  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training





    100 Hours Information Technology Training

    (During the month of July, 2008)

    The Institute of Chartered Aountants

    Infor!ation Tehno"o#$ Trainin# %ro#ra!

    Pro&et re%ort

    Under Su%er'ision of() Su*!itted B$()

    +a#an Shar!a Shi%ra +o$a"Department Of Computer NRO-0189!1

    "#$%R &R%NC" O' N#RC, "#$%R

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  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training



    Candidate declaration



    Basic o computer


    Ms Word

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  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training



    # herey e*lare that the pro+e*t or for .100 "our/ #nformation e*hnology

    raining uner he #n/titute of Chartere %**ountant of #nia3 i/ an authenti* or

    *arrie out y me uner $uper4i/ion of Mr, +a#an Shar!a3 #n/tru*tor, Department of

    Computer %ppli*ation, HISAR BRANCH OF NIRC5

    Shi%ra +o$a"


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  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training



    No or in it/elf *omplete ithout *reit eing gi4en to the per/on ho helpe ina*hie4e/ thi/ ta/5 # here y tae thi/ *han*e to e7pre// my nolege5 y /in*ere angrateful than/ to Shri S. P. GO!"#, re/ient of HISAR BRANCH OF NIRC,

    Hisar, for pro4iing me a *han*e to or in thi/ pro+e*t, the nolege ine4italy

    poli/he my /ill/ in ue *our/e5

    # oul lie to *on4ey my than/ to $r. Gagan Sharma, my

    *omputer tea*her ho alay/ ga4e 4aluale /ugge/tion/ an guian*e for *omplian*e ofmy pro+e*t5 "e helpe me to uner/tan an rememer etail/ of the pro+e*t that # oul

    ha4e otheri/e lo/t5 y pro+e*t ha/ een /u**e// only e*au/e of hi/ guian*e5

    :a/t ut not lea/t # oul lie to than my elo4e parent an rother/ for their /upportan management5

    Shi%ra +o$a"

    NRO )-./012.

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  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training



    hi/ i/ to *ertify that the ro+e*t of he #n/titute of Chartere %**ountant/ of

    #nia3 i/ a onafie or one y Shi%ra +o$a", Reg5no5 NRO -./ partial

    fulfillment of .he 100 "our/ #nformation e*hnology raining an ha/ een *arrie

    uner my ire*t /uper4i/ion an guian*e5 hi/ report or a /imilar report on the topi* ha/

    not een /umitte for any other e7amination an oe/ not form part of any other *our/e

    unergone y the *aniate5

    +a#an Shar!a Department Of Computer

    "#$%R &R%NC" O' N#RC, "#$%R

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  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training




    % *omputer i/ a e4i*e that a**ept/ information (in the form of

    igitali=e ata) an manipulate/ it for /ome re/ult a/e on a

    program or /e>uen*e of in/tru*tion/ on ho the ata i/ to epro*e//e

    The t3o %rini%a" harateristis of a Co!%uter are()

    15 #t re/pon/ to a /pe*ifi* /et of in/tru*tion/ in a ell-efine manner5

    25 #t *an e7e*utea prere*ore li/t of in/tru*tion/ (aprogram)5

    How Computers Work :-

    In%ut () 4Ho3 to te"" it 3hat to do4

    #nformation an program/ are entere into the *omputer through In%ut de'ies/u*h a/

    the 5e$*oard6 dis5s, or through other *omputer/ 4ia netor *onne*tion/ or !ode!s*onne*te to the #nternet5 he input e4i*e al/o retrie4e/ information off i//5

    ?7ample/ of input e4i*e/@

    o ou/e - mo/t *ommon pointing e4i*e

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  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    o ra* all - a/i*ally an up/ie on mou/e

    o Joy/ti*

    o Aame *ontroller

    Out%ut()4Ho3 it sho3s $ou 3hat it is doin#4

    Out%ut De'iesi/play/ information on the sreen 7!onitor8or the %rinteran /en/information to other *omputer/5 hey al/o i/play me//age/ aout hat errorsmay ha4e

    o**urre an ring/ up !essa#e or dia"o#*o9a/ing for more information to e input5

    he output e4i*e al/o /a4e/ information on the dis5for future u/e5

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    Stora#e ()4Ho3 it sa'es data and %ro#ra!s4

    - "ar i/ ri4e/ are an internal, higher *apa*ity ri4e hi*h al/o /tore/ the operating

    /y/tem hi*h run/ hen you poer on the *omputer5

    - B'loppyB i/ ri4e/ allo you to /a4e or on /mall i// an tae the ata

    ith you5

    Memory: -"How the processor stores and uses immediate data"

    - hen you u/e a program, the *omputer loa/ a portion of the program from the har

    ri4e to the mu*h fa/ter memory (R%)5 hen you B/a4eB your or or >uit the

    program, the ata get/ ritten a* to the har ri4e5

    Proessin#( ) he C or *entral pro*e//ing unit i/ /ometime/ *alle the Control nitan ire*t/ the operation of the input an output e4i*e/5 he Copro*e//or or the

    %rithmeti*-:ogi* nit oe/ arithmeti* an *ompari/on/5 he memory or R%

    temporarily /tore/ information (file/ an program/) hile you are u/ing ororing on them5 he O$ or a/i* inputEoutput /y/tem *ontrol/ the ialogue

    eteen the 4ariou/ e4i*e/5


    he /oftare i/ the information that the *omputer u/e/ to get the +o one5 $oftarenee/ to e a**e//e efore it *an e u/e5 here are many term/ u/e for pro*e// of

    a**e//ing /oftare in*luing runnin#, e9eutin#, startin# u%, o%enin#, an other/5

    Computer %ro#ra!sallo u/er/ to *omplete ta//5 % program *an al/o e referre to a/

    an a%%"iationan the to or/ are u/e inter*hangealy5

    ?7ample/ of /oftare %ro#ra!sor a%%"iationsoul e the O%eratin# S$ste!(DO$,

    ino/ 97EilleniumEF, OE$2, N#F, a*O$ 957E1057 an 4ariou/ other/),

    :ord%roessor (typing letter/), S%readsheet (finan*ial info), Data*ase (in4entory

    *ontrol an are// oo), +ra%his %ro#ra!, Internet Bro3ser, E!ai" an manyother/5

    %/ ell any dou!entthat you *reate, graphi* you e/ign, /oun you *ompo/e, file you

    mae, letter you rite, email you /en or anything that you *reate on your *omputer i/referre to a/ /oftare5 %ll /oftare i/ /tore in fi"es5

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    $oftare i/ /tore on a dis5or ta%ehether that i/ i/ a f"o%%$, hard dis5, CD, tape or

    one of the o=en/ of other stora#e de'iesa4ailale5

    here are million/ of ifferent pie*e/ of /oftare a4ailale for almo/t e4ery *on*ei4alenee5 $oftare i/ a4ailale *ommer*ially through /tore/ an mail orer an al/o a4ailale

    on the Internet5 $oftare i/ al/o a4ailale through an Open $our*e li*en/e hi*h allo/anyone to u/e the Open $our*e /oftare free of *harge a/ long a/ the li*en/e i/

    maintaine5 #f you *anGt fin the appli*ation that you nee soft3are de'e"o%!ent*ompanie/ *an *u/tom e/ign /oftare for you5

    he large/t /oftare *ompanie/ offer pa*age/ of /oftare or suitesthat in*lue many of

    the program/ that the a4erage per/on or u/ine// nee/5 $oftare pa*age/ or /uite/*ontain program/ that or together an /hare information, maing it ea/ier to *omine

    that information in 4er/atile ay/5 'or e7ample hen riting a letter you *an get the

    mailing are// from an are// oo, in*lue a letterhea from a graphi*/ program an

    in*lue a finan*ial *hart from a /prea/heet an *omine thi/ *olle*tion of information

    in the oy of the letter5

    The three *asi t$%es of soft3are areH o!!eria", share3are an o%en soure/oftare5 $ome /oftare i/ al/o relea/e into the puli* omain ithout a li*en/e5

    Co!!eria" soft3are *ome/ prepa*age an i/ a4ailale from /oftare /tore/ anthrough the #nternet5

    Share3arei/ /oftare e4elope y ini4iual an /mall *ompanie/ that *annot affor

    to maret their /oftare orl ie or y a *ompany that ant/ to relea/e a

    emon/tration 4er/ion of their *ommer*ial prou*t5 Iou ill ha4e an e4aluation perio in

    hi*h you *an e*ie hether to pur*ha/e the prou*t or not5 $hareare /oftare ofteni/ i/ale in /ome ay an ha/ a noti*e atta*he to e7plain the legal re>uirement/ for

    u/ing the prou*t5

    O%en Soure/oftare i/ *reate y generou/ programmer/ an relea/e into the puli*omain for puli* u/e5 here i/ u/ually a *opyright noti*e that mu/t remain ith the

    /oftare prou*t5 Open $our*e /oftare i/ not puli* omain in that the *ompany or

    ini4iual that e4elop/ the /oftare retain/ oner/hip of the program ut the /oftare*an e u/e freely5 any popular Open $our*e appli*ation/ are eing e4elope an

    upgrae regularly y ini4iual/ an *ompanie/ that elie4e in the Open $our*e


    O%eratin# S$ste!s

    %ll *omputer/ nee /ome /ort of O%eratin# S$ste! 7OS85 he ma+ority of moern home

    *omputer/ u/e /ome form of i*ro/oftG/ operating /y/tem/5 he original i*ro/oft

    operating /y/tem a/ *alle DO$ (Di/ Operating $y/tem) though mo/t *omputer/ u/eino/5 ino/ *ome/ in 4ariou/ 4er/ion/ eginning ith 4er/ion 657 then 9

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    % fe *omputer/ u/e #&G/ OE$25 %ppleG/ a* u/e their on operating /y/tem

    eginning ith O$ 1 though mo/t moern a*/ u/e 4er/ion 857 or 9575 %ppleG/ late/t

    4er/ion i/ O$ 1051575 #n the pa/t large *ompanie/ an in/titution/ oul ha4e anoperating /y/tem e/ign e7*lu/i4ely for them ut a/ the *ommer*ial operating /y/tem/

    e*ome more /ophi/ti*ate the enefit/ of thi/ pra*ti*e i/ e*oming le// apparent5 $ome

    *omputer profe//ional/6 Internet Ser'ie Pro'iders (#$) an !ainfra!e *omputeru/er/ u/e an operating /y/tem /u*h a/ N#F (or a 4ariant /u*h a/ :inu7), ino/ N or

    2000 (in2) or one of the other netor or /er4er a/e operating /y/tem/5

    here are many /maller operating /y/tem/ out there5 he prolem i/ that /oftare i/

    *urrently eing e4elope only for the main operating /y/tem/ an only the nee/t4er/ion/ of the/e O$5 any oler *omputer/ ith uni>ue operating /y/tem/ ha4e lot/ of

    /oftare alreay e4elope for them ut there i/ 4ery little ne /oftare eing e4elope

    for the oler *omputer/5 he oler proprietary operating /y/tem/ are le// liely to offer

    tehnia" su%%ortthan the more moern operating /y/tem/5

    he operating /y/tem *ontrol/ the in%ut and out%utor ire*t/ the flo of information toan from the CPU5 u*h of thi/ i/ one automati*ally y the /y/tem ut it i/ po//ile to

    moify an *ontrol your /y/tem if you nee to5

    hen you turn your *omputer on it fir/t nee/ to loa the operating /y/tem /ometime/referre to a *ootin# u%5 &a/i*ally the *omputer /tart/ from /*rat*h e4ery time you turn

    the poer on5

    #t *he*/ all it/ *omponent/ an ill u/ually i/play a me//age if there i/ a prolem5:oaing the /y/tem i/ u/ually automati*5

    On*e the /y/tem i/ loae the u/er *an /tart the appli*ation or program that they aregoing to u/e5

    o/t *omputer u/er/ ill run i*ro/oft ino/, a* O$ or :inu7 a/ their operating

    /y/tem5 he/e O$ are +ra%hi User Interfae 7+UI8hi*h allo/ the u/er to *ontrol orrun the *omputer u/ing a Mousean Ions5 he u/er /imply mo4e/ the mou/e on a flat

    /urfa*e, roll/ the tra*all, or mo4e/ their han o4er the tou*hpa to *ontrol a pointer5

    hey then *hoo/e the option they ant y pre//ing a utton or tou*hing the pa5

    ithout a A# the u/er *ontrol/ the *omputer u/ing the ey/ on the eyoar5 hi/ i/referre to a/ a Co!!and Line Interfae 7CLI8,

