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Page 1: 06 10 2012 Graduation

Volume 48 No 24 Sunday, June 10, 2012





Congratulations Class of 2012!

Вітаємо випускників!

Page 2: 06 10 2012 Graduation

St Nicholas Cathedral School Graduating Class of 2012

Mark Baranovsky Марко Барaновський Elizabeth Hallett Елизабет Галет Vladislav Marchak Владислав Марчак Ariana Markese Аріяна Маркіз Nicholas Saber Никола Сабер Danylo Shnyak Данило Шняк

Class Valedictorian: Ariana Markese

Class Salutatorians: Nicholas Saber Danylo Shnyak

Сьогодні о 10 годині на Святій Літургії молитимемося за 6 випускників катедральної школи св.о. Миколая, що отримують свої випускні свідоцтва, щасливо завершивши освіту в нашій школі. Цього року промову від випускників виголошуватиме, Аріяна Маркіз привітальну. Никола Сабер i Данило Шняк долучиться із особливим привітом. Ці учні є справжнім зразком того, як важка праця і посвята провадять до пошани і відзнаки. Для всіх випускників ми висловлюємо особливу повагу і найкращі побажання світлого і вдалого майбутнього. Бажаємо усім випускникам завжди мати віру в себе і в те, що поставлені цілі зможете досягнути. Ми просимо нашого Господа Ісуса Христа керувати вами, оберігати і провадити вас все ваше життя. Наші привітання скеровуємо і до пані Дарії Ганкевич, вчительки 8-го класу. Пані Ганкевич присвятилася вчителюванню і приготуванню своїх учнів до наступного щаблю їх життя - вищої школи. Завдяки цим наполегливим старанням, її учні вступили до найкращих вищих шкіл околиці: Fenwick High School, Josephinum Academy, New Trier High School, St. Ignatius College Prep, St Patrick High School and Whitney Young. Ми прагнемо висловити сердечну подяку усім вчителям за їх вклад в навчання наших випускників і також пані Марії Клиш-Фіняк, директорові школи св. о. Миколая. Нехай Господь благословить кожного і завжди.

Вітаємо випускників! Многая Літа!

„Якщо ти можеш уявити це, то зможеш і досягнути.

Якщо ти вимрієш це, воно станеться” Невідомий.

Today at the 10:00 am Divine Liturgy, 6 students of St. Nicholas Cathedral School will receive their diplomas for successfully completing their elementary education at our Cathedral school. To this year’s Valedictorian, Ariana Markese, and Salutatorians, Nicholas Saber and Danylo Shnyak, we extend special congratulations; you are truly examples of how hard work and dedication can lead to honors of distinction. To all the graduates we extend our sincerest best wishes for a bright, successful future. May you always have confidence in yourself and know that you are capable of achieving whatever goal you set for yourself. We ask Our Lord Jesus Christ to watch over you, guide and keep you in his constant care. Our gratitude goes to Daria M. Hankewych, Eighth Grade teacher. Ms. Hankewych dedicated herself to teaching and preparing these students for the next step in their lives, high school. As a result of her perpetual devotion to excellence in education, her students have been accepted into some of the best high schools which include Fenwick High School, Josephinum Academy, New Trier High School, St. Ignatius College Prep, St Patrick High School and Whitney Young We would also like to express a sincere thank you to all the teachers for their roles in the education of these graduates and to Mrs. Maria Klysh-Finiak, Principal of St. Nicholas Cathedral School. May God Bless each and every one of you!

Congratulation Graduates!

Many Happy Years!

“If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it.”


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Dear Parents and Guardians, We want to thank all the parents that supported this year’s Walk A Thon with sponsorships, pledges and joining us at the event. To date, $12,000.00 of the pledge money has been collected. We couldn’t have done it without you. And now we announce the winners:

First Place Marta Nalysnyk Second Place Julian Fuoco Third Place Alex Tymouch

Congratulations on a doing a wonderful job! The funds we raised are designated to improve our school website, upgrade the computer technology, add new education program enhancements and help Bridge The Gap. These students are in the $100 Club and have earned a Jeans Dress Down Day which was June 4th: PreK3

