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Page Navigator

EPLAN Training 1

Page Navigator

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Page Navigator

EPLAN Training 2

1 Creating and Deleting Pages .......................................................................3

1.1 Creating pages..........................................................................................3

1.2 Delete pages.............................................................................................5

2 Opening and Closing Pages ........................................................................8

2.1 Open page ................................................................................................8

2.1.1Open page in new window....................................................................... 9

2.1.2Open a page in multi-user operation........................................................ 9

2.2 Close page..............................................................................................10

2.3 Save pages.............................................................................................10

3 Showing the Graphical Preview.................................................................11

3.1 Open pages from the graphical preview .................................................11

3.2 Close graphical preview..........................................................................12

4 Copying Pages Within the Same Project ..................................................13

5 Copying Pages between Different Projects..............................................17

6 Adjusting the Page Structure.....................................................................21

6.1 Behavior of the structure identifiers when copying..................................24

7 Numbering Pages .......................................................................................26

8 Editing Page Properties .............................................................................27

9 Configuring a Page Filter ...........................................................................28

9.1 Set a manual filter ...................................................................................28

9.2 Set prefilters............................................................................................29

9.3 Set postfilters ..........................................................................................30

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

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EPLAN Training 3

1 Creating and Deleting Pages

In the Pages - <Project Name> navigator dialog you can create new pages and delete existing pages.

1.1 Creating pages


You have opened a project.

1. Select the menu item Page > New.

The New page dialog is opened. If a page was selected in the Pages - <Project Name> navigator dialog, then its properties are loaded into the dialog. If a structure level was selected, the properties of the first page below this level are loaded. Only the grid defined in the plot frame is adopted.

2. Click [Clear fields] if you would like to clear the data fields of the new page, i.e., delete their content.

The contents of all of the data fields are deleted. Only the page type of the

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currently selected page is retained. The automatically suggested page name is also retained. Scale and grid are taken from the plot frame and are also retained.

3. Enter the properties for the new page. You can select the structure identifiers (such as higher-level function and mounting location) from the existing values using [...] next to the Full page name. You can also manually enter the identifiers and create new ones in the process.

4. Choose the desired Page type from the drop-down list.

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5. If you would like to create several pages, then click [Apply] several times.

With every click on [Apply], EPLAN generates a new page. Your user code is automatically entered into the Creator field.

6. Click [OK].

EPLAN checks if the page name that you have entered already exists and, if so, an appropriate message is displayed, in which you can choose another name.

The (last) new page is then displayed in the graphical editor.


Once you have entered a new structure identifier, EPLAN then opens the Place Identifiers dialog. Click [OK] to add the new identifier to the database.


You can use the button on the standard toolbar to create new pages.

In the Pages - <Project Name> dialog, select Popup menu > New. Any page or structure level may be selected when you do this.

1.2 Delete pages

1. Select the relevant pages in the Pages - <Project Name> navigator dialog .

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2. Select Popup menu > Delete.

After a security check, EPLAN deletes the selected pages from the project.


Positioned items are completely removed when the page is deleted. Non-placed items are not removed, because they are not associated with the deleted

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The page opened in the graphical editor can also be selected using Edit > Select > Page and then deleted using [Del]. The page navigator does not need to be open for this.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

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2 Opening and Closing Pages


You have opened a project.

2.1 Open page

Use the Pages - <Project Name> navigator dialog to select the pages that you wish to open in the graphical editor.


You have opened the Pages - <Project Name> navigator dialog and selected a page in the tree or list view.

1. Select the menu item Page > Open.

The page is opened in the graphical editor. The page name is displayed as a tab below the graphic, assuming that you have activated the workbook view (View > Workbook).

When you open a second page, this is displayed in the graphical editor and the first page is automatically closed.

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To open a page, you can either double-click in it, or press the [Enter] key, or select Popup menu > Open.

2.1.1 Open page in new window

1. Select Popup menu > Open in new window.

The selected page is opened in another graphical editor window.

