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17 Julie 2014 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: [email protected] 12 No: 28r / Yr



ens se neus en bors trek toe, jy kan nie asem haal nie - en dis gewoonlik teen Mskemer. Maar soms is dit deur die dag ook.

Hier is die antwoord Lydenburg. Ons asem gif in. Suiwer roet. ’n Inwoner van Kerkstraat, wat anoniem wil bly, het met hierdie skokkende bewyse na die Highland Panorama Nuus gekom verlede week. Die blare (ligter blare) wat onderstebo was het minder roet op. Die asgate brand elke dag die vullis - daardie giftige gasse moet iewers heen. Dit trek in die dorp af. Veldbrande buite die dorp dra hiertoe by. Industrieë wat

altyd sê hulle is bo verdenking, se giftige gasse en roet beweeg ook m.b.v. wind oor die dorp. Maar steeds ontken almal hul moontlike aandeel hierin. Mens proe eintlik die gif in die lug. En dit is erger in die winter omdat baie mense vuur moet maak om nie te verkluim nie. Hier is die bewyse van wat ons elke dag inasem. ~ Michelle Boshoff.

These leaves are evidence of the air pollution in Lydenburg. The landfill site and other sources of pollution outside town are literally poisoning us every day. If this is how the trees look, just imagine what the condition of our lungs are. This is an outrage.

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The Heads Shopping Centre Lydenburg

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Body not identifiedA man was found near Ohrigstad and his body has not been claimed. The deceased was known as Nhlanhla Thulani with ID 7505056243083. He did not have any family near the farm where he was found. He died of natural causes. The man was only given shelter on the farm and did

not work there. I f a n y o n e h a s information please phone Tswelopele Funeral Services at 071 656 7134.

Please help

with thiscase

Fr Konrad Nefzger was born on 1 April 1939 in Unterschönau, Germany. He entered the Comboni Missionary in Secondary school and completed his education there. He made his Novitiate in Mellatz in Germany, and professed his Vows as a Comboni Missionary on 29 September 1959. During 1959 – 1964 he continued his studies in Philosophy and Theology in Bamberg, Germany, and on 15 February 1964 he professed his Perpetual vows. He was ordained as a Priest on 26 July 1964.He arrived in Maria Trost Mission, outside Lydenburg, South Africa in 1965, and

remained there until 1970. He returned to Germany for a brief 3 year stint, and returned to South Africa in 1974, ministering in Witbank, Bongani (Hazyview) and Lydenburg.The Comboni Missionaries was founded in 1840 by Daniel Comboni. His dream was to bring the gospel to the African people, and founded two institutions of men and women to attend to the needs of the Africans of his time. But, above all, he dreamed of Africans being missionaries of their own people. His motto was "to save Africa with Africa." Now, more than 150 years later, the Comboni Missionaries are present in about 40 countries

worldwide. The Comboni missionaries first worked in Europe and Africa, moving to North and South America in the 1930s, and expanding into Asia in the 1980s. In Africa they were originally based in Central Africa, and later came to South Africa in 1923. The Maria Trost Mission just outside Lydenburg in the valley just below Mosterhoek (on the Frischewaagd road), was established around this time. Fr Konrad has been a stable and gentle force in many Lydenburg Catholic parishioners lives. He is the Priest for both St Theresa's Parish in Lydenburg and Sacred Heart Parish in Mashishing. He speaks several languages including Zulu, which is the language he offers mass in, in Mashishing every Sunday. He has written several books including Study guide for children learning about the catholic faith. Many parishioners have received one of his beautifully crafted candles as a gift when celebrating a sacrament or enjoyed a little something grown by him in his veggie garden. Well known for his white VW Golf, cheeky grin, his cheerful greeting of “hello, hello, hello” and his excellent sense of humour, Father Konrad is a true example of a Comboni Missionary. Celebrations were held at Sacred Heart , we

Priest Fr Konrad Nefzger

Catholic Church on 13 July 2014. As members of the Catholic community, we congratulate and thank Fr Konrad for his dedication in the last 50 years.

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Versekeringsforum Building,

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Free studyopportunitiesin Steelpoort

FREE study opportunities to obtain a globally sought after qualification in the manufacturing sector are now available to qualifying students in Steelpoort. Prospective applicants will be selected in the town over the next two months for tool, die and mould making training as part of the Intsimbi National Tooling Initiative's (NTI's) TDM Powered Foundation Programme. The Programme will be presented at Xstrata Eastern Limb Training Centre, R555 Steelpoort Road, Steelpoort in 2015. The Foundation Programme is registered as a skills programme: Toolroom Assistant with merSETA, the Education and Training Authorities' SETA established to promote skills development in Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services. Dirk van Dyk, a director of Intsimbi NTI, says the training of sufficient skilled people for the tooling industry is of critical importance as manufacturing is one of the cornerstones of the South African economy. Manufacturing provides consumers with virtually all products that they use in everyday life and creates economic growth, employment and wealth. In order to produce high quality products at affordable prices, manufacturers rely on advanced technology and highly trained people, provided by the tooling manufacturing industry, to produce the tools, moulds and dies required for the manufacturing process. “South Africa is currently experiencing a critical shortage of technically skilled people in the tooling manufacturing industry. This obviously has important implications for the manufacturing industry and continued growth in the country” says Van Dyk “The TDM Powered Skills Development Programme, a partnership between the Toolmaking Association of South Africa (TASA) and the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) is a strategic growth stimulator for manufacturing and technical skills development and aims to create a significant number of job opportunities for South Africa's youth”.TDM Powered Foundation Programme is a one-year programme and provides students with the basic skills in the tool, die and mould making disciplines to enable them to qualify as Toolroom Assistants. Once qualified, students can pursue careers in cross cutting sectors such as the aerospace, automotive, chemical, electronics, leisure, marine, medical, mining and packaging industries.The learning content of the Foundation Programme is structured to include

fundamental and applied theory, trade theory, workshop practical training and on-the-job training, providing students with extensive industry exposure and experience. Students receive a small stipend during Phase 3, the workplace on-the-job training phase, to support them with transport costs to the companies where they receive their on-the-job exposure and training. Matriculants, industry incumbents and out of school youth are invited to attend a “Career Day” to obtain first-hand knowledge about the TDM Powered Foundation Level Programme at:Xstrata Eastern Limb Training Centre, R555 Steelpoort Road. Steelpoort on 29 July from 09:00 to 15:00. More information and application forms are available from Ms

Lindiwe Makoale 072 243 7370 or email: [email protected]. For general enquiries, please contact the T D M P o w e r e d Office 071 675 3551, visit the website or e-mail: [email protected]

MET hope deernis groet ons me. Sophie Maritz van Rusoord Woonstelle wat Saterdagoggend 12 Julie, na 'n kort siekbed, oorlede is. Familie het van baie ver gereis om die volgende dag, 13 Julie, haar 99ste verjaardag saam met haar te kom vier. Die Here het egter anders beskik. Hierdie blymoedige dame was 'n voorbeeld vir almal wat met haar in aanraking gekom het. Haar pragtige gehekelde baba -en kniekombersies hou baie lyfies warm (sy het Woensdag die 9de nog aan 'n pienke gewerk). Selfs haar latere doofheid het sy aanvaar as haar Skepper se doel met haar lewe: “Sodat ek nie al die lelike dinge hoef te hoor nie.” ~ Die Highlands Panorama Nuus dra ook ons innige simpatie oor aan haar familie en vriende - sy was ’n geliefde inwoner. RED

Me. Sophie Maritz dag voorhaar 99ste verjaardag oorlede

Wyle me. Sophie Maritz

Criminals will be punished. This was the Mpumalanga Community Safety, Security and Liaison MEC Vusi Shongwe’s comment. The police caught a big vigilante group last week. Although the suspects were caught around Accornhoek in Bushbuckridge, Shongwe and Provincial SAPS said that crime won’t be tolerated in Mpumalanga.The MEC was briefed about the existence of a structure that is reportedly abducting crime suspects and subjecting them to a kangaroo court before they assaulting them. It is alleged that the group was kidnapping people who were suspected to be criminals and brutally

beating them up. It has also emerged that people were forced to agree that they were involved in criminal activities.The victims who are now in a Witness Protection Programme, told the MEC and his delegation how they were subjected to assault and slavery. They have also indicated they would be taken for days and kept in unknown places where they were being beaten. It is also alleged that some community members were reporting criminal cases at those offices and are no longer reporting at the police station. Shongwe says anybody linked to vigilantism or any crime must face the full wrath of the law regardless of their social standing or political parties they belong to.

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vir Gemeenskapsjoernalisteof Community Journalists



Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership of the following bodies /Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkredi-teerde lid van die volgende organisa-sies:

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Direkteur: Andre Coetzee -

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Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously.

