Page 1: 053-03-05 Kettenbroschüre engl...053-03-05 Kettenbroschüre_engl.qxd 18.06.2009 11:29 Uhr Seite 1 Lincoln Company Profile 2 Our Experience Lincoln was established in 1910 and is the

Chain LubricationAAuuttoommaatteedd LLuubbrriiccaattiioonn SSyysstteemmss ffoorr OOiill && GGrreeaassee

� All chain sizes� All chain speeds� All operating conditions

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Page 2: 053-03-05 Kettenbroschüre engl...053-03-05 Kettenbroschüre_engl.qxd 18.06.2009 11:29 Uhr Seite 1 Lincoln Company Profile 2 Our Experience Lincoln was established in 1910 and is the

Lincoln Company Profile


OOuurr EExxppeerriieenncceeLincoln was established in 1910and is the long-standing worldleader in grease lubrication sys-tems and equipment. Decades of business experience have provided us with a high level of expertise and know-how within the lubrication system industry. As a pioneer in the industry, we will continue being a trendsetterconfidently providing our customerswith the best lubrication systemsolutions in both price and quality.

OOuurr PPrroodduuccttLincoln lubrication systems reduce friction and wear; thereby,decreasing maintenance costs,improving productivity, ensuring a higher level of safety and contribution to the environment.

OOuurr SSeerrvviicceeOur customer service includes the consulting, engineering andplanning of customer-orientedsystems for all applications, the manufacturing of standard components such as pumps, me-tering devices or control equipment, the installation andstart up of lubrication systems on site in all parts of the world, as well as the customer training, and after-market service.

OOuurr QQuuaalliittyyOur certified Quality ManagementSystem according to DIN EN ISO9001, our expertise, consultingqualities and inventiveness, leadthe way for future customer-orien-ted, economical and intelligent so-lutions.

OOuurr EEnnvviirroonnmmeennttaallMMaannaaggeemmeenntt SSyysstteemmOur Environmental ManagementSystem according to DIN EN ISO14001 and EMAS, is an integralpart of our company philosophythat reflects Lincoln’s future orientation.

OOuurr MMoottttooKeep in motion –Bleiben Sie mit uns in Bewegung!

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Despite new types of material andadvanced technology, many chainsstill require lubrication. Optimumlubrication reduces friction and sub-sequent wear on chains. The largestrelative movement of all chainsoccurs between the link plate andthe chain stud, and it is here whereconsiderable forces are present.Insufficient lubrication of this areawill result in premature wear andchain failure. The consequence isexpensive production downtime.Precise and efficient lubrication is aprerequisite for trouble-free opera-tion and a long life of the chain.

Lincoln automated chain lubricationsystems provide an exact meteredquantity of lubricant and apply it re-liably to the chain where it isrequired.

AAddvvaannttaaggeess ooff AAuuttoommaatteedd CChhaaiinnLLuubbrriiccaattiioonn

� Increase life expectancy of thechain

� Minimize downtime resulting from insufficient lubrication

� Reduce energy consumption

� Reduce lubricant consumption

� Absorb shocks & beats

� Cooling of fast-running chains

� Silencing of noiseSSuuiittaabbllee CChhaaiinn LLuubbrriiccaannttssAll renowned chain manufactures recommend the periodic relubricati-on of the chain with a suitable chainlubricant.

The most important chain lubricantrequirements are:

� Good penetration characteristics

� High pressure resistance

� Reliable corrosion protection

Friction points of a chain:A Friction between bushing/stud B Friction between bushing/roller C Friction between inner/outer plate D Friction between plate/bushing E Sprocket/roller/inner plate

Further friction points are found at the drive and chain attachments.

