  • ACTA TURCICA evrimii Tematik Trkoloji Dergisi Online Thematic Journal of Turkic Studies Yl III, Say 1/2, Ocak 2011 Kltrmzde ntikam, Editrler: Emine Grsoy Naskali, Hilal Oytun Altun


    Emine Grsoy Naskali, Sunu

    TARHTEN RNEKLER 1 Neslihan Ko Keskin, 17. Yzyl Osmanl ve Amerikan Toplumlarnda Zinann

    ntikam [162-172]

    2 Sevim Ylmaz nder, Vengeance in the Chronicles Written in Old Anatolian Turkish


    3 Samira Kortantamer, ecer ud-Durrun ntikam [212-218]

    DESTANLARDA NTKAM 4 Abdulselam Arvas, Krgz Destanlarnda ntikam Duygusu ve ntikam Biimleri



    5 zlem Demirel Dnmez, Divan Lgatit Trk ve Kutadgu Biligde ntikam Kelimeleri


    6 Bahadr Gne, Genel A Szlklerinde ntikam/ ve lgili Kavramlarn Ele Aln [242-254]

    7 Glcan olak Bostanc, Bir ntikam Haneri Olarak Kelimeler [255-275]


    8 Fatih Yldz, Hiciv Oklarna ekilen Kl: Nefnin lm [276-290]

    9 Nebahat Yusolu, Ahmet Midhat Efendinin Macera Romanlarnda ntikam [291-301]

    10 Mevhibe Coar, ntikam: znesi de Nesnesi de Madur Bir Duygu [302-309]

    11 Elmas ahin, Mektup Aklarnda ntikam [310-321]

    12 Hikmet Kora, Rauf Parfinin iirlerinde ntikam [322-352]


    13 Sahure nar, Erzurum Hamamlarnda ntikam [353-358]

  • ACTA TURCICA evrimii Tematik Trkoloji Dergisi Online Thematic Journal of Turkic Studies Yl III, Say 1/2, Ocak 2011 Kltrmzde ntikam, Editrler: Emine Grsoy Naskali, Hilal Oytun Altun

    14 Mustafa Gne, Tasavvuf Kltrnde ntikam (Erzurumlu brahim Hakk rnei) [359-367]

    15 Elmira G. Cahiyeva, Kumuklarda Kan Davas Gelenei [368-371]

  • ACTA TURCICA evrimii Tematik Trkoloji Dergisi Online Thematic Journal of Turkic Studies Yl III, Say 1/2, Ocak 2011 Kltrmzde ntikam, Editrler: Emine Grsoy Naskali, Hilal Oytun Altun


    Acta Turcicann ntikam konulu says, kltrmzde intikam ile ilgili vaka ve

    yaklamlarn tespit edilmesini amalamtr. Kltrmzde kim, kimden, ne sebeple ve ne

    biimde intikam almay tasarlam veya intikam almtr sorularna cevap aramtr. Bu

    almada, kltrmz intikam nasl alglar; intikam kavram ve olaylar ne ekilde tasnif

    edilir, dilde intikam balamndaki kelimeler hangileridir gibi almlarla intikam etrafnda bir

    yazl birikim sunulmak istenmitir.

    Tarih metinleri intikam vakalarn kayda geirmitir. Gerek destan, gerek divan ve

    tasavvuf edebiyat, gerekse modern edebiyat metinlerinde ve elektronik ortama den

    kaytlarda intikam bahsi olaylarn dokusunda yer alm veya kurguya yn vermitir. ntikam

    ifade eden kelimeler intikam kavramnn katmanlarna iaret etmitir.

    Prof. Dr. Emine Grsoy Naskali

  • 162

    17. Yzyl Osmanl ve Amerikan Toplumlarnda Zinann ntikam The Revenge of Adultery in 17th Century Ottoman and American Society

    Neslihan Ko Keskin*


    Bu yazda, bir tr kiisel adaleti salama yntemi olan intikamn, cezalandrma yn

    zerinde durulmutur. Bu balamda, 17. yzylda Amerikan toplumunda zina yapan Hester

    Prynnea verilen kzl damga ve ayn yzylda Osmanl toplumunda zina yapan

    kadn/erkee uygulanan baa necis ikembe geirme tehir cezalar karlatrmal olarak


    Anahtar Kelimeler: ntikam, Zina, Ceza, Kzl damga, Hester Prynne, Necis ikembe, 17. yzyl, Osmanl.


    This article compares two examples of public punishment given for adultery: One is

    the punishment of red stamp given to Hester Prynne in 17th Century America and the other

    is the punishment of placing tripe on the head which was dealt out for both men and women

    as punishment for adultery again in 17th Century Ottoman rule.

    Keywords: Revenge, Adultery, Punishment, Red stamp, Hester Prynne, 17th Century, Tripe, Ottoman.

    Bacon, intikam, yasalarn skp atmas gereken vahi bir adalet duygusu olarak

    tanmlar.1 Bu tanm ksa olmasna ramen aslnda intikamla ilgili ok nemli noktann

    altn izmektedir: Bunlardan ilki, intikamn bir duygu olmasdr ki bu duygu; sevgi, nefret, * Yrd. Do. Dr. Neslihan Ko Keskin, Gazi niversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakltesi Trk Dili ve Edebiyat Blm retim yesi, Ankara. [email protected] 1 Francis Bacon, stne, Denemeler, ev. Akit Gktrk, YKY Yaynlar, stanbul 1999, s. 36-37.

    ACTA TURCICA Yl III, Say 1/2, Ocak 2011 Kltrmzde ntikam, Editrler: Emine Grsoy Naskali, Hilal Oytun Altun

    evrimii Tematik Trkoloji Dergisi Online Thematic Journal of Turkic Studies

  • 163

    korku, fke gibi insann doasnda doutan yer alr. Tanmdaki ikinci nemli nokta ise

    vahiliktir. Her ne kadar intikam, insann doasnda olan bir duygu olsa da yabanilik,

    yrtclk, kabalk, uyumsuzluk, sra dlk, zarar verme, ldrmevb. olumsuz armlar

    zihnimizde uyandrmaktadr. Tanmn en arpc son noktas ise intikamn adaleti salamaya

    ynelik olmasdr. Fakat bu adalet kiiseldir. Kiisel adalet bir anlamda kast ve sistemlilii

    beraberinde getirir.

    nsan intikam almaya iten pek ok sebep olabilir fakat intikamn vahilik ve kiisel

    adaleti salama yn, en ok nc kiilerin neden olduu ihanette, sevdiini bakasyla

    paylamann verdii fke ve zntyle ortaya kar. Sevdiini ve ona duyduu ak yitiren

    kimse, araya giren nc kiiden ve belki de sevdiinden eitli yollarla intikam alarak

    onlar cezalandrr. Allan Hillerynin Kller Kllere adl hikyesi bu bakmdan intikam ve

    cezann i ieliini bize gsterir. Hikyeyi ksaca u ekilde zetleyebiliriz: Doktor Frank

    Morrow, kars Melanienin kendisini ressam Robert ile aldattn zanneder. Kars iin bir

    lm ilan verir. Kahvalt masasnda bu ilan okuyan Melanie, ok arr ve eine ilan okur.

    Frank Morrow, soukkanllkla ilan kendisinin verdiini syledikten sonra, Melanieyi bir

    yumrukla bayltr ve karsnn kalbine bir ine enjekte eder. neyle enjekte edilen ila

    nedeniyle Melanie, bir l gibi kaskat kesilir. Durumdan haberdar edilen cenaze grevlileri

    bir tabutla eve gelirler, kaskat kesilmi cesedi ipek bir kefene sararak ve lm belgesini

    imzalayarak giderler. Yalnz kalan doktor, karsnn kefenini syrr, ameliyatlarda kullanlan

    iplikle, karsnn dudaklarn ve ayaklarn birbirine, kollarn gsne diker daha sonra kefeni

    tekrar sarar. Sakin geen bir cenaze treninden ardndan Melanie, iinde bulunduu tabutla

    belediyenin cenaze yakma evine getirilir. Bu srada, ilacn etkisi gemeye balar ve kadn

    yava yava kendisine gelir. Melanienin son hatrlad ey, kocasnn kendisine att

    yumruktur. Konumaya ve kprdanmaya alr, bir yandan da scakl ve acy hissetmeye

    balar. Bu ekilde aclar iinde yanarak lr. Doktor, leden sonra kendisini aldattn

    dnd karsndan intikamn almann rahatlyla ikisini yudumlar. Hikyenin sonunda

    ise Frank, Melanienin kendisinin aldatmadn ac bir ekilde renir.2 Bu hikyedekine

    benzer ekilde, bu yazmzda aldatmann daha dorusu zinann intikamnn nasl alndn,

    Amerikan ve Osmanl toplumunda verilen iki tehir cezas zerinden anlatmaya alacaz.

    Zina yapan Hester Prynne ve cezas: Kzl Damga

    2 Allan Hillary, Kller Kllere, ykleri Antolojisi, ev.Haluk Erdemol, stanbul 2002, s. 224-230.

  • 164

    Hester Prynne, Nathaniel Hawthorneun orijinal ad The Scarlet Letter olan romannn

    bakahramandr. The Scarlet Letter, roman olarak Kzl Damga3 ve film olarak Krmz Leke4

    adlaryla dilimize evrilmitir. Romana konu olan olaylar, 17. yzylda, Amerika

    Massachusettste (Boston) gemektedir. Romann ana karakteri gen, gzel ve yoksul bir

    kadn olan Hester Prynnedir. Hester, yal ama zengin bir doktor olan Roger Chillingworth

    ile evlenir. Kocas iki yl boyunca ortadan kaybolan Hester, onu, kasabann gen rahibi Arthur

    Dimmesdale ile aldatr. Bu beraberlikten hamile kalan Hester, zina suundan hapse girer ve

    hapiste Pearl adl bir ocuk dnyaya getirir fakat Hestern cezas bununla bitmeyecektir.

    Bostonun en eski kilisesinin saann altna tahta ve demir kullanlarak bir platform

    oluturulur. Bu platform aslnda, sulunun yzn kapatmasn ve kprdamasn engelleyen,

    demirden kskalar olan bir makine, bir alet grevini grmektedir. Hester, bu platformda

    saat boyunca tehir edilme cezasna arptrlr. Ayrca hem tehir srasnda hem de kamusal

    alanda, ngilizce zina/zinac (adultery/adulteress) kelimelerinin ba harfi olan, altn rengi

    simle bezenmi, kpkzl bir A harfini elbisesinin zerinde tayacaktr. Romanda, bu A

    harfinin, aylk bebein kapatamayaca kadar byk olduu belirtilir. Tehir srasnda onu,

    sradan halkn yannda, kilisenin balkonundan vali, hkimler, bir general, din adamlarndan

    oluan resm bir erkn ve hatta Hestern kocas ile kasabann gen rahibi Arthur Dimmesdale

    da izler. Hester, tm srarlara ramen ne kocasnn adn ne de rahibin adn syler ve

    hayatnn sonuna kadar bu A harfini zerinde tar.

