Page 1: 1,442 T OTAL ZUHRAH MEMBERS – 78 N Zuhrah Rod & Gun · When you hear of a noble who has beenill, hospitalized,convalescent,


Zuhrah Rod & Gun Sporting Clays Shoot

Shooting well today Excellent at shooting doubles Noble Mike Tigner and daughter Sara Shooting over the water

Team Central Lock and Safe Team Too Tall enjoying the day Team Rod & Gun but called the themselves Z Gun & Fun

Enjoying lunch Lunch time Prizes and lunch

Potentate Verl with Osman Noble Peter Lokhorst Lady Jeanna Raap enjoying the day Noble Jim Holzer

View Zuhrah Arabian at


Mike Tigner

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Sunshine Committee

When you hear of a noble who has been ill,hospitalized, convalescent,or shut-in, please contactZuhrah Shriners, 952-426-3023. It is important to provide the noble’s address,name of hospital or nursinghome.We now have a new e-mail address,you can contactthe committee [email protected].

A new sign-out system hasbeen implemented forwheelchairs on loan fromZuhrah Shriners. If you haveobtained a wheelchair in thepast and are not using it, wewould appreciate having itreturned.We have had manyrequests for wheelchairs thisyear. If you return a wheel-chair, kindly return it throughthe office for our recordkeeping. Donated wheel-chairs in good condition willbe accepted, too.

Zuhrah Shrine CenterHours of Operation

Zuhrah Shriners administrative office:Monday – Friday 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

VoiceMail and Email AddressesZuhrah phone 952-426-3023

You may also email comments and questions as follows:

[email protected] [email protected]

[email protected] [email protected]

[email protected] [email protected]

[email protected] [email protected]

In an effort to make your Divan more accessible to the Nobility,we have created an email address: [email protected].

Please put this in your address book. If you want to ask the Divan a questionor make a suggestion, or if you are concerned about something, send an emailto this address and the entire Divan will get a copy.The Divan has committed

to follow up with all emails that we receive.

Send changes of address to

6120 Blue Circle Drive, Minnetonka, MN 55343-9109

Units and ClubsWhen you have news to include in an issue of the Arabian,please send it by email, if possible, to [email protected]

NEWS• Send your news in the body of an email, or attach a Word

document, or attach a PDF – especially for event ads.• Put Arabian in the Subject line of the email.

PHOTOS• Attach JPG photos to an email or a Word document

• Original digital photos are preferred• Set digital cameras to higher-quality file size

• Identify people in photo• Include caption for use with the photo.

DEADLINE: 10th of the monthNews submitted after deadline will be included on a space available basis.

Clarence L Bonander Sr

Thomas J Casey

Roland E Freeburg

James O Partridge

David O Sauter

Trevor J Warner

Members – Send Changes of Address to

6120 Blue Circle Drive Minnetonka, MN 55343-9109

or: 952-426-3023or: [email protected]

UpcomingZuhrahEvents *

(new events are in red)

Oct 9....................Zuhrah Stated MeetingOct 11-12 ......Oktoberfest at New Ulm


Oct 30 ..........................Halloween Bunco

Oct 31..................Sip and Shop Boutique

Nov 13 ................Zuhrah Stated Meeting

** Check with event leaders to knowthe status of all Zuhrah events.

ZUHRAH ARABIAN6120 Blue Circle Drive

Minnetonka, MN 55343-9109

TELEPHONE: 952-426-3023WEB:


Zuhrah Arabian (USPS # 699-560) is published monthly by Zuhrah Shriners, 6120 Blue CircleDrive, Minnetonka, MN 55343-9109. Periodicals postage paid at Hopkins, MN and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Zuhrah Arabian,6120 Blue Circle Drive, Minnetonka, MN 55343-9109. Subscription price $12.00 a year.


