the unemployment rate, noting the June 1992 figure was 6.9 percent compared to June 1993 with 6.4 percent.

A drop nearly always occurs in the summer with racing season and in the winter with the emergeriee of ski-related businesses, she said.

However, May's unemployment rate was only 5.9 percent, and that was with a larger work force of 6,507 in contrast to 6,489 in June.

The county's figures for those two months are well below state to­tals of 7.5 percent in May and 8.6 percent in June.

A separate report from the Eco­nomic Development and Research Division of the Labor Department in Santa Fe deals only with the civilian labor force, excluding feder­al, state, county and local govern­lll.Bnt employees.

It showed that in the fourth quarter of 1992, covering October through December, wages paid by .582 private businesses in LineoJn

County hit $12,312,972. The number of persons employed

varied only sligh~y from 3,370 per­sons in October to 3,28'1 in Novem· ber and back up to 3,317 in Decem· her.

Additional information pub­lished in the August edition of New Mexico Progress, the Sunwest monthly business _and economie report, reported a state civilian work force of '738,700 persons in May 1993 compared to 721,800 tho previous year.

Of those willing and able to work. 55.500 were unemployed statewide in May 1993, up 6,900 from the 48,600 out of WOJ;"k in May 1992. During that same period, the number Olllployed went up by 10,0011 to 683,!160.

The state unemployment rate for non-government jobs was up sHgbf;. ly in May 1993 at 5.3 percont, com­pared to 4.5 percent twelve menths earlier.

2nd annual Women's Conferen·ce - . . .

features motivational speakerS,·· '

The second annual South Cen­tral Mountain Women's Conference is scheduled for October 23 at the Ruidoso Civic Events Center.

This year's theme ptonouneea leadership as women achieve high­er placement career opportunities into the year 2000.

Donna Layton of The Zig Ziglar Group will start off the conference with a keynote address and conduct a workshop studY of lilft'ective Busi­ness .Presertta!iolis.

Other 'liiOrkshopa o!Tered are "Leader of the Paclt" by ·John Wl!i'liot of the l!obart 0. AIJderson School of ll'l~ent lll)tl; "l.!isk Taldng &!ld Self lil!ltelllll"'' <lit pre-

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contests was hie talent as a western fiddler was equally well-knd\Vn throughout the Southwest.

"'J:o. know Benny was to k,no)V a tine, friendly pe•son, whose warm persbnality came shining through his musiC."

Two of ths judges ·this year, Bar,tow Riley and Norman Solomon are well acquainted with Thomas­soil and are well-known the111$6lves in the Southwest ficldlera' circuit. ·

The third judge is Jerry Thomas· son, Benny's son, an accomplished musician himself.

. The bronze troi>W that is on . perm.inent display in the Turf Club

. '.

. F4od will be availshle from the Kiwanis .• -Club .of Ruidoso, with pro­ceed_s going to .Kiwanis charities.·· · You will also be able to purchase your All AmerWl!ll Featival Duck Race tlckete .that . benafit the Ruidooo Ski Team. · · Admission for all this ent~ain· mentIs just $5 for adults and $2 for children 12 and under. ·The fun starts at l) B..lll. ·

Come out and enjoy all the _music!

Cruise to Casino Night Take a chance on a tropical va· · rifle, .44 caliber Colt ·l'eplica or a

cation, wlu1e contributing to the Rock Hopper mountain bike. Ruidoso Rotary Club's scholarShip A .$25 donation to the Rotary fund at the All. American Festival Club yielde players 1,000 cbipe to Caaino Night at 8 p.m. Friday, Au- play with throughout tbe nigbt. At gust 27. the end of the evening, players will

In its third year, the Casino trade in thair ebipe for tickets in a Night always boasts n. tantalizing series of drawings. list or prizes. This year that tempt- "Cross yoUr fingers and you may .ing list includes a three~day, four- be off to the islands!" continues the night Caribbean cruise. releaae.

A eaeh bar and light hors And if that doesn't tempt you, doeuvres will be availshle at the

how about a full evening of fun party. where you might take home one of Rotary invites you to an All IIWo t:dleoisions offered a& prizes, a ·.<4m~!'il!m·~~.!>(foq~dt>A.and VCR,- a .50 ·caliber black -pOwder fWlaraising·where everybody wins!

The All American N~;~eg!Eiwork Fair entries are on display at Stitch 'N' Stuff in Village Pla>:a .in Midtown. Picture above .is a blue ribbo.n, winner .fr(lm laSt year's lair, which benefits the Lincoln CoL!nty Food Bank. '

Dine in "style'' at show Sierra Ma:ll merclUmts -invite

anyone who loves- fashion, or just loves to eat, to att8l'}d the fourth annual All American Fashion Show and Luncheon next Wednesday-, September 1.

Sierra Mall merchants will com­bine their fashion savvy and dis­play their finest designs while guests enjoy a delicious. lWlcheon of Taco S~ad, fruit, ·dessert, tea or coffee, prepared and served by La Prosperita

Fashions will be by Evelyn's,

Ste'ppin' Out Shoes and Fashion Crosaroads.

Decorations will be by Jacque's Garden Gallery.

Seating begins at 11:45 a.m. for the popular All American event. It sells out every year, so purchase your ticket early. ·

The tickets, which iilclude the luncheon, are $6 in advance and $7 at the door. They may be purchased from any nierchant in Sierra Mall, 721. Mechemt

Brunch showcases post places As the excitement builds toward Tickets are available through

the world's richest quarter horse the Ruidoso Optimist Club for $12. race, the stars of racing will gather The ticket price includes admis· to await the official post position sion to the Turf Club for the day, draw. free general parking and a buffet

Tbur,>~ay, All!lUl!l J!e, 199all'bp F!uld<>SQ NPWIJI$A

·"' .. ·weekend·· ' ' . ' ' ' . . -" ~ _ ...

show· and sale·. ·.returns for second year

The Ruidoso Valley Noon Lions for $2 from any Ruidoso VaUey Club, in conjunction with Continen.. Noon Lions Club memb8r. They tal Shows of Albuquerque, present will be $3 'at the door. the second annual. "Antique Show All proceeds will benefit the and Sale" this Friday, Saturday Lion's sight conservation projects. and Sunday, August 27 througb 29, 'We contribute to the eye bank in the Ruidoso Civic· Events Center and we buy eye glasses for school located acljaeont to The Linke at children and anybody who really Sierra Blanca. ne~s a pair and can't afford them,"

The show·- wJiich will be open s01d Lion Bill Allen. · from 5 to 9- p.m.. Friday, from 10 Referrals cotne from the school a.m. to 7 p.m..-.Saturday and froJ;n nurses and sometimes from area noon to 5 p.m .. Sunday - will fea· optometrists, said Allen. ture a wide VIIPety of antiques and The Lion's epend shout $2,500 a co11ectabl0s, With something for year just on eye glasses alone, everyone.. . · , . "~t's many pairs of glasses,"-

The show ha, grown from ·last said .Allen. year's 37 quality dealers to 45 The Ruidoso Valley Lion's also dealers. . . • · contribute about $1,000 to the Eye

AcCording .io a.· news release, the BSnk. dealers are excited about returning Allen said those corttri1;mtions to Ruidoso and the word is getting and t))e .Lion's ability to help needy around that this is the place to be. people wit)J. their sight problams

"Plan to be in the tall, cool pines will be expanded even further with and see our show, you Won't be dis· a suceessful antique show. appointed," !nvited the organizers. For further information, contact · Tickets· are available in s.dvance · Allen, 257-2776.

The Call to Post Brunch begins 1 eh ed d · th c 11 to · at 10·30 am Friday September 3 un serv unng • a · Bridge players had fun at the All American Bndge Tourna· in th~ Turf Club at Ruidoso Down~ Poet. ment last year, and they'll be back for more fun and prizes Race Track. Ticket sales are limited to 100: at 1 p.m. Monday, August 30, at the Ruidoso Senior

... · Queote wil) w~tcJ.!.,as poet poj!i- :iJ7a·lll)o.p"urehas

4., •Y"l'!',~~ .. (\t~i!P';;;G1 ·~ ~t!J.ens c~:mter ... c::;4~'!'! J:p enter !he party bridge tournament

t1ons are drawn-and-announced. ~&?'Pi br a78~4:431. · · · ·.. -- ~ l!i: B2. · · · · . . ·~. •a

SUBSCRIPTIONS /V'.w#'""t-J'~P~&,_..krf<WDmttOir/VdE/V';Iftf!


T'-~R"""""' '~N ue UluOSv ews

HOMii OEL/VB.RY D.OO a rnomha Mall, In CeiiiiiW- -t:KI.OOJ'IUI' Mali, Ckrt ol' c-ntr-- · t::n oo w-u

The Ruidoso News (USPS ~72-BOO) Is published each Monday and Thursday by Raljon Publishing Inc., 104 Park Avenue, Ruidoso, N.M. Second class postage paid at the Post Office at Ruidoso. NM. Postmaster; Send address changes to The -Ruidoso , P.O. Sox 128.

Lou-e Letter-If J,.·lf.R. flr"'''

A compelling, romantic, emotional theatre experience.

Featuring - Karen Laine and Douglas Webb

The Enchanted Theatre 1 035 Mechem Oust north of The Attic shopping plaza)

8:00p.m. Wednesday and Friday Evening Through Labor Day

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10:00 a.m. ·-2:00p.m~ Tracllilonal and "not so traditional" brunch Items

menu Changea weekiJr' c

Reservations suggested 336-4312

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48 N. at Alto

8:30am Registtalkln {or unul Draw Time lor each diviSion) 9:00am ·;O· 11 Age Group

1G!aOam 18·34AgeGroup 12:00-pm Enlertalnrnent. flring J Wrilnglers& Castle'MI Mu!le Singers

· 1:llbjlm 36·59AgeGroup 2:30pm 60+ Agt Group 4:00pm Entertalnmpnt: Cloggers 4:30 pri1 'ChampiOnship Oivlston: BeMy ThOmasson Memorial Award

(Top·s·wlnnei'Sin Each DiviSion ~mpete) --\-G~~ pm Mnounce Winners. Present Bonny Th~n Memorial


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SUNDAY, AUQUST28, 111113 · AI AMerican Pestfval. Addtl'$ CompetitiOn DMslonal WIRners POI!<> .. atRUT<jooll.llo'lli1$.-k .. · . · ·

. 'ENTRY Fl!l!fciR ALL !IIVlS[ONS 1$$10.110 . PdiZE IAONIES 'I'OTAL$4,175

Soft Drinks • Hoi'Fcod • snaCkS • Cllmltt conrmned RUIDOSO. NEW MEXICO ·AUGUST 28, 1993 !moW, Batt T~QttQr , . . .

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· . · Sports · · : .4

Ruidoso Warriors open FridaY.·:IJPin~t S~Qlce;·e·· · now .. Second· year head coach Mike j~ lilte t!Us yell)''• team. ·jpJ.t'mean' th!it :lfiO~ ls·ji·;Ught $ · . "To: me. it J~Oillll!J<• 'thll pr~~ ""l?•cllil!~ ®rjy, ·.l!lld ·slay l!l:,l!lle Gaston brings a group to the I'll 1984, Henderson ~d ~e .the en(! ;of the .1\lnn~. "' 'Chance,, ~ Cl>ll18 a long. :WI!;!' ln ~be ';JIIllt. game ~o'iiiit!> <>1!1' ~l!aea.Cl1~~qe.*o Bulldog Bowl that is a little short Wal'1'lors w~ beatan badlY lli theJr ;Some hopei .. · · ·· •. . , . !"'tijlle,ofrears.1'he"!' ar11.~ l.ii!i!l eontrol. tli$f~Riball, sll,\d Ga~tli!1\' · on numbers and ~erience but opener aga>nst Attesia. But whsn. •.. .. This year'a te!ll!<· has sollll! 1n lllCI!Oution - it.loil!iS Uke 11 WJjl ·On paPOI'i~~atly.tbe advat~~ long on desire. A position that's not the ~-tag Warriors met the·:. talent. Defsnsivo]y; tho Warriors be a.good game for both of us, intlie heiOJiill to the llillld<l&l•, ·BJ~t ·re, a lot dift'erent than Henderson BuUdogs in the playoff's, it was a·. are much ln!provid team .over laat. sense that both ofll$ bavo a lot of mombaJ' :Oa'l'l\1 . .and ~oliatb?' tie··· found himself in when he atrived dif&rant tllam. Attesia escaJ14d; year'&l!IIU&d, · ··· ·. peo~ that _..,,ln""l>orlen.ced:l!p men)ber·.the Snow Bowl·Milm.

by KENT BEATTY The News Sports Correspondent

The Ruidoso Warl'iors will get the annual look at "Football Past" when the team travels to ArteSia for the season opener with the defending state champion Bulldogs,

. Friday night. The. Bulldogs are coached by for­

mer Warrior· head Coach C'ooper Henderson and assis~ant Ridge Bowden. Those two coaches, along with Mike Speck and Ronny Mas­kew, were the nucleus behin:d the Warriors State Championship in

·1985 and second-place finishes in 1986 and 1988.

But that was then and this is



here nine yearsago, . With a.llori'ow "!n. but boy did 1~1\Y' They were vei:y solid ln thsii; ·· frsnt IUid need~ lot of work. . Micah ~iloc\<'s 43-;yard field ~al Henderson's first grdup hed won know U,.~ were~ a footballSO'll!!, opening •crinima!:e agRinst Tucum· Both of us ·have llkllled people sent fue, undefeated Go~rd:llock··

just one· game the previous year, For•the followmg two ye""" li)ul cari. Realiill.i.eally, Tucumcari is no !hat .move pretty well and get the ets. pa~ag in the play<ifl's, Md.tbe just like this year's team. The 1984 three. of the next four, lt ~~~~~ thl> Artesia,· bilt.tlio 1993 Bulldogs are· JOb done, said Henderson, Watri.~ . 'to the . sta.te Warriors' best football players were ~amors !hat came. home With the · not the &;!e. 'Cbampionuither. · Coa~b Gaston has ])4(1 .. thl> 3'" ChamJllonllhip? . . predominantly sophomores and wms &g81nst Artesia. It the Most,· .'·that team graduated. poJ,Wmty to see Hl!lliler.sons 1!l!eY don't play, t!Us game 010 juniors, just like t!Us year's team. Warriors that were the team to The Bu !dogs retum only ona Billldo;s ~ film )hm"r ~~rliU· papar. They play it Vlith. preJllll'a·

In 1984, there ·were three con· beat starter on·dofense and three on of· mage ag81nst Now Mexico M•htary tion, talent and heart. Ruidoso secutive elasses (begi.nning with the This doesn't mean that the ·War~ fense. .; · Institute (the Bulldogs. , won 2~1), win this g&me. · sophomores) that bad great succese riors are going to go down and heat Henderson looks for a good g~>J~~e and has a good a idea ofwbat to ex· in athletics at ~he junior high .level, the pants off the State Champs, it against hie old team. · pect.

· ·~The first thing there· going to

Probable Warrior starters against Artesia





c ·B B J.IHMY 'VAlltJAnORE #01






<;;)~0~~~ .

try to do is throw the ball deep -they're going to try to score on us early to rattle us. But we feel very good about our seeondary and our front jmttblg · on prassure. Our main goal is to stOp the long play, . ' . . .

If they don't, they can win next week, or: the. week after ·Dt' the wee)t after ...

Wbanever the Warriors break into the win coluln~ we'll know that "Football Future" is just arOund the corner.

Game time is sst for 7:80p.m.





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Don•t Let This Big One Get Away

$10,000* Grand Prize

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. .l.h, lt's football season again ... ]. l).:ld~. nlsbt lightS, : SJ!t,urd•y J!fiern~ons. . . .·. • OQI!i'~P,•tlleCPW~,l'liOliSuuday. : .. ·· .. ,.,.

. · · While I am lnte~eated in college fobtbllll · and 1~ a big· Cowboy fan, my moi!l football in­west is tho Wllt'riOl"ll. Rang!ng from when 1 '"~ a ,studllnt at RHS (when we. rode. 'dlnosauri ·to school) to today, I've seen eomo Wf11 good football toluns, and some that were not tl!o hot. . . . !

Aiid I hl!ve. to wonder why that is. How coulcl>wo be so good eome years and sooo·bad coach he could find. He traveled. iOO mUes or

. 8QmO years? I know it's easy .to say that "'""' eo and found Cooper Henderson, l!nd hired years we have good·foothell players and some him• Since then, Henderson bO:a been in the years we don't. 1 thibk its a lot deeper than. piayoll's thfee times, win¢ng the state

. that. . championship last year and finishing seccind I think Ws commitmenl;. Are the.Ruidoso the yo~ before that. ·· ·

achoolil committed to exeellenoe in athletics? Se<ondly, he found a brilliant young "basket­~ably not. I know that "exeellenoe" is a ball coach namod Bubba Jenninl@o to take aironu word here. If we could substitute "being' over the .reins of their ro!llldball, wllere they pret1iY good" with excellence, we would proba- haven't been particularly effective. Last year, bly be a lot closer. they lost in the.state. tournament by one point

. '(t's a pretty tough call 'for administrators to the eventual champs, Cobre. tho~e d,;ye: · · · They will be back.

Money is tight, and sports ., like a Third, Phipps hired Steve Cranford, the. lUXlll')' to a lot of people. What do kide go to PGA professional at Artesia Couotry Club to schoQ! for Ollyway? · . take over their golf program. In his first year • They go to prepare for life. I guess to grow at the helm, his team finished third in state, up ~to be healthy and happy, _there is a lot of and next year, along with the Warriors, the preparation involved. · _ -Bulldogs will be front-runners for the

lf,a,kid learns through football that if he chanipionehip. work$ li>p-d, prepares well and gets along with Does this mean thet because Artesia is ·..eel qthers· he ·will be successful, how is that so in sports that their kids cart't read or write?- . -bad'! If you think so, you don't know Mike

Perhaps the ideal athletics school around . Phipps. He's a football coach, and always will here: is ArteSia'.' My friend, Mike Phipps, is the be. But he's an administrator who ·thinks if ~~tendep,t and former head football we're going to do something, we're going to do coach. Under his gui~ce, .the. Bulldogs won it right and we're ¥oing to teach our kide that numerous state cham)llonships m football, but hard work and demre equals success. weren't always as C<m:lpetitive in other sports. . Do the kids in Artesia grow up stronger and

Phipps retired as CQB.Ch and was promoted. faster? No, we've beilten them on more than As principal. he saw problems in the other one qccasion, ·and we'll beat them again. But areea and attempted to remedy the situation. we have to !>lay them on equal ground.

First, the Bulldogs had slipped a little in I guess n1y point is-- in order to have a football, so .he sought out the best football good foOtball team, we have to have a good


. to win? .football prowani .. 'l'bat. program must include. Otl'sellSO~' running, lifting weights, review and

· fllany, >piU\y small tblngs thai. are velo/ i!>lpo~. tiUlt to the big·pioture. · · . · .

When Coach Henderson .. was here, the school oll'er~ an athletic period all the last pe, rjod of the. day for all athletes. · · ·

That period ofl'ered .Ulcoachea the chan<ti · to work with ltide i)i the vorious sports to im· . prov~· basie skills. That period waS in addition. · to regular pract.i<e tin)e. .

That clps, will! all coaches and all athl~te,,is not otrerod_anymore. Doein't sound like ·~if!> a big de ill 'dQ~~ WI

W!!l\ ... with a 7th period athletics class .l\wl.l9B4 to 1989, tl\elMdoso Warrior foot­ball ·team .won five diStrict eh~pionshlps, one state championship •and were twice the state · runner~~ps.

Wjthout .athletics, the. Warriors have won six games in throe eeasQJ1S (four in 1990). A wineidence? Maybe, · ·' ,

Why no 7th .period athletics? It is in­convenient for the .scheduling at school to have -all. of the coaches Opt of thei~ regular classes the last period of the day. Inconvenient but certainly not imposSible.

Show me a goQd athletic program and 111 show you an athletic hour during last period,

Don't get me wrong folks, I think we .!(re getting On the right track. We've hired a very good .foothell coach and his stalf seems top· notch. BUt we have to let Coach Gaston ge~ his program going to give the Warriors the .best chance to win.

We have to find a way tp say yes instead of no - a basic prinq_ple in good business.

A~ our seriPJmage the other night with Tucumcari, I asked Coach Henderson how- his kids would be this year. Mer all, his team bed just three returning s~rs. He wa~n't con­cerned, because ''his progrdm is in place."

Artesia will always have enough kids in­. valved in football to ~e competitive.

'Is that so bad?- ·

. Continued from page 1 A'

Montano told police. "I don't know what got into me, it's like the devil

mad.e me do it." After being placed in a holding

cell, Montano complained that his heart was hurting. He was trans-

ported to the Lineoln County Medi­- cal Center where he was diagnosed

as hyperventilating.

didn't intend to kill or hurt anyone. Witnesses inside the house testified that an altercation preceded the gunshots.


. Senior Bowling League..·· Organization Mi!Btlng

August 31 • 1:00 p.m. League starts September 7th

VIrginia Danielsen, President 354-2652 Glady& Nelli, Secretary 336-4289

or 258-3557


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:· . _, ' . '" ·- ... ' s.·.. , !-

" '"--~ ... __ :~ .. ~.:-.:.._,..,-., -·-~· ----~· ___ ,: . .' --·~ .. . :.--~·-·-- --


Montano later told police he

~LIVE STAGE SHOW * liuslc *c ........

CWy straw of it's r,pe Wesr ot~ Af15SOIJd

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Qwdity C!lre. A job worth doing. is Worth~ tight. •• rhe first time.

Th~roday, Auguot 211, 199311'h$ Ruidoso NawsJSA

·. ~ ' ' ;11!•: .J1o.: '.·. ..··· d' ' ... · .:·: .•.. '9:0'.l.JS!J.!Dg JlD .· WID . . .

big money Sept .. ll . Some Jucky angler may win tog tho valuable fish, so anglers $10,000 in the Ruidoso J(jwBJ1is who don't win cash, will take home Clab's annuaUishing tournament a tasty dinner· anyway. Saturday and ·sunday, Sept&Jilber Cost to enter the Kiwa!1is Fish· 11 ,IU!d 12, at Grindstone· Lake in ing Tountament is $25 for' both Rmdoso. · . days, and you can ·enter by sending

The. IU!nulll. tourney, which I!Ses a check with your name, addrees state samerulea that appzy to lfsh- and telephone number to lllwanis iilg (includlilg requiring a state li· Fishing tournament: l'O Bax 1107; cenee) oll'ers cash prizes for t.aggj>il R\lidoso NM 88345. fish. · Tickets also are available ·from .

The Kiwanis Club, which otTers five $100 pr.ioes, 50 $50 prizes and 94 $80 awards, )las never given

. away its_ $10,0QQ, priz_e, but that's oQly because tl\a fiehing entrants haven' beOll,.)llci!Y enough to catch that tagg~IU!*ll;. .

"I hopo eomehQdy catches it this year," said Joza~ Byrd, a Kiwanis member .Wl\o-ilJ -\tel ping to organize the fiehing tOurney.

But, even Without presenting a $10,000 check, the rowanis Club members guarantee a $500 winner.

The state is going to stock Grindstone Lake when Kiwanians

members of the Kiw~s Club, or by calling 257-4166 .

· All money raised throngh this annual fishing tourney is used to support local charities, especially those with an emph~~:sis on feeding thehungry. . · The Kiwa!1ill Club supports the

Lincoln County Food Bank, Meal Care and provides Thanksgiving baskets for the needy at Thanksgi v­ing.

So, go fishing Septomber 11 and 12 - you m41 catch your dinner whj.le your entry fee helps assure that some person who is 1ow on resources has a good meal, too.

RHS Warriors open '93 fall sports season · When fans head for the Ruidoso

High School football match in Artesia this Friday, they'll be easy to spot.

The Quarterback Club is asking all fans driving to Artesia to decorate their cars to show spirit and support for the Warriors as they face the state champion Artesia Bulldogs.

Ruidoso fans also are invited to a tailgate party at the Bulldog stadium, sponsored by the Artesia Lion's Club.

Friday's the day for businesses to fly their Warrior spirit flags.

But~ be sure to bring them in on

Friday night so they won't be stolen.

The Ruidos<i High volleyball team will head for_ Denver City, Texas, on FridB.y where they11 open the season in a two-day tourna­ment.