Chain Lubrication








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IndexLLiinnccoollnn CChhaaiinn LLuubbrriiccaattiioonn SSyysstteemmss

Single-line oil system – for few, slow moving chains


Progressive system – for slow moving, small chains


For conveyor chains in rough environments

CCoonnttaacctt LLuubbrriiccaattiioonn

Centralized lubrication system – for chains and chain groups ofmachines


Lubricates the inner rollers and studsof heavy-duty conveyor chains


Contact-free oil lubrication – for fast moving chains

PPMMAA 22 SSoolleennooiidd PPuummpp

Minimal quantity oil spray system – for extremely fast moving chains

FFoorr iinnqquuiirriieessFor the proper selection of a lubrication system we require the following information:

1. Chain size (chain division, total length, number of strands)2. Chain speed3. Type of lubricant and required quantity

COBRA 1X chain lubricators are individually designed for each chain. There is a separate questionnaire for this system. If required, please request the form at [email protected]


� Also suitable for mobile equipment� Brush lubrication

� Also suitable for mobile equipment� For grease & oil� Brush lubrication

� Cleans, guides and lubricates in one sweep

� For grease & oil

� Oil lubrication for slow moving chains� Squirt and brush lubrication

� For grease & oil

� Intermittent, with squirt nozzles� Squirt application without air

(airless), non-mist

� Oil lubrication for critical industrial applications

� Oil and spray air mixture� Specialty nozzles









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EOSSSiinnggllee--lliinnee OOiill SSyysstteemm ffoorr tthhee LLuubbrriiccaattiioonn ooff SSllooww MMoovviinngg CChhaaiinnss

EEOOSS iiss tthhee rreelliiaabbllee aanndd mmoosstt eeccoo--nnoommiiccaall ssoolluuttiioonn ffoorr tthhee ooiill lluubbrrii--ccaattiioonn ooff cchhaaiinnss.. TThhee ssyysstteemm iiss aaddiirreecctt ooppeerraattiinngg,, eelleeccttrriiccaallllyy ddrriivveenn,,ssiinnggllee--lliinnee cceennttrraalliizzeedd lluubbrriiccaattiioonnssyysstteemm.. TThhee ssyysstteemm iiss iiddeeaall ffoorrmmaacchhiinneess wwiitthh cchhaaiinn ddrriivveess aanndd1122//2244 VVDDCC ppoowweerr ssuuppppllyy –– eeqquuiippmmeenntt ssuucchh aassbbaalleerrss.. AA ttyyppiiccaall iinndduussttrriiaall aapppplliiccaa--ttiioonn iiss ffoorr ppaacckkaaggiinngg mmaacchhiinneessssuucchh aass ppaalllleettiizzeerrss..

It’s different from systems that usebasic restrictor or metering elementsbecause the EOS uses a direct ope-rating metering element that offersgreater reliability and accuracy. Themetering elements supply the re-

particles is minimized.The required metered quantity of oilcan be adjusted to properly matchthe working condition, the size and

quired oil quantity in time-controlledintervals to brushes which evenlyapply the oil to the chain. Each strokeof the pump charges the meteringelements with a predetermined amount of oil and simultaneouslysupplies the previously charged oilquantity to the brushes. Thereby, alllubrication points receive the exactrequired, metered quantity of oil. Asa result, wear caused by dust or dirt

1 Brush2 Bracket3 Electric Motor4 Pressure Unit5 Metering Elements6 Manifolds for

Metering Elements

SSyysstteemm AAddvvaannttaaggeess� Precise, metered quantities of oil

reduces wear on the chain and drive� Metered quantities can be selected

to match the chain size and length as well as erating parameters

� 5 litre reservoir provides extended filling intervals

� Push-in fittings provide quick & easy installation

� High supply volume in short time (circa 400 ml/min at 3 bar back-pressure)

length of the chain. The frequency ofthe lubrication interval is determinedby the degree of contaminationpotential that the chain is subjectedto. The metering range selection of0.1, 0.3, 0.4 or 0.5 cm3 provides versatility to ensure that requirementsare met.







6 6

EEOOSS CCoonnttrroolllleerrFor machines without a controller,for example balers in the agriculturalindustry, Lincoln offers a 12/24 VDCcontroller. The run time is fixed at 4seconds and the pause time is adju-stable from 1 to 100 minutes. Thecontroller enables a simple retrofitinstallment of the EOS oil lubricationsystem.

