Page 1: 1 fiSit Oar In-Store Pharmacy - Greenbelt News · fiSit Oar In-Store Pharmacy ... · ANY SIZE lb. U.S.D.A •. CHOICE BEEF Boneless·

il I 'r

1 ' i i

fiSit Oar In-Store Pharmacy Beer & W"me on Sale on SondaJ



QUART Blc Fresh Green Beans lb. 59c







COJTAGf CHffSf 24-0Z.



1-LI. PKG.


-. U.S.D.A. CHOICI'8.EF.




Boneless· Sirloin Tip steak 1 ·a·_-.6 . lb. . •



lb.49C SWIFT'S "NEW"


12-0Z.I73 PKO.

LOUIS SHERRY 'All Natural'

Ice Cream ASST. PLA VOI5 ~~Al.. CTN. 1.57


12.0Z. CAN

... ·' I'•·S,.CW" ... , .. . PIIAK,_.· CANS



U.S.D.A. CHOIGE-118:,·



lb. ••• U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF

STEll '·





l_lb.~l._23_· U.'S-.D.A. CHOICE liEF

STACK: 0' RIB STEAKS. lb. ~· .·. •. . ·. PICO. OP 4 OR MORE . • . .

, .

. U.S.D.A. ctt6tc1 IIIF


~s •.1.97.

. i .. ·. '•·-.... ---~·-............. . .... ~ ........ ,, .• ,,I

City Council Discusses .Everyth,ng .From Solid Waste· to Snow Removal

by Elaine Sk~-

Althouah the diftl.cult decision on the -overpaia selection and final action . on· Metro b~ routina con~~Umed much of the City COUbcil's tim~ on May 1, other mattel'lsuch aa .PRAB reports, solld wute · products charae, Metro fare• and hOW'I, Water Resource• Plan presentation and presentation of a proclamation were also taken_up. ·

PlUB qulremant of jiJeotlon 208 of the ClOuncU accepted two reports Federal Water Pollution Controi

t'*Oltted 117 the· cit)"• Park end · Act of UT:I, The plan deva!qped IIJ Reol'eatlon Mvl10ry :ltoard <fRABl the Water . Ratource• Plannlllf and 'lVIII dlteuu them· lit a future Board and the CoUncil of Govern. meettntr. In the llr•t report, PRAB . mttntl, wu br~»qht to Council ~otad that Uley revlewacl. and ·ao· attention. li)' oounollman Thomu Clllllted the Recreation' and Parlu White, Thll plan .will become the .__, ~th the. ,_endatlon bull lor . future. f~ fund~ thllt fu~e · budp\1 de&Uq with · . of ~tawater treatment plants and "Park and Plqfl'O~d Malnten· IHUIIAOit cit 4llcharp permltll. . IIIOif be brokea doWn tnt.o at 1eut · ~lilt ot the llll,jor . reoommenda· ·

. tllne oat.prlel to better . reftitct tiOJII ·are: bennlnr of pbolphate . P~ -til for lludlet lnfonna· _deterrent., lnol'eUIJII of both at tlma U&d preiMiltatlon pUI'J)OIII." . wap treatment plant capacity and

· ll,l Qui 1econcl report. PRAB •ilr• trN.tlnant etflolency,' adoptlnr of. lllt.ld that the city oouncll urae . more 1tr1rapnt plumblnr codee by­ollter local jurladlotlcme, tb~' lltate and 1ooa,1 jurladlotlo~. ldentl· the lr.tropolltan Council of . Gov· fylq "non-point" 1ource IQada for • el'lllllllntll and the Ku?land Munl• crlttilal watumedl In the rerlon olpal · I..earue, to hold l!'ourth of and applylnjf. atrlnpnt controls, · JUIJ' ftreworlu celebratlont In an ..-eHinr potenUal Impacts on wa· elrort to reduce the _Impact of · ter 11'QAIIty belorti new developll)ent . cr<JW!It at the Greenbelt Lake Park occurt, lncreulllf Ule number · of and other .communltlea that annual· contirol at CQnatructlon altea, and b' M&r the c01ta of the .. avenLI. qomJ)Oitlnl of '811 new aourcea ·ot PRAB felt thla ''would be the flrat orraalo/ch-lca! aludpt wherever

·· matDt · atep tawat« Jll'eaervatloa · ,_.ltl, ..... · 4eftlePbw .:terto_ . and rehabilitation of our I.ake mai'lletl for oom1101te4 ihadp, 1 Parlr." Upon ri'IQueat by· Auatln GHt,n.

8oUd Wallf.e council pr<iclalm&ll the month as Family Camplnr Month In Green; belt. Gr.een aald, "l'limll)r camping ericouracea. the ·conaervaUon of ADie~lca'a natural beaut.f ad the

lxcetpts of . ·Statementof ..

G ....... lt Cfty COUncil on PropOMCI Metro Rail

· Hours .

n-u :rc. Wlllta, Oo!nwg-"OoiiDoU , iap!Uied tntel'llt

and IIQIIIIIl't for the propoql to a&end rail !)lllratlllllloun ·from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. waelldap and to operate the rall 1711ttm for f911tt•n .houra · on latlmlay. Tlterefore coWicll unanlmOU-ly adopted a motion -.ndor.llll fh'M propoe~. The advent of Metro rapid rail Ia one of the molt un­

. lque and hmoY&tlve aoacimplllb.­ments thla metropoUtui area ball acblevild 1~ recent· JB&rl' throurtl rellonal cooperation. ··

Greenbelt City Council prldH ltlelf on Ita continued auppott for a full 100 mile Metl'l\ a:retna. llllllpiuuted rail operatlnr hOIU'I, belldn . havlnr a JIOIItlw · eft'aet on air quality, and aiii'Yiq the needa . of lll&n)' who work . non-. ~on"filntlonal houra, &lao provide· an .opportunity to lntro4UM m.. ny other& to the. beneftta of Wuhlnrton'a rapid· ~I 1711tem, thus hopefully Jlllet&tlq Mde4 rerular uae. ThUI, It MeDII to

. \Ill Gill)'· .,.~ ~0 thole 1e1rments. alreadT In operation and thoae' under con•tructloil re-:. cnlve as near optimum uae u possible. Accordlnrly, we are fully supportive of the pro~ expanded rail. operatllll' hour•.

Tile Federal Reaouriea . Conserva­tiOn and ~ecov~ry Act of leTS Pl'9· vlded for a formation of a Re­aourc" Const>rvatlon Commltter that was charged with atudylnr the ff'aalblllt)' of aettlnr a aoHd waite taX on certain ~onsumer PM~ucta lpaakqe materlala, <!eUophane,­etl.'.l dlstrlb1,1ter level. The m11n1ee collected · would· ro Into a pool which would be distributed to mu· nlciMIItlee, INch u Greenbelt, that have aolld wUte riiJIII.nllbllltlea, The city ltaff will evaluate thl1 new concept. Additionally the lnatter will be referred to the council of Governmante and the Prince Of'or(li!a Munl~lpal Learue.

efficient Ul8 of Its natural re- two. buii6Jnp (one In ·which the sources for ·outdoor ·recreation." Ben l!'ranlrlln 1tore 11 loaated, the Acceptlnr the proclamation wern other houalnr Hlah'll In the Green: Au1tln and l!lvel;yn Green, Reti,..,J belt Commercial Center; F.leld . Dlrecto,_ of the National One of the oCiuilcll'a eoncern1 Ia Campera and Hlkera Ailoclatlon. that all off·ltreet parkin• for the·

AppOtnlmenta commercial center " owned by the , · Donna ll'luke, 127 Lutner I,.anr, city rtither than the propel't¥ own·

J .. Bob ·Grelr .108 Northway,' anti en. Hal Silvers, 11 Plnecreat were rc The city's Advlaory Plannlnr appointed to PRAB to ·8ei'VI! an- B\laril haa recommended· that a other thrre :year~. thorourh ·review.' of the . future of

the Center. b<l conducted. Ct'inter Mall To be contldeNd alonr with thli ·

The Clt;Y "j;i&ni to hold a met>tlnl{ r~vlew ta the Twin Plnea 8avlnp with rcprl'eenlatlv<!s r1f the Zonlm; and Loan Aaaoclatlon'• requeet to Review ataff of th~ Maryland- N11· · purchue or leJUe the city owned tlonal Capital Park &nd Planning land adjaeent to the Suburban Commlulon ~ and ~he property Tru•t Coinpany tor the conlltruc-

W 41tf'r R~aolarcee . Thr city will hof<l • public hea~

ln1 111 June on a Water Quality MMq'fmiPnt Plan' under the rr. · o~ners to dlacun the re1011111&'. of -~ OOtTNm,. . p. a. eol •. t

Architecture Students Pr~pare Detailed· Plans for L·ake Pa·rk . . .. ·. . .

by Unda Orenstein

~Thursday, AP,ri113, .City Colincli and the Park and Recrta­'tioll Adviaory Board·helda Joint work Hulon to h .. r a Preftnta­tlon for the rtdeaian of Uae Ortenbelt Lake Park. The •tutty was thr work ofltuc:lents .~om a Land~eape Arehltectural CiUI of the Department of Horticulture, Colleae of A&rleulture of the Unlwr-. ~ity of Maryland. , ·. · . . . - · .

l11. ~tend&noe wvn ~r Plllk~ that It bf' Ut' .. rtalnecl whltiall1' or l'nu•otlmen Welftnleld, CMtal4l not University oUlal')i&Rihtu4er~t• And White; Cit)' Kailqw ,Jam. It woukl l'(ork on a •ttadJ W taae 1ltc. 01e111 aM 11&1'1'1 o.zmnc, Dlncltor ' It -. felt that theJ' OOIIkt ll.,_ct of l'loaereatlon. P&\B Cllalrman c11!atlvn, and. their Input W01ild bP Ronldd Ott, Vl4e . Cllall'llllin 'l'onl rtven with a detachocl.ttltude.Jti,r . Braa ud _Board me•ller. · .Joeepll ry Imnr approar)ltlt Profellor IIIII Wit~ Warne .._,.ani! Ro- Gould at the UnJYII'IItJ of·x.n­b<!rt Onta Wit ~. land, who n~-~tile

'1'1111 .... IIIDt t1at .,. -.~on Park•a ~GP!Bent that tile -~ ot Ndeellnllll tiM project. · ..... ...... .... :r. U'f1 •• pllollt .... FI.W..

stud7 tile Lake J>ar~ In detail, ~rlv•• th~lr llftluatlon of Its ~ondltlon and problelll8, and· te~ lift their re-­lllendat~e. Tbe arM undlr:10ru-·· tiny wu that extenf!nr from thP entrance at the Parlr to the lake, lncludinr t!Ni . · bandltaGd, piC!Dic .and pll)' al'ftl and the con-.lon •tand, The dam WM not a part of the lltudJi U' It pt'lllnted \WIOUI problema. 'i'he atudtntll . did not conoern t"'-IVII- with eott u­.. IQient but when proPatlnr tNe. and lhrubbel'1 tbe;r did ~llder the ca.t . faetcir. After . an InitiAl 'llllt to Ult Lalce ,.rlr the cl- Wu di­vided Into three r.rOuPio. llacll. of t'-t ,rouP~ WM oharpd IIJ' ~P MoKeWII\, projtot __., ~ Wll't 011 dlllennt - ...... 0 '1'1111. dtfllloll .

... .......... n; .... al,_

. -. AGEN.A . . ' . · ,:·,..t·p,,.

IIGULAR MII'IINO. o• Clrv ·COuNciL· ..

