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  • 8/3/2019 03 Treatment Planning


    Treatment Planning in

    Operative DentistryDr. Ignatius Lee

  • 8/3/2019 03 Treatment Planning


    Status of Treatment Planning

    in Private PracticeAn article published in Readers Digest

    (Feb., 1997) summarized the current status

    of treatment planning in dentistry

    The article described how a patient who went to 50different dental offices in 28 states; came backwith treatment plans ranging from no treatment

    needed to a quote of $30,000

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    Reasons for the variation in

    treatment planning

    Advance in dental research (e.g.)

    Changes in diagnostic techniques (e.g. pitsand fissures caries)

    Changes in treatment philosophy (e.g.criteria for replacement of existing


    Treatment planning will depend on thetraining background of the dentist

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    Reasons for the variation in

    treatment planning

    Changes in disease pattern

    Years ago dental caries was pandemicToday, dental caries only affect a smallpercentage of the population (17% of thepopulation account for 67% of the total caries


    Dentists are not busy enough - looking foroptional treatments

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    Reasons for the variation in

    treatment planning

    Explosion in treatment

    options/techniques in OperativeDentistry

    Treatment planning will depend ondentists treatment philosophy,

    clinical judgment/experience, clinicalexpertise or other reasons..

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    Example in treatment options

    A 35 year-old female patient presents to yourdental office for a routine dental exam

    CC: none

    PDH: regular patient (6-12 mo recall) to

    another dental office, reason for switchingoffice is because of changes in dentalinsurance by her employer

    Clinical exam: conservative occlusal

    amalgam on her permanent first molars thatwere placed when she was 18. All theamalgam showed a sign of slight marginalbreakdrown. No evidence of any dental


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    Example in treatment options

    Treatment Options

    Replace the old Class I amalgamrestorations with:

    Direct composite ($135)Amalgam ($85)

    Gold inlay ($760)

    Gold foil ($150)

    Indirect ceramic inlay ($760)Indirect composite inlay ($550)

    CAD/CAM inlay ($760)


    No treatment - priceless

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    Reasons for the variation in

    treatment planningConsumer driven demand



    Dentist philosophy in treatment may be influenced by the

    demand of the patients (specific to the location of the


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    Reasons for the variation in

    treatment planningType and location of the dental office



    Union Gospel Mission

    Offices that advertise heavily in the area of

    esthetic dentistry

    Dentist philosophy in treatment may be influenced by the

    demand of the patients (specific to the location of the


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    Treatment Planning in Operative Dentistry

    Evidence-based Dentistry

    American Dental Association definition of Evidence-

    based Dentistry

    Approach to oral health care that requires thejudiciousintegration of systematic assessments of clinically

    relevant scientific evidence, relating to the patients

    oral and medical condition and history, with thedentists clinical expertise and the patients treatment

    needs and preferences

    Ismail and Bader, JADA, Vol.135, January 2004

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    Evidence Based TreatmentPlanning

    Three elements of treatment planningBest available scientific evidence(diagnosis and treatment options)

    Dentists clinical expertise

    Patients treatment needs and



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    Identification of best evidence

    Information obtained from:

    Randomized controlled clinical trials

    Nonrandomized controlled clinical trialsCohort studies

    Case-controlled studies

    Crossover studies

    Case studies

    Systemic reviews (PubMed, Journals, Cochrane)

    Ismail and Bader, JADA, Vol.135, January 2004

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    Dentists Clinical Expertise

    Relating to what the dentist iscomfortable of doing - e.g. offering

    composite veneers vs porcelain veneersUnderstand your strengths andweaknesses, be truthful to your patients

    Understand when you need to refer tospecialists

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    Patients Needs/Preferences

    Probably the most neglected aspect intreatment planning by a student

    Try to incorporate patients preferences informulating your final treatment plan

    Try to understand and address what are theTRUE wants and needs of the patient

    Try to address the realistic/unrealistic needsand wants of the patients

    Challenge: need to understand your patient ina relatively short period of time

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    Challenges in understanding

    your patientTime

    Patient may not be telling you the whole truth

    Remember it is a two-way street; try toLISTEN to your patient - e.g. patients trueesthetic concern

    May have to help your patient understand the

    needs and the wants of their dentaltreatments

    E l f t t t l i b d ti t f

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    Defining Oral Rehabilitation - Gordon