    Romandaki ilgin ve arpc diyaloglardan biri hapishaneye gelen Doktor Roger

    Chillingworth ile Hester arasnda geer. Tehirden sonra sinir krizi geiren Hester ve srekli

    alayan bebei sakinletirmek iin hapishaneye ziyaret bahanesiyle gelen Doktor

    Chillingworthtan yardm istenir. Aslnda doktorun ziyaretinin sebebi, Hesterdan kendisinin

    kimliini gizlemesini istemektir. Doktor nce bebei ilala sakinletirir daha sonra Hestera

    imesi iin ila verir. Hester, kocasnn bu ilala kendisini ldreceini sanr. Doktor ona

    yle der: Beni bu kadar az m tandn sen Hester Pryenne? Ben byle basitlikler yapacak

    kadar s biri miyim? ntikam almay planlasam seni hayatn tm ktlk ve aclarndan

    kurtaracak ilac vermek yerine, bu utancn gsn dalayp gitmesine izin vererek, yaaman

    salamak ok daha gzel bir intikam olmaz m? ... Sen yaamalsn! Utancn zerinde

    3 Nathaniel Hawthorne, Kzl Damga, ev. Utku lban Cokunolu, Bilge Kltr Sanat, stanbul 2008; Nathaniel Hawthorne, Kzl Damga, ev. Z.Glmser Arer uhadar, Arion Yaynlar, stanbul 2002. 4 The Scarlet Letter filmi 1995 ylnda gsterilmitir.

  • 165

    tarken tm kadn ve erkekler bu damgay grsn. Kocan olarak sevdiin o adam da urada

    yatan bebek de! Herkes her zaman grsn! Haydi yaamak iin bu ilac i imdi.5

    Osmanl toplumunda zina yapan kadn/erkek ve cezas: Necis kembe

    Fatih Sultan Mehmet zamannda yaam nl bir Bizans imparator ailesine

    (Cantacuzeneler) mensup olan Theodore Spandounes/Spandugnino, The Origin of The

    Ottoman Emperors6 adl eserinde zina yapan erkee uygulanan ilgin bir tehir cezasndan u

    ekilde bahseder:7

    Eer bir Hristiyan, Trk bir kadnla cinsel ilikiye girdii esnada yakalanrsa ya

    krbalanr ya da Mslman olmaya zorlanabilir. Bu cezadan kamak iin 500, 1000 ve hatta

    2000 duka altn deyen kiiler tanyorum. Eer bir Hristiyan veya Trk erkei, nikhl ei

    olmayan bir kadnla yatakta yakalanrsa, kafasnda bir hayvann i organlar (ikembesi)

    elinde de hayvann kuyruuyla eee ters bindirilerek ehirde gezdirilir. Bu durumdaki bir

    kii 1500 duka altn deyerek bu ayptan ve cezadan kaabilir. 8

    Theodore Spandounes/Spandugninodan sonra 17. yzylda Osmanlya gelen botanik

    uzman Joseph Pitton de Tournefort, yazd seyahatnamesinde zina yaparken yakalanan

    kadnlarn denize atldklarn sylerken, erkeklerin de balarna barsaktan yaplm bir ta

    ve boyunlarna da ayn ekilde bir kravat taklp, eee ters bindirilerek tehir edildiini u

    ekilde anlatmtr:

    Zina Trkiyede ok sert biimde cezalandrlr. Yalnzca zina hlinde kocalar

    karlarnn yaayp yaamamasyla ilgili karar verebilirler; zira eer kocalarn ruhu kinle

    doluysa, sust yaplm ya da biimsel olarak kandrlm bu bahtsz kadnlar ii ta dolu bir

    uvala konarak denize atlr; ne var ki; kadnlarn ou o kadar iyi yzer ki pek ender

    5 Nathaniel Hawthorne, Kzl Damga, ev. Utku lban Cokunolu, s. 76 6 Orijinal ad Discorso di Theodoro Spandugino Cantacusino Gentilhomo Costantinopolitano Dallorigine deprincipi Turchidir. 7 Metin And, XVI.Yzyl da Osmanllarda Cezalar balkl yazsnda bu cezay farkl olarak u ekilde aktarrr: Bir zmm bir Trk kadnyla zina ederse Mslman olmazsa yaklrd. Bir zmm veya Mslman Trk bir zmm kadnla zina ederken yakalanrsa, hem erkek hem kadn sokaklarda bir eein zerine ters oturtulur, bana koyun ikembesi sarlr, eein kuyruunu yular gibi tutarak sokakta dolatrlrd. Hayat Tarih Mecmuas, S. 3, 1 Nisan 1969, s. 32. 8 If a Christian is caught in sexsual act with a Turkish woman he can either be lashed or be forced to become a Muslim. I have known of men who have paid 500, 1,000, or even 2,000 ducats to avoid this penalty. If a Christian or a Turk is found in bed with a woman not his wife, he is paraded around the town sitting backwards on as ass with entrails on his head and the animals tail in his hand. A man of status in these circumstances escapes the penalty and the shame by paying 1,500 ducats. Theodore Spandounes, On the Origin of the Ottoman Emperors, Translated and edited by Donald M. Nicholl, Cambridge University Press, New York 2009, s. 130-131.

  • 166

    boulurlar. Eer kocalar hayatlarn balarsa, kadnlar bazen eskiye oranla ok daha mutlu

    olurlar: nk bu kadnlar klaryla-eer klar Hristiyansa Mslman olma cezasna

    arptrldktan sonra evlenmeye zorlanrlar. ou zaman erkek k, bir eee ters binip

    eein kuyruunu dizgin gibi tutmak zorunda braklarak, bana barsaktan yaplm bir ta

    ve boynuna da barsaktan bir kravat taklm vaziyette sokaklarda dolama cezasna

    arptrlr. Bu zafer turundan sonra, brlerine ve tabanlarna birka sopa vurulur.9

    Her iki yabanc yazarn bahsettikleri bu tehir cezasnn gerekten uygulanp

    uygulanmad konusunda akla baz soru iaretleri gelmektedir. Fakat ilgin olan Evliya

    elebinin Seyahatnamesinde de bu cezaya atfta bulunulmasdr. elebi, stanbuldaki oyun

    kollarndan Yahudilerden oluan Semmr-ka kolunu anlatrken, onlarn dman olduklar

    ingenelerle yaptklar bir gsteriden bahsetmitir. Gsteride, Yahudi bir erkekle zina

    yaparken baslan ingene kadn, bir eee ters oturtulur, bana ceza olarak pis ikembe

    geirilir ve baka bir eee bindirilen Yahudiyle birlikte gezdirilir:

    On ikinci semmr-ka kol: 200 neferdir ve cmlesi Yahdlerdir. Bu Yahd

    kollarnn istihrlar oldur kim cem-i hokkabz ve srhbz ve kzebz ve kadehbz ve

    tebz ve ebbz ve perendebz ve mhrebz ve sinibz ve taklabz [ve] kullebz vel-hsl

    cmle marifet-i bz-bzan bunlarn kollarnda mevcd olup ta sabha dek b-minnet fasl

    iderler ve bunlar ingene kollarna gyet hasm olduklarndan bir kol ingeneden ve bir kol

    Yahudiden dutup hasmne bir fasl Yahudiler ve bir fasl ingneler ide. Garb ve acb

    temlar olur amm bu Yahudilerin ingenelerine galebe takldleri var kim grp istim

    iden temclarn akl glmeden zil olur. Evvel ingneler ay oynatmala mehrdur.

    Yahdler oynadrken gn-a-gn akalar idp, ingnelere sz atarlar. Bir ingne avratn bir

    Yahdiyle dutup, Yahdye ve ingneye ikence idp, sylediklerinde [temdr] ve

    ingne karsn necsli ikembe ile ters eee bindrp, Yahd dahi bir eek zre siyset ile

    gerp, bir hy-h ile takld itdklerinde, dem glmeden mebht olur ve nie bunun emsli

    ingnelere ramen takldleri vardr.10

    Fakat Theodore Spandounes/Spandugnino ve Tournefort, necis ikembenin erkein

    bana, elebi ise kadnn bana geirildiini belirtmitir.

    9 Joseph de Tournefort, Tournefort Seyahatnmesi, ev. Zll Kl, stanbul 2005, s. 72. 10 Evliya elebi b. Dervi Mehmed Zll, Evliya elebi Seyahatnmesi Topkap Saray Badat 304 Yazmasnn Transkripsiyonu-Dizini I.Kitap stanbul, hzl. Orhan aik Gkyay, stanbul 1996, s. 308.

  • 167

    Hayat Tarih Mecmuasnda ceza bu ekilde grselletirilmitir.11

    Gerek yabanc iki seyyahn gerekse elebinin bahsettii bu cezann izlerini, 17.

    yzyl divnlarnda da taradk.12 Sadece Vecdnin Divnesinde yer alan bir matla beytinde

    bu cezadan bahsedildiini tespit ettik. Vecd bu beytinde, mumu bir kadn, rzgr da onunla

    ilikiye giren bir erkek olarak dnm, mumun bana snmesin diye kapatlan fanusu da

    baa geirilen hayvan ikembesine benzetmitir. airi bu dnceye sevk eden eskiden

    fanuslarn ikembeden yaplmasdr:

    emn bu gice rzgr itdi tebeh nmsn

    Geydrdi hir bana ikenbeden fnsn Vecd matla 1


    Kkeni Arapa olan intikam kelimesinin cezalandrma anlam, Kurnda birok

    ayette geer ve yine Allahn esma-i hsnasnda geen bir ad da sulular cezalandran

    anlamna gelen Mntakimdir.13 Bu yazda, intikam kelimesinin cezalandrma

    11 Metin And, agm., s. 32. 12 Bu ceza ile ilgili aada ismi verilen divn airlerinin divnlar taranm fakat baka bir rnek bulunamamtr. Aty (. 1635), Bahyi (. 1654), Baht (. 1617), Cevr (. 1654), Fash (. 1699), Fehm-i Kadm (. 1647), Smkezde Feyz (. 1690), Hlet (. 1631), Hevy (. 1710), Hisl (. 1651), smet (. 1665), zzet (. 1681), Kelm (. 1686), Mantk (. 1635), Mezk (. 1676), Nb (. 1712), Ndir (. 1626), N'il (. 1666), Nm (. 1673/4), Nedm-i Kadm (. 1670), Nef' (. 1635), Net (. 1673), Nisr (. 1656), Ram (. 1640), Sbit (. 1712), Sabr (. 1645), Sabh (. 1647), Sheyl (IV.Murad dnemi), Skker (. 1686), ehr (. 1660), h (. 1683), T'ib (. 1683), Tyb (. 1679), Tecell (. 1688), Tfl (. 1660), Va'd (. 1678), Vahy (. 1718), Vecd (. 1661), Vech (. 1660) ve Yahy (. 1644). 13 Kurn- Kerm; Secde 22, Zuhruf 41, Duhan 16, Araf 136, Hicr 79, Zuhruf 25-55.

