Download pdf - 1970 Cacahoula

  • Chacahoula Northeast Louisiana State College Monroe, Louisiana Editor Brenda Posey Associate Editor Gary Pool

  • Rolling in now! ... the bold, new lines of the '70's ... classy ... racier ... good mileage .. . more spirited ... bigger Injun ... wouldn't you really rather have NLSC? Northeast Louisiana State College grows larger every day - in number of studen ts, buildings, faculty, and acreage, As NLSC grows, so we, the students, grow also - in man y ways. We en ter a new decade, enthusiastic but content in the knowledge that the '70's will be bigger and better than any previous decade.

    Just because we've always been great - and modest - we cannot rest on previous tr iumphs. We must strive to make the best better. Robert Brown ing's words can be a challenge to us, " Come grow old alo ng wi th me (NLSC) , the best is yet to be."

    Let's begin today , no;" . . . with Monday ...

  • Table of Contents Student Life ............. . . 18

    Features ......... .. . . .. . ..... 54

    Organizations .... .. ....... 88

    Sports ...... . ............... .180

    Academic ..... . , .. .... .... .238

    Class ................ . ....... 300


  • Monday's Child Is Fair of Face

  • 5

  • Tuesday's Child Is Full of Grace

  • 7

  • s

  • Wednesday's Child

    Is Filled With Woe


  • Thursday's Child Has Far to Go


  • - J


  • ., .



  • 12

  • Friday's Child Is Loving and Giving


  • Saturday's Child Makes Life Fulfilling


  • 16

  • The Child That Is Born on the Sabbath Day Is Bonnie and Blithe and Happy and Gay



  • Registration

  • 22

  • Homecoming



  • - -

    '. ":.

    ~ ..


  • 16

  • Christmas




  • Door



    Santa Clause ...

  • ---




    ~ I ~

    "---.:;, ; I

    - .



  • Union Board Concerts

    Blood, Sweal. and Tcars

    8, S, and T arrive in Monroe


  • 31

  • The E . pert' , ~!e5 ormcu ~' ith Johnny Riven


  • 33

  • F. Lee Bailey


    SGA Free

    University Speakers

    Harold Haye!!

  • Sander Vanollcur

    William RWJher


  • Unde r the skillful guidance of Dr. Geo rge C. Brian, Claude C. Fulle r, and Wayne Summers, direc tors; and William R. 'Rambin , technical direc tor; the Northeast Theatre this yea r presented nine major productions.

    The 1968-69 season ended with "Tom Jones," ' 'Tom Sawyer" and " The Land of the Dragon," two children's theatre plays opened the 1969-70 season_ The firs t faU production was "White Liars" and " Black Comedy." In December, an original musical, "Caveman," written and produced by two Northeast students, was performed. 'The Lion in Winte r," produced in February, was the first spring production.

    The avante garde children' s play, "Tingalary Bird," was scheduled for April. Concluding the season's run was the schedu ling of the renow ned actor John Carr-adine to lead in UTIle Merchan l of Venice. "

    'The achool teacher U8C& Tom as a bad example.

    Whitewashing the felice.

    Tom Sawyer

    The Northeast Theatre

    Injun Joe blames Muff for killing th e uoc:lor.

    Tom Sawyer in a pen~i ...e mood. Muff Polter in jail .

    Tom and Huck di!cover the dead doctor.

  • The Land of the Dragons

    Road Wandt rer and 24th cousin .

    Road Wanderer introduces his pel dragon. Small One.

    Prin cess Jade Pu re IS attended by her cousin;;.

    Jade PUTe speaks 10 her imaginary bird. Twenty. fourth (!ougin. A disdainful Priou.!I Harp.


  • Brinsley shoeks Harold, "Black Comedy, "

    frank aod Tom eon(er i.n " White Liars,"

    Miss Melkett. An inquisitive neighbor,

    Black Comedy


    . ) White Liars H8J'old is furious with Brinsley ror "boTTowiflg" his furniture . "Blaek Comedy."

    Col. Melket t gropes about in the "darkneu,"


  • The Speech Department of "ortheast louisiana State College


    an original mUSica l

    In the completel~ remode led


    I fridau and Saturday December 12 I: 13. 1969 8:00 p.m Adm iss ion S100

    The Dinosaur.


  • The Lion



    Eleanor te:t'Jes Hen ry.

    All Ihal Eleanor has left Seems [0 be her jewelry.

    Alais is a pawn in a political chess game. A moment of thought .

    Eleanor seems to he losing.

    Eleanor and Henry's mistress.

  • Geoffrey ....85 not Elesnor '~ favorite son.

    Philip defends his father. Geoffery listens int entl ... .

    Richard awailS an answer. John languorOll!ll), looks on.


  • Moratorium Sparks Interest

    on Campus

    v , E T NA M ~\\'. " MtlRATOR\UM:


  • Editor: I like is1 Rum straight or mixed. Wild Turkey is a favor

    ite of mine also. I have not, as of yet, cultivated a tas te for Sco tch. I do not need these delicious depressants to have a good time, al though they do help.

    I blame my teachers whenever I receive a poor grade, al though I darn well know it is my own fault for not studying enough for their exams.

    I sing the "Star Spangled Banner" every chance I have. I cannot say the same for our school's Alma Mater, for like a fool , I have never taken the time to learn it. Through my parents, I have found out how square I really

    am. Do you know that I am admi tt ing not only to my fr iends but to my parents as well, how right my parents' advice has heen to me over my long life of 22 years?

    [ have a tendency to criticize too fast and apologi7..e too little. I exceed the speed limit going home quite often, and yet when I don ' t speed, I arrive just as fast - traflic always precedes me.

    'I like to do crazy things like jumping ofT the Hippolite Bridge into the beautiful waters of Bayou DeSiard, having shaving-cream lights with my suite mates. rolling frat honses (while a t LSU) or just about anything I can get away with as long as no One is in danger of being harmed.

    I love God, my parents a nd my country, and I am not afraid to say so. I thank the older generation for giv ing me my rights as an American citizen.

    I thank all of you Silent Americans who, by showing your colors of Red, White and Blue in some way or another told tbe North Vietnamese, Vietco ng, as well as the " its" wearing tbe black arm bands to "get bent!"

    We Silent Americans support our country. It is logical that if we stand up for our government, the war will end sooner and' if we do not, it will end later.

    Silent Ameri cans are you ci tizens who proudly use your rigbts as free men, not those who abuse them. You run the United States of America and keep it the greatest nation within the realm of our universe.

    You with the black arm bands, don' t feel so useless' We Silent Americans can always use you as a bad example.

    John M. Silverberg

  • J

    Editor: Hail to the apple-pie patriot , bedecked in red, white

    and blue - overflowing with blind support of his government's policies without questioning the reasons for such policies. Sing praises of the " true" American who slands firm in his support of country and sings the National Anthem in mucb th e same way a parrot says, " Polly wants a cracker. " Salute that fortress of democratic thought who damns those who dare hold opinions other than his own. Honor the silent American, for he is not a hindrance to his government - but rather, dances to the tune of " Yankee Doodle" and marches to the tune of "Hail to the Chief."

    Condemn those " black-arm-banded " its" who dare believe that the people are the government; who dare question the right of offIcers of state to decide for those whom th ey represent; who wish to see a wrong righted no matter how much face is lost. How dare they become involved in issues which are not their concern! Crucify them_ damn them, spit upon them - yet, after they have been expelled from society, think .. _They deserve your honor, your praise, your undying devotion - for those detestable " its" have given you Silent Americans hack your vojces1

    Martha Corbino

  • 45

  • Editor: This is a letter in response to an emotionally-packed, well

    written (gramatically) letter appearing in last week's POW WOW. That letter had as much rationalism contained in it as a squashed bug. What does it mean to be "an apple pie patriot?" If "an

    apple pie patriot" is an Ameri can, who is proud of his country, most of its people and most of America's past, present and future achievemen ts, then r am " an apple pie patriot."

    As for " overflowing with blind support of my government," Miss M. C. Criticism could not be further from the truth. No one is above good, worthwhile, well-constructed criticism. To listen to the enemy, which inflicted 300,000 + casual

    ties upon our men of America (40,000 are now dead) , give praise and support to the people who wear black arm bands and still to see these people wear these arm bands disgusts me.

    rdo not condemn black armbanded ones for " questioning rights of officers of state to decide for those they represent. " r only condemn the way they do their questioning. The " its" criticize and yet never have any answers to back up their criticisms.

    A vast majority of the black arm-banded " its" say the older generation is wrong and never really say why. The " its" say the 30 + age group doesn't unders tand their reasoning behind their criticisms, yet they have never tried unders tanding the reasons of the 30 + age group.

    You, Miss M. C. Criti cism, will be over 30 in about 12 years. Will you always be wrong t.hen? The over-30 generation happens to see things t.hrough different. perspectives_ Much of th is generat.ion has been through a depression, a world war and Korea. Our generation has not' The over-30 group watched with awe the world of science doubling and tr ipling as our generation accepted this as no big thing. r am trying to understand the whys and wherefores of the

    values the over-30 group places on today's society. I also am looking ahead and trying to understand how the under-12 age group will react to what is happening now and in the fu ture when we'll be 30 and they will be Our age now. I criticize a lot now, but I have answers and sound reasons

    to back up my criticism. This is what I ask of all you people who wear black arm bands. Give answers for your complaints on today's society. To say that something in today's society is wrong is not enough.

    One more point, Miss M. C. Cri ticism, so well put is how the black arm banded ones gave we Silent Americans back Our voices. Did you really stop to think how the " its" also have the right to use their voices freely? Why must they abuse this right? Have you heard of any East German student riots lately? How about free speech fOlums in Russia and Red Ch ina? Remember Hungary and Czechoslovakia? Siberia and the grave are both cold places.

    lohn M. Silverberg


  • Go West



  • 49

  • 50

  • 51

  • Graduation

  • 53


  • 56

  • You know a girl leads a hard life ... I mean I have to get up at 6 o'clock for my 8 o'clock class. Should I wear my maxi or my mini??? Decisions, decisions, decisions . . . Oh, darn, I don't have any shoes to go with that outfit. I've just got to go shopping this week-end ... I get so tired of sitting in this dorm! Why doesn't the phone ring? I always knew I'd end up an old maid ... Guess I'd better cut my 3 o'clock class to pick up my dress for this weekend - maybe I can borrow Carol's new hairpiece ... I'm sick of this 3-inch make-up - What ever happened to natural beauty??? One more interview, one more contest, what a day! It sure is hell being beautiful.


  • 58

  • 59

  • 60

    Gail Coates Miss Northeast

  • 61

  • 62

    Linda Chapman Representing ~enior Board

  • 63

  • Gail Coates Representing Kappa Sigma

  • 65

  • Jean Davis Representing Phi Mu


  • 67

  • IJI

    Linda SZiVDS Representing Zfjta Tau Alpha

  • 69

  • Sharon West Representing Eta Epsilon


  • 71

  • Donna Adams Homecoming Queen


  • Angela Duplantis, Senior Maid

    Sharon Dunnings, Freshman Maid

    Linda Lastowsky, Junior Maid Gail Coates, Sophomore Maid


  • Kay King Military Ball Queen

  • Military Ball Court

    Mary Tatum


  • Fraternity Sweethearts

    Catherine Lewis, Kappa Alpha

    Linda Moyers, Zeta Beta Tau


  • n

    Donna Meeks, Tau Kappa Epsilon

  • ..

    Fraternity Sweethearts Represent Brotherhoods in Campus Beauty Elections

    Linda Lastowsky, Sigma Tau Gamma


    Candy Tripp, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia

  • 79

  • Who's Who in American

    Colleges and Universities

    At top: Lawrence White, Winnfield, Accounting. Delta Sigma Pi, Treasurer; Northeast Accoun ting Association, Vicepresident; Business School Committee; Executive Dorm Council College. Middle left: Judy King, Shreveport, Marketing. Alpha Omicron Pi, President; Senior Board; Panhellenic Council; ROTC Sponsor; SGA. Middle right: Dot Raney, Shreveport, Journalism. Alpha Chi Alpha, Treasurer, President; Pow Wow, Editor; News Star-World Reporter of Year Award. Bottom: Mike Blanchard, Napoleonville, Pharmacy. Phi Delta Chi; Omicron Delta Kappa; SGA; Circle K; Advanced ROTC.

  • Who's Who

    Top left: Carl Chelette, Baton Rouge, Psychology. SGA; Sophomore Class President; Scabbard and Blade; Circle K; Men's Residence Hall Council. Bottom left: Sharon West, Monroe, Home Economics Education. Kappa Delta Sorority; Alpha Lambda Delta; Senior Board; Panhellenic Council ; Chacahoula Beauty. Above: Dale Davison, Shreveport, Accoun ting. Theta Xi Fraternity; President's Medal; Canterbury Club.


  • Right: Marsha Griffin, Spencer, Office Administration . Northeast Honor Society; National Collegiate Association for Secretaries; Curriculum committee, School of Business Administration. Far right: Perry BeU, Jeanerette, English. Sigma Tau Delta; Kappa Kappa Psi; Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia; NLSC Honor Society. Below right: Kenneth Guillory, Baton Rouge, History . Phi Alpha Theta; NLSC Honor Society; Omicron Delta Kappa; Kappa Sigma; Interfra. ternity Council.