Natalie Gordon Teya Magajne Paul Skomoroch Max Szczecin

PreK 4

Larysa Butenko Julian Fucco Kalyna Korol Sophia Magajne Piper Sauder


James Heitz Natalia Radziszewski Iwan Skomoroch Emma Szczecin

1st Grade

Gabriel Radziszewski Tatiana Shanley

2nd Grade Anna Chaban

Thank you one and all, The St. Nicholas Cathedral School FSA

3rd Grade Andrew Fedus Sophia Jarowyj Viktoriya Kuchina Christian Owerko

4th Grade

Illia Daniv Maxym Kuryltsiv Stepan Marchuk Martha Nalysnyk

5th Grade

Dania Hrynewycz Elizabeth Kryvokulsky Alex Tymouch

6th Grade

Christine Chychula Dayani Giles Alexander Kotliarchuk Roman Oharenko Mariana Semanyshyn Zachary Zelenyj

8th Grade

Ariana Markese

Photos taken by: Serrhei Michaluk

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3 червня $ 1199.00 $2104.00 June 3

Без конвертів $ 421.00 $ 363.00 Without envelopes

Вознесіння $ 110.00 $ 214.00 Ascension

Cathedral Maintenance $ 449.00 $ 633.00

We are grateful for your generosity and support!

Щиро дякуємо за Вашу щедрість!

УВАГА! Сходини Клюбу Емеритів відбудуться у

середу, 13 червня , о 12:00 дня. Щиро запрошуємо вписуватися до Клюбу

Емеритів усіх бажаючих. Управа Клюбу Емеритів


В МІСЯЦІ ЧЕРВНІ Неділя - Акафист - год. 4:00 по пол.

Від понеділка до п’ятниці Молебень-год. 6:00 веч. Субота-Вечірня і Молебень год. 5:00 по пол.


Akathist -Sundays - 4:00 p.m. Moleben - Monday-Friday - 6:00 p.m.

Vespers & Moleben - Saturdays -5:00 p.m.

ЛЬОТЕРІЯ - граємо щочетверга в шкільній

кафетерії. Початок о год. 7:00 вечором RAFFLE -

Come try your luck every Thursday night at 7:00 p.m. in the school cafeteria.


“TOGETHER IN CHRIST” Clergy and Laity in the vineyard of Christ….




PEOPLE OF GOD LIVING THE GOSPEL. “All you who have been baptized into Christ,

have put on Christ. Alleluia"


WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER There will be an Encounter of Christians from the Eastern Catholic Churches of the US and Canada held September 20-23, 2012, in Independence, OH. This will be an exciting mix of top-notch speakers, religious services in the various Eastern Catholic Traditions, displays by exhibitors and plenty of hospitality time for getting to know each other. The theme will be ”Together in Christ: the Spirituality of Discipleship: a Call to Holiness”. For more information visit: МИ Є У ЦЬОМУ ВСІ РАЗОМ Зустріч Християн Східно Католицьких Церков США і Канади відбудеться в вересні 20-23, 2012 року в околиці м. Клівленд, шт. Огайо. Там будуть виступати найкращі промовці, богослужіння різних Східно Католицьких Церков, виставки-продажі та багато можливостей для цікавого взаємного спілкування і пізнання. Тема зустрічі буде: «Разом з Христом: Духовність учнів Христових: Заклик до Святості». Подальші деталі будуть подані ближчим часом.

September 20-23, 2012 Mid-West Cleveland, OH

October 11-14, 2012 East Hillsborough, NJ

November 1-4, 2012 West Los Angeles, CA

NEW DATE!!! Parish Council meeting June 11, 2012 at 7 PM

On May 18, 2012, Pope Benedict XVI met with 15 prelates of the Eastern Catholic Church. Our Bishop Richard was one of those present. More details of his ad limina visit are in the June issue of The New Star Eparchial Paper.

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Readings for the day: Rom 2:10-16 Gospel: Mt 4:18-23

Saint(s) of the Day St. Timothy, Priest-Martyr, Bishop of Prusia in Bithynia (Asia Minor), suffered death in the persecution under Julian the Apostate A.D. 362

Alexander and Antonina, Martyrs.