The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News

is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)

MY daaglikse kantoorroetine is soos volg:Ek lees eerste my eposse. Daarna lees ek die hoofartikels van sowat nege aanlyn koerante. Saans kyk ek wat gaan aan op Facebook. In totaal hou hierdie bedrywighede my so drie ure per dag besig. Vir die res van die dag werk ek aan die koerant, die besigheid, personeel en my persoonlike goed.Die punt is dat die eposse en koerante my gewoonlik

met iets laat wat ek kan gebruik as kontroversiële onderwerp vir die Outoppie. Iets wat my dwars in die krop steek. Iets waarmee ek mense kan laat regop sit en / of warm onder die kraag kan maak. Ek probeer iets verwoord waaroor baie mense sterk voel en standpund kan inneem. As ek iemand kwaad maak is dit ook maar goed so. Terugvoer wys egter dat meeste lesers met my saamstem - dank ie ! As mens ’n b ie t j i e selfondersoek en humor kan bywerk, is dit eerste prys.Maar ’n mens word moeg om oor die toestand van die paaie, die asgate,

die onnoselheid van amptenary, die politiek en moord en doodslag te skryf. En die bytjies en die blommetjies interreseer nie veel nie.Maar wat nou gemaak as die week se nuus dieselfde ou afgesaagde stories is? Oscar. Korrupsie. Verkragtings. Roof. Renosterstropery. Mense wat oor stopstrate ry of dronk is.Hiermee wil ek nie beweer dat dit alles onbelangrik is nie. Inteendeel. Die punt is ek het dié onderwerpe al tot vervelens aangespreek. So, ek bring nie dié week iets nuuts nie. Niks waaroor julle, my geagte lesers, vir my kwaad sal wees nie. Niks, nada!Hopelik sal volgende week se nuus nie dieselfde wees nie. Of iemand sal plaaslik weer erg &^% aanjaag sodat ek kan skryf!

Romeine 8:33: Wie kan die uitverkorenes van God aankla? God self spreek hulle vry.Here, laat ons deel word van U binnekring en spreek ons vry - Amen

'n Mens wonder wat mense dryf tot dié soort vernielsug. Om 'n agent se area-bord af te ruk, in 'n rommelgat te gooi - en met die

stewige paaltjiestruktuur weg te loop. Enige inligting oor die soort vandalisme kan na Highlands Panorama gestuur word -

alle agente in die dorp sal dit op prys stel!.

Agente se bordeword gevandaliseer

Thank you Thaba Chweu

Traffic OfficersThere is an enormous traffic problem and danger on the Cnr. Viljoen and Jansen Streets Lydenburg. The Highlands Panorama News, which is situated on this corner has seen that drivers have been skipping this stop street, sometimes hundreds of times a day. There is constant danger when stopping here, for residents as well as tourists. Trucks don’t stop and coast over the crossing till they semi-stop at the Spur Centre. It is disconcerting that the other culprits are women in their 4x4 vehicles. They can’t even see over the steering wheel and ‘skip’ the stop street like they are untouchable. We mentioned this to the Thaba Chweu Traffic Department in passing. For the last two weeks they have been camped outside our offices. You can definitely see the difference in the usage of the stop street . Please use this stop street like there is a traffic cop watching you every day. You are endangering everyone’s life. Thank you to TCM Traffic for helping at the stop street, we appreciate it that you gave attention to our complaint.

Johan Vercueil skryf:Net so bietjie terugvoering nadat ons die laaste artikel oor Lapsar geplaas het. Al die klein hondjies (puppies) behalwe een het almal goeie huise gekry. Verskeie ander honde is ook aangeneem met een vroulike dier wat gesteriliseer is voor aanneming. Regs is 'n foto wat Heila Willemse van McGee ingestuur het. Hulle het onlangs hierdie pragtige Skaaphond aangeneem. Baie dankie aan julle by Highlands Panorama Nuus wat altyd help. Hartlik dankie aan almal se hulp in Lydenburg wat help om 'n verskil te maak by Lapsar. Alhoewel daar 'n hele klompie diere huise gekry het het daar intussen

Weesdiere van LAPSAR kry huise

ook weer nuwe diere ingekom. Weereens baie dankie vir julle hulp by die Highlands Panorama Nuus. Ons waardeer dit.

LEON De Jager het vir ons die volgende gestuur:Flip Buys skryf: My Tien reëls van “oor logvoer ing” . (As d i t v i r jou Machiavelliaans klink, ken jy nie vir my of die Mac nie). Reël 1: Moet nooit vir jou opponent ammunisie aandra om jou te skiet nie. Bv, deur self rassistiese stellings te maak as jy kla oor rassisme nie. Reël 2: The moral high ground is the best place to site your artillery. Reël 3: Moenie mense wat nie jou vriende is nie, jou vyande maak nie. Reël 4: Bewaar die vrede en moet nooit eerste slaan nie, maar as iemand teen jou oorlog maak, sorg dat jy altyd die laaste hou slaan. Moet dus nooit 'n oorlog begin nie, maar sorg dat jy hom eindig, m.a.w.wen. Reël 5: Praat net soveel as wat jy 'veg'. Lg is altyd die laaste uitweg. Reël 6: Kies jou vriende en jou 'vyande' reg. Wees aan die 'regte' kant, en moenie 'onkant' speel nie. Reël 7: Moenie klein geveggies veg. Jy's net so groot as die 'gevegte' wat jy veg. Reël 8: Daar is groepe wat nooit tevrede gestel kan word nie. Hulle haat jou nie oor

jou sienings nie, maar oor 'wie of wat' jy is. Mense soos Churchill en Kissinger het briljant ingesien dat radikale ideoloë soos Nazi's en Kommuniste vrede sien as die afwesigheid van opponente, en nie die afwesigheid van geweld nie. Reël 9: As jy jou soos 'n skaap gedra, gaan die wolwe jou eet. A showing of weakness invites predatory behavior. Afrikaners is meestal swak onderhandelaars, en begryp nie dat eensydige toegewings meer eise u i t l ok n i e . Ve rb i ed na ï ewes d i e onderhandelkamer. 'n Geveggie nou as jy sterk is, is beter as 'n oorlog as jy swak is. Reël 10: Hanteer mag versigtig. As 'n magsbasis nie vir jou belangrik is nie, moenie jou 'vyand' ook daarvan verdink nie. Onthou net daar's 'n verskil tussen 'n magsbasis en 'n 'fan club'. Mag is ook nie 'n plaasvervanger vir 'n goeie saak of 'n werkbare plan nie. As jy 'n rewolwer teen iemand se kop hou het jy bedingingsmag, maar as jy die sneller trek het jy dit verloor. Belangrikste: soek vrede en jaag dit na, maar veg as jy nie anders kan, want lafhartige oorgawe het bloediger en langer termyn gevolge as 'n vrede a.g.v. 'n vyand wat jou uitlos omdat hy weet jy gaan en kan terugveg.

Humor isnooit

te versmaai

Page 5: 17 Julie 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 28

’n Nuwe produk wat ongelooflik besparend is, is die nuwe "Ceiling PVC Upper Edge". Dis verkrygbaar in verskeie patrone, maklik verby om te installeer, geen verf nodig nie (geen onderhoud),

Nuwe plafonne by BUCOis reg in die mode-kol

bekostigbaar en jy kry 'n waarborg by. Dit kom in lengtes van 3.9 meter en jy kan ver kom met een of 2 van die lengtes. Kyk gerus na die foto's onder of nog beter, besoek Buco Burgersfort of kontak hulle by 013 231 7578.

NOG ’n nuwe produk by BUCO: Almal weet dat jy vanaf 1 Julie verhoogde tariewe betaal vir jou krag soos uiteengesit deur Eskom. Geld gaan dan eers skraps word so skaf gerus vir jou Isotherm aan en trek dit ook oor jou waterverwarmer ("geyser"). Nie net is Isotherm baie bekostigbaar nie maar jou waterverwarmer bly langer

warm en jy spaar ook sodoende krag en jy kan dit in jou dak sit om die hitte binne die huis te behou. As jou waterverwarmer buite die huis is onthou dat daar 'n dak oor hom moet wees anders gaan jy probleme hê as die

Isotherm nat word. Buco Burgersfort: 013 231 7578.