Potentate.....................................................................Verl W. RaapChief Rabban ..............................................................Jon R. PavolaAssistant Rabban ..................................................Curtis W. QuastHigh Priest & Prophet .........................................Scott D. HughesOriental Guide .....................................................Timpthy R. JirakRecorder ..........................................................Gary W. Sibben, PPTreasurer.....................................................Christopher W. Mullin

APPOINTEDFirst Ceremonial Master ..............................Nathan D. SmithsonSecond Ceremonial Master .........................Ronald L. DeVoll, PPMarshal ......................................................................Loran W. GoffCaptain of the Guard ...........................................Clifton R. BaileyOuter Guard....................................................Steven D. ScheffertChaplain.................................................................Jeffrey M. AnselImperial Representative....................................Todd R. Schwartz

ARABIAN EDITORSend event ads and news items to: [email protected]

Bobbie LampiRSL desktop publishing services

320-251-9115 [email protected] Fairfield Court, Saint Cloud, MN 56303

SHRINERS CHILDREN’S TWIN CITIES215 Radio Drive | Woodbury, MN | 55125

Phone: 612-596-6100

Zuhrah Stated MeetingFriday, October 9, 2020

Zuhrah Shrine Center 6120 Blue Circle Drive, Minnetonka, MN 55343

Dinner at 6:00 p.m. / Meeting at 7:00 p.m.Dinner $15: Brats, Sauerkraut, German Potato Salad,

Cheesy Potatoes,Apple Pie dessertMeal RSVP* by October 2 to [email protected] or 952-426-3023

Zuhrah Stated MeetingFriday, November 13, 2020

Zuhrah Shrine Center 6120 Blue Circle Drive, Minnetonka, MN 55343

Dinner at 6:00 p.m. / Meeting at 7:00 p.m.Dinner $15: Turkey, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Carrots

and Salad … a Thankdgiving themed mealMeal RSVP* by November 6 to [email protected] or 952-426-3023

Future Stated Meeting


October 9, 2020Zuhrah Shrine Center 6120 Blue Circle DriveMinnetonka, MN 55343

November 13, 2020Zuhrah Shrine Center 6120 Blue Circle DriveMinnetonka, MN 55343

* STATED MEETING MEALSThere will be no permanent list

for the rest of the year.Please RSVP in time and know

that if you ask for a meal you will be charged for it if unable to attend.

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From the Potentate

Nobles and Friends —Greetings! Fall is upon us with the

change of colors as another seasonbegins. I hope this issue of the ZuhrahArabian finds you and your family ingood health and that you enjoyed agreat summer. I personally want tothank many of you for the many cardsand well wishes as I had a bout thismonth with legionnaires pneumoniathat suddenly arose and put me in thehospital. I am doing much better.

I encourage those clubs and unitsto meet even if for a social gatheringat someone’s home, a bbq, etc.We arein the time of elections as ShrinersInternational has notified us and isencouraging all Clubs and Units tohold their elections in October.Installations can be scheduled later. Ifwe have the information of the offi-cers updated to our WebFez database,it helps Tampa as well as Zuhrah in thepreparation for the new year. If yourClub or Unit bylaws denote a differentmonth for elections, contact medirectly and I will work with you onyour questions.

We are all adjusting to the timeswith the COVID19 – but we stillmust stay in touch with our mem-bers and adjust how some meetingsor gatherings can be held as well.Just because some events can’t beheld in the traditional method weare used to during these times, doesnot mean we can’t think out of thebox and be more creative with newideas—or take it up a notch!

At the September Stated Meetingon September 11, we recognized allthose who lost their lives on this day

in 2001 in New York City. That day2,977 lives were lost. A moment ofsilence was observed in their memoryas we will never forget.

Zuhrah Mariners presented a check inmemory of the late Jeff Schackor. Jeff wasa long-time member of the Mariners,active in Zuhrah Shriners for many years,our 2020 Controller for Zuhrah Shriners,one of the Board of Governors for theShriners Hospital for Children/Clinic TwinCities and so active in many masonicorganizations. Jeff was a great friend tomany, and always there to help.

MEMBERSHIPNovember 7th, 2020, is our Fall

Ceremonial. Be sure to reach out to theMembership Team with any prospectswho would be interested in joining ourfraternity! If you know of a potentialcandidate to join Zuhrah Shriners,pleasecontact us with an email to [email protected] Petitions are withinyour calendar book, on our webpage at orcall the Zuhrah Office at 952-426-3023.

