  • 8/12/2019 1001 Steps Ot Manageial Effectiveness


    Action Orientation

    I t is necessary to be action oriented to achieve results. Words, communication, understanding are all

    important but Acton galvanizes the team.

    I remember an incidence during a works strike in the factory where I was working. Some union

    members had threatened that during the strike period if any staff person or manager does any work

    which is normally done by the workman the matter will be known to them and they will take severe

    action against that individual. Now everybody knew that this was an empty threat and they could not do

    anything of that sort to any of us. But still the fear was threes. Two three days passed just like that

    without any action. One day all the managers were having a team meeting and our MD just said we are

    discussion about working the floor from the first day of the strike. Now today let us start after tea. After

    tea we just did not discuss anything further, just went to the shop floor and started doing whatever

    work we could do. Once the start was made it was all very easy. This all happened due the action

    oriented approach of our MD. The action has to start and many fears and doubles just vanish.

    Same thing happens when one learns how to swim. After all the initial talk and instructions a moment

    comes when one has to get into the water once the action starts the all the fears and hesitations

    vanish .So first step is the most important step. Once the Acton starts it is a self repeating process.


    Desire to do something food and positive, desire to achieve something in life is the spark that gives rise

    to ambition. Awareness of self worth gives rise to ambition. To achieve smooth to learn nee this to tee

    new approaches and to get satiscfactpm in the process are all part of ambition. This is a very important

    aspect of human nature. Everybody has some ambient on personal level to be self supporting, support

    our family and near and dear ones. To arrange good education, to earn reasonably good money and to

    get satisfying work are the ambitions at personal level. Ambitions for the department or section or are

    the company for which we are working are also there. I wail make efforts to make my department no 1

    in the company, we will shrive to make our company a customer oriented company, we will make our

    company profitable are the manifestations of the ambitions for the company. Individuals have ambitions

    at personal level also understand the need for ambition at corporate level and strive to achieve theambition by trying to reach the goals, achieve targets, compete and cooperate with others in the

    process of reaching the goal.


    Accept and appreciate the good work done by everybody irrestpecte of his age, experience. This is a

    grab quality. As we want to succeed everybody in the worked wants to succeed and ever body is making

  • 8/12/2019 1001 Steps Ot Manageial Effectiveness


    genuine efforts to succeed. Success needs efforts and if one acidizes success after tireless efforts we

    must acknowledge at success without reservations . It is our duty and it is the only thing expected by

    way of gentlemanly behavior. When we achieve success after great efforts and the world ignores us

    how we will feel. Imagine yourself in theplase of that person and realize the importance of

    acknowledging the success of everybody with whom we have relations and contact acknowledge

    success, good behavior, and good deeds. Great efforts and everything that calls for dedication efforts

    and perseverance. When you appreciate and genuinely acknowledge somebody you are not only

    encouraging he / she make way for more success but you are elevating yourself as a human being in

    your own eyes.

    I remember on e of my superiors. He was of my age. He was a highly successful very intelligent and vey

    British Victorian in his principles and behavior. We were in awe of him and literally afraid to talk to him

    on person to person level. Once one tofu the proposals he put up to the management was appreciated

    and accepted by the senior management. I felt it is my duty to at least mention this to home. I was

    afraid to congratulate him fearing of his unpredictable reaction. When I mentioned to hi m that the

    proposal was really very important and got the deserve the support from the management he just saidthen why do not up cpmgratiate me for my good work. I was pleasantly surprises at his remark ad

    congratulated him and he felt so happy.

    Belief in Quality

    Quality of products and services is very important Concern and desire for quality comes from within.

    Education and training can further enhance it but basic sprat has to be there. One must learn to have

    that belief through constant observation and self awareness. My product ahs tube of good quality, our

    processes have tube of good quality our behavior has to be of good quality, in fact everything that we do

    and plan to do have to be of best quality. Ties approach has to come from eh basic belief in quality. I

    should feel ashamed to shoddy products and bad quality. We should be ashamed to associate ourselves

    to bad workmanship and bad product and bas services. This insistence comes through the basic belief in

    quality. Through this belief comes the insistence on best quality every time and all the time.

    I remember an incidence where we ware to send some samples of precision engineering goods to USA

    for approval. Samples were delayed and made in great hurry. The export agency was in Mumbai and we

    carried the samples to Mumbai in a special vehicle. And took it to the office of the export house in

    Mumbai. The chief coordinator wanted to inspect the sample himself and he was under great time

    pressure but still insisted that he checks the sample We opened the boxes and he checked the samples

    and to our surprise rejected the samples and told us to take back the samples and remanufacture all

    the samples. His remark was you might be not be bothered about your credibility and quality of your

    product but come what May I will never allow the sub standard goods to pass my inspection. It is

    question of my honor.

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    One should never lose his sense of Wright and wrong never lose temper under whatever provocation

    our reaction should be equal to the action and it should never to exaggerate out of proportion. If an

    error is detected based to the nature of the error or mistake corrective correction should be taken.

    Losing of balance is the sign of immaturity or under stress conduct.

    I remember a case when we were discussion the case of a group of workmen who under some

    provocations chose to take a one day mass leave without intimation. All the participants suggested

    various course of action like warring letter. Suspension advisory note and many other tins. The discoing

    leader who was a senior consultant just said what they have done one, not attended the duties for one

    day. OK cut one days wages. And that is that. This was a balanced reaction,
