
1. In what ways has technology changed the way we get our information in this country?

2. With the vast array of sources from which we get our information today, how can we ensure that the information we are getting is as unbiased & accurate as possible?

3. Would it be better to have several biased news media outlets with the freedom to present their information however they please, or to have a single media outlet, controlled by the government that presented a singular clear message? Why?

Please respond to each set of questions accurately & thoroughly in 2-3 sentences per question.


Chapter 15.2Science & the Mass Media

The student will be able to trace the major developments in the history of mass media & identify the types of mass media in the United States.

The student will be able to explain how the sociological perspectives of mass media differ.

The student will be able to analyze & discuss some contemporary issues in mass media.


instruments of communication that reach large audiences with no personal contact between those sending information & those receiving

Mass Media

The Institutionalization of Mass Media

The Emergence of Mass Mediaas a Social Institution

people in the earliest nomadic communities had little need for any mass media. Why?

Sumerians produced first form of writing, cuneiform, 5,000 years ago

Writing & Paper

in the 1450s, Johannes Gutenberg developed movable type◦made books less expensive, more widely available

The Printing Press

growth of cities due to industrialization encouraged more people to move to the cities

people made more money working in factories, children learned to read & write

1st newspapers appear

The Industrial Age

digital computer completely changes the way people store & access information◦internet (the “world wide web” or the “net”)

information society: a community in which the exchange of information is the main social & economic activity

The Computer &Information Society

Mass Media inthe United States

Print, Audio, Visual, Online, Convergence

newspapers, magazines & books

substantial but declining audience

Print Media

sound recordings & radio

everyday, at least 75% of Americans 12 or older, tune into radio

Audio Media

movies, television, DVDs

98% of Americans have television sets

Visual Media

the internet offers many services such as email, online chat/discussion groups & online shopping

Online Media

many experts believe that mass media is merging◦example:

smartphones, Kindle, Pandora, etc.

coincides with merging of media companies◦example: AOL &

Time Warner Cable


Listening Post: 2009 Iranian Election◦What effects do you think that the development of social media technology will have on the ability of governments to suppress, censor, or control information?

◦What other implications do you see these technologies having for society?

The Effect of Social Networking on Mass Media: 2009 Iranian Election

Mass Media:Differing Perspectives

Functionalism vs. Conflict Theory

mass media perform functions that support the stability & smooth operation of society◦education ◦information◦socialization◦entertainment

Functionalist Theory

purpose of mass media is to maintain the present social order◦ encourage the acceptance of

power structure◦ knowledge-gap hypothesis: as

news information enters society, wealthy & better-educated members acquire it at a faster rate than poor & less-educated people

◦ digital divide: the gap between those with access to new technologies & those without

Conflict Theory

Keith Olbermann on tax cuts Sean Hannity on tax compromise

◦Why do major news sources present biased coverage or viewpoints?

◦Is there any such thing as objectivity, or lack of bias, in the media?

Bias in the American News Media
