  • 8/14/2019 081213_Wedding Service of Dominic and Joyce


  • 8/14/2019 081213_Wedding Service of Dominic and Joyce



    TheCelebrationofMarriageUniting Dominic & Joyc e

    Bea r testame nt to the union o f Dominic & Joyce

    in the love of the Lord.

    Church o f St Mary o f the Angel

    13th Dec ember 2008

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    We a re ha ppy to g ree t a ll of you, our dea r fam ily and

    friend s, who have c ome to sha re in our joy on this day of

    our ma rriage.

    Joyc e a nd I have known ea c h other for quite some time.

    Tog ether we ha ve c ome, day by da y, to know ea c h

    other be tter and to love eac h other more a nd m ore.Tod ay, we ta ke a new step : We a re c om mitting

    ourselves to grow together in d ia logue, in sha ring and in

    love . It is our hope and goa l to c ontinue to grow , to fulfill

    ourselves and help ea c h other to be a ll that we c an


    This c eleb ra tion tha t b rings us togethe r today is a

    c eleb ra tion of o ur love. At the same t ime, it is thec eleb ra tion o f the love of Jesus for us.

    We rejoice tha t you a re w ith us to sha re in our

    c eleb ra tion. It is our hope tha t this c eleb ra tion will be fo r

    you, as well as for us, an oc c asion of p ea c e, of joy, and

    of love .

    With joy,

    Dominic & Joyc e

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    Dominic and Joyc e,

    be g ree ted in the Lord !This day you c ome to invite us, the peop le o f God ,

    to sha re in your joy.

    Today, in this c hurch,

    you a re the p resenc e of Christ in our midst.

    Your love is the symbol of his love for us, the Churc h.

    With op en a rms we we lc ome you,

    as you welco me us into the experienc e o f love

    you w ant to sha re w ith us here.

    Let us c elebra te tha t love , the love o f God,

    with joyful hea rts and voic es.

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    OpeningPrayerIn the o pe ning p raye r, we p ray for Dominic and Joyce that God will bless them and keep

    the ir love a nd ma rriage strong a ll the days of their lives.

    Priest: Let us p ray.

    Almighty God ,

    You have mad e the b ond of ma rriag e

    a ho ly myste ry,

    a symbol of Christ s love for His Churc h.

    When You c rea ted ma nkind ,

    You w illed that ma n a nd wife should be one.

    Tod ay, with faith in You a nd in ea c h other

    Dominic and Joyce have c ome tog ether to

    p led ge the ir love .

    Bind them in the loving union o f marriage,

    and make their love fruitful,

    so tha t the ir lives will a lways bear witness

    to Your d ivine love in the world .

    We a sk You this throug h

    our Lord Jesus Christ.

    All: Amen


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    LiturgyoftheWordThis rea d ing show s tha t love c om es from G od . True love is gene rous; it d oe s not wa it

    for the other to ta ke the first step . It m od els itself on the Lord who has loved us first

    without wa iting fo r us to love Him.

    A rea d ing from the first letter of John (4:7-12)


    let us love one anothe r,

    for love is from God ;

    And everyone w ho loves is born of God and know s Go d.

    The one who d oes not love does not know God ,

    for God is love.

    By this the love of G od was manifested in us, that God

    has sent His only beg ot ten Son into the world so tha t w e

    might live through Him.

    In this is love ,

    not that w e loved G od ,

    but tha t He loved us and sent his Son to be the

    propitiation for our sins.


    if God so loved us,

    we a lso ought to love o ne a nother.

    No o ne ha s seen God a t a ny time ;

    if we love one a nother

    Go d ab ides in us,

    and his love is perfec ted in us.

    The word of the Lord .

    All: Thanks be to God.

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    ResponsorialPsalmThe psa lm is a p rayer in response to Go d spea king to us.

    Psa lm 145


    How good is the Lord to a ll.

    1. The Lord is g rac ious and merc iful;

    Slow to anger and grea t in lov ingkindness.

    The Lord is good to a ll,

    And His mercies are over all His works. (Response)

    1. All Your works sha ll g ive tha nks to You, O Lord ,

    And Your god ly ones sha ll b less You.

    The eyes of a ll look to You,

    And You g ive them the ir food in due time. (Response)

    3. The Lord is righteous in a ll His ways

    And kind in a ll His deed s

    The Lord is near to a ll who c a ll up on Him,

    To a ll who c a ll up on Him in truth. (Response)

    GospelAcclamationThe word Alleluiame ans to pra ise the Lord.