  • Top left: Maureen Vocke, New Orleans, Pharmacy. Kappa Epsilon; Rho Chi; Senior Board; Women's Residence Council; American Pharmaceutical Association. Bottom left: Rowland Perry, Monroe, Accounting. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Intermural Volleyball Captain. Top right: Gerard Corbino, New Orleans, Building Construction. Associated General Contractors; Sigma Lambda Chi; Union Board; Northeast Sailing Gub. Bottom right: Kathy Williams, Shreveport, Journalism. Zeta Tau Alpha; Sigma Tau Delta; Phi Alpha Theta; Senior Board; Pow Wow Staff.


  • Top lefl: Maureen Vocke, New Orleans, Pharmacy. Kappa Epsilon; Rho Chi; Senior Board; Women's Residence Council; American Pharmaceuti cal Association. Bottom left: Rowland Perry, Monroe, Accounting. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Intermural Volleyball Captain. Top right : Gerard Corbino, New Orleans, Building Construction. Associated General Contractors; Sigma Lambda Chi; Union Board; Northeast Sailing Club. Bottom right : Kathy Williams. Shreveport, Journalism. Zeta Tau Alpha; Sigma Tau Delta; Phi Alpha Theta; Senior Board; Pow Wow Staff.


  • Below: Vicki Clark, Monroe, Elemenlary Education. SGA; ROTC Sponsor; Alpha Omicron Pi; Alpha Lambda Delta; NLSC Honor Society. Top right: Linda Chapman, Alexandria, Engli sh Education . Sigma Tau Delta; Senior Board; S tudent Loui siana Teachers Association; Women's Residence Council ; Chacahoula Beau ty. Bottom righ t: William Haley, Baton Rouge, Biology. SGA; Union Board; Circle K; Track Team.

  • Top: Penny Songy, Port Sulphur, Pharmacy. Alpha Lambda Delta; Kappa Epsilon; Kappa Psi Scholastic Award; Rho Chi; Senior Board. Left: Donna Adams, West Monroe, Home Economics. Alpha Omicron Pi ; SGA; Warbonets; Phi Delta Chi Sweetheart ; ROTC Sponsor, Cadet, " L' il Colonel. " Above right : Sue Faught, Bossier City, English Education. Zeta Tau Alpha; Alpha Lambda Delta; Sigma Tau Delta; Senior Board; Student Louisiana Teachers Association.


  • Top right: Susan Venable, Monroe, Mathematics. Alpha Lambda Delta; National Council of Teachers of English Contest, Runner-up. Bottom righ t: Walter Benjamin Huffman, Harrisonburg, Piano Education. Phi Mu Alpha Sinfon ia; Music Educators National Conference.


  • Top left: Carolyn Ballard, Shreveport, Marketing. Senior Board; Panhellenic Council; SGA. Top right: Richard Horn, Bossier City, Geology. Sigma Gamma Epsilon Geological Fraternity; National Honor Society; Circle K; Outstanding Student, American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Bottom left: Linda Moore, Monroe, Pharmacy. Alpha Lambda Delta; Kappa Epsi. Ion; Rho Chi; American Pharmaceutical Association; Senior Board. Bottom right: Julia Earl, Crowville, Eng. lish Education. Zeta Tau Alpha; Honor Society; Alpha Lambda Delta; Dorm Council.



  • Student



    The NLSC Student Government Association is the politi. cal represen tative of Northeast students.

    Elected once every year by popular vote, representatives are grouped within each school according to the school's en rollment. The SGA, in attempts to represent phases of student life,

    met on Tuesday nights in the CUB auditorium or SGA offi ce and wrestled with problems of student life and growth of the college.

    This year the SGA Free University Committee brought well known speakers on campus, such as Harold Hayes and William Rushi ng. Also, the Union Boa rd was made a com mittee of the SGA. judicial Board was also pu t into ac tion.


    Dan McKay. P resident

    Don na Adams, Secrelary


  • Mike Blanchard, lIice-Pre:'iiden,t Bert A11ain, Treasurer


  • BUSINESS: Horace Elkins, James Tripp, Rodger Ross. Milliccnt Parks. John Li~hlr()()l. Bob MeFarland.

    PURE AND APPLJED SCIENCES: Cliff MiUer, Jeffery Holmes. Jerry Rem ..

    FRESHMAN SEMTORS, Becky Sanford, ";II G.k,k;,.

  • PHARMACY : H(lward McClella nd. Bill Klein. Max Marlin . Mike Bourgeoi!..

    LIBF,RAI. ARTS : Mikt: Harrd~on. Bob Hoover, Saody Bunoo, Charles Thornton.


  • Lisa Alonzo; Nancy Riley.


    /;/_--Susan Converse; Debbie Dubois; Glenda Ward; Emily Seagers.

  • Union Board Committee

    Lynn Isom; John Livingston ; Karen Dubois; Larry Eason; SusieMcBrid, ..,..-

    Karen Stampley, Peggy Lyon, Kendra Averitte, Claudia Hawthorne.


  • Kathy Willi ams, Associate Editor

    Angie Harwell , Pat Harwell, and Kay Lynn Williams.


  • Pow WOW Staff

    Joe Joaqum , Managing Editor, Mike Abington, Layout Editor, and Jim Hammett.


  • Chacahoula Staff

    Earlene Gewin, Clerk; Terry Aucoin, Sports Editor.


  • 00

    Wayne Falcone, Clerk.

  • Marv Ullpy Earlene \T,.ialpoJe

    Bonn ie Aicklen \I;:anda Oat es Barbara BaxlF:T Nell Boo\h(> BIanchI" BoyLe

    Br... nda Brooks Martha (.ox Fa\ e Fontenot

    Di~nne FUI( h Pam Herringlon

    Susan Irons Janice Rushing C.... rolyn ShMP Judv Shaw She'rry Spillers




    Ben A Uaill Mik e Blancharcl Vp.l'no n Cui Chelell f:

    ChMl~ Chi co

    Joe Do} IeRkhard Dur.. AIr rerl Klein James Llndry SIeve .

    DaVId McGeeTomnn Mever woey Pankey Gene Radau Michael 5hire~




    Donald Taylor James Tripp Thom ,l'S Tucker

  • Kappa Kappa


    FIRST ROW - Jcrn VilIH '{" (AJ" isor): Herb Cupit: Pcrry Bodl (PTe~:I : Bill r..kElro, ; lof' \Vil, li,InIS , SU:O::-W ROW - Dayid Lyons: Sieve Cald, well: Sft'~(-' Hownfl\: B'lb Pa~Ut: t(~,

    NLSC !'v1

  • Rho Chi

    Virginia frarlks

    Or. Gary C. Ferguson

    Dr, Paul F. Geiger

    Dr. John T. Goorley

    Diane G rizuffi

    Janel Has. e. Prt~ I:den l,

    Kirk Haves Joe Ho~etI

    Dr. Lola V. Hopkins

    Dr. Joseph H. Kern

    William A. Klein. 1II

    Dr. Rober. P. Knott

    Dr. Wallace E. Longmire

    Bruce Mt:: Leod

    Linda Moore, ViI;e PreJidtnt

    Dr. Facid Sadik

    Dr. Rcy naJdo V. Saenz

    Frank R. Smilh

    renny Dee Songy Linda Sziv06 Gary Trosclair, Secretary, Treo.surer Maureen Vocke Dr. C. Eugene Watk.ins

    Prof. Ra.lph M. Wil!on

    Dr. ArChlC Ja)' &ebe Lynn Becnel Walter Bierbaum, Sr. Mich:JeI Blanchard

    Dr. Edward A. Brecht Dr. Stephen D. BUl'ton Mik e Canlrell Dc Ben F. Cooper

    Dr. D

  • ....."



    Brenda Brook s, PresidNIl RuslYll Croso.,.. SecrelarY LOls"Wyall , Treas urer . Physical Education

    - Kappa Pi

    Staulev Bandong: ~orm"l Bcrr,\,"; Lmda Bonn~r (Sec.):" l\brlha Culp..-ppr>r: Arlyne E"f'ri!! : Ca) lt': Ford: ) ' 11-" G,lrwwk: Dianne Johnson: Martha tach. 11/' .,.: John LeHov: 10hn (\'k~rl('r (Y. Pres.): F'a'rp McKinnie; Lolli~ Norris (pres.); Ju Ann RaifoCd (Trc."lS.): (l,.laria Scalia: Slan l .. ~ Tho mpso n; lean Trippi; Tom Trippi: Oiannl:' Walters.

    Health and

    Club JOY Adam;< Nan,'y AkCls D..-I.hy A Ip-xandcr Jim Aulds W,md Bal e> I-I vw;u-rl Beth Otouglas Bicc Danny Boone "pI! Bo.l lhe Thomas Bool h Blan(:he Bur l,e Chm ..k$ R. Bud..:. PhD J...rry Burl() 01

    H.~n ...}" Butler Ralph Compallik Donald Can non

    r\'l ick e~ Clevd.1uJ Tom01Y Guts Ida Dav,s Nall cy '&:hols Robert Floyd Faye Fonl!";)1nt Jeanl)if' Furiil;k5 Knight Jerrv KnighL Vm Lamber. Edward Ll."kowskj Clifton Lomba.:; Jame'; rvkAr lhuf

    S~lvcsler MrK lnlltry Kay i\tay Kf',lh rvlOllcr ief

    ~!illiarn Murnn Tom Nelson ]usf'ph Nicosia Jerfrey Nulm,m rattie O'Bier Jim Parke! Elizabf'lh Peck Hershal Walker Jimmy Wallacl' Lloyd Wax Billy Vdllory Roy Peters

    Fred/ he PhilJey B:lrbara Profit Joseph Pror.. Ronnie R!J't' Billy Reed J~m(:S Rem ~ Conrat:i Rispol i Jeff R

  • Warbonnets

    Al rI;.dll : :-i F".ATF:O - Uonna Adam". (,Lin . :-,T \ \1..) 1\(; - ( ~ rr ol Oritlon. Sanrl~ M('Cai n. and earn[ Crafl, C(H :aplain~ .


  • 105

  • The Concert Choir

    Dr. Edward Dechrd, Conductor Accompa.nists:

    Sheila Armstrong

    Walter B. Hu[[man

    Palrj~i(l Angin Marsha Aoderson Sheila Armslron Allen Brown RcbO!:cn Durgin Ehzabelh Cain Janet Cogdell Carol Craft Stanley Dn\' ls Floyd Davis Ronald DeaJ Charles Douglas Theresa Duke David Eiscnbeil Nelda Emfinger Ted Finkbeiner Ronald Flun}'

    Caulerinc Galloway Jocelyn Gnhani Kennell) Garriso n Jane Girard Mi ehael Green Teresa Green Kt'llnelh Hall Karen Holm~ Wallet Hnff'man Jo Ann Luebkeman Brt'nda LJOll~ Wiley McOary Charles McLain Gloria Mellwnitt Marian McKel1zie Philip Marshall Susan MaTlin


  • The Contemporary Wind Quintet ~ugcn e \,.. . Sici nqucsi G. Lowery Riggins Jerry Vancc James E. Gillespie M. Donald DaGrade

    e Madrigalians ,4-Uen Brown I heresa iJ\J ke Rebecca Burgin Ted Finkbeiner Elizaheth Cain Jane Girard Carol Crafl Kcnnelh Hall Slanlt:y Davis Sn..san Marl in Ronald Deal Deborah Miller CharIt'5 Oouglns Samuel Shamblin

    Belty Williams


  • The Jazz


    Ray tJOTll

  • Chamber Orchestra

    IIi ,\;, Harris Sara H3rri~

    E laio~ Hen!'\' Sle\'~ Ho\~ a,;d La..... ren ce Hunni cn lt Jo b ' n Johnson S lev; Julius David L'yOM Anne l'vlarlin EJi7.ahelh Marlill Paul McCht::e Gloria \1clllol'ai n Marion McKp,nzie Carl Moore

    Larry Norris RO~r1 Paquetl e John Pritchett Frank Ra msev Rehecca l"last' John Rllgg Gertrude: Sandrock Wilford D. Smith Debra SLeinqucsl Eugene 5 , :inquC'St Con nie Thompson Kenneth Thompson Jen \' Vance Joe 'Williams


  • The Marching and Concert Bands

    Lowery Riggins, Director Robert Hargrove, A ss ,;s.tant Director Drum Major: Twirlers:

    Eddi e Bethea Charlotte Riley Tommy Bowling

    Denise Fike Rohert Hargrove Lee Newson OaJuel Harrington Larrv Norris Stephen Howar~ 1 RoJ~rl Paqueue Andrew Isca James Parmenter Jo Lvnn Jotmson 1\"oel Perez

    Ken~elh Joiner Dwight Phelps John Jowers Frank Ramse\' Char les Larson ear) R08by , Stene Laws O...'en Rvan Robe rt Le\~ is JO\~'Y Sa~ IOIl)aUIO John Liule Alan Silverman Ada Lyons Gerard Smith Harold Lyons Paul Stewart Ben Man~ing Kenneth ThorTlp5Qn Dehra McCaHan Can d) Tripp William McElroy Paula T vndale Paul McGhee Ge.rald -{'augh an Gtorla McIlwain Joe Williams Wal wn MarTe James Worlh Rex Morris DDnald Wrigh t Constance fJash Freddy Zeagler


  • Baptist Student Union

    .jcrry Johnslon Presidfml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tommy Culp

    Director . ..