’n SUIDELIKE sypikslang Atractaspis bibronii het onlangs ’n persoon in Lydenburg gebyt. Mnr. Neels Bothma het vertel dat hy die slang by die plaaslike hospitaal gaan identifiseer het. Dit is ’n klein slangetjie, bruinerig tot swart aan die bokant en ligter (roomkleurig aan die onderkant. Die slang kom algemeen hier en in die laeveld voor. Dit leef hoofsaaklik ondergronds en is meestal snags aktief. Wat dit uniek maak is dat die vaste tande skuins sywaarts en na agter wys. Dit byt dus deur sywaarts te pik. Die gif is sitotoksies en val die weefsel aan (baie soos ’n pofadder se byt.)Hierdie slange word dikwels deur amateurs soos skoolkinders met ’n jong molslang of ander onskadelike slange verwar, wat dit gevaarlik maak. Jy kan nie hierdie slang met jou kaal hande optel nie, selfs nie agter die kop nie, want dit “pik” sywaarts.Ons wys lesers daarop dat indien hulle so ’n slang teekom, hulle dit moet rapporteer aan een van ons plaaslike slangkenners soos Hein Geldenhuys, Paul Swanepoel of Neels Bothma. (Neels 082 730 3047, Hein 082 898 8192, Paul 079 983 6818). Ingestuur deur Neels Bothma.

Moenie hierdie slangop baadjie takseer

Page 6: 17 Julie 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 28

Jasper Bestenbier, the Reggae Man, a local artist, will perform on Saturday as part of the Mandela Day celebrations at the

Mashishing Hall on Saturday in Mashishing. He is a huge crowd pleaser. He recently brought out a CD ‘Tribute to Tata Nelson

Mandela’. This is the singer you want at your events. He will have the crowds dancing and entertain them as well. Please phone

Jafta at 072 152 1665.

The Mpumalanga Heritage Group will be visiting Pilgrim’s Rest on Satuday 19 July. They will be leaving from Crossings, Nelspruit at 07:00.Join us as guests of the Mpumalanga Provincial Museum Services on a conducted excursion by the resident museum staff and scientists. Please confirm your attendance. We are limited to only 40 members. E-mail Marius at: [email protected] or sms 082 852 7289 with names and numbers attending. Also confirm if you have space in your

vehicle or in need of a seat.At noon we will sit down for an Edwardian lunch buffet at R120 per person served by the Royal Hotel. A cash bar will also be available. Each will be responsible for his own account and credit cards are accepted. The day will also offer the opportunity to pay your annual membership of R1 500 should it be still outstanding. Dirk Linnenkamp will be available with membership forms. Only cash will be accepted.

Join Museum Services for tour in Pilgrims

o migr endM enie er e

s er s y n dw m b e a er

Na afloop van onlangse veldbrande in die omgewing van Lydenburg, is daar wilde bye swerms, wat ter wille van oorlewing, dorp toe migreer. Soortgelyke optrede word gesien tydens die afswerming van bye gedurende die lente en somer maande. Dan is die optrede toe te skryf aan voortplanting en gunstige omstandighede daarvoor. 'n Swerm met 'n koningin verlaat die moederswerm en hang tydelik in 'n boomtak of soortgelyke plek, om te tros. Vandaar trek hulle in 'n nuwe tuiste in, wat vooraf deur bespieders verken is. Bye swerms tref natuurlik voorbereiding vir afswerming en is in meeste gevalle kalm en voorbereid op die verlaat van die moederswerm en hul tuiste.In die geval van veldbrande, soos wat ons tans rondom Lydenburg ervaar, word die swerms onder druk geplaas om hul tuiste te verlaat en geen tyd vir voorbereiding word toegelaat nie. Swerms vertrek haastig sonder 'n heenkome of kos vir die winter.Hierdie omstandighede plaas die oorlewende lede van die swerm onder druk en kan daartoe lei dat die swerm aggressief optree teenoor enige iemand wat hulle nader tydens die migrasie. Dit is dus van uiterste belang dat daar onder geen omstandighede gepoog moet word, deur mens en dier, om die migrerende swerms te nader, skuif of te vernietig nie. Die swerm sal wel 'n tuiste vind. Sou iemand belangstel om 'n migrerende swerm gouer te verskuif, bied Lydenburg Bye, vir die maand van Julie, 'n eksklusiewe prys vir dìe diens aan die inwoners van Lydenburg. Indien moontlik, word die bye gevang en in samewerking met 'n plaaslike byeboer gehuisves en vir die winter gevoed. Kontak ons gerus vir 'n kwotasie of a d v i e s . S k a k e l : 0 7 8 7 8 1 0 4 9 5 . E p o s : [email protected] of soek ons op Facebook: Lydenburg Bye.

A Charity Run will take place on Saturday by the Sun Riders Motor Cycle Club. They will donate uniforms and blankets to charities in Mashishing. The charities have

already been identified. It will start at 11:00. From 10:00 to 11:00 a mass ride will take place in Mashishing and from there everyone will meet at the Hall. Jasper Bestenbier wi l l be performing. Local DJ’s from Lydenburg will also perform. They will definitely set the mood for the day and their music is hugely popular. They will distribute to the charities on Saturday for the Nelson Mandela Day. The whole country is pledging 67 minutes of their time for the late President of South Africa, for his birthday that would have been on 18 July. It is aimed to continue his legacy and contribute towards the less fortunate, or people that need help. If there are more blankets and toys more fortunate people want to donate, please contact Andreas: 078 274 5762.

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1. Place a prawn head on your finger 2. Take a photo of your prawn3. Upload it to

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Join the conversation #prawnextravaganza

1. Place a prawn head on your finger 2. Take a photo of your prawn3. Upload it to

4.You could win yourself R300 Worth Of Ocean Basket Vouchers.

Join the conversation #prawnextravaganza

A. J. RAUBENHEIMER (DVD) (1920-2014)Lowveld pioneer, Nelspruit member of parlaiment and past NP cabinet minister, Braam Raubenheimer died in Pretoria this week. The following was published some years ago by Hans Bornman in his book, Pioniers van die Laeveld: ABRAHAM JACOBUS (BRAAM) RAUBENHEIMER is op die plaas Vyeboomsvlakte, distrik Vryburg, gebore. Sy vader, Stephanus Petrus Raubenheimer, het in 1922 na die Laeveld verhuis en die plaas Goedehoop, naby Karino, gekoop. Sy vader het hier tot sy dood op 7 Julie 1959 gewoon.Braam het sy skoolopleiding in die Laeveld begin en aan die Hoërskool Belfast in 1938 gematrikuleer. Daarna studeer hy aan die Universiteit van Pretoria en behaal aan die einde van 1942 die graad BSc in Landbou (Tuinbou) met bykomende kursusse in landbouekonomie en insektekunde.Hy keer terug na die Laeveld en word plaasboer. Saam met sy broer Daan koop hulle in 1945 ’n gedeelte van die plaas Goedehoop en nadat hul broer Dawid by hulle aansluit, koop hulle verdere grond saam wat hul in vennootskap met hul vader as ’n eenheid bedryf. In 1951 begin hy hom beywer vir watervoorsiening in die Laeveld en stig die Krokodilrivier-

besproeiingsraad (tans die Friedenheim-besproeiingsraad). Op sy inisiatief word die Krokodilrivier-hoofbesproeiingsraad in 1954 gestig vir die bevordering van damme in die Krokodilrivier. In dié tydperk verken hy, saam met Danie Joubert, die Witriviervallei vir damstellings, wat daartoe gelei het dat die Klipkopje- en Primkopdamme gebou is.Hy word lid van White River Fruit Growers' en van Laeveld Tabak Koöperasie (LTK) en dien later as direkteur op beide instansies se direksies. In 1957 stig hy die Karino Koöperatiewe Sitrusmaatskappy, waarvan hy voorsitter word, en in 1964 word hy tot voorsitter van LTK verkies. Braam stel sedert 1943 aktief in die politiek belang. In dieselfde jaar is hy verkiesingsagent en organiseerder

