
£xpnuen1 VOL X.

BOZl.JMAX ~!OXTAXA, FRIDAY, AT'Hll. 11 191!1, :\:0. ltl






BAG Blfi BOOTY WHAT"? YOUR"E :\'OT!! 'WHY ' OT? Head of Engineering Department Re· Tennis Tournament May Be Held This

s•gns. Has Been with institution Never since the adYent if the Je se Javes gang ha,·e you Year if E nough Interest is Shown.

for Six Years. had an opportunity to witness surh an unusual occasion! President Hamilton Attends Annual Come and join us in the giddy whir.! The music will be the Courts In Good Shape. I

~\eet1ng of Northwestern Educators Dean A- 11· Richter has res1imed best in town-lots of pep-everybody you know'll be there- College Students Held Up at Junior

I 1 t' 11 I 1 11

I With the opening Ute good v. eat her. Free Dance, by Two Desperadoes

at Spokane, WashingtO'n. (lOsftion as head of the en~ineeri:.·.; e 5 go· · · · · · the te"ln1s courts have agam become Hold-Ups Take Nothing but Cash.

department to engage in practtr-aJ I I popular and many men and women I __ 'Pb' nH·no·-rirst Annual ~e::;t;iou of work in whic:h he has had exte:-ishe SIGMA CH I INIT I ATE S. R. 0. T . C. TO GET EQU IPMENT are playing. The inroads made by the Last Frid<lY en:-nillg the b('llde l

lb.- Inland Empire Tl:'aC'hers assocl- eXJJerience. His resignation was tend- war on college acti,"ities made it im-11 holdup eYcr 1:ecorr.Jed in the annals o(

nhon mt- in !ipokane, \\';u;hin~on ere<l the !Hcite board of education. l'"ive freshmen. Ben H. Chesnut. Ber d h d possible fo th l t l t .,. - ,,·hich met thf' fore part of the ,, eek I Albert Richards, Dewey Street, Joe ure many more ays ave passe I r e usu~ enn s ourna- history was pullt.'d orr at the college

m AJ1ril 2nd . ..,rd nnd 4th. and was ar<.·e11ted. An appointment to King and Cornelius Harrington, were the members of the R. 0. T. C. will I ment to be held ~urmg the past t\\'O 'drill hall ju~t before the celebrated

'fhi,,_ ;t~!-'odntion h. compn:-;ed of, flll the vacancy thus caused will prob- I intiatcd into Sigma Chi fraternity be issued, fU11 field equipments a::id ye_ars . The practice may be revh"ed Junior tn•c dancf' wPnt tnto ~wing \t'. 2ollf• mcm~io from the state.~ of,, abyl he mad~ in tile near tuture by I Saturday night. Besides the active uuifor~1s. This equipment bas arrh•ed ~Ins spring ~f eno~gh turn out to make I AbouL !): 1;) o"<·l0<·k the lights sudde:tl;

'Vt: :· .... hingtr1n, Oregon , Idaho and Mon· Chancellor B. C. Elliot. chapter. President Hamilton , Prof and lnll be issued as soon as it can It. :vorth wh1I~ . 'I here may be a possi- J wenl out for n second, and as the

t p ef-iidf l H 'it :\fi Bales be _tr:tnsferred to the college from the ·1>· cf hav_mg _a tennis tour:iament came on avo'iit. tlie tri· er·.· or thye

a:a , r ·· ·n . anu on'.~· ~s . The resi~oation of Dean Richte r Arnett, Prof. Spaulding, E. C. Hupp, freig_ht depot. 'Yhen this issue is wnb the umverslty later in lhe sea-j 1. l t . 1 "1 ~ p~ ·'

;,a. d · 1· .J. Ab~e; ~epr~esented t~is 1 comes as asurprise to both facultr and j Glenn \\~illson and Gene Street were lg i tan as I(• were surprlsetl to find

inetftutlon. l rof I arkfu and ~11ss I stndents. A. \\", Richter came from present at the ceremonies. A light completed each membe1· wilt possess, sou. . . . them~eln"'s lookinx- down into the face

F·.-.1t.zc·1.· rt·pnsent_ed the high .tit.ho_ol. thf" lfniversit'-· of Wisco:isin in 190n I lunch "'as ser,·ect at a late hot11· and full .fi~ld uniform, rit1e, bayonet, am-j Tennl:s is one of the spo.rts that of "a whole machine gun brigade," aud " " " munition, pack and al1 other articles counts in the race between trcshmen .

Pn·sidt·nt Hamilton .. w~o ''as nce as heat.I of engineering at the State toasts Vt ere delivered by several of that 1?0 to make up the field equip- j aud sophomores for the interclass cup. I were °; by gruf( ~·oices that

P"~~irlent nl th•· a. ... socratton v. a:s the Cni,·er~ity at J,lissoula. During 19131 the alumni members. ment of an American infantryman. I The contest will be close this year and mf eant usiness, ar<.·ompa111ed by shot:s

•tf'!\fding oflil f.>f ror Thun;day, April the college of engineering was mo,·ed the winner of the tennis tournament . rom ~hP revol.P\TS to emphasize their

~~:.. .!;,~ u.~'~·~.;:;i:~·alA~~~;,"'it~o~er~:: ~~80B~~=:::re~~d as~~~~n:l~~~e~u:~::' NEW ENr.INEERINr. I DEBATES TO BE I ~!!! r~.:ub~~·: c~:,'.:~ :r~il~ ~~ l~h:·,~:; ;:\~"~;~~\:,oei;"~.':::1~·:,~oe ~i::r;~~; 11 rtmt'nt ~of dean at t111s mstltutlon m which U U I and representatives of the two under- 1 ~mmedrntely t·omphed under the cir-

cl I>r€d~;:':~~~ u~n:u·a~~~li~l>;·~~::t~~r cy:~:~.ity he haa for the past six BUILDING ASSURED J1

HELD APRIL classes will soon be lrying out. A IUl11!:5la'.1cP!'i: Here was a wonderful op-2t; . claRs manager should be appointed vortumty ror i;;ome youug Romeo to

CJl:u•1s coU"gv f"'olumbia Cnh"~rsit) The slate board also appro,·ed sug- tJ I from each class who should make the 111~ake ~n ev.~rla.c;~ing .i~yression upon

• ~.·w York and l're:sidNlf 01 ti.JP ge:stions or Chancellor Elliott relative necessary arrangements for holding 11s Juhet b~ .o\e1-po\\e11ng the desper-

~:itlonul 1-~cful"ation assoc iation spolte to increasing the salaries of the smal- Work On New S t r uct ure W ill P roba bly T hree lntel"-Co lleg ia te Debates to be i the cuuniament. ados and tak10g l'ommand of the sltua-

•rJ tf~a.-.uring RP::;ult in Eduration, ler paid professors of the Unh-ersity. Be Started Du ring Su mmer. Cost Held on Ap ril 2!), W it h Gonzago and There has been some talk of start· lion .. But 11,o~e proved eqmtl to the

,t .. o on .. Etfk1l·tH·y fn Supen·hsion of The Chancellor aleo stated Lhat the to Be Close to $125,000. Utah . i:lg a tennis club, any student on the oceas1011. \\ hile o:rn of the law-break·

lw-:t,..UC'tions J>r. R .T • . J('welt, Dean federal government bad settled ""itb __ I hill being eligible upon the payment ers held the crowd In awe, the other

o• ('ollegn ot r;dm.·ation, l'nirer~itr or the st.ate for the money ad\·anced for lu accorda:ice with the plan for a April the 25th now appears to be the or a stipulated sum to <:over the cost proceeded to demonstrate the 1mrpose

Ar~:insas. spoke on }4..klut·ation and the student army training corps. greater ;\Joutana state college the last big day for the debaters or i\lontaua of min.or repairs and !Supplies. A notice


of the show .. He pulled fron_1


lk mocra(·y ,. and "A new Yista In • legislature made an appropriation fcir State college. The two debates with I will soon be posted calling a meeting whe~e. upon his pe~son a white silk

l.<dm':-t.tion" and on other tmbjects PHI GAMMA INITIATES. th~ c~nstruction of a ne\l.·.engineer~ng Gonzaga are schedued for the eveningJof all tennis fans and all those in-,st~ck111g. and ~fa size about 9, which

·rhl momtnJ.;,b WPI'\.' ~r(~nt iu ~uildmg. The need for this new bu1ld-1 of that date. one here and one at Spo- terested are requested to be 1nesent b~ the way is on~ of the c:lues by

;:,·n"ral gathr,rfng-. the ailernoons mg has long been felt at Montana kane. The Utah debate was to be th" or turn ia their names. '\:hich the authorities h~pe to appre-