. iW . . MONDAY, MAY'fJ, 1978


1. Call &e Ordet. 2. RoD Call a. -lleclltr.l:lon .

Pledre of .Ail-.t8noe tD the J'lar · · ·

4. Mlnutel .of . Joleetlnrs II. A4cJIUQ!Iil to Apndl( 117

Counc11mu and ~r

U. ~TIOWs. 8 Pretentatlon

' T. Petftl- and )t•qur.sts s. AamJ~. Reports 9. ComJI!·ttePort•

m.or.o·~ II. All ~ tp Amend

OrdlnaCI Nwnber 830, to . Provlcletef'u Increase hi

the ...._ 'lllllllet Accoant . ·bY PII.JOO ~ ... by MaklniJ Tote! Qe-.i Fu11d Ap­proprl•tlaiai for th~ Fl•cill Year ~~~~~ July I, 11177 an4l llndlng Jun~ 30, ts7&, Bald In­creued APPIOIIrlatlon be, tnr Requlret Due to· Jn­rrf'U..d l.ll.bor Expen~~· for EmPI~ Hired un-­der the Campi.elienslvto lilDiplcmnent and Trntnlnlr Act for Which Of'neral Grant l'unda Will oo r .. ·. cclved -Second Readlnr ·

10. A Reaolutloo to Tranifer Fund• Within Dcpart­·ment• .. t41,4110 - .Ser.onel Readlnr .

11. A Re..olutlon to Authorlzt' the Nerotlat.d- Purchue . of Two Partll ol Parer! II Contlatiar of .'-JG74 and

· o.1m Aorea (or a Total Pnae of -.oo& ~ubject to

·Certafn ......, lind Condi­tione - 8eooD4 lleadlnr

12. CommunltJ .,_.lopment Bloel!: Qralft hncfs - Srcl T~r AJ!oo•• for Street Iinp~··.

lB. 4th of ... Jlh.work1 -·PRAll .. ,8

If, Park and Board

Page 2: 1 fiSit Oar In-Store Pharmacy - Greenbelt News · fiSit Oar In-Store Pharmacy ... · ANY SIZE lb. U.S.D.A •. CHOICE BEEF Boneless·

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~' Mandan Ovelpcl,.-L...-~-f f.l~' ~ -~ ~~- \ A VIable Alternative

.._ To 11M' Jt:dltor: '; .•. ; '. ~" ••t:~· ~ ... · B7 a 8-2 vote tbe Greenbelt City ~~iii* ,........~ ..._ ...._ .u....._ __... ODunell hu espreilled lt. opinion

~ -~~ '::&;... ~--~~= on the Baltlmore-Wathlqton OV· · ;,:-~~ :._ "::,.. U:... ur.~:. ~'":::'1 , "r.:"' ~ .-rpan. It Ia unfortunate tbat the

community dlvlalveneall· senerate4 ~ · ....... ..., ~; a..-.,. --: .,, ... J- •-1: ....,..IH bv th"s l88ue· eXtended to tbe city

. ~~~~.::;::·· .,-- ..-....... ........... 1ioa. . .. ~uncll vote,.altboush I doul!t even • .., !'• ... · .....,. ~"" .. , · ...... ,.... a unhnlmouc vote would have been ,....,...,. ~ ~·;.,.,.111<1 Kolloer.~•• u-'t: 'T ....... Vll1llnia the ftnal word on thlslasue. ~~UII ..., ,_;, -...;... and _.. ..... - be -lod While all ODuncil meptbera allud­~.~ ==,':"',.~::.=a.~::.;.=.:=-.::,.:; <'II fo the coat'ortll'e llti!tnatlve ov­-._ -~~ ~-~•- ~t'-~ .. -• III.P,.:"'·,o~. ~ - crr-o'MII ••rpaai-.rut(.s, no member addr•·ss<•tl

..., -- - -·- - th'· as th~ n(ajoi' consltl.,ralion. .V::J::::. ••,: u,._.._ •·. . Th -*-- y 11 una <After all,' U~ lain· Will provlcle :!!~:f=.:-=:..!"':l-::O:::..:o60>:;... ______ ..,:;,::u:.:;'::t::;::;:;""'• .:2•.:.:.~· .;.;.~ m~t of tile fiUIIbi with money aup·

Wiu~·~ ... Gr~enbelt z~: e~e ~~= property rights. Alwayc tbe luue

· ~:"-.!--- e d .. · • ? wu an either/or propoeltlon, and J.k ~npo. · 1n&e . . ~IJaln,. · ~~ e::~~~~ v;::.~ev~~: :,·~:~ ~· are for fences and "No tre.paa­

. w~ were surprised io read in one of the COilnty newspapers that another Bowie man i& ."now virtu,all:y assured of winniDg the appointment tO. the HOule of D!elepte's seat lett ~acuat wben . I>elei&W. DaVid Gray Ross was appointed to · a Ctreuit Court judtelldP." · " ·

B(, has almost twice as many voters as G~belt and it ·may .eeaflli 1r ~.·are· enti~ to el~ ~e th*"lDMil~ to the

· .'of'N,.;.,.;-~add oni! ~.· ber to the Sta•~'te. HOUS!! ~'t.:" . ~ ~ . ··· &i :we ·dOn-i think ;;o_ Greenbelt bas 1o111 been an active

political community. and deserves a ·VOice in Annapalls. Jealousy and eftn a touch of hiJ!t.!!f~y h~_ve ~ ~!~ into

Green1ie'l't's reJitlonSbip with' 'Bowie over the ~ears. As on! Of~ thrie-tar' .. t cities in Prince Geor.ges QIUrity, Greenbelt hlil toc)lbnl·'beeD. ~t of as ~ie's poor stepaist~r .. G~~­belt wui&l'\o WOrk Witb·llowie as co-equali in a )~Mnefshlp deai-t'lited tO iiierviD& the peope. . . ~ · ..

We ·think ·the .ticket to that kind of c:o-operation Is for Green11eJt to have its ·own repraentaft'fe. Not :~'f We liaft any c:oiriptiUhti aboUt our state delegation, they're loj)s.. Senator Ed

. cilftrt;t 'Dele(ites Gerarcfl)evlJD. Leo Green arid bavid 'Gray Ross ha\te ~n' aoOd ·frieDd's to Greentieh. they haft dem~nstrated their cOIIcem for our problems and aone lo bat for us 111 many -.-.)-s. And in! a~te their efforts.·

slng" alpa; elttler you a,.. fot Man· dan Road, or you are tor Oamn-w&J. . . •

I flatly reject tbla reatODin&': tbe tWo are not mutually exeluelve. In fact tbe fenceeliloq tbe :1;1-W Park- · way were o~y constructed at the City ODuncih lnal8tence to pro­t..ct G""nbelt'a chllaren by dl• .. couraama pedestrian traftlc across

· the Parkway. In tramplln1 down private fencea and treee, Irrespon­sible penona have also trampled down protection provided for every­

. one'a ll&fet¥.

Tbun:!ar· .. ., 11, 1878

ahortcut at the ~tlq plltJI. J sugeet tbat IOIIDII atudenU · wtU 1·roat whtrilvfl' It 18 lbottelt 'lor them, rqardl ... of where the over· pass Ia located. The Eleanor Roelle· v~lt PTSA, .lt. . .tte aele.etlon com­

. mlttee and varloua apeakers at the public' bearlftl contend, that oil4' Gardemra~--wiU alford adequate •tud.,nt ufety. Meanwhile the El· 1-anor ~elt athletic depart• m~nt cendt lt. track croat country team aloft• 'Hanover Parkway and GrPenbelt Road during the after· noun · tli*h ·hour tratllc. Runnlllg along a buay roadway Is ·lnftnlt.ely more danseroua tban dartl'na ac­ro•• one. Jlopefully the PTSA. will alert tbe Prince Georse. County Board of Education to thla obvious· Jy u.-.fe cltuatlon alec.

It hu been argued that If the Gardenway route were JlOt aelected, each year a new group of student. w~uld hav" to be taught not to ·shortcut acro88. the B-W Parkway.' Tbls Ia a ftlmay excuae at beet. Eaeh year new etudeilh :are taupt drlver'a educatlon. Simply expand tlic course to Include a Ivery much ne<•dedl Ienon on pedestrian and bicycle aafety.

Greenbriar cltlzena are preparlns to gel' tv' court to contest cond91na- · tlon ii'lld the Gardenway route. Th"se cftkena will be dotlbly taxed, for b IJ*'t!ellbl'fllr · realdents they must ·~ tflt the lesal ~ense, and as me.nbelt rellldenta they Will PIIJ for tiM~ ·11\!Jn ~I'OII!cittloll. sut:lr '• sltualllim 11 traatc when an altern&· tlv~·· ill:lliittOn'~fttau: · The :aflil\dan P.oad ~ 111 ~ \'table altPrMtiV~. I .:•11' uJICifl the Gr..enbt'lt City Coun· ell tb ~·It;'

RICihard W. U)' ,,18 'llanover · Parln\·a)

81/ltlt ~ s.u IIIUOU M. <Pappy) Bin-. 81, ol

Gnenbelt died on ~ L He wu emplciyed by the .ciQI In AprU 1161 aa a truck dl'lver. He tben worked as a meclwllc, aupervtaor of hllb· waya add' went on to become fore­man ot· Pullllc Worlai. He left tbe city In Dcfe.nber liiiK to 10 Into pmate-·.,.....,

He Ia cu.,...e4 by b1a wife Allee,' a 1011 atanli!i' three ~daont, and brotbera Art.ennla &ad Clyde Slnec

nn .

tt~:Ag.a 40 Rl4p Rd.- · •T4-Mlo

Churcli '~ 1:110--lOlO '•!to. Momtq Wonblp 11 a.m.

<Crlbbeii"Y and Nursery provided)

Mriml:s'lf o.u' " Rev. Clifton D. Cunntnsbam,

Putor •T4-Ill81

.. ST~ ~NO~Ql\ltc.-•~~u. CcJIIete Avenue

Collep Park 11 block east ot BoOk Exchanp)

s a;m. ~oly Eucba\'llt 10 Llll· v.alna Prayer

<Hoi1 Ellebar* 2114 A: .til Sun.> Rev.~· ~~a( ~r ·

.-. ......

But we also think the candidates from Greenbelt are well­qualifted for the. DeJepte's j.ob. JlayOI' Richard Pilski has a long historY of dedicated ~ice to· Greeni;!:ell.. F. An~honr . Mc­Car\)iy, a newcomer, ofters many ideal we find attr.actlve. E1ther c:&blll4ate. woWd arve Greenbelt's interes\li. and be an. &SSI;fl to

Wbtn .cltlsena auueoat ·that these penona llletlaH7 c-'ftl the B-W Parlrway be apprehende4 and lined In aecordance wltb exletiftlr lawa, the "lt~tena aft told tb- lawa are almoat lmJIC*Ible to enforce with -out con.itant · pollee aurvelllance. And yet tbe lllaiCN' blmEif met lev­era! such percona OJ) h18 exai!Una- ' Uon Of the ahortcut route. Some­how. 1 · senae a debilitation in law cnforeeinent that Is t-ndemlc tq our ~urrent lioc:lety.

I mult . take further exception to the auapAion that til• Gatd~n­way route will "maximize public acfet:Y". W~le pedntrlana wm nu lonpr han to 'club acroaa the B· W Parkway. the G11'enbrlar aide of the route Is a pedestrian night­marc. Th•• propoaed route will

Saturday, May 13 at e:3.0 p.m.

· ttit! sta\e &tletiitklcl. Sothing can beat having our own deleg~te in Annapolis.

..... ~.For ~Meeting.• w-. ·..- n. RecNauon

._ .. _. n, B1l4lpt Pul!llc ._..,.. . w-. .... II, BuciPt Review ~._l.hdptA~ ' x..t111p will .be held, In t1M

Muald.,U Bulldlftl at a p.a.

crO.. through one errd of a parking lot, threcd Its way aton1 an leland between two rows of parked can, then · awlns diBIOnally ac...,.. the drlvl"- lane/parking lot 'at a ma· jor entrance from Hanover Park· -Y to the puldq •pacea. Nor are tbe pedeatri&IUI out ot danger yet. They mult atiU c...,.. both lane• of divided H&J:~ev!!r Parkway, on wblch Ule 30 MPH lpeed limit Ia violated more frequently than Pf'­deatrlana croeia the B-W .Parkway. How 18 aatety Increased by cendlq pede.trlana tbroUih two parking ·Iota and acrwt' roads dealped for automobile traftlc? Are ·We solq

. 11u~a---'- .. J-c~ed. H.e ..,... tbr to apenct a quarter·miUion dollare · - '•mlnlmWDI. ~ ove~ tbe Baltl·

... ,., ...-er part~tlme jobe as a mot..,.Waah. , ... ftn Parlrwa:t, only to I'M.I .-t to th• local young ~ - ... -pie. Often It 1, tht'lr ftnt employ- f'nd up .wltb pedeatrlant darttfta a· ~t; 111 ..w ud ln . .on -· ci'OIIa Hanover Parkway? Tbe city ~ ..a-. Di1 t~tton ~. council ahould «~A~Ider tbe tafet7· OIICalat ._... pnler tile citY to of 'tbe 'entl~ rout. and not merely - lit D.a.d funda to IIJN IIIIDft the focal point of the precent .. fe· ,... at ... ..., tbUI ............ tt IIUu:d. ' AIID .. - afraid tbat It tiM clqo . ·I . baw ct'!fuli1 avoided ualq ,...,_ d. ......_ ..,. - ·u · •. "ltud'"'t." ln .U~Jdac allout "pe­W.. ._ ._..,. -...u.d to ;..,. ~·.' above. 1 .._.... tbat .. ... ...... .... . . ....-. .... onb' • portloll ot.• . c.-;, s· .,._ ..W 1M ~ .... ~~~

. t...w .., .......... -· eaDoeJ.a lor .t .... t ..teQo: Appar-..... ". ... Plllld ..... •. entlr· If tiM Qarda-., I'OIIte Ia DOt ca. ~ ...... ..,.... tllat wlalJe ....... ltlltlatll wl11 DOiltla• to ... .... • !o liD wltll ca. a!Jd-

-- ....-. ... W'OUia't llllt 11.10. . a. A . . , .011 • ...,... .........

at th"

MISHKAN TORAH Hid .. ,. \\'eat>\'&)' - or-.~~e~t ·

I· 13.110 Adulte I St.oo Under 18

1 ,ckets at · Dool :or call··~

I Rofr••hments Included t -.. ___ _.. _______ _

. · Greenbcdt Community ChurCh (United Church of Christ)

Hillside a~d Crncent R~cb - .Phont 474-.0171 (mornine•)

Sunday ll a.m. • Wonhip Service and Chureh $eh.ool

Nursery provided a\ 2B Hlllalde

a.v. Slael'l')' Ta)'lor ami Rev. Hal'l')' Tarter, n-put~

· ,;htti• lo¥el IM, tltf1 I lrnow, 'or· tlte .,_ ,.,,. ,..e to"

RediJCOvn thla truth thlt wtek wbetber you .ft a cblld or aa .alt.