    ViC(';- Pres idenl



    ...... ... . . . . Shehon McBride

    ... . .. ............ Susan Culp

    . .. . . . R. H. Creel

    jerry Johnslon and sludenl s (jl new ,,,orany.


    T Ilt' Ilf'W


    ,. " ,In s ma,;;.Sailia Clau!! 1i~ I ..n!l If) ~Iurl(' nl lell Whc11 slH' "'''' '', . 'or CI . ,

  • . Fa llwr il idwrd W iI""(Jn

    . John Clinlon

    i\.anl 'Y HJW r!-,

    . K.;lh ~I i lli gan

    . Di xj" Ann Colb

    r ;,l1llt'r Wil~vn dir. ... h \ pllng pr ol"l;,o r,.

    Canterbury Society

    D i rrl;io r



    /)rlll{f"fllll Clw irfl/utt.

    /JttUt:,il.y Chairmall


  • Church of


    Ross W. Swill TIlt-' Chun h (I f Christ Stud,'nl :"Iu..r


    SlUde nl s lis leJl to spea ker di.~('US!\ Chr i ~ lial ill y on (:

  • Newman


    DireClor . . f a ther Sam Poli n i

    Pre~l: d"f/.l , . Ann Licht

    Vice- Prt>.siden! . Penny Songy


  • Wesley


    IJir('("/u( . I{t'v. James W'il son 1 1f1.~;( /(,1/1 H.lrold F. ",IflS

    / . '/( "f "/) fl" id

  • Westminster


    Dirl'c/or . .\'frs. Jim F.\I- r::.

    ;l1fJdno lor .Chucl.. :''10011

  • Reserve Officer

    Training Corps

    The Reserve Officer Train ing Corps is a svsl em bv whi ch sludents learn the basic

    p~()c"dur~s of military operalions . I t consiSIS of clasgrooln instruction as \vell as weekly drill periods. R.O.T.C is volunlary, and ad vanced training is ava ilable ror those cadets who an~ interes ted and \vho meet Cf' rtaill rel juirem(,1l1s. A cadr t graduating in Ad\'3Il ced n .o.T.C aUlomatically reccives a commis sion as a seco nd li f' utenant in tbe United Stales Army.

    Wo rking in coordination wilh the

    n.o .T.C cadets is the Sponsor Corps. II is

    th~ responsibility of these girls to appear a t

    a ll milit ary fu nctions ann drills. Each spring

    a girl is chosen from I he Sponsor Corps to

    re ign "s the Military Ball Queen.

    BfHCADE COM.\"\NIJER A~D SPONSOR: Cndl'l C.OlI. Cl'IW H,tol,lU all tl Lilli!- elii. Ih"lJl

  • 2nd BATT,\LIO\: Cad.'l Ll. Co!. Eri.: Jmlt 'rs amJ knnircr Dali::;.

    I ~ I 8AlT\\.I0 \" : C",I.'I 1.1 , CIllo f(HlllIlI' Ruudn',lu 'I. ,lIltl Chi-ish M..CI..I. Llll1 l.

    eIlOtT'\\ C(I\ IP:\ \Y OF JI \ IOI{ nX\T,-\Uo\": Cap l. Cunn i .. Ol'o\,CHIT...I. fO.\ II' \\Y Of JI ' lOR BATT.o\LlO\" : c..d .. t C:lpl. Charlil' thil'U and Pal S t ur~j ;;; . \II'IL


  • Ii ( : ') ~ 1 1 ' \ ;\ , : ( :,(1 1" , ( :.Ipl . .!.IIIH',. Tnpil ,LlId (:ind, On".llh.


  • 121

  • Fusileers

    Drill Team

    fl l5lLEf.RS CO\I MA~D[R "'- Nil SPOJ\SO R: Cadd Cdpl. CIUH lit> Chieo and K a~ Kill~.


  • Advanced ROTC Students

    Go to Summer Camp

  • 125

  • Women's Residence Council

    Pam Alherts Minnie Bihle K::uhy Bowler

    Palti Brow ll Ka ye Carpl'.l ltr Oc::nis

  • t



    Karvin Adams Jack Blitch

    DI"~ ~ Burl Tom 01aliloux

    Mike Cldnlon Tom Co leman Mir key Cook BulCh Curbino

    j f; (f Creel Wendell Dorman Terry Gore Terrin GoUe

    NLSC Film



  • Ruhv 8~lOn Sha':on 8l'illOIl, Treasurer Barbara BNl.,.. n H,,1,,11 Butler Em ma Ca I~ lwt:l 1

    Olevia Oa., is Eari Sne Oigg~ Sharon Dunning;; Rob bIe Earl \' Lo llie Edwards

    Wilma Cail\(.'!'o .l 1Il".;;, Presid enf Chesl~r Hooker Linda Hooker Brenda Hun k"T Jenni(er lame,

    Johnnie Lewis Mallhew Hawk.i ns Lois \1oore Curl is .\1oss Oscar Riggs

    Glenn Roussell Barbara Rush

    ral~V Smilh Sam'Sm ilh Alma Thor nl o n, Secruary

    Barba.rfl Thurn lon Y",o ulle Coffev Pill WdlSl cr ' Linda Wrkh

    Carson Whil c Ft'llon EnnilS Mi ldred Whil e Clarenr.e William s

    NLSC Soul Society


  • Dan ny Lar}. Trea$ur(',T Gt:Orge McOulTis John T. I~' IQr

    Claud(' R.iilcv Ed B('II .! ;'lIues Cash. Vier PreS ld('Tll Liu.,y Chapman

    Pi Barn- [rll f! Sle\'~ F"rguson. Presidellt Vel'llon Fincher SigmaJam t':5 Grin,s. &Cretary


    Gene Radltu, Sccretaf)"-Treasurer

    Gefa rJ C"fbino, Pre5i.tir.1I1 Ferrill GnlL {' Alex Hayward

    BiJl\ Johnson Lao~~' Patl key Viclo'r Pichcl~up

    Alpha Psi


    FIRST ROW - Jo(' Jnaqu ill, Pr

  • Delta Omicron MEMBERS: Marlha Allen, (Trea.
  • Linda Smith Judy Winters

    Tina Baile\' Jan ice Bo~nell e Kalhll'en Bowler Vicki Oark

    Marlha Corbino Caro l Covington, Vice Presiden.t Martha (.(Ix Cheryl Crowson

    Donna Curry Li nda Ann Elslon Man Fosler

    Di~e Haik

    ArlI1 e Hanna Lillda Hines Beth Horne Margaref Horlon

    Jan JOM sion Evalinc Jones. Secretary Debbf KcJl~r Di:tic Kolb

    Gwen Lancon. President Nancy Leigh, Treasu.rer Wanda Manle)' Chris tiane McCarty

    Cylllhia Moore Shirley Odom Julie Perkins Eslher Reeks

    Alpha Lamda Delta


  • Presu1enl

    Phi Tau Gamma Donalri Aulds Brm:e Austin . Pres Ident Kalh~' (...arllon De-niSI' Cazt' na\'('

    Steph~n Coenen Sue Haynes Kay Howard Joa:nna Jolly

    Susan Luce, 1s Vice Mimi Morgan

    r('J l e~ Nash Bell), Nelson

    10 Ann NetLlps Gary Odam Linda Pomerleau,

    2nd Vice-Presidt;>fl.1 Charlolle Porter Lyneta Simmo ns

    Karan Stampl ey Regan Stinnette Clandia Tonr" Barbara UIlm'an. Trf';Q 5lJ rer Debby Ussery

    Phi Delta


    MEMBERS: Mike Blanchard, Pres. ; Danm' Himel. Vi ce Pres.; Arthur Nelson; Lynn Becnd; Ray "Benoi t; C. J. Goux; Allen Guidry; Ke(th Hanchey; Jer'ry Harper: Jim Harvey; Bill Hogsett; Gary Keaton; Bill Kl ein : Morris Rabb; Travis Re{"Ves; Bobb~' Robinson; Joe Ro!)('nberg: Garv Rulh~rford; Bill Standard; lohn Palmisano; Tom Bush; Al Davis; Bob Forte; Glynn Guerra; Lindburg Hefer!; Paul Lousteau; Dana Lomliere; Ken Mulhearn ; Je(rold Smith; Ronald Speyrer: David Reed; Mike Mur phy; John Berzas; Brian Boud; Tom Boone: Eddie Forde 10n; Gene Deason; Pete Dileo; Dean Duprp.; Bobby Dupre; Emerk Dupuy; Bob Eastin; Bill Forel; Mike Freeman; Buzzy Garner; Eddie Harlen; Daryl Harbott; John Hi ldenbrand ; ScoUy Irby: Ronnie l ohns; Tommy Kelly; Robert Kendriclcs; Edward Klein ; Neil laHaye: Ira Lasseigne: Stephen Lee; Pece Lamonte: Mike Lou viere; lack Mayberrr. Ray McDaniel; Terry Manerie: Holmes Millikan ; Brian Ortego; Jimmy Parrish; Jesus Ramos; Roddy Rodrigue; Lester Roan ; Mike Shephard; Terry Soileau; Ray Talbot; Lee lnoma.'1; Joe Vizena.


  • Sue Anderson Gary AudiJ'Sch Curtis Belcher

    George BuU oo:.:h Peggy Carnahan Maxine Crocke-II

    William F1eiso:.:haker Will iam Goodman Kathleen Hilf)o>rt

    Andre'~ Maline-r George Marks Cynthia Moore

    Donna Morris D

  • SLTA FIRST ROW - SecreIRl)' Millie King. SECOND ROW -Hislorian Nancy Peters; Presiden t Jean Mathias. THIRD ROW - Treasurer Cynthi a Paul; VicePresiden! DiaT\ne Du pree. FOURTH ROW: Parliamentarian Tim Baldwin.

    Christine Ackerman Barbara A oders Sheila Ashl ey Karen Atkin Vicki Anlds ]"bel Barr Selma Boothe l ohnnii': Bonlwell Catherine Bowers Myra Boyte Bette 8ro....1\ Linda Brown Nancy BW'ns Howard Cannaday Jaequelyn Cantwell laVon Chaddin Shirley Clark Lysheth Cockrell Joseph Constantino Virgillia Cook Wanda Cooper Teresa Costanz.a Katheryn Crawford Mildred Crawford Christin e Dahl Peggy DavU! Doris Day Jemcla Ed....ards lndilh Eichler Doroth y Ellerbe Belly Estes Charlotte Ferguson Martha Fore Margie Frazier Ou-isline Galland Patricia Callender Priscilla Gamble Joanne Grady Sandra Canl~r Nam:y Cholson Joan Gilchrist Linda Givens Co~nie Goldson

    Janel Gordo n ConstanCt! r\ash Shirley Graham Oll"i~linc ~''',"'h... Dianne Gra,' Arthur Halhrook Sheila Hale Anna Ham K;lf

  • Betty LaBorde. HiSlOn:an Car~ l Manin . Tn:(1.surer Sharon \tles t, Vice President

    Sue Barnes L... nne Barne\' Sheila Brumfield Belle B1"o..... n

    Shtrley Bleckoe Sarah CascIO Eveh'll Cris..... ell Gi nger Curry

    Tommie Davi:! Carla [ vall! P"U)' Gibh. S:lndra Gi~en 5

    Janice CrafT Mar~ha C riffin Pq;g)' Herlevie Judilh John son

    Kalhy Jones San&a Le ..... is F ranees Robinson Norma Ro!!ers

    Cecilia Sl'ruggs. Ashley SlovaJi Dorothy Williams Cynthia Wi tcher

    Donna Adal)ls, Representative Avelie Boudreaux Ivlene Cruse. Secreta,), Linda Fox

    National Collegiate

    Association for





  • Student Nurses Association

    Mciissa B~rr \' Debbv Buck;ler Cecelia A. Burns Diann Capl~

    Robb~'(" Collins

    BJ.rbara Couvillon Sue Crist Jennifer DaHs Stephanie Ou\is LinJa E).lerk.lml'

    Sller'~1 Fik... lalli ('..I': Franf'is. Via P,.,~) idenl Dian/\{' Gill Cht:ryl Graff TumlllJe Gra~

    LOIS Johnson Helen McAlmond, S(>cre lary Margarel McCusk er 8all,\.fic Mf'.I\-f:il Jam:l )lash

    SU';an Oxford Vickie PaUcrson Charloue Piltman KarelJ Pr i) \(K.l}, Reeder

    Mar~ Rivere Cora Robl~on Frie(\a Sadler Polly Sikes. Pre.~iden' \Va~dd A. Slaylr)ll

    Jean S lp ....arl RIta TabordOll Vickie Tauzin Donna Te~uc Palr;c;;a Til':! ,!,

    ]ani' Thnmas Sharon Thurmon Glt"nria Williams Sandra L. \t/.jUiams


  • Circle K

    MEMBERS: Mike Abington. Nl;:al Adams. Da~'id Carollo, Lawrencp. Chap m,)O , Mik e COrl, Jim CUlhhcrI , Wayne E~ .ms. And'lOny Fanara, Slephen f t: rguson. Wayne Ga rlin~. lon , Tom Garo, Ri t:hard Horn. nnddy Johnson. Max Keru , Neal King. KU!ily La\'ender, l\eil London, Victor fl.lichel , WjjJie Orihuda. Aaron Polk . Panl $cOli . Ken Vincent. Tom Walk cr, Thomas lie la BreIOllnp., B. B. Gibhs. Charles Haddox, Bruce McCormick, MerrUMillf:. f ...wk. POSI. William St-","ard. RoJland RUlk owski.