'''l r.• dt:\·ote<l to 8 pc.·tional meetiugi;; Thursday evening the active ruem- s • '"' hend the robbers if tl blf I tate. bul it took the war and the I lSth but that school wired for a !lost- --- ---- , ie rig u owner

lhLd in the e\ Pnlng;-; there wPi'e ad· bers. patronesses and se,·eral of the d d f h 1 .. r eould 011lv be fou d Into ti I i l great ema:i or tee nica experts, ponernent, so our team will probably KA PP A r"' U INITI ATE S. .' n . is art c e

drf">s~·...- by differt-ot men from other alumni of the Phi Gamma enjoyed a lO make the legislators realize tha t meet them the 25th. This date leaves of cloth1~g be ordered the men to

l\t t->"'. banquet at the Bozeman Hotel. After the buildings here were not adequate onl)· tv.·o weeks for the three teams Kappa. Nu fraternity wishes to an· throw their Yaluables. especially their

A seperatt"' mel·tmg ot' the presidents the hauquet. initiation ceremonies to accommodate the student engineers.\ to get their material into shape and nounce the initiatiqn of the following legal tender. The de!Sper~dos showed

()f the ditfer£>nt uuhersities. college were held at the sorority home. Tiie The exac~ location of the new build· I, work ti!) cases against their oppon- men: Howell Dean, Emmet Mathews. a respe~t. towards the fa1_rer sex, as

a..'"\d normal $Chools was held. The follo,\ing girls were initiated. Rose- · 1 t be d t · d b th an nffinu' toward hte falr mg 1as no en e ermtne ut e I ents. Leon Sayers a:1d Vergie Gil- Hollis blathews, Thomas Bogy. Ed- . . c s er sex. as

''hcm;:-;ion of the proposed addition mary 1'-rackwell. .Jerine Gast.on. Ella committee has three sites available. t k b t . Ut hi ward Hughes I eon Mink Arnold they cl1d not take a:iytbiug from them,

>~ a sec·retar:r of education to the Clark, Katherin Keown. and )far- o ·t r b s· I man are 0 ma e t e rip to a • ~ · · I ealiz' i th · d ·

ne s1 e ies etwe~n txt l and I where they will attempt to prove that Kruger, and :\.Iinor Holliday. A ,·ery r .. 11 g at mat~y rings a ornm~

rabinet of the Pr~ident ot the United gueret l.!ndsley. Seventh ava_nues. fac10g Cle,·eland; the l'nited States overnment should I delightful luncheon was enjoyed at then ~ngers embodied more than mere

:-:"•::i,.tt's re,·ealed som opp~sitton. Presi· the second site is one block south of not own and opera~e the rallroads of the fraternity home on south Black I financial Yalue. This consideration

ci~nt Hamilton, Pres. 11.Alwarct Tod of FRESHMEN HOLD this locatio:i. The third and most our country. Sidney Sutherland and avenue after the initiation. must ha,·e made a hit with the gentle

t~H· collPge or Puget Sound. Tacoma, . likely site lies to the rear of Hamilton Zales Ecton are scheduled for Spo- sex. for one of the girls exclaimed,

and Pr s. X D. Showalter. of the Hall, facing tbe new Science Hall. . ··aren·c thev c·ute. and oh so brave.''

(~._ .,ney Sound State ~formal, Cheney, The Engineering Hall will be a two kane where they will defend the same LIVE srorK STOLEN The men~ grumbled a ;ittle for hav-

\\·a ·hington. fa\·ored the proposal. rLASS MEETINr. two story building, with an attic and ~~~erdo~~h~la~~e:~:~~~ee~~~:z~ray u a~: I lJ I Ing to depart_ With their possessions,

. '''""'~ident Penrose of ".hitman Col- lJ U basement which w}ll be available for B ft ~ P I I but bebg remmded occasionly by shots

), 1!fl. '\"alla. 'Valla. \\~ash iugton. and class-rooms and drawing rooms. It a ozemaa oor the same eveumg UL! FROM INVESTIGATOR I fmro1·tmtedt.he nrtillerr, they quietly sub-

P1·e5ident James Brogan of Gonzaga


will be built of brick and rei nforced defense of the affirmative case, of gov-1 ernment ownership and oper ation.

u.:Uve1.· ily spoke against il. No action Tuesday afternoon the F'reshman I concrete and wfll be fire-proof though- j The desperado's, two in number.

w ... raken. class held a meeting for the purpose ont. The outside dimensions of the All three of these debates are with were dressed as cowboys, their physio-


schools that furnish strong speaking Ob l' ' Pre!:i ldent 8. O. Sisson of Missoula of pre1n\ r iug for. the 1\ asque Ball bt.1ilding will be 60xl 10. The rooms are -iorrors. The Jessie James gang gom~"s being covered by red bnndan-

Wl!s elected pre~ident or the Inland Saturday, to rece ive the report from to be of one, two ordhree rays or teams and the Montana men are an- are at it again- Some verJ \'aluable na·s, lpa,~ing only their eyes in view.

~pire Teacher"EI Association for the the "l\'l" comm ittee. and to sanction 2·1x16, 24x32 or 24x48 feet. A first tic}pating scrappy contests. Pr~fessor 1 Uve stock was stolen from the school The apparel worn by the robbers indi­

. oroing year Dr. o. M. Elliott. presi-1 the app0int01ent of a. baseba ll captain. class ventilating system wi ll be i n- Duddy has begun conferences with the j last week. The Exponent detective cated that they must have ridden upon teams and they are workbg out plans

c i-nt of the ldaho Stale Normal school A re1.>art was made to the class of the stal1ed and th~ heating _system will. be or attack for the battles of the 25th. I was able to. discover_ very little about the scene of the bold-up upon mustang's.

~.: Lt>wi:,;toa. '"as elected dee presi- electtc>n of Leon :\link for track mana· the same as m the science build mg. the harrowmg details, however, be and they escaped before they could be

r." nt. and R. t.. Kfrk. of tho Dalles. ger. T11e Frosh ha\-~ decided that the This system known as the combined Y. W. C. A. NOTES fouud out who the deseprado was. apprehended. The Exponent detective

·.r .. gon treasurer. President t-la.miltou I time has come for the yearly de light I heating system c~nsists in ~assing One of the studen ts of the depa.rt· 1 reporter has been working upon the

"¥-· ·- ~ eJected a member of the educa- of painting the I\I. as it \\""3.S impos-1 s~eam th ro~gh a ~011 and beating the Miss Brenem~iss Freda Bull , I ment was very busily engaged in case for the_ past week. but as yet has

t'O"'lal r.ouncil to succeed rhancellorl sible to do th is last fall. air, th.en. ctrculatmg the air through :\l Da d M H 1 t" making au investigation of this parti- not a • .,certarned the identity of the

r. 0. Elliott who~e term had expired . Coach Bennfou·s appointment of tlte buildmg. · rs. b ,.,,.ers than d~· ~s. 0b• st darer hne 1 cular type of stock, when a Home · men. Elaborate plans have been made

T l mem ers o ea v1sory oar o t el .

Arthm· l!:. Halde& Labor member of • Jorgenson for baseball captain wa g ie baseme:it and first Ooor will Y. ·w. C. A. whose terms expire th is Economics student came that way r~r the~r capture. tmd by the next issue

t t Fedt"ral Board for \·ocational /sanctioned by the unamimous vote of be devoted exclusively to the electr ical quarter. and stopped for a little chat. EYident- of the h.x1}Qnen1 the full confession and

~:..du('ation. from ashingtou. D. C .. , the c lass. Trea.surer Har tz reported and mechan ical engineering depart- 'l'he College \ Vomen appreciate the ly some stock-th ief came in while the an nccount ot the ra plure of the

,.., F'rida,· mo1·nin~ at the afternoon on the financial status. Several com-1 ments :nd the offices of the members generosity and interest s h own by the investigator·s back was turned, for the des11erado's is assured. The robbers

,.;.-~--~ion Pre-sident Holland of \Yash- mittees were appointed to look after of the ~acu~~.Y. The sec~nd floor and old board. The Y. \V. wishes to wel· Ji\·e stock cou ld not be found. go1 away with some thing like $500 in

iTjg.ton State College at Pullman ano affairs connected with the Masque the attic "' 111 be resened for the come i\fr$. '\\'"". R. c. Stewart. chair- However, the conscience of the thief cash and as the cost of living. and

f'"'"·'A'"'ident Lindley of the Uu j versity I Ball. The art ~tudents ot lhe claas I! a~hitecturat and civil_ engineers: . The man of the new advisory board, Mrs I got to workmg. She brought back lo\'ing- of 01

rollege student is ,·ery

,~ Idaho gave addresses al the after-' "~ere apPQinted decorators, with Miss 0 cc or dean of _engi~lee_r ing ..,. 111 be G. L. Mart10, secretary; Mrs. J A the entomology lick a fe,,t days later, hi.l!.h. thf:' boys are very desirous of

;,.·.on ~ession The evening was devot- I Frances \Vocasek as their chairman. on the first floor Just mside th~ fr?nt Thaler. Mrs George Patten and Mrs mueh tatter and livelier tor it:; stay gettin~ back lhe dough. It has been