  • 168

    anlamndan yola karak, iki farkl toplumda zinann nasl cezalandrld konusunda

    rnekler verdik.

    Roman kahraman Hester Pryenne rneine bakldnda, kzl damga cezasnn

    verilmesine etken olan Pritenizmi de gz nnde bulundurmak gerekir. Pritenizm, 17.

    yzylda ngiltereden Bostona gelen gmenler tarafnda yaylmtr ve I. Elizabethin

    ngiliz Kilisesinde balatt reformist harekete kar kan, kendini safl aramak olarak

    tanmlayan bir Protestan doktrin ve ibadet eklidir.14 Romanda Hestera nce lm cezasnn

    verilmesi kararlatrlm daha sonra ise kzl damgaya karar verilmitir. Bu ekilde onuru

    ve haysiyeti zedelenen Hestern iledii su, hem kendisine hem de yaad topluma

    unutturulmayacak, kzl damgayla tehiriyle devaml hatrlatlacaktr. Hestern kocas, ona

    bu cezann verilmesinden memnundur nk bu ekilde kendisinin intikamnn alndn

    dnr fakat yine de onun kocas olmaktan utanr, Hestern adn aklamasn istemez.

    Rahip ise, Hesterla birlikte olduunu syleme cesaretini gsteremez.

    ada hukuk sistemi asndan tehirin bir ceza olup olmad tartmaldr.15 Ceza,

    sadece kanunla korunabilen; amac su iledii mahkeme kararyla sabit olan kimseyi yine

    mahkeme kararyla kusurunun karl olarak baz yoksunluklara tabi klarak slah etmek ve

    genel nlemeyi temin etmek iin korkutucu yaptrmdr.16 Ayn zamanda ceza, telafi

    edilebilmeli, tamir edilebilmeli veya cezann geri alnmas mmkn olmaldr.17 Bu sebeple

    tehir, hem insan onurunu ve haysiyetini zedelemesi hem de telafisinin mmkn olmamasyla

    ada ceza hukukuyla badamaz. Buna ramen tehir Osmanlda yaygn uygulanan bir

    cezadr. Mesel, aada, 1720 enliinden bir minyatr ayrntsnda, eksik arlk lleriyle

    sust yakalanm bir esnaf ve samandan yaplm bir giysi iinde klk deitiren muhtesip

    (muhtesip, zabta gibi, Osmanlda asayii salayan grevlilerdendir.) grlmektedir. (Resim

    1)18 Bu esnaf bana geirilen tahtaya dizilmi arlk lleriyle tehir edilmektedir:

    14 15 Konuyla ilgili olarak u makaleye baklabilir: Ahmet Kln, Mukayeseli Hukuk ve Hukuk Tarihi Asndan Yaptrm Tr Olarak Tehir, Gazi niversitesi Hukuk Fakltesi Dergisi, C. XI, S. 1-2, 2007, s. 1007-1032. 16 Bahri ztrk-Mustafa Ruhan Erdem, Uygulamal Ceza Hukuku ve Gvenlik Tedbirleri Hukuku, Ankara 2006, s. 279. 17 Bahri ztrk - Mustafa Ruhan Erdem, age., s. 269. 18 Esin Atl, Levni ve Surname Bir Osmanl enliinin yks, stanbul 1999, s. 182.

  • 169

    Resim 1

    Resim 2

    Asl konumuzla ilgili olan baka bir tehir cezas da Seyyid Lokmann Hnernmesinde

    minyatrize edilen engel cezasdr. Mslman kadnlarla zina eden gayr Mslimler,

    minyatrdeki gibi engellere aslarak ikence ile idam edilirlerdi. (Resim 2)19

    Bir tehir cezas olan necis ikembe ile ilgili ayrntl bir bilgiye sahip deiliz. Bu

    cezann kadna m erkee mi yoksa ikisine de mi uyguland konusunda kaynaklarda farkl

    bilgiler verilmitir. Dier taraftan slam hukukunda zinann cezas recmdir. Recmin de

    Osmanl Devletinde sadece bir defa uyguland kaydedilmitir.20 Bu sebeple, necis ikembe

    cezasnn slam kaynakl olmasna da pheyle baklmaldr. Bu cezayla kadn/erkein bana

    pis hayvan ikembesi sarlarak onlarn pis bir i yapt, manen ve madden kirlendikleri, kzl

    damgadaki gibi topluma tehir edilerek anlatlmtr. Zinann intikamnn bu ekilde

    alnmasyla sokakta dolatrlarak aalanan kiiler ve ceza, toplumun bilincine de kaznm



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  • 171

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  • 172

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  • 173

    Vengeance in the Chronicles Written in Old Anatolian Turkish Eski Anadolu Trkesinde Yazlan Tevrihlerde ntikam

    Sevim Ylmaz nder*


    Chronicles that were written in many aspects of social life, including daily life,

    entertainment and sports, at a time when history writing was beginning to show some

    methodology, describe vengeance as a sentiment that is required to survive and succeed. In

    acts of vengeance narrated in chronicles, social structure manifests itself over three axes,

    namely religion (Christian-Muslim), status (ruler-subject) and gender (men-women). In some

    cases, an act that is too trivial to cause a feeling of vengeance warrants revenge simply

    because of the social structure involved. Reasons for revenge in chronicles are divided into

    two categories: social reasons such as observing a different religion or denomination,

    apostasy, claiming to be prophets, uprising, bribery and personal reasons such as jealousy,

    lack of protocol, murder of someone in the family. Vengeance is enacted in two different

    ways: direct with the religious assistance or ploys and indirect with collective punishments

    such as occupation, exile, pillage and individual punishments such as selling as slaves, killing

    by weapons, decapitation, burning, skinning, confinement, filling the mouth with dirt. Since

    all acts of vengeance become public to a certain degree, its aftermath is discussed in detail.

    Therefore, the public nurtures different sentiments as celebration, mourning and regret after

    the act of revenge. Victims try to find some ways to avoid revenge indirectly with the

    assistance of Prophets (Mohammad or Jesus Christ) or Khidr and directly with his own

    survival plan such as flight, converting, paying tribute. * Dr. Sevim Ylmaz nder, Yldz Technical University, Turkish Language and Literature Department, Istanbul. [email protected]

    ACTA TURCICA Yl III, Say 1/2, Ocak 2011 Kltrmzde ntikam, Editrler: Emine Grsoy Naskali, Hilal Oytun Altun

    evrimii Tematik Trkoloji Dergisi Online Thematic Journal of Turkic Studies

  • 174

    Anahtar Kelimeler: Vengeance, Apostasy, Gender, Uprising, Protocol, Tribute, Old

    Anatolian Turkish, Ottoman historiography.


    Tarih yazclnn bir metot izlemeye baland dnemde yazlan ve gndelik yaam,

    elence, spor vb. birok sosyal konuda veriler sunan tevrhlerde intikam, hayatta kalmak ve

    baar elde etmek iin gerekli bir duygu olarak tarif edilir. Tevrhlerde intikam alma

    durumunda sosyal yapnn din (Hristiyan Mslman), stat (yneten ynetilen) ve cinsiyet

    (kadn erkek) bakmndan farkl yapda ortaya kt grlr Bazen duygusu

    yaratmayacak kadar nemsiz bir davran, sosyal yap nedeniyle ok byk cezalandrlmalar

    gerektirir. Tevrhlerde intikam konusunun getii ksmlar incelendiinde sebepler asndan

    farkl dinden veya mezhepten olma, din deitirme, peygamberlik iddias, isyan, rvet gibi

    toplumsal sebeplerin yan sra kskanlk, protokol kurallarna uymama, aileden birinin

    ldrlmesi gibi bireysel sebepler olmak zere iki trde olduu grlr. ntikam alma

    trlerinde kullanlan yntemler incelediinde dolayl (dini yardm veya hile ile) ve dorudan

    olmak zere iki farkl yol izlendii grld. Dorudan intikam almalarda topraklarn ele

    geirilmesi, evlerin boaltlmas, yama gibi toplumsal cezalandrmalar ile esir olarak satma,

    silahla ldrmek, attan drme, ban kesme, yakmak, derisini yzmek, zgrln

    kstlamak, azna toprak doldurmak gibi bireysel cezalandrmalar eklinde uygulanr. Her

    intikamn bir ynyle toplumsal olmas sebebiyle, intikam sonras yaananlar ayrntl

    biimde anlatlr. Bu nedenle intikam alndktan sonra toplumda kutlama, yas tutma ve

    pimanlk gibi farkl tepkiler oluur. Kurbanlarn Muhammet ve sa Peygamberlerin veya

    Hzrn yardmyla intikamdan kurtulduklar dolayl yollarn yan sra kamak, din

    deitirmek, hara vermek gibi kendi bulduklar kurtulu planlar da mevcuttur.

    Keywords: ntikam, htida, Cinsiyet, Ayaklanma, Terifat, Hara, Eski Anadolu

    Trkesi, Osmanl tarih yazcl.

    Ottoman History Writing between the 13th and 15th Centuries

    Historical texts in Ottoman Turkish are initially referred to as destn/dsitn

    (legend), hikye (tale) or menkbnme (epic), but with the development of history

    writing throughout the years, these texts are subsequently named trih (chronicle) or its

    plural, tevrh.

  • 175

    As with all nomadic peoples, history writing in the Ottomans occurs at a much later

    phase. The first examples indicating a lack of history writing tradition tend to confuse fact and

    legend, listing them as one narrative. A notion of causality does not appear until the late 15th

    century. Occurrences that are completely void of credibility are narrated as they were facts. In

    the example below, Seyyid Battal kills his enemy, skins him, dries and straightens the skin,

    and then puts it on as a guise to deceive his enemys men:

    Harsn mest old. Seyyid kalanna destr vrdi. Harsan alkod, halvet kalcak ier

    girdi, iler yridi, bogazna yapd. ehdet kelimesin bua arz eyledi, ln feryd tmek

    istedi. (Seyyid) bogazn berk dutd, cn cehenneme smarlad. Tz derisin yzdi, kend eliyile

    dzledi, tabaglk eyledi. rteye degin kurtd. Sabh seg-srlar geldiler. Seyyid Harsnu

    derisin geydi, dara kd, bunlara yz gsterdi. Dkelisi yz yre srdiler. (Battalnme, 568-


    Until the 15th century, Ottoman Turks sing the epic songs they have brought from their

    homeland in Central Asia to Anatolia. Poets and musicians in court narrate the deeds of their

    renowned forefathers and heroes accompanied by an instrument called kopuz. The most

    distinguished hero of all is Ouz: the forefather and the first ruler of the group of peoples to

    whom the Turks of Asia Minor belong. Although these early examples do not contain

    information that is significant from a historical perspective, they do provide a painstaking

    lineage of Turkic tribes and their chieftains.1

    The first Ottoman chronicle that bears a semblance to contemporary works was written

    in the early 15th century by Yahi Fakih, the son of shak Fakih, who was the imam of Orhan

    Gazi. Known as the Yahi Fakih Menakbnmesi (Epic of Yahi Fakih), this work did not

    survive. Its existence is known only by the references made by kpaazde when he was

    writing his own work. This Epic has probably been a resource for the anonymous Tevrh-i

    l-i Osman (Chronicles of the Ottomans), which were written on the founding stages of the

    Ottoman Empire.2

    The earliest recovered Ottoman chronicle today is the Chronicle that is annexed to the

    skendernme by Ahmed, written in the early 15th century and presented to Emir Sleyman.3

    Ahmed wrote this work in 1390, and subsequently added a chronicle until 1410.

