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    Welcome to the 8-week Bodyweight Beginner Program!

    What follows is a comprehensive, easy-to-follow, 8-week workout program

    targeted just for beginners that will put you on the path to a leaner, healthier,

    confidence-boosting body. And the best part is, you’ve already got all the tools you

    need to get started. I’m so glad you’re here!

    My name is Todd Kuslikis, though you may know me as “Bodyweight Todd”. I

    am the creator of A Shot of Adrenaline. If you’re reading this, it means that you’ve

    taken what will hopefully be the first of many steps in your fitness journey, with our

    calisthenics workout for beginners.

    I’ve been involved with fitness for as long as I can remember. It’s been a huge

    part of my life and I’m honored to be able to pass along my years of studying and

    experience to you.

    Now, if you’ve taken a look around this site before, you know that we are 100%

    dedicated to the discipline of calisthenics. That means all of our exercises rely

    purely on body weight. That’s right, no gym memberships or heavy equipment

    required. And that’s why I think you’re going to love this calisthenics workout program,

    which is designed to be your beginner’s guide to getting in shape. More on that in a


    We all have our reasons why we want to get in shape. I’m sure some of you out

    there are recalling a time where you were in great shape, and you want to get back to

    that level of fitness. For some of us, fitness has seemingly eluded us since day one.

    That’s OK! No matter your what path you come from, you can decide the one you take

    from here.

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    And regardless of your motivation, you need a plan of action if you want a

    chance at success. This reminds me of one of my favorite quotes:

    “A goal without a plan is just a wish.”

    Basically, anyone can say “I want a better body with a toned physique,” or “I

    want to lose this fat.” But unless you know how you’ll go about making that desire a

    reality, it’s got no stock. You need more than that. You need a plan.

    So what’s the best workout plan for you?

    It would be pretty arrogant to suggest Calisthenics for Beginners is going to

    work perfectly for everyone. Don’t worry, my ego isn’t that big! The fact is, there are

    more workout plans out there than any of us could count. Hey, even we have a

    number of workout plans for you to choose from already. So why make another one?

    Well, if you take a look at those other plans we’ve created at A Shot of

    Adrenaline, you’ll see that we’ve never created a workout routine developed with

    beginner calisthenics exercises. That’s the void I want to fill with this program. I don’t

    want there to be any intimidation or trepidation on your part. If it’s been twenty years

    since you’ve been in shape — or if you’ve never exercised a day in your life — this

    can be your starting point. And in true Shot of Adrenaline fashion, I’ve put together a

    program with our unique brand of calisthenics training.

    Why did I create this program?

    Bodyweight training is not only my passion, but the passion of the entire team

    here at A Shot of Adrenaline. We don’t think fitness should be exclusionary. Some

    people are big fans of going to their local gym or fitness center to work out. It’s never

    really been my thing, to tell you the truth. But that’s one of the great things about

    calisthenics — no gym is required.

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    What we’re offering is a full calisthenics program that can be done in the

    comfort of your own home…or a park… or the beach… or anywhere! There’s no

    dumbbells, no clunky equipment — just your own body and determination. But of

    course, what matters is whether or not a program will work for you. And this program

    is going to get you results.

    Calisthenics allows people to get a great workout that can build muscle while helping

    lose fat. The result is a toned, lean body and an increase in strength, endurance and

    mobility. Although, I guess this is as good a time as any to say this, as plainly as I can:

    If you’re looking to get huge, bulging muscles like that of a bodybuilder, stop

    reading now. This program is not going to be for you. Now, that’s not to say our

    method can’t get you great results; rather, it’s a realistic approach to fitness that

    produces realistic results. That means with this program, you can build solid, lean

    muscle that is a part of a great physique. But again, if it’s your ambition to have arms

    so big your hands can’t touch their respective shoulders, you may want to look


    Now, I also understand that most people don’t think they have time to exercise.

    In fact, that’s the number one reason people don’t exercise, statistically speaking.

    The good news is, I’m not interested in taking up a big chunk of your schedule. Far

    from it, actually. I wanted to create a beginner program that people could easily fit into

    their schedule that wouldn’t take more than 30-40 minutes a day. That’s it! And

    remember, you don’t have to factor in time to get in your car, drive to the gym, find

    somewhere to park, and then wait for a particular piece of equipment to become

    available. You do this wherever you feel most comfortable.

    Why Bodyweight Training?

    It can be hard to change people’s minds about certain things. And one of them,

    I’ve found, is preconceived notions about different fitness methods. A lot of people

    think the definition of fitness is the inflated bodybuilder look we’ve already discussed.

