Page 1: 11.2.2   draw, label, annotate

Draw – Label – Annotate(Starter activity)

Previously you have learnt about the elbow joint. Get ready, make sure you have access to:• (sharp) pencil• ruler• A3 paper

By Chris Paine

Page 2: 11.2.2   draw, label, annotate

n.b. This diagram is a good one with the exception of the arrow heads. Arrow heads should not be used on label lines.


Here’s a reminder about what you should know

Page 3: 11.2.2   draw, label, annotate


Here’s a reminder about what you should know

Page 4: 11.2.2   draw, label, annotate

• You are drawing, labelling and annotating an elbow joint.

• The group will the highest total will receive a reward.

Draw – Label – Annotate Guidelines

Page 5: 11.2.2   draw, label, annotate

Draw – Label – Annotate Guidelines

1. Form groups of three students2. Everyone draws an elbow joint DO NOT Label (2 mins)3. Pass your drawing to the next person in your group4. Everyone labels the drawing they have in front of them

DO NOT Annotate and DO NOT add to the drawing (2 mins)

5. Pass the labelled drawing to the next person in your group (you should be looking at a different drawing again)

6. Annotate EXISTING LABELS only

7. Now for the reflection: trade your group’s papers with a different group (the teacher might ask you to rotate papers between groups rather than trade)

8. Mark the drawings according to the mark scheme you are shown on the next slides

Page 6: 11.2.2   draw, label, annotate

Labelling (1 mark each, 8 max)

Joint capsule = 1 markSynovial fluid = 1 mark

N.B. Label must touch the structure labelled or no mark given for that label

Page 7: 11.2.2   draw, label, annotate

Annotations (1 Mark for each, 8 max)

Structure Function

Humerus Anchor for Triceps and Biceps

Triceps Causes lower arm to straighten (extensor)

Biceps Causes lower arm to bend (flexor)

Ulna Lower arm attachment/lever for Triceps

Synovial fluid Lubricates joint

Synovial capsule

Seals the joint and contains the synovial fluid

Cartilage Reduces friction, absorbs shock and distributes load

Radius Lower arm attachment/lever for biceps

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• -1 for for label lines not drawn with a ruler

• -1 arrow heads on label lines (I know the example diagram did have arrow heads, but this is bad practise)

• -1 for drawing <1/2 a page in size

• -1 for shading

• -1 for sketching rather than outlining

n.b. deductions are per drawing, not per incidence

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• Total the marks by group to see which group did best– Rewards for the best group

• In groups discuss what group you are marking did well and what they could improve on. Comments should be in terms of “next time they should …”

• As a class share your “next time” recommendations is there a lot of similar mistakes being made?

• Return drawings• Using your feedback produce an excellent example

drawing to add to your notes
