  • OHERALDOThe Voice of Goa Since 1900


    VASCO, MAY 12

    Activist Nilesh Gaonkar, spear-heading the anti mining agitationat Cavrem-Quepem was brutallyattacked by two unknown as-sailants, while he was proceed-ing to work at Verna, Thursday.

    Two persons armed with aniron rod and riding a motorcycleconfronted Nilesh Gaonkar out-side a company at Verna Indus-trial Estate, where Gaonkar isemployed as a trainee mechan-ical engineer.

    Gaonkar was proceeding toduty in the morning, when twounknown persons assaulted himoutside the company gate, saidVasco police PI Braz Menezes,who is holding additional chargeof Verna police.

    The assailants came from be-hind and attacked the victim.They reportedly warned Gaonkarnot to fight against the mininglobby in Cavrem-Quepem.

    We have registered an of-fence under Section 307 of IPC.No arrests have been made tillnow since the accused are un-known, PI Menezes added.

    Police said Gaonkar sustainedinjuries on his collarbone, frac-tures on his left hand and anabrasion near the ear. He waslater shifted to the Hospicio atMargao.

    Speaking to reporters, an in-jured Gaonkar said he was walk-ing towards his office, when twopersons restrained and attacked



    An all out political war brokeout among Congress, BJP andBSP over the issue of farmersagitation in Uttar Pradesh withChief Minister Mayawati accus-ing Opposition parties of spread-ing lies and rumours anddoing dirty politics.

    A day after Rahul Gandhimade a dramatic entry into theBhatta Parsaul village in GreaterNoida and held a dharna sup-porting farmers agitation forbetter compensation for theirland, Mayawati accused him ofengaging in mean theatrics.

    Congress was quick to jumpto his defence lambasting theBSP chief for the arrest and sub-sequent release of Gandhi sayingthat Mayawati government wasdigging its own grave throughsuch actions and her reactionwas due to frustration as shehas realised that she would bevoted out in the next Assemblyelections.

    Senior BJP leaders RajnathSingh, Arun Jaitley and MukhtarAbbas Naqvi, LJP chief Ram VilasPaswan, UPCC president RitaBahuguna Joshi and BharatiyaKisan Union (BKU) leader RakeshTikait along with their support-ers were detained by UP Policewhile they were agitating in sup-port of farmers of Greater Noida.

    Joshi and scores of Congressleaders, including legislators,and workers were baton-charged and detained in Luc-know and elsewhere during astatewide chakka jam protestby the party against the arrestof Gandhi in Bhatta ParsaulWednesday night and in sup-port of farmers demands inwestern UP.

    Similar protests were held inother parts of the state includingJhansi, Meerut, Allahabad andSitapur districts.

    Visit us panjim, Friday, may 13, 2011 postal reg. no. Goa 101 priCE rs. 3.00 (air Surcharge rs 2.00) pages 16 + 4

    Business: Food inflation drops

    to 18-month low of 7.7% Pg 9

    Sports: Warne in trouble for

    abusive behaviour Pg 16

    There is no pillow so softas a clear conscience

    French Poverb

    Goas Heartbeat: Shilpa Shetty

    expecting her first baby Pg 4

    High Tide: 0717; 1857Low Tide: 0048; 1239

    T I D E S T O D A Y



    PANJIM, MAY 12

    From reel life to real life thedrug menace is haunting Goa,despite denial by the outgoingDGP. Earlier this month, a teamof Narcotics Control Bureau(NCB), swooped down upon aGerman supporting actor, whoworked as an extra in the con-troversial movie Dum MaroDum (DMD) and arrested himand his supplier on a drugscharge.

    Ralph Diersmanm, a Germantourist and a frequent visitor toGoa was caught by the NCBsleuths at Anjuna flea market,while he waited for a peddlerwho would deliver him 11 pack-ets of good hashish, amountingto Rs 5 lakh.

    During interrogation, Ralphclaimed that he has acted in twoscenes in the DMD, which wasincidentally based on drug

    mafia. On May 3, the team ze-roed in on the German on a tip-off that a Delhi tourist wouldsmuggle narcotics to Goa viaMumbai and Sawantwadi routeand deliver it to Ralph.

    NCB sources said that KrishnaSingh was raided in his hotelroom, at Sawantwadi, at about1 pm. The officials intercepteddrug packets hidden in his lug-gage, weighing 3.5 kgs. Sleuthsalso seized two boxes intendedto be used for transportingdrugs to Goa.

    Tests confirmed that hashish

    was of good quality, which isusually consumed by foreign-ers.

    Krishna confessed during in-terrogation that his Germanclient would wait for him at An-juna flea market. Our secondteam rushed to Goa and caughtthe foreigner red-handed aftera brief surveillance, later in theevening, said the officer.

    Both drug pushers were ar-rested under the Narcotics andDrugs Psychotropic SubstancesAct. A local Magistrate inSawantwadi remanded both toseven days custody of NCB forthorough interrogation. Laterthey were remanded to judicialcustody.

    The pair was escorted to Goaduring their remand period forfurther investigation and werelodged in Porvorim lock-up. In-terrogation further revealed that

    DMD haunting Goa for realGerman supporting actor held on drug charge

    Counting of votes in five States today



    The six week-wait for who willru l e Tami l Nadu , Ke ra l a ,Puducherry, Assam and WestBengal will end tomorrow whencounting of votes for Assemblyelections will be taken up.

    At sharp 8 am, the countingprocess would start in 839 hallsspread over in the five states in-volving 43,982 personnel.

    The Election Commission hasmade elaborate arrangementsfor the massive exercise andpressed into service nearly17,700 central security personnelto provide a three-tier security.

    The entire process, whichwould decide the fate of severalpolitical leaders, would bevideographed to prevent anymalpractice. According to ChiefElection Commissioner S YQuraishi, the poll outcome isexpected by early lunch.

    The counting would takeplace in 142 counting halls inAssam, 140 in Kerala, 11 inPuducherry, 234 in Tamil Naduand 312 in West Bengal. WhileKerala has an assembly strengthof 140, Assam has 126, TamilNadu 234, Puducherry 30 andWest Bengal 294.


    KABUL, MAY 12

    Prime Minister Manmohan SinghThursday demanded a thoroughinvestigation into the presenceof Osama bin Laden in Pakistanfor several years, but ruled outa US-type operation by India toeliminate Pak-based terroristswanted by it.

    One needs to go for a thor-ough investigation into the pres-ence of Osama bin Laden forsuch a long time on the soil ofAbbottabad, he said at a jointpress conference here withAfghan President Hamid Karzaiafter their talks.

    The killing of bin Laden wasa unique moment in the his-tory of the region, said the PrimeMinister, who arrived here ear-lier on a two-day visit amidsthighest levels of security.

    Asked if India would adoptthe type of operation that theUS carried out to eliminate theal Qaeda chief, in order to getPak-based terrorists wanted byit, Singh began by saying theseare sensitive issues and we dont

    discuss strategies on terror inpress conferences.

    The Prime Minister concludedhis response by stating, I wouldlike to say India is not like theUnited States, in a clear indi-cation that he did not favoursuch an operation.

    Referring to the killing of bin

    PM rules out US-typeoperation in Pakistanl Demands probe into Osamas presencel Announces $500 mn Afghan package

    Experience in thepast has beenrather frustrating

    and disappointing. Onecannot lose hope. Let mesay one thing, I would liketo say India is notlike the UnitedStates.- PM Manmohan Singh

    Sir, we need to reduce your secu-rity staff from 21 to 18. They allcan't fit in with you.

    ITS WAR IN UPMaya govt cracks down on protesters

    Police lathi charge members of Youth Congress staging 'Chakka jam'in protest against the arrest of AICC General Secretary Rahul Gandhi,at Bhangel village in Noida on Wednesday.

    Cavrem activist assaulted at Verna

    The Cavrem Adivasi Manch leader Nilesh Gaonkar at Hospicio afterthe attack on him at the Verna Industrial Estate on Thursday.

    Photo by Santosh Mirajkarhim with an iron rod.

    Ten days ago, I had receiveda call from some unknown peo-ple warning me not to travelalone. Todays attack is a con-spiracy of the mine lobby to pre-vent locals from opposingmining activities at Cavrem,Gaonkar added.

    Margao Reporter adds:Thursday morning attack onNilesh Gaonkar has failed todampen the spirit of this anti-mining activist from carryingout the crusade against rampantmining in his Cavrem village,



    As a controversy rages over landacquisition in Uttar Pradesh, theCentre Thursday said it has plansto introduce a bill in this regardin the next session of Parliamentas there appears to be consen-sus on the issue.

    However, Home Minister PChidambaram said law and

    order in Uttar Pradesh is not ahappy situation as farmerswere protesting in many villageson the land acquisition issueand criticised the way Chief Min-ister Mayawati was handling theprotests by farmers.

    But he ruled out sending acentral team to assess the situ-ation there in view of recentclashes in Bhatta Parsaul in

    Greater Noida where two farm-ers and as many policemen werekilled.

    We must have a new landacquisition law. Government hasdrafted a new act that has pro-visions for better compensation,rehabilitation and other meas-ures. But it was not possible tobuild a consensus on the law.

    Consensus building took

    some time. Now we are at apoint when there is a fair degreeof certainty that there is a con-sensus on the law with someamendments, he told a pressconference, the first after PrimeMinister Manmohan Singhformed a Group of Ministers tobrief media to counter the badpress government may face onoccasions.

    New land acquisition law soon: PC

    Attack is conspiracyof mine lobby: Nilesh

    l Attack on activist flayed

    (Continued on page 8)

    (Continued on page 8)

    O N PA G E 2

    O N PA G E 5

    l Oppn hits out at Mayawatil NHRC to send team

    (Continued on page 8)



    Pg2GOA, FRIDAY, 13 MAY, 2011

    Attack on anti-mining activist flayed HERALD CORRESPONDENT

    QUEPEM, MAY 12

    Political leaders, activist and so-cial workers have strongly con-demned the cowardly attack onanti-mining activist NileshGaonkar at Verna on Thursdaymorning.

    Leaders agitating against min-ing activities at Cavrem-Quepemhave threatened to intensifytheir agitation.

    Expressing shock over the at-tack, Quepem Taluka Mining Af-fected Peoples Front ConvenorAdv. Fredrick Pereira describedthe incident as "the handiworkof goons of mining companiesoperating at Cavrem and Maina."