    That’s never been my fitness goal, and I think I’m a better athlete for it. But it can be

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    really tough to convince people that bodyweight training is a viable option for getting in


    So I thought I’d list a few of the benefits here, in case you were on the fence

    about this:

    They can be done anywhere. I know, I’ve already mentioned this, but it bears

    repeating. This is perfect for beginners that may be self-conscious about starting out.

    With bodyweight training, there’s no obligation to work out in a giant crowded building

    with strangers. It can just be you, an open space in your living room, and your pets

    (and you know they’d never judge you!). And when you’re travelling — either for work

    or for fun — calisthenics are a great way to avoid losing progress when you’re away

    from home. So you can vacation with confidence, knowing that you can take your

    workout routine along with you!

    It’s a big time saver. Before I really got into calisthenics, if you had asked me how

    long people need to spend in the gym to get in shape, I would have said an hour a

    day… at least. This idea is not only false, it’s counter-productive to the progression of

    fitness. People are busy enough, and if you tell them they have to set aside over an

    hour a day to get in shape, they’ll be discouraged before they even begin! So they

    don’t even give fitness a shot, and their health suffers. I’m here to show you that you

    can get a great workout in a fraction of the time by using time optimization workouts.

    That’s what I’m presenting you with today.

    No heavy equipment is required. Something else I’ve already talked about, but I

    thought I’d say it again, just in case there was anyone out there with their credit card

    in hand, ready to order the newest exercise gizmo being advertised on TV right now.

    Put the card down and step away slowly. You already have the tools you need to get

    in shape. Sure, calisthenics utilizes a few tools to optimize a workout or target a

    specific area, but you’d be surprised what you can use for an adequate calisthenics


    It builds solid, lean muscle. This is the one where people tend to tilt their heads and

    look at me funny. That’s alright, I’m used to it. The fact is, most people think if you

    wan’t to build solid muscle, you have to lift heavy weights. It’s simply not true, and I’m

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    living proof of that. The great thing about calisthenics is it forces your body to act as a

    unit. Think about the sitting dumbbell curl exercise. The only muscle group being

    targeting is the bicep. Every other part of your body is just sitting there, wondering

    when they’re going to get a turn to exercise. With calisthenics, your body acts as a

    chain: one muscle group must utilize others in order to execute the exercise or

    maneuver, and as a result, you’re going to build solid, lean muscle much faster.

    It’s great for fat loss. Calisthenics can be a great cardiovascular tool. Now, by that I

    don’t mean I’m going to send you jogging for ten miles a day. You can get an

    outstanding cardio workout without countess laps around your block. There are plenty

    of programs (including the one you’re about to see) that, if done correctly, can be a

    great method for fat loss.

    It improves mobility. There are some complicated exercises in the world of

    bodyweight training! You’ll see that even with this beginner program. But learning

    them will dramatically improve your balance, flexibility and overall mobility. That’s

    because as your body relies on a number of different muscle groups to perform an

    exercise, you’re going to be training your body to act as a unit… without you even

    knowing it!


    This program is going to be ideal starting point for anyone looking to start their

    fitness journey. In eight short weeks, you’re going to learn some beginner calisthenics

    exercises, as well as some “hidden gems” that will build you into a calisthenics athlete

    and put you on the right track to success.

    The program itself will have three different “Levels” that get progressively

    tougher as you build your strength and endurance. All three levels hold five exercises

    a week, with two days to rest (Wednesday and Sunday).

    Level 1 (weeks 1 and 2) are a great place to start if you haven’t exercised in

    quite a while (or ever) and find yourself significantly out of shape. I think you’ll find the

    exercises both accessible and challenging. However, if you try a few workouts and

    think they’re too simple for you, feel free to jump to Level 2!

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    Level 2 is where weeks 3-5 are outlined, which are more difficult than the workouts in

    Level 1 (like I said, each level will get a little more difficult).

    Finally, Level 3 (weeks 6-8) are even tougher than the exercises in Level 2,

    though still realistic for a beginner to attain.

    And you’re not only getting the list of bodyweight workouts. Each day’s

    exercises will have warm-up and cool-down exercises and stretches. These will help

    you get nice and loose before the day’s workout, and make sure you’re adequately

    stretched afterward to reduce tightness and soreness.

    So you’re looking at a full-cycle workout every single day! You’re in good hands

    with this program!


    It’s important to use caution with every new physical regimen. If you’ve got a

    physical condition, injury or any other health issue, please check with your physician

    to make sure you’re capable of performing the exercises in this program.