.• t . 1 1

d b 1' Th . 1

d t h 1

entranc-e. There will be rec itation F k G Th b l. d avav from the dei>a tnent A ' tlie su~pidoned that the hold-up was a

'""' o a music-a rec tal and a dress y. . ose appom e on e mus c com-I rooms for e,·er instructor and in- ran 1ra.y e CC\ me is ma e up .1 ~ r 1


f}'" . .John .]. Lansbury, dean ot the miltee were: Ed Hagen Garmin. and d' 'd . Y of the chairman of the program com- fair H E student was not nware of part of the program instigated by the

. . . , · n •1 ual drawing rooms for the seniors the fact that sl•e ,,·as a "tock-tlilef. II Junior <'1as~ in ('Onneeti.on wi_th their

~hool of music ot the un iversity or Ben me Ch~tunt. and juniors of each course. The so >ho- mittee. Miss Louise Scone; chairman ~ <°trt'1t'on on Music a..s Educational. Preparations are well on fool for d f

1 111 1 1 of the publicity committee. Leila Lin- and considering the fact that she frP.P dam·P. l>ut upon rnterview, the

' I the great celebration to be h eld at ~lOre: an res imen w ia,·e general field; chairman of the finance com· returned the Uc;:k, the sheriff was hend~ ot the c:lass deny any l'On:tec-

liibs Brown. Y. "._ C. A. ~erretary the drill hall on Saturday evening. r~\· ng r~oms-_ rb 1

b mittee, :\largueret Linclslay; chairman called off and no arrests were made. tion in lhe affair The~ were going

cit the northwest di,·ision. was ;i. din- --- n dengmeenng I rary s .to . e of the soc-ial and service committee, to c·hart?:P somfl price before the dance

nt>r guest at the Alpha Omicron Pi I :o('ate. on th~ first floor and It will Helen Lease; chairman of house and I from service overseas and at the train- clcis d ror the evening. l>ut seein~ that

h ,'l"Use Thursday e,·eni:lg. She after- l\larr Prances En::.retl and Dorothy I )~ equ.1 pped with complete sets of en- rooms committee, Elizabeth Cooley; ing camps. The llall was decorated the boys had alr~acly been robbE"d, they

wl'l!rd attended a meeti;1g of the c·o1· Reed ga,·e one of the most entertai:i- guH~eri:i~ referenc.e books and all the chairman of the membership commit· I with America ~1 flags in honor of the felt their hearts rise in sympathy wilh

. 1·11 i>a u r ti . t H 11 engineering bulletms and latest maga· . . . I the •uff"l'"l'S a~d real!,· ga•·e the

lt ;!e ' . ''" c A ~irls at thP 1.infielr1 g r es o 1e ~ear a am t0n I . ,. , . . tee. :\finna Elle·1 Marqms. aud chrur· boys and about 100 couples enjoyed the '"' .,. "' ... ·• ·

rinme fall Sunday e,·ening. The guests were zmes v. ill be a' a itable for lhe students. man of t.he conference committee. e,·ening. Unn<.·e HR ad\'ertised

I Bess Snyder. Helen Cary, Jlplen '.\la- On the second floor a room will be set• Helen Hill. The new officers th is year F'red Cruzen left Tuesday for Helena --- - ---

SECRETA RIAL CLUB ME ETS ! bet\ C'hrisUna Birche r. Zelma Nelson, aside fo r the electrical and ch· it en· a re: Miss Ailine Burgess. president; I to \'isit with his father who was in MOVING PICTU RE MACH INE H E RE

__ Isabel Brooks. ~label Carmichael. gineering instruments. This room will l\Hnne Ellen Marquis. vice president; · that city on business.

I Eth I o·u Do

1 A H

11 d be much larger than the present Tht.-> moYing JJkture machine order-

fhe Secretarial Club held a short e. 1 y. rt lY nn . o an . Hmokn Miller, se<'retary, and :\liss Mab_le Carmichael moved to the


ed by tlw (·olh.'ge sonw time ag(.'I has

'l"'"'{•eting \Yeclnfsdar afternoon at [f\·e Glad) s :Mathews. Gladys Raz. Grace rooms as part of the appropriation is Glad,·.s Mathews, treasurer. Theta Xi house last Saturday from t't 1 in J and ha:; been µut into use b)

~utting Frances ""ocasek Fsther to he spent for new equipment. Hamilton Ha11. J ..

• dock for the purPQ:;e of transacting · · · • ' ~ . This new 123,000.00 building will .. . th~ n11lnan <lepa1 tment. In 1>lace of

~~iness affairs connected with the Hartz, Mary Flanagan. '.\fable flenm. The Theta X1 gtrls ga\·e a theater th,· rP211lar militar)· drill fire rPel~ :\farie llom!:ieland. Hele:i Lease. Gear- boost the . institution n.s an engineering l l\f d . L . th / ..

orl?"anfzation. Miss Ada Baker presid· chool and will a'tso gi\'e Montana State ~I iss i\fargaret F'razer. has been I par Y on ay even mg. ater Ill e or goYPrnmeut 11ictures were ishown ;in Knott. nilly Hill and Miss Arown. . . evenl:ig they were s~rved a light lunch ·

•:.~ and a ronstitntional rommittee a better chance to retain her position spendng this week n1 her home In . I Tlw nuu.·hine ii; of the portable tvpc> Grare :-.:utting entertained .i nform· at the home or ~hsses Trena and ·

·omJl()sed of Sidne~- Sutherland. Lil- ally at Hamilton Hall Sunday evening amon~ the leading uni\'ei·sities and Billings. I :'llyrtle Hollier. i.t bt!'ing pl~cec1 <·01111,aC'lly in a ear~y-1La~ Drummond. i:o;scher Hanz. and Ill hono1 ot :\liss Gladys Ritz . The I colleges of the northwest Miss Luc1l_le :\Ionforton, :\Iiss Kath- Gladys Da\·idson rNurned Sunday in~ c-aF..P :-;11).:htly Jnnrnr than an orchn­

Rn. ... t' Chesley was appoin1ect to form i;uest8 were :'\li::i~ '.\Ia rt ha Johnson Some who are n regard erine Kearns. )iiJss Esther Eames and from i\lele.tsee. \\'yoming. where Hhe nry g.ullca~f •. A high P0

'':er lami~ :tot 'trmanent constit11tion and a set ~~sther Hartz. Plorence Switzer. Hod to the e~ect1on of this bm w1~l be I Miss . Maude Perrmg torm. the group I has been visiting for the past week. sup}Jht'~ th..,. light for the picture an

'"" )\"·laws for th(' club. Seamens. fo.:lt\OOd ),Jorr1s. Gpor~e C'oo- some,\ hat surprised on the11 rE"tmn to of girls "bo took n1> then· work at '.\liss Christina Bircher spent Sundny a small t>lr<·trk motor furnlshe:; the

" C'Omminee wus appointed lo plan ley, Da,·e Gray, Rupert Strt.->eh. I RChool next tall. to see a magnificent the collt'ge practice house on Central ~t J-lamilton Hall on her return trip n11 th P po' f'r. 'rhl' machine takes

a program tor the next meetin~. The Oozeman Pan Helle:li« ha,·e edlth_·e rearing itself skyward. This avenue south te first 01 the week. from '.\Iissoula. Miss Bircher left 1e~ulnr "'i·~d film ot ~tandard makP.

111.nich will b; held \\"ednesday {'\'Pning s('nt out in,·itation'i for a tea to be will be the new Engineering Hall. an· These girls will rPmain until the first )Iondn.y for her home in Miles City. A <'lE'•lr and prur-tlr·:illy t1ickerless

-A ril 2:1. at ";":30 o'rlod~. e:i n :n at the home of l\Jlsg ~lilrlred other beauty spot on the campu and or :\l ay. This will be the last group for I .. C'hief" Carr, Ralph Smith n:1d How- pittu rt> I!-. projec-rnd fJn the scrc·E.·u

l·i~s Hazel Rabe was seleueU 10 ~lewart Saturda~- :1rternoon trom ~ to in perfect harmony of design with this year at the practice house. ard Seamens were din:ier guests at from dlstanci'l'i up to fjfty feet.

:H • a" clug reJ>Orter -1

o'C'loclc the new Science Hall. A plea~anl informal chmctng party the Kappn ~u fraternity hom1e '.\Ion· Th ... film!-' are supplied by th~

·n, ,. niember~ of the club and their ('harlott Couley and Ethel Youug was given by the Bozeman Elks. at day eYenlng. I!." 'c·rn:1 1 nt and are entertaining as

... 1 n<.l~ "ill enjoy a b.ike up Bridger I werp luncheon ~Ut"~ts oi :\Iiss Emily their hall Thu rsday e"fening. compli-1 Merrill Alqulst w:is called to his j Wf'"ll as il1~truc ,.e. Picturei:; of drill .