EVENTSZuhrah Rod & Gun held their

Sporting Clays Shoot with a great timehad by all—those who wanted to shootas well as those who just enjoyed theday and have lunch with everyone. Manygreat raffles as well as prizes for many –all for a great cause. A lot of nobles,ladies, family, and friends participatingfrom Zuhrah & Osman Shriners andMasonic organizations across the region.The event benefitted the ShrineHealthcare Camps and the UofMMasonic Children’s Hospital.

Suds and Spuds event in October hasbeen cancelled due to COVID-19. If wecan hold this event later, we surely will!Potentate’s Pheasant Hunt is postponedat this time due to COVID-19 havingeffect on large groups. Many areas dueto a wet spring has hindered the pheas-ant population as well in South Dakota.

Oktoberfest event committee decid-ed to cancel this excursion to New Ulmin October due to COVID-19. Manyevents are still going on in various areasof New Ulm as is each year.Those stillinterested in going – be sure to look atthe latest schedule of events each ofwhich have social distancing in mind.Latest information can be found at:

As most all the parades were cancelledfor 2020 due to COVID-19, we haveasked for some of your favorite paradepictures or even other Zuhrah pictures of

Verl Raap, Potentate


Hello!It has been nice to see some people

in the building again! While the groupshave been smaller than normal, andhonestly I have been more comfort-able with that, it has been great to feela bit of normalcy here.

A couple specific things to note.I normally have a list of people on a per-manent dinner list for Stated Meetings. Iwill not be having that for the rest ofthis year. Please make sure if you arecoming to Stated Meetings and want themeal you let me know.A new policy isthat anyone who requests a meal will beresponsible for paying for it if theydecide not to eat.

Another item is that I want to sayThank You to those of you who have

events over the years. If you have somefavorite pics, please send them to [email protected]. We are sharing someof those pictures you have shared withus in recent months in the next fewArabian issues and hope that you willenjoy.

Sip and Shop event will be held atZuhrah Shrine Center on October31st.Vendors will be presenting theiritems for sale and you can enjoy aglass of mimosa as you browse.Social Distancing will be observed.

OCTOBER STATED MEETINGOctober Stated Meeting will be on

October 9th and will be held atZuhrah Shrine Center. Be sure toRSVP by October 7th [email protected] or call 952-426-3023. Masks are to be worn withsocial distancing practiced. Pleasecome if you can and you feel com-fortable with it.

ACTIVITIESPotentate’s Trip to England has been

cancelled. Due to coronavirus and allof the restrictions in Europe – ourtravel agency offered us a cancellationof our 2020 England Trip for all ofthose registered. We want to thankmany of you that signed up for our funtrip as we had quite an itineraryplanned. We are hoping that we canreschedule this trip later this year, nextyear or even another smaller excur-sion with many of you.

DONATIONSZuhrah Shriners could use your

help! This has really been a crazy year.Due to COVID-19, Zuhrah Shrinershas not been able to hold many of ourtraditional fundraisers. We have hadto make many adjustments, but weare still getting by…but you can makea real difference! Stop by the ZuhrahShriners website and make a dona-tion. Donations to General Fund aregreatly appreciated during thesetimes.There are quite a few monetaryoptions available – choose the onethat fits you and donate today. Go to and click onPayments & Donations, call theZuhrah office, or mail a check to theoffice today.We thank you in advance.

May you enjoy the autumn andcontinue to work with Zuhrah inthe coming months.

Yours in the faith,

Verl W. RaapZuhrah - Potentate 2020Email: [email protected]

already paid their dues. Imperial sentout emails to those of you with updatedemails in the system to start theprocess. I only knew when they wentout because suddenly I was seeing pay-ments come in.My understanding is thatthe next notice will be going out fairlysoon and will be mailed for all of thepeople who do not get the email. Weeven had one member call before thenotices went out since he knew theywould be and paid early. Thanks, John!You got the ball rolling and I reallyappreciate it.

The updated emails remind me thatI am always looking for updated emails,phone numbers, and addresses. Whenthe paper notices go out, they usuallyhave a spot on the back to update thisinformation. Please check what wehave and let me know of any correc-tions. It really helps.