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Contact LubricationFFoorr CCoonnvveeyyoorr CChhaaiinnss iinn RRoouugghh EEnnvviirroo

TThhee mmaaiinn aapppplliiccaattiioonnss ffoorr tthhiissggeennuuiinnee ssiimmppllee nneeww lluubbrriiccaattiioonn ssyysstteemm aarree ttrraannssppoorrtt//ccoonnvveeyyoorrcchhaaiinnss ffoouunndd iinn aallll iinndduussttrriieess..TThhiiss ssyysstteemm ssiimmuullttaanneeoouussllyycclleeaannss,, gguuiiddeess aanndd ccoonnttiinnuuoouussllyylluubbrriiccaatteess tthhee cchhaaiinn –– aanndd iitt hhaassaann eexxttrraaoorrddiinnaarryy lloonngg lliiffee tthhaannkkssttoo hhiigghhllyy wweeaarr--rreessiissttaanntt ppllaassttiiccsstthhaatt aarree vveerryy rroobbuusstt aannddiinnsseennssiittiivvee ttoo ccoonnttaammiinnaattiioonn aannddkknnoocckkss..

TThhee ssyysstteemm iiss ppaatteenntt ppeennddiinngg aanndduunnddeerrlliieess pprrootteeccttiioonn ooff rreeggiisstteerreeddddeessiiggnn NNoo.. 2200221100775588..22..

TThhee LLiinnccoollnn bbrruusshh lluubbrriiccaattiioonn iinnccoonnjjuunnccttiioonn wwiitthh tthhee QQuuiicckklluubb 220033ppuummpp pprroovviiddeess aann eeccoonnoommiiccaalleennttrryy--lleevveell cchhaaiinn lluubbrriiccaattiioonnssyysstteemm.. TThhee QQuuiicckklluubb rraannggee ddooeesshhoowweevveerr ooffffeerr nnuummeerroouuss aadddd--oonnppoossssiibbiilliittiieess.. AAss aa rreessuulltt,, iitt ffuullffiillssaallll eexxppeeccttaattiioonnss ffoorr aann eeaassyy,, mmaaiinn--tteennaannccee--ffrriieennddllyy aanndd hhiigghh qquuaalliittyylluubbrriiccaattiioonn ssyysstteemm..

QuicklubPPrrooggrreessssiivvee SSyysstteemm ffoorr GGrreeaassee oorr OOiill –– ffoorr SSllooww MMoovviinngg,, SSmmaallll CChhaaiinnss

Brush lubrication not only lubricatesthe contact points of the links, butrather the entire chain. The pumpsupplies the lubricant either directlyor via a progressive metering deviceto the brushes, which evenly applythe lubricant to the chain. As aresult, high-viscous chain oils andlubricants up to NLGI class 2 can be easily, economically and reliablyapplied.

A progressive system can serve upto 100 lubrication points, thus sever-al brushes may be positioned alongthe chains to ensure sufficientlubricant supply.

Optional system monitoring is offeredwith a 203 pump incorporating theappropriate PCB and correspondingprogressive metering devices. Additional options include low levelmonitoring.

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Page 7: 053-03-05 Kettenbroschüre engl...053-03-05 Kettenbroschüre_engl.qxd 18.06.2009 11:29 Uhr Seite 1 Lincoln Company Profile 2 Our Experience Lincoln was established in 1910 and is the


on with Guide Blocksvviirroonnmmeennttss

AApppplliiccaattiioonn AArreeaassThe system has been designedespecially for chains in pallet con-veyor systems, e.g. in the food and beverage industry. Pallet systems for return goods areparticularly exposed to a high gradeof contamination: wood chips,broken glass, and in the winter, iceparticles stick to the chain and resultin premature wear. Other applications for a contactlubrication system are passenger orfreight elevators as well as escalators.

For the lubrication of conveyorchains, the newly developed contactlubrication offers essential advan-tages compared to the conventionalbrush lubrication. By using a plasticchain guide, the worst of the dirt onthe chain is cleaned off and, at the

same time, the chain wear is reducedby an automatic and continuouslubricant supply. Additionally, thechain is held in position or directedby the guide block of the lubricationsystem.

The Lincoln contact lubrication hasan extraordinary long life thanks tohighly wear-resistant plastics and isvery robust and insensitive to con-tamination and knocks.