. ""u!lday :ind e-\•err SecretarlAI student Kingsbury Thur:.:z.dar 0000 at Homllton Grunt :\fcConnell spent the week end I c1entary to the soldiers and sailors of home in Conrad because of the illness I arm signalling, eu-.. were among thos£o

!'. ,rged to jo in the party. Hall. in Helena. ' Gallatin coun ty l\•bo have returned of bis father. shown ye~terday a[ternoon




.Joe oper, ·13, h~ bee'n honorably

I di~<-11ttr11tPd rrcm the nan· anu bas re­

lurned rrom :\tare Island, where be \\aS FtaliOnP<f.


(Outgrowth of )lonthly Exponent. Estal>Ibbed January 1, 1~9::-i. Howard's DEPE.:\'JHBLE, Dl' RABL E.


Performed scientificalh· ~::.c'. painles~l.v at lowest prices in

The Al111011al C'luh m<'l on~ t-venin~ la,..,r week at tl1p ome o; )fr~. Jacti \\"hit~. Gract.· J(irk. 10_ Ruth \\



111, and :\1rs . .Tack \\"hite. ·os. were hO:-'le~st.?s. The t.'Vt ning was !>lWllt in

s1 ·.\ ini.; for rPfue:l't."$. a nil a delidous L·b<\fin1:, di~h lunC'h wa!-1 t;l:'HPll Gra<'e


The 'i\"eekly Exponent is strictly a student enterprise. Jes chief purpose i~ to preisent to it~ readers, each week. an accurate and complete record of the develC'pments In <'Olle~e affairs dttrin~ that period nnd to exert its i:Jtlu· enc·e for tLc upbuildin~ 0 { .:\Jontana State Collegt- The paper ~s the re!:'ult of I voluntary effort put lorlh by 1he students who (·ompose tbe starr.

Get Ready for t he Easter Parade­

Talk It Over With Us

We know the line of march. ;\fontana

Thompson Dental Parlors

K!rk and Huth \\'idt>ner _ pre-~ 1 a~·t;.•il the 1

Published t?very Friday of the College year b) a !'itnlf chosen trom the 1·

\\ 1.:l~hrarrhlt, while. .\Ir~. \\lute and students of the ).fontana State College or Agriculture and l\le<Jm nic Arts, ~Ir,.;. Glenn Sloane. t'"X ti. J>Ollre<I the of the L'niH~r~itY ot' :\Jontana, Bozem:in, ".\Ionurrn. cr.fft->e OrnnF:P sticks, di\·inity. and =======·======== ==============:=== , fudJ:"C'I wer" nl~o st"n'eil during the

1 Accc>JHance for Maili:ig at Speci;.il Rate of Postage providell for in SectiC'n i

•venin~- 11o:l, At't ol October 3. 19li. authorized February 17. 1919. I

The Hub Ed . a nd Lou H owar d.

WALK-OVER ' HOES. Golden Rule [llock


:\atural Appearing Sets Teeth

' 10.00.


PHO E 97-R


II The mini>ter5 '01 Bozeman are I doing ,1 nohlc work.but Wt" are the I real S0f ... t<; SlHt'rS , HaH· your

shot·~ rt>pairPd "'

Two Dollars rer Year Studf'nts berorue ~nhscribers


upon p:iyment





- 1· 'lal11 l'o·<eman. ;\lunt.


GlliG C it ~~:~"s~~~I~~~: :~~. a at n rocery o 1 AllGL'ST \!. SCHXEIDER. '21 I


i.ORPEN BRAD~'OHD, '21 • I

DEi~.~~\~-~~~·:~.· :~~I I G I G Phone G I G l I

SPORTS \\'RITER ,1_ , -.. -' · ' " ASSISTAXT SPORTS WR!'r~;R

'--------------~ OCJETY EDITOR

JO ll N TYLF:R. ·20 -5 ,-5 55 5 I 5 1' HELEN HILL, '21 I LEON SAY ERS, ·21 I

·------- ----1 ('IRCL'LATION MANAGER ======== = ===================== . ASSIST AXT CIR('l'LATIOX ,IAX AGEH H. MUXTZER, ·19 -----------·------------·-------~'

GEORGE JACOBY. ·1i11 ;::=========================~~

LANfiOHR'S Green House

PHONE 95. 315 So. Trac~.

i / =======G::=:E:::N=.E:::R::::A:=L=:R=::E=::P=::o=::R::;T::;;o=::R;:;:1A:=:=L=:s:::T:::A=:F::;;F== =====- TRADE AT THE STORE THAT WILL MA KE BOZEMA::-; t :\Iinnie Ell~n :'llar<1uis '20 :\lary :'.\Iillegan '20 I 'i Leila Linfielcl ·20 1·erl(h· Gilman ·21 ::SAFE FOR DEMOCRACY .

:'.\linor Holliday ':!2 Corn~li~1-; Hanington '2:! I

! \lerril .1. AIQ11ist ·22 Lo11i•• EL~ley ·22 T he store t hat fought and annihilated the frame up against

I Hazel Rab• ·22 Fn•d Cruzen ·2·: your pocket book and caused t h e price of your l i\' in g to be \Yard St Clair ·22 based upon wh olesa le cost, instead of upon t h e will of a

1 small bunch of money grabber s . T rade a t

I LOO KIN G AHEA D With the f'ndin~ of 1he war a:id lhe re~s1ablishing of most of Lhe t•olleges

t of the t'ou:llry on n. pre-war basis. th<:' tendency of the rn-era!!;"e college student f ~eems lO be t~ .drift inlO the ru~ regarding t!le war ~nly as rin unpleasant I ! pas:;ed e,·ent I he war has been tought an won and wlule we ~houlcl nen:r be : unmi:1d1UI 01 ils man)· lessons. ~·et we should be always ahead.

Sawyer 's ----------------~------------' 1

Q\"er hair l'f the 1otnl land area of the world await:; the hauU ot' skilled Bozeman. MonLana. PHONE 92.

Stationery OF QUALITY.

fieo. H. Willson & Co. . -



We Ma ke Good Candy Too. The Home of Home Made Candies.


Automobile Accessories WE'VE GOT IT!



Phone 390.

For The Latest in Dress And School Shoes


Exclusive Shoe Store L ANG BROTHiRS, Proprietors.


Boze Ill an Hotel


ancl edm·a1ed men women. Europe c:annol ~UJ>ply these men and women. I ,_ __ ...:;.. _ ______ __________________ --.! Tlw unhersiti<'s of r-:ngland, f''rance and Germany ha\"e all been drained of! -======================= ========. their stnde:1ts. 0'.\ford ii-; 31 it~ lowe~t ebb. In fntt it may be said lh<l.l thP .-"-'Hldl"'nts of the world are in American colleges anti uni\"ersiti+..~.


Afrita. Asia. South Amerit:a and Russia offer a vast field for llw graduates of AnH:rkan instilutiuns. They are all locking lO this l·ountry to 11rodm·e the 1rains that will pill tlwm to th<' front. Their wealth and re::;;oun·es are bound­

t'S~. Their aggTt.>gnte population is tWO·Lhird~ or that 01 lhC' entil·e world. f'hina alont:> with almost o:-ie-haH or the lOt~il populalion of the \\Orld today is pra(•tic·ally thre<' c·enturie~ behind the times and is not today n ... l)n.'!-lented in





I: the l<'ague 01 nr11ions. Her wealth is immeasurable. her re:-;<"111rres almost I================== ============= 1nexha11stible. I :- -

\\.ith the neC'd of educated men anll wom(>n ~o rwident l':\U the l'Oilege M dd c l student tndny afford to ~1.\t hat·k in1r: the rut that vt>ars h:ne worn dl'ep? Ca::i I I a ox reamery :, ~tu<lem.s in ag-ri<·1'.lture l"Dll::ii~tently rt'~ume_ work on 1he farm. lrnowin~ that f

tlwir kn~wledge it JIT'Operl:· directed m1gh1 111111~·0\"l• the l'Ond1t1on~ and make ! I

I mnrP lrmtful the l~ffons 01 thousands? C'an en~111eers settle- <·omfortably on n 1 '\"ill furnish you t hose ::1ocl in a snwll drafli1g oflke knowing that lhelr knuwledl.l;e might be u:oed i GOOD - DAIRY - PROD CTS 10 1>11t 1111Mr eultiYation thousands or a<-res 01 ari<i land>? 1 :\!ILK, JCE CREA .• >1. BUTTER, COTTAGE CHEESE,

011ponunity i~ knol·king at the door of 1tvery l·ollege ~rnuent. Horace i BUTTERl\IILK . Teleph on e 389

\\"l'st. En st. Xorth <'T South Youn~ :\Ian:· Prompt Delivery. GJ'('('lf'y's ad\"ice to "Go \\"est Youn~ :\Ian." n1ighl ,n~11 be broadent.>d lo ··co I

1 East 1\1ain Street.

E\ery ~tuden1 :;.houhl tu' a\\al\4• to the .;;ituation and \\1H:n th~ time l'Omes :..=-;-;-;-;-;-=-:::-o:-,_:,-;-;-=-=-=-=-;-;-;-;-=-=-=-=-;-;,-;'-=-==-=-=-=-;-;-;-:::-=""=---=-=~-;~--=-=-=-=-=-=-;-;-=-=-=-=-=-;-;~ shonlcl be r~ady tq "gra~p th~H opportunity.


