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10 Major Information’s of Health Disease and


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S.No Title1 Microscopy and Culture – Breeding and Testing Microorganisms2 Preparing yourself for a Pelvic Exam3 An Introduction to Vasectomy and Vasectomy Reversal4 Understanding Female Pelvic Examination5 Appendicectomy - Surgical Procedure for Appendix Removal6 Caesarean Section - Unnatural Birth7 The Pink Eye Infection by Chlamydia Bacterium8 Epilepsy – An Unappealing Handicap9 MRI Scan – The new radiology technique10 OTOSCOPY – The H‘ear’ing Problem

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Microscopy and Culture - Breeding and Testing Microorganisms

For those who do not have even the slightest idea about microscopy and culture, its background is that, it may be necessary to grow tissue samples and body fluids in the lab to determine the cause of an infection to identify and examine the fungal and bacterial infections. By the usage of microscopy, it becomes possible to identify and analyze the micro-organisms to diagnose the disease.

The basic usage of microscopy and culture is the microorganisms causing sickness are categorized into virus, bacteria, Chlamydia and other groups like eggs and larvae from different parasites and protozoa. The culture is the bacteria raised in the lab and it is the standard way to identify the bacteria by comparing it to the purified and non-contaminated group. Just like bacteria, fungi can also be raised and purified. Microscopy can be done even on worms, eggs, larvae and protozoans as they are clearly visible and easily identifiable. But viruses and Chlamydia are difficult to analyze and advanced lab tests and some are so difficult to raise/ culture, that it becomes necessary to take a blood test for antibodies against the micro-organism.

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The bacterial culture is basically harmless as those existing on the body’s exterior surfaces do not cause any threat and some of them even contribute to the healthy functioning of the body and keep away harmful bacteria. If a bacteria infection is suspected, a sample is taken from supposedly infected place. Stool microscopy and culture is done if the intestine is suspected to be infected. In the same way, urine microscopy is done if the bladder or kidneys are suspected to be infected and sputum microscopy and culture is done to check if the lungs are infected. The samples are sent to the microbiology test to be raised/cultured for the culture test. The different ways to grow a culture in the lab, by taking samples from mouth, saliva, blood, skin, wounds, throat, outer ear canal and other areas of the body.

Urine microscopy and culture is a unique test to find and identify the bacteria causing a urinary tract infection. The urine in the bladder is generally sterile, not containing any organisms or bacteria. The urinalysis is a kind of kidney test wherein the urine sample is microscopically examined for pus cells and blood cells. Protein may be detected in case of kidney disease or damage. A culture is made, especially to look for infection and the antibody or antibiotic for its eradication. One may find many medical videos on the internet showing the process of microscopy and culture.

Preparing yourself for a Pelvic Exam

A pelvic exam is a procedure where in the female pelvic area – including the genitals and the anus – are examined. This may be a part of a routine medical check-up or it may be carried out to deduce abnormalities. The procedure is important and most medical professionals advise a sexually active girl or a girl above the age of 21 years to annually get a pelvic examination done. The process is simple and seldom painful. But, if you have watched the pelvic examination videos online before getting tested, then it is quite probable that you may cringe or feel uncomfortable.

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Contrary to how the procedure may look, the test is simple and will be completed in just a few minutes.

Here are some points that you can keep in mind before you go for your pelvic exam test:

Be aware of your menstrual cycle dates and avoid scheduling the exam on the same date as this may hinder your results. Nevertheless, unseal vaginal discharge must be checked and in that case, the inspection can be carried out while you are menstruating. Try not to use tampons and avoid sprays or medications for the vaginal area for at least about a day before your appointment.

For at least a day or two before the schedule, do not indulge in intercourse because the presence of semen in your fluids can also tamper your results. You may use the bathroom and clear your bladder before being tested, so that you to feel better.