GREIN I. L T I A p·y I 5 T C HrU I C" c-e·a~ .......

Bible 8tudJ for all ~pa (luD) 1:41 -Wort~arp ien~'eec u:oo .. a: t:Oila-1114-wWk p~r aerY!!~& <W ... > •• a- .

·For llua tNMJIC)I'tatloa. oall Qlurell dilce 8:»-~ ._.....,.. . ; . .., ~ . ~~ ~

lloly Crose ld.the..U O.areli .... .., .......... , ..................


"'· ' • • • '>. \. . ' ,' J

~··!ez!~tt;itM·ttw···--... , ••.. tJn: llltll TaeldesTofidi6a~R~es ·, .i ;,...~ tit --~ I r-s lato tht ~ the -'ii4lt .. fte ~~~&w Olmualttea'• relpOJIH to eome a··

Of ,to, ... ,..,UOIII wu· II&Dolal lnqulrea ma4e bt__ J1ittba • q. h tiillaal on., .ftura- llllaaler- All Pebrullit'y. (8ee,lllljiJIJI'"

,.lfW! -I<:" ¥ I . lftl ~) . lUt week'• propof&la _________ .;..._

to ~lnd the ,~use re.;ate Jeilof,,Pb:le inanlllrliftient'• counter­JI'OP~;. thla prppoaal oould be Rbmltied to the aiein~ershlp at the mnual meetl!ll', dependlftl on the .. ..._ of tbe llret Proposal. ,

.U .!Hue over a nWDber of years la •. Qia quecUon of . GIU'a &TOWing IIIJII.Q> ahara· In each of the laraer

· ~. Tbat ahare averaaea about ·11,~ 12%, but la,powlnl each time a particular unit II ICild. . Ill dect thla pollcy hu kept

down, the purchue prloe u well ai ~. PxeB paid by the lndlvld.ual ~· No one obJect. to those

! eGbl. The pro~ arlael '\Vhen owuer wilhu.~.,.;u, The Oom. formula, tirct of all, 11 very ~ to undarlt.lmd. ~ut more lailo~t, the ~ll~ wou.l,d ~.t.o

~. .,Jil.Ucb.m.qpy U ~ .. lti)a (1.~ W, , ~ .Jla,.lf.AI 1118 .. flo

a lwlle .. ~b,w~~ ~ now ullhapp, with tlhe poUol.

-. •. ~~qm·~ llolliea have . velwed the current ~Qlent wlth . .dl..atill(acUop., . , week' a propoula b)'. a, ~ WIW of ,the acl hoo.--~ .~ co-lttee would P.rmlt ~~~~· .ot ijle .laqer ..-.OIDIII. t4-laU¥ ~.~• equiQ> or, at. a~~ ~t, . all()W GHI to purcbue a 1 .. Pare. · ... .. 1'be . IIWUijrement ooiUitBr-PmPP­.-; a,t a Jllember'a recruut, wou,ld . 11!1111dardlle oar. equity ah&n~ at 11 .. , 111114 tben treese lt at tbat lew!. The new proposal paued on a aotlon l!y. boarcl "'.ember Nol'lll&ll Wetrel; board member·Mary Clarke ftlted no; board members VIrginia ltroryadas and Don Volk abatalned.

· Root Repair 'nle board approv~ a root re­

&*t project at II G-:t.J <ktden\V&J, 8 L-R Recearch, 8 N-T Retearcb · •cl Y8 0-:M Rlqe. Tbe' work will be '·Performed l!y the RA:R Home I-.,nwement Co. for $11,1120.

' Natuftl TriiU M:anqement reported that the

BMr~J-opened GHI nature trail lo· oated Wween Laurel HIU. and Pia- ·

· t•u Place . baa been extenalvoly ..tlotapd. Mal'kerc for tree lden·tl· · fl~tlona were remeved or . ''de­

·lbuJ'eiL Then _,. : luivc lieaft. a' · at.undentandlq on tbe part of 10111e looal youthil as· to the nature tralla' developm~t ..,.. . th~~:r may have thoqht Ul" mwlce4. tree• - to be cut """'-· 1&11181 .o'Rell· ,,, OJII'• YOIItll erew auperv~~or, . hal attempted to clear up an)'.~l· COIIC!eptlon1 l!y talklq with IODle of tile youths and their mothen, apparently with no aucoea1.

A,D lntpeotlon · ~e April 2T _._.,d that rthe d&lllaae wu ex­teulve and ~ dellblorate: IMp A. <La~reJ HID ..-ul el. marker posts taken out of tli<!

fi'OIInd, ~med upeldo-dq'im, put back In the 181De hole.

e 4 JICIItt de(aced wiUI batohet. . . elll .ht ' klanda.tton numbara .... ....... f ........ ~.~ <PlatiMl ~tea- .. a llllaUI NlllOVed 11om brldp. • 141DUIJIIII nWDIMnr were re­.........

Cl, ,, I .. " &111..1-Ull(rlaa .• 1!1111111'11 Wel't re-

·~~~et.·.· . ......-.u.:w&d ~ Arthur GroPP


~~ ... ~12~ ..ul ._.,.. ltl ....... ....._.__ Clift ,__ ,...,.. J:::/t__.J.fJI!r m- ...:,· 'l'til. t11 1 · wll lin: tbe ......... '01 ....... , ..... ,. ....... t~Ut ... .. .................. . f•R ··~tue •Z.H"..,. ru• wtll lie beld.uvuncl O...llelt

.., fA) ~ ~ Ruialer l1'rom Awllt. CJomiDlttee, Greenbelt R~ec, Inc.

Dear Mrc: HuWer:

''Relative to· your communica­tion of February 2, '1978, the Audit Committee baa con.lder,d tbe queatloa which you · ralaect r•l!ltlve to the 1lnancl&l opera­tions of the Corporation. ·

I . "You referNCI to miullll ., aountc In capital lmprovemlflt tuncla, or the dlfteNilOe be~wep &lllounw bujlpted ·and &~~~ouqtc · t~nt ln. 10T8 .ana In lm. · T)le ComiDittM found t.!lat. the Board ot Dlreotorc autbodlei the· .., mou!ltc of the difference to be orecllted toward tbe reduction nf me~bera montbly charpe. Tbe credltc were authotllled at the W.e of the adoption of the bud-pt by tbe ·Board. ·

"Now,· you raise further tulil­tl'!nl In your letter. of April H, 11178, on COit8 uetped to b!)mes north of Northway and south of Northway. The Committee found that the oontract with Arey A: . Oo. 11 jua~lfted on the sr'ounda that the conversion of the ~rse heatlnl planta located north of NorthW&)' requlreli -•lderably. more work, llloii.,D ...,,plplftJ, lnaulaUon of bol ~- linea, tunnel llnec, tunnel work, ad­juatmeritc .·In ·the bolltr 11'0011111, ete. cOneequlll\&l)', the __.r1e per home aorth ol ~wcy would be b41~r .. ... the h0111ea south ~ North..-,.

"The ·Co-Itt*' hu CKJDCiud­ed, tubetantlated by .Mae I,IUlu­al audit q( tba lloolal ci & Cor-­potation by Weill Ull ea..pany, and on further exa•'na&~on of Ule fact., that JOur -.ern• and charr~• are unfound~.

Fifth Avenue Card

1'he • ..,..., card..,._ the._ wl~:,.-~ .

~~ ·.~···· .. ; . .;. ·~~- .

. . 4. VI~· . . . . . . .

Maie yovr·MNtltapP, wlflt a..,., fllffl ijltWt : ' ' .... ': ... ,.; .. ·~· our Ia,.. ........... · w.· ,..._ ,.,,.,., . ._,,_,

~::uu·~-, oJIIIII\1IIlftt for ~ ron wltll .... rua • their OWI1 ..... Tillie

".JAM~Iffa. ~.......,a..;;.,.., · bu,.allt,J,.U.~a Tllae II 110 f• 11114

:''. .

BEL TSVIILE. .. :.,.j<J""'l,'

• IT SHINISI : from· the tender Jofin« ;~. ihe. o~ers bavt

nicely ct8~rated 4BJ\..2!,i bath, CAC, rambler~ ' . . ,.

llrllahed 1'ie room With ~rePlace atld llictllil I' , ~ h. ·· ... ~ r .. r. 1

· ~tio. You really muat 1ft It to believe It! • .,G,I

lmniaeula~ coniiltlon 3BR fambJer• for a uiDi Excellftt featuNs include larae .kl~ ,_.

bui.Milt, i~nc:ect ,Arc~, cAc. Ail- for cmi~ tD;

~t. PLAIN IUY tiel .

It U. ~ 2ft toWrtJsolite with ~ I olf itn.t •• " rt.r. OwiMI' .. ~ ..


Page 3: 1 fiSit Oar In-Store Pharmacy - Greenbelt News · fiSit Oar In-Store Pharmacy ... · ANY SIZE lb. U.S.D.A •. CHOICE BEEF Boneless·


1 i l.


.... T

~e • ; - . ,. ••• ., Hftl UVIIW

After Many Diseussio~ q,uncil Finally Resolves Bus Routes By Taking No Action

TbUl'lday, May 11, llt78

Red Cross Needs Volunteer Nurses

b)' .......... Llkowald. Council reached a declalon on two

_ propoRd ch&~~p~~ In Greenbelt's Ketrobua eoverere by voting un.,;J_ mousl)' at the May 1 eouncll meeting to let the eoverare remain u .· Ia. After testimony at council meetlnP. a publliL hearlnr. and s work RUlon, council decided not to ask Metro to aet• bac~ the time on the ll:lll_p.m. R-lll expreu. It also decided not to aek for rerout-­Ing of the F-e. . Complaint. had been madt" that It Is· cltmcult for persons worklni' In downtown Waahlnrton who quit work at II p.m. to catch tbe 11:36 expreas liua from Stadium/ Anilol'}' to Greenbelt. A8 11 solution It w~• surreated' that the 11:311 p.m. bus ·be puahed ·back· 10 minutes to II: •~ so that more people would be ablt> to make lt. Only 1 person appeart>d In public to testify In favor of the time chana<'. A eiiJH>Ut coupon In . the N..wa Re\'lew and .queetlon­nalrea put on can In nearby parl< . lnr lots brought only seven re­aponaea,' 'four In favor of the ch&ni'e and three oppoted. A aurvey made one! evenlq on the 0:311 bua Indi-­cated that H of the 33 rldera were

· appolllld to the change and 111 were not.

Council felt that there was no strong responae to their queetlou­nalre and that therefore the . time of departure ahould remain: aa It 1•.

Counell.-n Tho- White ex­pressed the belief that .a better solu­tion ·would be for Metro to convert an R 12 to an R ·u-a· 1& expreu fo Springhill Lake and the center of Greenbelt. White did. not think the R 12 ·conversion woulcl .make

that much dllrerence to Metro bt>­causP he saw moatl)' the aame peo­ple the 'latn _local bue now

· as those who wo~d be rldlnr a latPr .. xpl'ess.