    1 Franz Babinger, Osmanl Tarih Yazarlar ve Eserleri, ev. okun ok, Ankara 1982, pp. 7-10. 2 Erhan Afyoncu, Osmanl Tarih Yazcl, Trk Edebiyat Tarihi, C. l., stanbul 2007, pp. 570. 3 smail nver, Ahmed, skendername, Ankara 1983, pp. 44-45.

  • 176

    Following the invasion of the Mongols under the command of Tamerlane, the Ottoman

    state was devastated, and along with it, history writing. There are no historical works

    surviving from this period. However, as Sultan Murat II ascends to the throne and the state

    begins to recover from the defeat at the Battle of Ankara, a methodology in history writing

    begins to emerge.4 Dated back to the reign of Sultan Murat II, the anonymous chronicles are

    among the most important works in Ottoman history writing. Called the Anonim Tevrh-i l-

    i Osman, these chronicles begin with the arrival of Sleyman-ah at Anatolia, and end on

    dates that encompass various periods.5

    The developments in Anatolia and Thrace in the 15th century sparked further interest

    and style in history. Contrary to the earlier stages of history writing, some works are written in

    Turkish. A series of victories by the state nurtured an admiration of the Sultan and his family

    this would be further entrenched in the society with the conquest of Constantinople. Sultans

    must have felt a need to tell their past especially their triumphant past to the people as they

    demanded that the historians of their times write the history of the Turks beginning with their

    migration to Anatolia. Written in plain, straightforward Turkish, these texts were usually

    dedicated to the sultans of their times. Originally a pleasure hoarded by the elite, history was

    extended to the people with legendary works like Battalnme6 and Danimendnme7, both

    popular among the people of Anatolia. During his time in Edirne, Ebul-hayr-i Rm was

    commissioned by Cem Sultan, who had heard about the legends and tales surrounding Saltuk

    the Blond in various parts of Thrace, and had wanted a compilation of these narratives, to

    write the Saltuknme.8

    Works on Seljuk and Ottoman history were specifically translated on orders from the

    Sultan, and their translators were rewarded. Many anonymous Chronicles are dated to the

    reign of Bayezit II. Examples of Ottoman history texts enriched by poems range from

    Ahmeds skendernme9 to the Akpaazde Tarihi (Chronicles by Akpaazade)10 and Oru

    Bey Tarihi (Chronicles of Oru Bey). Other important writers are the famous historian Ner,

    4 Franz Babinger, Osmanl Tarih Yazarlar ve Eserleri, pp. 16-17. 5 Erhan Afyoncu, Osmanl Tarih Yazcl, pp. 570. 6 Yorgo Dedes, Battalname, Harvard 1996. 7 Necati Demir, Danimend-nme, Harvard 1999. 8 Timurta, eyhinin Harnamesi, stanbul 1981, p. 192; Necati Demir, Danimend-nme. 9 For the annals at the end of the work, cf. smail nver, Ahmed, skendername, pp. 44-45. 10 H. Nihal Atsz, Ak Paaolu Tarihi, stanbul 1992.

  • 177

    who wrote the Kitab- Cihn-nma (Book of the World),11 and Yazczde Ali with his

    Tevrh-i l-i Seluk (Chronicles of the Seljuks). Although not completely scientific, these

    works can be considered secondary resources that can be used to reinforce or expand the

    information gained from primary resources like documents, edicts, mandates, private letters

    and treaties.

    The historical texts that comprise the foundation of this study are prose chronicles that

    were written in many aspects of social life, including daily life, entertainment and sports, at a

    time when history writing was beginning to show some methodology. In addition to legendary

    chronicles like Battalnme and Dnimendnme written in old Anatolian Turkish, methodical

    works such as Akpaazde, Oru Bey, Ner and Yazczde are included. These chronicles

    are based on and refer to each other. Except Yazczde, all are chronicles of the Ottoman

    State. Yazczde covers Ottoman history from the Ouz tribe to the Seljuks and the conquest

    of Constantinople. However, this work is significant in the sense that it includes details on

    social life, which are not found in the originals, and are presumed to be added by Yazczde.

    It may be thought that the author added these details with reference to his own era, namely the

    15th century. This is the reason Yazczdes work is frequently referred to in this study:

    Although it narrates a previous era, the social data contained therein is more relevant to the

    period at hand.12

    The Notion of Vengeance in Chronicles

    Chronicles describe vengeance as a sentiment that is required to survive and succeed.

    Specifically, vengeance is explained as one of the key factors of military achievement.

    Soldiers are infused with sentiments of grudge and vengeance so that they will show no

    mercy during the fight, battle zealously to enact their revenge, and, naturally, kill their

    enemies in the end:

    Ve dmen zerine zafer bulmagu bir nie sebebleri vardur drdi. Birisi, ganmet

    ve yagma mdi ki leker gllerinde rsih ola, cidd cehd tmekde mbliga derler. Ve

    ganmet muhabbet[i] bunlaru glinden lm korkusn giderr. Ve ikincisi, dmene kn ve

    intikm kasd yle ki leker dmenden acm olalar ve gllerinde aa kn dutm olalar.

    Pes arada intikm kalbe mstevl olur. Havfa ve ihtiyta yol varmaz. ncisi, dmen

    11 Orhan Kololu, Kitb- Cihnnma, stanbul 2008. 12 For more information cf. Sevim Ylmaz nder, Introduction Tevrh-i l-i Seluk, ll. cilt Rhat-s-Sudr ve yet-s-Srr tercmesi. stanbul 2009.

  • 178

    lekerin gllerine korku brakmak ki glde korku olcak azda kuvvet kalmaz.

    (Yazczde, 76a)

    A soldier filled with a will to avenge will kill anyone standing before him without any

    sign of mercy. This is frequently described as a ravaged wolf attacking a herd of sheep in


    Derhl kfirlere rip ol a kurt koyuna girer gibi kfirleri sdlar.

    (Dnimendnme, 119)

    When Muslims or Christians view themselves as superior to their enemies, ridicule

    frequently comes before vengeance. Ridicule indicates that the forces are not equal and the

    adversaries will be crushed, and is employed as a tactic to keep morale high. Meanwhile,

    readers or listeners find an opportunity to be proud of their people and their army, and look

    towards the future with confidence. Derogatory remarks are frequent in sections of ridicule,

    and the enemy despite sometimes outnumbering the victors is described as an incompetent

    horde. Enemies are likened to animals, which further humiliates them. People reading or

    listening to these texts feel pride in their ancestors and scoff at the enemy:

    Atua haber kld ki Kardau Kibriyanos, Melik elinde helk old ddi. Atu lan

    n an iitdi bir delrmi dv gibi slm erisin arasnda ddi; ayu gibi bagrd, eek gibi

    agrd, touz gibi hortlad, dah srdi (Dnimendnme, 119)

    Mockery and ridicule sometimes become so over-the-top that it feels unreal. In the

    early stages of history writing, when chronicles were very popular among people,

    historiographers wrote with a sense of entertaining their audiences while keeping annals.

    These entertainment sections become distinct parts of the chronicle, where the writer finishes

    relating the event and begins a separate section under the heading of latife (banter) and tells a

    joke to further ridicule the victim of the related event in the eyes of the reader. In the example

    below, the testicles of enemy soldiers are removed to erect an awning. The battlefield then

    becomes known as the Great Balls Plains:

    Latfe: Tatarlaru haylaru kesp derilerini birbirine dikp bir syebn tdiler.

    imdiki hlde dah ol sahrya Taak Yazus drler. (Ner, 67)

    Since chronicles are usually written for future generations, they contribute greatly to

    the formation of a collective memory. Remembering the past and taking revenge are inscribed

    into the minds of the society. Consequently, some calls for revenge become social grudges

    due to the efforts of history writers and the assertions of their chronicles, and are never

  • 179

    forgotten or allowed to be forgotten even if centuries pass. An example is the grudge

    related to the conquest of Constantinople in 1453 and how this is passed down from

    generation to generation. In chronicles, it is clear that the Greeks who have close ties to the

    Ottoman throne after the conquest do not give up on this grudge:

    Rm vezr Pdiha eydr: Hey devletl sultnum! Mahmd srdgi evleri teft

    dp grdm, ekseri fakrlerdr ve hem az srdi ddi. Ve ganlerin srmedi ddi. Bu Rm

    vezr stanbolu intikmn almaga gyetde kim mtk intizrd kim ehl-i slm[]

    inciteyidi Murd buyd ki ehl-i slmn evlerin ykdurmagd. (k Paazde, 446).

    In the immediate aftermath of the conquest of Constantinople, Pope Nicholas stands up

    to lead a new crusade to avenge the conquest. In the communiqu he issues on 30 September

    1453, he calls to the rulers of the West to unite against the Turks. Meanwhile, he urges the

    bickering countries of Europe to cast civil wars aside and join forces against the enemies of

    Christianity13. However, the common belief in Rome at the time was that the conquest was

    an act of revenge in itself, that the Ottomans indirectly avenged the fallen of Troy, and that

    the Greeks were now suffering for the violence they once committed. The resulting

    resentment towards Byzantium and the realpolitik Sultan Mehmet II crafted out of the

    ensuing quarrel ensured that the movement was left on paper.14

    Although considered the revenge of Troy, the conquest of Constantinople is also

    viewed as the attack of Muslims on Christianity by Greeks and many other Christian

    nations, and revenge becomes inevitable. Particularly when the Ottomans enter a state of

    decline, Christian countries like Russia and Austria lead a Greek Project to avenge the

    revenge and to revive the old Byzantium.15

    Social Structure in Vengeance

    The social status of the person or community that will be punished when they feel

    vengeance or later seek to enact vengeance should not be underestimated. In some cases, an

    act that is too trivial to cause a feeling of vengeance warrants revenge simply because of the

    social structure involved.

    In acts of vengeance narrated in chronicles, social structure manifests itself over three

    axes, namely religion (Christian-Muslim), status (ruler-subject) and gender (men-women):

    13 Steven Runchiman, Konstantiniye Dt, stanbul 1972, p. 255. 14 Ibid. p. 259. 15 Armaolu, Siyas Tarih 1789-1960, Ankara 1973, p. 96.

  • 180

    Christians and Muslims

    The key dividing factor between avengers and their victims in chronicles is religion.