Thank you all!Jennifer



September Stated Meeting

Phil Carlson ready to serve dinner LOH prepares to present the colors

Golf Team trophies: Jerry Cleveland,MVSC – 1st; Don Wurden, LOH – 2nd

Captain Nik Wagner presents theMariner’s check in honor of Jeff Schackor

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James R.“Jim” SmithImperial Potentate

From the Imperial Potentate

Dear Fellow Nobles,There’s no getting around it – 2020

is a different and difficult year! As wecope with the realities of livingthrough a pandemic, I am very thankfulto be part of a Brotherhood that looksafter one another.

In some ways, I am more proud thanever to be a Shriner.Over the last severalmonths, there have been countless stories of Shriners helping our healthcaresystem, supporting and thanking firstresponders in their communities, andlooking after one another. During this

uncertain time, you have selflessly andconsistently cared for others, and I com-mend and thank you for these efforts.

In addition to the pandemic, someareas of our country are also strugglingwith natural disasters, including ragingwildfires, tropical storms and hurri-canes and even wind storms. Sometemples and lodges have been damaged,and some of our fellow Shriners andMasonic Brothers have lost theirhomes and experienced other personaltragedies. And again, our Nobles havereached out, ready to help those inneed.You truly do practice and live upto the Masonic values and ideals!

As we deal with all the difficultieswrought by COVID-19, includingimposed separation and quarantine,we need to find ways to both stay con-nected and lighten our spirits. In fact,these are times when Fun andFellowship can be especially importantand beneficial. Using today’s technology,temples can be “open,” and memberscan gather virtually using Zoom orSkype or other similar programs. Youcan actually have game nights orsocials or coffee clubs. I urge you to becreative and find ways to connect withyour fellow Shriners and have somevirtual fun! And remember to shareyour ideas and successes with oneanother.

Unfortunately, the pandemic contin-ues to have an impact on our signatureevents, including the Shriners Hospitalsfor Children Open. While the eventwill take place (October 5-11), therewill not be fans in attendance. Thetournament will be televised on theGolf Channel and available on PGALive.We are grateful the event will takeplace, and look forward to an excitingcompetition, and to being able to gath-er in person next year to cheer on theplayers, and applaud our amazingpatient standard-bearers once again.

Shriners are hopeful, confident,compassionate andresilient people.We will getthrough this,and be strongerfor it. And wewill have an easiertime as we worktoward better days, if we seek ways toconnect and support one another, andto enjoy some Fun and Fellowship.

I am proud to count you asBrothers.Thank you for all you do forone another, your Fraternity and yourPhilanthropy.

Yours in the faith,James R.“Jim” SmithImperial Potentate

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ZUHRAH SHRINERSMasonic RelationsCommittee

More Masonic activities are takingplace. More Blue Lodges are meetingusing social distancing plus face masks.Grand Lodge is continually reviewingany future guidance based on currentsituations.

I am expecting there will be changesin policies as we learn to live with thisvirus.The virus is in the population andit will likely remain for the foreseeablefuture.As vaccines and treatments aredeveloped we will find it will have lessand less impact on our day-to-day lives,but for now it seems it is life behindthe mask due to governmental order.

Many Masonic bodies are usingZOOM to get together when notmeeting in person.This tool does allowus to interact and keep in touch withour Brothers. It is important to stay intouch. It has also been a great tool toget in contact and see the Brothers whowould rarely come to the meetings dueto a disability or distance.

As you recall, I am the Grand HighPriest of the Grand Chapter of RoyalArch Masons of Minnesota for the2020 – 2021 capitular year.A group ofGrand Officers and Past Grand HighPriests took the time to travel toWinona to meet with Winona ChapterNo. 5. It was good to get together withour Companions. The purpose of themeeting was to provide assistance inopening and closing the Chapter, whichhad not been done in well over tenyears. There has been a turnaroundwith newer younger Masons joiningtheir Lodge, and earlier this year severalof them came to the One Day to RoyalArch Festival held at the MinneapolisScottish Rite.Their Chapter now has afairly good membership list, and wehope that this new interest will getthem active again. These newCompanions desired to meet, so a roadtrip was planned. Several ZuhrahShriners, who are active in the RoyalArch, accompanied me on this tripincluding Dave Emery, DaveDumonceaux, Ed Morse, and JoeAnderson.This is a very dedicated group.