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    Soft3are A%%"iations()

    %ppli*ation /oftare u/e/ the operating /y/tem /oftare an pro4ie/ the real

    fun*tionality of a *omputer5 %ppli*ation/ in*lue@

    - or ro*e//ing ($ or, orerfe*t, %mi555)- $prea/heet/ (:otu/ 126, $ ?7*el555)

    - Dataa/e (D&a/e, 'o7 ro, Ora*le555)

    - re/entation ($ oeroint, er/ua/ion555)- #nternet &ro/er/ (Net/*ape Na4igator, $ #nternet ?7plorer)

    - Aame/


    he hard3areare the part/ of *omputer it/elf in*luing the Centra" Proessin# Unit

    7CPU8 an relate !irohi%s an !iro)iruitr$, 5e$*oards, !onitors, ase andri'es(floppy, har, CD, DD, opti*al, tape, et*555)5 Other e7tra part/ *alle %eri%hera"o!%onentsor de'ies in*lue !ouse, %rinters, !ode!s, sanners, di#ita" a!eras

    an ards(sound, o"our, 'ideo) et*555 ogether they are often referre to a/ a %ersona"

    o!%uteror PC5

    Centra" Proessin# Unit 7CPU8@-

    hough the term relate/ to a /pe*ifi* *hip or the %roessor a CG/ performan*e i/

    etermine y the the re/t of the *omputerG/ iruitr$an hi%s5

    Currently the entium *hip or pro*e//or, mae y #ntel, i/ the mo/t *ommon C thoughthere are many other *ompanie/ that prou*e pro*e//or/ for per/onal *omputer/5

    ?7ample/ are the C mae y otorola an %D5

    ith fa/ter pro*e//or/ the "o5 s%eede*ome/ more important5 Compare to /ome of

    the fir/t *omputer/ hi*h operate at elo 60 !e#ahert; ("=) the entium *hip/

    egan at !< "= in the late 1990G/5 $pee/ no e7*ee 6000K "= or 6 #i#ahert;(A"=) an ifferent *hip manufa*turer/ u/e ifferent mea/uring /tanar/ (*he* your

    lo*al *omputer /tore for the late/t /pee)5 #t epen/ on the iruit *oard that the *hip i/hou/e in, or the !other*oard, a/ to hether you are ale to upgrae to a fa/ter *hip5

    he motheroar *ontain/ the *ir*uitry an *onne*tion/ that allo the 4ariou/ *omponent

    to *ommuni*ate ith ea*h other5

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    hough there ere many *omputer/ u/ing many ifferent pro*e//or/ pre4iou/ to thi/ #

    *all the 8028 pro*e//or the a4ent of home *omputer/ a/ the/e ere the pro*e//or/ that

    mae *omputer/ a4ailale for the a4erage per/on5 /ing a pro*e//or efore the 28in4ol4e learning a proprietary /y/tem an /oftare5 o/t ne /oftare are eing

    e4elope for the nee/t an fa/te/t pro*e//or/ /o it *an e iffi*ult to u/e an oler

    *omputer /y/tem5

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    One type of mou/e ha/ a roun all uner the ottom of the mou/e that roll/ an turn/

    to heel/ hi*h *ontrol the ire*tion of the pointer on the /*reen5 %nother type of

    mou/e u/e/ an opti*al /y/tem to tra* the mo4ement of the mou/e5

    Note(#t i/ important to *lean the mou/e perioi*ally, parti*ularly if it e*ome/ /luggi/h5

    % all type mou/e ha/ a /mall *ir*ular panel that *an e opene, alloing you to remo4ethe all5 :int *an e remo4e *arefully ith a tooth pi* or tee=er/ an the all *an e

    a/he ith mil etergent5 % uil up ill a**umulate on the /mall heel/ in themou/e5 /e a /mall in/trument or finger nail to /*rape it off taing *are not to /*rat*h the

    heel/5 ra* all/ *an e *leane mu*h lie a mou/e an tou*h-pa *an e ipe ith a

    *lean, amp *loth5 %n opti*al mou/e *an a**umulate material from the /urfa*e that it i/ in*onta*t ith hi*h *an e remo4e ith a finger nail or /mall in/trument5


    he monitor /ho/ information on the /*reen hen you type5 hi/ i/ *alle out%uttin#

    information5 hen the *omputer nee/ more information it ill i/play a me//age on the/*reen, u/ually through a dia"o# *o95 onitor/ *ome in many type/ an /i=e/ from the

    /imple mono*hrome (one *olour) /*reen to full *olour /*reen/5

    o/t e/top *omputer/ u/e a monitor ith a athode tu*ean mo/t noteoo/ u/e a

    "i>uid r$sta" dis%"a$(:CD) monitor5

    o get the full enefit of toayG/ /oftare ith full *olour graphi*/ an animation,*omputer/ nee a *olor monitor ith a i/play or #ra%his ard5


    he printer tae/ the information on your /*reen an tran/fer/ it to paper or a hard o%$5

    here are many ifferent type/ of printer/ ith 4ariou/ le4el/ of >uality5 he three a/i*type/ of printer areH dot !atri9, in5&et, an "aser5

    Dot !atri9 %rintersor lie a typeriter tran/ferring in from a rion to

    paper ith a /erie/ or Gmatri7G of tiny pin/5

    In5 &et %rintersor lie ot matri7 printer/ ut fire/ a /tream of in from a

    *artrige ire*tly onto the paper5

    Laser %rintersu/e the /ame te*hnology a/ a photo*opier u/ing heat to tran/fer

    toner onto paper5


    % moem i/ u/e to tran/late information tran/ferre through telephone line/ or *ale5

    he term /tan/ for !odu"ate and de!odu"atehi*h *hange/ the /ignal from di#ita",

    hi*h *omputer/ u/e, to ana"o#, hi*h telephone/ u/e an then a* again5

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    % high /pee *onne*tion al/o re>uire/ a moem ut e*au/e the information i/

    tran/ferre igitally it i/nGt re>uire to *hange the /ignal from igital to analog ut i/ u/e

    to *reate the *onne*tion eteen your *omputer an the *omputer you are *onne*tingith5

    oem/ are mea/ure y the /pee that the information i/ tran/ferre5 he mea/uringtool i/ *alle the *aud rate5 Originally moem/ ore at /pee/ elo 2;00 au ut

    toay analog /pee/ of

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    &y remo4ing the *o4er off the *a/e you ill may fin plate *o4ere, empty /lot/ that

    allo you to a *ar/5 here are 4ariou/ type/ of /lot/ in*luing #D?, %$#, $&, C#

    an 'ireire /lot/5

    Noteoo *omputer/ may ha4e room to e7pan epening on the type of *omputer5 o/t

    Noteoo/ al/o ha4e *onne*tion/ or port/ that allo/ e7pan/ion or *onne*tion to e7terior,peripheral e4i*e/ /u*h a/ monitor, portale har-ri4e/ or other e4i*e/5

    Cards - Car/ are *omponent/ ae to *omputer/ to in*rea/e their *apaility5 henaing a peripheral e4i*e mae/ /ure that your *omputer ha/ a /lot of the type neee y

    the e4i*e5

    Sound ards()

    hey allo *omputer/ to prou*e /oun lie mu/i* an 4oi*e5 he oler /oun *ar/

    ere 8 it then 1 it then 62 it5 hough human ear *anGt i/tingui/h the fine ifferen*e

    eteen /oun/ prou*e y the more poerful /oun *ar they allo for more *omple7mu/i* an mu/i* prou*tion5

    Co"our ards()

    hey allo *omputer/ to prou*e *olour (ith a *olour monitor of *our/e)5 he fir/t*olour *ar/ ere 2 it hi*h prou*e ; *olour/ MCA%5 #t a/ ama=ing hat *oul e

    one ith tho/e ; *olour/5 Ne7t *ame ; it alloing for 1 M?A% an A% *olour/

    hen *ame 1 it alloing for 10; *olour/ an then 2; it hi*h allo/ for almo/t 1!million *olour/ an no 62 it i/ /tanar alloing monitor/ to i/play almo/t a illion

    /eparate *olour/5

    ?ideo ards()

    hey allo *omputer/ to i/play 4ieo an animation5 $ome 4ieo *ar/ allo

    *omputer/ to i/play tele4i/ion a/ ell a/ captureframe/ from 4ieo5 % 4ieo *ar ith aigital 4ieo *amera allo/ *omputer/ u/er/ to prou*e li4e 4ieo5 % high /pee or

    netor *onne*tion i/ neee for effe*ti4e 4ieo tran/mi//ion5

    Net3or5 ards()

    hey allo *omputer/ to *onne*t together to *ommuni*ate ith ea*h other5 Netor

    *ar/ ha4e *onne*tion/ for *ale, thin ire or irele// netor/5

    Ca*"es*onne*t internal *omponent/ to the Mother*oard, hi*h i/ a oar ith /erie/ of

    ele*troni* path ay/ an *onne*tion/ alloing the C to *ommuni*ate ith the other

    *omponent/ of the *omputer5

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    emory *an e 4ery *onfu/ing ut i/ u/ually one of the ea/ie/t pie*e/ of harare to a

    to your *omputer5 #t i/ *ommon to *onfu/e hi% !e!or$ith dis5 stora#e5 %n e7ampleof the ifferen*e eteen memory an /torage oul e the ifferen*e eteen a tale

    here the a*tual or i/ one (memory) an a filing *ainet here the fini/he prou*t

    i/ /tore (i/)5 o a a it more *onfu/ion, the *omputerG/ har i/ *an e u/e a/

    te!%orar$ !e!or$hen the program nee/ more than the *hip/ *an pro4ie5

    Rando! Aess Me!or$or RAMi/ the memory that the *omputer u/e/ to temporarily

    /tore the information a/ it i/ eing pro*e//e5 he more information eing pro*e//e the

    more R% the *omputer nee/5

    One of the fir/t home *omputer/ u/e ; 5i"o*$tesof R% memory (Commoore ;)5

    oayG/ moern *omputer/ nee a minimum of ; (re*ommene 128 or more)to run ino/ or O$ 10 ith moern /oftare5

    R% memory *hip/ *ome in many ifferent /i=e/ an /pee/ an *an u/ually e

    e9%anded5 Oler *omputer/ *ame ith

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    ?iruses ta5e t3o *asi for!s@-

    One i/ a *oot setor4iru/ hi*h infe*t the /e*tion of a i/ that i/ fir/t rea y the

    *omputer5 hi/ type of 4iru/ infetsthe oot or ma/ter /e*tion of any i// that it *ome/in *onta*t ith5

    he /e*on i/ a %ro#ra! 'irusthat infe*t/ other program/ hen the infe*te program i/

    run or e7e*ute5 $ome 4iru/e/ infe*t oth an other/ *hange them/el4e/ (polymorphi*)

    epening on the program/ they en*ounter5

    hough 4iru/e/ o not amage *omputer hard3arethere ha4e een attempt/ to *reateprogram/ that ill o thing/ lie run the har ri4e until it fail/ or loge it/elf in the

    *omputerG/ *lo* (hi*h ha/ a re*hargeale attery) alloing it to remain a*ti4e e4en

    month/ after the *omputer ha/ een unplugge5 Other 4iru/e/ affe*t *ertain mi*ro*hip/(O$ *hip for in/tan*e)5 he/e mi*ro*hip/ nee to e moifie uner normal *omputer

    u/e ut the 4iru/ program *an prou*e *hange/ hi*h *au/e them to fail5 Other 4iru/e/

    ill affe*t the *hara*ter/ or image/ i/playe on the /*reen hi*h may gi4e theimpre//ion of monitor failure5

    iru/e/ *an *au/e a great eal of amage to the *omputer/ it infe*t/ an *an *o/t a lot of

    time an money to *orre*t it5

    Computer 4iru/e/ ha4e een aroun for a long time, e4en efore *omputer/ e*ame

    iely u/e an they ill liely remain ith u/ fore4er5 'or that rea/on *omputer u/er/ill alay/ nee ay/ to prote*t them/el4e/ from 4iru/ program/5 he main, *ommon

    feature of a 4iru/ i/ that it i/ onta#iousP heir /ole purpo/e i/ to /prea an infe*t other