Only these elementary preparations are required. The examination is carried out to ensure that there are no primary cancers or other possible medical problems. Alternatively, the patient may be examined to detect and treat the causes for discomforts. The pelvis is externally viewed, following which a slender instrument is inserted into the body through the vagina. The doctor will also perform a manual testing by inserting gloved fingers into the vaginal or anal opening. The entire procedure will take a maximum of 15 minutes.

Last but not the least, you must feel at ease. Talk to your healthcare professional frankly and clear all your doubts if any. If you are facing problems like redness or sores near the vaginal, pain, discharge, unusual odor or anything else that you suspect; bring it to your gynecologist’s attention immediately. Even if it is a personal or private question, feel free to talk and learn about your body, medical products, ailments and precautions (and perhaps even those pelvic exam videos that made you apprehensive!) - Because only an aware being can live a healthy life. It is your right to know about your body; make the most of it.

An Introduction to Vasectomy and Vasectomy Reversal

Vasectomy reversal is often considered when a man wishes to father a child. With the advancement of technology, fortunately this is now possible. We are presented with various medical options and we have the choice to make a decision.

When Vasectomy was first practiced, it was believed to be irreversible. In the procedure the vas deferens from both the testicles are sealed. Due to the sealing or closure, sperms are not aloud to pass into the semen at the time of ejaculation. This only means that, all sexual activity will remain normal except that the woman will not get pregnant. Since the semen ejaculated by the male genital will not contain sperms, the fertilization of the female egg during intercourse is not possible. If birth control is specific concern, then vasectomy is a one time solution to any man.

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However, vasectomy reversal is also possible and is a relatively successful process. Complications are rare. Microsurgical techniques are used by the medical practitioner and the vasa deferentia are re-connected, forming the passageway for the semen. Sterility is, therefore, reversed.

The success rate and fertility rate for men who have undergone the reversal procedure is steadily improving. The ability of the urological surgeon to perform the operation and create the connection of the tubes also affects the final result of the surgery. Once the surgery is completed, in a normal condition, the sperms will begin to enter the semen. This method is called Vasovasostomy and it is the common method of treatment. Another method called the Vasoepididymostomy is used when there is a blockage in ductus deferens. In this case, the ductus deferentes are connected directly to the epididymis. The sperms are directly available for ejaculation. However, Vasoepididymostomy is fairly complicated while Vasovasostomy is a more common method and widely used.

Vasectomy reversal is a procedure that requires many hours of micro-surgery and the cost for which may range anywhere from $5,500 to $15,000. Most medical policies cover the vasectomy procedure but not the reversal. Nevertheless, recovery is normal. In about a month you may recover and resume normal sexual activity. Also, many men who undergo this birth control procedure often want to change their mind. So, don’t worry. You are not alone. Incase of doubts, ask your healthcare expert or alternatively approach authentic doctors online. Discuss the subject at length even with your partner and keep no inhibitions. A healthy living is a happy living.

Understanding Female Pelvic Examination

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Today, female disorders are on a rise with the change in lifestyle. Changing climate, coping with stress and anxiety and balancing work and career take a toll on women and neglecting health leads to different disorders.

Many disorders like pelvic inflammation or cervical motion tenderness need tests and examinations to reach to a conclusion. This test is generally the pelvic examination test. Female pelvic examination test is mainly done in case of palpation of adnexal structures, vaginal swabs, Pap smear test or cervical swabs.

The pelvic exam is the physical examination of the female pelvic organs which can be categorized into internal and external examination. It is also known as manual uterine palpation or bimanual exam.

The external examination includes palpation of stomach area, skin lesion and examination of the anatomy; while the internal examination includes checking for foreign bodies and use of speculum to locate external cervical os. Though the procedure is not very painful, the Pap test may cause cramping and the palpating of ovaries during the bimanual exam can be painful. Women with vaginal infection feel pain when the speculum is inserted.

Some researches state that women should have a pelvic examination when pregnancy is suspected or proven, when they have been exposed to sexually transmitted infections or have vaginal complaints like itching, discharge, pain or abnormal bleeding.