The Grand Chapter of Royal ArchMasons of Minnesota will be holding aKnight of the Royal Arch investiture thisfall along with the Grand Commanderyof Knight Templar of Minnesota’s KnightCommander of the Temple investiture.It will be an open event with a dinnerand you can bring your lady with you.Those who attend will also get a com-memorative coin that will only be avail-able at that time.Think about attendingthat event even if you aren’t a York RiteMason. The exact date has not beenbooked yet, but it will be held at theLost Spur event center.

The Minnesota York Rite bodies willhold their one-day Festivals shortly afterthe One-Day-to-Masonry being held onJanuary 16th.The one-day to Royal Archwill be January 30, 2021.The one-day toCryptic Council will be on February 13,2021. The one-day to Knight Templarwill be on March 6, 2021.Those one-dayfestivals will be held at the MinneapolisScottish Rite.The exact info is availableon our website.There isno difference in the degrees and ordersat a one-day festival than if each is takenseparately. If you have been thinkingabout extending your involvement in the York Rite, these festivals can be aconvenient way to gain more knowledge

in Masonry. After all, the Blue Lodge isthe first step in the York Rite.

The only memory work in the RoyalArch, Cryptic Council or KnightsTemplar takes place after you become amember and volunteer to be a castmember in one of the Degrees orOrders.

For the Grand York Rite Sessions,we are planning to get together in per-son in Alexandria on June 24, 25 & 26,2021. The event will be held at theHoliday Inn.

The Triennial Sessions for GeneralGrand Chapter of Royal Arch Masonsand the General Grand Council ofCryptic Masons will be held viaZOOM this year primarily due to thetravel restriction of various countriesaround the world. These two bodiesare international in nature and othercountries have rules that vary fromthose we are living under in Minnesota.I remember that on one of the world-wide ZOOM meetings a Companionreported that men were only allowedout of the house two days a week andwomen on two different days.

Many of these Companions and SirKnights are also Shriners.The Nobilityhas many Masons who are activethroughout Masonry in Minnesota.Remember your third degree and itsobligation to seek further light inMasonry.The York Rite provides thoseopportunities and you can learn moreat

The Scottish Rite Valleys are prepar-ing to hold festivals later in the fall asthe normal schedules have been inter-rupted due to the virus. Be sure towatch for the announcements forthese events. I have heard that the fes-tival for the Minneapolis Valley willtake place over several days and not allof the 29 Degrees will be performed.

The Grand Lodge is hostingWebinars to provide Masonic educa-tion. If you want information on theseyou can go to the Grand Lodge WebSite at to obtain infor-mation on how to attend. Please checkout the schedule, there is a wide varietyof interests for any Mason and veryknowledgeable Brothers at the helm.

Because many Blue Lodges and otherMasonic groups are using alternatives toin-person meetings, I recommend youcheck with the groups you belong to andsee what they are doing. If the leadershipisn’t doing anything to keep their mem-bers connected, I would encouragethem to set up a virtual meeting.Encourage your groups to somehow gettogether to engage with one anotherand have some good conversation.Somehave had get togethers at restaurantsthat are open and serving food. It isimportant to stay in contact with ourBrethren, check up on each other andstay strong during these times.

The whole fraternity is better offwhen we are all active in some way oranother. Don’t just restrict yourselfand limit your activity to only one ortwo things.There is a rich experiencein Masonry and plenty of philanthro-pies in need of your assistance.

Carl Lidstrom, [email protected]

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Horsemanship – Fraternity –Philanthropy

“We Ride so Children May Walk”

Family Friendly OutdoorExperience

Are you looking for a fun and safeoutdoor experience with your family?Come check out the great outdoors atthe Horsemen Ranch. We are locatedjust 20 minutes west of Minneapolis inMaple Plain.The Horsemen Ranch hasa clubhouse and barn with plenty ofrural pasture where you can get a littledirt on your boots! Come on out on aWednesday evening to enjoy a beauti-ful sunset, great scenery, and spendsome time with our equine friends!

Three Rivers Park ReserveThe Horsemen ranch enjoys direct

access to the Three Rivers LakeRebecca Park Reserve—a gentlyrolling, big woods landscape withnumerous wetland areas. In addition tothe many opportunities for outdoorfun you’ll find here, this park is also ahaven for wildlife… including the rein-troduction of the Trumpeter Swans.