Trinity Icon - Sanctuary Health & Blessings for Olenka Jurewycz Boland - M Jurewycz

Trinity Icon - Sanctuary Health & Birthday Blessings for Paraskevia Wolaniuk - Family

Our Lord in Gethsemane - Sanctuary +Peter Takoy - Grandchildren, Great Grandchildren & Great Great Grandsons

Our Lord in Gethsemane - Sanctuary +Deceased in the Forowycz Family - Kokorudz Family

Mother of God - Side Altar Health & Blessings for Laura, Dan, Donald & Singeli - H & I Muryn Mother of God - Side Altar +John Pleskanka - Pleskanka Family

St. Josaphat - Iconostas +Christine & Orest Danyluk - M Jurewycz

Mother of God - Iconostas +Maria Stasiuk - Daniv Family

Jesus Lover of Mankind - Iconostas Health & Blessings for Theodore Takoy - Children, Grandchildren & Great Grandsons

St. Nicholas - Iconostas Health & Blessings for Harry Muryn & Petro Zaparaniuk - Grandchildren

Jesus Lover of Mankind - Side Altar +Julia Takoy - Children, Grandchildren & Great Grandsons

Jesus Lover of Mankind - Side Altar +Andrew Matwyshyn - Children, Grandchildren & Great Grandsons

Tetrapod Health & Blessings for success in the future endeavors of Nicholas Saber - Family

Tetrapod Health & Blessings for Children, Grandchildren & Great Grandchildren - Maria Jurewycz

Mother of God - Rectory Chapel +In Loving Memory of Larisa & Wojciech - Mary Markewych

Jesus Lover of Mankind - Rectory Chapel +Paraskevia & Pavlo Pawlyshyn - Family

Sister’s Chapel - For the Vocation of George, Marko and Serhei - P Muryn Zaparaniuk

Sister’s Chapel - available

2-го неділя після Зіслання Святого Духа 2nd Sunday After Pentecost

Candle Intentions for the month of June


Кава і солодке у червні місяці Coffee and Cake for June

10 - Апостольства Молитви - Apostleship of Prayer 17 - Сестрицтво Благовіщення ПДМ - Blahovischennia PDM 24 - Братства Пресвятого Імени - Holy Name Society

Cходини у червні місяці Meetings for June

10 - Братства Пресвятого Імени - Holy Name Молитовна Група «Матері в Молитві» - Prayer Group “ Mothers’ Prayers” 17 - Марійської Дружини - BVM Sodality 24 - Сестрицтва Благовіщення ПДМ - Blahovischennia PDM

June 10 - Graduation St Helen Corpus Christi Procession Town Hall Meeting - Parish Hall - 12:30 11 - Parish Council Meeting - 7 PM - Rectory 16 - Ukrainian Village Neighborhood Association Church Tours 17 - Father’s Day 29 - Feast of Sts. Peter & Paul - Divine Liturgies, 6:45, 8, 10 & 6 pm Holy Day of Obligation Parish Office Closed

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Liturgy intentions for the week of June 11th

Let my prayer arise like incense before you

Pray for ... Please Pray for the following Parishioners who are not well, their family and friends of parishioners.


перебуватиме від

11 червня в домі

п. Люби Ціхун

Monday, June 11th / Acts 11:1-30* Lk 10:16-22 Bartholomew & Baranbas - Apostles 6:45 + Simeon & Anastasia Czuba - daughter Natalka 8:00 + Yulia Takoy - Theodore Takoy + Wira Papushkewych - Family (P) + Teodosij, Roman & Iwan - Family 6:00PM Moleben to Jesus Christ Lover of Mankind Tuesday, June 12th / Rom 7:14-8:2 * Mt 10:9-15 6:45 + Rev. Atanazyj, Olena & Daria Kotys - A Borodayko 8:00 6:00PM Moleben to Jesus Christ Lover of Mankind Wednesday, June 13th / Rom 8:2-13 * Mt 10:16-22 6:45 + Rev Jurij & Volodymyra Mencinsky - A Borodayko 8:00 + Orest & Mykola Solowij - Maria Jurewycz Health & Blessings for Lynn & Roman Dyschkant &