    Joel Aronson Gerard Curran. V,ce Pre,ident KoreYI Gole'1l3n

    NLSC Chess Rnbbi" Hop;ut' Club Roberl he~' GeraJd Lanchos

    r ole\' Nash Pet~ Renz, Pl"fsident Mk haeJ Srh."\fT

    NeaJ Adams

    Bill Bond. Presidtnl

    Larry Eason GreaterLuke fremin

    Dorm Council Donald Laneastt:r Richard Romero Bntce Soileau. Secretary. Trea.~ llrer Mik e Thompson Terry Turner, Vice Preside'lt


  • Joel AIl)nSOn Gerard CllrJ';'In, Vice Presiden.t Roberl Goltm
  • Cam, Ie Goux, President Will iam Klein , Vi,ce President William Hogselt . Secrtuuy Paul Cucchiara, TreoJurer

    American Pharmaceutical Association

    Girolamo Kiuman Gow. Gwelldolt n Barr Janice Gray Lynn Be(.:nel Jane' Gremillion Jean ~moil Marilyn GreeD Malhew Benoil AlJen Guidry GiJrord Birch Ferral Guillory Mi (.:hael Blanchard Gle:nn Gurn~ Jean Bordelon Jonathan Hanchey Roland Bordelon Jerry Harper T crry Bordelon George Harrigan Miehael Bourgeo is James Harvcy Alphe Bower Karen Haslauer Carol Brandt Jan el Hast e Thomas. Bush Linberg Hevm George Chanfl'e Earl Henderson Archie Chanvin John Hildenbrand Allie Conway Daniel Himel Dareie Couvillion William Hixon John Couvillion Joe Hogsell Riley Creel Wal lace Hu mphrey Jeff}' Crouse Bernard Jnmper Paul Cu (.:ehi.ara Kenn eth JO))o 50n Roy Daves Sidney John so n Alvin Dav is G Jeu n Juneau Goorge Debaillon Jo Kaufman Thomas DelaBrelonne Aubre~' Kay

    J~eph DonIe Gary Kealon Hilary Dugas James Kelley John Dugas Thoman Kelly Angela Duplantis Roberl Kendrick William Durhin John Kidder Richard Dun James Kirkwood Ellen Ellis William Klein James Evans Stephan y Knower David Ferson Michael Koster Willaim Forel Larry LaBove Robert Forie Dar') l lafleur Jan GaDann Alfred Landry Bonnie Gaudel James Landry M... k Clare, Lawrence Landry James Goodwin Ellis Lawrence Ralph Gordon Sleven Lee Carnile Goux Catherine Le....,is

    Devon Le"" is Michael Lillon Ronald Lounsberry Paul l.ousleau Dana LouviPIe Shehan McBride Kelly McCauley Howard Mt:Cleltand Kendall McDaniel Bernard McDermofl Kennelh McKneel) Bruce Mcleod Eil ee n Md...lahon Tyrell Manieri Erline MaTlin Ma;..: Marlin DaV id Marlinez DaVid Malherne James Menard In'm Mendoza Victor I'Ylichei Merrill Mille Cyrus MiUer Marion Milslead Carole Monlgomer~' Drema Montz Jeri Morrow James Morse Ramsey Moss Samir Mowad Kenneth MuU,earn Frederick Mullin Dan iel Murph) Suzan oe 'oles David Demand James Palmer John Palmisano Mary Parks Michael Penn ywell Lyneltc Poe Theo Rabb John Reed Jesse Reeves

    Travis Ree\ e!o L~ter Hoan Rober, Robinson Joe Rosenberg Man rice Rumbarger C"" RUlherford Daniel S

  • Fred 'Vilcox John Zilzmann George Harrigan

    Je:reme Alesi Archie Chau\' i,. Gary Collins Joe M. Du,.,. Terry Evans

    Joe Gibson Ralph Gordon Ki I) mal) Goux Edwin Guchereau Frank Hack

    Earl Henderson Woody Hill John kidder Jim Kirk >'ood Jacque Leche

    Harold Ue James Lowery Robert Luebkmrm

    Ke~ry MaCauley Mike McCrory

    Bruce I\kLeod Diaries Mitler Cyrus Miller Delton Moore James Morse

    5amir Mowad Jimmy Power John Reno Thomas 5hen"in James Smith

    Mike SleWaIl Freddy StraHon Gary Trosclair Phil Wallz Ronald Wells

    Kappa Psi

  • Phi Mu



    FIRST ROW - Tom de la Brelonne, (Pres.): .Joe \\'i liiams. {Sec.}; Robe rt Brashears. (Treas.); Mike Mannin{!, (V. Pres.); Bdl /'v1cElro\': Larry l\orris. SECO.'JD ROW - Tom Gor(J)a~; Louis Pylant; Ken Thompson : Paul McGhee: Herb Cupit. TH IRD ROW: Me G. Lowry Riggins.. (Ack):

    I\~/alter Huffman; FrP.d.dy Ze~lef : Pen} Bd!: Sle.. e JuLius; Phil ip l\1arshall .




    Tom Cunningham Peggy Griggs Lvnn f$om K'"y King

    Alice Lackey Gwen Lancon Max Lightsey Nancy Nun)s

    Gary Pool Drc;lda P().'\l'y Dorothy Rane} !\brgarel RUHle

    Sarah Barnell Dennis Coleman Johnny Cook

    Rand ~' Sledge Kathy Williams


  • Don .\1It'n Sand~' Burton

    Linda Welch Sieve Twninell o

    Robert Cramcr Mel Crist()ralo Anthol) Fanara

    Wilma Gajnc

  • Jack Barron Donnie Crew, ~creta,)'"1'reasurer Sue Faught


    Jan e Phillips . PrefWenl David Hoark Thomas Smi th

    Agronomy Club


    Science Linda Fox.

    Paula Griffith Sheri Jones Gai.1 OtwellClub

    Modern Dance


    FIRST ROW - Jjil Hla\'3IY. Karen Schwend . Candie Thompson, Joanna Jolly. and Kay King", SECOND ROW - Mimi Morgan , Lynn (som. Linda LeSrera. and CO'l.ette Pyle. THIRD ROW - l o1iene Knapp. Sara Lewis , and Betty Holloway.


  • Mon a Acos ta Belt)' Baldwin Linda Chapm an

    Dnnn\' Clemen I Dann~ Creel J. Eddie Dawd~ Walter fi kt" .

    Ronnie Haves Doyle Jink ~ Michael R. Lamb Jimmy Le wis

    Pennv rvJcAlmond Larr; 5.:a nders Bi lly'Shaidnagle Wi ll-iam K. Taylor

    Diane Dees Julia C. Earl Sue Faught Louise Harris

    Kaye Landers Harry D. Slewart Kathy Williams Maxin e Wrighl

    Chris Dahl Diane Dees Randv Fulle-r Marv'E. Horne Keit'h Kirby

    Linda Loper Rened \ tarti n Carv Richardwn Paul Tat lor Susan Wible










  • Vernon Ca nl\~ cl l Ol ivia





    Jessie Hinton Ella Kelley. freQ,slI.rer

    Wanda ManLev .l ark C. '\'/Qh l~ \\1enfJell Plain SUUlnn t: \ 1ar lio

    ,\.fitcbell Templ eton Wayne Ta)!ur

    Geographical Jack 8al'l'on, Vice Pre5,:dell/. Kay Heck, PreJ idcnlSociety James McGowen Frank Mari(:hr

    Jim Plirger:son Thomas RandersChris lianson Charlene T3lum




    RL - Marshall S immolls: Jim WiUiamsi Terry Conroy; Nick Ruffin ; Bruce Southern ; Ne

  • Jeanie BorJf'lon Peggy Chalelrun Marilvn 0 111.. dv Dilln;'., Doiro~ Ellen Ell is Virgima Fran!...s

    Bonnie Gaudet Janel Gremillion Susie Green , Vice P,e3 j d~rll Janice Gray Virginia Harvey

    Karen Haslaoer. Historian Janel Haste Jo Kaufmfl ll Stt'phany Calh} Le Kappa


    Erline .Martin h aneine McKeh-c,' Eileen ~fcMaho n . Chaplain Drr::mtl. Mo ntz, Purliamenwria.n Cuole MOJl t~oLnery

    Liuda Moore Suzanne Noles janirc Perrodin Nanc, Pitlel"le Rose;"ary Sherrod

    Penny Su ngy. Trea.~urer Barbara S,lllTord Beek} TroegJe Charlene Verdier. Sac':Q.l Chairman MaurP.en V{lcke

    Jani s Wi lhA.nks Mary Winegardner Barbar01 Williams Edn01 Yee Pal Yee:

    Ron AUeu James Hickv Beta Roselie Ove'rhy Ph\,Uis White Ro'nald White Sigma


  • Jea ni E' Bord~ lon Peggy Chatelain Marilvn DawdY

    Dian~(' Ellen Ellis Vil'gini3 Fra nk s

    BonniE' Gaudet Jan et Gremillion Susie Green, V,:ce Presuumt Janice Gray Virginia Han e~'

    Kare n Haslauer , Hisl.orja.n JaneL Haste 10 K~ufm an Stephan'f Kno",er Cath., Le""is Kappa


    Erline MarLin Francine McKt:h'ey Eileen .\1cMilhon. Chaplain Drema MOIll7., Parllam~nla, rio.n Caro le Montgomery

    Lind" Moore Suzanne Noles janirf> Perrodin Nanc\' Pillerie Rose:nruy Sherr()d

    Penny Song'!'. rre(Wurt.r Barbara S lalTOl'd Beek'f T roegle L"harle ne Vt.rdit:r , Social Ch.airman Mauref:n V(Ie\.. e

    JauiS Wilbanks Mal} Winegardner Barbara Williams Edna Yee Pat Yee

    Ron AlleJl James Hick \' Beta Roselie Ov;rby Phyllis White Ro'nald Whill' Sigma


  • Panhellenic Council

    Carolyn Ballard. Secretary Alpha Omicron Pi

    Sarah Cascio Alpha Omicron Pi

    Judy King Alpha OmicrOlI Pi

    SU3ari Maxwell a1a Tau Alpha

    eymhia Meth vin. Trea.suru Zeta Tau Alpha

    MiUicenl Parks. Presilkru Phi Mu

    Sharon Roberts Kappa Delta

    Leigh Russell Phi Mu

    Gay Sandefur. Vice PreJident Kappa Delta

    Linda Szivos Zeta Tau Alpha

    Donie Walters Phi Mu

    Beth Wiggins Kappa Della


  • Have you decided what to pledge? No, they're all so nice ... Hey, Jim - check out the one in red Damn, what wheels The rushees are coming, the rushees are coming ... Jo Ann, put down the beer, sweet ... And this is the trophy we won for ... We'll have to take her, her aunt is a charter member ... That's the third house where they're second in scholar ship ... Oh, hell, not another ice water party ... That last group wasn't too friendly ... Does anybody know this girl? She has a 3.9 average and five recs ... Does she drink - pledge her ... We've just got to make quota ... Good, it's time to leave ... Let's stop for a brew . . . I'm tired.


  • Interfraternity Council

    Frank Anzalone, Kappa Sigma Dan Baldwin. Tau Kappa Epsilon David BurketL. Sigma Tau Gamma S teve eahn. Zeta Beta Tau Tomm}' Calicchio, Theta Xi

    Tom Chalifoux. Thera Xi Corresporuljng Secretary Bob Col lins, Tau Kappa Epsilon Richard Easl. Kappa Alpha Horace Elkins. Karpa Alpha Recordilrg Secretary Joe Pa1 GibSQn, Sigma Tan GamJI'3

    Jim Goodwin. Tau Kappa Epsilon Marshall Halbrook. A('..aeia Bob Hoover. Theta Xi Pre.sidp.ra l....arT)" Landry. Tau Kappa Epsilon Jimmy Map. Kappa Alpha

    Don Meder, Theta Xi Tom i\otiddlclon, Acacia Mike No !au, Sigma Tau Gamma Andy Pro;;o",ski. Theta Xi Bob "Rowau, Kappa Alpha

    Ste ...e Searey, Kappa Sigma Jay Semelma;;her , Zeta Beta Tau Sau l Shar e. Zeta Beta Tau TO\l ~' Simoes. Theta Xi farris Sittig. AcacIa Treasurer

    Sam Smith, Acacia Kenny SPf'M, KapfXl Sigma Vice-President Tom Ware, Sigma Tau Gamma Tommy White, Ze!a Beta Tau Mike Wynn, Kappa Alpha


  • 149

  • What's happening this weekend ... A little CI action ... Let's go, ELI'S COMING - DOWN ON THE CORNER ... Linda, have you seen my date - she hitchhiked back to the dorm??? Teach me to do the FUNK\ CHICKEN!!! Oh, the music stopped ... Where's my damn fifth that girl drinks like a fish . . . Who snaked my date - Oh, there she is - Hey, remember me ... Where's the orgy - in the jungle, I think. Is the jungle juice free, too? Man, get together with yourself . . . The bartender just cratered ... Rack Time.