    ChristensenThe article was written in response to concern within the profession

    that some commercial institutes and continuing education groupsare advertising to the lay public that only graduates of their

    programs are capable of accomplishing the type of oralrehabilitations observed in the television cosmetic makeovers

    Levels of Oral RehabilitationTreatment of Defective Teeth Only

    Treatment of Defective Teeth with an Esthetic UpgradeTreatment of All Teeth for Therapeuticor Esthetic Reasons

    The levels are established based on the estheticpreference of the patient

    Example of treatment planning based on patients preferences

    JADA Vol. 135 (2004): 215-217

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    Treatment of Defective Teeth Only

    Patient in general are pleased with their oralappearance, although it may not be perfectby ideal standards.

    They want long lasting, comfortable dentalrestoration and a reasonable smile.

    They are not seeking the glamorous, but

    often short-lived, esthetic restorative therapypopularized on TV.

    They may accept bleaching, some will accepttooth-colored restorations

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    Treatment of Defective Teeth with anEsthetic upgrade

    Majority of patients - they want to look acceptable, have apleasant smile and be able to eat normally.

    Most are not interested in having absolutely perfect-appearingteeth that are snow-white. However, usually they will accept a

    moderate level of esthetic upgrade while receiving therapy fortheir dental caries or defect restorations.

    These patients usually involved a phased treatment plansspanning several years.

    The patients should be wellINFORMED

    of which part oftheir therapy is mandatory and which part is purely elective

    Usually involve bleaching, a few veneers or crowns andrestoring any obviously displayed metal restorations ordarkened teeth with crowns.

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    Treatment of All Teeth For Therapeutic orEsthetic Reasons

    This level of oral rehabilitation is being promoted in many continuingeducation courses and routinely is suggested to patients.

    Usually, crowns, veneers, elective cosmetic periodontal surgery, someocclusal therapy, perhaps elective endodontic therapy or orthodonticsand even orthognatic surgery are suggested.

    Much of the treatment is for esthetic reasons only and is not required forany therapeutic reason.

    If a patient is INFORMED that the therapy is not required because ofdisease, and that it is elective and primarily esthetic, the matter of ethicsbecomes somewhat clearer.

    However, if the patient is led to believe that the mostly esthetic therapyis needed for therapeutic reasons, including questionable occlusalpathosis, or if the more conservative therapies are not explained to thepatient, the practitioner is treading on unethical ground

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    Understand what type of

    patient you are dealing withMay give you some clue on theirpreferences

    Will influence what type oftreatment/procedure/material used

    People do not change - try to make

    small incremental improvementTry to institute phased treatment

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    Types of Patients

    Patient never been to dentist in US

    Recent immigrants

    May have a lot of unconventional

    dentistry done in his/her country

    Educate, take care of acute needs firstbefore trying to fix those unconventional


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    Types of Patients

    Last trip to dentist - over 5 yearsPhobic, not health conscience, only go when Ihave pain

    Try to understand where they are comingfrom, and why they are here

    Usually they have an acute need

    Take care of their acute needs, then presenta phase approach - acute needs (diseasethat cause pain), take care of larger lesion,debridement, smaller lesion, missing teeth,cosmetic

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    Types of Patients

    Last trip to dentist - 2 to 5 years

    No insurance, feel very uncomfortablegoing to a dentist

    Usually have an acute need

    More aggressive in prescribingtreatment - less confidence inmonitoring small lesion

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    Types of Patients

    Patients that come in at least once every 2years

    Regular patient

    More comfortable in monitoring small lesions

    Still need to understand what they preferences are:

    Cost conscienceI want the best

    Missing teeth not a concern

    Value your judgment and recommendation

    Just take care of my basic needs

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    Treatment Planning Models

    Treatment oriented model

    Problem oriented model

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    Treatment Oriented Model

    Dentist examine the patient

    Dentist mentally equate the findings to

    the need for certain form of treatment

    Examination findings are summarized inthe form of a list of treatments -

    TREATMENT PLANUseful in simple cases

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    Problem Oriented Model

    Examination lead to formulation of a listof problem

    Each problem on the list is thenconsidered in terms of treatment options

    Informed patients of all the options

    Formulate the TREATMENT PLAN

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    Problem Oriented ModelProblem Lists

    (Objective findings from oral andradiograph exam)

    Formulate Treatment Options


    Preferences/factors(Subjective Findings)

    Caries Risk


    Treatment Plan

    Patients PreferencesInformed Consent

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    Patients PreferencesAddress patients chief complainAsk questions - assess patients true preferences

    Understand what is the treatment objectives for the patient(better function, better esthetic?)

