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Costello Gives Phi Beta Kappa Lecture

Dr. Harry Todd Costello, internationally renowned philosopher and head of the philosophy department at Trinity College, spoke on the "Liberal Arts" at the Phi Beta Kappa lecture March 8 to a capacity audience in the College Auditorium. As he concluded, the entire audience rose to give him a standing ovation. Dr. Costello will retire in June from the Brownell Chair of Philosophy which he has held since 1920.

Dr. Costello

After defining an art as "any subject ' presented systematically from first prin· ciples," Prof. Costello gave a sketch of education in the Middle Ages when a col­lege was a group of men, not a group of buildings. The liberal arts, consisting of the Pythagorean quadrivium and the Rom· an trivium, made up a general education. Upon completion of the curriculum the student was granted the Master of Arts degree. In those times admission to study brought with it the Bachelor's degree. One might go on to specialize in law, theology, or medicine; but the Doctor of Philosophy was presented in the first two professions before it was extended to medicine in the fourteenth century.

but not cogently thought-out Communist philosophy can command us .

In Prof. Costello's estimation, the need today in education is to "examine the best things that have been written and thought." The ideal college and the truest liberal arts, he concluded, will result from the aid and inspiration of the thoughts and writings of the past.

Prof. Costello then brought his discus­sion to contemporary problems of liberal arts. Here his wit was especially useful in giving philosophic insight into present day abuses and criticisms of the liberaJ arts.

The doctor remarked that the big trouble in a liberal education today is that most campuses are split down the middle be­tween students in the arts and those in the sciences. It seems that too many students just don't want to know too much.

A serious danger to America, Dr. Cost· ello pointed out, is that Americans don't care for a systematic and well thought-out philosophy. It is thus that the systematic

The Beta Beta Chapter of Psi Upsilon fraternity at Trinity College has established a Library Book Fund amounting to $75 per semester.

Books in the field of modern literature will be chosen each term by Donald B. Engley, college librarian, with the approval of the brotherhood. A suitable bookplate for the fund is being designed with the help of Prof. John C. E. Taylor, head of the Fine Arts department, and Mr. Engley.

"The first 20 or 2 5 books will be pur· chased by the library with in the month," said Mr. Engley, who commended the fraternity on its gift and emphasized a need for such non-specialized book funds.

Chaplain Bray To Enter Navy

The resignation of the Reverend Allen F. Bray III '49, assistant chaplain at Trinity College, was announced in March by Presi· dent Albert C. Jacobs.

Mr. Bray, who has served at Trinity since 1954, will report for active duty as a Navy Chaplain on Ju ly 1. He will enter the service with the rank of Lieutenant (junior grade).

In making the announcement Dr. Jacobs stated that Mr. Bray had done "excep­tionally well" in carrying out the work of the Chapel and the pastoral work with students and faculty since the resignation of former chaplain Gerald B. O'Grady.

" I am very sorry to have him leave the Trinity family," said D r. Jacobs, "and we wish him all the success in his new chap· laincy where he will have a splendid op­portunity to render outstanding service. H is work during the past year has been carried on under difficult circumstances pending the appointment of a new chaplain. Mr. Bray has not been a candidate for the Trinity Chaplaincy because I have known since last fall that be was seeking to enter the Chaplain Corps of the Navy. No an­nouncement of this could be made, how­ever, until this time when his final orders were received. A committee has been ac­tively working on the appointment of a new chaplain and the matter will, I arr. confident, be reso lved in the near future.''

Mr. Bray, a native of Taunton, Mass., was graduated from Trinity College in 1949 and has his Bachelor of D ivinity de­gree from Virginia Theological Seminary. He also studied for a year in the Washing­ton School of Psychiatry in Washington, D . C., before coming to Trinity. He also served as Seminarian-in-Charge of St. John's Parish, Accokeek, Md., and became rector there in 1952.

During World War II, Mr. Bray served with the U . S. Marine Corps on sea duty in the Asiatic, European and North Afri­can theatres.

H e is married to the former Janet M. Powell of Meriden, Conn. They have two chi ldren, Allen G. and Jayne A.

The elderly scholar, affectionately known at Trinity as "Butch," began his career by studying under William James, George Santayana, Josiah Royce and later under Henri Bergson in Paris .

He taught a joint course at Harvard with Bertrand Russell, and later was a member of John Dewey's philosophy de­partment at Columbia University. Of the more than 2,000 students he has taught at Trinity, 12 are now heads of philosophy departments in large universities.

Trinity ROTC Hosts 14 for Drill Contest

An enthusiastic crowd of 1,400 thrilled to the precision drill and (he resounding echo of military cadence reverberating throughout the large dri ll hall of the Con­necticut State Armory on Sunday, April 15, as the Air Force ROTC Drill Teams from New England competed in their fourth annual drill meet.

The University of Massachusetts' 27-man team, "The Flying Redmen", marched to their third straight victory in the armed class, while the 22-man unit ftom Dart­mouth College captured the unarmed title for the second straight year.

Trinity College was host for the event, but did not succeed in gaining the after­noon finals. They were eliminated by one tenth of a point in the morning matches

Members of the reviewing party included Brig. Gen. John R. C. Crosthwaite, vice commandant of the AFROTC program; Councilman Roger B. Ladd Jr., Trinity '50, who welcomed the cadets and the visiting dignitaries; D r. Jacobs · and Lt. Col. Jerry H. Ayers, acting as hosts for Trinity; aqd Col. T. J. Ciccalone of the 103rd Fighter­Interceptor Wing, representing Brig. Gen. George R. Stanley, deputy chief of staff for air, State of Connecticut.

Three hundred cadets from 13 colleges and universities, representing every state in New England, took part.

Other teams competing in the afternoon finals in the armed class were the University of Vermont and the University of Con­necticut, who won second and third place honors, respectively.

Amherst and Williams placed second and third in the unarmed class.

Also represented were Boston University, Brown U niversity, Colby College, MIT, St. Michael' s and Trinity.

Cadet Col. Richard G . Abbott, com­mander of the Trinity College AFROTC Cadet Group, was the Commander of Troops for the review performed by the 13 schools during the afternoon perform­ance. Col. Abbott's Adjutant was Cadet Major Donald J. Scott, also of Trinity.

Judging the day-long contest was the crack USAF Drill Team of the llOOth Se­curity Squadron, Bolling Air Force Base, Washington, D. C. The USAF Drill Team also gave an exhibition performance, which included their famous "Minute March"-120 distinct maneuvers prefaced by a single command. Music for the afternoon perform­ance was provided by the 579th Air Force Band from Stewart Air Force Base, Newburgh, N. Y.

Three Connecticut television stations, WNHC-TV, WGTH-TV, and WKNB-TV, filmed the competi tion for Monday tele­casts .

Published monthly by Trinity College, except July. Entered January 12, 1904, at Hartford, Conn. as second class matter, under the Act of Congress of July 16, 1894. Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized March 3, 1919.

ALUMNI NEWS ISSUE - Hartford, Conn. Vol. LUI, No. 4 - April, 1956

Scholarship Grant For $1000 Donated

The Monsanto Chemical Co., centrally located in St. Louis, Mo., and with New England branches in Boston and Springfield, has given a $1,000 grant to Trinity College for scholarship purposes, it was announced recently by President Albert C. Jacobs.

The funds will be used to establish two $500 scholarships for freshman students next fall, the president said. In addition, the College will contribute $200 to each scholarship from the College funds to pay the full $700 tuition.

"The students selected may be assured that the scholarship will be renewed by the College for the full amount until grad· uation as long as they maintain an 'eighty' average and continue as chemistry majors," President Jacobs said.

When informed of the grant, Dr. Ster­ling Smith, head of the Trinity chemistry department, noted that the facilities and staff at Trinity were well-equipped and qualified to handle a greater flow of chem­istry students.

"There is a serious shortage of chemists in our society today," the doctor said, "and those men who do qualify through their college educations for positions in the field are virtually assured of fine jobs and gratifying work. We sincerely hope that bright, able young men will apply for these Monsanto scholarships."

Foundation Contributes $50,000 to Development Mrs. Auerbach, G. Fox and Co. Give $ 100,000

As we go to press President Jacobs an­nounces a gift of $100,000 from Mrs. Beatrice Fox Auerbach and G . Fox and Company to Trinity's Program of Prog­ress.

"We are most grateful for this splen· did gift," said Dr. Jacobs, "and the con· tinued friendship of Mrs. Auerbach and her company is most heartening."

In consideration of this and many other generous gifts to the college by Mrs. Auerbach and G. Fox and Company, a professorship will be named in perpetuity at the college. Further information about the exact nature of the arrangements for the professorship will be forthcoming shortly.

Mrs. Auerbach is president of the company which was founded by her grandfather, Gerson Fox. The announce­ment of this gift comes as the company celebrates its 109th anniversary.

Funds Will Remodel Williams Memorial A 50,000 grant from the Hartford

Foundation for Public Giving was awarded to Trinity College as part of its "Program of Progress" development campaign, it was announced by President Jacobs as we go to press.

According to the terms of the grant the funds will be used to remodel the Williams Memorial Hall, formerly occupied by the College Library.

Receipt of the grant brought the total received to date in the local area to $465,336.00, according to Albert C. Hol­land, vice president in charge of develop­ment.

In receiving the grant Dr. Jacobs said, "I cannot begin to express how much this generous expression of confidence in the College means to us all . We are lastingly grateful."

The president went on to tell of the needs of the College, saying that since the end of World War II "Trinity College like other institutions of its kind has experi­enced a great growth in its student body." This fact, said Dr. Jacobs, has accounted for the rise of faculty members from a pre­war 62 to the present 92, as well as an in­crease in the administrative staff from 5 to 15. The secretarial and clerical staff has been correspondingly affected, he said.

"These increases have confronted us with the problem of finding additional office space for many more persons," Dr. Jacobs said. "Today at Trinity, faculty members are sometimes crowded two and three in one office. There are offices in base-

and in the reading room library there are some par­

titionettes which serve as 'offices' for the overflow. The result is inefficiency in op­erations, lack of privacy for study and counseling, and waste of time and money."