A tab is displayed below the graphic for every opened page, assuming that you have activated the workbook view (View > Workbook). You can quickly switch between pages by clicking these tabs.

2.1.2 Open a page in multi-user operation

A schematic page can only be edited by a single user. As soon as a user opens a page, then it is locked. A second user can only open this page read-only and receives a message stating this fact. The message contains the Windows login name and the long name of the first user, so that the second user knows who has locked the page and can then discuss this with them if necessary.

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2.2 Close page


You have opened a page in the graphical editor or selected pages in the Pages - <Project Name> dialog of the page navigator.

1. Select the menu item Page > Close.

The current page is then closed.


In the graphical editor, you can close the current page by clicking on the standard toolbar or by pressing the [Ctrl] + [F4] keys at the same time.

2.3 Save pages

Changes to a page are automatically saved as soon as you switch to another page or close the project.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

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3 Showing the Graphical Preview

The graphical preview enables you to show a preview of pages that you have selected in the Pages - <Project Name> navigator dialog. If you have selected several pages, these are displayed above and next to each other in the preview. The preview can display a maximum of 12 pages.

1. Select the menu item View > Graphical preview.

A check mark next to the menu item shows whether this is active or not.

3.1 Open pages from the graphical preview


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• You have opened the graphical preview.

• You have opened the Pages - <Project Name> navigator dialog.

• You have opened a project and selected the project or individual pages in the Pages - <Project Name> navigator dialog.

1. Double-click on a page in the graphical preview.

The page is then opened in the graphical editor and the page preview also remains open.

3.2 Close graphical preview


The graphical preview is open.

1. Select the menu item View > Graphical preview a second time, or click in the graphical preview.

The graphical preview is then closed.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

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EPLAN Training 13

4 Copying Pages Within the Same Project

Within the same project, you can copy pages using either the page navigator or the graphical editor. In the page navigator it is possible to copy individual pages or entire blocks of pages. In the graphical editor you copy the currently open page.


You have selected at least one page in the Pages - <Project name> dialog.

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1. Select the menu item Edit > Copy.

The selected pages are copied to the clipboard.

2. If you work with multiple clipboards (definable in the user settings), then in the Clipboard dialog, enter a description for the content of the relevant clipboard and click [OK].

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3. Select the menu item Edit > Paste.

If you work with multiple clipboards, then EPLAN opens the Paste dialog. Select the desired page and click [OK].

In the Adjust page structure dialog, the page number, sheet number, and structure identifier of the source and target pages are displayed.

4. Change the page number and / or the structure identifier if you would not like to overwrite the existing pages, and deselect the Overwrite check box.

5. Select [Number] to open the Number pages dialog and renumber the copied pages.

6. Click [OK].

If the Overwrite check box is selected, and pages with the same name

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already exist that would be overwritten, then a query dialog is displayed. Click [Yes] to overwrite the pages. Click [No] to return to the Adjust page structure dialog and change your settings.

If you have selected With prompt under Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Devices > Numbering (online), then the Insertion mode dialog will appear. You specify here as to how device tags should be numbered on the copied pages.

7. Click [OK].

The pages are inserted into the project, and the structure identifiers and DT are modified appropriately according to the entered data.


The page opened in the graphical editor can also be selected using Edit > Select > Page. The page navigator does not need to be open for this.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

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5 Copying Pages between Different Projects

Pages can be copied within a project as well as between different projects. It is possible to copy individual pages or entire blocks of pages.


You have selected at least one page in the Pages - <Project Name> dialog.

1. Select the menu item Page > Copy from / to.

In the Copy pages dialog, the source and target projects are displayed in two tree views. Initially, the current project is displayed in both fields, since copy operations most often take place within the same project.

2. In the left field Selected project select the source project where the data is to be copied from. This can be an already open project or one that has not yet

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been opened. Using [...] you can open the project selection dialog and choose any desired project from any directory.

3. In the right field Current project chose the target project where the data is to be copied to. This must be a project that is already open in the page navigator.