The Ruidoso High SchoOl cheer~ leaders have been practicing all sunimer, and even won a big spirit award at a cheerleading clinic.

They'll get things started for the home folks with an enchilada din· ner from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Friday, Sep· tember 3, in- the Ruidoso Middle School cafeteria before the first hoine game .

··----wonaa}THoi.ise Buffet

BBQ Pork Ribs and Brisquet $4.95

Chicken Livers $3.95

Chicken Fried Steak $4.95

310 Sudderth Open Daily at 6:30 a.m.

~ f rwfl (I(.\:'/~\ /!!Ill! f.UU ("/ f'IH (', f.".\fH'I/ :!tftl( ('.



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· · ' . · · . . Racing · · , · . ' . ~--

Racing for the Triple Crown 'l ..

Treacherously is well on his way to joining Special Effort as one of two horses to win the Quarter Horse Triple Crown. With two jewels already won, Treacherously, shown

here winning the Rainbow Futurity, could complete the trio by winning the All Amer· lean Futurity on Labor Day at Ruidoso Downs Race Track.


h,..,t'f•• .. · . ;§talitls ,'<;tot .. jf1· ~gj{ r: ·auid.~so TIJ~~(l~_-ttbred stake$. , ;

Norgot FuiUI'it)l . wi~"" S!lli . l)lw'el\il:~ 0"'l!''ili9il~liW~ ,7ul;V.R6 . ond trial dlvision. ; .. . :· .' : t -Records who IJj, 1llldefoat;ed in four whore he \'all a.t•$pllet~bly W!inot. Santo. : .. Fe Futuri~ winner ·. storts hero, ell1!l<s )!is socop<i career some of tho natiop'a top !1-yoll>t·oi~s. Draml\tle Blurr ran •'ihhd behlild : ·:

. stokes vlctol:y aabegOOII'loPpS~.~~. In his last start;" Silt. Reeords Set Roms· in the.fil'lit trial, but ... • · ·ovsrwhelmi~ fa~orl\6¥ bt tho·: ~ke fi:rot. ti:O!Il ~. gate; ·.·thlm Should -iJ~~prove . Sa,tlird.,Y. 1'~ . · $86,960 \'tUidoso ThoroQgitllred'· settled mto tl!ird on the . back· Idaho·breil ~y· Murrth$)ill:T closed · · Futurlty,!!aturday. . ; .. . stretch. lilntorltig-the turn forhO!ne, from last to first to~ J;he $50,000 ·

.. The t\W~e 2-yeiU'o)ds m the six jockey GieiFMJillllhy ruShed the c.olt Santa Fe Fut\uity on·J\llgust 1 and · ' furlong. final lest s~ in · the into conteilti~n and be quicl!Jy has run coilslsteotly rill OU!niner for · · ' Aug. 19 trll!)s where the first six grabbed the .. lead and never lo0k<!d trainer P~ul Smith. · . · ..• ·finiShers frOm' the - _!livisions back en route to .•four-length seore. The gel!llnli rilso rl}ii· fOUrth in. ' earned a spot iJl Saturda)l'uace. . Murphy .smd Set Records the prasligious ruley. ',Allison · ·;

Set Rseords, a Kentucky-bred Jumped som~ puddles of,water on Futurity, at Sunland Par)(i!l May ..•• ; son ofSau~·Boat out oftha Star de the track whiSh caused hbn tol~e Dramatic Blurr is o~d· by WiJ. · .•. Naskra mare Super Set, has been ground out of the gate, but smd 11 liam P. and Bill Laursen of Albu· · •·.

· flawress in all foUr Of his D)ltings at was a good experiene-etbr the young querque •. the mountaintop oval. _ .horse· who had never run o'\fer a Saturday's 15-race card also in~ ·• · The Doyril .Rober\S·trainee won sloppy track. eludes three simulcasts mcludlng . . the $77,000 Norgor by 7 112-lengths Set Records h~: earned over the Grade I· $250 000 Whitnay '• in June af\er dominating his foes in $40;000 for owners Margaret Bloss Handicap- from Sar~to&-a · ',W.d· the . "' .his firs1;.two·career storts. and Margaret DuPont ofEI Pa;o. $500 000 Grade I Beverly. D. from •

Aftei' hi$ imprefssive Norgor win, Bloss and DuPont !Uso qualified Arli~gton International Race · ~~ the colt was ahipped to Hollywood the well·bted geldiJII! Net Retums, Course. The finril race will be .· Ed Grimley & Sound Dash top ParkforthoG~adei!Hollywood whoranacloeesecondinthesec-.simulca:fromDelMar. .,~

All American Gold Cup trials Prospector's Cache, ,Minkler Twenty.two of the nation's top

older quarter horses, including Ed Grimley and Sound Dash, take cen· ter stage Thursday in three trial divisions for the Grade I $50,000-estimated All American Gold Cup.

The ten fastest qualifiers from the 440-yard trials advance to the prestigious final which will be· run Saturday, September 4.

Mitch DeGroot's Ed Grimley, winner of last year's Rainbow Derby, should be in top form for trainer Dwayne "Sleepy" Gilbreath as he goes to post in the second tri­al. The 4-year-old gelding by No Tell Motel ran a close third to Celadon in a classy allowance race here August 8 which was his first start of the year. ·

~d Grimley won two stakes last year including the Gr.ade l Rainbow. Derby and Grade 2 Sophomore Handicap at Ho11ywood Park. The

.ut 10 p.m. SCREEN 1•7:30•Aug. 27 ·Sept. 2

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SCREEN II • 7 :45 • Endo Sept. 2


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gelding also ran~ strong third be- Madrigal-charge won the Okla· duel again in Friday feat. ure· hind Refrigerator in the Grade 1 homa Challenge Championship at

Champion Of .ChampiOns at Los Remington in June. The Ted Levy-trainee Pro!!pec· Alamitos in December. · Sound Dash made her )ast tor's Cache who scored a fast·

Ed Grimley has had much sue- Ruidoso appearance in last year's closing nose victory over a solid cess over the local racirig Strip in Grade I All American Derby where field of-$7,500 claimers here August his career. The gelding Tan second she ran second to Femmes Frolic. 8, seeks his second straight win as in the Grade I All Ameri-can Other horses to. watch for in the the probable favOrite in Friday's Futurity as a 2-year-olq and has first trial are the solid stakes com- showcas~ event. won five of nine starts at the petitors Dash Master Miss and One The $8,000 claiming feature iB mountaintop oval. Ed Grimley's Slick One. for 3~year-olds going 7 112-furlongs. main trial competition should be The talented 4-year~old -fillies Prospector's Cache, a gelded son Grade [Rainbow Silver Cup winner Fortune Of Delight and Easily A of Grand Ruler, had struggled in Vital Class and stakes winner Rogue top the compact group of four prior outings at the local oval Celadon. seven in the third trial division. before breaking out of the win

Both fillies come into the trials off drought· with his most recent tri~ The tough competitor Sound strong performances in the Grade I umph.

Dash heads the field of eight in the World's Championship Classic In the oQe mile contest, Pros~ first trial heat. The 4-year-old Dash where they ran third and fourth pectora Cache broke last from the For Cash mare most recently ran a respectively. gate as a 16-1 longsho~ but had respectsble third behind Easily A Earlier Jn th.~. year F11tbme, Of 91oved ·eonfiden,t)y into fifth mid­RoJll.!e in. \!l,~Gr~~\t I Remi~~. Deli.Khif.'l!' sec~nd in~bow ..itay down ·at~•fi•tretcli. ·At•tho Park Cliamp!OnS!ilp 1D Tuly. Sil'ver up arur tliirir'iii-tlie Go '"'1'0- top of the .lane; fockey Oscar

Prior to that outing, the Hobert gether Handicap. · Ceballos hilci.:1Us · inount within


Casino Night Friday, August 27, 1993

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striking distance of the leaders, starts for owner-trainer Black. then Undlli- strong urging the geld~ · Prior to his last outing, Minkler ing moved ·to the outside in niid~ had a three-race win streak stretch to outfiniah Minkler in the snapped in an $8,000 clahning con· finals~dsa. · test in mid .July.

The win was the first for the The gelding· has won three- of 10

' •

' '.

gelding since a one-lengt;h triumph career starts, all at the 7 112- fur-over $5,000 claimers at Tutf Para- iong distance. . : · dise in April. . The ~lljes S~p 0' Grey· and

Prospector's Caahe has three Snow Chmn both come b)to Fri· winS in 20 career Outings and -day's feature afl;er winning thmr earned over $18,000. last starts and must~ respected.

The gelding io owned by Mike and Robert Brooke and Myrna Levy.

Snip 0' Grey rallied late to post a neck-length score vei-sus $7,500 claiming company on July 23. Snow Chain finished seventh behind Snip 0' Grey in the July 28 race,

.. b9-t came back strongly in her next

Jack Black's Minkler also came· from off the pac8 in the August 8 cont~t. but couldn't hold off Pros­pector's Cache . at the wire. The Califdfttia>breholdlng<by Ho Chcy has run: very ·weTI here this summer with two win~ and a· place in four.

iltart to defeat 'a"grOUJY·bf.$'5;000 '" claimers by 1 314-lengthe on Jnly

"Al. A




DINNER .·· T-Bone ·, •.A 18 oz. steak tbBI w<inJhe. ·

-.Westt lncludl$hom~YU! : .. Vegetables an~.fmhblikl!d rolls.

Wah S~op •nd'SIIIIid· $1199 Wagon, IJ1.00extra.- .·

.,,_ ,, '

II : I I I

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• • • '

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·~~M-~A~.;~~~X~P~~$.~l.~~t;<;\~~,::.~~8:dst1J-:·.:~~(;#Jg;~~-~~~~-~ii6t~j[;i"J{%A ' ,'at\il1iiiid :#.lti•;lil!o~g·~tt,. ~~~·~ ~~$ .(f~'brtl,;.} ':!?! ···'j,/id;,;i; i.'c•' ; •• '> :'·· .·· ' .·'··' ! ''en~~~hlp:''!i>e:.'ye-.,. olds.;;.d furl~n .. ,· 1\\.o' ye;··· aids. Colts. Futurity. GradO I.· aaoyafds.Two . ~lllAA.Iti.4Jis·ol!(a~~:a;&li!J! lltm!tl llll;: ,lWI\·Thll;l.ull)IIMl'IOI'k :(VJ!iU; ~liltet· • '!· ,!;!~daY, ;. Pl:J:ober. >':211 .:• .,Je~ "'older. 87.0· yards. Purse $50,000· Purse ~50,000 sot. , year olds. Furse $150,000 est. . l'tiill1l!,,:O!iwli~Mll(:1111ifepi\~®#·): UIJllilSQ)ho)\:l$2G,OO!!»o~s •. < ; B!im&r'IV!ewopfllllilijill•IIP· 'l.'!ll:~· itdlied., · . . . . llund!IY, Qe!l8llll:lor 26. Sunland S~d!IY. lV!arcl) 20 · Budwetsor ~l"fll!lllil!Up.Jiay; M~~ttK ,/;,', ':} 'C; }.: !f1!ii $!111ll!il<l• Fi!ll 'JIII•!>!'IIU.!!Ibtad ',Y~ll~ 0 0)~$ .llJi~ .o.l4(ll'• ~$p: .Y~r~, . Sund'W1 November Ill, •. AQifA Par:Uall 'l'llorougbbred FutuJ:_ity. 6 flandieap. 870 y)lrds. .Three year . .l('!*:!;lll!;litil~'"l11,ai ~liful,~l!;: .llntui'i~·)'li\tb~><,~Plit,lnW~fiii;J#. 2¥wsQ$~~~Q~~B4!ld•. ;, , : · · , ·., llegiona) Challenge Chalnpionship. furl'""• Two year olds. li':illies. oldo and oldar. Purse $8,000-addod. Wl~:,,s~;,:t!i•·.~~!Ml1'lf':~t, , llbj'l) i!M~ojlll• , I;ID.tll. &vlfl1l!llll , '· ll'l!f\\II'"'IY>. ¢!l~ol>.l\t , }l,l) . • I!~ Three year old$ and older. 440 Purs~ $5MOO est. . , Sunday, M!"'eh 27 • (J!ty OfL~s -liPrl!.~ .. :~~i'.!OJI~·¥:!l,i\~ . (S'\ila~l'i! •'•• .··ifl~ ' ~6) (It&:· Sil!1)1t,n<Bta~~rfi\ ·0.@ •. $ '1,\\~!ongw; yards. Purse $50,000-addod. , Frid!IY, 1Jecember 31 • Wmsfuun f?ruces Hand1cap. 6 furlOngs, FiJ. $J;l!,I)QQ,itil~'d.'~Mea nvl>l! :Jili>~ ·r.ace Q~ .. q.llOO; . . ; .. :. .• . .· :lllll•e,, !'l'!Ui!e :fel!)',qlds llll!l. ol!Tht . Sund!IY, Novetnber 21 • The City Lad BriiO<Iars' Cup ·Handicap. l, lies. Three ,Year olds. Purse $8,000-·llii,\iil ~ri::N~~l>Qt_$]~~~; .'' ? . • '' Tlie .W9!1i .· ~'? All!f¥111 Mtlllt ,' ~e $11!l!OQ.fl.iil!lded. · . ·: . · •: Of El Paso Handicap, 5 ll2 fur. 1116 mmis 'l'llreo fQars end'older. added, . · . :; -~.,Ji\!t; J>ig ll!Cil~)l• .l!Jj~c}!l!i>' · .. IS . S~~n4 : l?ark'$ · t!ehe~l ·: · ,Sund<iji, Octo\>er : 81 · AQHA longs. Three year olds and older. Purse $20,000-added. . . Saturday, April 2 •. West Texas p$tl\~-~~~'rilll!,!l,~e~<l:l1il'.ll•:: 'Rb.orouih&i'ell~!!.~~;(!:!!I!J!l,'~s»giou$,1,·:~ew .JIIIj!ldeo ', . Challpnge Purse$8,gOO•added. Slitutdov, JIU)uaey ~ • Sunland Derby. Grads II. 400 yards. Three !!'®fit( :c Jlli~~llj'~~ ~,Chllllll~ , ~\VII·m, 'l'U)il ~Mlf .bU · j. ~U,OOC)' Chtullplonl!hip, Thr~~lll" ol!b!~Wl\ . f!atur®y, ~her 27 Expr!!BII Uandi'I!IJ>·. 1000 yardo. year olds. Purse $y6,000 est. Cbm!!j,\l~., .. ,. ; ~lll'~n !l; •plq'se~ 'l'h0 stil!>ated ol~er. 4411 ~Ortis: 1'~119 $25,0Q\)i: Cuteruety Handicap. 6ll2 f~Jongs. 'l'llrse yo"' olds and ol<jer. Purse Saturd!IY, Apn!' e • The Harcy: .. Al,l:,"ljy~·$iiO,q~O-alll!'ti~ races w;JJ ~~e or'~ • !'ll8y $' n e Should. · addell; . ·• .· . . .. :/• . Three year olds; Purse $6,000· $7,600·added. . . ·· . ~- _Henson Handicap. 6 furlongs .

. bn:e!iMsdil•· nalionliiiY··an ·1i1SPN's .re!l<h·$1~5,01!0 . · ·.· •. , · Sund!IY, Novetnbl!1' 7 •. Rwdo~~ added. · . Sunday, Januaey 2 • Bold Ego Fllhes and mares. Three year olds ''An\!!liea'ii Uorse" at i/.~. ~11-al .. . 'J.'h~ $:JJIO~P,OlJ est, Il)iicloso, Horse lil""'e Sole Quar\l>r 'l'iorse J\\,1i!ld,t~, S~d!IY; November 28 • Sunland Hilndic'\P: 6 . ll2 furlongs. Fillies and oldOl'. Purse. $B,oOO,addsd. !)!')'light Time on Sunilij.v, Novem- S~j) • .Qu!l!'t!ir •H.,.oe · Futunty on . Two year olds. 400 yards. '1'1'1'11• J~vemle ·Breeders' Cup Mlle. One and mares. Furse $8,000-added. Sund!IY, Apnl . 10 • EJ Paso ~~r21 •. · . . · , ~. . ·S\!jiday., J'i'O'II)1llhi>r .7, and the $75;000.est. . . . ·. 1 Mile. Two ~Ql' olds. Furse $20,000·. Sund!IY, ~!"'!UU'Y 16 · West Herald-Post Handicap. 6 ll2 fur· :· '1,'1).0 Sooner Trailers DerbYChal· · $~MOO SS!- .S.unland Park Fall Si!nd!IY, November 7 • lll)!_dolio added. Texas Matuht)'. Grade II. 400 wng!l. Three year olds and oldsr. long~~, 'Trans-Con CballeJjge, ,Q\liil'~er Hot•.• li>ut~rl!.Y on Sunday, :ijorse. S~e Thor!lughbred·:F~J:IIrtty, . Sund!IY, Decomber 6 • Dona Ana yards. Fopr -year olds and older. Purse $8,000-edded. }'li'Mf!l$r Juvenile. Challeng~,: OOoe,lllbO.l9. 'IT ·. . 'l\vo 'yol!l' olds. 6 furlongs. ~urBll Councy.Ailowanee Stoke. 400 yds, Purse$25, . . . Supd!IY, April 17 -.Ruidoso AQ}{A Mar~thon Challenge an~ First ·Down -Ann · 'l'Sil and $50,000 est, • '' Three yw olds and older. New Sund!IY, ;Tannacy 23 • The New flandicap, 400 yai-ds. Three year AQH4 . ~egi~nal· Qh~e •, RuriaW!W Cu.Jl 'w~·l!lst ~ar'a edi· Mexico-bred's. Purse $12,500 eet. Mexican Allawance S,take. 6 fur- olds and older. Pu;se $7 ,500-addod. Championehips are the ·f'ei4i'!rjj tions, \Wpeotivi!ly. · · Satuid!IY, November 13 -< 'rhe Saturd!IY, December 11 • Texas longa. Throe year olds and older. Saturday, Apnl 28 • El Paso race.. , The $1~0,060 eat. Grade l West Shue. Fly Slakes. 400 yards, ·.'Two Breedsrs' .Cup Derby. One Mile. New Mexico-in'eds. Pu<se $26,000. · Times Handicap. One Mile. Three . Sunilmd Park sh~uld also ot• Tetas Futurio/ \a. slated for Sun· year olds. New Mexico-breds. J"lirse Tln:!>e year olds. Purse $20,000· Sund!IY, Fehrl,lat'y 6 • KHEY/V· year olds and older. Purse $8,000-

. f;rpct eilcellent Thoroughbreds )Yith d!IY, Marolt 20. Aaothar ·key ovent $35,000 est. · · · · added: · . · 96 FM Handicap; 440 yards. Four added. , a' r.~cln'd 12 BtaJ!;es r~ces wQI!Ih, is the $76,000 "eot.; West Texas Sund!IY, Novemb~ 14 • Fo~ Sunda.t llb~ember _12 • Bill rear aids and older. Purse $7,500· Su~d!IY, April 24 ·Sun Country more than $20,000 dunng the up- Derby on Saturdlly, Ajrrll2. Blios;p. 5 112 furlonJil!. ThomiiS Meli)Orlal Handicap. 6 fur- addad. . Futunty. Gra<M I. 350 yards. Two cbll)ing season. · · . 'l'lle Sun.QoUJlby Futurity worth Three year olds and oldsr. PurSe longs. ·Two year olds. New MexiCO· Sunday, February 13 • Sunland year olds. Purse $150,000,est. · '1'11• ·)'.a Senora Breeders' Cup nearlJ( $150;000 . CIIDlPI~tes the $8;000-addad. breds. Purse $15,000 est. Thoroughbred Derby. 6 112 fur- Saturd!IY, April 30 • Sunland ~W•• I!. tbl'8e<J(<oar,o!d. fil!y raoe , Quaitar .Horse •staJ,:so program on . Saturday;.Nowmber 20 • Sdolldt: · Sat~rd!IY. December 18 • Juarez longs. Three year olds. Purse Park Mall Stakes. 6 ll2 furlongs. worth $~O,OOQ..aitlled, Will be run:, Suild!IY; AJ?rU 24j .. . Trailers. · Derby Challenge Handieap.. 870 yards. Three year $10,000-a,dded. . Tlu'o;e year. olds and older. New P.ll SaturilsY, .Octobor ao. . . . ·_The ba"!o·ri\Clng pattern 1s Wed- Championei)lp .. Three year olds. aids and cllder, Purse $8,000-added. Snnd!IY, February 27 · Diamond MOXlco·brede. Purse $25_.000. ,

. TWJI-~Did Thorllugltbreds llOsdiJY, Friday; Satlirdey and Sun- 40() yards. Purse $50,000-added. · Sund!IY, DeCOtnber 19 • Sunland Shamrock Stakes. 6 furlongs. Three Sund!IY, May 1 - _Riley Allison will run lbr $35,.000 in l)te Sunland d!IY- . ·: . Saturd!IY, November 20 • Trans- Park F.all' Quarter jl:orse Derby. year olds. New Mexico-breds. Purse Derby. Three year olds, One Mile, Juvenile Breaders' Cup Mile on ~"' ie .· the 1999.·94 stokes Con . Cballsngo , Championship. Grads fit 4411 yds. Three year olds .• $25,000: · . . . Furse $25,000 est. . 81\lld!IY. November26. sel>edule: . Three ·year olds .. and oldsr. 350 Purse$35,000est. Sunday,. March ·5 · NMHBA Saturday, MIIY 7 ·Sunland Park · ·''l'lle Texas Breeders' Cup Derby Bi\tlli'd!IY; October 16 ·Mr. Vale y0rds. Pljrse $50,000.added. Quartsr Horse Stakes. 400 yards .. Handicap. 1 118 miles. Thre.e year

. on December 11, end the Winsham Handicap .. Three year aids and Saturd!IY, !lfovember 20 Sund!IY, Oecamber l9 . Sunland T'nreo year olds. New Mexico-breds. olds .and older, Purse $10,000· , Lad Breeders' Cup Handicap on De· older, 6 fUrlongs. Purse $8,000- Wrangler Juvel)ile Challenge Pilrk Fall Qua>¢ar Horse Futurity. Purse $12,500. added.

comber ai, are each wOI!Ih $20,000· add!!d. •· . . Championship. Two year olds. 360 Grads 11. 400 yards. Twt> year olds. Saturd!IY, Mareb l2 · Coca.Coja Sund!IY, May 8 • Riley Allison addad. · Sund!IY; Octobor 17 • KLAQ yards. Purse $60,000•added. Purse $76,000est. Handicap .. One Mile. Three yoal>. Futurity. 5 furlongs. Two year olds.

The New Mexican Allowan<e jiandical!. 6 furJorigs, Tb,ree year Sunday, Novejnber 21. AQHA Sunrl!IY,Oecetnl>or 26·· Sunland olds.Purse$8,000·IIdded. Purse $126,000 est. ($60,000 Guar-Stake<{Januaey ~3), The Diam;ond . olds ana. older. Purse .$10,000· Marathon Challenge Distance Park Fall Thoroughbred Futurity. 6 Sund!IY, March 20 ·West Texas anteed),

' ' . _~.... ~- . Quarter Horse sales set for September3 & 4

A total of 226 horses are ex· peeted to go through the sales ring at the 1998 Ruidoso. Horse Sales Quarter Horse Sales, September ·3 and4, in the Sale Pavilion in Glen·

.coe. · l'bis yeats sale will have three

~mmw. · ·

A complete dispersal of 82 head from the Six G's Stables immedate~ ly follows the Super Select

Sale. Among the horses in the dispersal include All American Derby qualifier Royal Down Dash Who has earned more than $150,000 in lw- career.

tetnber 4.

Many 1992 s.ale g<aduates are this year's top 2-year-o[ds including three~time .f'uturil;y .winner TreacherOusly who was Purchased for only $7,000. Treacherouely has pi'Qven to be· a solid investment for owiler :Wayn·e Dallas of Farming-'l'lle Ruidoso Super .Select· Sale

kicks .atr the two-day event at 5:30•li'r!d\'9i·B•ptsmborlf., .. "

The All American Yearling Sale ton, as he has e!D'ned mors.,than will begin at 1-p,m,Satul'llall., Sell'•\• .. $400,000 in hts:YOIIP&.Cillleer., .. , .