Xot so long Ago, \\"heii. the

.ll'l\IORS first ~ot

The Big IDEA of· µubllshintz" an Annunl, \\"e Heard A lot of·fa<:ed Rirds \\'ho said h& Acrenls Wild. "ll cnn"l be DoneeeCeee·· And o lot ot Profs. Said ... The Idea ls Redlr-nlous.'' and

All ot the SEXIORS cried out ··oe whole darned Bunch "!11 All Go dead BROKE". BUTTTTTT About Three­llUNDRED Books have alrendy Tleen Sold. &

Tbe Business :\l~r. Has Got­ten about THR~;E HUN· DHED AXD SEVENTY· F'IVE DOLLARS \\'orth of Add•. &

:\fore are com· ming In.

Can The Juniors 0-lt ????

"'::"';:.: :·,::·:.:::::.: ::::~ 1 fiallatin Lum bef Co :~i~~.~~,d:~:'~~ll"::r:al~l:s c:s•m::: I I

ta~~;,;~·s. i~;~t~~h~~a::. :'1:.':;'.',:dke he ow L9 the tim e to build. We have build ing material ti}

buries it. I

\\Den n jud~e lnakes a nnstake, bPeomes the law of the land. "I \Vhen an ~lel'trfdan makes a mis· takt-. he blames it on indu('tion: no-I body knows w hat that mea:is.

\\'hen rt 11r~at'her makes a mistake, nobcdy knows the difference. . I

Rut whPn nn editor makes a m1s· 1

l:'.11\c-Gcod night 1 ! '--1-~x.


Th<.· solP ~tll"\'ivors of two wrec:ked 1


ship:::. liYt'.'tl on adjaeent dei-;ert is· I lands. After many ven r s one of them managed to <·onstrurt a catamaran and sailed over to Lhe other is land. lie was met on the beach by Surviv-

s uit y our needs.



ASK TO SEE OUR $15,000.00 PLAN ' BOOK.

PHONE 2 o. Bozeman, Montana

1 or :'\o. :!. :\o. :! taok a look at tbe '--------------------------------'

1 \isi tor. and then thoughtfu lly hea,ed I a dolomite at him ~O- l accepted the C"hallenge, and replied with a srnular -----------------------­

Service bit or applied geology. Th en they fit n ll over the place. I After a wh ile, exha us ted, t hey s topt

to rest. I A brilll a:lt i dea C'nme to No. I " \Yhy

not," he satd, "ceas<' lightin g, and he lp I each oth e r gaU1er l~ocoanul s ?"

No. 2 con sidered 1be proposi t ion . t

"Your i dea has great Litera ry I Merit," h e replied. "But 1 am su re it

only an Iridescen t Dream."


After the Da nce Come to the

CLUB CAFE Dance Hall for Private Parties a t all Times


V. C. Wray E. C. Street ·1 is lmprnct icaL It sounds t o me like I " I guess you :tre r ight." sighed No. L----------- - - -----------------·

J . ··1 hnve a lways h eard that you ============ =================== can •t c ha nge H u man Na utre and that we must F ace F'a cts. a nd not be mis-led by tbe Utopian Visions of Amiable Pacifists. But m y i dea d id seem

I r a ther renson nble unt.ll we remem-bered a.1 1 these things:·



! Moc.!ern Moderate Cozy You tell 'em. Joe, I'll hold the <'ompany nt


P. S. I had a ~ood one on the

'The n th ey "·en t lo it aga in ; a nd ver y soon th e s nn d-crabs were quar·

rcling over the ir wh itening bones.· I Tbs New York Tribune.

loose Leaf Books


-You can always enjoy a sha1·e or h air cut with us.

Rams ey '& Williams FIVE CH AIR-ALL EXPERTS.

28 West Main S t. Bozem an. Mont.

Nlilor to write about this week, but ho wouhln't let ffi(' put lt in . YO!'RS TRULY


Fredrl k Richter, '.4 , has been pro· I moted to the position of Corporal In J

the Supply Co. 309. Ho recently was sent on an extended trip for the quart rmas te r department which took

\YhPn a. plumber mol.l'S a

he charges twice !or It.

him to Alsnce-Lorrain ~. the R11ine I mistake 1 i>rovtnccs, Belgium nntl a theastern

1 I France. -----

Book Store Y. a nd E. FILI G SYSTEMS


The sooth ing, soften ing , and f1ealing C:ream for win d r ough­ened faces i s


Thoroughly medicated , d aint­ilv perfumed, eas yto appl y . Is- not greasy or sticky. Good for C'h a pped h a nds as well as th(' face.


HOS.£ DR Ufi CO.

w, CJ1•11-.uo "Th.i·u Sleepers!"

THE WEEKLY EXPO:-:E:NT"'RIJJAY, Al'J.I'.. 11, 1~19,

I $l( SocittY

:-;am :0-:1 ott ~1,t-m tl.t• ,. f•t•k f:'nd in


ancl \\"f-re tlinncr #nl• :-t!' nt

Hou~e Sunda} •

Russel Davis the Alpha 0

. \lis,. B10\\n enJO.YPr1 din ner with tbe I"hr!W Xi ~irl~ ~atu nlt1y_

Ada Baker, Luf·y A.xte ll , GI P ll D Wiles

Em II.} Kin,e:-:Uury re turned But te aftPr ::-JHmd tng a wee k

from witn

:: ....... CALENDAR

Chi Dance t: FTeshmen "\l a~querade

!1 Kappa ='u Dane-€ :: Gonzaga-M.S.\.O hate ::: Sol hcmore Dan <·1

::: L '::; Honlfnns DanC'e

:: Omega Hetn Dane(' :: Ph i Gamma Dam·e :: T heta XI Oan<.:e

:: :: ::

April 11 :: _.\ rr il 12 :: April JH :: April April

2:) ::

26 u

Hand Tailored Suits .\re found here, ready to put on- ) ou ran find all the new

patterns and ·models. including

:\' e w Spring Hals


Holloway's Erner) Silk Shirt-'

H om e of Hart -Schaffner & !\lark Cloth e~.

' ~

er ou s Lru sL is t h e \'ery foundation Peg l.ind~le~· H elen L und , Ha zel .. G<Jrib;i l<li R adoli!" Uariba ldi \\ a:> to stone or rri eml ~ ll ip. I

~igretl Braten ... a:.:. t:"lllt!rta i ne<I bJ lJav i d!:.ion and ) l ar l yn .Ju <ld were din - :-:hare: I He ne\"er th re\\ th e doors of his


SPECIAL TY STORE 1· Luc.flt-> Md'raekPi at i!inner Tu esday ner guesi s at the l..:;;q qrn ~u Hou se I And '' Ole A xt.-' ! 1..: Ptt l ~on' " and j heart widP. open t o 11eople or took

f'\"PninA" at llarn?lfon Ha ll. SuiHlciy afltirnoou. ··Tiwmas ~:ka l p-liil~-near'." them i lto his {'cn fi tl en l·e. 1

\\"ho was C'ho<· taw by inherit anc(·. He wa~ al ways wounding t h eir ieei-1 =============== A Chinaman can weat h is .\lb~ :'l lar tha .! ihn~ou, thl' Hou~e f,'alt'Jtj·o,.~ SdlOJ>JIP was il V: ll l'~l at th e brf:'d i n the bl ood and bones. tings. mcikin g san·asti t 01' funny re-; !----------------

Get on the righ t line.

Pajan1as in the claytime--but u Su House Tut?sda) ewming. j l3u t <;;f:t tlo"_- n in arn1v r eerd s b,~ t be 1 marks a t th eir ex11ense. A ll f ' I ., di1f'C'tor of Hawi!•on Hall, returned - _ - - . . . _ _ irst c as~ restaurant

Plain white,-neat stripe ·11 1 · · t 1 af!..-r c·ujoving a ~it torn wepk with w 1 not t in ve on sentnnen a on~; JlTDE\'INE'S IC ~

you cant.. lust ~undav lrom hPr honw in llelena IJ name nt 1 homas J one~ - He d id not realize thaL r r1 endsh1 p I die

patterns'i QU£STIQNBQXI "\"an \Y i ·1kle ~:khu ylcr StnyYesan1:·- that there must be ~e rvke to nour- d E CRE.i\M You will find it a pleasure liPr pat<'nl•. I., \'a n Wi nkl e wa.> a bud ish it. an URe

to pav for them, $1.7:5 . .'2 .00, I From the andenl tree of Stuy\'esant I He was alwa ys ready to reC'eive as- t Gallatin Gold P1·oducts i .'2 . 75~and S2-0Q. Th~o :\liintzt·r 1- 0:_t .. 11 rrom Jlamilton 1 an1l,h;td i i i n hi~ blood; sis tan('e from them, but al ways too J