SSyysstteemm CChhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss aanndd AAddvvaannttaaggeess� Cleaning effect of the chain

sticking dirt particles are cleaned off

� Suitable for a wide range of roller chains according to DIN 8187 (1/4" single up to 2" double)

� All types of chain lubricants (fromlow-viscous oil to lubricating grease) can be applied

1 Pump model 2032 Over-pressure valve3 SSV 12 progressive metering device4 Guide blocks

SSuuppppllyy ttoo tthhee gguuiiddee bblloocckkss wwiitthh aapprrooggrreessssiivvee ssyysstteemm





1 Mounting rail2 Console3 Chain guide blocks for single-roller chains

CCoommppoonneennttss ooff CCoonnttaacctt LLuubbrriiccaattiioonn



� Suitable for low and high chainspeeds (up to max. 40 m/min)

� Robust and insensitive to contami-nation and knocks

� Long life due to highly wear-resistant plastics

� Can be supplied with lubricant by any Lincoln centralized lubrication system (progressive system, single-line system, etc.)

� Chain is additionally guided� Simple and favorable in price

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Centro-Matic CCeennttrraalliizzeedd LLuubbrriiccaattiioonn SSyysstteemm –– ffoorr CChhaaiinnss aanndd CChhaaiinn GGrroouuppss ooff MMaacchhiinneess

TThhee CCeennttrroo--MMaattiicc ssyysstteemm iiss ddee--ssiiggnneedd ffoorr tthhee cceennttrraalliizzeedd ooiill lluubbrrii--ccaattiioonn ooff ssllooww mmoovviinngg cchhaaiinnss aannddeessppeecciiaallllyy ffoorr ggrroouuppss ooff cchhaaiinnss tthhaattaarree iinnddiivviidduuaallllyy ooppeerraatteedd..

TThhee cchhaaiinn ssppeeeedd ccaann bbee uupp ttoo 66mm//mmiinn iiff bbrruusshheess aarree uusseedd.. FFoorrccoonnttaacctt--ffrreeee ssqquuiirrtt aapppplliiccaattiioonnss,,tthhee cchhaaiinn ssppeeeedd iiss ddeeppeennddeenntt oonntthhee cchhaaiinn ddiivviissiioonn aanndd tthhee nnuummbbeerrooff eemmppllooyyeedd SSLL--4433 lluubbrriiccaanntt iinn--jjeeccttoorrss..

Centro-Matic systems meter the oilin exact quantities, independent ofthe oil viscosity and flow resistance.The oil quantity is adjustable on theSL-43 injector. The high operatingpressure of the injector enables anaccurate expulsion of oil. The resultis optimum chain lubrication and aneconomical usage of lubricant.

The lubrication of the chain does notrequire compressed air, the only airthat may be required is to drive thepump that supplies the lubricantinjectors with oil.

The Centro-Matic oil system ope-rates intermittently with a change inpressure and pressure relief.A centralized pump supplies theconnected SL-43 injectors with oil.The injector supplies the meteredquantity of oil under pressure (52–69 bar) and the metering chamber isfilled. After the mainline pressure hasbeen relieved, the preset quantity of oil from the metering piston is forcedin front of the supply piston. SL-43injectors are infinitely adjustablefrom 0.016 – 0.131 cm3 and they areequipped with an indicator pin for visual monitoring.

Please inquire about our range ofpumps and system controllers.

SSyysstteemm AAddvvaannttaaggeess� Switching on and off of individual

chain groups is possible� Exact metering, independent of

oil viscosity and flow resistance� The high operating pressure of

the injector enables accurate oil expulsion

� Lubricates without compressed air

Pressurized Relieved (vented)

Contact-free oil application via nozzles Conventional application via brushes

Lubricant injector manifold type SL-43

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PMA 2CCoonnttaacctt--ffrreeee OOiill LLuubbrriiccaattiioonn –– ffoorr FFaasstt MMoovviinngg CChhaaiinnss

TThhee PPMMAA 22 ssoolleennooiidd ppuummpp iiss ddeessii--ggnneedd ffoorr aa ccoonnttaacctt--ffrreeee ooiill lluubbrriiccaa--ttiioonn ooff cchhaaiinnss.. TThhee eexxaacctt mmeetteerreeddqquuaannttiittyy ooff ooiill iiss ssqquuiirr--tteedd wwiitthhoouuttaaiirr ((aaiirrlleessss)),, aanndd wwiitthhoouuttpprroodduucciinngg aann ooiill mmiisstt,, wwhhiillee tthheecchhaaiinn iiss iinn ooppeerraattiioonn..

The pump is capable of trouble-freelubrication of fast moving chains –maximum 5 cycles per second.A single pump can supply 1 to 6 oilsquirt nozzles. The metered quantityof oil per cycle is either 30 mm3 or60 mm3. Double-nozzles are alsoavailable which further increase thenumber of points served by thepump.