    "Terrorist tactics adopted bymining companies with politicalblessings will not slow downthe anti-mining agitation, whichhas gained momentum inQuepem," warned Pereira.

    Adv. Suhas Velip of Cavrem,who is part of the Cavrem Adi-vasi Bachav Samiti, stated thatthe attack on Gaonkar exposedthe "coward act" of mining com-pany. "Our movement is withinthe law and since we are on thewinning track, mining compa-nies are out to terrorise vil-lagers," said Velip.

    "The attack on a tribal leaderlike Gaonkar is nothing but frus-trated attempts by mining com-panies and their agents. Fromnow onward, our momentumwill be more forceful," he added.

    Margao Reporter adds: BJPMLAs Damu Naik and RameshTawadkar visited Hospicio hos-pital on Thursday evening andcondemned the cowardly attackon the anti-mining activist NileshGaonkar at the Verna IndustrialEstate.

    MLA Ramesh Tawadkar said

    members of United Tribal Al-liance Association will call onthe deputy Collector, Quepemand submit a memorandum de-manding justice for the citizensof Cavrem fighting against min-ing and ore transportation.UTAA will take up the matterwith deputy Collector and de-mand justice for agitating vil-lagers of Cavrem. We will extendall our support to agitating peo-ple, Tawadkar said, while con-demning the attack on theactivist.

    Fatorda MLA Damu Naik saidthe attack on Nilesh Gaonkarexposes the government on thelaw and order front and showsthat the common man feels in-

    sure in the state.He said the government

    should initiate prompt action inthe matter, while demandingjustice for the people of Cavremagitating against the mining ac-tivity.

    Social activist Judith Almeidasaid the incident should comeas a wake up call for the youthof Goa. The attack on Gaonkarshould awaken the youth of Goa.This is your wake up call. If youdont seek justice, you wouldhave no say in the future. Thisis the message that goes to allthe youth over the attack onGaonkar, she said.

    Condemning the incident,Goenchea Rakhandarancho

    Ekvott said the attack on theactivist shows how far the min-ing mafia would go in order tosilence people fighting to pro-tect the state from destruction.GRA activist Jose Maria Mirandasaid justice should be metedout to Gaonkar and warned thatthe people of Goa would nottake things lying down or coweddown by such cowardly accc

    Spokesman of GoencheaRakhandarancho Avaz JohnPhilip Pereira warned the mininglobby not to use goondagiri tosilence the activity and disclosedplans to take up the humanrights commission. The gov-ernment should listen to thevoice of the people fightingagainst mining. This is not Bihar.The people of Goa will not tol-erate goondagiri, he said, whilesending a strong message to themining lobby.

    nThe government should listen to the voice ofthe people fighting against mining. This is notBihar. The people of Goa will not tolerategoondagiri. --John Philip Pereira


    MARGAO, MAY 12

    Goa Coastal Zone ManagementAuthority on Thursday directedProject Director of Rural Devel-opment Agency, South, to haltall type of construction and re-lated works on the retainingwall on the banks of a rivulet, atributary of River Sal at Don-gorim-Navelim.

    In his order, GCZMA MemberSecretary Michael DSouza di-rected RDA to halt work till suchtime that Coastal Zone Manage-ment Authority investigates andpasses appropriate orders in thematter.

    DSouza maintained that theAuthority is in the process ofexamining the matter regardingapplicability of CRZ notification,2011 at the site of constructionof the retaining wall. RDA Proj-

    ect Director has been furtherdirected to submit a detailedaction by Friday.

    The order has further directedthe deputy Collector, Margao totake needful action to stop workat the site and conduct a sum-mary inquiry into the matter

    The GCZMA directions comesagainst the backdrop of a com-plaint received from EdwardLima, a resident of Dongorim,Navelim and other petitionersreferring to alleged illegal con-struction of a retaining wall bythe RDA, South.

    They pointed out that theHigh Court had directed theGCZMA to examine the griev-ance of the petitioners that theconstruction work may bestopped or halted till such timeas it is examining the griev-ances and passing of requi-site orders.

    Incidentally, the high courthad granted a stay on the con-struction of a Temple in the samearea and had directed the Authorityto examine the grievance of the pe-titioners regarding alleged violationof CRZ notification.

    GCZMA orders stop to works on retaining wall

    nThe GCZMAdirections comesagainst the backdropof a complaintreceived from EdwardLima, a resident ofDongorim, Navelimand others referring toalleged illegalconstruction of aretaining wall by theRDA, South.

    Mickky warns against second-time opening of Majorda road under bridge

    Flanked by the sarpanchas of Majorda and Betalbatim, Benaulim MLA Mickky Pacheco briefs the mediaon Fridays road under bridge inauguration at Majorda. Photo by Santosh Mirajkar


    MARGAO, MAY 12

    Majorda road under bridge, in-auguration of which has beenscheduled on Friday evening,may be the scene of confronta-tion between Chief Minister,Digambar Kamat and some cab-inet colleagues and BenaulimMLA Mickky Pacheco as the bat-tle lines appear to be clearlydrawn.

    Benaulim MLA has warned ofa law and order situation at Ma-jorda if Chief Minister, DigambarKamat inaugurates the bridgein the presence of PWD Minister,Churchill Alemao, Urban Devel-opment Minister, Joaquim Ale-mao, Power Minister, AlexioSequeira and Cortalim MLAMauvin Godinho.

    The people of Majorda willnot tolerate any insult to thePriest who has already blessedand inaugurated bridge. If 1000people come and stops the in-auguration, the governmentwould be solely responsible forany untoward incident, Pachecowarned.

    Saying that the road underbridge in question was thrownopen for traffic and pedestriansafter being blessed by Fr Mart-inho Gomes on April 27 in thepresence of Majorda Sarpanch,ZP members and locals, Pachecohas demanded to know why thegovernment is hell bent on in-

    augurating the bridge onceagain.

    The people of Majorda willnot tolerate any insult to thePriest, who had already blessedthe bridge in question. The Con-gress government appears morecommunal than the BJP. Theyare dividing the village. Theydont know to respect religiousleaders, he asserted.

    Pacheco also demanded toknow what Power Minister, AlexSequeira, Urban DevelopmentMinister Joaquim Alemao andCortalim MLA Mauvin Godinhohave to do with the bridge inMajorda. What has Mauvin,Joaquim and Alexio got to dowith the bridge inauguration.I fail to understand how the

    road under bridge is linked withJoaquim, Alexio and Joaquim. Isthe road under bridge a Con-gress bridge. I had initiated theproject with the tax payersmoney, he said, and assertedtheres no need for a second in-auguration of the bridge.

    Incidentally, Pacheco had in-augurated the road under bridgeon April 27 in the presence ofMajorda Sarpanch and ZP mem-bers, while Fr Martinho Gomeshad blessed the project.

    Majorda Sarpanch VisitationDSilva and ZP member Nelly Ro-drigues also took strong excep-t ion to the government sdecision to inaugurate thebridge when it was alreadyblessed by the Priest.

    Govt run by eunuchs


    MARGAO, MAY 12

    Continuing his tirade on theDigambar Kamat government,former Tourism Minister, MickkyPacheco has allegedly claimedthat the present governmentin Goa is being run by eu-nuchs.

    Pacheco made the remarkwhen he sought to know howPWD Minister, Churchill Ale-maos daughter Valanka can in-augurate road works in Colvaand Benaulim without even aproper government sanction.

    Buffalo dies in bullfight


    MARGAO, MAY 12

    In shocking incident, an illegalbullfight resulted in the deathof a He Buffalo near Moga Baim,Benaulim, when two buffaloswere just few minutes into afight, in full view of dhirio en-thusiasts.

    This should come as an eyeopener to the men-in-uniformturning a blind eye to the hold-ing of banned dhirios along Sal-cetes coastal belt.

    Sources in the know said theowners of the two buffaloes hailfrom Varca and Pedda (Benaulim)respectively. The dead buffalowas found lying at the venue,covered with palm leaves.

    An eye witness told Heraldthat Colva police personnelmade their presence felt at thevenue of the bull fight soon afterthe incident. However, whencontacted, they feigned igno-rance over the bull fight at Be-naulim.

    A police official said theresno report of any bull fight norany death of a buffalo at Be-naulim on Thursday noon.

    This is not the first time thatbull fight has been organizedalong Salcetes coastal belt com-ing within the jurisdiction ofColva police station. A weekago, Colva police rushed toVarca, but reached the venueonly after the bull fight endedand the crowd dispersed fromthe venue.

    GSPCB chief denies wrong doing in illegal mining

    HERALD REPORTERPANJIM, MAY 12Chairman of Goa State Pollu-

    tion Control Board, (GSPCB) hasdenied that he or the board hasdone any illegality in a case ofillegal bauxite mining in whichsenior NCP leader Jitendra Desh-prabhu as well as senior bureau-crats have been booked.

    Cr ime Branch, Tuesday,booked NCP national secretaryJitendra Deshprabhu, DirectorMines and Geology ArvindLolienkar and Chief Conservatorof Forests Shashi Kumar for de-frauding the state exchequer ofRs 50 crore by allowing the ille-gal mining of bauxite.

    The complaint had also men-tioned that Chairman of theGSPCB was also party to allow-ing the illegal mine. The GSPCBhas not committed any wrong.Infact we had not given themany permissions to carry outmining, Dr Simon N de Souzatold Herald.

    According to documents fur-nished by Dr de Souza, theboard had issued directions tothe mine owners to stop themine on December 17, 2010.The directions were issuedunder section 33A of the water(prevention of pollution) Act andsection 31 A of Air (preventionof pollution) Act.

    Subsequently a site inspec-tion conducted on February 4

    showed that there was activitythere. On February 24, we issuedagain directions this time basedon our own inspection reportto stop the mine because of noconsent under the Air and WaterAct, Dr de Souza said.

    The company JRD Mines andMinerals then sought permis-sion from the board to set up abeneficiation plant, which wasdenied by the board on groundsthat they did not possess anNOC from the local village pan-chayat.

    We sent a letter to themdated April 12, 2011 saying wecannot process their application.We are yet to process any oftheir applications, Dr de Souzasaid buttressing his claim thatthe board has done no wrong.

    Police were forced to file anFIR on the directions of a localcourt following a complaint byright to information (RTI) ac-t iv ists Pradeep Kakodkar,Kashinath Shetye and KetanGovekar.

    The mine concerned is lo-cated at survey number 299/0at Bhaidvaddo in Corgao villageof Pernem taluka.