vir W H (Willie) Rood en in 1946 help hy om ’n sentrale verkiesingskomitee vir die Provinsiale verkiesing te organiseer. In 1948 is hy sekretaris van die Afdelingsbestuur en help met die organisasie. In 1950 word hy voorsitter van die Afdelingsbestuur en in dié hoedanigheid het hy sy bydrae met die 1953 en 1958 verkiesings gelewer. Die Nasionale Party het groot meerderhede met hierdie verkiesings behaal.Na Republiekwording in 1961 het hy die Afdelingsbestuur meegedeel dat hy, weens sy betrokkenheid met besproeiingsrade en landbourade, sy boerdery daaronder ly en as voorsitter gaan bedank. Dr Koos Burger het net sy kop geskud en die saak is daar gelaat. In 1962 is hy genomineer om teen Tiny Faurie te staan, maar met die stemming op die Afdelingsbestuur verloor. Hy het hierna sy steun aan die Nasionale Party en Tiny Faurie gegee en herhaal dat hy met politiek klaar is, maar hiervan wou die Afdelingsbestuur niks weet nie.Gedurende 1965 het hy weer aangedui dat hy gaan uittree maar dr. Koos Burger het gesê dat hulle hom vir die werk groot gemaak het en nou moet hy parlement toe. Tiny Faurie was nie weer beskikbaar nie, aangesien hy vir die Senaat verkies sou word, en met die 1966 verkiesing is Braam tot lid van die Volksraad vir die kiesafdeling Nelspruit verkies. In 1971 word hy adjunk-minister van Bantoeontwikkeling en in 1976 minister van Waterwese en Bosbou. Die laaste taak wat Braam as minister verrig het, was die uitreiking van 'n permit aan Sappi vir die uitbreiding van die papiermeul op Ngodwana. Sappi kon nie uitbrei tensy hulle die kwota van die Staatsaagmeul op Elandshoek by die Departement van Bosbou kon oorneem nie. Elke minister kan besluit wanneer hy ’n kabinetsvoorlegging wil maak en Braam het Sappi se aansoek aan die kabinet voorgelê. Chris Heunis, minister van Ekonomiese Sake, het egter voorgestel dat die saak verder ondersoek moet word. Toe Braam in die Presidentsraad aangestel word, het hy besef dat die volgende minister die aansoek op die lange baan sou skuif. Intussen wou Sappi weet of hulle die kwota van Elandshoek Saagmeul kon kry, sodat hulle met die beplanning kon aangaan. Die Departement van Bosbou was tevrede met die aansoek en Braam het opdrag gegee dat die voorlegging vir goedkeuring opgestel moet word. Hy het dit geteken sonder dat die aansoek weer na die kabinet verwys is en sodoende aan Sappi die opening gegee, anders sou Anglo-American die houtbedryf in Suid-Afrika grootliks gemonopoliseer het. Om aan die waterbehoeftes van die meule en personeeldorp te voldoen, is ’n dam, teen ’n koste van R14 miljoen, in die Ngodwanarivier gebou. Gedurende Augustus 1980 is Braam as een van die voorsitters van die Presidentsraad aangewys en was voorsitter van die Beplanningskomitee en daarna van die Komitee vir Ekonomiese Sake. Hy en sy vrou het op 19 Maart 1982 hul nuwe tuiste LAEVELD op die Westbrooke-landgoed betrek. Hierdie wonings is spesiaal vir die voorsitters van die Presidentsraad gebou en Braam is gevra om sy woning ’n naam te gee - wat hy LAEVELD noem. Hy het die Presidentsraad op 1 Augustus 1984 bedank en gedeeltelik uit die openbare lewe getree. Hoewel hy weer volbloed Laevelder en plaasboer

word, is hy vanaf 1986 lid en sedert 1989 voorsitter van die Waternavorsingskommissie. Braam is spesifiek aangestel om die landbou op dié kommissie te verteenwoordig. Braam is ’n ere-burger van Nelspruit en vir die voortreflike wyse waarop hy die land gedien het, het die Staatspresident die Dekorasie vir Voortreflike Diens (DVD) op 28 Julie 1981 aan hom toegeken. Die Braam Raubenheimerdam (Elandspruitdam), aan die bolope van die Krokodilrivier, is gedurende 1983 na hom vernoem Dié naam is sedertdien na die Kwenadam verander. ~ verskaf deur Mpumalanga Historiese Belangegroep

Met die oorhandiging van Laeveldtrust Beleggings Beperk se eerste oorkonde vir voortreflikheid aan Braam Raubenheimer in 1994. Van links is mnre., PA Olivier,

FG Jordaan, SA de Kock, Raubenheimer, Nic van Zyl en Nico van Zyl.

Page 8: 17 Julie 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 28


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This prime advertisingspace is available.

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McGee Yamaha Lydenburg het op Saterdag 5 Julie ’n ope dag aangebied waar motorfietsentoesiaste ’n hele reeks Yamaha motorfietse kon gaan ry en toets. Die dag was redelik goed bygewoon en motorfietsryers het gehou van die wye reeks fietse wat vir ritte beskikbaar was. Yamaha se kragtige MT-O9, die nuwe 1200 Super Tenere en die wilde 530 “Scooter” het veral beïndruk.Pierre Coetzee en sy vriende Dean Hunter en Darius Van Der Westhuizen het onder andere die Yamahas deeglik beproef en hulle was veral beïndruk met die vreesaanjaende MT-O9 (foto links tweede van onder). Andre Coetzee.

KLIëNTE word daarop gewys dat die volledige reeks Venter sleepwaens nou ook beskikbaar is by McGee Yamaha. As jy in die mark is vir ’n sleepwa, gaan kyk gerus by Voortrekkerstraat 10 of skakel hulle by 013 235 3179.

Page 9: 17 Julie 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 28

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Sales Manager



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FORD will showcase its vision for a new B-segment compact car, in the form of the new Ford Figo Concept, next month at the inaugural Go Further Ford event in Johannesburg. South Africans are not unfamiliar with the popular Figo but the new concept vehicle provides an indication of the design language to be used in the future version.

Specifications have yet to be confirmed but a production version of the Figo is planned for South African and the rest of Sub-Saharan Africa’s emerging markets as well. At less than four-metres long, the Figo Concept illustrates how Ford plans for the growing global demand in compact vehicles.

‘In designing the Figo Concept we took a no compromises approach,’ says Moray Callum, Ford Motor Company’s vice president, Design. ‘The Figo Concept’s premium, long-lasting design was crafted from the ground up, building on

THE facelifted Ford Focus ST makes its global debut at the Goodwood Festival of Speed in the UK; it’ll come to South Africa in 2015.

Described by Ford as the most advanced Focus ST yet, the hot hatch will show off its new chassis control tricks, and tuned suspension and steering at the famous event.

The 2.0-litre EcoBoost engine’s output is unaltered at 184kW/360Nm although fuel efficiency has been improved from 7.2 to 6.8 litres/100km with the addition of auto-start-stop for the first time in an ST.

Furthermore, Focus ST will benefit from a range of tech updates revealed earlier in 2014 for the Focus nameplate, including Sync2 in-car connectivity, and add features such as revised Electronic Torque Vectoring Control for better torque distribution and a new Electronic Transitional Stability function as part of the stability programme.

The sports suspension features all-new front springs, while power delivery under hard acceleration is said to be more refined thanks to this ST’s specially-developed engine mounts.

To go along with its updates beneath the metal, the Focus ST also gains a sportier look with its lower and wider stance, slimmer headlamps and redesigned fog lamps. Twin hexagonal centre tailpipes and a new 19-inch ST Design alloy wheel help to complete the look. Stealth, a new dark grey exterior paint finish, will also be added to the ST’s exclusive colour palette.

The new Focus ST will be launched in South Africa in 2015, when detailed pricing information will also be made available.

Ford’s global small car expertise and success. The design is clean and elegant, to convey a sense of precision, efficiency and soph i s t i ca t i on , and t o prov ide our cus tomers worldwide with the global standards of design, quality and performance they are looking for.’

Features include electric power-fold mirrors with a flexible architecture that prevents them from being broken off; on the inside, the cabin is filled with many stowage spaces and an innovat ive device dock which introduces a new way to store, mount and charge devices such as mobile phones, MP3 players and s a t e l l i t e n a v i g a t i o n systems.

Ford’s inaugural Go Further event kicks off on July 17.

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WHAT do you get when you combine the world's best-selling zero emission vehicle with innovative paint technology that repels mud, rain and everyday dirt? Answer: a very special Nissan LEAF electric

Sales: Gerrie Labuschagne: 082 839 2966

VILJOEN STREET, Tel: 013 235 2141 / Fax: 013 235 4802

PARTS: Anthony MashegoSERVICES: Maritza 013 235 2141

Hyundai Lydenburg

HYUNDAI, Lydenburg vier vandeesmaand hul derde verjaarsdag. Mnr Fred Zeeman sê hy is trots op sy span en wat hulle al vermag het in die drie

vehicle that might j u s t b e t h e "world's cleanest car."

C r e a t e d t o demonstrate its potential use in future production v e h i c l e s , t h i s N issan LEAF 's exterior was

treated with a specially engineered superhydrophobic and oleophobic paint that is designed to repel water and oils. The "self-cleaning" paint, called Ultra-Ever Dry®, creates a protective layer of air between the paint and environment, effectively stopping standing water and road spray from creating dirty marks on the LEAF's surface. Nissan is one of the first carmakers to apply this technology to a vehicle.

jaar. Hul le is onder andere tweede beste in d i e l a n d gek lass i f i see r met hul dienste d e p a r t e m e n t . B a i e g e l u k Hyundai , ju l le maak ons dorp trots op julle. Reinet Bell.