Before the examination, the patients are asked about the number of sexual partners and their sexual orientation. An equipment list is prepared and women are also asked about their prior discomfort. The patient is also offered the opportunity to have a chaperone in

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the room during the examination. The patient is asked to urinate prior to the exam because a full bladder may compress the vaginal canal and obstruct the view of the cervix. The female exam videos give a clear view of the entire vulva, perineal area, vaginal canal, and Bartholin glands. Abnormal growth or rashes, lesions, swelling, and trauma, as well as areas of irritation, discomfort, or pain are looked out for. The medical video also informs about vulvar dermatitis, ulceration, sclerosis, condyloma or vaginal varicosities.

It is a rule in US and UK to obtain the patient’s consent for pelvic exam in advance as the practice of performing pelvic examination on unconscious women has now been forbidden. The subjects were not even informed about the occurrence of the examination. However, the students may learn and understand the details of female pelvic exam with the help of medical videos. The trainee doctors did it for educational purposes on patients undergoing surgery for unrelated causes and this practice still continues in Canada.

Appendicectomy - Surgical Procedure for Appendix Removal

Appendicectomy is the medical name for the surgical procedure to remove the appendix. It may also be called by various names like appendectomy or appendix surgery or surgery for appendicitis.

The appendix is located on the lower right of the abdomen, an out-pouching of the bowel and it has no practical use in the human body. When the appendix gets swollen and causes pain, its ignorance may lead to its burst inside the body, resulting in serious infections and illness and can prove to be life-threatening. Sometimes the appendix scars up from past infections and causes recurring pain. When patients have such symptoms and it is doubtful, it is better to remove the appendix than to leave a diseased appendix inside the body. However, there are also cases when the appendix is found to be normal when it is removed.

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The appendix surgery is generally carried out in emergency to treat the inflamed appendix known as appendicitis. The cause for appendicitis may vary like insertion of a foreign object, bowel adhesion, and hard mass of feces causing inflammation, blockage and infection or swelling of the lymphatic tissue due to viral infection. The common appendix symptoms are vomiting, constipation, nausea and pain. The pain initiates in the central abdomen and moves towards the right abdomen. Some of these symptoms may be absent and the diagnosis is made on the basis on investigation of the abdominal cavity.

The surgery procedure can be laparoscopic or open appendicectomy. The open surgery includes making an incision through the skin and the abdominal wall to access the appendix. Laparoscopic appendectomy involves making 3 small incisions through which the instruments are inserted and carbon dioxide gas is distended in the abdominal cavity to separate the organs from the abdominal wall. A laparoscopic surgery may be converted into an open surgery if the appendix is ruptured. After the appendix is accessed, the blood vessels attached to it are clamped and the organ is removed. The laparoscopic appendectomy involves small keyhole incisions to remove the appendix.

The possible complications in the appendix surgery can be of appendicitis infection. Those with a ruptured appendix develop abscess (ball of pus) in the abdominal cavity which has to be drained out surgically after the surgery for appendicitis. The abdominal cavity has to be disinfected and a nasogastric tube may be inserted in the stomach and intravenous fluids shall be administered in the veins through the arms. Another common kind of infection is from the wound.

One can know the process in detail through the video of the surgery which is available on the internet. Also articles by healthcare experts and news updates can help one know more about appendectomy.

Caesarean Section - Unnatural Birth

The top medical news for the caesarean section or C-section as it is called is that the Brazilian researchers have found the babies born through this procedure are more prone to obesity in their life later. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition says that the birth canal has beneficial bacteria which when babies are not exposed to, they might take longer to accumulate good bugs, which affect the metabolism. Obese adults tend to have fewer of these friendly bacteria in their digestive tract than normal-weight people.

The other big medical news is that caesarean sections are on a rise which is not a good sign. With increasing number of C-sections worldwide, it is now misused as a revenue stream rather then a functional option. The rate of C-section surgery tops nearly than 33% of all births in USA. 10 to 20% of the maternity units in UK deliver by C-section. This may also be a result of the relative safety offered by this procedure.