4. If necessary, set a Filter for the source project to display only specific project pages.

5. If necessary, use the Page Information field to select which page properties are to be displayed in the table below this.

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The properties of the (first) selected page are displayed in the properties table.

6. Select the Preview check box if you would like to see a preview of the (first) selected page in the graphical preview window.

7. In the left field Selected project, select the pages that you would like to copy, and then copy these using the arrow button into the target project in the right field Current project.

If you work with multiple clipboards (definable in the user settings), then in the Clipboard dialog, enter a description for the content of the relevant clipboard and click [OK]. The Insert dialog is then opened. Select the desired page and click [OK].

In the Adjust page structure dialog, the page number, sheet number, and structure identifier of the source and target pages are displayed. You can either retain the page numbers and structure identifiers, or change them. If the pages already exist in the target project, then the Overwrite check box is automatically selected. Deselect this if you do not want to overwrite the pages, and change the page properties.

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8. Select [Number] to open the Number pages dialog and renumber the copied pages.

9. Click [OK].

If there are pages with the same names in the target project that would consequently be overwritten, you will be shown a prompt. If you click [Yes] the pages in the target project will be overwritten. Click [No] to return to the Adjust page structure dialog and change your settings.

If you have selected With prompt under Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Devices > Numbering then the Insertion mode dialog will appear. You specify here as to how device tags should be numbered on the copied pages.

10. Click [OK].

The pages are inserted into the project, and the structure identifiers and DT are modified appropriately according to the entered data.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

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6 Adjusting the Page Structure

When you copy pages or insert page macros, you can modify the structure identifier and page numbers before insertion.

The procedure for copying pages is described below. When inserting page macros, you can customize the page structure in the same manner.


You have selected one or more pages in the Pages - <Project Name> navigator dialog.

1. Select Edit > Copy.

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2. In the Pages - <Project Name> navigator dialog, click the position where the copied pages are to be inserted and select the menu item Edit < Paste>. (You can also use the Copy and Paste menu items from the popup menu).

3. In the Adjust page structure dialog, change the page number, sheet number and / or the structure identifier. The page numbers can be either manually entered or, by clicking the [Number] item, you call up the Number pages dialog, in which you can renumber the pages according to the settings defined there.

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4. To change the structure identifiers, click the appropriate field in the table. You can either manually enter (new) identifiers or open a selection dialog using [...] .

The selection dialog contains all of the existing identifiers in the project.

5. Select the desired structure identifier from the selection dialog and click [OK].

6. Select the Overwrite check box if pages of the same name in the target project are to be overwritten.

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7. Click [OK].

If you have not made any changes, then EPLAN creates the structure identifiers of the source pages in the target project.

If you have entered structure identifiers that are not present in the target project, then the Position identifiers dialog is displayed before copying. Here you define the sequencing of the structure identifiers in the target project.

If there are pages with the same names in the target project that would consequently be overwritten, you will be shown a prompt. If you click [Yes] the pages in the target project will be overwritten. Click [No] to return to the Adjust page structure dialog and change your settings.

If you have selected With prompt under Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Devices > Numbering (online), then the Insertion mode dialog will appear. You specify here as to how device tags should be numbered on the copied pages.

8. Click [OK].

The pages are inserted into the project, and the structure identifiers and DT are modified appropriately according to the entered data.

6.1 Behavior of the structure identifiers when copying

When copying pages from one project into another project with a smaller project structure, all structure identifiers defined as "Not available" in the target project are removed. Structure identifiers defined as "Describing" in the target project are retained.


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• When copying pages from a project containing "higher-level function" and "mounting location" identifier blocks into a project having sequential numbering, the structure identifiers are deleted from the page properties.

• When copying pages from a project containing "higher-level function" and "mounting location" identifier blocks into a project using only the "higher-level function" identifier block (no descriptive mounting location) then the mounting location is deleted from the page properties.