Bed :lloor ilntiques


Friday, August 27 through Monday, September 6 10:00 a.m. • 6:00 p.m.

Art Deco Diamond & Platinum Ring 2.40 center stone appraised at $21 ,240 Sell for .................................................... .$8,900

7 ct. diamond necklace "Super" ...................... .$4,900

9.5 ct. diamond ring Top Quallty .................... : .. ,46,9DO

18 ct. gold braeetets ................ circa 1935-40's . .

1 AO center stone diamond ring . . . . . with so pta .. around "G"in color v..s.l .••• ~~ll·

. . . . . ' -• '. .; : '•

Flllgrel! t860 brOIJI!b . · . • · 1 ct. dlam011d Qento;>r.stone ..................... ;~,10ll . ~ ' .

14 ct. slide b~cBI&t ............................................. ;. .. ,$950 '·



United Tote to service major Kentucky tracks United Tote Company, parent corporation of

Sunland Park Race Track, has been awarded -one of racing's most prized totalisator contracts.

·intense thre_e-month selection process. The business potential of the five-year contract

is immense. The four outstanding Kentucky tr~s conduct some of racing's top events including the Kentucky Derby, tbe Blue. Grass Stakes, tbe Jim Beam Stakes, the GOrdenia Stakes and the Breeders' Cup (on a rotating basis).

On October 31, United Tote will begin servicing the four mzijor Kentucky Thoroughbred race tracks:

• ChurchiJI Downs, Keeneland, Ellis Park, TurfwiiY Park and their o:£1"-track wagering network.

· United Tote won the coveted· totalisator contract over the nation's two othei- major suppliers, GTECH/Am Tote and Autotote Corporation, in an

"This is truly a banner day for. United Tote," declared John Shelhamer, United Tote President.

-·. -· ' ..... "

CARPEl Summer Clearance

Friday, August 27 Friday, September 3

PRICES SLASHED ON: Oak Flooring - $:'$.,75 sq. ft.

Ceramic W$11 Tile - $1 .• 50 sq. ft. Ceramic Floor Tile - $1.75 sq. ft. "- up

Cabinet Tops - $3.99 lin. ft. ·· ·Ftugs- $19.00 & up

M"untafn ot. Carpet & 1/iny/Roii-Ends

Must I;Jie. Sold 8y.Labot DS.y!;to'f,eFieduotions roo!

· .. f500 Sudderth· o·river ·. • 257 w6682 , • '• I

·: . -- ··--



f i


' ! ' .i

... ' ' ' • • ,,. ' ~-.. ·• ·" • -- :> '• .. • .• \~ f



• . eAf111o FluldQOO Nowe/ThUrf'lay, A\IQU" aa •. 1lll!a . . . . .

· Capitan • · 1~1 I

Capitan tops in Artesia scrimmage r;rbe Capitan Tigers charged onto

the field at Artesia laet Thursday for their first scrimmage of the new football season.

They faced the Artesia Bulldog sophomores.

According to head football coach Ed Davis, the team displayed quick moves and heaps'ofmotivation.

"We were very young on offense and defense, but the guys have worked exceptionally hard with good enthusiasm for the past three weeks," Davis said.

The team is comprised of one eighth grader, 15 freshmen, nine sophomores, three juniors and ffve seniors.

year. "We were ·pleased With the first

scrimmage, but we realize with our youth, there is a lot of improvement needed," the coach said. "We feel with thio team, Wl' have the. dedica· tion and commitment tQ b.e success­ful."

Davis encouraged community support for i;p.e team, which began to turn around its loss record last year.

from Hatch. "We scouted the club last Tues·

day and thoy'rs big and teugh," Davis said. ''Ws will have to eliminate the mistakes we made in Artesia if we're going to stay in game with Hatch. And they don't get easier with Tatum and Estan· cia, both 2·A schools. It's a tough schedule to try to turn things . around."

"We would like to have ever)ione DUring the Artesia scrimmage come out and support them this a,nd under the watchful eyeS: of Friday night when we open against coaches Davis, Pat Ve·ntura. Willie the Hatch Bears," Davis said. Raby, Norman Cline and Chad

. .

Returning offensive starters this year are Michael Fish . at quarter­back, Damian Roybal at left half back, Orlando Baca at right half back and Ernie Trujillo at split end. Defense lost two .players from last

The team will stay in the single Merchant, Capitan piled. up 54 A division for the next few years yardS rushing and -125 yards pass­while the football program is ing against Artesia's 48 yards QAd rebUilt, but that doesn't. mean 80 yards. Fish. saw only one inter­Capitan won't be playing bigger eeption compared to Artesia's two.­schools. The schedule includos the · The Tigers held onto the ball for district state champion, Loving, zero fumbles and led··in .. :first and and starts with top competitors lOs with eight to Artesia's six.

·Capitan Tigers show their stuff at a scrim· mage with the Artesia Bulldogs las! Thurs. day In Artesia. Quarterback Michael Ash

Winners haul home the ribbons from county fair Blue and red ribbons were

carried home by dozens of happy adults and students who baked, cultivated and created entries for

· the annual Lincoln County Fair earlier this month.

Some of the winners of listed be­low:

Junior Baking - Buffy York won first in biscuits, first and reserve champion in potato biscuits, first in sesame seed twists and first in cin· namon twists. Amanda Bird took second in muffins and applesauce muffins.

Baking novice - Annalise Haus­ler won first and Lyndsy Brumlow took second in cornbread, Mollie Hightower was first in biscuits with Mollie Hightower taking second in sesame seed twists and cinnamon twists, Brumlow took second in cornmea1 muffins, Hausler won first in hushpuppies, Renee Rael placed first in plain muffins and in applesauce muffins.

Goof and Nutrition - Kara Hutchison won second for basic muffins and first for a project work­book.

Baking for Senior 4H Food and Nutrition- Julie Barham won firsts for Pilgrim Harvest bar, menu for


special occasions and project work­book.

Fun with Foods for novices -Jayla Miller took first and excellent for no-bake peanut butter cookies.

Junior Fun with Food· • · •Buffy York won firsts for gTanola, ·no bake peanut butter cookies, whole wheat biscuits and pretzels.

Senior division for baking quick loaf bread - Keri Schafer won firsts for banana nut bread. whole wheat health bread and lemon tea bread, and a second for apple bread.

Yeast Rolls for senior division -Julie Barham won firsts for plain rolls, cinnamon rolls and son pret­zels.

Yeast Bread for senior division -Lindsey Borids won first for white loaf.

Breads for entertaining - Debbie Bond won three first places and Katie Hightower placed second in Italian bread, rye bread and pita bread.

Photography adventures with your camera for novices - Adrian Goad won first in trick picture and in photo album.

Junior Photography· Buffy York ·won first in action picture, special


Hwy 380 & Hwy 2.4"6 Capitan, NM 88316


lomoqne Corpe .. ter land Sales

RKCREATION • R&1'1AitMI!!:NT - 1NV~M't.

REQJOBH~IM. !I .. AANCH~·· ·' . ~--. ..... . BOX "0$~ - .e.Af!lol'fAN. _NttW ..... ~XIt!O'~#IIIiit:f. :;. ·:

.. ·'


effects and in still life picture with Amanda Bird placing second in still life and in panorama.

Photography for senior 4-H -Malaika Tully won first in photo story and trick-picture, and second in close up picture.

Senior photography · Callie Gnatkowski won first in panorama and special effects, second in still life.

Interior design for novices - Mol­ly Hightower won seconds in sten .. ciled item and mounted poster.

Interior design for juniors -Amanda Greer won third for lap through pillow.

New Mexico Flavor - Julie Bar­ham won two first places and a sec­ond in the senior division; Allen· Brumlow won two firsts in rock­etry. Joe Burchett took first in the junior division.

Woodworking - Robert York won two firsts for article for self and ar­ticle for home, and a second for ar­ticle for workshop in the novice division; Cara Baker won first for article for self under juni~ wood­working and Joel Leslie took first for junior fun ideas.

Leathercraft ~ Branden Langley won first and Patrick Hightower

took second for novice division; Robert Shafer won first and best exhibit and Dale Frost took second in diviSion II; John Gnatkowski took a second in division II and Rankin Ftost took second in divi .. sion III. • •

Electricity - John Gnatkowski won first in simple switch.

Entomology . Annalise ·Hausler won first and Adrian Goad took sec­ond · for first year exhibit; and Amanda Greer won first for second year exhibit.

Fun with Children · Msrybeth Bond won a second place.

Arts & Crafts · Msrybeth Bond took first in novice; Amanda Greer won first for tie dying and second

for Oho and plaster craft article in junior division.

This is 4-H - Allen Brumlow won second for banner; Lyndsy Brum .. low won first for T-shirts and Tyler Cluff won seC1Jlld in the junior divi­sion for T -shirts; Trenna Stephens won first and Wesley Osborn and Mather Stephens look seconds for record books in the novice division.

Zld-·Srlll Srri.oke}l Bear Blvd.


•, "

. · .. '

Date 27

SeJ>t. 3 Sept. 10 $apt 1'7 Sept. 24 Oct.1 Oct. 8 Oct. 15 Oct. 22 Oct. 29

1993 Capitan High Football Schedule

Hatch Valley Tatum Estancia ·· Hlig~rman Belen JV" Anthony, Texas Reserve•• Cloudcroft** Loving•• Carrizozo••

Home Awalt

·"Home· Home Away Home Home Away Away

• Homecoming ••

1993 Capitan Jr. High Football Schedule

Date O!!l!onent Site Sept. 2 Tatum Home Sept. 9 Tularosa Away Sept. 16 Hagerman Home Sept. 23 Ruidoso Away Sept. 30 Carrizozo Home Oct.8 Eslancia

ory Smokty 8tir' · · ··

Atstaurant a Mottl . Home of the smokey Se~r Bl1rgerf ; Hwy sao.·. ... capitan ·

354-;a257 :' ' ' ' .. '

. .•

'··: .,.,. "' ..

7:30 7;30 7t.30

. 7':30 ·,. 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30.

Time 4:00 4:00 4:30 4:00 4:30 4:00

. • .. . .• •. t.. . ~· >. '

. JJtm.RVANnlt .. WAR'l'

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· . aot.:c()td ~d $p~oialty Shoeing

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t • 2 - • -. " •. -. ' Jj ' ' . . . · · · · · · · · Legals ·

" • • t •• ·- ~ J- •' ..... . . c:ku~z · .salu• . ~ poroent (IOQ%) or the

W'QlWJ!\1 I'IWIUI¥" until amount bid to IISSure S"'l'I!ID!1er 2·, !P2i! aJ porfo•mance of tho wbl¢11 ilme the oponiog ConttaCt, nnd paymoot for ancheadlag or tho bids will "au labor and materillls of

·· · TAX , bo_pn i!l • lho. Mayor's tho Cont<BCL . TO THE ·0~, 511 Te.lliJI.StreeL No Proposals may bo · · Tl!etsbl/la\looorbldswiU 'l'llthdrawn after tho

be <1<)11sidored by tho schodulod cloalns time for OtetQ/t.inooln Cou~tY, receipts of Proposals. and Soli,<! Wasi!O <'1-Uthority for tho Oleto/LiUooln County acoeptsnoo. ·.. Solid '\Vasi!O Autborlty

The work wi11 consist of ~es lhe right to lojeet con·,tructing a . .water IPIY or all Proposals and -''l>PPIY well _to waiveaUieCbnicaUdesand approx-iinately 1,$00 feet .·foimanties. v

bolow sutfa:Qr: grade: No bidder may withdraw including pilot ho~~ his bid wilhin 3·0 days reaming, casing', screens. aner ~ act.IUd date of lhe goopfiy•ical loss!~~; . !lPOni!l8 tlloreof.

7 8). THE



gravel , _pac~i~·i.~~;- · VeronieaHanis

j~t~=~i~~f~~~ devel~pmen·_ti test. PJocutement.AcbnlulstratQr PumPing, dis!"fe<tion, aod City of J\llimogordo

Atho.:'nl~:._velP. .. ·&)~:~_·:· . vl~':":r.:·Pians and ~=811 3~(8) Z3, zt, __ .u AND Specifications are availat-",e ..;;:....=,..,,..,.,.,.~~-

REPEALING ALL 10 Bidders fi'Qill Camp LEGAL NOTICE b 7 19 JPA nRDINANCBS IN Dres(;er & McKee-· Inc .• NC>TICS is.bere~ given

~eptem er ' 93

; B~VIRONMENTAL "CONFLICT'~EWITH ·VIOOLouisionaBlvd.NE, thai 00 August 9• 1993• P,roposals received aftel' "'' .no.n. • AFC #S S, . Enchanted Porest 'Water tfi8,ltimCwiUberejcx:te4 SERVICBS GROSS Completecopiesofthis , U1te 740,-C . P:O B dftt1 ~unopened. RBCElP.TS TAX . AlbUquerque. Nev.· orporatlon, • • .ox :n:=VUinseofRuldoso "REVENUB BONDS, OIXIinanooareonfliomtho Mexico,871lO,:relophone 241, AIIO, Now Mox~co rj,sorvos tho rigbtiO reject SERIES 1993 B,IN THE office o_ftho V~llage Clerk (505) 881-3077, upo< 883~2. filed corrocuve !lhy and/or aU proposals PRINCIPAL AMOUNT at Capitan VI! !age Hall, receipt of a refundable fee IIP!'~00 No. H-722-S-4 Unttwaiveallinfonnalitics OF$ · FOR 114. Lincoln Street, ofs2s.OOperseL· w 1th the .STATE ill the best interest of the THE 'PURPOSB o·F Capttan, New Mexico ~d PrOspective B4Jd,ers .are ENGINE~ to shQW that


A C Q U 1 R IN 0 areavaitableforinspectton advised of a .fi (S' shallow ~1 No •. H-~ loge. . • and/or purchue during . ve • S-4 is actually located m '()tder of Governing ~ 0 N S T R U C T I_N G, re~at office hours._ This ~~r~~:~~0:1d ~~alua:!:~ the NB1/4SB1/4NWi/4 of

. ~llage' ofRw'•-·o .c X T B N D.l N G, not.,ce also constitutes bus' · that ill 1 Section 22, Township 10 Y~ uu:~ B N L A R 0 I N G • compliance with Section - messes w app )- South. Range 13 Bast := .. 'J~w Officer B l3 T T· B R I N G , 6-14·4 through 6-14-7 to thi~ project. ThE N.M.P.M. Said well is ·---e REPAIRING- QR- NMSA 19778. . CONTRACTOR is authorized by permit ~831 lt {8) 26, 30 0 T H B R W I S B ·/s/Deborab Cummins advised to obUUn speciftc issued by the State 1 IMPROVING OR Clerk--'I'reasurf.l' informatiOn as to the BO.gineer on OCtober 16, : LEGAL NOTICE MAINTAINING SOLID Village of Capitan qualification, and 1990, for the diversi0n.of

VILLAGE OF' WASTE DIS'POSAI.., #8822 St(8) 23, 26, conditions of the Bid up to 29~0 acre-feet per CAPITAN B Q U I P M E N T ~ 3Q (9) 3, 9 Evaluation Criterion annum of shallow ground

ORDINANCE 93·13 EQUIPMENT FOR before submitting his bid. water for domestic use NOTJ:CE OF INTENT OPERATION AND LEGAL NOTICE Bach Proposal shall be within a subdivision. . TO ADOPT MAINTENANCE- OF SECTION- 1 accompanied by the Bid This is a corrective

· NOTICB IS HERBBY SANITARY LANDFn...l.S. AD.VERTISEMENT Security in the amount of application to show where QIVBN of the Iitle 8nd. of SANITARY LANDFILLS, FOR BIDS not less than five petcent weU was actually drilled. Q.generalsummaryofthe SOLID WASm Sealed bids will be (5%)oftotalamountbid, Any person, firm or sUbject matter contained in FACIUTIES OR ANY received by the City of which wUI be -returned not· corporation or other enlity Ordinance No. 93-13. will COMBINATION Qp THB Alamogordo for the later than thirty (30) after objecting that the granting ~e discussed at a public PORBGOING, ALL' ·AT on;:ro/Lincoln County the receipt of bidS. of the applicalion will be h'earing held on September THE OTERO/LINCOLN Sohd Waste Authority at The successful bidder detrim8ntal to the ~. l!l;!l~ at 6:30 p.m. Qllcl . COUNTY I!J!.GIONIIL 5 II . .~\II!! S treot, will be roqpirod.10 (IU1l;sll objeciOr's wa~er sball bovo \t1ill be.· considered for s 0 L 1 :p WASTE Alamogordo, ~ew Mexico a PerfonnQDee Bond and a standing to file objection iQJI>roval at the regular FACILITYLOCATEDAT 88310. for the project Payment Bond in the or protest Any person, rt}eeting of the ORO ORANDB IN known as .. Or.em/Lincoln amount of one_ hundred finn or corporation or '

Lincoln County Teachers! Check your school message boxes

for information on our Special Offer For Local Teachers

or give us a call.

1 031 Mechem "The Attic & Friends Center"

The Lincoln County Fair would like to thank all the DONORS that came and supported the

Lincoln County Fair in Capitan.


otbor entity ob.ieollng tbst ·tile g~alltlng of ·t~~ application .· will · be cori.trar)' to the conserVation of Water·

avallsl>lo 24 hours prior 10 tile mOOtillg, Auxiliary aj.des are avRil~ble upon

tequest; please conta~t 'Martha GUevara at 648·

within the state ."or 2385 at least 48 holirs in dettlm~tal 10 the public advance of the meedng to welfare_ of the 8que and make any necessary

showing· that the ObjectOr ~=C. WYNHAM. will be subs&antially agd LINCOLN COUNTY spocUically affilcte<i by tho granting of tho appllca)ion MANAGER shall have stsndins .lj> file _#11_8_2_9_ 1_•_<_8_>_26 ___ _ objection of proteSt$. .,... -Provided,· however~ that tho Stste of New Mexico or any of its branches. as;encies, departments.

OOards. instromontalUie• or inslitutlons, and all polltical subdivisions of · the state and their alencies. instrumentalides and insUtutlons shall have stsiUIInB 10 file objootiQn. or protests •. The protests Or objections shall be in writing-and slulll set-forih all Prote-stants· or objector's reasQDS why· the applicatiOn should _not b~ BpPJ:OVed and must be filed, in triplicate. with Eliud Martinez, State Englnoor, 1900 w. soCorni SL. Ro$well. New Mexico 88201, within ten (10) days after tbe c:t8te of tbC last publication of the Nodce #8810 31(8) 19,26 (9) z




GIVEN that Ole Gaveming .Body of the Village of Capitan. New Mexico will discu.o~os at a imbUe hearing on September· 13. 19~3 annexing Tract 66 imd 67 owned by Patricia Seymour and. Tract 68 owned by Jackie Buckner Vaughn all in Mesa Vade Acres, Unit 3. Ordinance 93-.156 will be considered for adoption at the regul8r meeting of the Governing Body on september 1,3 1993 at 7:00p.m.

Is/Deborah Cummirls Clerk-Treasurer

#8826 41(8) 26, JO (9) 2, 9



MEETING NOTICE The Lincoln County

Board of Commissioners will hold a regularly scheduled Board meeting on Wednesday. September 8, 1993, beginnl!lg at9:00 A.M. ,The meeting is open to the public. and wiU l;te, held in the Commission ,Meeting Room of the.· Lincoln. County Courthouse in Carrizozo. A_genda is


C. LOUIS BUESCHER and JIMMIE LOU BUESCHER. Husband and 'Wife, Plaintiffs


'LB.SHIA DUNN. a mBiricd · woman in her sole and separate estate. ani

RlJIDQSOLAND COMPANY, a Mlsslaolppl Corpoiallon:


• Defendants. ·

CV93-50 Division ni




PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Plaintiffs have filed a Compialnt in the above captioned cause wherein you. are nained as the Defendams.

YOUR ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the general object of this action is to Quiet Title to

certain r'eal property, as more particularly set fortll in the Ct.mplaint on file in the abOve-captioned canao.

The Plaintiffs" attorney is· J. Robert Beauvais. Post Office .Box 2408, Ruidoso, New Mexico 88345.

PLEASE TAKE FURITIER .NOTICE that if you intend to con~t this suit, you must respond to the Complaint within 30 days from the last date of publication of · this Notice.

WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court _this 25 day of March 1993.

Is/Margo Undsay Clerk of the. District

Court #8817 41(8) 19, 26 (9) 3, 10

Come take a look! We'i"e adding new things all the time.

Gift Certificates and free gift wrapping are available

· and the coffee pot is always on.

Ruidoso, New Mexico 88345 • (505) 258-3663

r:: ··-·-·-

KBIM FM 95 106 3 1n Ruidoso


gsRADIO ~¥< f\11'1 Ruidoso ~ \t\

e.F.c. COntractors R.D. Hubbard and Mr. Ferrie Farm Credit Services Artesia Wool .

. Foxworth Galbraith Payne Packing and Super Meats K-Bob's Steak House United New Mexico Bank of Carrizozo c & L Lumber Kawllga of Ruidoso JJJ Ranches Fruit Stand of Ruidoso Alamo Pipe & supply Mr. Payroll of Ruidoso Franklin Vet & Ruidoso Properties Doyle Roberts Racing Stables Fred Danley Racing Stables D. Gilbreath Racing stables Rlchllrd & Patty Farris Cepltan Extension Club canyon Cowbelles 8 & L Pizza Gorsfon & Jan Barham Hollis & Llnclll Fuchs Martha & Todd Proctor candy TruJIIle> Ruidoso Pain center. Stockmen Feed supply, Dale Aochatl !Sauls Vet. suppJY. ~OSWGII !)r. Bob Story DVM umoyne carpent&r Lalld Salas Fletcher & emme Gene Hall Jody & LOri A'oberts Bill & Renee Cupit

• t)lscount Faecl (Autry&) i!ddle & Audrey Davis AUidoso Ford, Ltncoln, Mercury Jim & Rogenl!l Clees

.Chrletophl!lr Ctaullotlll Rafter Eleven Tack suppt.y Arnold slmmotl$. fleeing. stable ,Jar;y & Suit !VIyere .M!ICk &.SIItlf Ailri.Sell.. . · . • BartMcDollough Sarab & ):fete GnatkoVillkl ' Dri VotJt. DVM carrlzo:tcJSoll &Water Dlst. Shawn oennta P.11t·L. Huey ··.· · ,. ' ·· · · · .. ·. . 8111; Dllbble, ·Amllnda Slrd Cna stop AutO Wlltoll' Kowelf . Pr'elltott·&. Willa Stone . Ctln'lenta COwbellea · B. Leilcn.ltllchiii:Sfllbll!*, · · ·. · . · Dr • .Jilek Sales DVM · . Unlted.l\ltw. Melllco Silllk oHiti!IWI!U l!lllln areedlniJS.rvlce .· .AI!lermllil't.CiiVIi t:l!ld CltltosVillll AuldoliOBuyersCiub·..,..· .· .. , Clirrl:20:1!olluyersCiub . · capitan Buyers Cub. ·· ·· · · \ ·Coron~BI!YGf~t.ctul; ~ · · ·· · ·

. KQildOtirU!f81'$ Club . . · ; •. ·· \' IW'ai•Matt . . .. . . · :. ·. .. ; PlUil Hut · . • . soru:c .. .:;, , ·. . , .

-· . ,'. ~ . : ' ,-- • ' . :r ., .. ' ' _•' _; ' - ' . ' '. ';' .-_ -, . '. - ', .• '· ._:. ,- · .. - •• ,"'·_ -·_. ' ·.' •..

T'hllilkllll/l'tllrttorlllt ~yottl f!ll'Hd/Yittl help 1111.d iflupporUtunllklniJ !IH8s:JitJGS ,; . . : ··.. . $UCCII!SSitlrffl/IJyelltllndfdi'PUUitqJJttOUf4+ltl.lldFFA ftlillll . . · • . ·. · . . ... ·.. : HOP~TOSES.VOUNe,t1'VSARft . . .· .. · ...

~. . ..



while slipt'I~I4Mit8"-"'.~~ pet ~.cil~esl, :Pie,ase Avsllsblll a.• · ~~~ese •::(ll.!