John B. Byrne, Chairman of the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving, pre­sents $50,000 check to President Jacobs.

The president went on to say that with the building of the new library in 1952, the necessary space for administrative and faculty offices became available, and "a few years ago a start was made towards turn· ing this former library into office space. But the College was unable to continue the remodeling it had begun, because there was more urgent need of funds for faculty salaries and scholarships. Now the need for office space has become imperative and is truly of an emergency nature."

Phi Kappa Psi Gets National Charter

The eleventh national fraternity was added to the Trinity campus recently as Phi Kappa Psi established its first chapter in Connecticut. Kappa Psi, local fraternity, became the 60th chapter of the 104-year-old fratern ity.

Formal initiation ceremonies were held at the Hartford Golf Club, where an initi­ation team from Brown officiated.

The chapter has acquired 118 Vernon Street for its chapter house, and by work· ing through vacations and with the help of a loan from local alumni, the house has been completely refurnished. There are cur­rent ly 26 active members.

Students Give Blood The 2,000th pint of blood left the Trinity

campus April 18 with the tenth annual appearance of the Bloodmobile.

The Bloodmobile first came to T rinity in 1951, and since that time the students had donated 1,928 pints . Donations from over 200 students on this visit, however, brought the total over 2,000, for a better .than 200 pints-per-visit average.

The Freshman Executive Committee sponsored this year's visit, and were com­mended by Joseph Clarke, dean of students, for a "fine job of organizing and arousing student enthusiasm."

Dando on NBC It was announced just before press

time that Mr. John Dando, assistant professor of English, had signed a con­tract to appear on twenty five-minute coast-to-coast shows with NBC. He will be heard at 11:25 a.m. on the feature "Weekday" commencing May 5. The pro gram has in the past attracted such distinguished persons as Dr. Margaret Mead, Gilbert Highet, and Mary Ellen Chase. Mr. Dando recently celebrated his fifth anniversary program, entitled "Behind the Pages", with local radio station WTIC.

Title Asks Support For Alumni Drive

Melvin W. Title '18, Alumni Fund Chair­man in the "Program of Progress" develop­ment campaign, asked that the following message be given to readers of the Bulletin.

"The alumni in the Greater Hartford Area are responding enthusiastically to Trinity's Program of Progress. Already they have subscribed over $100,000. They are also listed automatically as contributors to the 1955-1956 Alumni Fund.

"It is to those Alumni outside the Greater Hartford area who will not be seen on the Capital Campaign before this June that I address this message. There are 1,156 such alumni who gave to the Alumni Fund last year but who have not made their gifts as yet this year. The class agents, most of whom live in Hartford, have been very active on the Capital Campaign in Hart­ford and have not been able to write all the personal notes they wrote in past years. Be your own Class Agent. Send in your Alumni Fund contribution today. Trinity needs your continued support."

Along with the new offices, the grant by the Foundation will also allow work on the proposed lounges for the faculty and sec­retarial staff in Williams Memorial to be­gin. At present such lounges are not avail­able, and President Jacobs said they are "greatly needed ."

A spokesman for the Foundation said the $50,000 grant was the largest given to any organization this year. He further remarked that the gift to Trinity was made possible by the $5,000,000 bequest made to the Foundation in 1953 by the late Howard H. Garmany. The spokesman, who preferred to remain unidentified, said Mr. Garmany stipulated in his bequest that the needs of Trinity College be consid­ered.

Dr. Jacobs also commented on the Col­lege's lasting gratitude for the $25,000 gift made by the Foundation to Trinity during the 1947-48 campaign.

The Hartford Foundation is a perma­nent, non-profit community trust organized under act of the Connecticut Legislature to benefit the residents of Greater Hartford. Income from the various trusts is distrib­uted to hospitals, educational institutions and c h a r i t a b 1 e organizations serving Greater Hartford people.

Alumni Reunion Scheduled June 8, 9, 10; RobertS. Morris '16 Committee Head

Tentative plans have been formulated for the 1956 Reunion on Friday June 8, Saturday June 9, and Sunday, June 10, it was announced by Robert S. Morris '16, chairman of the reunion committee.

Three new events have been added to the customary reunion program. An Alumni Seminar will be held at 10:00 Saturday morning, under the direction of Robert B. O'Connor '16, which will deal with the educational problems of the College. This year, two baseball games will be held at Wesleyan, one at Trinity Friday afternoon and one at Wesleyan Saturday afternoon. Elton D orm will be set aside as family quarters, and alumni are encourages:! to bring their wives and children.

Festivities will start off Friday after­noon with Alumni registration on campus,

followed by the Clambake that evening. Ralph Stewart's Dixieland concert will be held afterwards, with beer and refreshments served. Saturday's activities will include the Alumni Seminar; the Alumni Parade from the Bishop to the Field House; the Alumni luncheon; the annual meeting of the Alumni Association, and awarding of prizes; the Wesleyan baseball game at Wesleyan; and the President's Reception. Reunion dinners will be Saturday evening. On Sunday the program will include Bac­calaureate, and the !30th Commencement.

In addition to Robert Morris, the Re­union Committee includes Rollin Ransom '21; N. Ross Parke '26; Robert P. Waterman '31; Francis V . Manion '36; C. Cullen Rob­erts '41; Lyon H. Earle '46; and Robert W . Bacon '51.

Page 2: 1956April

Trin Splits on Spring Trip; Georgetown., G. W. U. Victims

Freshman Parents Day Set for May 12

Alumni Aid Successful Glee Club Tour

The Trinity College baseball team re­turned from its southern tour without sun­tans and with a so-so record.

The Bantams, playing all their games in windy, near-freezing weather, broke even when they split with George Washington, losing 3-2 and winning 9-8; dumped George­town 13-0; and lost to Navy, 11-4. The sch'eduled game with Catholic University was rained out.

Coach D an Jessee was emphatic in his feeling that the two losses were caused "by mistakes," and not simply because Trinity was overpowered by a better club. H e looks for fewer mistakes in the remain­ing games, hence a better than .500 won­lost record.

Jessee can hardly blame lack of offensive punch for the southern defeats. The team returned home with four of eight

Drabowsky and Case

regulars hitting sol idly and for distance. Charley Sticka, football player supreme and excellent second baseman, is currently hit­ting a flat .400 to pace the Bantams. In­cluded among his hits is one four-bagger.

Ed Babington, who has shown well at third base, has supplied power from the left side of the plate, and is hitting .363. Bob Alexander, ball hawk in left field, and Ron Kozuch, catcher-captain, are both hit­ting .333. Kozuch has hit for the circuit twice.

town could muster off the lanky right­hander, who tied up his whitewashing job by striking out 11 while issuing only six free rides-considered low for the some­times-wild Moe.

A FRESHMAN Parents Day will be held this year on May 12, it was announced by Clayton Spencer for the Parents ' Associa­tion Executive Committee. The purpose of this event is to give the freshman parents, relative newcomers to the Trinity campus, the opportunity of becoming better ac­quainted with their sons' faculty and stu­dent advisors, classmat~s, professors, and members of the administration.

While Drabowsky handcuffed the oppo­sition, the Trinity bats boomed for 10 hits off three pitchers, the latter also donating eight walks to the cause. Trinity scored in every inning except the fifth and seventh The parents wil l arrive in the morning in a game cut short by icy winds . Alex- and may attend classes if they wish. Box ander, Ray Aramini and George Kelleher lunches wi ll be avai lable to the visitors. If all went 2 for 3 at the plate. weather permits, lunch will be outside;

The following day the Catholic Univer- otherwise, it will be served in H amlin · · d d h T · · Dining H all. Junior and faculty .advisors

srty game was rame out, an w en rmrty will be invited to ea t with their advisees again engaged George Washington they walked away victors by a one run margin, and their parents. 9-8. Case had again started for Trinity, Activi ties for the day include a fresh­but although leading 8-3 going into the man baseball game wrth St .. Thomas Sem­eighth he faltered severely and Drabowsky mary and a freshman tennrs match wrth came to the rescue to pick up the win. Kent School. Dr. and Mrs. Jacobs wrll hold Before the lire could be put out, however, I a tea and reception at. the end of the day live GW runs had crossed the plate, and for parents, sons, JuniOr and faculty ad­it remained for Trinity to push across the vrsors~ and members of the Parents' As­winning tally in the ninth. This they did sooatwn Executive Commrttee.

The largest Trinity Glee Club ever to tour completed a five-day trip during the first part of Spring vacation covering over a thousand miles and reaching as far west as Buffalo and Southern Ontario.

The 55-man party sang first in the famed International House of New York City where they were accorded an enthusiastic welcome by an audience of alumni, Juil­liard music students, Columbia facu lty and parents.

After an evening on Broadway's "great white way" the club traveled on Friday, March 2 3, to Syracuse for a concert at St. Paul's Episcopal Church. In spite of a heavy snowstorm, over 300 people attended. Prominent in the entertainment of the club were the Diefendorfs and Chri stakoses of Casenovia, N . Y.

Under the direction of Bishop Lauriston L. Scaife '3 1 an energetic team of Buffalo alumni, clergy, parents and present students gave the club its finest weekend on record. D ean Philip F. McNairy and the clergy of St. Paul's Cathedral served Saturday lunch to the whole club.

The afternoon concert included in its audience the entire membership of the Hamilton College Glee Club. Most memo-

when first baseman Fred Baird walked, ----- - ------- ------- ----------------­reached third on an error, and scored on Ed Babington's sacrifice fly. Ron Kozuch was the big man with the stick for Trinity, hitting two homers and a single in four trips. Sticka also homered in this contest.

Drabowsky pitched to only four batters in getting the win, but struck out three of these to bring his total to 14 in eight innings . Moe also got the nod from Jessee the following day against Navy, but it seemed he had left his magic touch in D.C. as the sailors teed off for eight hits and 11 runs for a 11-4 victory.