When pages are copied from a project containing structure identifiers (e.g. with "higher-level function" and "mounting location" identifier blocks) into a project having a page structure using "higher-level function identifying" and "mounting location descriptive" identifier schemes, then you should renumber the pages. Without renumbering, the page names may no longer be unique since the "mounting location" identifier blocks are now descriptive only.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

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7 Numbering Pages


You have opened a project and selected one or morel pages in the Pages - <Project Name> navigator dialog.

The Number command allows you to subsequently renumber pages. In this manner, pages within a project can be renamed and thus moved.

For automated allocation of page names, EPLAN suggests the next available page name in the target project. Subpages are automatically incremented. For DIN projects, the suggestion is group referenced. You can either retain the suggested (start) page names, or change them. For several pages, you can also customize the increment defaults.

Page > Number

1. In the Number Pages dialog, enter a new starting number and the increment size (and if necessary, further page numbering entries).

2. Click [OK].

EPLAN renumbers the pages if no existing pages will be overwritten by this.

If your choice of start number and increment means that page names will be overwritten, then the Page numbering: Preview of Result dialog is opened.

3. Change the affected page properties and click [OK].

The pages are then renumbered.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

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8 Editing Page Properties

In the Pages - <Project Name> navigator dialog, you can view and edit the properties of pages.

1. Select the desired page in the tree or list view. Multiple selection is possible.

2. Select the menu item Edit > Properties.

3. Use the Page properties dialog to change the desired properties.

4. Click [OK].

The page properties are saved.


Changes to identifying page properties, such as the higher-level function, means that all of the DT's for the same higher-level function on the page will also be renamed.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

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9 Configuring a Page Filter

In the Pages - <Project Name> navigator dialog, you can define a filter for displaying the pages. You can use a combination of three filters:

• A prefilter that limits the display of available pages.

• A manual filter for combining desired pages per marker text

• A postfilter that operates on pages selected by the manual filter.


You have opened the Pages - <Project Name> navigator dialog and opened (at least) one project.

1. Click [...] next to the Filter field.

The Select pages is opened.

9.1 Set a manual filter

The manual filter allows you to combine any number of pages that do not have common properties into a single filter. The two tree views show which pages are selected by the filter. Several projects can be displayed on both sides.

1. In the Select pages dialog, select the desired pages from the Available pages field.

If structure identifiers are selected then all subpages are also selected.

2. Use the arrow button to move the selected pages to the right side.

The selected pages will be shown in the Filtered pages field.

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9.2 Set prefilters

The prefilter supports the manual filter. This allows the number of displayed pages to be reduced in large projects. The prefilters are stored in the project on a per-user basis. When a manual filter is deleted, the prefilter is also deleted.

1. In the Select pages dialog, click [...] below the Available pages field.

2. In the Filter: Pages dialog select a user-defined scheme or create one.

3. Set the filter criteria to be used as a prefilter in the tree. To perform this, enter search terms into the page properties fields. You can use MS Access regular expressions. The prefilters can be used individually or combined with each other. Multiple lines are AND combined; an OR combination is achieved by entering an OR line.

4. Click [OK].

The pre-selection is marked in the Available pages field upon returning to the Select pages dialog.

5. Use the arrow button to move the selection to the right side.

The selected pages will be shown in the Filtered pages field.

Date prefilter

Extended entries can be analyzed in the date fields:

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• All pages containing a date entry older than a fixed date:

• All pages containing a date entry newer than a fixed date:

• All pages within a fixed timeframe.

9.3 Set postfilters

The postfilter allows further filter criteria to be used on the pages displayed in the Filtered pages field.


In the Select pages dialog, you have already selected pages shown in the Filtered pages field.

1. Click [...] below the Filtered pages field.

2. In the subsequent Filter: Pages dialog select a user-defined scheme or create one.

3. Set the filter criteria to be used as a postfilter in the tree. You can also use the regular expressions in MS Access and / or combine several filters with each other.

4. Click [OK].

In the Select pages dialog, the Filtered pages field will only display those pages that match the postfilter criteria.

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