    % *omputer get/ a 4iru/ from an infe*te fi"e5

    he 4iru/ might atta*h them/el4e/ to a #a!e, a %ro#ra! (oth /hareare an

    *ommer*ial) or a fi"eonloae from a ulletin oar or the #nternet5

    Iou *annot get a 4iru/ from a plain e!ai"me//age or from a /imple te9tfileP hat i/

    e*au/e the 4iru/ nee/ to e GrunG or e9eutedefore it *an tae effe*t5 hi/ u/uallyhappen/ hen the u/er trie/ to open an infe*te program, a**e//e/ an infe*te i/ or

    open/ a file ith an infe*te ma*ro or /*ript atta*he to it5 % plain email me//age i/ mae

    up of te7t hi*h oe/ not e7e*ute or run hen opene5

    oern email program/ pro4ie the aility to allo u/er/ to format email me//age/ ith": an atta*h /*ript/ to them for 4ariou/ purpo/e/ an it i/ po//ile for a mali*iou/

    ha*er to attempt to /prea a 4iru/ y uiling a 4iru/ /*ript into an ": type of email


    - 1! -

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    hen you are a**epting /oftare or /*ript/ on #nternet /ite/ or reaing mail from

    unnon /ener/ it i/ e/t not to run a program from that /ite or /ener ithout *he*ing

    it ith an anti)'irus %ro#ra!fir/t5

    Protet $ourse"f()

    Iou *an tae /afeguar/ again/t 4iru/ infe*tion5 he fir/t thing i/ to get an anti-4iru/

    program5 o/t reputale *ompanie/ that *reate 4iru/ prote*tion program/ relea/e an

    e'a"uation o%$that a #nternet u/er *an onloa for free an u/e for a *ertain amount

    of time5 hi/ anti-4iru/ program ill e ale to he5 $our o!%uterfor 4iru/e/ an

    re%air da!a#e or de"ete fi"esthat are infe*te ith 4iru/e/5 Iou may ha4e to repla*e

    infe*te file/ that *annot e repaire5

    he /e*on thing you *an o i/ %urhase a o%$of the program5 he rea/on for thi/ i/

    that 4iru/e/ are *on/tantly eing *reate5 hen you pur*ha/e an anti-4iru/ program you

    are al/o pur*ha/ing %eriodia" u%dateshi*h eep your anti-4iru/ program up-to-atean ale to eal ith ne 4iru/e/ a/ they are en*ountere5 Commer*ial 4iru/ program/

    al/o allo the u/er to *u/tomi=e hen an ho the program ill *he* the *omputer for

    4iru/e/5 Iou ill nee to rene thi/ upating /er4i*e perioi*ally5

    #f you fin that your *omputer ha/ een infe*te ith a 4iru/ u/e an anti-4iru/ program to*lean your *omputer an mae /ure to he5 a"" the dis5sthat you u/e5 hi/ in*lue/ all

    the har ri4e/ on your *omputer(/) an all your floppy i// an CD/ a/ ell a/ any

    meia that you /a4e information on5 Rememer that the 4iru/ *an ea/ily re-infe*t your*omputer from one infe*te fileP

    #f you ha4e to reloa your *omputer program/, u/e the original program i//5 Iou may

    ant to *he* your original i// efore rein/talling the /oftare5 #f your original i//

    are infe*te *onta*t the i/triutor to get repla*ement/5

    %lay/ tae the time to en/ure that your *omputer i/ properly prote*te5 $pening moneyon a goo 4iru/ *he*ing program *oul /a4e you hunre/ of ollar/ an lot/ of time


    % i/*u//ion of 4iru/e/ oul not e *omplete ithout mentioning hoa9es5 ali*iou/people ithout programming /ill/ ill /en out fae 4iru/ arning/ *au/ing people totae unne//ary mea/ure/ hi*h often *au/e your *omputer harm5 One e7ample trie/ to

    get the un/u/pe*ting *omputer u/er to elete an important /y/tem file y arning them

    that it i/ a 4iru/5 % legitimate 4iru/ arning ill pro4ie a lin to a e/ite operate yan anti-4iru/ *ompany ith more information aout that 4iru/5 DonGt forar a 4iru/

    arning until you ha4e *he* out hether it i/ legitimate5

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    :hat is the Internet@

    he #nternet or the Net i/ a *olle*tion of *omputer/, all lin together, to /hare information gloally5 #t a/ fir/t

    e4elope in the 5$5 y to uni4er/itie/ ho ere oth oring on the /ame *ontra*t

    an ante to /hare their ata5 hey ere fa7ing information a* an forth an thenretyping it until they *ame up ith a pie*e of /oftare *alle Uni9 to Uni9 Co%$

    Pro#ra!or UUCP5

    he #nternet a/ orn an ha/ mu/hroome outar from that point5

    here are ; thing/ that are ne*e//ary to Bget on the netB ith a full #ra%hi interfae

    (pi*ture, /oun/, animation, et*555)5

    % o!%uter- preferaly ith a fa/t pro*e//or (aroun 100 "= or more) an lot/

    of memory (1 meg or more)

    % !ode!- preferaly ue an

    per/onali=e5 he generi* pa//or pro4ie ith your a**ount /houl e *hange to one

    of your on5 rote*t your pa//or a/ you oul any per/onal ientifi*ation numer

    (#N) numer5

    he #$ ill al/o pro4ie information on ho to onfi#ureyour soft3are5 hi/ *an e

    /imple or iffi*ult epening on your O%eratin# S$ste!5 On*e *onfigure you /imply

    run the /oftare to *onne*t your *omputerG/ moem to the #$G/ moem, gi4ing youa**e// to the #nternet5

    - 19 -

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    here are a numer of pie*e/ of /oftare that or together to *onne*t you to the


    he fir/t an mo/t *ompli*ate i/ the dia"eror so5et/oftare5 hi/ i/ the /oftare thatmae/ the phy/i*al *onne*tion ith the #$G/ *omputer an the internet5 hi/ nee/ to e

    *onfigure only on*e ut you ill nee in/tru*tion/ from your #$ on ho to o thi/ a/

    ea*h #$ ha/ a ifferent /etup5

    he /e*on pie*e i/ an Internet *ro3ser5 hi/ i/ the program that lo*ate/ e/ite/ foryou an allo/ u/er/ to maneu4er aroun (surf) the :or"d :ide :e*an 4ie e

    page/5 $ome of the more popular ro/er/ are o=illa Firefo9 an i*ro/oftG/

    Internet E9%"orer5 Qo/ai* a/ the fir/t ro/er an mo/t moern ro/er/ /till

    u/e the a/i* moel that the fir/t ro/er u/e5 $ome other ro/er i/ O%era, Safari,

    Netsa%ea/ ell a/ o=en/ of other/5 &efore graphi* ro/er/ L$n9 a/ the mo/t

    popular ro/er an i/ /till a4ailale for te7t ro/ing5 Ne ro/er are eing

    e4elope an *urrent ro/er/ are *on/tantly upating there program/5 #t i/ e7tremelyimportant to upate your ro/er e4ery on*e in a hile5 $ome #$ ha4e a %ro%rietar$t$%e of *ro3serthough mo/t ha4e gi4en up thi/ pra*ti*e a/ it limit/ the u/er/ ailitie/ to

    ro/e the #nternet5

    ype the url or e are// of the e/ite that you ant to 4i/it in the address *arof

    your ro/er an pre// ?nter or *li* Ao5 Colle*t your fa4orite e/ite/ y aing them

    to your Fa'oritesor Boo5!ar5s5 o go to a 'a4orite or &oomar, *li* on the menuan *li* on the lin5

    %nother pie*e of /oftare i/ an e!ai" %ro#ra! 5 hi/ program *ontrol//ening, *ompo/ing an re*ei4ing email5 o/t email program/ *an al/o e u/e to rea

    po/ting/ on ne3s#rou%s5

    here are many ifferent #$/5 #f you atten a uni4er/ity or *ollege or elong to a military

    or go4ernment organi=ation you *an mo/t liely get Internet aessthrough your /*hoolor or5 #f not you ill mo/t liely uy a**e// from a o!!eria" %ro'ider5

    %nother option, if you are in a ma+or *enter, i/ the Freenet5 any ma+or *itie/ ha4e

    group/ e4ote to maing the #nternet a**e//ile to the greater ma+ority of people an

    *reate 'reenet/ hi*h alloing memer/ free a**e// to the #nternet5 hey run on pri4atean puli* onation/5 #t i/ an e7*ellent ay of learning aout the #nternet in a helpful


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    On*e you are *onne*te you ill ha4e a**e// to E!ai", Ne3s#rou%s, the :or"d :ide:e* (:::), Fi"e Transfer Protoo" (ft%), Internet Re"a$ Chat (ir), Searh

    En#ines, ICQan other #nternet $er4i*e/5


    he #nternet a/ the re/ult of /ome 4i/ionary thining y people in the early 190/ ho

    /a great potential 4alue in alloing *omputer/ to /hare information on re/ear*h ane4elopment in /*ientifi* an military fiel/5 J5C5R5 :i*lier of #, fir/t propo/e a

    gloal netor of *omputer/ in 192, an mo4e o4er to the Defen/e %4an*e Re/ear*h

    ro+e*t/ %gen*y (D%R%) in late 192 to hea the or to e4elop it5 :eonar leinro*of # an later C:% e4elope the theory of pa*et /it*hing, hi*h a/ to form the

    a/i/ of #nternet *onne*tion/5 :aren*e Roert/ of # *onne*te a a//a*hu/ett/

    *omputer ith a California *omputer in 19< o4er ial-up telephone line/5 #t /hoe the

    fea/iility of ie area netoring, ut al/o /hoe that the telephone lineG/ *ir*uit/it*hing a/ inae>uate5 leinro*G/ pa*et /it*hing theory a/ *onfirme5 Roert/

    mo4e o4er to%!RP!in 19 an e4elope hi/ plan for !RP!&ET5 he/e 4i/ionarie/

    an many more left unname here are the real founer/ of the #nternet5

    he #nternet, then non a/ %R%N?, a/ rought online in 199 uner a *ontra*t lety the rename %4an*e Re/ear*h ro+e*t/ %gen*y (%R%) hi*h initially *onne*te

    four ma+or *omputer/ at uni4er/itie/ in the /outhe/tern $ (C:%, $tanfor Re/ear*h

    #n/titute, C$&, an the ni4er/ity of tah)5 he *ontra*t a/ *arrie out y &&N ofCamrige, % uner &o ahn an ent online in De*emer 1995 &y June 19!0,

    #, "ar4ar, &&N, an $y/tem/ De4elopment Corp ($DC) in $anta oni*a, Cal5 ere

    ae5 &y January 19!1, $tanfor, #G/ :in*oln :a/, Carnegie-ellon, an Ca/e-e/tern Re/er4e ere ae5 #n month/ to *ome, N%$%E%me/, itre, &urrough/,

    R%ND, an the of #llinoi/ plugge in5 %fter that, there ere far too many to eep

    li/ting here5

    he #nternet a/ e/igne in part to pro4ie a *ommuni*ation/ netor that oul ore4en if /ome of the /ite/ ere e/troye y nu*lear atta*5 #f the mo/t ire*t route a/

    not a4ailale,routersoul ire*t traffi* aroun the netor 4ia alternate route/5

    he early #nternet a/ u/e y *omputer e7pert/, engineer/, /*ienti/t/, an lirarian/5

    here a/ nothing frienly aout it5 here ere no home or offi*e per/onal *omputer/ in

    tho/e ay/, an anyone ho u/e it, hether a *omputer profe//ional or an engineer or/*ienti/t or lirarian, ha to learn to u/e a 4ery *omple7 /y/tem

    ?-mail a/ aapte for %R%N? y Ray omlin/on of &&N in 19!25 "e pi*e the

    /ymol from the a4ailale /ymol/ on hi/ teletype to lin the u/ername an are//5 he

    telnet 'rotocol, enaling logging on to a remote *omputer, a/ puli/he a/ a Re>ue/t

    for Comment/ (R'C) in 19!25

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    R'CG/ are a mean/ of /haring e4elopmental or throughout *ommunity5

    he ftp proto*ol, enaling file tran/fer/ eteen #nternet /ite/, a/ puli/he a/ an R'C

    in 19!6, an from then on R'CG/ ere a4ailale ele*troni*ally to anyone ho ha u/e ofthe ftp proto*ol5

    :irarie/ egan automating an netoring their *atalog/ in the late 190/ inepenent

    from %R%5 he 4i/ionary 'reeri* A5 ilgour of the Ohio College :irary Center

    (no OC:C, #n*5) le netoring of Ohio lirarie/ uring the G0/ an G!0/5 #n the mi19!0/ more regional *on/ortia from Ne ?nglan, the $outhe/t /tate/, an the ile

    %tlanti* /tate/, et*5, +oine ith Ohio to form a national, later international, netor

    he #nternet mature in the !0G/ a/ a re/ult of the TCP(IPar*hite*ture fir/t propo/e y