A Representative frpm the Coun ty Department Of. Tranaportatlon IDO'l'l had lndleated earlier to council that aueh a converalon would not be fe&llble. Nevertheless council movoo that the atd lnqulr•· of DOT and the Waablngton Metm polltan Ar01a Tranllt Aut'horlty IW-­:MATAl of the poulblllty of such a change. One reservation held by Councilman· Gil Weldenfeld w,., that such a chanp might be too late In lieu Of the fact that It would take aeverai monthll to be lmplementoo and then It would be eloae to thP time of the opening "f the NPW C'.arrollton :Metro railroad station; GrrellbeJt expreas buses would b~ rerouted then anyway. White polntrd out that the chBJire, althouah It woulcl be In operation for a short time, might convert pea­

. piP to Metro wbo were now driving cars and thOle new pauenrenl· woulJI be kept when the new lta­tlon opened.

FIBoute Council had also considered ask­

Ina for a change In the new F6 route which eomea Into ( by way of Lii.keereat, Lakealde, West-)' and Cre8cent to the cen­ter. Because of ~lalnta. from realdents on or near the 'routP III!Yeral alternative 1'0\ltel were looked at. One would tum rlaht at the top of the hill at Weatway and Ridge, one would turn left .at tbe aame lntereeetlon and one

would come Into the city by South­way Road. There wae active cltlr.en support for the preaent route, par-­ticularly from citizens In the aoutb of the city who eXI,)resaed aatllfac-­tion that their section of the city was finally being served.

Council Jnvestlptoo charres of pollution, congestion and noise caused by the bus and decided that the preaent route was the llest nmtc to the center and Rlso the safPst, <'auslng the least amount of pollution and conrestlon.

Otlllt'n RA-queat Council heard a requelt from Dr.

B~rtram Donn, Woodland Way, ·on behalf of some Greenbelt residents that council support a..congresslonal IIDlendment that . would transfer funda from the mllltai.ey budget to civilian uaea. The aum of about I! billion dollara would come from re­

-ducoo mllltaey ·spending and be available for uae by cities for such things aa f1lderly housing, maRs transportation, direct loan pro­grama. health eervicea, etc.

Backing Donn'a requeat Rebecca Wllllama noted that thla wae "more a. statement that we want the foo-­eral rrovefll)nent to consider people ~ho are here . . . " ·

'After deliberation council agreed that they could not represent the view• of the people of Greenbelt on national matters but could only apeak aa lndJ\olduall, each ai:cord­lnlt to hla own personal belief. Aa a .council, . therefore, they de -clded not to apeak for the trans· fer amendment.

Volunteer nurse• are· deaperately needed by the Prince Georre'a Red Crou to u.t.t In blood· prei81Jl'll:" ·' screentnr at • the Greenbelt Home• Community Bulldlnc on Hamilton Place, fr!)m 1 to 3 p.m. and 8 to 8 p.m.~ a· day still to be determined.

Theae nuraea would take and re· cord bloOd pressure and counsel a­bout. medical aaslstancr needoo.

Rertsteroo nurses, llc"nsed prac-­tical nurses and student nurses ar<> ~nrourared to volunteer. For more · informRtlon call 51!9-8500, ext. 114 between 9 and 4:30 p.m. on week-


474-5007 1Jk••f0041 .......... Stato Pana Ia tUn. .

State Farm Inluranoe Oampaalea llume OfBcea: 81~ m

AUCTION, Sat., May 18, 1 p.m. MIll H AUOI'ION 11880 Oberry Lane. Section tw. Laurel, ~

DIR; 491! to Exlt.27N. North ort Route 1 toward Laurel approx. • 8% miles. Right on Cherry Lane. Left Into 2nd driveway.

oAK:'!Murphy.Bed;.Bed &: Matching Dreaeer; Square Dlnlnr Table w/8 leaves; 8 Press Back Chalra W/Piank Bottom Beata; Bulret; Mir­ror; Preas 'Back HI Chair; Dresser; Child's Slant Top'Desk; Bt&nds; Round Dining Table; Gentleman's Chest of Drawere; Sewlnr Machine

· "Manhattan" C 1918. MAHOGANY: Secretary, Gov. Winthrop Type; Plano Bench; Floor

Model Radio; Sml. Gateleg Table; 2 Platform Rocken: Buffet. MISC.: China Cabinet; Pine Blanket Cheat; Cradle; Kitchen Cab­

inet;' Cedar Cheat; Pine Dresser; Towel Rack; Walnut Shirt C&blnet; Chltrarobe; Set of 6 Chairs; Rocker; Hump Back Trunk; Brase Hall Tree;· Sewing Machine Baee Table. · _

CJ.OCKS: 2 Seth Thomas; Ansonia; Art Noveau; Braes Ship's l.'lo~k. ·

GLAI!S: Cut Glass Punch Bowl C '1900; Pr. Val. St. Lambert Col-­l~ctlon Plates&: Drt>sser Pieces; 1971.Royal Copenhagen X-Maa Plate; Depr.ession, lncld. blue Mardrld, some chipped; Occuploo Japan; Fos­toria; Carnival; ·Cambridge.

.. .

Greenbelt Home8, Humau.Relations Council Tangle -Again Over Marital Status Role

COINS: Silver Dollars 1880, 1887, 1890, 1878; Seated Dimes 181!3; JS72, 1878, 1888, 1887; 3 $1 Silver Certificates; 1943 Steel War Penntes; 3c Nickel ·1885: 1887: Large Cents 1798, 1802, 1810; Indian Head 'Penilleo; 1ta2 Bust Type Dime; Seated Quarters 1891-S, 18GB; Wheat Pennies; Columbian Commemorative· 1893 Half &: 1943 Walking Liberty Half; 1847, 1801! Seated Halves: Half Dime 1807; 1802; Buffalo Nickels; Lin coin Pennies; LlbNty Seatrd Coin Set; 1732 1788 Dutch Welt llldlrs Coins. ·

DOLLS: Approx. 30. Plated Mo~lda l!Kil, 16"- cloth body; DeLuxP Reading, 17 1•/'; DeLuxe Reading 1965, 20%"; A.E.G. 18, 17" )muaual: EEGEE 196T, Susan 18"; Horsman, 1981, 22" cloth body; Elfanbee 1968, 17" cloth body; Ideal 1973 .. 17"; 251. A-E 1950, 28"; 52, 1958, 30"; Hors mRn, 15"; .Jolly Toys; Horsman, 18"; Unrrda 1981!, 11", .many morP.

· OTHER: Pictures Incl. REO CROSS POSTE~. 11118,. good cond. The Human Rel&tlona. Commie- rrantl eicceptlonl baied on Illness.

aion and Greenbelt Homea, .Inc. Howe\Oot, Mltten'l r..queet was de· crooieed awoMI apln at a hearlnt nled. bf>fol'l' th~ HRC on TuPaday, April At Tu...-·a ho,arlng GHI at-26. . torney, Alliert Gln•berg, filed a

In· this most recent cas<·. GHI motion to .. dismiss the corhplall'lt mem~><:r. Ann Mitten, SII-G Ridge becaWie the-'HRCl' had not complied Road 1 Mitten 1!1 currently rentlnl' . with Ita oWn rules which provldea her home and llvln&' e'-here In for a rM181,!118ble time period after · MarYland l charpcl OHI with 411- . the . -plalat Ia made for OHI to crimination In .a complaint brQUI'ht. respond. <Thourh the caee wae bf>'fore the HRC In 18111. At that . llled in . 1~ a hearing W8l' not tmP Mitten had two ltudent.e. a acbeduled until the one on 'l'uea· man and a woman; .UYinr In her dayl. Mol'eover, ·Oinaberg aald, home. there wu never -a ftlldlng by the

A. widow wltb two children, ~It· HRc. of failure of conclllatlon ·or ten -Jntalmid that her son need- . that a Ylolatlon had, even occurred. ed a "male IIIUIP" and abe and her ftichard AIJI!•r, Mitten's attorney, daughter n~ed feminine -pan~ , hae been· ,wen 10 days to respond lonahlp aa well.aa. hflp with' the lo the motion. Th~ commlaslon wu

· hqme . .:>ne of -the· nel&'hbora Inform- to meet qaln on May· 8 to decide. ed thr board Of directors of the alt· whether to dlamlaa Mitten'• case uatlon upnn ·which Kitten uked brcauae of Qlnabt"rg'a moUon. the bo!lrd for an exception to the In. the Hemphill-Bradley caaa.

' rule. · which. came before the HRC In . Thr pr~vlalona of the M~I.Jial 1878. G~ had denied an unmarried o.rn.nhip Contract whtcb ·a11 GHI couple'• attempt to buy a houee. -aen ll&'n ill the)' bei!OIIIe mem- Tbe. HRb, after a number of bear· lien ol the co-oP atatea that penon• I!IP took GHl to court, claiming -., lift In a OHI home who are dllcriiiiiAaUon . aplnlt · unmarried

· rektecl to each otbe~ b)' blood qr coupl18. In Feb. 1871, the court. dill·· ~~. INfl'l&re, The board oecaeionally mJII!ed the case "without preju­

dice", ftn4lnl' that the HRC bu

lep. Spellman Holda . _Open Door ....... .. : eoncr-woman' GitldJ'• Noon

· .......... will meet wttl) Greenb<>lt . ......nta nm Thul'lda,, May 'tt .

t,_ I to to p.81. at the· Municipal •· . ~nr. Mre. llpotUman will pre­;·~ i-.lll!t 8'ltrlef ninclown on What ·t.

'./~':, ·. -~ ~n C&pltol HlU, foUG.ed .. ;; · v·. 'f a qtielllon and anawer !l*rlod. .

._ oftlt'e 'door• - both on Capitol

''llialltlUCIWIIIJeat the Dlatrlct Oflee lr\ •-· - are al...,_ open- to

,'of m)' Dlllrllll,·11111t l thWr laportant to .... Wltll ta­~ own neltfallorhood:" tfle

_aald. ·

PORTER'S LIQUORS-_ ........ ,,...,.. w. 'to JleDaaald'w Ill ~

.- i"ulr) We .... the .... .a.ouc. ol - ,.. IU'OaiMII· the ....... ,......,.._ __ ........_.

. Ottlf..., .., ·~ allaat .... .....

not enforcrd Jta order on . non <!Is.' crimination 4>8'1\lnat unmanted couplea. ·

Hemphiii·Bradjey provided tile lncentl...., -tor Co!lnty Council Chair· ma" Francia White to IntrOduce 11 bJIJ which would permit landlorda to reflj.le to rent to persona unre­lated by blood, marrtaae or adop- . tlon. That bill eventually died. ' In the Mitten caee, ·aile I• claim· Ina that abe has been dlacrlmln­ated aralnat beca,uae of her age, aex, marital atatua and occupation. ·

. GHI general manqltr Roy Brea· i aheara_ atated that Mltten'a are ~ex,

. marital atatua and occupation -re all. knoWn to OHI at the time ahe purcl)aaed her homl.'l· and therefore ·abe hae not been dl~erhlllnated ar· alnat.1 , · · · In another cast• recently ftled:wtth the HRC, Donovan va. OHI, the . complaint it.llerea that OHI 11 dle­crlmlnatlnr qalnat lingle people becauae t'be GHI board hae aeked Betty Dononn a alnrle homeowner In the COGJIPrlliVe, to tell OHI when . abe and her ftance plan to be mar­ried. Hllr ·remalnlnr In the bome­la, according to OBI, a violation

. of . the · contract llltled wlln

RON BORGWARDT 10212 Bo111f!'Orl llvcl,

C:o11ogo ,.,~. ftld. :!01~G (On U.S. 1 II 1111 IOI!NAYI


StPrllng·J,.welry; Lamp•; 011 Lamps; Crocks; Jugs; Ad.,ertl&lng Ttt>ms: Prlmltlvo•o; F..arty A,uto Travel Slove; Chlid's Sewing Machine; Fold­

'·ln& Cnm~ras;· Pr .. Chocolate Molds; Brasa; Copper; Cut ·xron. Otho.·•· U•;m• t;,o .num'erous to m~ntlon. Note: A lot' of abo\Oe furniture I• r .. ftnl•hed and all Is In good condition. · Au<·tioneer: J. J. Hlpp· ·t~r'ma:· Caah • or Check ·"' 1.0. lnspect~on: Noon 'til Sale ('onJignmenh i\~c~pted by Appt. : Sale 2nd " •th Saturday lila. Vo,






from· day of deposit paid quarterly

Twill Piaes Saviatsl Loai Alia.

Ptr Anauia.

. 105 Centerway . or .. nbeh, Mel. 20770



@ Saturday t-12 Mon.-Thul'. 9-6 Friday 9-8

MQ.ryl!~nd ~vlnpoShare lntura1111 co;pon.illll CAn· AtellCJ' Of tile .. te of llarylaad) .

