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*Module Pool

Programming* BY ----Arjun

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SAP AG 2001, Smart Forms - the Form Printing Solution,Claudia Binder / Jens Stumpe 2


Introduction:It is a special type of programming which is used to

create custom SAP Screen as per business requirement.

SE80 is the TCODE for creating MPP programs.Every MPP program must be executed with a


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Events in MPP

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Events in MPP

Events in Module Pool Programming

There are four events available.PBO (Process Before Output):Triggered before MPP screen is


PAI (Process After Input): Triggered after MPP screen is displayed whenever user raises an action.

Also,Now PBO is also triggered.

POV (Process On Value Request): Triggered when User Clicks on search help or F4 Button

POH (Process On Help Request): Triggered when User Clicks on search help or F4 Button

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Execution Flow of MPP prg

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Execution Flow of MPP prg:

PBO is triggered

User Enters input

Screen is displayed

PAI triggered

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Modularization technique in MPP program

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Modularization technique in MPP program

Include prg’s:

Basically there are four include programs which are created automatically for an MPP program

• <MPP name>_TOP top include program All data declarations.

• <MPP name>_o01PBO include program All logic related to PBO event

• <MPP name>_I01PAI include program All logic related to PAI event

• <MPP name>_F01Forms include program All logic related to subroutines

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SCREEN: It is a visible layout which is displayed in the output. The components of the Screen are

Components of Screen: Attributes : Properties of screen Element List : List of UI/Library elements Flow-Logic : Abap logic related to MPP Layout : Screen Designing Area

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It will contain the logic related to screen in the form of modules

By default, 2 events will be available with their corresponding modules as below:

Just uncomment the modules and create them and write the abap logic.



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MODULE: It is an sub-program which contains the ABAP code for a

screen . Flow-Logic cannot understand ABAP statements. So the

entire ABAP code is written in the form of modules Since the entire abap logic is divided in the form of

modules, that is why it is called MODULE POOL PROGRAMMING

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Simple program in MPP

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STEPS: Go to SE80 Select program from dropdown list Give a name & press enter Click on YES Click on Continue Give a name for TOP include program Press ENTER The program will be created Uncomment each include program and create them Right click on the program nameACTIVATE

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Creating a Screen: Right click on program nameCreateScreen Give the screen number as 0100 and Press ENTER Give the description Click on Flow-Logic Uncomment the modules and create them as below

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Click on Layout Button Drag and drop text UI element onto the screen Double click on it Provide the name and texts Name T1. Text ‘This is a sample Program’. Check the below screen shot

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Click on FlowLogic Double click on PBO module And write the below code

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Module Set PF-STATUS ‘MENU100’. Set Title bar ‘TITLE01’.

End module Click on Save and Back Double click on PAI module

Write the below code

Module User-command-0100 input.

If sy-ucomm = ‘BACK’.

Leave to screen 0.


End module.

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Save and activate. Right click on Program name


Give the text, program name, screen number. Select all the checkboxes at the bottom. Save it. Execute the transaction and test the program.

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A Real time Ex on MPP

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Business Req: Create a MPP which displays material details for a given material no

Create a MPP prg in SE80 and create all include programs

Create a Screen and create PBO and PAI Modules

Goto TOP Include prg and declare the following .

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Save & Activate TOP Include prg immediately

Now goto Screen 0100 layout.

Click on Dictionary/Program fields ICON

Give the name as wa_mara

and click on

Select all fields and press enter

Place all the fields on the screen

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Now Drag and drop text fields from library and place them before each input field .

Now Drag and drop a button also and provide the details as below:

Also provide FCT code as GET

Finally the screen should look as below.

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FCT CODE : It is a function code which is used to identify the button which is clicked

The FCTCODE is automatically stored in a system variable SY-UCOMM.

Now go to PAI module and write the below code.

Save,Activate,Test it.

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The output is : Enter the Material no

Click on GET button

The details should be displayed

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Making Input Fields Disable

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Making Input Fields Disable

Making Input Fields Disable: Double click on any input field

The properties screen is displayed

Set the property as below

Select program input not possible

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Single Field Validation

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Single Field Validation

It is Used to Validate a single field or particular field on MPP screen. It is similar to ‘AT SELECTION SCREEN ON FIELD’.

