
Wed 1 August 2018

Swimbridge Newsletter

Newsletter: Julie Whitton 01271 830311 [email protected]

Swimbridge Jubilee Hall

To book: 07714 256379

JACK RUSSELL INN: Paul Darch: 830366

Village defibrillator is based at Jack Russell Inn Shelter

Village PC Website Send articles

to Parish Clerk Lee Wadsworth:

EVENTS: See overleaf for regular weekly activities

Wed 1 August, 7.30pm Acoustic Folk Music Sessions, Jack Russell Inn

Sat 11 August, 10am Green Team, Meet on Square

Tues 14 Aug, 7 for 7.30pm Parish Council meeting Swimbridge Jubilee Hall

Sat 18 Aug, 10 am—12 noon Church Coffee Morning St James Church, Swimbridge

Friday 17 Aug, 10am-12noon Families Adoption mtg Castle Hill, Filleigh

Mon 3 September Tour of Britain cycles through Swimbridge

Wed 5 September, 7.30pm Acoustic Folk Music Sessions, Jack Russell Inn

Sat 8 September, 9.30 am Devon Historic Churches

Bike Ride and Stride Event Meet at St James

Sat 8 September, 10am Green Team, Meet on Square

Tues 11 Sept, 7 for 7.30pm Parish Council meeting Swimbridge Jubilee Hall

Sat 15 Sept, 10 am—12 noon Church Coffee Morning St James Church, Swimbridge

Tues 2 October, 7.30 pm Swimbridge Parklands AGM Jubilee Hall

Wed 3 October, 7.30pm Acoustic Folk Music Sessions, Jack Russell Inn

Tues 9 October 7 for 7.30pm Parish Council meeting Swimbridge Jubilee Hall

Thurs 11 October, 7.30 pm Swimbridge Q&A: The Craft of Acting Old School Rooms

Sat 13 October, 10am Green Team, Meet on Square

Sat 20 Oct, 10 am—12 noon Church Coffee Morning St James Church, Swimbridge

Thurs 25 October, 7.30 pm Swimbridge Q&A: (i) A lighter side of an Opticians life and (ii) being a Female Jouster Old School Rooms

Wed 7 November, 7.30pm Acoustic Folk Music Sessions, Jack Russell Inn

Thurs 8 November, 7.30 pm

Swimbridge Q&A: Swimbridge & the Railway Old School Rooms

Sat 10 November, 10am Green Team, Meet on Square

Tues 13 Nov, 7 for 7.30pm Parish Council meeting Swimbridge Jubilee Hall

Sat 17 Nov, 10 am—12 noon Church Coffee Morning St James Church, Swimbridge

Wed 21 Nov, 7.30 pm Jubilee Hall AGM Jubilee Hall

Sat 24 November, 10-4pm Swimbridge Christmas Arts & Craft Fair, Jub Hall

Friday 30 Nov, 7 for 7.30 pm Blackheart Orchestra Jubilee Hall

Wed 5 December, 7.30pm Acoustic Folk Music Sessions, Jack Russell Inn

Fri 7 December. 7 for 7.30 pm PLAY: HEFTED Swimbridge Jubilee Hall

Sat 8 December, 7 for 7.30pm PLAY: HEFTED Swimbridge Jubilee Hall

Sat 8 December, 10am Green Team, Meet on Square

Tues 11 Dec, 7 for 7.30pm Parish Council meeting Swimbridge Jubilee Hall

Sat 15 Dec, 10 am—12 noon Church Coffee Morning St James Church, Swimbridge

Mon 24 Dec Christmas Eve

Tues 25 Dec Christmas Day

Wed 26 December Boxing Day

Mon 31 December New Years Eve

St James Church Community Coffee Morning

Sat 18 Aug, 10 am -12 noon (always 3rd Sat) at Church with plants, stalls, scrumptious cake and raffle. All welcome


being offered EVERY TUESDAY, 2pm—4pm at St James Church, Swimbridge.

Devon Historic Churches

Ride and Stride Event

There will be a bike ride from

St James Church on Sat 8th Sept,

leaving at 9.30am. Contact

David Netherway if you would

like to join in on 830587.

On ‘yer bike ... Tour of Britain cycles through Swimbridge

Swimbridge Parish Council and a community team are putting

together some community activities to celebrate the Tour of

Britain cycling through Swimbridge on Monday 3rd September.