    Refuting each other although being introduced one after the other, Christianity and Islam are

    often in clash. While Christians cannot come to terms with the newer Islam, Muslims, safe

    in the belief that theirs is the last Godly religion, expect everyone to adopt their faith. Being

    of the other religion is a crime in itself in the chronicles, and both sides wage holy wars

    against the other. Believing that holy wars are among the greatest good man can do, both

    sides fight enthusiastically:

    (Cafer) Hak taldan istinet isterdi. Eydrdi kim y Hlik, nin nola bu b-re

    miskn yetm kulua lutf ihsn dp yardm klasn, kudret ve kuvvet vresin, bu Rm

    memleketin mslimnlk desin, kiliselerin ykam yerine, mescidler ve medreseler yapam.

    (Battalnme, 350)

    Wars waged in the name of religion require revenge in the name of religion. The

    desecration of a mosque or church is regarded a tragedy almost as severe as the conquest of a

    country. The destruction of places of worship causes great hatred in both religions, and is

    used as an instrument to provoke the people:

    Andan grdiler kim Melik erisiyle kala stine kapuya gelp ok kfir helk tdiler.

    Kfir ygrp kala kapusna geldiler. Grdiler kim gzler kapuy krmlar. Hemn ehre

    koyuldlar. Gavars ters yzine kaup kalaya kd. ehire haber old kim Sematorgos Diyri

    alnm. Kfirler bun iitdiler, cnlarndan nevmd oldlar. Andan eytdiler: Biz cnumuz

    Mesh yolna kurbn delm dyp birbirlerine eytdiler. (Dnimendnme, 190)

    Attacks against religious elements are considered attacks against other countries of the

    same faith, so warriors from other countries come to aid their brethren in the holy war. This

    instills hope in the hearts of the warriors, who then launch verbal attacks against the enemy to

    lower morale:

    Kffrdan Alkan girdi eydr: y demrden yrekl kavm, serverzi biz oda

    yakduk. Siz basuz bir kavmsiz. Ne zehreyile ubu kadar leker birle bize karu geldz?

    Yenildz gerek. U Kaysar geli yrr, lekerin yr gtrmez ytmi iki millet ittifk

    tmilerdr ki sizi ara yrden gtreler. (Battalnme, 462)

    These two groups create their divide over religious differences, and transition between

    the two groups is possible by converting to the others religion. A person who decides to

    convert to the enemys religion is not merely a citizen with a different religion he becomes

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    the enemy himself. Former Christian, converted Muslim Afroumiyeh now fights for the


    Kfirler kuvvet tutup mslmnlar sdlar. Ol arada bir tag vard. Gzler ol tagdan

    yaa vardlar. Efrumiyye, ol gzler cmlesi mecrh olmlard. Ol tagn penh dindiler.

    (Dnimendnme, 74)

    Rulers and subjects

    The dividing factor between people of the same religion is whether they are subjects or

    rulers. This makes it clear that the social status of the avenger is important when

    contemplating revenge. Some act that is quite ordinary for a person at the bottom of the social

    pyramid becomes a punishable crime as the person moves up the pyramid.

    When revenge is due upon a person who belongs to the upper levels of society, not

    anyone can go to take revenge. A person who belongs to a lower level of society must obtain

    the assent of the relatives of the dead or wronged person. Because enacting revenge is a

    matter of honor in society, such honor must be bestowed by permission. The higher the social

    rank of the person to be avenged, the greater the honor:

    Eger buyurursa ben kulu varayn Mezd Beg intikmn ol kfirden alayn. ddi.

    (k Paazde, 401)

    When taking revenge, people of lower rank are killed first, and higher-ranking people

    are left to be killed later. Furthermore, lower-rank people die an easy death while agony and

    suffering increase as victims climb the ranks of society. If the victim is a Kaiser, an emperor,

    then he is not killed by a ploy; he is usually called out onto the battlefield for revenge:

    Kaysar on iki bi kul birle drt yz ydek nice nice begler rikbnca meydana tazm

    birle geldi Seyyid eyitdi: ok syleme, eger sen beni zebn derse ben sen dne

    girem. Ve ger ben seni ykarsam bes benm dnme gire misin? Kaysar rz old.

    (Battalnme, 477)

    State and religion remained two distinct realms until the reign of Selim I, who claimed

    the title of khalifa for the Ottomans.16 Prior to this, when the Sultan and the khalifa were two

    different people, and they confronted each other for some reason, the situation could easily

    become a deadlock.17 Under normal circumstances, wronging the leader of the state and the

    16 Azmi zcan, Hilafet slam Ansiklopedisi, C. 17, 1998, pp. 546. 17 For the khalifas position on the social pyramid, cf. Sevim Ylmaz nder, Tevrh-i l-i Selukta Hediyeleme ve Hediye Szleri, Motif Akademi Dergisi- Muhal Bali Armaan, stanbul 2009.

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    country would be inexcusable; however, if the wrongdoer is the khalifa, action will not be so

    swift. Even when the issue is associated with women and the pride and honor of the parties

    are at stake, negotiations, condemnation and warnings are favored ways of resolving the

    situation. In asking for Seyyids assistance in taking the girl that his son wants to marry,

    Abdulvahhab pits Seyyid and the Khalifa against each other. In these cases, someone other

    than the Khalifa is responsible for the problems that ensue. In other words, there are people

    like Ukba who provoke the Khalifa, and they are the true culprits. Always ready to act,

    Seyyid merely disarms the assailant in the attack perpetrated in the presence of the Khalifa,

    and sets out to uncover the truth:

    Ukb (Halfeye) eyitdi: Byle sormagla i olmaz. Buyur Abdulvahhabu elin

    baglasunlar, boynn ursunlar ddi. Celld klc ekdi, iler yrdi. Seyyid dyemedi,18

    srad, celldu elinden klc ald, eyitdi: ah anu gnhn sbit eyle, andan ldr

    ddi. Ukb feryd eyledi, eyitdi H grdz mi? Halfe yzine klc ekdz. imdi sen

    kanu helldr. Seyyid eyitdi: Ben kimseye kl ekmedm. Klc zlim elinden aldum. Sen

    otur aaga ben isteyem, kzu ahvlin hikyetin bileyin ddi. (Battalnme, 489)

    Men and women

    From a gender perspective, being a man or a woman does not have a bearing on

    seeking revenge, with the exception of the Sultan, who occupies the highest position on the

    social pyramid. Devout women or women who have recently converted to Islam go to holy

    war alongside men. As the daughter of an aristocratic Greek family, Afroumiyeh converts to

    Islam and fights alongside Muslim men on the battlefield in the name of Islam:

    Efrumiyye tgin eline alup hamle kld. yle ceng tdi kim vasfa gelmez. Ol gce ok

    kfir krdlar Efrumiyye ve syir gzler gceye degin ceng tdiler. (Dnimendnme, 73-


    Although the two genders may be portrayed as equals in holy war, the female warrior

    is almost always wed to a male warrior at one point, becoming a warrior that is the wife of a

    known man. As in the example of Afroumiyeh, sometimes religion comes to their assistance:

    The great warrior Seyyid Battal appears to Melik Danimend in his dream, and says that the

    two converts, Artuhi and Afroumiyeh are suited to each other:

    18 Yorgo Dedes reads dyemedi as duyamad.

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    Ol gce Melik Dnimend rahmetullhi aleyhi- dinde iki cihn gnei Muhammed

    Mustafy grdi. Cmle ashab, Seyyid Battal ve Abdul-vahhb bu cmle begler bir yre

    cem olmlar. Melik bunlara karu vard, hdmet kld Hazret-i Resl dah Meliki bagrna

    basd, arkasn sgad, htrn sord. Melik eytdi: Nite old, bizi sora m geldiz? ddi.

    Seyyid Battl cevb vrdi kim Biz bunda Artuhnu dgnine geldk. Gerek kim rte dgn

    yaragn klasz. (Dnimendnme, 89)

    Besides avenging women, there are women who become the targets of revenge. Some

    men, when they realize they have lost, murder their own women and children to save them

    from the hands of the avengers:

    Bu tarafdan kfirler azgunlar melnlar, Trke olmasun dy ehr bir

    tarafna gherile saup ehri oda urdlar yakdlar. Baz kfirler melnlar azgunlar, ogln

    kzn masm uacuklar ve avratlarn kend eliyle kldan gerdiler. (Oru Be, 202)

    Reasons for Vengeance

    Reasons for revenge in chronicles are divided into two categories: social reasons and

    personal reasons.

    l. Social reasons

    1. Observing a different religion or denomination Social revenge occurs when people observe different religions or denominations.

    People who hold believing in different religions one with disbelieving seek vengeance as a

    community even if no actual clash exists:

    Drt yz seksen sekiz senesinde askeri mlhiddr dy beyyine ikme dp

    depeleyince eceli anda mukadderdr. (Ner, 19)

    Regarding the believers of different religions as disbelievers is as common among

    Muslims as it is among Christians. As a result, a Christian considers Muslims enemies that

    have to be captured or killed, even if they may have done nothing, and seeks to punish them.

    In the best case, they are imprisoned:

    Malatyyeye gelrken bir yrde yatdlar. Meger yaknda bir kfir ehri vard. Adna

    Klimiya drlerdi, pdihna Kaytur bin Ssn drlerdi. Bir ka kfir stlerine ridiler,

    Muhammed dy dutdlar. Kaytura getrdiler, zindna koydlar. Bir ay bunlar zindnda

    yatdlar. (Battalnme, 411)

  • 184

    It is also clear that different denominations give rise to a feeling of vengeance similar

    to different religions. This feeling sometimes translates to action and motivates assaults

    against the followers of other denominations. When opportunity presents itself,

    neighborhoods are invaded and houses are set on fire:

    Bu ehr halk arasnda ihtilf- mezhib vard. Ol sebebden birbirine kn ve hkd19

    derlerdi. imdi ki fursat buldlar, her gce birbirin mahallesin basarlard ve evlerin20

    kalancasn dah oda ururlard. (Yazczde, 42a)

    2. Refusing the call When a feeling of vengeance arises between two enemies or neutral parties that follow

    different religions, a proselytizing call is made to the adversary. If the other party refuses the

    call, his murder becomes incumbent on the caller. As part of their faith, Muslims invite the

    non-Muslims they meet to their religion. When Danimend captures the Byzantine soldier

    who fought against him, he asks him to convert to Islam. When he does not, he kills the


    Melik Dnimend kendyi gsterdi ve eytdi21 kim: Benem Melik Dnimend Artuh

    eytdi: Benem Artuh dyince melnlar bildiler kim hl nice old. Hemn dndiler kim

    kaalar. Melik ve Artuh ol iki kiiyi tutdlar, imn arz tdiler. mna gelmeyp Melik ol

    arada ikisin katl etdiler. (Dnimendnme, 16)

    Sometimes the captive is informed that converting is the only way to avoid death, and

    that he will be killed if he does not accept:

    Ol yz kiiyi dne davet tdiler. On kii mslmn old, kalan mselmn olmadlar.