Though vaginal delivery is the course of nature, sometimes, in serious and life-threatening conditions either for the child or mother, it is better to have a caesarean delivery. The doctors go through multiple layers to access the baby. A combination of

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blunt dissection and sharp instruments is used. A machine is also used to burn small blood vessels to prevent bleeding. After reaching the uterus, the amniotic fluid is suctioned to make more space in the uterus for the surgical instruments like a vacuum extractor or forceps. The baby is usually engaged in the pelvis with head down but rear first or breech. The part which first enters the pelvis is lifted by the doctors. The mother may feel nauseated and pressurized during this intense moment. Generally during vaginal birth, fluids from the baby’s nose and mouth are squeezed in labor itself, but in C-section, they have to be suctioned and extra is required if meconium is present. After the baby has been well suctioned, the rest of the body is born and the umbilical cord entanglement complications are resolved. The upper part of the abdomen is also pressed to assist the birth. After the birth, the neonatologist puts the baby by the warmer and suctions again to ensure the cleaning of the amniotic fluid.

The mother is now operated upon for the repair of the uterus and the layers cut during the surgery. The placenta is removed and examined by the doctor and the whole surgery takes about a quarter hour to complete. By this time, the baby needs to be breastfed. A caesarean section may be planned, which is called elective section and it may be done due to complications in labor or the mother’s personal decision.

The Pink Eye Infection by Chlamydia Bacterium

With Chlamydia bacterium being widespread in the United States causing STDs and partial blindness – with its first step being conjunctivitis (pink eye or madras eye), spreads awareness and educates about its causes and prevention.

A layman would always wonder how an eye can be a “pink eye”. But it sure is scary when the eye is not only pink but turns blood red with infection, better known as conjunctivitis.

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Conjunctivitis is deemed to be a very common eye infection its severity may also result in blindness. Medically, it is the inflammation or swelling of the membrane which is lining the eyelids, due to infection.

The eyelids are called conjunctiva and they are exposed to bacteria, viruses and other irritants which are washed away by the tears. Tears can also kill the bacteria as they contain antibodies and enzymes. The causes for pink eye may be allergies, chemical exposure, contact lenses, fungi, bacteria, parasites.

Pink eye or conjunctivitis is also caused due to Chlamydia bacterium, which is quite uncommon in U.S but widely seen in Africa and Middle Eastern countries. Different strains of Chlamydia bacterium causes a group of infection, out of which, one is Chlamydia trachomatis causing sexually transmitted diseases. It is the most widespread bacterial STD in US and around 4 million people are infected each year. Chlamydia bacterium can cause pink eye in neonates and sexually active adolescents and it is contagious. The newborns can be infected in the birth canal by the bacteria and this condition is known as ophthalmia neonatorum which should be immediately treated to preserve the eyesight.

Chlamydia conjunctivitis or trachoma was once the main cause of blindness worldwide. This infection can spread from eye to eye by fingers, shared towels or clothes, sneezing and coughing and eye-seeking flies. The top medical news is that WHO has aimed for trachoma’s global alleviation by 2020 known as GET 2020 initiative.

The symptoms for pink eye may be having a “pink eye” obviously, besides, gritty feeling and itching and pain of the eye, blurred vision, increased tearing, sensitivity to light or crusts that form on eyelid overnight and these symptoms can be treated on the basis of their cause. Watering of the eye may be another kind of disease called epiphora, which is explained by Lena Budig at Docturs.

Treatment of pink eye can be done by eye examination or analysis by swabbing the conjunctiva. If it is caused by allergies, allergy treatment is the way out. It may disappear

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with allergen removal and cool compresses help to soothe the allergic conjunctivitis. Bacterial conjunctivitis uses antibiotic medication in the form of eye drops. Warm compresses may also help to soothe the discomfort of viral or bacterial conjunctivitis. Re-infection can occur if preventive measures are not followed.