J.Aobetis . . Lalortiiilne Restaurant·· ·

· Ma Millllon Oount,Y'Oafa .·. AloildOs~'& PlscolietY · RUidosoSiat&Barik . ,

,•''" _..-


' ··'

10JVrhe Ruld- Nowoflhur~ay, J)uguot26, 1993

continues on Street department policy w.. the suilject · fuurth village

council workshop Tuesday at village hall. The Federal CollllllUnilllltiDns . . . ' . •, '

. Ruido~o Mayor Jeny .s~aw ha~ sch~duled a s~e~ of workshO~s ~o Commission ha.. 8 recently announc-diseuss vllla.ge_-goals, pnonties, directions and pobCies. The public 1s

small eablo ~ms, according to a· news -release. ·

invited at the morning sessions scheduled !'or 9 a.m. each Tuesday. ed its decisiOn to temporarily stay The first workshop was conducted on peJ'Sonnel rules and regula- the effective date of ra~ regulati.on OnC!> the results of the FCC's

reconsideration sre kn~wn and t)ul stay is lifted, Lincoln Cablevi$\bn will teview its rates and make· ;.d­justmente, i£ necessary, to ,comply . with the new feder!lllaws govern· ing cable television, continues the

tiona, the second Ol) procurement policy arid last Tuesday .was part rules for cable systems serving two of street policy. areu with 1,000 or fewer sub-

The council discussed tighter planning in street sweeping and scribera. . snow removal. The FCC action ~pplles to Lin-

A priority schedule of .roac;l work was submitted by deputy man· eoln Cablevision in Capitan. . ager Alan Briley. By indefinitely staying the Sep·

The council also discussed the placementofE911 emergency signa tembor 1,_1993, effective date, the and street signs in general 'that may lessen traffic confusion. Commission intends: to fully

release. For more

Paul Any action taken at the workshop sessioris· will be brought before reeoilsider the significant adminis-the council for final approval in regular session. trative burdens and cost of com-L-----------_,....,.. ____ ._ _______ J plianee the new rules place on

Cipriana' s friends, family celebrate her birthday Happy Birthday

to Cipriana Herrera .

More than 500 loved ones, relatives and friends of all ages including babes anne, gathered at noon August 21, at The Saint Jude Activities Center in San Patricio to help Cipriana Gonzales Herrera, beloved pioneer lady, celebrate her ninetieth birthday. Some made the journey from Arizona and California.

Cipriana was born August 21, 1903, in San Patricio to Epimenondaz Gqnzales, affec­tionately known as "E.P.," and Elvira Gon­zales.

To this union also were born Robert Gon­zales, Florencio Gonzales, Rafael Gonzales, Brezalia Corona, Crecencia Mease and Angela Salas, all of whom have been called home by Our Lord through the years.

Still living and present at the celebration were Cipriana's sisters Eva Montoya, Raymunda Sanchez and Mary Duran.

In 1932, Cipriana was married to Vicente Herrera in the historic church of San Patricio.

They have two children, Rufino Herrera and Bertha Sanchez, nine grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren. All were present at the celebration except one great-grandchild.

A Place of Honor

Birthday) to Cipriana, Mother, sister, aunt, grandmother, great-grandmOther, "En sus 90· ai\os de vida,- Dios le bendiga. (In your 90 "years of life, may God bless you.)

Ninety Candles

Benito Herrera with accordion, and his wife, Josie; Yvonne Sanchez with guitar, and Juan Mont~a - together sang and played tmditional Mexican birthday songs including "Las Mananitas," The Dawn Birthday Serenade.

ReUnion for E.P. Gonzales famib'

Cipriana's birthday served as a family reunion for all the descendants ofE.P. and El­vira Gonzales. The kinfolks kspt gathering all afternoon and into the night, and the spirit of

the land.. . . On the way home from up the valley on the

20th, as I arrived just below Ruidoso Downs, here -was a. rainbow arching· all acrosS the v~l­ley, from one hill top to the other. It wss a sight that made you stop (or a while and taks in the glory of nature's masterpiece of the sky. Just to look at this giant rainbow tilled you with new life and happiness. .

As you drove along down the valley, the rainbow stayed just ahead of you, and along about biscuit hill one end dipped into the river so that you drove through the airy colors for a minute or two.

At the home of Paul Jones the rainbow ap­peared again arching the valley, and then here it was again shining over the bouse here at the place. So the Lord welcomed me home with rainbows all along the way telling me to be thankful to the Lord for his blessings.

Leon Livingston holds services at Saint Anne's Chapel

At services at Saint Anne's Chapel; Glen­coe, on August 22, the Reverend Leon Living­ston based his sermon on the Gospel according to Saint Matthew.

"Simon Peter answered, CVou are theMes· siah, the- Son of the Living God.'"

Like a beautiful pioneer queen, Cipriana family affection and loyalty was wide.spread, sat at a table decorated by two ,large· -,pinlt : .~d-drew the great crowq•~ther iiJ.:t\1~ 9{ candles and vases of flowers, with her thtee .rWoi.cing, that. made this speciaL cTay.·.;ttOr •. ·

The Reverend Mr. Livingston pointed out chat Simon Peter olllleWered our Lord from his heart, and 1:1il!l.fole'·Should'f\iUow this example in our daily liveS. sisters by her side. Cipriana, something long to be remembered,

Her friendly smile, by which she was know and treasured always. Lay reader Nellie Ruth Jones in prayers of the people gave thanks for the birthdays of Carley Lukenbach, John Floyd, Colelinda Stokss, Tricia Tully-Mitchell, Kenneth Shows and George Rizzo.

throughout her life, now took on a saintly glow We all wish Cipriana many happy returns as she welcomed the ones of all ages who be- of the day and all God's blessings. gan filling the room to overftowing - who came by to express their love and give their blessings.

Behind the table was a large wall panel with the words along the top: ''Happy 90th Birthday, snd God Bless You."

Inside a large heart drawn on the panel were the words: Feliz Cumpleai'los (Happy

Season of Rainbows

This time of year between the heavy rains. we have days of sunshine and shower. Such a day was the 20th - you could see showers here and there over the hills, and you could be traveling through sunny patches throughout

Also on the wedding anniversaries of John and Janie Floyd, Bob and Barbara Anderson, and Gary and Tricia Mitchell.

Also on the occasion of their marriages -Galen and Kristin Tipps and Robert and Laura Hall.

CORRECTION Redudng Energy Waste. From Fireplaces Is An Open-and-Shut Case.

Will remain open Sun. Sept. 5th and

Saturdays after LabOr Day

'~~~;;=~==~;:~~ Make sure your fireplace damper is~ Into place when lfs not in use to keep heated air fmmesc;aping ciJt the dtimney In the winter and

coo!ed air from escaping in the summer. ,

For more ways to save energy. call or visit your local TNP offtt:e and ask for your free Energy IV'Ianagement Guide.

....&.:.. Texas-New Mexico ~ Power Company.

The pay up to $1.000 for Information . Orand Jury Indictment or Magistrate Ooun of the or parsons who commltlod thfs crime or any other-unsolved_ felony ctlma. In Uncotn County. Let"a work togathartctcall ·a ~P~ etfma.

Drug abuse Is Ruidoso .. problam by leads totha

• •


of and attentiQn, and tho Is hefplr19 to ce~mbaltha

provldlng lliformatian that or dlatrlbUIIng lnegal dru~o;

Orlmeotoppero wl!laleo pay cuh i'IIWardslor Information thatleYOja. to the recovery of atalen property or the solv!ng·.of·p.ny fE•IO~i crimea, ~

'. . .

Charity Celebration The Wichita Linemen, playing lor last yaar's CharitY Celebratlon,wlll bE!·back for the big All American party at 8 p.m. Sunday, September 5, at the Museum of the Horse. Tickets, $50 each, benefit the Museum and may be pur­chased by calling 37B-4431 or 378-4142.

Johnnie B. Starr Graveside services for Johnnie

B. Starr, 86, of Ruidoeo will be at 2 p.m. Friday, August 27, at Forest Lawn Cemetery with- the Reverend Wayne Joyce of Ruidoso Baptist Cliurch officiating.

Mrs. Starr died Wednesday, Au· gust 26, at Lincoln County Medical Center. She was hom March 10, 1908, in Texas. She moved to Ruidoso 42 years ago from Portale:s .

Donn Dose'

n .. ~~~A\~p;t:~?lfer~~;~~::r. Thursday, August 26, at the Capitan Church of Christ. Officiat­ing will be Johnny Johnson and Judge Gerald Dean.

Dose' died Sunday at Lincoln County Medical Center. He was _62.

He was born on March ~ 1931, in St. Paul, Minnesota, to Roy Harold and Marie Dose' who preceded hiin in death. He manied Mary Louise Hoskins on October 18, 1958, in Hudson, Wisconsin.

Dose' moved to Lincoln County

and she Was a homemaker, . : She married Chris Starr on Ju!O! /

6, 1946, in Amarillo, Texas, snd lie preceded her in death on October 14,1991. :

She . is survived by two son~ Chris Allen Sterr, Jr. of Pueblo, Colorado, and James F. Starr of Ruidoso; 17 grandchildren; 29 great-grandchildren and three great-great-grandchildren, ·

;in 1969·fromMinnesota and·forme~ ,the Dose' Cattle Ranch north of Capitan. He has been in ranching for 35 years. . :

In 1976, Dose' joined the Lineolri County Sheriffs· Depl,irtment as a deputy where he remained until hi~ death.lfis last position was as hea4 dispatcher in Carrizozo. .

Dose' was active in the Masonic Lodge in Carrizozo.

He is survived by his wife, MarY L. Dose'; son, Roy Dose' of Albu:.. querque; two nephews and two nieces.


Off to coUegc ...

Ruidoso State Bank and·

The Ruidoso news


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- Legals


The Lincoln CoUnty Preservation Board will hold a regularly scheduled Board meeting 0~ Tuesday. September 7, 19'93. beginning at 7:00 P.M. The meeting is open, to the public, and wiU be held at Dr. ·Wood's Annex in Lincoln. Agenda is

. '" avJiilllble 24 boQB pQoo-to · the meeting. Awtlliaey aides arc avaUable upon request; please conUWL _Martha Guevara at 648-2385 at least 48 holltl:l in advance of the meeting to

· make any necessary ammgements.



#8830 1 t (8) 26

_ _ incur -UU!raey $peci~JI

__ . _ .-~-celebrate --. ·. · ·· · _ •Utcn'acv Dayr

·· : ReseJ'Ve by · · ·· September 1 . .''·, ... · .. ·. ean ... :

Si&f: 001' ,•.····~---

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Wings of Blue, the Air Force Academy's parachute team (above), wtll perform at Holloman Air Force Base this Sun­day, August 28, during-Community Appreciation D!ily. An AT-38 B. Talon and an F-117 stt;~alth fighter. shown below flying over White· Sands, will blil among nearly 40 aircraft on display. The '{flain gate will open to the public at 9 lil.m. lilnd close Ell 5 p.m. ·

Dr. Michael G. Lim is pleased to announce his association with Dr. Brian Taylor for the practice of Family Eye Care. Dr. Lim's services will include, but are not limited to:

·Fajitas. arid ·Margaritas • No stitch cataract surgery with implant

and all your '

• Treatment of diabetic eye disease

• Radial keratotomy

Mexican Favorites ' ..

• Laser treatment for glaucOll).a

• Eyelid plastic surgery • Contact lenses and glasses

' . ' ·.

·- ,. ,: -' ' . ,, _.



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(505) 887-5325 Member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology

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, Register, for a 1977 FORD .. ' to b8 al~en dWBY, ~y drawing SUnday, August 29th.

• Must be 1'8 yea,. of age & present to vi1n. Rules posted at Pecos Valley Auto Plaza.

25¢ COKES· 'so¢. HOTDOGS· 75¢ HAfJIPUJ:i~ERS ; All p~oc»ed$ go to STUD15NT COMMUNITY SERVICE . '83 NISSA~··. PIJ UNTU

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Proceeds To · Beneftt . ' ' .

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Ruidoso N-"" -. ( ;

·' ,' . ~, .

. Southwest


- -• • ·Ruidoso Civic Events Center

111 Sierra Blanca Dr

' : . .,,-,- . ,\ •'

'·· .

' ,' '

Friday 5-9pm *Saturday 11-6pm *Sunday 12-Spm· Advance Tickets Available

From Any Member Noon· Lions Club:

Admission: $2.00 In Advance - @ Gate $3.00 43 Booths From AU Parts Of Nation

DON'T MISS IT! .. ;.• ~-- '

*ANTIQUE~ MAY B~·YOUR BEST iNfiESTMBN7J!:.: ''..::_:_ . . . . "· . . .'-- ''

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_., ,. __ ,. --(8fld),.d22-1 Oil· . '

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ENMU-R brings ·education home Eastern. New Meiclco University-Ruidoso Instruc­

tional Center is more that .we ever expected, and the little community oolieg$ Is ~xpanding the hori:zons of

. Lincoln County residents of aU ages. ·

Education Is Important, and now. Ruidoso high school klds donl have to leave home without it. Our little college opens the door lor reoent high school graduates to continue their 11ducatron without having to teav11 th11 nest _..that m11ians they can. sort things out and 'save a l(ttle mon11y·~;~"fore making llf11-career chotcles. ·

ENMU~Ruidoso offers locals a Chance to take some classes, too, exploring the possibilities in various career.fields while still working at their "day jobs."

Besides thos.e college credit courses, ENMU­Ruidoso combines fun with learning through adult ed­ucation classes that rang11 from aerobics to theater. . . .

The possibilities are limitless iat ENMU-Ruldoso, and registration is under way right now. Call 257-2120, or stop by the. ENMU-Ruidoso office on Sud-derth' Drive. ·

Sorry about sunflower cutting TO>!fi!E EDlTORI·

I go along with Mr. Clio,yton on mowing down the sunflowers -beautilbl sight • why?

I hear Miss Bell, oomplaining about the horse drawn carriages. I

.lwe thp idea and am sure lie is helping downtown no end. Unusual sight and fun )o ride.

S.Lewls m Paso, Texas

Local photo in national museum TO THE EDITORI

I ;tecently spent a month in Washington, D.C. at the N.E.H. Seminar for school teachers, and had the opportunity to view the ex­hibition at the National Archives.

Since thouaande of people wlll be viewing this yeer-long exhibition, I thought that the people of Ruidoso might be interested to know that their history is a part of it.

That the photo in the broehure was. chosen as representative of "the West" seems quite remarkable, and I wanted to share it with you.


Copies of thsse photographs are usually available from t~ National Archives for a nominal cost, and would make a notable addition to loc81 historical documents.

Jerry Beth Shannon Ropesville, Texaa

.EDITOR'S NOTE: The photog­raph on display, and also carried in the Smithsonian magazine this · month, shctws a scene in lront of the old RUidoso Store. Prints of that photo can be found at . the new Ruidoso Store in Midtown.

Inc. . ·NMBB345

• ' ;

·"' ' ·~ • ' ·., .•."· ~-..

· .. ,.;- . . ' • • ) • • • • ,

T()O much water, too little planning, guarantees disaster As We ~ the dilValltatiilg fioodil on tale­

vision e!i~umltoftlie mid--.ection of our· . ceuntzy the question ariess ''how beet can thie destruction be handled and the lives of many be returnecl to normalcy?"

A simple answer - you can't! At least not under existing circumstances. Why not? The answer lies in the fact that our government, whicb seems tO foul up every task it faces, oaused, in part, by no advance planning. Just wait 'til it happens and then call on the tax­payers to foot the bill.

Is there any way to alleviate some, if not all, of the miee,.Y and expense brenght about by uoexpectecl floods?

You bet there is- and the remedy is rath­er simple.

How about this idea? Having spent almost a quarter century, be­

fore retiring, in an insurance business dealing with fire and casualty insurance on homes and businesses and having experienced two floods during that time I have had some experience in the field of insurance coverage vs. flood damage:

The government has deslgnatsd so eallecl flood plains in many states. These areas are subjaet to varying laws whieh are designecl to discoUrage the construction of homes or businesses in the flood plains. It would appear that these restrictive laws have not stopped construction in the flood plains ln many areas in many states.

So, we have thousande of potsntial flood victims, most of whom are victims of their own badjudgmsnt and mistakes.

The curi'Bht fi~d situation includes some of £he designated flood plains, but not all, 80, le~s address onljr Dood plains and the cause and eft'eot of those who live in these .. restricted"· areas.

flood plain areas purchase flood insurance. 80 percent do not carry this protection and these are the home owners who end qp with claims fOr assistance from the federal government.

Insurance actuaries will confirm that the cost of insurance coverage is greatly reduced when participation in the number of policy holders increases. So why not have flood insur· ance to cover all flood plain residents and thereby lower the cost?

We must remember that flood plains are not located in the same areas, but are far removed from each other. Floods would have a small effect on all flood plains in a single flood occurrence, affecting only a p>rtion of all areas under insurance protection. In time this might actually lower the cost of flood insurance.

Here is the plan: under government sponsorship each residence or business owner who opts or has opted to build a· home or busi· ness will be issued a flood policy ip the amount of $50,000 which could be designed for more or Jess coverage as ·the need or loss experience develops. There would be no grandfather op· tions and everyone in a flood area would be covered. With 100 percent participation the cost for a $50,000.00 flood policy could run as little as $60 annually or $5 per month. All could afford this low premium. These few now insured would probably switch to the new plan.

How the

from On natiollal ne\YB it WllS pointad out that the oost of flood il>sU1'8llte ,\Wis •• high that many who needed the pttlteclaon ·eo~d not Bf· torli to pay for ·til• CQ\ WIIS';Pmnted out

. tliat tin $80,000.00 t'lood .!lollll)t·li~l).tly co'ts · $300,00 ·.flllr ;YOI!t or $26-0~ l!~. '!'QDthi 'l'hia coat toli'tipodiruiuranee, iil•dillt!Qtl.j;O ll.litan_. dard lf91iar£or lire and ~.d ~l·l• · 111ere tbllii most. hOme ·~ ~· 111u1· ihe stilntlarc'l pollily doeto:· 114t' .c»lier i'lpod · damag'e. · ·· ·· a floecl oecurs: Flood

include damagt\ due to or for any tei\BOil other

caused by extensive rain• · •· ' .

fall. Damage causecl by the fililure of a dam, for OXlllliple, li>iilnt not be covered if the damage could be mitigated by court action against other parties. When a flood occurs and water enters an in insured's premises coverage under the policy would be immediately recog­nized as water damage caused by water of one foot in depth or more according to whatever is determined as feasible under government plan. .

The home owner (policy holder) would im­mediatsly sign an allldavit etating the cauae and eft'ect for the clsim damage. This affidavit (with penaltie• fer fraud) would be given to a person in the control office at the county where a check would be issued immediately to the insured. This handling would save tiine in , claim handling and eliminats the thousaods of persons now fanned out all aver the landscape attempting to settle claims of those with insur-ance and those without. .

Millions of dollars of taxpayers fUnds would be saved. A computer wOuld confirm coverage and all premiums would be prepaid by the· policy holders under the county real estate tax: plan.

SUMMARY: 1. AU 4)8rsons, whose homes or businesses

are loCated in designated flood plain zones would carry mandatory flood insurance through a policy issued by the U.S. Govern­ment.

2. Insurance premiums would be 'eolleeted by each county along with annual real estate taxes. These funds, less a small service charge~ would be forwarded to a eontrol center in Washinat9n, where a computerized record of the name of the insured, address, nmne or business. amount of eov&rage, policy nUDlber, expiration date, and the -· of the premium paid would becom& ·a ~ent record offlood coverage.

3. Evidence, supported by a i!lgned af­fidavit, that llood damage has o~!i. when presented to the couney involvecl, Wilhesult in an immediate issuance .Of a check to ccrver the noodloss. •

This plan would save millions of dollers of money, eliminate long and some­

aeJays in claim handling, and ··­automatic 8YIItam of instant

- in Washington ~ lir the possibilities!

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. · • People · _ , . . . .

REGISTRATION AT ENMU-RUIDOSO con· tinues through August 80 for college aedit ci8s.aes. Class openings still exist in .the.ater; Spanish 102, WordPerfect, economics, statiaticS, aerobics, small business management sign lml.guage and art. Financial aid is available. Registration c8n b~ in person at the office, by telephone, by FAX or by mail. Call 257·2120 in Ruidoso or 1-800-984·8668 outside in Lincoln County to register or for more in­formation.

8 p.m.-ENCHANTED THEATRE prsssnts "Greater Tuna.. and ''Love Letters" at 1035-B Mechem Drive. "Tuna" will be presented Tu~sdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. and "Letters" will be on Wednesdays and Fridays. Call 257-7777 for tickets and reservationS.

5:30·9 p.m.-RUIDOSO HUNTERS SAFETY class at the Ruidoso Police Department. For more information, call Pete Equibel at 257-7366 or Dave Wheeler at 257-7881.

5:80 p.m.-LINCOLN COUNTY HOME EDUCATORS back to school picnic at the ·Epis­copal Church. Bring a pot-luck dish, your own table setting and any books for sale or lend. For more in~ · fonnation, call Vicki at 378-4270.

6 p.m.-RUIDOSO MOUNTAIN-MARSCHERS annual membership picnic at Ce.dar Creek campground. Bring a dish for the potluck meal. For more infonnation, call 267-2120 or 25.7-3168.

6:30 p.m.-LINCOLN COUNTY DEMO­CRATS meet for dinner at Cafe Carrizo. State Cor­poration Commissioner Louis E. Gallegos will be the guest speaker. For more information, call Joyce Hansen at 336-4490.

6:30 p.m.-MASONIC LODGE special called meeting for conferring E.A. degrees at the Masonic Lodge Hall. For more information, call L.S. Mitchell, 258-4182.

6-9:30 p.m.--sER3'0MA BINGO to benefit Ruidoso Gymnastics Association.

8-ll p.m.-ALL AMERICAN FESTIVAL CASINO NIGHT at the Ruidoso Civic Events Cen­ter. Play black jack. craps and roulette to raise money for the Rotary scholarship fund. $25 dona­tion. Prizep include a Caribbean cruise, mountain bike, television, VCR and rifle.

ANTIQUE SHOW AND SALE, sponsored by the Ruidoso Valley Noon Lions Club: at the Ruidoso Civic Events Center, 111 Sierra Blanca Drive. The show is from 6 to 9 p.m. Friday, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and from noon to 5 p.m .. Sunday. 45 antique dealers will have exhibits. Admission is $2 in advance and $3 at the door. Proceeds benefit Ruidoso Noon Lions Club eye bank.

8 a.m.-2 p.m.-RUMMAGE AND CAKE SAt,E at the Community United Methodist Church in the fellowship hall and yard. For more information, call Eva Chesbro, 257-7388.

the BPODoes at the Elk'sLodge. .9 a.m.-6 p.m.-GARAGE ~~~~~:~r~~.w~·. able at $5 each. Call Lela Willoughby,

10 a.m~LINCOLN COUNTY IUill'"UI»;JQAN. PARTY CENTBAL QOl\fMITTEE MEB'l.'ING at the courthouse in Carrizozo. ·


SOCIETY presents '"Get Your Kicks on Route 66" at the Carrizozo Women's Club. Tom Teague will be the guest speaker. A reception will honor area pioneer families. For more information,' call Bob Boebinger' at 653-4545. .

2 p.m. and 4 p.m . ....:LOREN KAHN'S PUPPET SHOW, a fundraiser for the HQmane Society of Lincoln County. Tickets are $15 for a family, and are ~vailable free at area businesses whose owners are sponsoring tickets for clu1dren to attend.

8-5 p.m.-OPEN HOUSE an4 grand. opaning . for Ruidoso Gymnastics Association's new gym­nastics center on Canyon Road in Agua Fria Estates (turn right off Highwaj' 70 at Dale's Furni­ture). An ~xhibition is planned for 4 p.m. Refresh~ menta will be served. Registration for classes will be all week after school. For more informatiori, call Burton at 378-4468.

6:30 p.m.-SERTOMA BINGO. to benefit tho Ruidoso High School cheerl6aders. Concessions will be provided by parents of cheerleaders.

l p.m.-ALL AMERICAN BRIDGE TOURNA­MENT at the Ruidoso Senior Citizens Center. The party bridge tourney will include lots of prizes. Cost to enter is $2 each.

7 p.m.~DRUG FREE SCHOOL'S AND COM­MUNITIES ADVISORY BOARD meeting at the Museum of the Horse in Ruidoso Downs. Refresh­ments will be served. For more information, call coordinator Kathy Echols at 257-2868 or Dick Swenor at 267-7365. ·

for percentage of every gram. For more Senior Citizens Center, 2574565.