    Melik Dnimend buyurd, burn ve kulagn ve sakallarn tr tdiler. Ve dah bir nme

    yazdlar kim: Evvel nm- Hud, andan bilesin ki, Melik Dnimend katndan ki saa Nastor

    ve attatsz. mn getrp mslmn olasz, lz vilyetz ile lmden kurtlasz. Ve ill

    ne sizi koram ve ne erizi koram. Cmlezi kldan gerem. yle kim asluzdan bir

    diri kii komayam ddi. (Dnimendnme, 67)

    3. Apostasy Although conversion to another religion is the guarantee of ones life, sometimes it

    becomes just the opposite: Apostates, either of their free will or by force, become targets of

    19 hkd: hukd M. 20 evlerin: erlerin M. 21 eytdi: tdi M.

  • 185

    vengeance for others. Revenge enacted on them will set an example to others, and they will

    know what awaits them if they convert, and will remain true to their faith regardless of the

    circumstances. Former Christian Abdullah decides to help his brethren. However, when trying

    to rescue his family, Abdullah is forced to inform his wife that he has converted to Islam, and

    that soldiers will be coming. When his wife tells of Abdullahs conversion, Abdullah is

    severely tortured. Observing different faiths may even destroy families:

    Abdullh kim yei mslmndur, ehl-i ayalin tara karmaga kalaya varup Melik

    ahvlin haber vrr. Gel sizi tara karaym, yed bunda helk olasz dr.

    Abdullhun avrat bu haberi iidr, kfirlere haber vrr. Kfirler Abdullh tutarlar.

    Melik ahvlin ve kendn ahvlin sorarlar. Abdullh dmez, inkr der. hir Abdullha

    ikence dp Melik kala stine gelmesi haberin alurlar. (Dnimendnme, 56)

    If the convert is the child of an emperor, the situation becomes critical. Although the

    convert feels good about his or her choice, the rest view this as a great shame, and may

    sometimes fall sick with sorrow:

    Sngn leker kaysara ridi, haber vrdiler, ogl hikyetin bildrdiler. Tcn gtrdi,

    yre urd, aglad, feryd tdi. Ydi gn tahta oturmad. H kimse yzin grmedi, lokma dah

    ymedi. Begler vezrler drildiler, katna girdiler, eyitdiler: h22, aglamakla i bitmez

    bua yarak gerek, eri dvirelm. (Battalnme, 366)

    If the convert is an aristocratic woman, especially if she has joined the ranks of the

    warriors, she will be ridiculed if not killed. When taking to the battlefield, Afroumiyeh cuts

    her hair the one visible property of womanhood and is ridiculed as the shorn:

    Andan Nastor ve attat buyurd kim celldlar Efrumiyye[yi] getrp ol meclisde

    siyset meydn dzdiler. attat, Efrumiyyeye ok herzeler syledi. Derhl buyurd kim

    ldr bu sa bgi ddi. Nastor komad, hals kld. (Dnimendnme, 99)

    4. Claiming to be prophets As Islam is proclaimed as the last holy religion, anyone who claims to be a prophet

    after the prophet of Islam has been considered a sinner, and punished for his sins in the mortal

    world. As a prominent figure in history, Babak claims to be a prophet. He upholds the idea of

    sharing women and property, and kidnaps many women and girls to this purpose. This

    becomes a method he employs to make those who do not believe in him suffer. Despite this

    22 h: ha M.

  • 186

    cruelty, the real reason he is killed is his insistence in claiming to be a prophet and reluctance

    to accept Islam:23

    Bbek eydr: Y Battal, ben peygmberem. imdiki vakt benm vaktmdr.

    Muhammed devri gedi, ol yn erkn ko. Gel, benmle mutbbaat t kim yarn kymet

    gninde benden utanmayasn ddi. Seyyid kakd tz buyurd, bir engel getrdiler, agzna

    bragup dilin kartd, dibinden kesdrdi. (Battalnme, 596)

    5. Abuse of fellow believers People who share a faith are inclined to regard a wrongdoing against their fellow

    believers as an act against themselves, and seek revenge. Cruelty, murder, war and all other

    forms of abuse warrant punishment:

    Andan Melik kalaya kasd tdi. Andan Mihayil buyurd, elli esr getrdiler, burc

    banda pre pre kldlar. Andan agrdlar kim Dn yohsa Artuhy dah pre pre

    devz. n Melik bu haberi iitdi, resz olup gr dndi. Andan Melik erisiyle kala

    stine geldiler Ol mslmnlar ile burca yryp ol elli kfire kl koydlar Kanda kim

    kfir buldlarsa krdlar. (Dnimendnme, 56-57)

    6. Uprising Any and all acts that may be considered a challenge to the rulers will be punished.

    When the challenge becomes collective, in other words, an uprising happens, forgiveness is

    not very common. Such punishment is required for the rulers to maintain their position of

    power. When Lifon, who had previously escaped with his life and retained his religion by

    agreeing to pay tribute, continues the same behavior, he is not allowed a second chance:

    Ve andan sora Lifon harca kesp gr salvrdiler. Bir nie mddetden sora gr

    isyn zhir old. Sultn bu defa dutup helk tdi. Ve memleketin mslmnlara ledrdi.

    (Yazczde, 74b)

    Betrayal by a trusted person also requires punishment. Since this will be an example to

    others, punishment usually becomes inordinate:

    Ve n Hruzm-h Hruzma geldi, vezrine thmet tdi ki Miycug baa sen

    terbiyet derd ddi. Buyurd ki vezri ldrdiler. Ve Miycug Hrozm in ber-dr

    eylediler. Ve nie gn turd. Ve kgrtdlar ki nimet hakkn bilmeyen ve kfrn gsteren

    23 Hakk Dursun Yldz, Bbek slam Ansiklopedisi, C. 4, 1991, pp. 376-377.

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    cezs budur ddiler. Ve kendsi dah Seluklaru nimetine kfrn klup hakk- nimeti

    yerine getr[me]midi. Bu kendye dah ey fl olmad. (Yazczde, 74a-b)

    7. Refusing surrender If the vanquished side of a war refuses to abandon their posts or the commander of a

    castle or other fortification does not march out, a feeling of vengeance arises. Emissaries are

    sent to enemies who are perceived as weaker before the war, or during the battle when it

    becomes clear that the enemy will lose, to urge them to surrender. The consequences of

    refusing to surrender may be greater than that of surrendering. People who refuse to surrender

    the castle or the castle commander are warned, and if they do not heed the warning, killed:

    (Kir-Aleksi) tutsak olan beglerinden birisini ihtiyr tdi. Sultn hkmiyile ayagn

    bagdan hals tdiler. Ve Tekvur katna iletdiler. Tekvur aa dil haberin vrp ehr iindeki

    ululara gnderip eyitdi ki ehri sultnu kullarna teslm tsnler. dy. Ve eyitdiler ki:

    Eger Kir-Aleksi tutsak oldysa anu ulu rimi ogullar vardur ki her biri kiver-drlk

    dbyla rste Cnt [ve] Tarabizonda tururlar. Anlardan birini pdih derz. Bu

    memleketi Trke ve mslmna vrmezz. ddiler Sultn ol hlden kat gazaba gelp

    kakd. Buyurd ki Kir-Aleksiyi agr bend-ile ehr katna ileteler. Ve azb- balg birle

    ikence deler. Ve eydeler ki Y ehri vr y Kir-Aleksiyi helk derz. diyeler.

    (Yazczde, 129a-b)

    8. Great casualties in war If a side takes too many casualties in war, they are filled with vengeance and become

    determined to punish the enemy. After a battle where they suffer heavy casualties, warriors

    gather and count the bodies of their fallen brothers, complete the funeral prayer and bury

    them, and feel a greater dedication to battle fueled by the vengeance in them:

    Bir ceng tdiler kim vasf olnmazd. Kfirler arh okyla ve ta ile ok Mslmn ehd

    kldlar. Gzler dah aagadan yukaru okla ok kfir helk tdiler Melik Dnimend

    erisin yoklad. Sekiz yz mslman ehid olm. Buyurd hedy bir yre cem dp

    namzlarn kldlar, defn tdiler. (Dnimendnme, 170)

    9. Bribery Although a personal offense at first, bribery soon becomes a widespread issue as

    individuals who are at a disadvantage due to bribery lose their faith in their state, and the

    power of the government diminishes. Individuals begin to pressure the government to put an

    end to this problem, and it is the ruler that is charged with bringing an end it. Deciding to

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    punish the corrupt judges who are detrimental to his authority, Sultan Yldrm Bayezid orders

    these judges to be locked into a house and burned alive:

    nki Kara Rstem Karamandan geldi, hle ve bidat hdis ola balad. Ve kdlar

    dah azup ilmleriyle amel tmeyp rvet almaga baladlar. nki su badan ad,

    Byezd Hn, kdlar teft tdrp, her birinde bir drl fesd bulup, hkm dp ne kadar

    kd varsa, bunlar cem dp Yi-ehirde cmlesin bir eve toldurup buyurd ki tolayna

    odun ygup od ura, t ki bu zlim kadlar cmlesi yaalar. (Neri 337)

    ll. Personal reasons

    1. Jealousy Among the most prevalent personal reasons is envy. This has fatal consequences

    especially if between people in high seats. In the chronicles, holders of power are in a state of

    ceaseless competition. Being the minion of the person at the top may result in irredeemable

    consequences such as causing the suspension or even execution of someone else. As a very

    strong vizier, Nizamlmlk had considerable influence over the sultan. When he was envious

    of the interest the sultan showed in his adversaries, he did not hesitate to send them to the

    gallows to rule out competition. This conflict among minions was recorded in chronicles:

    Alp Arslan tahta gedi. Vezrler Nizml-mlk24 ve Hasan bin Ali bin shkd

    Ve Nizml-mlk ki evvelden kendn mlzmyd, vezreti aa vrdi Ve n-ki celld

    Amdl-meliki ldrmege getrdi, Amdl-melik cellddan mhlet dileyp bdest ald. Ve

    iki rekat namz kld. Ve cellda yalvard. Ve and vrdi ve eyitdi: n-ki pdihu

    fermnn yrine getrrsin, senden dilegim budur-ki bir haberm vardur pdih hazretine

    dyesin. Ve bir haberm dah vardur vezri Hca Nizml-mlke diyesin. Amm pdiha

    dyesin ki25 Ne baht ve sadet ki baa siz kapuuzda ald. Ve ne devlete ve izzetlere ki

    siz hizmetzde ytidm. yle-ki bunca zamn ammu Tugrul Beg baa dny ululgn

    erzn kld. Cem memleketleri benm hkmmde kod. Bi-hamdillh ki imdi sen hiret

    ululugun erzn klup ehd kldu ki sen sebeb-ile hr cinn myesser old. Allh siz

    asluzdan ve neslizden honz olsun ki hondam, dnyy ve hireti sizile buldum

    ddi. Ve vezri Nizml-mlke dyesin ki zit bidat26 ve yaramaz kide kodu. Bu lemde

    senden din yogd ki vezr ldreler. Korkaram ki bu snnet gr sen ve ikbu zerine

    24 Nizml-mlk: Nizml-melik M. 25 dyesin ki: dyesin ki eyitdi ki M. 26 zet bidat: zt ve bidat M.

  • 189

    dah cr ola27 ddi. Ve andan sora celld an ehd klup bu haberleri sultna ve vezre

    ytidrdi. Bunlar dah hayl mteessir oldlar. (Yazczde, 26a-b)

    2. Lack of protocol Contempt, self-praise, failing to kiss the floor and other disrespectful acts are looked

    down upon from a social perspective. The higher the rank of the person who is the target of

    these acts, the greater the punishment will be. When the person is a sultan or a vizier,

    disrespect to his person is considered disrespect to the state. Similarly, disrespect to

    ambassadors, who are the representatives of their states, is considered disrespect to the state

    and its ruler, and is always punished:

    hir liye tahff tdiler, hakret-ile sz sylediler. li dah geldi, hep mcery

    pdiha haber vrdi. Pdih- Rm bu harekete mell old. Bir dah advete sebeb bu old.