For three innings Trinity and Drabowsky could do no wrong, outplaying Navy in every respect for a 3-0 advantage. But in the fourth Jessee's dreams of a victory over the highly-touted Middies evaporated as thev connected for three singles and a dat.:.!:>le sandwiched amongst four costly bases on balls. Before Trinity could settle eno . .1gh to douse the uprising, eight runs had scored, and Navy coasted on to victory, scoring once more in the sixth and twice in the seventh.

Drabowsky went all the way for the Bantams, to suffer his second co ll egiate defea t against 10 wins in two years of Dr. Charles Broughton '95 discusses the Old Trinity with Glee Club members. pitching. He was bested once last year by Left to right: A. G. Jarvis, R. L. Behr, R. Enterline, and E. Lockfield. Yale in a 2-0 pitching duel.

rable was the Saturday evening reception and dinner given the club by the Buffalo alumni, parents and students. Mr. Thomas C. Brown '15, president of the Buffalo alumni, welcomed the largest Trinity group ever to asse!I)ble in that city. Trinity en­thusiasm and emotion ran high as the Glee Club sang a program of secular numbers and college songs to the alumni.

On Palm Sunday morning the Trinity singers joined the 50-voice Cathedral choir in antiphonal singing from opposite ends of the edifice before an audience of 1100.

Bishop Scaife personally met all the men at a splendid Sunday noon dinner served by Canon and Mrs. Haddad. In spite of a snow flurry the party journeyed out to Niagara Falls Saturday afternoon. The more intrepid members of the club donned rub­ber suits to visit the tunnels and sang under the Falls.

The whole group presented a short Can­adian concert at the Oakes Garden Theatre. Sunday evening the Trinity expedition and 20 girls from Buffalo University attended a luxurious collegiate party at the home of the Samuel Lunts in Williamsville, N . Y. A substantial number of the men returned to Hartford on the following day.

Commenting on the trip, Dr. Barber, the director, said, "No greater proof of. the esteem and respect Trinity commands west of New England can be imagined than the way in which our parents, alumni, clergy, and friend s opened their hearts and homes to us. Our trip through western New York State surpassed our fondest expectations, and we cannot sufficiently thank all those who worked so hard for us."

Among the alumni participating as hosts were the Rev. Dr. Charles D. Broughton '9 5; Thomas Cook Brown '15 ; John F . Zietlow '35; George W . Laub ' 51; Irving A. Laub '52; Robert B. Laub '54; and Jo­seph V . Reineman '55 . Members of the com­mittee in charge included the Rt . Rev. Lauriston L. Scaife '3 1; Lewis G. Harriman 'OS : and Laurence G. Reineman '09.

Included among the fathers present were George A. Laub, Pau l E. Kompalla, Eel­ward L. Hoffman, Dr. L. Maxwell Lockie, William R. Boocock, H oward Kellogg Jr. , the Very Rev. Philip F. McNairy and John C. Hamlett.

Undergraduates present included Richard P. Kompalla '57, Raymond D. Hoffman '57, L. Maxwell Lockie Jr. '58, John R. Hamlett '59, Stephen Kellogg ' 59, Philip E. McNairy '59, Robert F. Spitzmiller Jr., '59, and George B. Truscott '59. '

In the firs t contest of the tour, which Trinity lost, 3-2, a bad case of first inning jitters can be labeled the Trinity culprit. Two errors, a hit-batsman, a single and trip le gave George Washington three runs, which proved to be one more than the Bantams could muster. They scored once in the fifth and once in the sixth , and had numerous threats going in the late innings, but the effective pitching of Ed Bickerton held the Trin men in check.

The Yale contes t scheduled for April 7 in New Haven was cancelled as winter again descended on New England.

The rest of the Trinity schedule: April 21, Springfield, 2 :00, away; April 25, Coast Guard, 3:50, home; April 28, Colby, 2:30, home; May 4, Columbia, 3:50, home; May 5, Amherst, 2 :30, away; May 9 W esleyan, 3:50, home; May 12, Coast Guard, 2:00, away; May 15, Wesleyan, 3:00, away; May 17, U . of Mass., 3:50, home; May 19, Tufts, 2 :00, away; June 8, Wesleyan, away; June 9, W esleyan, 2 :30, home.

"Behind the Pages'' Enters Sixth Year

Necrology George Case was effective for Trinity in

the role of losing pitcher. H e went all the way, giving up only live hits while walking one and striking out three. After the rocky first inning, he was in fact bril­liant in spots, retiring 17 men in a row from the middle of the third inning, while his teammates played airtight ball behind him.

Peeved by this loss, Trinity wreaked their vengeance on a hapless Georgetown crew, 13-0, behind the superlative pitching of Mighty Moe Drabowsky. Three si ngles­two of the scratch variety-were all George-

Other late scores just reported: Army 1, Trinity 0 in seven innings; last inning homer deciding blow; losing pitcher, Drabowsky. Trinity 6, Norwich 1; winning pitcher, George Case.

01' Smith Says ... He's Mighty Fond of Words

George Malcolm-Smith '25 and H on. M.A.'52-author, humorist, jazz exponent and insurance man-has again unloosed his inimitable pen in a brochure, "The Man in the Paper Hat", produced in J anu­ary through the combined efforts of the Graphic Arts Association of Connecticut and the Hartford Club of Printing House Craftsmen.

Mr. Malcolm-Smith's article, entitled "Old Smith said so ... ", is reprinted here by special permission ...

"There was a man in our town who couldn't read. H e used to say that, what with one thing and another, he just never got around to learning how. And in the perverse way that psychologists call ra­tionalization, he developed a great deal of pride in his deficiency. He had managed to accumulate an enviable personal for­tune, and it was his boast that be was a greater success than nine-tenths of the fe llows in town who could read.

"When be lay on his deathbed, however, be sent for my father, who was regarded as something of a man of letters, and requested a favor. H e asked my father to compose a suitable inscription for his tombstone. H e wanted to make sure that, when he was gone, people could read about him.

"I often think about old Neighbor Jed­rick- more so nowadays perhaps than ever. I was reminded of him forcibly a few days ago when a real estate agent showed us a house that had been put up for sale. The occupants were out some place, and we were able therefore to look over the house pretty thoroughly. I came away with a strange feeling about the place. There was something lacking in it. Somehow it seemed barren, empty, un­lived in. This, despite the fact that it bad a television set, a radio and a hi-fi phono­graph. The reason didn't occur to me until we were out in the street again . Then it

"Look Applauds" President Albert C. Jacobs has been hon­

ored by Look Magazine in its column Look Applauds. The article honoring D r. Jacobs appeared in the April 17 issue.

D r. Jacobs is introduced as "a president of a small liberal arts college, who is play­ing a top role in producing well-rounded leaders." The article continues: "His credo: 'Education in the liberal arts always is in­terested in training the uncommon man ... The Communists are interested in the com­mon man, and educate not to liberate but to indoctrinate--to level all men to the mediocrity of conformity.' "

came to me: there wasn't a book or a magazine in the whole house. I'm glad those people weren't in.

"I have no intention of laboring the fact that the most useful of all inventions conceived by man is the printing press . Without printing, there cou ld be no pres­ervation of history or language, nor dis­semination of men's ideas in science, phil­osophy, economics, culture, law, or ethics. Speaking personally, I have what is pos­sibly an inordinate affection for the printed word. I a lso have the notion that any man who says he has no fondness for the printed word is either (a) a liar or (b) an ignoramus. In either case, he is deceiving nobody but himself.

"There hasn't been a man since Guten­berg (or did the Chinese invent movable type?) who has seen his name in print without being thrilled. There is no satis­faction to equal it , whether your name is ]. Cudworth Bungwad, III, or George Johnson. Long ago, as a newspaper re­porter, I learned to ignore such remarks as 'D on't you put my name in the paper.' If you took the fe llow at his word, you'd have a very cool and distant character on your hands the next time you saw him.

"I haven't the mistiest conception of how many words of mine have been set in type. The total must be we ll up in the millions. But this I will confess una­shamed: in all the years and in all the places in which words of mine have been printed, the sight of them in type has never failed to give me a lift. Any writer of any kind who denies he gets that same sensation is an outright phoney-and you can tell him Old Smith said so .

''I've asked people on occasion to name their favorite smell. Some have said the smell of a garden after rain; still others, the smell of a steak over an open lire. My favorite smell, since the first time I encountered it long ago, is the brisk, burly, bustling odor of printer's ink.

"It's the smell of action, creation and accomplishment in the worthiest of all industries.

"Printing is more than a trade, or even a cra'ft.

"It is an art. "I like to remember Walter Sternberg

preparing a fine piece of printing. H e went about it in a spirit approaching reverence as he chose the appropriate face, balanced the spacing and measured tasteful margins, to produce a page that was a quiet pleasure to the eye. He was an artist. He was not the last, for the tradi­tion of line printing is being carried on by the new generation of devotees.

. . . and I can hardly wait to see how this will look in type."

"Behind the Pages," a weekly program conducted by John D ando, assistant pro­fessor of English, over station WTIC ob­served its fifth anniversary April 8.

Mr. Dando gave a brief history of the program, stating that a forerunner of it had been conducted by him on a Montreal station 1 0 years ago when he was a mem­ber of the faculty of McGill University . H e explained how the program was pre-

John Dando

pared and assembled, using recorded ex­cerpts of past broadcasts as ill ustrations, including a recording of a portion of his WTIC audition five years ago . The pro­gram is devoted to readings from the Jives and works of the wor ld's great authors and poets.

At the request of the Connecticut De­partment of Education, transcriptions of the entire series have been donated to the Department's Audio-Visual Division for circulation among the public schoo ls of the state.

Egans Win $32,000 On TV Quiz Show

Two Trinity alumni proved to be a "big" attraction on television's popular program, "The $64,000 Question" last month.

Jim ('37) and Bill ('33) Egan weighed in together at 620 pounds, becoming the program's first two-man contestant. The brothers set another precedent by volun­teering to answer questions from all elev­en categories of knowledge.