    Deshprabhu has already beenfined Rs.1.72 crore by the statemining department for illegallyextracting nearly 50,000 tonnesof bauxite from an open castmine, located in his property atKorgao village in Pernem.

    Chargespolitically motivated:


    PANJIM, MAY 12

    Nationalist Congress Party (NCP)leader Jitendra Deshprabhu, onThursday, claimed that illegalmining allegations against himwere due to his announcementto contest Assembly electionsfrom Porvorim constituency andthat mud excavated in his propertywas for a mango plantation.

    Charges against me are po-litically motivated, he said. As-serting that he has never beeninvolved in illegal mining Desh-prabhu said that mud extractedis for planting thousands of Al-fonso mango trees.

    It may be recalled that CrimeBranch has registered First In-formation Report (FIR) againstDeshprabhu, Mines and GeologyDirector, Director Transport,Chief Conservator of Forest andother officials for illegal miningactivity at his property in Korgaovillage in Pernem taluka.

    The FIR was filed after PernemJMFC directed state police to registera case against Deshprabhu and otherofficials for their involvement inillegal mining.




    Burglars broke into a house atColvale and decamped withgoods and cash, all worth Rs30,000.

    In his complaint, Clyde D'-Souza told Mapusa Police sta-tion that the burglars enteredhis house by removing the rooftiles and decamped with cash,a mobile and camera.

    Mapusa police has registereda case of theft.

    MANgALSuTRA SNATCHED:Robbers snatched the MangalSutra of a pedestr ian nearG u i r i m o n We d n e s d a yevening.

    In her complaint, AmritaKerkar from Sangolda told Ma-pusa police that she was walkingalongside the road when someunknown person came on a mo-torcycle and snatched her Man-galsutra worth about Rs 40,000and fled.

    Anti-corruption activists arrive to rousing welcome HERALD REPORTER

    VASCO, MAY 12

    Overwhelmed by the enthusi-asm of Goans in the 'IndiaAgainst Corruption' campaign,Arvind Kejriwal and Swami Ag-nivesh said they needed the sup-port from people of Goa to fightagainst corruption.

    Arvind Kejriwal and SwamiAgnivesh, activists of the civilsociety in the joint drafting com-mittee for the Jan Lokpal, onThursday received a rousing wel-come, as a large number of peo-p le ho ld ing banners andsporting 'India Against Corrup-tion' badges welcomed them atthe Dabolim airport.

    "We need the support frompeople of Goa cutting acrosscaste, creed and party lines to fightagainst corruption," said Arvind Ke-jriwal, while addressing a press con-ference on his arrival.

    Swami Agnivesh said theywere surprised that "in a smallstate like Goa, there is so muchenthusiasm to fight against cor-ruption." "This is a good signand we need continuous sup-port as there many challengesahead," he said.

    'India Against Corruption' activists Arvind Khejriwal and Swami Ag-nivesh at Dabolim airport on Friday. Photo by M Prabhav

    As part of this campaign, apublic meeting will be addressedby Anna Hazare, Arvind Kejriwal,Swami Agnivesh, Kiran Bedi,Manish Shisodia and others atAzad Maidan in Panjim on Fridayat 5 pm.

    Arvind Kejriwal and SwamiAgnivesh will address a publicmeeting at Ravindra Bhavan,Margao and later in the after-

    noon, they along with activistsof Art of Living will visit the Sec-retariat to affix badges 'I amAgainst Corruption. Area You?'.

    Former IPS officer Kiran Bediwill address a public meetingand an interactive session atShantoshi Maata Temple Hall,New Vaddem, Vasco at 3 pm andwill later proceed to Panjim toaddress the public meeting.

    India needs thousands of Hazares, Ramdevs: Arvind


    VASCO, MAY 12

    India needs hundreds andthousands of Anna Hazaresand Baba Ramdevs to fightagainst widespread corrup-tion, stated Jan Lokpal CivilSociety Panel member ArvindKejriwal.

    Addressing a press conferenceat Chicalim, Kerjiwal affirmedthat they would not be a conflictof interest regarding BabaRamdev's recent plans to go ona Satyagraha (fast) to bring backblack money and other seriesof demands.

    "Corruption so widespread inthe country that we need hun-

    dreds and thousands of AnnaHazares and Baba Ramdevs tofight against corruption and assuch, there is no conflict any-where," said Kerjiwal.

    "We are concentrating com-pletely on the Jan Lokpal billand the Swami has serious de-mands before the government.We completely support hismovement."

    "Baba Ramdev is an inte-gral part of this campaignand he is a leading voiceagainst corruption since thelast many years," Kerjiwaladded.

    Urging people and mediato play a constructive role,

    Kerjiwal said a negative cam-paign had started againsteach and every member ofthe civil society panel of theJan Lokpal.

    "Malicious campaigns werelaunched against members ofJan lokpal and people of Indiashould not fall prey to such cam-paigns. I f people have anydoubts , they are f ree toask questions and correctus i f we go wrong," sa idKerj iwal .

    He said that they have kept adeadline of June 31 to draft thebill, which would be introducedin the monsoon session of par-liament.

    Cops accused of tardinessin suicide case


    PANJIM, MAY 12

    Family of Reshma Korgaokar,who allegedly committed sui-cide on November 23 last year,has expressed their ire at theslow pace of the police investi-gation.

    The family, which includesher sister and parents, have re-fused to believe that she com-mitted suicide but have stoppedshort of saying that they blameher in-laws for her death.

    Addressing a press confer-ence, Nilima Amerkar, her sisterhas accused police of dilly-dal-lying with the case and makingthem run from pillar to post insearch for justice.

    We have been left in thedark. She committed suicide onNovember 23, and the Sub Di-visional Magistrate completedhis investigation (as is manda-tory if a girl commits suicidewithin seven years of marriage)and submitted his report basedon which her in-laws were ar-rested and released on bail; but

    since then nothing has hap-pened, Amerkar said.

    Reshma Korgaokar, who livedin Pilerne, but married in Saligaoin 2004 was found hanging fromthe roof of her house with a du-patta.

    There also was a suicide noteon the scene. However the post-mortem report revealed severalinjuries on her limbs and reportof the SDM too implicated herhusband Sagar Korgaokar,mother-in-law Chandravati Ko-rgaokar and father-in-law Chan-drakant based on which thepolice had arrested the three.

    They were however releasedon bail. When asked whethershe believed her sister was mur-dered, Amerkar said: We dontknow anything. All we want is afinal answer and for that the po-lice need to investigate thecase.

    The family now alleges thatthe police are making themdance from pillar to post to as-certain what the status of theircase.

    96-yr-old diesin mishap


    MARGAO, MAY 12

    A 96-year old pedestrian died in aroad accident at Majorda on Thurs-day, when he was knocked downby a two-wheeler.

    Colva PSI Tukaram Chawansaid the deceased RedenttoPereira, a resident of Majordawas trying to cross the roadwhen he was knocked down.He was declared at Hospiciohospital. The police arrested therider Swapnil Sapekar (24) andlater released him on bail.

    2 held by Porvorim



    Porvorim police has arrestedAnupama Savoiker and PravitaNaik of Quitla in Salvador-do-Mundo on charges of assaultingNarendra Chatim.

    Chatim had filed a police com-plaint stating that Savoiker andNaik abused and assaulted himwith a wooden stick on Thurs-day morning, when he wasproceeding to his propertyin Quitla.

    Acting on the complaint, po-lice arrested the two accusedunder Sections 143, 147, 148,342, 504 and 323 of Indian Penalcode. They were later releasedon bail by the Judicial MagistrateFirst class.

    In a counter police complaint,Savoiker claimed that Chatimhad set fire to her wooden hut.Porvorim PSI Sagun Sawant isinvestigating this case.



    Mapusa police arrested 3 personson charges of assaulting a man atColvale.According to reports, Prakash

    Gaonkar was travelling in his car,when he was stopped by three per-sons, Mandar Paresekar, PrakashSinari and Vishal Warkhandkar, whowere traveling in Sumo. The accusedallegedly pulled him out of car and as-saulted him, says the complaint.




    Penha-da-Franca Panch UmeshPhadte was assaulted by an un-known person outside his resi-dence at Housing Board colonyat Porvorim on Thursday night.

    According to reports, a manalighted from a car and assaultedPhadte, while he was enteringhis residence.

    The panch sustained frac-tures on his hand and wasshifted to the GMC hospitalat Bambolim.

    Though Porvorim police wereinformed about this incidentthey did not lodge the com-plaint.

    "If the complaint is notregistered within 48 hours,residents of Porvorim willtake a morcha to the policestation," warned social ac-tivist Sunil Kavthanker.

    Pregnantwoman hurt inmishap



    Six persons, including a preg-nant woman, were injured whenan inter-state truck rammed intoa tea stall at the Karaswada junc-tion in Mapusa late Thursdayevening.

    According to reports, thetruck (MH-12-SZ-5853) was pro-ceeding towards Pernem, whenthe truck rammed into a teastall.

    The driver fled from thesite and an irate mob laterdamaged the truck and de-flated the tyres.

    The injured persons wereshifted to the GMC hospitalfor further treatment, wherethe pregnant woman is re-ported to be in a seriouscondition.

    Mapusa police is investigatingthe case.

    A major fire that gutted an office-cum-godown at Station road Margao on Thursday night. Photo by Santosh Mirajkar.



    Pg2GOA, FRIDAY, 13 MAY, 2011

    Attack on anti-mining activist flayed HERALD CORRESPONDENT

    QUEPEM, MAY 12

    Political leaders, activist and so-cial workers have strongly con-demned the cowardly attack onanti-mining activist NileshGaonkar at Verna on Thursdaymorning.

    Leaders agitating against min-ing activities at Cavrem-Quepemhave threatened to intensifytheir agitation.

    Expressing shock over the at-tack, Quepem Taluka Mining Af-fected Peoples Front ConvenorAdv. Fredrick Pereira describedthe incident as "the handiworkof goons of mining companiesoperating at Cavrem and Maina."

    "Terrorist tactics adopted bymining companies with politicalblessings will not slow downthe anti-mining agitation, whichhas gained momentum inQuepem," warned Pereira.

    Adv. Suhas Velip of Cavrem,who is part of the Cavrem Adi-vasi Bachav Samiti, stated thatthe attack on Gaonkar exposedthe "coward act" of mining com-pany. "Our movement is withinthe law and since we are on thewinning track, mining compa-nies are out to terrorise vil-lagers," said Velip.