  • 151


    . \JeLc::n~

    PAT ~_. BOONE 1iijIIc=~

  • -'

    \ \


  • First Annual Kappa Sigma-IFC

    Charity Bowl Ends in Tie


  • 15.

  • Kappa Delta and Zeta Tau Alpha

    Win Powder Puff Football Game


  • -\ ''':'''.

    -- "



  • T,m Bl.idw'n Von ce Be.>urq;'''] .lim Boyl.,.

    Hcn~ Bndgoeoo

  • Acacia

    Torn M,ddlaon Md Mut'l(h

    ~e,' Patl l:~y Kuh, P";"c

    G..:ne R,.:uu Cle ft Klchll'(bon

    Jtod~' RO~"1 J_IWb,ruon

    Kal Sia,,~I~ rarris Sln~ [b" 5m!h John 5m,1h

    S- Smi.h R.eo;an 5, .., .... , JO( 'Nose wtlue


  • Otr,! Achrm:\n Dl.. nM AW!l1! Do:>n~ A.tu., . s,.nd~ Adams o..bbie AndelWn She ... ,e Rol l u.-oIvn 8.:.1I..,d

    Ed,.. &nnell Ann 9 ... lOna:Kh c...ot 8rrarodt 1.00 " Bn.:If1."9 K>lh!.(> V..oki Olri. G.J CooJ.." Kal Ne ex... Ali , on (,,-, n lh ~'" Johnn,e ClO!by

    Cknl C,-ow~n Or"; Dohl Robbi e Oowo..llI 8ev. rly 00",,, '1;

    P~l b Fol k Conni~ Cibo .. " (l.,bbic G

  • Alpha



    1'01....... tAlu COY1'\(' 'hnya Cr ..h"", DIan.,.. c..: ,,, .. Co lho:nne G."fO'""' Je.n C",bbe

    "n~ I-bnna Ikbb,t Har...on K..Vet1 H ... L, " e1' " Hi~ "'no;b H"'et SoLn ol .. Hud.on

    PMI ktlliFIIIl

    Kw hy Jonu

    JI),I\ K.n!

    Mi",~ K~ 1..,*. Konei mlty

    J e.n~. Kut...&&;, C"'en u.ncon V,ckle tAI .d

    ~lIIlu.,. ff'hcie, ParD Mills Kerry M"pI.~ Donn. N." I Slll~ :-; ....., ... Sn.rl~ Othn

  • 0.-..... .\I't"-"ron~ Tornm. Ctl ,~cb O() Tom O> ~ltrQU.\ Pal ("'.3.b

    [):,., ('",l ". M~I C".lOfido Lu-", ( ldo: l'! J..e f':' 'lC ,olo

    P~IP [3.,11. R(lI:cr H' ," lOOnd Cy HolI"l~y Rob ll (oO'l

  • Theta Xi

    Joo- PH.~ G,% p, togno "",,,.I. Proro.... sk, Fr:.nkh~'

    1JrueQlI I:.d Vlt~ Rohttl 'i'.'i e,,,,,


  • MAbf'f 1 14 Id" ,n P.". I\uke. G..",IJ n ... b

    Jr>llll e...W Cil (hn: l, W,I b< C:>mp bdl

    D."J ' .. 'V"n!

  • Kappa Alpha

    Jd f H... ~(... rl':ln~ H~nnv" RMI'I'~ Hanel, f)(, O~,,~JI H ~nd ('l'lOJ n KI'n H.>I. Hu! H" .. (li

    K'TI ,..... " ".,., H..... hel I" ..... tt oc ko_n Paul l..>~. , ,,,,,,~ c.h"n Le... 0..',.1 I.... ,"","..

    J./IO ' .. ...m JoM \..."nN'~ J,mm. ~h ..,

    n..!~ MtG ..Or Do n ~d"'v [b.... "I(t..: .... ...~

    I,m \.I OoOI"t J...... n R"bo n."n Ilo. b RQ'.. n JoI m", s.""f!

  • .~an Allen KfAil .... !"N"~ ~"""'I B",..d

    SI>e.I, Bulk..s..nd", ('.vner Sc. ndrd Comeu

    5, ....... Conv ..,.~ Carol Co.~~" S..,....1n~ 0...,.

    Debb,f DuBo,~ K .. eo, Du8.,;..

    ~.., "'IU'\&~

    J ..... n.e r urLow

    S.vol. C.,d!I;1 S ... ilr~ G.lm~,

    ~u.rt'" Crcm.ll"'rn H. , ~ SuI.... Ham'" (J....dil Hor"."

    C"... d .. Hai,hom "'an> H .... ingln M..~hs lir'4n,.,.


  • Kappa Delta

    'Uncw Holm(:$ :>he.... Hwl'!' IA."" Ho .. al'd' c.... ..1 .iup.e, F..,d. len,,,,,,

    .4.n "" J .",~ f".Ao"I ~ I..." ,,.

    ~It.y).mn ~U'l'" , ....''5 -il......... 10 ll do

    Sv l,' ,," J.. "",

    s,.."""" Ktlk~;> Le,~ P,~..-.e L",,, Cv,,1 Mo n in

    s...""""~'h" s..,,,,, Ma~,, ~ 11 Sue ... \1 ~1\eI" J........ Md~(':I\ll'

    M~rT' Mill"'el" ,\bAA" N""I K...1.'y" O'Donnell Onoh J>.t'\'

    Mar. A""e P Rw.. ,

    ~ ..... I noho.n'"">

  • ~k~ "n~", Fl")nk A ... lIv .w T@rllrJl' Bo.l .. M,h BL. ''''rgroerr

    ~ lev~ 8r.r.~ Slt"~ Orand l.".

    Jd'f 0 .,.1 Jolm Oct'W"" WalltO'" Dlnkrn. 0..... r"",,", lam l;< r""" Bill C"'I~an

    Ce"" G~.gan K~, Gu.1I 0t' [)..:k,o Hand.r J.m Han'" lun Hay.unl r.l H."",...,]

    r.1I~(Y 1 H..",,--or: lI"b l't l Hdm SIe>'P Ut nd A, kr n

  • Kappa Sigma

    F",nL Set", J"n 51."1(1, ""

    P('Ir Smfl'no

    Ibn 5"'11111

    1"""",y5""III ( ' .... 1 $pal, D.J~,J 5p~" AuI'! s,..e" ..

    J.... S, .... jl: l j

    Jer rY s"l'f' lc

    H. ",ld Turn .. lJ,.yd W"

    Ro~ ~'hIt1 I1 'ioi1u" .....n \J,'o.....


  • ')."w,a Al",:I . P~ln.,," "-gLn !)-.hh, Aln"nd", LI'nne S:.-nos jov",' ACalhy (;1(.,,,11('.'1b,~ (:'mpL'" EI",a J ~ Ch'p""''' S''''M c..,als Knol' Cooper-

    Llllr', (001' .... V>uv,U" "

    t.loh l r,m

    J"" n D:t,.,.

    Kar en Dr.per

    '\"1;").' Duplan! ," K~ye En,.\~r,;cr

    H'1' ~ [ ... 'n ~

    G.,I Fa"n;n~

    F3~" Fb.unopn

    Kalhv rr~,,~ h r",,,,,,. GIll I"" ~y Ter'" Gr""n I),ant Gmwffi

    furb",~ [.1 (11"1'1 ' 1

    Ek llell"II""lY 1"",,1 Hood M3gpe 14"",,,\ P,nk .. H"""ph",,~ M.... " "n Hunt


  • Phi Mu

    Jail.. ........" , .... 5,....... 1..:> ... \1ovtu ""I".." C:Ir...J, ,, ftb ...rli

    S,~nn" M~~" I.... nd:>. /tk""L' 1

    ('"",,, McO"II ",.rl lob .....,... .. MdA'e"'c r

    "h , he ))~ MeCceV

  • J:un C.~nlne'

    j f", 1'. , (; Ibi..,n \\,\ " ( ;il~r l S3II1m, C"lr..1Ii

    Smo,l:.... .. , .. "omonl' c...."'" 0.,,,1 H:un..on

    IbI..l-b~ ~fland 1I ,,h",1 Anbb- Hell,n


  • Sigma Tau Gamma

    ilill Ja~b"" Tom 1,,,,.',

    F". n~[

  • 0" " lhldwm C.,..1>,. r.+h~J fII,,,,h (.3r! "'("l[':nl

    L\r>r,t (,,,,1.Sob C(l llrll~ Em rlI M"",,"


  • Tau Kappa Epsilon

    \\'ay ll ~ r""L/" ..

    JIm C(.'

  • Pau l I}.;" ",,~ Ooud", fl. O'n 51 ... .. ('.I "~

    v.r:>' o.n!e s,.....oel ne,,~ht!r lI a""'''' KAufm ...


  • Zeta Beta Tau

    10M Ken. loe Ken. M.. ](".-n MonlJ I,..ockh."

    Or."Id ",."",;' 1 ....... . ~\Owr EJ:h,,,d l4on'onr Ph,oI'r P_1'O

    1170 So,:k....,.. Sloe";'.,. 5o; h..-anz hv Sern:lmach.,.

    ~I Sbo.e

    Vi c Sle!'ll~n, fUndy T.~l Tcmmy Who" JOM Woo,!,


  • Sandy tlu r1 0n Debb", BUllerO ... d>~ C1a....,on Soma (.
  • Zeta



    Pam ~Com>jck DoM. MI:dr.! Palne w /l{er. k:!' C~nll"". Melbv;" K..ll.yn Myrirk Carolyn O'Nsl

    Ma~""1 Pal_. Miti.... Poole Ann P",IQ Naney Pou~ C3.0dy fupilnON Anne R.tzl7.Jre;

    Mo..., RtdJ Sbe ...f{l Robt:,h Eliub


  • Cheerleaders



    Kathy French and Ty Ledet

    Cindy Oubre and Steve Rf'ddy


  • Miriam Poole and Charles Macht"n Ann~ Bullard and John Sih;erberg


  • Dixie White's Tribe had a streak of bad the 1969 season. Five players were side

    attacks of hepatitis and several others because of injuries.

    the team only won one game, the I nset or tied thirty-one ind ividual records with seven team marks. Quarterback Mike

    and place kicker Clark Blake each eseight records and halfback Joe Profit

    Safety Wayne Mathern e and punter accounted for three records apiece

    AI Miller set the remaining two records. Aarons, Way ne Matherne, and Joe Profit selected to the Coaches 1969 All-GSC

    all the troubles that the Indians enduring the season, they managed to

    for every game a nd to play some exciting . The players gave lOOper cent in

    contest and prospects are bright for next

    Discooragemen I

    A liulc "pepotalk 0, before the game.

    Concern Reality

  • CHARGE' Can I go ill now coach. huh. call l?

    1969 INDIA NS

    Billy Hendrix Bi ll Dolson


    NLSC opp 3 Texas at Arlington 17 7 Quantico Marines . 20 10 Northwestern 28 7 Chattanooga ........ 12

    21 McNeese ... . .. -42 10 Southeastern . .. .. . ... 20 7 USL .. 9

    24 Pensacola Navy 28 31 Delta Stale . . . . . . . . . 7 6 Louisiana Tech . 34

    Head Coach Dixit' While Ra.lph 1.ane Wallacr~ Hargon 185

  • Indians V5. Chattanooga

  • Indian Wayne Mathern e after intercepting a pass. Trthe spiri t.

    Joe Profit. Hallhack Wayne Matherne. Safely Clark Blake. Place Kicker Ronnie leBlanc. Defensive Back

    Gil Matherne, Taektc ScOlt)' Nealy. Center Tom Miller, PunIer Carl Pitre. Fullback


  • Charl es Poisso. Linebackel' Don Ryder. HaU'back Sieve Brasher, Linebacker

    Clift on Lombas. Lin ebacker Ro~er & ...'man. Taekle Jack Fraser , flank er

    Mike Audir;'lch. Quarterback Jimmy Leonard, Dt-fensive Back

    Monly Moncrief, Guard

    Indian halfback WII)' ne Malhcrne

  • Tribe !lurroWlds oppositIOn.