Sailing through ques tions on jazz, Eng­lish literature, spell ing, boxing, food and cooking, movies and art and regaling and astonishing their aud ience with ad Jibs and their tremendous fund of knowledge (such as Jim running through a few Jines of Sanskrit and Bill quoting from Dante) , the Egans reached the $32,000 plateau with comparative ease. They returned the fol­lowing Tuesday to inform H al March, master of ceremonies, that they would go no further- and left with the cheers of the audience ringing in their ears.

Both brothers had good scholastic rec­ords at Trinity, particularly Jim. Awarded a Rhodes Scholarship, Jim studied at Ox­ford, then went to Harvard Law School. H e is a prosecutor in the Hartford City Court. H e is also a part-time instructor at Trinity, teaching a course in Roman law . Bill also studied law, and is with the tax department for the State of Connecti­cut.

FRANCIS STUART FITZPATRICK, 1914 F. Stuart Fitzpatrick, nationally-known

leader and writer in the construction field, died March 2 in Washington, D. C. H e was manager of the construction and civic de­partment of the United Chamber of Com­merce, and had been a member of the Chamber since 1918.

He leaves his wife, the former Miss Anna F. Myers of Collinsville, Conn.; two brothers, ]. M . and Boyd Fitzpatrick; and two sisters, Mrs. William D avis and Mrs. Robert D avis .

A classmate writes, " Fitz was not only highly respected for the practical organ­izing work he had done; but what is less widely recognized is that he had one of the keenest analytical minds Trinity has ever trained. He delved deeply into politi­cal, social science and economic problems. His untimely death prevents carrying out some of the tasks along these Jines that he had laid ou t as a schedule for his retire­ment years which had just begun ."

Mr. Fitzpatrick was born April 19, 1891, a son of M. G. Fitzpatrick and the former Mary H oover of Olean, N. Y. After attend­ing Olean High Schoo l, he entered college in 1910 with the Class of 1914. As an un­dergraduate, he played football for two years, was on the Ivy Board, and was President of the Political Science Club. H e was also a member of the Sophomore Din­ing Club and served as President of the Senate. In his Freshman year, he was elected Class President, and in his Senior year, Class Secretary-Treasurer. His fraternity was D elta Kappa Epsilon. At his gradua­tion, he was awarded the H. E. Russell Fellowship and studied at Columbia Uni­versity for three years.

In 1917, Mr. Fitzpatrick joined the In­stitute of Government Research, now a part of the Brookings Institute. A year later, he became a member of the Board under the direction of Mr. Bernard M. Baruch. From 1918 to 1927, he was As­sistant Manager of the Chamber's Com­mercial Organization D epartment, and in 1928 was named Manager of the Construc­tion and Civic D evelopment D epartment. In recent years, he served as Secretary of the Construction Advisory Council.

Mr. Fitzpatrick was an honorary mem­ber in the American Institute of Architects for his work in the field of city planning. He had written many articles and reports on business and civic matters .


Word has reached the college of the sudden death of Frank A. Ikeler March 13 in Cuernevara, Mexico. He was on a vaca­tion trip with his wife when he was strick­en with a heart attack.

Born on July 29, 1901, in Bloomsburg, Pa., he was a son of the late Fred Taylor Ikeler. After graduating from the Blooms­burg High Schnol, he entered College in 1919 with the Class of 1923. His fraternity was the Epsilon Chapter of Delta Psi.

Leaving Trinity in 1922, Mr. Ikeler at­tended Columbia for a year. For some time he lived in Rochester, N. Y., where he was connected with the Sinclair Oil Co. Since World War II, he had operated the Chimney Mirror Guest House in Williams­town, Mass.

Besides his wife he leaves a brother, Stu­art Redmond, Trinity 1929.


Word has reached the College of the dea th of Lee Marsh on February 15 in Athens, Ohio. He is survived by his wife and two sisters.

Mr. Marsh was born March 11, 1901 in Markland, Ind., and came to Trinity in the fall of 1920 with the Class of 1924. He remained in residence for one term.

For the past 35 years, Mr. Marsh had been employed by the Athens State Hospital and had been named business manager last October. For four years prior to that he had been -the hospital' personnd-mmntgr!eerr.:'---~

He was a 32 nd degree Scottish Rite Mason, and held membership in the Athens Elks and the Izaak Walton League.


George Thoms died February 18 at Stew­art Manor, Long Island, N. Y. H e leaves his wife, the former Lulita Sherwood Gur­nee of Brooklyn, N. Y., and a daughter, Joan.

Mr. Thoms was born August 3, 1904, a son of Frank R. and Mary (Reynolds) Thoms. Preparing for college at the Eras­mus Hall High School in Brooklyn, he entered Trinity in 1922 with the Class of 1926. H e was a cheerleader for three years and played on the baseball team. In his Sophomore year he was elected Vi ce Presi­dent of the Class. His fraternity was the Beta Beta Chapter of Psi Upsilon.

For the past 30 years Mr. Thoms was in the insurance business, having been em­ployed since 1937 as an insurance broker. He had been connected with the Niagara Fire Insurance, the Sun Insurance, the Liv­erpool and London and Globe Insurance, and the Phoenix Insurance of Hartford companies.


Lt. Col. .James V. Shea died suddenly at his home in Arlington, Va., March 26 . He leaves his wife, the former Miss Mary Louise Scofield of Stamford, and two children, Katherine and Kevin.

Jim joined the Class of '34 as a sopho­more having prepared at the New Britain High School and St. Thomas Seminary. H e was born August 8, 1911, a son of Patrick F. and Mary Ellen (Lynch ) Shea. In college he played soccer and was a mem­ber of the Politica l Science Club. His fra­ternity was Alpha Tau Kappa .

After graduation, Jim taught for seven years at the Nathan H ale Junior Hi gh School in New Britain, and then was drafted into the army. He spent 19 months in the Pacific and was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in 1942. H e decided to stay in the service after the war ended, and was appointed Maj or and Lieutenant Colonel. For five years he served with the occupa­tion troops in Trieste, Italy, and was sta­tioned at the Pentagon in Washington, D . C., at the time of his death. He was Chief of the Army General Officer's Branch, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff of Personnel.

Burial was in the Arlington National Cemetery.


Word has reached the college of the death of Joseph C. Michel D ecember 18, 1955 at St. Louis, Mo. He was born on Sept. 16, 1932, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Michel of Nameoki, Ill.

Graduating from W estern Military Acad­emy in 1950, he entered co llege that fall with the Class of 1954. H e remained in residence for two years and then trans­ferred to W ashington University in St. Louis. H e was an Illinois Scholar and held the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the Col­lege ROTC as well as being a Distinguished Military Student. His fraternity was Tau Alpha, now Pi Kappa Alpha.

Page 3: 1956April

Richardson Awarded Fulbright for _Study

Clergy Gather For Religious Embassy Here Alumni

York City, received his LL.B degree from Yale Law School in 19 38 after his gradua­tion from Trinity.

Ronald A. Richardson, a senior at Trin­ity College from Newport, R. I. , has been awarded a Fulbright Scholarship for study in France for the academic year 1956-57.

Richardson, a major in romance lan­guages and English, will study French lit­erature at both the University of Lyon and the University of Paris .

Twelve clergymen gathered on the Trin­ity College campus March 15 for the sixth annual Religious Embassy, sponsored by the Trinity Christian Association.


YOUR SECRETARY, commencing his second term as a member of the Ewing Township, N . ]., Board of Education, has been named chairman of the Future Plan­ning Committee. He will also serve on the Personnel, Insurance, Supply, and Trans­portation standing committees of the Board.

1936 Son of Mr. and Mrs. William A . Rich­

ardson, 37 Sherman St., Newport, he has been a D ean's List student at Trinity and an active participant in extra-curricular activities.

The Rev. Mr. Allen F. Bray, assistant chaplain at the College and faculty advisor of the Christian Association, reported that the theme of this year's Embassy was " Faith in Our Time."


Secretary- John E. Geare, Clark-Keating Bldg ., Cumberland, Md .

He is a member of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity, secretary-treasurer of the senior class, business manager of the campus lit­erary magazine, The Review; a member of the History and French Clubs; past feature editor of The Tripod; and holder of the Tuttle Prize in English .

Navion 'Plane for Trinity ROTC Unit

Lt. Col. Jerry H. Ayers, professor of Air Science at Trinity College, announced re­cently the al location of a Ryan Navion airplane to the AFROTC detachment at the college.

The craft, to be used exclusively for orientation flying for ROTC cadets, will be delivered in the late fall, the colonel said.

The Navion, which is a four place, low wing, single engine aircraft with tricycle landing gear, is one of 107 allocated by the U. S. Air Force to colleges and uni­versities with ROTC units throughout the country. The Air Force has made the allo­cation to allow flying opportunities for AFROTC cadets prior to their graduation, Col. Ayers said.

Col. Ayers also noted that a bill is now before Congress to allow primary pilot training at all Air Force ROTC units in civilian contract schools, such as Trinity College. This training would be conducted under the authority and supervision of the Civil Aeronautics Administration .

This program, success[ ully introduced into a few colleges before World War II , would be compulsory for all flight qualified advanced cadets. Each cadet, upon success­ful completion of the program, would re­ceive a private pilot's license. This would result in a six-month reduction in flying school upon graduation for Trinity stu­dents.

Jesters Will Give' 'Earnest''

Chaplain Bray explained that the Em­bassy came into existence about 20 years ago, when a group of students at Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, felt the need of relating Christianity to everyday prob­lems of living, and of stimulating the in­terest of a larger number of students along this line.

"They invited some of the outstanding young ministers in the East to come to Bowdoin for two days," he said, "where they led groups of interested students in discussions of problems raised by the stu­dents. Since Chapel offered no opportunity for the student to raise questions, it was felt that an Embassy would offer the college man a chance to discuss problems with a minister. "

The venture met with success at Bowdoin and quickly spread the following year to Amherst, Williams and most of the other New England Colleges . It was introduced at Trinity in 1951, and through its success has become an annual event.

Oath Named Asst. Prof.

Mr. Roy A. Dath has been named As­sistant Professor of Physical Education at Trinity College, it was announced recently by President Albert C. Jacobs.