The coating, which is being marketed and sold by UltraTech Internat ional Inc., has been undergoing testing by engineers at Nissan Technical Center Europe. So far it has responded well to common-use cases including rain, spray, frost, sleet and standing water. While there are currently no plans for the technology to be applied to Nissan vehicles as standard equipment, Nissan will continue to consider the coating technology as a future aftermarket option. “The 100 percent electric LEAF provides the perfect canvas for this new, advanced paint technology," said Pierre Loing, vice president, Product Planning, Nissan North America, Inc. "This is one LEAF that never has to stop at gas stations – not even for a car wash."

"No matter what the road throws at this LEAF, its Ultra-Ever Dry® exterior coating will throw right back," said UltraTech International Inc. Chief Executive Officer Mark Shaw. Shaw presented the benefits of superhydrophobic technology and how it creates an "umbrella of air" on a surface at a TED Conference last year.


*Terms and conditions apply.

Page 11: 17 Julie 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 28


8 Breytenbach Str, Lydenburg, 1120, 013 235 1086

[email protected]

AFTER the original teaser image, Volkswagen has now officially revealed its new luxury sedan. Major highlights of the new car include a reduction of up to 20 per cent in fuel consumption and 85 kg less weight.

According to Volkswagen it is its highest volume model series sold internationally with 1,1 million units sold in 2013.

Following along this trend, the eight-generation will also be sold in both sedan and estate versions, although as before, the estate version will not be available in South Africa.

The new Passat features a longer wheelbase and app-based entertainment for tablet computers for rear-seat passengers.

The new series will be available with no less than 10 direct injection turbocharged engines. These will include a range of petrol and diesel units. All cars will come with stop/start technology as well as a regenerative braking mode. A plug-in hybrid will also be offered with an electric-only range of up to 50 km.

THE majority of motorists are not willing to see the government implementing lower speed limits in urban areas.

Motor is ts in South Af r i ca are resisting a proposal to reduce the speed limit on urban roads to 40km/h from the present 60km/h.

This is despite the fact that most of them have admitted knowing that such a move would reduce road accidents as well as related injuries and fatalities.

South Africa has one of the highest road accident rates in the world, with the economic cost estimated to be R307 billion each year.

These findings were announced by Ian Steunenberg and Marion Sinclair o f t h e d e p a r t m e n t o f c i v i l engineering at the University of Stellenbosch.

They presented them during the S o u t h e r n A f r i c a n t r a n s p o r t conference at the CSIR international conference centre in Pretoria.

The survey sought to identify why South African road authorities were resistant to reducing urban speed limits.

Guests at the conference heard that participants were aware of the risks related to higher speeds, but the majority were not willing to see the government implementing lower speed limits in urban areas.

A spokesperson for Volkswagen South Africa confirmed the local launch date for the new Passat will be finalised before the end of the year.

The knowledge of international speed trends was relatively high among the participants.

However, there was unwillingness to s e e S o u t h A f r i c a i m p l e m e n t international speed trends.

There were those who felt that lowering urban speed limits was an outdated approach.

At least 34.6 percent claimed the c o u n t r y w a s i n c a p a b l e o f implementing reduced lower speed limit rules, while 59.5 percent of the respondents agreed that lower limits would reduce fatalities and injuries.

Only 21.2 percent of those who participated in the survey called for the lowering of the urban speed limit.

I n t e r e s t i n g l y , a n u m b e r o f individuals said reduced limits would be effective if South Africa had the capacity to enforce them.

When participants were allowed to select multiple options of what would ensure their speed compliance, 64.7 percent indicated speed limits.

Some said speed limits should be compatible with road design.

Steunenberg and Sinclair suggested more research be conducted into the matter.


Paploopbande eersdaags hierMichelin en

ander vervaardigers

van motorbande beloof dat

bande soos op dié fotos

eersdaags hier sal wees en die dae van

pap bande tot ’n einde sal

bring.Fotos: Dirk Van Dort.

Page 12: 17 Julie 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 28



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TE HUUR:R7 000 / mnd• 3 Slk meenthuis, 3 badk. En redelike erf -

TE KOOP:• 1 Ha Plot met 2 wonings. Boorgat, naby dorp - R1 470 milj • Besigheid in Industriële gebied met woning - R2 2 milj • 2 Ha Plot met 2 boorgate, 4 slk woning, swembad en nog baie meer - • 2 Slk meenthuise vanaf -

4 miljR870 000

Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 / Verhurings - Annalize: 084 512 9393

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Te Huur

Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 / Verhurings - Annalize: 084 512 9393

013 235 4890 / E-pos: [email protected]

Annalize: 084 512 9393


Te Huur• Nuutgeboude 3 slpk, 2 badk huis in The Heads met oopplan leefarea/kombuis met opwas. Aparte onthaal area met ingeboude braai. Dubbel motorhuis met buitekamer en bediende toilet. Hoek erf.

• 3 slpk, 2 badk meenthuis met oopplan leefarea/kombuis met enkel motorhuis en enkel afdak. Braai, eie erf

• 3 slpk, 2 badk meenthuis met oopplan leefarea/kombuis met enkel motorhuis en eie klein erf.

R9 600pm

R6 800pm

R5 800pm

Te Koop• Erwe Beskikbaar vannaf in Sterkspruit en The heads.

• 3 slpk, 2 badk meenthuis met oopplan leefarea/kombuis met enkel motorhuis

• 3 slpk, 1 badk, aparte toilet, sitk, baie groot kombuis en sonkamer, met woonstel 3 slpk, 2 badk, oopplan kombuis/eetkamer/sitkamer.

• Besigheids perseel

• Industriele erf 7024m2 groot

R250 000

R750 000

R1 370 Miljoen

R2,5 Miljoen

R895 000

Hierdie huis is net reg vir die familie wat baie spasie nodig het. Hierdie is

voorwaar 'n leefhuis.4 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, ingeboude

kaste, groot eetkamer, sitkamer en tv-kamer. Lieflike kombuis en opwas. 3

motorhuise en twee afdakke. Woonstel met eie badkamer. Groot tuin en is

omhein.R1 950 000

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013 235 1102

Page 13: 17 Julie 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 28

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s the law of Murphy would have it, most people get to experience the Ainconvenience of a burst geyser or

water pipes in the early hours of the morning, on a public holiday or over a long weekend, and usual ly when the temperature has taken a sub-zero plummet. “Winter – affectionately known as geyser season in the plumbing trade – is about to get into full swing as temperatures take a serious drop in July and August. Already insurance companies and plumbers have been inundated with calls from distressed home owners dealing with a watery mess that usually brings a considerable amount of resultant damage along with it. It's also when

you're most likely to find out just how adequate your insurance coverage is in sorting out the problem and resultant damage, quickly and without hassle,” explains Mandy Barrett of insurance brokerage Aon South Africa.“It's always a good idea to plan ahead, and in this regard make the time to thoroughly check your policy wordings and discuss with your broker that you are appropriately covered for all eventualities when it comes to burst geysers, water pipes and resultant damage. Not all insurance policies are created equal and home owners need to make sure that they are properly covered for the replacement costs of the geyser, any burst pipes and resultant damage to ceilings, walls, carpets, lighting and electrical wiring and so on,”

advises Mandy. Getting to grips with the terms of your cover is a role best undertaken with a broker who can do a proper assessment of all the technicalities and fine print and then advise you accordingly. “Policies really do vary quite substantially, some may only provide cover for resultant damage and do not cover the replacement of the actual geyser and pipes, the replacement cost of which can run into thousands of Rands. Some insurers also stipulate an excess per item claimed for, rather than one excess on the total claim. This can have significant financial implications for you, which you may not be aware of upfront,” she adds.It's also important to remember that there is a difference between buildings and household contents cover. Your buildings policy covers you for replacing the bricks and mortar and fixtures in your home – so in this instance your geyser, pipes, ceilings and so on. Your household contents cover is separate to buildings cover and insures the content of your home. Damage to household items such as furniture or appliances would be covered under your household contents insurance policy. Should you claim under both buildings and contents policies, you may find that you have to pay two excesses as this would be lodged as two separate claims.In the event of a burst geyser or pipes take the following prompt action:· Familiarise yourself with where your water mains and stop cock is located before hand – you don't want to be bumbling around in the dark with a torch trying to find it when there's water gushing through your ceiling and your electricity mains have tripped.· Switch off the geyser electrical isolator on

switch on the main distribution board – it should be marked with a 'geyser' tag.· Turn off the water mains and the stopcock fitted to the inlet pipe of the geyser.· Open all the hot water taps in your house to relieve the pressure inside the geyser – this will lessen the amount of water pouring out of your geyser since less pressure is trying to push its way out. · Move as much of your furniture and other valuables away from the water and try and limit the damage before it spreads further. · Contac t your broker and make arrangements for an accredited plumber to assist you. Aon offers a 24-hour incident line so you can call for immediate assistance, 24/7.· Ensure that you have a drip tray installed and that it is level - this will catch any leaking water and in the event of a major burst, a large percentage of the water will be directed from the tray via a pipe to the outside of the roof and minimise damage to ceilings.

