
• TypeScript este un limbaj de programare liber și deschis, dezvoltat și întreținut de Microsoft. Este o suprasetare strict sintactică a JavaScript-ului și adaugă programarea optimăstatică și programarea orientată pe obiecte pe bază de clase a limbajului.

Anders Hejlsberg

Arhitectul principal al lui C# și creatorul lui Delphi și al lui Turbo Pascal, a lucrat la dezvoltarea TypeScript.

TypeScript poate fi folosit pentru a dezvolta aplicații JavaScript pentru execuția pe partea clientului sau a serverului (Node.js).

Features of TypeScript


• TypeScript is just JavaScript;

• TypeScript supports other JS libraries;

• JavaScript is TypeScript;

• TypeScript is portable.

Why Use TypeScript?

• Compilation

• Strong Static Typing

• TypeScript supports type definitions for existing JavaScript libraries

• TypeScript supports Object Oriented Programming

Components of TypeScript

• Language: It comprises of the syntax, keywords, and type annotations.

• The TypeScript Compiler: The TypeScriptcompiler (tsc) converts the instructions written in TypeScript to its JavaScript equivalent.

• The TypeScript Language Service: The language service supports the common set of a typical editor operations like statement completions, signature help, code formatting and outlining, colorization, etc.

TypeScript ─ Try it Option Online

The TypeScript Compiler


1. Node.js and NPM

2. npm install -g typescript

3. Configuration IDE

4. …

A TypeScript program is composed of:

• Modules;

• Functions;

• Variables;

• Statements and Expressions;

• Comments.

Compile and Execute a TypeScriptProgram

Step 1: Save the file with .ts extension.

Step 2: Command Prompt:

tsc Test.ts


node Test.js

Compiler Flags

Identifiers in TypeScript

TypeScript – Types

Built-in types

Variable Declaration in TypeScript

TypeScript Variable Scope

var global_num=12 //global variable class Numbers {

num_val=13; //class variable static sval=10; //static field storeNum():void {

var local_num=14; //local variable }

} console.log("Global num: "+global_num) console.log(Numbers.sval) //static variable var obj= new Numbers(); console.log("Global num: "+obj.num_val)

TypeScript ─ Operators

• Arithmetic operators • Logical operators • Relational operators • Bitwise operators • Assignment operators • Ternary/conditional operator • String operator • Type Operator

Arithmetic Operators

Relational Operators

Logical Operators

Assignment Operators

Conditional Operator (?)

Test ? expr1 : expr2

• Test: refers to the conditional expression

• expr1:value returned if the condition is true

• expr2: value returned if the condition is false

var num:number=-2 ;

var result= num > 0 ?"positive":"non-positive"


Type Operators

var num=12

console.log(typeof num);

//output: number

TypeScript ─ Decision Making

if(boolean_expression) { // statement(s) will execute

if the Boolean expression is true

} else { // statement(s) will execute

if the Boolean expression is false


var num:number = 12; if (num % 2==0) {

console.log("Even"); } else {

console.log("Odd"); }

switch(variable_expression) { case constant_expr1: {//statements; break;

} case constant_expr2: { //statements; break;

} default:

{ //statements; break;

} }

var grade = "A"; switch (grade) {

case "A": { console.log("Excellent");

break; }

case "B": { console.log("Good");

break; }

case "C": { console.log("Fair");

break; }

case "D": { console.log("Poor");

break; }

default: { console.log("Invalid choice");

break; }


TypeScript ─ Loops

The while Loop

while(condition) { // statements if

the condition is true


var num:number=5; var factorial:number=1; while(num >=1) {

factorial=factorial * num; num--;

} console.log("The factorial is "+factorial);

The for Loop

for ( initial_count_value; termination-condition; step)




var num:number= 5; var i:number; var factorial=1; for( i=num; i>=1; i--) { factorial*=i; } console.log(factorial)

The loop

for (var val in list) { //statements


var j:any; var n:any=“abc" for(j in n) {

console.log(n[j]) }

The do…while loop

Do { //statements


var n:number=10; do {

console.log(n); n--;


TypeScript – Functions

function function_name():return_type



return value;


function greet() { return "Hello World";

} function caller() {

var msg = greet(); //function greet() invoked console.log(msg);

} //invoke function caller();

Parameterized Function

function test_param(n1:number,s1:string)





test_param(123,"this is a string")

Rest Parameters

function addNumbers(...nums:number[]) {

var i; var sum:number=0; for(i=0;i<nums.length;i++) {

sum=sum+nums[i]; }

console.log("sum of the numbers",sum) } addNumbers(1,2,3) addNumbers(10,10,10,10,10)

Anonymous Function

var msg= function() { return "hello world";

} console.log(msg()) -----------------------------------------------------var res=function(a:number,b:number) {

return a*b; }; console.log(res(12,2))

The Function Constructor

var res=new Function( [arguments] ) { ... }


var myFunction =

new Function("a", "b", "return a * b");

var x = myFunction(4, 3);


Lambda Expression

It is an anonymous function expression that points to a single line of code.

( [param1, parma2,…param n] )=>statement;


var foo=(x:number)=>10+x

console.log(foo(100)) //outputs 110

var display=x=>


console.log("The function got "+x)



TypeScript ─ Numbers

TypeScript ─ Strings

TypeScript – Arrays

var alphas:string[]; alphas=["1","2","3","4"] console.log(alphas[0]); console.log(alphas[1]);----------------var names = new Array("Mary", "Tom", "Jack", "Jill"); for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {

console.log(names[i]); }

Array Methods

Array Methods


interface LabelledValue { label: string; }

Function printLabel (labelledObj: LabelledValue) {



let myObj = {size: 10, label: "Size 10 Object"};


Optional Properties

interface SquareConfig {

color?: string;

width?: number;


Readonly properties

interface Point {

readonly x: number;

readonly y: number;


let p1: Point = { x: 10, y: 20 };

p1.x = 5; // error!

Extending Interfaces

interface Shape { color: string; }

interface Square extends Shape { sideLength: number; }

let square = <Square>{}; square.color = "blue"; square.sideLength = 10;

Implementing an interface

interface ClockInterface { currentTime: Date; setTime(d: Date);

}class Clock implements ClockInterface {

currentTime: Date; setTime(d: Date) {this.currentTime = d;


constructor(h: number, m: number) { } }


class Student {fullName: string; constructor(public firstName, public middleInitial, public lastName) { this.fullName = firstName + " " + middleInitial + " " + lastName; }


interface Person { firstName: string; lastName: string;


function greeter(person : Person) { return "Hello, " + person.firstName + " " + person.lastName; }

var user = new Student("Jane", "M.", "User"); document.body.innerHTML = greeter(user);

public - по умолчанию

private - не может быть доступен вне этого класса

protected - аналогично private за исключением того, что члены, объявленные protected, могут быть доступны в подклассах.


static - которые видны в классе без создания экземпляра