
4ANTONI OVI VALDI 16781741THE FOUR SEASONS from Il cimento dellarmonia e dellinventioneCONCERTO NO.1 IN E Op.8 No.1 RV269 La Primavera Spring1 I Allegro 3.312 II Largo 2.503 III Allegro 4.19CONCERTO NO.2 IN G MINOR Op.8 No.2 RV315 LEstate Summer4 I Allegro non molto Allegro 5.405 II Adagio e piano Presto e forte 2.206 III Presto 2.42CONCERTO NO.3 IN F Op.8 No.3 RV293 LAutunno Autumn7 I Allegro 5.228 II Adagio molto 2.439 III Allegro 3.27CONCERTO NO.4 IN F MINOR Op.8 No.4 RV297 LInverno Winter10 I Allegro non molto 3.2511 II Largo 2.2212 III Allegro 3.27CONCERTO IN G MINOR Op.12 No.1 RV31713 I Allegro 3.4114 II Largo 4.3015 III Allegro 3.15Bonus trackCONCERTO IN A MINOR Op.2 No.6RV 35616 I Allegro 3.0857.15ORPHEUSCHAMBERORCHESTRAThe Grammy award-winning Orpheus Chamber Orchestra is internationally renowned for its fine artistry and distinctive approach to music-making, with aperforming and recording legacy spanning 35 years. Performing with many of todaysmost dynamic and esteemed soloists, Orpheus presents an annual concert series atCarnegie Hall that illuminates both classic orchestral repertoire and new works bycontemporary composers. Noted by critics and audiences alike for their unsurpassedenergy, sensitivity, and connection to listeners, Orpheus is considered one of New Yorks cultural treasures.Orpheus tours on a regular basis throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia. TheOrpheus recording legacy consists of more than 70 albums and a 2001 GrammyAward. This recording is the orchestras first release on EMI, and the groups extensivecatalogue includes releases on the Deutsche Grammophon, Decca, SONY Classical, and Nonesuch labels.Founded in 1972 by cellist Julian Fifer and a group of fellow musicians who aspired topresent musician-led performances, Orpheus is a self-governing organisation. Central to its distinctive personality is its practice of sharing and rotating leadership roles.Please visit the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra website,, for moreinformation on the ensemble, the musicians, performances, and special events.MetLife Foundation is the Official Tour Sponsor of OrpheusSARAHCHANG violinOrpheus Chamber OrchestraViolin I Richard Rood, Laura Frautschi, Adela Pea, Ronnie BauchViolin II Liang Ping How, Joanna Jenner, Rene Jolles, Sophia KessingerViola David Cerrutti, Christof Huebner, Jenny Douglas, Shmuel KatzCello Melissa Meell, Jonathan Spitz, James WilsonBass Jordan FrazierHarpsichord John Gibbons6The sonnets are crucial to the concertos one cant go withoutthe other. I dont knowof another composer who was so specific inwanting certain images portrayed in themusic not only giving them to you as aguideline but also pinpointing the content ofthe poetry and the music, section by section.These ideas are integral to the way I play TheFour Seasons.7La PrimaveraAllegroGiunt la Primavera e festosettila Salutan glAugei con lieto cantoe i fonti allo Spirar de Zeffiretticon dolce mormorio Scorrono intanto:vengon coprendo laer di nero amantoe Lampi, e tuoni ad annuntiarla elettiindi tacendo questi, glAugellettitornan di nuovo al lor canoro incanto.LargoE quindi sul fiorito ameno pratoal caro mormorio di fronde e piantedorme l Caprar col fido can lato.AllegroDi pastoral Zampogna al suon festantedanzan Ninfe e Pastor nel tetto amatodi primavera allapparir brillante.Der FrhlingAllegroDer Frhling ist gekommen, und freudigbegren ihn die Vgel mit frohem Gesang,und das Suseln der Zephirwinde begleitendie Quellen mit sanftem Gemurmel.Die Luft mit schwarzem Mantel umhllendknden auch Blitz und Donner den Frhling.Wenn sie verstummen, singen von neuemdie kleinen Vgel ihr zauberhaftes Lied.LargoUnd dort schlft auf blumiger Auezum sanften Flstern der Bltter und Grserder Ziegenhirt, der treue Hund ihm zur Seite.AllegroZu den festlichen Klngen des Dudelsackstanzen Nymphen und Hirte zur Ankunft des Frhlings in seinem prachtvollen Reich.SpringAllegroSpringtime is upon us.The birds celebrate her return with festive song, and murmuring streamsare softly caressed by the breezes. Thunderstorms, those heralds of Spring,roar, casting their dark mantle over heaven,then they die away to