ONTRAKTEURS behoort by die b a n k e t e r e g i s t r e e r a s Kd i e n s v e r s k a f f e r s o m

versekeringskade aan geboue te herstel.Die Highlands Panorama Nuus het onlangs skade aan sy gebou gehad toe die waterverwarmer a.g.v. koue gebars het. Getrou aan ons beleid om plaaslike kontrakteurs te ondersteun en geld binne Lydenburg te hou waar moontlik, was ons verbasing groot toe Absa (ons geboue versekeraars) kontrakteurs van Nelspruit en Ba rbe r ton aans te l om d ie herstelwerke vir plafonne ens. te doen. Dit is vir ons onaanvaarbaar en ons het sterk beswaar gemaak.Dit blyk dat die meeste van ons elektriese k o n t r a k t e u r s , l o o d g i e t e r s e n matverskaffers nie by die banke wat eiendomme finansier en verseker, geregistreer is nie. Indien u wel

geregistreer is en nie vir kwotasies genader word nie, kan u beswaar maak, maar u moet geregistreer wees.Iets anders wat my dwars in die krop steek, is dat geiserskade in die 20 jaar wat ek my huis besit, al drie keer my plafonne verwoes het. Ek het die laaste keer aangedring dat die toestel buite onder dak monteer word met ’n kombersie om en absa het dit goedgekeur. By ons kantore het ons nou al in 10 jaar twee keer groot skade gehad. Hier het Absa geweier om die toestel te laat skuif en moes dit op dieselfde plek vervang word. Dit is tog sekerlik kortsigtig? Wanneer die toestel faal, en hulle doen, is die skade met die geiser in die dak veel groter en kos dit Absa meer. Waarom dan nie die logiese (en regte) ding doen nie?Andre Coetzee

The Property Shop

Tel: (013) 235-1102, [email protected],

Sone 082 898 5272

Erich Venter : 082 904 8587



Ona Venter : 082 898 5272Bcom Regte(UP) NQF 5

*3 Slaapkamer meenthuise, 2 bad, 1 toesluit m/h - R5600*3 slk huise met erwe beskikbaar naby Tweeriviere myn*1 Slk woonstel in veilige kompleks met motor afdak - R3800*4 slk huis met 2 badk, groot erf en dubbel afdak - R8800*Pragtige onthaal huis - 4 slk, 2 badk, dubbel m/huis, lieflike erf in veilige area - R11 500*4 slk huis met 2 badk, groot erf en dubbel m/huis - R9700*3 Slk huis met studeer kamer, 2 badk, groot erf, buite braai, 1 m/huis en enkel afdak - R8500*3 Slk meenthuis te huur in kompleks met 2 badk, oop plan kombuis, eetkamer, tv kamer, enkel toesluit motor huis en motor afdak met erf - R7100*Groot 3 slk huis met 2 badk, oop plan tv kamer, eetkamer, kombuis, erf en dubbel toesluit motorhuis en toesluit afdak - R6800 water ingesluit.*Huis naby skole - 3 slk, 2 badkamer, eetkamer, tv kamer, kombuis, groot studeer kamer met balkon, groot erf met dubbel toesluit motor huis en dubbel motor afdak - R10600

Pragtige kantoor beskikbaar naby Mediese sentrumWinkel spasie beskikbaar by Trout sentrum

R623 0003 slaapkmr, 2 badkmr, oopplan kombuis, sitkamer, een motorafdak in kompleks.

R1 950 000 3 slkmr, 2 badkmr huis, groot sitkamer, tv kamer en eetkamer, groot kombuis met opwas,3 motorhuise, 2 motorafdakke, groot tuin met woonstel.

R1 170 0003 slaapkamer, 2 badkmr huis, dubbel motorhuis, nuut gebou in Sterkspruit Estates

R700 000 3 slkmr, 2 badkmr meenthuis , Stoep, 1 motorhuis naby skool.bespaar op oordrag kostes


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Page 14: 17 Julie 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 28

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KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424.

J.C’S TRAILER HIRE, V-Tec agent. 079 171 1109/ 082 434 0026

AK JEWELS 013 235 1075

HUISKOS: Bestel kos, met aflewering: R50 per bord. Sarie 084 346 7911/ Martie 072 192 1114

T H E P I N K A P R O N C U P C A K E s h o p . Amanda 073 242 2674

ALL NEEDLEWORK! Repairs / Newly made. Delsie 083 422 4182, Tendai 083 733 0785, Lisa 078 303 5564. Beehive Center, 13 Kantoor St , c/o Kantoor & Voortrekker St, Lydenburg

B O U P L A N N E J C POTGIETER SACAP Reg: D0011. 082 769 3615

D A V I S S E R P L U M B E R S : R e g BZ2877. Burst geysers, maintenance etc. 072 598 6532

DEBT COLLECTION countrywide, no fees, own l e g a l f i r m . S A Y A RECOVERY 074 916 8778.


DIVINE NAILS & Beauty, 4S Slimming Pills. 076 677 6002

HIGH PROTEIN diet & blood group. Lydenburg, Burgersfort, Steelpoort. 082 833 0323

G R A N D B O N H E U R Coolscu lp t ing / Fa t Freeze, Teeth Whitening System, Personalized Diet Plans, Frequency Treatment. 083 275 3272


BEAUTY Jene 072 566 2545




MATTE, meubels, motors

e n d r o o g s u i g v a n

oors t roomde mat te .

Martie 082 951 7494

N o 1 C L E A N I N G

SERVICES 072 610 5105



I.T.@Large - for all pc

repairs & maintenance,

updating hardware and

software, virus removals,

networks, callouts etc.

Jacques 071 268 9211 /

Pierre 079 881 1932


A T L A S P A N E E L - K L O P P E R S - Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382

CORDU AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING 17 years experience. 3 Chroom Street, Lydenburg. 013 235 3131

GS AUTO Electrical & Mechanical repairs. 013 235 3086/ 082 457 5727


I BUY VEHICLES for cash. 082 646 6735


LYDENBURG VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780


E N I G E K O N T A N T NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 9768 / 078 467 0954 / 076

483 1234 / 013 235 4843

CLAY BRICKS 20 000 in stock. 082 805 3152

G E S I N S B Y B E L S Bybelverhale stelle vir kinders, studie DVD’s & Bybel boeke. 074 916 8778

I N D U S T R I A L overlocker for sale. 084 582 9583


L Y D E N B U R G HONDESALON 072 320 9203

PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658

D O G G Y I N T H E WINDOW Par lour - Rowena 083 326 0941

D O G T R A I N I N G [email protected] 072 621 7371



KLEIN 3 slaapkamer houthuis op plaas halfpad tussen Lydenburg & Burgersfort. R4000 p/m, water & krag ingesluit. 082 294 0846 / 015 001 7006

3 BEDROOM HOUSE to let , fully furnished, 22 First St, Lydenburg. 082 786 3319

3 SLK HUIS met 2 badkamers, baie veilig. R8000 p/m. Beskikbaar 1 September. Geen diere asb. 082 895 8492

WOONSTEL TE HUUR 2 slk, toesluit motorhuis, geen troeteldiere. R4000. 082 828 1211

3 BEDROOM FLATS with 2 bathrooms in s e c u r e c o m p l e x , Lydenburg. From R4800. Contact 082 460 3000



K A N T O O R / WERKSWINKEL spasie te huur (ca. 300m² gebou m e t g r o o t e r f ) i n Industr iële gebied - Lydenburg. Kontak 078 893 5416

KANTORE TE HUUR Geleë in middedorp (Besigh. 1) ± 120m².

R5500 p.m. 2 M/afdakke agter in erf. LYDENBURG EIENDOMME 013 235 1986

WORKSHOP TO LET 082 786 3319


LOSIES - 084 346 7911



D U L L S T R O O M R E S E R V A T I O N S : Applicants should be fully bilingual, competent on computers & phones and should have their own transport. Basic salary plus commission. Submit C V ' s t o [email protected] or call 083 248 4567 to set up an interview.

