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The 10-StepDigital Publishing


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If you are about to publish your 3D Issue digital magazine, take a quick look at the following checklist to make sure you are not publishing with potential errors:

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Have you set the logo or text?

In the set up wizard (CONTENTs tab – ‘edit’ button under ‘Profile’) you need to ensure that either your logo is uploaded or text is set to appear in the given space.

This logo or text will then be displayed on any digital magazine created using this template license. If this is left blank then the magazine will not show.

Check out the video ‘Setting up your software‘


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Have you registered the domain?

In the set up wizard (CONTENTs tab - ‘edit’ button under ‘Profile’) you need to ensure that the domain(s) you wish to host your digital publications at are registered in the Domains list.

Check out the video ‘Setting up your software’


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Have you edited the ‘About Us’ section?

Don’t forget to edit the about us section so your company details are on display if a reader searches to contact you.

More details of setting this up can be found here.


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Do you have the correct balance between quality and speed?

Getting the balance between the speed of loading and the quality of the publication is an important thing to get right.

In the OUTPUT tab you can change the quality setting and see how this affects the images by viewing the previewer.

The higher the quality the higher the file size.


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Have a larger publication? – Is the ‘Load Control’activated?

A load controller allows you to specify a set number of pages to load in the browser at one time, instead of the entire publication at once – which for a 1000 page catalogue would result in your readers facing a prolonged waiting time.

A quick fix by setting the load control allows fast access for your readers.


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Have you made the publications accessible for mobile and iPad readers?

3D Issue Version 5 will automatically generate HTML5 editions as well as flash versions of your publications.

This means that the two versions of each magazine are created and uploaded to your website, then when a user comes to view one of your digital magazines their browser

is checked and they are automatically shown the most suitable version for the device they are on.

Ensure you check the ‘Mobile Devices’ and ‘Tablet Devices’ in the ‘Online’ dropdown section in the OUTPUT tab.


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Have you enhanced your publication for search engine optimisation?

If you always leave the ‘SEO info’ incomplete then you are really missing out customers finding your publication via search engines.

Head over to the CONTENT tab and hit ‘edit’ under ‘Profile’ then ensure the seo section contains effective keywords in the title, description and keywords section.


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Have you hidden any features you don’t want visible?

In the DESIGN tab under ‘Features’ ensure you have deselected any feature that you do not want available to your end readers.


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Have you added a contents menu?

One simple yet very effective feature of a digital edition is the contents menu. It allows the reader to jump to specific sections and pages quickly.

Ensure this is populated for happy readers!


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Have you set the ‘exit’ url?

Where should the reader go when they click your publication exit button?

You can easily set this up in the Advanced section of the Design tab.


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