@-MBERS.>11sHER"'· 1~:~ 1 t

0 the Thet J Honse la•t week L---------------· "!Jun ~ l igue l de Colombo: " Uon busy or too stingy to as• ist them in l The Bozeman '

JV"'.: .. 1. J \.Y ~ l ic1wrs 11ex1 k i n ' their time or need . -ALWAYS RELI A BL[- . (' '<l . I ons1 enng the fa<"t that many \\'c•re :wrnss th<' Rio Grande when Don He used his frie~ds in a ll s~rts of F c

• - :;;tndenrs are away l rom home for Ute .\fic:uel went in . wa~s and for his .own en d.~. ancl ne\·er I. armers reamery - THE­


12 So. mack A1·e.

II 1· tir::-; 1 tinw. and htl'k the iond <'a r e o f hestta ted to Racnfi Cie th eir r eputation



H f WEST I a lOY ing mother nnd p!'outl fa th er, th e ·· t ' l )sse~ Cra lll O'ShPr ldan !'' lllrsse~ · for hb awn adn-intage. Orison !:;\\ €ti :...--------------·-

! , .- Exponent ha8 dN·ide<l to take twer Lhe ~ire, you see. I Mar de n , in the ~ew Success. =============== I job and snbs til utP th is C'are in t he Had . bl·en at Appomatt ox :\ ei:H Lh C' I

l Funera l Director form of ~ootl aclv iee. \\'e th e refore. lamo11s apple tree; :"\liss Lu cy le Renolds Home Demon- ,......-------- -

II inauKurate thi s fJ UPSlion-box_ And "Patric·k !\ t k h ae l Casey.! .. Pa trick I straucn agen l for I,


w i s an d Clark IF h L and l~dilor or Quc~t ion Box. ~lieh:.l-el. )'Oil ca n tell , CCUOl). has been appointed superv isor or t e enten

l lp-TO-DATE PORTRAITS I Embalmer Dear Rir: I haq• had a monH'ntous \ \"aR a lig htin ' ma n by nature wi th I ~f tlie Smith-Hughe:-; ,-oca tiona l work

l question pel'ple:x ing me fo 1- 8 evera l thn:e tigh tn ' na me!" as well. in ~lonta n a hig sl'1100Js. She wilt de- s


---------------' l------J'-ho_n_e_6_9_. _o_R_z _____ <lays. I am not exact ly in lo\'e. but ' I \Gle one thi rd of her time to that ., ,Ve ha,e aeafinse olinne of Sea--\\"f>JI. yuu kno·.\ about hO\\" I feel. I "Joe \\"hee ler Lee!'' And Joseph ha d work an d continue in the extension ~a russin,g oc<'as i o1rnll~ There are a pa ir of figbtin' eyes; I depanment as heretofore. two girls who I li k f> <1 li rt le, Hnd th e,- Aud his grandad was a Johnny, as Foods f o r y ou t o choose from;

\ are Uoth quite fond of lllC' . \\"ou!U. i-t 1>e rhaps you mi ght surmise ;

ll · I Canned Salmon. be propC'r for me to go out with one I Then ·· obf' r ~ Bruc·e :\Iac:her::ion '. . I PUMPS 2 OXFORD~ Sardines

ljon l"riday nigh t, an ti anot her on Sa t· .. An.d tl 1.". ~ank_ee squad':.~· do~e. ll' tJ urda y nigh t and still hold the afff'r · I \\ tth l sa<1c Abie Cohen . 0::1 ( e c1 Shrimps lions of both? · l i.~ht weight eh am pion. l\'Jackerel

I FOR WOMEN Tuna Fish Si~·ned - Pet plexetl .

1 . . . J..obster

I ML Perpl ex.<! Uen r sir It migh t 1 hen O Leary.p.aced. em forward' ~nd. Are daily arriving and• we Clams be pos;iule. bu r \\ C ILh\e i<nown 1

1 SaJS he. 'iou. '\anks, tall tn. ha\• eth em 1'n a ll s1'zes and Oyste1·s

I And he marc·hed em to the captain

se ,·era I m e> 11 who we nt broke tl':nng "Let the skirmishin· begin," ~Tidths Crabs to bl uff t bru with two queens. 1 Says he. "The Yanks are comin' and PRICED AT $5.50 to $12.00 Kippered Herring Dear Editor of the Q. B. ! you beat 'em it' you can! " --- Finnan Haddie J; !l'""-----------------------------""!:I I am engaged to t\\'o soldi ers. I got I And sainted like a soldier and a first-' Watch our Windows Fish Flakes

W" th s • ' c I this "'•Y. feeling thnt it wa s my c- t"'s fightin ' man. I --- Also kt'ts of Mackerel and Hol-l pr1ng om es 1 pa triotic. duty, and expecting that one oi them would not come back. Now A WORD FOR THE DEFE NS E. 1 R d 1 B t land Herring, Kippered Sal-

H Cl . , I they are both coming hom e. Should I ee s 00 ery mon, Boneless Herring, Smok-

ouse ean1ng I I i:_reak one engagement, or what ' The young man crawled into his ed Bloaters and fresh oysters.

House cleaning calls tor many things tbat are to be fou nd in 0ur store. · should 1

do st d 1 ! august presen<·e. JhOS H Rea gne .- mogene. "I should like to speak to you on • •

F'i r c: t the Forington Vacuum Cleaner. wh11:h will make the job eas'-· and Deal' lmogene- \Ve suggest tbat you I ; sit tight a nd don"t overlook any good 811 impor1ant matter, str, '' he said. tO\ r

do it quickly. It is guaranteed th e best e.J..eaner on the market. Then b Th b \' " 'ell, what is it?" growlect the I Cit '-'O• ,:~· ·sam e ·:in:~)' not otl1 be here at I father o[ the girl In no e3Couraging The Ce11tral Stud1·0

Have You Seen It?

The New

STUDEBAKER "Ti a pJeasure lo s how it.



1 p~rhaps you w \11 ;ieed gra ss _J'U P S . rugs . Brussells or Ax- P. S. Do you suppose there is a to~~~l want I Phone 24

minister. All sizes ttnd prices. chance for some other good man like iel', sir." w marry your daugh- Corner Main and Tracy 1 ·~

myselt I I .. \Yh at '9 the old man 's face grew / I Dear Question Boxer : 1 have purple, "mary my duaghter? 1 am ,



thought for some time that a coat- astonished! What Oil earth <lo you I:'.llG rooMBS BARBER rack was needed in the Library. How ' mean sir ? You--" lJ

•can J bring this matter before the 1 "Now, now," sooUied the youth ,/ I faculty I seeing a jest looming and wantin :: to I · -SHOP-

Signed- An Earn est Studenl '------------------'

Ideal Furniture Co. Earl S. Marshall, Manager

... ------------------------------! DeO'I· l':a rn est Student: It can't be I-----------·--------------------. cl one. ii·e have trt ed It. IT'S THE EARLY CHICK THAT LAYS THE WINTER i

New Easter Dresses Specially Priced

$15.75 Beautiful a s ter Dres ses, Showing Smart Styles, Fine Fabrics

and neatly trimmed models .




Read y Today-Second Floor.

The Willson Co 1866 1919


" The re's Style Supremacy in Red Croas Shoes."


(Jam es \V_ Foley, in Saturday

Ernntng Post.) Phone 46

You will find the QUEEN and TREASURE STATE



' • t

' • - O'Lea ry, from h; cago, and a · For all kinds of good flowers first-class ft ghtln' man . I and plants. the kind that produce t h e early chick and lots of them. Sold by :


Bern in County Clare or Kerry, where the gentl e art began; Visitors \Velcome.

Sergeant Dennis P. O'Leary. from 1 205 W. Mendenha ll St. I Owenhouse · Hdw. somewb ere on Archie roa d. l

Docli; ln' shell s and smellin' powder --------·------- I:...------------------------------while the battle ebbed and flowed. ·-----says: "O'Leary, from l I A,d the c-aptai n

Phone 186

I 306 W . Main I


How about that New Suit

, Undertaker and 1! Embalmer

I I!




City Dye Works!

• •

I'! The Way It Should Be Don e ! II I Successor to Pratt & Son !