Up Coming Events• 10/14: Horsemen Officer

Nominations Meeting• 11/11: Horsemen Officer Elections

Meeting• 12/16: Horsemen Holiday Meeting

Good Men Wanted! Come spend some time with us at

the ranch every Wednesday evening. Ifyou ever imagined watching horses inthe wide-open country, enjoying ahome-style meal, sitting by the fire andsocializing with some great people,well… you are invited and welcomedto come check us out! Your family iswelcome too! When the weather isnice, you’ll find us practicing our drilland riding the trails; you won’t want tomiss it! The address and phone num-ber are: 4505 County Road 92, MaplePlain - (763) 972-6857.In Closing Horsemen Facebook commu-

nity is growing with 900+ followers!We frequently update our site withposts and pictures. Like and share ourpage to stay up-to-date on all the funand happenings.

Funster Greetings—Happy October! Unfortunately

there is not much new to report dueto the coronavirus.Activities are pick-ing up but they are still limited.

Our Funster September statedmeeting was again on the Zuhrahpatio. For the third consecutive timewe had a beautiful evening. Sevenmembers were in attendance: BozoJr., Ernie, Snappy, Barney, Fritz, Wheelsand Ziggy. We had Hamburgers andBratwursts with cookies for dessert.

We discussed downsizing our storageroom by eliminating some or all of ourcircus props. We will probably not beusing them again. We also had some discussion on postponing the purchaseof our Zuhrah insurance until we knowthat we will be needing it. Everyone’shealth seems to be stable with lots ofaches and pains but most of us are onthe mend.

Bunco is returning to Zuhrah inOctober on Friday the 30th—a pre-Halloween celebration at the ZuhrahOasis. $5 is the entry fee. We arerequiring that you bring your own dice(3) and a pen.We will be changing therules in response to COVID. Pleasebring a snack but ALL food must beprepackaged. Come and join the fun!!

Our next stated meeting is sched-uled for Monday, October 12th, at theShrine Center.We may move inside asthe weather is getting a little colderand the sun is going down a little ear-lier. I hope that you can make it butmost of all, continue to stay safe.

Yours in the Faith,

Jim “Bozo Jr.” Burlingame2020 Funster President


We all are adjusting on how to livesafely while resuming some level ofsocial activity during a pandemic, andZuhrah and the Ceremonial Unit areplanning some autumn activities. InSeptember, after six months of keepingreally socially distant, the CeremonialUnit held its first in-person meetingsince February. It was reported thatZuhrah will hold a Ceremonial onSaturday, November 7, at the ShrineCenter. Director General MikeRouillard will provide additional detailsas we get closer to that date.

Ceremonial Unit members andladies also discussed having a Christmasdinner. It was decided that we will do soon the third Tuesday in December –December 15 – at Zuhrah with acatered meal. Details will be forthcom-ing, and – as always these days – we willmonitor the COVID situation andadjust accordingly.

One of Zuhrah’s and the CeremonialUnit’s most beloved members recentlycelebrated a milestone birthday. 1980Ceremonial Unit President and 1995Potentate John Andersen, a/k/a the“Great Dane,” turned 80 on September25. John has been a stalwart member ofthe Shrine and a mentor to many. Onefellow Ceremonial Unit memberdescribed him as a “Shriner’s Shriner”and told a story about one Ceremoniala number of years ago when Johnaddressed the neophytes on what beinga Shriner meant to him. His commentsto the soon-to-be Nobles were sobeautiful and inspiring that he hadeveryone in the room spellbound.

Spring Ceremonials used to be host-ed by an outstate Shrine Club and heldat a local Armory or Ice Arena, where

the full second section of theCeremonial could be held. John was oneof the lead members of the WreckingCrew, who would assist candidatesacross the “hot” sands of the desert,where many an obstacle (egg crate, ballbuster, ice cream sundaes, judges’ tableto name a few) stood in the way of theirpilgrimage to Mecca. John would welcome the new Nobles with an ear-to-ear grin and a hearty handshake.