    &o ahn at &&N an further e4elope y ahn an int Cerf at $tanfor an other/throughout the !0G/5 #t a/ aopte y the Defen/e Department in 1980 repla*ing the

    earlier Netor Control roto*ol (NC) an uni4er/ally aopte y 19865

    he ni7 to ni7 Copy roto*ol (C) a/ in4ente in 19!8 at &ell :a/5 /enet a/

    /tarte in 19!9 a/e on C5 Ne/group/, hi*h are i/*u//ion group/ fo*u/ing on atopi*, folloe, pro4iing a mean/ of e7*hanging information throughout the orl 5

    hile /enet i/ not *on/iere a/ part of the #nternet, /in*e it oe/ not /hare the u/e of

    CE#, it line uni7 /y/tem/ aroun the orl, an many #nternet /ite/ too a4antageof the a4ailaility of ne/group/5 #t a/ a /ignifi*ant part of the *ommunity uiling that

    too pla*e on the netor/5

    $imilarly, N? (&e*au/e #tG/ ime Netor) *onne*te #& mainframe/ aroun the

    eu*ational *ommunity an the orl to pro4ie mail /er4i*e/ eginning in 19815

    :i/t/er4 /oftare a/ e4elope for thi/ netor an later other/5 Aateay/ eree4elope to *onne*t N? ith the #nternet an alloe e7*hange of e-mail,

    parti*ularly for e-mail i/*u//ion li/t/5 he/e li/t/er4/ an other form/ of e-maili/*u//ion li/t/ forme another ma+or element in the *ommunity uiling that a/ taing


    #n 198, the National $*ien*e 'ounation fune N$'Net a/ a *ro// *ountry

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    organi=ation/--an their lirarie/-- *onne*te, the #nternet e*ame harer an harer to

    tra*5 here a/ more an more nee for tool/ to ine7 the re/our*e/ that ere a4ailale5

    he fir/t effort, other than lirary *atalog/, to ine7 the #nternet a/ *reate in 1989, a/eter Deut/*h an hi/ *re at *Aill ni4er/ity in ontreal, *reate an ar*hi4er for ftp

    /ite/, hi*h they name %r*hie5 hi/ /oftare oul perioi*ally rea*h out to all nonopenly a4ailale ftp /ite/, li/t their file/, an uil a /ear*hale ine7 of the /oftare5 he

    *omman/ to /ear*h %r*hie ere uni7 *omman/, an it too /ome nolege of uni7 tou/e it to it/ full *apaility5

    %t aout the /ame time, &re/ter ahle, then at hining a*hine/, Corp5 e4elope hi/

    )i*e !rea Information Ser+er ,)!IS), hi*h oul ine7 the full te7t of file/ in aataa/e an allo /ear*he/ of the file/5 here ere /e4eral 4er/ion/ ith 4arying

    egree/ of *omple7ity an *apaility e4elope, ut the /imple/t of the/e ere mae

    a4ailale to e4eryone on the net/5 %t it/ pea, hining a*hine/ maintaine pointer/ to

    o4er 00 ataa/e/ aroun the orl hi*h ha een ine7e y %#$5 hey in*lue

    /u*h thing/ a/ the full /et of /enet 're>uently %/e Lue/tion/ file/, the fullo*umentation of oring paper/ /u*h a/ R'CG/ y tho/e e4eloping the #nternetG/

    /tanar/, an mu*h more5 :ie %r*hie, it/ interfa*e a/ far from intuiti4e, an it too/ome effort to learn to u/e it ell5

    eter $*ott of the ni4er/ity of $a/at*hean, re*ogni=ing the nee to ring together

    information aout all the telnet-a**e//ile lirary *atalog/ on the e, a/ ell a/ other

    telnet re/our*e/, rought out hi/ "ytelnet *atalog in 19905 #t ga4e a /ingle pla*e to getinformation aout lirary *atalog/ an other telnet re/our*e/ an ho to u/e them5 "e

    maintaine it for year/, an ae "yeCat in 199! to pro4ie information on e-

    a/e *atalog/5

    #n 1991, the fir/t really frienly interfa*e to the #nternet a/ e4elope at the ni4er/ityof inne/ota5 he ni4er/ity ante to e4elop a /imple menu /y/tem to a**e// file/ an

    information on *ampu/ through their lo*al netor5

    % eate folloe eteen mainframe aherent/ an tho/e ho elie4e in /maller

    /y/tem/ ith *lient-/er4er ar*hite*ture5 he mainframe aherent/ BonB the eateinitially, ut /in*e the *lient-/er4er a4o*ate/ /ai they *oul put up a prototype 4ery

    >ui*ly, they ere gi4en the go-ahea to o a emon/tration /y/tem5

    he emon/tration /y/tem a/ *alle a go'herafter the of inne/ota ma/*ot--the

    golen gopher5 he gopher pro4e to e 4ery prolifi*, an ithin a fe year/ there ere

    - 26 -

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    o4er 10,000 gopher/ aroun the orl5 #t tae/ no nolege of uni7 or *omputer5 #n a

    gopher /y/tem, you type or *li* on a numer to /ele*t the menu /ele*tion you ant5

    AopherG/ u/aility a/ enhan*e mu*h more hen the ni4er/ity of Ne4aa at Renoe4elope the -ERO&IC!/ear*hale ine7 of gopher menu/5 #t a/ purporte to e an

    a*ronym for ery ?a/y Roent-Oriente Netie #ne7 to Computeri=e %r*hi4e/5 %/pier *rale gopher menu/ aroun the orl, *olle*ting lin/ an retrie4ing them for

    the ine75 #t a/ /o popular that it a/ 4ery har to *onne*t to, e4en though a numer ofother ?RON#C% /ite/ ere e4elope to ea/e the loa5 $imilar ine7ing /oftare a/

    e4elope for /ingle /ite/, *alle JA"?%D (Jon=yG/ ni4er/al Aopher "ierar*hy

    ?7*a4ation %n Di/play)5

    #n 1989 another /ignifi*ant e4ent too pla*e in maing the net/ ea/ier to u/e5 im

    &erner/-:ee an other/ at the ?uropean :aoratory for arti*le hy/i*/, more popularly

    non a/ C?RN, propo/e a ne proto*ol for information i/triution5 hi/ proto*ol,

    hi*h e*ame the orl ie e in 1991, a/ a/e on hyperte7t--a /y/tem of

    emeing lin/ in te7t to lin to other te7t, hi*h you ha4e een u/ing e4ery time you/ele*te a te7t lin hile reaing the/e page/5 %lthough /tarte efore gopher, it a/

    /loer to e4elop5

    he e4elopment in 1996 of the graphi*al ro/er o/ai* y ar* %nree//en an hi/team at the National Center 'or $uper*omputing %ppli*ation/ (NC$%) ga4e the proto*ol

    it/ ig oo/t5 :ater, %nree//en mo4e to e*ome the rain/ ehin &etsca'e Cor'5,

    hi*h prou*e the mo/t /u**e//ful graphi*al type of ro/er an /er4er until i*ro/ofte*lare ar an e4elope it/ i*ro$oft #nternet ?7plorer

    $in*e the #nternet a/ initially fune y the go4ernment, it a/ originally limite to

    re/ear*h, eu*ation, an go4ernment u/e/5 Commer*ial u/e/ ere prohiite unle// theyire*tly /er4e the goal/ of re/ear*h an eu*ation5 hi/ poli*y *ontinue until the early90G/, hen inepenent *ommer*ial netor/ egan to gro5 #t then e*ame po//ile to

    route traffi* a*ro// the *ountry from one *ommer*ial /ite to another ithout pa//ing

    through the go4ernment fune N$'Net #nternet a*one5

    Delphi a/ the fir/t national *ommer*ial online /er4i*e to offer #nternet a**e// to it//u/*rier/5 #t opene up an email *onne*tion in July 1992 an full #nternet /er4i*e in

    No4emer 19925 %ll preten/e/ of limitation/ on *ommer*ial u/e i/appeare in ay 199ui/ition of ime-arnera/ the large/t merger in hi/tory hen it too pla*e an /ho/ the enormou/ groth of

    #nternet u/ine//P he /to* maret ha/ ha a ro*y rie, /ooping up an on a/ the

    ne te*hnology *ompanie/, the ot5*omG/ en*ountere goo ne/ an a5 he e*line in

    a4erti/ing in*ome /pelle oom for many ot5*om/, an a ma+or /haeout an /ear*h foretter u/ine// moel/ too pla*e y the /ur4i4or/5

    % *urrent tren ith ma+or impli*ation/ for the future i/ the groth of high /pee


  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training




    The Do!ain Na!e S$ste!

    he #nternet e4ol4e a/ an e7perimental /y/tem uring the 19!0/ an early 1980/5 #t then

    flouri/he after the CE# proto*ol/ ere mae manatory on the %R%N? an other

    netor/ in January 1986H the/e proto*ol/ thu/ e*ame the /tanar for many other

    netor/ a/ ell5 #nee, the #nternet gre /o rapily that the e7i/ting me*hani/m/ fora//o*iating the name/ of ho/t *omputer/ (e5g5 C:%, $C-#$#) to #nternet are//e/

    (non a/ # are//e/) ere aout to e /tret*he eyon a**eptale engineering limit/5

    o/t of the appli*ation/ in the #nternet referre to the target *omputer/ y name5 he/ename/ ha to e tran/late into #nternet are//e/ efore the loer le4el proto*ol/ *oul

    e a*ti4ate to /upport the appli*ation5 'or a time, a group at $R# #nternational in enlo

    ar, C%, *alle the Netor #nformation Center (N#C), maintaine a /imple, ma*hine-

    reaale li/t of name/ an a//o*iate #nternet are//e/ hi*h a/ mae a4ailale on thenet5 "o/t/ on the #nternet oul /imply *opy thi/ li/t, u/ually aily, /o a/ to maintain a

    lo*al *opy of the tale5 hi/ li/t a/ *alle the Bho/t5t7tB file (/in*e it a/ /imply a te7tfile)5 he li/t /er4e the fun*tion in the #nternet that ire*tory /er4i*e/ (e5g5 ;11 or !06-

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    ner thi/ /y/tem, for e7ample, the ho/t name BC:%B e*ame BC:%5?DB e*au/e it

    a/ operate y an eu*ational in/titution, hile the ho/t *omputer for B&&NB e*ameB&&N5COB e*au/e it a/ a *ommer*ial organi=ation5 op-le4el omain name/ al/o

    ere *reate for e4ery *ountry@ nite ingom name/ oul en in 5,3 hile theening 5'R3 a/ *reate for the name/ of 'ran*e5

    he Domain Name $y/tem (DN$) a/ an *ontinue/ to e a ma+or element of the#nternet ar*hite*ture, hi*h *ontriute/ to it/ /*alaility5 #t al/o *ontriute/ to *ontro4er/y

    o4er traemar/ an general rule/ for the *reation an u/e of omain name/, *reation of

    ne top-le4el omain/ an the lie5 %t the /ame time, other re/olution /*heme/ e7i/t a/ell5 One of the author/ (ahn) ha/ een in4ol4e in the e4elopment of a ifferent in

    of /tanar ientifi*ation an re/olution /*heme M74ii that, for e7ample, i/ eing u/e a/

    the a/e te*hnology y oo puli/her/ to ientify oo/ on the #nternet y aapting

    4ariou/ ientifi*ation /*heme/ for u/e in the #nternet en4ironment5 'or e7ample,

    #nternational $tanar &oo Numer/ (#$&N/) *an e u/e a/ part of the ientifier/5 heientifier/ then re/ol4e to /tate information aout the referen*e oo/, /u*h a/ lo*ation

    information (e5g5 multiple /ite/) on the #nternet that i/ u/e to a**e// the oo/ or to orerthem5 he/e e4elopment/ are taing pla*e in parallel ith the more traitional mean/ of

    managing #nternet re/our*e/5 hey offer an alternati4e to the e7i/ting Domain Name

    $y/tem ith enhan*e fun*tionality5

    he groth of e /er4er/ an u/er/ of the e ha/ een remarale, ut /ome peopleare *onfu/e aout the relation/hip eteen the orl ie e an the #nternet5 he

    #nternet i/ the gloal information /y/tem that in*lue/ *ommuni*ation *apailitie/ an

    many high le4el appli*ation/5 he e i/ one /u*h appli*ation5 he e7i/ting *onne*ti4ity

    of the #nternet mae it po//ile for u/er/ an /er4er/ all o4er the orl to parti*ipate inthi/ a*ti4ity5 ?le*troni* mail i/ another important appli*ation5 %/ of toay, o4er 0 million