------------------------------------~· ! j ~~~--~~~-~~~~~~~ ---------------~--------~-

YACH' l'OL!t





"Japane,,e \rt (,.1od»"

t - . , ./ II :


ThesP women opcrati\'f's i:i lhl'.' silk fil l atures of Japan work from th ir teen

to ~h:teen lwurs a da) in tht."" rising stE'~m. Little t'hildren are used in t he

silk fa('tories in l!:reat numbers to sotlln the <'oc0ons b) washi ng them in

'cry hot. waler. Industrial development Jn \ .in ha:-; bC'en a"companled by the horrors of

exploitation of the WC'ak. I rl'lllltab!e housing ronditio,s, long hours. and

poor 1my are factors in the industrial situntion in J apan. Out of the .lapane!:=e women who are recruit~d Annually as factory worke rs. 120.000 do

nn return home. Among those \~·ho dr return nearly twenty-five per t·enl

h~n t> ('omr:1cted tubercu losis. i w;l~'h's I I H O W OO E S HE DO IT? I ~:: :::: II:: t! t! :: t! t! 11 11 ~: i: / man. ·u;, entertaine-d~a number o! the

I ~~----- Vollo\\ ing is ;.1 letter rC'cein~d l>y n ~ ,:'1 A LUM N I Ill alumnae at a popcorn spread at her

l PLl~l\IB I NC d HEATI ~G AN D E X-ST U DENTS :: homo on .South Thi r d Avenue. The

' • an ~ 1 I do•l-'ma11 Edilor rN't"Iltl\- front a :: II ! I · 8\'en ng \\as spen t in working on re-

f ELECTRIC \r JHlNG mayor nf a ''<-'slern rir)· or ahoul teu :t :: n t.: :: :i : : :l ::: tt U !t ::t :: n f ugep ~arment:i for t he Red Cross.

f RE A D IN G thou~and 1~pu1auon. .-.':j. ,, ill tie seeu 'l'lw class ,.

i tmm hi:-; letter lw earns rt ::;<tl:trY of 1~11-i is plo.nning lo I knew a you ng lady from :\l ichigan.

: LAl\-I P.S lwo 1hou~;.md doll.:n~ pt'r yenr !low han.~ 3 rt"unir·n HI .\\_ S. C'. dnrin~I To meet her J never should wf!;hfgau.

: :\ND STlfDE lT•S LA.1,IPS doC'::; ht> <lo it~ 1 Ct mnwn!:t"mt>nt week. Arrnngemems She'd order ice cream ,

: ~ Uc.·ar Sir iu·i.> well \Jn ii"' way and Hnusie And with much joy she'd scream.

In H. BUDD fl ro. )Our letter of T"N't.•nt d;,llt Will'; hand- Roet'licr l:'o\'1.,..!'~ or Diµ- Timber. tl1P Th('ll :-;h 'rt order another big llishigan-

1 1 .. I}' lJ ·eel ml' by i\Ir Blank and will 1..·:hlt:'vt'J ~eu-uan 01 1 1,, club:-., lt.ts ijent out -l1 uknown.


\ _____ _ __ ro ansN•r ~our que~tiou~. you uuder notkt.?s to tht' mcmbP1~ rezarding

stand that O\\ nPS it own phrn~ for that time. I WON THE CROWN

watt..•r \\Orks antl lhdll r~lnnt \\hid1 we

f--------------- n,.;up ha big asstl to tht> tO\\U and .An f<_;nglish sd1oomaster promised a

I ma kt .. our pa) 1001 hu·g~r than twon~ 4\ic>~1~1~ Truitt or Kan:-as City stop .. I r rown to a ny boy w h o should 11 ro-

f VENEERED FIR P A TELS ot 1:'l1t1al ~ize that dOsE'nt o\\n thPre ped oil lt.1 Bo~t·n:an t'll!Olllt' lo Oregon pound a riddle t hat he c.·ou ld uot ans-

1 till a husuws~ tnp .\fr Truilt i:-o ('On· y.-er ACter 111oni liacl tr'1ecl. a l>rt'ghl

IO\\ ll 1J:rn1s as w ton11 ol gc)\ ei nment I

f for I thin I~ th~ t•ommission fo1 m of go\ cm- uel'led "1_th ft

1111.'.11111 cni i·n~rnt"'ei mg youn~est said: "\\"h y am J ltkt- the

t mr111 ·~the be~L "e \ll'Ltl.111: elimon r1rm of J,an .. u:s (It\ Prmct• ot \\"ales?" The schoolm.isLer\

J CABINET ' \TORK ate lH itkl\~. thr thrPi roPlmisslnnf't'~ 11 1 1 -

1 _ I "

1 J>Uzzled b.ts wn:s Ill \'ain, a Hl hnally

direction or .)Ir. \\"il:-nn.

:Mi~s !\tinnie Qnaw 1:- prc·panni: a

µress copy o( lha play, "'Tht· Lon~

Trail " whit h h.ts hren put Pn ~o :-.tH

t·t!~fully durinf: t :P pa~t ~t'U!-'OI\.

I Thirly·three performan\'t'~ of rht' play

h;n(' heen J::hen t• mort" than 11; 11rn1

Pl'Ol•IE- It is )Ji.;;:i l,!uaw s J)lan lo

ha\·e lhc }l\ay cop}ri hted and pul>­

lisheu for ~t"nPrul d·~trihntion.

I·:. fl Lott i::. hoh.Iiug- ronft"'n·111 "~

with ~·a m Bun· n l·~-.;tt>n~inn c·om.

miltt>l·' and ,·ount ~ Cf'mm1~~hmt•r:-. in

\\ 1 ~tt•rn 'lo11ta11a t ... \\ l·ek

Thl· Xorrhc·rn Mon1.1na Ex11._nsi1;n

l'('lnrpnnce \;ith Farm Burt>au Ih.•pcnt

mt nt~ and ('nunty l'onn11issim1t•t:.; nre­

la in~ ::lllf'nrl+'d h\ .J C' Ta\ln nnrl

:\I f, \\ 1' ~ 1111

Pirt:'l r F . :-; \\ill ~n tn

1 :::ialt L;fk • Cily 10 at 1 11<1 a tunterl'lll'f'

ot \\·e:::tt•i-11 J'"'\: l en:-.ic directors, April

l l and I\ anti 1.0 consider finandttl

plans with repru;enrath·e::t ot th~ l.'.

S. i>e(lflrlmt-nt of \~Tkulturt· 1or tht­

usc of federal fund:-. rn Mo11run:1 Ex- 1

:whoo} ha::- :\Cl't"{llt:d the position Of

llnme l1t>mon~tratitln 3!:::t'Hl for )11$

son ta l'OUn \ $h(' \\Ill bezjn we rk

ll1P 1ir-.;t o .lune i.n plac·p ('f \Us

\11( ·it l I:.' o·~on

Dis t res>-ing E~ e,,ight


:\lt>dit"nl 11 \. •-.1 c~ i11n pn ,.t :-. 11rn1

1;) 11c·r t'e 1 o t dadlt~~ an <11re<'t

ly cliH 10 t)"t ~tr. n

L E ::; L I E E. (; A (; E .l(•\\"t•lt~r antl f{ ... £.ist ·r~d Op10nH'trbt

nrokf>n le,.is • • t.~pl t t! t ... t eta~

CQ,\ll\I EH< JA L ~.\TIO:\ .\ L

B A 7\ I\.

.I. H . Baker. Cas hier.

t nsioo work - - , I Capital Stock

F' C Henmon h; "holdmg a ~t'ries of I S . 1.50,0_00

$250,000 confe1 t.•ures \\ ith Farm Bureau nnu 1 urplus and Profits

<'oun ty commissionerti tn bis d1~trtc•1 I this v.cek. He has t·on1ercn<e.s al 1 Bozeman -Roundup. Forsnhe. CHcnclh e, Tern· . I I

:\Ton Lana

~ li le• C'it~'. Billings ond Columbus ---------

durin~ tbitt trip.

11· E. Dove, specialist in animal I parasites from the l' S. Bureau of J

.. :ntomology will spenrt three weeks in

M ontana th e latter part of Aptil and I the firsl of :\l ay. H is itinerary tOYers 1

\ \ 'esten1 and Korthern :.\lontana itnd I the YellO\\ stone \"alley_

i\liss i11e7. Fo~ter, Home Economil-s / t lnstruttor at the Lewistown hic;h f . ii



M. H. WHITE 23 W. Main St .

..... FOR. ....


Is the sum of your bu.dng wh en you s hop at


&CO. Community ilver

Harness and Suppliel:o

Every thing in Hardware

I I l ' ll , lfl-:,o ll. • , l,... v~t.11 l 1:-.- \\ .1 01 p •II d 1 I b d

t has f>\·ory, in llwrt• lrnn1b. anti .. , ~ ... e 11 l t~ lO dt mu l HH " 1d I

t lw1,.,td lllm th~ u.H\ .mil i:. ha l~ al not knu"

t KENYON- NOBLE LUl\lBE R 1 :~~:j:~~t·~:d b~0:.E'~~~~:d.v::1

1~~· til~:~.L ~:: Ills hump in Boze 111.rn '""by;: satd the boy, ·H's becaust.: -·----------

f Compan'-r '>robibly use- more poli<'e anll tiremen' t'i· d . ll't '!' I 1· l 1 1 I am wnilihg for the crown." Bo~hn


t .J• . ~ •' )S 1 ,, ..... et t1 ~week for Transl-ript

t 320 )\ l\.f . Ph ·hr111 LU\\ ns ol t"Qnnl !:;i?.e on arrount (lelena to at·<·f•Jlt a position wilh Dr

t • ain.-- one No. 41 r1r 11:ning mort' interprise~ w~ ha,·e .. _ 1

• , .\le( r(:'a tn the Board of l lcallh labor-

~============== ! thl• ioduslry mining stock rah;ing awry Sillt't> her llh:H.:harg-e from the 1 , , •• • •• ..•

1 an!l farminc:. l\la\·er or Com N'o 1 . - . . Ge1 man p11soner. l Insist Germa1.r

' "·l 0 . . sen let\ slip as been worlitnJ?" rn the was effirit•nt down to the smallest C.f'-

1 ~ets ~M.01111.0 pe ) ear. City Clerk and water lahoraton o( th~ C'Ollcge I ...