Syntax :-

Field <Field-name> Module <Module-Name>.

Example :-

Field V_matnr Module Validate_matnr.

Ex Prg:

Create a prg as below:

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Write the below code under PAI event.

Double click and create the module .

Write the below code in the module

Save, activate and test it .

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Multiple Field Validation

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Multiple Field Validations

CHAIN---------ENDCHAIN is the Keyword which is used to validate multiple fields.

It is similar to AT SELECTION-SCREEN


Field : <Field-Name1>,


<Field-Namen> .

Module <Module name>.


Ex Prg:

Create same prg as above:

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Here I want to validate both MATNR and MTART fields.

Write the below code under PAI event.

Create the module and write the below code

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Save, activate and test it .

The difference b/w single field and multiple field validation is :

Single field validation:

It is used to validate a single field.

Only that particular field which is validated is input enabled when there is an error.

The remaining fields will be input disabled.

With Multiple field validation:

It is used to validate multiple fields.

All the fields which are in between CHAIN..ENDCHAIN are input enabled when there is an error.

The remaining fields will be input disabled.

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Steps:- Create a program in se80.

Define the below data declarations in the Top include file.

Creating a Screen:

Create Screen 0100.

Create a PBO module and PAI module.




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SCREEN LAYOUT Click on layout button.

Click on dictionary/program fields icon.

Give the field name as V_CH1.

Select radionutton as below


Place it on the screen. Click on dictionary/program fields icon again .

Give the field name V_TEXT  Place it on the layout

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Dobule click on the check and set the below properties : NAME,TEXT,FCTCODE

Now go to PAI module and write the below code.

Save,Activate,Test it.

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Create a program in se80.

Define the below data declarations in the Top include file.


Creating a Screen:

Create Screen 0100.

Create a PBO module and PAI module.



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SCREEN LAYOUT Click on layout button.

Click on dictionary/program fields icon.

Give the field name as *.

Select the following as below:

Place them on screen

Now Select two radiobuttonsRightclickRadiobuttonGroup Deine

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Provide the properties as below or each radiobutton:

Write the below code in PAI Module.

Save activate and test

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Tab strip’s are used to divide the main screen into sub screens to display mass amount of data.

Each sub screen is called as a TAB. Each sub screen Should be designed separately with a no. Each sub screen must have an area to display the sub screen called as Sub

screen area When you drag and drop the TABSTRIP from the library, two tabs will be

displayed by default For each tab create the sub screens and sub screen areas CONTROLS is the keyword used to declare a tab strip.

Ex: CONTROLS : TABSTR TYPE TABSTRIP. ACTIVETAB is the property to set a particular tab to be active.



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Finally use the below syntax under the PBO event to assign each sub screen no to its corresponding sub screen area

Syntax :-

Call subscreen <subscreen area >including <program name> <sub screen>.


Call subscreen SUBAREA1 including sy-repid 0200.

Call subscreen SUBAREA2 including sy-repid 0300.

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Syntax to declare tabstrip:-

CONTROLS<tabstrip mane >type tabstrip.

Ex :- controls TBSTR type tabstrip.

Active tab:- It is an option in the tab strip to activate the corresponding TAB.


<tabstrip name >-active tab=‘TABNAME’.

Ex :- TBSTR-active tab =‘tab1’.

TBSTR-active tab =‘tab2’.

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Real Time Ex on TABSTRIP

BR: Develop a MPP prg which display material details and description details in 2 separate tabs.

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• Create an MPP Prog

• Create a MAIN screen by no 1000

• Goto top include prg and declare a TBASTRIP and other data declarations as below

• Save activate immediately

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Designing Screen

Goto screen 1000layout

Click on Dictionary/program fields icon

Give the fieldname as V_MATNR and click on GET FROM PROGRAM button

Place the field on layout

Provide the text lable for the field.

The screen should look as below.

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Drag and Drop tabstrip onto layout.

Double click on tabstrip (exactly at center) and set the name as TBSTR(name given in top include prog)

By default 2 tabs will be created.

Double click on TAB1, give the text as ‘GEN.DATA’,give the FCT code as TAB1.