Mr. Dath was appointed an instructor in physical education in 1952. Previous to this he had been both teacher and coach at the Willistown Township School in Malvern, Pa . While at Trinity he has been head coach of soccer and tennis.

A native of Drexel Hill, Pa ., Mr. Dath graduated in 1951 from W est Chester State Teachers College. During his undergradu­ate days he was captain of the soccer team and named to the All American team of that sport. He was also on the tennis, basketball, track, swimming and golf teams of the school.

Mr. D ath' s experienced coaching pro­duced two All American soccer players for Trinity, Neil S. Mutschler and Winfield A. Carlough, both members of the 1953

The Jesters, the Trinity College dramatic sq~~: Dath spent five years with the u. s.

1914 Secretm·y-Robert E. Cross, 208 Newberry St., Hartford.

CHARLES W. COOKE has been elected president of the Connecticut Society of Civil Engineers.

MORTON S. CREHORE has changed his address to Box 440, Falmouth, Mass.

REV. CHARLES ]. CHILD has a new address also. It is 86 Marion Street, Pater­son 2, N. ].

JOSEPH H. EHLERS has been named assistant commissioner for technical service of the federal government's Urban Renewal Administration. H e will coordinate the work of the six U.R.A. technical branches.

F. STUART FITZPATRICK passed away on March 2nd in Washington, D . C.

1915 Secretary-Ralph H. Bent, Riverdale Coun­try School, New York 71, N . Y .

ALLEN "MOSE" USHER has retired from the Socony-Mobil Oil Company after 3 7 Vz years _ of service. He looks forward to a Western trip this spring. He will con­tinue to reside at 31 Aberdeen Road, River­side, R. I.


Secretary-Robert S. Morris, 100 Pearl St., Hartford .

Men of Sixteen everywhere are enthusi­astically preparing for their 40th Reunion this June. As always, a large attendance is assured. With the returning reunioners will come a great fund of interesting news for future dissemination.

In the meantime we can only report that the Connecticut Historical Society has just published Chapter V . of SHORTY CAUL­FIELD'S "Connecticut Gravestones." Since retiring from the practice of pediatrics, SHORTY has spent many pleasant days in the field of research for the benefit of his former profession.

As an item of minutae and to fill up space, the secretary reports that he has just been elected a deacon of his Church­First Church of Christ, West Hartford .

Garden on January 20, 1956. The net pro­ceeds of the New York Committee were in excess of $330,000 and with those of the New J ersey Committee exceeded $525,000. This was one of many salutes held on that date to honor President Eisenhower and to raise funds for the Republican Party.


Secretary-Robert P. Waterman, Lane, Glastonbury, Conn.



Secretary-William A. Boeger Jr., Cowan and Dengler, Inc. , 527 Fifth Ave. , New York City.

DR. MICHAEL ]. ZAZZARO was sworn in for a second term as president of the Italian-American Democrats of H artford in March .

A Human Relations award has been es­tablished at the College by Alumnus THOMAS BURGESS, JR. , former Presi­dent- of the Board of Fellows. The purpose of tb e award is to "further the develop­ment of good human relations and sports­manship and to create an increasing aware­ness of the value of team-play in life."

The wooden plaque is to be awarded annually on Honors D ay to any under­graduate, regardless of class. The award is to be an acknowledgment of "Sports­manship" in its broadest sense and nei ther necessarily to, nor disassociated from, achievement in athletics.

Although the award has been set up by Mr. Burgess, all phases of its administra­tion will be handled by a five-man com­mittee consisting of the D ean of Students, Chaplain, Athletics Director, Secretary of Admissions and the Placement Director.

1937 Secretary-George ]. Lepak, 229 Oxford St., Hartford.

BILL PAYNTER was named Director of Advertising and Public Relations for the Connecticut General Life Insurance Company. Also receiving a promotion from Connecticut General was FRED CALDER­WOOD, who was appointed Associate Con­troller.

JIM EGAN, who teamed up with his brother Bill to win $32,000 on "The $64,000 Question" television show, is cur­rently enjoying a trip to Europe. He was planning to visit Trinity College in Oxford, Trinity College in Cambridge, and Trinity College in Dublin during his jaunt through England.

HARRY SANDERS and BILL BAUER are serving as team captains for the current Trinity Program of Progress drive. All members of the Class of 19 3 7 are urged to contribute to this campaign, which is aimed at maintaining and improving Trin­ity's status as a first class liberal arts college.

1938 Secretary- Frank Jackson, Brooks School, North Andover, Mass.

RICHARD A. STRONG has been mad'e manager of the new Wilson Agency, a branch office Hartford Employment firm which has opened in Middl etown.

1939 Secretary-John T. Wilcox, 57 Glenview Drive, Newington, Conn.

LAWRENCE ]. NEWHALL has been appointed headmaster of the Watkinson School in Hartford.

1940 Secretary-Ralph R. Shelly, Birch Hill Road, Whippany.

The degree of doctor of divinity has been conferred upon the REV. ALBERT W. VAN DUZER, rector of Grace Epis­copal Church, Merchantville, New Jersey. group, have announced that their Spring Marine Corps in World War II. Before

production will be "The Importance of returning to coll ege he married the former Being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde.

A farce, which is a perennial favorite Enid O'Neil , of Springfield, Mass. They 1917 1941 have one son, Roy A. Dath II . ·=~----~- -~-tr=rl--~~-----=:::_.::..::=--~-~-----'--.,..~---with-hmh performe.s and audi.@~-~'--)..:~~=~=:.:L=:.L~....::::_::.:.::.:_.::.::.:_~~--+----,---,-_,_,.,,_,,:::..:;. ~name ofr1e recip1en will e ep

Criteria for selection are to include one or more of the following attributes of character: ( 1 ) An outstanding single con­scious or spontaneous action displaying sportsmanship, teamplay, civic conscious­ness or concern for others. ( 2 ) Outstanding sportsmanship and team-play exhibited in interco llegiate or intramural competition, either athletic or non-athletic. ( 3 ) Effective participation in campus activities. ( 4) Pos­itive contribution to community affairs in Hartford or elsewhere.

Importance is nonsense only on the surface. Secretary-Einer Sather, 215 North Quaker a secret until presentation on Honors Day FIFTEENTH REUNION Oscar Wilde was a sensitive individual of Lane, West Hartford . in May. The award will be presented to the Secretary-C. Cullen Roberts, 111 Pearl St., high intelligence, and behind the glittering M t • t DR. JOHN B. BARNWELL, director of receiver by a person deemed appropriate by Hartford. witticisms of language and the outrageous 0 r I mer 0 the tuberculosis service of the Veterans the five-man selection committee. The pre- DR. PHILIP T. SEHL was a Republican complications of p lot, Wilde viewed society f senter could be an undergraduate, graduate, ffi h fi ld

fi d Administration or the last 10 years, was candidate for public o ce in Wet ers e ,

satirist. promoted to the post o assistant c 1e Conn. with the superior perception of a rst-rate H ea Tr.· pod f . h' f or person not connected with the College.

Categorically labeled a classic by such medical director for research and educa- WILLIAM G . OLIVER was recently respected critics as William Archer and tion. In his new po_sition DR. BARNWELL 1933 married to Harriet M. Copley. They will M B b h h d I t E. Laird Mortimer III, a Trinity College will direct VA research in 170 hospita ls live in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he

ax eer 0 m, age as serve on Y 0 J. unior and son of Dr. and Mrs. Egbert and handle educational relations with 70 enhance its reputation. It has been revived Secretm·y-Edward F. Paige, 80 Beleden is with the First National Bank of Boston.

d . h f d d Laird Mortimer of Baltimore, Maryland, medical schools in the nation Gardens Dri·ve, Bri.stol. over an over agam to t e un ettere e- has been elected Editor-in-Chief of the . light of theatre and motion picture addicts. Trinity Tripod, weekly undergraduate THOMAS S. WADLOW of Old Lyme,

Mr. George E. Nichols III, Assistant newspaper. 1919 Conn. has qualified for the President's 1942 Professor of Drama, is the Jesters' Di- Mortimer heads a five-man Executive Club of the Hartford branch office of the rector. His last production, "Much Ado Board which will operate the paper for Secretary-Sumner W. Shepherd Jr., 150 Connecticut General Life Insurance Com-

Secretary-Martin D. Wood, 19 Tootin Hill Road, W est Simsbury, Conn.

About Nothing," was enthusiastically re- the next year. Others elected to places on Mountain Road, West Hartford . pany. ceived by both critics and public. the board were·. Your class secretary was recently ap­

pointed an assistant secretary of the Group Insurance Department of the Connecticut General Life Insurance Company, Hartford . Also promoted by Connecticut General was Dr. LYON H. EARL, JR., who was named Assistant Medical Director.

P f h d I d f A ·1 A note f.tom HAM BARBER states that er ormances are sc e u e or pn Stephen N. Bowen, Manag1'ng Ed1.tor, a 6 d h d M 1 T . k t CLARENCE TUSCA was included in the 2 , 27, 28 an 30t an ay · IC e s, J·unt'or, and son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold

~ h b b · d b ·t· th newest edition of "Who's Who in America." .,;>1.25 eac , may e o tame Y wn mg e S. Bowen of Norwalk, Oh1·o. CLARENCE has also been mentioned in

Jesters. Richard P. Kompalla, Business Manager, "Who's Who in Engineering." a junior, and son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul E.

Joint Concert Trinity College will join Wellesley,

Amherst, Pembroke, Brown, Yale, Mid­dlebury, Mt. Holyoke and Cornell in the third annual Intercollegiate Sing on May 6. Pembroke is hosting the event, to be held at 2 p .m. in its Alum­nae Hall. Tickets are $1.

Carillon News A series of carillon recitals by student

carillonneurs has been tentatively scheduled for Sunday, May 13.

The purpose of the recitals, according to the Rev. Mr. Allen F. Bray, assistant chaplain, will be to determine the quali­fications of the students for student mem­ership in the North American Guild of Carillonneurs. Six or seven students will participate, with each man playing from 12 to 15 minutes. As now planned the re­cita ls will begin at 2:30 p.m.