6 p.m.-PARENT ADVISORY COUNCH. for White Mountain Elementary School in the cafeteria at the school. All parents of children at WMES are welcome to participate.

5-7:30 p.m.-WARRIOR CHEERLEADER ENCHILADA BENEFIT DINNER in the cafeteria at Ruidoso Middle School before the first home football game. The dinner includes cheese en­chi1ada8, sa1ad, rice and beverage. Homemade des· serts will be available for sale. Cost is $5 per adu}t and $3.50 for children under 12.

Pre-Season SafJings!


WbQ'S 17"

94th fanfare Avid racing fan Sudia Kingston celebrates her 94th birthday with friends and family at Ruidoso Downs Race Track on August 14 . The birthday celebrant, who never misses a race day except for playing bridge on Thursdays, has ·not missed an All Amer-



lean Futurity since 1956. Mrs. Ki)"'gston Is plctu red above (left) with her niece MaJil­ne Mlt~hell, and her grandchlldre~. ~nd be­low woth the ros~s she was presented by h~~ friends, getnng a birthday-wish from Bolhe Brown of Hamlin Texas. · . . , I .

Local girl -~c.O.lllP let~,;.: space class

Valerio Maldonado of San Patricio fired oft' a model rocket at New Mexico University to .. learn more about space sciences.

. She was among 40 high school students and science teachers from New Mexico and West Texas who attended a week~lOng Space Educa­tion Seminar last month sponsored by the New Mexico Space Grant Consortium, part of NMSlfs Col­leg• of Enginssring.

Ruidoso High School teacher Ida Maldonado r lso attended.

According to a news release, participants went to lectures and workshops by prominent engineers and professors on roCketry, shuttle tracking, space shuttle pbotoi· rapby, rocket propulsion and oth<t space--related sciences. ,


Grand Opening

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New MeXico Respiratory Smrvi«:es,. Inc. 1·800•351-5757 • 257-4553

Specializing in Liquid (Jxy~n · Concentrators r.tnd Ponabfe. (fylitldiirs

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. r.l'll~ ·ltliidtlri~ £M!ii~c~ll!iPJ;. . - ; 11!111 •lllim.e ! t'li ·.'With ! iC!Jui; l!t(4 llllltil thau: $li1QQ ; m' lller-'. f'Mii~~ · th~' ·· #l>ffillri';, iiidiilll · p1lmentftiY. willa·:t'ol'$&:1)5: · · · • · ·· · ·· · Ohillld!M !lilll~.,.'a.IQ b~ given

· Legals · . I

;$"m~Jasbi~ fo!atiVal; . • . . '1'his evmt inliludes a tl~Shio~:!.. awaY. ill t~,'!ll'aWing attltt f9$\ival. -~-.- ~' Rllidoao 0ar.S Climpaign · .afid lltlle sbnw; ~eaturigg ~otbing' · · . Grantl.F!zs,.sn.$illlQ!Illnk-and FWhicli le being· CO\IIl~eted to fl\nd from Keys Trend''! Dalles .tlit> At-, loatberihOinber jacklit. ·. · fj;he Rui!loao. Valley l.\le~ Cll!'e 'P):o· tic ~f Rwdoso, and Jewelry t;;; the . · Tl.ekli!B for_ the dr«Wing, $2 each. 'BJ'~ to£~~~ l!l~' tQ _. olll!Jilled While P<>I m1 R)rldoeo. .. .11\aY be . oble.llli!d at• the .. Ruidoso 0, .. ..,y, ... ndlta)lpj .. 'BIIu ~Ollull:lii . · . · -· $ 'or ·()iliZ,jns Center 1111tll Au· l)eraons; has bsen named as the Accor. g to a news release, a gn~ Ill. 'l'bey <!1l!O .Will' be aVailable priJlciplil benelllliii!'Y of the JniUM Sjgliilleant percentage of every sate at FlliT's on Meol\vni Augus~ :n and ,Summer Fashion Festivl!l at 'noon modo at the show will go directly to 22, at Wlll·ll18l't Aug~t 'J:1 and 28, Tu,sday; August 31, at Cree the Melli Care Program. and &om lluidoso Cares eampaign Meadows (lountry Club. . . In addition, t® abojre mentioned worklirs and other local helpers.

: While there Will be no admission mercbante, together , two local ffee or minimum, the clullls OtTering art;ie!B, Michael Hurd and Denise Participants need not be present ithree speci~ lu..;whe.on·entl'e'e3, in- D:Prn,. and. Ruidoso's own Duran to ··.WJ,n, IU1d all proceeds from ·the ;oludillg ssol'oad salad, gri!lsd chick' Doran hair stylli!te, have contri&. drawing benefit tha meals progll!lm. ' ~ .

[family ltlentbers gather.for reunion t' . .

::: 'l'be Bolding-Weir familfreunion 'h.osted hY AC. "Speedy" and !lean Hay..~ at their home, at. '\20 Brad· lay, Ruidoso, last weekend. · • Against the baekdrop ·of bilauti· ful pines the pthering was enter­. ~~~~~ !lY t!lleqted ~ m~er11. bjgbJjg)i,tod ·b,Y' · fiumbers · from

•"SOu.i.d of M11S•c" sung by Heather Oglesby of E1 Paso who, With her twin brother Barton, recently starred In the lead roles of this

"~presentation in El Paso. ~ Othe,to addi11g to the tun were [!Sean Haynes playliig guitar and ~:singing with Shana Whorton, Holly ~iand Iwatber Hobgood Joining in the

. r blllmoay. Jamie lfrooke played ' . . i pl&no. . ..

'l'be morning, noon and evening .. were. G,H .. "Doc'' Guin, Mark and meals, prepared hY everyone, were Moriah Bolding; Shelly, Pam, · earved in the shade of beautiful Rhonda and Allie Shellcrosby; pb;ies.. . Slllldy Kronig; Sherry N ordstrong,

'l'be 63 family members in at-. daughter, Gena, Kay,· Jodi Simer, tendaneo are hoping to make this and Gina and Clay Faulkenberry, an ilnn\lal affair. all of Farmington. ··

. Atte,;dllli frOm 'l'exas wore Jane Brooke, Lubbock; Bobby, Debby, Jlison, Holly and He·ather Hobgood, Haskell: Marcy, Martha, Heather and Barton Oglesby of E1 Paso,. Carolyn Mathis, . Shana, Moriah and Damion Whorton, Sandia; Rex Brooke, Austin; Gentry, Kendra, Kaki and Brlllldy Brooke, Amarillo; Grady B~eoke, Wolfforth.

Attellding from New MO><ico

· Dean and Speedy Haynes, Bruce, Gale and Tad; Kenny, Sherry, Sean, Kari and SBI'B.h Haynes; Eunice Meyer; Carl, Rene, Preston, Misty, Rochelle, Amanda Parsons. all ofRuidoeo.

· Janet Cole, Tommy and Missy Funk of Roswell. ·

Attencfuig !'rom Arizona were Larry, Nancy and Misty Schmidt, and friend, Paige of Fountain Hills.


Ow~Oi Narpo: Wil)laln K. I'.Q. Bw<74 1\Jlo. NM 88312


~ Comll:!cliOPt JIIIU· IU8I Life lnSll11UICO Co

· 7.1!- 140 Ganlen St. S.ta 163 ·18 '1978,;.• is -nl. cr06154 hereby It> II! 155QOQII06695 p~m~ons llste.d Owner Name: McGarvey.

be f Jefl'ery s.

appear to owners o McGatvey, "lbNsa L unclaimed IIIOilOy or other 314 ~. pei'Sonal proper~y. Ruidoso N.M 88345 Information concerniDg the ' · amount or description of Holder: First Bank of tbe money or other Grants p~nal property may be P.O. Bc>x 699 obtamed by any .,erson Grants Clbola NM possessing an interest m 87020 • · • .such abandoned property. m #: 0157061& "!» do so, address an Owner Name: Lee Dan mquiry to ·tho company King Ranch whose n~~ ""d addtess Pietown, NM 87827 appeats al>ove ill 1110 Blllrt of each group of names, Holder: Guaranty National giving them die name and address of ·the owper and the identifying· cbcck. poliey or o!her number shown in thi11 notice. Unless proof of claim is presented to tbe holder's satisfaction wlibin 65 days from tho date of rho second publication of diis IIOIIc:o, tbe abandoned property

Ins. Company P.O. Box 3329 Englewood, CO 80155 ID 1#: 0359502 OWner Name: Bale~. -P.o. Box 389 Ruidoso Downs. NM 88346

will be placed. not later lfol.det: Guaranty Natimlal tban ~5 'days aner such Ins. Company publication date .. in dte P.O. Box 3329 . custody of the New Englewood. 00·80155 Mexico "Dlxadon . &. m #: 0399048 Revenue Department, to Owner Name: Bowers, whom all furtber cbdms Stefan must thereafter be dilected. P.O. Box 1960

Ruidoso, NM 88345

i:Couple plans· to wed here on September 5 ·

Mr. and Mrs. Stan· Johnson of Las Vegas, Nevada, announce the engagement of their daughter, Kara, to Trent Tolbert of Las Vegas.

The Ruidoso News welcomes wad8ing and engilgeJnent an-

Swallow Drive immediately follow- nouneements. Forms are avail- Holder: Aegon USA Ine. Holde.r: Guaranty National ing the eeremoey. able at 'l'lte News, 104 Park Ave· 4333 Edgewood Rood NB In

'Tolbert, a 1986 graduate of Ruidoso High School, is the son of Sally Moore of Ruidoso and Ralph

· Tolbort;of Cepress Cove, Texas .. 'l'be eouple Will be married at 2

p.m. B\u!~ Spp.MP\9~ 5 at .Gar· rizoltoag.'; With ~jld'o~ilt 206

Friends of the families are in·· nue, but information need not be Cedar Rapids. lA 52499 · s. Company vited to attend the wedding and the sohmitted on one of tbe forms ID -= 6564864 ~=~0 80155 reception. . . provided to be published. Owner Name: Gulllermina ID II: 0389578 .

'l'be brida·to-be is a 1987 gradu· Black and white photographs Mslquez Owner Name: Davis, , -· ate of Western High School in Las are preferred, but other clear P.O. Box 112864 DO -·r V and . t1 din · b od Ph Ruidoso, NM 88346 c. · Box 265 egas, lB cw-ren y atten g p1ctures may e us . otos Ruid.Qso Downs, NM the University of Nevada at Las will be returned. Holder: American Bxpress 88345 Vegas. For ful'ther information, call Co. ·

Tolbert is employed by Drottar· 257-4001. Amox Tower 47 FL Holder: John Alden Ufe Priniski ~ciate~ ... of. ·Las Vegas. -'o,.,..,....,;!';lo' ;..· '""'!_,, • ..., . .,=;n·~""' ,. •. i.' ,.,_..,..,.:;:, W.F.~. Co . l !·. 1

· ~' >c'>· ,_ .. , '.-'· ~·--··' ·Now.Ymk.NY.l0285 :!'.O.Box020210

A_ II American Antique Show'opens =.~:~s ~~1~z!~~02-027o · Siena Mall Owner Name: Barbour.

.. 'l'be Raidoso Valley Noon Lions· Club~ in conjunction with Continen­

' · tal Shows of Albuquerque, prceent the second annual "Antique Show and Stile" this Friday, Saturday

.. and Sunday, August ~7 through 29, in the Ruidoso Civic Events Center located acijacent to 'l'be Links at

· Sierra Blanca. The show - which wiD be open

&om 5 to 9 p.m. Friday, frOm 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday and from noon to 6 p.m. SWtday - will fea·

· · ture a wide variety of antiques and collectables, with somethi11g for ever,yone.

·, The show bas grown &om last yeats 37 quality dealers to 45

dealere. said Lion Bill Allen, According to a news release, the Referrals come from the school

dealers are excited about retuming nurses and sometimes from area to Ruidoso and the word is getting optometrists, said Allen. around that this is the place to be. The Lion's spend about $2,500 a

"Plan to be in the tall, cool pines year just on eye glasses alone . and see our show, you won't be dis- ''That's many pairs of glasses," appointed," invited the organizers. said Allen.

Tickets are available in advance The Ruidoso Valley Lion's also for $2 from any Ruidoso Valley contribute about $1,000 to the Eye Noon Lions Club member. They Bank. will be $3 at the door. Allen said those contributions

All proceed& will benefit the and the Lion's ability to help needy Lion's mght conservation projects. people with their sight problems

"We contribute to the eye bank will be expandad even further With .and we buy eye glasses for school a successful antique show. children and aJlYbody who rsally For further infoi'lllation, contact needs a pair and can't alford them,' Allen, 257·2776.

720 Mechem Bl'UI'e S. MD Ruidoso, NM 88345 P.O. Drawer 3520 H.S.

Ruidoso, NM 88345 Holder. B-Life and Casualty Compaey Holder: Kenllll:ky Central 4444 Westi...awrence Ave. Lifo Insurance Co Chlcego, R. 60630 Kblcoid 'Ibwer.s ID 1#: 00622927 Lexington, KY 40507 Owner Name: Vowell ID#: PB0020669 Marie M. Owner Name: Ratliff. Box2214 Bllly Ruidoso, NM 86345 P.O. Box 3473

Ruidoso, NM 88345 Holder: Connecticut Mu-IUal Life Insurance Co Holder. MelroP<>Iitan Life 140 Ganlen SL Sta 163 insurance Company Hanford, cr 06154 so1 Route 22 w ... ID #: 15500006695 Bridgewater, NJ 08807 ·

It> II: 01873059 Owner Name: Crawley, Franl< T. P.O. Box486 AIID, NM 88312

Holder: Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 501 RoQre 22 West Bridgewater, NJ 08807 ID II: 123846018 Owner Name: D"Blia, MadtJ. Addq>ss UnkDowD Ruidoso Downs. NM 88346

Holder: Painewebbcr incclpomted 1000 Harbor Boulevard \1\b-wken. NJ 07087 ID #: A.!ll124 Owner Name: Choate, Ruffers S. Janice R. Tres Nagunas Ranch Piewwn, NM 87827

Holder: Painewebber Incorponted 1000-Boulovard '\\l:eluiwken, NJ 07087 ID #: TX27379 Owner Name: Katz. Steven H. Cynlhla J. Benedict 1'.0. Box 545 Ruidoso. NM 88345

l:Iolder: Taxation li Roven110 (PIT) P.O. ~o" 630 Santa 1'1•· NM 875QS ID II: 99991 Owner Name: Alford. Margan:~ liS Viollna '1l:mlce Ruidoso, NM 88345

Holder: Taxation & Revenue(Pm P.O. Box630

1'.0. aox 630 SanlaFe. NM 87505 It> II! 1891823586 0W1101' Nll!IIO: Lund, Jesso

. Jill. P.O. Brix 4402 . Ruidoso, NM 88345

· BOteler: Taxation & Re-ue(PIT) I'.O;Box 630 Santa Fe, NM 87505 It>#: 2601495986 Owner Name: Myers, GluyD, P.O. Brix 653 Ruidoso, NM 88345 Holder: Taxation & Revenue (PIT) P.O.Box630 SeQ"' Fe, NM 87505 ID II: 2601542986 Owner Name: o•Harra. Patti DruB P.O. Box 704 Canizozo, NM 88301 Holder:· Taxation & Rsvenuo (PIT) P.O. Box 630 Santa Fe, NM 87505 IDI#: 'Owber Name: Pen.n. John Box3367US Ruidoso1 NM 88345 Holder: Taxation & Re-..e (PIT) P.O. Box 630 Santa Pe, .NM 87505 ID_#: 99991 Owner Name: Saena-0 Diego' p .o. Box 3921 Ruidoso, NM 88345 Holder: TaxatiOn & Rewnuo(PIT) P.O. Box 630 Santa Fe, NM 87505 ID II: 99921 O~: Name: Sanchez, Ramon J. P.O, Box853 Capitan, NM 88316

Santa Fe. NM 87SOS Holder: Taxation & ID 1#: 999914 Reveouo (PIT) ~--N B 1'.0. Box 630 '""w~ ame: rown, · Santa Fe, NM 87505 Van A. ID #: 888888 P.O. Box 848 O . Ruidoso NM 8834::5 .wQM Name: Serviee.

• . :·· •.·:~"6~34Z . Holder: Taxation & ..;~itan NM' 88316 Revenue· (PIT) """11 • P.O. Box 630 Holder: Tax.&tion & Santa Fe, NM 87505 Reveuile/S- Slrec!l ID #: 9995 1'.0. Box 630 Owner Name: Castillo, Santa Fe. NM 87509 Ignacio ID fl: 03095 P.O. Box 3351 Owner Name: Wolf C . . Ruidoso, NM 88345 Box 1955

Ruidoso, NM 88345

Holder: Taxation & Holder: Truck Ins. Re=ue (PIT) ~Undrewrlg P.O. Box 630 Assoe. Santa Fe. NM 87505 18444 Nonb 2Slh Avenue ID #: 2503965986 Phoenix, AZ 85023 Owner Name: Clear. Chawoe P.O. Box 3838 NS Ruidoso, NM 8834S

Holder: Taxation &. Revenue (PIT)

ID #: 045773592 Owner Name: Talsma DvmBruce 134Lan:blk Ruidoso, NM 88345

1111795 :Zt(8):Z6 (9) 4


·' ···.•.' '"" ', !





· ·. MANY OTH:EFIS ., ..

OF'.NI!;· WSD•, ·SEPT- 1ST, 1SIJ3


.. ;~

.,,,. " c - - ·~ """-.., ~ ~,,., "~ ......... ,.~,.,,..,....,..,,.,,..,.,,,.,,. -~~"""":"'"''"'~·'"'""_..,_., .. ~ "'~~~~---~''"''"·"'>w;'"''~

Call 257"4001 or

FAX 257•7053

1 Announcemenls 2 Thank you 3 Personals

19 Propetty Ntanagement 20 Storage StJeae tor Rent 21 Wanted 10 Rent

37 Antlql.iM ~e Ai1.a · . 3. _Sporli"Q Oooda

DEADLINES FOR CLASSIFIED READER ADS ONLY: Thursday, 5:00 p.m. for the Monday Issue: Tuesday. B:OO p.m. fqr the Thursday Issue. 4 Lo'l and Found:

5 Lend for Sale 6 HoUHiil for :S.Ie 7 Cabins tor .sal&

22 Pasture fOr Rcmt 23 AUIOS .lor Sa'le

40 BINIIS, Jlllllrlne.EqUlpmenl 41 MlllCelllilrleoua


. .

254 aWord 24 Ftckups • Tr.uc:ks . 21 V11ns lor !ilal.:

.42 Wufillit~ Jo Buy DEADLINES FOR ALL DISPLAY ADS: Thursday, Sp.m. tortha Man. day lasua; Tuesday, 5 p.m. tor th•

8 Am Estate T'rades 9 Real E&IIIIIB •

26 Motarc!fC'Ivs ror Safe ., 43 HOI.-.)Vilfl~d 44 Worll.Wa'fted_ 15 words or less • mlilimiJni" charge $3.75 27 Auto Parts 45 Financial Setv'-=•• Thursday ISSU8, ' 10 Mobile. Homes tor Sal•

11 Jluslness Opporlunlties 12 Houses 101' Rent

28 R.V.'s and Travel Trailers 29 Livestock and Hoqes

40 Servjces . 47 Houfie ~IIIJ_n$J 4B c;,';hltd.par~

(PhiS 1'1.1 ·of 6 8125-.., • ":j.·

13 Apartmenls tOr Rent 14 Mobiles ror Rent t5 Mobile Spaces lor Rent 16 Rent to Share

30 Farm Equipment 31 Feed alid Grain 32 Produce and Plants 33 Pels a.nd Supplies 34 Yard Safes

i 49 ChJkl Ca~ W•bl_i!'d· 50 Enl~rlalnmenl 51 Flrawood Fot"6akt .

·f<or In

DEADUNES FOR ALL LEGAL NOTICES : Wednesday. 5 p.m. for th8 Monday Issue; Monday, 5 p.m .. tor th' Thursday Issue.

17 Business Rentals t8 Resort Rvnrals

35 Hful!let'lold Goods 36 Mustcalln$1!umenl8

~.Telephone ServiceS

' ' > /'

,' L Announcent(•n(s , ' ' ' ' .

PUBLISHER'S NOTICE- All real estate advertising in this news­paper is subject to the Fedeml ·Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or dis­crimination based on race, color., religion, sex. handicap, familia! ~tatus, or national ongin, or an intention to make any such pref­erence, limitation or discrimina­tion." This newspaper wi1I not knowingly accept any advertis­ing for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwelJings adverijsed in this newspaper are available on an. egual opportunitr basis. To com­plain of discnmination, call HUD toll·free at 1-800-424-8590. For the Washington, DC area please call HUD at 426-3500. The toll-free telephone number is 1·800-543-8294. R-62-tfc

ELKS LODGE BINGO every Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m., Early Bird 6:30 p.m. Kitchen will be open - come out & play & eat with us! E-R-81-tfnc

KNOW A CRIPPLED - or burned child? Call Shriners for free help. 257-7333 days, 258-6860 evenings or 257-4871, 257-2079.

18-S-13-tfnc YOU CAN GIVE the gift of sight

by being an eye donor. Contact any Lion or call 257-2776 for details and a donor card. Do it now; there is a tremendous need for eye tissue. L-87 -tfnc

TRYING TO REACH MORE people than our local market? How about 213,000 readers in 29 hometown newspapers .all over New Mexico. For $96.13 your 25, word ad will reach 29 papers outside of Albuquerque. can The Ruidoso News at 257--4001 for more information. R-92-tfnc

FAMILY CRISIS CENTER 24 hour crisis line. Answered by Ruidoso Police. 257-7365.

M.J·99·tfnc HlV+ SUPPORT GROUP meete

the 2nd Monday of each month. For information call 257-2236 or 1-800-573-AJDS. M-7-H-tfnc

LOVING OTHERS 'SUPPORT -group for friends or relatives of HlV + meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month. For information call 257-2236 or 1·800-573-AIDS M· H-7-tfnc

ECKANKAR, THE RELIGION -of the sight and sound of God, announces the openin~ of a new center at 1107 Ohio Street. Alamogordo. An introductory talk ls scheduled for Saturd'!r, August 21, at 6pm entitled 'a Love of all Life." The _public is in­vited free of charge. Sunday, Au· gust 22, at lOam we will celebrate the flrst- workshop ser· vice. _The topic is "Exoerienee Love in your Daily LitO." Eck· ankar invitea people of all reJi. gion to share 1\litli us. For more information please call K. Willis 682-2487. S-28-1tnc

GYMNASTICS BlNQO BENEFIT. Frids,y, August 27, Sertoma Building, -Doors open · 6:00pm, Bingo starts 7:.00~m. Door prizes._ Concession, Rtift1e $1.00 per tiCKet. 21-G-30•ltnc

':L Pen;ona!s

TO THE LADY FROM ALTO -who bought' a pair of skis· at the Humane Society Garage S8.Ie: We have your skis at The News. Stop by and ~ck them up, or give us a call at 267-4001. M·R· 30-tfhc ··

LOST GOLDEN RETRIEVER puppy, female, 3 months old, blue colla,r with Ruidoso tags1 needs medication daily. Rewara offered. 257-3076. 19-H-30-2\nc

h. Lund for Sale

A'ITENTIOIY Contmc:tors & Builders Level, soulhem exposure

Jot .. easy, accesSible . willl cit¥ ulilllles. Aoking$9,000


CaRTamlllkml:u 257-4001

Monday • Fridll¥ 8 -. 5 pm

. __ ,_.

