
1 -Perception The process through which we select, organize, and interpret information gathered by our senses in order to understand the world us.

2 -Social Perception The process through which individuals attempt to combine, integrate, and interpret information about others.

3 -Attribution The process through which individuals attempt to determine the causes of other Behavior

4 -Correspondent Inferences judgment made about what someone is like based on observations of his or her behavior.

Kelley’s theory of causal attribution

1 -Consensus behave in the same manner as the person were judging.

2 -Consistency person were judging acts the same way at other times when he or she is in the same situation

3 -Distinctiveness behave in the same manner in other contexts

1 -Perception Biases predisposition that people have to misperceive others in various

systematic ways.

A- fundamental attribution error the tendency to attribute others actions to internal causes (e.g., their traits) while largely ignoring external factors that also may have influenced their behavior.

B- halo effect the tendency for our overall impressions of others to affect objective evaluation of their specific traits; perceiving high correlations between characteristic that may be unrelated.

C- similar-to-me effect the tendency for people to perceive in appositive light others who are believed to be similar to themselves in any of several different ways.

D- first-impression error the tendency to base our judgments of others on our

earlier impression of them .

2 -selective perception the tendency to focus on some aspects of the environment

while ignoring others

3 -stereotypes beliefs that all members of specific group share similar traits and are prone to behave the same way.

4 -Overcoming Bias in Social perception: Same Guidelines.

A- Do not overlook the external causes of others behavior.

B- Identify and confront your stereotypes.

C- Evaluate people based on objective factors.

D- Avoid making rash judgments.

1 -Performance Appraisal the process of evaluating employees on various work-related


2 -Impression Management Efforts by individuals to improve how they appear to others.

3 -Corporate Image the impressions that people have of an organization.

1 -Operant Conditioning (or instrument conditioning)The form of learning in which people associate the consequences of their actions with the actions themselves. Behaviors with positive consequences are acquired; behaviors with negative consequence tend to be eliminated.

Negative reinforcement (or avoidance)

The process by which people learn to perform acts that lead to the removal of undesired events.

Punishment decreasing undesirable behavior by following it with undesirable consequences .

Extinction the process through with responses that are no longer reinforced tend to gradually diminish in strength.

Partial (or intermittent) reinforcement A schedule of reinforcement in which only some desired behavior are reinforced .

Four varieties of partial reinforcement schedules:

1- fixed interval Rewards are given after a constant

amount of time has passed.

2 -variable interval Rewards are given after a variable

amount of time has passed

3 - Fixed Ratio Rewards are given after a constant

number of actions are performed.

4 -Variable Ratio Rewards are given after a variable number

of actions are performed.

TRAININGthe process of systematically teaching employees to acquire and improve job related skills and knowledge


1 -PARTICIPATIONactive involvement in the process of learning : more active participation leads to more effective learning

2 -REPETITIONthe process of repeatedly performing a task so that it may be learned

3- TRANSFER OF TRAININGthe degree to which he skills learned during sessions may be applied to performance of one's job

4 - FEEDBACK knowledge of the results of one's behavior

organizational behavior management (also known as organizational behavior modification or OB mod) the practice of altering behavior hen organizations by systematically administering rewards