    (k Paazde, 490)

    3. Murder of someone in the family The murder of someone in the family requires retaliation; otherwise, the victims

    blood will dry on the ground, which will bring shame on the men of the family. Therefore,

    the father or the brothers of the deceased do their best to avenge the deceaseds blood and

    save the honor of their family. This grants the avenger prestige in the society:

    Osmnu birderi Sar-yaty anda ehd tdiler. Ol yrde bir am agac vardur,

    kandill am drler. Zr gh gh anda bir ule grnr. Saru-yat anu dibinde ehd old.

    Ve ol Kalanoz kfir dah anda dp Osmn Gzi buyurd, karnn yarup ve yri bir mikdr

    p it gibi gmdiler. Ol sebebden imdi ol yre t-ini drler. (Ner, 85)

    The family unites and decides who will avenge the deceased in what way. In the

    chronicles, avenging the blood is common to Christians and Muslims. The Christian Astr

    fights Seyyid on the battlefield to avenge his forefathers:

    Astr kakd, drt yz zerrn kemerl kul ve hc peyker alemi birle meydna girdi.

    Seyyide berber geldi, eyitdi: y Battal- kattal, bugn ol gndr kim atamu dedem

    senden intikmn alam ddi. (Battalnme, 535)

    If the deceased is of a high rank, his blood must always be avenged. This feeling of

    vengeance becomes inscribed in the minds of individuals, and gradually becomes a collective


    27 cr ola: cr olmasayd M.

  • 190

    Kfirler dah silh giyinp atlarna svr oldlar. Nastor ve Sunbat ve attat andan

    Hisarbad karda Kiarbad svr olup Nastor katna geldiler. Eytdiler kim: Dilerz kim bu

    gn Hisarbad karda Karbad meydna girp karda kann ala ddiler.

    (Dnimendnme, 109)

    Types of Revenge

    Vengeance is enacted in two different ways: direct and indirect.


    A number of indirect methods are used when avengers or their men cannot directly

    enact vengeance.

    1. Religious assistance Religious assistance is very common in indirect revenge. People call for help from

    celestial and holy beings during war. When under attack by swordsmen, Muslims cite the

    prayer of Khidr and call the name of the Prophet, asking for help from these holy men:

    Derhl Hzr peygamber duasn okd ve kendye frdi, rdi Melik Dnimend Gz

    st lan kafsndan rdi. Eyitdi kim Be-nm- Hud, be-nr- pk- Muhammed

    Mustafa dyp Atu lane bir darb- tg yle urd kim lan ba evgndan kar gibi

    krk adm yr gitdi. (Dnimendnme, 120)

    Prayer and adoration before going to battle are very common practices of ensuring


    Grdiler kim ok mslman ehd olm. Melik an grp ok aglad. Andan Hakka

    tevecch dp, yardm ve inyet ve meded diledi. (Dnimendnme, 113-114)

    Christians take oaths to wage war against Muslims, and fight in the name of Jesus


    stanbulda ne kadar ulu kii varsa Seyyide muhibb oldlar. Kaysar iler geldi eydr:

    Y dn ulus Mesh biz kullaryuz. Bir oglan peyd old, hayl ulu kiimz depeledi.

    Buncalarumuz dah atalar dedeleri dninden kard. Muhammed dnine koyd. mdi

    himmet bile olsun. U yarak de dururam ki kam ol oglan ele getrem. Temmet slm

    lekerin klcdan gerem. Ol kabelerin ykam oda uram. Bagddda ol halfelerin dutam.

    Mesh yzi suyn yrine getrem ddi. (Battalnme, 393)

    After the avengers say their prayers, they usually go to sleep and dream a premonition,

    which tells them what they may anticipate, and how to protect themselves. This sometimes

  • 191

    has implausible consequences: While an entire city is ravaged by disasters, people who had

    secretly converted to Islam are inexplicably protected from such disasters. Their homes and

    families come to no harm:

    Ol gce Melik dinde grdi kim bir nrn koca geldi. Sakal ggsine inmi, eytdi:

    Ben Abdl-vahhb Gzyem. Yarn erini bu yazdan gider. Yce taglara varu kim hakk

    tal Sisiyye kavmine hm eyledi. Bu gn gerek kim anlar helk yleye. Melik uyand,

    ahvli eriye dy vrdi. Gp yce taglara vardlar. yle kim ol yazda bir mslmn

    kalmad. Yarndas gn yleye karb olnca gk yzini bulut ald, grlti old. Gceye dek

    yldrmlar old. Gcen bir bah gemiidi kim Nh Tfn gibi yagmurlar yagd. Taglar

    gibi siyller old. Tarnu emriyle Sisiyye kavmi habersz uyand Ol ehr iinde ne varsa

    siyle gitdi. Ancak b yz ev kald. Anlar dah kfirlkdan dnp tevbe klmlard. Vel

    kfirlerden korkup ikre demezlerdi. (Dnimendnme, 183)

    2. Ploys

    Muslim or Christian heroes who claim ploy is the better part of heroism frequently

    resort to ploys. Chronicles depict ploys by Muslims as clever ruses. Muslims secretly

    infiltrate Christian ranks in battle, and call out a Muslim name. Thinking that they have been

    compromised by Muslim soldiers, Christians turn to kill their own men:

    Kend birka kez leker sagndan girdi, nara urd kim Menem Ahmed-i Turrn,

    menem Tevbil-i Rm, menem Abds-selm dy. Yine rak yrden teferrc derdi

    tururd. Leker birbirin krdlar. Kan gevdeyi gtrdi, kteler pte pte old, ykld. Ol

    gce ytmi bi kfir klcdan gedi. rte old ki gz gzi grdiler ki aralarnda hi bigne

    yok. Kendler birbirin krmlar. Kim atasn ldrmi, kim ogln ldrmi. (Battalnme, 459)

    New converts play important parts in ploys. New Muslims cheat their former people

    with particular ease, knowing their language and religion natively. When they want to deceive

    someone, they tell them in Greek how they regret having converted, and they are awaiting

    forgiveness to return to the true faith. They promise to bring the severed heads of the enemy

    in consideration:

    Ahmed Serkis haymesinde oturd, bir nme yazd Rm diline kim Titi miti, bu nme

    benden kim Serkisem. Sen katua kim Nastorsn. Bilgil ve agh olgl kim ben kldugum

    ilere pimn oldum. Dilerem ki siz katuuza varam. Gzlerle b yz kii atlandlar

    Ahmed Serkis Rm diline agrd: Kapuy au ki benem, Serkis. Melik ban kesdm

    getrdm. Birka serverler benm kasdm kldlar. Baa meded kluz kim benden intikm

  • 192

    alurlar ddi. Kfirler Nastora haber kldlar. Buyurd kapuy adlar. Gzler ehre

    girdiler. (Dnimendnme, 173)

    If an avenger was seeking a ploy, the first thing he would do would be to change attire.

    At a time when the attire of people varied from region to region, even from city to city, ones

    attire would give clues about their religion, ethnicity, and even occupation.28 Therefore, a

    person who wanted to enact revenge by ploys had to overcome certain barriers to reach his

    victim. He had to dress like the person he intended to harm. Sometimes the success of these

    ploys is exaggerated to the point of implausibility. The avenging Muslim speaks the language

    of his victim perfectly, dresses as a priest, and reads passages from the Bible to convince


    Seyyid kalaya yakn gelicek haber eylediler, krk ruhbnla Tugn karu geldiler.

    Seyyid birle gridiler, sordlar: Kimsin, adu nedr? ddiler. Seyyit eyitdi: Borz-

    Akanam, bu yolda ok riyzetler ekip dururam. Zahmet bisyr grp dururam ddi.

    Tagn eyitdi: Sakn sen Battal olmayasn? ddi. Seyyid aglad Beni sen kime

    bezedrsin? ddi. Agzn ad, hb vzla bir iki yt ncil okud. (Battalnme, 396)

    Intoxication is another common aspect of ploys, sometimes accompanied by sexuality.

    Particularly men with homosexual tendencies are wooed by young and handsome men, whom

    they follow without questioning, and are trapped in an act of vengeance:

    Mihriyyil Caferi ileri okd, arb vrdi. Cafer eydr: Ahdlyem ol vakt ki atam

    katndan gitdm, sakalum gelmeyince arb imeyem ddm. Evet sklk deym ddi.

    (Mihriyyil) iler yridi, kadeh eline alup idi, mest old. Ol lan Cafer yzine nazar

    kld, bir hb suratlu grdi, meyl eyledi kim birka eftlukrlk de. Turd, tahtdan aaga

    indi, Cafer elin ald, tenh bahe bucagna bir halvet yre vardlar Cafer drd yaa

    bakd, hi kimse grmedi eydr: D imdi ata kann al dyp yumrugn dgdi Ol kfir

    herzeye balad, grdi kim mna gelmez, ban gvdesinden cd kld. (Battalnme, 355)


    Avengers enact vengeance either personally or through dependable associates.

    Punishments may be categorized as collective and individual.

    l. Collective punishments

    1. Occupation 28 Halil nalck, Some Remarks on the Ottoman Turkeys Modernization Process, Transfer of Modern Science & Technology to the Muslim World, stanbul 1992, p. 50.

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    The most severe punishment directed to a non-Muslim society is conquest. The

    avenger both gains new territories, and does good work from a religious perspective:

    Bayezd Hn nki Selnik vilyetin bazn feth dp Frenkle advet gsterp

    gelp Burusada klad. Bahar olcak azm lekerle Geliboldan gep Edirneye varup kasd

    tdi ki ngrse vara, gaz de. (Neri 325)

    2. Exile If vengeance is not too intense, an appropriate punishment is the forced migration of

    the community. Former settlements are usually not left to abandon, and are occupied by the

    relatives of the avenger:

    Evrenez-ogl Al Beg ddi: Devletl sultanum, Bu hisr cengi hayli mkildr.