    *omputer/ tae part in the #nternet an aout 65 million e /ite/ ere e/timate to ea**e//ile on the net5 irtually e4ery u/er of the net ha/ a**e// to ele*troni* mail an e

    ro/ing *apaility5

    Intro*uction to Internet Terminology


    %uio ieo #nterlea4e i/ % i*ro/oft Corporation multimeia 4ieo format5 #t u/e/

    a4eform auio an igital 4ieo frame/ (itmap/) to *ompre// animation5


    he *apa*ity of an ele*troni* line, /u*h a/ a *ommuni*ation/ netor or *omputer*hannel, to tran/mit it/ per /e*on (p/)5

    - 2! -

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training



    % repre/entation, *on/i/ting of ro/ an *olumn/ of ot/, of a graphi*/ image in

    *omputer memory5 he 4alue of ea*h ot (hether it i/ fille in or not) i/ /tore in one ormore it/ of ata5 'or /imple mono*hrome image/, one it i/ /uffi*ient to repre/ent ea*h

    ot, ut for *olor/ an /hae/ of gray, ea*h ot re>uire/ more than one it of ata5

    Bits and *$tes-

    Bit/tan/ for inary igit@ 0 or 1%bytei/ mae up of 8 it/

    #t tae/ 1 byteto /tore one ASCII *hara*terASCII /tan/ for the %meri*an

    $tanar Coe for #nformation #nter*hangehe *omination of it/ (hi*h mae/ up one yte) elo repre/ent/ the letter/

    eloA 0100 0001

    B 0100 0010

    C 0100 0011

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training



    % /oftare program that allo/ u/er/ to a**e// the #nternet5 ?7ample/@


    a u/er interfa*e for *omputer/ hi*h allo/ you to rea plain te7t, notpi*ture/, /oun, or 4ieo, on the #nternet5 #t i/ /tri*tly te7t a/e, non-ino/, an oe/ not pla*e high memory eman/ on your *omputer5

    %n e7ample i/ "$n9 5(http@EElyn75ro/er5orgE)

    Gra'hical a u/er interfa*e for *omputer/ hi*h enale/ people to /ee *olor,

    graphi*/, an hear /oun an /ee 4ieo, a4ailale on #nternet /ite/5he/e feature/ are u/ually e/ignate y unerline te7t, a *hange of

    *olor, or other i/tingui/hing featureH /ometime/ the lin i/ not o4iou/,

    for e7ample, a pi*ture ith no e/ignate *hara*teri/ti*5 ?7ample/ are

    Netsa%e an Internet E9%"orer5

    C+I(Common +ateay Interfa*e /*ript) - a /pe*ifi*iation for tran/ferring informationeteen a e /er4er an a CA# program, e/igne to re*ei4e an an return ata5 he

    /*ript *an u/e a 4ariety of language/ /u*h a/ C, erl, Ja4a, or i/ual &a/i*5 any htmlpage/ that *ontain form/ u/e a *gi program to pro*e// the ata /umitte y u/er/E*lient/5


    Real-time, /yn*hronou/, te7t-a/e *ommuni*ation 4ia *omputer5


    #nformation (in thi/ *a/e R:/, e are//e/) *reate y a e /er4er an /tore on au/erG/ *omputer5 hi/ information let/ e /ite/ the u/er 4i/it/ to eep of a u/erG/ro/ing patttern/ an preferen*e/5 eople *an /et up their ro/er/ to a**ept or not

    a**ept *ooie/5

    C$*er u"ture@-

    % *olle*tion of *ulture/ an *ultural prou*t/ that e7i/t on anEor are mae po//ile ythe #nternet, along ith the /torie/ tol aout the/e *ulture/ an *ultural prou*t/5 Da4i

    $il4er,3Introducing Cyberculture,3


    % /ingle *hara*ter in a numering /y/tem5 #n e*imal, igit/ are 0 through 95 #n inary,

    igit/ are 0 an 15 he o/ an 1/ e>uate to Bon an off fun*tion/5 Digiti=ation allo/ forperfe*t *opying5 hen te7t, mu/i*, 4oi*e an 4ieo are in igiti=e, they *an e

    ele*troni*ally manipulate, pre/er4e an regenerate ithout egreation of >uality at

    high /pee5 ?a*h *opy of a *omputer file i/ e7a*tly the /ame a/ the original5

    - 29 -

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    Do!ain Na!e()

    % metho of ientifying *omputer are//e/5 Iour e-mail are// ha/ a omain are//5

    #f you ha4e an BeuB at the en of your e-mail are// that mean/ your a**ount i/

    affiliate ith an eu*ational in/titution5 % B*omB e7ten/ion mean/ you ha4e a u/ine//a**ount5 % go4ernment a**ount ha/ a 5go4 /uffi75


    Dot/ per in*h are the ay the re/olution of i/play an printing i/ mea/ure5


    're>uently %/e Lue/tion/5 % li/t of >ue/tion/ an an/er/ to e7plain prou*t/ antroule/hoot prolem/5


    he name BfireallB eri4e/ from the term for a arrier that pre4ent/ fire/ from

    /preaing5 % *omputer BfireallB i/ a arrier eteen your *omputer an the out/ie

    orl5 Ju/t lie a fire i/ mo/t liely to/prea through open oor/ in a uiling, your *omputer i/ mo/t 4ulnerale at it/ port/

    (the oor/)5 ithout port/ you *oul not go on the #nternet or let #nternet traffi* enter

    your *omputer5

    %n effe*ti4e /oftare fireall i/olate/ your *omputer from the #nternet u/ing a *oe that

    /et/ up a lo*ae to in/pe*t ea*h pa*et of ata, from or to your *omputer T toetermine hether it /houl e alloe to pa// or e lo*e5

    'ireall /oftare operate/ in 4ariou/ ay/@ a*et filter/ lo* traffi* from # are//e/anEor port numer/5 ro7y /er4er/ *an rea the *onne*tion eteen to netor/5

    N%/ (Netor %re// ran/lator/) hie/ the # are//e/ of *lient /tation/ y

    pre/enting one # are// to the Bout/ieB orl5 $tateful in/pe*tion 4erifie/ inoun an

    outoun traffi* to e /ure the e/tination an the /our*e are *orre*t5 'ireall /oftare*an allo your *omputer to operate in /tealth moe, /o that it/ # are// i/ not 4i/ile5


    %nimation /oftare u/e to e4elop intera*ti4e graphi*/ for e /ite/ a/ ell a/ e/top

    pre/entation/ an game/ (ino/ an a*) y the *ompany a*romeia5 'la/h on thee i/ i/playe y a ro/er plug-in5 Non-e pre/entation/ are run y a 'la/h player,

    in*lue on a floppy or CD-RO5 'la/h*an e u/e to *reate 4e*tor-a/e graphi*/ in

    one or more timeline/ that pro4ie a /e>uential path for a*tion/5

    - 60 -

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    /ingfile transfer protocol/oftare to re*ei4e from uploa) or /en to (onloa) file/

    (te7t, pi*ture/, /prea/heet/, et*5) from one *omputerE/er4er to another5


    Araphi* inter*hange format i/ the u/ual format for a graphi* that i/ not a photo5 %nimategif file/ are emee ith *oing that *reate/ mo4ement hen the graphi* i/ a*ti4ate5

    Ho!e %a#e()

    Aenerally the fir/t page retrie4e hen a**e//ing a e /ite5 /ually a BhomeB page a*t/

    a/ the /tarting point for a u/er to a**e// information on the /ite5 he BhomeB page u/uallyha/ /ome type of tale of *ontent/ for the re/t of the /ite information or other material/5

    hen *reating e page/, the BhomeB page ha/ the filename Bine75html,B hi*h i/ theefault name5 he Bine7B page automati*ally open/ up a/ the BhomeB page5


    % type of te7t *oe inHypertext Markup Languagehi*h, hen emee in ao*ument, allo/ that o*ument to e rea an i/triute a*ro// the #nternet5


    he hypertext transfer protocol(http) that enale/ html o*ument/ to e rea on the



    e7t that i/ non-/e>uential, prou*e y riting in ": (Hyperte7t Marup Language)

    language5 hi/ ": *oing allo/ the information (te7t, graphi*/, /oun, 4ieo) to e

    a**e//e u/ing " ("yperte7t ran/fer roto*ol)5


    e7t, image/, graphi*/ that, hen *li*e ith a mou/e (or a*ti4ate y ey/troe/) ill

    *onne*t the u/er to a ne e /ite5 he lin i/ u/ually o4iou/, /u*h a/ unerline te7t ora ButtonB of /ome type, ut not alay/5

    Instant Messa#in#(#) @-

    % te7t-a/e *omputer *onferen*e o4er the #nternet eteen to or more people homu/t e online at the /ame time5 hen you /en an # the re*ei4er i/ in/tantly notifie

    that /heEhe ha/ a me//age5

    - 61 -
  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training



    % graphi*/ formatting te*hni>ue that *au/e/ an image to graually appear on your /*reen

    in/tea of appearing all at on*e5 he image appear/ lurry at fir/t an i/ repla*e y/u**e//i4e a4e/ of it /tream/ that graually fill in the mi//ing line/ until the image

    fully appear/ in full re/olution5 hi/ graually renering of the image i/ helpful for eu/er/ ho ha4e /lo moem/ an *onne*tion/, /in*e thi/ te*hni>ue allo/ the 4ieer to

    /ee enough of the image to e*ie hether or not to *ontinue loaing it5 'or fa/t*onne*tion/, there i/ no i/*ernile ifferen*e5


    % gloal netor of thou/an/ of *omputer netor/ line y ata line/ an irele//


    IP Address()

    #nternet roto*ol i/ he numer or name of the *omputer from hi*h you /en an

    re*ei4e information on the #nternet5


    % *omputer language, e4elope y $un i*ro/y/tem/, that let/ you en*oe appli*ation/,

    /u*h a/ animate o+e*t/ or *omputer program/, on the #nternet


    % e /*ripting language e4elope y Net/*ape5 #t a/ e4elope inepenently of thefull J%% language an i/ an BopenB language, free for anyone to u/e an aapt5 'or

    e7ample, he Ja4a $*ript $our*e ha/ many /*ript/ people *an aapt for their onpurpo/e/5

    ,&%# 7or &%e#8()

    oint photographic expert groupi/ a file format for photograph/ on e page/5 he B+pgB

    format *ompre//e/ large photo file/ /o they onGt tae up a/ many iloyte/ of memory5


    %n e-mail li/t of e-mail are//e/ of people ith *ommon intere/t/5 $oftare enale/

    people ho elong to a li/t to /en me//age/ to the group ithout typing a /erie/ of

    are//e/ into the me//age heaer5 /ually memer/ of the group in the li/t/er4 ha4e to

    /u/*rie to the mailing li/t5

    - 62 -

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    Mode! () 7Modu"ation)De!odu"ation8

    % e4i*e that *onne*t/ your *omputer to the #nternet, hen you are not *onne*te 4ia a

    :%N (lo*al area netor, /u*h a/ at or or on a *ampu/5) o/t people *onne*t to a

    moem hen u/ing a home *omputer5 he moem tran/late/ *omputer /ignal/ to analog/ignal/ hi*h are /ent 4ia phone line/5 he telephone B/pea/B to the *omputerE/er4er

    hi*h pro4ie/ your #nternet a**e//5


    $o!ingPictureExperts Group



    'ormat for *ompre//ing 4ieo ith auio for playa* from /torage

    meia ith lo ata tran/fer rate/ /u*h a/ CDRO/ or o4er the

    netor at

    "$ >uality5$PEG


    'ormat for *ompre//ing 4ieo ith auio at roa*a/t >uality

    re/olution for playa* in higher ata tran/fer rate en4ironment/5

    /uallyu/e for real-time en*oing in the profe//ional maret, /atellite igital

    tele4i/ion (Dire*, $$&), an for DD/ an other type/ of 4ieo





    'ormat for *ompre//ing auio only efine in oth ?A-1 an?A-25 Commonly u/e for igital mu/i* playe on per/onal

    *omputer/ (6

    /ong/) ut al/o targete at appli*ation/ /u*h a/ igital phone/ an ne

    harare 6 player/ intene a/ i/*man or *ar CD playerrepla*ement/5


    he eG/ integration of auio, 4ieo, graphi*/ an te7t5


    %n #nternet B/iteB *entere aroun a /pe*ifi* topi* or *our/e5 $ome ne/reaer /oftare*an BthreaB i/*u//ion /o there *an e 4ariou/ topi*/ *entere aroun a *entral theme5