  • Ronnie Boufln~ux, Defensive Back Jim Clark, End Ross Da\'is. Taekle

    Ken Ellender, Linehacker Sl.eve Gilchrist. Cenler Rudolph Hargis. Quarterback

    Joe Profit in a run against Pensacnla Navy,


  • AI MiUer. I::nd

    Roy Peters, nd

    Van Lambert. Fulloock

    Jimmy Aarons, Gu.'U'd

  • Northeast Indians against Toch 8uJldogs

    I I ,

    Lloyd Wax., Defensive Back

  • Jim Powe U. Tackl e

    The Taste of Victory!!! Jerry Vega, End


    Kei lh Moncrief. Halfback Garry Mc En tyre. End Dan T rade .....elL TackIe

    Ben 'reekeU. Halfback A]Je D Taylor, Defensi ve Bac k Ernte Roussel, Guard 195

  • GSC Record NLSC OPP.

    86 . .. Southweslern . . . . .. .. . . 100

    107 . . . . . . . . . . Louisiana Tech. . ' . ... .... 106

    106 ...... ... ..... Southeastern . . . . . . . . . . . 86

    86 .. .. .. ... ... North western.. ... .. ..... 81

    70 . . . . . . . . McNeese. . . . . . . . . . . 59

    100 . .. ......... Nicholls Slate. .. ... . . . 83

    63 . . . . . . . ... McNeese. . . . . . . . . .. 64

    74 ..... . . . .. . Louisiana Tech. . . . . . . . . . . .. 87

    92 .. . Northwestern. 89

    100 ... Southeaslern .... . . .. . . . 88

    72 . . . . . . . . . . . . Nicholls State. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 74

    87 Southwestern .. ... . . ...... . 85

    Head Coach Len ny F'

  • Northeast Cagers Won District 30 NAIA Playoffs - Ranked in esc

    During the 1970 season Northeast 's cage team, coached by Lenny Fant and Jim Mahoney experienced one of its finest seasons in the histo,)' of the school. The Tribe ended with a 209 record and ranked in the Gulf States Conference.

    By upsetting Dillard and Louisiana College in the Dis trict 30 NAIA playoffs, the Indians earn ed the right to participate in the NAIA national tournament in Kansas City, Mo. The Indians advanced to the second round by defeating Linfield College of Oregon 7872. However the Tribe fini shed the season with a 9083 loss to Jackson State.

    Northeast players broke three GSC and eight school records in the campaign. Henry Steele and Roger Stock ton were named to the a11esc basketball team.


  • Indians " Pow Wo ..... . , lor ad\';('~ rrom Coach Lenlh f anl.

    Don fi sher Jessie aurn~ll j>

    Ibrri:s i rll:na..~~ fhe Indians' scor('.

    Action in Trihi> Opt-ner 98

  • Andrew Harr!!;

    Harris prepares to pa"i~. Gar~ Armslrong


  • Thf.' name 0 1' the !,:ame 15 jump.

    SaulieD t!/:IV t"S the hall rur the Trihe.


  • FiH1S enlhll~ iils t kally s upport IndIan !!.

    Larry S'lUhl'rs in acl ion.

    1.t~3 Ier WYail HOf;l'r S tockton 201

  • Henry Sieck

    Larry SaulLers


  • Thf' SeMon begin5.

    John Hammons

    Larry 5.1uit f' rS tries fo r two. Andrew HArris l ak f'~ a breather.

  • " ,, ' , i-=f ~ t

    , r t ,


  • F OS ICf scampers 10 get away.


  • Henry Sleele

    A layup by r\ rldrr. 'o\' Harri~,


  • Bill Snellings (44). and Henry Stcelc (42).

    Go for two . . . Go for 1.....0 . . Larry- Sauhcrs

    Dave rarrell John ll.1.lIaru!t" Phil Jtl.ekson


  • Baseball Team Wins esc and

    NAIA District Championships

    Northeast had one of its greates t baseball teams in 1969. one that posted a 2511 record , won its fow-th e ulf S tates Conference title in six years and took its second straight NAIA dis trict title.

    Superb pitching and defense and gr eat cl utch hitting by Larry Turner, Wayne Burney and a succession of lowaverage batsmen who came through in the la te innings were the big faclors in the great sea son. Kenn y Roussel (72, 1.63) and Tom Brown (82, 2.11) were alleSC and Brown made alldis trict. Rookie Mike Thompson (63, 1.83) was the team's best hurler over th.e last half of the vear and Van Pardue (33, 2.09) pitched a nohitter. Turner hi t .353 to lead Ihe esc and was chose n the league's most outstanding player. Wayne Burney hil .293, Skeeter Boyd .278 and Johnny Holleman .247, Burnev was also alleSC.

    Nob~dy else hit over .220 but the Indians got th e hits when th ey were needed. A good example was the district playoff aga inst Sou th ern Uni versity when the Indians won the first game, 4 2, on a two run horner by Rob Smith (.183) with two out in tbe ninth and took the second, 5-4, in the 13th on a s ingle by Mitch Thompso n (.220).

    #I~' # I ..


  • FIRST RO\V Mike Thompso ll, Johnny Holleman, Skeeter Bo Yd. Rob Smith, ROlmie ' Husser ,

    Tomr)l ~ Huff, Skt'elel' L,,5U120 . -SECOND HOW -Wavne BUTnt:v, Kennv ROl;SSel, Mitch . Thomp~(ln'. Cooter Le ndrd, Pal Malh erne, SL e~e McDowel!,

    Barr~ Amedee. THJ RD ROW - Student Coach David Da\' is, LaTT' TUIn er, Bi'II)' Hannah: \'a~ Pardue. Dann ), ROllf'-SeL Mike Kit cov ne. Dickie Keith, Tom B;o .... n, Assistant Coach Lou SI. Amlin!.

    Co"ch Bill Dotson Assisla{l l Coach Lou 51. Amant


  • Barry Anlf:dt~t' - Third BaH:man - Mosl I mprm l~ 1

    V.IO PanJu~ - Pitf:her Mike Kilcoyr1 e - Firs t

    Kenny R(lu3SeJ - AU esc - Pit r:her

  • Larry Turner - OUlr.elder - All GSC. MVP Dick ie Keilh - Pilcher Bill~ Hannah - Ou.fielder


  • Johnn } HoUeman - Catcher

    Dann \, Roussel - Pilcher

    ~. 21

  • Wayne Burnf:Y - Firsl Baseman - All CSC, Co.Caplain

    2 14 TtmllllY Huff - ~(:f)m l Baseman

  • Mikl' Thompsotl - Pildlt'f


  • 1969 Track OUTDOOR :vlEET RESULTS

    /fleet Place

    White Oak Lion's Club ............. 2nd All College Meet . . . . . . . . . . . . lst Stephen F. Austin Relays ... . ... . ... lsi Quadrangular Meet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l si Quadrangular Meel . . . . .......... 1st Texas Relays .. Northwestern Relays . ... . .. . .. . Triangula.r Meet. . . . . . . lst Northeast Invit a tional ............... 1st Gulf States Conference .. .... . .. .. ... lsi

    56 70 90

    Jull Ro .....doo and Syh-eslcr McKinm:y 2tb

  • FIRST RO\l,' - Assi~lan l Cuach \\I,dl;lJoe Pr()fil wiJl ~ a 100 . 217

  • SylvtSler McKin ne) a,;d Joe Ross i ll mile r .. lav.

  • Larry Beebe

    John CUlhbertson Joe Ross

    John HoJljn~:;wor l h


  • J~ rr Rowdoll

    Sy lves lel' McKinney

    Rithartl BruwlI

    \1ark Hart 220

  • Mihon
  • Greg Falk


    Jimm .1' \\'nllnce

    f.a ry l'rw lhomlJw

  • Rick y Lacy


    Richard Polk

    JOt' l'roiil F'n'd,ly Pllilk y


  • FIRST ROW - Bill Scllmirll . ,.\1 berl LcCoJI Ra \' CU l'I1 aJut') . Team C;Jpl El in Ruben' Villalobos. Glcn Vcna lor, OIake V irlri'h~. SECOND ROW - .\1 anud Hinojos. RonnieMarlin , Steve- Lund. Chuck M.inj. ca , David Taggal'l . Toshio 0 1!)shi. gymnastics a5!iSL
  • The "pointed or V support" exhibited by Ruben Villaloboe. ........---

    A "back" accuted by Blake yw:frine. 225

  • A "planche" exhibited by Bill Schmidt.

    2210 A "hands tand " on the horixont al liar by Steve I.und.

  • The "here out" demon!ltra.ted by Chuck Minica. rr--~__------~

    r I J

    - ..- .. -~-- .. ~ ~~+-- ....... -Tr -. __+ .......

    - ." .... ~~ .... t....;:i, ;-.~

    .. :.-:.. _~....:..-~ .....1.,. C1.. ta._ .. -"r.,~ A "front sc.ale" ck,monetraloo by Ronnie Martin.

    The "L Cross" exhibited by Ray Carnahan. 1be ."Olympie ocr' demonetrated by David Tagg&rt. 7

  • Golf Team Placed Second in GSC RECORD: 501 in dual play, :Lnd in GULF STATES CONFERENCE

    Dual Match at Monroe, La .. ..... ........ ...... ..... ...... . NORTHEAST 21, Moorhead (Minn.) State O. LSU Invitational, Baton Rouge, La..... . ...... . . . .. .... ........ NORTHEAST 7th in field of 24 with 876. Dual Match at Thibodaux, La ...... .... .. . .... . . ... . .. . . . .. ........ NORTHEAST i6, Nicholls State 11. Dual Match at Natchitoches, La. . ...... .. ... . ....... . ............... NORTHEAST 9, Northwestern 9. Dual Match at Ruston, La................ . ... ... . . . . ... . .. ....... NORTHEAST 14, Louisiana Tech 13. Dual Match at Monroe, La.......................................NORTHEAST 21 Y2, Southwestern 51'. Murray State Invitational, Murray, Ky ......................... NORTHEAST 1st in a field of 11 with 585.

    GULF STATES CONFERENCE TOURNAMENT at Ruston, La. .. . .. Louisiana Tech 876, NORTHEAST 877, Nicholls State 894, McNeese 895, Southwestern 898, Southeastern and Northwestern 903.

    Tommy Carter Tom Miller


  • Eddie Green - tied (or 10th io GSC Tournament

    Terry Peddy - lied (or 1st in esc Tournament. all esc.Brad Lo"'1her


  • David Jones, Jim Shelhy, Padge Bolton, Pat O'Reilly, and Dusty Miller.

    Tennis Team Third in esc The Northeast Indian tennis team finished the '69

    season with third place in the Gulf States Conference Tournament which was held in Monroe.

    The individual records for singles were - Padge Bolton: 48; Pat O'Reilly: 66; Dusty Miller: 7 4; Jim Shelby: 84; David Jones: 75.

    In doubles the teams of BoltonO'Reilly and JonesMiller were GSC semifinalists.


    RESULTS: 55 in dual matches, 3rd in GSC

    Southwestern 6, NORTHEAST 1, at Monroe .. Stephen F. Austin 4, NORTHEAST 2, at Monroe. NORTHEAST 5, Louisiana Tech 2, at Monroe. NORTHEAST 6, Nicholls State 1, at Thibodaux. McNeese 7, NORTHEAST 0, at Monroe. NORTHEAST 7, Northwestern 0, at Natchitoches. McNeese 5, NORTHEAST 2, at Lake Charles. Southwestern 4, NORTHEAST 3, at Lafayette. NORTHEAST 5, Louisiana Tech 2, at Ruston. NORTHEAST 7, Southeastern 0, at Hammond. GULF STATES CONFERENCE TOURNAMENT AT MONROE: McNeese 45, Southwestern 32, NORTHEAST 17. Louisiana Tech 14, Nicholls State 5, Southeastern 1.


  • Oust)' Miller -

    David Jones - esc s.emifinaliet

    23 1

  • Campus



  • 213

  • 234

  • Badminton




  • Basketball


  • Football




  • President George T. Walker


  • State Board of


    M>-s. A. O. Smith

    w. E. Whetston", Ik lloyd M. W

  • Fred L. Tannehill , President

    Robert H. Curry ]e8se Ban kston 1. Marshall Brown Louis Michot


  • James M. Nicholson . Executive Vice President

    Or. Glenll F. Powers, Viu Preside/It for Academic Affairs

    Dr. J. B. Wooler, Dea./t of Gradu.ate School

  • Herman Sigler, Deon. of Student $entices

    William Laird , Alu"Uli &creuzry Jame5 F. Hawk ins. Direclor of Financial Aid (lnd PI.qcemeru


  • Ramona Wigley, Counselor to WOnlen 511u1ents


  • ThomWi Murphy, Assistant Deon of Men

    Jim Haddox. Director of Housing


  • 248

  • l..arr~ Bonner, Business Manasu



    Willia.m Marchoonk. Dirt'fuJf of

    $a:urily utul Safel),


  • .Maud Bentrup, Librornw

  • Or. Lake C. Oxford, Director of i fl.$titUlional ReJearch

    Alma Lufc~. Assula.flt RegUtrar


  • School



    Dean D. Delbert Vin es


  • Department



    Will T. Smith John L. LuIfey Paul R. Robichaux Bernard T. K.1.ylor

    lk MacH C. Wilkie 253

  • Department



    Robert C. Lake

    Thomas W . ChCltham Robert L. Robinson


  • Department


    Economics and



    Dr. Patricia Garland Mohamed A. FUlayyeh Thomas R. McCano Ed L. H opu,eh

    l}Qoald R Walers

  • Department ~~~~'iiii: of

    Economics .----and


    256 Dr. George v . Lallnt'y


  • Department


    Management and


    Or. Van C. M.:Craw - Head

    John P. Dunn May nard M. Doleched Ray f . AIIIl t:r James M. MI"B('lh

    BiU H. Chastain


  • Jack Y. Pursiful l Hamlet R. Carter

    Henry M.