    (Pleasestand)I John 4:8.11

    Alleluia, Alleluia!

    God is love;

    Let us love one anothe r as He ha s loved us.

    Alleluia, Alleluia!

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    GospelReadingThe go spel, whic h mea ns Go od News , is the p rinc ipal rea d ing in the Liturgy of the

    Word. It te lls of the d eeds and som e o f the wo rds of Jesus. Catho lic s ma ke the sign

    of the c ross by trac ing three c rosses with the right thumb : on the forehea d tha t ourminds ma y be open to G od s wo rds; on our lips tha t we m ay proc la im God s wo rd

    and on our hearts the word of Go d ma y dwell there.

    Mark 10:6-9

    Priest: The Lord be with you.

    All: And also w ith you.

    Priest: A rea d from the Holy Go spel ac c ording to Ma rk.

    All: Glory to you, O Lord.

    Jesus sa id : From the beg inning of c rea tion Go d ma de

    them m a le a nd fem a le. For this rea son a man sha ll

    lea ve his father and mo ther and the two shall bec ome

    one flesh; so they are no longer two but one flesh. Wha t

    therefore God has joined tog ether, let no m an


    Priest: The Gospel of the Lord .

    All: Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ.

    HomilyThe homily is an imp ortant oc c asion to reflec t on the meaning of the c oup le s

    ma rriage in the light of Go d s Word .


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    (Thecoupleandwitnessestorise.Congregationremainsseated)Priest: Dominic and Joyce , you have c ome together in this

    c hurc h so tha t the Lord may seek and streng then your

    love in the p resenc e of the Church s minister, your

    family and friend s.

    Christ a bund antly b lesses this love . In this way, you

    ma y be streng thened to keep mutua l and lasting

    faith with eac h other and to c a rry out the d uties of

    ma rriage. And so in the p resenc e o f the Churc h, I

    ask you to sta te your intentions.

    Dominic and Joyc e,

    have you come here free ly and without

    reservation to g ive yourselves to ea c h o ther in


    Dominic: Yes I ha ve .

    Joyce: Yes I have.

    Priest: Will you love a nd hono ur ea c h other as husband

    and wife for the rest o f your lives?

    Dominic: Yes I will.

    Joyce: Yes I will.

    Priest: Will you a c c ep t c hild ren loving ly from Go d , and

    bring them up ac c ord ing to the law o f Christ a nd

    His Church?

    Dominic: Yes I will.

    Joyce: Yes I will.

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    ExchangeofVowsThe priest invites the coup le to join the ir right hand s, as he says:

    Priest: Sinc e it is your intentions to ente r into marriage, jo in your

    right ha nds and d ec la re your c onsent b efore God and

    His Church.

    Priest: Dominic , do you take Joyce to b e your wife?

    Do you p rom ise to be t rue to her in goo d times and

    in ba d,

    in sickness and in hea lth,

    to love he r and honour her all the days of your life?

    Dominic: I do.

    Priest: Joyc e, do you take Dominic to b e your husband?

    Do you prom ise to be true to him in goo d time s

    and in bad ,

    in sickness and in hea lth,

    to love him and honour him a ll the days of your life?

    Joyce: I do.

    Priest: You ha ve d ec la red your c onsent b efore the

    Church. Ma y the Lord in His goodness streng then

    your consent and fill you both with His b lessing s.

    Wha t God has united , me n must not d ivide.

    All: Amen.

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    BlessingofRingsPriest: Lord, b less and c onsec ra te Dominic and Joyc e in

    the ir love fo r ea c h other. May these rings be a

    symb ol of true fa ith in ea c h other, and a lwa ys

    rem ind them of the ir love .

    We ask this through Christ our Lord .

    All: Amen.

    ExchangeofRingsThe brideg room p lac es the ring on the b ride s ring finge r.

    Dominic: Joyc e, ta ke this ring as a sign o f my love a nd

    fidelity. In the name o f the Fa ther, and the Son,

    and of the Holy Sp irit.

    The bride p lac es the ring on the brideg room s ring finge r.

    Joyce: Dominic , take this ring as a sign o f my love and

    fidelity. In the name o f the Fa ther, and the Son,

    and of the Holy Sp irit.