ALTO VILLAGE - over 2500 sq. ft. of luxury wiih spectacular views. Three bedroom., two bath, plus double garage. Full Golf Membership.Priced below re­placement at $141f500. Large ~sumable loan. Cal owner 336~ 4224. 31.J-28-7tpR4tp

UNFURNISHED HOUSE three bedroom, onlf bath1 fireplace, carport, storage sheet, river lot, easy access. $51,500." 257-2487. 16-H-30-tfc

REDUCED TO $52,000- ons level Condo #212 Innsbrook Village, two bedroom, two bath, golf, fish, swim, and tennis. By owner. · 336-7910. 21-W-28-4tpR2tp

FOR SALE OR TRADE- my large home in Ruidoso for home in Las Cruces area or looking for busi­ness, rental property. Call 257· 6317. .17-D-10~tfc

WOULD LIKE TO TRADE Apartments, Houses,, Office buildings, Land or Real Estate contracts in Las Cruces for Ruidoso Property. 625-1811. 20-H-28-4tp

36 Fl'. SAILING YACHT-- moore;{ in Hawaii to trad,e for mountain· cabin. 505·885-6107 evenings.M-S-28-Btp ,

15 ACRES VERY NEAR to beau­tiful Brady Lake, Brad)!, Texas. Cabin (partially furnished), 30x40 Steel building, water pu~ping windmill, weather shed, a small set ot pens. Beauti­ful oak trees for tiuilding site. $42,600. Will trade for com· parable value property, cabin or bo:m.e in Ruidoso area. Phone Siii-381-8338 Odessa, Texas. 48· S-30-1tp . .

FOR SALE BY OWNER - Two bedrooin, two bath furnished condo in .Innsbrook· Vill~e, #216. Reasonable offers COJl$id. ered. 258-5598. M-G-102-tfc

WOULD LIKE . TO LEASE/PURCHASE . -house/Condo priced up to low $601000's Must be good value, preterably furnished, possible owner financing. Will lease .for six months with' payments goi,ng toward purchase price or down payment. Damage. deposit avail· able. Call 25B'5411 and leaye message. 43-B-107-tfc

103 }VHITE MOUNTAIN. Reduced $10,000 to $49,000. Two bedroom, two bath, Jacuzzi, fenced yard, big workshop, large covered poreh. Call Bill at TOP BRASS REALTORS, 257·


3 bedroom hDme, 1 set on 19 acrds of land that includes lush pasture land. timber, suitable for cutting and spring fed pond. Home has full, partitilly finished basement with 112 bath. Two miles from Ken­tucky Lake will consider trading for mountain property or sale. Call506-437-7613. 63-B-4tpR1tp

1.4 ACRES, THREE ACRES - or both at Lemay Ranch Eetates. Easy terms, Call Jace Ensor (Owner/Agent) at 258-9203.18-E-26-tfc

By Owner • A lillust Sao Breathtaking view. Easy

access in summer or.-wlnter, close to Mechem. Lovely,

move-In condition. S,OOO sq. ft. ho~ between 2 goff COUts· es. Lots of extra special fea·

lures. AH City utlll!fes. $195,000. I$J<e an offBr. Adjol~lng 2/8 awe view, lot

· also avallilbls. 25B-Iiii!IO

UNION CO. N.M. 5600 acres ~acres

'"" mlili'IUse $140".00 per deeded acre • LAS ANIMAS CO, CO. 25,750.00 acres $65.00 per

deeded acre JOHN KIRCHHOFF

Real Eeta1,e Broker ,RUidoso, NM 505-257-4648 Plainview; TX 806-29&:-7517


'· '• 1 ' I '

THREE BEDROOM TWO BATH- I two car garlllf". furnished, big decks, super VIew. $1_!j,900. Call l Bill TOP BRASS ""ALTORS 257-6327. · 19·T·4'tfc


furniabed home, •big. view. I $52,000 .. Owner linallced, Call Beverlf _ , TOP · Bl!ASS >I>

. REALTORS 251·6827; 17.'1'-~tfq lfj THI!El!: B.IWROOM - two bath •j' rmk8~i~~=~~! m sume loan• Call Bill ·.at TOP BRASS, 267-6327. 22-T-~c ;.a

IND HILLS Super vie)'ls Of · SB! Com!>letely remodeled and · painted ~ee bedroOJll, tbr~e bath,. ~wo car garags; Master . bedroom with spa. $121,500. Call David at Century 21 Aspen · Real Estate, 267-9057. M-C-30- ~·

AL;~ LAKES GOLF - and C<iun- . ·. Club. in




PROPERTIES LOCATED IN: . • Albuque.que • Clovis • Ho~~s

• Lfncoln County • RosweD • Rutdoso & MountaJualr


i I

"!"" jil; ;,ft!l'll,'·11fl'ifi".11111"'¥P""·iJ!"'\W''•.,..,.!-"": il""'i!I'"\OJII""';~~"':""~flli"""JI'I"'_;IF11"'~''""'Jr"'F" I'FP" F"':.~llr,~,~~;,...·p:r-~·.;·F·~·,..-...,.--·,...~·, .. -· ·..-r:··~ ·~ -: .. .r· ~· .r· ,. -- ~, "';: ..- _,.- "" "' . ' •·

---. •''

H. R(l.;tl Estate . '

' - .

_. Fritz MagrniQ_on Realtor/Bush1ess Bn>ke.rl

)'19~1Qijliil37!1;~li22 " - . ·· .. - :· . ' ·.-.. . .. ·'·, '. ; ;· -~· .. ..

GREAT-INCOME POTEN'tiAU 7+ acres­on Highway 70. 20 FW spaces, 8 mqblle­bome •Paces. Three bedroom, 2 bettft house wllh fireplace, 3 bedroom, 1 bath house, pfus 30'x40' al'lop, QS9,000, #31200

UKE NEW Inside and Out. Two bedroom, 1- ~lh. neW calinets, ahower and roof. All city Utilities. $34,950. 113091~



Ioside village with 3 bedrQoms12 baths and room to explole. This home has r;rvc;i 2.510·sq. fL Otfint.shed area and 900ft. of additional room to bo f'llliabed into another bedroom and workshop. Features ineludo a sun ..-oom. jacuzzi. same room, and privacy. OWner will consider a trade and .f'mancing. Call for an appoimmenL #-30451

Bill Hirschfeld • John Reynolds 1092 Mechem • 258-457!1 M&S.


!;I!Jt!!,lij~~~'!::!!~ Take a loak at this 4 bedroom. 2 IMng areas, covered deck,

stove, loft, workshop; garage, _ahad, and-pipe fanclrig for hOrses. level access.- .olose to National Forest.

!J. H.,·al E"'tali' •

has openings for sales agents. c·ometowork for a comp~itlve new gro!lp

· · In Ruidoso. C11ll Van Patton 50&o257-4075

10.)'\'lohiJc Homos f'n1:• S;dc~

Perfect Ruidoso MOUJ:~tain Cabin! .

A-Frame, 2 bedrooms, bath, skylights, ceiling fans,

~~~~~b~~u~:m;ing stove, deck, b landscaped lot,

mid-town location, fully furnished ·


Cell Fisher Realty


Fabulous a few doors from library. Three larg4t.bedrDOms. 2 new bathrooms, ·

·., .

10, .tvlobile Ilom<;R f{w Sale ' . '

J 1. Hw-li:zle?H Oppm:tunHitrii, -""

NICELY FURNISHED TWO -bedroom, Oll8 bath. Easy access. ·cv a:nd natural gas available. Noll! '"1'", HUD wolco1Jle. 878· 5496, 378·4498. 19-C-29-tfc

109 PONDEROSA llRJVli) ~ throe badrooin, twn balh mi>l»le with add-on, nic_e yard,. paVed, level access, 1 ear garage, small fenced area. $525. plus bills. Call Cindy, Gary Lynch Realty, 257-4011._ M·L·30,ltf


FOR RENT Nightly, Weekly,

Mo~thly Call CfRdy at

04rv l.gnc:h R.cdty .•• 2,5740J 1



2 bedroomtt balh unfum. hbuli8 31)()11'1 + utll. 2 bsdmom'2 bath lum. townhoLIS8 55Qir:l + utll. 3 bedroaml2bath fum. house (oiuivsfj

450"' + util. 2 badroomf1 bath fum. house (midlown) ......... 3 bedroonil2 bath fum. condo 450"' + util. 2 bedroomf2 balh fum. condo 50Q"' + um.

Expect the best. "I'M

Call Ronnie or Donna 257-5111 or


l~L.Apm·ttn.('ll!,_ f~H' Hen( ~ - '

SHAW APARTMENTS - 1 and ~ bedroom furnished apartments for rent. Good location. No pets. 258-3111. M·V-49-tfc

new 'Mm~; Jlrepi!'C<!. · · •TI~ ·~·sco · · , ... ..... ' .... 243 Jui'lctio'n Moad

Opsn House Sunday 1 p.m. to S p.m. COme See Usl/11

•t,- )"'· il 1 · . · '" · FOR LEASE _,. thres bedroom, two

bath plus carport with beautiful river frontage. Close to schools. Requires six month to 1 year lease and .,.eferences. $800. a

NIGHTLY/WEEKLY/MONTHLY - cabin, condos, townhous~1 homes and mobile rentals. Cau Century 21 Aspen Real Estate, Joe·Darr257·9057. 19-C-92-tfe

APARTMENTS FOR RENT One bedroom $375. and two bedroom $4 75. Furnished, good central location. No fets. Utilities pa:id. Call257-734 or 257·2731. 16·Y· 81·tfc Laoklng for the sweat IIHie cabin?

Completely remodeled. New kitchen, new hot water heater, new shpwer,

washer & dryer hook-up. New deck. Only $28,200

112 Harris Lane • Ruidoso Downs STIRMAN REAL ESTATE



Call Rod 1·865-9247 or 1-263-1638

Alto VIllage Deer Park Home Full membership, ~ bedroom, 3 bath, level entry, 2 lire­places, wooded corner lot, separate storage room, double Jacuzzi, water treatment sys· tem, large living and recre­ational area, dlhfng area, new 1001. $170,000.

cau-­Wyler Real estate

3311-4129 o/""''IA8oflr .


month~ After 6pm 505·378-4624. 27.B-26·tfcR

CABIN FOR LEASE several weeks per year. three bedrooms. 1 112 bath, furnishsd, large deck, excellent road access. Send in~ quiries to H.A. Wagner, Rt 5 Box 299, Victoria, TX 77901 or call 1-512-576-2965. 31-W-27· 4tpR2tp

GREAT VIEW three bedroom, three bath, large kitchen, large master bedroom. In town wonderful neighborhood. $650. per month. Call Linda S.B.R. 257·2576. 22-8·28-tfc

FOR LEASE CONDO un· furnished, two bedroom, two bath, lot\, double garage, beauti­ful Sierra Blanca view, no pets, non--smoker prefened. 257· 7895. 22-W-29·2tp

TWO BEDROOM - unfurnished, $350 plus gas and lights. One bedroom fUrnished, $400 plus gas. J£ghway 43 near 8 ·mile marker. Adults. First and last months. 336·7042. 26-N-29·2tp

124 SAN MIGUEL - thR>e bedroom, two bath fully fur-

l"' nished home, no pets. allowed, great views, available Septem· ber 8. $675. plus bills. Call Cindy, Gary Lynch Realty, 257· 4011. M·L-30-ltf

CALL Us to see whats available. 257-8148. All unfurnished. References required. Variety of prices. No Pets. 18·H-10Q...tfc

EFFICIENCY Xi'l\RTMENTS $250 per month, utilities paid. No pets. 257-9059. M·Y-27-tfc

NEAR THE TRACK Large luxury furnished apartment. $80 nightly for two, ljil25 for four people, weekly $500 for two, $700 for four. No smokers or pets. Call 378-4070 or 378-4391. 28·S·30·3tc

FURNISHED TWO BEDROOM -2 112 bath Condo. Washer, dryer, fireplace, etc. No pets. $450. 258· 3254 after 6:00pm. 17·W·13-tfc

MOBILE SPACE - Ruidoso's nict!st park nn river. Adults no dogs allowed. $125. monthly, water furnished. Office 640 Sud· derth Drive, 257-2004. 20·A·20. tfc

NICE MH SPACE - CV-Natural Gas available. Near Y, easy ac· cess. $95.378-5496, 378·4498.M·

' '

1.7. Busipcss

307 WOODLAND DRIVE - three RETAIL SPACE - or ollice space bedroom, two bath unfurnished for rent in newly decorated

, home, paved level access, fenced Adobe Plaza. Cal1 257-4081, y<!fd, all city utilities. $675. plus evenings, 257-4300. 16-S·12·tfc bills. Call Cindy, Gary Lynch = Realty, 257-4011. jfcL-30-ltf OFFICE SPACE IN - Normcreek

- t 8+ 1 "'4 Professional Park on Mechem. VIEW - View ~et y, · · ·"'' ' 258·5476. M·C-n7 ' walk to town. $525. pel'' month. ~ -

Apply 803 Spring Road. M-A-llO· ltp


j i .; . .

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.. ..--: . . . . . · . · , Classified ·

- - .. .

. . ~ . "4 2I. \Vanietl to f{ent '. ' ' ~' '

NEED LOT TO SET - up 8x40 molrile home, Ruidoso area, one adult and one small dog. 257-4352 leave message if neces­sary. 20-R-30-ltp

1988 CADILLAC DEVII,LE -48,000 miles, cloth top, gold kit, clean $10,500. Call 9-ii, 258-5050. M·W-30-4te

WE BUY- wrecked cars and pick­ups. D&S Salvage. 378-4816. M­S-62-tfc

BAD CREDIT?- Learn EXACTLY how to fix your credit report-Get loans·Credit cards. For details, call 1-303-356-4200, . ext 34721. 16'B-30·ltp

JEEP GRAND WAGONEER 1983 $4,500. 744-5713 in Tor C.

M-C-30-3tp 1988 CADILLAC SEDAN

DeVille. Super clean, excellent condition, leather seats, all digi­tal dash. Rosewood colOr. $6,950. Call378-4099. 18-S-30-ltp

1978 CHRYSLER LEBARON bashed body, 318 engine, Trans­mission parts, $300, 257-3126 dsily before 2:00pm. M-A-30-ltp

1925 MODEL T Station Hack. Restored. 915-584-7290. M-C-30-4tp

r Past Credit Problems Kuplng you from financing a Car?

We can help. CaU Lyru::h or ~sters

•• 3711-4400

2:1. "'Picl-s:ups- 'J',·uel{s ' ' ""

FOR SALE OR TRADE - 1985 26' Prowler 5th Wheel and 1990 Ford Super Cab pick-up, fully equipped, $20,000 or will trade for equity in a small home. 445-. 8436. 28-T-28·8tpR4tp

1966 FORD VB - Standarcl, very clean and runs great. $750. OBO or trade. 257-7768. M-M-28-2tp

1991 CHEVY 4 WHEEL DRIVE -work truck, W.T. loaded, pipe rack, tool box, bed liner, 378-4246. M-A-29-2tc

1991 DODGE 3/4 TON P/U Cummins Diesel 160K miles, 4WD. Proven with a lot more to go. New tires, all power, A/T, $14,500. 258-4739 after 7:OOpm. 24-C-29-4tp

1981 CJ-5 JEEP 4 cylinder, rebuilt and pWnted, excellent condition with CB, stereo and gun rack. $4000. OBO. Call 378-8406. 17-S-30-2tp


Locolly ownc~ ond apo<olcd On Uordo~ or RUodoooor>d fluodoso Oo"""




'91 f·150 PICKUP tua 11lze, low ml18a


'84 CHEVY SUBURBAN row mUes,laadld


'91 f·150 SUPERCAB IDW mltiSj XlT


'81 JEEP GRAND WAGONEER fUded.niiJI ntc.

'90 FORD TEMPO 4X4t, au!olllltl'a

Z». VHns fm· Salt> '

_28. i(.:y.'s iuhf'J;VaVol rJ,Tt·~tHm·S "' '". "-~~ ' ;~

.1986 WINNEBEGO LESHARO-21 ft. fully self Contained, gener­ator, n·ew rubber, sleeps 4, cylinder engine, 16 MPG, 47K miles, rides and drives like a van with motor .home convenience. $13,000 OBO-maY trade. 257-3735, leave message. 33-S-27-4tp

31' 73 OPEN ROAD - 5TH Wheel Travel Trailer rteeds some work. $2,000 OiiO. Call 336-4236 or eome by Mowttain Jijgh RV Park. 22-S-28-41pR2tp

20 FT. TRAVEL TRAILER self .contained refrigerated air conditioner-heater. Call 265-

. 3888 or see at ·612 Carrizo Road. 20-W-30-ltp

EXTRA NICE - 40' London Aire 5th Wheel Trailer. Solid walnut wood work, two slide outs, gen­

. erator, storm windows, lots of storage, washer/dryer, 1991 model, $52,500. May consider trade. 258-4707.30-G-30-7tpR3tp

1979 MALLARD camp trailer. 25 foot. Good condition. Stonn windows, sleeps 9. $3450. Call 336-4896. M.J-104-tfc

JUST LIKE NEW - 1991 26 ft. Wilderness Travel Trailer. Front kitchen, twin beds) rear bath $9,500. Call257-3753. M-W-27: 4tpR2tp .

HORSE BOARDING- seven acre pas.ture, covered stalls, hot walker, riding area. Call more information, 354-3124. M -G-87-tfc

USED HORSE AND STOCK Trailers! also Flat beds. Will buy and se 1. Carl Drapper 378-8166. M-D-30-tfc

Good bedding .available The VIlla lhn is ·

upgrading with all new bedding. Double,

queen, and king sats are available at a frac­

tion of original cost. Call 378-44 71 for an


UAHAUE SALE- Saturday only. 202 Nogal. Clothing, furniture, lots ofmisceUaneous. M-M..SO­ltp

GARAGE SALE Saturday, Au-gust 28, 8-? 3rd Street on the right after you pass S~s Chalet .on Highway 48, look for signs. Lots of stuff. 24-D-30-ltp

GARAGE SALE - 103 Convair Court, follow signs beginning on White Mountain Drive. Saturday only, 9-3. Upright freezer, office desk, lots of miscellaneous. 22-S-30-ltc

PORCH SALE Frldey, Saturday, 8:00 until ? Furniture, hunting and military r;ifles, electronics, clothing, miscellaneous. 127 Chaparral behind Enchantment Inn. . 19-A-30-ltp

MOVING SALE . microwave, dis­hes, linens, lots more. 103 Course View, August 27, 28, 29. M-T-30-ltp

PORCH SALE ~ Palo Verde Slopes, just past Circle B, High­way 70. Friday only, August 27. M-M-30-ltp

GARAGE SALE kids clothes, 3T-6X, toys adult clothes, refrigerator. Saturday only, 9-5, 310 Snow Cap. M-S-30-ltp

ATLAS STORAGE AND VAN -Lines Unit #14, Ruidoso Downs. 8 tilll. Friday only. M-T-30-ltp

GARAGE SALE August 28, 29. Twin beds, sheets, TV, dining

AKC POMERIAN PUPPIES -two room table, clothes, kitchen male, two female $225. each. items, girls bike, etc. 203 Tim-257-7447, 336-8073. M-R-28-3tc berline, North on Hull, follow

FOR SALE - AKC Registered signs. 24-S-30-ltp Chow puppies. $7Ji each .. 3;16- . NEWLY STOOOD GARAGE -4812. . , ,,M-W.Mr2tp . ·Sale: . Rowll'l! machine, older

FOR SALE Coc~teils, young mountain bike, Kirby vacuum, birds. $50. to $75. Call 378- baby stuff, plus sizes, ski stuff, 8542. M-B-39-tfnc T-s!Urts $1-$9. Two days only,

BORDER COLLIE PUPPIES- Fa- l!J-fl, Frlday-Sa~urday, 27-?8. In: ther award winning sheep dog, ~de and, Steeds Ski

from internatinal Sports, 1017 Mechem. No early blood 3 males birds. 34-S-30-ltp $250, CARPORT SALE Lots or Junk

and Goodies. Refrigerator beer dispenser, vacs, plate glass, shower door set, small engines and motors, 1957 4 door Belaire, 9163 Monza Coupe and Chain saws. 152 Ponderosa Drive, Fri­day and Saturday, 8 to 5. 32-T-30-ltp

FRIDAY AND SATURDAY -Au­gust 27 and 28, 8am-4pm, 1016 Mechem Dr. (Skier's Edge). Jeans, clothes bedspreads, linens, and misce\laneous. 17-A-30-ltc

YARD SALE Rain or shine. Fur-niture, antiques, bicycles, mis­cellaneous. Go to Gady's Pic-N­Pac, follow arrows, approximate­ly two miles. 84 Friday and Sat-urdey. 22-L-30-lte

~ARAGE SALE - 222 East Circle Drive, Ruidoso Downs, take Heights Drive across from Race Track. M-M-30-ltp

MOVING SALE - Adult clothing, furniture, houseware, and lots of stuff. August 27, noon til 6pm and August 28, 9am til ? Follow signs from Hull Rood to 204 Guajolote. 25-W-30-ltc

GARAGE SALE 101 Birch off Mechem· next to Furrs, 9 to 3 Saturday. M-H-30-lte

GARAGE SALE - Friday 8·27, Saturday 8-28, 9:00-5:00. Anti­ques, Sterling silverware, couch, el_lair, dining ·set with four chairs, bookshelves, twelve piece Chino set, more. 532 5th Street, inside house. 27-H-30-ltp

YARD SALE - 523 River Road, Ruidoso Downs, August 27 lhrough September 5, 8:00 ·to darl!. Dishes, nick n&e$, ,l!iYs, dolls, books, thrriillll"a,_ ql)ills, trunK. Some antiques. .,.6•D'30· .. ,.. - '-·--~~p . -,_ - ' •.

GARAGE SALE - Multi FamHy .

YARD SALE - Saturday 8:00am. Antique furniture and other mis­cellaneous items. Old C1,dligan Building, Highway 70, Ruidoso Downs. M-D-30-ltp

YARD SALE- Polo Verde Slopes, follow signs. Saturday 28th, 8 to 4. M-K-30-1tp

219 GRoVE· Six family sale. Ex­ercise bike, Hammond organ, Atari games, 10 speed bike books, clothes and househola items. Friday, Saturday. Sun~ day. 22-T-30-ltp

YARD SALE - Friday, Saturdi\Y 27 and 28. · 127 Evergreen Road. . M-L-30-ltp

MARLIN 80·30 $195 NEW- Black Powder Rifle $110. Ammo. Al­mond refrigerator $176, clothing, recliner $351 miscellaneous. 200 Rio Arriba 258·4917. 20-W-30-ltp

;')5. Ho-use-hold. Jt-elil!->

Saturdl!)l9all( to 5P!t!. Rent your · .. . · . own tll~le $5;QI} Elk$ LQd£8.

BY OWNER -: 1985 Fordo,F•l50 · SpilnsoredbyllPOIJOES. 19:tl-Van1 cnstonuzed p~ckage, fully . SP.ltp·. · •· . '·· ·· eqwpP,ed. .96,000 "'!!e~, excellent GARAGFl SALE ..... B·ll8 !tom 8:311-condition, $5,295. lo"Bll. 505-~78- · . ·S:OO,l\lltique bsd des~ Jfrit!ps, 4940. · l7 B-80 3tp kitchen needs cfotbe9 .rublle~

1883 FOI!J? VAN - runs gllild but. · boat, . coUecilMGs • ek 101·· needs lifter werk. Vlli'jl Clean. · Pi • · ·ol!t Jttnetion Road a)!qw $1,250. Firm. 25'1·3llll8, .liM•. · oftft~c Church. ll5•M•M;2tp . 47#. M·F~80·3tcRltc · · · · ·

' .. -. . ' .- • j(;, I\lusicaJ lnsti'U.nH:nt'J

KIMB.AL SPINET -IY.P• ~iano for sllle with matahing liutCh $800.

· 251·9367, 146 Ceronado.M-B-30· 2tp . . •

VERY ORNATE PARLOR- Stove MaJestic. Dated 1882 • perfect condition. Used up . thru last

.,winter. $800 serious iflq1,lirJes only. 336-8208. 19·J-28-3tp

SECOND EDITION - . "Winter Moon" by Bruce M-c:Elya for Sale. Please call Travis Gallery 258-4690. M·T-27-4tp

BEAUTIFUL BARNWOOD - fur­niture, Southwest paint!J!gs. and batiks, replicas of Mimbres bowls, large recirculating foun­tains, steel and cwpe-r wall hangings, large steel yei lamp, clothing and miscellaneous crafts. See at- Jacque'$ Gallery and Gifts a:t ArtFest USA acrojis !tom Race Track. Open 10.6 13very }IT:iday, Saturday, arid Sunday through Labor Day. 49-.D-28-3tp

GOLF CA!!T- during the day 258-3118, after 5pm 257-6558. M·R-30-ltc ·

41. i\'lis.-ee.ltan~(Hts . . . THRlFT SHOP - LCMC AUXIL­

IARY. Open Monday through Saturday, lOam to 4pm. 140 Nob Hill Drive. Telephone 257-7051. Your donations of usable household and clothing items are appreciated. Let us sell your "treasures". We are non-profit: the money- is used to better equip our hospital. M-T~89-tfnc

MOUNTAIN SALVAGE - bUying wrecked cars, custom exhaust -systems, mechanic on duty. Three miles east of track. 378-8110. . n~.7~·tfc

ALL BRAND ~ of Major ap­pliances serviced. We fix. your problem not sell _y~u a NEW ONE! AFFORDABLE SERVICE 1925 Sudderth or coil 257-4147. M-A-43-tfc

HUMANE SOClETY Thrift Shop 629 Sudderth (next to ArbY's white stucco building in rear) 257-5463. Ouen Wednes­day, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 12pm-4pm Come ari.d browse. Also, don't forget us if you have any serviceable household items for donation. If you could volunteer a few hours a week, please call 257-7661 or 257 · 5463. M-H-64-tfnc

TOP son. Gl'ovel, fill dil\ base course. Delivered. Lineol White 257-2432 after6 PM. M-W-22· 8tpR4tp.

WOLFF TANNING BEDS New commercial-home units from $199. Lampf!l, lotion~ acces­sories. Monthly payments low as $18. call today free new color catalog 1-800-462-9197. M-N-28-2tf

FOR SALE - fUll membership Cree Maadows Country Cluti. Call 1·800·426-8648 ask for Bill. M-C·28-8tp

FOR SALE - new 16 ft. Flatbed Trollers with sicle rails. Call

. ,n, 1\lio-;cel!an<:ous ·

. ,,,, .

IN~ERNATIONALLY. - mog­. llized otiiil\al art prints. Send

tor ·!lee· 'brochure . tpi ·(S£.) RlmianOv•Shemat,. PO Box 2437, Kearl\$Y, ,.N.ehrasko 118848. More pr!nte avallabU. in the t'Utll1"8. M-N·80.2t;f .

WANTED OLD VICTOR - record player. With br,. or wQDden merning jl:Io:r.y. hom or a cylinder

layer Wlth l)Om. Ask. for Jos, s. 2li7-4001, eveni'!(S _ 378-1. . · M-J-4-Ifc

Flt.L DIRT WANTED - Ndrth edge· of J!uidoso. Call. '258-9203. · .. M-E-26-tfc

SM11tt1tEFRIGERATOR- musi open from right to laft. 258-4428. M-J-30-2tp

ALTO LAKES GOLF- and Couo­try Club now hirinjl wait _i>erson­nel, full and part time, nunimum wage plus tips . .Call Pam 336-4231. . 21-A-16-tfc

THE BEST TEAM PAY on the road. Covenant Transport. Out top team earned . over $85,000. last year. Starting at $.27- $.29 per mile. Plus bonusas to $.38

and life in-

258-3703. M·P·20.12tt>\Uit}l . STEEL BUILDINGS! - Clearilllce

sale overstocked . buildings! Limited quantity and sites. Large ana small available. . · Prices reduced 25% to 40%. Call

-now tions. Apply in. /

· Sudderth, mid-town . PAliK I!ANGERSf -'Game War­

dans, Park Pollee. $6 - $201 hour. Year round positions, men/women. Will train. 1-800-737-7887 Ext. R 1206. 24 h011rs. 19-F·27-l!teR4tc

REPORTER/PHOTOGRAPHER needed immediately to cover sports and general news afl:sign­ments for The Ruidoso News. "Good writing skills and a keen nose for the news are il must. Send resume and to Frankie J&rJ"bll at Th~ Ruidoso ·News; PO B'6I< 128; Ruld(IM!Nl\1 · 88345; or<•sll<!p them · Qff at The News, 104 Pai'k Avenue.

CATTLEMAN'S BY WALMART -hirfug all positions. ApplY in peraon. M-Q-2S-7tc

WANTED RESPONSmt.E ma-ture couple for p~ time !"_ar>,· agement/care tBker pom.tion. Roswell, Ruidoso area. lloolci­keeping and maintenance ~e­rience required. Up to $400 par month plus apartment and utili· ties. No pets. Send resume to: SITE Manager, 1513 Fairview #191 Tularosa, Nl\1 88252. 39-S-28-otp

... ·' ' .-· .

' ...... -·

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'·' · ... ., .·.

l ..


. •

' .

.ing able to use a '"'""Y cal•:u!altoi. Some typing required. Requires computer experience. Duties. in· elude . handling paying and receiving transactions and work· ing at a drive in teller window. · Send resume and references to PO Box 910, Ruidoso, NM 8834(i. 48-P-30-3tc

!PIPEFl'I'I'ER . '!'rain .. positions available for HS diploma grads, 17-30. Must l'!locate. No experi· ence necessory. Call 1·800·354· 9627, Monday-Friday, 9am· 4pm. M-N·30..2tf

;LAST YEAR OUR TOP tenm . earned over $85,000. Starting at , $.27 to $.29 psr mile with plus c .... QAA~S<>~ to $.3~,!1Jt" mile. Paid M»IIJOMran ... ··ll'lo- taYaver.1/ay. , · loading/, vacation,

deadhead pay. Reguirements: age 2llc'J,},;•ar vel'ifiatile over the roo.d, .A CPL with ~ll!'d· ·

· ous Materials. 1·800-441-43Mi ' 915·8~2-~357. . . . ,M·N·30·2tf .·

-·., ., ... -' . ,.

Classified · · ' '. ' .


mowing, raktng, gutlet$, sod, flCW~erbllds a gardens, Ge11~ _l.a!'ld&Caplng

•RoCk removal, 8b..tmp removal, g..-bao~ removal

• Pafnlfng, windoW washing, deck rttpalra

• FJrewoad ~ spill, tacked. delivered NO'JOB TOO SMALl

Cellcnilg 2584239 lea¥8 a measage

Stucco your home for lifelong finish.

InclUdes elas!Omerlc finish lor now contrOl damage.

Leo Martinez Plastering Uc 11032686. 336-444,


formerly Betty's Janitorial now • &+.#~

Residential .& Comm&~elaJ Ut:enssd, Insured & Bonded

call 258-9297

DECK RESTORATION For all your deck repairs call 257-

4449. M·K-92-tfc

·.•. ·<:;>. , ...

' -1G.1:3cJ·vkes I

FREE ESTl'MA'TES - TV's, VCR's, s\ere()s. OnlY authorized."serviee on both 'I'V's & VCR's in Ruidoso. j\FFORDIWLE SER· VICE, 1925 Sudderth. 257· 4147. . M-A-6-tfc

Home lawn repaii-s. References. 10tpR10tp

PlANO LESSONS - all agos. Ex­perienced. Karen Pilgreen 258· 4728 ovenings. Lessons begin Septamber 1. M-P·29-3tp

YARD SERVICE - Pine needle rakingJ mowing, tree trimming, gut_ters ·cleaned and repaired. Refereru:es .. Call297-#19. M-K· 92-tfc

STOP LOOKING OUT YOUR -dirf;y windows. Lat Window Masters clean your windows, so they sparkle! Free estimates, Residential or Commercial. CALL NOW! 257-4757. 23-W-22· tfc

PROFESSIONAL PAINTING -New construction, remodeling. References from Alto, White Mountain, UJ?Per Canyon. Free Estimates. Licensed. 336-4454, 257-2273. 17.C-30-3tp

WASH AND IRON- shirts $1.60, pants $1.75. Delivery extra. Custom pillows and embroidery. Designer shirts made.3-36· 4898. M-A-30-2tp

51. F'ilvwood

HOME MAINTENANCE - Car- rn<i~ pentry and roof repairs, yard work,hauling, moving and paint­ing. Free estimates. Call 378· 4486. M·B·105·tfc

APACHE ELECTRIC -service calls and new construction. PROFJ!:SSIONAL FRIENOLY SERVICE with over 20 years ex· TELEPHONE BUSINESS - Sys-perieoce. · Mobile phone 430· tems. Sales, service, ropair .all 8140. ' M·A-90-tfc ~ystoms. Commumcations

FOR CUSTOM DECORATING _ Specialties. License #30421. Call needs call Sandy· Hartley at 257·2860. M·C-5-tfc Unique Creations 364-3500. ONLY $1 EXTRA - gets your Etclied and stained glass, tiber reader ad In The Ruidoso art t~ture and mOre. Free Itenorter. following _ _9ne or .more ~\fllaullatlons in my studio. 26· pJiblications in The Ruidoso IJ>7-l16tr> Naws.



