Page 1: 1830  Ada Byron a mathematician writes the worlds first computer program for the machine designed by Charles Babbage but never built.first computer program


Page 3: 1830  Ada Byron a mathematician writes the worlds first computer program for the machine designed by Charles Babbage but never built.first computer program


First practical telegraph invented by Samuel F.B Morse.

Page 4: 1830  Ada Byron a mathematician writes the worlds first computer program for the machine designed by Charles Babbage but never built.first computer program


The first telegraphic message was sent

By Samuel F.B Morse.

Page 5: 1830  Ada Byron a mathematician writes the worlds first computer program for the machine designed by Charles Babbage but never built.first computer program


Telephone demonstrated and invented by Alexander graham bell.

Page 6: 1830  Ada Byron a mathematician writes the worlds first computer program for the machine designed by Charles Babbage but never built.first computer program


The Phonograph was invented by Thomas Edison.

Page 7: 1830  Ada Byron a mathematician writes the worlds first computer program for the machine designed by Charles Babbage but never built.first computer program


Pictures were Transmitted over telephone lines.

Page 8: 1830  Ada Byron a mathematician writes the worlds first computer program for the machine designed by Charles Babbage but never built.first computer program

1963 The first computer mouse was invented

by Douglas Engelbart.

Page 9: 1830  Ada Byron a mathematician writes the worlds first computer program for the machine designed by Charles Babbage but never built.first computer program


Fourth generation computers were invented containing chips with large scale integration produced.

Page 10: 1830  Ada Byron a mathematician writes the worlds first computer program for the machine designed by Charles Babbage but never built.first computer program


Personal computer invented by Xerox Palo Alto research center.(PARC)

Page 11: 1830  Ada Byron a mathematician writes the worlds first computer program for the machine designed by Charles Babbage but never built.first computer program


CompuServe and Source, the first public online information services were founded.

Page 12: 1830  Ada Byron a mathematician writes the worlds first computer program for the machine designed by Charles Babbage but never built.first computer program


The Hayes 300 bps Modem was introduced.

Page 13: 1830  Ada Byron a mathematician writes the worlds first computer program for the machine designed by Charles Babbage but never built.first computer program


World Wide Web was created by Tim Berners- Lee and Robert Cailliau.

Page 14: 1830  Ada Byron a mathematician writes the worlds first computer program for the machine designed by Charles Babbage but never built.first computer program


Smaller transistor produced from one single “buckyball” molecule of carbon-60 at Lawrence Berkeley national lab.

Page 15: 1830  Ada Byron a mathematician writes the worlds first computer program for the machine designed by Charles Babbage but never built.first computer program


AOL was introduced internet access with instant messaging, E-mail and customized pages.