IIIIW'M I8CIIa IOOOIIIIt to NO,OIUO' . . Ask abaut our eavl"ff c.rtlttcafe plantt

e lot,.. per ann- for a atOOO lilala- clapoah ~ 11e14 until one :rear matllll~. ·

N· Jle~ annum 'f~ 1 ~ minim~. depoe!& "bell U14 ""'llr one )lear ma~urlty, · • .

7 '·· ~ ""' ann diD . for ": ~1100 mlnlmUIII d~~t willa . •··· ~~- unlll four :rev lll&turlty. :

NOTARY SERVICE· Uree t.o aceount. ·holllenJ MQNliiT' ORDIQ\8 liOc up. to t2io .


Need Heme Plna.a .. t :Otvt uto'll ...

·;· :,··

A~Idf~J:ir co~~-· fol' the i!nttn 11roieet Woul4 not have to be undertaken' 1m~, nor would the park fiave to be abut duwn In order ~ lie ~diUoned ""d .~:~eaut148d. · ..

Harey r,.. lru twh a prelim­inary preJeJt'tat&on.when the lltudlu were completed. According to Mc .. · Kewtn, :rrvtnr JIIIVI!: the ..tudents ,•alliable ~ta and ad\'lteil them "" th.e preferencea and prloriUea of eouncll. The poaltlve features of all three propoaall were then drawn together Into· a 'cobelllve plan for i> resentatlon.

.SIPiteha. The overall deeltn Included six

major aketohel. The ftrat black and white repl'elent&tlon wu an ln­\'entory of the Perle today. It •hawed the location of -~wer lines, u·eea, ahrubbeey; the atate of the entranceway, bandatand, and Jake-­front, etc. There have been no dt·natlc chanru since the 1963 In ..entoey, almply a natural prorrea -•ion In the procea of soli erosion •nd tree JOBS,

Overall Plan The next drawing waa the· nnal

d•·•lrn plan. It displayed the Btu­dent•' concept Of .all Ulat ahould lw changed In the Lake Park. The •·ntrance way. to the Parlt wa• found lacking In deftnltlon. The "tudents eniphulnd tht. upect "nd a · conceptual . dealgn of what · the entry might look like with treeA and sbrub~ry was presented. They ,;ugre•t41fl. uainr varleUu of shrubs

· in different .colore to indicate a new aellvlty ll.!"L. Fol' exaatple. the ··ntrancew!Q' theme woulcl be red and wh~ tbe next a~ would

.b•• pllinted In ahadea of. yellow. It was recommended thillt the view of 1 h1• maintenance fac!Rty be Rl'een . •·d from the parking uea. The realignment of the parking area lt­"•lf and the creation of Islands was >uggested. The tot Jot wae ahown "·re .. ned .by plants and ahaded,; fa-­•·i.lities for p\ay and parent aeatlna "···•·• add~d.

Balldatand Th~ bandatand would be redone

"' " gazebo design, wblch Is both t mdillonlll and nostalgic. It would pmvide an entertalmnent area with

... , \'lew or the water, and would be '"rroundoo· by shruba to correct a watt·r problem. The concession . stand WOI,I)d be redone In the same •hape to rtve It atyle and tie It In wltn the re1t Of the parlc. A boat do<·k would be an added feature, .

bock A 1 high priority of the plan was

the conetruotlall ol a tlulkhead or doc1< aiOIII' 'the wa~r'1 edge from th~ . concea1ilon atand to the dam. Hopefully the doole would halt the t>toalon which Is aradually eating a way at the ahoreUne; It would ex tend out over the water aii\)Wlng l>eopli to ret cloeer to the water, feed the duolca, Alta, 'etc!. The Im­portance ot the eroelon factor waa l.>lihl)' atr-.1 b;v the atudenta. It waa notoo that u..· 11'888 had been ovei'Ueed 'and ·wry little veaetatlon "'<l!lts at 'pnieent •. Total rerradlnl' wu not deemed n-eeary but aome

· . l~veunr would haW to be done. In '11ddltlon to the UN of treea, and buahes, aoddlnr ~d/or 'seeding would be a partial 1olutlon to th<1

· ••roalon problem. .,....... Drawl ....


' . PIAl .from page J limited to atowtnr, leaf and trah

· removal, •l!d equipment repair. ·

Wallcwaya Another concel'n expn•ssed b)'

D!>n Volk was for Jmprovemen\ Of, · walkwaya and outdoor Urhtlng •. tn

Februaey, PRAB requested that. If posalble, part of the $100,000 fedeJal· met In grant for street linprovementi'be- Butldtnr uaed on BIJ~e tralla, underpa.aeeB, lnr w.u belcl; 11.0t ~ diiCU81' the aldewalks, and lighting Improve- Baltlmo,..WulllftltOn Oftrp&el, menta' for the Internal walkwayi. · but. ~er to . orpnla worldna City staff hae noted that any auch ,COIIIIIllttU to belp the. Phal!l l chanre would llrat-requlre the au~ -~of Dlrectore which~'!!~-thorlzatlon of the. Prince Georges ted-Ill Muoh. • Count:v Council. Becauae .most of . Tbt ~ liPtnecl with an In-the lntel'nal walkway system Ia on Uoduotlon fll the oo~ttee chair-"~ GHI propel't;v, the city does not peraon• and a brief ducrlpUoli of have jurladlctlon to Jmprov~ walkll. each committee'• function .. Harry Although desirable, conatruoUnr · Baile)' II In charge of the Parklnr aldewallu In many areas would be Committee, whlob bandlel all mat­dUIIoult because of the narrow tera relating to the Phase I parking rtahta-of-way. lpacl8.

Giese noted. that the city Ia ex, . Karen l'O&eY of the Ltghtln&' plorlnr . fellghtlnr. However, the Committee Ia reaponalble for thil lights are rented from Pepco with lighting of all OCIIIImon condomlnl­the city paylnr a monthly service · um &reu. Her committee- 11 cur­charge. Since CDBG f11nds are for rent11 atu.cbrlnr tile poaalblllty of one-time purchasei, the additional replacln. the ex:lat1n1 etalrwell operatln&' coata would have to come lights with fluorescent bulbs. out of the city budget. Low level llghta, which are primarily decora­ttve, ara. being· considered for play­grounds. It Ia feared that some people might complain about the brlgbtneu Of Ughta.

Don Volk explained that bla nuam concel'n about the report wu that the Idea of Improving playrrollll4a wae low on the ll•t of voter- prlOtl~' tlea at Ule laet election. At council meetlq, Greenbelter Jack Steurer · compiiDieJited the city manager and. atUr for working within the guldellnea for the repo1t. .

hence and aeparate uaare areas. nluatratlon number live shoWed the proposed dock. In detail. and dealt with the features of the band­stand. A color perspective dr11wlnl of the entranceway rave an Idea Of• what could be done to ~anre the look and · atma._phere· .of the park. A apeclal atudy of the nora and fauna was undertaken by one of the students Which Illustrated various ~pecles of wlldftoweu; ducks, and deaorlbed the veretatlon.

. All of the original llluatratlonH will be kept by the student.,_ and two sets of prlnta of the plana will be sent to the City of Greenbelt for Ita owri use. Phillip McKewln atat~d 'that bia clau'matea enjoyed working on the. !'IMlulrnlng projact b~tcau•e It rave them an opportunltf to wor!< with • alte that actuall;v ....... and · aupplled condltlonl. Couaoll and PRAB membel'll thanked the atu dents and· praised them for thel r efforts.

~ndallclna . · The ptronre•t recommendatlonK wblch ;rew out of the I~Udy were llated aueclntly: tile redeii&'Ji of the .park entrance; reallanment 1\nd chanre• In the parkllll' Bl'ea; the roncept of dellnect acUVIt;v ar­eae; blocking off the view of the maintenance area upon entarlnr tl\e park; relocation of malatenancP roads; a bulkhead built to conform to the conft~Uratlon of the IBJiu; a new conceaalon area with a. boat dock; and the regrading' of much o£ the ·land io ·atop e~lon were th•· hlghl'at prlorltln arrived at b)' thP atlidenta. The plan will nQ'III be co~ldered by PRAB memiK!rs and thWr 'rl!commendatlona will then br

on to the city eouncll for Ita.

Jac!c Murray'• a.critatton cOm-, ·mtttee Ia ·auu In' the forrt~atlve · ataae. bUt WID . haiulle · tyenta liach u ljlorta totii'IIBIIIeaatl. 'bu. -.trl»e. and bike hlkei. Thlll''commlttile will. Work oloael)'. with the 8oolal Com· mlttee ·headed by Rorer LoelNn-

. ateln;"\tho plana a pool part,., aott-· ball pmea, ·and continuing the Frl· dat bruncheli. . ·

Rorer Ledoux, Communication• Committe& Chairman 4t.cusHcl the poaslblllty of a newlletter and P.hal~ ~ Ruldenta Plt-~ctoey. , .

Groullh · Qolamfuee -tihalrman Ropr Bove aupervlael tlle laald­acape appearuce and IJ'OIJndt lm·

. Pl'OY8JIIellt.. Don SheU ~,up the . . Bullcltnp Committee, 'Wlalch OlllaJul

out the 'llt~ctural lnteri'~ Of tho · coDdomllllum bulldlnp, ·

Vleld Hatter Ia In charge of the Finance Committee. Larl')' Ramie)' Ia chairman of the. Phaee I Build-Ing -Representatlvea. ·

The meeting was partly bualnea1, partly aoclal. The appobited chair­persons recruited new _,OIIIIIIIttee member1 while talklnr Informally over coffee, doughnuts. alld other refreshment. .

Duaten from .. ..., and .liP

SuJruner 4 ...... -..

Qhlldren'•· 8andala .. .Of

LAdlle' wlllte I_,_ IIIIDIII8f tllanp tl-" -

Beach towe11 from tu1 up

Wind t'hl~ .

OenuiM 'Capl& lhell-~ . . .... , ... lndllor IV)' and Mlnlatuft RoM

lkllhM .... 111 ata

ClenW&I <lllup·Baak ~

le• Fra1Wi1 • • 0 ~ •

Greenbelt ......... c.• 1M....,

The "Pianntnr plan" waa tbe 1tu-. dent1' k.,- ae to wblcJl· plan went when. l't lncludH tba pa1111 n&lllel of the plant. bad been aurrea-

iiiilliiiii .... lllliill --.· warm·up to.

WaUeoverinp at.WOI's

3C'off Fabric-backed .vlnyla and pr8-pcatecl p(lpen by...Bolta-.Tex, suriWC>rthy. Ltody and ·Ait0r~ At WUl's, all papers· are on sale. Our consultants ofler Ji:ee . adviee and paint coqrdination.

... .. ~ ••• , 9174713 ,·--a:::::; TUe -~- •"""" Q Aftaii·.Wlll._ .. W 1Da '•

Want to pay... ----!Uor. a t110.91Hi -..t- -~--. ·-Dat yeer to buy! -. '19 h•v• more tQ\IltfiD fO'U' tu..airtl_.. ,,..,, Then bQY ·, .,~ · . . · - . - ·

:, ' ... ,. . . . .. ' .

-~ - -- - --- Att' irick- ·:-~ ·.::o:r-~-- c -- • J

--- 3 bedrm, se~·cOl,.in Riverdm; wuher, dryer, new~' .. arical ,system, utlllt7 room 1n ~t. aa4 .~ 1n · JaM with hu1e oak tree .. · Only $39,900 .. No down VA or •1 I'HA. Call 3411-21t1. - -). · ·

..... , ............ . · 5 bedrm.. •. 2 full bath brlek ~ alum.· bi Lew~ r.f.

room, w/w carl)et;.lpaUe, fenced yard aDd 3 car o.q. Nt jlewjl. · payment for vets ·at a. bargain -...a.soo. · ·

In-Ground Pool . Split-foyer fqturil)l 3 bedl'lll;, 1~ 'Nth, cent. a/c, .-,..

romo washer, dryer, dishwasher, patio, fenced yard JRd •·••· $116,500. Call 927-1111.