    "The attack on a tribal leaderlike Gaonkar is nothing but frus-trated attempts by mining com-panies and their agents. Fromnow onward, our momentumwill be more forceful," he added.

    Margao Reporter adds: BJPMLAs Damu Naik and RameshTawadkar visited Hospicio hos-pital on Thursday evening andcondemned the cowardly attackon the anti-mining activist NileshGaonkar at the Verna IndustrialEstate.

    MLA Ramesh Tawadkar said

    members of United Tribal Al-liance Association will call onthe deputy Collector, Quepemand submit a memorandum de-manding justice for the citizensof Cavrem fighting against min-ing and ore transportation.UTAA will take up the matterwith deputy Collector and de-mand justice for agitating vil-lagers of Cavrem. We will extendall our support to agitating peo-ple, Tawadkar said, while con-demning the attack on theactivist.

    Fatorda MLA Damu Naik saidthe attack on Nilesh Gaonkarexposes the government on thelaw and order front and showsthat the common man feels in-

    sure in the state.He said the government

    should initiate prompt action inthe matter, while demandingjustice for the people of Cavremagitating against the mining ac-tivity.

    Social activist Judith Almeidasaid the incident should comeas a wake up call for the youthof Goa. The attack on Gaonkarshould awaken the youth of Goa.This is your wake up call. If youdont seek justice, you wouldhave no say in the future. Thisis the message that goes to allthe youth over the attack onGaonkar, she said.

    Condemning the incident,Goenchea Rakhandarancho

    Ekvott said the attack on theactivist shows how far the min-ing mafia would go in order tosilence people fighting to pro-tect the state from destruction.GRA activist Jose Maria Mirandasaid justice should be metedout to Gaonkar and warned thatthe people of Goa would nottake things lying down or coweddown by such cowardly act.

    Spokesman of GoencheaRakhandarancho Avaz JohnPhilip Pereira warned the mininglobby not to use goondagiri tosilence the activity and disclosedplans to take up the humanrights commission. The gov-ernment should listen to thevoice of the people fightingagainst mining. This is not Bihar.The people of Goa will not tol-erate goondagiri, he said, whilesending a strong message to themining lobby.

    nThe government should listen to the voice ofthe people fighting against mining. This is notBihar. The people of Goa will not tolerategoondagiri. --John Philip Pereira


    MARGAO, MAY 12

    Goa Coastal Zone ManagementAuthority on Thursday directedProject Director of Rural Devel-opment Agency, South, to haltall type of construction and re-lated works on the retainingwall on the banks of a rivulet, atributary of River Sal at Don-gorim-Navelim.

    In his order, GCZMA MemberSecretary Michael DSouza di-rected RDA to halt work till suchtime that Coastal Zone Manage-ment Authority investigates andpasses appropriate orders in thematter.

    DSouza maintained that theAuthority is in the process ofexamining the matter regardingapplicability of CRZ notification,2011 at the site of constructionof the retaining wall. RDA Proj-

    ect Director has been furtherdirected to submit a detailedaction by Friday.

    The order has further directedthe deputy Collector, Margao totake needful action to stop workat the site and conduct a sum-mary inquiry into the matter

    The GCZMA directions comesagainst the backdrop of a com-plaint received from EdwardLima, a resident of Dongorim,Navelim and other petitionersreferring to alleged illegal con-struction of a retaining wall bythe RDA, South.

    They pointed out that theHigh Court had directed theGCZMA to examine the griev-ance of the petitioners that theconstruction work may bestopped or halted till such timeas it is examining the griev-ances and passing of requi-site orders.

    Incidentally, the high courthad granted a stay on the con-struction of a Temple in the samearea and had directed the Authorityto examine the grievance of the pe-titioners regarding alleged violationof CRZ notification.

    GCZMA orders stop to works on retaining wall

    nThe GCZMAdirections comesagainst the backdropof a complaintreceived from EdwardLima, a resident ofDongorim, Navelimand others referring toalleged illegalconstruction of aretaining wall by theRDA, South.

    Mickky warns against second-time opening of Majorda road under bridge

    Flanked by the sarpanchas of Majorda and Betalbatim, Benaulim MLA Mickky Pacheco briefs the mediaon Fridays road under bridge inauguration at Majorda. Photo by Santosh Mirajkar


    MARGAO, MAY 12

    Majorda road under bridge, in-auguration of which has beenscheduled on Friday evening,may be the scene of confronta-tion between Chief Minister,Digambar Kamat and some cab-inet colleagues and BenaulimMLA Mickky Pacheco as the bat-tle lines appear to be clearlydrawn.

    Benaulim MLA has warned ofa law and order situation at Ma-jorda if Chief Minister, DigambarKamat inaugurates the bridgein the presence of PWD Minister,Churchill Alemao, Urban Devel-opment Minister, Joaquim Ale-mao, Power Minister, AlexioSequeira and Cortalim MLAMauvin Godinho.

    The people of Majorda willnot tolerate any insult to thePriest who has already blessedand inaugurated bridge. If 1000people come and stops the in-auguration, the governmentwould be solely responsible forany untoward incident, Pachecowarned.

    Saying that the road underbridge in question was thrownopen for traffic and pedestriansafter being blessed by Fr Mart-inho Gomes on April 27 in thepresence of Majorda Sarpanch,ZP members and locals, Pachecohas demanded to know why thegovernment is hell bent on in-

    augurating the bridge onceagain.

    The people of Majorda willnot tolerate any insult to thePriest, who had already blessedthe bridge in question. The Con-gress government appears morecommunal than the BJP. Theyare dividing the village. Theydont know to respect religiousleaders, he asserted.

    Pacheco also demanded toknow what Power Minister, AlexSequeira, Urban DevelopmentMinister Joaquim Alemao andCortalim MLA Mauvin Godinhohave to do with the bridge inMajorda. What has Mauvin,Joaquim and Alexio got to dowith the bridge inauguration.I fail to understand how the

    road under bridge is linked withJoaquim, Alexio and Joaquim. Isthe road under bridge a Con-gress bridge. I had initiated theproject with the tax payersmoney, he said, and assertedtheres no need for a second in-auguration of the bridge.

    Incidentally, Pacheco had in-augurated the road under bridgeon April 27 in the presence ofMajorda Sarpanch and ZP mem-bers, while Fr Martinho Gomeshad blessed the project.

    Majorda Sarpanch VisitationDSilva and ZP member Nelly Ro-drigues also took strong excep-t ion to the government sdecision to inaugurate thebridge when it was alreadyblessed by the Priest.

    Govt run by eunuchs


    MARGAO, MAY 12

    Continuing his tirade on theDigambar Kamat government,former Tourism Minister, MickkyPacheco has allegedly claimedthat the present governmentin Goa is being run by eu-nuchs.

    Pacheco made the remarkwhen he sought to know howPWD Minister, Churchill Ale-maos daughter Valanka can in-augurate road works in Colvaand Benaulim without even aproper government sanction.

    Buffalo dies in bullfight


    MARGAO, MAY 12

    In shocking incident, an illegalbullfight resulted in the deathof a He Buffalo near Moga Baim,Benaulim, when two buffaloswere just few minutes into afight, in full view of dhirio en-thusiasts.

    This should come as an eyeopener to the men-in-uniformturning a blind eye to the hold-ing of banned dhirios along Sal-cetes coastal belt.

    Sources in the know said theowners of the two buffaloes hailfrom Varca and Pedda (Benaulim)respectively. The dead buffalowas found lying at the venue,covered with palm leaves.

    An eye witness told Heraldthat Colva police personnelmade their presence felt at thevenue of the bull fight soon afterthe incident. However, whencontacted, they feigned igno-rance over the bull fight at Be-naulim.

    A police official said theresno report of any bull fight norany death of a buffalo at Be-naulim on Thursday noon.

    This is not the first time thatbull fight has been organizedalong Salcetes coastal belt com-ing within the jurisdiction ofColva police station. A weekago, Colva police rushed toVarca, but reached the venueonly after the bull fight endedand the crowd dispersed fromthe venue.

    GSPCB chief denies wrong doing in illegal mining

    HERALD REPORTERPANJIM, MAY 12Chairman of Goa State Pollu-

    tion Control Board, (GSPCB) hasdenied that he or the board hasdone any illegality in a case ofillegal bauxite mining in whichsenior NCP leader Jitendra Desh-prabhu as well as senior bureau-crats have been booked.

    Cr ime Branch, Tuesday,booked NCP national secretaryJitendra Deshprabhu, DirectorMines and Geology ArvindLolienkar and Chief Conservatorof Forests Shashi Kumar for de-frauding the state exchequer ofRs 50 crore by allowing the ille-gal mining of bauxite.

    The complaint had also men-tioned that Chairman of theGSPCB was also party to allow-ing the illegal mine. The GSPCBhas not committed any wrong.Infact we had not given themany permissions to carry outmining, Dr Simon N de Souzatold Herald.

    According to documents fur-nished by Dr de Souza, theboard had issued directions tothe mine owners to stop themine on December 17, 2010.The directions were issuedunder section 33A of the water(prevention of pollution) Act andsection 31 A of Air (preventionof pollution) Act.

    Subsequently a site inspec-tion conducted on February 4

    showed that there was activitythere. On February 24, we issuedagain directions this time basedon our own inspection reportto stop the mine because of noconsent under the Air and WaterAct, Dr de Souza said.

    The company JRD Mines andMinerals then sought permis-sion from the board to set up abeneficiation plant, which wasdenied by the board on groundsthat they did not possess anNOC from the local village pan-chayat.

    We sent a letter to themdated April 12, 2011 saying wecannot process their application.We are yet to process any oftheir applications, Dr de Souzasaid buttressing his claim thatthe board has done no wrong.

    Police were forced to file anFIR on the directions of a localcourt following a complaint byright to information (RTI) ac-t iv ists Pradeep Kakodkar,Kashinath Shetye and KetanGovekar.

    The mine concerned is lo-cated at survey number 299/0at Bhaidvaddo in Corgao villageof Pernem taluka.

    Deshprabhu has already beenfined Rs.1.72 crore by the statemining department for illegallyextracting nearly 50,000 tonnesof bauxite from an open castmine, located in his property atKorgao village in Pernem.