~~~:....~ .=~O~~~ :g=L~~~~:, ·=tfri\~=~ 14: I!>P3, bogllln!D&. A~ 'lJIIhjl:h Is oooompanled by St.OCK RIG!n.ANl) l!i .... iuiiloe o(pubtlc ~ ~0.00 A.M. Tiii\·J!!~.I/llrilcletle1'of0100111tl'c>rllte LANB RUIDOSO . of the follo)Ving real .:JI::' .::ldllte ~JC! an: I!JII<IUIIt of Ql' In.,.,.,.. of DOWNS CJTY LIMITS. prc>peHy located ~ . at cm.Jo lhelUilountofllte'~nal RUIPOSOGARDBNS L- hnmoctiatcly 10 lite Soolh ampgrc>ondsl®l!~d.DD che\:kdmwn·IOlhe<m!arof 1~BLK·~ of Alto Alps

~j!hway 70 AU:, Rdauldo~o the Llocoln county 4. QWNBR : JOB. & . Condominiums, said owns. . ...,en . ~ Treasurer. · emus SANCHEZ BB.L piiJ'Cel more parlicularly

~vailablo,;z:,!'ourapri~IQ 5. Upon receiving It 92-19334 OWNER II · doscrlbedasli>llows: e moe~..,. ; Auxiliary P,.ymem for lite persODal 252521· TAX YBARS Beginning at lite Secllon

aides are a'(&Uable upon property sold lite Linc()ln 1990·1992 MINIMUM comer common to Seclloa request;· plea~e contact County Tre~surer shall Bm 1,000.00 MOBD..B 27, 28. 33 and 34, ~ :ev:- bar: ~~ execute and deliver 8 HOME DBSCRIPTION: 1bwnship 10 ·South,

· at 01 °~ Ill certificate of sale to lho 1985 FLEETWOOD Range 13 lias~ Nf;IPM, advance of lhe mooung I<> ~. Til<! certlflca~ 14X64 SINOLllWIDE Lincoln County, New make any necessary of sale transfers all che S E R 1 A L # Mexico: thence South ammgoonents. forinor property owners TXFLAN!AFS08605236 0004'0" West a cllstance of ~~~ in~rest In the personal PTD # 003709 5236 98.88 feet; lhonce Soulh

MAN · property as of lhe da~ of MOBILE HOMB 60"12'0'' West a dis""""' #8828 1t (8) 2fi AGBR lhe sale. The puwhaser LOCATION: HONDO of 390.65 foot; thence

lai<eslhe persODalj,ropeny VALLEY ARBJI. 5.25 Soulh 85°50'0" Wbst a LEGAL NO'OCE tree of any unrecorded or ACRES IN S·27 T-108 R· dlsrance of 698.43 feet;

NOTiCE OP PiJBLJC untitled interests unknown 16B then South 60co34'0"" West AUCTION s,<I.LE OF to him at the time of sale. JANICE SILVA a distsnce of 303.49 feet; P E R S 0 N A L 6. The sale price Of WARE thence South 89°11'0" PROPERTY FOR personal property at this LINCOLN a;>UNTY \\lost a clisumce of 13.52 D E L 1 N Q U E N T public auclloa sale is 1101 TREASURER feet; thence North 0015'0" PROPERTY TAX to be taken or considered #8794 3t(8)U,19,26 Bast a distance of475.78 Nodce iS hereby gl.ven as being dlo value of the LEGAL NOTICE feet; thence North that, pursuant to the property for property IN THE DlSTRicr 89030"0"Easta4istanceof p!'OVisions of 7·311-53 lhm raxatlon pwposos, . COUIU .1314.20 feet to the point 59, NMSA 1978 the 7. All peraons Intending to COUNTY OF LINCOLN, and ~~~ of bofllnnl!>g. Lincoln County Treasurer bid upon p~ty are NEW MEXICO Containmg 8.91t4S6 acres. will offer for sale at public required to register -.n,d TWELFJ'H JUDIClAL more ~ less. auction beginning on obtain bidders numbeJ' DISTRICT Subject to -easements, Sept. 2, 1993 at 10:00 from the auctioneer and to reservatiOns and am. at the County provfdetbeauctionecrwilb IN THE MATTER OF restrictionsOfreronl. Courthouse-inC~_. thcirfuUnameandac:Jdlas. THBESTATE Su~ject to .any New MeX'ico, the Certificate of sate wJU be OF Wn.LIAM J. condttions a true and following described issued to resistCred names THOMAS, JR., covealrrect survey .would personal property, the sale only. Conveyances to DECEASED re • to continue until all the other parties wiU be the FQtdl.ei' subject to any describod property has been responsibility of lhe buyer No. PB93-16 c~lloas an Inspection of oft'ered tor sale. . at· action. Persons acting Division m satd property should THE TERMS OF THB as ••agents'' for other reveal. SALE ARE AS persons will register NOTICE OF ThtmsandConditionsof FOLLOWS: · accordingly and must HEARING BY sale: -1. A sale property made pro~documentedproof PUBLICATION 8. Cash bids only. under the provisions Of7- as being a bona iJde agent TO: 1 AMES A. (Askingprice$90,000) 38-53 thru 59, NMSA at lime of payment for BLUME, ELLEN c. · b. Closing coSts 1978 constitutes full property purchased. BLUME, GEORGE negotiable. payment f>f an delinquent Registration will close AFFELDT, Trustee FOR c. S~Uer reserves the taxes, penalties and promptly at start of sale. JAMBS 0. THOMAS, right to reject. all bids. interest that- are a lien 8.111e auctioneer reserves BARBARA TYNES, d. Submit all bids in against lho property at the lhe right to wilhdmw from DEAN THOMAS, DALE wriling: Easle Creek Jn.,... limo of sale, and lhe sale sale any of lhe properties THOMAS, DIRK Communily WalerSupply exiinguishes the lien. The listed below; to sell any THOMAS, LORI Association,· Inc:. propeny is sold subject to of the propenles listed THOMAS. HOMBR Auentlon: Mary Seelbacli.

. the lien fOr properiy taxes together; or lO sell oJ!Jx.a BAKER, FRANK ·P.O.•»rawer·69, Ramos«· for die year of the sale, portion of any of- ihe BAKER, KENNETH NM 88345 provided those taxeS are properties lii'Jled below. If BAKER, A.C. BAKBR e. Last day written bids not yet delinquent. The any llisputo arises between AND ' ALL TH'l> will · lle accepted: buyer at publlo auctiOn, or or among !he blcldors, the UNKNOWN tiBIRs ANI;) • Jlej>teaiiber 14, 1993 at his successor in interest, auctioneer's deciSion with D B VIS B B S 0 p' ~0:00 a.m. Bid opening;. -will be liable for those respect to the dispute is WILLIAM 1. THOMAS, September 14, 1993, 2:00 property taxes when they f'mal, and the auctioneer JR., Deceased, AND AIL p.m., at Village Hall, 313 become due may auction the property UNKI'iOWN PERSONS Cree Meadows Drive, 2. The description of the again, in his discretion. WHO HAVE OR CLAIM Ruidoso, New Me.x.ico. following personal 1beauctioneerre.serveslhe ANYINTBRBSTINTHE ByORieroflheBoardof propert)' is designed to right to reject any and all ESTATE OF WIU..IAM J. Directom permit the idendfieadon bids. Their personal THOMAS. JR., Dereased. E.C.I.C.W.S.A., Inc. and location of the property listed below may OR IN THE MA TI'ER. Mary Seelbach personal property by not be sold for less lhan BEING LmOATBD IN Asst. Sec/l'reas. potential purchasors, or tho listed minimum price. THE HBRBINAFTER #8832 2t(8)26 (!1)2 taxpayers. The Lincoln Done at Carrizozo New MENTIONED HBARlNG. County Treasauec warrants Mexico, this 10lh day of Hearing on lhe Petldon no title to properties August, 1993. filed by lhe undersigned purchased at public auction 1. OWNER YOLANDA Personal Representative. saJe. BACA BILL # 92-995 requesting Order of 3. Section 7-38-74 NMSA OWNER # 252059 TAX Complete SetUement of 1978, prohibits officers or YEARS 1985-1992 EslBte of William J. employees of the state or MINIMUM BID .l..:1.QQ Tbomas, Jr.~ Deceased.


any of it's political MOBILE HOME approval of Final Account subdivisions engaged in f'BSCRIPTION: tp78 and the proposed the administration of the N AS H U A 14 X 7 2 dislr.ibudons of the Estare, property tsx from clliectly SINGLEWIDE SERIAL . and for discharge of lite or indirectly acquiring an # C T Z W N A 8 - ·Personal Representative interest in, buying or 214BGC216033 PTD # &om the further claims or profiting t'rom any 000057 MOBILE HOME demands of any or all property sold by the LOCATION STPJE persons will be held at lhe County Treasurer for LAND LEASED TO District Court o.f Lincoln No. CV-93-118 delinquent taXes, except FBLJZ SALCIDO County sitting in lhat an officer or employee HONDo V ALLllY AREA Carizozo, New Mexico, LEGAL NOTICE may purchase property E/Z E/2 SEC. 16 Tl is R. on lhe 24lh day of Sept., NOTICE OF soldfordeUnquontraxesif 17ll 1993, at 9:00 o'clock, PETITION TO he is tbe owner of lh~ 2. OWNBR: nMMY &. a.m. CHANGE NAME property and was tho CARALYN BARTON Pursnaot to Seclloa 45· Notice of pubUoalloa is owner of lite property at Btt.L II 92-1323 OWNER· I-401, notiee of lho time hereby given pursuant to lhc time die taXeS becam·e t1 335372 TAX YBARS and place of hearing on Seddon 40-8-t et seq •• delinquent. Any officer or 1989·1992 MINIMUM said Petition Is hereby N.M.S.A. 1978 Comp., employee violating BID 1,400 . gi- yon by pubUoallon, Jhat Carol)'ll Joan BOCk Secllon 7·38-74 is guilly MOBlLE HOME once eaoh w-. for two will apply to lhe Twelfth of a foorlh degree tolony DBSCRIP'l'ION: 1987 ...-olive weeks. .• Judicial District Court of and shall bolhledliOitllore CAVB 24 X 48 DOUBLB WITNI!SS lho hand and Lincoln County, Now llten five thousand dc>Uan WIDE! . SBRIAL # seal of this Court. Mexico I<> chango her ($5.000. .00) or imptkOnod ~00:VAZD8113 '~M· ~;,.,~ DATED: Aug, 23, 1993. name to C111'<1l)'ll loan for not less tlilm 011e year • . -u ~...., /B/Margo LinrJsay F8ltD< Said applicallon

ln~ile!!l' .. ~ '· ·. Tj,e)oard ot:l!ducllllon - more llten 11.., years, HOMll LOCATION: 100 Clerk of lhe District will 'be illlil!Ut C8rriZozo, . . . . . . ~etW$lhe·ri8ht to ~ect ot bllth; and be sltall also BLOCK N. lVNli'BR COurt Ntw M6Xioo <>n tho 7lh

purcl!llse. <>f. .anY.'$#' llll bids, waive 111\·automat~ca~~y lllllloved RD. OUTSibE C::APrrAN C!ALVINW. 'IVI!SC!ll day ot: Sept.; 1993 at 9:00 nqulpmeur rot · jl!Chit!cilllties, aru1 awlltd . !'rOm ortu:e or baY~> fila. CI'l'Y LIMl'l'S l\4l!SA P.O. Box 3S a.fll. . ilt · tllo Lincoln UbratY. lllds lhl''bld 'liJ best serve tho emplo)'ll!ent tetftiii)ilted ."llRDil ACRilS W/2, 'l'll GlenCQC. New Meltloo County Courthouse Ia

· al 2100 inl<!tei;t'<)l'<lAAJ!IIn8oard upon conviCtion, ·.A 14,'0·1 · . 88~ C!mi~.NowM..UCO. ·. 199~. :ofl!'d!llialloit;. · tM\'!IOnal. ,l!ra,petty sall>'ii\ · · (505) 378-4736 lfl)4.su1ftciem call!lll \II>

~= ,:==~· :~:'!O:tSeclloiCT·~B· =:-w ·· ·~=~~-=·t: ii!I'!W .411!11U" 21(11) ;a,, 26 4. Sticcesslblblddl:rt(;wo . 118QS2t(8) 211 (9)%. l!S®ifil!f!Mily01d¢rotlho

. i'ltll~e : < · , . . . . ft!CIU~ lA> litil)ce JliiYIII'W · · Dtsfl!ctCOiU'L . ..... ,.;r .. BQA:t;NM'J:CE llrtw~t)Jlo~®m·flid . .IJDU"'L IIIC>nCB< . ' ~;YA~!!MJI:e.:ll',

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A$$11;!111JJ;JLV QF. GOD Apach~> Indian

A1$S .. mbly of Qod Mcscllh::!"O

l)ona1d Pelley, pqslOr Tele:phoue: 671-4747

Sundll)' Scllool-9245 a,.m. Sunday W411lbip-10:45 Q.m. 7 p.m. WedQesday IUYioea-7 p.m.

Firat Assembly of God 139 E1 ~. Ruidoso

Lewi• Pmnklin, palillor ·Sunday SclJool-9:45 a.m. SwtdG)' wonddp-10:30 a.m., 6 p.m. Wc:dna41lY •ervloe,-6:30 p.m. Royal Ranson~ Ministry-6:30p.m. WednNday

Spanlllh BlbJo Study 1 p.-m. Thuradft)'

BAPTIST First Baptist Church

Carrizozo Hayden Smith, Pastor

Sundny School-9:45 a.m. Sunday worship- I I o..m., 7:1.$ p.m. Olureb tminiog-6:30 p.m. Sunday

First Baptist Churcl}, RuidoMJ

420 Mechem Drive D. AUon Cearley, PniUOl'

Sunday School-9:30 o..m. Sunday wars.hip-10:45 a.m., 6 p.m. Wedne,;day services-7 p_.m.

First Baptist Chureh Ruidoso Downs

Mike Bush, Pastor S1111day School-.-9:30 a.m. SQI'IIdaywaJlllhip-11 a.m .. 7 p.m. Church lminins-6 p.m. Wednesday services-? p.m.

First Baptist Church Tinnie

Bill Jan~. Pastor Sunday Scbcol-9:45 a.m. Sm~day worship-II a.m;

Mescalero Baptist Mission Mescaler-O

]QmC!$ HWie_ Parrtar Sunday Schoal-10 a.m. Sunday wor.hip-11 a.m., 7:15p.m. Training Unian-6:30 p.m. Sunday Wednea~day servica.s-6:30 p.m.

Ruidoso Baptist Chureh 126 01urcb Drive Palmer Gateway

Wayne Joy~ Putor R.andeJ Widener, Auociate Pastor

Sunday School-9:45a.m. Sundny wonblp-lG-AS a.m., 6 p.m. Wedncsdmy Dibk: •tudy-7 p.o».

Trinity Southern Baptist Church

Capilan {soulb on Hl&bway 48) Floyd Ooodlae, PIUfor

Sunday School-9;45 a.m. Sunday worahip-11 a.m., 6 p.-m. POl' lnformlltlon, etlll3S4-3119


Ruidoso Ar•d Group Mceu al the Stroud Building, Lower Level. n:ar COU11nce. Sunday.-8 p.m. open ladios and mens > meclins-Mandaya-Noon AA rncelinga and 8 p.m. Step S1udy. Tut:sday..--8 p.m. closed AA and Alanon. Wednesdays-Noon AA meeling.s and 8 p.m. closed AA and Beginner's night and Alanan Ste:p Study. Thundays-Noan open wamen'a meet­ana and 8 p.m. Socoal open and Alanon. Friday~ AA meelinga and 8 p.m. Book Study. Saturday--s p.m. AA open. Binhdays. hun Saturday. Phune number 258-·3643

Ruidoso Area Group M...,1~ on lhe Communuy United Melh· udosl Churd-1, 220 Junction Road. AA .ond Alan-on. 1 p.m. Tuesdays.

