Page 1: 07/29/99 - Barrington Area Library

B A ß K I N G TON, ILL., ! S A T U R D A Y, M J L J 29, 1899

"•Our Cotnraaudér" and "K. O. T. M., >*o88." V.!. S • ' " * • í p l í

By the Court of Honor, ¡a pillow with "Court of Honor,. No 405," over which swung the balances. V;<

By the Palatine Athletic club, a harp with a broken string.

By the Ladies' K ranchen. society, ; a beautiful wreath. »7 4 : ñ • By the officials- aña élerks In f t™ Chicago National baìik. j a star ¡11 id crescent design mounted ron a hank Of rosi«, als<t a large bouquet./

I ' Obituary, hi. I" Heury J. Stroker w:iKÍ|ÍK»ríi hi Chi-cago . January 24? 1870.1 Ile; came to "Palatine with his parents at the age ! or six years and attended the Palatine 'PuhliO schools. At the age of "lj»e weilt to work in the Chicag National hank, being employed in the inesset»-"ge^l^part oien-t. ! iHe was rapidly prbf moted until he was given the position

¡Of néad of the collection department I ofl!herbank. which'position he held to tiw* t ime of his d»>atii.' j-luT.was married Juné 7, 1893, > tb

Miss Emma ilitrierlierg. who with one rs|)H mourn his loá¡3¿jbesides h N mother, tlMpe sisters and three hrotlijens. In ifeijp he was elected village Iclenk Of Imuitine and was re-elected ¿Am: three jjlearjsî, wheii l ie was elected trcisteje, "whjjcii-J)oSitbn hé hele) up t'itè Jliji's < is early death was thè cause j f||n uoh regret by iiis many amual n|t-i t j "Although of a-, quiet 'Qnpwi-# Ì j» Ìhe was always f i e n f l ^ a j É f rae to twoise with wiinju he beciir^ej ajcf

Iqùainted.jUis popularity is'bgst shown jîii thé manner in which ta»e various 'organizations with which/he wa$ coh-riected turned put rèyei;« his itfetp-ory. v J I ' PI A

The relatives of ih</ deceased wéep noframne for the departed lone; many grieve with them ui theirl<yss.

There will be no pleaching services in the Methodist church Sunday, butf Sunday school and Epworth League as usual* ' . r - '" i , \ L r P ¡MI

F nf • i t i '1 A petitlon is being circnljtted among

the north side residenters asking ior an extensiou of the waterworks sys- j ¡fem to the Subdivision.

John Williams returned from his 1 Eastern tr ip Monday and lias quite af l i t t le interesting styry to tell of sight« and scenes in tl>ie Ea&t.

lieputv Sheriff Busse of ¡Elk Grove and ,Deputy Sheriff Henry! Beaber of Blue Island vtqte in ¡town Wednesday «is prospective; candidates for county Commissioners. •. Li h "11!' ' f« sM V, V»l *-•' T" - f ! • j s

~|Iev. Schaub of Mokena is expected toT preac|h in the Sti f ^au l 's clraj^rc nextfSuqday night ajb 8 o'clock. All; are iinvlted to attend and hear this eldquent speaker. . J j . , L •

Asst.. Super!n tendfent . Moultou of • tliis cfi jitSion of jWie 'If; Si. N. W. rs iJ4 way Was in town Thursday, and- has ordered more gravel ior streets Cross-ing ¡the railroad tracks. 7"

fpTi' '! T .i- j Mrs: Frank Williams aud, sister,

MijSsJSellie' Campbell, ©f ^venswdbG attended the funeral of Ilenry Stroker Wednesday. " Mrs. ^ l i l & i ^ ^ visitfed friends heiie until Frkfciy. ][ # • V-jr v

ffilv ^ • r r S b ' ^ J Miss Sarah E. Baxter of Cambridge,

Ohio, has been engaged to teach the tiftti and sixth grades of our public SCIMMIIS.- This makt^ , the corps of teachers complete and the board feels that they have a good selection of in-structOrs. 4 i i i i . , • ••

/ P A L A T I N


m » / E carry several beauti-WKm f ully dec|)rated pat ter ns > Of dinner, sels-|in\ open stock, making it an ealy matter a full (Uliner set by ,buying a few pieces sit a t line; v Also tlfc / advantage \ot replacing à n j „ broken.pieces ofjyour set\ Théi .are tjie finest ai cl best imported English warè. Fully guarau4

Teed-, j. .. • * j •. ì . / ' \ - I

100-piece set. flpc«^ rated PurceTainiCm-oa, pe^ iset .^ .H/^ .

Fancy China Jh thisdepartmèht you will tjlnd only 1 lie besti patterns outrtliis season in wall pa-per. We are. ina p u g Spec-ial low prides to |:lose out stock. Come and ilqok over our patterò book j [ W e sell Wall paper àt less than city prices. .

Chamber Se ts i s j Vidage Board Proceedings', y i ie board yuf trustees met in

villiige hal l / t i spécial sessif»n T i je^ày night for-jrae purpose of taking prôpér action'op account oÇ the death of - Ail-dehnaii Henry J. tftio'ker. The ¡.to!-i lovvipM resolution was passed and ]tljy& village hall was ordered dcipecji Jri ipiimriiiBg for tliirty (lays.- f , K

. WnEÛKAS, Death has suddenly en-tered our midst and lil|s our hejirts with gr{ef and s<»rrtovy. The chair ofc-«upied by Ilenry J.| Strokeri our for-mer faithful colleague, ,is vacant arid his voice In oprcouOcil forever hushed. Cut the full vigor of his man-hood, We have lost to thim a ¡true and efficient officer, a valuable and esti-mable citizen and his dear otiès a good husband and father,ra dutifti^ son a|#l loving brother;-be it therefore:.

Iiesmnd, That we individually and as president and trustées of this vil-lage, lu spécial, session' assembled, deeply • mourn with those that are nearest to him and that we extend to them our sincerest sympathy * n this, it heir darkest hburpf bereavement and sorrow, and be It .further \Me0olrtd,. That this resolution be

spread ùpon.4he records of our village and that the clerk is hereby1 instruct-ed to make suitable copies thereof to he forwarded to t lie mem'l)ers pf our ^départed colleague,

jpated th is 25Eh day of July, 1899. |! i

Our stock of Toilet Sets is very completé. Price $1.96 per set and up.

Lamps I laug i ng lanifjs, Table lamps, Decorated Stand lamps at all prices.

T R U N K S , V A U t S E S , S A C H E L » S ,r T E L E S C O P E S

Í THE BIG STORE. .^Undersells them all.

A. W. MEYER & CO., ^ - - v Barrington.

í , Cows for. Sale. ÌT 'is. iîèw mjlch aiMÎ sprihgers always loin-

hand.1 For sale by'-hí'ad o r ín car-load lots! Stap les Nichols, Palatine, tf

That the choicest line of Beef, Veal, Mujttoh, Lamb, Pork',Chick-ens, etcì in Harrington can be found a t our market. A trial pur-cirase will cohwtice the most skep-t ic that we can do jusfcf what we

Fretffa Hom«^Ma<le Sausages. .Oysters and Vegetables in Seagfen. Highee Price Paid ftor. Hides aBd TalK»ws.



Miolii^nn ftntl J a c k s o n HouWvnrdx.

ftM&RIGflN PfcflN $2.00 per dau and upward.

EUROPEAN PLAN, •75c per dan and upwards.

Special rates by the week on application . " • " I i ". 3 • " : • I ' , • • , t ; i"1 • ^ ! - \ » J -. .. ! .

First-Ciass in every w'ay.

CHAS DABB Proprietor