    I...,)\....son Sweari ngeo 258

  • Department of

    Office Administration

    Dr. RUlh A. Bruner - Head

    I'" \

    Carolyn Ladner Carol Stigall Joyce Burkhalter

    Shirley Robbin! Gloria Branll~y Sandra McKav Howard W, Morton


  • School of Education


  • - Department






    Dr. WaUace- L. Jones

    Anna L. Ham

    Dr. T. Euge ne Holl2cJaw

    Virginia Harf!rove

    .' :''. ; ,.'/ ,/" .


    '. . ' /1.\.... ..,i . , .


    . , . , 261

  • Dr. Robert E. Ward

    Dr. MerriU S. Nicklas Dr. Doo W. Lock~ Dr. James E. Sullivan

    Dr. Marshall D. lloyd

  • Department of

    Health and

    Physical Education

    Ah'a S. Huffman - Head Dr. Charles R. Buck

    Dr. FMI D. Speight! James Booth

    , ,-;a

    Dr. A ..rtlmr R. Adams

    Henry W. Boyles


  • Dr. MarY," E. 50uctlt' rIl

    Or. A!bt'rc Holh Skr Charlt"'S Marcin hmt'S T. (.oats

    Dr. Bil1~ J. Arringtoll Dr. Barr~' John.

  • El msI'" C. SllInhop.'

    Department of


    Dr. Edward Deckard

    r.uf!,e ne \\: . Sleinques!

    Dr . Wilrord O. Smlfh

    Gerlrude M. Sa nd rod, 265

  • Dr. James Gille)pie Florence Z. Allbritton Don DaGradc Dr. ErIlesl Har riss

    John C. Bntgin John C. Calc


  • ,

    Department of Psychology

    Or. Erncst G. Maple::. 26J

  • -.---:::iiii...._~




    Dr. Wayn e M. Gilbert

    Dr. l...oui$ E. McGuire


  • Department




    Dr. Le .... eUc HaYflt:S - Head John R. Morella

    Eris Ginn

    Donald Joyner

    Dolph McClc~h Harold f . Lewing

    Berlen Heck


  • School of



    Dean Fran k Morgan


  • Dr. Jerry O. Holmes Theda Birdsnng Dr. Le...\s M. McKneely

    Mona 1\.1. Acos ta





  • Bob A ndersoll Tod Holmes

    Jim Evers A. \~/. Washington Virgi ni a B~J;

    Louise Harris :'ielwy n Biek lt:y

    J(:ssie Lock hart


  • Department





    Or, Wolfram Chanh)

    Dr. Hazel Mllchcll


  • Anneues Hayward Marie \'\-'al son


  • Department of Military Science


    LSG James T. Boone

    I II \taj. D.arlt!! Wascom SSG Rillph Hcm,:nw:lY


  • ~ f-/ frr I

    Maj . Donald Jolly ~1aj . W'ij li am Jon !"!;


    --Capl. Jame5 W. Walts


  • Department of

    Social Sciences

    Dr. CiJrord L. jackson - Hwd

    Genf' Tarver Dr. Thomas E. SLricklin LOratl T. Harmon

    Dr. Frank Forwood Alton IngrarnDr. Ern~L Williams Dr. Farl Millen


  • Dr. WLl liam \h lkcr

    Dr. F. Eu{!.enc Heilman John C. Le,\>is Winton R. Mizell

    Paul L. Rilwson William R. Scurlod.


  • Department of Speech

    James W. Parl.. ..rson

    Or. E. J. J. Kramar - Head

    WillJam R. Rambin


  • School of



    Allied Health



  • Department of


    Marilyn I-'

  • School



    Dr. Eugene Walkins

    lk Dale H. Cronk Or. Edward A. Brecht Dr. Archie J. Beebe Wallace L Lon~rT\lre


  • Dc Lola V. Hoplons



    ) J

    Dr. f a.r id Sadik Dr. Cary J. Ff'r~'1l"'()t1

  • Dr. Roberl P. Knoll Dr. Theodore H. Eickholt Dr. August G. Danli

    Dr. Joseph H. Kern Mr. John J. T

  • School


    Pure and



    Dean Dani el E. Oupree

    " 1/

    .'_0_, II I

    I 286

  • Department



    Or. Paul P. Kapp

    L. L. Price - Hea.d Dr. John M. Creel

    Dr. Jasper C. H arnrllons Fos ler H. Holdeman Dr. Edward H. Allen


  • Department of



    Dr. Herbert S. Wallace Dr. Lawrence S. Baum Dr. Harold Bounds Dr. Neil H. Douglas


  • .

    Or. Beryl C. franklin


  • Df. Frank M. Boyd

    j Or. Elton R. Barrett

    Dr. Da\'ul T. I\(!C


  • Department




    Thurmon I. Potts - Head

    Jerrold R. Brad ley I tooaJd L. MarshaU


  • Department of


    Dr. Frank A. VingieUo Dr. Mymt Thei n

  • Dr. David S. Byrd


    Frances P. Blad""in

    Dr. Jam~ P. Bl':try


  • Department of


    Dr. Leonard Young

    Dr. Hugh H. Done}


  • Department


    Home Economics

    Carolyn Gaddis Franccs S. Kelso

    ,\ I

    Dr. JeaJln~ Mack M. Johanna HuUs Addie H. Knickerboc ker Nancy M. Tolman


  • Department of Mathematics

    Roderick A. Hi ckman

    Dr. Donald Spencer


  • Dr. Kermit Johnson Ur. Richard f r itsc.he Dr. Lemme T. Bennet! Frank L. Harmon

    Dr. Joseph L. Avard

    Dr. Hubert Tolman Dr. Charles R. Smith


  • Department of



  • Dr. Clyd e M. Combs Dr. Frank 1::. Stewarl

    Dr. Larry D. Johnson Dr. Ed~aTd R. Zamecki

    Dr. R(lnald G. Peacock 299


  • Graduates

    ROY BO UDREAUX Mon .... M.B.A. in Business Administration

    MIKE CANTRELL Berwick M.S. in Pharmacology

    RAY CROWE LL Ecos M.B.A . in Business Adminis tration

    RONALD EARL Crowvllle M.B.A. in Bu~i n es!! Administration

    LINDA FfDDLER Monroe M. S. in Geology

    PEGG Y GILBERT West Monroe M.B.A. in Business Administratio n

    SOHRAB GORDJt Norman , Okla. M.S. in Mathematics

    MARY ALI CE GRAY DeQui ncy M.8.A . in Bwiness Administration

    TRAVI S HEARD Monroe M.A. in History

    JO HN HEBERT While Castle M.A. in Psychology

    WAYNE HENDRICKS West Monroe M.B.A . in Business Administratio n

    THOMA S HOPPER Batesville, Miss. M.E. in Heal th and Physical Education

    BOBBY KEYS Magnolia, Ark. M.S. in Physics

    YOUNG CHI KlM Seoul, Korea M.B.A. in Business Administ ra tion

    ROBERT MARVIN Pleasantville, N. Y. M..S. in Geology

    DA NIEL OTfS Monroe M.A. in History

    GA RY OUBRE Baton Rouge M.A. in Historv

    GARY PITI'ENGER M.onroe M. S. in Geology

    TRESSIE COLESON Monroe M. E. in Elemen tary Education

    ROY SCHELL 1II . New Orleans M. S. in Geology

    CON NI E TH OMPSON Bastrop M.M. E. in Music Theory and Composition

    HORACE THRASHER Linle Rock , Ark. M.A. in History



  • Graduate Assistants

    JOYCS ALBRITTON Fa.rmerville M.S. in Chemistry

    DONALD ANDSRSON Monroe M.B.A. in Business Administration

    RUSSELL BENDER Baton Rouge M.S. in Geology

    JAMES BOOTH ?-.1onroe M.E. in Health and Physical Education

    LOU BROADWAY Monroe M.E. in Elementary Education

    SUSAN BROOMFIELD West Monroe M.A. in Speech

    KERRY BURNS Downsville M.A. in History

    ROLAND CLEMENTS Jacksonville Beach, Fla. M.S. in Biology

    RALPH DAY M.A. in Speech

    BARRY DELCAMBRE M.A. in English

    CALVIN DUNLAP M.E. in Edueation

    TOMMYE ESTELL M.S. in Zoology

    CRAIG FLOYD M.S. in Physics

    RUTH FRANK M.E. in Element3rv Education

    CAROLYN GARDNER M.A. in English

    GEORGE GREENLEE M.A. in English

    JUDY HIGH M.B.A. in Business Administration

    CARL KlNG M.E. in Elementary Education

    LAUREN LANIER M. E. in Edncation

    GLORIA McLLWAIN M.M.E. in Instrumental Music

    JOHN MILLS M.S. in Geology

    JIM OlITTZ M,A. ill Psyehology


    M.S. in Pharmaey

    JAMES PIERCE ' M.A. in History


    M.E. in Education

    RICHARD STULL M.S, in Pharmar.y

    ELAINE TORRE M.B.A. in Business

    NED WHATLEY M.S. in Biology

    West Monroe

    New Iberia



    Memphis, Tenn.

    WesL Monroe

    West Monroe






    Sanford, F1a









  • Seniors

    SEATED - Randy Sledge, Pres. STANDING - Peter W as, V. Pres .. Pam Mills, Sec . Gary Pool, Treas.

    CHRIS 1. ACKERMAN Queens, New York B.A. ill Elementary EdncalLo n

    DONNA ADAMS Wes t Monroe B.S. in Home Economics

    KATHLEEN ADAMS B.A . in English Education


    B.s. in Biology


    B.A. ill History

    JEROME ALESI as ill Pharmac\'

    TERRY ALFORD ' B.A. in Ad vert is ing Design

    NANCY AKERS B.S. in Heallh alld Physical Education

    BERT ALLAI N B.s. in Psychology

    DAN ALLEN B.S. in Sociology

    ED ALLEN, JR . B.S. in Pharmacy


    B.S. in Pre-Medicine






    Mer Rouge

    Pori Allen



    RONNIE ALLEN Cedar Hill, Texas B.S. in Biology

    SUSAN ALLEN Monroe B.A. in PreSod al Work

    SAM ALLUISI New Orleans B.S. in Pharmacy

  • Mon roe B.8.:\.. in Managerncm



    West Monroe 8.S. in Office Education

    JERRY ANDERSON Oak Grove B,S , in Agriculture

    SHERMAN ANT' AT' DERSOI' West Monroe B.S. in Biolog),

    CAROLYN ARENDF.R West Monroe B.A. in Elemenlary Edueation

    MONROE ARENDER Mom"" B.B.A. in Bu.sincs.s Adminislralion

    DR EW A RMSTRONG Monroe RSS. In Marketing

    EDWIN AR NO LD Sulph'" B.S. in Pharmacy

    RO NN IE AUDERER HOu!lOn , Texas B.S. in Avia tion

    GARY AUDlRSCH Wcs l Monroe B.B.A. in Accounting

    JAMES AULDS Wesl Monroe B.S. in Healt h and Pln'sical Education

    BUTCH AUP IED. JR. ' N.. Odean,

    B.S. ill Phaf/MeV

    LI NDA BABCOCK OU. B,A. in Journalism

    CA ROLYN BALLARD Shreveporl B.B.A. in Marketing

    STAN LEY BAN DONG Washington, D. C. B.A. in Ad\'ertising Design

    DEAK BARCELO New Orlellns B.s. Ph),s icr.

    SUE ELLEN BARNES New Sarpy B.B.A. in Ofli L"t AdmilJislration

    SARAH BARNETT MOll roe O.A. in Journal ism

    JACK BARRON Mon,oe B.A. in Social Scien ce Edncalion

    GERALD BATTAGLIA Mom .. B.S. in Pre-Engineering

    AlexandriaROBERT BA UGH B.B.A. in Data Process ing

    BARBARA BAXTER Brookline, Mass. B.S. in Health and Physical Edncalion

    JOH BAIZO . Od.ndo. Fl. B.A. in Pgychology

    LY BECNEL Donald50nviUe B.S. in Pharmacy

    MonroeCU RTIS BELCHER B.B.A. ill Accoun ting

    TOMMY BELDI NG . JR. B.S. in Pharmsn'

    EDWARD BELL ' B.B.A. in Marke ting


    B.A . in English

    SUSAN BENEDICT B.S. in Pharrnaev


    B.S. in Pharmacy

    TERRY BE OIT B.S. in Pharmacy


    B.A. in Pholography


    B.A. in Speech


    B.S. in Pharmacy


    B.M.E. in Music Education

    Balon Rouge






    Marietta, Ga.