    Chargespolitically motivated:


    PANJIM, MAY 12

    Nationalist Congress Party (NCP)leader Jitendra Deshprabhu, onThursday, claimed that illegalmining allegations against himwere due to his announcementto contest Assembly electionsfrom Porvorim constituency andthat mud excavated in his propertywas for a mango plantation.

    Charges against me are po-litically motivated, he said. As-serting that he has never beeninvolved in illegal mining Desh-prabhu said that mud extractedis for planting thousands of Al-fonso mango trees.

    It may be recalled that CrimeBranch has registered First In-formation Report (FIR) againstDeshprabhu, Mines and GeologyDirector, Director Transport,Chief Conservator of Forest andother officials for illegal miningactivity at his property in Korgaovillage in Pernem taluka.

    The FIR was filed after PernemJMFC directed state police to registera case against Deshprabhu and otherofficials for their involvement inillegal mining.

    Will Shirpads entry into State politics help BJP?


    PANJIM, MAY 12

    Will the return of North Goa MPShirpad Naik to state politicsalter the fortunes of the BJP inthe State? Naik declared thathe would contest the next as-sembly elections from new con-stituency of Porvorim.

    Naik who has been more ac-tive at national level for last fewyears has secured consent fromBJP national leaders to contestassembly election.

    Yes, I have a got green signalfrom higher-up to contest fromPorvorim constituency, toldNorth Goa BJP MP when con-tacted on phone.

    The BJP MP represented Mar-caim constituency in 1994 when

    BJP entered Goa Assemblywith four seats. However, helost in the next assembly elec-

    tion and joined national pol-itics.

    He returned to State politicsin 2002 and took on the toughtask of contesting against cur-rent Home Minister Ravi Naikfrom Ponda constituency butlost.

    But why does he desire to re-turn to State politics yet again.My well wishers and workers

    wants me here and have gotsupport from senior leadersfrom the party,? he claimed,when asked about his return toGoa politics.

    So will the re-entry of Naikin State politic prove beneficialto BJP which has been losingground since 2005? It has notbeen able to resurrect its polit-ical fortune since 2005 whenthe BJP led government wassacked by then governor S CJamir.

    In 2007, the BJP was unsuc-cessful under the leadership ofOpposition leader, Manohar Par-rikar to defeat the Congress andallies, and had to spend time inOpposition over last severalyears.

    BJP desperately needs to sur-vive and keep its flock togetherin the state.




    Burglars broke into a house atColvale and decamped withgoods and cash, all worth Rs30,000.

    In his complaint, Clyde D'-Souza told Mapusa Police sta-tion that the burglars enteredhis house by removing the rooftiles and decamped with cash,a mobile and camera.

    Mapusa police has registereda case of theft.

    MANgALSuTRA SNATCHED:Robbers snatched the MangalSutra of a pedestr ian nearG u i r i m o n We d n e s d a yevening.

    In her complaint, AmritaKerkar from Sangolda told Ma-pusa police that she was walkingalongside the road when someunknown person came on a mo-torcycle and snatched her Man-galsutra worth about Rs 40,000and fled.

    Anti-corruption activists arrive to rousing welcome HERALD REPORTER

    VASCO, MAY 12

    Overwhelmed by the enthusi-asm of Goans in the 'IndiaAgainst Corruption' campaign,Arvind Kejriwal and Swami Ag-nivesh said they needed the sup-port from people of Goa to fightagainst corruption.

    Arvind Kejriwal and SwamiAgnivesh, activists of the civilsociety in the joint drafting com-mittee for the Jan Lokpal, onThursday received a rousing wel-come, as a large number of peo-p le ho ld ing banners andsporting 'India Against Corrup-tion' badges welcomed them atthe Dabolim airport.

    "We need the support frompeople of Goa cutting acrosscaste, creed and party lines to fightagainst corruption," said Arvind Ke-jriwal, while addressing a press con-ference on his arrival.

    Swami Agnivesh said theywere surprised that "in a smallstate like Goa, there is so muchenthusiasm to fight against cor-ruption." "This is a good signand we need continuous sup-port as there many challengesahead," he said.

    'India Against Corruption' activists Arvind Khejriwal and Swami Ag-nivesh at Dabolim airport on Friday. Photo by M Prabhav

    As part of this campaign, apublic meeting will be addressedby Anna Hazare, Arvind Kejriwal,Swami Agnivesh, Kiran Bedi,Manish Shisodia and others atAzad Maidan in Panjim on Fridayat 5 pm.

    Arvind Kejriwal and SwamiAgnivesh will address a publicmeeting at Ravindra Bhavan,Margao and later in the after-

    noon, they along with activistsof Art of Living will visit the Sec-retariat to affix badges 'I amAgainst Corruption. Area You?'.

    Former IPS officer Kiran Bediwill address a public meetingand an interactive session atShantoshi Maata Temple Hall,New Vaddem, Vasco at 3 pm andwill later proceed to Panjim toaddress the public meeting.

    India needs thousands of Hazares, Ramdevs: Arvind


    VASCO, MAY 12

    India needs hundreds andthousands of Anna Hazaresand Baba Ramdevs to fightagainst widespread corrup-tion, stated Jan Lokpal CivilSociety Panel member ArvindKejriwal.

    Addressing a press conferenceat Chicalim, Kerjiwal affirmedthat they would not be a conflictof interest regarding BabaRamdev's recent plans to go ona Satyagraha (fast) to bring backblack money and other seriesof demands.

    "Corruption so widespread inthe country that we need hun-

    dreds and thousands of AnnaHazares and Baba Ramdevs tofight against corruption and assuch, there is no conflict any-where," said Kerjiwal.

    "We are concentrating com-pletely on the Jan Lokpal billand the Swami has serious de-mands before the government.We completely support hismovement."

    "Baba Ramdev is an inte-gral part of this campaignand he is a leading voiceagainst corruption since thelast many years," Kerjiwaladded.

    Urging people and mediato play a constructive role,

    Kerjiwal said a negative cam-paign had started againsteach and every member ofthe civil society panel of theJan Lokpal.

    "Malicious campaigns werelaunched against members ofJan lokpal and people of Indiashould not fall prey to such cam-paigns. I f people have anydoubts , they are f ree toask questions and correctus i f we go wrong," sa idKerj iwal .

    He said that they have kept adeadline of June 31 to draft thebill, which would be introducedin the monsoon session of par-liament.

    Cops accused of tardinessin suicide case


    PANJIM, MAY 12

    Family of Reshma Korgaokar,who allegedly committed sui-cide on November 23 last year,has expressed their ire at theslow pace of the police investi-gation.

    The family, which includesher sister and parents, have re-fused to believe that she com-mitted suicide but have stoppedshort of saying that they blameher in-laws for her death.

    Addressing a press confer-ence, Nilima Amerkar, her sisterhas accused police of dilly-dal-lying with the case and makingthem run from pillar to post insearch for justice.

    We have been left in thedark. She committed suicide onNovember 23, and the Sub Di-visional Magistrate completedhis investigation (as is manda-tory if a girl commits suicidewithin seven years of marriage)and submitted his report basedon which her in-laws were ar-rested and released on bail; but

    since then nothing has hap-pened, Amerkar said.

    Reshma Korgaokar, who livedin Pilerne, but married in Saligaoin 2004 was found hanging fromthe roof of her house with a du-patta.

    There also was a suicide noteon the scene. However the post-mortem report revealed severalinjuries on her limbs and reportof the SDM too implicated herhusband Sagar Korgaokar,mother-in-law Chandravati Ko-rgaokar and father-in-law Chan-drakant based on which thepolice had arrested the three.

    They were however releasedon bail. When asked whethershe believed her sister was mur-dered, Amerkar said: We dontknow anything. All we want is afinal answer and for that the po-lice need to investigate thecase.

    The family now alleges thatthe police are making themdance from pillar to post to as-certain what the status of theircase.

    96-yr-old diesin mishap


    MARGAO, MAY 12

    A 96-year old pedestrian died in aroad accident at Majorda on Thurs-day, when he was knocked downby a two-wheeler.

    Colva PSI Tukaram Chawansaid the deceased RedenttoPereira, a resident of Majordawas trying to cross the roadwhen he was knocked down.He was declared at Hospiciohospital. The police arrested therider Swapnil Sapekar (24) andlater released him on bail.

    2 held by Porvorim



    Porvorim police has arrestedAnupama Savoiker and PravitaNaik of Quitla in Salvador-do-Mundo on charges of assaultingNarendra Chatim.

    Chatim had filed a police com-plaint stating that Savoiker andNaik abused and assaulted himwith a wooden stick on Thurs-day morning, when he wasproceeding to his propertyin Quitla.

    Acting on the complaint, po-lice arrested the two accusedunder Sections 143, 147, 148,342, 504 and 323 of Indian Penalcode. They were later releasedon bail by the Judicial MagistrateFirst class.

    In a counter police complaint,Savoiker claimed that Chatimhad set fire to her wooden hut.Porvorim PSI Sagun Sawant isinvestigating this case.



    Mapusa police arrested 3 personson charges of assaulting a man atColvale.According to reports, Prakash

    Gaonkar was travelling in his car,when he was stopped by three per-sons, Mandar Paresekar, PrakashSinari and Vishal Warkhandkar, whowere traveling in Sumo. The accusedallegedly pulled him out of car and as-saulted him, says the complaint.




    Penha-da-Franca Panch UmeshPhadte was assaulted by an un-known person outside his resi-dence at Housing Board colonyat Porvorim on Thursday night.

    According to reports, a manalighted from a car and assaultedPhadte, while he was enteringhis residence.

    The panch sustained frac-tures on his hand and wasshifted to the GMC hospitalat Bambolim.

    Though Porvorim police wereinformed about this incidentthey did not lodge the com-plaint.

    "If the complaint is notregistered within 48 hours,residents of Porvorim willtake a morcha to the policestation," warned social ac-tivist Sunil Kavthanker.

    Pregnantwoman hurt inmishap



    Six persons, including a preg-nant woman, were injured whenan inter-state truck rammed intoa tea stall at the Karaswada junc-tion in Mapusa late Thursdayevening.

    According to reports, thetruck (MH-12-SZ-5853) was pro-ceeding towards Pernem, whenthe truck rammed into a teastall.

    The driver fled from thesite and an irate mob laterdamaged the truck and de-flated the tyres.

    The injured persons wereshifted to the GMC hospitalfor further treatment, wherethe pregnant woman is re-ported to be in a seriouscondition.

    Mapusa police is investigatingthe case.