silence, and the little birdstake up their charming songs once more.LargoOn the flower-strewn meadow, with leafy branches rustling overhead, the goatherd sleeps, his faithful dog beside him.AllegroLed by the sound of rustic bagpipes,nymphs and shepherds lightly dancebeneath the brilliant canopy of spring.Le PrintempsAllegroLe printemps est arriv et les oiseauxftent sa venue avec des chants joyeux,le doux murmure des fontaines rpond aux souffles des zphyrs ;couvrant lair dun noir manteau,lorage et ses clairs annoncent le printemps,puis, le silence revenu, les oiselets reprennent leur beau concert.LargoSur le joli pr fleuri,au tendre murmure des feuillages,le chevrier dort, son chien fidle ses cts.AllegroAu son festif dune musette rustique,nymphes et bergers dansent sous laimable toitdu printemps qui parat dans toute sa splendeur.8LEstateAllegro non molto AllegroSotto dura Staggion dal Sole accesalangue lhuom, langue l gregge, ed arde il Pino;scioglie il Cucco la Voce, e tosto intesacanta la Tortorella e l gardelino.Zeffiro dolce Spira, m contesamuove Borea improviso al Suo vicino;e piange il Pastorel, perche sospesateme fiera borasca, e l suo destino.Adagio e piano - Presto e forteToglie alle membra lasse il Suo riposoil timore de Lampi, e tuoni fierie de mosche, e mossoni il Stuol furioso!PrestoAh che pur troppo i Suo timor Son verituona e fulmina il Ciel e grandiosotronca il capo alle Spiche e a gran alteri.Der SommerAllegro non molto AllegroUnter der harten Zeit sengender Sonne leiden Hirte und Herde und glht die Pinie;der Kuckuck erhebt seine Stimme, und einig mit ihmsingen auch bald Turteltaube und Distelfink.Sanft haucht der Zephir, doch zum Wettstreit fordert jh der Nordwind den Nachbarn heraus;und der Hirte weint, denn er frchtetihr wildes Wten und bangt um sein Schicksal.Adagio e piano Presto e forteDen matten Gliedern raubt ihre Ruhedie Furcht vor Blitzen und wildem Donnern,der Fliegenund Mcken wtendes Schwirren!PrestoAch, nur zu wahr ist seine Furcht,der Himmel donnert und blitzt, und der Hagel enthauptet die hren und stolzen Halme.SummerAllegro non molto AllegroUnder a hard Season, fired up by the Sunlanguishes man, languishes the flock and burns the pine;we hear the cuckoos voice; then sweet songs of the turtledove and finch are heard.Soft breezes stir the air, but threatening north wind sweeps them suddenly aside.The shepherd trembles,fearing violent storms and his fate.Adagio e piano Presto e forteThe fear of lightning and fierce thunderrobs his tired limbs of restas gnats and flies buzz furiously around.PrestoAlas, his fears were justified:the Heavens thunder and roar and the hailcuts the head off the wheat and damages the grain.LtAllegro non molto AllegroSous la dure saison enflamme par le soleil,lhomme languit, le btail languit, le pin brle ;on entend la voix du coucou, et tt le matinle chant de la tourterelle et du chardonneret.Zphyre souffle doucement, mais soudainBore vient chercher querelle son voisin ;et le ptre, craignant la menacedune sauvage bourrasque, dplore son destin .Adagio e piano Presto e forteSes membres las sont privs de repospar la crainte des clairs, du tonnerre froce,et lessaim furieux des mouches et moucherons !PrestoAh, ses craintes ntaient que trop vraies :le ciel tonne, fulmine et la grle,coupe la tte des pis et couche les grains.9LAutunnoAllegroCelebra il Vilanel con balli e Cantidel felice raccolto il bel piaceree del liquor de Bacco accesi tantifiniscono col Sonno il lor godere.Adagio moltoF ch ogn uno tralasci e balli e cantilaria che temperata d piacere,e la Staggion chinvita tanti e tantidun dolcissimo Sonno al bel godere.AllegroI cacciator all nov alba cacciacon corni, Schioppi, e canni escono fuorefugge la belua, e Seguono la traccia;gi Sbigottita, e lassa al gran rumorede Schioppi e canni, ferita minaccialanguida di fuggir, m oppressa muore.Der HerbstAllegroDie Bauern feiern mit Tnzen und Liederndie Freude der glcklichen Ernte,und, vom Bacchustrunke entflammt,beenden sie schlafend ihr Freudenfest.Adagio moltoWohlig und mild lsst die Luft die Lieder und Tnze verklingen, und viele lockt wieder die Jahreszeit zur Freude sesten Schlummers.AllegroDie Jger ziehen