Pi Gamma Mu Picks Twenty

Three Trinity College faculty members and 17 undergraduates were elected this spring to membership in the Connecticut Al­pha Chapter of Pi Gamma Mu, it was announced by Dr. John E. Candelet, sec­retary of the chapter.

Pi Gamma Mu is a national social sci­ence honor society, founded in 1924. The society has as its purpose the recognition of outstanding scholarship in the social sciences. Members are elected by the unani­mous vote from among graduate students and undergraduates of the senior and jun­ior classes.

Elected from the Trinity faculty were Dr. Philip C. F. Bankwitz and Mr. Philip L. Kintner, instructors in history; and Dr. Richard K. Morris, assistant professor of education .

Undergraduates who received the honor were Bruce F. Anderson, Edward J. Daley, Jr., Gerald ]. Flood, Samuel E. Pickett, Sanford W. Scott, Will iam R. Smith, Don­ald W. Anderson, Wylie ]. Dodds, William

Kompalla of Buffalo, New York. Robert M . Stevenson, Jr. , Features Edi­

tor, a junior, and son of Mr. Robert M. McCutcheon Stevenson and Mrs. Daniel Partridge III of Charlottesville, Virginia.

Fred H. Werner, News Editor, a sopho­more, and son of Mr. and Mrs. Peretz Werner of New York City.

Other appointments included Clifford Terry, Sports Editor; David Skaggs, Jr. and Frank Barrie, Assistant News Editors; and Michael Zoob, Assistant Sports Editor.

Contributing Editors named were Wil­liam E. Learnard and Isaac Lasher.

Ciceri Discusses British Theater

Leo Ciceri, Broadway actor, discussed "The British Theater" to an enthusiastic gathering 10 the Library Conference Room recently.

Mr. Ciceri, who is currently playing the role of Paris in the Broadway pro­duction "Tiger at the Gates", is a native of Montreal, Canada. Seven years ago he went to England where he trained for an acting career in the Old Vic School, and he described vividly the arduous sched­ule the student undertakes in his two years of schoo ling.

At the completion of his schooling, Mr. Ciceri stayed in England where he acted with the Salisbury Arts Theatre, the Shakespearean Festival at Stratford­on-Avon, and eventually in both drama and reviews in London's West End.

At the conclusion of his address, Mr. Ciceri delighted his audience with read­ings from Shakespeare, Frey and Eliot.

This occasion marked the opening of an exh;bition of theatrical prints selected from the Watkinson Library Edition of the twelve great folios constituting the Monumenta Senica, which has since ended.

H. Eastburn III, Frank G. Foley, Joachim E. Pengel, Kenneth A. Weisburger.

Also, James R. Bradley, James V. Bruno, Ward S. Curran, Ferman E. Fox, Jr., and Nathaniel R. Winslow.


Secretary-Beaufort R. L. Newsom, 3 Lib­erty St., Clinton, Conn.

.1925 Secretary-Raymond A. Montgomery, 76 Carew Road, Hamden, Conn.

ROMAINE C. CHAPMAN was recently named sales manager of the Oakville Co. Division of Scovil Manufacturing Co.


Secretary-N . Ross Parke, 77 Van Buren Ave., West Hartford 7, Conn.

Last issue it was our great joy to con­gratulate our JIMMIE BURR on his fine work and worthy advancement-and now as the great pendulum swings rhythmically in its unerring orbit, we are saddened be­yond words as we find it necessary to ex­press our deepest prayerful sympathy to dear Jim and Elizabeth and their loved ones upon learning of the recent loss of their beloved son .

Congratulations to RICHARD and Betsy FORD on the marriage of their daughter, Miriam to Mr. Christopher Stahler Jr., the 24th of March for whom we pr:lyer­fully wish all the happiness in the world.

Our profoundest sympathy and love we extend to our dear friends , Lulita and Joan Thoms as we sadly note and record the "going forward" of their Loved One and our GEORGIE THOMS. One of our real spark-plugs, Georgie's ready, cheery smile and warm sprightly greeting will for al­ways gladden the hearts of us privileged to know him.

1928 Sec,retary-Royden C. Berger, 53 Thomson Road, West Hartford.

RON CONDON was a member of the committee of the "New York State Salute to Eisenhower" held at Madison Square

1934 Secretary-John Mason, 17 Arnoldale Rd., West Hartford.

Wedding bells rang for FRED BUR­FEINDT and Miss Alice Marie Toma of Clifton, N. ]. on February 18 . The happy couple is living at 53 Forest Way, Clifton, and Fred is a senior auditor with Wright's Co., Wood-Ridge, N. ].

BILL HENEBRY has been named prin­cipal of the new Junior High Schoo] in Simsbury, Connecticut.

1935 Secretary-Robert ]. Lau, 96 Pennwood Drive South, Glen Ewing, . Trenton, N. ].

BILL WALKER has been appointed our new Class Agent. Bill lives in Yardley, Pa., and is associated with New J ersey Manu­facturers' Casualty and Indemnity Insur­ance Companies, in Trenton, N. ]. He is also the donor of the Walker Cup, the in­tramural golf trophy at Trinity. Bill suc­ceeds BARC SHAW, who did a yeoman job for many years, but felt he should re­linquish his duties in favor of his heavier responsibilities with the Trinity Alumni Association. PAUL W. ADAMS was re­cently appointed Assistant Dean at Yale University Law School. Paul, who is also chairman of the board of Norden-Ketay Industries of Milford, Connecticut and New

1943 Secretary-John L. Bonee, 50 State Street, Hartford .

DAVID A. TYLER has earned member­ship in the Million Dollar Round Table, a national organization of leading life in­surance representatives .

BOB WELTON is chairman of the Good Government Award Committee of the Greater Hartford Chamber of Commerce. DICK COBB is presently associated with American Standard Products in San Fran­cisco, California . MIKE KELLIN wa-s among those nominated for one of the Legitimate Theater 's Antoinette Perry Awards.

1944 Secretary-Elliot K. Stein, 202 M()rning­side Drive West, Bristol, Conn.

STEW ART BARTHELMESS has been promoted to eastern sales manager of the ABC radio network. Stew's father, RICH­ARD BARTHELMESS ' 17, it will be re­called, was a member of silent film ro­mances.

Editor's Note The Editors of the Alumni Magazine and N ewspaper wish to announce the

beginning of a new feature section, " From Our Readers". We beli eve that alumni, parents and friends of Trinity can help us improve

the quality of our product. We also feel that many of you have interesting views on educational matters as well as special commentary on life and work in your own fields of endeavor. Your communications will, theref"ore, lend broader ap­peal and a variety of flavor otherwise unattainable.

We are not complacent about or entirely satisfied with every issue we pub­lish. We expect our readers, likewise, are critical of what we produce. A section "From Our Readers" will afford the proper outlet for constructive criticism and we heartily welcome such communications.

It has been suggested that this feature section might serve as a method of communication among the Alumni themselves. You readers may also have other ideas. The editors will reserve editorial rights. We request that communications be signed but upon request names will be withheld when articles are printed.

Page 4: 1956April

Bud Galloway '34, Assistant Vice President of Bankers Trust Co., is shown interviewing Don Anderson '56. Bud represented one of the 125 firms that came to Trinity this year to interview seniors for employment after graduation.

Psychologist's Research Work Illuminating

Three Trinity College professors, all members of the psychology department, presented the results of their individual re­search at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychology Association, held in Atlantic City, N. ]., March 23 and 24.

The three were Dr. Andrew H. Souer­wine and Dr. Osborne W. Lacy, assistant professors, and Mr. Robert D. Meade, in­structor.

The meeting brought psychology teach­ers and others in the field from approxi­mately 30 eastern colleges. The two day meeting consisted of reading and discuss­ing research papers.

Dr. Souerwine wrote jointly with Miss Elizabeth Goding, of the University of North Carolina, on "Personality Charac­teristics of Conformers and Non-Conform­ers as revealed by an investigation of the self-concept." A group of Trinity students were used for this experiment, which con­cludes that non-conformers are persons who tend to have high opinions of themselves, and feel that others have similar opinions of them. Conformers conversely feel either that others have a low opinion of them or that they themselves are inferior.

These conclusions, said Dr. Souerwine, were based on anonymous replies to ques­tionnaires dealing with approximately 2 5 items which would tend to indicate the conformance or non-conformance of the in­dividual. Items of particular import, he said, concerned popularity, prestige, and general culture. Although the experiment was limited to a particular age group, Dr. Souerwine said he felt the results would be applicable to the general populace. Still to be done, and listed as research of the future, is the investigation of the various types of conformers and non-conformers.

Dr. Lacy conducted research on "the effective cue consistency in place learning based on compound discrimination." As complicated as this may sound, Dr. Lacy has actually used animals to prove a point which is generally believed through the exercise of normal reasoning. Three sets of rats were used for the experiment, and each was supplied with a different set of motivations (cues) to learn a particular task. The first set had the motivations of hunger and/or thirst, a consistent bright­ness (or environmental attributes), and a consistent place. The second group had the same conditions as the first, except the brightness was varied. The final group had the basic drives varied, but the brightness was consistent. From these three sets, Dr. Lacy learned that the first set, with the three motivations consistent and compound, was capable of mastering the task the more rapidly. When applied to humans, says Dr. Lacy, the hypothesis would be that humans will learn more rapidly when their motivations for doing so are compound and consistent.

The final paper read to the group, by Mr. Meade, has implications which would, if applied, affect industry and other walks of life. Entitled "Effect of Ego and Task Orientation on the Satiation of an Activ­ity," Mr. Meade has drawn the conclusion that when a person thinks his performance on any given repetitive talk will reflect his intellectual abi lity, he will become bored, or satiated, with his task much more rap­idly than the person who is working with­out such a feeling. This, says Mr. Meade, could be used to explain excessive ab­senteeism, accidents, etc., in business and industry.

Mr. Meade conducted his experiment over a two year period using two groups of subjects. Group A was assigned the task of drawing an endless number of one inch squares, with the instructions that the ex­aminer was simply "trying out a simple experiment, the results to be used later in another unrelated experiment." The sec­ond group was assigned the same task, but told that their intellectual capacity for participating in further experiments was being tested by the project. Mr. Meade reports that the first group, called the non­threat group (no threat to their prestige) outperformed the second by a decisive margm.