2 X VERPLEEGSTERS benodig vir tuisverpleging v i r b e j a a r d e kankerpasiënt. 1 Skof vanaf 07:00 - 14:00 en ander vanaf 14:00 - 22:00. Salaris sal bespreek word tydens onderhoude. E m a i l C v ’ s n a [email protected]/ kontak 083 235 3181

UITERS LOJALE en bet roubare hu ishulp beskikbaar x3 per week. 071 774 1177 na 18h30


INDIEN DIE VOLGENDE voertuig nie binne 21 dae van eerste publikasie (3 Julie 2014) afgehaal en ten volle betaal word nie, sal dit verkoop word om kostes te dek: 2002 Volvo S60 2.4 Turbo VVTi Reg: FYL 429 MP. Navrae: GS Auto 013 235 3086

T h a b a C h w e u M u n i s i p a l i t e i t . L y d e n b u r g Dorpsbeplanningskema, 1995. Hiermee word kennis gegee soos in K l o s u l e 2 1 v a n b o g e n o e m d e Dorpsbeplanningskema, dat ek Tumelo Nonyane, hiermee aansoek doen by T h a b a C h w e u M u n i s i p a l i t e i t v i r toestemming vir die gebruik van: ERF 7207, B AT E L E U R S T R A AT LY D E N B U R G X 5 6 (STERKPRUIT ESTATE) v ir die doel van 'n kleuterskool. Planne en besonderhede gaande hierdie aansoek kan gedu rende no rma le besigheidsure ondersoek w o r d b y d i e D o r p s b e p l a n n e r s e kantoor, Kamer 30, T e g n i e s e & I n g e n i e u r s d i e n s t e , Burgersentrum, Thaba Chweu Munisipaliteit, S e n t r a l s t r a a t 1 , Lydenburg gedurende 'n periode van 28 dae (begin 17 Julie 2014). Besware en kommentaar kan aan die Dorpsbeplanner gerig

word deur middel van 'n geskrewe brief na die bogenoemde adres binne die periode van 28 dae vanaf 17 Julie 2014. Adres van applikant: Bushwillowstraat 4406, The Heads, Lydenburg 1120

Thaba Chweu Local Municipality. Lydenburg Town Planning Scheme, 1995. Notice is hereby given that in terms of Clause 21 of the above mentioned Town Planning S c h e m e , I Tu m e l o Nonyane, intend to apply to the Thaba Chweu Local Municipality for consent to use ERF 7207 Bateleur Street Lydenburg X56 (Sterkspruit Estates), for the purpose of a Creche. Plans and particulars relating to the application may be inspected during normal office hours at the office of the Town Planner, Room 30 Department Technical & Engineering Services, Civic Centre, T h a b a C h w e u Municipality, 1 Central Street, Lydenburg, for a period of 28 days from 17 July 2014. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Town Planner at the above address within a period of 28 days from 17 July 2014. Address of a p p l i c a n t : 4 4 0 6 Bushwi l low St , The Heads, Lydenburg.


• A n g l i c a n C h u r c h Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Ge re fo rmeerde -ke rk Lydenbu rg . Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. • H e r v o r m d e - k e r k Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h L y d e n b u r g : S u n d a y service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101.• NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-kerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens me t k inde rs 10 :00 , A a n d d i e n s 1 8 : 0 0 . W o e n s d a e 1 9 : 0 0 m i d w e e k d i e n s , Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom . • Die Gemeente van Christus R e n s b u r g -s t r . 4 1 , L y d e n b u r g . W o e . 1 9 : 0 0 Biduur,Vry.19:00 jeug Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo 079 814 4845• New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30 ( k i n d e r k e r k ) , 1 8 : 0 0 (Engelse d iens) Di . eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, jeugby kerk 18:30. V r y . J e u g 1 8 : 3 0 . Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenbu rg . Sondae

Death Notice

071 656 7134/ 083 328 0812

Maria Magdalena Jacobs

* 1944-12-24

† 2014-07-05

Skadunet- afdakke

Verskillende Kleure en Groottes!

Franz - 082 775 5134

Ronel - 072 622 5333

09:00. Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463.• Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum ( P P K ) . W o . 1 0 : 0 0 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskoo l 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • L y d e n b u r g B a p t i s t Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5 0 7 5 l y d e n b u r g b a p t i s t e @ i sa t . co . za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A . G . S S t e e l p o o r t . Sondagoggend 09:00, a a n d e 1 8 : 0 0 , W o e n s d a e s e l g r o e p 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 2 9 1 8 0 0 5 / kerkkantoor:087 808 5 6 0 4 . • S e w e d a g A d v e n t i s t e K e r k -

S a t e r d a g o g g e n d e , M e t h o d i s t e K e r k , Burgerstraat Lydenburg. B y b e l s t u d i e 0 9 : 1 5 , erediens 11:00. Navrae 082 466 5946/ 013 235 4049.• Volle Evangelie Kerk - Burgersfort . Diens Tye - 9:00 Sondae Oggende Aand Diens - Op Aanvraag Kontak - Pastoor Jurgens Olivier 084 9191 670 / 082 2131 383 •Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. Pastoor Leon Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. •Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae, ou kerkie by Wenakker, Kerkst raat Lydenburg. Past. de Bruyn: 079 286 8234. •Nuwe Lewe Christen Sentrum, multi-national, all welcome. Red & w h i t e t e n t , c n r Voortrekker & Joubert St 10h00. Past. Neels Lubbe 076 133 6454/ Past. Jaco Thompson 079 526 5970. • New Apostolic Church, Burgersfort. Sun 09:00, Wed 19:30. Preist Willie Els 083 860 5395. 41

Verkope & VerhuringTel: 013 235 1986


LYDENBURGProfessional Architectural

Draughtsperson drawing plans for houses, shops,

warehouses, alterations. All

drawings done on CAD, prints are

available at all hours

Tel: 082 454 6555Fax: 013 235 4268

Herstelwerk op alle huishoudlike

toestelle, soos yskaste, stowe,

ketels, jy noem dit. C.O. inspeksies op

instalasies van persele. verkope van elektriese goedere.

Gerrie082 898 0563

39 RensburgstrLydenburg

Dr. David Huchzermeyer; Dr. Philippa Colly;Dr. Anthony Davis; Dr. Jac Brink;

Dr. Brian Chester -Browne

57 Kerk St Lydenburg

013 235 4132 / 013 235 2555082 883 5342

After Hours: 076 053 7178

STERKSPRUITVeterinary Clinic • Dierekliniek

Wooden FlooringWall to Wall Carpets

Blinds • CurtainsTiles • Loose & Logo Carpets

Under Carpet HeatingJohann 083 600 [email protected]

Tel : 013 235 1711 * Faks: 013 235 3107Posbus 1159 Kantoorstraat 24

e-pos: [email protected]

Installering, Instandhouding, Herstel van Huishoudelikeware,Huisbedrading, Pompe en Elektriese groothandelaar

Verwydering van tuinvullis 1 keer

per week teen R70 p.m

Lorrie vragte kan gereël word

teen R150/vragDromme word voorsienMaryna082 568 6695013 235 2103

BOOKKEEPERUp To Trial Balance

Do you need to get your books up to date?

I will do it for you on Pastel.

Hester 083 555 8693

Circle Catering &Accommodation

Offers Contractorssingle room

accommodation andcatering facilities in

Steelpoort area

CONTACTCircle Catering

on (018)771-6004or Hentie (Manager)

on 079-887-0374

Page 15: 17 Julie 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 28

RSC Burgersfort is urgently looking for an Administrative person with the

following experience:

• Full Creditors function• Full Debtors function• Cash Management• Counter sales• Experience on Syspro or any financial reporting system an advantage• Remuneration depending on experience

Please send your CV to: [email protected] Date: 25 July 2014

If you have not received any feedback within 2 weeksof the closing date please accept your

application as unsuccessful.Human Communications 110584

Tender Notifcation

Supply and Management of Hydraulic Hoses and Fittings

Tender No: 2014-PL-JvD-JvT02Further details of the tender and the tender site meeting as

well as registration requirements are available on the following

website: you experience any technical diffculties with the

link/website, please contact Marinda van der Wath at

[email protected]


DIE lede van die Hibiscus tak van die VLU was behoorlik bederf met hulle vorige vergadering. Me. Marie Wilson het ’n praatjie gegee oor Leon van Nierop, Afrikaanse vervaardiger, rolprentresensent omroeper en skrywer wat ons vermaak het met bv. Wolwedans in die skemer, Balade vir ’n Enkeling en vele meer TV-dramas. Hy skryf ook rubrieke, verhale en artikels onder verskeie skuilname. As voorbeeld, gee hy sy liefdesverhale onder die

skuilnaam Jacquiline Brink uit. Daarna vertel Julie Human ons meer oor Koos van der Merwe wat eers alternatiewe Gospel gesing het en hom nou toespits op Afrikaanse lirieke. Hy skryf ook artikels vir onder andere die tydskrif Sarie .Me. Petro Botha van Bernina Lydenburg wys ons hoe om interessante drasakke en geborduurde teenette te maak.Haar demonstrasie oor masjien borduurwerk inspireer ons so dat ’n paar lede sommer die nuwe naald-en-borduurwerkkombinasie masjien na afloop van die vergadering gaan koop het! Soos gewoonlik eindig ons ’n leersame oggend af met tee / koffie en die lekkerste en mooiste eetgoedjies wat deur me. Julie Human voorsien word.Die tak wil ook net graag verskoning maak vir die ongeleë tye van die vorige twee vergaderings en hoop ons het nie te veel mense verontrief nie. Die vergaderings sal weer elke tweede Woensdag van die maand in die NG Kerk Suid Lydenburg gehou word en ons hoop om nog nuwe mense daar te sien Sharn Tolmay - skakelbeampte.