The drive magnet is characterized by its high performance and longduty-cycle, thus enabling a reliableoperation of the pump in extremeconditions.The pump is available in 24 VDC,120 VAC and 230 VAC versions.

SSyysstteemm AAddvvaannttaaggeess aanndd FFeeaattuurreess� Metered oil quantity 30 mm3 or

60 mm3 per cycle� Available in 24 VDC, 120 VAC and

230 VAC versions� Optional electrical monitoring via a

proximity switch� 1 to 6 outlets that can serve indivi-

dual or double nozzles� Up to 5 lubrication cycles per

second (depending on the system)� Airless lubrication – oil mist free

An optional proximity switch for thepump offers a simple method to elec-trically monitor the function.Other accessories include a 13 or a 36 litre reservoir for oil. Both reser-voirs are equipped with electricallow-level control and a large fillingport comprising a strainer.

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TThhee OORRSSCCOO sspprraayy ssyysstteemm ccoovveerrsstthhee eennttiirree ooiill lluubbrriiccaattiioonn rraannggeeffrroomm ssllooww ttoo ffaasstt mmoovviinngg cchhaaiinnss.. IItt iiss,, hhoowweevveerr,, eessppeecciiaallllyy iiddeeaall ffoorrtthhee lluubbrriiccaattiioonn ooff eexxttrreemmee ffaasstt mmoovviinngg cchhaaiinnss oorr ffoorr ccrriittiiccaall aappppllii--ccaattiioonnss ssuucchh aass ffoouunndd iinn tthhee ffoooodd&& bbeevveerraaggee iinndduussttrryy,, oorr ffoorr iinnttee--ggrraattee aasssseemmbbllyy pprroocceedduurreess..

TThhee OORRSSCCOO sspprraayy ssyysstteemm ooppeerraa--tteess eexxcceeppttiioonnaallllyy eeffffeeccttiivveellyy aannddeeccoonnoommiiccaallllyy bbeeccaauussee iitt uusseess aappnneeuummaattiiccaallllyy ooppeerraatteedd iinnjjeeccttoorrtthhaatt iiss ccaappaabbllee ooff ssuuppppllyyiinngg mmiinnuu--ttee qquuaannttiittiieess ooff ooiill –– ffoorr eexxaammppllee ––aa ddrroopp ((00..001155 ccmm33)) ppeerr ssttrrookkee..

TThhee ssyysstteemm ccoommbbiinneess ooiill aannddsspprraayy aaiirr iinn aa ssppeecciiaall mmiixxiinngg cchhaamm--bbeerr.. TThhee ccoommpprreesssseedd aaiirr aaccttssmmeerreellyy aass aa ttrraannssppoorrtt mmeeddiiuumm ttooccaarrrryy tthhee mmiinnuuttee ooiill qquuaannttiittyy ttoo tthheeppooiinntt ooff lluubbrriiccaattiioonn ((nnoott aann ooiill--mmiissttlluubbrriiccaattiioonn))..

Each spray nozzle is supplied by aninjector pump that operates intermit-tently, and which is cycled by a con-troller. The cycle time is dependenton the lubricant requirement of thechain. The system operates on a mi-nimum cycle time starting at 0.5 se-conds. In the operating cycle, oil andcompressed air are only first mixedwithin the spray nozzle body (seeillustration). The oil and spray air arecombined in the mixing chamber. The spray air transports the lubricantfilm to the nozzle opening (1.2 mm).Depending on the quantity and viscosity of the oil, a minimum airpressure of 0.4 bar is sufficient toproduce a fine jet of oil spray.

When the injector pump is fired inlonger intervals, a thin oil film deve-lops on the inside wall of the mixingchamber. The result is a fine spraystream. If the injector is fired in shor-ter intervals, a thicker oil film buildsup on the wall of the mixing chamber,and the result is an increased satu-rated oil spray stream.The compact series VSR pumpmodel (see picture) can be equippedwith up to 8 injector pumps.

Please inquire for systems with morenozzles, or for controllers and moni-toring functions.