Elliott Policy

1n Foreign Discussion

David J. Elliott, a junior from Hartford, will represent Trinity in a four-college forum discussing "Where Is Our Foreign Policy Taking Us" over New York televi­sion station W ABD (Channel 5) on Sunday, April 29, at 6 :30 p.m.

Representatives from Harvard, Mississip­pi University and Brooklyn University will also participate on the program, moderated by Barbara Mantino. Mrs. Vera Dean will be the adult guest.

Elliott is president of Trinity's Foreign Policy Association and Chairman of the In­tercollegiate Foreign Policy Association Conference. A dean's list student, he is a member of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity and the col lege band .

Alumni Notes (Continued from page 3)

1945 Secretary- Andrew W . Milligan, 113 Cedar Street, Wethersfield.

REV. JOE HEISTAND is now rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Richmond, Va. His residence address is 4710 Rolfe Rd., Richmond. Dr. RAY BURROS is now lo­cated at 703 Dunne Court, Brooklyn 35, N. Y. The greater Hartford campaign for the College's Program of Progress is in full swing. Among those campaigning in the Alumni Division are ART FAY, ART KEEFE, and your secretary.


1948 Secretary-Thomas Meredith, 342 Edge­wood Street, Hartford.

Former State Representative LUKE F. MARTIN became the first avowed candi­date for the Democratic nomination for U. S. Representative from the 5th Con­gressional District.

DR. MUNRO HOWE PROCTOR is en­gaged to Julia Lee Wakefield of Milton, Mass.

1949 Secretary-Charles I. Tenny, Holly Road, Wayne, Pa.

At the time of this writing we hear that two of our classmates are climbing that ladder that leads to somewhere and others are continuing to be transferred to distant points or moving around the corner. SUM­NER SHEPHERD has been appointed as­sistant examiner in the home office inland marine department of the Phoenix of Hart­ford Insurance Company. DICK BEISEL has been named a member of the National Sports Festival Committee of the American Recreation Society. Dick is living in Middle River, Maryland with his wife, Dolena, and their two children. SEWARD EPPS has moved from Somerville, New Jersey to Floral Park, New York. JOE LITTELL has moved out of New York City to Mor­ristown, New Jersey. CARL STEIDEL is back in West Hartford after living in Coral Gables, Florida, while GEORGE SAND­ERSON has left W est Hartford for Mid­land, Texas . REVEREND FREDERICK MISSELL, JR., is now residing in Parma Heights, Ohio having lived in Springfield, Illinois.

IRVING GOLDBERG is engaged, LLOYD MASON is the proud father of a boy, John Galloway Mason; RODERICK NORMAN is engaged to Beverly Daley of West Orange, New Jersey; and ED­WARD PARONE has edited a new an­thology of plays, entitled "Six Great Modern Plays" and published by Dell Books.

That's all the news for now but I might add that the Philadelphia Alumni had a great time recently seeing Dan Jessee in person and film of his 1955 undefeated, un­tied football team. Word of caution, look out for Tufts next year!

1950 Secretary-Robert Mullins, 19 Lilly Rd., West Hartford, Conn.

ROGER LADD who not too long ago was just a political aspirant is now a full fl edged member of the Hartford City Coun­cil.


"I have been enjoying this marvellous climate since October. I was originally employed as a tutor but that has expanded into general factotum, including social and executive secretaryship for Mr. and Mrs. Williams. Mrs . Williams' father, inciden­tally, is Mr. Cogswell, Trinity '97. Mr. Williams is vice-president of The Cuban American Sugar Mills Co., and resident manager of their activities in Cuba. The social whirl as you can imagine is terriffic.

"We live on a tremendous sugar planta­tion bordering the Atlantic Ocean about one hundred miles from the southern tip of the Island. The house was a former summer palace of the Cuban presidents".


Sincerely, Frank


Living up to Oliver Wendell Holmes, Junior's quip that the Wigglesworths are as prolific as the squirrels on the Boston Common, we added a second child to the tribe on November eighteenth. I am filing an application with the Admissions Office for Donald Clark Wigglesworth, Junior, for the class of 1977.

As a result of the August nineteenth flood my wife, my daughter and myself made the headlines of the Naugatuck Val­ley newspapers by our three-hour stay in a sturdy little elm tree amidst the Pom­peraug River in Southbury. Only towards the end of a good cocktail party will friends believe that among the floating de­bris that we pushed away from our tree was a three room house. Our vacation in "placid" Connecticut did not want for excitement this year.

Sincerely, Don

DICK AVITABILE reports via a Christ­mas card that he has taken permanent leave of the Armed Forces and is now associated with the Dow Chemical Co. SHERWOOD HOTCHKISS (belovedly known as "The Hotch") has been placed in charge of the new Phoenix Fire Post in Columbus, Ohio. ALLAN-RALPH ZENOWITZ back on his feet after a short illness, is now studying law at the Virginia law School. ARNOLD BRUNDAGE has karated the left hand of a very pretty damsel named Miss Mary Alice Gallagher of Westhampton, L. I. PORTER CLAPP has entered into the con­jugal state with the former Miss Arlene Janette Wolford, of Hartford, Conn. The former Miss Jane Hanson Bird now totes the distinction of bearing the good Trinity name MRS. SCOTT M . STEARNS. JO­SEPH L. HYDE, back from Paris, has set up permanent housekeeping with the for­mer Miss Abigail Wrenn.

For my part, I'm extremely sorry that a report concerning our last reunion is not in your hands at this late date but the law books have really kept me on the go. I'll do my best to see that this report is in your hands within the next few months­hope to have it mailed right after the next edition of this news sheet.


Secretary- Lt. (j.g.) Richard L. Garrison, Carrier Air Group 15 Staff c/o FPO, San Francisco, Calif.

JIM DE KAY is now with ]. Walter Thompson & Co., in their Public Relations department.

LT. DAVE EDWARDS is engaged to Barbara Hume Stahl of Paeonian · Springs, Virginia.

1952 Secretary-Douglas Lee, Mellon D-22, Harvard Business School, Boston 63, Mass.

A dearth of clippings at press time ne­cessitated a hasty letter to some class of '52' ers to rustle up some news. It is a pleasure to report that a panic has been prevented, as can be witnessed from the response which follows below.

Received a short but newsy Jetter from BOB KROGMAN. Going back a little while, Bob married Lisbeth Paul of Santa Barbara last June. In August of 1955 he was appointed curate at St. Augustine's Church, Wilmette, Ill. and just this week his wife presented him with a son, Mark Allen, who weighed in at sy2 pounds. Con­gratulations on all three events, Bob! Bob reports also that "PETE" SMITH is out of the service, and back with Westinghouse.

PHIL TROBRIDGE, in his first year at Tufts Medical School and living at 200 Harrison Avenue, Boston, reports on a number of our classmates . JACK ULRICH, with the advertising department of RCA is in Boston temporarily. Also in Beantown, JACK TAYLOR, who is with the Travelers Boston office. TONY STEVER out of the army and back in Grosse Pointe, Michigan. Phil reports that all of the above men are still single, but that he expects to leave the ranks and get married on June 23rd.

"CHIP" VAILE writes from the breezy shores of Lake Michigan that he is now with Marshall Field in their executive training program and is quite enthusiastic about the whole merchandising field.

TOM DE PATIE is with IBM in Hart­ford, selling accounting machines and elec­tronic data processing equipment. He re­ports that JOHN WENTWORTH is a partner in a local insurance agency, and that BOB O'BRIEN is teaching Latin at Kingswood School, and helping Bob Bar­rows ('50) with the coaching chores.

BILL GANNON is selling for United States Gypsum Co., having recently been transferred from the Staten Island territory to Brooklyn. Bill is amazed at his "good fortune" at being in Brooklyn, and hopes to see a few Dodger games this summer. By now he has seen GEORGE SMITH, who was due in New York the day Bill wrote. George is at the University of Ari­zona, where he expects to receive his M.S. in geology in June. Bill saw DICK AHERN at Christmas, when the latter was about to head for Japan as a field representative for the Pepsi-Cola Co.

For some reason I have been laboring under the impression that just about all of the class is married. This latest batch of correspondence seems to have exploded that theory completely. Perhaps what I need is a couple of electronic computers to keep up with births, marriages, engagements, etc. of the class of '52 . How about that, TOM DE PATIE and CLAYTON CLOUGH?

Reports from the Yale Medical School via FELIX CALLAN indicate that all is well in that neck of the woods. "Fee" is headed for the Minneapolis General Hos: pita] to start his internship as of July 1, while ALAN GURWITT is going to Maimonides Hospital in Brooklyn. "SUB­BY" ITALIA, who unfortunately con­tracted tuberculosis while at Yale Medical School, is rapidly convalescing at Laurel Heights Tuberculosis Sanatorium in Shel­ton, Connecticut. "Subby" expects to finish up a year late and will get his M.D. in June of 1957. We will be looking for you with sheepskin in hand at our fifth re­union, "Sub by".

ART RAYBOLD is with the Owens-Corn­ing Fiberg.las Co. in New York City. Art reports that TOM HEAD, · also with 0-C has been getting away from the city quite a bit this winter for skiing. It is encour­aging to find out that someone has made use of all the snow we have been blessed with this winter. Also, from New York, ED SHAPIRO passed his New York State Bar Exams, and is now working with

Prentice Hall . Rumors circulating are that Ed has some very fine parties at his 2 3rd Street apartment.

Received a very fine letter from BILL GORALSKI who reports that he is thor­oughly enjoying his first year of teaching at Simsbury. Bill has also been in charge of Dick Nissi's practice teaching program under the supervision of the school's prin­cipal. Bill recently attended a conference on "The Teaching of Social Studies" held at Yale, and found it quite informative. Some additional news from Bill ... BOB WHITBRED and ED MORRISEY are both working for Pratt and Whitney in East Hartford. Also, DON RATHBONE, his wife Mary, and their two children are living in Windsor Locks. Don is with Connecticut General in the Group Insurance field.