NewAAGroup Meeu from 8 to 9 p.m. at Gateway Churdl of Ouilll. 415 Suddarth Drive in R"idasa. The fannal is open-diseua•ion, meaning that coru:emed non-alcoholics may attend. Por more infonnalion. or ... r~rnala, -=all 336-835 I.

Co .. Oependents Anonymous

Meeu as. Company. Tuesdays.

Te:us-NdW M~~>Jr.ico PoUrer Step •ludy meeting. 7 p.m.

Narcotics Anonymous

Serenity Mountain Group. Meet!o AI SL Hleanor'R C:elholic C'hurc:h at 7:30 p.rh. eve-ry Tiwnrday nishL For moru informa· . lion call SuJtan at 2SS..3149, evenin&~ only. .

ALL AMERICAN DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB M::ub at th~ lluid011u Seniof Ciaizen11 Cunter at t p.m. S~uurday11. Open satnt-. l"uvn...: pJayur.:~ wolaume. Par infomta­llon. caU Ruby Greenhaw 257-7411.


Meets at II a.m. Tueadaya at the Alto Club How;e far lunch at noon and eards IU 1 p.nt. Buslnes:s nteetlng lhe fin:l 'l'uesday.

At. TRUSA CLU8 Mecls at dte ·Episcopal Chutcb of Ute Holy Mounr. 121 Mcac:atero Tr.a.U. 7 p.m. fiur "tue•da.y -fot ptoantnt rutd a1 noon tbitd "l'lle•day for htndr. Prbafdent JtuW Dayo, 2517-4088. . ............ AMERICAN ASSOCIATION

01' RETIRED PERSONS AJ\ItP nlu:#t& ;a ow SentorCit'f7_.,n• 'C',C:11 .. tot lwbltnllh~ fbliaJ11.1u Pabtl~: l~bmty ut 10 A.ti1.1ll~t fQUI'tfl W-wflelld4y.-11re~~ideb1 Citdtfuue iJamu. 25? -55ft_ltlfl'erJ\(MjlfJ~

'BAtfA'I j:;~ITH Baba'l FaiiiJ

· M:eetlns ln ~cmbera4 hMle For infoni1'Atlon~ call2$8-41.~ 7.

CATHOUC St. Elsanor

Csthollc Chureh RuJ.do110 ,

Reverend Rlcluud Catanach Saorarnenl of Poqance--Sarurday 6 p.m. or by appointmenL Sarurday Mast--7~0 p.m. SI.Ulday M•••-JO a.m. ·(Bnalish)

, II :30 a.m. (Bilingual) Sun~ Mhs-St..lude 'Omdde~.

San Patrioio·B a.m. WGp~en•a Ouild-7 p.m. Chi' ddrd Monday Knights of Columbo•- ·

· 1 p.m. 2nd Mel 4th Tue11day.

Sacred Heart catholic Church

Cnpitan Saturday Mass--5 p.m. Sunday Masi-9 a.m. I..adlalsroup-10 a.m. lhc Ia.t 'lbursday

Santa Rita catholic Chureh

earn~ Father Dav~ -Berg•; Paslar. Saturday Masi--6:30 p.m. Sw1,IQY 'Mas•-I I a.m. Llldies group-3 p.m. alternate f'tnt Suo­day, and 7 p.m. finl Monday

St- Theresa catholic Church

Corona Sunday Mass--6

St. Joseph Apache Mission Macalero

Father Tom Herbst, Pa .. or Sunday Mass-10:30 a.m.

Our Larly of Guadalupe B~•

Father Tom Herbsi,.Paslor -Sa11,11'day Maa-6 p.m. Sunday Mus--S a.m.

CHRISnAN First Christian Church

(DISCiples of Christ} Bill Kennedy. Pastor

HuD·and Gavilan Canyon, Ruidoso Sunday School...:..K-12/Adult~~O a.m. Regulo.r Sunday wonhlp-10:45 a.m. Chancel Chair-Wednesday-7 p.m. Youlb Gsollp--SWJ(Iay--6 p.m.


, ' Highway 48 James ''Sbony" Winfiei::J, Minilllor

Sunday Bible study-10 'a.ab! SUnday wor.ship-11 o..m-. ·d p.m. Wednesday Bible audy-7 p.m.


Monnurial Chainn1111 Sandy Thomas, P.O. Bm:: 2328, Ruidoso NM 88345. T~Jephone: 257--4041

AMERICAN LEGION Roben ·J. Hagee, Post 79

Meeu a1 7 p.m. the lhin:l Wednqday ill lh~ Am~riean Legion Buildins at U.S. Hiabway 70 and Spring Road in Ruid'0:11o Oown1-. Por more infarmadon, can 257-5796.

B.P.O.E. No. 2086 Hlk'• meeb in lhe Elk's Lodce Duildins 0:.1 U.S. Hlghway 70. 7:30p.m. fint and lhird Thunda)fll.

B.P.O.DOES Doe. meel in the Elk's Lodge Buildm8 an U.S. Highwoy 70. 7:30 p.m. iiCCOf1d and ro:.n111 Thursdaya..

BETA SIGMA PHI ..-..,.., chapto:~ mecl in memb=f'l'' homm.. 7:30 p.m. second and rounh Mondays. l"'ur mrarn::auan, 257·5368. 257-4651.


Troop 59: 7-&30 p.nL Maodaya at lbc epbcopal Church of the Holy Mount. Sco11tmasterS~eve Norbury. 258-3417. Cub ScoUts.: R'uidosa pack meeting at 2-p.m. lhe lhitd 8\'ndo.Y.

RUIDOSO CHESS CLUB 7-10:30 p.m. Tue!iday and Thursday a1 i>iu.a Hut on Mechem. No dues or fees. For Information, call Ron ot257-7023.

CHRISTIAN SERVICES OF LINCOLN COUNTY INC; Volunteen servins the Jess ronunate in the UI'UII. 7 p.m. finl Mondays al 120 Junclion Road (CbwdJ of Christ build~ on.:, I. Prellidenl Rick O•bome. 257·7162.


Mcets io mcmbets' homes at noon th~ .to:cdhd Thunrday. For fnt0nn4dor&, call 2:17-7186, .


Coe-Cuny CIJII))fer il\4 DA V mec11 at. "'J ~M. J'irit 1\si!sdllY tit 'the Anteri04ll U$10'4 Hlill at- Hi$bway 70 and Sprin3 Rdl\tUi'i Ru.I~D:J<r .bpwns. Por fllfphnttiiam t:':6J11!$'1--5"196. . - ' .

• Gateway ChLOrch Of Christ RWdo•o

Jimmy Sportaman, Mlni•Jer S~day Bible •tui:ly-9:30 a.m. , S11ndll)' mOrning wonldp--tP:30 a.m. Sunday e-ven.iP.S wonhip---6 p.m. . Wedneaday'-Chri•tian •ervice• 2-4 p.m. Wednes:day Bible sll.ady-7 p.m. ·


SAINTS Church of .Jesus ChrlstLDS

· R.uicloso Brnncb 12 mile• north of R11idasa

on Highway 48 011 eru~t •Ide bdweeD mile p011ts 14 and 15.

336-4359 or2S8-91:38 Sunday: Sunday Schaal·IO a..m. Priesthood ReUcfSoc:iely-1 I a.m. Primary & Youu.g \Vomen-11 a.m. Sacrament tneeting-noan

Church of Jesus ChrlstLDS Mesca.lcro Branch ·

Marvin Hansen. President 434-0098

Swlday: Priesthood & Relief Society meeting­ll:30a.m. Sunday School & prtmary-11oon Sacrament meeain.c-1 0:30 a.m.

EPISCOPAL Episcopal Church ol the

I:Joly Mount . 121 Me•QQ!ero Tmll, Ruid0:11o Falher JoJm W. Penn, Reclor

SWlday Buebariat-8 &. 10:30 a.m. Wcdn1=1day: Daughle-ni of King--noon Buob.:.rill & heallng·5:30 p.m. Choir pmcdoe-7 p.m.

Episcopal Chapel of San Juan

Lincoln . Sunday: Holy Euchari•t-10:30 a.m.

St. Anne•s Episcopal Chapel

en..-Sunday: Holy Euchari~-9 a.m.

St. Matthias Episcopal Chapel 6th & H Street, Corrizozo

Sunday: · · Holy Bucharisa-9;30 a.m.


• 'J'heJluidOfiO News • ~ey's Blue Door·Gatlery •£a$(e

_ ... _. . FOUASQUAFI;I::

Capitan Foursquare Church

HlgJ.1wa)o 48. Capitan J-tap,~d w. Peny~ Pastor

Sund~ Sc:ltoal·IO a.m. .Sund")" WorabiP--11 a.m •• 7 p.m. Wednesduy Bi.,., study-?· p.m.

FULL GOSPE.L Mission Fountain of Uvlng

Water Full Qospal San PacricJo

Spnday Sclwai.-1D.a.m. Evenlna servlces-7:3() p.m. SUnd4y, Tuesday amd Prid4y

Potter-s House Christian Center

441 Sudderlh Privc Jasper Abeyla., Pastor

43~817 $unday-2 Thunday 7:30.p..m.

JEHOVAH'S WITNESS Ruidoso-Kingdom Hall

106-Alpine ViiiiiSC' R~. Hisflway 48 2:58-3659. 2.58-3277

SuDday public Wk-1:30 p.m. Sunday Waachtower-2:20 P.JD· Thelidny Bible study-7~0 p.m: Thurlilday mlnJ•uy •choo.l-7::30 p.m. Thant\ay service meet-8:20p.m.

Congregaclon Hlspana de los Testlgos de Jehova 106 Alpine Village Road, Highway 48

258-36:59.336-7076 Rounlon publlce Dom.-10 a.m. Eatudio de Ia Atalaya Dom.-10:50 a..m. Estudia de l1bro Lun.-7 p.m. &cuela del minlslerio tcocratico

Mier.-7 p.m. Reunion de sarvicio Mim'.-7 :50 p.m.

LUTHERAN Shepherd of the Hills

Lutheran Church 1210 Hun Road

258-4191,257-:5296 Kevin L. Krohn, Pasror

Swulll)' worship 10:30 a.m. Sw:ada.y &hoot nnd Adult Bible Clns• 9:3D·a..m. · A member of the Mlnauri Synod


WOMEN OF L.C. Meel>~ lhe rounh Tuesday of eadi month 111 II M.m. ror a. bu1iness meeting and program. For inrannatlan, caD Coler.a EllioU, 2S8--44S5.


Meets at K-Bab'a Sleak Houao Restaurant Ill noon every Thursday.

FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Meet~ at the R"idosa Public Libraf)'. 4 p.m. nn:t Monday.

GOLDEN AGE CLUB Mcc:ts .a1 lhe Ruidoso Seoior Cilizena Center behind lhe Ruidoso Llbmry .a1 noon fint and third Wednesdn)fll for cov­ered dish lunch aact ga.melil.


meets rho: lhe •ec:and Monday. Lavina Olhers Support Croup for friends ;and ramily of HfV-+ meet• tba third Tuesday. For information. call 257-2236 or 0·800) !'i73-A(DS


"'""' at noun lhe third Wedne•do)l at Te.ll48 Club.

KIWANIS CLUB Mec11 at K-Bab'• in the Anterican Room ar noon Tue•day•. Vllilhlng Kiwanis members welcome.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Fathar E. Dolan council

Meets In lhe parfsb hall at St. Blean.or"• Calholic Clmrdl 41. 1 p.m. ~ond and faurth Tuesda)'s. Raben E. Ny1, &mhd knight.


Six--week seuiod: eYCf)" ei,&ht. week• mepcu at die Uncoln Cciufti-Y Me:dielll O,hter. The itultut:tor is lftn.A:Hti tb,sco,­RH t."'rtifi~ ~hildbirth edU£:Jdtlt~ Call

. 257~7381 for infomlatiop or Jo reatster ror cJ,asiiCs. -


Meets 111 &30 p;m-... lklt se(f'Md :Wedne•~- . da)l in the bticij,._g.~M .I'Uiie_ ktlidOJIO Police thpiUtltienL -~1d~i1~ ltJ~ 1:J11n1us. 258~$64h'·.:~~la'r)t:nvmwrtt'' Sill Slt0Ud,1Slf-.448(J or ~9.-SO!)L


M:=ts na CJCe Mcndows Re~~tauranl 11'1 6:15 p.m. the firal Tuesday. Pre~~idcnl

Bill Cornelius.


VOTERS M:=o11 al II :30 a.m. ahc third MondRy a1 lhe Episcopal Churd-1 of the Holy Muu1n. Board meets al 10 a.m. before the regular meeting. Pn=sidcnt Susan Skinner. For inrorTnatlon. writ~ 1d Box 170:5. Ruidoso NM 88345.


AUXILIARY Meela in the hosplllll confercnc.:o room al 9:30a.m. On:t Tuesday.


MeeU! at lhu Uneoln Cotmly Fair Build­ing in- Capitan al 3 p.m. lhe lint Sun-day. Pluidcnt JOCl Smith, 336--4755.


Mee~t~ in lhe Lions Hul an Skyland be­h!Rd MounlUm Laun:JI)I 'l'uesda)'ll ra, su_pper.

Ruidoso valley Noon Llona MeetS IU Cree Meadows. CouniJ)I CJub 11o1 nOon Wedn~:~~dn)'.

MASONIC LODGE #73 Meals In lhc BaRiem Star Building in the l'abn~r Oa11.1way area 111 7:30 p.m. first Monday. W.M.-Uo Mitchell. 258·

· 418:"-l~eercraty, J.A. BIU'ber, 258-3348.

NAACOT·ICS ANONYMOUS Serenity Mountain Group

: M@U :M:'SI. BI~OI:~I Cti.thalie"'Ctil.irclt. · .... ·~=. ~· 1tt"'-clayt.: ~·-' ·~ ~O!Y NATiOttAI. ASSOCIAYII::JN

tll' Fl:::~8v':eO:A~L Ctia!)tllr13~9.

Mcellil a1 K~a~·.J R-.t:aUi'llrit Ill tQ ~m. •et6nd 1'llcudal'· --~'-· tritC)i'Jtititfon. ~l 2511-ll-~ 11-4!>~0 •. "' ~84!>23. .

OPTiMiS"i'CLUB M~w~ef1'_ -~·~~d«Y _til·· i<·BOb•,. ftoin 6:110..1J3U·p:m~-A.'lt (fl(<Hmi,tl®• ~ilil_I_Sth-.. 11lP_It··Ho.t:eb.;~$:l..,~rl7., · . --

OADSfr oi= THe . SA$T~AN~.TA1'f ·: .·.

.. · · , l'fLIICf!)SO ()hapJI!If;#ll& ..


', 'Mtit!tl iq dtb -~Gti'n. SJai: lfMiic!irQt· -TR:·tb~=­:":17aft"l!t''i14l~WAY.'4.t~~-4k"'-1~1t !) • ...,. lh!i>-.' - ':

- ~nd :"r(IW'.tdti,F. \f[AJt(ritJ;:-.irli:ritln:t.s- ·Wt:J:·· .­.,_~! - - -,.-, ,.

;ft .. ..

-' . '-·- ---~IA--

PIS!NTEC()STAt.. Spirit of Lila

Apcistqii<>/Pentecostal TaJ:>.ernscle

'209" Uncoln Ave., Capitan {2/10 mile past fAirgrounds headin&

towa~.lhe bulinos• di1uioa:) Allan M. Mllleto~lllOr

257-158154 Bible Swdy-7 p.m. ~e .. day S\lnday Sehool .. l_O ft.m·. Sund11y Sunday Evening Service" p.rit. Ladil~• fcUowJd:dp-6 p.m. last

NAZARENE Angus Church

of the Nazarene Ac BoaJ10 Park NAzarene ~cc Cen~r. Angaa. 12 m.lkls north of

Ruidoso on Hlgbway 48 Cb11dca Hnil. Pa"sa.Pr

336-8032 Sunday Sobool-9":-45 a.m. Sundl')' worshlp•l0:4S a.m. &c. 6~ p.m. Wedne!lday fellowlilhlp-6:30 p.m.

. PRie!SBYTERIAN Firat Flresbytet'lan Church

Ruido~ Nob Hill 257~20

DiU Scbolea. laterlin Panor CJJq~ adioai-9:30 a.m.­SundA)'-wOnhlp-:11 O.Q1. Polluck fillowabtp lunch after worship _the I)Jinl $tlnday; woo..,n•s Bible study ~ brown bli.J. lunch at. noon the seeond 1\resday,

Mountain M1n111try Parish Community United Presbyterian O.un:h

of Ancho Sunday worship-9 a.m. Sunday S~~:bool-10 a.m.

Corona PN-SbyteriWl Cburch Wonhip-11 a.m •. · , .. , ·· Nopl.Pteaby16ri'ia~wch AduJl S.."a:r'~OOl..-.10 a.m, Worsh~1 it.m.


Meets lhe flrs1 Monda.y of montb lit 6 p.m. Anyone lmcre.tcd is welcomo. For infotmation coil 258---4231 or 257· 2440.

ROTARY INTERNATIONAL Ruidoso Hondo Valley Club Meeu .ar lhe BuD Rlnc Resutun'lnl 1.12 noun Thesda)fll.

RUIDOSO CARE CENTER AUXILIARY - Meets in the Ruidoso Can. CeniCir dintng

room ar 12:15 p.m. thin:l Thursday for (R!e lum:h with 24-hour ad"'Wluc- n=serva­lluna .. I :IS p.m. pJQgnun forpalienu and guo.':!lb. Ev"'l)'l"'"" Wl!lcome.


Meets in th~ tUJXWary room of the Ruidoso Down• village maintenance building (u'eo the wect emnu:tee~). 7 p.m. fint ManidB)I.


Meets .a1 lhe Ruidos(J Senior Citizens ~nter behind ltuidoa(J l'bbUo Ubmry at 7 p.m. Thur:sdoys. Oill 258-4332.


Mecu irt thb Wt~mlln"• Club Building, 11 ~ BwtgN'en Road o.odt MOOdilY at noah, coveted dlah luncheon followed­by games and Dt 1:30-p.m. p:cand WIIMI­r~aday (Sep~~ber lhrouih May) for prognun. hSil &. businou, Call 257 •2309.

RUIDOSO GARDEN CLUB . MceP In va-rious lo®iOM •• 1 o_ ~.m. &h'!. -.thlnt:"lW•~-l:,Ori.l:i(otJnuliQJro-et'i4f ~g •. '50.9~t2~t-2R11- · . ' .-__ \.-_'

-~ .

: ;·" -~-

~-· -----

. , __

NON· DElli ~inet'l<>~

Fel o, ' R.aldooo men•s J

day. Pi:zza Hut. J Ca ibm yPUdi " OJ ~e talr -~Qlld~ WOmon"• Bible I A40Zt Bible Stud

CHrist Fel

Cop-~ D~C

' SUnday School-!1 Bwutay~ip·

Corn.-,. a...._ 6J3S H.D.l

Sunday services Wedne'"'ay•7 p.r

· Peac UniversE Locmedal ~

OaviiAn CanyOn jUnction at Hl1

O.vll .. Jeam•k

'3! Momlni ciiGpel lbrou&h Prlday. ~.m. CVCJ)' WClllc ~ the·fitsl SuDday.o servlco f• at 10:1: Center. Vespo~-1

Ruidoso 111 Ruld

Aland Mo.

" ChUdnm '• Millill Sunday WOI'I'IhiP"'l Wednesday •e~

Trlnlt)l Fell


" S"!"'Af $~'1! F'eUoW.ddgJ.l. u WoDblp.: Jf>-:3: -.,

RUIDOSI Mce~ ~-c~ 6:30 p.rll. fOUl fontaalion. caD 336--4125.

.SERVICE Mcollil 1U K~Bol day each monlh


Meetlil 111: the o~ da)'S. Por ill Rhodes. 2$7-21 5610.

SIERI DUPLICA1 Meeu at the S1 hind the Ruid weekly open a~ Monday. and 1


Meets 1U Nob I and moinStr::=tlm first and ihird tlon. can 257-2·

s-=R1 Meell- -at C0Ch1 fur llliUlh. 8cd(l day thMtrsh 'n 70 Ha•t ll'l R-.1 game 7 p.m. j

C!ilJ 2S7·2177 429Z .5..p.n

A Weighl--IOU 1 Bob"• nt.6:30p

THURS 11 a.m. ThUrJI Porlnt~Mim

uNI'ti!1 . AI

M~- jt{·.ihlli • · ·, · Sudif'Mh;,ftu"ell

''"*" dtld m~tidJ .. ,a~,-~. Vf'W

.JI!to"RJ~ ~-~·kl tho Hi!cind M~l'! Hittr lit "Hflh~

!.'il~T!.~ J:i..,l!!l>.to VI"

. \1~1· Wl!t• 7 ... "ttt·-AtVNri~M U f:ojrnntiotr~~IJ ~

.. WHITE .$1\!AI'IC

·.--· 't.{f.ili .. -«,tr·ttn~ ·.moo:ill$: ,oom J .Jaek -w; w~

. 'W~bitf~ -t¢~1AI . . 258'·3~ •..



. ,.

·-. ,· .. --.':-::!:=-· .­-.

IOMJ.~~TIONAL Ill l\!l'lli$1QilBIY lll)'l'/lilhiP . .

r8'··· . EJi'Wo sbJ41:"j1etcm. Mon.;. ~Oobetn Drive roup-7·p.m, Wednesday 18 ' Stad)'-6=ao·~~~~y.a y..c5;.30 p.m. Thursday•

Cc>rilril!lnlty · IIOW&hlp . a.-wilY 3110 West ~er. Pustor iSiC<-2458 1130a.m. ·II a.m., 6;30 p.m.

!IC>Qe CI'IUroh n Squa" Suite C ~orth Drive fllllltCr~ Palltqr ~b~t.m .. A6p.m • ... ""Chapel d Llfa church Moho de Paz ~ ·Rolad. 112. mile cast of ghway 48 nortb and 1Cil~oR.oad 'Pnc:oo i>aSIOI' 16-7015 l~&40 · a.m. Monday ./ SUnday -.orvl~10:15

~~ Peace Clapct, oxecpt of the monlh wileD tb.e 5 a.m. al. RuJdoso case ':15 p.m,-3rd Thundny to;~rc:l Ministries oa:oDowns ny Lane, PastoP 784464 :dea~9:30 a.m. lQ:4Sa.m. oea--7 p.m.

r MQUntilln · , lowshlp IAn Caayon Road J6-4Z13

!'JO•.m. :30a.m. ,m.~noon


.· CLUB COUNCIL·: b1'1, nl)on. the fint Mon-

RABLANCA IR RADIO CLUB 1dt Houseal 9 a.m. SaiUr­alormatiOd, call Dusty l3S; or Dick Shaw, 257-

RABLANCA rE BIUDGE CLUB enior Cidzens Centur be­loso Publlc -Ubmry for nd noVice snme~. 7 p.m. p.m. Tuadays.

RABLANCA YII!IGERS HiU Etemet~Wy for ksJc • squnre dancing at 8 p.m. 1hui'Ddo.y&, For inl'onna-135or257-2883.

rOMACLUB em at dabn WeddDSdays lltlD Bh'ISO. 6 p.m. Thu"· lCid&y dl 2160 Highway idoso Downs. &dy bird Condll!&slonl- 'hind 0(101'1. tor hlfommlioa 01 37B-


group, Tent ineeta at l<­~~- Wod'necd~ .

;DAY BRII:IGi!t iltiy .. 111 -a,. ···Me-C~dow• • . , Ca1l~W63J ..

rJ WI! STAND MeRIQA :' .. ' ' ~_. .'1/l~>ta e.r.;: 28t~ tw &JU~re-, l='o,-1~a­l tint~. ~ ~ Pti:fl11!1a_er-

'f"OS'f ;ton • - ·~ ( :ern: tM .... t.a .il.r 1 p.m. id!'!J··•r. Atfl~ri:~l\:f~lorr y 71hod.ll!>ring ~•••II• . 1. f:"6t".-h)otlf~1nfbmtti.IIM, · '•. • . • • ,, : ··. -' r:

. . . . - ' . . . . ' .. . . . . .

,'.'· ._,'

. . ' ' ; ~' .


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