    Remember to keep a bottle of water handy to stay hydrated and healthy. And

    while I’m on the subject, I think it’s really important to mention how critical overall

    nutrition is to your fitness journey. Some beginners think all they need to do is

    exercise to get the results they want. As much as we’d like that to be the case, it

    simply is not. Proper diet and exercise go hand-in-hand.

    With exercise, it’s important to push yourself in order to continuously improve. But it’s

    also critical that you listen to your body. If you feel dizzy, nauseous, or feel pain in a

    part of your body separate from typical soreness of muscles.

    Lastly, don’t give up on yourself. Fitness does not happen overnight. Believe

    me, if I had any magic fitness beans, I’d sell them to you. You may not see progress in

    the first few days, but I’ll bet you’ll still feel better, and that can make all the difference.

    Then the physical changes begin to show up, and you feel even better, and the cycle


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    Fitness is not a destination; it’s a journey. You don’t wake up one day and

    exclaim, “Alright, I’m now fit! I’m done!” Each day you have to accept the challenge of

    being better than you were the day before, and you must be constantly pushing

    yourself past whatever limits you think may be there.

    You’re capable of much more than you think, and I want to prove that to you. So let’s

    get started!

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    LEVEL 1 (WEEKS 1-2)


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    Small circles forward/backward arms out — 10 each

    Large circles forward/backward arms out — 10 each

    Dynamic chest stretch (arms straight out, swing from front to back quickly) — 10

    Door frame stretches — 30 sec.


    Push-ups on knees — 2 sets of 8

    Seated dips — 2 sets of 6

    Elevated push-ups (hands on elevated surface) — 2 sets of 6

    Close push-ups (hands 6 inches apart, on knees) — 2 sets of 5

    Wide push-ups with 5 seconds down/1 second hold/5 seconds up (on knees): 2 sets

    of 5


    Arm crosses — 2 sets of 10 sec./arm

    Door frame stretches — 30 sec.

    Behind the head bent elbow stretch — 2 sets of 10 sec./arm

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    Knee hugs — 3/leg for 3 sec. each

    Leg cradles — 3/leg for 3 sec. each

    Quad stretch — 3/leg for 3 sec. each

    Hamstring kicks — 10/leg

    Butterfly stretch — 20 sec.


    Bodyweight Squat — 2 sets of 8

    Elevated calf raises — 2 sets of 12

    Split squats — 2 sets of 6/leg

    One-legged elevated calf raise — 2 sets of 8/leg

    Bear squats — 2 sets of 8

    Squat jumps — 2 sets of 5


    Toe touches on floor (legs spread) — 2 sets of 20 sec./leg

    Butterfly stretches — 2 sets of 20 sec.

    Knee hugs (on floor) — 2 sets of 15 sec./leg

    Calf stretches — 2 sets of 10 sec./leg

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    Side bends — 10/side

    Trunk rotations (alternating directions) — 10

    Supine bridge — 10

    Shoulder blade squeeze — 8

    Trunk twists — 6/side


    Australian pull-ups/bodyweight rows (upper back) — 2 sets of 5

    Supermans — 2 sets of 8

    Australian pull-ups (mid back) — 2 sets of 5

    Scapula push-ups — 2 sets of 8

    3 position towel rows — 2 sets of 3/position


    Extended leg stretch — 2 sets of 10 sec./leg

    Cat stretch — 10

    Trunk twist & hold — 3 sets of 5 sec./leg

    Shoulder blade squeeze — 8

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    Standing arch — 15 sec.

    Side bends — 10/side

    Cobra — 15 sec.


    To be done in 3 rounds (no rest between exercises; one minute rest between rounds)

    Flutter kicks — 10 seconds

    V-ups — 10 seconds

    Planks — 15 seconds

    Hip dip — 10 sec./side

    Crunchy Frogs — 15 seconds


    Cobra stretch — 20 sec.

    Supine stretch — 20 sec.

    Standing arch — 20 sec.

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    Forearm stretch — 2 sets of 3 sec./arm

    Arm crosses — 2 sets of 10 sec./arm

    Shoulder stretches on wall — 5/arm

    Behind the head bent elbow stretch — 2 sets of 10 sec./arm


    Elevated Pike push-ups (upper body raised) — 2 sets of 5

    Australian chin-ups — 2 sets of 5

    Sidelying bodyweight bicep curls — 2 sets of 4/arm

    Crab walk (forward and backward) — 2 sets 20 sec.