PAUL NORMAN is interning at Hart­ford Hospital.

(Ed. note-CHIP VAILE is the proud pappy of a girl-Karen Jeanne Vaile­born March 22. JOHN NESTERUK re­ports that he also has become a proud parent-John Jeffery Nesteruk-on March 2.)

1953 Secretary-Joseph B. Wollenberger, 1981 Yale Station, New Haven, Conn.

Here are the latest scoops on the brethren:

Matrimonial Department: HENRY V ANDERBURGH has trod down the aisle with the former Barbara J . Bradley. Hank is a member of the faculty at Newington, Conn. High School. ROG DOUGLAS has announced his engagement to Ann Moran. Rog is in his last year at Berkeley Divinity in New Haven .

In-and-out-of-Service Department: Mrs. BILL LESCURE writes that husband Wil­liam is still in Europe but will be dis­charged during the coming summer. "SHIP" LUQUER has left Uncle Sam's sheltering wing and has settled down in Brookline, Mass. RON ROWLAND has also been " Jet out" . He is now a student at the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service. His aspiration: a career with the State Department.

Newly-employed-at-what-and-where De­partment: DAVE DEAN has been ap­pointed to the position of Associate Min­ister at the Pilgrim Congregational Church in Worcester, Mass. ED JAGER'S no "stay-at home." He lists his occupation as "Missionary" and may be contacted at the College of West Africa, Monrovia, Liberia. FRED VOGEL is a two-job man. During the baseball season he' II be chuckin' 'em for the Atlanta Crackers of the Southern Association (make it look small, Fred). In the off-season he sells insurance with the Travelers in Hartford. HARRY ASTLETT will be a technical representative of the American Metals Co. Ltd. in New York.

Offspring Department: TIM ALLEN is the proud poppa of Richard Lee Allen as of February 22 . GENE and Lois BINDA announce the arrival of Deborah Anne (Debbie to you, says Gene)-February 25. February was a good month.

STEVE BISHOP narrated Aaron Cop­land's "A Lincoln Portrait" with the Springfield Symphony recently. DAVE McGARVEY is engaged to Virginia M. Bunker of Bristol, Conn. DICK HUNT married Joanne Stein on March 4. TEX COULTER is attending Babson's Graduate School of Business Administration. CHET P ADO is at Aberdeen Proving Grounds after having completed a course at Whar­ton. BERNIE BOGOSLOFKI tied the knot on the 21st of April at Tinker Air Force Base Chapel, Oklahoma City, Okla.

More news, as it comes in, in the next cla;s letter.

1954 Secretary-1st Lt. Frederick H. Searles, 931st ACWRON, Thule A.B., Greenland, APO 23, New. York, New York.

Greetings from the top of the world! As you' ll note, I'm stationed at the much talked about but least desired air base in the Air Force. Enough said about "Igloo Ike" and more about the '54 grads.

PETE ANDERSON sifted sand from the Florida beaches through his toes for the last time also. I left him packing his bags for a remote radar site in Alaska. AL SMITH and STU HUNTER were a little more fortunate. Al is stationed at High­land, N . ]., while Stu is rubbing shoulders with Tennessee Ernie Ford in Nashville, Tenn. DAVE KENNEDY and ED PALM­ER finished their training and have since reported to their new bases. Dave is flying out of Madison, Wisconsin, while Ed is located in Bedford, Mass.

LEW TAFT dropped me a line last month. Lew is working on his Ph.D . in chemistry at Notre Dame. He mentioned that BOB KALINOWSKI is engaged to Mary O'Brien and is attending Tufts Medi­cal School. HERB MAC LEA is stationed at Wright-Patterson and doing graduate work through the Ohio State extension on the base. JOHN HIGINBOTHAM has pitched his Army pup tent at Fort Jackson, S. C.

ART RATHBURN has just been awarded a four year Nuclear Reactor Engineering Fellowship by the University of Pittsburgh and Westinghouse. Congratulations, Art.

In an entirely different field, ED JAGER has been appointed to combat the problem of lack of education among native pastors in Liberia. His work will take him into areas never touched by missionaries before.

JOHN MAZZARRELA is engaged to Denise LeClair of West Hartford. Lt. PAUL KENNEDY is engaged to Jane Benton of Pittsfield, Mass.

News is rather scarce this time, but I want to remind you of the 1955-56 Alumni Fund. The goal is higher, so Jet's improve our fine class record of last year.

Even though your reporter has been temporarily exi led from the country, the mail still gets through. Drop me a line and let me know what you are doing.

1955 Secretary-E. Wade Close, 5604 5th Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.

A writer of editorials for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette expressed the wish he had known at 18 that he _would believe the op-

posite of almost everything he believed when he reached the age of 38. Already at 2 2 I can sympathize with his thinking, for many of my views of four years ago have been exposed as misconceptions. Luckily the revelations have been easily corrected. Beginning a career in the army, in in­dustry, or in matrimony, is bound to alter some of the thoughts of our younger years.

In place of football and fraternity parties, EARL ISENSEE has to concern himself with law school and . . . policemen. In­stead of football and Mitch Pappas, GENE BINDA now has a total of three girls to occupy his time away from work. HAR­OLD BURDON has French women to wor­ry about rather than a rough New England life. Harold is stationed 70 miles from Paris and lives in an old chateau (avec running water') . JOE REINEMAN has many headaches working for Bethlehem's strip mill in Buffalo. The problems of college life are minute when compared to the responsibility of pushing thousands of tons of steel through a mill. Apparently Joe is doing a bang-up job and has been promoted unusually fast to a position few men have held at his age.

Many of the class have now almost com­pleted their first year as part of the work­ing mass . . I'm sure John Butler would ap­preciate any comments the young business­men would like to send him. The remarks could prove to be quite helpful to the Placement Bureau if written constructively. Recently some of the members of the class have made shifts in their careers, and others have been orientated into the beginning stages with new companies. PHIL CRAIG has graduated from the Owens-Corning Fiberglas training program and is stationed in Pittsburgh as a salesman. GENE BINDA is now in his last month of training with Westinghouse and should be getting his salesman's assignment soon. JOEL JEP­SON, graduating last January, was given an offer from Smith, Kline & French and is presently employed by them. LEE LA­HEY has now moved for the "ump-teenth" time and is continuing his training with Westinghouse at their Sharon, Pennsylvania plant. RON KENT has stayed in Hartford and has been made a registered representa­tive of the New York Stock Exchange by the firm Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis.

Trinity is not like the inexperienced 18-year old living under misconceptions. Our Alma Mater is not a beginner in the ideas of progress and improvement. Its plans are founded on sound thinking and experience. But to see the all-important objectives come true it needs the support of its alum­ni and friends and their donations of time, effort, and financia l help. I feel it is the duty of all of us to repay our school for the incorporeal benefits we all reaped. When­ever a request for money appears, all have just that opportunity to compensate. By the time this Jetter is sent, as part of the Trinity Alumni Bulletin, all of the class should have received at least two letters from DAVE ROBERTS, our Class Agent and other notes from his assistants . From the report received late in March, over half of the class have ignored the pleas. I hope the future letters will be answered promptly and be followed by a contribu­tion, no matter if only a few dollars. The importance of each gift is like the man with only one basket in a one-point victory for the Trinity five; for even though small, it is magnanimous in its importance. It is my hope that we all get on the band­wagon our first year so we start off on the right track for the years to come.

Leap year continues on its unmerciless way, and the many unsuspecting souls are dropping into the ball and chain ranks. GERRY SNYDER was married to Elaine Sanders in West Hartford on February 25. The guests were ushered by NORM CA TIR and JERRY HATFIELD. Gerry and his bride are living in Houston near the Elling­ton Air Force Base. DICK ROYSTON was married April 7 to Joan Murray, and ushers included WADE CLOSE and JOE REINE­MAN. The engagement of GERRY CRO­WELL to Marilyn Reynolds was announced recently. ED YEOMANS is engaged to Marguerite Mercier; they plan to be mar­ried this Spring. Ed is now stationed at Fort Bliss, Texas, with the Army. Personal opinions (not worth much) on the subject of marriage ... "That what you think you want often looks quite different when you want it and after you have it."

Army life does not seem as bad as many picture it to be. A Jetter from GORDON REESE tells of his week-ends spent in Brus­sels and other nearby cities. His February leave took him through Switzerland and Austria, and in June he expects to see France or Italy. PHIL TRUITT, once sta­tioned in Texas, is now in Florida- ! hope he doesn't forget what snow looks like. WARREN GELMAN is travelling around the country on a base inspection team­another rough job. That is the Army's answer to SCOTTY PRICE'S occupation as Alpha Delta Phi travelling secretary. CHARLIE BRITTON has navy life to thank for an eight-hour day of electronics' school at his Chicago base. Almost all the ROTC graduates have had some time in the serv­ice of the blue. DAVE HOAG is now sta­tioned at Marana AFB in Tucson, Arizona, while BRUCE WHITMAN is located at the Air Base in Bainbridge, Georgia. NAT REED is serving in Texas and FRANCOIS HYDE has been assigned to Vance AFB at Enid, Oklahoma. All are 2nd Lieutenants, as is DAVE DIMLING who has Lincoln AFB in Nebraska as an address. GEORGE KENNEDY has finished basic training, and after a short furlough is back at army life; but this time his wife is able to be with him. Incidentally, recent comments here in Pittsburgh indicate PETE WID­MER and DICK LEACH must have been "live wires" at George's wedding last July.

FRANCIS SOLOMITA is engaged to Anna May Kenny, the wedding to take place May 14. BILL ROMAINE is engaged to Wilma Newberry of Chatham, New Jersey. HENRY PADO is at the Wharton Graduate School of Finance and Com­merce.

Something for all of us to think about­"That what others think of you is not nearly so important as what you think of yourself- really think of yourself when the shades are down and the lights are out." Again thanks to the Pittsburgh Post-Gaz­ette columnist, and from the Steel City, a good-bye until the next letter.