The race starts at 11am in Exeter and is expected to finish in Barnstaple at 4pm. The

bikes should be going through Swimbridge around 1.22pm—1.50 pm, and a

road closure is expected half an hour before the event and will re-open soon after the

bikes have gone through.

Swimbridge Jubilee Hall will be offering free tea, coffee and

cakes and will also put out seating (weather permitting). If you can

donate a cake or two please let Gill Armstrong know on 830996.

There will also be a children’s bike colouring-in competition in the

village hall, with prizes donated by our very own Paul Cann (Planet

Bike Ltd). Paper and felt pens will be provided.

The Jack Russell Inn will be serving drinks and will have a wide TV SCREEN for

you to watch the LIVE action. They will also be putting out chairs (weather permitting).

In the run up to the event, we are holding a "Design a t-shirt Competition" for children in the village. If you can encourage your child

to decorate/draw on a white t-shirt during the summer holiday, we will sup-

ply the shirt free of charge. Just text Colin Wadsworth on 07456 911040

over the next few weeks, with your child’s size and your address, and he will provide the

shirt courtesy of the Parish Council. Entries will be judged on the day, and there will be

prizes donated by Planet Bike for the most imaginative entries.

We will be designing a hill figure of a Jack Russell on Hooda Hill

(thank you John Ackland for offering use of your land) which we hope will be

filmed by one of the helicopters on the day. If you have a drone please let

Julie know because it would be a great help for us to see the hill figure from

above before the day. We aim to do the hill figure a few days be-

fore. If you are interested in helping with this, please let Julie know

on 830311.

We will be decorating the village with bunting and we are also

encouraging you to spray old bikes yellow and to display them along

the route — in your garden, attached to lamp posts, etc. If you

don't have an old bike, just text Colin Wadsworth (as above) and he will be able to

provide one for you.

Children may want to cycle around the Glebe Recreation Field on the day. If anyone can

organise some bike activities for the children on the day, please let Julie know.

If you have any ideas for the day or want to help please contact

David Netherway on 830587. For more info about the event visit Go on, come and be part of it!


Swimbridge Parish Council Clerk: Lee Wadsworth, 830705

St James Church Rev Shaun O'Rourke:

830950/07914361905 [email protected]

Churchwarden: Matt Bluge 830764

Friends of St James Church:

Mark Haworth-Booth, 07813 776349 /

[email protected] Foodbank Collection Point: Back of St James Church

Jack Russell Inn: Landlord: Paul Darch, 830366

Swimbridge C of E School

Headteacher Sandra Tibbles, 830437 Swimbridge CE School PTFA Contact: Heather Kingdom

[email protected] /Anji Chapman anjichapman@google

Swimbridge Pre-school, 830357 Swimbridge Jubilee Hall

Contact: 07714 256379

Chair: Colin Wadsworth, 830705 Swimbridge Parklands Chair: Colin Wadsworth 830705

Swimbridge Twinning Assoc Chair: Barry Gouldbourne, 830007

Swimbridge Parish Green Team Contact: Colin Wadsworth, 830705 Swimbridge Feoffees

Mike Clift, 831188. D&C Neighbourhood Police: PCSO

Marcus Jarvis & Lucy Robinson non emergency: 101

Station Hill allotments and Piano & Flute lessons Lindsay Cooper, 830347

Avon representatives Charlotte & Lizzie 07500986345

Salon at the Saloon Hairdresser Melissa Darch, 079 7090 6421 Clean-Me Chimneys

Keith Clarke 01271 830602 Darren Knill, Rhino Contractors (property maintenance and extns)

01271 831297 / 07928384916 Oliver Morrish Land & Garden

Services 07583641802 Swimbridge Book Swap – FREE St James Church on front pew

Swimbridge Nursing & Res Home Person in Charge, 830599

Riverton Fishery, 830009 Snow Warden: Mel Bartlett: 831200

WEEKLY ACTIVITIES Daily: Swimbridge Pre-school 9 am—12 noon, Old School Room Sunday

St James Church Service 9.30 am Service of Holy Communion Monday

Fish & Chip Van, 6.15-7,15pm, Jack Russell Car park

Men’s Skittles, Jack Russell Inn Bell Ringers, 7.30pm, Church Tuesday

Post office service, 2-4pm, Church Pool + Ladies Skittles Jack Russ Inn

Parish Council 2nd Tues in mth,7.30 Slimming World, 6.30pm, Jub Hall Wednesday

Acoustic Folk Music Sessions (1st Wed of mth), Jack Russell Inn Ladies Skittles, Jack Russell Inn

Steak Night, Jack Russell Inn Thursday

Mobile Library + DVDS, music -FREE Village Sq 11.35-12.05 noon.