    Understand what type of patient you are dealing with

    Preference for the types of restorations/procedures (e.g. fixed vsremovable, direct vs indirect restorations)

    Can the patient afford the procedures he/she desires?

    Patients dental IQ - long term maintenance

    Esthetic - understand their true concern

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    Caries Risk AssessmentWhy is it a vital part of Treatment Planning?

    Dental caries is an infectious disease.

    It is the most overlook aspect in the treatment planning process.

    Patients caries risk status will affect the treatment (materials andprocedures, treatment vs no treatment) you are going to prescribe.

    Patients caries risk will determine recall intervalsand radiograph exposure intervals.

    For the high risk patients (caries active or caries prone), a strategy tocontrol the disease should be formulated and documented in thetreatment plan.

    Review- Dr. Hildebrandts Fall semester manual - Current Concepts inCaries Control

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    Dental Caries - an InfectiousDisease

    Etiologic agent - specific pathogens (Specific PlaqueHypothesis)

    Signs and symptoms of the disease - localizeddissolution and destruction of calcified tissue.

    It is very easy to focus narrowly on treating the signsand symptoms ONLY (restorative needs); thus failedto identify the underlying cause of the disease.

    Failure to address the underlying cause of thedisease will allow the disease to continue.

    Restoration alone do not and will not treat thedisease

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    High Caries Risk Patients

    Must identify the underlying reason(s)for the high risk.

    Not been to a dentist for years or poororal hygiene are seldom the ONLYfactor

    Salivary flow? Diet?

    MUST educate and formulate a controlmeasures plan

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    Clinical Example

    24 year old male presenting to youroffice for routine oral exam

    PMH - non-contributoryPDH - not been to a dentist since highschool, no existing restoration.

    Clinical exam - rampant caries onmultiple teeth. Normal salivary flow.Heavy plaque on all teeth.

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    Problem Oriented Model

    Problem Lists (Objectivefindings from oral and

    radiograph exam)

    Formulate Treatment Options


    Preferences/factors(Subjective Findings)

    Caries Risk


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    Problem List

    Dental caries - rampant caries

    Poor oral hygiene

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    Caries Risk Assessment

    Caries active

    identify the underlying reason(s)

    Poor oral hygiene and not been to dentistsince high school should not be taken asthe convenient reason.

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    Caries Risk Assessment

    GoalsIdentify the underlying reason(s) - EDUCATE thepatient.

    FORMULATE control measures.

    ASSESSING patients ability to change (habits).These goals are as important if not more importantthan the restorative part of your treatment plan.

    Success/failure of the restorative phase will dependon whether you can achieve the goals stated above.

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    Patients Preference/Factor


    Formulate a preliminary plan based on

    patients preferences and the overalltreatment goal.

    Narrow down options

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    Overall Treatment Scheme

    Initial treatment phase -treating the symptoms ofthe disease (massive

    tooth morbidity).

    Therapeutic Phase Evaluation -evaluate

    the success/failure of therapeutic phase

    Final Restorative Phase

    Therapeutic Phase

    - control measures

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    Initial Restorative Phase

    Options available for dealing with massive tooth morbidityDirect Restoration RCT Extraction

    Treatment options

    Extract all teeth

    Extract teeth that are unrestorable onlyExtract teeth that will need RCT

    Extract teeth that are unsuitable/unnecessary to support a removablepartial denture. E.g. do you want to save all the Mx anterior teeth(assuming they all have extensive lesions) if your treatment plan will

    involve a Mx partial denture?Immediate removable appliances

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    Therapeutic Phase Evaluation

    Was the control measures prescribedsuccessfully change the patient from

    high caries risk to low caries risk, or atleast have the disease under control.

    No final treatment phase should be

    initiated until the risk is under control

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    Final Restorative Phase

    Indirect restorations

    Crowns and bridges

    Removable appliances
