






Joshua 1:6-13AN EXPERIENTIAL EXEGESIS OF GOING ABOVE AND BEYOND 1. God always has a ____________

for his people to accomplish 2. God expects us to ____________

our duty within the scope of his promise

3. True consecration always results in us ____________________ our mission !

YOUR ROADMAP TO THE SUMMIT 1. You have to _____________ over

some funerals, Deut 1:35; 2:14 2. You have to be ______________

to win, 7 3. You have to follow a __________-

______________ to be blessed, 8 4. You have to ______________

today for tomorrow’s obstacles and opportunities, 9-11

A. Prepare your __________ for the obstacles, 9

B. Prepare your ________ for the opportunity, 10-11

5. When God calls, always answer ________________ !

Point 1. For Generation 1.0, their challenge was greater than their courage, because their focus was on themselves and their ability, instead of on their Father and his ______________.

Point 2. In order to bring revival God has to give people a __________ for him.

Point 3. My success is incomplete without ________ faithful response.

Point 4. God’s supernatural ability, plus your faithfulness to

______, is what equals spiritual success.

Point 5. You’ve got to operate with the assistance of an __________________ Holy Ghost, because that is the prescription for success.

Point 6. Faith is what enables ________________________, and obedience is what produces overflow.

Point 7. Knowledge of the __________________ is the only way to break the shackles of a limiting environment.

Thesis Without a Bible ____________ you will never reach the divine destination of the abundant Christian life.

Harvest Baptist Church

…glorifying God, by

Jesus Christ,

through his body the



APRIL 6, 2014 Message Four

Glorifying God…by Jesus Christ...through his body the church | 816-224-9113 |

Fast Facts Significant Signups TODAY! •Be baptized Easter Sunday!•Kingdom Man small groups!

Tonight 5:30P.M. Revelation 4 The Midnight Cry !

Wednesday 7:00P.M. •AWANA for the kids!•1 John for adults!Saturday 9:00A.M. Easter Invites Help us deliver to the neighborhood!

Prayer Diary!

Sermon Video!

Rev. W Alan Shelby!“Follow” us on!“Like”us on!@hbcbluesprings!

To glorify God, by Jesus Christ, through his body the church, as we preach the gospel to the world (Eph 3:10-11,21)

I. THE MAP WRITTEN IN THE SCRIPTURES, 6-8 A. Telling Us Who to Be, 6-7

1. The Borders, 6 2. The Boundaries, 7

B. Telling Us What to Do, 8 The Book

II. THE MAP REVEALED BY THE SPIRIT, 9-13 A. A Route for the Leaders, 10-11 B. A Reminder to the Learners, 12-13 !

Deuteronomy 1:35; 2:14 Surely there shall not one of these men of this evil generation see that good land, which I sware to give unto your fathers, And the space in which we came from Kadeshbarnea, until we were come over the brook Zered, was thirty and eight years; until all the generation of the men of war were wasted out from among the host, as the LORD sware unto them.


JOSHUA: CONTAGIOUS COURAGEOUSNESS Apr 13 Stepping Into It, Josh 3 Overview Apr 18 GOOD FRIDAY: Revival Night, 7pm-Midnight Apr 20 EASTER SUNDAY (BAPTISMS) Apr 27 Becoming Generation Next, Josh 3:1-17

What We Are Asking You to Do Now 1. Invest your passions in Worship – Honor God by following Christ personally and passionately 2. Invest your mind in the Word – Get discipled and begin to learn the Bible and see what God is saying to you 3. Invest your gifts through the Church – Participate in the life of this body through genuine worship, sharing, learning, and serving. Become a member, partake in the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper, and support the Gospel here and abroad by tithing (10% of your income), and giving more as the Lord leads in special offerings or sacrificial commitments. Develop authentic loving fellowship with others in this church. 4. Invest your relationships in Ministry – Establish redemptive relationships with those who do not yet know Jesus Christ, and invest your time, skills, talents, and gifts in and through this church and its ministries