    Assisted chin-ups — 2 sets to of 4


    Forearm stretch — 2 sets of 3 sec./arm

    Arm crosses — 2 sets of 10 sec./arm

    Shoulder stretches on wall — 5/arm

    Behind the head bent elbow stretch — 2 sets of 10 sec./arm

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    LEVEL 2 (WEEKS 3-5)


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    Small circles forward/backward arms out — 10 each

    Large circles forward/backward arms out — 10 each

    Dynamic chest stretch (arms straight out, swing from front to back quickly) — 10

    Door frame stretches — 30 sec.


    Regular push-ups — 2 sets of 10

    Seated dips — 2 sets of 8

    Shuffle push-ups — 2 sets of 4/side

    Close push-ups (hands 6 inches apart, knees off ground) — 2 sets of 5

    Wide push-ups with 5 seconds down/1 second hold/5 seconds up (on knees) — 2

    sets of 8


    Arm crosses — 2 sets of 10 sec./arm

    Door frame stretches — 30 sec.

    Behind the head bent elbow stretch — 2 sets of 10 sec./arm

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    Knee hugs — 3/leg for 3 sec. each

    Leg cradles — 3/leg for 3 sec. each

    Quad stretch — 3/leg for 3 sec. each

    Hamstring kicks — 10/leg

    Butterfly stretch — 20 sec.


    Bodyweight Squat — 2 sets of 12

    Elevated calf raises — 2 sets of 15

    Split squats — 2 sets of 8/leg

    One-legged elevated calf raise — 2 sets of 10/leg

    Bear squats — 2 sets of 12

    Squat jumps — 2 sets of 8


    Toe touches on floor (legs spread) — 2 sets of 20 sec./leg

    Butterfly stretch — 2 sets of 20 sec.

    Knee hugs (on floor) — 2 sets of 15 sec./leg

    Calf stretches — 2 sets of 10 sec./leg

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    Side bends — 10/side

    Trunk rotations (alternating directions) — 10

    Supine bridge — 10

    Shoulder blade squeeze — 8

    Trunk twists — 6/side


    Australian pull-ups/bodyweight rows (upper back) — 2 sets of 7

    Supermans — 2 sets of 10

    Australian pull-ups (mid back) — 2 sets of 7

    Scapula push-ups — 2 sets of 10

    3 position towel rows — 2 sets of 5/position


    Extended leg stretch — 2 sets of 10 sec./leg

    Cat stretch — 10

    Trunk twist & hold — 3 sets of 5 sec./leg

    Sitting twist & hold — 3 sets of 5 sec./leg

    Shoulder blade squeeze — 8

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    Standing arch — 15 sec.

    Side bends — 10/side

    Cobra — 15 sec.


    To be done in 3 rounds (no rest between exercises; one minute rest between rounds).

    Flutter kicks — 15 seconds

    V-ups — 15 seconds

    Planks — 20 seconds

    Hip dip — 15 sec./side

    Crunchy Frogs — 20 seconds


    Cobra stretch — 20 sec.

    Supine stretch — 20 sec.

    Standing arch — 20 sec.

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    Forearm stretch — 2 sets of 3 sec./arm

    Arm crosses — 2 sets of 10 sec./arm

    Shoulder stretches on wall — 5/arm

    Behind the head bent elbow stretch — 2 sets of 10 sec./arm


    Pike push-ups — 2 sets of 8

    Australian chin-ups — 2 sets of 8

    Sidelying bodyweight bicep curls — 2 sets of 6/arm

    Crab walk — 2 sets of 30 sec.

    Assisted chin-ups — 2 sets to of 6


    Forearm stretch — 2 sets of 3 sec./arm

    Arm crosses — 2 sets of 10 sec./arm

    Shoulder stretches on wall — 5/arm

    Behind the head bent elbow stretch — 2 sets of 10 sec./arm

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    LEVEL 3 (WEEKS 6-8)


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    Small circles forward/backward arms out — 10 each

    Large circles forward/backward arms out — 10 each

    Dynamic chest stretch (arms straight out, swing from front to back quickly) — 10

    Door frame stretches — 30 sec.


    Push-up with one-second pause — 2 sets of 8

    Dips — 2 sets of 6

    Wide push ups with 5 seconds down/1 second hold/5 seconds up (knees off ground)

    — 2 sets of 5

    Close push-ups (hands 6 inches apart, knees off ground) — 2 sets of 8

    Extended range of motion (EROM) push-ups — 2 sets of 7


    Arm crosses — 2 sets of 10 sec./arm

    Door frame stretches — 30 sec.

    Behind the head bent elbow stretch — 2 sets of 10 sec./arm

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    Knee hugs — 3/leg for 3 sec. each

    Leg cradles — 3/leg for 3 sec. each

    Quad stretch — 3/leg for 3 sec. each

    Hamstring kicks — 10/leg

    Butterfly stretch — 20 sec.


