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Did you know that 97% of consumers search for local businesses online? When it comes to local search, traditional search engine optimization tactics are falling by the wayside and giving way to content marketing. The image and content your business puts out there on the web needs to be valuable and worthwhile to your potential customers. The days of keyword stuffing, link farms and other tricky SEO days are over. Below, we offer 10 tips to improve your local SEO with content marketing.

Research1. Make Google Adwords and Analytics Your New Best FriendsGoogle Adwords and Analytics are extremely powerful tools for research and measurement. Before you can trick out your content with location-based keywords, you need to research what keywords you should be using. Adwords provides a platform to learn what keywords are popular in your geographic location to help you decide which word searches you want to own.

Google Analytics can help you learn what keywords visitors are currently using to find your website and what geographic location your current site visitors are coming from. You can decide if that’s the area you wish to continue targeting or decide if there’s another area you want to conquer. Your Analytics can also give you a good basis for comparison later after you ramp up your local content marketing strategy to see what’s working and what needs to be adjusted.

2. Check Out What’s Trending In Social Media and Local ForumsIn order to offer what customers are truly after, you need to listen to what they want. Social media and local community forums are excellent ways to do so. Based on what research you find, frame content around it to really speak to your customers. You can learn a lot just by listening.


Creating searchable, socially shareableand viral digital media

Page 2: 10 Tips to Improve Your Local SEO with Content Marketing

Build Your Foundation3. Update Your Onsite OptimizationBefore you ever create a content marketing plan, you need to get all your ducks in a row. Your website needs to have updated onsite optimization so it can work hand-in-hand with the content you produce. Include your researched primary keywords in the page titles of your site and include the local area you’re targeting. Add a meta description to your website that’s compelling and interesting, but also includes your local information. Your meta description is meant to entice real people to click on your link - not trick search engines into thinking it’s a relevant site. Your website is a sales tool. Don’t drive visitors away with obvious keyword stuffing that hardly makes any sense. If your onsite optimization and content work in conjunction with one another, the idea of keyword stuffing should seem as ridiculous to you as it does your potential customers.

4. Place Your Contact Information in Prominent Places on Your WebsiteYou should have a contact us page on your site that displays your name, address and phone number. Other popular locations for contact information in addition to a contact page are the header and the footer of your site. Create a mobile version of your website and make sure the phone number has the click to call function.

5. Integrate a Blog Into Your WebsiteSearch engines give you brownie points for having fresh content on your website. A simple solution to keep your site fresh is integrating a blog. We’ll expand on blogging in a bit.

6. Claim Your Real Estate in Key Business ListingsGet listed in important business listings like Google Places, Yelp, Bing, Yahoo and Foursquare. Complete your profiles on each of these completely and make sure your business name, address and phone match exactly what you have on your website. Reviews are tied heavily into business listings, so incentivize your customers to genuinely review you on


Creating searchable, socially shareableand viral digital media

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these sites. These listings are especially important for local mobile search. If your potential customers are using their cell phone for a local search, they’re mostly likely ready to buy right now. Your listing results and reviews can make all the difference in whether someone chooses your business over the next. If you’re not on any, you’ll miss a huge window of opportunity.

Implement7. Blog, Blog and Blog Some MoreOnce you have a blog integrated into your website, you now have the power to create tastefully keyworded content. Since you have been such a good listener on social media and community forums, you can now create content that addresses frequently asked questions or popular topics that you know your local potential customers are interested in. By offering valuable content on your blog, you set yourself up as an industry expert willing to offer helpful advice. You build trust and create search engine optimized content in one fowl swoop.

In addition to writing on your own blog, see if any local bloggers are willing to let you guest blog. If you’re a floral shop, consider guest blogging on complementary sites, such as a wedding photographer’s blog. Not only will you increase exposure and build your audience-base, you will also create powerful backlinks to your website. Don’t just take either. Allow others to guest blog on your site to build stronger relationships in the community, to build more links on your website and to allow for more exposure opportunities to a new audience.

8. Create Engaging, Shareable ContentEvery time someone shares, “likes,” or “+1s” a piece of your content, the search engines view it as a vote in authority. Your content was worthy enough and authoritative enough for someone to feel the need to express their interest in it. Video and photos are incredibly effective ways to engage your audience. Instead of only writing a blog entry, consider making a video version of your content. Videos are interesting, and potent in SEO, especially if it’s housed on YouTube and embedded in your media.


Creating searchable, socially shareableand viral digital media

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Instead of writing a blog about statistics or trends, consider making an infographic that visually and interestingly displays the very same information. “Pin” your infographic to Pinterest or share it on Google+ to increase exposure and drive traffic to your website. Photos are fun and show the personality of your brand. Share and be shared. Worthy, shareable content makes both humans and search engines happy.

9. Facilitate User-generated ContentYou aren’t the only one who gets to produce content! Get your fans and customers involved. Chances are, they are already talking about your business anyways. Take advantage of the chatter and incentivize your fans to spread the word. Facilitate a video contest or Flickr photo contest. Share everything that your fans build on behalf of your brand.

Measure10. Measure the Effectiveness of Your EffortsGive adequate time for your campaigns to take effect and then measure. Check back in your Google Analytics to see where you started and how far you’ve come. You will constantly need to measure and tweak your campaigns. Use this time to pat yourself on the back for what’s working and to devise a plan for what’s not. Be sure to stay on top of your keyword research, trends in your community and trends in search engine optimization. The game is always changing.


Creating searchable, socially shareableand viral digital media


Content Marketing