Shannon Liebovich and John Walsh at Docturs also educate and spread knowledge about the conjunctivitis prevention and its management. Pictures and videos related to specific medical topics help better understanding of the disease. Group blogs and pages have patients suffering from the same condition mutually exchanging information for mutual welfare. News and updates on medical topics are regular at and it’s an important read if one understands that one’s health is their individual responsibility.

Epilepsy – An Unappealing Handicap

Reality hits when researches state that Epilepsy is common in USA and the rate is higher than believed, implying that this condition requires more attention and funding. Expert studies highlight that one in every 26 people will suffer epilepsy once in their lifetime. understands the graveness of the condition and educates about epilepsy causes and cure.

The history of epilepsy traces beyond 3000 years when it was the first brain disorder with a description mentioned in ancient Babylon. The term itself is derived from ‘epilepsia’ meaning to seize. It was first suggested in 400 B.C by Hippocrates that epilepsy was a brain disorder and not a demon or god visit!

What is epilepsy?

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Epilepsy is not only a brain disorder but it also risks the social stigma, posing as a social and psychological handicap. Medically, epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by seizures. These fits or convulsions are repeated and spontaneous caused by abnormally excited electrical signals in the brain.

Epilepsy may be a temporary condition with exposure to drugs, abnormal levels of sodium or glucose in the blood, high fever or withdrawal from certain drugs. Permanent condition may be caused by changes in brain tissue or permanent injury and seizures may occur without an immediate cause. Epilepsy can occur at any age and it either may be inherited or idiopathic. Other causes may be a stroke, traumatic brain injury, infection, congenital brain defects, kidney or liver failure, tumor or metabolic diseases.

Epilepsy symptoms greatly vary on the basis of its cause and severity. Some people experience strange sensations like tingling, smelling a non-existent odor or emotional changes before each seizure. Early seizure warning symptoms in thought may be visual loss, déjà vu or jamais vu, racing thoughts, emotional upheaval like panic and fear, physically one may experience nausea, headache, dizziness or numbness. The seizure symptoms may be out of body experience, unconsciousness, deafness, confusion, blackout or electric shock feeling, chewing movements, incontinence, stiffening, teeth clenching, twitching, tremors etc.Many tests like CSF, CBC, test for infections, kidney and liver function test, blood sugar and blood chemistry tests may be done looking for temporary and irreversible seizure causes. The cause and location test may include EEG, Head CT or MRI scan or a lumbar puncture.

Stephen Chambers at Docturs has given a detailed list of treatments of epilepsy based on various causes. The group blogs containing mutual exchange of experience from the patients suffering from the same conditions also talk about the emotional aspects of this disorder and the social security disability. Discussions regarding JME – juvenile myoclonic epilepsy and the progressive phase of rare Lafora disease can also be read at Docturs. It is an inherited rare disease as it takes two recessive genes. Updated news at Docturs speaks about the compelling “art” inspired by complicated set of symptoms. It sure is interesting! Stay tuned in Docturs to know more.

MRI Scan – The new radiology technique

The MRI Scan always reminds us of the big machine with a hole wherein one has to pass through, lying on a table, wondering where the noises are coming from and what is happening to the body.

The story goes as such - The ‘Indomitable’ made by a scientist and physician Dr. Raymond Damadian, with the help of some graduate students, was thought to be a failed invention with years wasted behind it. He toiled to produce a machine that could non-invasively scan the body with the use of magnets. When volunteered by a student to be in this contraption, the first MRI scan was performed on a human being on July 3, 1977. It took 5 hours to produce the image from that original machine named ‘Indomitable’. And

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today, a few decades later, almost every one is well aware of MRI – Magnetic Resonance Imaging scanners.

The MRI technique is useful in examining the brain and spinal cord and the Scan may help the doctors to diagnose torn ligaments, cancer, tendonitis, brain tumours, strokes, multiple sclerosis just to name a few. The MRI scan is a radiology technique using magnetic and radio waves, resulting in no exposure to X-rays or any other damaging forms of radiation. The image is produced by the computer and it is quite detailed, able to detect tiny changes of structures within the body. To increase the accuracy of images, some procedures use contrast agents like gadolinium.