am neuen Morgen zur Jagd mit Hrnern, Flinten und Hunden,das Wild flieht, und sie folgen der Spur;erschreckt und ermattet vom lauten Lrmender Flinten und Hunde, verwundet und schwach droht es zu entkommen, doch verendet erschpft.AutumnAllegroThe peasants celebrate, with songs and dances,the pleasure of a bountiful harvest.And fired up by Bacchuss liquor,many end their revelry in sleep.Adagio moltoEveryone is made to forget their cares and to sing and danceby the air which is tempered with pleasureAnd by the season that invites so many, manyto enjoy their sweetest slumber.AllegroThe hunters emerge at the new dawn,and with horns and dogs and guns depart upon their huntingthe beast flees and they follow its trail;terrified and tired of the great noiseof guns and dogs, the beast, wounded, threatenslanguidly to flee, but harried, dies.LAutomneAllegroLes paysans clbrent par des danses et chantsle beau plaisir dune rcolte abondanteet, enflamms par la liqueur de Bacchus,plus dun termine la fte en sendormant.Adagio moltoChacun dlaisse chant et danse, pouss par la douceur de lair et la saison qui invite tout le monde jouir dun dlicieux sommeil.AllegroLes chasseurs sortent laubeavec leurs cors, leurs fusils et leurs chiens,le gibier fuit, ils suivent sa trace ;saisie de frayeur et lasse du vacarmedes armes et des chiens, la bte blessetente de fuir, mais elle meurt puise. 10LInvernoAllegro non moltoAggiacciato tremar tr neri algential Severo Spirar dorrido Vento,correr battendo i piedi ogni momento;e pel Soverchio gel batter i denti;Largopassar al foco i di quieti e contentimentre la pioggia fuor bagna ben cento.AllegroCaminar Sopra l giaccio, e passo lentoper timor di cader gersene intenti;gir forte Sdruzziolar, cader terradi nuove ir Sopra l giaccio e correr fortesin chil giaccio si rompe, e si disserra;sentir uscir dalle ferrate portesirocco Borea, e tutti i Venti in guerraquest l verno, m tal, che gioja apporte.Der WinterAllegro non moltoEisiges Zittern im silbrigen Schnee,im frostigen Hauch des schaurigen Windes,laufen und unentwegt mit den Fen stapfenund in grimmiger Klte mit den Zhnen klappern;Largoam Feuer heiter und ruhig die Tage verbringen,whrend drauen der Regen viele durchnsst.Allegrobers Eis gehen mit bedchtigem Schrittaus Furcht, falsch zu treten und zu fallen;krftig schreiten, ausgleiten, zu Boden fallen,wieder aufs Eis gehen und krftig ausschreiten,bis das Eis bricht und sich ffnet.Hren, wie sich hinter verriegelten TrenSchirokko und alle Winde zum Wettstreit rsten.Das ist der Winter, doch so bringt er Freude.bersetzung: Gudrun MeierWinterAllegro non moltoShivering, frozen mid the frosty snow in biting, stinging winds;running to and fro to stamp ones icy feet, teeth chattering in the bitter chill.LargoTo rest contentedly beside the hearth,while those outside are drenched by pouring rain.AllegroWe tread the icy path slowly and cautiously,for fear of tripping and falling.Then turn abruptly, slip, crash on the groundand, rising, hasten on across the icelest it cracks up.We feel the chill north winds course through the home despite the locked and bolted doors.This is winter, which nonetheless brings its own delights.LHiverAllegro non moltoSe geler et trembler dans la neige argenteau souffle pre dun vent terrible,courir et taper des pieds chaque instant ;claquer des dents dans le froid mordant.LargoPasser des jours paisibles auprs du feupendant que la pluie fait rage au dehors.AllegroMarcher sur la glace pas lentspar crainte dune chute, et faire des dtours ;tourner brusquement, glisser, tomber terre,se relever et courir bien viteavant que la glace ne rompe ;entendre surgir de leurs portes de ferSirocco, Bore, et tous les vents en guerre,tel est lhiver, mais tel quil apporte la joie.Traduction : Jean-Claude Poyet11Recorded: 21, 23 & 24.V.2007, SUNY Purchase College, New YorkProducer: Stephen JohnsRecording engineer: Tim MartynEditing & mastering: Simon KilnMonitored using B & W loudspeakersA&R manager: Kerry BrownPhotography: Cliff WattsDesign: Darren Rumney for WLP LtdBooklet editor: Megan Skinner for WLP LtdP2007 The copyright in this sound recording is owned by EMI Records Ltd.C2007 EMI Records Ltd.