    GOA, FRIDAY, 13 MAY, 2011


    ddeeZZ..;;ssookkff//kkddkkjjLLrrss eekk QQyyss""kkqq ddnnkkppuu AAeekk ddeeZZQQyyggssrrqqjj~~ HHkkwwjj~~ eekk rrss llMM~~xxkkss LLRRoo~~ vvddeeZZff..kk AAAA4477AAAA

    AA JJhh eenn~~HHkkxxoonn~~xxhhrrkk ff}}rrhh;;kkss //;;kk;;%% AAAA

    YYoouu hhaavvee aa rriigghhtt ttoo ppeerrffoorrmm yyoouurr dduuttyy aalloonnee,,bbuutt nnoo ccoonnttrrooll oovveerr tthhee rreessuullttss..

    TThhee ffrruuiittss ooff wwoorrkk sshhoouulldd nnoott bbee yyoouurr mmoottiivvee..YYoouu sshhoouulldd nneevveerr bbee iinnaaccttiivvee..

    -- BBhhaaggaavvaadd GGiittaa

    OOnn tthhee 9955tthh BBiirrtthh AAnnnniivveerrssaarryy ooff oouurr FFoouunnddeerr CChhaaiirrmmaann,,wwee rreeddeeddiiccaattee oouurrsseellvveess ttoo hhiiss vvaalluueess aanndd hhiiss vviissiioonn

    aanndd ppaayy oouurr mmoosstt hhuummbbllee ttrriibbuuttee ttoo hhiimm..

    Crucial meet on medium today HERALD REPORTER

    PANJIM, MAY 12

    As a curtain raiser to the May18, Delhi meeting, Chief Minis-ter Digambar Kamat has calledfor a state level meeting ofstakeholders on Friday to dis-cuss the medium of instruction(MoI) , implementation of nodetention circular and Right toEducation Act issues.

    State Education MinisterBabush Monserrate said thatChief Minister has scheduled ameeting this Friday, wherein theissue of RTE along with MOI willbe deliberated.

    The stakeholders whowould part ic ipate at the

    Delhi meeting, will also at-t end tomor row s meet , Monserrate informed.

    The issue of MOI in the state,which has divided the Congressparty, will be discussed in Delhion May 18 with the unionHuman Resources DevelopmentMinister Kapil Sibal.

    Chief Minister Digambar

    Kamat, along with other Con-gress office-bearers will be pres-ent at the meeting.

    The state government wasfound itself on the back footafter its own legislators werefound lobbying for English asMOI.

    Contrarily, Monserrate, in therecently concluded Budget Ses-

    sion, had said that primary ed-ucation in Goa will continue tobe in mother tongue.

    Interestingly, the rules framedunder RTE Act, 2009 for Goahave elucidated that Marathi/Konkani would be used as MoIin all schools.

    Monserratte said that stateeducation department is firmon implementing RTE Goa andschools would have to imple-ment the no detention circularfrom academic year 2010-11.

    No school can give excuseand not implement the circular.There is no possibility of revok-ing the circular, the ministerconcluded firmly.

    nThe state government was found itself on theback foot after its own legislators were foundlobbying for English as MOI. Contrarily,Monserrate, in the recently concluded BudgetSession, had said that primary education in Goawill continue to be in mother tongue.



    PANJIM, MAY 12

    While it should have been theobsession of ministers, legisla-tors and politicians to brushtheir grey cells to hammer outa solution to the Medium of In-struction imbroglio, seniorpoliticians are scoring browniepoints on the issue, crossingswords and degrees of sanity.

    The slinging match betweenformer chief minister Dr Wilfredde DSouza and PWD ChurchillAlemao after citing historicalnarrative on the issue on whodid not give grants to English

    have now got personal, thussidetracking the issue. After Ale-mao allegedly called Wily se-nile and suggested he shouldquit politics. the latter has re-torted, What right has he gotto call me senile? How manyclasses has he studied?

    Wily stated, At least, I havestudied medicine, indicatingthat PWD Minister has no rightwhatsoever to call him a senile.

    The Prime Minister Dr Man-mohan Singh and senior BJPLeader Advani have crossed 80years of age, so should theyquit politics, asked Dr Souza

    seeking explanation from Ale-mao.

    Though both are on the sameside of the issue and supportgrants to English medium pri-mary schools, the clash startedwhen Willy told media that inJuly 1990, when the MoI issuecame to be debated in Goa As-sembly, Alemao had supportedthen Educat ion MinisterShashikala Kakodkar on MoIissue. The government then haddecided that only Konkani andMarath i medium pr imar yschools will get grants.

    Willy who was then Opposi-

    tion Leader had pitched infavour of English medium pri-mary schools. He had then de-bated in the House that therecould not be discrimination ingiving to schools on basis ofmedium of instruction espe-cially when Constitution of Indiaand Official Language Act per-mit the use of English.

    In a recent press conferenceWilly pointed out that Alemaowho has now been fighting forgrants for English medium pri-mary schools had 21 years agop i t ched fo r Konkan i andMarathi.

    Degrees of sanity, senility and statesmanship

    Mining firms agree to restrict 600 trips per day on two routes


    PANJIM, MAY 12

    Mining companies agreed torestrict their operations oncrucia l Kapsem- Cauvrem-Maina and Columb-Rivon-Kapse route to only 600 tripsper day, per route, at a highlevel meet ing chaired byChief Minister DuigambarKamat, on Thursday.

    Around 13 mining companiesoperating trucks along this sec-tor agreed to this move to reg-ulate traffic at the meetingattended by Chief Secretary, Di-rector Mines and Geology, sec-retary transport and secretarymines.

    The restrictions would be im-plemented on a trial basis fromMonday on both routes.

    Talking to Herald, TransportDirector Arun Desai said thatcompanies have to give writtenstatement saying they haveagreed to the government rec-ommendations.

    Desai said authorities feltthat if cap is put on numbersof trips, uncontrolled mining

    truck movement would berest r i c ted in the reg ion,which have been hauntinglocals there.

    The mining firms and govern-ment is battling the issue of fre-quent public agitations againstmining trucks which has nowresulted in total stoppage oftruck movement.

    Tightening its nose around

    illegal and excessive movementof mining trucks, state Minesand Geology department hasforwarded to government seriesof measures, for its final ap-proval, as detailed by Heraldearlier such as uni-color fortrucks, display of informationof mining companies and driver,allocating fixed day for plyingtrucks for each mine etc.

    CABS rejects formulaHERALD REPORTER

    PANJIM, MAY 12

    Cauvrem Adivasi Bachao Samiti(CABS) has said that they dis-agree with the formula sug-gested by state government toregulate mining truck traffic intheir village.

    This is not the solution andwe will not withdraw our agita-tion, CABS leader SurendraVelip said.

    He said that their demand isto completely control the trucktraffic, which has devastatedtheir fields.

    There is nothing growinghere. Village is not benefitinganything from mining. Why dowe require mining here, Velipsaid.

    CABS are also disturbed be-cause of assault on their leaderNilesh Gaonkar at Verna onThursday. Velip said that theywill continue agitating againstthe trucks which has wreakedhavoc in their village.

    15 beggars held in Panjim

    CCP workers picked up beggars near Caf Bhosle in the city.


    PANJIM, MAY 12

    Corporation of the City of Panjim(CCP) has finally taken cog-nizance of beggars by initiatinga drive against this nuisance inthe city, along with police de-partment and arrested 15 beg-gars.

    CCP plans to continue its ef-forts to make Panjim beggarfree. Speaking to Herald, MayorYatin Parekh said the drive hasbeen initiated as menace of beg-ging has grown in the city. It isa organized racket and there isa ring leader who operates beg-gars in the city, said Mayor.

    However, he said CCP alonecannot weed out beggars fromstreets of Panjim and withoutcooperation from Police depart-ment.

    Arvind Gawas, SP North hasassured me all co-operation,he added.

    Of late, number of beggars

    in Panjim have suddenly in-creased even though begging isexplicitly prohibited under theAct -- Goa Prevention of Begging

    Act, 1972. All the beggars whowere arrested today howeverwere later released by a localmagistrate.

    Mid-day meal menu revised


    PANJIM, MAY 12

    Education department has de-cided to effect changes in itsmid-day meal scheme from thenext academic year based onfeedback from students.

    Senior education departmentofficials said that due to stu-dents reluctance to eat foodsuch as sheera,since it is toosweet, they have decided to in-struct self help groups to givepau bhaji and pulao instead.

    As per the fresh guidelines,Pulao would be served thrice aweek, Pau bhaji twice a weekand sheera once a week for thetots.

    The mid day meal scheme was

    launched in Goa from 2005-06,providing 1,122 primary schoolstudents with cooked food. Forthe year 2009-10, an additional88,681 students were coveredunder the scheme and 89,588children were covered during2010-11. Around 83 self helpgroups (SHG) have been con-tracted the work to give midday meal to students in govern-ment run primary schools.

    The department has decidedto persist with last years rates,paid to self help groups.

    The scheme had received crit-icism after it was observed thatmid day meals were cooked inunhygienic condition by SHG.The inspection conducted by

    FDA had identified that foodcooked by almost half the SHGare unhygienic.

    Sufficient water at Opa: Official


    MARCEL, MAY 12

    The scorching summer maythreaten to evaporate waterbodies in the State, but the OpaWater Works at Khandepar hassufficient water supply till themonsoons.

    Officials at Opa Water Workstold Herald that there is ade-quate water in the Kale Riverand Khandepar River to with-stand the summer period.

    Opa water works suppliespotable water to Ponda andT i s w a d i a n d p a r t s o fS a n g u e m a n d B i c h o l i mtalukas.

    When contacted, Opa WaterWorks Assistant Engineer SudhirParab said they would not behit by water scarcity.

    " T h e s i t u a t i o n i sfavourable and the water lev-els have been maintained.Water levels normally de-

    crease from January to May,but the 18 Bandharas builtby the Water Resource De-partment in the two rivershas maintained water levels,especially during the sum-mer," said Parab.

    "On average, around 140MLD (million litres per day)is processed and it will con-tinue as there is sufficientwater level of 2.64 metre-mean sea level."

    A view of the Khandepar river. Photo by Amresh Parab

    Parab explained that theKhandepar River, which orig-inates at Dhudhsagar, andKale River, which originatesat Sanguem, are the twomajor sources of fresh waterfor the Opa Water Works.

    The WRD pumps waterfrom the Salulim Dam intothe Kale River which furtherhelps to maintain water lev-els at Opa.