John and his better half, the lovely andwonderful Caroline, have also gracious-ly hosted many a summer picnic at theirhome on Lake Washington, a few fur-longs east of a big ball of twine. Theyensured that everyone was well-fed andhad a tremendous time, and they saw toit that guests were treated like royalty –right down to the most recent Searscatalog in the little room with the cres-cent moon on the door.

As a certified professional mixologist(bartender), John called this scribe intoservice at many a Potentate’s Ball whenthe Unit Heads groups from prior yearswould hold a party on Friday night. PPJohn Andersen and the 1995 UnitHeads took over the Ceremonial Unithospitality room, and it was always THEplace to be.The aquavit was free-flow-ing, the buffet table was brimming withScandinavian delicacies, and laughterfilled the old Radisson.

Happy birthday, my dear friend.In honor of John’s birthday, I will close

with a bit of Scandihoovian humor. Oleand Sven and their Danish friend,Anders, were at the local pub discussingwhat they would want to have if theywere stranded on the desert. Ole said,“I vould vant a big canteen of vater soven I get tirsty, I can have a drink ofvater.” Sven said, “I vould vant anumbrella so I can keep da hot sun fromburning me.” Anders said,“I vould vant acar door.” To which Ole and Sven bothexclaimed, “A car door?! Vat for?!”Anders replied, “So ven it got hot, Icould roll down da vindow.”

Fraternally,John HultquistArabian Scribe


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Zuhrah Women’s Auxiliary Ladies, Fall is here and we are still

locked up due to the virus. I hope allof you are safe and well.

We are planning a meeting onNovember 10 at 11:30 at the ZuhrahCenter. We will have lunch $15.00. Wewill be practicing safe guidelines. Wewill not meet again until February 2021.Callers will be calling for reservations.

The Officers in place will remainuntil next year.There will be no electionor installation.

We have canceled the October StyleShow and in its place will be having aneventless fundraiser. Watch your mailfor the info. We have not had anyfundraisers this year and would like tomake our annual donation inDecember to the WG4Kids.

Miss seeing all of you and I am hopinglife will get back to somewhat normalsoon.

Sue Borgersen,Chairman



Minnesota Valley Shriners Club heldits second summer social event onAugust 20 at the Charthouse Restauranton the shores of Lake Kingsley inLakeville. We had a great turnout with46 in attendance.We practiced social dis-tancing as we limited seating to six perlarge table with tables spaced six feetapart. It was a beautiful summer eveningand there were two guitar players whoprovided entertainment.

We were pleased to have ourPotentate Verl Raap in attendancealong with his Lady Jenna. Also inattendance from our Divan were JonPavola and Lady Jean, Curt Quast,Clif Bailey, and Loran Goff and hisbride Judy. Past Potentate JimBurlingame Jr and Linda alsoenjoyed the evening.During the evening,we initiated a new member. DanFerber took our obligation which

states that you must enjoy eating, drink-ing,and having fun. Since he agreed withour obligation, we overwhelminglyvoted Dan to become a member.Pictured below left is Dan Ferber beingblindfolded by his Lady Susan while hewas being voted on. Congratulationsto Dan and Susan and we wish youmany years of fun in our MVSC family.

Joining us at the Charthouse wereseveral members from the BloomingtonArea Shriners Club. They seem to havehad a good time. Pictured at right istheir Club Secretary Rob Fendler(blue shirt) and his Lady Lori. Wehope that BASC members will join us atour future dinner meetings as theirschedule permits.

Other BASC members enjoying theevening at the Charthouse included PastPotentate Adrian Skytland, MacMcFarland,Ron and Diane Wagner,and David and Darlene Pickit. Beloware more pictures from the fun evening atthe Charthouse. It was a fun night and itwas nice to visit our friends from BASC.SEPTEMBER DINNER MEETING

was held on September 24 at Fong’sEvent Center in Prior Lake. Social dis-tancing will apply at all our dinnermeetings. The seating will be four toa table. I will provide details of theevening in November’s Arabian.


will be held at our October 22Dinner Meeting at Caspers Restaurantin Eagan. You must be present tovote. There will be no absentee bal-lots and no mail-in ballots.

**********************************May your troubles be LESS

May your blessings be MORE

*********************************Yours in the faith,

Ken ChambersArabian Correspondent

[email protected]: 952-888-8225

Looking to Clown Around?Join the Funsters!