Similarly, Double click on TAB2, give the text as ‘DESC.DATA’, give the FCT code as TAB2.

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Click on TAB1,Drag and drop a subscreen under TAB1

This is because each TAB should have a subscreen area to display subscreen

give the name as SUB1.

Similarly click on TAB2,Drag and drop a subscreen under TAB2 , give the name as SUB2.


Write the below code under PBO event. This is because we need to assign each sub screen no to its corresponding sub screen area

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Write the below code under PAI event.

Create the GET_DATA module and write the below code

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CREATING sub screens

Now create 2 sub screens by the numbers 0100 and 0200

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Goto subscreen 0100

Click on layout button

Click on Dictionary/program fields icon

Give the fieldname as WA_MARA and click on GET FROM PROGRAM button

Select and Place all the fields on layout

Provide the text lable for all fields.

The screen should look as below.

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Now Goto subscreen 0200

Click on layout button

Click on Dictionary/program fields icon

Give the fieldname as WA_MAKT and click on GET FROM PROGRAM button

Select and Place all the fields on layout

Provide the text lable for all fields.

The screen should look as below.

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Finally write the below code to activate the tabs in PAI module.

SaveactivateTest it

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Steps for tabstrip:-

STEPS: Create an mpp program. Declare TABSTRIP in top include program. Drag and drop tab strip on to the screen. By default, 2 tabs will be available Create subscreen areas for each TAB. Cerate subscreen for each TAB. Assign each subscreen to subscreen area under PBO event. Write code in PAI to activate tabs based on user action.

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o TABLE CONTROL : It is an element which is used to display the data in the form of a table format is called TABLE CONTROL.

There are 3 important points to be followed, when working with table control.

1. Table control declaration.

2. Loop at ITAB into WA with control <table control name>(IN PBO).

1. Endloop

3. Loop at ITAB (IN PAI).

1. Endloop.

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Table control declaration

Syntax :-

Controls : <table control> name type table view using screen <screen no>.

Loop at PBO

The loop at ITAB into WA…………end loop must be used in PBO event to read each record from ITAB internal table into work area and then work area to table control columns

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Loop at PAI

The loop at ITAB into WA…………end loop must be used in PAI event to read each record from table control columns into internal table

PBO event

ITAB --------------WA----------------Table control.

Loop at ITAB into WA with control <table control name>


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PAI Event

Table Control ---------Internal Table ------------- Work area.

Loop at ITAB .


Vertical scrollbar : In Table control by default, we don’t get vertical scroll bar.

To display it, use the below syntax


Horizontal & Vertical Lines : In Table control by default, we don’t get vertical and

Horizontal lines.

To display them, Set the below property.

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Ex on Table control

Busniess Req : Develop a MPP program which displays list of the material for a material type.

Steps:- Create a program in se80.

Define the below data declarations in the Top include file. 

Save & activate.

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SCREEN Create Screen 0100.

Write the below statement under the PBO event.

SCREEN LAYOUT Click on layout button.

Click on dictionary/program fields icon.

Give the field name as v_mtart.

Place it on the screen.

Provide a text(MATERIAL TYPE ) for the input field.

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Drag and drop a button & define the properties.

Name: GET


Fctcode: GET

The screen should look as above

Drag and drop table control UI element on the screen.

Double click on it, set the properties as below.

Name = TBCL (same as top include file name)




Click on the dictionary / program fields icon.

Give the field name as wa_mara.

Click on continue.

Place them on the table control UI element.

Each field will be displayed as column.

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Provide the column headings by drag & drop using text label. Click on text field, place it on the first column.

Give the name as T1, text as matnr. Repeat for all fields

Textfield1 Textfield2 Textfield3 Textfield4

Name :T1 Name :T2 Name :T3 Name :T4

TEXT: Matnr TEXT: mtart TEXT: mbrsh TEXT: meins

Click on the flow logic.

Double click on the PAI module, write the below code.

Save & activate.

Create a transaction & test it.

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Execute the TCODE.

The output is as below:

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Table Control With Modification

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Table Control With Modification.

Create same program as below. Do the below changes

Declare a new Workarea and internal table as below:

Go to the screen layout, add a button by

name = save,

text = save data,

Fct code = save.

write the below logic under PAI Event


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Double click on the module get_modified_recs.