    Priest: Ma y God , our Fa the r, the Son, and the Holy Sp irit,

    fill this marriage with e very b lessing and grac e.

    All: Amen.

    Priest: Dominic and Joyc e, you have ma de p rom ises to

    ea c h other. The rings you no w w ea r will a lways

    rem a in a symbol of your vows.

    By the p ow er vested in me b y the Churc h, I now

    pronounce you husband a nd w ife.

    Unveiling of the bride.

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    GeneralIntercessionIn the p rayers of interce ssion, we ask God for b lessings on the new lywe ds and

    a ll p resent .

    Priest: Let us p rayer w ith c onfidenc e to our Hea venly

    Fa ther who has c a lled Dominic and Joyc e to be

    united in the Sac rament of Holy Matrimony. May

    the Lord c ontinue to b less and strengthen this

    bond and keep them united in co nstant love.

    Reader: For Dom inic and Joyc e, tha t they ma y persevere in

    love , ma inta in the ir resolve to support ea c h o ther

    and c ome tog ether to an even grea ter

    know led ge of God : we p ray to the Lord .

    All: Lord, hear our prayer.

    Reader: For the ir parents, that God may b less them for the

    love and c a re they have g iven, and the sac rific es

    they have made to g ive Dominic and Joyce loving

    homes: we p ray to the Lord.

    All: Lord, hear our prayer.

    Reader: For the ir rela tives and friend s, for those who ha ve

    supp orted them, and for God s p resenc e to be

    with them in the fulfillment o f life s journey: we p ray

    to the Lord.

    All: Lord, hear our prayer.

    Reader: For a ll the married c oup les p resent here, tha t God

    will help them grow in love a nd susta in them in

    the ir efforts to g ive of themselves to othe rs: we

    pray to the Lord.

    All: Lord, hear our prayer.

    Reader: For ourselves and for eac h o ther, tha t we ma y

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    ac c ep t the c hallenge plac ed be fore us toda y,

    and ma ke love our wa y of life: we p ray to the Lord.

    All: Lord, hear our prayer.

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    TheLordsPrayerPriest: Let us p ray with c onfidenc e to the Fa ther in the

    words our Saviour gave us.

    All: Our Fa ther in heaven,

    Holy be Your name,

    Your kingd om c ome,

    Your will be done

    on earth as in hea ven.

    Give us this day our da ily b rea d ,

    and forg ive us our sins

    As we forg ive tho se who sin a ga inst us.

    Do no t b ring us to the test,

    but d eliver us from evil.


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    NuptialBlessingThis spec ial blessing is asked for the c oup le by the p riest on b eha lf of a ll p resent .

    Tog ethe r, the c om munity prays for the fa ith and love of the c oup le in their ma rried


    Priest: Let us ask God for his c ontinued b lessings up on

    Dominic and Joyc e.

    Holy Fa ther, crea tor of the universe, maker of m an

    and woman in your own likeness, source of b lessing

    for ma rried life, we humbly pray to you for this

    c oup le w ho a re united in this sac rame nt of


    Ma y your fullest b lessing c om e up on them so tha t

    they may tog ethe r rejoic e in your gift of m arried


    Lord, ma y they b oth p ra ise you whe n they a re

    happy and turn to yo u in the ir sorrows. Ma y they

    be g lad that you help them in their wo rk and knowthat you a re with them in their need . May they

    pray to you in the c ommunity of the Churc h, and

    be your witnesses in the world . May they rea c h o ld

    age in the c ompany of their friend s, and c ome a t

    last to the kingd om of hea ven,

    We ask this through Christ our Lord .

    All: Amen.

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    FinalBlessingsThe service end s with the solem n b lessing a nd d ismissa l of the c ong reg ation.

    Priest: Ma y the Lord Jesus, who was a guest a t the

    wed d ing in Ca na , b less you a nd your fam ilies and


    All: Amen.

    Priest: Ma y Jesus who loved His Church to the end ,

    a lways fill your hea rts with His love.

    All: Amen.

    Priest: May He g rant tha t a s you believe in His resurrec tion,

    so you ma y wa it for Him in joy a nd hop e.

    All: Amen.

    Priest: Ma y Almighty Go d b less you, the Fa ther, and the

    Son, a nd the Holy Sp irit.

    All: Amen.



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    LightRefreshmentsPlea se p roc ee d to the c ourtya rd for some light refreshments.

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