Contact Gerry Brandt


The Zuhrah Pipes & Drums

Are Looking for New Members

No Experience Necessary!Call Jerry Oliver



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Page 8: 1,442 T OTAL ZUHRAH MEMBERS – 78 N Zuhrah Rod & Gun · When you hear of a noble who has beenill, hospitalized,convalescent,



BUSINESS LISTINGS Contact Clif Bailey at [email protected]

Business Listings $75 per year

Auto DealersFreeway FordRob StewartBloomington,

Lockwood Motors, Inc.Chet LockwoodBob LockwoodMarshall,

Cleaning ServicesQuick Dry-Tech Carpet &Upholstery CleaningChuck StennesMinneapolis, [email protected]

Computer ConsultantScherstad Systems Inc.Ross E. HjermstadElk River, [email protected]

ContractorsCCRCC CarlsonConstruction Co.David Carlson "Too Tall"St Louis Park, MN952-545-2403

Financial AdvisorsFinancial CompassRobert S. Davis, CFPEden Prairie, MN952-921-2121rsdavis@financialcompass.comwww.financialcompass.comJirak & AssociatesAmeriprise FinancialTim Jirak, CFP, ChFCMinnetonka, [email protected]

Funeral DirectorsTwin City MonumentsMorrie Toretsky4827 Minnetonka Blvd, Minneapolis952-920-4738John Phillips1133 University Ave, St. Paul651-646-1542

Washburn McReavyWilliam L. McReavy, Sr.William W. McReavy, Jr.Jim EwaldMinneapolis,

Heating & AirStandard HeatingMinneapolis,

InsuranceChoice Insurance AgencyOwen R SeeleyMinnetonka, [email protected]

MortgageSummit MortgageCorporationNick Oliveri, Senior Loan OfficerNMLS

Real EstateAmy E. Kerber International President’s CircleRealtor, Graduate RealtorInstitute, Certfied Relocation SpecColdwell Banker Burnet7550 France Ave. S. Suite 100Edina, MN 55435952-844-6062 office 952-844-6000 front desk 952-210-4414 cell phone 952-844-6099 faxEmail: [email protected] Web:

Edina RealtyCraig Kamman952-475-2411 / (c) [email protected]

RetailOsseo Gun Club & Pro ShopChris Williamson22 4th St NWOsseo, MN 5369763-269-6914

RoofingKaufman RoofingDick KaufmanMinneapolis, [email protected]

SecurityCentral Lock & SafeDarryl MetzgerMinneapolis, MN612-788-9024www.centrallockandsafe.comElectronic Installations, Inc.Maple Grove, [email protected]

Senior Home CareIndependent Home Care AgencyAlexander O.Walker, Director763-205-57633300 County Road 10 Suite 300EBrooklyn Center, MN 55429

TravelAAA MinneapolisMinneapolis, [email protected]

Thank the


for their support

of the Arabian!


SEPTEMBER 27 28Yom Kippur

29 30Marshall ASC


SFA Dinner


4 5Birak ElectionsDrum Corps StatedHo HoPatrol StatedWillmar ASC

6Cycle CorpsSteel Drum BandPast Potes


8Finance Committee

9ZUHRAH STATEDMEETING3:30 Divan Meeting5:30 Trustees5:45 Dinner7:00 Stated Meeting!


11 12Band BoardFunstersPipes & Drums

13Anoka ASCBloomington ASCOwatonna ASC

14Antique CarsHorsemen StatedMarinersRod & Gun StatedThe Chairmen





18 19Drum Corps Rehearsal

20Canby ASCCeremonial UnitCobra Corps

21FlamesGuardian Unit

22Minn Valley SC




25 26 27Membership

CommitteeClub & Unit Heads

28Marshall ASCAntique Cats Burger

RunLoH Stated

29 30



NOVEMBER 1Standard Time – set back 1 hour

2Band StatedHo HoPatrol StatedWillmar ASC

3Cycle CorpsSteel Drum Band


5 6


7Fall Ceremonial

Please check with heads of Clubs or Units for status of meetings.

Shrine Fundrais ing Associat ion