    %n a4antage o4er e-mail i/ that the me//age/ are ar*hi4e an onGt re/ie in your e-mail a**ount, taing up your memory, unle// you /et up a B/ent mailB or B*aron *opyBoption5 he me//age/ *an often e threae a**oring to a parti*ular i/*u//ion5


    - 66 -

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    HypertextPreprocessori/ an open /our*e, /er4er-/ie ": /*ripting languaage u/e to

    *reate ynami* e page/5 " i/ emee ithin tag/, /o the author authorr *an mo4e

    eteen ": an " in/tea of u/ing large amount/ of *oe5

    &e*au/e " i/ e7e*ute on the /er4er, the 4ieer *annot /ee the *oe5 " *an

    perform the /ame ta// a/ a CA# program *an o an i/ *ompatile ith many ifferentin/ of ataa/e/5


    % e /ite BgateayB that pro4ie/ multiple /er4i*e/, hi*h *oul in*lue e /ear*hing*apaility, ne/, free-email, i/*u//ion group/, online /hopping, referen*e/ an other

    /er4i*e/5 % more re*ent tren i/ to u/e the /ame term for /ite/ that offer /er4i*e/ to

    *u/tomer/ of parti*ular inu/trie/, /u*h a/ a e-a/e an Bportal,B on hi*h*u/tomer/ *an a**e// their *he*ing, /a4ing/ an in4e/tment a**ount/5


    Ri*h Site Summary or RD' MResource%escription rame"orkSite Summary i/

    %n F: format for /haring *ontent among ifferent e /ite/ /u*h a/ ne/ item/5 Ho3

    does it 3or5@% e /ite *an allo other /ite/ to puli/h /ome of it/ *ontent y *reating

    an R$$ o*ument an regi/ter/ the o*ument ith an R$$ puli/her5 % e puli/her *an

    po/t a lin to the r// fee /o u/er/ *an rea the i/triute *ontent on hi/Eher /ite5

    $yni*ate *ontent*an *an in*lue ne/ fee/, li/ting/ of e4ent/, /torie/, healine/, et*5

    Searh En#ine()

    $pe*iali=e /oftare, /u*h a/ %ltai/ta an Iahoo, that let/ ro/er u/er/ /ear*hfor information on the e y u/ing eyor/, phra/e/, an &oolean logi*5 Different

    /ear*h engine/ ha4e ifferent ay/ of *ategori=ing an ine7ing information5 $ear*hengine/ are a**e//e y typing in the R: of that engine or u/ing a ro/erG/

    *ompilation of /ear*h engine/ in it/ #nternet /ear*h fun*tion5


    % three imen/ional (6D) animation te*hnologyEformat *reatae y the a*romeia

    *ompany5 a*romeia Dire*tor rou*e// $ho*a4e file/, hi*h *an e 4ieethrough a $ho*a4e player, a ro/erBplug-inB *omputer program or other multimeia

    appli*ation/ that a**e// the player5 $ho*a4e *an e u/e to *reate more /ophi/ti*ateanimation/ than the a*romeia 'la/h format5 $ho*a4e u/e/ the 5ir file e7ten/ion for/our*e file/ an 5*r e7ten/ion for $ho*a4e Bmo4ie/5B


    he *omman to log on to another *omputer on the #nternet5

    - 6; -

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training



    % uni4er/al re/our*e lo*ator (a *omputer are//) that ientifie/ the lo*ation an type of

    re/our*e on the e5 % R: generally /tart/ ith Bhttp5B


    % line in *omputer graphi*/ e/ignate y it/ en point/ (7-y or 7-y-= *oorinate/)5 %

    4e*tor layer oe/ not u/e pi7el/ for /toring image information5 #n/tea, it /tore/ a 4e*tor

    o+e*t a/ a /et of propertie/ that e/*rie it/ attriute/, imen/ion/, an po/ition in the

    image5 ?a*h time an image i/ openeH the/e propertie/ are u/e a/ in/tru*tion/ forraing the o+e*t/5 &e*au/e the o+e*t/ are inepenent element/, you *an mo4e them

    ithout affe*ting the re/t of the image5

    ?irtua" Co!!unit$()

    % term *ommonly u/e to e/*rie a group of people ho e7*hange iea/ through*omputer netor/, li/t/er4/, ne/group/, an e-a/e ulletin oar/5 hey might

    not e4er meet fa*e-to-fa*e5 Aenerally the/e people meet o4er the long-term, on a regular

    a/i/, an /hare their iea/ aout a 4ariety of /u+e*t/, epening upon their /pe*ialintere/t5 he i/*u//ion/ *oul relate to hoie/, mu/i*, health, /elf help i//ue/, an

    profe//ional an /*holarly a*ti4itie/5


    % *omputer program u/ually hien in an e7i/ting program5 On*e the e7i/ting program

    i/ e7e*ute, the 4iru/ program i/ a*ti4ate an *an atta*h it/elf to other program/ or file/5

    iru/e/ *an range from enign a*ti4itie/ /u*h a/ atta*hing a harmle// me//age toperforming mali*iou/ a*ti4itie/ /u*h a/ e/troying all the ata on a *omputer har ri4e5

    iru/e/ are *ommonly i/triute a/ e-mail atta*hment/ hi*h a*ti4ate hen theatta*hment i/ opene5 iru/ prote*tion /oftare, upate regularly ith the late/t 4iru/

    efinition/, *an help prote*t *omputer/ from 4iru/e/5

    :e* Bot@-

    % term that applie/ to program/Eapplet/ (ma*ro/ an intelligent agent/) u/e on the

    #nternet5 $u*h ot/ perform a repetiti4e fun*tion, /u*h a/ po/ting me//age/ to multiplene/group/ or oing /ear*he/ for information5

    :ide :or"d :e* 7:::8 ()

    % hypermeia information /torage /y/tem hi*h lin/ *omputer-a/e re/our*e/ aroun

    the orl5 Computer program/ *alle &ro/er/ enale or/ or i*on/ *alle hyperlin/to i/play, te7t, 4ieo, graphi*/ an /oun on a *omputer /*reen5 he /our*e of the

    material i/ at a ifferent lo*ation - a ifferent file in the /ame ire*tory, a file in another

    *omputer, hi*h *an e lo*ate anyhere in the orl5

    - 6< -
  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training



    % e/tru*ti4e *omputer program that repli*ate/ it/elf throughout your *omputerG/ harri4e an an memory5 orm/ u/e up the *omputer/ re/our*e/ an pull the /y/tem

    on5 orm/ *an e /prea in ma//-e-mailing if the u/er open/ an atta*hment5

    78% program that mo4e/ through a netor an epo/it/ information at ea*h noe foriagno/ti* purpo/e/ or *au/e/ ile *omputer/ to /hare /ome of the pro*e//ing orloa5

    ML(#xtensible Markup Language) @-

    #t i/ a le// rou/t 4ariety of $A:, a /y/tem for organi=ing an tagging element/ of a

    o*ument /o that the o*ument *an e tran/mitte an interprete eteen appli*ation/an organi=ation/5 "uman reaale F: tag/ efine/ Bhat it i/,B an ": efine/

    Bho it loo/5B F: allo/ e/igner/ to *reate their on tag/5 'or e7ample@


    Ufont /i=eSB2BQJane DoeUEfontQUQMarh 26 .02UEQ




  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    No e *an *ommuni*ate in a fra*tion of /e*on ith a per/on ho i/ /itting in the other

    part of the orl5 oay for etter *ommuni*ation, e *an a4ail the fa*ilitie/ of e-mailH

    e *an *hat for hour/ ith our lo4e one/5ith help of /u*h /er4i*e/, it ha/ e*ome 4ery ea/y to e/tali/h a in of gloal

    frien/hip here you *an /hare your thought/, *an e7plore other *ulture/ of ifferent



    #nformation i/ proaly the igge/t a4antage internet i/ offering5 he #nternet i/ a 4irtual

    trea/ure tro4e of information5 %ny in of information on any topi* uner the /un i/

    a4ailale on the #nternet5 he /ear*h engine/ lie Aoogle, yahoo i/ at your /er4i*e on the

    #nternet5 Iou *an almo/t fin any type of ata on almo/t any in of /u+e*t that you arelooing for5 here i/ a huge amount of information a4ailale on the internet for +u/t aout

    e4ery /u+e*t non to man, ranging from go4ernment la an /er4i*e/, trae fair/ an

    *onferen*e/, maret information, ne iea/ an te*hni*al /upport, the li/t i/ en le//5

    $tuent/ an *hilren are among the top u/er/ ho /urf the #nternet for re/ear*h5 oay, it

    i/ almo/t re>uire that /tuent/ /houl u/e the #nternet for re/ear*h for the purpo/e ofgathering re/our*e/5 ea*her/ ha4e /tarte gi4ing a//ignment/ that re>uire re/ear*h on the

    #nternet5 %lmo/t e4ery *oming ay, re/ear*he/ on mei*al i//ue/ e*ome mu*h ea/ier to

    lo*ate5 Numerou/ e /ite/ a4ailale on the net are offering loa/ of information forpeople to re/ear*h i/ea/e/ an tal to o*tor/ online at /ite/ /u*h a/, %meri*a/ Do*tor5

    During 1998 o4er 20 million people reporte going online to retrie4e health information5


    ?ntertainment i/ another popular rai/on GVtre hy many people prefer to /urf the

    #nternet5 #n fa*t, meia of internet ha/ e*ome >uite /u**e//ful in trapping multifa*eteentertainment fa*tor5 Donloaing game/, 4i/iting *hat room/ or +u/t /urfing the e are

    /ome of the u/e/ people ha4e i/*o4ere5 here are numerou/ game/ that may e

    onloae from the #nternet for free5 he inu/try of online gaming ha/ ta/te ramati*an phenomenal attention y game lo4er/5 Chat room/ are popular e*au/e u/er/ *an

    meet ne an intere/ting people5 #n fa*t, the #nternet ha/ een /u**e//fully u/e y

    people to fin life long partner/5 hen people /urf the e, there are numerou/ thing/

    that *an e foun5 u/i*, hoie/, ne/ an more *an e foun an /hare on #nternet5


    any /er4i*e/ are no pro4ie on the internet /u*h a/ online aning, +o /eeing,

    pur*ha/ing ti*et/ for your fa4orite mo4ie/, guian*e /er4i*e/ on array of topi*/

    engulfing the e4ery a/pe*t of life, an hotel re/er4ation/5 Often the/e /er4i*e/ are nota4ailale off-line an *an *o/t you more5

    - 6! -

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    ?*ommer*e i/ the *on*ept u/e for any type of *ommer*ial maneu4ering, or u/ine//eal/ that in4ol4e/ the tran/fer of information a*ro// the gloe 4ia #nternet5 #t ha/ e*ome

    a phenomenon a//o*iate ith any in of /hopping, almo/t anything5 Iou name it an

    ?*ommer*e ith it/ giant tenta*le/ engulfing e4ery /ingle prou*t an /er4i*e ill maeyou a4ailale at your oor /tep/5 #t ha/ got a real ama=ing an ie range of prou*t/

    from hou/ehol nee/, te*hnology to entertainment5


    Theft of Persona" infor!ation()

    #f you u/e the #nternet, you may e fa*ing gra4e anger a/ your per/onal information/u*h a/ name, are//, *reit *ar numer et*5 *an e a**e//e y other *ulprit/ to maeyour prolem/ or/e5


    $pamming refer/ to /ening unante e-mail/ in ul, hi*h pro4ie no purpo/e an

    neele//ly o/tru*t the entire /y/tem5 $u*h illegal a*ti4itie/ *an e 4ery fru/trating for

    you, an /o in/tea of +u/t ignoring it, you /houl mae an effort to try an /top the/ea*ti4itie/ /o that u/ing the #nternet *an e*ome that mu*h /afer5

    ?irus threat()

    iru/ i/ nothing ut a program hi*h i/rupt/ the normal fun*tioning of your *omputer

    /y/tem/5 Computer/ atta*he to internet are more prone to 4iru/ atta*/ an they *an enup into *ra/hing your hole har i/, *au/ing you *on/ierale heaa*he5


    hi/ i/ perhap/ the igge/t threat relate to your *hilren/ healthy mental life5 % 4ery

    /eriou/ i//ue *on*erning the #nternet5 here are thou/an/ of pornographi* /ite/ on the

    #nternet that *an e ea/ily foun an *an e a etrimental fa*tor to letting *hilren u/e the