Family - Luba Nowak 6:00PM Moleben to Jesus Christ Lover of Mankind Thursday, June 14th / Rom 8:22-27 * Mt 10:23-31 6:45 + Health & Blessings for Anna Burton - Zirka Turczyn 8:00 6:00PM Moleben to Jesus Christ Lover of Mankind Friday, June 15th / Rom 9:6-18 * Mt 10:32-36 & 11:1 6:45 8:00 + Oksana Marrese - Ronald Marrese + Msgr. Jaroslaw Swyschuk - Olijnyk Family 6:00PM Moleben to Jesus Christ Lover of Mankind Saturday, June 16th / Rom 3:2/-4:3 * Mt 7:24-8:4 6:45 + Rev. Andrij Szagala, OSBM - Wasyl Kluchnyk + Msgr Jaroslaw Swyschuk - K Mycak 8:00 + Andrew Matwyshyn - Family (P) + Petro Jac - Maria Jac (P) + Petro Takoy - Theodore Takoy & Family (P) + Pawlo & Michael Boruch - Anna & Cain Pena + Maria & Maksym Iwasyszyn - Family + Bohdan Bilous - N Bilous & Family + Wasyl Hojniak & Victoria Hardukiewycz - M Perun 5:00 Vespers followed by Moleben to Jesus Christ - Lover

of Mankind Sunday, June 17th - 3rd Sunday after Pentecost 7:00 In Thanksgiving for a wonderful Father - daughter Natalka Health & Blesssings for the Kluchnyk Family -

Wasyl Kluchnyk 8:30 Health & Anniversary Blessings for Bill & Lesia -

Oleh Paly Health & Blessings for Theodore Takoy - Family Health & Blessings for Kathy Goletz-Kospiak - A Mlak Health & Blessings for a safe trip to Ukraine for

Oksana, Daniela & Mychalina - Family

Bishop Michael Hrynchyshyn Bishop Peter Stasiuk Fr. Wayne Ruchgy Daria Baluch Veronica Bihun Alexandra Borodayko Steven Burton William Burton, Jr. Leonard Chornomaz Tina Cooper Jerry Cooper Peter & Annie Derdak Tyrsa Dutko Lydia Dzychko Nadia Dzydzan Donald Flannery Steve Goshko Jon Hays John Horedecky Joseph Hura Ivan Vera Iwanecky Ryan Jurek Maria Jurewycz Olenka Jurewycz Boland Olga Kopulos Irene Korpan Sandy Kuchar Daria Kuzma Anna Lenyk

“O holy Father, Physician of souls and bodies, You sent Your only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to heal every infirmity and to deliver us from death. Heal Your servant of every spiritual and bodily ill which afflicts him/her. Restore him/her by the grace of Your Christ through the prayers of our most holy Lady, the Mother of God and ever-Virgin Mary, and of all Your Saints. For You, our God, are the Fountain of healing, and we glorify You together with Your only-begotten Son +, and Your Consubstantial Spirit, now and ever and forever. Amen.” If you know of any parish member, family member or friends who are home bound and in need of our prayer and would like it published, please let the rectory know.

Wanda Lesniak Marilynda Bruce Marshfield Teagan Marti Paul Matviuw Daria Mencinskyj Christine Milewczyk Cheryl Moreno Ralph Moreno Maria Mychajlyszyn Lillian Opychany Jaroslawa Panchuk Pleskanka Family Debbie Plishka Olga Hirka Poliarny Stefania Positano Alexandera Shpytal Jeanne Shyan Dorothy Skrypnyk Zirka Turczyn Jaroslava Vataschuk Jerry Wasiunec Stanley A. Wlodkowski Justyna Wojtiuk Maria Wojtowycz Paraskevia Wolaniuk Elizabeth Zahrabelski Sofia Zalucky Roman Zavadovych Helen Ziolwski

10:00 For Parishioners Health & Anniversary Blessings for Bill & Lesia -

Family Health & Blessings for Joanne & Bohdan Celewycz -

M Borodayko 12:00 Health & Blessings for Our Bishop, Richard and the

Reverend Fathers of St. Nicholas Eparchy - N N 4:00 Akathist to Jesus Christ - Lover of Mankind