Toddlers in the Pre-school, 2-3pm Saturday

Swimbridge Parish Green Team Meet 2nd Sat in mth, 10am, Village Sq

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For up to date information, visit

Swimbridge Parish Council: The next meeting takes place on Tuesday 14 August at

7 for 7.30 pm start. All are welcome to attend. At 7pm, tea, coffee and biscuits are available

as well as the opportunity for an informal chat with the Councillors. Please send news and

articles for the Parish Council website via Swimbridge Parish Council Clerk Lee Wadsworth to

the website: Thank you.

Swimbridge Green Team’s next meeting is on Sat 11 Aug at 10 am on The Square

Thereafter on 8 Sept, 13 Oct, 10 Nov and 8 Dec. Why not join us to meet up and enjoy working together for a couple of hours to make a difference to our village.

News from Swimbridge House Nursing

Home— We are hoping to hold a Teddy Bears

Picnic with a raffle and cream teas towards the

end of August for residents, families and visitors

and anyone else who would like to attend. We

will put up some posters nearer the time when

we have finalised the date and times.

Families for Children Trust is a Specialist Adoption Agency and charitable trust based in the South

West. We place vulnerable children from all over the UK with new adoptive families in Devon,

Dorset, Cornwall, Somerset and the Isles of Scilly. We have a growing number of older children,

sibling groups and children with disabilities waiting to be adopted and we are looking for more

adopters to come forward quite quickly. People can learn about becoming an adopter and how we

can support you for life. The next meetings in North Devon will be held at Families for Children,

The Garden Flat, Castle Hill Estate, Filleigh, EX32 0RQ on Fri 17 August 10am-12noon.


Over 40 people turned up for the Swimbridge Play HEFTED. Playwright David Lane has written a new play “Hefted” structured across 9 scenes in different North Devon landscapes stretching from 1475 to 2075 led by Beaford Arts HLF Archive project. David, together with Multistory Theatre will lead a community cast in its premiere. If you would like to be part of it, please let me know. Performance dates are 7 & 8 Dec and you will also be required for rehearsals. Go on, come and be part of it in Swimbridge Jubilee Hall. For info: Julie Whitton: 830311 / [email protected]

Slimming World time has changed. The Swim-

bridge Tuesday night session in the Jubilee Hall is

now 6.30pm not 7.30pm.

If you know anyone who is a trained pilates

teacher who is interested in running sessions in

Swimbridge please let Julie know on 830311.

Swimbridge Christmas Arts and Craft Fair—book early to ensure you

get a place! I know it is summer but before we know it Christmas will soon

be upon us and as our popular Swimbridge Christmas Arts & Craft Fair gets

booked quickly (we are now in our 15th year), I thought you would like to

know the date of this year's event ... Saturday 24th November from 10 am -

4 pm. If you would like a stall please let me know. A table space cost £15

and a table measures approx 69 cm x 182 cm. The event is in aid of

Swimbridge Jubilee Hall. In your reply, can you please let me have a brief description of what

you will be selling. If you have any queries or would like more info, please do not hesitate to

contact me—Julie Whitton on 01271 830311 / [email protected]




cost just £50. So far,

5 have been in-

stalled. Here are

some of the Green Team putting one in.

For more info, please contact David

Netherway, 830587

Swimbridge Q&As autumn 2018 7.30pm in

the Old School Rooms: All welcome.

Thursday 11 October

The craft of acting by Gill Nathanson and

John Surman

Thursday 25 October

Double bill: Cy Margieson on the lighter side

of the optician's life and Nicky Schellander

on being a female jouster

Thursday 8 November

Philip Dalling: Swimbridge and the railway

For info : Mark Haworth-Booth: 07813 776349

A beautiful Swimbridge Village

Calendar is being produced for 2019

by the Friends of St James Church.

It has gorgeous photographs for every

month of the year and will include

delightful glimpses of the village which may

be new to you. Don't buy your calendars

for next year until you've seen this one -

more details in the next newsletter.

Mark Haworth-Booth, 01271 830 267

News from the Jack Russell Inn ... The bar

in the skittle alley is open every night at the Jack

Russell Inn while works are taking place in the

pub after the flood. The Whiddon Wagon

fish & chip van is at Jack Russell Car park

every Mon, 6.15-7.15pm