VA Appraliecl $66,500

Fo~ this 5 bedrm, 2Yi;=~~evei home n~ar ~iJh HiJh School loaded wfth ail .. extru au.elt • rec. roaa, a/c., fully.equlpt kit. w/w carpet, patio-and carport: Ne. VA and fast posiE'ssion. Call 345-Jllll. ·

· Farmette In the Cowfth'Y · · -: 3 btdrJ:n> Okler home, with I lot U..t IMUUl'eS 37,5011 ICUArt

teet of l.ewl.laDd that ill fenced and surrounded by woodl • .V. lt?ned I-i tot !Ji4uatrlal uses. Call for detalla, 345-2151. ·

' . '· ' '

-- · Older Colonial _. -. · . But in better-than-new condition. Trulf an .....,.~

brick home that ofters. all the modem equlP~MJ~Uor aM includlnl''new Clllt .. ale, fireplace; added·j)Q ...,rr:r--

in ~ and plenty of larp ahede tl"tte Ull 1eQ 7 shruba In fenctd yard. Located in hard·to-pt RJ&~ ..... all 937· tm. or Mll~lllll. · : · · · · · · • ·

. Fantastic CustoM luilt Plenty of room to .JrOW, plenty of. room &0 entfttala. ...

plenty of room to have your own pr~ .... ~ .. ·&D ...... level, thia. one-of-a-kin~ home hu .,...,..... Jog WOIIIId for In your dream home· and Is loca\ecl ~ 4/S of 8ft ..,. Ia BeltavUle, on Moiitaomery Road.· Cal) tl).lntpiet ~~~home, :rw will be lmprl!tl.... 3U.IU1. · ·

. ' ' .

. . ' ........ ; .. i,'; .• The ~ivinl room. picture wiftdow ~ ~ d-· ~-~

built rambler Oftrloolu Greenbelt ~·. Toll' llllt .. ~ the view from Ule rear ·yar4 wbloh II ~ aQN of ~ ah~:uba aftd.lbatile trel!tl. TW. home fqtunt I ~ Ull much, much more. Don't mill thi• chence. Price jUJt ~ $H,SOO, olfet1 In~. Call 34~·21~1. ,~;; ~--. . .::. .

~..... t~ :(.. . •

. . . . --~·.

If JOU are .think ina of ba)in& OIJ!8lllDt a boiM, .oall.f*•. 1Je c1111 help. u YCN have a. borne t,t •U ·.-~~a fNe est,lmete with.' no'·oblltadn·~ ~ .. ltsi: . . . . . ,, ...


.. ~


Page 4: 1 fiSit Oar In-Store Pharmacy - Greenbelt News · fiSit Oar In-Store Pharmacy ... · ANY SIZE lb. U.S.D.A •. CHOICE BEEF Boneless·



. Visit, Oar Jn.Store Pharmiq Beer &: \fme on Sale on Saill,



z lbs. ·'I· PEPSI COLi

le~&lUGAtRH, .

·--. i.ll /'J

6 I'IIIIV'l -h";, ,._,-•U



-~. ·:···

LIGHT 'N uvay ·

YOGURT ........

...... .....


U.S.D.A. CHOiCI BEIP '• ' I" , ,.., (,.•• •

-ESS _ .. ·, ·' . '-"'.l.' ·.·' ,.,. ROASt

lb.' ·'


BOTTOM ROUND ~OAST . ib .. L48 .IEdtiai•

u.s.D.A. Choice hef Bonel•u

Chock ~teakfl. t28 . ~t:oo~1oASt f&:tF.SS ......


~ce·creaJn ~ftA: 1.38


POT . -~~­......


IEEBG . ·- ...;__ __ n·· . . _ _;_·_ .. __ -· _···

LE ua hd. 5.-·c ': ·;'. . .

. ~ . \.




10 to 14

'1'6··~. . ,,

FRESH WHCia.i ~u. ·••' u u .




LEGS lb ..

Penlue CtJ.IIjJ ,,,,, ..• c


SIF-IASntm · .. · .·~. .•.... ~e . ·.

. . .· .

• '* .•

..... ·.

-· .. ~ .. .. ~- ~ .. . PANIOAIT 24 . · ·

........ ........_ .......... ~ .. .n. .... ,·.,_ ... ..

.Acl• 1114.

• ~J;.m. on ~o!.U~~P,!r~way betw .. l) a muL e The Twin Pin .. olllGit~


~ilbxl DeadJ · TUWIGI''<Pift ,_.ent ln envflope With ad~: & nO\ P:;,! •:; p.m.

• P:O.IIIIIIf • ~~114. 2~~· ~~~ ~. ~~~ ~Y Tueaa:y. n.,);

·HATJ!!!: $1.GO mlnlmiQil for the flnt ten wor41. 10c each a4di.ti ' 1 rd ' No ohlll'l• for !let..._~ that ere f-ct. • . . . _ -~ _ ona wo •

Bd~=~'WI,-Jf:.' ~ll!!l ~a 11Mnoh one oolwnn box. $1.00 each Jl • liiiMriGm aa !or \hlf'lelltlGn,,.ti!Ne I h~ -l . CALDWJ!lLL'S WASHibiifMV;:.' hRJ - nc a~. ICE. All m~ .. oprtq I alrltd y j ~AI. L 0 0 KIN 0

• Authori~d · \WtriJiiltll' 4tfalrm:"'aR d~··WP1U ~d other od4 jobe ·, ~1 •. • ...

1• :lli6 }.y Veltdle •B year ol4 ~/hr.

~-..., v. · CaD-Mark, Nl-74117 .PIANO TONING nto RitPAIR _ . · · NqlD-~U lor 1117 ~ year old Expert and Reliable Plano Service KNITTING AND CROCHli:TJNG &On. Preler aomtKIIle with fe110ed·ln to Greenbelt alil&''llflll!h l!lelt!Vmlll ~ 1n 'Ill)' 116me. Baby clothH, . yard neir.r · 4f . .Qourt · Rldi"e. Call Serk*2'!~._.: : . , . chll4reil'l clothea, wmmer cloth.. Pear~ 474-27M, after 11:80. 'l'YPiiiWiiiTIIlR RIDPAIIR, BILIDC- wedtllftl aceilu'Ott .. :' t!tc. Call Mn: FOR 'YLI: ,llllt ben~:b ae&t tor TjUC, .S'I,'~ARD ANl> PORTA- Comula4a at 1411-0182. e-:e. ·:•· van, $211. Call 1411-11128. BLII:S. Ctilf 4'h-1lola.' '~ 1 Jr., i'Ott'"iAtlii: liiiW (Incl. 2

. ·. . .._- ._, GHI UNIT On• bedroom, aecbnd iloor end

new kitchen .1: . bath, ·attic ·

wlw carpetlnc. wOOd•. carden

$15,TDO. I 1~" doWn, 1411-718t .. - ...... ... vorom. LJIIIIONI.


PlANO Llll880NS: Peabody Con-aerYatory Graduate. Bertnnen-Advanced. '74-tllll:l · • •• fflilWiU'IQ OR. ADDINq.M~ , CHINBI $80 .1: Ul'. HOWA'Im'lt TYPEWJUTilR CO~ lUll B.UJl'I­MORE A VII., HY A'1"1'SV1Ll.ll, MD •. 2'1'7-8111. " PAiNTfito • IntftiOf,. ~or wallpaperlnc and llt'llt ~tn also~ Good Greenbelt referenoea, ex­cellent worklllan~lp. r.rank Qc). mea. •T4·18U,'~ ..

APPLilNOBI RmPAIR - Wuhen, dr;yera, 41ah'IIJ'Mhen, l&rMce dla­IPCIII&lt, traall· · c•~ etc. WllAVIIIR APP~ RBPAIR SU.VICB. 111-wt. ' .

eou .. ebrk' IIMtrl~~\tt.

. llllllclent,~·

Bervlce b)' Muter IDieotnolaa . , ..,.,.,...., .. " !ln!dloJ.W...._

Mr. lrown . '


Camp Center/lower camp (qe8 i-7> II now aece~tlnf appll~ tiona for a, IUllufier 4ay ~~ · pr01ram fro~lft ~q.' floure 7 a.m~.;e ~~- · Looalll ' In Greenbelt 8114 on the ~pJI of Prince Oeorkel C6aWGJn'F eoMnep .. Actl~~fQS .. : :;:-~re. __

... It' ta. t .

available. Call 8U.:7740 for ·bro­_cli\lrl,"'. ,. 'lol' • .,. ,_. • .


UOO up WJilJIIKI.Y KAILINO OJit:.. 'Katerlalll tiiiPPlled, llll·

ncome ~u&rantetd! Bend . I'Hied 1taln~ enveloje:

H'lllltWorker, 8417-BAP, Troy, :M'l' D~ . ..

FOR . SALJI: ~ 18711 Belair .1taUon W~'t ,...llftr, P/8;•P[8, tin-ted ~-. • ial., * lalp ..

· $2000 <each> or belt oll'er. lllt-1800, ext: 62. 8-4:80. ·

Wil.L. ·WASH PlC'l'URJC WIN DOWS -- Saturdaya and Sun4a,ya, $6.00 . each. Call John •74·1tllt or Jtftl 47,-8114 &ner ' p.m.

. TABLII - · tiO, -Shelf unit • tlG Q.N.O. Plua other ml.loeU.neCiua ltema. 1411-8881.

fLOORING. '1'118. • LIIIOIIII!at ~ a. fJIIIIade ........... ~ree~

P~ne 345-4277

937-3683· 474-8111 PLAN YOUR .OCIIlAN. CITY VA· ••.. CATION NOW In our 2 '114. I bath,

~==-=-~~~...., .... ....,..,._ A/0 ooeaul4e condo. :~U-400~. HANBEN PLUJODfG A HIIA'r· NDD iABY81'l'TIIR '. J'liaiHime INQ • 160 HUIIIcla ltd.. O!Wii· ~kci&JI for ~% year old boy. My belt. 146-aaT. Bondlcl, . lloellled, home or -·n. NI-IIOI7, llllall home .. . . . , __

FOUHD • Ontaliillt'l Allllaal War- Repter now . for Kllhkan Torah .den ftndllatra, MI .... 'flft'l'l WMit. NURSiJRY 8006L 1011 &tlilm • If your pet 11 1o.t, aheok wltb the Creative ·pi'IJIP'MI for a'• and 4'• pou.. ~ "......_ f....., Olipttlve · lellnilll', . art L4JGII R8PADUI) . . m111lo. Kondq, Weclneldat, l'rlclay table ._ --.;;.•~-" ~ llld , momlnp. Phone llti-IToM.

.... _. -- ..,..... ROOiOilTi Niiilbllb • to &ft LA'W1f. fliOWiiUi ·u.. ~ ea-. 2 ~. • 11at11 apt. in ••n• · repaint!. 1\tuoaablt, 0111 . ,,.., CaU . ' ........ ·.·· . .~----..-.~---

HOUU DOCTOI ................. · . .................. "1: ........................ ........................ lAM ,.,. ....... Oall .........


Rmft,' -.1 be4Noaa ~ ap­

artment In OhariH~ Vlllqe.

N,.ar Greenbelt' Lake - ~-­·pl .. eleoblot~ A..a&~a~~~e: * Pf.Oit Kar,ll . - I•;;,. . .

. . >?:~·, ;_11j5c .

matr•u>, 10114 teai"'t*can)l ma· ~<11itr81iiiit' (~nda),e>;· · 4 dfli/Wfta; '\'ei,."rooct '~; 474• 1M.'''~· , •'t .... ,~·· •. ·.··' ).,, ... ,

b o o\. LN . 1 ora mon~oold JtUy. -"'' ltartlftr Mq 28. Telephone Mll-4118. · . • GIVBI AWAY - I year old AKC re­atmf'ecf': lllllii tot P&dlto. C&ll Mli-Tj!!:

8ponaored by the Greenbelt F.O.P. Lodp #82

YARD SAL'S YARD IALID . - lite~ cloUa ... fehlldren • adultfl, Delr\nal4-.. coffe table .. IIA· Laurel Hill. 10 am • 8 pm, Bat. '

SElLOUT yAiij) W -· KU1 UIIUIUal i&eml, lat., Kay 18, lfrlll Bn1 - a p.m. 111 WOodlancs Wa,y.

lilea Market & Plant Sale Frlci&J, Mq 12th, Moon. to Dark Saturday; ~ lath, t a.m. ·tO


Holr c-. l.l,ltllfonu• ~

'18011 ·c,,.....,..t Road .- .



Page 5: 1 fiSit Oar In-Store Pharmacy - Greenbelt News · fiSit Oar In-Store Pharmacy ... · ANY SIZE lb. U.S.D.A •. CHOICE BEEF Boneless·




ICeerealita .... , ,._.. Vouaii v.e

All tenma plqen ant advt.ed to oheclr poeted rulee and replatloaa ·for court uae u well u 8Checlulea for le-on. and tOUl'DIIIDIUitl to . a­JOid unBeoe.&J7 blaCmventenae. ·Pteue men 1n u NqUlred. .,..........eol ......