    Bodyweight squat with one second hold — 2 sets of 12

    Elevated calf raises with standard, toes in and toes out — 2 sets of 8 each

    Bulgarian split squats — 2 sets of 10/leg

    One-legged elevated calf raise with 2 sec. Hold — 2 sets of 10/leg

    Bodyweight squat with pulse & pivot — 2 sets of 4 per pivot (16 total each set)

    Wall sit — 2 sets of 1 minute


    Toe touches on floor (legs spread) — 2 sets of 20 sec./leg

    Butterfly stretches — 2 sets of 20 sec.

    Knee hugs (on floor) — 2 sets of 15 sec./leg

    Calf stretches — 2 sets of 10 sec./leg

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    Side bends — 10/side

    Trunk rotations (alternating directions) — 10

    Supine bridge — 10

    Shoulder blade squeeze — 8

    Trunk twists — 6/side


    Australian pull-ups w/ 1-sec. hold — 2 sets of 7

    Supermans with 1-sec. hold — 2 sets of 10

    Australian pull-ups w/ one sec. hold (mid back) — 2 sets of 7

    Reverse dolphin kicks — 2 sets of 10

    Wide grip pull-ups — 2 sets to failure


    Extended leg stretch — 2 sets of 10 sec./leg

    Cat stretch — 10

    Trunk twist & hold — 3 sets of 5 sec./leg

    Sitting twist & hold — 3 sets of 5 sec./leg

    Shoulder blade squeeze — 8

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    Standing arch — 15 sec.

    Side bends — 10/side

    Cobra — 15 sec.


    To be done in 3 rounds (no rest between exercises; one minute rest between rounds).

    Mountain climbers — 25 seconds

    Alternating V-ups — 25 seconds

    Planks with forward/backward lean — 25 seconds

    Russian twist — 20/side

    Crunchy Frog — 25 seconds


    Cobra stretch — 20 sec.

    Supine stretch — 20 sec.

    Standing arch — 20 sec.

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    Forearm stretch — 2 sets of 3 sec./arm

    Arm crosses — 2 sets of 10 sec./arm

    Shoulder stretches on wall — 5/arm

    Behind the head bent elbow stretch — 2 sets of 10 sec./arm


    Elevated pike push-ups — 2 sets of 8

    Australian chin-ups — 2 sets of 10

    Sidelying bodyweight bicep curls — 2 sets of 8/arm

    Helicopter exercise — 2 sets of 8/side

    Assisted chin-ups — 2 sets to failure


    Forearm stretch — 2 sets of 3 sec./arm

    Arm crosses — 2 sets of 10 sec./arm

    Shoulder stretches on wall — 5/arm

    Behind the head bent elbow stretch — 2 sets of 10 sec./arm

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    I hope you’ll find the Bodyweight Beginner program to be informative and

    beneficial for getting you started. These are exercises you’ll be able to use as long as

    you practice calisthenics. Think of it as your “starter kit” for fitness!

    Remember, the only one you’re competing against is the person you were the

    day before, so it’s important to push yourself. It’s what we do when we’re tired that

    makes us stronger. And if a particular exercise is too easy, there are always ways to

    make it more difficult. If you need some ideas, just let me know!

    Now, on those off-days where you don’t have any workouts, it’s important to get

    adequate rest, and don’t be afraid to get some extra stretches in! I know you’re sore,

    but a few minutes a day could make a big difference in how loose you feel during the

    next workout.

    Like I said, keep your water handy and stay hydrated — not just during your

    workout, but throughout the day! And speaking to that point, I want to quickly remind

    everyone that, just as important as it is to exercise for your health, it’s equally

    essential that you practice proper nutrition. I actually have a new e-book, called the

    Metabolic Eating & Lifestyle Gameplan, which you can check out right here! It’s a

    great resource for nutritional tips and tricks on how to make your whole environment

    more conducive to better health.

    Finally, remember that you work doesn’t end when you complete this program;

    in fact, it should just be beginning. Fitness is a journey, and I hope you’ll continue

    yours as you see more and more results. We’ve got a great 30-day program, which we

    call the Beastmode Workout Program, which is a great program to use after this one.

    And yes, just like this one, it’s completely free! You can check it out here.

    If you’ve got any other questions, either a member of my team or I will be happy

    to answer them! Just shoot an email to [email protected] and we’ll get

    back to you as soon as we can.

    “Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want

    also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.” – Jack Canfield