    Sultnum bun yagma tmek gerek kim bu alna ddi. Sultn Murd Hn- Gz eydr: Bre

    hisr yagmadur gzler ddi. Allhuekber, nkim yagma haberin gzler iidecek her

    tarafdan nerdbnlar getrdiler, yrdiler, gz adurmadlar. Def tarfetl-ayn iinde

    hisra koyuldlar, feth old. Ml- ganmete gark oldlar. Kfirlerini esr tdiler. Acyib

    toyumluklar old. ehr evleri hl kald. htiyr olup kalana evlerini milklige vrdiler. Ve

    Vardar Yicesin halkn srp anda getrdiler. Selnik iinde skin tdiler. (k

    Paazde, 390-91)

    The same method is used by Christians: the Governor cannot keep the Muslims under

    rule, and decides to exile them from Constantinople. Then, he orders the destruction of the


    Amm kfir mslmnlara hkm demezdi. Byezd Hna kim Temr vartas vki

    olcak tekr ol mahalleyi srdi stanboldan ve ol mescidi ykd. (k Paazde, 340).

    3. Pillage The namesake of a Turkic tribe (Yama), pillaging is considered the taking of what

    is rightfully theirs from the enemy. Also known as toyum/doyum (fill) or ganimet

    (spoils), pillage motivates soldiers to war. Soldiers are more enthusiastic to take part in

    battles where the spoils will be plenty, and practice pillage at times and locations deemed

    appropriate by the commander, or the sultan who is the commander-in-chief. Within the

    boundaries of the territory available to pillage, any property above or below the ground may

    be taken. It is common that communities bury some of their property before the war, or hide

    them in secret wells. After the war, precious metals like silver and gold, and items of value

    including silken fabrics, carpets and mattresses are pillaged:

  • 194

    Ve Merve ki agr Beg zamnndan ber pdihlaru drl-mlki idi, hazyin ve

    defyin dolu idi.29 Ve begler ve ayn ehri gizlemidiler. Guzlar gn tamm yagmaladlar.

    Evvelki gn altun ve gmi ve harri aldlar. kinci gn demr ve bakyye-i altun aldlar ve

    nci gn dek ve kl aldlar. Ve nihl ve bk hurdavt ne varsa hatt kapularn dah

    karup aldlar. Ve ehr halknu ekserin esr tdiler. Ve yagmadan sora bunlara ikenceler

    derlerdi ki gizl kuyular ve zr- zemnlerde nesne varsa eyitdrrlerdi. Fil-cmle yr

    yzinde ve yr altnda h nesne komadlar, aldlar. (Yazczde, 41b)

    4. Demolition Especially in large and beautiful cities, the destruction of magnificent structures and

    surrounding gardens is considered a severe punishment for the community:

    Ve buyurd ki Konyanu bglarn zarar baltalar ve kahr dehrileri birle kat tdiler

    Ve bglar iindeki, kkler30 ve kasrlarn cef klngiyile31 ve intikm kazmalar birle harb

    tdiler. (Yazczde, 102a)

    Sometimes the city is torn down after pillage to prevent the enemy from mustering

    forces. The community first loses all property by way of pillage, and then is left homeless and

    without sustenance. As most young men are already dead due to the preceding war, the enemy

    has no means to gather strength and muster a force to counterattack:

    Ve Miycug dutd. Ve ne-kadar lekeri ve tevbii varsa krd. Hrozm-hu

    lekeri her defa ki Irka gelrlerdi, mblaga nimetlerle giderlerdi. Bu defa nesne

    bulamadlar. Pes andan Kazvne vardlar. Anda melhiden kalalar vard. Ol kalalar

    feth tdiler Ve hayl nimetler hsl tdiler. Ve Irk harb ve vrn koyup gitdiler. Ve

    bundan tamalarn kat tdiler. (Yazczde, 74a)

    5. Destruction of property One of the milder ways to enact revenge is to destroy the property or livestock that the

    enemy owns or wants to possess. Food stores, clothing items and weapons are destroyed or

    livestock are slaughtered or mutilated to rid the enemy of its strength. Sometimes, victims

    destroy their own property to deny their use to the enemy:

    Ve Miycuk gr gelp memlekete mstevl old. Evvelden dah beter32 old zulm

    tmekde. Pes Irku ayn ittifk dp Hruzm-ha bir garr mektb yazdlar. Ve 29 agr Beg zamnndan ber pdihlaru drl-mlki idi, hazyin ve defyindolu idi: agr Beg zamnndan ber drl-mlki idi, hazyin ve defyindolu idi pdihlaru M. 30 kkleri: kleri M. 31 klngiyile: klngleri.

  • 195

    Miycugu hlin ilm tdiler. Ve eger bu zulmi def tmezse cemmz33 hasm sen

    olursn ddiler. Hruzm-h dah gazab dp fil-hl Irka tevecch tdi. Miycuk iidp

    Lter tarafna revne old. Hruzm-h ardndan srp -bir ulu rmak vard- anu

    kenrnda yetidi. Miycuk grdi ki leker yetidi, ne-kadar tavar varsa, cemin siirlerin

    kesdrdi. Ve lt u esbb ne varsa suya dkdrdi. (Yazczde, 74a/ 1-10)

    ll. Individual punishments

    1. Social punishment The mildest punishment that will be given to high-ranking officials that make a

    mistake or ignore mistakes is dismissal. Sometimes, not receiving intelligence about a

    planned act or failing to inform superiors despite receiving intelligence are reasons for


    Ve n Abbs, Abdur-rahmnu ldgin itdi, Halfe Mukted34 birle ittifk tdi ki

    bayram gni n ki sultn namza gele. Anda sahrda an dutalar. ttifk ol gn be-gyet

    yagmurlar old ki h kimse evinden kmaga mecli olmad. Ve Hak sbhnehu ve tal

    sultndan ol erri def tdi. Ve bir ka gnden sora Abbsu bu ittifk duyuld. Sultn

    bun saryna getrtdi, dutd. Anda ban kesdi. Ve Abbsla Abdur-rahmnu veftlar

    arasnda bir ay gemedi ki Sultn, Tced-dn Vezri dah bu srdan haberi vard dy,

    azl tdi. (Yazczde, 47b-48a)

    High-ranking officials may share power with the Sultan, in other words, they rule the

    country in the name of the Sultan. As they are rewarded when they function meritoriously,

    they are punished for even the smallest mistake. At times, viziers and other high-ranking

    officials may become too involved in their vicarious power, and disregard the sultan in whose

    name they rule. They may start allocating conquered lands to their relatives, strengthening

    their position in power. In this case, the sultan must make a display of true power even if the

    person in question is the Nizamlmlk and make an example of the offender. People who

    influence the sultan in making this decision usually ascend to the post of the dismissed


    32 beter: biter M. 33 cemmz: cemmz M. 34 Mukted: Muktef R.

  • 196

    Bir gn Nizml-mlke35 dem gnderdi. Eytdi: Ne drsin? Benmle pdihlkda

    erk misin ki benm meveretmsiz ve iczetmsiz tasarruflar dersin. Ve vilyetler iktn

    ledrrsin. Ve memleketler[i] oglanlarua36 vrrsin. Diler-misin ki dem gnderem,

    dlbendi baudan alalar.Nizml-mlk eytdi: Sultna eyd ki ol vakt ki anu bana

    tc kodlar, benm bauma dlbend kodlar. kisi birbirine bagludur ve ulaukdur. Ayrlmag

    olmaz ddi. Nakl denler sultna dah ziyde katup ayruks sretile eytdiler.37 T ki sultn

    gazab dp Nizml-mlki azl tdi ve vezreti Tcl-melike vrdi. (Yazczde, 30a)

    2. Selling as slaves Although not as brutal in the Ottoman society as in other countries, the sale and

    purchase of humans was an accepted practice; women in particular were sold and bought to be

    put to housework. A slave who began working in the house would gradually become an

    extended member of the household. Slavery continued in this fashion until abolition in 1846

    by Sultan Abdlmecid.38

    One of the greatest sources of slaves is postwar pillaging. At a time when the enemy is

    beaten and is powerless to resist, soldiers pillage all valuable property at the order of the

    commander, and capture any young women and children they may find to sell them to human

    traffickers at a later date. People who need servants in households shop slave markets to

    purchase a slave that meets their needs:

    Hnkr buyurd kim, Lz lini uru, kalalarn yku, halkn esr d ddi. Ol

    vakt yle toyumluklar old kim drt yanda oglan skbde yigirmi akaya satdlar. (k

    Paazde, 399)

    Sometimes, high-value individuals like governors may become captives; in this case,

    they are sold for great amounts of money to someone of the captives race and community:

    Bu tekvur eytdi. Beni stanbula satu. Orhna haber gnderdiler. Bu tekvur

    satalm m, yoksa ldrelim mi? ddiler. Orhn satu, gzlere harlk olsun ddi. (Ner,


    3. Psychological punishment Another arguably more effective method of punishment is humiliation. Working to

    disrupt the psychology of the enemy and ridiculing him in front of his relatives and 35 Nizml-mlk: Nizml-melik M. 36 oglanlarua: oglanlar ki M. 37 eytdiler: tdiler M. 38 lber Ortayl, Osmanl Toplumunda Aile, stanbul 2001, p. 129.

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    acquaintances leave indelible scars on the soul. However, this gives rise to another

    vengeance: the ridiculed individual begins to look for ways to punish those who have

    subjected him to such ridicule. This becomes a feud that only ends when one of the parties

    dies. The humiliation of a man by a woman in particular is narrated by historians humorously:

    Yolda gelrken agaclara ugradlar, ymilerinden ydi, Seyyidi tutd, akl gitdi,

    atdan ykld. Kz an grdi, Hsrevi bendden kard. Hsrev diledi kim Seyyidi ldre, kz

    komad eyitdi. Mabza yoldalarndan kimse rie ddi. Seyyidi agaca bagladlar, atn

    tonn aldlar, revne oldlar. (Battalnme, 486)

    A very effective method of humiliation is shaving. Considering that the beard is a

    status symbol in Eastern societies, this is a severe punishment for an adult.39 After reaching a

    certain age, men no longer shave their beards or mustaches. Shaven men are called names like

    hairless and ridiculed:

    Seyyid eyitdi: Tz imdi mslmn ol yohsa sen bilrsin ddi. Bu lan herzeye

    balad. Seyyid berk dutd bir bir sakaln yold. (Battalnme, 450)

    If a more severe punishment is due, cutting the beard will not suffice. The victims

    nose and ears are also cut off, his face is tarred, and he is put on a donkey to be paraded in

    town. Sometimes this is accompanied by verbal harassment:

    Seyyid eyitdi: Bu meln baa vr, bri bir hakkum alaym ddi. Halfe eyitdi: Sen

    bilrsin nice kim sen bilrsin t ddi. Seyyid dur geldi, kend eliyle burnn, kulagn kesdi

    buyurd, soydlar, sakaln yldiler, yzine karar drtdiler, eege bindrp ehri gezdrdiler

    c gn Ukbay ehirde gezdrdiler grenler yzine tkrleridi, be-lanet derlerdi.

    (Battalnme, 495)

    Animal treatment is very frequent when the victim is to be paraded in town, and he

    may be collared and leashed to be led around the town like a dog:

    Sultn Mustafa dah Karahisrdan anlaru zerine yridi ve ol siler-ile bulud.

    Ey sultn cengler olund. Uzun Hasandan gelen beg kim Ysuf mirzdur ve hem ol Uzun