Seuon p- for the municiPal awlmmlq pool are on Ale at the aunlclpal tlulldlq, treuurer'a or-

. Ace, Mon. thru ·Frl~ 8 a.m. "'" •:so p.m. Appllcatlona are available at the municipal bullcllq or call the Ree. Depart.; 474-118'18. a• Opea ~ Tuarnunent

The -n•a ftriit tournament, co .. aj)oldored by the Recreation De­partmt!llt and the Greenbelt Tennll As.oclatlon, wll1 taka place May 19 tl_!ru Kay 28 wlth Men's 81nclea and Doublee - 'A' and 'B' Dlvtllona -plua Women's 'A' and 'B' Slrtales and ~bletl and Mixed Doubles. iteclltar at tbe Youth Center Buli­n- 081ce, weekd.,. thru the 18th, froa 10 LID, - 2 p.m. FOr further lnfnatlon on ~he tournament, call -tihJ 1\ee, Depart. Weekdays, 9-5; 474-erra.. (:Wap Pille Tree .

The lllllllmar camp Ia operated uy the· clt)r of Greenbelt Rec. Depart. Thla IIIIU'IUi the ~ year of IUC­couful fun and_ aklll p~ of. outdoor and JPeclal actlvltlea. Jn atructlonal PJ:"'O1''UUII In awtmmlnc, tt!llnll, tumbllq,' tram'pollne, craftiJ

· · Mel !U'Cheey are olfared. The camp 8ealon Ia elfht We&a lonr; which Ia divided Into 4-two· -k leiSiona btwlnnllll' June :ie. Brochure~~ and pppll~OIII are available at the ~. · Qepart: P'or 'further detjl.lla, call 4T4--e8'18, 'Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m .. - 5 p.a.

Conunent on County Ubrary Service. Wanted Wed; .

All open meetlnc. on county 11-bnll)' S8rvli:ea will be held on Wed. May 17 at 8 p,m., _at the National Aplcultural Library, Baltimore BmL, BeltaviUe. Cltlaena are ~ to· teli' the llbr~ana and IOftrn­-l olialala what. kln4 of Mrv!ce tbeF want for tbemeelvea and their children.

Partlclpantl will elect delecates tl> attend the Govemor'il conference · on Llbrariea next fall.

The meetlnc will be llped for t"e deaf.

C"men Co..nt Wute4 The . JirlDOt . CJearPi CouDt1

Council !rill. bear eiUMD oomment on Tiaeaclay, 1(q 11 at 1:10 p.m. on a 11m !CB-8) lblftlq appiOild· ~ P.l m,lllloa Ia IIChool eon• at.raeUon bonda, already author11f14. f~ IIChoolll completed· to · echliOI p$iltetl Jolla planned li'Lit DCit etaned. Sprinata!U Lake ltiam..., up. Sehocl· Ia amona the acboola . u.t Wll1 receiYe fimda !110,0001.