    - 68 -

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    Microsoft $ord


    % full-feature or pro*e//ing program for ino/ an the a*into/h from

    i*ro/oft5 #n*lue in the i*ro/oft appli*ation /uite, it i/ a /ophi/ti*ate program ithruimentary e/top puli/hing *apailitie/ that ha/ e*ome the mo/t iely u/e or

    pro*e//ing appli*ation on the maret5 he fir/t 4er/ion/ of or *ame out uner DO$

    an pro4ie oth graphi*/-a/e an te7t-a/e interfa*e/ for oring ith a o*ument5


    /-or not only /upport/ or pro*e//ing feature/ ut al/o D feature/5 $ome of the

    important feature/ of /-or are li/te elo@

    i5 /ing or you *an *reate the o*ument an eit them later, a/ an hen

    re>uire, y aing more te7t, moifying the e7i/ting te7t, eletingEmo4ing /omepart of it5

    ii5 Changing the /i=e of the margin/ *an reformat *omplete o*ument or part of te7t5

    iii5 'ont /i=e an type of font/ *an al/o e *hange5 age numer/ an "eaer an'ooter *an e in*lue5

    i45 $pelling *an e *he*e an *orre*tion *an e mae automati*ally in the entire

    o*ument5 or *ount an other /tati/ti*/ *an e generate545 e7t *an e formatte in *olumnar /tyle a/ e /ee in the ne/paper5 e7t o7e/

    *an e mae54i5 ale/ *an e mae an in*lue in the te7t5

    4ii5 or al/o allo/ the u/er to mi7 the graphi*al pi*ture/ ith the te7t5 Araphi*al

    pi*ture/ *an either e *reate in or it/elf or *an e importe from out/ie lie

    from Clip %rt Aallery5

    4iii5 or al/o pro4ie/ the mail-merge fa*ility5i75 or al/o ha/ the fa*ility of ma*ro/5 a*ro/ *an e either atta*he to /ome

    fun*tionE/pe*ial ey/ or to a tool ar or to a menu5

    75 #t al/o pro4ie/ online help of any option

    Basi o%erations of Ms):ord

    Create a Dou!ent()

    o *reate a or o*ument, *li* the $tart utton on the ino/ a/ar, *hoo/e

    rogram/ an i*ro/oft or from the /umenu5

    or open/ to a lan o*ument hi*h ha/ pre/et margin/ an font /tyle/5 % ne or

    - 69 -

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    o*ument i/ name Do*ument1 until it i/ /a4e an rename5 #f aitional o*ument/ are

    *reate efore you e7it or, they ill e name Do*ument2, Do*ument6 an /o on5

    Create Another Dou!ent ()

    o *reate another o*ument, /ele*t the 'ile menu an then Ne ('ileENe)5 or illa/ you hi*h BtemplateB you ant to u/e5 % template /er4e/ a/ a ma/ter /tyle /heet that

    *ontain/ pre/et margin/ an ta/ (an other layout /etting/) hi*h are applie to the ne

    o*ument hen it i/ *reate5 he &lan Do*ument i/ the mo/t *ommonly u/e templatean i/ the efault hen you /tart or5

    - ;0 -

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    :or5in# 3ith Fonts()

    % font i/ a /et of type *hara*ter/ of a parti*ular typefa*e e/ign an /i=e5 /ually, ea*h

    typefa*e (ime/ Roman, %rial, et*5) i/ mae a4ailale in four 4ariation/@ normal eight,

    ol, itali* an ol itali*5 he efault font in or i/ ime/ Ne Roman, 10 point5

    %ny of the a4ailale font/ may e /ele*te a/ the efault font5 o o /o, /ele*t

    'ormatE'ont5 Choo/e the preferre option/ an *li* Default5 'rom no on until you*hange it, ea*h time a ne o*ument i/ opene, the efault font ill e the one you +u/t


    - ;1 -

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    - ;2 -

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    Chan#e Fonts for Part of the Dou!ent()

    o *hange a portion of te7t ithin a o*ument, highlight the te7t, an *li* the on

    arro ne7t to the 'ont Name on the or toolar5 $*roll through the li/t an /ele*tanother font5 o /a4e you time /*rolling through the li/t, the font li/t put/ your often-u/e

    font/ at the top5 'or e7ample, if one of your font/ ere erana, it *an e /ele*te from

    the top of the li/t in/tea of ha4ing to /*roll on to the G/5

    #f you ha4e not highlighte te7t efore, +u/t point the mou/e to the eginning of the te7t,

    pre// the left mou/e utton on, an hile holing the utton on, mo4e the mou/e tothe en of the te7t5 hen let go of the utton5 Iou *an mo4e iagonally o4er the /e*tion to

    highlight a re*tangular area5

    Chan#e Font Si;e ()

    o *hange font /i=e, highlight the te7t to e *hange, an *li* the on arro ne7t to

    the 'ont $i=e on the or toolar5

    - ;6 -

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    Bo"d ) Ita"is Under"ine ()

    o *hange e7i/ting te7t to ol, itali*/ or unerline, highlight the te7t an *li* the &, # or

    utton/ on the or toolar5 o type in ne te7t ith a ifferent format, /it*h to the

    ne /tyle y *li*ing &, # or 5 o /it*h a* to normal, *li* &, # or hen you arefini/he typing5

    The Ru"er Line()

    %t the top of the o*ument i/ a /et of ruler maring/ that /ho the margin/ an ta/ thatare /et in the o*ument5 Iou al/o u/e the ruler to /et ta/ an margin/5

    Settin# Mar#ins()

    argin/ are in4i/ile line/ that eep te7t aay from the ege/ of the page5 here arepre/et margin/ at the top, ottom, left an right5 he margin/ at the top an ottom allo

    room for heaer/ an footer/5

    - ;; -

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    Chan#e Mar#ins for the :ho"e Dou!ent ()

    o *hange argin/ for the entire o*ument, *hoo/e 'ileEage $etup an *hange the

    numer/5 &e /ure that hole Do*ument i/ /ele*te in the %pply o o75 %/ /oon a/ you

    mae a *hange, the effe*t *an e /een in the re4ie area5

    o *hange the efault margin/ for all your o*ument/, /ele*t 'ileEage $etup, /et your

    margin/ an *li* Default5 or ill no apply your ne margin /etting/ to all theo*ument/ *reate ith that /ame template5

    - ;< -

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    Dra# the Mar#in Mar5ers()

    o *hange margin/, you *an al/o highlight your te7t an rag the margin marer/ on the

    ruler +u/t lie you o on an ele*tri* typeriter5 here i/ an up-arro marer for the right

    margin, ut there are to arro/ for the left margin5 he on-arro marer i/ for the

    fir/t line of the paragraph, an the up-arro i/ for the re/t of the paragraph5 hey mo4einepenently /o you *an *reate an inent for the fir/t line that i/ either in or out5 hen

    the fir/t line e7ten/ farther to the left than the oy of the paragraph, it i/ *alle aBhanging inentB or Bhanging paragraphB a/ in the e7ample elo5

    Han#in# Indenthe hanging inent in thi/ e7ample i/ *reate y mo4ing the on-

    arro farther o4er to the left than the up-arro5

    Chan#e Mar#ins for a Setion of Te9t ()

    o *hange margin/ for a /e*tion of the o*ument, highlight the te7t, an rag the marginmarer/ to the ne lo*ation5

    Centerin# and ustifiation ()

    or automati*ally align/ te7t to the left margin ith a ragge right margin, hi*h i/ the

    mo/t *ommon /tyle5 o *hange the alignment, highlight the te7t to e *hange an *li*the left, *enter, right or +u/tifie utton/, hi*h are lo*ate ne7t to the &, # an utton/

    on the or toolar5

    o type te7t ith a ifferent alignment, *li* the appropriate alignment utton efore you

    /tart typing5 Ju/tifi*ation mean/ oth left an right margin/ are /traight lie a ne/paper


    - ; -

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    Ta* Sto%s ()

    % ta /top i/ u/e in a o*ument to line up *olumn/5 hen you pre// the a ey on theeyoar, the /*reen *ur/or mo4e/ to the ne7t ta /top on the line5

    here are four type/ of ta/, ut the mo/t *ommonly u/e are left aligne an e*imal5/e the left ta to line up *olumn/ of name/, an u/e the e*imal ta to line up *olumn/

    of numer/5

    The Four Ta* T$%esNote the /ymol on the left /ie of ea*h e7ample5

    Settin# Ta*s ()

    o /et a ta, e /ure the ta /ymol on the left /ie of the ruler i/ /et to the type you ant5

    #f not, *li* the /ymol until the type you ant i/ 4i/ile5 hen, *li* the ruler here you

    ant the ta to go5 he ta /top /ymol ill e i/playe on the ruler5 %fter pla*ing theta /top on the ruler, you *an mo4e it y ragging it to a ne lo*ation5

    - ;! -

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    Sa'e6 C"ose and E9it ()

    $a4ing your o*ument tran/fer/ e4erything on /*reen to the har i/ /o you *an retrie4e

    it later5 o /a4e a o*ument, /ele*t 'ileE$a4e5 Clo/ing your o*ument oe/ the /ame thing

    ut al/o remo4e/ the o*ument from the /*reen5 hen you are fini/he ith the

    o*ument, /ele*t 'ileEClo/e5

    Sa'e As()

    he $a4e %/ fun*tion i/ 4ery u/eful for maing *opie/ of the /ame o*ument ith

    ifferent name/ or /a4ing your o*ument ith the /ame name in ifferent foler/5 heifferen*e eteen $a4e %/ an /a4e i/ that $a4e %/ prompt/ you for a file name,

    herea/ $a4e +u/t rite/ the *ontent/ of your /*reen to the /ame file5

    Quittin# :ord()

    o >uit or, /ele*t 'ileE?7it5 #f you mae *hange/ ithout /a4ing, or ill prompt

    you to /a4e the *hange/5

    The Defau"t Fo"der ()

    or efault/ to /a4ing your ne o*ument in the y Do*ument/ foler5 Iou *an

    o4errie that y /ele*ting another foler5 #f you are unfamiliar ith file an foler


    or al/o mae/ up a ne name for your file y taing the fir/t *hara*ter/ of te7t in the

    o*ument5 Iou *an o4errie thi/ y typing ire*tly on top of the /ugge/te name5

    - ;8 -

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    O%en a Dou!ent ()

    o open a or o*ument, /ele*t 'ileEOpen5 $ele*t the foler the o*ument a/ /a4e in,

    an *li* on the o*ument to open it5

    Cut ) Co%$ Paste ()

    e7t *an e mo4e aroun ea/ily in or5 o mo4e a /enten*e or /e*tion of te7t to a

    ifferent lo*ation in a o*ument, highlight the te7t an /ele*t ?itECut, then go to the ne

    lo*ation an /ele*t ?itEa/te5 o *opy a /ele*tion, /ele*t ?itECopy in/tea of ?itECut5

    - ;9 -

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    The :ord 02 C"i%*oard Is Mono#a!ous ()

    hen te7t i/ *ut in or 9!, it i/ remo4e from the original lo*ation an pla*e

    temporarily in the *lipoar, ut the *lipoar hol/ only one /ele*tion5 hen you *ut or*opy the ne7t time, the ne /ele*tion i/ pla*e into the *lipoar, an the pre4iou/

    /ele*tion i/ lo/t5 $o hen you *ut /omething from your o*ument, e /ure to pa/te it

    /omehere efore you *ut or *opy again5 &ut, you *an pa/te the /ame /ele*tion into a/

    many pla*e/ or a/ many o*ument/ a/ you i/h a/ long a/ you o not *ut or *opy/omething el/e5

    The :ord --- C"i%*oard Ho"ds . Se"etions ()

    or 2000 *an hol up to 12 /ele*tion/ that ha4e een *ut or *opie5 he only

    unfortunate thing i/ that you ha4e to rememer the /e>uen*e5 hen you *ut or *opy/omething in or 2000, the folloing *lipoar ialog o7 ill e i/playe5


  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    :ord --- C"i%*oard?a*h time you *ut or *opy /omething, a o*ument i*on i/ ae

    to thi/ *lipoar ialog5 o pa/te a /ele*tion, *li* the appropriate i*on, ut you ha4e to

    rememer hi*h i/ hi*h5

    :ord --- C"i%*oard O%tionsIou *an pa/te the entire /e>uen*e of /ele*tion/ into your

    o*ument y *li*ing the a/te %ll utton5 o *lear the entire *lipoar, *li* the Delete

    %ll utton5

    !n* no2 it is /3 instea* of 1/.