Besides its accurate results, MRI scan is also more spoken of due to its expensiveness. The cost of MRI depends on several factors like the body part to be scanned, MRI being performed at hospital or outpatient imaging center, need for contrast agent, the place of the center, local competition etc. MRIs prove to be costly and hence there are discount schemes available on full payment and installment schemes are available as well.

The MRI scan cost in US is around $700-$2500 while it is the most expensive in UK around £2000 whereas the cheapest deal is available in India which is around Rs. 4000-7000 with standard medical facilities.

As technology is developing by leaps and bounds, the top medical news are that, soon MRI ‘5-minute’ scan would be able to check children’s brain development. Also new research using MRI shows that childhood stress such as emotional neglect or abuse can lead to structural brain changes. MRI has also proved to be better than mammography for early detection of hereditary breast cancers in the population at risk.

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Even though MRI scan costs are a bit on higher scale, there effectiveness and accuracy in diagnosis makes this cost worthwhile. Early diagnosis through MRI scan has saved several lives. After all, no cost is greater than your life!

OTOSCOPY – The H‘ear’ing Problem

Do you feel something vibrating when you hear a shrill sound or do your ear drums hum after a drum roll? You need Otoscopy.

Otoscopy is the procedure of examination of the ear with an instrument called otoscope or auriscope. This examination is performed to check the dark tunnel – medically, the external auditory canal, that leads from outer ear to the eardrum. The otoscopy can also help with the inspection of the middle ear – the space within the skull where the hearing and balance mechanisms are situated.

The instrument called otoscope has a the handle, which contains the power for the light source, its head contains the light bulb and magnifying lens and the cone, which is inserted into the ear canal.

Otoscopy may be done when there is a complaint of ear pain. The first check up is done of the outer ear where symptoms of disease like redness and swelling are checked. After the inspection of the outer ear, the “tunnel” or external auditory canal is examined. The eardrum is located in the canal and the natural curve of the canal has a resonance frequency of approx. 3400 Hz, which is an important frequency region for understanding speech.

Abnormal findings from an otoscopy may include a dry, flaky lining implying eczema with symptoms of itching. It may also be an inflamed and swollen, narrowed canal, possibly with pus indicating infection (otitis externa). The usual symptoms include itch, discomfort, pus and often an pungent smell from the ear. Generally, it may be wax

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obscuring the eardrum or something in the ear, such as the rubber from the end of a pencil. Other abnormal findings seen with the otoscope include a hole (perforation) in the eardrum or an acute infection of the middle ear (acute otitis media), in which the eardrum will burst, allowing the pressure (and the pain) to reduce. Then one can often see the tear in the drum which can be healed.

The eardrum is pinkish-grey in colour and circular in shape. The otoscopes have a small air vent connection through which air can be blown in the ear canal and the doctor can assess the air pressure at which the eardrum moves, which varies depending on the pressure within the middle ear. This technique is called insufflation.Air gets to the middle ear through a short tube, called the Eustachian tube and blockage of the Eustachian tube is a common finding in conditions such as a cold, hay fever or, in children 'glue ear'.

A doctor can get some idea of whether the Eustachian tube is blocked by asking one to gently blow out while pinching your nose and closing your lips. This is called Valsalva's maneuver, and the normal finding is that the eardrum moves slightly during it. When the Eustachian tube is blocked, the eardrum remains still. One can try this at home or look for suggestions on the online medical videos.

The new technology helps in the field of Otoscopy with Video Otoscopy (VO). It continues to gain acceptance as an integral component of hearing health care practice today. The technologically advanced video-optical technique has applications in the examination, display and documentation of the external ear canal and tympanic membrane. VO is a simple, compact unit incorporating a rod otoscope with a fiber-optic illumination, and a high-resolution color video camera capable of recording a patient's ear canal.

Otoscopy is a sure way of h‘ear’ing it right!

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