'ftle bllf would taka care of near­, .U the IChool eonatriacUon pro-

1\CIW pendlft&. TIM fJ.I mUIIon · . llchool C!OIIItructlon ·

. ltate.

~~~N ...... ,.. .. , · tlon of a ot appi'Gld-

matel7 8,1100 ... A. .APB felt tbe reiJUeat wu p~ .,..S PRA8 l'eCOIIIUIIended qUnlt u.Jna ar­epaoe for 1uch a Pllrpellt,

·-~. Commentlnf liD tile Rev. Kenneth Buker'• conctrll tor _.dewalk anow removal, tbe oj9 IWf DOted that thla years budlwt tor 1110Jr removal wu fl,8tD aad tile ~ txpendl· turee totaled UI.IIOO. Tlle:r pointed out that·the "ol4t bad more snow to OODtend with tllla winter thaD It baa had tp probabl;r any of the laat ten ,...,.,.. .

The city usee a l!lOW plow moun­ted on a amaU velllole to plow some. sidewalks and. In pal'tlcular, the Center Mall area. However, thla equipment Is too larp for mott sldewal~. The· JiroiiOMd buclcet for the new flsral. :rear provldee •1,1100 for the purch.,. of 41 lddewalk anow plow that would be JIC)Wer driven but · hand operated, Itt purchue would nOt pro91de for the clearlna of all alclewalkl within the clt;r, but would uelat In the 'cleartnr of the more ·menalveiJ Uled an4 crltiQal eldewalk · areal, · ODunoll was ln­fllrmed that If all 11Ubllc · aldewala were to be cl~, the city would


The unual yard Ale at the Greabelt Nuneey Scbolll aroundl. HI~ IUlCI Cleacent Rda~. will· be held on l!atui'day, Jo1a7 11, ·~ro~p 10 a.m.. to. a ~ J'uatutlo AIN .on

. roolt • olothlll&', furnltuM, plantl, ~- llake4 IOOda, boob and white elephant. are plmned.

ln••••n lo••••k•n The Greenbelt Hom_.ken Club

will have a me~~tlnc on Wecln•day, May 17, at 8 p.m. In the home of Mra. Maey Ann Baker, The prcr cram will be ..presented by. Mra. Francia Crisman on "Antlqu•"·

For further Information call Mil· 9032,

have to conalder additional epulp· ment purchuee. ·

Counoll unanlmouat:r auppclrted the propoiecl extension of Metro rail operatlnc houra on weekdaye from 8 p.m. lc 11 p.m. and the lnl· tliLtlon of 14 houn of aervtce on Saturd-,, White dellvered the clty'a ~ltlon at a _heartnc of the Wliah· lncton•Kttropolltan Area Tran1lt Authority 11n May 4.

· WAITING FOR JUNE? You mi1ht be making a costly mistake waftlnl for June!

We are gett1n1 top dollar for our Greenbelt listings 'and have a waiting list of qualified buyers ready to ail!l _on the dotted. !!!I!: -· ·

BE A SEU..ER NOW! .aetore you list,- if you want factual explanaUoil of. how you can save money by listing now, call me,' with no oblllatlcm;



'' or .. ::··. 372-6373

JOHN VALINTICH Realtor Associate


Paint Branch Monteuori Scbool­i.eamln1 by Doing ·

3215 Powder Mill ROCIId,,Adelphl, .Md. 20783 The Paint Branch Montessori School is now enrolling children for its half and full dar prcigrams:

Pre-School & Elementary Programs You are cordially invited to make an appointment .to ebaerve our claue~. · . For further information, please call Betay. Yeomans at 987-11144, or Patricia Bal'lhay at 474··!5170 after 4 p.m.

WE IEEI YU,I. HELP. •• .till . . . ' ' ' . .

1811 ·AMBILIICE • • • ' 0




-DAY CAMP Upper Camp· June 19-Auguat.25 Lower Camp • June _26 • August .25 .

Swimming lnet.

field Tripe


. Music ·

· Gver~lght CamPc»uta

Creatlw Movemel'!t

Horseback· Rldlne and· Stable



-.· LOpAftD AT THE DO~ "C". tiAI~Cl-11/I:!IITil!U'RJD. ~AD, 'l'RAN'!QioRTA'tiON AVAIL­

ABLE: P.G. COUNTY HOURS: 'I;OOA~~~:OO~, ·PROGRAM -I:(IOAM-4:~.. , , . .

. '.1111' ·-· ,,.-=\11:-.-:: ''

lrttnhelt .. ~.

Jlt.WS ltv' It-W Sever~ Greenbelt ~~:n ~-..-.~~!"~,-. . Baltimore-WubJDat,On Partway and the overpAit · :tJtat

. e6eect eut and wunrreenbelt auiiiC:Icl· durlil:CCM~Pii. 6aB..iili·r~--:-:"1':.-_ . AN. IN-~ .... EWSP. A.P. -· · Gladys Spellman's Open Door aeuion.on May 11 at... . . . · /~

Tolume 41 Number 26 .,_. ..... .,::;:,10. " ER · , _ Bulldin1. She alao flelcled questions an sueh otliei. td&lla II .,.....

GREENBELT, MARYLAND Thursday Mi.y 18 19'78 . ana preference right11 civil aervlce reform (see separate llt!fllt), . · -' · ' taitlon tax credit. for private iehool atudentll, .the Lyle ~

I b · R ' } 'd · · · GHJ M • OSHA, ·Post .Office, small business, slarkina tor the handlCiilJtlid, DCUID en~ e•e ecte at eettng; and regutati<ms pertainin1 to the advertlainl ot '~· __ L __ _.__

o . Aoc.ompanyln~r Kra. Sp8Jiman Ia rl~rht or WftiJia, lira. 8-Bo d·J• ••• p J Tak Off A · d were members 11f her ltd, who ·eald. eXJIIalnlll& that "The. fGIII.<IIIf ar. • IIDI Ing roposa . en · . gen a ;~b;:~o~ha~P w~r:e ~~=n~u:: ;~:-:!! =~t~ by Sid Kastner tiona o11mmlttee, new members arefccta of lnflati11n during the put and after the meetlq, spent 1bould lie made C!ll the ....

· The annual membership meeting Marion Harrison, Janet James, Ste- 10 years on GHI's ope~atlona, 88 In hla·lntroductory·te-rk•, Ma-- an!f.l~l :~ . '1'hM Ill ·*-_1 of Greenbelt Homes, Incorporated, ven Slnden, Robert Sonneveldt and summ·arlzed more fUlly In an Inter· yor Richard Pllakl told about eo supported Revenue lharlnc ·• · • • held laat Wednesday evenlnc, May Robert Speer. · . eating booklet contalnlnc compara- persons In the audience that Kn. Government - Benaton and . ...._ 10, aaw much &rlriJment center ar- Stan•llnr Room Only tlve tables prepared by the. corpor- Spellman wa• ''kind of. special to reeentatlvea ·from all partil ·CJI. ·a. ll'Uttd the dlapollll ·of a proposed The',meetlng Itself, held In the atlon'a atalf. (For example, oll pri~ \II •.. She hns done so much for countey --should not be III&ICID& .... bylaw chance which would have large Center ·School. auditorium, ea have lncreaaed by an averaae of Greenbelt ... When therf liave clal11nl that should be made 111 Mae cancelled the board's authority to . was attended by such a creat num- 18% each year from 1988 to 1978; been dllferencea, we h~ave worked co-unity." . . .. ralse monthly charges. Four In- ber of pecple (estimated at over maintenance coati f11r both brick them out." Conareuwoman 8peJlaan •­cumbenta were re-elected to the BOO) that many people bad to stand . and frame bomee have ~(bout doub- In reaponse, Concreuwoman plalned bow concernod parent~, lllla­board ot dlrecton: James Bmltb; In the ~"~tar of the hall for lack llf led In the same period; water and Spellman said, "Greenbelt Ia a IIPC- dentl, teachen, _clt:r o8lelal!l .... !'forman Weyel; Jamea FC18ter; VIr- !eattna. It be~ran with a review by sewer charcee have lncreaaed a- cia! place to me." She nmlnlaced othen came to her ap~ Jlit·a ,..a Moeyadu, P.resldent Jame.~ Smith of the cor~ . bout 14% each year. On the other aboul her .tlrat Vlalt to the collia- footpatb. hoW tbq feared fait. Oe

liW Audit committee, those elec· poratlon•a prccr11118 In three par· hand, fuel-aavtnc· meaaurea under· · munlty aa a :rouq wlllilan. "P1111- aafetJ of tbale· ruan~DC.aciQit Jlle ted were Bcbbl McCarthy; Arthur tlaular areaa; conven_ Jon of th'" taken In the laat four ~ have pie;" ahe laid, "told me.what a ireat Parkwq, aad hOw ........ ~ . Gnlpp, and James Simon. (See box " reduced fu 1 11 co.wumptl 11 Jiv a plaoe Greenbelt waa. I wu lnvtted er;ront tccetber, ~ U.. ·• fOI' 81ect111n reaultl.l heatlna ayatem from eteam to hot ·

8 .o

0 ' • Into ·their homea to take a ·look, proprlatt l'lllleral tlpllal• .... ·• .

· water, which he aald wu now pro- bout 80% from the 1988 Ievell. . __ ..... ~.:. lilt ll'or the Nominations and mlec- duolnc a aavlnr of more than 2ll% Jamea Foater, ch,.rman of then- and-thla warm, frieridl:r lplrlt baa attorn8Y for 0-...-. a. .

GHI Election Tally . In fuel coati; completion of pay- nance oommlttea, followlna Slnltb'1 exlated tbroqbout the .,., .. She apoke of the taiaalo deatb fJI • mentl on the federal ......,.,rnment'l . re11ort. commented a\llo that "we noted that Greenbelten were nner · OrMnbelt lltudent H'fel'al ,... IP

•y·y h bl doubt bo t It "placld people," that "there were on tbe Pern.r. ~ Board of DlreOtol'll

.taiaea w. Smtih• lflll'IIWl Weyel•

mortcace; and . creation of a loillf ave pro eml, no a u : d'•e-~ ....... ,"' the· •- and ranee· plan for rehabllltatlon of but they're not llllurmountablt If ... ·-~ ,.,.....,, ....... S.:.W "k'Rp"'h•

2H 288 2110 282 203 194 181

GHI homea. On the lut proJect, he we all_ pull lcptbar." there will continue to be dilfenl\- A. of tile~_... noted that "our talk now Ia to .Aa'eDda cee." Oftrpua plaiDed that tlia .... -..,

.._.. Jroater• Vlrlrfnla Moeyadaa• Bettie· Den1011

.complete and Pllt tocether a pack- At a re~tlvely earl;r point In the' · · .AdmiDIIItra&loa (IRA) MOil(,., ap that the memberlhlp can aC• meetlnc. the proceedlnp bePn to The niO!It recent luua creatlna haft _,....., .... It .......

J'imea ,Paaaante Richard Sander•

For Audit Oommltt~e

'Bobbi·:McCarthy• Arthur Gropp• James SlmQII• muntce bllxon *lllloot41<J

328 803 303 194

~ept" • a packaae comblntnr ·a !)epart from the orlltnal arenda dltrarencee - the Baltlmor~~-Wuh- ditlqed a 4u1 _declllllcla· all tile ... reneral pJan for renovatiQII With order. Charlee Schwan, from the lqlon oftipau - wu brouaJat to 'llulldllla of tile ~W ....... method•. of flnanctnr: He empha- floor, m11ved to reverae the order of Rep. lpellman'a attention by _...a · ton ,_..., _. ·: modlfJiai( ._. slaed that the board· of. directors • two matn ltema on the &Pnda·. Greenbriar Pha. I l'Mldentl Who . illlblltltuiJI&.alternatl-. • Ia­haa "waited for · the membenhlp hllmea rualea contract, and felt that the :City councll'a a to 2 The ONeabelt a&, Oawloll'l -­to decide what It wantl", and urpd proposed by-law cbanpe _ In· order vote fot the Gardenway location of tlon 11 tiiM the·~ llloalll.lil that auch a packace "Wlll need to to flrat dii~UII the. bylaw · cbancea, the overP... "waa. not exactly a · widened to alx laD8I cmlJ ,_ .. be approved by an overwhebDiq · lncludlnc a chaille to require mem- mandate." They wanted her help 'Diatnct of Columbia ta·U.. ~ majority of the member~blp "to bershlp approval of any Increase . In _movlnc the overp&.. to Mandan Beltway. One of the -t ...,_ be successful." · In monthly cbarcea, which evident- Road, which they tboqbt wu the natlvea .,ctendl the alx ~ ,_

l!llfeota of lldlallon - ly w~re more lmpc¢&nt to a larpr IOI!eal •lte btca- the Utl'rol Kaa- tile Beltwc1 tO the ~ ........ Smith briefly dlaCUIIed ftie ef• Met~. jlNNUAL MEETING, p, II, c. 1 ter. Plan envliiOIII the . extenll:ln Cllllnty ~. wlllola the ~

. of Road over the Parkway hal~~ ~

Careful Counc'i.I. De:,_-·ters Actio_ n :~rt!:1•0er:'n':'o~ -:lao (::Wnm:'! co!'!c:e~ w: ~~ the perimeter road · was, at th" ··pave the Pal'lnn7, wlil -~

T •11 M · · time, baaed mainly on the location about the .delay, 1ince the --

__ 1 · ay 22 on Lan_ d A cquisiti~n ~~o:ga-;~~:~o::!~:. ':::e.~::~; ~~~~:-:o:~~;n ~=·on~ by tilalnn Skolnik

, .. . . family development. However, th" up for about five yean. She. I!Dted -senior hirh •chool was ·relocated, that the baae 11 n·11t stronr. eapulfh plano for th~> junior bleb and "lc for- the traftlc It carrlea and aid

1 mentary schools were discarded. abe would lOok Into_. the ,JII&ttar,' "'t . and reald~•tlal development hn" was meant t11 be a Parkway, not the · : not ·taken place,_ nor Ia !!lcprrtrd ·to, main link .between Baltlmore'.81\d .:

The Greenbelt . City Council ·at Proposed Draft _Statement Ill· meeting on May '18 deferred n<-' -Declaration of .tlte City' of tlon on the acquisition of two tracts · of land on Parcel 2 .<Located south Greenbelt Relating to tlte o( Northway cxtendrd between of a Palt of Baltimore ·Washington Par)<way and Rldrc Roadl until May 22 at Parcel II 7:30p.m. Mayor Pro Tern Oil Weld Tn drtrrmlnlng the dlvhoinn of en(cld felt that a full council should tho 19.9149 arrr• of Parcel II for vote on thr resolution and a prn- the purpo•r of t.he elty a~qulrlng posed declaration r••latlng to thl' Approllimately one half, the· city purchase, Bincc It wa• a scnRitivl' r<'queated the enrtneerlnc ftrm iasuc. I Mayor. Richard Pllskl wns rmployed by the owners to pre-out of towri:l While tiler~ Willi no parc a dlvl•lon which would rive dl•cuaalon, it nppeated from the by- the--city tbat portion ofrthe pro-ph!.y altlorlg eouncll member. thnt prrty south of Gardenway ex-therr waa not total agreement on trnded and adjac11nt to the pro.-the clt'aft declaration, . . p~rty, The enrtnel!ra weN! dlr-

Tbo city hu ~en ne1ottatlng for <'ctrd · to make the dlvlaion !I> mo"" than a year for the purchaa.. that the rr.mAlninc property not tf .1111'74 acrro ot undeveloped land •old to' the_ rlty could be devolop: betWI'cn the elderly housing flll'll· <'d In acenrdnnce. with thP R-T lty and thl! Baltlmore·Waahlntaon 1.onlng chtegory de•lanatrd for

·. Palilway. The land, whh:ib woUld tl!l• prop!'rty In the eurfi'nt replece the Ridrc Road Center land, 01-t>enbelt-Collrlfl Park Area would be developed u a park. An Plan adopted November '2ft, 1970 additional 0.1978 of an acre w11uJd ' by the Maryland National Capi-lli' aoqulred and dedicated .., 11 tal Park and Plannlnr ComYnl• . atreet rlcht·of-way for &CCI!U to alon an'd approved by the Board boUI the land to be acquired bY of County Comm1111onero . nf the alty and the land to be I'C!talnrd Prihc4! Grorll'"" Countyalttinr •• 'lly· ttl~ pre1~nt ownPrl <9 plua ac the blatrlct Council, by ~aolu·-rl!l),- tion Np, · S10-t870 on Novembl>r

27, 1970. Further, the enctnl!t'ra 'nae re8CI.utlon · btf~ r.o11ncll, wne lnatrllcted not to 'reetrlct

,..... tor· ftnt reacllnc on KarCh ,exl1tlnc accea• from elthflt Gar--1.10, 1111, pro.ld• for tbt. i7"rcbU.. d•nway or Haml~ Place t11 the ol .. the land ·a~ • total coR or prdpart:r to. be retained b)' thn ......_·fret and oltar ol enlllim· IIWIItra. The dl'fl1lon plan pre-..._ Thll airenpl oul to about pared by the eJ\clnltr wu lllb-...,.. an acre. f'l'lle price of the mltted to the ownen for appro--;.- land' wu halt Ule coat per val prior to tha altJ malclnc an

&Cift fll the larpr tract.l . ~er to puroh.,. and priCII' t11 fte dnelopen !Burton .J. fl.eln.. ftllnr oondemnatlon ~on •

er, ftiOdon N. l..el'lllf and H. Max It wae thli Intent ·of the clt:r 1e sire._.. Tr!lateta) ha~ req1111-- to.malc8 a «vllloa ct tee dllllt 11tt-.nt be made 1111 01' acre trut that waukl nOt ,._ lltfOft ,._,. 11. While It appean . ltraln t!Ht exlatlq deftlopaaent tUt tile· cit, 'and tbe OWIIt!n arc ~ tor that ~ cl tbo · p,. •uah In ~t· on tile ,..,.., IIOC lc . .lie eoqUtNdlr ...... ~tile .llliattllr .ci.Uie ~ tJie el(r, '.l'lil ., ............ .. dsnlt'an_ II_, __ ....._ · · _ ........ II HI PIIJII u .. M-..: - _,.....~ .............. , ....... ...

for usuranrcs fthere \Vas nn writ­ten d<>r.ument ·aubmittedl. that th<' . city would not· use the 'pt.rrcblll<! of this property for " park as a owRnH to object to future -rezoning _ronsls· tront with. th" muterplanr Council unanimously ·and atrongly opposed milking any com111itm~nt Involving 1011111&'.

The• nine, arrea of land In private ownPrshlp Is · cu~rently zoned RR, •:ngh• family, wbereaa the county's rtdoptl•d Ma•trr Plan In 1970 call• for H·T, .townhoua~s · <up to 10 unit.!! per acr~l. ·

Thr lievrlo))l•ra, howc'ver, conthl· ur,J tn JlUtiUe the matter of neco· t!ating for •ome kind of statement. Tl>r ait<•rnativi' for the city Ia to proceed witt) condemnation, which hno Already been atartcd, .and poe· olbly' .. nd 'up havln~r to pay & hlaher prier for thr land. Condemnatl!>n wou:rl AI•·> be a lenrthy proce8H,. Although !hi• doea not acrm tn be a m-Jor con~ldtratlon.


City Managrr Jamea K. Oiroe In hi• ag~nda eomltlonta laid th" draft atatemcnt Ia R "declaration of th~o city &I to tho procedure It followed In dlvJdinc the 19.8 acree of. Par- · t'"l n for the purobue of approxl­matrly hnlf b)' the- city. The ltate­ment doclaroe that It wu th' ln· tellt of tlie olty to 'III&U a dlvtalon ol tlie ·1arcer tract that would not rr•traln tfte exi•Unc ~lopunt rtchtl for the portl11n of plbpcrt;r to .be retained b)' tht owntn. U tile ol• did reetraln tblte exlltbi( de· velopment iiahtl .It wwUt havt tit par damap~ for IUch actl- In &he oondem!laUOII pl'Oilelfllnp. The lfttotamtnt further deolar.. that tile 01&, 11011ae11 r..rv. au ltl ~ ttv ... u relate to lllattllri of ' plal'l­alq and .. allllf." · Aooordbll to

· GMee; the draft MJuwtloa hu ..... aaoepted " the -... of the ..,., . .

.Ja · tlie . Ja. ........ a.• . ....... ...... . . ' . . . ~-~ ~ ~' ~"~...,. :--.... ~liiP.I~III!I!II!I··,·~~~~ ' ·• I •'

in the nrar, futurf'.) . . wa8hlncton," ·she Mid, ~· "I'm not ••ylnr what wa• don•· "People love the Parkw&J. ~Y

WHAT GOES 0"1 ~t., !!Qn., May 28, II, 8 a.m. Openinl Rounds Memoral Day· Open Tennl~ Tournaments,

. Rooaevelt High a. Braden· Flrld Tennla Court•.

Sun., May 21, I~ p.m. GHI Home · &: 011rden Tour, Hamilton Pl. 1\fon., M&T 12, ':M p.m. Sper.laf · C~ty Council Meetlnc - Parcel II Land -Acqulaltlon It Public Hearlnc on City Budaet

Tu .... May 211, , rSO p.m. Roost• · velt Annual Awarita.Ceremony

:"nan., May II,. I p& OHI · Boa~ Meetlna. Hamtltoll Pl.

1 Ill'.«', City solicitor llmmett T. :-Ianna wrotr that he ( 1aaw nothing lil :tl'le atatemcnt that would work towArd the futurP dliti'IIDIIIt of the city or bind It• to any PI'OIIJII!CtiVP cou'rae of action In reprd to Ul<' of t1te remall\dcr ot the laid prn-,, .

tf!il us about every little pit - U'• ,.;.portant that a decillon be ~.·

Scltedule For Budget· Meetl,-g• ·

Mon., May· 21, Budpt Public Hearinc · . ~

Wflll~ M8f 11, budpt Revi­Mon., hlle I, Budpt. Adoption

Meetlnp wUl be . held In ttle Munlelpal.. Bulldlq. at 8. p.M.

SudaJ Coacert al ER$11 The Prlhce <Jeorpe PhiUIUWcnlc

)'till pertor,m Tht New W.orld .,_ phony b)' Dvorall on. 811ftd81• *" · 21 at a p.m. at ID1eanvr ~ Hlah .llah110l. Ou.t IOiallt ..,_ Delle Araujo will plq 'l'lllllllbw· akt•i ~In 'ConcertO. ,.._ ~ ;r ... wti1 ai8C be ~ted .... :1' 20 ·at Prinoa 0.0... . Clolua\lnlt7


