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1989 year of revolutions:

Camilo González SuarezPablo orejuela Martínez

Page 2: 1989 year of revolutions: Camilo Andres y Pablo Orjuela

What happened??

In 1989 in eastern europe the people start doing a lot of revolutions to take out the communism goverment of the countrys that was by the control of the URRS. In this same year the “berlin wall” came down and the military forces can only saw haw it came down. This wall was a symbol of the cold war for 28 years. All the revolutions of this year were peaceful but in romania some military forces use the violence to take out the communist and make a democratic goverment.

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Berlin wall

The Berlin wall was a barrier constructed by the German Democratic Republic starting on 13 August 1961, that completely cut off West Berlin from surrounding East Germany and from East Berlin. The barrier included guard towers placed along large concrete walls, which circumscribed a wide area (later known as the "death strip") that contained anti-vehicle trenches, "fakir beds" and other defenses. The wall was erected to protect its population from fascist elements conspiring to prevent the "will of the people" in building a Socialist State in East Germany.

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The order of the events:

First revolution: Poland Second: Hungary Third: East Germany Fourth: Bulgaria Fifth: Czechoslovahia Sixth: Romania

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- the people was bored about the communism.

- the people call for democracy - the people make march´s and


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In April 1989, Solidarity was again legalized and allowed to participate in parliamentary elections on June 4, 1989 . Solidarity candidates captured all the seats they were allowed to compete for in the Sejm, while in the Senate they captured 99 out of the 100 available seats . At the same time, many prominent Communist candidates failed to gain even the minimum number of votes required to capture the seats that were reserved for them. A new non-Communist government, the first of its kind in the former Eastern Bloc, was sworn into office in September 1989.

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In October 1989, the Communist Party convened its last congress and re-established itself as the Hungarian Socialist Party, which still exists today.

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East Germany:

On 6 October and 7 October, Gorbachev visited East Germany to mark the 40th anniversary of the German Democratic Republic, and urged the East German leadership to accept reform.

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The "Velvet Revolution" was a non-violent revolution in Czechoslovakia that saw the overthrow of the Communist government. On November 17, 1989, riot police suppressed a peaceful student demonstration in Prague.

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In November 1989 demonstrations on ecological issues were staged in Sofia, and these soon broadened into a general campaign for political reform.

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At first the security forces obeyed Ceauşescu's orders to shoot protesters, but on the morning of 22 December, the Romanian military suddenly changed sides. Army tanks began moving towards the Central Committee building with crowds swarming alongside them.

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- The berlin wall came down - The communism on europe fall down - The communism goverments converts

in a democracy goverments. -All the countrys that where controlled

by communism reform there politicians.

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This year was the Collapse of Communism and the end of a period of time when this tipe of goverment manage all europe.

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List of sources:

- The cold war, David Taylor. - World history legacy, modern era. -The moder world, Allan Todd. http://