    "There are four treatmentplants, two at Opa and anothertwo at Kurti. Both units operatewith around 150 workmenround the clock."

    "These water filtration unitshave two 5,000 cubic litres, two3000 cubic litres and five 800cubic litres master balancingrese r vo i r s , f ro m w h e r eprocessed water is releasedto househo lds in Ponda ,T i s w a d i a n d p a r t s o fB i c h l o i m a n d S a n g u e mtalukas," said Parab.

    He informed that turbidity isa major problem during rainsas it affects water filtrationprocess.

    "Due to dirty water, filters getclogged and they have to beregularly cleaned and this takesa lot of time. However, watersupply is restored within anhour. Maintenance is a contin-uous process and plant is nevershut down."

    "Of the 12 motors in 4 plants,we shut down each motor sep-arately for maintenance work.It would take at least two tothree days if the whole plant isshut down for maintenance,"Parab added.




    GOA, FRIDAY, 13 MAY, 2011

    Probe Bicholim river desiltationwork, Green urges Dy Collector


    MAYEM, MAY 12

    A Bicholim-based environmen-talist has accused the Water Re-sources Department (WRD) ofimproper desiltation of the Bi-cholim river near the Shan-tadurga High School at Bicholim.

    In a complaint to the NorthGoa deputy collector at Panjim,who is also chairman of disastermanagement team, RameshGawas stated that a major por-tion of the main flooding pointof the river near Shri Shan-tadurga high school Bicholim

    has not been de-silted.This, he said, could lead to

    flooding of the main road nearthe river during the monsoons.

    Gawas has also stated that theWRD has not adopted proper pro-cedures while constructing theconcrete wall on one side of the

    river. He has requested the deputycollector to conduct an inquiryinto the desiltation work.

    Copies of the complaint havebeen forwarded to Minister forWater Resources Filipe Neri Ro-drigues, chief secretary and theforest department.

    Desiltation work of the Bicholim River in progress. Photo by Vishant Vaze

    Musicalevening atGoa Velha


    PANJIM, MAY 12

    Youngsters of Dando will or-ganize a musical evening onMay 14 on the occasion of thefeast of Holy Cross Chapel,Dando, Goa Velha from 7pmonwards.

    The show which is supportedby Tiatr Academy of Goa willhave singers from Goa Velha andsurrounding villages.

    This will be followed by per-formance from one of Goas No1 Orchestra Omcar Melodiesfrom Ponda.



    A 55-year-old native of Bangaloredied in a road mishap when his two-wheeler hit a roadside drainagestone at Agonda on Thursday after-noon.

    According to police sources,V Raj Kumar, who was residingat Khola, was riding down theslope at Karashir-moll (Agonda)on an Activa scooter (GA-09-U-1753) when his two-wheeler hita roadside drainage stone.

    Raj Kumar was thrown off histwo-wheeler onto a nearby Mango

    tree.According to locals, the 108

    ambulance took a long time toreach the site and Kumar waseventually shifted in a privatepick-up to the Canacona Com-munity Health Centre, wheredoctors on duty declared himdead, Canacona police said.

    Sources told Herald thatKumar was working as a man-ager at a private seasonal resortin Saleri-Khola. The body hasbeen sent for an autopsy at theHospicio at Margao and PSI Ter-ron D'Costa is investigating.

    CME programmes PANJIM (HND): The Department of Pathology Goa MedicalCollege in collaboration with the Indian Academy of Cytologistsis organising two CME (Continuing Medical Education ) Pro-grammes .

    The First CME Programme will be held at the Pathology De-partment seminar room on Saturday May 14 at 10.30 am. TheFaculty includes Dr Anjali Amrapurkar, Professor of Pathology,Topiwala Nair National Medical College and B Y Nair CharitableHospital Mumbai Central ,Mumbai; Dr Cherry Shah ,Professorof Pathology, N H Medical College Ahmedabad and Dr ShardaRane, Professor of Pathology, B J Medical College, Pune . Thetopics to be covered include lesions of the liver, gastrointestinaltract and slide seminars.

    The second CME Programme will be held on May 25, at 3 pmin the Pathology Department seminar room and there will bea Clinico Pathologic Conference on neuroblastoma of theadrenal gland . The Faculty includes Dr Vishal Sawant Head ofPediatric Surgery, GMC; Dr Reena Mathews,Resident, GMC Pe-diatrics Department; Dr Vamoshi K ,Resident, GMC RadiologyDepartment; Dr Anuya Bandekar and Dr Vynetta Maria, PostGraduates from GMC Pathology Department.

    The topics to be covered include clinical features, imaging,other investigations, gross, microscopy, treatment, prognosis,follow up and recent advances of neuroblastoma of the adrenalgland. The Goa Medical Council has given CME accreditationto both the CMEs and they are open to doctors. Both CMEs arecoordinated and chaired by Dr R G Wiseman Pinto

    Family Day at Caculo MallPANJIM (HND): Caculo Mall,Panjim will celebrate InternationalFamily Day on May 15.

    The extravaganza will have a makeover for women by inter-national brand NYX, play and learn workshops for children atWestside, pleasurable evenings at the food court, delicious,sizzling barbeques (veg/non-veg) of your choice, while you testthe singer in you at the karaoke system.

    The event is managed by BizzNBuzz Event Minds, the officialevent managers for Caculo Mall.

    Medha kendra anniversaryPANJIM: Medha Parrikar Rugna Seva Kendra will celebrate its8th anniversary on May 15, at Mapusa Residency (Conference)Hall at 10 am.

    Cancer specialist and well-known social activist Dr ShekharSalkar will be the chief guest. He will deliver keynote addresson the topic Other Side Of Cancer.

    Every year, renowned doctors from different fields are invitedto deliver talk on different topics of health. This Kendra ishaving its 24-hour ambulance service and has maintained bloodgroup directory for the needy. The organization also lendsmedical equipments to the poor and needy on the recommen-dation of doctors.

    Our Lady of Grace feast PANJIM (HND): The feast of Our Lady of Grace, Patroness of theParish of Bicholim, will be celebrated on Saturday, May 14.

    On the feast day, the concelebrated High Mass will be cele-brated at 9am and will be officiated by Fr Tony Salema, Rectorof the Minor Seminary of Our Lady, Saligao-Pilerne.

    During the nine-day special preparation for the feast, Frs.Afonso Mendonsa, Arvind Severes, Joseph Rodrigues, GabrielLobo, Seby Vaz preached on virtues that epitomised the holylife of Mary.

    On the occasion of the feast, Bicholim locals have come to-gether to present a tiatr entitled Bapa, Tankam bhogos whichwill be staged at 7pm.

    GIDC AGM at MiramarPANJIM (HND): Goa Industrial Development Corporation em-ployees co-operative credit societys 10th annual general meet-ing has been convened on May 14 at 10.30 am at Goa ScienceCentre, Miramar, Panjim, followed by annual get-together ofmembers and their families and felicitation of retired membersof society at the same venue.

    Bone Mineral Density campPANJIM (HND): Free Bone Mineral Density (BMD) camp will

    be conducted at Vintage Hospital on May 13 from 10 am to1pm. Another free BMD camp will be held on May 14 at KamatHospital, Miramar, in collaboration with Rotary club of Riviera,Panjim from 9 am to 12.30 pm. Dr Shekhar Shivrekar willconduct the camp.

    Dance performance at MoiraPANJIM (HMD): A performance by Hartman D'Souza's dance

    troupe highlighting the effects of the mining industry on thelives of people, not only in the mining belt but much furtherafield including villages like Moira will be held on May 13 at5.30 pm at AA de Moira club.

    CCP develops cold feet on Maha Sabha

    Seamen urge Sardinha,Churchill not to fight

    for mileageHERALd REPORTER

    MARGAO, MAY 12

    The Goan Seamen Associationof India (GSAI) has requestedSouth Goa MP Franc i s coSardinha and PWD MinisterChurchill Alemao not to fightfor mileage, but come togetherand fight for the seamen com-munity.

    Welcoming Alemaos state-ment that he will be happy ifChief Minister Digambar Kamatincludes seamen in the pensionscheme by Goa Government,GSAI General Secretary MichaelBenny Da Costa said as a sea-men himself, he should havedone it, but GSAI had to remindhim of this existing scheme.

    Saying that no one can fool

    Goan seamen anymore, Bennysaid people of Goa know whois fooling whom. They cant foolus any more. All seamen havecome together under GSAI toshow that they are united andcan fight the government on anysocial issue affecting our seamencommunity, it may be MoI orcorruption. As a community wecan play a major role. Dont takeus for granted, we can do it inSalcete too.

    Regarding Alemaos state-ment quoting Abdulgani as say-ing it is not possible to enhancemonthly ex-gratia relief from Rs200 to Rs 1500, Benny remindedthat the promise was made onthe eve of last Assembly pollsby Serang and Alemao.


    MARGAO, MAY 12

    General Secretary of NationalUnion of Seafarers of India(NUSI) Abdulgani Y Serang hassaid the Union has forcefullytaken up with the National Wel-fare Board of Seafarers threemajor demands affecting sea-men, including a pensionscheme and contributory annu-ity scheme for seafarers.

    Abdulgani hoped that thesewelfare initiatives will be an-nounced on the first Interna-tional Seafarers Day scheduled

    Serang hopes welfare initiatives to be announced on Seafarers Day

    on June 25, 2011.He pointed out that members

    of the Welfare Board have askedfor a one-time grant of Rs 250crore from the Centre so thatretired, unfit and deceased andtheir widows get financial as-sistance when they are no longerworking on ships.

    Moreover, Abdulgani said thelong-pending demand of NUSIto start contributory Annuityscheme for seafarers evokedsupport from the Union Ship-ping Minister G K Vasan andother board members. In fact,NUSI general secretary saidUnion Shipping Minister has di-rected his office to finalise thescheme by June 25.

    He said Vasan has assured theBoard that Ministry of Shippingis taking up the matter with theFinance Ministry very strongly.NUSI clarified that seafarersworking on Indian flag ships arereceiving salary which they have

    to spend in their unemploymentperiod also. This is one of thestrong justifications for gettingIncome Tax exemption, headded.