Write the code as here

Double click on the PAI module & write the below code.



save , activate & test it.

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Navigation between Screens

o Whenever we want to move from one screen to another screen we use below two statements.


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This statement is used to call the new screen by suspending the current screen

Once the new screen processing is finished it will come back or resume back to the old screen and continuous its processing.

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SET SCREEN This statement will not call any new screen, but it will

set a new screen as a next screen Once the current screen is finished totally, then it will

call new screen Once the new screen is processed it will not come

back automatically to the previous screen If we want to came back, use the statement LEAVE TO SCREEN <SCREEN NO>.

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This event is triggered whenever the user clicks on search help button for an input field.

Syntax :-



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This event is triggered whenever the user clicks on F1(Help Button).

Syntax : -



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Ex on POV Event:

→ create a MPP programe

→ create a screen 0100.

→ Declare a below STMT in top include file.

Data : v_file type RLGRAP-filename.

→ save , active.

→ Go to screen 0100 layout.

→ Place an input field & text field on screen as below.

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→ click on flow logic.

→ Write the below code.


Create the module and write the below code:


→ Save , Active & Text it.

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The output is :

Click on F4 button and below is the screen

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Ex on POV Event:

Same prg as above…but just write the below event in screen 100


Process on Help-Request

Field V_File module GET_F1.

→ create the module and write the below code in the module.

Module GET_F1 INPUT.

Message ‘please select file name’ type ‘I’.


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Mandatory fields steps:

→ Double click on the field where you want to set mandatory parameter.

→ Go to the ‘program’ tab,

set as Input = Required.

→ Save , Active & Test it.

Note: If we don’t enter any value on mandatory field and click on the back button system will throw an error message

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Ignoring the Mandatory fields:-

o If we want to ignore or exit an MPP screen without entering the mandatory fields, then please follow the below steps.

→ Create or Activate ‘EXIT’ button in the ‘ SET PF-STATUS’

with fctcode as EXIT

→ Double click on the Exit button set the function type = ‘E’

Where E stands for Exit command.

→Then we need to create a separate module in the PAI event for this ‘ EXIT’ command

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Syntax:- Module xxx at Exit Command.

→ Click on the flow logic & write the below code.


→ Create the module and write the below code.

Module module_EXIT Input.

Case sy-ucomm.

When ‘EXIT’.

Leave program.



→ Save, Active & Text it.

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If we want to assign a search help to an input field, double click on it.

1. Goto dictionary tab.

2. Set the property Search help = ‘xxxx’.

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Page 96: 133798929 Module Pool Programming

SAP AG 2001, Smart Forms - the Form Printing Solution,Claudia Binder / Jens Stumpe 96


There are basically Three types of screensNORMAL SCREEN : A main screen with minimize,

maximize and close buttons is called a NORMAL SCREEN

SUBSCREEN : A part of screen with in a main screen is called a SUBSCREEN.

Generally subscreens are used in TABSTRIPS.

MODEL DIALOG BOX : A screen with only close button is called MODEL DIALOG BOX.

Generally this screen is used to display POP-UP’s

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SAP AG 2001, Smart Forms - the Form Printing Solution,Claudia Binder / Jens Stumpe 97


What are the various events available in MPP, explain with example?

What are the various include programs in MPP? What do you write in the Flow-Logic ? What is a MODULE? How do you create a transaction? What is the system variable where FCT code is stored? How do you disable an input field? How do you validate a single field? How do you validate a multiple fields? What is the exact diff b/w single field& multiple fields


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SAP AG 2001, Smart Forms - the Form Printing Solution,Claudia Binder / Jens Stumpe 98


What is the use of sub-screen area? What is a table control? What is the use of loop at itab into PBO and PAI? Tell me about table control with modifications? How do you vertical scroll bar in table control? What is the difference between call screen and set screen? How do you create mandatory fields? How do you exit an MPP screen without entering the

mandatory fields? How do you assign a search help? What are the various types of screens and explain each?

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SAP AG 2001, Smart Forms - the Form Printing Solution,Claudia Binder / Jens Stumpe 99