  • W.
  • Seniors Look Forward to Graduation

    JERRY BROWN D.B.A. in General Business

    SUSAN BROWN Shreveport B.A. in El~menlnry Educa tion

    MIKE BRl'CKER . Mon roe B.S. in Pharmacy

    SHEILA BR UMFI ELD Monroe 8.B.A. in Office Administration

    EDITH BtilE Gilbert B. S. in Heah h a nd PhysiC'al Education

    AN N BLLLARD High Point, N. C. B.A . in French

    DA VID BURKETT Monro< B. A. in Co\'el'nmenl

    DEWEY BURT West Monroe B.S. in Building Construction

    TERRY BRUTON New Iberia B.A. in Ene: lish

    BOBBY BUSKIRK Lake Providence B.S. in Agricullwe

    SHELA BUTLER West Monf'()( B.A . in Elementary Education

    SKIP CAISSIE Gloucester, Mass . B.A.. in Psychology

    THOMAS CALJCCHIO New York, N. Y . B.B.A. in Busincss Adm;nistration

    WILBY CA MPBELL Fori Neeessity B.B.A. in Dala Prooessing

    NARAH CANO 1 Paso. Texas B.S. in Biolog~

    JACKIE CAl\'TWELL Monroe B.A. in Elementary Educat ion

    BurCH CANTWELL Monroe B.S. i{l Chemislry

    DIAN CAP LES West Monroe B.S. in Nursing

    VICKI CARDWELL Monroe B.A . in Social Studies Educat ion

    PEGG Y CARNAH AN Oak Crove B.B.A . in Acconnl~ng

    LOU I CARTAGENA Bayamon, Puerto Rico B.B.A. in Business Administration

    SARA H CASCIO Monroe B.A . in Business Education

    JAM ES CASH West Monroe B.B.A. in Management

    JUDY CASrLETON Mon roe B.A. jn Governmeuf

    PAT CICA L, Brookfield. Conn. B.S. in Chem;stry Educat ion

    LI NDA CHAPMAN AleX3 ndria 8. :\ , in Engl ish Education

    GEO RGE CHAUFFER Parks B.S. in Pharmacy

    ARCHIE CllAUvfN Monroe B.S. in Pharmacy

    ELLEN CHEEK Rayville B.A. in Library Scien~ and English

    CARL CHELETIE West MontOr. B.A. in Psychology

  • Seniors Begin Series of Interviews

    CHARLES CHI CO Shreve-vorl B.B.A. in Busin ess Administration

    L..VO N CHOCKLJ N Delhi B.A. in ElemeOlary Education

    RICHARD CIO RDO S hrevepor1 B.A . in Soc iaJ Studies Edncalion

    VlCKI A~N CLARK JerreJ'SOn Ci ty. Mo. RA. in Elementary Education Md Libnu), Scienee

    DANNY CLEMENT Cro .... viUe 8.S. in Agronomy

    MI CKEY CLEVEL.~ ND Monroe B.S. in Heal th and Physical Educatio n

    BETTIE CLI CK B.A. in PreSocial Wo rk


    B.S. in Avia' ....'n




    B.B.A. in Data Processing

    DENNIS COLEMAN B.A. in Journalism


    8. 5. in Phal'maey


    B.S. in Ph~'siC8 MARCIA COLVIN

    B.S. in Math Education GLEN COMEAU

    IlS. in Pharmacy

    JA'IIE CONRAD B.B.A. in Business Adminis trat ion

    JOSEPH CONSTANT INO B.:\ , in Elementarv EU ll o.,; ali on


    8.8..-\ . in Office Admini~! ralion


    B.A. in Ele-menlary EduclItion


    B.A. in Journalism

    MICKEY COOK B.S. in Bui.lding COnSlr\.lc tion

    VIRGINIA COOK B.A . in Elem~nwv Edncalion

    BERTHA COO PER' B.A. in PhOlogrpah y

    ViA DA COOPER B.A. in Elementary EducatIon

    JIM COPES B.S. in Biology EdncaliO Il

    GERARD CORBI ~O B.S. in Bililding t..onslruClion


    B.A. in Gove rnment

    TER ESA COSTANZA B.A. ill Social Science


    B.S. in Phamlacy


    B.S. in Pharmacy


    FI. Lauderdale

    Fairbank s


    Lafayell e

    Mon roe


    Np.w Iberia

    Wes t Monroe

    Syc""... N. Y.

    West \1onroe



    West Monroe


    Prentiss, Miss.



    New Orlea ns


    Mo nroe




  • ~~NC\' CO\ f\'lonroc B.s. in \"ur1'

    R5, i ll 'lllN illl! TO~ I MI LlA 1'1'

    !l,S, ill U\l~inl" ~~ ;lIld om.\' Edllo',i!H,n OOIE 0" WOY us. ill -\j!I'il"lIltW" ll\l"il\" ~s ~1.~ RILY ' UAI\DY \\-1(1)1 1"'"'

    ItS. in Ph"1"1I"I1"\ /' J

    D~I' I O DAWSO:-; I3.B,A in I tI, l u~ lri041 M,IIl"i!, 'nwfll '1.~nCA HF.T OA\ (1;1.,,,1'1.)(,'

    B,A, ill EI,'nlt"I1IM\ E

  • WE\DELL DOR _\IA '~ G.S. tn nui ldin~ Consl ru(: llnn


    B.A. III EIt' m nl RI CHARD RDMA r\ f ra nklin .StpJ:lTc, Y.

    R.B.A. In M3J'k t' lillj:{

    KAMAL E%MIL Ncw Orkans B.S. in PharrTlll.n

    HENRY ESTOP INAL r...lenlUx B.S. in Pharm;v:" JI~l EVA~:;

    B. 5. in Pharnl;\o KAYE EVA:"S 'We5l Mnnroe

    B.A. in SO('i(J \ogy TERHY EVANS J ,lmes lown

    6.S. in Phnrma

  • Angela Duplantis IS

    Senior Homecoming Maid

    LI NDA F.XTEHKA \11-' G.~. I II 'lIl'''-lIl!,.(


  • Success Is Every Seniors Goal

    TOM~IY CARDNER B.:\ . in Co~ ..rnnH1I1

    B17.l CA RNEH ft::;. in Phtlrtntln

    S,NDRA GA RN[:R B.A. ill EI .... rllf'n l,u EdlW:l lioll

    U ,DA GARETT a.A. in Bu~ ill e! ..\dnl;u islralion

    FLOYD GI OLIN Bal on Rou~e B.B.A . in BUi'> inc!Ss Adrninis lrallon

    JOE PAT GIOSO, H.lrrlsonbur~ B. S. in Phdrm;l("\

    BOBBIE GILLlM1 f\.Iunm l'! I3 .B ..

  • ;\ IARSHA GRl f FI \ Sh-rl iu:;ton B.B.A. in Orr.~ f' A~lm i n islr\ \l$ B.8 .. ~ . ill B\1~ in t:S s A Jmlm~ lralion

    JOHN HA ~LON Ptw!idnd . Ort'. O.S. in Pn rvlt,"1. licin o;'

    STeHN H .'NSe~ MOllro(-'

    ~U~~:~~~'~;~~~h no~lin (' 13 .5. in HOIll ":: E..'~!lH)miL..'"

    DARRYL HM180TT 8.s. iu r' lw 'macy

    KEN~EnJ HARDY B.S. In Ph:l rl n3{,~

    jA,' HARCRODER B.s. in Phanuac~

    m[)]E HA RL.~ N 8.5. in Pharma"

    leRR,. HARPeR B.s. in Pharmaq

    KAR EN HA RPeR T"Utllah O.A. il1 EIt:Hu.'IH:t.n Educ:ation

    GEORGE I-IARRIGA ;-" . JR . N(' \~ Orl '>,)lh B.S. in Phll'ln,l("

    OA \' 1 D H.

  • V!RGI'lL' HARVEY AIf'xJ.ndl'ia 8.S. ill Phdrmil('~

    KAREN H'SLAUEJl B.s. ill PhUrl1l3 t"\ '

    JANH HASTE Houma B.S. in Phl'Lrrlll\O

    KIRK HAYES Morgan Cily B.S. III Pharln.:l CY

    ALEX HAY W,'RD Monro e BS. ill Buildin):! ConslruClioll

    JOAN" HEAD West Mo nroe B.A. in Sociology JE '~N Y HEARD M onrof"

    B.A. in EIl~li$h F.dul':\li () " OOM LU H EA R ,~E Wes l _\1onrot" B.O.A. In Grne",,1 Business

    Ll NOBE RG HEBERT Ravnc 8.5. in Ph,mnn. Ark . B.s. III Ph,lfIlla(;y

    MANUEL HI NOJ(>S Ode5!:a. Tex. B.S. in Bio lo~

    JE"SIE HINTO'l W('SI fvlOll r(lt: B.S. in Ch~fl1 iS lr \'

    ALLENE HITT ' Monrue I3S In Phunnacy

    FRE:O HOFF,\IA ~ Fori L.llldcrcble, Fla. B.S. l/l .

  • Decisions Must Be Made by Seniors

    RICHARD BORJ\ B.s. 111 Geolog)'

    MAR Y HOHTON We~l \10nmf' BS. in Home &ollo">mics

    ,A NORA HUDSON -"1onro \:, B.A. in Social Studlcs Ed uca tio n

    WALTER HUFnlAN Jlarr i50 l1hur~ B. I'vI. E. :\1uo.ic Edu(:.'I(iQn

    GRA OY H [~'1G.'ITE Po nchatou la B.S. in PII

  • Seniors Are Proud of

    Their Accomplishments

    JOH'\ K f\PP 1\,1 1111 roc B.S. III M,lIh

    H ,HOLD I

  • LARRY LANDRY New Orleans B.S. in PharmaC\'

    BAR BARA LA NDS Gretna B.A. in Elementary Education

    MIKE laROCCO Metai rie> B.B.A. in Mark eting

    JOHN LAVALLEE Gardiner. Me. B.A. in English Edncalion

    SANDY LAWH ON Bastrop B.A. in Elemenfary Education

    ELLIS LAWRENCE J f>.Jl a B.S. in Pharman'

    PETE LAWS West Monroe> B.B.A. in Economics

    STEVE LAWS Monroe 8.M.E. in Music Education

    PETER LeBAS Vill e Plaue .B.A . in lowllalism

    PHYLLIS L,BAS Maman B.S. in Pharmal;}

    RON LEBR UN B.B.A. in Marketin g

    JA CQUES LECHE Monroe B.S. in Pharmacv

    LEONARD LeCLERC Dracut. r\b&; . B.A. in Spttch

    TYRONE LEDET Thibodaux B.S. in Pharmacy

    ANNE LEE Monroe B.S. in Business and Office Educ8Lion

    DO UGLAS LEE 8alon H. ouge B.s. in Bwlding Construc lion

    HAROLD LEE Rio&lold B.S. in Pharmac'l

    ROBERT LEE . Monroe B.B.A. in Business Management

    SHARON LEE 'Winnsboro B.B.A. in Busmess Administration

    CARL LEGGITT New Orleans B.8.A. in Marketing

    JOHNNY LeROY Chalmelle B.A. in Adverti sing Design

    JOHNNY LITLOW Slarl B.S. in Pharmaq.

    CATHERI NE U :'WIS Ruston B.S. i,.. Pharmacy

    JIMMY LEWIS ' Monl"Oe B.S. in Animal Science

    MAX LIGHTSEY Kilbourn e B.A. in Journalism

    RONN IE LIPSCOMB B.B.A. in Data Processi ng

    MICHAE L LITTON B.S. in Phw'mac\'

    MARIANN E LIV ELY B.A. in PreSocial Work

    RON LO UNSB ERR Y B.S. in Pharmacy

    PAU L LOI JSTEAU n.S. in Pharmacy

    DANA LO UVI ERE B.S. in Pharmacy

    PEGGY LOVE B.A. in Sociology

    EARL LOWERY B.S. in Pharmaev

    ROBERT LU EBKEMAN B.S. in Pharmacy

    LUKE LUKKO B.A. iJl Geography

    Baton Rouge






    Ft. Lauderdale. Fla.

    MonticeUo. Ark .

    Cranford, N. J.


  • MARTHA LU PO B.S. in Home Economics

    CONNIE LUTTRELL B.A. in Speech

    fRA NK LYONS n.s. in Pharmacy

    CHAR LI E MACHEN B.S. in Pre Medici ne

    BETfYE MADISON B.A. in PreSocial Work




    Bossier Ci ly


    LARRY MAGEE z.ohMv B.S. in Malhemalics Education

    ANDREW MALINER Owego, N. Y. B.B.A. in Accounting

    TERRY MAN IER I New Orleans B.S. in Pharmac y

    KEITH MARDIS ' Bastrop B.A. in Liberal Arts

    ERLINE MARTI N Delhi B.S. in Pharmacy

    JAMES MARTIN Pioneer B.B.A. in AecouJlling ~L~X MARTI N Ookdale

    B.S. iu Pharmacy TERRY i\1ARTIN French Seldemenl

    B. S. in Pharmacy KEITH MARTI NO W~t Palm Beach, Fla.

    B.A. in Psychology SANDRA MASEC Monroe

    B.S. in Home E