  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training



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  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    Ha'e :ord Corret Gour T$%es()

    #f you /ele*t %utoCorre*t an pi* the *orre*t /pelling, or ill automati*ally *orre*t

    your mi//pelling hene4er you type it5

    Turn S%e""he5in# On and Off ()

    o /top or from /pell*he*ing your or/ a/ you type, /ele*t ool/EOption/, *li* the

    $pelling X Arammar a an e/ele*t Che* $pelling a/ Iou ype5


  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    Button Ti%Cli* thi/ utton on the or toolar to *he* the /pelling of a /ele*te


    Find Re%"ae ()

    o lo*ate a or or phra/e in a or o*ument, u/e ?itE'in5 ?nter the or or phra/e

    into the 'in hat@ fiel an /ele*t 'in Ne7t5

    o repla*e a or or phra/e, /ele*t the Repla*e ta an enter the te7t to e foun an the

    te7t to e repla*e5 $ele*t Repla*e for one in/tan*e at a time or Repla*e %ll to *hange all

    at on*e5


  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    :here to Searh ()

    'in an 'in an Repla*e *an e applie to an entire o*ument or to +u/t a portion of it5

    hat *hoi*e i/ mae from the $ear*h rop-on menu, hi*h i/ 4iee on the left /ieof the ialog o7 aout half ay on5 #f thi/ option i/ not /hon, *li* the ore utton

    to i/play the ottom half of the ialog ith more option/5

    Searh Diretion#f thi/ feature i/ not 4i/ile, *li* the ore utton on the 'in X

    Repla*e ialog o7 to mae the option/ 4i/ile5

    Other Features 3e !ust 5no3 ()

    'olloing are /e4eral feature/ you might u/e hen oring in or5 hey are/ummari=e here, ut the etail/ follo uner their on topi* heaing/5


  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    Loo5in# For a Better :ord@-

    #f youGre /ear*hing for +u/t the right or, or *ome/ ith a the/auru/ that ill let you

    *hoo/e from a 4ariety of /ynonym/5


    ale/ are ro/ an *olumn/ of ata that ha4e their on orer/, *olor/ an intere/ting

    effe*t/ for re//ing up your o*ument/5 'or etail/, /ee $ ale/5

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    Pre'ie3 Mode@-

    he print pre4ie moe let/ you /ee ho your te7t flo/ o4er multiple page/ ithout

    a/ting paper to fin out5


  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    Headers and Footers@-

    "eaer/ an footer/ are lo*/ of te7t that appear at the top an ottom of e4ery page5

    hey u/ually *ontain information /u*h a/ page numer/, title, ate an /o on55


  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    Insertin# +ra%his@-

    Iou *an pla*e a 4ariety of graphi* image/ into a or o*ument, an they *an e re/i=eright on the page5


    - 0 -

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training



    ail merge pro4ie/ a ay to *reate *u/tom o*ument/ for ma// mailing/5 erge in it//impli*ity *omine/ a main o*ument ith a ata /our*e5 'or e7ample, you may ant to

    /en a letter ith the /ame a/i* information to /e4eral ini4iual/5 #n thi/ *a/e, you

    *reate a a/i* form fileTa letter5 #n or, thi/ a/i* form i/ *alle the main o*ument5he part/ of the form, hi*h are ifferent, are *alle fiel/5 :ael/ an en4elope/ are

    other e7ample/ of form file/5

    he *omplementary file i/ a ata /our*e file, hi*h *ontain/ fiel information to in/ert

    into the form5 he ata /our*e i/ u/ually a mailing or are// li/t of name/Ta ataa/e5% ata /our*e *an e merge ith /e4eral ifferent main o*ument/ to prou*e letter/,

    mailing lael/, an en4elope/5

    he main o*ument an the ata /our*e *an alay/ e moifie an ea/ily merge again

    if mi/tae/ o**urH otheri/e, ea*h ini4iual o*ument oul ha4e to e ini4iually

    eite, (not unlie the ay/ hen ea*h letter ha to e type ini4iually)5

    he ail erge "elper pro4ie/ /tep-y-/tep pro*eure/ for *reating a merge


    Ste%s ()

    1. CREATE DATA S!RCE #$E :-

    ., Open a ne o*ument ino if ne*e//ary5

    , Choo/eToo"s Mai" Mer#eJ from the ain menu ar5

    K, Cli* theCreateutton on theMai" Mer#e He"%er ialog o75

    , $ele*t the type of o*ument you ant to *reate from the folloing@ 'orm

    :etter/Y, ailing :ael/Y, ?n4elope/555, CatalogY, *hoo/e@For! LettersJ

    , Choo/e theAti'e :indo3utton in/tea of the MNe ain Do*ument uttonto *reate the form letter in the *urrent letter5

    ip@ Iou ill not *reate the form no5 he ata /our*e ill e *reate fir/t5

    1, Cli* the+et Datautton an *hoo/eCreate Data SoureJ5 % Create Data$our*e ialog o7 appear/5

    - 1 -

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    2, $ele*t the fiel/ for the ata /our*e y eleting the fiel/ you o not ant5 %fterthe fiel/ ha4e een *ho/en, *li* O

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    /, hi/ ialog o7 *ontain/ the fiel/ mo/t fre>uently u/e to /et up a ata /our*e5

    he fiel/ not u/e are elete5 'iel/ not i/playe *an e ae5 he po/ition of

    the fiel/ *an e rearrange ith the Mo'eutton5

    0, Iou ill ha4e to type in a uni>ue fiel name *alle OrderNu!, an then *hoo/e

    the Add Fie"d Na!eutton5 OrerNum ill e ae to your li/t of fiel/5

    .-, ?nter the name of the ata /our*e file5 #t i/ a goo iea to introu*e /omereferen*e to a ata /our*e in your file name5 'or e7ample, FORM)DS,DOC5

    .., %fter the ata /our*e ha/ een /a4e, *hoo/e the M?it Data $our*e utton in the

    i*ro/oft or o7, hi*h appear/5., 'ill in the ata for ea*h re*or in the Data 'orm5 /e the Ta*ey to mo4e from

    one fiel to the ne7t5 re// Enteror *hoo/e Add Ne3to mo4e to the ne7t

    re*or to a ne ata5

    .K, Choo/e O

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    hi/ i/ the Data*ase Too"*arthat appear/ hen you are in the ale 4ieing moe5

    ?a*h o"u!nheaing i/ a Mer#e Fie"dH ea*h ro3i/ a uni>ue Reord5

    Tit"e FirstNa!e LastNa!e Address. Address Cit$ State Posta"Code OrderNu!

    r5 Roert Wooen



    ?lm &l45


    "eight/C% 9

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training



    #n/ert the Date then lea4e three (6) lan line/ (pre// the M?nter ey ; time/) eteen the

    ate an the fiel *oe/, hi*h repre/ent the letter are//, et*5 Note@ $et up the

    o*ument format/ for the form a/ u/ual5 'or e7ample, a+u/t top, left an right


    Choo/e the M#n/ert 'iel utton an /ele*t the fiel/, a/ you nee them in your form5(he fiel/3 in the e7er*i/e are /urroune y oule angle ra*et/ UU QQ5 he/e

    *ome automati*ally, o not try to type them that ay5)

    hen you ha4e in/erte the fiel/ an type the te7t for the form, /a4e the file5 #n*lue

    an D3 in the file name to help you ientify it a/ a main o*ument53 $a4e thepra*ti*e file a/ 'OR:??R-D5DOC

    /e the information i/playe elo to enter a/ your main o*ument53

    Date (#n/ert Date an imeY from the #n/ert menuH *hoo/e option 6H pateautomati*ally)

    M?nter ey ; 7 (Note@ #n*lue a /pa*e eteen ea*h merge fiel for normal /pa*ing5)UUitleQQ UU'ir/tNameQQ UU:a/tNameQQ


    UU%re//2QQUUCityQQ, UU$tateQQ UUo/talCoeQQ

    M?nter ey 2 7

    Dear UUitleQQ UU:a/tNameQQ@M?nter ey 2 7

    hi/ letter i/ to *onfirm re*eipt of your generou/ orer from the 'ol/om aretiget ?7perien*e5 e are pro*e//ing your orer toay an you /houl e7pe*teli4ery in three (6) ay/5

    M?nter ey 2 7

    UUitleQQ UU:a/tNameQQ, oul you plea/e refer to thi/ orer numer

    UUOrerNumQQ, hen *alling or *orre/poning aout your pur*ha/e5M?nter ey 2 7

    lea/e a**ept our /in*ere than/ for eing ale to /er4e you5

    M?nter ey 2 7$in*erely,

    M?nter ; ey 7

    ary %5 iltOrering X $hipping Department

    'ol/om aret iget ?7perien*e

    - < -

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training



    Choo/e the Mail erge utton (6r utton from the right) on the mail merge toolar,

    erge to Ne Do*ument, to perform the merge5 lea/e note that the option utton

    ne7tto Dont print lan/ line/ hen fiel/ are empty3 i/ to e *ho/en5 hi/

    mean/ that if information i/ lan in one re*or the lan line ill not e e4ienthen ata for that re*or i/ printe5 (#n the/e e7er*i/e/, the /e*on are//

    UU%re//2QQ may e lan in /ome of the merge/ /in*e not all ill ha4e a 5 O5&o7 numer)5 he Che* ?rror/Y an Luery Option/Y *an e /et, ut thatG/ for a

    more a4an*e loo at ail erging an not in*lue in thi/ a/i* tutorial5


    Choo/e the M?it Data $our*e utton (fir/t utton on the right /ie of the mail merge

    toolar) to a more re*or/5

    % the folloing information to the Data 'orm@

    r/5 UUitleQQ

    im UU'ir/tNameQQ

    illiam/ UU:a/tNameQQ

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training



    Choo/e the ail erge "elper utton on the ail erge toolar (or *hoo/e ool/ Z ail


    Cli* Create an *hoo/e ailing :ael/H then *li* Ne ain Do*ument5

    Cli* Aet Data an then *li* Open Data $our*e (u/e the ata /our*e file pre4iou/ly


    - ! -

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    Cli* $et p ain Do*ument5 he :ael Option/ ialog o7 appear/ (/hon elo),

    i/playing the /to* numer of /e4eral popular lael /i=e/ of ell-non maer/ of

    lael/ (%4ery)5 Iou nee to *hoo/e or 4erify (1) printer typeH (2) ran name orlael prou*t/H (6) prou*t numer for the lael/ - note lael information e/*riing

    type, height, ith, an paper /i=e5 Choo/e the Detail/ *omman utton to /ee

    aitional /i=e information aout the lael5

    Choo/e MO to /ele*t the lael5 he lael i/ no a main o*ument ,

    On the /*reen i/playing the lael /heet, *li* on #n/ert erge 'iel an *hoo/e the


    - 8 -

  • 8/11/2019 100 Hours Information Technology Training


    UUitleQQ UU'ir/tNameQQ UU:a/tNameQQ


    UUCityQQ, UU$tateQQ UUo/talCoeQQ

    To merge la7el form 2ith *ata source8

    Cli* on the Merge to Ne Do*ument utton on the ail erge toolar5 he merge

    lael form appear/5 #f the te7t i/ too /mall, *hoo/e MCR:KM% or ?it Z $ele*t %ll

    to *hange to a larger point /i=e5 (IouGll /ee a page of lael/ /u*h a/ the/e /honelo5 hen merge to your ataa/e, ea*h lael ill refle*t the ataa/e *ho/en

    an ill e reay for /ti*ing an mailing5)

    $in*e merge o*ument/ re>uire more than one file (/ee ino on the enu &ar to

    i/play o*ument/ in u/e), you *an *lo/e all file/ y epre//ing the M$hift eyhile *li*ing on 'ile on the enu &ar5 Choo/e Clo/e %ll5 hen you *hoo/e Clo/e

    %ll you are prompte to /a4e *hange/ to any open o*ument/ an to gi4e name/ to

    any unname o*ument/ efore or *lo/e/ the file/5

    #f you plan on u/ing the/e lael/ on a regular a/i/, /a4e ea*h ith a uni>ue name anyouGll e ale to print them ithout u/ing ail erge5 %n, you thought thi/ a/


    :hat is a Maro()

    % ma*ro i/ a tool that allo/ you to automate ta// an a fun*tionality to your form/,

    report/, an *ontrol/5 'or e7ample, if you a a *omman utton to a form, you a//o*iate

    the uttonG/ OnCli* e4ent to a ma*ro, an the ma*ro *ontain/ the *omman/ that youant the utton to perform ea*h time it i/ *li*e5

    #n %*