ORSCOMMiinniimmaall QQuuaannttiittyy OOiill SSpprraayy SSyysstteemm –– ffoorr EExxttrreemmee FFaasstt MMoovviinngg CChhaaiinnss

Series VSR Pump model

High-speed chain

Spray Nozzle Types

SSyysstteemm AAddvvaannttaaggeess aanndd FFeeaattuurreess� Extremely precise minimum

quantity spray lubrication� Nozzles are available with different

spray patterns

Oil Air


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The enhanced COBRA 1X fromLincoln’s chain lubrication range isparticularly suitable for conveyorchains and conveyor lines, in whichthe inner roller and stud of the chainare lubricated while the chain is inoperation. The system can supplyeither NLGI class 2 grease or oil.

A new drive technology, which is acombination of a pneumatic and mechanical drive, as well as a newlydesigned lubrication head, providestwo key advantages:

� The load subjected to the chainis substantially lower

� A higher maximum lubricant pressure of up to 150 bar is possible

The newly designed lubrication headenables an exact metering from 0.2 cm


to 2 cm3

per lubricationcycle, and the adjusting screw per-mits infinite metering adjusting withinthis range. Visual monitoring of the lubricationhead function is performed via themovement of an indicator pin.

SSyysstteemm BBeenneeffiittss� For oil and grease up to NLGI

class 2� Lubrication frequency of 1 cycle

per second� Supply quantity of 0.2 cm


to 2 cm3 per stroke

� Lubricant pressure of max. 150 bar

� For chain speeds up to 20 m/min� Manual Start/Stop or optional

automated (electro pneumatic)� Visual monitoring via indicator pin� No control cabinet required

(for the standard version)

COBRA 1X LLuubbrriiccaatteess tthhee IInnnneerr RRoolllleerrss && SSttuuddss ooff HHeeaavvyy--dduuttyy CChhaaiinnss wwiitthh GGrreeaassee oorr OOiill


Metering and Monitoring Unit

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Page 12: 053-03-05 Kettenbroschüre engl...053-03-05 Kettenbroschüre_engl.qxd 18.06.2009 11:29 Uhr Seite 1 Lincoln Company Profile 2 Our Experience Lincoln was established in 1910 and is the

Lincoln’s Global Distribution and Service NetworkThe Best in our IndustryHHuunnddrreeddss ooff LLiinnccoollnn SSyysstteemm HHoouusseess aarree aavvaaiillaabbllee ffoorr yyoouu –– wwoorrllddwwiiddee

In all levels of service –lubrication system selection &evalua-tion, custom-engineeredsystem installation, or the supplyof top-quality products – the em-ployees of our Lincoln locations,offices, agents and distributorsmake certain you always get thevery best value.

SSyysstteemm HHoouussee DDiissttrriibbuuttoorrssOur system house distributorsoffer the highest level of exper-tise available in the industry. Theycustom-design systems with theexact combination of Lincolncomponents you need.

Then they install the system atyour facility with experiencedtechnicians or work with yourpersonnel to ensure the job isdone correctly. Each distributorstocks a full inventory of pumps,metering devices, controllers andaccessories. Each continues tomeet our stringent requirementsfor product, systems and serviceknowledge. From St. Louis toSingapore, Walldorf and world-wide, Lincoln’s top-of-the-indus-try system house distributors will be there when and where yourequire them.

FFoorr tthhee nneeaarreesstt aauutthhoorriizzeedd LLiinnccoollnn ssaalleess aanndd sseerrvviiccee rreepprreesseennttaattiivvee,, ccoonnttaacctt::

AAmmeerriiccaass::St. Louis, MissouriPhone +1 314.679.4200Fax +1 800.424.5359www.lincolnindustrial.comWhere to buy

EEuurrooppee//MMiiddddllee EEaasstt//AAffrriiccaa::Walldorf, GermanyPhone + 49.6227.33.0Fax + 49.6227.33.259www.lincolnindustrial.deCONTACT

AAssiiaa//PPaacciiffiicc::SingaporePhone + 65.65880188Fax + 65.65883488

Lincoln Main LocationsLincoln Offices(Distributors, Agents & System House not shown)

Lincoln GmbHHeinrich-Hertz-Str. 2-8D-69190 Walldorf .GermanyTel. + 49.6227.33.0Fax + 49.6227.33.259

[email protected]© Copyright 2009 Printed in GermanyForm W-128-En-0609

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