I JEWELRY FOR I Polkt' ,Judgt~ $1.;illO.Oo ('il,. Attv "'9.00.· · , ta iL I

1 no t'ummissioner Xo 2 ~ets '"'·t.soo.ou • ' ... -. -- Amt>rican guard: ·· is th at so? 1to\\ I __ ! l' .., . . . I Ulen :::ilonne, 111. who has been on 1.i hou1 \\earin' a steel helmet to pro'·• ·t

( ommtssion('r Nu :: gets $t,:-:iuo 1.10 · ~ I ' ' I! rASTER .. . . . . the CTencral Stair 01 the 2~th F .. ng in - a ('Onrrete dome" ·Ex.

i L I ~·l~it·I of Polk .. -1:.1tHl.OO .... Patrilmen i•ering Intelligence Department at

~ ~9 ·:"1· 1111 pr month (hi er of Fire nevart· Cbau uwut, France bas returned to I "\\'hat is the secre1 of su<·c~s~ '?" ---------·----------------·----

{ mcnt $1.38tl.tlU pr year tht" 1 l'nited States and <'XJlN'l:i to be in asked the Sphinx. •

1 -Xev. jPwelr)· lJ~fl~ make ltt'W get Stt;),1)0 pr month. gozem ..... ut soon. p 1 . . j

] clothes IUOl'e stu lish, pr"ltier, ancl 11 ~ .. us1' said t he button. Ceretana Me·ans Qua1·1ty I

J ... am tteuuing you n l'OI>.) of our charte1· 1

t ··snapJ;f1:r .; .. Necklace, brooches. and h:1,ent enou~h ror our own u::;e- \\"" Id (' II . - " T ake pai ns. " said the wb.dow

l'<'Ddauts. hiir pin s, are ue<.'essary 1 \\Ill ask "OU k ' idl,. t . i . 1 a enHU' . aoscn. 1,, has re-I "Always keep cool," sa id the ice. In Flour and Rolled Oats-Try Them Today

. parl 01 your l·~aslf'r C'ostume. \\'ith- 1 · U> It . re ut n t '18

I lu rnect trom O\'erseas antl accepted a "Be up to da te," said t h e cale ndar.

t . soon you _can you .will get temporary position in tile food and I "Never Jpse you r head," said the

tout Ull·m tbl't>ffect YOH are striving d l t d 1 fo1· falIB short some goo trom t le mtorma ion au drug labntory here. barrel.

r charter lf you addopt _thl' C'omm i s.~ion I --- " F ind a g-ood th ing and stick to

t Lu,·alllcn·s $·LOO to s11;,.oo rom1 1 am sure you ~ue\·er change. Fay \Yidener Sloane. ex-11, is \' l!-\ it· it." said the ~lue.-Ex..

t /Ing al Lhe home of h er broth er. City I


Rr0<k·bt""!-. ~ l 7:-1 to~ ti0.00 1 F.:ngineer \\"idener. She has beeu

\ Bar f'in~ , :l00.00 ITherl" was a lime she pl ucked·~ rosP'sp~nd fng th " int er in Ban Diego' ''Here's a n ic ke l to r you , 10.) man ,·


of red. ~ j while er husband was w it h the Amer· I ~be said to a frayed a nd r agged· I H.iags $2.:!!i to $600.00 "He IOY('S me'... I Iran army in F'rn nce. loC>king in div lclun l who stood under

Srnrt l'i.1:-. ~ 1.00 lo$ :;o.oo I And as ::.he strewed the peteb roun•l J T -.-3- I the plorlrh !with e:-..te .. nd ed h~nd . ' 'I'm I t she said: I ot• 11.1man, 1 . has l't'e=h-ed his not g v ng t to you LO r chanty's sa ke ,

J ('ufl $1.Li to :!5.00 "He loves me-- discharge and has accepted a posillon I but mere ly beca use it pleases me."

l'hnfn:.; $L50 to$ ~'.i.00 HC! love-:-. me :iot.", Canron 11~erry_ o qu a r te r o.1d e n joy yourself lhorough-

The Bozeman Company Milling

Gallatin Laundry Co JS A GOOD LAUNDRY


ready at aJI times to serve the college student:>.

If you are pa rticular, try a nd is


Vest "ith the !\1on tana Power C'o. at I "'Thankee. but couldn't you ma ke it


1 __ I). ma'am'-Ex

Ah happy "ere> those C:l'ntle word:s siH~

I H A prASE fl ro •1>0ke: I William ~:dsali, ' I I, haH been dl S· 1 - ---

t 1 t L (l1 lJ 1

"He IO\·es me!" 1 charged from the service and is work·

~ \\~IH!ll thinking of her roud and tov- lng for a n elPct r kal comp<1n)· in , UN DER COV ER Gallatin Laundry Co : Jewe~~:• ~~d Mo:.~o~:~ ri s ts ing l'.:~~el~\CS me·- Brooklyn. "Speaki ng of lalse ha ir."

I THE HA LL M A RK STO R E I' He IOH"K me not'.. First 1.ieutennnt ~l~'l'on 1... Carr ' 17. " Y es."

~---- I or Camp Lewi:s, \ \"ash iogLon, \-i~ited "I i:;1111pose no woma n eH•r admits

lhn timt>s and <·u:-.toms ha H"' b en .. rrtends on the hill for u few days th is that she wea rs fa lse hair."



.l I I

I I I I t I I I I

I t I


PRINTING -j ( .:

: 1 Om cm n mo<lern pholo-1 gr11ph 1l· shop 1101\' enables

c Im ne:prl sim·t> thPn week I "~o: • she k eeps t hn t unde r h er

" HelO\L>dme'" j lhat. 1:.x.

Sht• ~U..:>s for twent~ thou:-.and iton .TeanC'ltC Kelly, 'Li, is ma.king a. -----

men: I great ~lll.'Ct'Ss of lhe l'Jl'hool lunch pro- I:: :: u :: :: :: :.: t: u n :: :: :: •• 111: I '"He lo \ ed me- I jel'l in Columbus and other µar tH of :l

He l oH~s me not'" Stillwater <.>Ou nty. I:: EXTENSION NOTES ::

=========================== ' :: u

Lands Lands,lands WE H .\ VE THEM

We also Handle City Propert}

Come and See Us

ll\1PS O'.'\ & TRL' ITT

I Litl.llenunt C..:regory .'.\ l al·).llllau . ex· I t1 :t U :: :.t ::: :: :: :: :t :: :: :: :! :::

1~1. has At·t·cpted a vosi t io11 In Butte I and \\ill .lwgin work there a~ soon as M L. \\ 11son rt• tu1•1ed th fir~t or Phone 16

lw l'Pt'ei\ e.-; his d ischarge. th~ -n•eek [ro m M tnnea polis, where he Spring-Time Sugge:;Ls



\\' e are Bhowing a ~lend id

line of I

F CRNISHl'.'\GS l,1

a da ndy new suit-let 1, us s how you

- I was In ('on fere1H'e \\ ith th e =' ntlona l -=;;;=-=-======= =========== =========l==::l Lieu1enan_t L. P. U_uvld~on, lri, a nd Flax t·ommil tee in re~a rd to Flax\,--- - ----- --------------- ---------1

llarold Dkl.son, ex·Hi. ha\'e landed in I oxlenslon work In !\lon la na. It is

'lew York anrl nre ex1>ec·ted in )lon- planned by t he fla:1. committee lO Montana .State College of Agricul-ann. ~oon . I spend abo~t two l housa nd do llars in

exten>ion work in t h is stale T he ture and Mechan1"c Arts r'rlday e\en ing, Maude lle\\lu t h Ta;; i ma Cler "i ll ti e ha udl ed un cler the I


"Quality and Individuality." D Y \\'A GO:\ \\' H r~ ~,t.~ 1


Prac tical course, in Architectural, Ch ·il. Electr ical and

Mechanical Engineering, Me<:hanic Arts, Agricul tu r e, Da i r~·

Horticult ur e, Hom e Economics, Indu trial Chemistr y. Econ­

omics . Biology. ".\Itis ir and Art.

I us to give you wor k of



SCHMIDT BROTHERS. Ii Buy your s umme r coal while

the ground is still froze n.


Beautiful ground., commodious buildings , complete wood

and iron sh ops . exten ive laboratories, model kitchen and

sewing room s, mus ic a nd art studio .

J.M. Hamilton, President

Phone 71W. 1 Bozeman, Montana.

----~~~---~-- !
