  • Byron Snapp

    Book Reviews On Stone or Sand: The Ethics of

    Christianity, Capitalism and Socialism by Michael Kelley Pleroma Press, Box 242, Carson, N. D. 58529 c. 1993241 pp., pb. $10.95.

    To many people, our counny's continual slide into socialism can only be desclibed in one word absurd. Having read Mr. Kelley's book another word can be aptly used, rebellion; rebellion against God.

    In this very important book Mr. Kelley clearly and convincingly shows that economics is not neutral. One's view of economics ultimately flows from one's view of God.

    Thus the author correctly uses about one half the book to explain Christianity. The foundation for Christianity rests in the triune God who has made a covenant with the elect among fallen man. Drawing lnan unto Himself, with the elect among fallen man. Drawingman unto Himself man is to live for God in evelY area of life including economics.

    The author lightly argues that capitalism is the Scriptural based method for econOlnicrelationships and transactions. He wlites: "Capitalism holds a high view of man, because it rises from the notion that man as image of God is capable of self-realization, and capitalism works only in a context in which this notion has ethical preeminence. It sets great store by man's entrepreneUlial skills, which are evelY bit as much a talent to be exercised on behalf of God's kingdom as any other." Cp.112)

    Opposed to capitalism is socialism. Its religious doctline is rooted in humanism, the belief that man is his

    own god. Socialism cannot tolerate anything that has to do with the free play and initiative of individuals. Socialism's goal is to coerce everyone to submit to the desires and ambitions of a few. Cp. 112)

    The second half of the book is an examination of capitalism and socialism. He does this by the critique of Bob Goudzwaard's book Capitalism and Progress. His interaction with this book provides the reader with many insights regarding capitalism's role in history and the progress that has accompanied it. The reader also see the holes is Socialism's arguments that cannot be plugged by logic or histOlical fact.

    To understand socialism one must understand to some degree the teachings of Plato and his influence in history. When one finishes the book there is a better understanding of the impact of Greek thinking on our current culture.

    As I mentioned earlier, this book is important. Its importance is seen in that the author begins by explaining Christianity and the need for conversion before there can be a proper understanding and application of true economics to daily life. Thus conservatism without Christ is merely another form of humanism. Secondly this book explains why there continues to be a wide acceptance and push for socialistic policies. Our society is at warwithGod. Sadly modern churches have stood on the sidelines in its battle or all too often fought on the side of humanism. Increasinglywe are reaping the consequences of such action.

    Hopefully future editions will include an index and bibliography which would increase the usefulness of this book.

    This book provides a good basis for Christians to think through

    economic order from a Biblical perspective. The fact that this book is in plint gives us hope that people are again interested in studying this vital issue. In God's time a change in economic thinking at the grass roots will result in change throughout society. This book provides us with great impetus to work for that day when our economic activity will be built on the stone of capitalism, rather than the sand of socialism.

    The Kingdom and the Power: Rediscovering the Centrality oj the Church by Peter J. Leithart, Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., P.O. Box 817, Phillipsburg, NJ 08865 1993 269 pp. incl. index pb.

    In the midst of the continual decline of American culture, it is very easy for concerned Christians to increasingly devote free time to the political process. The author sees the importance of politiCS but wisely points out that the capture of the political process will not assure the society Christians desire.

    Instead, the author examines the meaning of the kingdom of God and thus of the importance of the church. The kingdom of God is defined as "the newworld order that Christ established in His life, death, resurrection, and ascension, a new order of things that will be fully revealed and established only at Christ's return." Cp. 17) Central to the kingdom is the church. "In fact, the Bible teaches that the church is central to the kingdom of God. Worship is not peripheral but central to the kingdom. It seems that when it is said that the church is no more important than other institutions, what is often meant is that she is really less important.

    When we think carefully about it, however, we can see that Christ's universalmle and His rule of the church are inseparable." Cp. 61)

    June, 1994 ~ TIlE COUNSEL of Chalcedon ;. 23

  • The a\lthor provides interesting insights and implications of man's fall i,n the Garden. Then he points us to our . Prophet, Priest, and King, Jesus Christ and His Il,nished wotk.The reader is reminded of the importance of that work, the conversion of the elect, and . the im ponance of worshipping the Triune God.

    ' As the church is faithful in its worship and ministry, we can be assured of the world's notice and the advancement of God's kingdom. He rightly points out that the problems of the church today are not the result of the world's hostiliry but mstead they result from a failure to please God. There are many ways this can be seen .. A feir examples include lIeating the Lord'sr:iay as just another day, seeking to please man in our worship rather than God, being absent from worship in order to attend political rallies or sports events, etc. Sadly, many who profess Christianity see no reason to commit themselves to a local church body.

    Mr. Leithart's ' book makes for important readinginourday. His keen insights give us a deeperunderstanding of Scripture. His clarity of style makes his thesis understandable.

    This book will help us to have our priorities straight. We mustnot neglect our proper role before earthly kings. Hbwever, we dare riot stress changing ungodly earthly rulers to the neglect of worshipping the King of Kings and Lord of all.

    Obedience to theLaws of God: The Sure and Indispensable Defense of Nations by Ashbel Green, Reformed Presbyterian Press, P.O. Box 402 Elmwood Park, NJ 07407, 38 pp. pb. $3.95, 5 or more copies are $2.00 each. .'

    This excellent booklet is a reprint of Green's 1798work. It was written at a time of national uncertainty in the

    life of our young nation. The author feared that newly formed America was straying from Christianity as the root from which its national laws grew.

    Early in the book he summarizes the theme for this work. "The nation that adheres to the laws of God shall be protected and prospered by him, but the nation that forsakes and disregards those laws he will destroy." (p. 8) In the following clearly written pages he shows the importance of national obedience from Scriptural testimony as well as historical evidence. Writing with a pastor's heart he closes his writing with practical applications to the reader that are asneeded in our day as in his.

    This booklet is a welcomed reprint for several reasons. It deals with the issue of the relevance of God' sWord to national life which continues to be an issue in our own day. The authorrightly

    24 ~ THE COUNSEL of Chalcedon ~ June, 1994

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    points out that all nations are accountable to Gcd and are to be obedient to His Word. In our day of so much pluralistic thinking even within conservative denominations this is a much needed teaching that hopefully will get a wide reading within the church membership.

    The book is brief, pOinted, and soundly Scriptural. We are living in a day of growing intolerance for Christianity by even those who are demanding tolerance for all lifestyles. Hopefully God will use this excellent booklet as an alarm clock to wake up unto Biblical action the many who are asleep in their padded pews and comfortable homes before they are awakened in greater national judgement. Its affordable price encourages distribution to those in political vocations as well as church groups.n