Hibiscus-tak van Vroue Landbou Uniegaan voluit met idees en woeker voort

Blood Shortages this WinterThe South African National Blood Service (SANBS) has been hard at work ensuring that a blood shortage is avoided. However, with all efforts in place it seems the cold weather is keeping donors away. Traditionally, the winter months are a difficult time due to schools and universities being on holiday as well as an increase in illnesses such as the flu virus that has had a great impact on blood collection. This places SANBS under immense pressure to collect safe and good quality blood products.“SANBS needs to maintain a blood stock level of 5 days at all times by collecting 3000 units of blood per day to meet the demand of the thousands of patients who are reliant on blood transfusions for their survival. However at the moment we have much less in terms of blood stock available on a national level” – Vanessa Raju, Communications Manager of SANBSIt is with only the help of the selfless blood donors that we will be able to ensure that patients who are reliant on blood transfusions will be able to receive it.SANBS is appealing to people, particularly to our regular donors to not miss out on

their next donation date and to other members of the public who meet the minimum requirements to become a blood donor, to help boost supplies by committing to donating blood. Minimum blood donor requirements: Ages between 16 and 65 years, Weigh 50kg or more, Good health, Lead a sexually safe lifestyle. “Don't Let Life Get In The Way Of Life”SANBS, a non-profit organisation, urges people who meet the minimum requirements to give the gift of life by become regular donors. Contact 0800 11 90 31 to find the nearest fixed donor site. About the SANBS: SANBS is a non-profit organisation which provides an essential service within South Africa. It is rated amongst the best in the world in the provision of blood and blood products, as well as in relation to the research and training provided. SANBS operates across all of South Africa, with the exclusion of the Western Cape. SANBS is further regarded as a major role player in the provision of support to countries in the SADC region. Contact : SANBS Communicat ions Manager. Vanessa Raju | 011 761 9300 | 071 602 7241 | [email protected]

A change

is as


as a


a change in your career

Page 16: 17 Julie 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 28

Tel: 013 235 4406Opposite Taxi Rank,Lydenburg

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The greatest schoolboy rugby spectacle is about to descend on Middelburg in Mpumalanga from the 14-19 July where the top Under-18 players from all around the

stcountry converge for the 51 Coca-Cola Craven Week. Coca-Cola Craven Week is an important part of the Springbok journey and most of the Junior Springboks have participated in the schoolboy platform and more than 243 Springboks have graduated through its ranks over the years. This year's Coca-Cola Craven Week will play out at HTS Middelburg, the old stomping ground of formidable lock, Bakkies Botha. Botha himself played for SE-Transvaal and Eastern Transvaal in the 1997 and 1998 Under-18 Coca-Cola Craven Week and today is

Where SA’srugby heroes are made

regarded as possibly the most decorated player in the world. He has been a part of the team that won the Rugby World Cup as well all our local tournaments – Absa Currie Cup, Vodacom Cup and Vodacom Super Rugby; the Castle Incoming tours – Castle Lager Rugby Champinships and British and Irish Lions tour; including the major northern hemisphere tournaments – Heineken Cup and French Top 14. “It is with great excitement that the Pumas Rugby Union is looking forward to hosting the 2014 Under-18 Coca-Cola Craven Week at HTS Middelburg in July,” says Jay Botes, Head of Marketing, Steval Pumas. “A festival of top class rugby is anticipated when 460 of South Africa's most promising provincial school

players will convene to display the talent of tomorrow's Springboks and Vodacom Superugby athletes through the game which South Africans are so passionate about.”Going for over 50 years, the Coca-Cola Craven Week is firmly etched into the hearts of the rugby-mad public and it is no wonder it's dubbed “the greatest rugby tournament for schoolboys in the world.” As Mpumalanga waits for South Africa's

hottest, young talent to descend on Middelburg, it always begs the question, how many future Springboks will be playing this year? SuperSport will be televising the games so that you too can watch “where heroes are made.” Craven Week has been going since 1964 and is South Africa's premier Under-18 schoolboy tournament. It forms part of the momentous Coca-Cola Youth Weeks “where heroes are made” and includes the Under-13 Craven Week, the Under-16 Grant Khomo Week and the Under-18 Academy Week. The tournament has travelled all over South Africa and over the past half a century 243 Springboks have graduated through its ranks. Since 1974 a SA schools team has been chosen every year from the top players. For further information about the Coca-Cola Craven Week, go to

“Since 1974 a SA schools team has been chosen

every year from the top players”

Maak reg: Wildevy is volgende weekDie Wildevy manne is 'n nie winsgewende organsasie wat daargestel is deur manne uit die gemeenskap om fondse vir minderbevoorregtes in die gemeenskap in te samel. Die 4x4 gesinsdag is slegs een van die projekte wat jaarliks aangebied word.Graag wil hulle alle 4x4 entoesiaste, asook die publiek, nooi om deel te kom wees van die wel bekende dag is. Dit vind plaas op 26 Julie 2014 by PLM boerderye, 10km buite Burgersfort, op die Lydenburg-R37 pad. Die hele gemeenskap, wat besighede en mynbedrywe insluit is betrokke by hierdie dag om dit so lekker as moontlik vir die hele familie te maak. Hierdie 4X4 dag groei elke jaar geweldig baie. In 2013 het 120 4X4 voertuie deelgeneem en ongeveer 7 000 tot 10 000 besoekers het die dag saam met ons geniet.Die baan is baie uitdagend en interesant, dit is egter nie so opgestel om normale viertrek voertuie te beskadig nie. Die roete is uiteengesit sodat hele gesin kan deelneem aan pret uitdagings soos lemoene gooi, windbuks skiet en ander 4x4 verwante uitdagings. Daar is groot pryse te wen deur almal!Na die sukses van Die Wildevy MTB bergfiets wedren in 2013 gaan ons groter en beter! Ons bied 'n 70km, 35km, 10km en 2km pret trap vir kinders onder 12 jaar aan. Hierdie bergfiets wedren het

ook tans gesetelde status waar fietsryers kan punte bymekaar maak op die bergfietsry punte leer te tel. Pieter Heyns kan by 082 806 5622 gekontak word vir meer inligting oor die fietsry! Besoek ook gerus bied ons ook uitstekende vermaak met bekende sangers wat gaan optree op die hoof verhoog, sterre soos The Dixie Hillbillies besoekers en deelnemers betower met hul treffers!Die dag het altyd 'n heerlike feestelike atmosfeer met verskeie stalletjies. Vir die jongspan is daar ook baie pret.Vir die mense wat nie deelneem aan die uitdagings nie, is daar 'n trekker en sleepwa om hulle tussen punte te vervoer om sodoende niks van die aksie mis te loop nie. Hierdie is 'n gratis diens aan die publiek. Daar sal ook kampgeriewe beskikbaar wees vir die mense wat van ver af kom kuier.Inskrywingsgelde vir die dag is R900.00 per voertuig wat deelneem. Dit sluit ook 'n spesiale hemp vir die bestuurder en sy assistent bestuurder in. Die tradisionele SHOW STOPPER, vind plaas in die middag. Dis nou waar 'n paar uitsoek voetuie hul passies deur die modderbad sal neem. Hierdie is 'n moet en sorg elke jaar vir hope pret. Moet dit nie misloop nie!Dit spyt ons egter dat geen 4x4 motorfietse toegelaat sal word op die baan en op die plaas nie. Geen koel houers word op die terrein toegelaat nie, 'n kroeg met baie billike pryse is beskikbaar. Kontak gerus vir Samantha De Swardt as jy belangstel om n stalletjie te bespreek om uit te stal en of handgemaakte en ander produkte wil kom vertoon en verkoop.Vir meer inligtig besoek gerus ons webwerf by of skakel Samantha De Swardt by 013 231 7498/9 of 013 231 7462 of epos by [email protected] Ons is ook as “Die Wildevy 4x4 gesinsdag” op Facebook beskikbaar.