    Terming the meeting as verypositive after discussing issuesregarding the welfare of seafar-ers, he said NUSI officials havebeen interacting with seafarers,particularly from Goa on theseissues. Based on their feedbackand personal meetings withPWD Minister Churchill Alemao,these three demands were par-ticularly discussed at the meet-ing held on May 4, he said

    The meeting also discussedthe issue of piracy and safety ofthe Indian seafarers serving inthe pirate infested areas washighlighted by the Union, Ab-dulgani said, adding that theUPA government under thePrime Minister Dr ManmohanSingh is proceeding actively andeffectively on this matter.


    PANJIM, MAY 12

    Though Mayor Yatin Parekh hadpromised to hold Maha Sabhafor Panjim on the lines of gramsabhas in Panchayats -- Corpo-ration of the City of Panjim (CCP)has not yet officially decidedto hold a Maha Sabha.

    CCP Commissioner MelwynVaz in response to a RTI queryposed by Adv Aires Rodrigueshas informed that CCP has nottaken any such decision so far.

    It must be recalled that postelection, Parekh had trumpetedthat to ensure transparency infunctioning of CCP, Maha Sab-has would be held to enablethe people of Panjim to en-counter the corporators on var-ious issues.

    It is almost two months thatParekh has been in office buthe is yet to deliver on his assur-ance. Mayor Parekh could notbe reached on his cellphone forhis reactions.

    Water pipeline damaged HERALd REPORTER

    MARGAO, MAY 12

    Contrary to district Magistrates fiat to all and sundry to stop roaddigging by April 30, a water pipeline behind Navelim Church wasdamaged due to digging on Wednesday resulting in disruption inwater supply to the locality.

    The incident has raised questions over adherence to DistrictMagistrates directions, even though officials in the Collectoratesay the directions have been relaxed in case of emergencies tomeet certain deadlines.

    In Wednesdays incident, the water pipeline was left damagedafter the contractor tried to excavate the road for laying of cables.The mater came to light after water gushed out of the damagedline, inundating the area. Former Margao Municipal ChairpersonSavio Coutinho demanded to know how the contractor was allowedto undertake road digging activity when Collector has issued di-rections to cap all such activity by April 30. I fail to understandthe rationale behind allowing road digging when the Collectorhas banned all such activity by April 30, he said.

    Bangalore native diesin Agonda mishap

    Summer Slam begins VASCO (HR): The six-day extravaganza 'Summer Slam' of Mor-mugao Municipal Council (MMC) began at the Baina beach onThursday.

    The festival was inaugurated by South Goa MP FrancisSardinha in the presence of MMC Chairperson Suchita Shirodkar,Vice Chairperson Manesh Arolkar, Councillors Saifulla Khan,Carlos Almeida, Nitin Chodecar, Fiola Rego, Lavina D' Souza,Daji Salkar, Sunita Usgaonkar, Bhavana Bhosle, and VinayPalankar event coordinator of 5th Dimension.

    This is the first time that the MMC has appointed an eventmanagement professional to conducted cultural, sporting andfun events. The programmes will commence daily at 6 pm.

    According to the Events Chairman Sharad Chodecar, theprogrammes slated during the 'Summer Slam' include an all-Goa dance competition (May 13), fire dance and fashion show(May 14), an art exhibition, volleyball game and rock show byZygnama (May 15), drawing competition for kids, a Konkanimusical show and live music (May 16) and a musical event(May 17).

    Chodnekar is GTDC GMPANJIM (HND): Sanjay V P Chodnekar,

    Deputy General Manager of GoaTourism Development Corporation(GTDC) Ltd has been promoted to thepost of General Manager, according toan office order issued by the Corpora-tion. Chodnekar joined the Departmentof Tourism in 1980 and thereafter wasabsorbed in GTDC in 1987.

    Rotary Club of Panaji Mid Town handed over one wheelchairand a walker to physically challenged patient Sadanand Shir-gaoker at the recently held function at Rugnashreya, Bambolimat the hands of District Governor Rtn Mahesh Raikar of Dist3170. A number of members of the Club also attended thisfunction.


    MARGAO: From 9 am to 2 pm. Areas affected are 33/11 KV RaiS/s, Monte, Margao, Fatorda S/s and Bethora S/s.

    MOLLAR: From 9 am to 2 pm. Areas affected are Primos Park,Own Den hotel, Vijaynagar, Milrock, Mollar, Bela Vista, Vikasnagarcolony and vicinity of Corlim village.

    KAKOdA: From 9 am to 1 pm. Areas affected are Kakoda Madegal,Khadebag, Soliem, Voldemol, Gawaliwada, Ghadiwada, Karmaliwadaand Chirkanally.

    MAY 14

    CARAMBOLIM: From 9 am to 2 pm at Navelkar Estate, NavelkarHill city of Old Goa.

    Banastarim bridge closure PANJIM (HND): Banastarim Bridge on NH-4A will remain

    closed for all vehicular traffic on May 22 from 6.30 am to8.30 am for the purpose of inspection and recording of decklevels.

    A Little About Civics

    The Every Man'sRight, or Alleman-srtt, is unique to Swe-den. It is a right basedon practice and datesback to medieval tradi-tions. It is still in prac-tice today, although thereason it came aboutwas because of the na-ture of the country dur-ing the older timeperiod.

    It came about at a time,when Sweden was avery sparsely populatedcountry. Travellingabout the country wasconsidered a dangerousexperience, and wasusually a big undertaking. Between thescattered villages, there were vast areasof forests that did not belong to anyone- only outlaws inhabited the woods.

    However, when people needed to travelthrough the woods, they would need toforage to survive. It was not always fea-sible to carry sufficient provisions fromtheir starting-point and therefore theEvery Mans Right came about.

    As they needed sustenance, they had theright to collect what they required forsurvival during the journey. For exam-ple, these included provisions such asnuts, acorns, wood, grass for horse fod-der, and timber for repairing a brokencarriage perhaps. This practice was reg-ulated in the provincial laws.

    The right did not conferblanket permission toraid the forest of every-thing, as the lawsclearly took the valueof the items into ac-count. For instance,there are no restric-tions on berries, asthey are not consideredas nutritious (andhence valuable) ashazelnuts. The provin-cial laws didn't onlyguarantee rights butalso limited rights andstated the punishmentfor those who exceededthese rights.

    The Every Man's Right, which today isalmost a right for everyone to use thenature for recreation and tourism, wasinitially a provision for survival.

    At the end of the 19th century, tourismand outdoor living became popular inSweden. This caused claims for a moremodern regulation of Every Man's Right,but the proposition was not accepted.The rights were formed for a medievalsociety where farming was the main oc-cupation, not for a modern industrial-ized society - but the right has importantcultural value as a right based on prac-tice.

    It is important to understand that EveryMan's Right isn't just a matter of free-dom but also a matter of responsibility.

    Comments or queries? Bouquets or brickbats? Talk to us!Email Junior Herald at [email protected] or join our Facebook fan page Our readers are invited to rave, rant, chat oreven contribute. No message will go unanswered!

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    What is the Allemansrtt?






    MUMBAI, MAY 12

    Claiming ownership over theland on which the controversialAdarsh Society building stands,the Maharashtra governmenthas told the judicial panel prob-ing alleged irregularities in itthat the plot was never trans-ferred to the army.

    "Revenue records and lettersaddressed to the State govern-ment by the Ministry of Defencedating back to 1950s show thatthe land where Adarsh buildingstands belongs to the State gov-ernment," the affidavit filed byCollector Chandrashekar Oakstates.

    According to the affidavit, theMinistry of Defence had on De-cember 31, 1958, written a let-ter to the State governmentseeking the land in upmarketColaba in exchange for a plot insuburban Santacruz that wasowned by the Army.

    The State government hadtaken possession of the SantaCruz land. The army sought forBlock 6 of Colaba land, whereAdarsh stands, in return of theland in Santa Cruz. However,this is was not given. Maharash-tra government is the owner ofthe land," the affidavit says.

    The collector has relied onseveral letters written by thearmy stating that the Ministryof Defence has no ownership ofthe land.

    The affidavit clarified that in

    March 1956 the army washanded over Block 7 in Colabaas it fell within the boundary ofdefence premises. Possessionof Block 6 was never handedover to the Defence Ministry.Entries in the land revenuerecords show that the plot hasbeen in possession of the Stategovernment," it said.

    The army has contended be-fore the Inquiry Commissionthat the land on which the 31-storey structure is located be-

    longed to it.Though they have so far not

    been able to produce recordsto prove ownership, the Armyhas consistently been claimingthat the land was in their pos-session even prior to 1937.

    All lands owned or underpossession of the Army are en-tered into the Military Land Reg-ister. However, the Adarsh plotdoes not exist in the register,"Brigadier Deepak Saxena of theArmy Headquarters (Maharash-

    tra, Gujarat and Goa) had ad-mitted before the panel in hisdeposition.

    In the course of his deposi-tion, Saxena had also refutedAdarsh Society counsel SatishManeshinde's contention thatthe state government had trans-ferred a part of the land to thearmy in exchange for the San-tacruz plot.

    The army was always in pos-session of the land and hencethe question of State govern-ment transferring part of theplot or seeking to hand over theland does not arise," he had toldthe panel yesterday.

    The terms of reference of theInquiry Commission includelooking into the ownership ofthe disputed land, whether thehousing society was meant forKargil war widows and war vet-erans alone and if there wereviolations of environmental andcoastal regulatory norms.

    Adarsh land is ours, Maharashtra tells probe panel

    "Revenue records and lettersaddressed to the S ta tegovernment by the Ministry ofDefence dating back to 1950sshow that the land whereAdarsh bu i ld ing s tandsbe longs t o t he S t a t egovernment," the affidavit filedby Collector ChandrashekarOak states.

    Opposition lashes out at Mayawati for 4 years of misrule, corruption

    Activists of the Congress party burn an effigy of Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati during a demonstration in Amritsar.The demonstrators were protesting against the arrest of Rahul Gandhi after he joined farmers protesting against theconstruction of a highway.



    Pained over violence over land acquisition and complaints ofpolice atrocities in Greater Noida, the National Human RightsCommission today said it will send an investigation team to theaffected villages.

    The rights panel said it has received complaints about policetrespassing into villagers' houses, outraging women's dignity andmercilessly lathicharging farmers demanding more compensationfor their land acquired for a road project.

    The NHRC is pained to see complaints and media reports al-leging large-scale violence in village Bhatta and other nearbyareas in Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh leading to loss of life andinjuries to several persons, including the officers on the stategovernment's duty," it said.

    In view of the gravity of the situation, the Commission hasdecided to depute its investigation team for conducting an on-the-spot inquiry in the mat